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Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

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Cement and Concrete Composites

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Damping property of prepacked concrete incorporating coarse aggregates T

coated with polyurethane
Kang Seok Leea, Jeong-Il Choib, Se Eon Parkb, Jae-Seung Hwangb, Bang Yeon Leeb,∗
Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, 55 Hanyangdeahak-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan 15588, Republic of Korea
School of Architecture, Chonnam National University, 77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea


Keywords: This study proposes a new prepacked concrete incorporating coarse aggregates coated with polyurethane with
Concrete high damping and investigates the mechanical properties and damping ratio of the proposed concrete. Two types
Damping of prepacked concretes, in this case new prepacked concrete produced with the materials and manufacturing
Polyurethane process as proposed here and normal prepacked concrete were prepared. A series of experiments focusing on the
Preplaced aggregate
density, strength, and impact test results of small-scale specimens and beam specimens as well as a modal
analysis of a simply-supported beam were conducted in an effort to characterize the mechanical and damping
properties of the new prepacked concrete. The test results showed that the damping ratio of the new prepacked
concrete was as high as 10% in the range of 10 Hz to 200 Hz, which is approximately 10 times higher than that of
normal prepacked concrete, with a decrease in the mechanical properties.

1. Introduction resilient materials in the floor system. These sound-proofing or resilient

materials should have a high damping ratio to enable energy dissipation
Many types of residential buildings, such as multi-family and by internal friction, heat loss, inaudible sound, and other types of dis-
apartment buildings utilize reinforced concrete structures which must sipation. However, sound-proofing or resilient materials have low
be designed and constructed to meet the safety and serviceability re- compressive strength, low stiffness, and low durability compared to
quirements specified in the relevant design codes, specifications, and/ normal concrete. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new type of
or laws. Recently, the noise generated by floor impacts is becoming concrete with a high damping ratio.
more important with regard to serviceability and housing satisfaction Many researchers have attempted to improve the deformability and
[1,2]. Although these types of noise levels can be regulated by acts or damping properties of normal concrete by incorporating rubber crumbs
laws and even when a proper floor system is adopted to control the or recycled rubber crumbs into the concrete [6–12]. The literature re-
noise, the magnitude and frequency of noise stemming from floor im- ports that the damping ratio and deformability of concrete can be im-
pacts typically depends on the lifestyle and circumstances of the re- proved by adding rubber particles to the concrete. Although the
sidents involved and the degree of annoyance depends on the psycho- damping ratio of concrete with rubber particles is increased by up to 2.3
logical state or sensitivity of those affected [2]. times relative to that of normal concrete without rubber particles, the
The sources of floor impact noise or vibration include falling ob- damping ratio of concrete with rubber particles was still same order of
jects, walking, jumping, running, moving furniture, and other activities magnitude to that of normal concrete [5,6,11]. Chung et al. [13–16]
performed on the floor [3]. The vibration energy induced by these studied the damping capacity of cement paste and mortar with silica
sources is transmitted through air in the form of sound. This type of fume, latex, and methylcellulose as admixtures. It was found that the
noise, considered to be structure-borne sound, is regarded as the most damping ratio of the cement-based composite is improved up to five
annoying type [3]. times by adding silica fume and improved up to four times by adding
Although normal concrete has high compressive strength and high latex. Wang and Chung [17] also found that the effect of silica fume is
durability, it has a relatively low damping ratio which ranges from 1% large when sand is present. Recently, Lee et al. [18] investigated the
to 2% [4–6]. Therefore, to mitigate floor impact noise, it is necessary to damping ratio of composites composed of preplaced aggregates and
install a noise insulation layer which consists of sound-proofing or polyurethane matrix. Their experimental results showed that the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.Y. Lee).

Received 20 December 2017; Received in revised form 11 May 2018; Accepted 28 June 2018
Available online 15 August 2018
0958-9465/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.S. Lee et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

damping ratio of the composite was approximately 12 times higher

than that of cement-based concrete. Although the composite showed a
high damping ratio, the volume of the polyurethane matrix was 50% of
the total volume. This degrades the economic feasibility of such a
composite given the high of polyurethane to the costs of the aggregate
and cement.
Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to propose a new type
of prepacked concrete which incorporates coarse aggregates coated
with polyurethane in an effort to increase the damping ratio compared
to that of normal prepacked concrete. An evaluation of the mechanical
and damping characteristics of the new prepacked concrete is also

2. Design and manufacturing process

Here, a high-damping prepacked type of concrete produced by a

three-stage casting process is proposed to increase the damping ratio of
concrete and minimize the use of polyurethane. The concrete in this
study is composed of three types of materials: coarse aggregate, poly-
urethane, and a matrix material. Normal coarse aggregate, a typical
component of concrete, can be adopted. Polyurethane is a liquid with a
proper viscosity in the fresh state and it is changed to a solid with a high
damping in the hardened state. The matrix in this case can be cement
paste or mortar. Any types of binding material, including cement, al-
kali-activated slag, and geopolymer can be used. Fig. 1 presents an il-
lustration of the manufacturing process of the new prepacked concrete
with a high damping ratio. The three-stage casting process is as follows:
Aggregates are coated with polyurethane by mixing the two materials
(Fig. 1(a)). A formwork is then formed with aggregates to ensure
maximum packing density before the hardening of the polyurethane
(Fig. 1(b)). Cement paste or mortar is then poured into the formwork
until it completely fills the voids between aggregates after the hard-
ening of the polyurethane (Fig. 1(c)).
The manufacturing process enables the polyurethane to become
bonded chemically during the change from the liquid state to the har-
dened state, thus creating an integrated frame composed of coarse ag-
gregates coated with polyurethane. Therefore, the distribution and
structure of the material with a high damping ratio in concrete are
wholly different those of rubber particles in normal rubberized concrete
reported in previous studies. Vibration energy can be transmitted
through the cement paste or mortar and through the aggregate in
rubberized concrete because the rubber particles are not connected and
are not percolated. On the other hand, the polyurethane coating the
aggregates is inherently connected and is percolated. As shown in
Fig. 1(c), the polyurethane layer coating the aggregates is fully perco-
lated in all directions. Therefore, vibration waves cannot be transmitted
only through the cement paste or mortar. The vibration wave starts at
one surface and passes through the polyurethane layer to reach another
surface, which results in higher dissipation of the vibration energy
compared to that in normal rubberized concrete. The damping is de-
rived from that of materials involved and from the interfacial slip
damping between two different materials. Therefore, the damping Fig. 1. Illustration of the manufacturing process: (a) coating aggregates with
mechanism of the proposed new prepacked concrete incorporating polyurethane, (b) preplaced aggregate, and (c) matrix injection.
coarse aggregates coated with polyurethane are the damping inherent
in the polyurethane and the interfacial damping of the polyurethane size and density of the prepacked coarse aggregates were 13 mm and
layer and aggregates or the cement paste. 2.66 g/cm3, respectively. Table 1 lists the properties of the poly-
urethane resin and hardener used to coat the coarse aggregates. The
3. Experimental program working time of the polyurethane used in this study is approximately
1 h after the polyurethane resin is mixed with the hardener.
3.1. Materials and test variables The mixtures according to the materials used are listed in Table 2. In
the table, the PC-P mixture is the new prepacked concrete produced via
Ordinary Portland cement was used as a binding materials and ce- the materials and manufacturing process proposed in this study. The
ment paste with a water-to-cement ratio of 0.4 was used as the matrix. coarse aggregates were coated with polyurethane through a mixing
The super-plasticizer was of 0.1 wt.% of the cement, and it was used to process, and the aggregates coated with polyurethane were prepacked
decrease the yield stress and viscosity of the paste to ensure high into molds. After the hardening of the polyurethane and the formation
flowability and minimization of air voids in the matrix. The maximum

K.S. Lee et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

Table 1
Properties of polyurethane resin and hardener.
Material Viscosity (mPa.s) Specific gravity Tensile strength (MPa)a Elongation (%)a Elastic modulus (%)a Coefficient of restitution (%)

Polyurethane resin 2000–4500 1.05 3.53 195 3.69 40

Hardener 2000–6000 1.35

Measured in the laboratory.

Table 2 Table 3
Mixtures. Beam specimens.
Mixture Materials Mixture Materials Manufacturing method

Matrix Coarse aggregate Width (m) Height (m) Span (m)

PC-P Cement paste Polyurethane coated coarse aggregate PC-P 0.2 0.1 1.8 Preplaced aggregate coated with
PC Cement paste Normal polyurethane and cement paste
PC 0.2 0.1 1.8 Preplaced aggregate and cement
paste injection
of the aggregates frame coated with polyurethane (Fig. 2), cement paste
was poured into the molds. The amount of polyurethane necessary to
coat the aggregates fully was 15% according to the weight of the ag-
to ASTM C215, as longitudinal impact tests do not damage the speci-
gregate. The PC mixture is a normal prepacked concrete.
mens. An impact was applied to the surface at one end of the specimen
in the longitudinal direction. A solid steel ball with a diameter of
3.2. Specimen preparation
12.5 mm mounted on a rod was used to apply the impact. To achieve
the vibration signal from the specimen induced by the impact, an ac-
In order to measure the density, flexural strength, compressive
celerometer was attached to the surface of other end and a data ac-
strength, and damping ratio of each mixture, two types of specimens
quisition system was used. Fig. 3 shows the test setup used for the
were created. The first is a small-scale rectangular parallelepiped with a
longitudinal impact test.
width of 0.04 m, a height of 0.04 m, and a length of 0.16 m, created to
measure the density, flexural strength, and compressive strength of
each mixture. The damping ratio was also measured by a longitudinal 3.3.3. Free vibration test of a beam
impact test. Six specimens were formed for each mixture. Additionally, In order to measure the damping property of each mixture under
beams with a width of 0.2 m, a height of 0.1 m, and a length of 1.9 m flexural vibration, two simply supported beams, as described in Table 3,
were fabricated to measure the damping ratio under flexural vibration were manufactured using the PC-P mixture and the PC mixture and
(Table 3). free-vibration tests were conducted. Seven accelerators were evenly
installed on the top of each specimen to measure the acceleration re-
3.3. Test setup and impact tests sponse and to analyze the dynamic modal parameters. Fig. 4 shows the
test setup of the free vibration test conducted for a modal analysis. The
3.3.1. Density and mechanical tests impact was applied at each center position between the two closely
The density of each specimen in the hardened state was calculated spaced accelerometers by an impact hammer. The sampling frequency
by measuring the weights of the specimens in air, denoted as W A , and in was 1000 Hz.
water, denoted as W W ,
4. Experimental results
ρ= × ρw
WA − WW (1)
4.1. Density and mechanical properties
where ρw is the density of water, which was assumed to be 1 g/cm . The
tests were conducted when the specimens were aged 28 days. The Table 4 lists the values of the density, compressive strength, and
compressive strength and flexural strength were measured using the flexural strength of each mixture. The density of the PC-P mixture was
rectangular parallelepiped with a width of 0.04 m, a height of 0.04 m, approximately 5% lower than that of the PC mixture. This is attributed
and a length of 0.16 m according to ISO 679:2009. to the low density of the polyurethane coating aggregates in the PC-P
3.3.2. Longitudinal impact test The compressive strength of the PC-P mixture was 64% lower than
Before measuring the density and strength, the damping ratio of that of the PC mixture, which is a much greater reduction compared to
each mixture was measured by the impact resonance method according the reduction in the density. The weakest region of concrete is the

Fig. 2. Aggregates frame coated with polyurethane (green denotes polyurethane). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)

K.S. Lee et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

Table 4
Density and mechanical properties.
Mixture Density (g/cm3) Compressive strength Flexural strength
(MPa) (MPa)

PC-P 2.26 ± 0.01 15.9 ± 0.88 2.87 ± 0.23

PC 2.38 ± 0.01 43.9 ± 2.10 3.05 ± 0.11

directly due to tensile stress in the case of tensile force. This indicates
that the bond between the polyurethane and the aggregate or the ce-
ment paste is not significantly lower relative to the strength of the in-
terfacial transition zone between the aggregate and the cement paste.
The previous study also reported that there is a chemical bond between
the polyurethane and the aggregate [18].

4.2. Longitudinal dynamic properties

Fig. 3. Test setup for the longitudinal impact test. Fig. 5 shows the time history of the acceleration in each re-
presentative specimen during the longitudinal impact test. As shown in
this figure, the amplitude of the PC-P specimen decreased much more
interfacial transition zone between the aggregate and the cement paste
rapidly than that of the PC specimen, indicating that the PC-P specimen
[19]. For the PC-P mixture, the polyurethane layer between the ag-
has a higher damping ratio than the PC specimen. Fig. 6 shows the
gregate and the cement paste may be the source of the decrease in the
spectrum of the acceleration for each representative specimen, as ob-
strength due to the low elastic modulus and high Poisson's ratio of
tained from the signal in the time domain using the fast Fourier
polyurethane. It should be noted that the reduction in the compressive
transform algorithm. The resonant frequency values for each mixture
strength of the PC-P mixture was less than that of another poly-
are listed in Table 5. The resonant frequency of the PC-P mixture was
urethane-based composite which was composed of aggregate and
47% lower than that of the PC mixture. The damped resonant frequency
polyurethane paste matrix. A previous study reported that the com-
(wd ) in a mass-damper-spring system depends on the mass (m ), damping
pressive strength values of composites based on a polyurethane matrix
coefficient (c ), and spring constant (k ) of the system. This can be cal-
including aggregates were more than 80% lower than that of cement-
culated by Eq. (2).
based concrete [18].
The flexural strength of the PC-P mixture was 6% lower than that of k c2 k
the PC mixture, which is a much smaller decrease compared to the wd = − = (1 − ξ 2)
m 4m2 m (2)
reduction in the compressive strength. With regard to the compressive
force, compressive stress, shear stress, and tensile stress develop around In Eq. (2), the damping ratio term (ξ) is negligible because its value
the aggregates, resulting in a bond failure between the aggregate and is much smaller than the mass and spring constant values, and it is
the matrix and eventually the final failure of the concrete [20]. On the squared. Therefore, the damped resonant frequency mainly depends on
other hand, a bond failure between the aggregate and the matrix occurs the ratio of the spring constant to the mass. As listed in Table 4, the
density of the PC-P mixture was only 5% lower than that of the PC

Fig. 4. Test setup: (a) sensor location and impact point, and (b) photo.

K.S. Lee et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

Fig. 7. Time history of accelerometer #1 for the PC-P mixture beam.

mixture, which indicates that the stiffness of the PC-P mixture is 73%
lower than that of the PC mixture. From this observation, it can be
concluded that coating the aggregate with polyurethane induces a
much greater decrease in the stiffness relative to that of the density.
Table 5 also lists the damping ratio of each mixture. These values
were calculated by the half-power bandwidth method. The damping
ratio of the PC-P mixture was 4.3 times higher than that of the PC
mixture. As described in Sections 2 and 3.1, the only difference between
the PC-P and PC mixtures was the use of aggregates coated with poly-
urethane. The test results indicate that the increase (a 328% increase)
in the damping ratio is greater than the decrease in the compressive
strength (a 64% decrease), the flexural strength (a 5% decrease), and
the stiffness (a 73% decrease) due to the coating of the aggregates with

4.3. Modal test results

Fig. 5. Time history of acceleration in each representative specimen: (a) PC-P Fig. 7 shows the time history of accelerometer #1 when the impact
mixture and (b) PC mixture. load was applied to the position between accelerometer #3 and accel-
erometer #4 for the PC-P mixture beam. Although many modes con-
tribute at the initial stage after the excitation, only the mode with the
natural frequency of the 10 Hz band consistently appears over time. In
order to analyze the effect of each mode contributing to the response,
the power spectrum of the acceleration at the #1 and #2 positions are
shown in Fig. 8. This figure demonstrates the six modes at 10 Hz, 50 Hz,
100 Hz, 200 Hz, 250 Hz, and 330 Hz contributed to the response. The
first mode at the 10 Hz band appears to be well separated from other
modes. However, the higher order modes overlaps with the adjacent
modes, and the degree of mode participation differs depending on the
measurement point.
In order to analyze the dynamic characteristics and the contribution
of each mode more precisely, the frequency domain decomposition
(FDD) technique was applied to seven acceleration responses for the
same impact point (impact #3) [21–25].
Fig. 9 shows the time history and spectrum of the second mode
(natural frequency at the 50 Hz band) among the modes separated ac-
cording to the FFD technique. As shown in the figure, the spectrum of
Fig. 6. Spectrum of acceleration in each representative specimen. the second mode was completely decomposed in comparison with the
spectrum in Fig. 8, in which all modes contribute to the spectrum.
The natural frequency of each mode was estimated from the peak of
Table 5
the modal indicator function (MIF) which was obtained during the
Longitudinal natural frequency and damping ratio of each mixture.
mode separation process by the FDD technique. In order to calculate the
Mixture Longitudinal natural frequency (Hz) Damping ratio (%) damping ratio of each mode, the envelope function of the free vibration
was determined by applying the Hilbert transform to the separate mode
PC-P 5133 ± 47 8.22 ± 0.56
PC 9600 ± 82 1.92 ± 0.15 responses. The damping ratio was determined to minimize the differ-
ence between the envelope obtained by the Hilbert transform and the

K.S. Lee et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

Fig. 10. Damping estimation with the Hilbert transform.

Fig. 8. Spectrum of acceleration for the PC-P mixture beam (solid line (blue):
accelerometer #1 and dotted line (red): accelerometer #2). (For interpretation theoretical envelope of the free vibration. The objective function re-
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the presenting the difference is as follows:
Web version of this article.)
J= ∫[ hilbert ( η (t )) − A exp(− ξω t )]2 dt
t1 (3)

The optimal damping ratio can be obtained by differentiating the

objective function with respect to the initial value (A) of the theoretical
envelope for free vibration and the damping ratio. This process is il-
lustrated in Fig. 10. In the figure, the envelope obtained by the Hilbert
transform shows partial fluctuation.
The natural frequencies and the damping ratios of each mode were
obtained through the aforementioned optimization process, as listed in
Table 6. The mode damping ratios in the frequency range below
200 Hz, at which impact floor noise is mainly induced, were approxi-
mately 10%, slightly little higher than that of the longitudinal impact
test. It should be noted that the damping ratios of the fifth mode and the
sixth mode were not provided because the measurement resolutions
were too low such that the reliability of the estimation of the damping
ratio was deteriorated for these modes. Overall, it was found that the
proposed manufacturing method can effectively improve the damping
property of concrete and that the damping ratio of the new prepacked
concrete incorporating coarse aggregates coated with polyurethane is
as high as 10%, which is approximately 5–10 times higher than that of
normal concrete, in the frequency range of 10 Hz–200 Hz.
Fig. 11 shows the time history and power spectrum of acceleration
at #1 when an impact was applied at the #3 position in the PC mixture
beam. The impact position was identical to that used with the PC-P
mixture beam. It can be seen that the vibration lasts for a relatively long
time compared to that of the PC-P mixture beam, and the three modes
of 50 Hz, 160 Hz, and 300 Hz were separate from each other.
Table 7 lists the natural frequency and damping ratios of each mode
for the PC mixture beam, as obtained by applying the FDD method to
seven measured instances of acceleration when an impact was applied
at the #3 position. With the same process used in the PC-P case, the
natural frequency and damping ratio could be identified. The damping
ratio of the third mode was not reported because the measurement

Table 6
Modal properties of the PC-P mixture beam.
Fig. 9. Separated second mode response for the PC-P mixture beam: (a) time Mode number Natural frequency (Hz) Damping ratio (%)
history and (b) spectrum.
1 11.6 9.8
2 50.7 9.5
3 114 11.2
4 198 10.2
5 252 –
6 333 –

K.S. Lee et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

Fig. 12. Damping ratio of each beam according to the natural frequency.

higher than that of the PC mixture. The increase in the damping ratio of
the new prepacked concrete incorporating aggregates coated with
polyurethane in the beam impact test is greater than that in the long-
itudinal impact test because the damping behavior depends on the di-
rectionality. The damping effect due to shear behavior in the transverse
direction is more dominant than that due to compressive behavior in
the longitudinal direction in a material with a high damping ratio such
as polyurethane. Overall, it was found that coating the aggregate with
polyurethane effectively improves the damping ratio of concrete.
Therefore, this approach can be expected to improve the performance
of structures.

5. Conclusion

This paper presented materials and the manufacturing process of a

new type of prepacked concrete with a high damping ratio. In order to
investigate the properties of the proposed concrete, a series of experi-
mental tests of the density, strength, and impact characteristics as well
as modal analysis were conducted. The following conclusions can be
drawn from the current research results of these tests:

Fig. 11. Response of accelerometer #1 for the PC mixture beam: (a) time his- 1. It was demonstrated that the proposed materials and manufacturing
tory and (b) spectrum. method of prepacked concrete can effectively improve the damping
properties of prepacked concrete. The new prepacked concrete in-
Table 7 corporating coarse aggregates coated with polyurethane showed a
Modal properties of the PC mixture beam. damping ratio of 8.2% according to the longitudinal impact test,
which is 4.3 times higher than that of normal prepacked concrete.
Mode number Natural frequency (Hz) Damping ratio (%)
2 The new prepacked concrete developed in this study also showed a
1 43.3 0.8 damping ratio as high as 10% under flexural vibration, which is
2 163 1.2 approximately 10 times higher than that of normal prepacked con-
3 303 –
crete, in the range of 10 Hz–200 Hz. The damping ratio of the new
prepacked concrete beam was 9.5% at 50 Hz, which is the frequency
band of floor impact noise mainly occurring in general floor struc-
resolution was low and therefore the reliability of the estimation of the
tures. This value is approximately 12 times higher than that (0.8%)
damping ratio was also low for this mode. The damping ratio was ap-
of the normal prepacked concrete beam, indicating that the pro-
proximately 1%.
posed prepacked concrete can be used to improve the dynamic
The damping ratio of a materials inherently tends to vary depending
performance of structures.
on the frequency range. Fig. 12 shows the damping ratio of each beam
3. Although the new prepacked concrete developed in this study had
with respect to the natural frequency. The test results showed that the
superior damping behavior compared to that of normal prepacked
damping ratios of the PC-P mixture beam and the PC mixture beam
concrete, the mechanical properties, i.e., the compressive strength,
both increased slightly as the frequency was increased. A linear re-
flexural strength, and stiffness, of the new prepacked concrete de-
gression analysis with the data measured in this study showed that the
creased compared to those of normal prepacked concrete. The de-
slope of the PC-P mixture beam was somewhat higher than that of the
crease in the flexural strength of the new prepacked concrete was
PC mixture beam. The difference, however, was not significant.
less than the decreases of the compressive strength and stiffness.
It is known to be needed to mitigate the noise and vibration of a slab
in the frequency range of 63-500 Hz in 1/1 octave band format to en-
hance the performance of the heavy-weight impact noise [26]. The Acknowledgements
damping ratio of the PC-P mixture beam was 9.5% at 50 Hz included in
63 Hz in 1/1 octave band, which was approximately 12 times higher This research was supported by a grant (17CTAP-C097490-03) from
than that (0.8%) of the PC mixture beam. The damping ratio of the PC-P Technology Advancement Research Program and a grant (17TBIP-
mixture as measured by the longitudinal impact test was 4.3 times C112247-02) from Technology Business Innovation Program funded by

K.S. Lee et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 93 (2018) 301–308

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