Debate Mechanics
Debate Mechanics
Debate Mechanics
1. Each team will discuss two topics. One team has the affirmative role (defends pros of the
topic) and the other negative role (defends Cons of the topic).
2. All teams will have at least ONE week to prepare for the topic(s) they will discuss.
3. The debate is divided in three parts (introduction, rebuttal and closing statement) that will
have 2 presenter each. (6 members per group)
Gathers the main arguments into an introductory statement. Does not give specific
information; just says "this is true because of A and B and C."
---“Introduce yourself/team, the topic and the side you will be arguing for, and your claim”
Topic Presenters:
Present the main arguments for the team. Each presenter gives specific details that prove
A and B and C.
---"Support Your Idea: Have 3-4 strong and relevant points to support your claim”
Rebuttal Presenters:
Answer the arguments of the other team. These presenters must take notes as the other team is
presenting their arguments and respond to every argument, using specific information to
disprove them.
---"Address and state a reason that will counter what the opposing side is claiming”
Debate Format
Criteria 5 4 3 2 Grade:
1. Organization & Completely Mostly clear Clear in Unclear and
Clarity: clear and and orderly some parts disorganized
orderly in all parts but not throughout
Main arguments presentation overall
and responses are
outlined in a clear
and orderly way.
2. Use of Very strong Many good Some decent Few or no real
Argument: and arguments arguments, arguments
persuasive given, with but some given, or all
Reasons are given arguments only minor significant arguments
to support the given problems problems given had
resolution throughout significant
3. Use of cross- Excellent Good cross- Decent Poor cross-
examination and cross-exam exam and cross-exam exam or
rebuttal: and defense rebuttals, and/or rebuttals,
against with only rebuttals, but failure to
Identification of Negative minor slip- with some point out
weakness in team’s ups significant problems in
Negative team’s objections problems Negative
arguments and team’s
ability to defend position or
itself against failure to
attack. defend itself
against attack.
4. Presentation All style Most style Few style Very few
Style: features features features style features
were used were used were used were used,
Tone of voice, convincingly convincingly convincingly none of them
clarity of convincingly
precision of
arguments all
contribute to
keeping audience’s
attention and
persuading them of
the team’s case.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 Grade:
1. Organization & Completely Mostly clear Clear in Unclear and
Clarity: clear and and orderly some parts disorganized
orderly in all parts but not throughout
Main arguments presentation overall
and responses are
outlined in a clear
and orderly way.
2. Use of Very strong Many good Some decentFew or no real
Argument: and arguments arguments, arguments
persuasive given, with but some given, or all
Reasons are given arguments only minor significantarguments
against the given problems problems given had
resolution throughout significant
3. Use of cross- Excellent Good cross- Decent Poor cross-
examination and cross-exam exam and cross-exam exam or
rebuttal: and defense rebuttal, and/or rebuttal,
against with only rebuttal, but failure to
Identification of Affirmative minor slip- with some point out
weakness in team’s ups significant problems in
Affirmative team’s objections problems Affirmative
arguments and team’s
ability to defend position or
itself against failure to
attack. defend itself
against attack.
4. Presentation All style Most style Few style Very few
Style: features features features style features
were used were used were used were used,
Tone of voice, convincingly convincingly convincingly none of them
clarity of convincingly
precision of
arguments all
contribute to
keeping audience’s
attention and
persuading them of
the team’s case.