OpenECU-CCS FaultList
OpenECU-CCS FaultList
OpenECU-CCS FaultList
Bit #
Control PilotDutycycle 0
Control Pilot Dutycycle 1
Control Pilot Frequency 2
Control Pilot PWM Timeout 4
Control Pilot Dudtycycle Range Error 5
Control Pilot Dudtycycle Range Error 6
Proximity Pilot Voltage 0
Proximity Pilot Voltage 1
EVSE Proximity Supply VREFA Voltage 2
Proximity Pilot State Correlation with Pilot 3
Proximity Pilot Voltage 4
V2G Performance (Sequence) Timeout Precharge 0
V2G Performance (Sequence) Timeout Charge Ready 1
V2G Performance (Sequence) Timeout Cable Check 2
V2G Performance (Sequence) Timeout Communication Setup 3
Sequence Timeout Enabling Charge Lock 4
Sequence Timeout Closing Relay(s) 5
Sequence Timeout EV Stops Isolation Check 6
V2G DIN Response message Timeout 0
Received unexpected V2G response message 1
Failed to transmit V2G Request message 2
Received V2G DIN message with FAIL ResponseCode 3
Received V2G DIN message with FAIL ResponseCode 4
V2G ISO Response message Timeout 5
Received V2G ISO message with ERROR ResponseCode 6
Received but not processed V2G response message 7
V2G received signal EVSE Processing Status 1
V2G received signal EVSE Isolation Status 0
V2G signal EVSE Isolation Status 2
V2G signal EVSE Isolation Status 3
V2G received signal EVSE Status Code 0
V2G received signal EVSE Status Code 2
V2G received signal EVSE Status Code 3
V2G received signal EVSE Status Code 4
V2G received signal Energy Transfer Type 0
V2G received signal Energy Transfer Type 2
V2G EVSE Voltage 0
V2G EVSE max volt Compatibility 2
V2G EVSE min volt Compatibility 3
V2G signal EVSE Volt DC with respect to RESS Voltage 4
V2G signal EVSE Volt DC with respect to Port Voltage 5
V2G signal EVSE Min Voltage compatibility 6
Host Signal EV Minimum voltage with respect to RESS Voltage 0
Host Signal EV Maximum voltage with respect to RESS Voltage 1
V2G EVSE Current 0
V2G EVSE min charge current Compatibility 3
V2G signal EVSE uncorrelated with Port Current 4
V2G EVSE max current Compatibility 5
V2G EVSE max discharge current Compatibility 6
V2G EVSE min discharge current Compatibility 7
V2G Communication Link 0
V2G Communication Link 1
V2G Communication Link 2
V2G Communication Link 3
EVSE no compatible service 0
EVSE Unsupported Protocol 1
EVSE V2G no result during service detailing 2
V2G Max Discharge Power Compatibility 0
V2G Max Charge Power Compatibility 2
Internal ECU Failure 0
Fault Variable Name Fault Type Threshold Lower Threshold Upper
Limit Limit
CcsFltCpWrd OORH 97
CcsFltCpWrd OORL 3
CcsFltCpWrd OOR 980 1020
CcsFltCpWrd OOR 7 8
CcsFltCpWrd RAT
CcsFltPpWrd OORH see description
CcsFltPpWrd OORL see description
CcsFltPpWrd OOR 4.67 5.36
CcsFltPpWrd RAT
CcsFltPpWrd OOR see description see description
CcsFltSeqWrd VSTO 7
CcsFltSeqWrd VSTO 150
CcsFltSeqWrd VSTO 40
CcsFltSeqWrd VSTO 20
CcsFltSeqWrd VSTO 5
CcsFltSeqWrd VSTO 5
CcsFltSeqWrd VSTO 5
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd VMTO
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd VSEQ
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd VSEQ
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd RAT
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd RAT
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd VMTO
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd RAT
CcsFltV2gMsgWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseProcStWrd OORH 60
CcsFltRxEvseIsolStWrd OORH 5
CcsFltRxEvseIsolStWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseIsolStWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseStCodeWrd OORH 5
CcsFltRxEvseStCodeWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseStCodeWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseStCodeWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEgyTrnsTypeWrd OORH 5
CcsFltRxEgyTrnsTypeWrd RAT 5
CcsFltRxEvseVoltWrd OORH
CcsFltRxEvseVoltWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseVoltWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseVoltWrd OOC 7
CcsFltRxEvseVoltWrd OOC 7
CcsFltRxEvseVoltWrd OOR
CcsFltRxEvVoltWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvVoltWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseCrntWrd OORH
CcsFltRxEvseCrntWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseCrntWrd OOC 5
CcsFltRxEvseCrntWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseCrntWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvseCrntWrd RAT
CcsFltLinkWrd RAT
CcsFltLinkWrd RAT
CcsFltLinkWrd RAT
CcsFltLinkWrd RAT
CcsFltEvseSupPrtclWrd RAT
CcsFltEvseSupPrtclWrd RAT
CcsFltEvseSupPrtclWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvsePwrWrd RAT
CcsFltRxEvsePwrWrd RAT
CcsFltInternalFaultsWrd RAT
Threshold Threshold Fault SPN FMI
unit Type Count
% double 25 65001
% double 25 65001
Hz double 25 65001
N/A N/A 25 65001
% double 25 65001
N/A N/A 1 65001
V double 20 65002
V double 20 65002
V double 20 65002
N/A N/A 1 65002
V double 20 65002
s double 1 65003
s double 1 65003
s double 1 65003
s double 1 65003
s double 1 65003
s double 1 65003
s double 1 65003
N/A N/A 1 65004
N/A N/A 1 65004
N/A N/A 1 65004
N/A N/A 1 65004
N/A N/A 1 65004
N/A N/A 1 65004
N/A N/A 1 65004
N/A N/A 1 65004
s double 1 65005
N/A uint8 1 65006
N/A N/A 1 65006
N/A N/A 1 65006
N/A uint8 1 65007
N/A N/A 1 65007
N/A N/A 1 65007
N/A N/A 1 65007
N/A uint8 1 65008
N/A uint8 1 65008
N/A N/A 1 65009
N/A N/A 1 65009
N/A N/A 1 65009
V double 20 65009
V double 20 65009
N/A N/A 1 65009
N/A N/A 1 65015
N/A N/A 1 65015
N/A N/A 1 65010
N/A N/A 1 65010
A double 10 65010
N/A N/A 1 65010
N/A N/A 1 65010
N/A N/A 1 65010
N/A N/A 1 65011
N/A N/A 1 65011
N/A N/A 1 65011
N/A N/A 1 65011
N/A N/A 1 65012
N/A N/A 1 65012
N/A N/A 1 65012
N/A N/A 1 65013
N/A N/A 1 65013
N/A N/A 1 65014
Fault Description
Signal Name in Signal name in
OpenECU platfrom OpenECU-CCS
Average attenuation received from EVSE during SLAC; Attenuation in dB relative to -50 dB. Positive values denote
increasing attenuation. (e.g. 20dB reported by this channel is equivalent to -70dB absolute attenuation)
0 - Connection disconnected
1 - SDP request waiting
2 - SDP response received
3 - TCP/IP ready to connect
4 - TCP/IP connecting
5 - TCP/IP connected
0 - No link
1 - Link
0 - Not ready for communication
1 - Ready for communication
0 to 6 (Undefined, Find_MAC, Disconnected, Unmatched, Matched, Connected, Disconnecting)
0 to 6 (Start_Atten, MNBC_Sound, Atten_Char, Avg_Atten, Match_Sel, Match_Req, Match_End)
0: Unknown
1: Initialising
2: Initialized
3: Operating
4: Terminating
5: Terminated
Fault Abbreviation
Out Of Range OOR
Out Of Range High OORH
Out Of Range Low OORL
Out of Correlation OOC
Short Circuit to battery SCB
Short Circuit to ground SCG
Open Load OPL
Overcurrent OVC
CAN Receive Timeout Error CTO
Slew Rate high SLH
Rationality RAT
Out Of Bound High OOBH
Out Of Bound Low OOBL
CAN Receive Overrun Error COR
CAN Receive Checksum Error CSM
CAN Recieve Error CRE
CAN Receive Counter Sequence Violation CSQ
V2G message receive Timeout VMTO
V2G message receive Sequence Timeout VSTO
V2G message receive Sequence Violation VSEQ
PWM in Timeout PWMTO
Slow Flash
Malfunction Indicator Lamp when this DTC is active M0
Red Stop Lamp when this DTC is active R0
Amber Warning Lamp when this DTC is active A0
Protection Lamp when this DTC is active P0
MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related tr
RSL - Red Stop Lamp This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a se
AWL - Amber Warning Lamp This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporti
PL - Protect Lamp This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporti
Raw value is out of range
Raw value is out of range High
Raw value is out of range Low
Mismatch among the values of one variable that are aquired from different sources
Short Circuit to battery was detected on the ECU output pin
Short Circuit to ground was detected on the ECU output pin
Commanded output does not match with the feedback from output pin
Current or Tepmerature is Higher than Normal
An expected CAN Message was not received during a certain time
The absolute slew rate of the analog signal is higher than a positive threshold
Faults issued based on Rationality check
Engineering value is out of bounds High
Engineering value is out of bounds Low
Overrun error detected for the received CAN message, message is received more than once during one sampling time
J1850 Checksum error detected for the received CAN message
error occurred when Receiving the CAN Message
The sequence of Counter signal inside the CAN message is not valid
V2G Message Timeout: During the charging session, the expected V2G response message was not received within an accepta
V2G Sequence Timeout: During the charging session, an expected sequence of events was not completed within an acceptabl
V2G Sequence Violation: The received V2G message is not the expected respsone or Failed To Transmit the intended V2G Req
PWM Timeout (PWM waveform cannot be detected)
On Off
M2 M3
R2 R3
A2 A3
P2 P3
be immediately stopped.
ectronic sub-system related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range.
FMI Description
0 Data Valid But Above Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
1 Data Valid But Below Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
2 Data Erratic, Intermittent Or Incorrect
3 Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source
4 Voltage Below Normal, Or Shorted To Low Source
5 Current Below Normal Or Open Circuit
6 Current Above Normal Or Grounded Circuit
7 Mechanical System Not Responding Or Out Of Adjustment
8 Abnormal Frequency Or Pulse Width Or Period
9 Abnormal Update Rate
10 Abnormal Rate Of Change
11 Root Cause Not Known
12 Bad Intelligent Device Or Component
13 Out Of Calibration
14 Special Instructions
15 Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range - Least Severe Level
16 Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range - Moderately Severe Level
17 Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range - Least Severe Level
18 Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range - Moderately Severe Level
19 Received Network Data In Error
20 Data Drifted High
21 Data Drifted Low
31 Condition Exists
ature range.