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Nutrition & Food Science

Whey valorization: current options and future scenario – a critical review

Anil Panghal, Rakesh Patidar, Sundeep Jaglan, Navnidhi Chhikara, Sunil K. Khatkar, Yogesh Gat,
Neelesh Sindhu,
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Anil Panghal, Rakesh Patidar, Sundeep Jaglan, Navnidhi Chhikara, Sunil K. Khatkar, Yogesh Gat,
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Neelesh Sindhu, (2018) "Whey valorization: current options and future scenario – a critical review",
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Whey valorization: current options and
options and future scenario – a future scenario

critical review
Anil Panghal and Rakesh Patidar
Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Lovely Professional University,
Phagwara, India Received 20 January 2018
Revised 11 February 2018
12 February 2018
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Sundeep Jaglan Accepted 12 February 2018

Division of Microbial Biotechnology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research -
Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu, India
Navnidhi Chhikara
Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Lovely Professional University,
Phagwara, India
Sunil K. Khatkar
Department of Dairy Technology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Ludhiana, India
Yogesh Gat
Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Lovely Professional University,
Phagwara, India, and
Neelesh Sindhu
Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex,
Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Science, Hisar, India

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review the advanced technologies and approaches for utilization of
waste generated in dairy industry. Whey is highly contaminated, with a high organic load around 100,000 mg O2/L
COD (chemical oxygen demand), and is not used for further processing. The waste generated in different food
industries can be utilized in different value addition product with the help of advanced technology.
Design/methodology/approach – Major well-known bibliometric information sources are the Web of
Science, Scopus, Mendeley and Google Scholar. Several keywords like nutrition value of whey, whey
utilization, whey valorization, whey technologies, whey beverages, fruit-based whey beverage, carbonated
beverage, probiotic or alcoholic beverages, herbal beverage, fermented beverage and current scenarios were
chosen to obtain a large range of papers to be analyzed. A final inventory of 126 scientific sources was made
after sorting and classifying them according to different criteria based on topic, academic field country of
origin and year of publication.
Findings – The comprehensive review of different literature, data sources and research papers seeks to find
and discuss various sustainable solutions to this huge waste generated from milk industry. The sustainable
use of whey for production and conversion in different types of products can uplift the bio-based economy of
industries and thereof national/international economy. The recent upsurge in consumer interest for health- Nutrition & Food Science
promoting products has opened up new vistas for whey beverages and other whey products research and © Emerald Publishing Limited
development. DOI 10.1108/NFS-01-2018-0017
NFS Originality/value – The paper draws out different sustainable characteristics and technology of whey
products available in market, as well as potential products to be launched in the market. Interestingly, over
the past few years, dairy industries have applied various technologies to process cheese whey and are in
search of new products which can be prepared from the by-product. This review discusses on the recent
research development of whey valorization with particular reference to technologies used in the addition to
their commercial availability and a way forward.
Keywords Sustainable, Beverages, Concentrate, Whey protein
Paper type General review

1. Introduction
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Milk production and milk processing has increased worldwide with high rate of more than
10 per cent in every four years (FAOSTAT, 2017). Total milk production is more than 801
million tonnes, and out of this, more than 37 per cent is processed in cheese or other
coagulated products and 30 per cent is used to produce butter. During processing of these
products, only 10-20 per cent of milk portion is recovered as desired end product and the
remaining 80-90 per cent liquid portion is whey (Mirabella et al., 2014).
Whey produced from milk processing industries is dumped as waste. Whey is
greenish translucent liquid portion of milk remained after milk coagulation and
removal of curd or butter (Mazaheri Assadi et al., 2008). This liquid waste whey is
highly contaminated and possess high organic load, around 100,000 mg O2/L chemical
oxygen demand (Carlini et al., 2015). World whey output is about 180 million tonnes
containing some 1.5 million tonnes of high value protein and 8.6 million tonnes of
lactose (Macwan et al., 2016). Every year, there is 1-2 per cent increment in total whey
production but less than 50 per cent of total whey produced is used or processed with
different technologies and processes (Panghal et al., 2017a). About 40 per cent of whey
is disposed off around the world leading to huge valuable nutrients loss. It shows that a
significant amount of milk nutrients is not ultimately used for humankind and such
inefficient use leads to serious sustainability implications. According to FAO, about
one-third of global food production by weight is lost or wasted every year. Whey
disposal also gives rise to environmental pollution problem because of high organic
matter (Yadav et al., 2014). The latest authorization of strict natural direction
constrained to reappraise waste management, regulatory bodies and health awareness
of population are forcing/motivating the industries to properly dispose off their waste.
World Resources Institute and United Nations Environment Programme launched
Global Food Loss and Waste protocol in 2013 with objective to develop a standard for
quantification, monitoring, accounting and reporting of food waste across the food
chain (Tostivint et al., 2017).
To promote sustainable development, there is a need to find sustainable ways of using
whey. Proper management of whey waste from milk processing industries is essential.
Sustainable development is an important matter worldwide and the whole world is
focussing on the sustainability issues in different sectors including milk industry waste as
in its sustainable development goals (United Nations, 2015). Whey valorization with
different technologies and in different products is the important aspect to develop multiple
dimensions of sustainability, i.e. environment, economy and society. Whey valorization is
relatively cleaner as compared to other food waste management. This review extracts
sustainable technologies, applications and processes of different methods to use this huge
amount of whey in environmental, economic and social aspects. In addition, it identifies
scope for future research. The paper also provides useful information to policymakers for
valorization of whey.
2. Nutritional value of whey Current
Whey constitutes about 45-50 per cent of total milk solids, 70 per cent of milk sugar (lactose), options and
70-90 per cent minerals, 20 per cent milk proteins and almost all water soluble vitamins
present in milk (Panghal et al., 2007). In cheese-making process, water soluble vitamins are
future scenario
moved into whey in a differing extent, ranging from 55-75 per cent vitamin B6 and
pantothenic acid; 40-70 per cent vitamin B12; 80-90 per cent of thiamine, nicotinic acid, folic
acid and ascorbic acid; and 70-80 per cent of riboflavin and biotin present in milk (Singh
et al., 2014). Highest amount of vitamin B12 is moved in whey in rennet coagulation as
compared to acid coagulation.
Whey proteins are divided into two sub classes: major proteins and minor proteins.
Major whey proteins are beta-lactoglobulin ( b -Lg) 65 per cent, alpha-lactalbumin (a-La) 25
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per cent, immunoglobulins (Ig), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and proteose peptones. Minor
whey proteins are lactoferrin, lysosome, Glycomacropeptide (GMP), Phospho lipoproteins
and lactoperoxidise. Whey proteins have high protein efficiency ratio (3.6), net protein use
(95) and biological value (110) making it just next to egg protein and superior than soy
protein, casein, wheat gluten or beef. Whey protein contains all of the 20 amino acids and
each of the nine essential amino acids such as Iso-leucine, Lysine, Phenylamine, Methionine,
Threonine, Leucine, Histidin, Tryptophan and Valine. Sulfur-containing amino acids, i.e.
methionine and cysteine, are present in significant amount (Macwan et al., 2016).
Whey is also rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and trace amount of
zinc is present and act as base of electrolytes. Lactose promotes absorption of magnesium
and zinc and is considered better for diarrhoeal management (Narayanan, 2013). This great
nutritional composition accounts for various neutraceutical benefits, e.g. reducing the risk of
atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes and cancer or even Alzheimer’s disease and HIV, growth
enhancement of beneficial gut micro flora, immune-enhancing properties, control of disease
and antitoxin activity. Whey sulphur amino acids act as cancer prevention agents as
forerunners to the strong intracellular cell reinforcement glutathione and in one-carbon
metabolism (Krol et al., 2017).

3. Whey use in different products

Interestingly, over the past few years, dairy industries have applied various technologies
and processes to process whey and are in search of a new product which can be prepared
from the by-product (Figure 1). There are many separation processes used for the recovery
of solid components from cheese whey, such as nanofiltration (NF), micro filtration (MF),
reverse osmosis (RO) and ultra-filtration (UF), hydrolysis, electrodialysis, ion exchange, etc.
Dairy industries are mainly using filtration processes for whey treatment (Pal and Nayak,

3.1 Whey concentrate and whey cream

The whey cream often with a fat content of 25-30 per cent can be used for milk
standardization for cheese formation or can be converted into butter. Whey fines and whey
cream are removed first from the whey to avoid detrimental effect of fat and casein fines
available in whey produced from different industries by separation devices such as
centrifugal separators, cyclones and vibrating or rotating screens. After removal of these
components, the whey can be processed or stored for further processing in different
products after pasteurization. Whey has about 6 per cent solids including lactose and
protein and can be concentrated up to 20-25 per cent dry matter using recent technologies
like RO and NF either in combination or alone (Daufin et al., 2001). The concentrated mass of
whey can be transported with low cost from one processing site to another.
NFS Reverse Evaporation Drying Dried whey powder,
Condensedwhey and Sweetened
osmosis condensed whey

Concentration of Whey protein concentrates
solids total (WPC)
Lactopeoxidase, Lactoferrin, α-
Whey cream lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin
Fines recovery recovery Partial desalinated whey
Nano filtration powder

Ion exchange / Desalinated whey powder
Whey Electro dialysis
Fractionation of
total solids Single cell protein (SCP)
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Alcohol, lactic acid, vitamin

Lactose Metabolites B-12 and penicillin
Enzymatic/ acid
Glucose / Galactose syrup

Figure 1. Chemical reaction
Lactosyl urea
Different methods of
whey valorization Ammonium lactate

3.2 Sweetened condensed whey and dried whey powder

Sweetened condensed whey is manufactured with new technologies such as RO and NF
either alone or in combination. Whey with dry matter above 25-30 per cent from these
processes can be further concentrated using mechanical vapour recompression or
conventional evaporation with different types of evaporators. The solids of whey can be
increased up to 65 per cent with these methods and the product become viscous.
The dried whey powder can be manufactured in the same way as milk with drum dryers
or spray dryers. During drum drying the scrapping of layers of dried whey is difficult
process as concentrated whey is a supersaturated lactose solution and at lower temperature
and higher concentration conditions, the lactose can sometimes crystallize spontaneously
before the whey leave the drum dryer. Spray drying of whey concentrate is widely used. The
product produced from spray drying is non-hygroscopic and does not become lumpy on
moisture absorption. It is recommended that lactic acid should be removed by a combination
of nanofiltration and electrodialysis (Bouchoux et al., 2006).

3.3 Whey protein concentrates and isolates

Whey protein products are readily available in market of health food category as flavoured
protein bars, flavoured shakes and dietary supplements (Yadav et al., 2014). Whey proteins
are concentrated or isolated from the whey using various conventional methods
(precipitation) or recent technologies (membrane separation) or chromatographic process.
Whey proteins have 90 per cent denaturable fraction and 10 per cent undenaturable fraction
(Proteose peptone). Whey protein concentrates (WPC) and whey protein isolates (WPI)
manufactured with modern technologies have better functional properties like solubility,
foaming, emulsion formation and gelling (Galanakis, 2012). WPC and WPI from recent
technologies are highly nutritional and can be reconstituted to very clear beverages. WPC
are made by drying the renetates from UF of whey. For highly concentrated WPC, the whey
concentrate undergoes diafilter process to remove maximum lactose and ash to raise the
concentration of protein in mass. The heating process is not beneficial for whey protein
containing proteins above 55 per cent, as heat damages the proteins. The UF is followed by
nanofiltration for further concentration. WPC are further concentrated to produce WPI
containing >92 per cent protein using nanofiltration and spray dried to remove the moisture Current
content up to 4 per cent before packaging (Barba et al., 2001). WPI containing the high options and
amount of protein are most heat stable and at 100 per cent concentration the aggregates can
be recovered with centrifugation post heat treatment in the supernatant of concentrated
future scenario
samples (Gaspard et al., 2017).

3.4 Whey lactose

Whey contains about 95 per cent of lactose present in milk. The different processes like
microfiltration, UF, ion exchange, RO and spray drying can be integrated for the separation
and purification of whey lactose. De Souza Araki et al. (2010) reported that nominal pore size
0.2 micro metre, ultrafiltration with molecular weight cut off 5 KDa, ion exchange and RO
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can produce lactose with 99.8 per cent purity with overall recovery of 74 per cent. Das et al.
(2016) used ultrafiltration in diafiltration mode to separate whey protein and whey lactose,
the lactose was further purified from permeate with nanofiltration. They recovered 90 per
cent of lactose and 80 per cent of whey protein from the whey, and membranes can be used
for various times.

3.5 Whey beverages

The greatest and attractive way for the use of whey for human consumption can be done by
converting whey into beverages both with fermentation and without fermentation. Using
appropriate amount of whey, fruit juice and pulp, a new product can be formulated and is
favourable trends in the use of whey (Panghal et al., 2009). Whey beverage is a refreshing,
light, genuine thirst quencher, healthful and less acidic than fruit juice and is better for
health as compared to other drinks. The characteristics of whey beverage are affected by
different factors such as pH, solubility, dispersibility, colour, preparation methods and other
ingredients used for the formulation (Panghal et al., 2017b). Commercially, production of
whey beverages started in 1970’s and till now different kind of whey-based beverage has
been developed like alcoholic, carbonated, fruit-flavoured, plain and fermented beverage
(Table I).
3.5.1 Fruit-flavoured whey-based beverage. Addition of fruits or fruit flavours masks up
the undesirable cooked and salty-sour flavour of fresh whey (Panghal et al., 2009). Different
researchers have explored this by developing nutrient enriched whey fruit-based beverages
by optimizing fruit/fruit flavours, sugar, stabilizers, pasteurization conditions, etc.
Fruit and vegetables are good source of nutrients and phytochemicals but poor in protein
content (Panghal et al., 2018a). Yadav et al. (2016) improved the protein level by blending
mango juice with hydrolyzed whey (2, 3 and 4 per cent). Hydrolyzed whey is not precipitated
during heating, and water holding capacity is also improved two times, thus affecting the
beverage flow characteristics. However, b-cyclodextrin (0.15 per cent @ total protein) was
added to mark bitter taste of hydrolyzed protein. Study concluded that mango beverage
fortified with 3 per cent hydrolyzed whey was most acceptable in terms of sensory score, as
well as thermal and storage stability. Panghal et al. (2017b) prepared papaya–whey
beverage by blending papaya pulp, and water was replaced with whey at different levels
(25, 50 and 100 per cent). RTS was evaluated for its nutritional composition,
physicochemical attributes like titratable acidity, total soluble solids, total and reducing
sugars, sensory and microbial quality for 90 days. With increment of whey level, beverage
nutritional value was also increased. Beverage with 25 per cent addition was found most
acceptable with overall acceptability of 8.59. Selected beverage has 15.05 Brix TSS, 0.30 per
cent acidity, 5.37 g/100g reducing sugar, 14.06 g/100g total sugar and 5.60 mg/100g ascorbic
acid. The results depicted that whey addition in beverage is better approach for nutrition
NFS Sector Type Reference

Fruits and Papaya Panghal et al. (2017a,

vegetables 2017b)
beverage Mango Yadav et al. (2016)
Kinnow Soni (2010)
Carrot, beetroot Kaur et al. (2015)
Acerola Cruz et al. (2009)
Orange Paul et al. (2011)
Guar Saxena et al. (2015)
Lemon Singh et al. (2014)
Pineapple Baba et al. (2016)
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Moringa leaf Afaf et al. (2015)

Jeera Landge and Gaikwad
Orange Pareek et al. (2014)
Carbonated Flavour Sameen et al. (2013)
beverage Mango and pineapple Katke and Patil (2017)
Lemon Patel (2017)
Pineapple Shaikh and Rathi (2009)
Khyveromyces marxianus Dragone et al. (2009)
Fermented Streptococcus thermophilus Saha et al. (2017)
beverage Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii Sohrabi et al. (2016)
ssp bulgaricus
Lactobacillus acidophilus Shareef (2013)
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefirgranum, Magalhaes et al. (2011)
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefiranofaciens
Acetobacter aceti, Acetobacter pasteurianus Belloso-Morales and
Hernández-Sánchez (2003)
Lactobacillus bulgaricus Janiaski et al. (2016)
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. Akpinar et al. (2015)
lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus
Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrüeckii Legarová and Kourimská,
subsp. bulgaricus (2010)
Mentha arvensis extract Kumar et al. (2017)
Herbal beverage Basil, mint, ginger, aloe vera, lemon grass Maya and Ritu (2016)
Guduchi leaves Kamble et al. (2017)
Solanum trilobatum leaves Vaishnavi et al. (2013)
Tea Perasiriyan et al. (2013)
Ginger extract Alane et al. (2017)
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Skryplonek and jasinska
Bifidobacterium animalis (2015)
Probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus Castro et al. (2013)
beverage Lactobacillus reuteri and Bifidobacterium bifidum Hernandez-Mendoza et al.
Table I. (2007)
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium and Faisal et al. (2017)
Summary of review
Streptococcus thermophilus
results with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp., bulgaricus and Kar and Misra (1999)
references and Streptococcus thermophilus
substrate used with Bifidobacterium bifidus (BB) Sasi (2015)
and waste management. Soni (2010) prepared kinnow (Citrus reticulate) and whey-based Current
nutritious beverage by blending of 0.2 per cent carboxy methyl cellulose and 100-200 ppm options and
sodium benzoate and pasteurised at 85oC for 20 min and then stored up to two months under
refrigeration condition. During storage, TSS, ascorbic acid, turbidity, total sugars decreased,
future scenario
whereas acidity, reducing sugars and total microbial count increased. It was found that
80:20 blend was obtained highest sensory score (7.97).
Kaur et al. (2015) developed a health-based functional whey drink by incorporating
carrot, beetroot, mint and ginger with three different combination of carrot juice and whey
5:1 (WA), 1:1 (WB) and 1:5 (WC) and pasteurized at 80oC for 15 min and stored for 20 days
under refrigeration condition. Result concluded that, beverage containing more amounts of
carrots have good acceptance taste, flavour and colour during sensory evaluation. Cruz et al.
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(2009) developed a healthy beverage by blending whey butter cheese and acerola juice in (50-
50, 70-30 and 30-70 per cent) proportions to enhance essential amino acids and vitamin C. As
the whey level decreased, protein and carbohydrate content increased. As per sensory score,
sample with 30 per cent butter cheese whey and 70 per cent acerola juice was found most
acceptable. Paul et al. (2011) used dairy waste to develop orange-flavoured whey beverage.
Whey and orange juice were mixed in 1:1, 1:2; 3:1 ratio and sugar was added at 8, 10 and 12
per cent level. Study revealed that addition of whey significantly improved protein content
in beverage. Such protein rich beverages are quite suitable for the people suffering from
ailments such as degenerative diseases, cardio-vascular diseases, pregnancy, lactation and
obesity. Beverage with low calorie and high fibre has been formulated by blending
watermelon with whey.
Saxena et al. (2015) used artificial sweetener sucralose and guar fibres to lower down
calorie and increase fibre content, respectively. Study concluded that beverage with (51.46
per cent) whey, (0.21 per cent) sucralose and (3.84 per cent) fibres resulted in most valuable
formulation with the desirable mouth feel, flavour, after taste, as well as overall
acceptability, and TSS. Antioxidant-rich whey beverages have also been formulated by
different researchers. Singh et al. (2014) prepared a nutritious beverage from lemon and
hydrolyzed whey (85-90 per cent hydrolysis). The most acceptable lemon-based beverage
containing (4 per cent) lemon juice, (8 per cent) sugar, (0.1 per cent) lemon flavour and (0.05
per cent) carboxy methyl cellulose. The beverage had greater acceptability after heat
treatment at 90°C for 2 min. Baba et al. (2016) developed two functional beverages prepared
by using appropriate amount of pineapple juice and cheese and paneer whey in different
proportions (10, 20 and 30) and was observed for physicochemical, microbiological and
nutraceutical properties for a period of 60 days. They found that paneer whey is more
appropriate than cheese whey to prepare beverage nutritionally and microbiologically. Afaf
et al. (2015) prepared antioxidant rich guava–whey beverage by blending Moringa oleifera
leaf extricates (2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 per cent). Moringa leaves are potential source of protein,
carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and bioactive component. Moringa blended extract has
comparatively higher amount (5.560 g/100ml) of total phenolic content as compared to
control (2.083 g/100ml). However, this preservative/antioxidant potential of moringa extract
has functional value up to 10 days. Sensory evaluation showed that whey guava beverage
with 2.5 or 5 per cent moringa extract was found to be more acceptable. Landge and
Gaikwad (2013) prepared a nutritious flavoured whey-based beverage. Sugar was used in
three different levels (10, 15 and 20 per cent) and beverage was prepared in three different
colours (pink, red and saffron). Jeera was used to improve the flavour. Carboxy methyl
cellulose was added (0.1 per cent) as stabilizer and stored at 5oC for 5 days. As per sensory
analysis whey beverage with 14 per cent sugar was most acceptable.
NFS 3.5.2 Carbonated beverage. Carbonated beverages are an important component of
beverage industry. In this, carbon dioxide is made solubilized under pressure giving a
unique appearance and flavour to drink. This whey-blended carbonated beverage can be a
healthy alternative to soft drink industry. Pareek et al. (2014) mixed orange juice and whey
in different proportion (70:30, 60:40 and 50:50) and carbonated. Study revealed that 70:30
ratio was most acceptable for carbonated drink formulation. The nutritional analysis of
most accepted sample showed that whey added improved the nutritional status remarkably.
Sameen et al. (2013) developed nutritious carbonated flavoured whey beverage with
blending the sugar (8 per cent), colour, flavour, stabilizers (carboxy methyl cellulose,
carageenan) and liquid whey. Physico-chemical and sensory parameter of whey beverage
stored at refrigerator condition (4oC) were observed for 30 days. During storage, there was
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decline in SNF, fat, total solids, viscosity, lactose, acidity, etc.; whereas pH and total plate
count was increased. Study concluded, that carrageenan improved carbonated beverage was
most acceptable as per sensory score.
Katke and Patil (2017) prepared a delicious carbonated fruit-flavoured beverage.
Unclarified and ultrafiltered shrikhand whey was blended with mango and pineapple juice
at different levels of concentration (18, 20, 22 and 24 per cent) and then carbonation was
done at three levels 25, 30, 35 psi at 4 6 1oC temperature. Samples were stored at 7 6 1oC in
refrigerated condition. The unclarified shrikhand–whey beverage base with 22 per cent
unclarified mango juice and the ultrafiltered shrikhand–whey beverage base with 22 per
cent ultrafiltered pineapple juice scored higher overall acceptability, i.e. 8.23 and 8.26,
respectively. The unclarified mango-flavoured beverage scored 8.33 at 25 psi and the
ultrafiltered pineapple-flavoured beverage scored 8.53 at 30 psi for overall acceptability.
Patel (2017) developed carbonated lemon beverage by blending lemon juice (4.5 per cent) and
sugar (10 per cent). The average protein (0.46 to 0.49 per cent), total soluble solids (15.00 to
18.83 per cent), total solids (14.47 to 18.45 per cent), ascorbic acid (7.19 to 14.68 mg/100 g),
ash (1.03 to 1.09 per cent) and content in whey beverage are varied. Beverage with (4.5 per
cent) lemon juice and (10 per cent) sugar was most acceptable for carbonated lemon–whey
beverage and shelf life of 49 days at refrigerated temperature (7 6 1°C). Shaikh and Rathi
(2009) prepared delicious and nutritious buttermilk-based carbonated fruit-flavoured
beverages. The beverage prepared by mixing of 12 per cent sugar and 24 per cent pineapple
juice was found to be well acceptable and subjected to ultrafiltration. Carbonation
remarkably improved the sensory characteristics.
3.5.3 Fermented beverage. Fermentation improves the nutritional value, digestibility and
sensory score (Panghal et al., 2018b). Lactose is the primary constituent (70 per cent) of
whey, making it a suitable substrate for alcoholic beverage. Alcoholic whey beverages
include drinks with small amount of alcohol (1.5 per cent) present like whey beer and whey
wine. They have high nutrient value and therapeutic characteristics (Jelicic et al., 2008).
Dragone et al. (2009) prepared an alcoholic beverage (35.4 per cent ethanol) by distillation
of the fermentation broth obtained by incessant whey fermentation with lactose fermenting
yeast Khyveromyces marxianus. Saha et al. (2017) conducted the fermentation of delicious
chhana–whey beverage with lactic acid bacteria. Two different cultures NCDC-74
(Streptococcus thermophilus) and Yoghurt culture YC-470 (Streptococcus thermophilus and
Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus) were added at rate of 2 per cent inoculum to
prepared beverages. The average total solid, fat, protein and lactose content were found to
be 22.30, 0.18, 0.259, 4.39 per cent and 22.79, 0.20, 0.26, 4.31 per cent. The result concluded
that both beverages are acceptable as per sensory and microbiological up to 20 days when
stored at 7oC in a glass container. Sohrabi et al. (2016) used the therapeutic potential of whey
and prepared healthy beverage for haemodialysis patients. Fermented and unfermented
beverages were prepared by blending whey protein concentrate (8.5 per cent), mint flavour Current
(0.01 per cent), permeate (1.4 per cent for fermented), vitamin E (0.18 per cent) and water and options and
fermentation with Ty17A starter culture. The pH values of the fermented and unfermented
beverages were 3.8 and 6.02, respectively. The result revealed, that fermented beverage was
future scenario
more acceptable as per chemical and sensory evaluation. Shareef (2013) developed a
flavoured fermented paneer–whey beverage. Pasteurized whey was inoculated with lactic
acid bacteria (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 per cent) and incubated until 0.7 per cent of the acidity was
achieved. Sugar was added at the level of 8, 10, 12 and 14 per cent to whey. The beverage
prepared by fermenting the whey with 2 per cent culture and added sugar at 10 per cent
level was significantly accepted by the judges as compared to other combinations. This
optimized fermented whey was further mixed with orange, mango and pineapple juice at the
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ratio of 80:20, 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50, respectively. Pineapple-blended whey beverage (50:50)
was most acceptable and was carbonated. Carbonated beverage was more acceptable than
un-carbonated sample and can be stored up to 42 days at refrigeration condition.
Magalhaes et al. (2011) prepared cheese whey-based beverage by using the kefir grains.
Fermentation was performed by inoculating kefir grains in milk, cheese whey and
deproteinized cheese whey and incubated for 72 h at 25o C. The results concluded that kefir
grains were able to use lactose in 60 h from milk and 72 h from cheese whey and
deproteinized cheese whey and produce similar amounts of ethanol (12 g/L), lactic acid
(6 g/L) and acetic acid (1.5 g/L) during fermentation. Based on the chemical and sensory
analysis, the kefir grains showed potential to be used for developing cheese whey-based
beverages. Belloso-Morales and Hernández-Sánchez (2003) developed beverages from
different cheese whey (fresh sweet, fresh acid and reconstituted sweet whey), and
fermentation was performed by using kombucha culture (tea fungus). It was found that
good growth occurred in both sweet whey (fresh sweet and reconstituted sweet whey) and it
resulted in pH of 3.3 and total acid content of 0.07 mol/l after 96 h. Janiaski et al. (2016)
prepared a strawberry-flavored yogurt and whey beverages (fermented or nonfermented)
with different fat contents that were sweetened with sugar or non-sugar sweeteners. Study
concluded that non-fermented whey beverage was less viscous, less acidic and with lower
smoothness of mouth coating, sweeter and with a more intense artificial strawberry aroma
than the fermented products. Low-fat yogurts were more liked, more viscous and had higher
smoothness of mouth coating than non-fat yogurts.
Akpinar et al. (2015) prepared nutritious beverage with the help of probiotic culture and
lactic culture by using appropriate amount of pasteurized reconstituted whey blended with
cow milk for different proportions (0:100, 50:50, 70:30 and 100:0). Study concluded that
increased milk concentration of beverage resulted in increased rheological and viscosity
property of the beverages. Legarová and Kourimská (2010) prepared whey-based beverage
with addition of semi-skimmed milk in different level (0, 25 and 50 per cent). Yogurt starter
culture was used for fermentation to improve flavour profile. Study revealed that the
addition of milk in the beverages changed the flavour, colour, appearance, colour, viscosity
and homogeneity, and total quality of beverage was also improved.
3.5.4 Whey-based herbal beverage. Herbal ingredients incorporated in whey enhance the
quality, as well as nutritive value, profitability, acceptability and shelf life of the product.
Maya and Ritu (2016) prepared herbal beverage for guava fruit juice and flavoured whey
with different herbs (basil, mint, ginger, aloe vera, lemon grass, etc.) along with natural
sweetener as stevia. Study revealed that the beverage containing 74 per cent whey, 20 ml
guava fruit juice and 6 ml ginger obtained highest sensory score. Kamble et al. (2017)
prepared probiotic herbal Guduchi–whey beverage by using different proportion of Guduchi
leaves and stem extracts mixed with whey (10:90, 15:85 and 20:80), 10 per cent sugar and
NFS probiotic starter culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus at different level (1, 1.5 and 2 per cent).
Whey beverage with 1.5 per cent Lactobacillus acidophilus was better than other sample in
term of sensory score. This selected beverage assured good antioxidant profile as the
beverage possesses good antioxidant activity. Vaishnavi et al. (2013) developed Solanum
trilobatum leaves extract-based whey beverage by using appropriate amount of Solanum
trilobatum (12 gm), tea powder (5 gm) and sugar. This mixture was added to whey, boiled
and then filtered. Results revealed that flavour, colour and taste, as well as overall
acceptability, was good and widely accepted. Perasiriyan et al. (2013) prepared a whey-
based herbal drink by using appropriate amount of pasteurized whey. Beverage also
contains 10 per cent sugar and tea (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 per cent). The stability of the
beverage was studied at 7 6 1oC for 3 days. The result indicated that the whey along with
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1.5 per cent tea received wide acceptability among the entire sensory panel.
Alane et al. (2017) prepared a nutritious whey-based mango herbal beverage with the
addition of ginger extract (0.5-5 ml), mango pulp (10 gm), sugar (8 g), whey (82-86ml) and
guar gum powder (0.05 per cent) and were stored at refrigerated condition (7 6 1oC), as well
as room temperature. Organoleptic score of beverages found highest in refrigerated stored
sample as compared to room temperature. TSS, viscosity, pH and reducing sugar increased,
whereas acidity, total sugar and reducing sugar decreased during storage. Beverage
prepared by using mango pulp (10gm), whey (82gm), ginger extract (0.5 per cent) and guar
gum (0.05 per cent) was most acceptable.
3.5.5 Probiotic whey beverage. Probiotic foods along with nutrients also favor good
intestinal health, provide better nutrient delivery and other health benefits (Panghal et al.,
2018b). Health professionals are motivating the consumers for probiotic food sample
because of protective and health promoting benefits.
Skryplonek and Jasinska (2015) prepared fermented probiotic beverage by using acidic
whey and stored at refrigeration condition. The obtained products possess nutritional value
of whey along with health benefits claimed for probiotic bacteria. Two probiotic cultures
were used Bifidobacterium animalis (Bb-12) or Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-5). During
storage period, bacterial count was higher than 8 log cfu/ml of all samples. Beverages with
Bb-12 contain more acetaldehyde and La-5 strains have higher hardness and acidity. Castro
et al. (2013) prepared a strawberry-flavoured probiotic beverage with 2 per cent Lactobacillus
acidophilus and whey (0, 20, 35, 50, 65 and 80 per cent). With increment of whey level,
fragility of gel was increased. The study concluded that whey level beyond 65 per cent
decreased the consumer acceptance of beverage. Hernandez-Mendoza et al. (2007)
formulated a probiotic product with whey, sucrose and pectin. Lactobacillus reuteri was
added at 0.5, 1 and 2 per cent and Bifidobacterium bifidum at 0.5 or 1 per cent level. Samples
were stored at 4oC for 30 days and analyzed for physico-chemical, microbiological and
sensory analysis. Beverage fermented with 2 per cent Lactobacillus reuteri and 0.5 per cent
Bifidobacterium bifidum for 11 h met the criterion for probiotic product. However,
acidification was observed in later period of storage, but the probiotic sample was still
Faisal et al. (2017) formulated three different kinds of probiotic beverages by blending
with orange powder and flavour. Thermophilic lactic culture (FD-DVS ABY-3) was used.
Sample containing 1 l cheese whey, 0.70 gm stabilizer, 8 per cent sugar and 1 per cent orange
powder was acceptable. Sasi (2015) developed a probiotic beverage using whey and aloe
vera juice. Bifidobacterium bifidus (BB) was used as the culture organism. The result
concluded that, beverage with whey and aloe vera 70:30 ratio fermented with 1 per cent
Bifidobacterium bifidus for 9 h was found the best by sensory evaluation. Developed
beverage can be recommended the production at industrial level.
4. Functionality of whey in beverage Current
Whey is used as functional ingredients, as it provides flavour, colour, texture, viscosity, options and
colloidal stability and aeration properties to food. Whey proteins possess good functional
properties like foaming, solubility, emulsifying, water binding and gelling (Shinde and
future scenario
Mahoney, 2008). Whey protein possess huge variety of alkoyl and thiol functional groups
conferring them a high level of secondary structure (R-helix, a-sheet). This enables whey
protein to form stabilized water-based (gel), fat-based (emulsion) and air-based structure

4.1 Solubility
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Whey protein is soluble at wide range of pH (3-8) values. Excess amount of shared charges
increases repulsion between molecules resulting in more solubility at highly acidic and
highly alkaline conditions (Pelegrine and Gasparetto, 2005). In acidic foods, solubility of
whey proteins is decreased because of decrease in pH approaching near to iso-electric point.
Whey protein binds the desired amount of water by forming gels which are requisite for
processed food, meat products and baked food. Because of solubility over wide range of pH,
it also acts as an emulsifying and foaming agents especially for acidic foods such as fruit-
based frozen desserts (Allen, 2010).

4.2 Emulsification
An emulsion is mixture of two generally immiscible liquids, one mixture is designated the
continuous phase and the other mixture assumes the dispersed phase. Whey protein has
good ability to stabilize emulsions and emulsifying property is highly pH dependent. Whey
protein isolate contains significant amount of b -lactoglobulin and a-lactoglobulin
components which possess good surface activity and foam-stabilizing properties and thus
act as foam stabilizer (Schmitt et al., 2007).

4.3 Foaming
Whey proteins possess the properties of whipping and foaming next after the egg white. A
thin film forms between the gaseous bubble and liquid phase protecting the bubbles from
collapsing because of gravity, force or sheer to stabilize the foam (Allen, 2010). Whey protein
exhibit foaming behaviour at wider pH levels but is best at or near the isoelectric point.
Protein foam ability is influenced by addition with the salt and disappears with salt removal
Whey proteins are added to ice creams and other frozen desserts for whipping and
emulsifying properties, as well as bulking abilities. They are also used in reducing fat or
calorie in frozen dairy desserts for health purposes (Prindiville et al., 2000). Foaming
capacity of whey proteins is of great importance in carbonated beverages also.

4.4 Gelation
Gelation is immobilization caused by network formation that suspends a dispersed phase in
a continuous phase by water entrapment (Bender, 2006). The destabilizing effects of calcium
or acids, heat treatments, enzymatic reactions and chemical oxidation influence the gelling
capabilities of whey proteins (Onwulata et al., 2004). Whey protein has great gelation
functionality at a slightly basic pH (>8.1), good gelation functionality at pH 5 and has poor
gelation functionality at pH 3. Whey protein ingredients are used as a gelling ingredient for
many applications, e.g. processed meat and cheese, confectionary and bakery products.
NFS 5. Current market scenarios of whey products
The increase in demand of the dairy-based products is because of the presence of high
nutritional value, it also supports the growth of whey market at global level. The
increase in health awareness among the people is leading to the increase in demand of
the protein containing products. Use of whey in the functional beverage is increasing
popularity of ready-to-drink protein products. Whey is found to have multi-reason
application in different enterprises, among which the application in the sports nutrition
food and drinks is expanding at a higher rate. These elements will assume a key part in
the development of Whey market at the compound annual growth rate of 6 per cent
during 2016-2022. Whey drinks can be made from paneer whey, channa whey, cheese
whey and butter milk and whey powder. The first soft drink Rivella used from milk
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whey which was created by Robert Barth in 1952 from Switzerland. After this, many
industries used whey and prepared whey-based fruit and vegetable flavour, prebiotic,
alcoholic and herbal beverages. The first fruit whey drinks were developed in Austria
and were introduced to the market in 1979. Lattella Mango and Lattella Passion Fruit
beverage prepared with fermented sweet whey, 10 per cent passion fruit juice from
concentrate, sugar, acidity regulator sodium citrate and aroma. Beyond organic Suero
Viv is a probiotic water product made from the whey of the raw cheese. It is extremely
high in probiotics, calcium, electrolytes and potassium. It is a tonic elixir that is perfect
as a sports drink. Weaver family whey beverages are three varieties available in
market: Grapefruit Alley, Coconut Grove and Orange. This technology also facilitates
economic use of whey in a profitable manner.

6. Challenges
Nowadays, lack of complete nutritional profile in food becomes a burning problem for the
whole world, resulting in a poor health condition of consumers. In recent years, food
manufacturing industries realized that whey protein can play vital role in improving the
nutritional quality of food products particularly. There is lot of work done on the beverage
made by whey, but it is not executed or available in market at large scale. There are some
challenges faced by whey-based products such as availability of diverse products in market,
awareness of consumer, small industries, low level of production at units and competition of
other products.

7. Conclusion
Many government policies of strict natural direction constrained to reappraise waste
management, regulatory bodies and health awareness of consumer are motivating the
industries to properly dispose/use whey waste. Among the various dairy by products, whey
constitutes a large portion of protein, lactose and miner nutrients. High organic matter in
whey is responsible for its management. There are several advantages of whey, as it has a
high nutritional, functional and therapeutic value which not only supplements the other
nutrients to the body but also adds a variety to the taste. Examples of such whey beverages
are fruit and vegetable flavour, fermented, probiotic, alcoholic and herbal beverages. Future
of these whey-based beverages lies in the neutraceutical health benefits, consumer
awareness and industrial venture. This review extracts sustainable technologies,
applications and processes of different methods to use this huge amount of whey in
environmental, economic and social aspects along with the way forward.
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Further reading
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“Evaluation of waste of the cheese industry for the production of aroma of roses (phenylethyl
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for demineralization of acid whey: an empirical approach”, Journal of Food Process Engineering,
Vol. 35 No. 5, pp. 708-714.

Corresponding author
Navnidhi Chhikara can be contacted at: navnidhi24@gmail.com

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