Master Programmes
Invest your
Campus Hönggerberg, a few minutes from downtown Zurich, is ETH Zurich’s “Science City”,
home to the architecture, construction and natural science departments.
The historic main building is right in the centre of vibrant Zurich.
ETH Zurich shares many facilities with next-door neighbour University of Zurich.
ETH Zurich – the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Close links to research
Zurich – is long recognized as a global leader in research The Master programmes at ETH Zurich are closely linked
and education. Excellent conditions for learning and to research. Teaching takes place in small groups. Semester
research, state-of-the-art facilities and an attractive urban projects and the Master thesis introduce graduate
environment provide an ideal setting for some of the students to independent research work, offering the possi-
brightest minds in Europe. ETH Zurich is academic home to bility to work in research teams. All Masters require a
18000 students, researchers, faculty and staff members. number of elective courses in the humanities, social or
political sciences. ETH graduates have the broad education
Broad range of programmes needed to master tomorrow’s challenges.
ETH Zurich offers graduate programmes in the fields
of construction sciences, engineering sciences, natural Global outlook
sciences and mathematics, earth, environment and Sixty percent of ETH professors and more than half of all
natural resources, and management and social sciences. doctoral students come from outside of Switzerland – this
The degree structure is internationally compatible with is 90 nationalities under one roof. This global perspective is
three-year Bachelor programmes, followed by Master characteristic of the academic experience at ETH Zurich.
programmes of one and a half or two years’ duration.
Ranked among the best
There is a Master programme corresponding to each of For over 150 years, ETH Zurich has been a touchstone for
the twenty-two Bachelor programmes. In addition, science and engineering leaders. The university is
specialized Master programmes offer the opportunity to consistently ranked among the top institutions worldwide
focus on interdisciplinary or emerging subject fields. for its unparalleled research and education. Twenty-one
Master graduates wishing to pursue a career in research Nobel laureates, from Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen (1901)
can continue in doctoral programmes lasting between and Albert Einstein (1921) to Kurt Wüthrich (2002) have
three and four years. been associated with ETH Zurich over the years.
First-class facilities for a first-class education For brain, body and soul
At ETH Zurich you benefit from first-class facilities, ranging But a student’s life is not all study. A broad range of sports,
from modern laboratories and great library resources to culture and leisure activities offer a welcome complement
state-of-the-art computing infrastructure. The university’s to everyday academic life. You can benefit from the services
two locations provide an excellent learning and research of Europe’s largest academic sports facilities, get involved
environment: in the centre of Zurich, and at Hönggerberg in one of the many student associations or sign up to sing
– a natural setting a few minutes from downtown. or play in one of the numerous music groups. Many student
facilities are shared with the University of Zurich.
ETH Zurich’s Master programmes are taught in small
groups. You work closely with your professors and have Located in the intimate, international city of Zurich, the
access to the support and guidance you need. To prepare ETH Zurich community enjoys a rich cultural life, a vibrant
for life after graduation, the Career Services are on hand party scene and great outdoors. Zurich combines a well-
to assist you in the transition to your chosen career path. preserved Old Town with a modern life style, catering
The ETH Alumni association provides a dynamic means to all tastes and needs. It is also a compact, clean and
to stay connected to the global community of ETH Zurich safe city with a well-functioning public transport system.
graduates. So whether you want to explore the nearby Alps, one of
Switzerland‘s four language regions or a neighbouring
country, it’s all within easy reach.
The Master programmes at ETH Zurich are closely linked Semester projects and the Master thesis give you the
to research. Teaching takes place in small groups. possibility to work in research teams.
Engineering Sciences
Y Biomedical Engineering EN Y Nuclear Engineering EN
Majors: Bioimaging; Bioinstrumentation and Signal Processing; (joint Master with EPFL)
Biomechanics; Molecular Bioengineering
Y Process Engineering EN
Y Computational Biology and Bioinformatics EN Tutor-based programme with individualized curriculum
Specialized Master with personal curriculum under the guidance
of a mentor
Language of instruction
EN Programmes taught in English.
EN/DE Programmes offering the choice of coursework in English or German. It is possible
to complete the programme using English only, but some electives may be taught in German.
DE/EN Programmes taught in German and English, knowledge of German is required.
All Master programmes require a number of elective courses in the humanities, social or political sciences.
ETH graduates have the broad education needed to master tomorrow’s challenges.
There’s more to Zurich than ETH Y 377 000 people Y one lake
Y 2 rivers Y 1 100 fresh-water fountains Y 2052 restaurants
and bars Y 57 museums and 32 theatres Y 2 football clubs
Y 10 minutes to the airport Y 100 km to the snowy Alps
Lake Zurich, the river Limmat and the majestic snow-capped Alps are among the factors that make life in Zurich so pleasant.
Published by
ETH Zurich
Edited by
Anders Hagström
Christian Aeberhard
Andreas Hafner
Dominique Meienberg
Rolf Philipona
Esther Ramseier
Norbert Staub
Printed by
Casanova Druck
und Verlag AG