Research Proposal

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How does Social Media; Cocomelon Chanel affect the addition of

vocabulary in toodlers.

Maulidatur Rohmah 1612100038


This study aims to investigate the relationship between children's television viewing
behavior and their acquisition of English vocabulary. According to Dahidi and Sudjianto (2004),
vocabulary is made up of all the terms connected to a certain language or subject area. The five
components of language development in children are phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax,
and communication, according to Hoff (2009). The channels or shows that parents present to
their kids have a big influence on how much English language they pick up. This was a
quantitative study involving two 3-year-old children. As methods for gathering information,
interviews, observations, and evaluations of the vocabulary comprehension level are all
employed. The gathered information will undergo thematic analysis to see how the Cocomelon
channel has an impact to kids vocabulary development.
The results of the study show that this channel has a role to support children's linguistic
intelligence development in increasing English vocabulary. The vocabulary used is also
vocabulary that is easy for toddlers to imitate. In addition, repetition of vocabulary is also needed
so that children quickly memorize the vocabulary. This affects how fast and easy it is for
toddlers to memorize and add new vocabulary. Language skills of one child with another child
are indeed different, because it is caused by the intellectual factors of each child. But this can be
pushed aside by increasing the frequency to introduce children to more English vocabulary.
This study makes a significant contribution to our understanding of how youngsters learn
and retain vocabulary when they frequently watch English-language channels. The goal of this
study is to compare the vocabulary that children who watch English-language channels and
children who do not will have different levels of vocabulary comprehension.
Keyword: vocabulary, toddlers, social media, language skills, linguistics intelligence

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara channel yang ditonton anak
dengan pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan penambahan kosa kata bahasa inggris pada anak.
Menurut Dahidi dan Sudjianto 2004 kosakata adalah keseluruhan kata berkenaan dengan suatu
bahasa atau bidang tertentu yang ada didalamnya. Perkembangan bahasa pada anak terdapat lima
komponen yakni, phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax, dan communication (menurut Hoff:
2009). Penambahan kosa kata bahasa inggris pada anak sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh channel
atau tontonan yang diberikan orangtua pada anaknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan
kuantitatif yang melibatkan dua orang balita dengan usia 3 tahun. Metode pengumpulan data
meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan analisis banyaknya kosakata yang dipahami. Data yang
diperoleh akan dianalisis secara tematis untuk mengidentifikasi peran channel Cocomelon dalam
mempengaruhi anak untuk penambahan kosakata.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa channel ini memiliki peran untuk mendukung
perkembangan bahasa anak dalam menambah kosakata bahasa inggris. Kosakata yang digunakan
juga kosakata yang mudah ditiru anak-anak balita. Selain itu, pengulangan kosakata juga
diperlukan supaya anak cepat menghafal kosakata tersebut. Hal ini mempengaruhi cepatnya dan
mudahnya anak balita dalam menghafal dan menambah kosakata baru. Keterampilan berbahasa
satu anak dengan anak lain memang berbeda, karena disebabkan faktor intelektual masing-
masing anak. Tapi hal ini bisa ditepis dengan memperbanyak frekuensi untuk memperkenalkan
anak dengan kosakata bahasa inggris yang lebih banyak.
Penelitian ini memiliki kontribusi penting untuk memberikan pemahaman bahwa anak
yang frekuensi chanel yang ditonton berbahasa inggris maka anak akan cenderung mengikuti dan
menghafal koskata tersebut. Implementasi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan
antara anak yang menonton channel berbahasa inggris dengan anak yang tidak menoton chanel
berbahasa inggris akan terlihat perbedaannya dikosakata yang mereka pahami.
Kata kunci: kosakata, balita, media sosial, kemampuan berbahasa, kecerdasan berbahasa
Vocabulary is defined as vocabulary in The Big Indonesian Dictionary, often known as
KBBI. Every word in a language, every word used in a science, every word the speaker knows,
or a list of words put together by a dictionary and brief, practical explanations—that is how
Soedjito defines vocabulary. Kirdalaksana defined vocabulary as the portion of language that
contains all information pertaining to the meaning and use of words. A speaker's or writer's
language's rich vocabulary can be found in both vocabularies. Thirdly, vocabulary is a collection
of words with brief and helpful explanations that are organized similarly to a dictionary.
Language proficiency is One of the nine multiple intelligences is called "language
intelligence," or "linguistic intelligence," and it refers to the capacity to use language effectively.
Some traits of a person with language intelligence include the following: the ability to use a
variety of word types and arrange them into sentences that are simple to understand; a preference
for various language-related activities, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking; and the
capacity to evaluate information provided orally and in writing.
Both vocabulary addition and vocabulary mastering are components of language
intelligence. The ability of a kid to recognize, comprehend, and effectively employ the words
present in a language is known as vocabulary mastery. It's usually simple to mimic children's
songs, and if the frequency is repeated, it's possible that the youngster will remember them and
begin to use the terminology.
This study investigated how children's vocabulary growth was aided by watching the
Cocomelon channel. This study also examines how children use and pronounce new words as
well as how they comprehend new language. We shall discuss how audiovisual and graphic
learning techniques can be employed to foster children's language intelligence in this publication.
The most fundamental type of education for language development is early childhood
education. It is regarded as a "golden age" and is extremely important for the strategic growth of
human resources. A variety of abilities, intelligence, talents, and languages are good to pick up
now. Aspect language development is one of the intelligences that need attention. The capacity
to speak verbally with the environment and the linguistic intelligence of the child make it simple
for the youngster to express what they want. Elizabeth B. Hurlock (1999: 1986) states. The
numbers below list the findings from past investigations that are included in this paper.
Previous research:
1. In learning English there are several skills that need to be learned one by one,
these skills have their respective techniques. Gynan and Baker (2011) states that there
are several language skills, such as speaking, listening, reading and also writing. All
of this language skills are important for daily life, especially speaking skills.
English speaking skills may be defined as the skill of an individual to
communicate his thoughts to anyone orally or directly. ( THE IMPROVEMENT OF
Internasional Batam).
2. However, little is understood about the influence of language skills on word knowledge
growth during reading. Using a pretest–posttest quasi-experimental design, we examined
incidental word learning through reading, considering the presence/absence of supportive
context and the role of language ability. Children with a range of language abilities were
exposed to rare nouns and verbs within stories. (Chapter II paper Optimalisasi
kecerdasan bahasa anak usia dini: UM Surabaya).
3. first consider some of what we know about children’s ability to make inferences and
reason about word meanings and then consider what we can learn from the nature of
children’s initial inferences about the meanings of unfamiliar words, displayed in their
earliest word uses, later followed by gradual additions to their initial, partial, meanings as
they are exposed to further uses of each word in a variety of contexts by more expert
speakers. (A gradualist view of word meaning in language acquisition and language use
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 August 2022).
The purpose of this study is to better understand how children go through the same
developmental stages, but what makes them unique is their family, social, intellectual, physical,
and emotional well-being, as well as the influence of their relationships, friends, and family.
Accordingly, the environment has an impact on how children acquire linguistic skills. A pleasant
environment will help the child, but a negative one will also engage the youngster. This is the
benchmark or the rationale behind why kids can speak at a certain age or can't at a certain age.
According to Chomsky's nativist theory, a newborn is born with the ability to speak. A
kid is born with a set of language abilities known as "General Grammar" or "Universal
Grammar." The youngster can still learn things even while the knowledge already inside of them
is not given sufficient stimulation. Children have a linguistic system called a linguistic
Acquisition Device (LAD), which allows them to not only mimic the language they hear but also
infer meaning from repeated patterns.
Because it is provided to toddlers in the form of songs and is packaged in an appealing
way, Chanel Cocomelon's role is highly beneficial in introducing English language to them.
Children can be drawn in by this, and they will emulate it. The vocabulary must also be
demonstrated visually, for instance by saying the word "no," moving the index finger to indicate
"yes," and nodding the head when it is said. Similarly, when using the term car, indicate a car,
and when using the word red, indicate anything that is red. By repeating terminology and
visualizing it, children will comprehend concepts more quickly.

1. How does the Cocomelon channel can help kids expand their English vocabulary?
2. How does this channel impact kids' linguistic development?
3. What are the distinctions between kids who obsessively watch this channel and kids who
This study uses a qualitative method. According to Merriam (2009:13) descriptive
qualitative is understanding the meaning people have constructed, that is, how people make use
of their world and the experience they have in the world. From this definition it can be concluded
that this study used a qualitative method using numbers to calculate the amount of English
vocabulary mastered by children. Data obtained by interview and observation. Bring papers
containing the following questions:
1) Mention the various colors in English
2) Mention the names of animals in English
3) Mention the types of foods (fruits and vegetables) in English
4) Mention the names parts of body in English
5) Mention number in English
This participants in this research is a three-year-old toddler named Azmi Muhammad Al-
Hakim with a comparison named Thalita Indah. Azmi has been watching English channels
(Cocomelon) since he was two years old, while Thalita has not. Studies will last for a
prearranged duration, such as 8 weeks, to allow participants sufficient time to be exposed to the
material and potentially enhance and add to Azmi's vocabulary.
Written solutions that aid in the acquisition of more vocabulary are offered after the
results. The findings of this study about language intelligence may be helpful to parents. To
expand kids' vocabulary, try the following strategies:
1. Employing a range of strategies, such as language-learning games for kids and other
media that promote language acquisition.
2. accessories, including images on books or posters, singing or listening to music,
watching movies or listening to audio cassettes, reading (story reading/story telling), or
telling stories, or listening to music or audio cassettes.
3. Using the question-and-answer technique to review vocabulary that has already been
learned and understood will improve memorization and fluency.
In conclusion, this study stresses the importance of using a structured methodology while
looking into children's English vocabulary through the Cocomelon channel media. According to
their level of intellect, every child has linguistic intelligence. There are certain kids that are quick
to imitate verbal intelligence, and there are those kids who generally respond to language more
slowly. This is impacted by contextual circumstances, which are crucial for kids to be able to
develop their English vocabulary.
1. Observation
One of the children watches English channels at least twice a day. This aims to make
children increasingly remember vocabulary that has been memorized and add new
2. Interviews
The two toddlers were collected and interviewed about several vocabulary words.
3. Questionaires
The questions that were prepared at the beginning will be asked of these children, which
aim to measure the ability of these children to understand English vocabulary.

The major goal of this study is to provide an insightful understanding of the impact of
English channels (Cocomelon) on toddlers' expanding English vocabulary. The researchers
anticipate that exposure to the English Channel (Cocomelon) will result in improved vocabulary
growth. This study will give strong evidence in favor of the beneficial impacts that watching
English-language television (Cocomelon) has on children's English-speaking proficiency and
overall language comfort. In addition, by highlighting the difficulties and advantages of
incorporating English channels into language acquisition, this research will add to the body of
knowledge on cutting-edge teaching strategies for kids.

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Improvement of interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence through traditional games Ade Ratih
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