Updated Chcece033 Assessment 1 Written Questions by Rachael-Lyn Anderson

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CHCECE033- WRITTEN QUESTIONS by Rachael-Lyn Anderson


Identify two ways educators can interact positively and respectfully with children for each of the group
interaction times in the table below.

Group interaction times Two ways educators can interact positively and
respectfully with children during this time
Mealtimes Talking to the children about what they like to eat at
home, favourite foods, etc. Talk about activities of
the day, and the food you are eating. Discuss
colours, shapes, and sizes of foods.

During play Talking to children, being involved in the play

without taking over, respectfully stepping into and
out of children’s play, to support children’s
using children’s cues to
guide their level and type of involvement
Physical care routines Reading stories, singing songs, telling the children
(Such as nappy changing/toileting/changing you’ll be changing their nappy (consent).
clothes/bottle feeding)

Individual interaction over a sustained time Engaging with child over individual interest while
providing provide opportunities for positive
interactions and learning
When a child is reluctant to participate Talking to the child about why they don’t want to
participate, encourage, and prompt participation,
using children’s cues to
guide their level and type of involvement,
During conflict with another child encouraging ‘turn taking’ communication by
responding and adding to
interactions initiated by children, prompting
prosocial behaviour
Transition from one activity to another talking with children about what is about to happen
during routines and
Transition from one location to another talking with children about what is about to happen
during routines and
Transition into the service at the beginning of the talking with children about what is about to happen
day during routines and

Question 2

You are supervising in the Chestnut Oak Room, and you overhear children having a disagreement. You
approach the situation and hear a four-year-old boy saying to three girls, ‘You can’t come in here because you
are girls and it’s not allowed, this is boys club’.
The girls respond by saying, ‘You have to let us in’.
The boys say, ‘Nope, no pink allowed’.
Explain how gender is influencing group dynamics and one way you would manage this situation.

Gender can influence group dynamics from family, , friends, in early childhood education and care, at school,
and from television. These influences the way children develop and engage in the world, as well as their
attitudes, values, skills and behaviours and shapes or express their identity and preferences accordingly so that
they can ‘fit in’ and be part of a social network.

One way I would manage this situation by asking the boy where his beliefs stem from and sensitively challenge
assumptions and stereotypes. “Why no pink? My dad loves the colour pink. Can girls come in if their favourite
colours are blue?”
I will also ask the boy to imagine how it might feel if they experience discrimination. “How would you feel if
the girls wouldn’t let you in because you’re a boy?”
(RTO Advice Group, 2021).

Question 3:

List three strategies educators can use to encourage positive relationship building between children.
1. Modelling collaborative behaviour
2.Providing them with ideas for how they can play together.
3. Supporting them to understand and communicate with each other

The National Quality Framework and the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child, guide educators
to see children as capable people with rights. Describe why it is important for educators to do the following:

a) Implement practices that empower children to exercise their rights?

The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child, Alice Springs Mparntwe Education Declaration the
National Quality Framework, and Belonging, Being & Becoming (UNICEF, 1989; Council of Australian
Governments Education Council, 2019; Australia Department of Education and Training, 2009; as citied in
South Australia Department of Education and Child development, 2016) all affirm the rights of the child and
the need for quality early childhood education. It is important for educators to implement practices for children
to exercise their rights as it provides them with opportunities to be heard, be free from violence, to thrive and be
engaged citizens. It also provides children with opportunities to have control of their lives, as well as helps
them understand their rights, so they can act on them if need to and respect the rights of other children. When
children exercise their rights, they feel more in control of themselves and develop an understanding of people
and places around them (South Australia Department of Education and Child development, 2016).

b) Encourage children to develop a sense of agency as active participants in the choices they make?
As stated in Article 12 of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNICEF,1989),
children have the right to actively participate in all the things that affect their lives, including their
education and care. It is important for educators to encourage children to develop and promote their
agency as the children can feel in control of things that happen and feel like they can influence events
(RTO Advice Group, 2021). It also provides children with opportunities to develop the confidence to
explore their world, to ask questions, to express ideas, to get things right, to understand that you can
be wrong and learn from mistakes. It also allows children to exercise their independence and make
their own decisions about what they will do (ACECQA, 2013).

c) Demonstrate a genuine interest in children, showing them understanding and respect?

It is important for educators to show a genuine interest in child, show them understanding and
respect as children can begin to develop the foundations of strong and lasting relationships Educators
help children connect with others, build positive friendships and self-regulation, through modelling
and showing genuine interest. Showing an interest in children, with understand and respect enables
children to develop and maintain friendships
and feel a sense of belonging within the service. It also actively contributes to the development of a
positive self-concept and healthy self-esteem. It also helps children to develop and learn how to
understand and show respect to others (Community Child Care Victoria,2011).

d) Reflect on their practices and recognise links to children’s behaviour?

Reflective practice is a very important part of an Educator’s role. Reflection on practices, values,
beliefs and learning theories is important to identify need or rooms for improvements. According to
Standard 1.2 element 1.2.3 of the National Quality standards, critical reflection on children’s learning
and development is regularly used to implement the program (ACECQA, 2018). When it comes to
reflecting and observing, educators gather information to learn more about the children, their
learning, and a holistic understanding of the children’s behaviours (RTO Advice Group, 2021).).
Through observations, educators identify behaviours of concern and factors or possible triggers that
influence the behaviour. By then reflecting, educators can adapt their practices, their lessons, and the
environment to help children grow and develop during this formative stage (APST 1.1 in ATSIL, n.d;
Council of Australian Governments Education Council, 2019).

e) Guide children’s behaviour with a focus on self-regulation, self-esteem, and wellbeing?

It is important for educators to guide children’s behaviours as it helps them understand and learn the skills,
they need to manage their own behaviour without relying on the educators to tell them how to behave (RTO
Advice Group, 2021). When children are guided in their behaviours, it provides them with appropriate and
positive models of behaviour and helps them to develop respect, self-regulation, self-confidence, and
sensitivity as they learn and grow. When children learn to control their feelings and behaviours, this allows
them to become more skilled in their relationships with others, have stronger friendships and relationships,
and be more capable to pay attention, learn new things and deal with the normal stresses and
disappointments of daily life (British Columbia, 2017). Self-regulation also provides opportunities for children
to develop a strong identity and sense of wellbeing (ACECQA, 2021).

Question 5


Hardeep: Hardeep is a room leader of toddler’s room in a service in Victoria, she has worked in the service for
two years. Her family background is Hindu and every morning before she comes to the service, she has a
meditation ritual. She celebrates Diwali festival (festival of lights) yearly with her family.

Chelsea: Chelsea is an assistant educator with Hardeep. She has worked in the service for one year. Chelsea is
indigenous and is from the Kaurna Adelaide region. She enjoys large family gatherings where her family tell
stories and sing and dance.

Linh: Linh is a brand-new educator to the service. She has only just started working with children and is studying
her Certificate III as a trainee. Linh is 19 years old and has migrated to Australia in the last four months with her
uncle and aunt after her parents were unable to come to Australia. Linh is of Christian faith and enjoys
celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. She also sings in the choir at her church.

a) Based on the above scenario, identify at least one way each of the educator’s cultural beliefs and
practices could influence their communication approach with children.

b) Based on the scenario, provide a summary of how this group of educators could support children to
recognise that the way they experience and see the world is based on their own values and beliefs.
This group of educators could support children by asking the children their beliefs and values, the

c) Based on the scenario, identify at least three ways the educators could develop children’s

understanding of other people and cultures.

1. Provide storytelling sessions, notices, and information in the home languages of children attending the
2. Provide and display materials that are an accurate representation of children’s families.

3. Have a cultural day where children can talk about and learn about other cultures.


List three strategies educators can use to demonstrate respect and understanding of the views and

culture of families and other professionals.

1. Asking families and other professionals questions to find out more about what they value, believe,
their cultures and views.
2. Making a conscious effort to learn more about cultural differences through self-directed learning and
through professional development opportunities
3. Observing families to get a sense of what they are most comfortable with (RTO Advice Group, 2021).


Provide a definition in your own words and an example of how each of the following

principles/concepts are supported within the Early Childhood Sector.

Principle Definition Example

Inclusiveness Providing people with equal Use decorations, pictures and
access to materials that reflect the
resources and opportunities, identity and culture of children
especially to and families.
those who might otherwise be Use inclusive and respectful
excluded or language when referring to
marginalised children with disability or complex
additional needs.
Support children with additional
needs to participate in
Diversity Respecting the differences that Show genuine interest in the
make people cultural traditions of
unique and different from each families, such as religious and
other cultural festivals and
These differences include but are holidays.
not limited to: Provide children with
• Race • Values opportunities to hear and learn
• Culture • Abilities from people from a range of
• Language • Social class different backgrounds.
• Religion • Income Encourage children to value the
things that make
another person special and
Use decorations, pictures and
materials that reflect the
identity and culture of children
and families.
Equity Treating people differently Modify environments and
depending on need activities to ensure children
The principle of equity recognises with complex needs can
that some participate.
people have unequal access to Use inclusive and respectful
resources and language when referring to
opportunities, and to address children with disability or complex
that, inequality additional needs.
steps need to be taken to provide Support children with additional
additional needs to participate in
resources and opportunities to activities.
those who
need them.
Access for all children Having the means or opportunity Modify environments and
to use or activities to ensure children
benefit from something with complex needs can
Use inclusive and respectful
language when referring to
children with disability or complex
additional needs.
Support children with additional
needs to participate in


Identify at least two techniques for building a child’s resilience.

1. Creating opportunities for personal challenge as it gives children opportunities to build on their
confidence and manage obstacles, achievements, and failure. This technique also gives children
opportunities to fail and understand the feelings associated with failure.
2. Focusing on autonomy and responsibility as it gives children opportunities for independence problem
solving, meaningful choices, as well as expressing views, beliefs, and ideas.


Consider the statement ‘Communication is the sending and receiving of messages to create shared

meaning’. Define or explain each technique in the table below and provide an example of a time when

this would be the communication strategy you would use.

Communication technique Definition Example

Active listening making a deliberate effort to hear When children are telling a story
what another person is saying by or are playing, asks a question or
paying attention, showing you are request help
listening, providing feedback,
responding appropriately, and
deferring judgment.
Questioning clarifying issues by asking Open-ended and closed ended
questions (who, what, where, questions can be asked when
when how), using open-ended children are playing or after they
questions when more have told a story.
information is needed and using
closed-ended questions specific
information is needed
Verbal communication Oral communication and written Talking to children, talking to
communication that uses parents and staff members, when
language and words to convey asking children for responses ,
meaning. giving instructions, telling a story,
and singing songs
Non-verbal communication Communication that does not Giving instructions, giving
involve oral or vocal praise/acknowledgment, active
communication. This listening when children are telling
communication uses body a story or are playing,
language, physical expressions,
mannerisms, appearance, and
physiological body to transmit
information and convey meaning.


Research at least two communication models and summarise the basic aspects of positive communication

1. Positive verbal communication is a vital component of meaningful interactions and relationships with
children. Positive verbal communication can win the trust of children, strengthen the bond between
children and educator, help the children feel comfortable in the educator’s presence. Positive verbal
communication helps children to develop trust and social skills, and also helps them to develop their
vocabulary and their speaking ability in the first place. Positive verbal communication can also help
children develop their vocabulary and their confidence, helping them to develop the skills and the
knowledge they need when to begin their schooling education (London Governess, 2022).
2. It is worth remembering that children can understand language long before they can master speech.
You can keep up with your child’s evolving language development by paying daily attention to them.

2. Positive nonverbal communication can improve an educator’s relationship with children as it tells the child
that they care about them, it also helps child development and help children learn how to relate to and get
along with others (Raising Children Network. 2020).


Identify five strength-based guidance strategies educators can use to support children’s positive behaviour
and support children’s individual needs.

1. Providing positive feedback on a child’s strengths

2. Giving children opportunities to make meaningful learning choices

3. Encouraging children to apply their strengths in different ways (RTO Advice Group, 2021).

4. Learning goals, related to children’s strengths, set, and monitored by children, parents, and educators

5. Learning choices specifically related to children’s individual needs (Galloway, Reynolds, & Williamson,

a) Identify at least eight factors that can have an influence on children’s behaviour in an education and care

1. family relationship

2. Changes at home

3. Noise level

4. Socioeconomic status

5. Community incidents such as natural disasters

6. Temperament/ inborn traits

7. Number of people in household

8. Exposure to drugs and/or alcohol.

b) Describe the impact that group dynamics can have on a child/children’s behaviour

Group dynamics can have a positive negative impact on a child/children’s behaviour. Positive impacts can
include voluntary behaviour that benefits others, help children see how their actions affect others, increase
self-esteem, helps with self-regulation, and makes the child feel part of the group.

Negative impacts of groups dynamics can include aggression, disturbing or disruptive behaviour, arguing with

Gender can also have an impact on children’s behaviours in group dynamics. Girls are likely to be withdrawn
from situations when conflict arises while boys are more likely to engage in disputes and deal with the conflict
directly (RTO Advice Group, 2021).


Choose one standard and associated element from Quality Area 5 of the National Quality Standard and
provide an example of how this might be observed/evident in practice and why it is important (ACECQA,2020)

Standard Element How this might be Why this is important

evident/observed in
5.2 Relationships 5.2.1 Collaborative Children: participating in
between children Each learning: play and showing Collaborative learning will
child is supported to Children are supported awareness and interest help children to extend their
build and maintain to collaborate, learn in others. knowledge, thinking and
sensitive and responsive from, and help each  developing ability
relationships. other. friendships as to apply what they already
part of a small know in new and unfamiliar
group contexts. It helps children
 engaging in develop deeper learning,
enjoyable improve self-esteem, and
interactions with build an understanding of
their peers, others’ diverse perspectives.
contributing to It can also build confidence,
shared play increase the attention,
experiences, and motivation, and oral
responding communication skills.
positively to
ideas and This is important as it
suggestions from provides a base for
others children’s learning and
social development.


a) Define pro-social behaviour.

Pro-social behaviour are behaviours children voluntarily undertakes to benefit another person, which
are founded on warm relationships and secure attachments. Prosocial behaviours include sharing,
helping others, compromising, comforting a child who is upset and including others to participate in
play (RTO Advice Group, 2021).

b)List five ways an educator can support children to enhance their emotional development and build their
pro-social skills.

1. Help children recognise why they might be feeling a specific emotion.

2. Read stories that feature emotions and similar feelings to the child,

3. Create posters with faces expressing different emotions and talk about each emotion.

4. Clearly communicating expectations

5. Providing instructions in a positive and supportive way (RTO Advice Group, 2021).


Explain how self-regulation develops in children.

Children develop self-regulation when they are babies, and it continues to develop into adulthood. They
develop it through warm and responsive relationships with other people and by watching the adults around
them. Babies, toddlers, and pre-schoolers are learning how to self-regulate. They might suck their fingers for
comfort, and might snatch toys from others if its something they really want. Games such as matching games
are especially helpful for developing self-regulation as they help children practise focusing their attention,
following rules, and holding multiples things in their mind, while cooperative games help children develop
skills such as planning, taking turns and being a ‘good loser’. Using calming down strategies and books, songs
and stories that feature emotions as it can help children understand and manage emotions (RTO Advice
Group, 2021).

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority [ACECQA] (2013). National Quality Standard
Professional Learning program: Promoting independence and agency,

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2018). Quality area 1: Developing a culture of
learning through reflective practice [Information Sheet]. https://www.acecqa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2020). Guide to the National Quality Framework.

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority [ACECQA] (2021). Self-regulation: A foundation for
wellbeing and involved learning.

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL]. (2018) Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. Retrieved from https://www.aitsl.edu.au/teach/standards

British Columbia (2017). Guiding Children’s Behaviours. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-


Community Childcare Victoria. (2011). Educator Interactions and Relationships with Children in Children’s
Services: [Self-Guided Learning Package].

Council of Australian Governments Education Council. (2019). Alice Spring (Mparntwe) Education Declaration.

Galloway, R., Bronwyn., & Williamson, "Strengths-based Teaching and Learning Approaches for Children:
Perceptions and Practices." Journal of Pedagogical Research 4.1 (2020): 31-45. Web.

London Governess, (2022). Why is Verbal communication important in childcare?


Raising Children Network. (2020, October 22). Nonverbal communication: Body Language and tone of

RTO Advice Group. (2021).CHCECE033 Learner Guide: CHCECE033 Develop Positive and Respectful
relationships with Children Version 1 (1st ed.). Edu works Resources.
South Australia Department of Education and Child development (2016, February). Early Years Learning
Framework: Perspectives on Pedagogy [Fact sheet].

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