Surveying 2

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Review Innovations CE Review November 2023 – Surveying 2


Problem 4:
A spiral curve having a length of 100 m is to be laid out in a
certain portion of road. The degree of the central curve is 6°.
a. Find the offset distance at the first quarter point of spiral.
b. Determine the spiral angle at the third quarter point of
c. Compute the maximum speed of the car that could pass
through the spiral without skidding.

Problem 5:
A spiral easement curve has a spiral angle at SC of 12° and an
offset distance at SC equal to 3.4m. Distance along tangent up to
SC is 79.62m. What is the length of the short tangent, long
tangent and length of throw?

Problems for Practice:

1. Two tangents AB and BC intersect at an angle of 24 0. A point
P is located 21.03 m from point B and has a perpendicular
Simple Curve – a circular arc, extending from one tangent to the distance of 2.79 m from line AB. Calculate the radius of the
next. simple curve connecting the two tangents and passing point P.
-Point of Curvature (PC) – point where the curve leaves the back
tangent (first tangent). 2. It is desired to lay out a curve at right angle. The curve is
-Point of Tangency (PT) – point where the curve joins the compound with radius R1 equal to 310m and radius R2 equal to
forward tangent (second tangent). 260m. If the distance from the vertex to PC is 290 m, what is the
-Intersection Angle (I) – angle of intersection of tangents. distance from vertex to PT?
-Vertex or Point of Intersection (V or PI) – intersection of back
tangent and forward tangent. Situation 1: A simple curve have tangents AB and BC
-Tangent Distance (T) – distance from vertex to the PC or PT. intersecting at a common point B. AB has an azimuth of 1800 and
-Chord Distance (C) – line connecting PC and PT. BC has an azimuth of 2300. The stationing of the point of
-External Distance (E) – distance from the vertex to the curve. curvature at A is 10+140.26. If the degree of curve of the simple
-Middle Ordinate (M) – line joining the middle of the curve and curve is 40, determine the following:
the middle of the chord. 3. Length of the long chord
4. Stationing of a point “X” on the curve on which a line passing
SIMPLE CURVE through the center of the curve makes an angle of 58 0 with line
Problem 1: AB, intersects the curve at point “X”.
Two tangents adjacent to each other having bearings N 65030’ E
and S 85010’ E meet at station 11+157.98. If the radius of the Situation 2: The common tangent BC of a reverse curve is 280 m
simple curve connecting these two tangents is 249.17m, and has an azimuth of 3120. AB is tangent of the first curve
determine the following: whose azimuth is 2520 and a distance of 320 m while CD is
a. Tangent Distance tangent of the second curve whose azimuth is 2180 and a
b. Long Chord distance of 260 m. If the radius of the second curve is 190 m,
c. Middle Ordinate determine the following:
d. External Distance 5. radius of the first curve
e. Degree of Curve 6. length of the second curve
f. Length of Curve 7. total area of road from A to D using a width of 10m
g. Stationing of PT
Situation 3: An 80 simple curve connecting two tangents that
COMPOUND CURVE intersect at an angle of 880 is to be replaced by a symmetrical
Problem 2: three centered compound curve having a 60 end curves and 100
A compound curve has the following elements: curv at the center maintaining the same PC.
I1= 30° I2= 24° 8. Find the central angle of the 100 center curve.
D1= 4° D2= 5° 9. Find the central angle of the 60 end curves.
If the stationing of the vertex is 4+ 620, 10. Determine the stationing of the PT if PC is at 10+185.42
a. Determine the stationing of PC.
b. Find the stationing of PCC.
c. Determine the stationing of PT.

Problem 3: Answers:
The perpendicular distance between two parallel tangents of the 1. 285.33 m 5. 132.07 m 8. 51.460
reverse curve is 35m. The azimuth of the back tangent is 2700 2. 270 m 6. 311.72 m 9. 18.270
while the common tangent is 3000. The first radius of the curve 3. 242.14 m 7. 7500.20 m2 10. 10+410.14
is 160m and the stationing of PRC is 2+578. Determine the 4. 10+300.26
a. Radius of the second curve.
b. Stationing of PC.
c. Stationing of PT.
Review Innovations CE Review November 2023 – Surveying 2


I 
a. T = R tan tangent distance d. L C = RI length of curve
2 180
I  I 
b. C = 2R sin long chord e. E = R  sec − 1 external distance
2  2 
1145 .916  I
c. D= degree of curve f. M = R1 − cos  middle ordinate
R  2


L2 180
= 
2RL S 


(L ) S


y =L−
40R 2 (L S )

TS = + (R + p) tan
2 2
E S = (R + p) sec −R
0.036k 3
LS =
0.0079 k 2
ELEMENTS OF SPIRAL CURVE X = Offset distance (right angle distance) from tangent to any
point on the spiral
LT = Long tangent Xc = Offset distance (right angle distance) from tangent to SC
ST = Short tangent Es = External distance of the simple curve
R = Radius of simple curve θ = Spiral angle from tangent to any point on the spiral
L = Length of spiral from TS to any point along the spiral θs = Spiral angle from tangent to SC
Ls = Length of spiral i = Deflection angle from TS to any point on the spiral, it is
I = Angle of intersection proportional to the square of its distance
Ic = Angle of intersection of the simple curve is = Deflection angle from TS to SC
p = Length of throw or the distance from tangent that the y = distance from TS along the tangent to any point on the
circular curve has been offset spiral

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