057-350 G0123 Ops
057-350 G0123 Ops
057-350 G0123 Ops
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.deepseaelectronics.com
The DSE logo and the names DSEGenset®, DSEATS®, DSEPower® and DSEControl® are UK
registered trademarks of Deep Sea Electronics Ltd.
Any reference to trademarked product names used within this publication is owned by their respective
Deep Sea Electronics Ltd. reserves the right to change the contents of this document without prior
Section Page
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 4
1.1 CLARIFICATION OF NOTATION ............................................................................................ 5
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .......................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 MANUALS ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.4 TRAINING GUIDES .......................................................................................................... 7
1.2.5 THIRD PARTY DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................... 8
2 CONNECTION DESCRIPTION ............................................................................ 9
2.1 USB CLIENT (PC CONFIG SUITE CONFIGURATION) CONNECTOR ................................. 9
3 SETTINGS ......................................................................................................... 10
4 INDICATIONS .................................................................................................... 10
The advent of electronic load share controllers has in some cases meant that existing control
systems require expensive updates if additional generating sets are added into the system.
This is because many of the ‘newer’ controllers utilise proprietary communication links rather
than the traditional analogue load share lines (often called Parallel Lines) used in existing
The DSEG86xx and load share modules utilise Advanced MultiSet Communications (AMSC)
link to enable load sharing between other Deep Sea Load share modules equipped
generators, as well as providing other advanced functionality not available with load share
The G0123 AMSC Load Share Lines Interface is designed to allow the Deep Sea Load
Share Modules to interface with analogue load share lines on existing systems without the
need to replace the existing controls. As the AMSC datalink is not used in applications of this
type, enhanced features provided by this link are not available. E.g. Dead Bus Arbitration,
load demand scheme etc.
The G0123 monitors the load share lines and converts this into digital information. This data
is then used by the onboard microprocessor to allow the G0123 to drive load share lines and
to communicate on the AMSC link with the host DSE Load Share controller.
When communication to the host controller is established successfully the CAN1 or CAN2
LED will light depending on the redundancy settings and which ports are connected
This document refers to, and is referred by the following DSE publications which are obtained from
the DSE website: www.deepseaelectronics.com or by contacting DSE technical support:
[email protected].
Product manuals are obtained from the DSE website: www.deepseaelectronics.com or by contacting
DSE technical support: [email protected].
Training guides are provided as ‘hand-out’ sheets on specific subjects during training sessions and
contain specific information regarding to that subject.
Reference Description
IEEE Std C37.2-1996 IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device
ISBN 1-55937-879-4 Function Numbers and Contact Designations. Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Inc
ISBN 0-7506-1147-2 Diesel generator handbook. L.L.J. Mahon
ISBN 0-9625949-3-8 On-Site Power Generation. EGSA Education Committee.
NOTE: CAN 1 and CAN 2 do not have internal terminations of 120 Ω therefore a resistor
(supplied) MUST be fitted to these terminals.
NOTE: The USB connection cable between the PC and the module must not be extended
beyond 5 m (16 feet). For distances over 5 m, it is possible to use a third-party USB extender.
Typically, they extend USB up to 50 m. The supply and support of this type of equipment is
outside the scope of Deep Sea Electronics.
CAUTION!: Care must be taken not to overload the PCs USB system by connecting more
than the recommended number of USB devices to the PC. For further information, consult
your PC supplier.
Description Notes
Socket for connection to PC with DSE 0.5 mm² This is a standard USB type
Configuration Suite Software AWG 20 A to type B connector.
To allow connection to the load sharing lines of a wide variety of manufacturers, the G0123
interface is configurable using Config Suite. See document 057-351 entitled DSEG0123
AMSC Configuration Suite PC Software Manual for further information.
There are several LED’s on the Load Sharing Interface to indicate the status of the G0123 AMSC
1 2 3 4
164.5mm x 76.4mm x 48.9mm
(6.87” x 3.00” x 1.93”)
DC Supply 8V - 35 DC continuous
Cranking dropouts Able to survive 0 V for 100mS assuming initial
voltage of >10V dc for at least 2s prior to the crank
request and returning to >5 vdc after crank event.
Max. current Max Current 12V = 180mA 24V = 100mA
(operating and standby)