Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair An Anatomical Subunit.9
Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair An Anatomical Subunit.9
Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair An Anatomical Subunit.9
FIG. 3. The vertical limb (greater height) of the repair will vary in slope to mirror the non– cleft-side philtral
column. With minor clefts, the inferior triangle above the cutaneous roll may not be required. Lateral lip markings
will vary depending on the vertical height of the lateral lip element. The positions of the point of closure in the
nostril sill and of “Noordhoff’s point” should not be compromised.
sion along the alar crease is never used. It is formed. The distance between points 16 and 19
unnecessary and leaves an unsightly scar. Alter- (or 19') should be 1 mm less than the difference
ing the vertical level of point 19 to accommo- in the circumference of the cleft-side and non–
date the vertical length of the lateral lip is dis- cleft-side nares (1 mm less to avoid a constricted
couraged. Any adjustment will compromise the cleft-side naris). To determine this, I size the
final vertical position of the alar insertion. Point nares with Hegar cervical dilators. These dila-
21 is placed between points 19 and 20 so that tors are numbered according to their diameter.
lengths 21–19 and 21–20 equal lengths 3–16 Multiplying the difference in diameter by 3 (ap-
and 3– 8, respectively, and such that angle 19 – proximately ) will equal the maximum amount
21–20 approximates angle 16 –3– 8. Point 23 is of allowable excision of nostril sill. Mucosa of the
marked along the red line below point 17. The cleft margins is removed by wedge excision, with
lateral vermilion flap is then marked. Along a the peak above the level of the cleft. Occasionally,
line joining points 17 and 23, point 24 is marked a short lateral upper buccal sulcus advancement
such that the length of line 17–24 equals that of incision is helpful.
line 6 –12. Lengths 23–25 and 24 –25 are equal Complete clefts. The upper aspect of the pos-
to the length of the opening incision along the terior closure is accomplished using a medial
red line of the medial lip (line 10 –12), and flap from the medial segment, a modified lat-
the base width of the triangle should equal the eral flap from the lateral segment, and an in-
amount of vermilion augmentation required ferior turbinate flap (Fig. 4). A broadly based
(the length of line 5–11 minus the length of line medial flap extends from point 16 to the upper
6 –12). extent of the mucosal incision. It generally
Incomplete clefts. Above points 16 and 19 (or needs to be only 1 to 2 mm in length, enough
19'), a wedge excision of nostril sill is per- to receive sutures. Above point 19 (or 19'), a
rectangular lateral flap is marked. In contrast to
Millard’s lateral flap, it is superolaterally based
at the level alar vestibular skin. Its base extends
from point 19 (or 19') to just below the antero-
lateral extreme of the inferior turbinate. The
One hundred forty-four consecutive unilat-
eral cleft repairs (73 incomplete and 71 com-
plete) form the present series. Example cases
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FIG. 9. Complete unilateral cleft. Surgical markings FIG. 10. Minor unilateral cleft. Preoperative appearance
(above) and postoperative result at 7 days (below). (above) and postoperative result at age 3 years (below).
FIG. 11. Halfway incomplete unilateral cleft. Preoperative FIG. 12. Complete unilateral cleft. Preoperative appear-
appearance (above) and postoperative result at age 3.5 years ance (above) and postoperative result at age 14 months
(below). (below).
FIG. 13. Complete unilateral cleft. Appearance before presurgical orthodontics (left) and postop-
erative result at age 12 months (right).
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FIG. 14. Complete unilateral cleft. Appearance before FIG. 15. Complete unilateral cleft. Appearance before
presurgical orthodontics (above) and postoperative result at presurgical orthodontics (above) and postoperative result at
age 9 months (below). age 12 months (below).
lip. Thomson6 modified the inferior triangle and to optimally position the tension of the lip
techniques of Tennison7 and Randall8 to limit repair. The required length having been
the base width of the inferior triangle to only 2 achieved, the incision lines can then be placed
mm. After training with Noordhoff and to allow for approximation along the seams of
Thompson, I questioned whether it would be anatomical subunits.
possible to plan on a small triangle just above In designing a rotation-advancement repair
the cutaneous roll at the outset and then avoid when the lateral lip element is short in vertical
the rotation incision altogether to place the height, it may be necessary to compromise the
majority of the scar along the “ideal line of position of the base of the philtral column on
repair.” This formed the basis of the described the cleft side (by moving it laterally) and in
repair. doing so compromise lateral lip transverse
The described technique is reliable because length to achieve vertical height. This is rarely
it is based on previously described repairs and if ever necessary with this repair (as in the
principles. A Rose-Thompson lengthening9,10 classic inferior triangle repairs) because appro-
occurs as the sloped incisions crossing the cu- priate triangulation with calipers can almost
taneous roll of the medial and lateral lip ele- always accommodate the available height of
ments approximate in the vertical. This allows the lateral lip. Underrotation is rare using this
for a smaller triangle than would be required technique despite using such a small triangle.
by a classic inferior triangle technique. The Common to all inferior triangle repairs, there
inferior triangle is positioned according to is some tendency to flatten Cupid’s bow. This
Noordhoff’s description, above the cutaneous seems a reasonable compromise because a
roll, to allow for better continuity of the roll shallow Cupid’s bow is seen also in the noncleft
population and is not itself a stigma of clefting. CONCLUSION
The cutaneous scar on the nose is minimized A technique of unilateral cleft lip repair is
and is essentially limited to the cleft-side nostril described that allows for approximation of the
sill. Primary rhinoplasty is performed with the medial and lateral lip elements almost entirely
intent of improvement and the realization that along the seams of anatomical subunits of the
complete correction of the nasal deformity de- lip and nose.
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pends on augmentation of the alar base and David M. Fisher, F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S.
piriform margin skeletal deficiencies, which 555 University Avenue
may have to wait to be addressed at the time of The Hospital for Sick Children
alveolar bone grafting. The achievable goals of Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada
this primary rhinoplasty then are (1) central- [email protected]
ization of the columellar base, (2) symmetrical
alar base repositioning in the craniocaudal REFERENCES
plane, (3) nostril margins of equal circumfer- 1. Noordhoff, M. S. The Surgical Technique for the Unilateral
ence, (4) release of the attachments of the Cleft Lip-Nasal Deformity. Taipei: Noordhoff Craniofa-
cial Foundation, 1997.
lower lateral cartilage–accessory cartilage com-
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