Experiment 7 DC
Experiment 7 DC
Experiment 7 DC
The main objectives of this experiment are:
7.1 Theory
Frequency shift keying (FSK) is a digital modulation technique that enables data transmission
by altering the carrier wave's frequency in accordance with the digital modulating signal.It is
the simplest and most effective method for transmitting digital signals. The simplest form of
FSK is Binary frequency shift keying (BFSK). Here, the frequency of the carrier wave changed
between discrete binary values of the modulating signal. Thus, the frequency of the carrier
shows variation according to the binary message signal.In frequency shift keying, the carrier is
modulated in such a way that high-frequency signal is achieved for high level i.e., 1 of binary
data input. Similarly, the low-frequency signal is obtained in case of low level i.e., 0 of the
message signal.
The figure below shows the binary frequency shift keying technique:
Bit Sequence
Carrier Signal, F1
Carrier Signal, F2
FSK Signal
Here as we can see in the figure that the modulating signal in the form of the bit stream is
present along with the high and low-frequency waveform.The FSK modulated waveform,
whose frequency shows variation according to the digital signal.
7.1.2 Generation of FSK Signal
OSC 2 wave
Binary Input
Here, two oscillators that produce independent high- and low-frequency signals make up the
system, as can be seen. The circuitry of the transmitter receives a binary message signal. The
two oscillators' carrier waves, along with the binary modulating signal, are what drive the
switch. A channel for the transmission of a high-frequency wave produced by oscillator 1 is
formed when the switch closes when the modulating signal bit is high, or 1. For bit 1 of the
message signal, this results in a high-frequency signal. In contrast, the switch now closes in a
way that creates a channel for the low-frequency carrier to be conveyed when the input bit is
level low, or 0. The oscillator 2 generates this low-frequency carrier. Therefore, it is evident
that when the modulating signal has a low data bit, a low-frequency signal is produced.
However, the oscillator is given an internal clock in order to remove phase discontinuities in
the signal at the output. In light of the digital modulating signal, the high-frequency or low-
frequency signal is chosen accordingly.As a result, the output transmits and receives an FSK
modulated pulse.
Coherent and non-coherent detection are the two primary categories for FSK signal detection
techniques. As we have previously covered, synchronization with the transmitter section is
necessary for coherent detection when detecting ASK waveforms.
Coherent Detection:
The figure below shows the block diagram for the coherent detection of BFSK signal.
Carrier wave
BFSK wave
Decision Binary Signal
Carrier wave
The circuit's two correlators are formed by integrators, which are arranged after two distinct
mixers, as can be observed. Next, the decision device receives the output of this correlator.
The initial modulating signal is produced by this decision device as a binary signal.These two
distinct carriers are precisely synced with the carrier waves at the transmitting end, and a BPSK
waveform is supplied to the mixer in this instance. After the mixer, the integrator receives the
output it produces. The output of the two separate integrators is then compared by the decision-
making device. When the output of integrator 1 is more than that of the integrator 2 then the
frequency of the carrier associated with correlator 1 generates the bit symbol. Assume, it to be
a high-frequency carrier then a logic high is generated at the output.Similarly, when the output
of the integrator 2 exceeds integrator 1 then the carrier frequency associated with correlator 2
generates symbol in favour of that frequency. Let us assume conversely that it is a low-
frequency wave then symbol 0 is achieved at the output.
Non-Coherent Detection:
The figure below shows the block diagram for the non-coherent detection of BFSK signal.
Bandpass Envelope
Filter detector 1
BFSK wave
Comparator Binary Signal
Bandpass Envelope
Filter detector 2
There is no need for a synchronized carrier at the detector when discussing non-coherent
detection. The non-coherent detection block diagram is depicted in the image below.It is made
up of two independent bandpass filters, each tuned to a distinct frequency. After that, the BPF's
output is sent into an envelope detector, which produces two distinct outputs based on the signal
the BPF was able to produce.The outputs of the two envelope detectors are then compared by
a decision-making apparatus. Logic 1 is acquired when detector 1's output is greater than
detector 2's, while logic 0 is obtained when detector 2 deceives detector 1's output.Thus, the
detector generates the original bitstream.
Signal Generator
Function Generator
FSK modulation
Trainer kit
7.4 Experimental Analysis and Result
7.4.1 Write code for FSK modulation and demodulation with using MATLAB.
Figure 7.6: FSK modulation and Demodulation.
Here, The code generates two carrier signals, performs FSK modulation based on the input bit
stream, and then attempts to demodulate the signal back to the original bit stream. The subplots
help visualize the different stages of the modulation and demodulation processes.
7.4.2 Write code for MSK modulation and demodulation using MATLAB.
clc; bow(x((i+1)*100:(i+2)*100)) =
clear all; b_p(i);
close all; else
b = input('Enter the Bit stream:'); bew(x(i*100:(i+1)*100)) = b_p(i);
n = length(b); bew(x((i+1)*100:(i+2)*100)) =
t = 0:.01:n; b_p(i);
x = 1:1:(n+2)*100; end
for i = 1:n if (mod(n,2)~= 0)
if (b(i) == 0) bow(x(n*100:(n+1)*100)) = -1;
b_p(i) = -1; bow(x((n+1)*100:(n+2)*100)) = -1;
else end
b_p(i) = 1; end
end end
for j = i:.1:i+1 bw = bw(100:end);
bw(x(i*100:(i+1)*100)) = b_p(i); bew = bew(100:(n+1)*100);
if (mod(i,2) == 0) bow = bow(200:(n+2)*100);
bow(x(i*100:(i+1)*100)) = b_p(i); wot = 2*pi*t*(5/4);
Wt = 2*pi*t/(4*1); grid on ; axis([0 n -2 +2])
st = bow.*sin(wot+(bew.*bow).*Wt); subplot(4,1,3)
subplot(4,1,1) plot(t,bew)
plot(t,bw) title('Even Signal')
title('Message Signal') grid on ; axis([0 n -2 +2])
grid on ; axis([0 n -2 +2]) subplot(4,1,4)
subplot(4,1,2) plot(t,st)
plot(t,bow) title('MSK Signal')
title('Odd Signal') grid on ;
Message Signal
0 2 4 6
Odd Signal8 10 12 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Even Signal
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
MSK Signal
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Here, the code generates a binary input, encodes it into polar form, constructs odd and even
signals, and then generates an MSK signal based on these signals. The final signals are plotted
for visualization.
7.4.3 Implement FSK,ASK and PSK modulation using MATLAB Simulink Software.
Figure 7.9: Output of FSK modulation using Simulink.
Through this experiment, we observed the FSK modulation and demodulation methods used in
digital communication.On the MATLAB program and FSK modulator and demodulator trainer
kit,we witnessed this experiment. In accordance with the block diagram, we connected the
circuit to the trainer kit, respectively. But unfortunately, the oscilloscope doesn’t display the
desired output signals for the selected FSK modulation.But we completed the experiment using
MATLAB including modulation, demodulation and got the desired output. We also observed
the ASK, PSK, FSK modulation in MATLAB simulink software.However, all the goals are
met, and the experiment is considered a success.