CHAPTER 2 Final 000

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Reviews and related literature and studies

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or

conclusions methodologies, and others. Those that were included in this chapter

helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present


Related literature

According to Ryan D. Montilla, research is a mission for trust with the

assistance of study, acknowledgment, association, and preliminaries in the

journey for information through the goal and proficient methodology to discover

answers for an issue. The examination decides and breaks down the degree of

appraisal seen by the understudies regarding the complexity and significance of

the research. The examination respondents were 252 understudies from

Marketing and Human Resource Management courses utilizing the descriptive

survey method as a research instrument on a simple random sampling.

Frequency and simple percentages, and mode were used to summarize,

separate, and unravel the information. The discovery uncovered that understudy

perceived the importance of research undertakings. However, the investigation

revealed that acquainting with different investigations in regions identified with

research is a complex thing during the proposal. Ampleness of information in

estimating apparatuses (insights) to evaluate and examine research information

is the complex part of conducting the research. Lastly, introducing thoughts

intelligently, legitimately, plainly, and carefully is the complex part of writing the

research paper. The articles concluded that constructive alignment between

teaching and learning in the proposal stage, conducting the research, and writing

the paper must be practiced ensuring the stronger realization of students’ journey

and output in doing research. ( Difficulties Encountered In the Conduct of Student

Researches | JPAIR Institutional Research ( )

According to Caraig, Renelle Villarama (2023), the year 2016 was a

crucial time for the education system in the Philippines since it was the first

facilitation year of the Senior High School in the country. The K to 12, also known

as "Kindergarten to grade 12", is an education system under the Department of

Education that aims to produce more competent Filipino citizens in the global

market. In line with the facilitation of K to 12 in the Philippines, the problem in the

teachers-subjects mismatch is very evident, especially in the research subjects of

the Senior High School, namely Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research),

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research), and Inquiries, Investigation, and

Immersion. These are new subjects to the eyes of high school faculty members

in the Philippines. Research subjects from pre-K to 12 are not considered a field

or a subject matter, especially in high school. However, the Senior High School

program brought a new perspective to the research subjects as it aims to

develop Filipino learners' critical and research skills. This paper tackles different

issues and challenges faced by Filipino research teacher. Moreover, this paper

proposed a faculty loading guide model for research subjects that can be used by

school administrators to guide them in distributing research subjects to the

faculty members. (International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, v15 n1

p178-191 2023).

According to Catherine N. Siguan (2020) is to find out and examine the

challenges faced by senior high school students of research in Salcedo

Vocational High School (SVHS) Salcedo, Eastern Samar throughout the second

semester of school year 2018-2019.The research method was processed

through the use of survey form as method of the research endeavor. The

samples included were about 120 students. The data gathered from the

respondents was tallied. The measurements of the degree on what were the

most difficult of all the problems that the research students encountered are

through the use of qualitative scale. Results showed that there are 20 items

considered by the senior high school student- researchers as challenges,

wherein 75% of the student-researchers found much challenged which relates to

the financial constraints in the compliance and or completion of research. This

research subject entails teamwork, members composed usually of 5 or more

(depending on the class size), requires division of labor and resources however,

availability and financial capability of the student-researchers found to be very

difficult. In this study, the researcher concludes that financial resources would be

a great factor towards the completion of quality research output. ( CHALLENGES


SALCEDO 1 DISTRICT | Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and

Culture ( )
According to Caraig, Renelle Villarama (2023), the year 2016 was a

crucial time for the education system in the Philippines since it was the first

facilitation year of the Senior High School in the country. The K to 12, also known

as "Kindergarten to grade 12", is an education system under the Department of

Education that aims to produce more competent Filipino citizens in the global

market. In line with the facilitation of K to 12 in the Philippines, the problem in the

teachers-subjects mismatch is very evident, especially in the research subjects of

the Senior High School, namely Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research),

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research), and Inquiries, Investigation, and

Immersion. These are new subjects to the eyes of high school faculty members

in the Philippines. Research subjects from pre-K to 12 are not considered a field

or a subject matter, especially in high school. However, the Senior High School

program brought a new perspective to the research subjects as it aims to

develop Filipino learners' critical and research skills. This paper tackles different

issues and challenges faced by Filipino research teacher. Moreover, this paper

proposed a faculty loading guide model for research subjects that can be used by

school administrators to guide them in distributing research subjects to the

faculty members. (International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, v15 n1

p178-191 2023)

According to Researcher. Life (2023), the pursuit of research excellence is

not for the faint of heart; you have to overcome several challenges faced by

researchers to map a path to excellence. From formulating research questions to

gathering data, writing research papers, and getting them published, researchers

grapple with complexities that demand their unwavering dedication and

perseverance. By shedding light on the challenges faced by researchers, we aim

to help academics navigating the path of knowledge and foster a deeper

understanding of the challenges in conducting research. A career in scientific

research can be highly rewarding and fulfilling for those who enjoy intellectual

pursuits, value continuous learning, and want to make a positive impact on

society. It offers exciting opportunities to unravel the mysteries of the world, push

the boundaries of knowledge, and contribute to the collective understanding of

humanity. However, one requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance to

overcome the many research challenges you will encounter along the way. While

each research journey is unique, the challenges faced by researchers share

common threads that bind them together. By acknowledging and understanding

these research challenges, academics can equip themselves with the knowledge

and strategies needed to conduct research effectively. Here are the top 10

challenges faced by the researchers on the path of excellence. Slow and time-

consuming processes, difficulty in getting grants and funds, juggling activities to

ensure better time management, active networking and collaboration, managing

and evaluating huge amounts of information, successfully publishing in impactful

journals, securing intellectual property, understanding and following the nuances

of academic and scientific ethics, staying abreast of technological developments

and balancing work and life.

(Top 10 challenges faced by researchers on the path to excellence - |

Researcher. Life0
According to Enago academy (2021), this article presented of coping with

the challenges faced by research students. Here are some of the typical

challenges along with pointers on how to cope with them. Inefficient time

management courses, teaching, research, literature surveys, preparing seminars

—there is a lot to do and it can all seem overwhelming. A daily “to-do list” is

helpful, and an even better option is an appointment planning guide. difficulty in

starting your research starting any new endeavor such as a research program

may sometimes require a nudge to get initiated. Find a simple avenue of attack

which will get you started with carrying out research, using analytical equipment,

ordering supplies, etc. Lack of communication with advisor; a university professor

is a busy person, sometimes too busy to spend time with you. In the first year, it

is important to have guidance in a research project. If you aren’t getting enough

guidance, arrange to meet your advisor privately and explain the situation.

(Enago Academy).

Related studies

According to Luvie C. Buguel (2019), the enhanced basic education

Curriculum (RA NO 10533) requires learners to conduct research work as one of

the requirements under Practical Research and Inquiry, Investigation, and

Immersion. To assist learners in producing a study, the researchers conducted

this action research to identify areas that learners find difficult which will serve as

a major baseline for enhanced instructional delivery. This research used a

descriptive quantitative method utilizing structured-interview questionnaires and

unstructured interviews through focus group discussions to gather data. The

quantitative data were treated using frequency and weighted mean while

qualitative data were analyzed through root cause analysis utilizing a why-why

diagram. The study involved 236 randomly sampled participants from a

population of 567. Data revealed the following student's practices in research:

students do tasks in an order of importance and devote less of their free time

finding possible topics; they exert more effort in their studies when they find the

material interesting, otherwise they either give up or study only the easy parts;

respondents access online references for information instead of libraries; and

learners read materials about topics that interest them but they find it difficult to

identify research problems due to unfamiliar terminologies. Learners have basic

grammar skills and common vocabulary. In terms of difficulties encountered in

research courses, data revealed that formulating research questions is first,

followed by performing statistical tools to treat the data, and planning data

collection, crafting research instruments and analysis procedures.

According to Anna C. Bocar (2009) study was conducted to investigate

the most difficult item student-researchers of Political Science 8 in La Salle

University encountered when they conducted their research study during the first

semester of the school year 2008-2009. The descriptive survey method was

utilized in this study. The researcher – made instruments consisted of open -

ended questions administered to the 14 students officially enrolled in subject,

Political Science 8. The study showed that the cooperation of respondents

outside the academic institution is very crucial problem for student researchers.

To some extent, students felt that personal problems like time and stress

management disturbed their concentration. 66% of the respondents found it

difficult to finish their research.

According to Velcado Rodulf, this study aimed to unravel the lived

experiences of 12 teacher education faculty-researchers in a public university in

Cagayan Valley, Northern Philippines with regards to writing, presenting and

publishing research articles. Research Methods: The method employed was the

phenomenological inquiry through an in-depth semi structured interview. Data

were transcribed, read repeatedly, and subjected to content analysis. Findings:

Findings revealed that personal (additional learning, self-enrichment, and

prestige) and professional (knowledge generation and dissemination, career

advancement, and building linkages) reasons inspired teacher education faculty-

researchers in writing, presenting and publishing their studies. However, some of

the challenges they encountered included lack of time due to heavy workload

and multiple designations, lack of mentoring, and shortage of financial assistance

for international presentation and publication. Despite external constraints and

difficulties faced, these faculty-researchers were positive about doing research

studies as it became an enterprise for them to find deeper meaning in what they

were doing and to grow professionally as researchers. Implications for Research

and Practice: Knowing and understanding the lived experiences of faculty-

researchers in writing, presenting, and publishing research articles would have

an impact on the higher education institution's research policies that can

empower faculty-researchers and advance research culture in teacher education

not only in the Philippines but in all higher education institutions in the world.

According to Safia Mujtaba Alsied,this study investigates the major

challenges in research writing faced by Libyan EFL learners at Sebha University

and also explores Libyan teachers’ attitudes towards their students' work. A total

of 42 students and 4 teachers formed the sample of this study. The present study

used a mixed method approach. The findings of the study revealed that Libyan

EFL learners have difficulty developing a research project and reporting the

findings. The former requires them to identify the area of interest, choose a topic

and formulate a researchable problem while the latter typically involves writing a

literature review, the methodology, results and discussion sections. Between the

two tasks, the students found academic writing the most challenging. It was also

found that Libyan teachers had negative attitudes towards their students’

research due to the following reasons: lack of motivation, insufficient background

knowledge about research, lack of library resources, inadequate number of

courses related to research, and the unavailability of Internet in the college.


According to. Fawaz Ali Ahmed Qasem, this research by its nature, is a

critical challenging task requires in depth knowledge of the subject matter,

planning, care, and hard work. From the students’ point of view, this paper

attempts to explore the challenges that are faced by undergraduates when they

are writing proposals and research projects at the early stages. The study target

group comprised undergraduates in the final year in the College of Science and
Arts, Al-Namas, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia. Around 60 subjects

participated in this study and they were from Department of English and

Department of Computer Science who conducted their research projects in

English as Second Language (ESL). The Research tools of the study include

questionnaire and informal interviews with students and teachers of the target

groups. Clearly, the results from study showed that around 70 % of the

participants who are writing research or conducting research projects in English

is one of the predominant challenges for them. Around 50% prefer to conduct

their research in L1. The study explored various and common

challenges/difficulties during writing the research proposals and projects such as:

difficulty in deciding the topic for research, lack of good knowledge of the

methodology, inability of finding modern, specialized and related references, lack

of interest in research, lack of understanding of the subject matter, lack of time,

and research guiding. The study also attempts to give some

suggestions/recommendations for developing the process of writing research

proposal sand research projects.

Synthesis of the state or the art

Research. Life (2023), Enago Academy (2021) have all supported the study.

study. They emphasize the difficulties encountered of research. The difficulties

encountered by grade 12 students in practical research in Sto. Domingo National

High School. Here are some of the typical challenges along with pointers on how
to cope with them. Inefficient time management, lack of communication,

difficulties in starting research, and lack of communication with advisor.

Safia Mujtaba Alsied, Fawaz Ali Qaser, have also supported the study. The study

of Safia Mujtaba Alsied, lack of motivation, insufficient background knowledge,

lack of library resources, inadequate number of courses related to research and

the time unavailability of internet in the college. Fawaz Ali Qaser, stated the

difficulty in deciding the topic from research, lack of good knowledge of the

theology, understanding of the subject matter, lack of time in research guiding.

Gap to be the bridge of the study

This study is aimed to determine the difficulties encountered by Grade 12

students, all of students are made for researcher to have an idea about the

difficulties the said grade in practical research. From the contents of related

literature and related studies all of them have an idea regarding the difficulties

encountered in research. But there were no general studies conducted on how

does the senior high school subject practical research 2 helps to improve in

writing a research significantly benefits of the research in the Grade 12 students.

This study is conducted to determine the difficulties encountered by Grade 12

students in practical research in Sto. Domingo National High School.

Theoretical framework



Linking learning Australian Journal of

Theories of Learning Disabilities

theories and learning
difficulty by Perkins
difficulties by By Kerry
Elizabeth Twomey Hempenstall
(Dec 2009)
(Dec 2009)

Figure 1.1 Theoretical Framework

This study is back up by three Theories. Linking learning theories and

learning difficulties by Elizabeth Twomey. Developing effective strategies to

support secondary students with learning difficulties is important because they

are the most prevalent students with special educational needs in contemporary

mainstream classes. A learner‐focused instructional approach that incorporates

meaning‐making, student control, and acceptance of errors, combined with

explicit instruction will facilitate the learning of students with learning difficulties.

This approach derives from an instructional setting model of learning difficulties,

as distinct from a deficit model or an inefficient learner model, and draws on

principles from constructivist learning theory and whole language theory. Guided

by this model and these principles, secondary teachers can design curricula and

classroom environments that support the needs of all students.

Theories of difficulty by Perkins David. Both educational researchers and

experienced teachers develop what might be called theories of difficulty. A strong

theory of difficulty identifies learners’ characteristic trouble spots for a particular

area of instruction and includes some causal analysis of why they occur toward

improved teaching and learning. The literature on learning and development

offers numerous ways of understanding conceptual difficulties, as well as

recognizing problems of ritualized knowledge, inert knowledge, knowledge too

foreign for learners to engage it readily, and tacit knowledge, the partly

unconscious nature of which poses learning challenges. In a number of studies,

a strong theory of difficulty has led to improved learning. In everyday teaching,

teachers’ response to recurrent difficulties may fall short.

Teaching has suffered both as a profession in search of community

respect, and as a force for improving the social capital of Australia because of its

failure to adopt the results of empirical research as the major determinant of its

practice. There are a number of reasons why this has occurred, among them a

science‐aversive culture endemic among education policymakers and teacher

education faculties. There are signs that change may be afoot. The National

Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy has pointed to, and urged us to follow, a

direction similar to that taken recently in Great Britain and the USA towards
evidence‐based practice, the National Institute for Quality Teaching and School

Leadership began a process for establishing national accreditation of pre‐service

teacher education. Two problems do require attention. The generally low quality

of much educational research in the past has made the process of evaluating the

evidence difficult, particularly for those teachers who have not the training to

discriminate sound from unsound research designs.



Conceptual Framework


Demographic profile of the a. Survey questionnaire Emphasize the

students significance of
b. Data collection. understanding and
a. Strand addressing the
c. Organizing of student difficulties
b. Age response’s encountered by
Grade 12 students
c. Grade level e. Statistical during the research
The impact of student
characteristics on research

The influence of research

difficulties on research

Figure 1.2 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework presented above provides a comprehensive

framework for studying the

difficulties encountered by Grade 12 students in research within the

specific context of Sto. Domingo National High School. By considering the input,

process, and output components, this framework aims to shed light on the factors

contributing to these difficulties and emphasizes the importance of addressing


The input component of the framework focuses on gathering information

about the demographic profile of the students, including their strand, age, and

grade level. These factors are essential for understanding the unique

characteristics of the student population and how they may influence the

research difficulties experienced by Grade 12 students. By considering these

variables, researchers can identify potential patterns or trends in the challenges

faced by students.

The framework also recognizes the impact of student characteristics on

research difficulties. This component highlights the significance of factors such

as prior research experience, self-efficacy, and other individual attributes.

Understanding how these student characteristics influence the difficulties

encountered during the research process is crucial for developing effective

strategies to support and empower Grade 12 students in their research

The process component of the framework outlines the research

methodology, including the administration of a survey questionnaire, data

collection, organizing student responses, and conducting statistical analysis.

These steps enable researchers to collect comprehensive data on the difficulties

faced by Grade 12 students in research. Organizing and analyzing the data

through statistical techniques will provide valuable insights into the prevalence,

intensity, and specific areas of challenges faced by the students.

The output component of the framework emphasizes the significance of

understanding and addressing the difficulties encountered by Grade 12 students

during the research process. By identifying and acknowledging these challenges,

educators, administrators, and policymakers can develop targeted interventions

and support systems to enhance students' research experiences and outcomes.

Addressing these difficulties will not only improve the research skills of Grade 12

students but also foster a positive learning environment that promotes critical

thinking, problem-solving, and lifelong learning.

In conclusion, this conceptual framework provides a structured approach

to studying the difficulties encountered by Grade 12 students in research within

Sto Domingo National High School. By considering the input, process, and output

components, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors

contributing to these difficulties and work towards addressing them effectively.

This framework serves as a guide for future research and intervention initiatives

aimed at supporting Grade 12 students and promoting a culture of research

excellence in the school.

Definition of terms

Lack of research skills- student weakness improperly evaluating information.

- In this study, lack of research is one of the primary difficulties faced by grade 12

students. They may not have sufficient knowledge and expertise in conducting

research, which may impact their ability to conduct comprehensive research.

Conceptual definition

Difficulties-a thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand.

- In this study, challenges or obstacles encountered by students while

engaging in practical research 1.

Limited resources-refers to those

Access to resources such as libraries, research equipment, and data may

be limited, which could impact research outcomes and quality.

Data collection. The process of gathering and recording empirical information

related to the research question or objectives.

Resource management. The ability to use available resources such as books,

journals, online databases, and equipment effectively in order to conduct

Communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively with other

students, teachers, or mentors in order to seek guidance feedback, and support

throughout the research process.


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