CHAPTER 2 Final 000
CHAPTER 2 Final 000
CHAPTER 2 Final 000
conclusions methodologies, and others. Those that were included in this chapter
helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present
Related literature
journey for information through the goal and proficient methodology to discover
answers for an issue. The examination decides and breaks down the degree of
separate, and unravel the information. The discovery uncovered that understudy
teaching and learning in the proposal stage, conducting the research, and writing
the paper must be practiced ensuring the stronger realization of students’ journey
crucial time for the education system in the Philippines since it was the first
facilitation year of the Senior High School in the country. The K to 12, also known
Education that aims to produce more competent Filipino citizens in the global
market. In line with the facilitation of K to 12 in the Philippines, the problem in the
Immersion. These are new subjects to the eyes of high school faculty members
in the Philippines. Research subjects from pre-K to 12 are not considered a field
or a subject matter, especially in high school. However, the Senior High School
develop Filipino learners' critical and research skills. This paper tackles different
issues and challenges faced by Filipino research teacher. Moreover, this paper
proposed a faculty loading guide model for research subjects that can be used by
p178-191 2023).
Vocational High School (SVHS) Salcedo, Eastern Samar throughout the second
through the use of survey form as method of the research endeavor. The
samples included were about 120 students. The data gathered from the
respondents was tallied. The measurements of the degree on what were the
most difficult of all the problems that the research students encountered are
through the use of qualitative scale. Results showed that there are 20 items
(depending on the class size), requires division of labor and resources however,
difficult. In this study, the researcher concludes that financial resources would be
Culture ( )
According to Caraig, Renelle Villarama (2023), the year 2016 was a
crucial time for the education system in the Philippines since it was the first
facilitation year of the Senior High School in the country. The K to 12, also known
Education that aims to produce more competent Filipino citizens in the global
market. In line with the facilitation of K to 12 in the Philippines, the problem in the
Immersion. These are new subjects to the eyes of high school faculty members
in the Philippines. Research subjects from pre-K to 12 are not considered a field
or a subject matter, especially in high school. However, the Senior High School
develop Filipino learners' critical and research skills. This paper tackles different
issues and challenges faced by Filipino research teacher. Moreover, this paper
proposed a faculty loading guide model for research subjects that can be used by
p178-191 2023)
not for the faint of heart; you have to overcome several challenges faced by
research can be highly rewarding and fulfilling for those who enjoy intellectual
society. It offers exciting opportunities to unravel the mysteries of the world, push
overcome the many research challenges you will encounter along the way. While
these research challenges, academics can equip themselves with the knowledge
and strategies needed to conduct research effectively. Here are the top 10
challenges faced by the researchers on the path of excellence. Slow and time-
the challenges faced by research students. Here are some of the typical
challenges along with pointers on how to cope with them. Inefficient time
—there is a lot to do and it can all seem overwhelming. A daily “to-do list” is
starting your research starting any new endeavor such as a research program
may sometimes require a nudge to get initiated. Find a simple avenue of attack
which will get you started with carrying out research, using analytical equipment,
is a busy person, sometimes too busy to spend time with you. In the first year, it
guidance, arrange to meet your advisor privately and explain the situation.
(Enago Academy).
Related studies
this action research to identify areas that learners find difficult which will serve as
quantitative data were treated using frequency and weighted mean while
qualitative data were analyzed through root cause analysis utilizing a why-why
students do tasks in an order of importance and devote less of their free time
finding possible topics; they exert more effort in their studies when they find the
material interesting, otherwise they either give up or study only the easy parts;
learners read materials about topics that interest them but they find it difficult to
followed by performing statistical tools to treat the data, and planning data
University encountered when they conducted their research study during the first
semester of the school year 2008-2009. The descriptive survey method was
To some extent, students felt that personal problems like time and stress
publishing research articles. Research Methods: The method employed was the
the challenges they encountered included lack of time due to heavy workload
studies as it became an enterprise for them to find deeper meaning in what they
not only in the Philippines but in all higher education institutions in the world.
and also explores Libyan teachers’ attitudes towards their students' work. A total
of 42 students and 4 teachers formed the sample of this study. The present study
used a mixed method approach. The findings of the study revealed that Libyan
EFL learners have difficulty developing a research project and reporting the
findings. The former requires them to identify the area of interest, choose a topic
and formulate a researchable problem while the latter typically involves writing a
literature review, the methodology, results and discussion sections. Between the
two tasks, the students found academic writing the most challenging. It was also
found that Libyan teachers had negative attitudes towards their students’
According to. Fawaz Ali Ahmed Qasem, this research by its nature, is a
planning, care, and hard work. From the students’ point of view, this paper
attempts to explore the challenges that are faced by undergraduates when they
are writing proposals and research projects at the early stages. The study target
group comprised undergraduates in the final year in the College of Science and
Arts, Al-Namas, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia. Around 60 subjects
participated in this study and they were from Department of English and
English as Second Language (ESL). The Research tools of the study include
questionnaire and informal interviews with students and teachers of the target
groups. Clearly, the results from study showed that around 70 % of the
is one of the predominant challenges for them. Around 50% prefer to conduct
challenges/difficulties during writing the research proposals and projects such as:
difficulty in deciding the topic for research, lack of good knowledge of the
Research. Life (2023), Enago Academy (2021) have all supported the study.
High School. Here are some of the typical challenges along with pointers on how
to cope with them. Inefficient time management, lack of communication,
Safia Mujtaba Alsied, Fawaz Ali Qaser, have also supported the study. The study
the time unavailability of internet in the college. Fawaz Ali Qaser, stated the
difficulty in deciding the topic from research, lack of good knowledge of the
students, all of students are made for researcher to have an idea about the
difficulties the said grade in practical research. From the contents of related
literature and related studies all of them have an idea regarding the difficulties
does the senior high school subject practical research 2 helps to improve in
are the most prevalent students with special educational needs in contemporary
explicit instruction will facilitate the learning of students with learning difficulties.
principles from constructivist learning theory and whole language theory. Guided
by this model and these principles, secondary teachers can design curricula and
area of instruction and includes some causal analysis of why they occur toward
foreign for learners to engage it readily, and tacit knowledge, the partly
respect, and as a force for improving the social capital of Australia because of its
failure to adopt the results of empirical research as the major determinant of its
practice. There are a number of reasons why this has occurred, among them a
education faculties. There are signs that change may be afoot. The National
Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy has pointed to, and urged us to follow, a
direction similar to that taken recently in Great Britain and the USA towards
evidence‐based practice, the National Institute for Quality Teaching and School
teacher education. Two problems do require attention. The generally low quality
of much educational research in the past has made the process of evaluating the
evidence difficult, particularly for those teachers who have not the training to
Conceptual Framework
specific context of Sto. Domingo National High School. By considering the input,
process, and output components, this framework aims to shed light on the factors
about the demographic profile of the students, including their strand, age, and
grade level. These factors are essential for understanding the unique
characteristics of the student population and how they may influence the
faced by students.
The process component of the framework outlines the research
through statistical techniques will provide valuable insights into the prevalence,
Addressing these difficulties will not only improve the research skills of Grade 12
students but also foster a positive learning environment that promotes critical
Sto Domingo National High School. By considering the input, process, and output
This framework serves as a guide for future research and intervention initiatives
- In this study, lack of research is one of the primary difficulties faced by grade 12
students. They may not have sufficient knowledge and expertise in conducting
Conceptual definition
Communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively with other
Artemio Gonzalez Jr. & Mariciel N Salvador (2020) Nutritional Status and Young
Tapia, Martinez M, & Iglesias (2021). Flipped classroom for teaching digestive