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Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2022 (pp.



Treating Verbal Bullying Among Students Between

Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Group Counseling
with Discussion
Darimis1*,2, Nur Hidayah1, Adi Atmoko1, M. Ramli1, Fifi K. Fitriyah3, Husni Hanafi1
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia,
Institute Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Batusangkar, Indonesia,
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia

A b s t r Ac t
Although verbal bullying has no impact on physical health, it hurts mental health. The effectiveness of counseling to address
these issues varies, and requires testing. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavior counseling with
reframing and group counseling with discussion techniques for students who are victims of verbal bullying. This research method
is an experimental study with 80 senior high school students as subjects, 40 students are in the experimental group (cognitive
behavior counseling with reframing), and 40 students are in the control group (group counseling with discussion). This study
showed that the experimental group was superior in helping students do forgiveness to the control group. The involvement of
cognitive-behavior elements in counseling has proven to help evoke forgiveness in students who are victims of verbal bullying.
This research is then used as a reference for handling victims of verbal bullying effectively with forgiveness in cognitive-behavior
counseling. This research contributes to counseling science in implementing appropriate counseling strategies.
Keywords: Bullying, Counseling, Cognitive-behavior, Vorgiveness, and Victim.

IntroductIon Preventions for bullying should also involve education,

explanation, and specific intervention to facilitate the victims.
Bullying have emerged as powerful issue for educational
Bullying victims experience many problems, such as stress,
world, this issue is a complex and acute matter that makes
depression, anxiety, loneliness, rejection, and self-confidence
many communities worried (Georgiou et al., 2013; Gerlinger
crisis (Catone et al., 2017). The researchers found limited
& Wo, 2014; Rigby, 2019). From 2011 to 2019, 37,381
numbers of interventions for senior high school learners
complaints were submitted to the Indonesian Child Protection
exclusively (Hidayah et al., 2022). The intervention to improve
Commission in the last nine years. Of this number, reports
forgiveness is the cognitive behavior counseling approach with
of cases of bullying or bullying in the world of education
the reframing technique. This approach offers restructured
and social media reached 2,473 reports (Dwi, 2020). The
cognition to lose the anger, resentment, feud, and revenge
phenomenon of bullying also occurs in all age groups, from
toward bullies (Watson et al., 2017).
children, teenagers, to adult (Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah, 2017, 2019;
Kurniasih et al., 2020; Purwoko & Fitriyah, 2017; Rahayu &
Verbal Bullying Victims
Fitriyah, 2020). This situation causes intervention for verbal
bullying victims, primarily adolescents, to increase (Ansary Various bullying, and verbal bullying frequently occur in
et al., 2015). These adolescents are bullied by other people that real life. This bullying is direct bullying without a medium
are bullied by other people (Jordan & Austin, 2012). Bullying
victims, behaviorally, psychologically, and academically have Corresponding Author: [email protected]
greater risks than the bullies (Catone et al., 2017; and Galand xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
& Hospel, 2013). Recently, there has been renewed interest How to cite this article: Darimis, Hidayah N, Atmoko A, Ramli
in bullying on worrying risks. Recent studies confirm that M, Fitriyah FK, Hanafi H (2022). Treating Verbal Bullying Among
bullying causes clinical depression (Ford et al., 2017), and Students Between Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Group
victims commit suicide (Lardier et al., 2016)we examined the Counseling with Discussion. Pegem Journal of Education and
influence of school bullying on SI, through a constellation of Instruction, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2022, 253-259
risks, which include depressive and anxiety symptoms, family Source of support: Nil
conflict, and alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD. These Conflict of interest: None.
findings frighten educators and education practitioners.
Educators struggle to think about the negative impacts of DOI: 10.47750/pegegog.12.04.26
verbal bullying on psychological wellbeing and the learners’ Received : 10.03.2022
health at schools. They also think about how to overcome this Accepted : 28.05 .2022 Published: 01.10.2022
matter so they can prevent bullying.
Treating Verbal Bullying Among Students Between Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Group Counseling with Discussion

or any assisted device. Verbal bullying may take the form of cognitive distortion. Bullying victims have cognitive distortion
rude speeches, ridicules, humiliations, threats, intimidations, and social perception bias about the environment. Thus,
insinuations, remarks, and many more (Catone et al., 2017; they do negative behaviors to handle the threats. Cognitive
Jordan & Austin, 2012). Studies show that verbal bullying is distortion of the victims can be managed with cognitive
adolescents’ most committed victimization (Jordan & Austin, behavior counseling to improve the forgiveness of the learners
2012). toward verbal bullies (Merrell et al., 2008).
Verbal bullying victims are correlated with internalization
problems, such as depression, anxiety, low self-concept, Cognitive Behavior Counseling for Forgiving
interpersonal difficulty, lack of social awareness, lack of Forgiveness is an individual’s decision to respond to others’
friends, harmful friendship, lack of proportional behavior, and behaviors that commit something unfair toward the current
interpersonal problems (Menesini & Salmivalli, 2017)bullying individual (Song et al., 2020). People that forgive verbal
is one of the most common expressions of violence in the peer bullies can develop positive attitudes (Enright & Fitzgibbons,
context. Research on bullying started more than forty years ago, 2004; Hidayah et al., 2021). Studies with cognitive behavior
when the phenomenon was defined as ‘aggressive, intentional counseling showed the counseling learners’ effectiveness
acts carried out by a group or an individual repeatedly and in adjusting risky and clinical psychology of learners.
over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him- or This counseling can lower depression, lose anger, and lose
herself’. Three criteria are relevant in order to define aggressive disappointment in learners (Baskin et al., 2015). Cognitive
behaviour as bullying: (1. Verbal bullying victims show internal behavior counseling has a uniqueness. In this research,
and external problems. They also experience social function researchers used identity in the form of reframing techniques.
deficits and academic difficulties (Watson et al., 2017). The With this technique, the victims’ cognitive distortions were
complex problems verbal bullying victims encounter require changed and rearranged. Thus, they could interpret their
experts to develop various approaches to manage the problems. behaviors positively or neutrally. This interpreting skill can
For example, the socio-cognitive approach can focus on occur since the reframing technique facilitates individuals to
conviction script and observational learning (Fitriyah et al., develop ways to manage their perceptions of a phenomenon,
2021; Ma et al., 2009; Ngussa et al., 2021). behavior, and interpretation of something (Weeks & D’Aniello,
This approach perceives verbal bullying victims to develop 2017). The uniqueness of the reframing technique in cognitive
consistent thinking patterns based on the severity level of behavior counseling is effective in explaining the correlation
bullying behaviors. The victims probably had the experience among cognitive, occurrence, and psychomotor aspects of the
of being bullying targets that made them angry and feel counselee (Hanafi et al., 2022; Hidayah et al., 2017, 2018). Thus,
adverse, so they used convection script to bully. After receiving they can reframe the events and participants during the event.
the social cognition approach and behavioral pattern, their This technique is also applicable widely and holistically. It is
behaviors became stable (Huesmann, L. R., & Reynolds, 2001). also resolutive (MacGill, 2018).
Many studies about intervention toward bullying victims Besides the education and counseling approach, verbal
changed the victims' cognitions via social-sign interpreting bullying eradication also involves an anti-bullying approach,
lessons. The lesson was done accurately with the proportional anti-body program, preventive program, and intervention for
behavioral script. This exercise is known as Aggression intimidation at schools (Ansary et al., 2015). The education
Replacement Training/ART, a training to substitute aggression. approach in counseling is more effective than other approaches
ART program uses anger management and moral education from various approaches. This approach has multiple effects
to develop proportional behaviors. ART effectively manages if done intensively and continuously (Menesini & Salmivalli,
aggressive behaviors and bullying (Brannstrom et al., 2016).A 2017).
therapeutic approach with socio-cognitive nature provides
forgiveness and excellent uses. The therapeutic approach Current Research
has a socio-cognitive dimension to managing aggression This study aims to compare the effectiveness of cognitive
and anger due to past victimization. This approach prepares behavior counseling with reframing and group counseling
learners with social and anger sign interpreting skills with discussion techniques for students who are victims of
(Enright & Fitzgibbons, 2004). Thus, they can change their verbal bullying. The applied interventions at senior high schools
maladaptive behaviors toward bullying victims. This reason explored the importance of forgiving problems with cognitive-
made researchers apply cognitive-behavioral counseling to behavioral counseling and reframing technique. The applied
improve the forgiveness of verbal bullying victims. In this indicators in this research are compassion quality, affection
case, they were senior high school learners. Generally, anger, toward verbal bullies, generosity toward verbal bullies, and
disappointment, and resentment toward bullies encourage the positive cognition toward verbal bullies. The researchers chose
victims to commit the same action. The victims do it because of forgiveness due to some reasons: (1) forgiveness could solve

Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, ISSN 2146-0655 254

Treating Verbal Bullying Among Students Between Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Group Counseling with Discussion

victimization problems as the cause of unforgiveness; (2) the (2) Perception Identification; (3) Identification of Alternative
forgiving process involves a conscious element; (3) forgiveness Perceptions; (4) Perception Modification; (5) Perception
is effective in solving psychological, cognitive, and behavioral Modification (section b); (6) Discussing Homework; and
problems of verbal bullying victims; and (4) forgiveness is (7) Commitment to the implementation of results. The same
relevant with senior high schools (Enright et al., 1989). procedure was also given to the control group through 7 group
counseling sessions with discussion techniques. The seven
Method stages of the control group intervention are (1) Initial stage;
According to the purpose of this research, the researchers (2) Transition; (3) Disclosure and Determination of Problems;
used the quantitative method of non-experimental design. (4) Exportation and Formulation of the first problem-solving
The research design is a comparative study to compare two solution; (5) Exportation and formulation of the second
variables using statistical analysis. The variables compared problem-solving solutions; (6) Exportation and formulation
are student forgiveness as the effect of group counseling with of third problem-solving solutions; and (7) Evaluation and
reframing techniques and group counseling with discussion follow-up. The participants, both the experimental group and
techniques. the control group, then filled out the second EFI/IPSS as a
form of posttest 14 days after the last intervention was given.
Data Analysis
The population of this research was Senior High School
in Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The This study uses three stages of analysis. The first stage of analysis
participants are 80 students selected using multi-stage focuses on descriptive statistical analysis, which presents and
random sampling. The participants’ selection used five stages: describes data through the mean, median, gain, and standard
(1) the randomized 15% of 14 districts. (2) The selection then deviation of each data. The analysis in the next stage is an
focused on randomized two schools from each district, and analysis of the parametric statistical prerequisite tests, namely:
the results are Senior High School 1 Sungai Tarab and Senior the normality test and homogeneity test. The main analysis
High School 1 Salimpaung. (3) The next stage of the selection in this study was to use Levene Statistical Test to measure the
process focused on randomizing the participants, which are 40 significance of the differences between the pretest and post-test
students divided into four learning groups from each school. as evidence of the effectiveness of the intervention.
(5) The final stage was randomized the participant in each
school to be two groups of intervention and two groups of FIndIngs
group counseling with discussion techniques. The researchers used SPSS version 23 to analyze the data. Before
analyzing the data, the researchers conducted normality and
Data Collection Tools homogeneity tests for the data. Normality Test with Shapiro-
The instrument used in this research is the high school Wilk, The researchers used the Shapiro-Wilk normality test
students’ forgiveness questionnaire (in Indonesia entitled for cognitive behavior counseling and verbal bullying data.
Inventory Permaafan Siswa SMA (IPSS). The questionnaire The pretest data shows a score of 0.981 with a probability score
adopts the Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI) developed of 0.295. On the other hand, the posttest score is 0.975 with a
(Enright et al., 1989). The EFI is constructed based on three probability of 0.105. The normality test of cognitive counseling
forms of forgiveness (Affection, Behavior, and Cognition) to with reframing technique and verbal bullying toward pretest-
measure the forgiveness level of the students. The 75 items posttest score is normal (see Table 1).
of EFI used a Likert scale with a 5 ratings scale of suitability. The researchers used Levene Test to test the data
The reports of EFI had adequate psychometric natures in the homogeneity. The applied criterion is that the residuals are
previous studies. EFI had internal alpha consistency of 0.98 homogeneous if the probability score is higher than the
(Bugay, 2014; Orathinkal et al., 2007)SD = 9.4. significance level (5%). The homogeneity test of the data
residuals in pretest and posttest is 1.364 with a probability
Data Collection Process of 0.260. The Levene Statistic posttest data is 2.479, with a
probability of 0.068. Thus, the homogeneity test for pretest and
The process of collecting student forgiveness data was carried
posttest data shows data homogeneity (see Table 2).
out before and after the intervention was given as pretest and
posttest. The participants filled out the IPSS 1 week before the Table 1: Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test of Pretest and Posttest Data
intervention was given. Furthermore, the intervention in the Pretest Posttest
experimental group was given for seven sessions according
Shapiro-Wilk 0.981 0.974
to the cognitive-behavioral group counseling procedure with
Probability 0.295 0.105
the reframing technique. The seven stages are (1) Initial Stage;

255 Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, ISSN 2146-0655

Treating Verbal Bullying Among Students Between Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Group Counseling with Discussion

After testing the normality and homogeneity, the occur in verbal bullying. The researchers assumed the duration
researchers generalized the findings to find the influences of the technique, the limited follow-up, and the counseling
of cognitive behavior counseling with reframing technique, session led to the observed result.
discussion technique, forgiveness, and severe and moderate
verbal bullying (pretest and posttest). The researchers dIscussIon
examined the interaction among reframing techniques, The results showed cognitive behavior counseling intervention
discussion techniques, forgiveness, and verbal bullying with with reframing technique could improve the Senior High
an F-univariate statistic test. The results are in Table 3. School Students’ forgiveness. However, it could not improve
The difference test shows the interaction between the learners’ understanding of verbal bullying in Indonesia
counseling techniques, both reframing and discussion, and and other states. Some studies about cognitive behavior
verbal bullying toward the pretest score of forgiveness. The counseling with reframing techniques and forgiveness were
result is an F-test statistic value of 2.008 with a probability done. However, no studies focused on Senior High School
score of 0.161. The scores indicate no significant interaction Students and forgiveness. Therefore, this finding could explain
differences between counseling techniques and verbal bullying two variables, forgiveness of the Senior High School Students
toward forgiveness score. The average score of learners’ and cognitive behavior counseling with reframing techniques
forgiveness with severe verbal bullying is higher than that of to overcome verbal bullying.
learners’ forgiveness with moderate verbal bullying. A study about aggressive behaviors of parents toward
The pretest score for the forgiveness of intervention group children with counseling and reframing techniques showed
with reframing technique and severe verbal bullying is higher the applied model could improve the parents’ skills to identify
than the pretest score of the control group with discussion and minimize their aggressive behaviors and lose the children’s
technique and moderate verbal bullying. On the other hand, anxiety Karpetis, (2016). Bensimon (2020) found fifteen music
the test of interaction difference for counseling techniques and therapists that provided counseling with reframing techniques
verbal bullying toward the posttest score of forgiveness shows for children. They found reframing techniques with music
an F-statistic test of 0.425 with a probability value of 0.516. It could create a joyful feeling so they could minimize children’s
indicates the probability score is higher than the alpha’s value, fears. It happened because of the combination of reframing
5%. Thus, the result shows an insignificant difference in the techniques and music. The combination allowed the counselee
counseling techniques, reframing and discussion, and verbal to experience the negative feelings in a joyful, controlled,
bullying toward the posttest score of forgiveness. and unstressed manner. The negative feeling is put in an
Based on the ANOVA test and some adjustments, imagination space to make it lighter and happy.
the average score of learners’ forgiveness is higher for the Previous research found that implementing behavioral
intervention group than for the control group. Thus, the result counseling and reframing techniques could lose negative
proved the positive effect of cognitive behavior counseling with thoughts toward training and social life (Hanafi et al., 2022;
reframing techniques toward forgiveness. However, it did not MacGill, 2018). The reframing technique could improve the
cognitive bias of the intervention group than the control
Table 2: The Levene Statistic Test for Pretest and Posttest Data
group. The result is different from the other research (Weeks
Pretest Posttest & D’Aniello, 2017). The author found that combined reframing
Levene Statistic 1.364 2.479 techniques with other techniques had low outcomes. The
Probability 0.260 0.068 author even found a negative and significant correlation in

Table 3: The Interaction Difference Test among Re-framing Technique, Discussion Technique, and Verbal Bullying toward Forgiveness
Interaction of Counseling Technique Average
A test and Verbal Bullying Forgiveness F-statistic Probability
Pretest Moderate Reframing 185.800 2.008 0.161
Severe Reframing 223.300
Moderate Discussion 158.150
Severe Discussion 213.150
Posttest Moderate Reframing 262.900 0.425 0.516
Severe Reframing 280.850
Moderate Discussion 234.450
Severe Discussion 268.000

Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, ISSN 2146-0655 256

Treating Verbal Bullying Among Students Between Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Group Counseling with Discussion

an aspect. It was probably caused by the condition and the c o n c lu s I o n

number of counseling members. The other causal possibility
The results revealed cognitive behavior counseling with
was due to individual and group counseling techniques. If in
reframing was effective in improving the learners’ forgiveness
individual counseling, the person is invited to think about a because the improvement was useful both physically,
hurting event, a painful situation, or an awful incident that psychologically, academically, and socially. The researchers
may cause anxiety. It is different if the counseling is done in recommended implementing the cognitive behavior
group counseling. Every group member is invited to speak counseling approach as a dynamic intervention to improve
and guided by the counselor. Every group thinks about an the learners’ forgiveness, especially for Senior High School
event or a situation together. Thus, the group members will be students.
more facilitated and accept reality positively without worries
and depression. suggestIon
Although the average score of learners’ forgiveness is
It is necessary to socialize the use of Cognitive Behavioral
higher for the intervention group than for the control group,
Counseling with Reframing to counselors in senior high school
the difference is not statistically significant. The F-test result
so that it can be implemented to students, especially victims
is 0.425 with a probability score of 0.516. It indicates no
of verbal bullying.
significant interaction between control and intervention
groups seen in the post-test results. However, the post-test score
l I M I tAt I o n
of intervention group learners is higher than the control group.
The counseling success is determined by the therapeutic Experimental research is difficult to generalize in everyday life.
strength of the alliance of counselee and counselors. A strong This is due to the very controlled conditions of experimental
collaboration, especially with the adolescent counselee, is research, so the situation is not like in everyday life (artificiality
essential to help them improve the counseling outcomes. The of experiments).
therapeutic alliance becomes the requirement or facilitator of
change and intensity. In cognitive behavior counseling, the reFerences
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259 Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, ISSN 2146-0655

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