Tactical SWADE - Modern Gun Options (v1.0)
Tactical SWADE - Modern Gun Options (v1.0)
Tactical SWADE - Modern Gun Options (v1.0)
surprise. A built-in laser has negligible weight; the 1 every shell matters. (1 lb, $30, Bulky, or Bulky 2
lb. version from Savage Worlds is designed to attach when full)
to an accessory rail. (neg. or 1 lb., $150) Extended Magazine: Increases a weapon’s Shots
Targeting Laser, Invisible*: An infrared or by 50% (round up). Cost equals 10% of the weapon’s
ultraviolent version of the above. You must be base cost. (1 lb., $varies, Bulky)
wearing night-vision goggles or similar gear to see Folding Stock: On a shotgun or rifle, the fixed
the dot (and get its benefit), but so must the targets! stock can be removed and replaced with a wire
(neg. or 1 lb., $500) folding stock. This gives +2 on Thievery rolls to
conceal the weapon (see p. 5) and reduces its weight
* You can get the benefit of a red-dot sight or a slightly. (-0.5 lb., $200, Fragile)
targeting laser, but not both.
Muzzle Brake: An attachment that adds weight to
the barrel while also loudly venting the gunpowder
Silencers gases to the side. Reduces Min Str by one die type; if
These are properly called “suppressors,” but this Min Str is already d4, instead reduce the Recoil
supplement sticks with common parlance. See penalty to -1. However, others have +2 to Notice rolls
Hearing Gunshots (p. 4) for their specific effect, as to see and/or hear the gun in use. A gun can have a
well as an important campaign decision about muzzle brake or a silencer attached, never both. (1 lb.,
whether silencers will be realistic or cinematic. $150, Bulky)
The lack of an improved shotgun silencer is Undercover Holster: Stays concealed beneath
intentional, as is the lack of any silencers for clothing and flattens out any “gun bulges,” giving you
revolvers. +2 on your Thievery roll to conceal the weapon (p. 5).
A silencer requires two actions to screw on or off However, drawing the weapon becomes a full action
the gun barrel, which must have been modified to instead of a free action. (If using Readying a Bulky
accept it; see Installing Accessories (p. 1) for how. Gun, p. 6, instead add 3 to the weapon’s effective
Bulky level.) Available for pistols and some small
Basic Silencer, Semi-Automatic Pistol or SMG: SMGs (GM’s call). (1 lb., $80)
(1 lb., $100, Bulky 2, Fragile)
Basic Silencer, Shotgun: (2 lb., $500, Bulky 2, Special Ammo
Many of these options are not available on the open
Basic Silencer, Rifle: (2 lb., $200, Bulky 2, Fragile) market! See Acquiring Special Ammo (p. 5) for
Improved Silencer, Semi-Automatic Pistol or suggested rules.
SMG: (1 lb., $500, Bulky 2, Fragile) Some ammo types can realistically be combined
Improved Silencer, Rifle: (2 lb., $1,000, Bulky 2, (like armor-piercing overpressure rounds, known as
Fragile) AP+P). Others cannot (e.g., you cannot make armor-
piercing hollow-points). Due to the potentially infinite
Other Gear number of combinations, this can’t be boiled down to
Accessory Rails: See Installing Accessories (p. 1). a simple rule; instead, the GM can check the Internet
(neg., $100) for the viability of any proposed combo. In all cases,
the cost multipliers are cumulative; e.g., that AP+P
Ammo-Crafting Kit: Funnels, tongs, molds, etc., ammo is ×6 to cost.
necessary for Crafting It (p. 6). Not part of the gun,
just a separate bag of stuff. (5 lbs., $150) For convenience, these are the base ammo costs
from Savage Worlds, converted to per-cartridge price:
Bipod or Tripod: Takes an action to deploy or fold.
Negates Recoil and Min Str penalties. While Bullets, Small (.22 to .32): $0.20 each
deployed, you cannot move on the same turn you fire
Bullets, Medium (9mm to .45): $0.40 each
the weapon. (2 lbs., $100, Bulky 2)
Bullets, Large (.50 and up): $1 each
Brass Catcher: A bag that collects spent shell
casings, for when it’s critical that none be left behind Shotgun Slugs: $0.80 each
as evidence, or in post-apocalyptic settings where Shotgun Shot Shells: $0.60 each
For Most Firearms Silver: If you’re playing in a supernatural game, this
does whatever the setting says. If not, it’s a heck of a
The following options are available for bullets as way to flaunt your wealth! Either way, -1 to Damage
well as shotgun slugs. against normal targets. (Cost ×50)
Armor-Piercing (AP): Better penetration, but Tracer: Some of the cartridges contain incendiary
leaves less of a wounding channel. Gives -1 to material on a brief delay, designed to flare up after
Damage, but also AP 2 (or +2 to existing AP). (Cost being fired. This turns a stream of bullets into a bright
×2) streak. Gives +1 to Shooting when firing at RoF 3+,
Discarded Sabot: A high-end military round, but adds your RoF to others’ Notice rolls to see where
designed to penetrate vehicular armor; examples you’re shooting from. (Cost ×3)
include APDS, depleted-uranium, and SLAP.
Damage gains AP 3 (or +3 to existing AP) and HW. For Shot Shells
Cannot apply to small bullets. (Cost ×100 on the Standard shot can also have the rubber, silent, or
black market – or cost ×25 if requisitioned by an silver options from For Most Firearms, above.
official military team)
More so than for any other firearm, vendors offer a
Hand-Matched: A cartridge crafted to perfectly fit
vast array of unique ammo options for shotguns...
one particular gun. The combination gives +1 to
most of which is gimmicky garbage. For game
Shooting when making aimed shots. (Cost ×5) purposes, treat things like “bolo rounds” and “triple
Hollow-Point (HP): Expands drastically upon threats” as overpriced slugs.
contact, which is good if it hits flesh directly, bad if
anything else gets in the way. Gives +1 to Damage Dragon’s Breath: Spews a gout of sparks and weak
but Armor is doubled. (Cost ×2) flame out of the barrel, doing 1d6 fire damage in a
Cone template. In a cinematic game, these rounds
Incendiary: Contains a small amount of white instead do 2d6 fire damage, turning a shotgun into a
phosphorus behind the head, designed to start fires. mini-flamethrower. (Cost ×5)
Use the rules for Fire from Savage Worlds. (Cost ×3)
Explosive†: Rare on the open market and tricky to
Liquid: Hollow-point ammo (see above), but with make. Damage becomes 2d8 in an SBT. (Cost ×50)
some sort of liquid in the head. In addition to the HP
effects, the target is subjected to a partial dose of the Gas/Smoke*: Fills an SBT with gas (effect varies)
liquid. For most poisons, the Vigor roll is at +1 for or smoke (-4 to vision). (Cost ×3 plus cost of any gas)
each bullet fewer than four which hit. In a Flechette: Fires tiny blades instead of tiny pellets.
supernatural game, adding holy water may let the Gives -1 to Damage, but the target is at -1 on all
bullet affect evil spirits. The specifics are, necessarily, Bleeding Out rolls. Rather gruesome; if you use these
up to the GM. (Cost ×4 plus cost of the liquid) rounds to kill a foe, take +1 to Intimidation with any
Overpressure (+P): Overloaded with gunpowder, of their allied Extras who witnessed it. (Cost ×2)
for increased power, kick, and muzzle blast. Gives +1 Rock Salt: Doesn’t wound, just really hurts! If
to Damage but also adds +2 to Notice rolls for Damage exceeds Toughness, a living target must
Hearing Gunshots (p. 4) and increases any Recoil make a Vigor roll, at -2 for each Wound they would
penalty by -1. (Cost ×3) have suffered had this been lethal, or be Stunned;
Rubber: Less-than-lethal rounds. Damage is at -2 even on a success, they are still Shaken. (Cost ×1)
for most guns, -3 for shotguns (for slugs, these are Stun*†: A mini-flashbang! Targets in an SBT must
known as “beanbag rounds”). Using these on Extras make a Vigor roll (at -2 on a raise) or be Stunned.
allows them to be defeated non-lethally. Against Wild (Cost ×50)
Cards, the first Wound inflicted with each rubber
ammo attack is actually Fatigue (bumps and bruises); * If fired from both barrels of a double-barrel
e.g., if you inflict 3 Wounds, they would take 1 shotgun, these rounds affect an MBT instead of an
Fatigue and 2 Wounds. (Cost ×2) SBT. (Other types of ammo instead gain +4 damage,
as per Shotguns in Savage Worlds.)
Silent: Subsonic ammunition for covert ops.
Gives -1 to Damage but see Hearing Gunshots (p. 4) † Loud! Gives +8 to Notice rolls for Hearing
for benefits. (Cost ×10) Gunshots (p. 4), negates the effects of a silencer, and
cannot be combined with the silent option.
Also apply any bonus listed for noisy gear or ammo;
New Rules a penalty for background noise (GM’s call); and +4 if
These guidelines cover fairly niche situations, but several shots were fired (+8 for full-auto).
they’re exactly the type of niche that pops up in
modern action games. Suppression Initial Notice Per
Most of the time, these rules won’t be necessary; the Level Realistic Cinematic Area
GM will make an on-the-fly judgement call (“Roll None +10 +10 -1
Thievery at -2 to hide that gun”) and the game moves
on. But when the GM isn’t sure what’s fair, maybe Low +8 +6 -2
because the situation is weird or unfamiliar, it’s nice Moderate +6 +2 -3
to have ready-made rules and modifiers to fall back
on. High +4 -2 -4
• Two or more Raises: They know the shooter’s Racial Size
position and can return fire if possible. Unless they For nonhuman races, Size may apply as well, since
can see the shooter (see below), this attack is at -8 for obviously it’s easier for an ogre to hide an SMG than
Near Total Cover (see Cover & Obstacles in Savage a pixie! If the weapon has been adapted for the race to
Worlds), even if the shooter is out in the open. Each use, then Size cancels out; an ogre hiding an ogre-
Raise past two lowers this effective Cover penalty by sized SMG is just as hard as a human hiding a human-
one step (to a minimum of the actual Cover penalty). sized one. If that isn’t the case, apply racial Size as a
Spotting the Shooter modifier.
If the shooter is also within line-of-sight, the listener At the GM’s option, this can apply to Size acquired
uses both hearing and sight to detect them; this is still via Brawny or Obese.
just one Notice roll (as above) but with an additional Method of Detection
bonus of +4, along with any visual modifiers (e.g., for
tracer rounds, p. 3). If the shooter made a successful • +0 to fool vision
Stealth roll, each success and raise reduces this visual • -2 to fool a casual pat-down
bonus by 1, to a minimum of +0. • -4 to fool a very thorough pat-down
• -8 to fool a strip-search
Concealing Firearms The GM should apply from +4 to -4 based on how
Anyone trying to detect a concealed gun on a focused, overworked, etc. the opposition is.
subject must win an opposed roll of Notice versus In general, high-tech scanners (e.g. X-ray or MAD)
Thievery. The person hiding the weapon has to make defeat concealment. The heroes may have to sabotage
the Thievery roll (how you walk and shift your weight the equipment, find a countermeasure, etc., at which
matters) but another person can Support their rolls (in point the rules here apply; note that guards used to
advance) by overseeing the initial concealment. relying on scanners are probably not very focused on
This Thievery roll takes the following modifiers: spotting visual clues.
Weapon Size
Acquiring Special Ammo
• +2 for a Derringer or similar tiny holdout pistol
The usual limiter on Special Ammo (p. 2) is cost. In
• +0 for a typical pistol games where money is no object and/or the GM
• -2 for a huge pistol (Desert Eagle, Ruger) or small wants to make the heroes jump through a few extra
SMG (Uzi or machine pistol) hoops, use the following guidelines.
• -4 for a typical SMG Some of the following rules refer to the “expense
• -8 for a huge SMG (Tommy Gun) or sawed-off modifier for the ammo,” which is based on the cost
shotgun multiplier for the ammo:
• -12 for a full-sized shotgun or typical rifle • +2 for Cost ×1 to ×3
• -16 for a huge rifle (Barrett .50) • +0 for Cost ×4 to ×9
For any of these, apply +2 for a folding stock or • -2 for Cost ×10 to ×24
undercover holster (p. 2). • -4 for Cost ×25 to ×50
Also apply the weapon’s Bulky penalty, if using that • -8 for Cost ×51 or more
optional rule (p. 6).
Buying It
In a real-world campaign, a quick Internet search
• -8 for naked (it can be done, but only for a pistol) will tell you which types of ammo may be legally
• -4 for swimwear or a clutch purse (pistols only) purchased in a given country. In a fictional setting,
• +0 for most clothing or a full-sized purse it’s up to the GM to decide what rounds are legally
• +2 for a thick jacket, unusually baggy clothing, or
small backpack When legal options just won’t do, of course, there’s
the black market or (if it exists in the setting) the Dark
• +4 for a trenchcoat or duffel bag
Black Market: Use the Networking rules from Apply this as a penalty to Thievery rolls to hide the
Savage Worlds, with the modifiers below. weapon (Concealing Weapons, p. 5), to Agility rolls
Dark Web: This takes a few hours and a successful to run and reload (see Reloading in Savage Worlds),
Research roll, with the modifiers below. Hacking can and to any other tasks made difficult by having an
Support this via accessing closed-off channels, but awkward, off-balance weapon (GM’s call).
then a critical failure on either roll (Hacking or Readying a Bulky Gun
Research) will draw attention, complicating things.
Success is as for Networking. Normally, a hero may ready a gun as a free action
unless it’s in a difficult location; see Readying
Modifiers: +2 for the Streetwise Edge. Expense Weapons in Savage Worlds. But realistically, it’s
modifier for the most costly ammo, plus -1 per harder to fast-draw a firearm festooned with awkward
additional ammo type being sought. From -2 to -4 if accessories. In games where the GM wishes to
the heroes need a lot of ammo (GM’s call). enforce this, use these changes:
Requisitioning It Bulky 1 or 2: Readying it consumes both of your
In a military game, most ammo will simply be free actions.
provided to the team, but the commanding officer Bulky 3 or 4: Readying it is now an action.
may feel it necessary to requisition special ammo. Bulky 5 or 6: Readying it now takes up your entire
Treat this as a Networking attempt, but the available turn. Alternatively, you can roll Agility to do so as an
skills are Battle (since “general military knowledge” action. Failure wastes the action but you can try again
includes red tape) or Persuasion – no Intimidation! (if you declared multiple actions); critical failure
Apply the expense modifier for the most costly sends the gun flying d4” away.
ammo, plus -1 per additional ammo type being
requested. Bulky 7+: As above, but the Agility roll is at -2.