at a house in Tucson, Arizona, Saturday evening at 7:00, January 16, 1965. The pianist plays I LOVE YOU TRULY and the WEDDING MARCH: and the minister, the groom and his attendants come forward; the BRIDAL CHORUS is now played as the bride's attendants come, followed by the bride--Ed.] Who will I ask for, for this woman to be bride to this man? [The bride's father answers, "I, her father."--Ed.] Dearly beloved, we have gathered here in the face of this company, in the Presence of God, to join together in holy matrimony, this man and this woman, which is honorable, as declared by Saint Paul among all men. It is therefore not by any to be entered into unadvisably or lightly, but reverently, discreetfully, advisably, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy state these two persons present come now to be joined. If there's anyone here that can show a just cause why they should not be lawful joined in this holy matrimony, let them now speak or forever hold their peace. E-2 I will require and will charge you both, as you will surely answer at the day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment why you should not be lawful joined together in this holy matrimony, do you now confess it, for be it assured unto you that any persons that are joined otherwise than God's Word does allow, their marriage is not lawful. But believing that you have duly considered this solemn obligation that you are about to assume, that you have prepared to enter upon the same, reverently, discreetfully, wisely, and in the fear of God, I shall propose to you the marriage covenant. You will declare the same as you join your right hands. [The groom and bride join their right hands together--Ed.] E-3 Will you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in this holy state of matrimony; do you promise to love, honor and cherish, in sickness and health, riches or poverty, and will forsake all others and cleave thee only unto her as long as you both live? [The groom answers, "I will."] Will you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to live together in this holy matrimony; do you promise to love, honor, cherish, in sickness and health, riches or poverty, and will forsake all others and cleave thee only unto him as long as you both live? [The bride answers, "I will."] I will require a token of you, that this covenant betwixt you, that's been made, will always be kept. [Two rings are placed on the minister's Bible, then offered to the groom for the bride, then to the bride for the groom.] Now, will you join your right hands together again, upon the Word of God. Let us bow our head. E-4 Almighty God, Who married the first man and woman in the garden of Eden, joining together Your own creation, we do realize today that this commission has been carried out down through the ages until this very wedding. And, Father, Thou art the only One Who can join hearts one to the other. And we pray, dear heavenly Father, as this has been done by Your wise counsel, that You have brought this young Christian boy and Christian girl together, to unite in this holy ceremony today, to be husband and wife to each other throughout life's journey, we pray that You will bless them, and bless their home. Make them an example, Lord, in the neighborhood to where they will make their home. In this day that we live, when the divorce courts are so crowded and overrun with divorces, may it never be so with this young man and this young woman. God, grant that they'll be happy, healthy.
Make them fruitful, Lord, and multiply to replenish the earth, as Thou did commission us to do at the beginning. And as Thou did bless Isaac and Rebekah, and they brought forth their faithful children, may it be so with this couple also, Father. Bless them, we pray. E-5 And now, by the power of my commission given to me by Almighty God, to be His servant, and ministered to me by an Angel, I pronounce this man and this woman, husband and wife, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you. You're married. [The couple kiss, then face the congregation. The pianist begins playing the Wedding March--Ed.] Whatsoever God joins together, let no man put asunder. [The groom, the bride, and the attendants leave.] Let us bow our heads. Dear God, as we have witnessed today, that two hearts can still beat as one, and we have just performed this ceremony, and sent a young man and a young woman from their homes to go make a home of their own, we are minded, O God, of another great procession there will be someday, when Jesus comes to receive His Bride. And as we witnessed the little lady standing spotless in her bridal gown, O God, may we keep our souls unspotted from the things of the world, that we might be loved by Him Who is our Lover, when we come to that hour. Grant it, Lord. And we pray that Your blessings will be with each of us, and may we live for that time when we'll take part in the great event that this symbolizes. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen. Lord bless you. E-6 Sister Simpson, I want to congratulate you for a fine son-in-law. It's like a wonderful man. And you too, Brother Simpson. The Lord bless you. Is the boy's mother here or father, one? Oh, fine. And I guess the children stand in congratulations...?... our brother-in-law said. Well, it looks like we should just continue and have church, doesn't it? All--all assembled and this would be a good time to preach (Wouldn't it?) after their marriage? Well, I--I just got to start off to Phoenix now and go up there to start some of it. Service is continued at the Westward Ho ballroom tomorrow afternoon. Ha-ha. Until then, the Lord bless you all. Brother Dauch, it's really good seeing you again. Nice seeing you down. Where's sister? Is she in? Well, that's fine. Oh, yes, looking right straight at you. How are you? A PARADOX PHOENIX AZ 65-0117 V-19 N-1 1 You may be seated. I've been waiting a long time to get back up here to Phoenix, and I'm certainly happy this afternoon to be here. Fond of Phoenix, there is something about it, always makes me feel that I'm setting among people who are my friends, that love me. And--and it's a great prayer warriors come from here to pray for me for years. I always remember the first meetings that I had here with the--Brother Outlaw, Brother Garcia, and the ministers here of the city. How the Lord did bless when I was just in the youth of my meetings. Since then, Phoenix has held great... Something is in my heart, that's hard to explain. As a little boy, I always wanted to come to Phoenix. I always read about the desert. I had a little poems that I made up about it, when I was just a little boy, about Arizona. I'm so glad to be a--a native now. I guess I'm just about a year old, and maybe a little more. But you don't find too many much older than that. Everybody I run into, I say, "Are you a native?" "Well, as much as there is. I've been here so long." And--and I suppose I'd have to go up to the Apache reservation, or somewhere, to find a real native. And someone said, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, how do you like Arizona?" I said, "Well, it's been one of my great lifetime anticipations to--to live in Arizona, and God has granted that to me. 7 We're here just in prior of the Business Men's convention, which has become a annual thing for us. And this afternoon, as we've gathered here for a pre-get-together before the convention which starts Thursday night, I believe. It's--it's been my privilege for the past--past few years to come and
have this little meeting around, before the real meeting starts at the--or the convention, rather, starts. And Brother Williams is such a very dear friend, he and Sister Williams. I certainly got a warm place in my heart for those people. They constantly invite me back, and so we're happy to fulfill that invitation this afternoon. Also on the platform, Brother Fuller, Brother Jewel Rose, and Brother Tony Stromei from Tucson, and Brother Borders our campaign manager. And a--a good old precious Brother Arganbright, we've been together in many hard battles on the other side of the river; I expect to dwell with him on the other side of the big river someday. 10 I can't think of the brother's name, I've tried. What is your name, brother? [A brother says, "Al Boer"--Ed.] Boer, Brother Boer. I--I know his face. And aren't you the one also interprets sometime for the... ["Interpret for the deaf."] for the deaf. That's... And we're so happy to have all of you here. I was just looking down here in front of me, and I see some of my friends all the way from Arkansas, here. When I was here the first time, I told you that everywhere I went, I found somebody from Arkansas. I'm sure, if I ever get to heaven, I'll find some there from Arkansas, 'cause they certainly have been a faithful, loyal people. 12 And now, usually I speak a long time, but I've tried my best to kinda make my Scriptures and note so I wouldn't speak too long. And I want to pray for the sick while I'm in Phoenix. Now, the Message that I--the Lord has lotted to me, it's sometimes, you know, these things get pretty touchy. And it's been that way in every age. And I've tried my best to stay with It. It's something. And if I did not speak that thing that God told me, and if it was--wasn't of God, then He-it wouldn't be in the Word. But if it's in the Word, and a promise for this hour, then I feel that I am doing what's right, because I'm only trying to keep what He promised for this hour. And many times when you cross up someone in their theology, they'll fall out with you right quick. But that shouldn't be. I try to... I find friends of mine that's of all different denominational churches, and so forth, I never fall out with them brethren. My, I go to their churches, everywhere they let me come, and speak. But we shouldn't fall out over little ideas. 15 But, you know, if I said anything different than what's in my heart, I'd be a hypocrite. And I--I... Far be it. I might have to meet Him someday, as a sinner, but I--I certainly don't want to meet Him as a hypocrite. But I want to be true. And if I just said, "Well, I'll just omit this because that the rest of them believes this, that," then what kind of a person? You couldn't have no confidence in me, and I couldn't have confidence in God or in myself, when I just so easily compromise. Anyone has got to have something that they're sure of. And that's when you can base your faith, is when you're sure. But until you're sure, if there's a question, leave it alone until you're sure. 17 Now, Billy has probably give out some prayer cards, which I think he... Yeah, I told him to. And I believe he told me awhile ago, that he had. Somewhere along there, I'll call a few to the prayer line after while to be prayed for. And if your card's not called--if--if it is called, rather, and you're not sure that God is the Healer and He's going heal you, it won't do no good to come up here, because you won't be healed. You... If there's one question... If you'd say, "Well, now, if there's something in my life, I really ought to straighten this up," you go make that right first, and then come back to the prayer line. See? Because healing is the children's bread. We realize that. It's in the atonement, and the atonement first is applied to our souls. And healing has always forerun every message, and it's also been a means to gather people together. And it's a... Many people will sponsor a healing meeting; many will come to a healing meeting, or to a song festival, but when it comes to a poor lost soul to get saved, there's not many people interested in that. They just... But that's the main thing. Divine healing and singing festivals, and so forth, is just a... As Brother Bosworth used to say, "It's the bait on the hook." And you show the fish the bait, not the hook.
20 And that's just the thing to get the people to listen a while, till you can really present to them your message. God has did that in every age; through every age, there's always been a healing campaign. And if it's a genuine healing campaign, behind that campaign always is a message. There never is a sign given just for a sign; it's forerunning a message. And I believe the same thing is, seventeen years ago, or eighteen years now, that the Lord sent me out to start praying for the sick. It made a great revival among the people. Many great servants of God has went forth in healing campaigns, and... But the healing campaigns, in itself, if you still stay in the same old trend of what you've always was, there's something wrong; that healing campaign wasn't sent from God. It's got to attract attention first (See?), get the attention, and then there's a message. Jesus, when He came forth, healing the sick, and so forth, He was a great Prophet to all of them. But when He begin to tell them the Truth of the Gospel, Who He was and what He come for, then He was--He was not popular after that. And that's the way it's always been through every age, and it will continue that way. 23 Now, we're here this afternoon, and then tomorrow afternoon in this same auditorium. All is at seven o'clock. Is that right, brother? [A brother says, "Seven-thirty."--Ed.] Seven-thirty, tomorrow afternoon, or evening, and then Tuesday evening. And I think Wednesday evening also. ["No, at the Ramada Inn, Wednesday."] At the Ramada Inn, Wednesday. And then Thursday, that's right, starts the--the convention. And if the Lord willing, I want to be here through all of it. I'm here, your brother, a helper in God's Kingdom, to help you to anything that I can. To answer your question, I might not be able to do it. But, prayerfully, we'd probably understand if we would pray over it and went to God about it, and not draw our own opinions. 25 If you're sick, I wished I could heal you, but no man can do that. It's already done. Healing lies in you. It's your faith in the finished works that God did on Calvary with Jesus Christ. And outside of that, there is no healing; outside of that there is no salvation. No church, no denomination, no ritual, nothing packs salvation. Jesus Christ, "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgression, transgressions (Excuse me.), by His stripes we were (all in past tense)--we were healed." Now, upon that... I don't have but just a few moments to speak this afternoon, to you, probably twenty, thirty minutes, and then we're going to run a prayer line. Each day, as usual, new people comes in, so there'll be new prayer cards given out. But we will do all that's in our power, all that God will permit us to do, to pray for every sick person that comes, that wants to be prayed for. If there is such a thing as a person flying in, dying, emergency or something, why, you might see Brother Williams, Billy Paul, or some of them to get them in a room, that they don't want to... They can't set; they're dying; they must be ministered to right now, why, put them in a room so I can get to them right away. 28 But it's much better, if you're not in that emergency state, that you--that you will just take your creeds and--and your beliefs, and just push them aside a few minutes, just long enough to listen to what the Scripture says, and then what God does about what He promised. And that'll build faith. And you won't even need to be in a prayer line, or no one pray for you. You're already healed, if you can just believe it. See? And that's the purpose of it, is to let you, is to bring in--conscious to you, that what Jesus has done for you. It isn't necessary to come up here and kneel down, and pray through until you--until you're saved. You're saved already, but you have to accept it. Your praying doesn't do it. Your faith is what you're saved by, not by prayer. But by faith are you saved: same thing by healing. I'm sure we all understand that.
30 And if there be strangers in our gates, we want you to know that, as for myself, or this group that I am here with, the Full Gospel Business Men, we represent no certain denomination organization. We only represent Christian believers in all denominations. Everybody's welcome. We're just glad to have you. You say, "Well, I belong to a certain church, could I be prayed for?" Now, you don't even have to belong to a church, don't have to do nothing but come up here and believe God. That's all you have to do. God does the rest of it. 31 Now, I'm--I'm wore out one Bible, since I started in the healing campaigns, or praying for the sick, rather. At Houston, Texas, was given me a Bible years ago, some eighteen years ago, by Brother Kidson and his group. And I wore that Bible, back and forth, around the world, until it just completely wore out, pages come out of it. I was just given a new Bible. And the strange thing... I am not superstitious; and I hope you people don't think me to be superstitious. When this Bible was given to me, they'd had a little--two little markers in it, little ribbons. It's a Bible like I had. 33 Brother Kidson gave me one was a Scofield Bible. Now, not because that I agree with Mr. Scofield in his notes... Now, probably some of you do, some of you don't, but I just let you know that I just don't take Scofield Bible because I believe that. Because he has got it so paragraphed off. That was one of my first Bibles, and I just learned to read it like that. And I just keep the same Bible. Which I--if I'd have had the Thompson Chain, it would been much better. I could've found my text much faster on a Thompson Chain Reference. But when I opened the Bible, the first little ribbon in the Bible was a very strange thing, where it was. Was when Solomon dedicated the temple of God, and the glory of God was so great, the Shekinah Glory in the building, till the priests couldn't even minister. And then the next string was laying where Ezra returned and dedicated the temple. And the--the third little marker, that my wife had gotten me and put in the Bible, not knowing, with my name on it, and so forth, was laying to Mark 11:22. She just stuck it in the Bible, and that's where it was at. That's, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved'..." And all of you know when that Scripture was in my mind, you tape people, that's when those squirrels come right in, into the... That--that's exactly. 37 And then the strange thing of it was, my favorite bird, robin, picture was on the marker, the little bird with the red breast. As the legend goes, that one time he was a brown bird; but there was a Man dying one day on a cross, and he felt so sorry for the Man till he flew in to try to pull the nails out himself, and he got Blood all over his little chest, and since then he's been a red breast. That's the way I--I want to meet my Saviour too, with His Blood on my--inside my chest on my heart. And then my first meeting, message I'm to preach in here, is at Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix is something that can raise up out of nothing. That's what God does. He takes nothing, raises up something out of it. And my message this afternoon is titled, for the next thirty or forty minutes, "Paradox." And I want to read from a Scripture that... 40 A few years ago, that I would take a Bible, let you hand me the Bible, when I first started my ministry; and just take your Bible, and many of you have seen me do it, just hold it open like that, and say, "Lord, where is the message to me?" It opened to Joshua the 1st chapter, any Bible that you would hand me. Until one night a vision came, which you're familiar, and I seen that Bible come down from heaven, and a hand with a collar on a cuff like this, went down the first nine verses of Joshua. That's where I'm reading from this afternoon for my reading--or my Scripture reading. My text is found in the 10th verse and the--the... I mean the 10th chapter and the 12th verse. But 'fore we open the Bible, let's bow our heads just a moment. Now, with our heads and our hearts bowed, let's think this. Let's not this just be an ordinary meeting; we have those all the time. But
let's pray God, each one of us, for this to be an extraordinary, insomuch that the Presence of God will be with us continually through the meeting. 44 Heavenly Father, we are thankful for this grand and noble privilege to be here in Phoenix this afternoon, assembled in this great auditorium here, among these people. And now, we are just about to approach the Word. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And may it be again, Lord, that the Word will become flesh, It'll pour through Thy church and Thy people, to fulfill the promises of the hour. As we realize that we're--we're closing the time, that the time is running out. It's blending in with eternity. And we're at the west coast. And as civilization has traveled east to the west, so has the Gospel traveled with it. And now, there's no place to go but back east again. It's completed. And we pray, heavenly Father, that this will be a great hour for all of us, that we might sense the Presence of the Holy Spirit, the Writer of this Word, back in the building of the tabernacle of flesh, manifesting Himself to us in the pardoning of our sins, the forgiving of our iniquity, and with the assurance that He will not impute sin to the believer, with the assurance of that. And also that He'd heal our infirmities, and take the--the people out of the wheelchairs, off of the crutches; and give them sight, them who are blind; and--and extension of days of those who are dying with horrible diseases like cancer and tubercular, advanced, and diseases that our physicians cannot curb. It's beyond that, but, God, You go beyond all scientific research. You go beyond all reasoning. Grant to Your servants, this afternoon, the speaking and hearing of Thy Word on the subject "A Paradox." For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. 47 Now, in the Bible, Joshua the 1st chapter, and Joshua the 10th chapter. The 1st chapter and 1st verse... Now, after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, and go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of thy foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to... the going down of the sun, shall be your coast. There shall not be any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them. Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which my... which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper wherever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that's written therein: for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest. [Brother Branham now reads Joshua 10:12-14--Ed.] Then spake Joshua unto the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Stand still upon... Sun, stand... still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies.
Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hastened not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel. 49 May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Words. Now, the subject this afternoon: "A Paradox." Now, the word "paradox," as I have just been looking it up and be sure that--that I was right; the word "paradox" means, according to Webster, that "it's something incredible, but it's true." Now, you know, we've heard the old saying, that--that, "Truth is more (What do they call that?)--more strange than fiction," truth is. Because when a person tells the truth, sometimes it's very strange. 51 I know a friend of mine that--up in Colorado. They had a survey on, going to have a survey on elk. And there were twenty-one head of elk in the herd. And my friend, when--had been back there hunting, and when the wardens come up. And they'd paid a great price, the conservation had, for one of these snowmobiles, to go back and have a elk survey. He said, "You shouldn't have spent all that money. I can tell you how many elks back there." And they just laughed at him. Said, "How many?" He said, "There's nineteen." Said, "There was twenty-one, and I killed two of them." And the warden laughed at him. You're only allowed to kill one, you know. And he said--he said, "Yeah, I know you did." "Well," he said, "that's what I done. There was twenty-one elk, and I killed two." And the warden just laughed and went on back. And that's what there was, nineteen elk. See? He turned around to me, said, "You see, parson, just tell the truth; the people won't believe it." See? Just tell the truth, so it certainly is more stranger than fiction. 57 Joshua here is a Book; actually it's a Book of redemption, of the Old Testament. Joshua, we would have to consider it to be that, the Book of redemption. Because it's... Redemption has two parts. Redemption anywhere has two parts. That is, it's "out of" and "into." It takes two parts to make redemption, "out of," "into." Moses represented the law which brought them out of Egypt, and whereas, Joshua represented grace that took them into the promised land. Another way was, the--the law and grace were two different aspects of God's command. Now, the law brought them out, Moses, and Joshua took them in. It also represents something for our day. Now, it represents, as they were in the journey, coming from--from Egypt into a promised land, so have we come out of a world of Egypt, chaos, on our road to a promised land. "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it wasn't so, I would've told you," John 14: coming "out of," going "into." 60 It's law that brings us to recognize we're wrong, but it's grace that forgives us. The law has no hope of--of redemption, because that... And to complete it... It has no grace in it, because law only points that you are a sinner, but grace tells you how to get out of it. Law is the policeman that put you in jail, but redemption is the One Who come paid your fine; and "out of," and "into," into grace. The Ephesus... Now, we find the same thing, the Old Testament... I think this Book of Joshua fits. A fitting word for it would be the Book of Ephesus of the Old Testament. The Book of Ephesians of the Old Testament, would be a good thing to title this Book of Joshua, because it's certainly fitting to this. 62 Now, we find Joshua representing grace, or some propitiation, that it could not exist in the same time that law was in existence. Neither does any message, that forwards the people on, ever coincide with a past message. It will not do it. That's where you have trouble today. Jesus said, "Does
any person take a--a new piece of garment and put it into an old, or put the new wine into old bottles? They perish. It bursts them open." They can't stand it. And Joshua could not at all become into his ministry until after Moses was gone. So you see the very first verse here, "Moses My servant is dead; now arise and take this people to the promised land." Moses, representing the law, had served its time. It's--the law had served its time. 65 They started out, really, with grace to begin with. Before they had law, they had grace. While they were in Egypt, without law; no one down there, was just the priests, and so forth, but they didn't have any law. The law had not yet been given. Grace provided them a prophet. And, also, grace provided an atonement, the sacrificial lamb. We're getting into that this week on the sacrifice, the blood, because there lays your healing. So on... The atonement had been provided before there was any law. Grace was before law, during law, and after law. So there was Joshua, representing grace, was right along with law, but could not be enforced as long as law was in its proper place. And so has the church world in this last day. It's come along, it's played its part, but there's coming a time where it must cease. It must do it. There's got to be an Ephesians also of this journey, just as there was of other journeys. There has to come an Ephesians, an Ephesus, an Ephesian of this journey. Watch. Wherein that law could never save a sinner, as I pointed out. It could not. Therefore the promised land represented a day of grace. See, he could not take them in, into that journey. 69 And if you noticed, in that journey, they had three stages of their journey. First was the preparation by faith down in Egypt, under the sacrificial lamb. Then they crossed the Red Sea, into the--the wilderness of separation, which represented another stage of the journey. 'Cause under the preparation, when they all got ready, then when they come to the--to the Red Sea, there was a failure again. The people did not believe, after seeing many things that God had did. They still did not believe. And God opened up the Red Sea and took them forth, which we're taught that all the people were baptized unto Moses under the Cloud and the sea. 71 Now, they were baptized, repented and were baptized, and come out to walk in a new life, in a new land, in a new journey, amongst new people, and the hand of God upon them. But it finally come to a place in this walk that they had, that they was not satisfied with their walk of grace. They had to come to something that they could do themselves. Now, that's where people think today of Divine healing, or some any other work of grace of God, that there's something that you have to do. You, there's nothing you have to do but believe, just believe God. And they, if they would've continued on... The promise wasn't given them under the law. The promise was given before the law, without any conditions to it, "I have given you this land; go on over into it." But before they got to that promise, they decided there was something they must do themselves. And, that, we still find that among human beings. We're prone to be that way, "There's something we've got to do." We feel that, that we've got to have something into it also. You do have something into it; that's your surrender of your own will, your own ideas to the will and idea of Almighty God, and it's finished. That's all there is. Just take His promise, don't think of nothing else. Walk by it, and God does the rest of it. 76 Then they wanted a law. And God always gives you the desire of your heart; He promised to. But we find out, when they turned one step from the side of what God originally promised them, then that was a thorn in the flesh until the law was taken away, until Jesus Christ came and was crucified to take away the law. It was a thorn in the flesh. And anything that you try to do within yourself, it'll always work to your dishonor. It'll work to your disadvantage. Just simply believe God, and that settles it. What God promised, "I'm the Lord Thy God
Who heals all thy diseases. (See?) If there's any among you sick, let them call the elders of the church." He promised the works that He did, would be done in His church. 78 Why do we have to accept organizations, and so forth, that'll write that off of the Book? See, it--it becomes a thorn in the flesh. And here at the end time, we meet the thing again, face to face; it's up to the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and whatmore. See? You--you can't go on; you've got to come back to the entire full Gospel. It was made for the full man by a complete God Who was made flesh and dwelled among us. And we know that those things are true. 79 Now, if we notice then, their journey in the wilderness is where they got their greatest mistake that Israel ever made until Calvary, was when (in the Exodus 19) they accepted law instead of grace. They had grace. They had a prophet. They had--they had a sacrificial lamb. They had redemption. They had been brought through the Red Sea. They'd been healed of their diseases. They had had water from a smitten rock. They'd--they'd manna out of heaven. Everything they had need of had been supplied and still they wanted something else. Now, that's a perfect type of our Ephesians today, exactly. We come out under Luther; we went through sanctification under Methodist; and came into the restoration under Pentecost, exactly like it was, the wilderness journey. When God brought us out, we did very well. But what did we do? Wanted to be like the rest of them. Now, we find out that grace is the only thing that takes us through, never law. 81 Joshua here is a type of the last day ministry. See? Now, remember those three stages of the journey. All of it ceased, first the law and everything had to cease, so that Joshua... And Joshua is the same word as Jesus, "Jehovah-Saviour," that took them from their wilderness into the promised land. Now, I know many hold... And I don't want to disagree with the scholars, but many hold that the promised land represents heaven. It could not represent heaven. It could not, because they had wars, and troubles, and flusterations, and everything in the promised land. It does not represent the promised land. 83 But you notice, just before they entered the promised land, all of the--the differences that--that had rose up among them. They... One of the great things was Korah. He didn't want this one man leadership. Dathan, and how they come up before Moses and tried to tell him that "the--the message had to mean this," and put a different interpretation to it, their own ideas of what it was. And they every one perished, every one. Jesus said, "There wasn't none of them but what perished." They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness for the space of forty years," Saint John 6. Jesus said, "And they are every one dead." "Dead" means "eternally separated." They're all dead, yet they enjoyed hearing the message, yet they enjoyed the manna that fell. Not another manna, the genuine manna. 86 But when it come to the time of when Balaam come out with his false doctrine, and said, "We're all one. Why don't we just go together and let our children marry one another? We're a great nation. We'll make you great with us." Now, anybody with common spiritual understanding can see exactly that same thing even today, marrying all of them together. And it was a unforgivable sin. It was never forgiven Israel. But then Joshua raised up for the exodus. 87 Now, we're taught in Revelation the 6th chapter, I believe, yeah, 6th chapter, of the Seven Seals. That's supposed... The Book to be sealed up with seven mysteries, or Seven Seals, Revelations 6. And in the last day, Revelations 10, in Revelations 10, we find out that the Laodicea, last messenger of
the last age, in the--during the time of his prophecy, that the Seven Seals would be opened, the seven mysteries, sevenfold mysteries that had been left off. In every age there'd been some of it left off. The reformer didn't have time to take care of it. In the days of Luther, he only preached justification by faith. He was gone, they made a church. After that come Wesley, he preached sanctification. There it was. And along come the Pentecostals. 89 But we're promised, according to Revelations 10, and according to Malachi 4, and Saint Luke 22:17, and so forth, that there is got to come a--an Ephesians to this. There is promised it, friends. There must come an Ephesians, that these sevenfold mysteries of the Word of God must be unfolded. And it's in the Laodicean age that this takes place. I believe that we're--we're there. I believe we're right in the shadows of the coming of the Son of God. And as Joshua, just before the Ephesians raised up, so did John the Baptist raise up just before the next Ephesians. And we're promised another, another Ephesians. It's predicted here in the Scripture; therefore, I think that we are living in the Ephesians again. Back again to... We are promised that what was left off during those seven ages... 91 Now, you cannot add nothing to the Book or take nothing from It. Revelation 22:18 says so, "Whoever will add one Word, or take one Word, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Now, we cannot add or take. So therefore, we know that Luther could not get to it; Wesley, and so forth, the reformers, Knox, Finney, Calvin, on down, so forth, they didn't get it all, but what they had was the Gospel truth. But now in the last days, we are given the understanding by the Word, that we are going to understand it, because it'll come an Ephesian age to it. And we're here. Now, paradox... I'll leave that hang, because I just got about ten more minutes and then we'll have the prayer line. Paradox... 94 There is some people of today, that do not believe in miracles. They say they just can't believe that there is such a thing as miracles in this modern age. Well, I don't mean to say anything bad about that person, but they are spiritually numb. They--they--they're--they're spiritually blind. They have no spiritual sight or spiritual feelings at all. 'Cause no man can set in a crowd of people, wherein the Holy Spirit is falling, no matter if he is absolutely a sinner, or she, but what they're bound to sense the Presence of God, when you see the Word He promised being fulfilled. Then you'd have to be numb; and when you see it with your own eyes happening, then you'll have to be blind, spiritually; I'm not speaking physically. But you can certainly be spiritually blind and have twentytwenties physical sight. 95 You remember Elijah down at--at Dothan, when he went out and smote that whole army blind? The Bible said he did. And led them right into ambush, when they didn't know who he was. And yet had his just exactly what he was supposed to look like, and so forth, and he went right out to them. But they were blind. And you can stand in the Presence of the living God; you can stand under the anointing of the Spirit and see It moving, and still It won't touch you. You can see what God said, preached to you perfectly and then manifested, and still won't go in, don't believe it, then, there's--you are beyond reach. You're already dead, numb, blinded, gone on. They were completely...?... 97 The world. I wonder, if that same person who doesn't believe in a miracle, I wonder and if they can only be the things that can, that's real, is those which are scientifically proven... I wonder if you could have any scientist, or anybody that doesn't believe in a miracle, to explain to me how this world stands in its orbit. How does it keep its perfect time around the equator and the way it goes, and just perfect? We haven't got a machinery, a watch, or any kind, that can keep time like that; it'll vary a few minutes every month. But that sun is exactly on time. Thousands of years rolls on, she never moves. Certainly, perfectly.
98 How the moon can, billions of miles off the earth, can still control the tide. Tell me how that in this galaxy that we live in, how could the moon have any effect upon the water on the earth? Scientifically, tell me how it's done. It could not be done, because there's no scientific way of telling it. But God set the moon to watch the sea. And when the moon begins to turn its back, when the earth turns away, here comes the tide in. But when he wakes up the next morning, looks back this a way, the tide runs back to its place again. It's a watchman. "Oh," you say, "that's just on the seashore." No. That's right up here in Arizona, plumb back over in the state of Kentucky, wherever you dig a hole down in the ground far enough to find salt water, you'll find out, when that tide goes out, that salt water goes down in the pipe. And when the tide comes in, it also raises, hundreds of miles from the seashore. We could preach a sermon on that. How that God, no matter, He is in glory but His orders there is just the same effect on the whole world and anybody that takes the promise. His order is given. He has laws of nature, and--and they--they will absolutely carry themself true from Pentecost or any other time. Any time that God made the promise, He'll still stay with that promise regardless of where the people's at, how many thousands of years off. His laws ever remain the same. 101 How the seed falls into the ground, and it rots, and to bring forth life again. Looks like, if it was ever going to bring forth life, it'd be when it's in its perfect shape. If life was ever in it, then why wouldn't it just come forth? Put it in the ground, the life spring forth. Why does all that's around that life, all that's around that germ that no man can find, how is it that everything material around that germ has to die, so it can spring forth in a new life? But everything around it must also die and rot before it can spring forth life. 102 So is it with an individual. As long as there's any human injections, human ideas, then God's germ of Life, the Holy Spirit, cannot work. You cannot be healed as long as there's just a--a fraction somewhere, that it's not rotten yet; it's got all the human elements, all the scientific ideas, all the days of miracles is passed, so-called. All that has to, all, not only die, but rot, then from there grows the germ of Life unto a new life. That's the only way it can grow. That's the reason we don't get what we ask for. We try to take with us so much of our own ideas. That's the reason the Lutheran church couldn't advance no farther than--than it did, the Pentecostals and the rest; 'cause they inject by a bunch of theologians, "This oughtn't to be this way. This is for another day. And this was for that." There it stays. It cannot grow to that perfect image of Christ until every Word of God is received into you, and then you become that Word, like the seed that went in the ground. 105 I'd like for them to explain Hebrews 11:3. The greatest scientist we've ever had, as far as I know, was Einstein. When here not long ago in New York, I was listening to what he had said. And he was talking about the galaxy, how far out it was, and he proved that there was an eternity. How the man going so many million miles an hour, would take him so many, or a million light years an hour, would take him so many years to get over there one three hundred thousand or something like that, and then three hundred thousand to come back. And then proved by it, somehow, that the man had only been gone from the earth fifty years. Eternity... 106 And that's just a little galaxy, when God blew them off His hand. The Bible said. And Einstein finally wound up with this, "There's only one way that any man can explain the origin of this world; that's found in Hebrews 11:3. 'We understand that the worlds were framed together by the Word of God.'" That's exactly right. Science cannot even touch it. And then you say you don't believe in a miracle? How could you do it? How could any scientist ever explain Noah's rain, when there'd never fallen a drop of rain upon the earth until that day? But Noah said there would be a rain. And when Noah's rain come, contrary to all science; there was no clouds up there, never had been no rain up there. They could prove that
there was no rain up there. And then when God opened up the heavens and poured out a--a gusher that washed the earth away, that was a paradox; how that it's certainly unreasonable, unexplainable. But we know that God did it, because the Bible said so. And we have evidence on the earth today that it was so. God did it. That was a paradox. 108 When God took an old man by the name of Abraham at the age of seventy-five years old, and his wife, sixty-five, many years apast the time of life, the menopause; and when He took that man and gave him a promise at seventy-five years old to this woman that he was married to, his--his half sister... And he'd lived with her since she was a girl; they'd married when she was probably a--a teenage girl, and here she was sixty-five years old. And said, "You're going to have a baby by this woman." And what if Abraham would said, "I--I--I don't believe in paradoxes. I--I just can't accept that"? It'd have never happened. But, you see, when you say you believe anything, then you've got to put it in action. Then Abraham was commanded to separate himself from all unbelief and walk with God alone. And instead of getting weaker, he got stronger. And when he was a hundred years old and Sarah was ninety, the baby come. 111 How could Abraham take his son, way back three day's journey, probably ninety miles from any civilization, up on top of a mountain where the Lord had showed him to go offer his own son, Isaac? Isaac packing the wood up, as we know, which is a type of Christ. And up on this mountain he was to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, and when he fulfilled everything that God told him but stabbing his own son to death, through his throat, when he pulled the knife out of the sheath and raised his hand to obey God, to the Word... For the Bible said, that, "He knew that God could not make a promise 'less He kept it. And he received him as one from the dead, then He was able to raise him up from the dead and give him to him again." 112 And when he was ready to obey God to its fullness, He caught his hand and said, "Stay your hand, Abraham." And there was a ram hooked in the wilderness, around the vines with his horns on top of that mountain, where there's lions, wolves, hyenas, jackals, and the great ferocious beasts that eat sheep. And then he was way up on top of the mountain where there's no water. How'd that ram get there? Abraham had picked up stones all around to build a--an altar. But there was the ram anyhow. It was a paradox. And any man that believes God and takes Him at His Word, no matter what the situation is, God will perform another paradox, to keep His Word. For Abraham called the place Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord has provided for Himself a sacrifice." He still can cause a paradox to happen. He can do that this afternoon, if you'll just take Him at His Word. 114 Daniel, from a ren--den full of hungry lions, how could it be that that man... How could it be that that man on a group of hungry lions, stayed in the cave with them all night without any harm? The Angel of the Lord, unseen to anyone else, was standing there. It was a paradox. Something had to keep that lion from getting to him. When the Hebrew children went into the fiery furnace, that's against all scientific understanding in that great age. It was unscientifically for a man to be throwed into a furnace, that was--that the man taking them up there perished, and they fell into the furnace and lived in that furnace awhile, and the only thing it did was loose them from their shackles. That's a paradox. It was unexplainable, unreasonable, but yet it's the truth. 116 Here's Joshua, that we're speaking of. How that that man, just an ordinary man that just come through a--a--a group of creeds that the man had formed, and laws and ceremonies, with nothing in them that says anything about giving men power to stop the sun. But here with a commission from God, "I'll give you every piece of ground the soles of your foot sets upon. I'll be there." And the enemy was routed.
The sun was going down. If them kings had time to get theirself together again the next day, he'd surely lose men. But Joshua knew he needed sunlight. And he looked up to the sun and said, "Stand still over Gibeon. And, moon, stay there over Ajalon." And for the space of a whole day, that was all night long, the sun stood still and the moon stood there. That's a paradox. A man walking in the will of God could do such a thing, for he was in a... He was again in a--an Ephesus, in a--an Ephesians with--with the Gospel. Sure, it was a paradox. Moses with a stick in his hand to go down and deliver the children of Israel was a paradox, when Egypt had all the armies and their well-trained men. It was a paradox. 119 The virgin birth was a paradox. How could a virgin, against all scientific understanding, a woman that knowed no man, could bring forth a Child; and not only a Child, but Emmanuel, Who proved to be exactly what it said it would be. How could that happen? It was a paradox. Because God spoke to His prophet hundreds of years before, and the prophet obeyed the Word of God, and the Word was spoken. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And we believe that. Certainly, it was a paradox. How that He could walk on water, that was a paradox. A human being, according to the size of your feet, couldn't do that. But He did. What was it? Unexplainable, but it was yet a paradox. God did it. We believe it. Feed five thousand people with two fish and five biscuits? But He did it: multiplied not only fish, but cooked fish; not only bread, but cooked bread. How could He turn water to wine? All a paradox. 122 He healed the sick, which was--with leprosy. Which they don't have anything to this day, science don't, to cure leprosy, but Jesus healed it with His Word. It was a paradox. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Word still heals the sick. It's a paradox, certainly. He raised the dead, after mortal life had gone from them: Lazarus, the woman's son at Nain, and Jairus' daughter. He raised the dead with His Word, because He is the Word. And then another great thing, in closing, to prove that He was Messiah, to prove what He was, He had to come in order and answer to the Word. And the Word said, when He spoke to the prophet. "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet like me." 126 There'd been many men raised up. And there'd been, for hundreds and hundreds of years, they'd had no prophet. Oh, they had had priests and great men, and as we read the history between the time of Malachi and Matthew, four hundred years, there had been great men. But there's no prophet. And then when He come on the scene, to prove that He was that Ephesians made manifest, John announced it. But Jesus was That, He was the Word manifested, Himself. When Peter came to Him one day with Andrew, his name was Simon. And when Jesus standing there, never seen the man in His life (Listen close.), when He stood there and looked at the man, and said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." That's a paradox. Sure was. Certainly was a paradox. 129 And when Philip, standing there, heard this and knew that all identity that this was the Messiah, he was certainly. He believed it. He wasn't numb, neither was he blind. He run around the bank for a few miles, and got his friend called Nathanael. And when he come walking up... The faith of that man, that could bring another one to the meeting to see... When he walked up before Jesus, Jesus said, "Behold, there's an Israelite, in whom there is no guile." It astonished the man. He said, "When did You ever know me?" Now, watch; this is unreasonable. Yes, sir. It's unexplainable. He said, "How did You ever know me?" Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." A paradox.
133 He had need, go by Samaria. And when He went by Samaria, a city of Sychar, He was setting out there waiting for His disciples to go in to buy food. And, notice, a woman come out to the well, of ill fame. And He said to her, "Woman, go get Me a drink, or bring Me a drink." And she said, "It's not customary for You to ask that. We're... I'm a Jew--or a Samaritan; You're a Jew. We have no--no dealings with You." He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to..." Watch this paradox fixing to happen. Don't miss it. Said, "How--how can you do, say this? I, I'm a woman of Samaria, and You're a Jew. We have no dealing." He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, or Who was talking to you, you--you'd ask Me for a drink." And He went ahead till He found where her trouble was. And He said, "Go get your husband and come here." And she said, "I don't have any husband." He said, "That's the truth. You don't have a husband, because you've had five, and the one you're now living with is not your husband. Therefore, you've said the truth." She said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet." They hadn't seen one for hundreds of years. Said, "We know the--the Messiah is coming, and, when He comes, He'll tell us these things." He said, "I am He." 139 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Was a paradox vindicated, and it's then to be Gospel Truth; a Gospel that had promised this, and here it happened and vindicated what it was. Now, let me give you a great noble paradox here, just a minute. In John 14:12, Jesus said, promised that the believer that believed on Him, would do the same works. Is that right? God, Who makes a law or a promise, must keep that promise to be God. He does keep it. To think, the God... Why, It's a paradox itself; for God, Who makes a promise and cannot break that promise, to give that promise of the things that He did to His people to follow throughout the age until He returned again. "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature (every creature, all the world.); he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned; and these signs shall follow them that believe." He's got to keep that Word. And because He said it, it went from His mouth, it's got to be fulfilled. All Scripture's got to be fulfilled. So it's a paradox alone to hear Jesus the Son of God make such a statement as that, "The things that I do will you do also." Now, the Bible said in Hebrews 13:8, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's a paradox, 'cause it has to be done. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but not one Word that I've ever said will ever fail," He said. It has to be done. 142 Now, friends, I believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe He's just as able this afternoon to cause, in this building, a paradox, because that He promised it would happen. And how much more has He promised, how much more is it leaving in the Bible, to this very age that we're living, the Ephesians again of the church ages. We got seven church ages, and we're promised that at the Laodicea church age there would be another Ephesian. That's right. And we're here. I believe, with all my heart, that Jesus Christ Who made the promise... As I said in my last message, standing over there against that wall, when I was here a few weeks ago, every time you move your finger, that goes around and around the world, never will stop. Every move you make, you'll see it at the judgment. Television proves that it's here, the fourth dimension. 'Cause the television doesn't manufacture that picture; it only channels that wave into a tube, and you see a picture. Color, everything, every moving object that's happening in the world is going right around through here now, making a record. Someday your record's going to be closed, and you're going to answer to that record. That's right. God, let me so be planted, let me be so dead to myself and anything around me, and be conscious of the Word of God living among us today. Let's pray. 146 Lord Jesus, Thou art a Paradox, when God was made flesh. I pray, heavenly Father, that You will manifest Yourself this afternoon, proving to us here today. Not only proving to us... There's, I
suppose, ninety percent or more of the people set here believe that, every Word. But that we might see You again, and let know that this Word that You spoke, that's still traveling around and around the world, just like a record, let us move into that record today, Lord. Let us move in and not hear it just like it was coming secondly from a man's mouth; but let that mouth, and person and people, all setting here, become Your Word. We're ready to die, Lord, of our own ideas just to see You keep Your promise, "The things that I do shall you do also." I pray that You'll grant this in Jesus' Name. Amen. 147 Just before we call the prayer line. I was having a little bite of ice cream one day with an old doctor friend of mine. He said, "I want to ask you something, Billy." I said, "All right." Said, "Do you believe in..." That's where I got this thought: paradox. Said, "Do you believe in a paradox?" I said, "Sure." He said, "I--I know you do." He said--told me about a certain person that had been healed, that'd been prayed for; that he had sold epilepsy drugs to for years, sometimes they'd have seven or eight seizures a day: strong medicines. And he said, "They never did come back for no more. I see them all the time; never had it no more." Said, "I want to tell you something, just to let you know I--I believe what you're talking about." 150 He said, "During the time of the depression, my son here now was over the store." Said, "He was--he was waiting on kind of a young fellow, just could said he... They sent him down a line, for medicine." And said, "A man come up here, and he had his wife," said, "a little woman, she was... You could look at her and see she was just about to be delivered of any time, of a child." And said, "She just couldn't stand in that line no more," and said that he brought his wife into the door, and just leaning on his shoulder." And said, "My boy went up, said, 'Can I help you?' Said, 'Yes,' said, 'here is the prescription from the doctor.' But said, 'I want to make it clear to you.' Said, 'I... We haven't got the money yet.' Said, 'We'll get it from the county, but my wife just can't stand it no longer. The doctor said she to have medicine right away.' And said, 'If--if you'll just give her the medicine, I'll go right there and stand in line till I--I get the money from the county.'" "And the boy said, 'Sir, I'm sorry.' Said, 'It's against our--our rules here to give out the medicine without having the money.' You know how the times was in them days. And said, 'I--I feel sorry for her, but I can't do it.'" 153 Said, "I was setting back here reading the paper. And I looked up," and said, "something strangely warmed my heart." Said, "I walked up; I said, 'Wait a minute, son, wait a minute. ' The man started out the door, he said, 'Well, all right, son,' started out the door." And said, "I said, 'Just a minute,' said, 'what was that?' He said, 'Well...'" This man explained it to him. He said, "'Let me see the prescription.' Said, 'Just wait a minute, son; I'll get you the medicine.'" Said, "I went on back and mixed up the prescription the doctor had prescribed on his paper." And said, "I went up there, and they had that...?..." He said, "Hand it to him, not knowing whether I'd get it or not, but I just thought I would." Said, "I just felt that I should do it." And said, "Billy, when I put that--that medicine in that woman's hand," said, "it was the Lord Jesus." Said, "I seen a Man standing there." And he said, "I read later on that the Scripture said, 'Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me.'" He said, "Billy, what happened to my eyes? Did I actually see it?" I said, "Yes, sir. I believe it. I believe that you so fulfilled your duty as a druggist in the emergency needing for that. Jesus said, 'What you have done unto these others, you have done unto Me.' I believe it."
157 And I believe that same thing today right here present with this people, that Jesus Christ can manifest Himself, make Himself the Word made flesh among us this afternoon. Will you believe it? The Lord bless you. Now, we're going to call for prayer cards, for the people to come. And now, we can't get too many, because I think now, if I'm looking at the watch right, I got twenty-five minutes till we have to close just at four o'clock on account, but we'll continue on. Now, let's start from prayer card, I believe was A. Was it? A, let's go from A-1. Who has prayer card A-1? Just call you one at a time, so if you're crippled we can pack you. All right. Prayer card A-1. Who has it, raise up your hand, somewhere in the building? All right, come. Way back in the back. Would you come, lady, if you can. 1, 2, who has prayer card 2? A-2, would you raise up your hand if you... Can you walk? All right, come right over here, get on this side. 3, if you'll raise your hand right away, I--I can get you; we won't have to wait very long. Prayer card number 3, would you raise up your hand. All right, a man down there. All right, come over here, sir. Prayer card number 4, would you raise your hand quickly now, just as quick as you possibly can. Prayer card number 4. All right. Number 5. Just as I call, you stand up, number 5. All right, number 6, number 7, number 8, number 9, 10. 10, now one, two, three, four, five. 10, all right. 11, 12, 13, 14. Was you coming, sir, 14? All right. 14, 15. Well, that--that'll be... That will be--be enough right now; that'd be enough for this afternoon, 'cause we haven't got too much time. 161 Now, look. I want you to give me your undivided attention. Now, Jesus made this promise, that, "A little while, and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me." You believe that? The "world," the world, is "the order of the world." See, they just... He knowed they'd go on off in fashions and things. "But they won't see Me no more; yet you'll see Me." For He promised, "I'll be with you, even to the end of the world." Is that right? And the Bible said (Hebrews 13:8) He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that? That's a promise. Now, you don't have to be up here to be healed. Only thing you have to do is believe that Word to be the Truth. Now, I'm going to ask you, if you will, just to be reverent and quiet for a few moments. 163 Did all of them come in, Billy? Got two out, three out? How say? Three more? Number 3, prayer card number 3. What... How, what is the Mexican word for that, 3? Anybody can say it? [Someone says, "tres."--Ed.] All right, surely they heard it. What, that, ever who's got that prayer card, come into the line, will you? Oh, yeah. Oh, I think it was somebody had it, and didn't know it, and moved back. All right. Now, now how about... Does everybody believe now with all your--with all your heart? Well, let's pray again then. 165 Lord Jesus, now we realize that we can read the Word, with our best of our knowledge, explain It. But, Lord, You're the only One can confirm It. You're the only One can say that It's right or wrong. And, Father, I pray today that You'll let the eyes of the people be opened. May we see a paradox this afternoon, just, Lord, enough to let the people see that You're present, that You are not--not out of existence, and that Your Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever. For You are that Word. For the sake of the sick, Lord, for the sake of those who are suffering; many probably are here from different parts of the country, parts of the nation, they must--they're suffering so, they couldn't enjoy the--the meetings, otherwise, if they wasn't healed. I pray that You'll heal them. Grant it, Lord. And now, we are only physical human beings, and can only preach the Word and say what You said to be the Truth; now Thou art the One to make it real. I pray that You'll grant it, in Jesus' Name. Amen. 166 Now, I'd just like for your undivided attention, just for a moment, and if everyone will just be seated now for a few minutes. Now, as far as I know, 'course, I don't know anyone that I can see in
the--in the building, that I would know out there. Now, you don't have to be here to be healed; anyone knows that. See? There's a little woman one time, she couldn't get a prayer card, we'd say, and she touched His garment. And He turned around, and looked, and said, "Who touched Me?" And they all denied it. And He looked around and seen this little woman. She couldn't hide herself, 'cause (See?) the Spirit of God that was in Him led Him... He was the Word. And It led right to her, and He told her what her trouble was. She had a blood issue, and she was healed. She believed it. And immediately in her body she felt that the blood issue had stanched (Is that right?), had stopped right there. 168 Now, He's just the same today. You don't have to be here. Now, the Bible said that in the New Testament now, that Jesus Christ is our High Priest. Do we believe that? The only High Priest we have, the only Intercessor we have between God and man, is the Man Christ Jesus. You believe that? And the Bible said He is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Is that right? How many know that true? Raise your hand so they... All right. I'm not among strangers on this Word. Now, how would He act if you touched Him? He'd act the same that He did when He was here, because He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? Now, you just believe. You just say, "Now, Lord, I've been in meetings; I've been; but I'm just going to believe today. I--I'm not even going to take no thought of myself. I'm just going to believe with all my heart, that You're here. And I have a need, and You--You just... You help me, Lord." See? Now, you do that. Don't get nervous; just--just calmly faithful. 171 A gift of faith is not something you take and do something with. A gift of faith is you just get yourself out of the way. The gift is getting your ownself out of the way. Now, here stands a woman. Father God knows, as far as I ever knowed, I never seen the woman in my life. She's a total stranger to me. But... And there--there isn't about two or three people I can see out there, I do. I think this is Mrs. Vayle setting here, Brother Lee's wife. I'm not sure. Then I know these three or four boys setting right along here. Far as I know, that's all that I see in the meeting at this time, that I know. I believe that's Brother Anthony Milano setting there, from New York, Brother Pat Tyler from Kentucky. Outside of that... I know Fred Sothmann's in there somewhere, I heard him holler "amen" awhile ago. That--that's about the limit, and heavenly Father knows that. 174 And this woman standing here, and I never seen her. I have no idea what she's here for. She's just a woman come up here on the platform, the same as you're setting out there. Now, if this woman's in need, well, then I--I... If I could help her, I--I'd sure do it. But now, I--I... That depends on what she needs. If it was money, I--I might rake up five or ten dollars. Outside of that, I don't know (See?) lest I'd give her a postdated check, till I get my pay next month. But now, what if she's got domestic trouble? Then I'd say, "Go get your husband, let's talk together; maybe I can help you." "I have no way of getting home." "Well, I'll ask somebody if they'd take you--take you home, going your way. You live down on what street down here?" Or whatever it is, I don't know. But if it's sickness, then I--I don't know. See? But I don't know the woman. But there's Someone here, this Word, that promised, "The things that I do shall you also." 177 Now, perhaps, what if this woman is sick; maybe she's got cancer; maybe she has TB, and--or something that medicine can't help at this--at this stage? Well, now, I couldn't, I by no means could heal the woman. But now, if He can reveal to me what she wants just like He did the woman at the well, or like He told Nathanael, or--or told Simon what his name was, said, "Your name is Simon. You're the son of Jonas. Henceforth you'll be called Peter, which means 'a little stone.'"
Well, now, if He would do something like that here in the presence of all of you, that goes to show that that Word is Truth. Now, how many will believe that? Is there anybody here knows the woman, raise your hand, any peoples in the building? Yeah, many of you know her. All right. Father knows that I don't. Well, now, let's just see what He would say. And that, would that be a paradox? I don't know what's wrong with her. Don't know what she's here for, or nothing about her. But God knows that. 180 And I'm going to speak to the woman. Now, this is the first person I've had before me for about three months. Now, I just want to talk to the lady, just a moment. And that is what? Contact her spirit, just like Jesus did the woman at the well, contact her spirit. Now, if the Lord Jesus, lady, can reveal to me what's wrong with you, or what you're here for, or something about it, that you know that I don't know nothing about, or something on that order, would you believe it was Him? It'd have to be Him, wouldn't it? It'd have to be Him. If He'll do it, then we'll all be thankful that we're know we're--that His Word is right, then we can put confidence in that. Now, if He can reveal what your trouble is to me, and me not knowing you, you know that... But now if He can reveal to me what your trouble is, or something about you, then that shows that there is a Spirit here somewhere that knows you, and you know that I don't. So it wouldn't be the man; it would be the Spirit. And that's what God promised at this time of Ephesus. You believe that to be the Truth? May He grant it. 183 I see one thing; she's suffering with something like a sinus troubles up here in her head. That is true. Is it? Raise up your hand if it's it. But sinus wouldn't cause you to sneeze and carry on like that, so you have hay fever also. That's right. You're not from Phoenix. You're from where there's--there's lots of hills, trees. You're from Flagstaff. That's right. You believe God can tell me who you are? You're Mrs. Earl. Yeah. Is right, is it? Now, go, believing, it'll all be over. Now, is He the same yesterday, today, and forever? Now, the heavenly Father knows I just seen the woman. See, the Word vindicated. Now, it isn't me; I'm just a man. Just like this microphone, it's a mute without me speaking through it, or somebody. And so is a man just a mute. But it's the Spirit, and that Spirit's right out there among you. See? He's the Healer, not me. 185 How do you do, sir? Another man that's a person who's a stranger to me. I don't know the man. Now, as far as I know. I've never seen him in my life. But now, the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ is the same self Spirit. The anointed One, Jesus, the Man, was the Son of God, but the Holy Spirit was on Him was God. "My Father dwells in Me." See? It's the Holy Spirit, so it's still God. Now, if I can just get myself, that man can get hisself out of the way, then that part's dead, then let the Spirit of Life go to work. See? That's why I wait just a minute to see what happens till the anointing gets started. 188 If the Lord God, Whose Presence we are in, will reveal to me, sir, what the--your trouble is, or something you've done, or--or something about you, just something. 'Course, the more we would talk, the more it would go. But, see, there's others standing in the line. But if He'll just tell me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant, and believe He's present? A rupture. That right? That's right...?... Now, you say, "How was that done?" I wished I knowed. There's nobody can explain that. That's a paradox. See? Here, that you might know, I seen something else: an examination; got heart trouble too. Raise your hand. Mr. Anderson, you can go home now; Jesus Christ will make you well. That's right. Just believe; have faith. Don't doubt.
191 How do you do, sir? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you. Far as I know, it's the first time I ever seen you, or me to know you. That's right. But He knows us, both of us. Now, you know why this is taking place? It's His grace permitting it, that it would bring these people conscious of God. Now, not knowing nothing about you, not even knowing you no--no way, just a strange man that come here... Now, it would be absolutely a paradox for something to happen to--to know what was wrong with you, or something you done, or something you ought not have done, or something you should've done, or who you are or something about you. It'd have to be a paradox, 'cause there's no way for anybody to know that, outside of some revelation of the unseen. That's right. Now, if He'll do that for you, between you and I, so that the audience... Not a show, but that they might see the--the Ephesus is here, that this is the thing that bridges between denomination and the glory land, He promised it, that they might be assured that what we're tell them is the truth... Now, to know you, you know I don't. That's, raise up your hand so the people see that you... I--I've never seen the man in my life. He's just a man standing here. Ask any of the others. But you're suffering with a rupture. That's right. You also have hemorrhoids. That's right. You've come a long ways to get here. You're not even an American. You're a Canadian. You brought with you a son that has mental affliction. That's true. You want me to tell you where you're from? You're from the province of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, the city. Believe with all your heart, and God will send you back home well with your son, if you believe. You believe it? God bless you. Do you believe? The Lord God still remains God. See? There's none other but Him. 195 How do you do? Here's a lady, a stranger to me, perhaps a little older. I've never seen her; but she is--she's just a woman standing here. I'm going to have to hurry, 'cause I just got seven or eight minutes now. See? Now, just look here. Do you believe that these things are true? With all your heart? You know it's impossible for me to know what's wrong with you or anything about you. But it isn't impossible for God to know, because He knowed even before there was a world. Isn't that right? How many believe that to be true? Sure. He knowed every time you would bat your eye. He's a infinite. And just think; by His grace He's presented with His Gospel the same thing He promised to do. Then there's a heaven, and we're going to it. And we're in this Ephesus right now. We're in this, coming out of one into another. You have so many things wrong with you, complications, so many things wrong. And you're not from here. You're from west of here. You're from California. That's right. You also have a son that's afflicted. That's right. You... There's something. I keep seeing water, a great big lake. Oh, it's, you have a--you have someone that's close to you that lives in Chicago, that knows me. That's right. That is true. Now, you know I don't know you, but do you believe God knows who you are? Mrs. McGuire. You've got your request. Go home thanking God. 198 How do you do? Mighty young person, but sickness and disease is no respect of person. How many knows that? We just know that it's no respect of person. If thou canst believe with all thine heart and all thy soul that asthma would leave you if you'd believe it with all your heart. The chest trouble, you believe it would leave you too, sister, and you'd be made well? What did you touch? She's twenty feet from me or more. She touched the Master. It's congestion of nerves. You'll be all right. This is a noble thing this young woman stands here for. She straightly is a stranger. I've never seen the woman. But she's been brought here by somebody else. And what brings her here, was because she heard a tape that I made. And she's here seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's exactly what she's here for. That is true, young lady. That's right. Come here. Dear God, may this child standing here, that's breaking forth from darkness into Light, may she receive the Holy Spirit, go to her home and her loved ones, show them what great things Jesus has did for her. Amen. God bless you. Don't doubt. Believe.
203 God can heal all kinds of nervousness and (Do you believe that?) asthmatic conditions, and make you well. You believe that? Then go, believe with all your heart. And God bless you, brother. How old are you? [The sister says, "Thirty-eight."--Ed.] You have to come out of that nervousness 'fore too long, don't you? Having all kind of weary spells and everything happening to you. But it's left you now. Just go on. Believe. God heals nervousness, stomach trouble too. Do you believe that? Then go eat what you wish to. Jesus Christ healed you. You believe out there, every one of you? There is a man setting with a--a shirt, looking to me, yeah, he looked down at his shirt just then. Yeah. You believe God can heal gland trouble, can make you well? You was believing then (Wasn't you?), that same time this little boy got cured of that asthmatic condition. Go home, honey, you're going to be well too. See? Believe with all your heart. Little lady setting next to your wife there, could you believe your eyes will get well too? You believe that God will heal that eye trouble? Raise up your hand if that's what you was praying for. See? What did they touch? Jesus Christ the Son of God. 209 Do you believe? You believe, young man? God can heal that blood condition, make it right (Will you believe that?) take that diabetes stuff away and make you well. You believe that? Go tell Him you believe it, and go. Come, sir. Got stomach trouble. Do you believe God can heal it, make it well? Go, believe it; you'll be well, be made whole. Come, bring this little boy. Look here, son. Come a long ways. Sometimes change in altitudes, change in climates, will do it, to heal asthmatic condition. But there's one sure healing: Jesus Christ the Son of God. He gave His Son that yours might be healed. Do you believe that? Believe it with all your heart, and it'll leave him. He'll be normal, well man. God bless you, sister. You believe? Is God still performing paradoxes? The unexplainable, unreasonable things that people wouldn't understand how it would make, but it's still true, isn't it? Now, how many is sensing, and knowing in your spirit, that there's got to be Something here that's beyond human understanding? 213 Now, I think we called at least fifteen people in that line, every one of them, and four or five, six, out there in the line without prayer cards, or whatever they was out in the line there--out in the audience there. But we're right now just one minute of time of closing. Did He do it just exactly the way He said He would do it? Now, how many believes He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, sensing His Presence? Now, you seen His Presence. Now, your eye has seen; your ears have understood; and God has confirmed before your eyes His Presence. And that what you feel all the time, that condemns you when you're wrong, and tells you not to do that, that same God has become visible to you here this afternoon in His works. How many says "amen" to that? Sure, it is. Now, He's here. 215 Is there one here in the midst of us, that's never been a Christian, never had any confession, you just never did go to church? Would you stand up, and say, "I want to stand, not to you, minister; but I want to stand while I'm in the Presence of this Person Jesus Christ, Who is the Holy Spirit over us now. I want to stand and say, 'I want You to save me from my sins.'"? That's all I want you to do, just stand up, and that'll witness. That's all we have time to do. Say, "I want to be a Christian." Stand to your feet, and then set right back down. Is there one in the building? How many is in the building? I oughtn't to say, "Is there one?" 'cause there might be more than one. How many in the building will stand right now and say, "I have been wrong, God. Forgive me. I'll raise up to give You testimony that I've been wrong. I'll set down while I'm here in Your Presence. I'll set down." Just stand up. Is there one, is there more than one? One hand. God bless you, young man. Is there another? God bless you. Is there another? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, brother. Is there? God
bless you, back there. Is there another, "I have been wrong. God, forgive me"? God bless you, sir. "I've been wrong. I--I'm sorry, Lord." God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. 218 Has there been anybody that's been suspicious of this ministry, and you're convinced now that it's true? Raise up there, and say, "God, forgive me." Just raise up here, and say, "I--I was a little suspicious, Brother Branham; it's all gone now." Raise your hand. Not a one? Thank you. How many believes it couldn't be me; but it's the Christ the Son of God. Thank you. Then you shall see greater things than this done, as long as you'll believe. Just stay with Christ. I'll do my best to stay right with Him myself. Now, how many here is sick and needy, raise up your hands, "I'm--I'm sick, Brother Branham; I'm needy"? See, just look at the people. Now, will you do this and just believe my word this much? Let's put our hands on one another, while I just hold my hands out toward you. Let's pray. 221 Dear God, I bring to You this little audience this afternoon, where we have heard and read the Word of God. We know that it's every bit the Truth, because it's Your Word. We not only now believe it to be true; we know that it's true. We have seen You, Lord, do something that will make people know that there's still... Besides a paradox of--of the world, and space, and the natural laws of God, we can see here where that the law of death working in a human's body, where that science has failed to--to cure by their research. And, Lord, we're grateful for those people. We by no means belittle them. We're grateful for them. But, Lord, when it comes to a place that they can do no more, now we see Your great hand come in; knowing that there's no man could heal them, because he'd be a doctor, or have to take some remedy. But to see the Son of God come down, and that made the promise, that we all believe in it... 222 Every person held their hand up, that wasn't saved, and--and wanted to be saved. God, something warned their heart. Some of them said they'd been wrong, maybe backslid and wanted to come back. I pray that You'll take each one back. For they know, Lord, and knowed... Many of them may have known me, or of me, for these years, and know that there's no good thing in a man, and especially me. How could there be any good thing? But yet they seen that Word that God promised, made manifest. They're convinced that It's the Truth. They've accepted It. Many here I could not bring to the platform. And, Father, Thou bear me record, never have I said that it would be something that I could do, no more than yield myself to You, and let You take me out of the way and put Your Spirit in there to work. Now, Father, seeing that one person can do that, other can do it, I pray that each one that has their hands laying on each other, that's sick and afflicted, will be healed just at this time. Let the great Holy Spirit pass through the building just now and make everyone well. Save everyone, Lord. Give such an experience. Pour out the Holy Ghost, Lord, upon this audience. Oh, we're looking for You to do great things this coming week. Just let it be so, Lord, right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 225 Now, let us all stand to our feet. Do you believe with all your heart? Now, I wonder if our sister at the piano there, would give us a--a--a little chord of this, "I Will Praise Him. I Will Praise Him." You've heard that? Now, let's sing it together. Now, we'll hope to meet you tomorrow evening. Now, they'll dismiss officially, just in a moment, but I want to sing this song with you. All right, let's go. I will praise Him, (Let's raise our hands.) I will praise Him, Praise the Lamb for sinners slain; Give Him glory, all ye people, For His Blood has washed away each stain. Let us bow our heads now for the dismissing prayer. All right, Brother Jewel Rose is going to dismiss us. God bless you, Brother Rose, while we have our...
SEED OF DISCREPANCY PHOENIX AZ 65-0118 V-12 N-5 1 I have chosen tonight for a short text, or short reading, the Lord willing, to give us the context of it, out of St. Matthew 13:24 to 30. And then also I--I want to read from 36 to 40, just in a few moments. Now, St. Matthew the 13th chapter, and beginning with the 24th verse of the 13th chapter of St. Matthew. Listen close to the reading of the Word. My words will fail, but His will not. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying. The Kingdom of heaven is likened to a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while he slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blades was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? And he said unto them, An enemy has done this. And the servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go... gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them. Let them both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will send forth the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into the garner. 2 Did you notice, "Gather the tares first and bundle them"? Now, I... Reading this, there was something strange come to me while I was setting up on top of the Catalina Mountains the other night, in prayer. And then I thought, where could I gather a word that I could use for this that I wanted to speak on tonight? And I went down and found the word of "discrepancy," so I got the dictionary and looked what the word "discrepancy" means. And it means it's "sowing discord," or--or "being contrary," as Webster says, "sowing a discord, something different," or, "being contrary to what's already been." So I thought the text tonight, I'd call it: "The Seed Of Discrepancy." And trust that the Lord will bless His Word now as we approach It. 4 And we also know He interpreted in verse 36 and--and to 43, how that this seed matured. And while we're at it, let's just read that also: verse 36 now unto 43. And when Jesus had sent the multitude away, He went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. And He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; And the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that soweth them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a fire, a furnace of fire: and there shall be weeping, and--or be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has an ear... let him hear. 5 That's Jesus giving the interpretation of the parable, Himself; therefore, we know then what the interpretation means. And now as we approach this, of this sowing of the seed and--and the reaping, now He interprets it. And then I believe that Jesus was speaking this parable in His day, but was meaning it to be at the end of the world, or, the end of the age, which is this day. And I believe this
little text tonight is a very appropriate for the hour that we're living in, because Jesus distinctly said here that the gathering would be at the end of this world, that that's when the end would be: the gathering of the wheat, and also the gathering of the tares and burning them, and to take in the wheat into the Kingdom. And I believe it was this way. And another Scripture leads me to believe this way, I have written down here, is Matthew 24:24, where it said that, talking about the--the seat--the seed of discrepancy, Jesus said that the two would be so close together till it would--would deceive the very elected if it were possible: almost exactly the same. 7 Another place in the Scripture where it's written, that the rain falls on the just and the unjust. I remember my first experience of ever coming amongst the Pentecostal people. I was at Mishawaka, Indiana. And I was at a great convention, a hall about like this, where the north and the south had come together. Because of them days, of the segregation, they had to meet up there. They were two great orders of the Pentecostal brethren. I'd never heard of them or met them before. The first time I ever heard speaking in tongues... And at the end of the row, of the convention... Me being not a member among them, I was just a young Baptist minister; I set way back in the back. And I remember the first time I heard anyone speak in tongues; I didn't even know what--what it was all about. And then these two men, mainly, set up in the front, one would speak in tongues and the other would interpret what the man said. Well, I just started studying my Bible as hard as I could there then, and found out that that was Scriptural. That's exactly what the Scripture, the Holy Spirit would do. 9 Well, about a day after that. That night my heart was so stirred. I slept in a corn field. I didn't have enough money to get me a--a--a bed, so I just had enough money to get home on, and I got me some donuts, couple days old, or rolls, it was, and for my breakfast. As I was welcome to eat with them, but I didn't have no money to put in. In them days that was in the depression, 1933, so it was a--it was pretty hard going. And so I thought, "Well, I--I don't want to eat with them, but I want to know what they got. They've got something that I haven't." So that morning I was... They asked me, "All ministers come to the platform and just identify yourself, who you are, where you're from." Well, I--I just said, "William Branham, evangelist, Jeffersonville," set down. Well, at that time I was the youngest minister on the platform. And the next day they called me to the platform to speak. And then after I spoke, why, we had a great time, and then I begin to meet different people inviting me to their churches. Then after they... 12 After that, why, I thought, "If I could only get where these two main men was that spoke in tongues and interpreted..." That was burning me up in my heart; I wanted it so bad. Well, as I've told you at the beginning, a little gift that you pull over. You know, gifts and callings are without repentance; you have them all your life (See?); you're born with them, if they're gifts of God. So I always, since a little bitty baby, it always happened to me, and people who knowed me all my life, they know that's true. Well, if I thought... I didn't know what it was then, call it a vision; I just didn't know what it was. But I thought, "If I could ever talk to them." Well, and the Spirit that was in the building felt like it's really the Spirit of God. So I--I got to talk to one of them, and I asked him a few questions, and he was a real genuine Christian. There was no doubt about that, that man was a real believer. And the next man, when I talked to him, if I ever met a hypocrite, that was one of them. That man was actually... His wife was a blond-headed woman, and he had children by--two children by a black-headed woman. And I thought, "Well, now what? Here it is; I'm--I'm all mixed up. I'm a fundamentalist; it must be the Word, or it--it isn't right. And here's that Spirit, one rang out, according to all I knowed, genuine; and the other one was no good at all; and the Spirit falling on both of them. Now, how can that be?" I'd... It had me puzzled.
14 Two years later, I had been praying in a cave where I'd go to pray. Got dusty in the cave, and one afternoon I walked out, laid my Bible on a log, and the wind blowed It open to Hebrews the 6th chapter, which said, that in the last days, how it would be if we fell away from the truth and renewed ourselves again unto repentance, there was no more sacrifice for sin, and how that thorns and thistles, which was nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned; but the rain cometh upon the earth often to water it, to dress it; but the thorns and thistles would be rejected, but the wheat would be gathered. And I--I thought, "Well, it just the wind happened to blow that open." Well, I just laid the Bible down again. And I thought, "Well, now I'll just..." And here come the wind and blowed It open. That happened three times. And I thought, "Well, now, that's strange." And then as I raised up, and I thought, "Lord, why would You open that Bible for me to read that, I... When I get down to that word, 'thorns and thistles, which is nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned'?" I thought, "Why, would You open that to me there?" And as looking out across... 16 Now, these real visions come without pulling into any gear. That's just God. See? I looked and I seen an earth that was turning out in front of me, and I seen it was all disked up. There was a man dressed in white went around sowing wheat. And after he went around the curvature of the earth; around come a man, looked horrible; he was dressed in black, and he was throwing weed seeds all over it. They both come up together. And when they did, they both was thirsty, because a rain was needed. And each one looked like was praying with his little head bent over, "Lord, send the rain, send the rain." And the great clouds come up, and the rain fell upon both of them. When it did, the little wheat jumped up and begin to say, "Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." And the little weed jumped up right at the same side, and said, "Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." And then the vision was interpreted. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. The same Spirit can fall in a meeting, and everybody rejoice in it: hypocrites, Christians, and all together. Exactly right. But what is it? By their fruits they are known. See? That's the only way it can ever be known. Then you see that now, since wild oats, or wild wheat and grain sometimes impersonates a genuine, domestic grain, so close that it would deceive the very elected. I think we're living in a timely age, when these things should be preached on and talked about. 19 Notice in verse 41, the two also very close, so close in the last days till He didn't do... He could not depend on some certain church to separate them, say, the Methodist or the Baptist, or the Pentecostals, to separate them. He said, "He sends His angels to separate them." An angel is coming to bring the separation, the segregation between the right and the wrong. And no one can do that but the Angel of the Lord. He's the One that's going to tell which is right and which is wrong. God said He will send His angels at the last times. Not angels down through here, but angels at the last time, and would gather together. We know that this is the coming harvest time now. Now, and angel is actually interpreted a "messenger." And we see that there is seven angels of the seven churches, and now... No, through the church ages... Notice who He said that the sowers were, and also what the seed was. One, the sower was He, the Son of God, Who went forth sowing Seed. And an enemy came behind Him, which was the Devil, and sowed the seed of discrepancy, behind the sowing of the right Seed. Now, friends, that has happened through every age since we've had a world. Exactly. All the way from the beginning, it started the very same thing. 21 Now, He said, "The Seed of God, the Word of God..." Jesus said in a certain place, that the Word is a Seed. And every seed will bring forth of its kind. And now ,if the Christian, the children of God, the children of the Kingdom has become the Seed of God, then they must be the Word of God, the Word of God manifested in the age that they're living in, for the promised Seed of that age. God gave His Word at the beginning, and each age has had its Seed, its time, its promises. Now, when Noah came on the scene, and he was the Seed of God, the Word of God for that age.
When Moses came, he could not come with Noah's message; it wouldn't work, because he was the Seed of God at that time. Then when Christ come, He could not come with Noah or Moses' age; it was His time, for a virgin to conceive and to bring forth a Son, and He would be the Messiah. 25 Now, we've lived through Luther's age, Wesley's age (Methodist's age), all down through the ages, and the Pentecostal age, and each age has given a promise of the Word. And the people of that age that manifest that promised Word is the Seed of that age, according to what Jesus said right here, "They are the children of the Kingdom." That's right. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit operating through His children is those Seed of the Kingdom at that age. Notice, the tares was the one, the enemy, Satan, who sowed discord, or the--or the seed of discrepancy, he was the one guilty of doing this horrible thing. Satan sowed his seed from the beginning, when God placed His first harvest of human beings upon the earth. Adam, of course, as yet knew that there was a--a knowledge of truth, right and wrong, and he had never come to that as yet. 27 But we find out God gave His children His Word for their Defense. Their... We have no other Defense than the Word of God. That is our Defense. There's no bombs, no shelters, no hiding places, no Arizona's, or California's, or wherever it is; there's only one Defense we have, and that is the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, which is Christ Jesus; He is our only Defense. Being in Him we are safe. Not even sin is imputed to a genuine believer. Did you know that? He that's born of God, does not commit sin; he cannot sin. See? It's not even imputed. Why, David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin." When you're in Christ, you have no desire to sin. "The worshipper, once purged, has no more conscience to sin; you don't desire it. Now, to the world you might be a sinner; but to God you're not, because you're in Christ. How can you be in a sinner when you're in the sinless One, and God only sees Him Who you are in? 29 Now, this harvest time. At the beginning, when God sowed His Seed upon the earth and gave it in the hearts of His children, His family to keep that Word, that was their only Defense, keep that Word. Here come the enemy in and broke that Barrier, by sowing the seed of discrepancy, was contrary to the Word of God. If that was discrepancy in the beginning; it's still... Anything that'll add anything to the Word of God is still the seed of discrepancy. I don't care where it comes from, if it's from organization, if it's from military sources, if it's from political powers, anything that's contrary to the Word of God is the seed of discrepancy. When a man stands and says he's a Gospel preacher, and says that the days of miracles is past, that's the seed of discrepancy. When a man stands and says that he's a minister, a pastor of a church of somewhere, and he does not believe that Jesus Christ is the same in every detail (except the physical body), same yesterday, today, and forever, that's the seed of discrepancy. When he says that miracles and apostolic age passed; that's seed of discrepancy. When they say there's no such a thing as Divine healing, that's seed of discrepancy. And the world is full of it. It's crowds out and chokes out the wheat. 31 We notice that the first sower of the seed of discrepancy was branded the Devil, and we know it was in Genesis 1. There we find out, and over here in--in the Book of Matthew the 13th chapter, Jesus still brands any discrepancy to His Word as being the Devil. And this 1956, anything that sows discrepancy, contrary to the written Word of God, or puts any private interpretation to It, is the seed of discrepancy. God will not honor it. He can't. It won't mix. It certainly will not. It's like mustard seed; it won't mix with anything else; you can't hybreed it; it's got to be the genuine thing. Seed of discrepancy... 32 Now, we find, when God sowed His Seed in the garden of Eden, we find out that it brought forth an Abel. But when Satan sowed his seed of discrepancy, it brought forth a Cain. One brought forth a
righteous one; one brought forth an unrighteous one. Because that Eve listened to the word of discrepancy, contrary to the Word of God, and it started the ball of sin rolling right there, and has rolled ever since. And we'll never get it all out until the angels comes and segregates the thing, and God takes His children to the Kingdom, and the tares will be burned. Notice those two vines. If we just had more time on this subject, but just to hit the high spots, so we can go right into praying for the sick in the next few minutes. 34 Notice, their seeds grew together just exactly like God said over here also in the 13th chapter of our text tonight, of Matthew, "Let them grow together." Now, Cain went to the land of Nod, found himself a wife, and married; and Abel was slewn, and God raised up Seth to take his place. And the generations started moving on, between right and wrong. Now, we notice they gathered, each one of them, time after time, and God had to... It got so wicked till God had to destroy it. But they finally came forth until both of those seeds, the seed of discrepancy and the Seed of God put forth their genuine heads, and that wound up in Judas Iscariot and in Jesus Christ. For He was the Seed of God; He was the beginning of the creation of God, He was nothing less than God. And Judas Iscariot was borned the son of perdition, come from hell, returned to hell. Jesus Christ was the Son of God, the Word of God made manifest. Judas Iscariot in his discrepancy was the seed of the Devil, come to the world, and for deceit, just like he was at the beginning, Cain, his former father. 36 Judas only played church. He wasn't really sincere; he didn't actually have faith: he'd have never betrayed Jesus. But he--you see, he sowed that seed of discrepancy. He thought that he could make friends with the world, mammon, and also have friendship with Jesus, but it was too late for him to do anything about it. When the dead hour came, when he did this evil thing, he crossed the separating line between going forward and returning back. He had to go on in the way that he went as a deceiver. He sowed the seed of discrepancy; he tried to find favor with those great organizations of that day, with the Pharisees and Sadducees, and thought he'd make hisself a piece of money, and would be popular among the people. If that doesn't cause so many people to get in that discrepancy, trying to find favor with men. Let's find favor with God, not with men. But that's what Judas done when this discrepancies headed up in him. 37 And we know that Jesus was the Word; St. John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt here among us." Then the Word is a Seed; then the Seed become flesh and dwelt among us. If Judas was the seed of the enemy and the discrepancy, it also become flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Judas Iscariot. He never had no real, real faith. He had a--what he thought was a faith. There's such a thing as having faith, and a make-believe faith. And a genuine faith of God will believe in God, and God is the Word; it'll never add nothing to It. The Bible tells us if we add one word or take one word away, our part will be taken from the Book of Life: Revelations 22:18, the last closing chapter. 40 In the first beginning, the first Book of the Bible, God told them not to break one Word of That; every Word must be kept; they must live by that Word. Jesus, in the middle of the Book, come along and said that in His age, and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that--that comes out of the mouth of God." And in the closing age of Revelations, foretold to us, that "Whosoever shall take one Word out of the Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Therefore, there can be nothing shadowy, just a genuine, unadulterated Word of God. That's sons of God, daughters of God, whose not born by the will of man, or by shaking a hand, or some form of baptism; but borned in the Spirit of God by the Holy Ghost, and the Word manifesting Itself through them. That's genuine Seed of God.
42 The enemy joins church and becomes very orthodox in a creed or something. But that's not the... That's discrepancy, anything that interferes with that strain of genuine Truth of God's Word. And how do we know? We say, "Well, they... You've got a right to interpret It?" No, sir. No man has a right to interpret God's Word. He's His own Interpreter. He promises it; then He does it; that's the interpretation thereof. When He promised It, then He fulfills It; that's the interpretation of It. Anything contrary to God's Word is the--a discrepancy. Absolutely. Now, as I've said, Judas had no real faith. He had a make-believe faith. He had a--a faith that he thought that that was the Son of God, but he didn't know that was the Son of God. He wouldn't have done it. And a man who'll compromise on this Word of God being the Truth, he's got a make-believe faith. Genuine servant of God will hang on that Word. 45 A few nights ago, a certain minister, of Arizona, of a great, famous school here in this city, came to me and said, "I--I want to straighten you out on something" (I said... ) "when you get a chance." I said, "This is the best chance I know of. Come on over." And so he came over; he said, "Mr. Branham, you are trying," said, "I believe you're sincere and you're honest, but you're trying to introduce to the--a world an apostolic doctrine." And said, "The apostolic age ceased with the apostles." I said, "The first thing I'd like to ask you, my brother: do you believe that every Word of God is inspired?" He said, "Yes, sir, I certainly do." I said, "Then would you show me in the Word where the apostolic age ceased? Now, you show me where it is; I'll believe with you." And I said, "The writer of the apostolic, the one that had the keys to the Kingdom, on the day of Pentecost when the apostolic age was introduced, they said, 'Men and brethren, what can we do to be saved?' He said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Now, how can the Word contradict Itself?" The man said, "I have an awful cold tonight." I said, "I think so too." See? Now, you tell me. Is God still calling? If God's still calling, then the apostolic age is still in existence. Certainly. As many as the Lord our God shall call, ever call, ever will call, as many as He shall call, it will still be the apostolic age, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 50 Now, we find today that this discrepancy has been sowed through every age. If it was possible to get it in the next ten or fifteen minutes, I would do it, but you can't. Down through the ages... We are all, most all of us read the Bible. And now, like when Jesus come, and He found that discrepancy, contrary... He was the Word made manifest; He was God's interpretation of the Word, because He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me." There you are. He the--He was the interpretation of the Word. And every borned again son and daughter of God of this age is the interpretation of the Word. You are written epistles, read of all men. Yes. Notice, He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching discrepancy for doctrine. In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrine the discrepancy, doctrine of man, creeds of man, teaching that to be the Word of God, when it has nothing to do with the Word of God." 52 Look, each age produce such a crop; every age has did it, and ours is no excuse. We have the same thing, and a greater age of it than all the other ages put together, for this is the ending of world's history. This is the great discrepancy that's ever been upon the earth, is on the face of the earth today. Discrepancy in other ages pulled them away from the true and living God to idols. Today, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that it would be so close till it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. Talk about discrepancy, oh, it's so cunning. Satan is among the people, and just such a theologian, such a Doctor of Divinity, can teach that Word almost perfectly. Jesus said so. But just
watch him; there'll be somewhere. You said, "Well, now, that wasn't for this..." Oh, yes, it is too (See?) because God said it was. 53 Look what it did. Them same discrepancy brought the--God's wrath upon the days of Noah, when God sent His prophet out and preached as a flaming fire, called repentance to the people, and the discrepancy drowned it out. Then what did Satan do? Come right behind in Ham and started sowing it again. That's exactly right. Along come Moses the great prophet to bring the children of Israel up out of the wilderness. What happened? Moses the great prophet of God, bringing them the absolutely Truth, vindicated Truth... He had met God. God proved that he had met Him. How those people back there, those priests, and they had their religions, their rituals, and rights and everything, but Moses stood as a vindication of the interpretation of the Word. Don't forget that. Moses was God's interpretation of His promise. He said He would do it; He was God's interpretation. 55 What happened? The church just got started out of Egypt, on its feet a few days, and what happened? Satan come along with his discrepancy in the person, the second Cain, which was Balaam, and he sowed discrepancy amongst them. We know that's right, that Balaam, the teaching of Balaam, that "we're all the same, we serve the same God you do." Fundamentally, he was right, because he offered a sacrifice that God offered: seven rams, seven bullocks on seven altars, and prayed to the same God just as perfect as Moses did down in the wilderness, just exactly the same. But they were not the same, foreshadowing to us what would come to pass. There was again Cain manifested in the--the person of Balaam. And there was God manifested in the person of Moses, interpreting His Words through a human being, making Hisself known, His promise, through a human being. And the discrepancy raised up. So did it do it in the time of Judas; there he come with his discrepancy. 57 And, remember, this sin that those people believed, that "we're all the same we worship the same God; we should all belong to the same church; we should be the same people," that sin was never forgiven Israel. Jesus said Himself, "They all are dead." They perished, all but three of them, and that was the ones who held on and believed the promise. When the weakling said, "We cannot take the land, and it's too much for us," and so forth; Caleb and Joshua stilled the people and said, "We're more than able to take it, because God promised It to us. I don't care what the opposition is." And we still can preach Divine healing, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and still have the power of God to separate us from the things of the world. God said so. The apostolic age has never ceased, and it will not cease; it goes on. So we find the same old sower of discrepancy. And remember, that sin was never forgiven. Now, brother, if it was never forgiven then, what about now when the--the real seed of all the ages is coming together? 61 Notice this great thing that Balaam did; it went on and on, and finally ended in the coming of--of Judas Iscariot, and Jesus. What was it? Judas and Jesus was just exactly a figure of Cain and Abel. For as Judas was religious, so was Cain religious. Cain built an altar; he made a sacrifice; he worshipped God; he was just as sincere in it as the other one was. But, you see, he didn't have the revelation of what the Word was. He thought it was Adam and Eve had eat some apples or some fruit. And Cain... Abel by revelation knowed that was wrong; it was the blood that brought them out, and he offered a lamb. And God testified his offering was right. Then he got jealous and tried to kill his brother. And as he killed his brother upon the same altar that his sacrifice died on, the lamb died upon the altar, so did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus Christ upon the altar of God, and killed Him just as Cain killed Abel. Because Cain was the seed of discrepancy. And so was Balaam, the hireling prophet, a man who ought to knowed better. And God warned him through signs and wonders, and even a mule speaking in unknown tongues, and still he went right on just the same. He was borned to be a--a sower of the discrepancy.
63 And if Jesus predicted this age to end up in the greatest discrepancy that ever was, the Laodicea church age, lukewarm, that put Him out of the church, how can it be anything else but that discrepancy. Certainly, it is. It ends in that age. And it was Cain and Abel again on Calvary. Now, notice, as ever, as soon as Jesus went away, went into heaven, the Holy Spirit was sent back. That was the Seed, the Life-giver unto the Word, as we spoke last night. It's the One that quickens the Word. "Quicken" means "brings to Life." The genuine Holy Spirit only brings to Life the Word that It is. It won't bring a creed to Life; It can't, because It's nothing of the creed. It is the Life of the Word of God, for It is God. See? And It quicken that Body. 65 Now, notice, as they did. Then, as the Bible said, and--and John spoke to his children, and said, "Little children, you have heard of the antichrist which was to come into the world," said, "which already is in the world, and it working in the children of disobedience." Now, that was along about thirty years after the coming of the Holy Ghost. We find, when the Holy Ghost come, the real Seed, the real Life-Giver to the Seed, then here comes that discrepancy in again. And notice, on it went. It had... The real Word had been vindicated; them prophets of old had vindicated the Word of God to be the Truth as they went down. If anybody ever read the Nicaea Council, or the Pre-Nicaea Council, them fifteen days of bloody politics, when them bunch of Romans down there wanted to bring in and make a denomination out of that church, prophets came in, wrapped in sheepskin, eating herbs, and stood for that Word. But what did it do? It had to be like Cain; it had to be like Abel; one had to die. Certainly, it did. And the Word lost Its influence amongst the people, and they all voted out the true Word and took in dogmas of discrepancy of the early Catholic church. They added a pope; they added a bishop; they added this, that, the other. They taken away the real true meaning of Peter, and of--of--of Mary, and--and all the rest of it, and made idols, and made nothing but just a pagan ceremony out of so-called Christian religion. What was it? Seed of discrepancy. And organized, organized, for the first time on earth, a church... What was it? That seed of discrepancy which started sowing, something adding to, taking away. 67 Who ever heard, in the Bible, not eating meat on Friday? Who ever heard in the Bible of anything of sprinkling instead of baptizing, immersing? Who ever heard of those things, a "Hail, Mary" or something? Who ever heard of some of this rotten tommyrot of these Protestants too? Pot can't call kettle greasy. Right. Just, guilty of the least is guilty of the whole. Who ever heard of God ever dealing in an organization? Show me one time that one ever organized and ever stayed alive. They died immediately and never did rise again. It's time that something takes place; and it's time for God to move. You kill the influence amongst the people. Same thing's been done today. They kill the influence, say, "Oh, that bunch of holy-rollers, there's nothing to them, they..." Why, it's discrepancy. Meet the Word face to face and see what It is; see if God interprets His Own Word. God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham. Amen. 69 The Word had been thoroughly vindicated by them early Christians, how God delivered them from everything, and diseases; and they had prophets, and they spoke in tongues, interpreted, and gave messages that's proved to be exactly the truth every time. But in the face of all that vindicated Word, the people voted it out, and voted a denomination. That's the mother of all organizations. Both are fully matured now. They started seeding again. It died out, but it bloomed again in the days of Luther, as we know from the former message here on the morning of the breakfast. It bloomed out in the day of Luther. Now, what did they do? Immediately after that great man died, they made an organization. It bloomed out in--again in the days of John Wesley, when them Anglicans, with all their eternal securities and everything had bound it up into a place to what's almost universalism, and what
happened? God raised up a man named John Wesley, and slayed the whole thing. And as soon as he died, him and Asbury and them, what happened? They organized, and now you got all kinds of Methodists. Then along come one or the other, Alexander Campbell, John Smith, and whatmore. 72 Finally, out broke the Pentecost, coming out of all of it. What happened then? They did run well, what did hinder you? You went right back in the same mud you come out of, went back in the same slop, went back to discrepancy, and to make organizations you had to compromise on the Word. And every time God would send something new, you couldn't receive it. That's right. Discrepancy again... And, notice, as I said the other day, that first little husk that come forth from this root, comes up into the leaves and up into the tassel, then back into the stalk again, and comes out. That little husk of wheat almost looks like the grain itself, and we thought it was, but when you open it up, there's no grain there at all. It's only a supporter for the grain to grow by, and it dies also, and the life goes right out of it and goes into the grain. Notice, so they call the churches that sowed... 73 We find out today that our so-called churches, even to our Pentecostals; we went out; we couldn't be satisfied; we had to make groups of our own. Everything come up; we had to have this; we had to have this; we had to have another group. And this fellow raised up, said, "He's coming on a white cloud." Another one say, "Uh-huh, He's coming on a white horse." "All right, we'll make two groups." See, what is it? Sowing of discrepancy. When He comes, whatever it is, He'll interpret His own Word when He comes. Let's wait till that time. Catch the... Talking about that, you don't even get the Message of the day. Always pointing to what God's going to do, or what He has done, and ignoring what He's doing. That's the way we get discrepancies in it. 74 Now, we notice that today our churches, our--all of our churches has sowed to the winds, and are reaping the whirlwind. We don't have the prayer meetings; we don't have the services we used to have. What's the matter? We've let down the bars on everything. Look, even to our Pentecostal churches, setting full of bobbed-haired women. That used to not be permitted. Painted faces, wearing fingernail polishes, all kinds of stuff; get a man out here with like Rickies and so forth; married three or four times, and deacons; oh, what a discrepancy. It's filth. How do they do it? God wouldn't have it in His church; they have to go to an organization to get into it. Somebody afraid to say something about it, 'cause they'd be kicked out of the organization. God, give us men whose not connected with nothing but God and His Word, that'll tell the Truth about it. That's exactly what we need. What have we done? Sowed discrepancy. We've sowed to the winds, and now we're reaping the whirlwind. 75 Notice that they're now being gathered together for the burning. Did you notice, Jesus said, "First, gather them together, bundle them, and then put all the bundles in one pile, and I'll burn them." There's a little bundle called Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, they're all gathering together in the World Council of Churches. What is it? "Gather them first." Hallelujah. Did you notice, He gathers the tares first, gets them away from the wheat, separates them, "Gather them together and burn them." They're all to be burned with the judgments of God, for sowing discrepancy among the people, things that they... Having a form of godliness and denying the power thereof, denying the Word, just to hold up some religious rights of some dogma that somebody's injected in, trying to put in the Word of God. It won't work. It's a discrepancy. 76 I scream today, as it was, the--the great prophet of long ago, Amos, when he come down into that city, said, "I'm not a prophet, nor a son of a prophet. But if the lion roars, who can but fear." He said, "When God speaks, who can but prophecy." He predicted judgment upon that generation and said, "The very God that you claim to serve will destroy you."
You put this, it's on tape, and you remember. The very God that... These people now that's gathering all this great big harvest of--of World Council of Churches... And you're going to have to go into it. You can't stay out of it. You're either going to be individually get out of it, or you're going into it. There ain't going to be no middle ground. It'll be the mark of the beast. No man could buy or sell, except he that has the mark, or has got the discrepancy. Now, stay out of it. Get out of it. Flee it. Stay away from it. The God that they claim they're serving will destroy them. The great God of love Who won't... 78 Said, "Well, Jesus prayed that we should all be one." Then He also said, "How can you walk together, two walk together, 'less they be agreed?" He said One like He and the Father are One. And the Father was the Word, and He was the Word made manifest. He was One with the Father, because He was the manifestation of God's promised Word. And so is it today, or any other day. Yes, sir. That God is One, He wants us to be one. How can this be one, this one denying the virgin birth, and this don't, deny Divine healing, and this, that, all of them in a mess like that? Some of them even don't even believe in God, believe He was a Son of God: believe He was the son of Joseph, called the Son of God. Certainly. The twin brother to the Lutherans, Zwinglies, believe that, that He was absolutely just a good man. The Christian Science said He was a prophet, just an ordinary man, He wasn't Divine. Why, if He wasn't Divine, He's the greatest deceiver the world ever had. He was God or He was nothing. He was Divine. He was Deity Himself made flesh among us, in the Person of the Son of God. Certainly, that's what He was. 80 Now, we see the discrepancy has come in. We know that it's here; nobody can deny it. Oh, my. Just notice. He will destroy that group that claim they're serving God. You watch it. God planted His Seed. I'm closing, 'cause it's time to start the prayer line. God planted His Seed, and His Seed is Christ. I'm going to preach on that in a few night, where God decided to put His Name, the Lord willing, maybe at one of the breakfasts when I have a little more time. Look, He is the only Way of escape. He is the only true Potentate. He's the only true God; there's none other besides Him. "I am God and God alone," He said. Jesus Said, "This is the commandment: Hear ye, O Israel, I'm the Lord your God, just one God. I am He. Why do you look for another? Another will come... I come in My Father's Name, and you receive Me not. But another will come in his own name, and him you will receive." And they did it at Nicaea. "Are you a Christian?" "I'm Baptist" "Are you a Christian?" "I'm Pentecost." "Are you a Christian?" "I'm Methodist," another name. But when it comes to that Name of Jesus Christ, they walk just as far from It as they can; they don't want nothing to do with It; for He is the Word and the Word declares Itself. 82 Notice, the only Way of escape. He is the Rose of Sharon, the Bible said He was. Every title in the Bible of God belongs to Jesus Christ. He was Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End; He that Was, which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and Offspring of David (both Root and Offspring of David); the Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Alpha, Omega, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, all in Jesus Christ. He was the full manifestation of Jehovah God made flesh to dwell among us. That's exactly what He was. He was the Rose of Sharon. What did they do with the Rose of Sharon? They squeezed It out, mashed It out, to get the perfume out of It. A beautiful rose has to be squeezed down to get the perfume from the rose. And that was a beautiful Life; there never was a life lived like It, but It had to be squeezed out on Calvary. 84 See, they took the--the anointing of the Rose of Sharon and put it upon Aaron, he had to be anointed with that for to go in before the Lord in the holy place, in the holy veil. He had to be
anointed with the Rose of Sharon to go in to sprinkle the mercy seat each year. And that anointing must be upon him, a sweet-smelling savour unto the Lord, packing the blood of the lamb before him, after he'd also been sprinkled by the lamb. Pomegranates and bells around his garments, he had to walk a certain step, playing "Holy, holy, holy unto the Lord." 85 Notice, He is that Rose of Sharon, that sweet-smelling Savour, the Anointing upon His people. You cannot come before Him with any creed, any other thing, but anointed with that Rose of Sharon, the Word. He also is the Lily of the Valley. Now, how do you get opium? You get opium when you take a lily and squeeze it out, you get the opium. Doctors use it in their laboratories. Take a man that's nervous and flusterated, or a woman, she feels like she's going to go crazy, she's walking the floor and screaming, she's in hysterics, a doctor will take a little of his lily opium and push it into her arm or vein somewhere, or his, and they quieten down. It's all over for a while. But just as soon as that opium dies out, here they come again, worse than they ever was. 87 But I'll tell you, friends, that's only a type of the genuine Opium from the Lily of the Valley that I know of. He is the Lily of the Valley. He was squeezed out on Calvary. He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed. In that, that squeezing out of the flowers, He was a Flower. He was the greatest Flower that ever growed, was this Lily of the Valley, and this great Rose of Sharon. Now, He hangs tonight, spanded between heavens and earth, I believe, He was that time, rather, to--to take away the sin of the world and to bring healing back to the world. And the Bible said that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. 88 Friend, when God told Moses in the wilderness, which was a--a type of Him, to lift up a brass serpent... And brass represents sin judged, the serpent represents, the brass serpent represents sin already judged. As, brass is Divine judgment, like the brazen altar where the sacrifices was laid. And also Elijah looked up and he said the skies was like brass, Divine judgment upon an unbelieving nation that had backslid from God. Brass represents judgment, Divine judgment. And the serpent represented sin already judged; and Jesus was that serpent made sin for us, and took the judgments of God upon Him. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed. Oh, God's got His cabinet full of Opium tonight, for you. Christian friend, you're sick and suffering. Oh, you're weary; it's just too hard for you. You can't stand it much longer, you'll--you'll go wild in this modern day that we're living. 90 Did you just hear "Lifeline" tonight, that what they said, that--that Russia says, in '55, that they'll "absolutely take full control of the whole world"? Before that can happen, the rapture has to come. So how close is it, friend? It's right here close now at hand. Won't you seek Him tonight with all your heart. He is the Lily of the Valley, and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's here tonight to lift Himself up among His people, just like Moses lifted up the--the sin sign, judged. And not only sin, but sickness. Remember, Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent, so must the Son of man be lifted up." What did Moses lift it up for? For sin, unbelief, and for sickness. Jesus was lifted up also for sin, sickness, and unbelief. He was the same thing. 92 Now, tonight, in the days when we got this great discrepancy, Jesus Christ promised in Luke, that in the days of the--before the coming of the Lord, would be like it was in the days of Sodom, and when the Son of man would reveal Himself, like the Son of man revealed Himself to Abraham down there; Elohim, God, made flesh among people, and dwelt there with Abraham and showed him, told him what Sarah was thinking of, setting behind Him in the tent, that He had never seen. Told her
what she would... And called her name, "Sarah." "Abraham," not his--not his name Abram, he started out with, but Abraham. Not Sarai, S-a-r-a-i; but S-a-r-a-h, "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Said, "She's in the tent behind You." Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life." And she laughed. He said, "Why did she laugh?" Now, Jesus said, "Just before this great discrepancy is gathered and burned, that the Son of man will reveal Himself in the same manner as He did then." And that's... What is it? It's a lifting up afresh, before you, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Let us bow our heads then for prayer. 95 Dear God, we love You. Your Word is so--so foodful with us, Lord. We just love It. We live by It, Lord. It seems that our capacity is never sufficient. We just love to set at Your table, around Your Word, and enjoy the blessings, Lord, when we come together like this, brothers and sisters who's been Blood-bought by the Son of God, who is the purchase of Your Blood. And we come here tonight, Lord; we've dedicated these nights for praying for the sick. And according to the Scriptures, You said that by the stripes we were healed. It isn't necessary to pray then (only confess our sins), for by Your stripes we were (past tense) healed. Oh, what a day of salvation. What a--what a promise by Emmanuel. That It's certainly Truth. You said, "A little while, and the world won't see Me no more, yet you'll see Me, for I (the personal pronoun of 'I')--I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." And at the end of the time, this great consummation, You said, just before it happens, it'll be just like before the fire fell in Sodom and burnt up the Gentile world, that there would come a revelation again of the Son of man just like it was at Sodom. Father, may the people not miss it. 97 And I pray, God, as a crude little thing, (if I said wrong, forgive me), pulling into a gear. I love them, Lord. I--I pray that they won't miss it. Let this be one of the great nights, Lord. May every sick, afflicted, blind, whatever it is in here, Lord, be healed tonight. May every sinner be saved. Right in their hearts now, if they're an unbeliever, and may they accept Christ at this moment. Grant it, Father. It's all in Your hands. We commit ourselves to You, to see You come among us. And You said, in St. John 14:12, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." How we know that You made Yourself known to the people, for You was that prophet that Moses said that would raise up. They hadn't had prophets for hundreds of years; discrepancy was on every hand; but yet the Word of God had to be fulfilled; so the Word become flesh, and so did the discrepancy. And, Father, we see it again today, the discrepancy becoming one great big bundle; and we see the Word coming the same way. Bless us tonight, Father. We commit ourselves to You, with Your Word. Whatever You have need for us to do, do with us, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 99 [A sister speaks in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] We don't know what He said. He may be wanting to tell us something, so just be real reverent just a moment. [Blank.spot.on.tape. A brother gives an interpretation--Ed.] Amen. Did you ever read... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Scripture where the enemy was coming, and they were all gathered together, and they--the enemy was such a great force. And the Spirit of God fell upon a man, and told him, and he prophesied, and said where to go and lay in wait, and they destroyed their enemy. There it comes again. There's the place to destroy your enemy (See?); take the hand of God. The hand of God is Christ, of course, the Word, so take that in your hearts tonight while we call the prayer line. 101 I believe Billy give out prayer cards again today. B, B's, let's take B-85. Last night, we had fifteen last night. We usually try to get about fifteen a night. And then hold your cards; we'll get them now. Let's try about fifteen. 85. B, like Branham, you know. B-85 to a 100. And we... Let's see, who has B85, raise up your hand. You're sure... Oh, in the back, all right, 85 come up.
Now, my son... So that there might be strangers here, wouldn't know how this was done. My son comes down here, or someone; if he isn't able to come, Brother Borders, somebody else. Some man will come down, and take these cards, a hundred of them, and standing before the people and mix them up together. So therefore, he gives you a card, he can't tell you you're going to be up here on the platform; he don't know that. And neither do I know. I come at night, just pull out about ten or fifteen somewhere along in the cards. That doesn't have one thing to do with your healing. You can set right there. Look, last night. How many was here last night, let's see your hand? How the people was just healed all out through the meeting. 103 Now, that was 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. Let's have them come right now. B-85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. That'd have been one... Surely, we need... Somebody's... Here's another one; yes, that'd make it then. 90, 90 to a 100 now. 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 8, 9. If you can't move, if you're... I see we got a couple, three wheelchairs here now, four of them, I believe, I can see. If you got a prayer card, that's--that's your number's called, and can't move, just raise your hand, we'll wheel it up here. 105 And if you haven't got no prayer card, just set there and pray, and say, "Lord Jesus, let--let--let it be me tonight." How many in here doesn't have a prayer card, raise up your hand. Oh, my. All right, now let's just say this; I hope it don't sound sacrilegious. But there's a little woman one time that didn't have a prayer card, we'd say. She went pressing through the crowd, she said (Now, listen close.), "If I can touch that Man's garments, I'll be made well." How many knows the story? All right. And what did she do? She touched Him, and went over and set down. And Jesus turned around; He knew where she was at. Is that right? He knew what her trouble was. Is that right? He knew what her trouble was, so He told her what her trouble was. And she felt in her body that the blood issue had stopped. Is that right? Because why? She had touched Him. 106 Now, how many Christians here tonight that know according to Hebrews, the Book of Hebrews, that Jesus right now is a High Priest, the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity? Is He? All right, if He is the same High Priest, the same office, High Priest, how would He act then? He'd act just the same as He did then. Do you believe that? He would act just the same as He did then, if you can believe that. All right. How many believe that, raise up your hand, say, "I actually believe it"? All right, before they form the prayer line, let's have a prayer line out there. I know He's here. I--I--I feel His Presence, and I--I know that He's here. Come. Prayer line ready? I was going to call out there. You just--just pray; just look this a way and pray, just believe. 108 A little lady setting here looking right at me, setting next to a lady that's got glasses on. Can't you see That hanging over that woman? Look here. See? She's suffering with heart trouble. You believe that God will heal you. If you do, raise up your hand. That's what your trouble was. That's right. Now, if that was your trouble, raise up your hand so the people can see; raise up your hand like that. Now, you don't have it no more now. Your faith made you well. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, there is a discrepancy; but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is this... Now, just keep praying (See?); you don't have to be up here, that you might know. 110 Now, this is a lady. As far as I know, I never seen her in my life; she's just a woman standing here, and got a prayer card, and didn't know whether you was going to be called or not. And somebody just give you a prayer card, and you--your number's called, so you just come up here. Is that right? And I have no way of knowing what you are, who you are, where you come from, what you want, nothing about it. I'm just a man; you're the woman. That's right. This same picture come one time in the Bible, St. John the 4th chapter.
Now, you say, "What did you do, Brother Branham, just then, awhile ago." Just pulled over in that little gear. See? I don't know. See? He has to do it. I don't know. How did that woman out there? I never seen that woman in my life. She's a total stranger to me. I believe it was a woman. Who is the person was healed just now out there in the audience, will you? Yeah. Are--we're strangers to one another? If that's right, wave your hand like this. See? I never seen the woman. But she was setting there, believing. Now, she touched Something, didn't she? It wouldn't do no good to touch me. 112 But now can't you see that the Bible is exactly the Word of God? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. We become tabernacles of that Holy Spirit which is Christ. See? That's the real Seed. Then if that real Holy Spirit gets into the real Seed of the Word, not... It just won't take part of It (because the Devil uses That), you've got to take It all (See?), every Word of It; 'cause He's not half God; He's all God. See? And that's what takes place. Now, here's the woman, I've never seen her. Jesus found a woman like this one time, maybe not the same condition; I don't know. And He was setting at a well. He--He had need to go down to Samaria. And we find out, Samaria was under the hill, and--and... Oh, He was going to Jericho, rather, and He went around by Samaria, and come to a city of Sychar. And He set down on the well, and sent His disciples away for food. 114 How many races of people are there in the world? Three. Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. We all come from Noah. And the rest of the world was destroyed at that time. Only three races of people, that Jew, Gentile, and Samaritan (which was half Jew and Gentile). That's all the races that's in the world (See?) just three. Everything in God is perfect in three. Just like these three I was talking of tonight: three stages of discrepancy, three stages the Word made flesh, so forth. See? Now, and He--He that talked to the Jews, told Philip, when he brought Nathanael up that where he was, and said, "I seen him when he was under the tree." He told... Andrew had brought Peter up; He said, "Your name is Simon, and you shall be called Peter from now on." Said, "You're the son of Jonas." See? Now, that was all Jews. But here He goes to a Gentile, not a Gentile, but a Samaritan. Now is the Gentile's time. He never performed that one time to Gentiles. Search the Scriptures: never. But He promised in Luke 22 that He would do it just before the coming. But He set down there, and here come a half Jew and Gentile out, a woman. And He said to her, "Woman, bring Me a drink." And she said, "Why, you shouldn't ask that, so much. We are... There's a segregation here. You're a Jew, and--and I'm a Samaritan." He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." What was He doing? Contacting her spirit. And as soon as He found what her trouble was, well, He told her to go get her husband. She said she didn't have any. He said, "That's right; you've had five." 122 Now, look, when the Pharisees seen Him do that. Right, that discrepancy right amongst the Word, what did they say? They said, "This man's Beelzebub, a fortuneteller." See? And Jesus said, "Whoever spoke that on the Holy Ghost when It come to do the same, would never be forgiven." There's your discrepancy. See? But He said He would forgive them then, because the Holy Spirit hadn't come; the Sacrifice, the Lamb hadn't died. But then the woman didn't think that. The woman said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years. Said, "I perceive You're a prophet. Now, we know that Messiah, which is called the Christ, when He comes, that's what He's going to do." Well, if that's what He did, then He's the same yesterday, today. That's how He made Hisself known then, isn't it the same thing today? Has to be.
Now, here is a woman and a man meets again. She's not that woman; I'm not that Man. But yet the same Holy Spirit is here, and made the promise that the works that He did, we'd do the same thing in the days that the Son of man would be revealed. 126 Now, not knowing you (and you know that's true), we're total strangers, and you are standing here. There's some--maybe something wrong with you; maybe there's not; I don't know. But if the Lord Jesus will reveal to me by His Holy Spirit what is your trouble, will you believe then that It is the Son of God and not a human being? This is just a hull, this tabernacle that--that God uses, any who He has chosen. He--He does that by sovereign grace and election. So but you believe. You will? How many in the audience will believe it? Here we both stand right here before the Lights, that we've never met in this life, have no more idea who that woman is, what she is, where she come from, what she wants. I've never seen her in my life, no more than I ever seen that woman down there in my life. But, see, here's what I'm trying to get to do: get that discrepancy away from you now and believe the Word when the Word is made flesh right here among us. The Word becomes alive in our own flesh, that shows the Presence of God. 128 Now, may He grant it to her. She's wanting a worthy cause. She's childless; she wants a baby. She's about forty years old. That's certainly not impossible. They're setting right out there now, women who were barren all their life, and come to the platform like this, and the Lord give them children. Some of you raise your hand out there that know. See, see? I picked up a little darling girl the other day, Sunday, after I left here, Sunday afternoon; that her mother was barren, the Lord spoke. And the little girl, the sweetest little thing, is she here? Where's she at? Yeah, here she is right here, setting right down here, the mother setting there. Here's the little girl herself. See her? She was a spoken Word from God. Now, will you believe Him with all your heart? Do you believe that that blessing that you have, that you feel in you now, has been God answering? If God would tell me what your name is, so you could name the baby, would you believe? Then, Mrs. Thompson, you can go home and have your baby, if you'll believe it with all your heart. 131 You believe with all your heart? Just have faith; don't doubt; just believe God. God is God. How do you do, sir? I suppose we're strangers too. The only time I ever seen you in my life, as I know of, is when you was coming there. And I thought you were Brother Shakarian's uncle, or who it... Mashagian, Brother Mashagian, the singer, when you come by. And then I seen you was going to the prayer line. Now, being a stranger with you, and, or to you, and I a stranger, each way. Now, if the Lord Jesus will tell me something that you--that you're, maybe what you're wanting, let's just say that; tell you what, tell me what you're wanting. Now, He's already give it to you. Only thing is just enough faith to believe it. Now, how many understands that? Just enough faith to believe that you get what you ask for. See? 134 Now, now, if you're up here wanting something, and He can tell me what your desire is, then you know I don't know your desire, then it has to be Something here that's doing it. Now, according to the Word, He promised to do that. He knowed the thoughts within their hearts. Is that right? All right. You have a great desire to be healed. One thing, you're suffering with a nervous condition, real nervous. That's right. Another thing, you got a back trouble, and that back has been very bad for some time; you've even had a operation on it. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's true. See? That's right. And here's another thing; your deep desire, is, you want to receive the baptism of the Spirit. That's exactly right. Come here. Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may this man be filled with the Holy Ghost, before he leaves these grounds, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, receive It, my brother. Just have faith, don't doubt. 137 How do you do? I suppose, as far as I know, that we're strangers one to the other. If that's right, why, so that people will know, just raise up your hand so they see that we're strangers. I never seen
her in my life, knowingly. I guess she never seen me, 'less it was out in the audience. Because the heavenly Father knows, and here's His Word laying here, that I have never seen the woman, knowingly, in my life. Therefore, I wouldn't know what you're here for, have no idea who you are, what, or nothing about you. I couldn't tell you one thing. Only thing, it's just a gift. If I can... As you heard me explain that awhile ago. Just move over, hear what He says; what I see, I can say it. What He doesn't say, I cannot say. I'd say that in myself, and it'd be wrong. See? It'd be wrong. But if He says it, it's absolutely right. It can never; it never has been wrong. It never will be wrong as long it remain God. See? See, because God cannot be wrong. 139 But if God can tell me what you want, what your desire is, or--or what you're here for, something you've done, or something, something like that, or who you are, where you come from, or whatever He wants to tell me, you'd believe? Thank you. One thing, you have trouble with your feet. Your feet bothers you. That's right. Raise your... You have a lady's trouble, female disorder. And you've got a great desire in your heart, because you've just lost somebody or something. It's a boy, and your boy has left home, run away, and you want me to pray that he'll return back. God in heaven, send her child to her. Let the Holy Spirit stop that young man on the road tonight, Lord, send him back to his mother. In Jesus' Name. Amen. He Who knows will send him back to you. Don't worry. Now, believe now; don't doubt. Just have faith, all your heart. You believe, and God will grant the rest of it. 143 Now, just those three or four discernings, whatever it was (See?) I--I just went till it gets blind to me. I can't explain that; there's no way to explain it. You say, "You mean, just that was worse than you preached there for forty-five minutes or more, you think?" Yes, sir. If it was three hours, it wouldn't be that much. A woman touched the garment of our Lord Jesus. And them people are not touching me. Why, this woman here, just look here, she could... Put your hands on me. See? She just touched me all around, wouldn't do a thing; I'm just a man. But she has to touch Him. And I, by a gift, just--just--it just go... All myself goes away, and I just say what I see. See? And that's all. See? Touching me doesn't mean a thing, but she touches Jesus through me. That's how that woman touched God through Jesus, when He didn't know what was the matter with her. She just touched His garment, and went and set down. And He said--and He said, "Who touched Me?" And the apostles said, "Why, everyone's touching You. Why do You say that?" He said, "But I perceive that virtue has gone from Me." Now, you know what virtue is? Strength. He got weak on one woman touching Him, and He was the Son of God. What about me a sinner saved by His grace. You know why it's more? Because He said, "These things that I do, shall you do also. More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father." "Greater," It said there, but the right Greek interpretation is, "More than this shall you do." 147 Now, the lady I know not. I have known nothing about her. She's just as total stranger to me as the other people were. We're strangers to one another. Just so that the people know it, you might raise your hand, say, "We are stranger." Now, the Son of God, if He one time met a woman in a little panoramic like this by a well, and He talked to her just a moment, and He knowed where her trouble was, and He told her what her trouble was. And so she knew by that, that that was the Messiah. Now, that--that I've... You've touched me; I've touched you, and nothing happened. But if my faith by a gift and your faith by believing in it can touch Him, and He can speak through us to--through me to you, then you know that He's here like He was at that--that well at Sychar. See? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that? You have so many troubles, so many afflictions, complications. One of the main things that you want to be prayed for is arthritis. That's right. That right? You're stiffening up by arthritis. When you see you raise your arm...
149 And you did walk out kind of slow, the best of my remembrance. Maybe just wait just a minute, maybe something else can be said that'll take the... Are... Then when you feel things, people, you know, like a breath coming against It. They say, "Why, he guessed that," or, you know, like that. But, you seem to be a fine person; just talk to me just a moment. Let's stand here just a bit, because I do think there's something else that's in your heart that you're wanting from God. Now, I cannot answer your prayer, but He can re... Because if you believe it, it's already answered. But if you just want to believe; to make you believe. Now, I tell you; it's concerning a loved one that's not here, and that is a brother, and that brother is not even in this country. He's in kind of a wet country, a lot of lakes. I'd say like something like in Michigan or some... Yeah, Michigan's where it's at. And he is suffering with a deadly killer, and that is a uncurable kidney trouble that he's bothered with it. That is right, isn't it? That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, the handkerchief that you got in your hand, that you raised to God, send that to your brother and tell him not to doubt, but to believe, and that'll-he'll be healed now if you'll believe it. 151 Do you believe with all your heart? See? Then if you believe, there's only one thing to do, that's, absolutely accept it. Is that right? Now, you say, "He's looking at that, them people. That's what he's doing, looking at them." You see that so much. But that you might not know this... This lady here, come up this a-way, lady, here, the patient, ever who you are. I'm not looking at her. Do you believe that God can reveal to me what's your trouble? Raise your hands, if you do, this lady here, this lady here, the patient. Yeah. Yeah. All right, then if you'll believe that with all your heart, that asthmatic trouble won't bother you anymore. All right, go home and believe as you would...?... 154 Didn't look at her did I? See, He... You look this way; the vision is there no matter what takes place. Amen. Can't you see it? Just perfectly as God can be perfect. You believe too? Asthma could leave you too, couldn't it? You believe it would? All right, go tell the Lord Jesus that you--you believe Him. Someday you'd have to pack a--a little cane around if that arthritis crippled you up, but it ain't going to do it. You ain't; you don't believe it is, do you? You believe you're going to be all right? Go on your road, and Jesus Christ makes you well. Heart trouble kills people, but it don't have to kill you. You believe that God will heal it for you and make you well? Go believing it with all your heart, say, "I truly believe for it." 158 You speak English? You understand English? Somebody come. [An interpreter comes--Ed.] Yeah, all right. Will you speak to her what I tell her? Tell her if she'll believe, the stomach trouble will leave her. She--she will believe it? Your back trouble will leave you too, so now you can go on your road and be healed. How do you do? You believe? That man setting there with back trouble, looking at me when I said that, he could be healed too, if you believe it, sir. All right, sir. The lady setting right next to you there, you got neck trouble, haven't you, lady? You believe that God will heal you? You want to lay hands on the little boy for his knees, and he'll get well too. You can believe it? You had female trouble, lady's trouble, you don't have it now. Your faith healed you and made you whole. 161 Do you believe Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever? Then let's put our hands on one another and pray this prayer of faith, each one of us, pray the prayer of faith. Dear God, while we're so covered in Your Divine Presence to see You moving out through the audience, healing the sick everywhere. Thou art God. I pray that You'll heal this entire audience. Let the Breath of God fall fresh into their hearts, and let them know that time is running out. We're just
a little while longer to be here, then we're going to be with Him Who we love. And may now His Presence bring healing to everyone. We condemn Satan; we condemn all of his acts. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Satan, come from the people. All that will believe Him now, and accept your healing, stand up on your feet, say, "I now stand up to accept my healing. I believe it." Regardless of your condition, if you really believe it, stand up to your feet. Now, raise up your hands, and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing me." God be with you. GOD WHO IS RICH IN MERCY PHOENIX AZ 65-0119 V-19 N-2 1 You may be seated. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] I was sort of packed away, coming in and seeing Brother Moore and all of them here on the platform, the friends that I've knowed for so many years. It's certainly a privilege to see them here tonight. I feel kinda small to stand here and speak with such theologians behind me, and maybe they'll correct me when I'm wrong. I hope so. We are very happy tonight to have a certain person here, Sister Rose. We was coming down... I was with Brother Shores and his assistant today for a little lunch. And on the road down, Brother Williams said that Sister Rose was very sick. And I--we went in to see her just a moment, knelt down. And she had a high fever, and really sick. Just a few words of prayer, and the Lord spoke to us, and said, "She's going to be healed, and she'll be there tomorrow night." And here she is tonight, setting right here. That's right. 3 Sister Rose, stand up just a minute, so that they... We are thankful to the Lord. She was bedfast. She said, "The--the devil just beat me out of everything. I come over here and had a breakdown with this," some kind of a throat disease, and so forth. But the Lord has brought her through, so to that we're happy. Thanking the dear Lord. Now, we've been having wonderful times. And tomorrow night, now, we go over to the--the Ramada. And don't forget now, it won't be here tomorrow night, it'll be at the Ramada. And the convention begins the next night. Had to put up with me one more night, you know. 5 So last night I--I went so far off of scale, I kind of made a little promise to myself that, the first of the year, that I just going to cut them messages down from three or four, five hours, to maybe along about thirty or forty minutes. And as I told you last night, my wife commented me Sunday, said, "You did real well." So--so then, of course, I had to come along last night and ruin it (See?) at about... I was fifty-five minutes, instead of thirty, last night. Coming down, tonight, Billy said, "What are you going to speak on?" I said, "Well, I got a few little notes wrote out here and some Scriptures. I don't know, some of them, four or five different messages." I said, "I feel when I get down there, and see what's going on." Said, "You promised to pray for all them sick people." I said, "Yes, sir. How many cards you got?" Said, "Two hundred." I said, "I better start on them tonight." And he said, "Now, remember, you only get fifteen minutes to speak." Said, "You took the rest of it up last night." [Brother Branham and the congregation laugh--Ed.] We'll have to hurry up, won't I? Ha. 10 Well, we are--made a promise to you, that we would pray for those people who had prayer cards, and we're--we're obligated to a promise, of course. We can't bring them all through these lines, and neither could I be able to call them individually out in the audience. Even though the Holy Spirit would give it to me, I--I just can't stand to do it. It's just too much on me. And, but we're all acquainted with those things. We know that God's still God. It isn't that that heals. It's that that only builds faith to let us know that--that we're in His Presence.
And we're going tonight to pray for all those sick people, every one of them that's got those prayer cards to be prayed for. And then tomorrow night, over at the Ramada, we'll try to give out some more and start praying for them over there, 'cause I still have tomorrow night. And I think I have one night of the convention, maybe a breakfast also. It depends on how things come out. 12 There's some of the, one of the speakers that never showed up; hasn't as yet, I don't think. Brother Humburg, or is that... [A brother says, "Amburgy."--Ed.] Amburgy, Amburgy, Kash Amburgy. So I--I get it all wrong; that's that German name. I--I guess that's German. So I may have to kind of pinch-hit, as we call it, excuse the expression, for him. So we been having a wonderful time in the Lord though. To all of you, if there be some strangers here tonight, we're sure glad to have you in, and trust that the Lord will bless you. I pray that there won't be any sick people in the building when we leave tonight, that our Lord will come down in His great power and will heal all that's sick and afflicted. 14 Here sometime ago, I used to take the individuals in on special interviews, some of the hard cases that we couldn't get through. Then it built up so fast, till it got to be, the Lord kept blessing it, till we got three or four hundred on waiting, and so then people get their feelings hurt because they'd wait. Maybe on that much time, you'd have to wait maybe a year or two, so to get in to it (See?) just in between the meetings, to take them on the interviews. And we'd just set and wait on the Lord until He told us just exactly the case. There's no doubt there's people setting here tonight that's been on them special interviews. Is there? Let's see you raise your hands. On the special interviews, yes, there sits, so--and know that that's right. We just wait to see what the Lord would say, what that case... And then I had to stop that here some time ago. I told Billy that we couldn't have any more private interviews. 16 See, I--I--I just passed twenty-five, recently, second time, and way up towards the third time. And so as you get a little older, why, you don't, you... Somehow you can't keep up like you used to. Your steps shorten. And--and you... 'Course, Brother Moore don't know anything about that yet. He... I think we are somewhere around the same age. But a lot of water's went down the river since you and I, and Brother Brown come here the first time, with Brother Outlaw and Brother Garcia, and Brother Fuller. I wonder if them men would be in here tonight? Brother Garcia, Brother Fuller, Brother Outlaw, are they here? Raise up your hands if you are there. Yes, there's Brother Fuller, I believe, if I'm not mistaken. Brother Outlaw over here. Brother Garcia, I--I believe though that he left Phoenix. I think that's right. He--he left Phoenix, and he's over in California. Well, it was certainly grand days, and I still believe the same Message I had then: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." I guess that's been about... Well, Becky was a baby. That's about nineteen years. And now, she is a big, old, fat, ugly girl setting out there somewhere, nineteen years old. Where are you, Becky? Boy, she'll get me for that. I remember packing her in on my arm. I'd sure have a job doing that tonight...?... 19 Remember over at Brother Garcia's church one night, she was a little bitty fellow. And I said, "We have an international meeting tonight." I said, "I'm speaking to the Spanish." And I said, "My wife here is a German." I said, "I'm an Irishman." And I said, "And my little girl's an Indian," and that was Becky. So when I went out the back door, there was a little Mexican girl out there, said, "Brother Branham?" Said, "Yes, honey, what do you want?" Said, "Don't you think your baby is a bit pale to be an Indian?" She's a blond, you know. And I said, "Just an Indian in action." Well, we're thankful that--to be here again tonight. Now, before we approach the Word, let's approach Him, for He is the Word. When the Word is made manifest, that's Him in you.
22 As we had last night on "The Seed Of Discrepancy," did you appreciate that, the Lord's blessing? I-I certainly appreciated bringing the message to you. And we see what the seeds are. Now, is there a special request tonight, just something special? Maybe some of you all that's going to be in this prayer line, say, "God, be merciful. When I come to be prayed for, let my faith rise up to meet the conditions." And--and maybe somebody's got a loved one sick, and something, would you just raise your hand so God would just look down and say... Now, if--if that... You know how that makes me feel to look there. Just look at the need in here. Minister brothers, just look at that. See? Now, if it makes me feel that way, what does it do to our Father? Certainly. Now, let us pray. 24 Dear Jesus, we are approaching now the great throne of mercy, through this all-sufficient Name. "For there's no other Name given among men whereby we must be saved, or--but only this Name of the Lord Jesus." And we're coming in His Name. And we pray, heavenly Father, that You will receive us tonight as Your believing children. And forgive our unbelief, Lord. Help it tonight, that it may be that we will completely believe every Word of God tonight, for all the things that we have need of. You know what's beneath these hands that's been raised up; there's sickness, some of them may be domestic troubles, some of them financial troubles; some of them are weary, maybe some backslid, some sinner. Whatever the need is, Thou art more than a match for any enemy. So we pray, Lord, that--that tonight that we will recognize that our enemies, every one, has been defeated, even to death itself. And that we are more than conquerors in Him Who--Who loved us and gave Himself for us, has washed us in His Blood. 26 We pray, Lord, that all unbelief, all doubt, all flusteration, all that's unlike God will flee from us tonight, that the Holy Ghost might have the right-of-way in our hearts. May He speak to us in a mysterious ways. May He speak to us in His power. May He resurrect those that are--are spiritually dead, bring back health to those who are sick and afflicted, lift up the feeble knees, the wearied hands that's hanging down. May there be a time of rejoicing. May it break forth tonight, Lord, to leave this place to the Ramada Inn, and start one of the greatest conventions that's ever been held in this city. Lord, while we're assembled together and pray. You said, "If the people that are called by My Name, shall assemble themselves together and pray, then I'll hear from heaven." God, we pray that this will be so, tonight. Now, Father, as we read the Word, no one can interpret It but You; You're Your own Interpreter, and we pray that You'll interpret to us the things that we read tonight. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. 29 Now, if many of you like to just mark down Scriptures that a minister reads... And I would like for you to tonight, if you would, to turn to Ephesians. And I was speaking last Sunday on the Ephesians, how that the Book of Joshua was the Ephesians of the Old Testament, and how it was a Book of redemption. And redemption has two different parts: "come out of" and "entering into." First, you have to come out. Some people wants to bring the world in with them; but you got to come out of the world to enter into Christ. You have to come out of unbelief to enter into faith. There cannot be one thing in your way. To really have genuine faith, you must absolutely leave everything that's contrary to the Word of God behind to enter into faith. And that was the Book of the Ephesians of the Old Testament: Joshua. Where, Moses represented the law, could not save no one, but grace could, and here "Joshua" is the same word like Jesus, "Jehovah-Saviour." And now then, we find out that we have come to another Ephesians, another Ephesus now. Where that in our intellectual denominations and so forth, and all of our educational programs has come to its--its Jordan, then we must have an--an Ephesians again. We must have an exodus we--to "come out" and to "go into," for the rapture. 34 Now, we're going to read tonight from the 2nd chapter of Ephesians. I was just saying that so you could get to the--the spot, or turn to the chapter.
You--and you has he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sin: Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedient: Among whom also we all had our conversations in times past in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desire of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sin, has He quickened us together with Him,... (or)... quickened us together with Christ, (by grace are ye saved;) I want to take from there a few, or part of the verse, "but God... The God Who Is Rich In Mercy." 36 I want you to notice here of the prophet, apostle, rather, Paul, who--who, how he made mention of this, how, "You has He quickened, who were once dead. You hath He quickened, who were once dead, dead in sin and trespasses, walking after the things of the world, the desire of the flesh, and fulfilling the desire of the mind. Has..." What caused this change? you see? And what caused it from one time being dead, to quicken? "Quicken" means "made alive." There was a change from death unto Life. There's no other--there's no other thing that could happen to any person, so great, as to change him from death to Life. A man, if he was dying, physically, and could be healed physically, that would be a great thing, but nothing so great as when he is spiritually dead and God has quickened him to Life. 38 You once in times past, dead... You were dead. Even many here tonight, one time can look back and know that you were dead. But now why aren't you dead tonight as you were then? You deserve to be that way, because you was a sinner, but God Who is rich in mercy. That's the--that's the thing: God Who was rich. All these things that we were, but God. That made the change right there: God Who is rich in mercy. Oh, I'm so glad for that, that He being rich in mercy. If He was just rich in money, if He was just rich in materials, which He is, but yet the greatest thing is being rich in mercy. Oh, what a great word that is, how that we were once dead. 40 And we was speaking the other night on how the seed must die. And everything around that germ of life must not only die, but rot. If it doesn't rot, it cannot live. And rot is "completely done away with; it's finished." And until we get to the place that our own ideas and our own thinking is completely gone and it's rotted away from us, then the germ of life can begin to live. Now, now, we might, I might inject just a little bit of doctrine here that I don't... If you don't believe it, all right. That's just okay. I do believe it. I believe that--that a man, when he's born in this world, that when you're a little baby, born into the world, you could not have been here without being the foreknowledge of God, because He is infinite and He knows all things. And when that little baby is born into the world, there's something in that baby. If he's ever going to have Life, there's a little something in there, in that child then, that he comes to sooner or later. That little seed is in him. Now, if you'll take... The Scriptures plainly declare that. 42 Now, if you've got Eternal Life tonight, if we have Eternal Life, then we always were, because there's only one form of Eternal Life. We always were. And the reason we were, because we are a part of God. And God is the only thing that's eternal. And like Melchisedec received tithes from Abraham, and it was 'lotted to his great-grandson, Levi, who was yet in the loins of Abraham; paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec. I want to speak on that over at the other place, one morning: Who Is This Melchisedec? Now, notice that. Way back, God knew this boy coming down. He knowed all things. Now, we are a part of God. You always was. You don't remember it, because you were only an attribute in God. You were only in His thinking. Your very name, if it ever was on the Book of Life, it was put there before the foundation of the world. He knew what you were.
45 I'm only saying this, not to mix up doctrine, but to straighten it out, that we might get away from this fear and scare: you don't know who you are. You are not going to be, but now you are the sons of God. See, you always were the sons of God. See? For when God had you in His thinking at the beginning, you have to be, some part of you, your Life that's in you now, had to be with God before there... Well, when you--before you even become material here on earth, before there was anything, but God, you were one of His attributes. He knowed what your name would be. He knowed the color of hair you'd have. He knowed all about you. The only thing happened is when you, being a sinner... 47 Many of you can--can fellowship with me on this thought. When you was a little boy, or a little girl, you'd walk around and there would be certain things that would just, where it wouldn't bother the other kids, it seemed like there was something in you that cried out. There was God somewhere, yet you were a sinner. You remember that? Certainly. Now, what was that? That was that little form of Life in you then. And then after while, you heard the Gospel. Maybe you went to church; you picked out this and that, and went from denomination to denomination. But one day, you being part of God, you had to be part of the Word. And when you heard the Word, you know where you come from, you knowed what was the Truth. You were always, the seed was in you always. The Word seen the Word that was in you, that was before the foundation of the world, saw the Word and you come to It. 49 Like my little eagle story, of how the little eagle was hatched out under a hen. And the little fellow walked with the chickens, he, the hen clucked, and he didn't understand her clucking. And-and the little chickens, their diet they had in the barnyard, he--he didn't understand that, how that they did that. But there was something in him, seemed to be different from what that chicken was, because at the beginning he was a eagle. That's right. One day his mama come hunting him, and, when he heard that scream of the eagle, it was different from the cluck of the hen. And that's the way it is with every born again believer. You can hear all the theology you want to and all the manmade discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out there, then there's something takes ahold, you come to It. "You who were once dead in sin; that life has He quickened." There has to be a Life there to quicken to, first. God by His foreknowledge knowed all things. And we were predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. "Ye who were once dead in sin and trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened." 51 Look at Paul, when Paul was a great theologian. But when he come face to face with that Word, Jesus, it quickened. He come to Life right quick, because he was ordained to be that. The... He was part of the Word; and when the Word saw the Word, it was his nature. All the clucking of the hens in the orthodox churches, didn't have no effect upon him; he had saw the Word. It was part of him. He was an eagle. He wasn't a chicken; he was just in the barnyard with them. But he was a eagle to begin with. 52 I heard a similar little story, I hope it don't sound sacrilegious, about a little duck being born under a hen one time. He couldn't understand. A funny-looking little fellow, odd guy, and he couldn't understand the dust and everything. They were playing in the barnyard. But one day the old hen led the little brood out behind the barn, and he got a smell of water. Why, he took out towards that water as hard as he could go. Why? He had never been on a pond before. He'd never been in the water. But he was a duck to begin with. Only thing he had to do was come to himself. That's the same thing the believer is. There's something in him, that, when he meets God face to face, he comes to himself. That seed is in him, and it's quickened. My, that's right, and he flies away from the things of the world. They become dead to him. My, I remember, we all had our life in the past in those things of the world. But once we got ahold of that real Thing, something that quickened us, a little seed that come to Life, then all the things of the world rotted right there. We had no more desire of it.
54 "He that's borned of God, doth not commit sin. The worshipper once purged has no more conscience of sin, no more desire to sin." The sin question's over. You become a part of God in Christ. Christ died to redeem you. Now, just think of all that we would've been if it hadn't been for God. But God in His rich mercy, how He has redeemed us tonight. Where would we been tonight if it hadn't been for God's rich mercy upon us? Once the world was so sinful, that man had caused corruption to come upon the earth until it even grieved God that He ever made man. The whole head was a putrefied sore, the whole body, and God even grieved that He ever made a man. So He said, "I will destroy men who I've created." He will destroy them because he has nothing but just a bunch of corruption. And the whole human race would've been wiped out at that time, but God rich in mercy would not let the innocent perish with the guilty. And He went away and made a provided way for the ones that wanted to come in, that wanted to do what was right. He made a way of mercy for those who desired mercy, and He prepared an ark. In other words, He put some wings on His eagles, that they could fly above the judgment, and not drown with the chickens. But He--He made a way of an escape in the days of Noah. This caused Him to do that, to provide it, because He was rich in mercy. 58 But after He has provided a way for people and then they refuse it... Now, the reason they refuse it is because there's nothing in there to receive it. There's nothing to receive it. My mother used to say, "You cannot get blood from a turnip, because there's no blood in a turnip." So if there is no form of Life in there to receive It, then It cannot be received. That's the reason the Pharisees could look right in the face of Jesus and call Him Beelzebub, because there was nothing in them to receive Him. "But all the Father has given Me," He said, "will come to Me." There's--there's some way it's going to be presented. 60 You can talk to people sometime on the streets, talk to them about the Lord; they laugh right in your face. Well, we're supposed to do it anyhow. But listen, "There's no man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." God has to do the drawing. There has to be a Life. "And all that He has given Me, will come to Me." He made a provision for those who wants to be redeemed. He made a provision for those who wants to be healed. And then because that He did this, makes Him rich in mercy, as He's always been rich in mercy. It must be, if you refuse This, there's nothing left but the judgment, because sin must be judged. Pharaoh, when he went into the--the sea, as an impersonator, seeing that he could go in like Moses did... Moses with his army, and Pharaoh with his army, both of them should've perished in the sea, looked like. But God rich in mercy, made a way of escape for the Hebrew children (Why?), because they were following in the line of duty; they were following in the Word. Now, that's the only way to obtain mercy, is to follow the instructions that God has give us to follow in. That's the only way He can show mercy, is when we follow what He said do. 64 As the little debate not long ago with a minister that said that I was teaching an apostolic doctrine in this day. I believe I spoke of it a night or two ago, or sometime, about how he said, "You're trying to inject into this age, an apostolic doctrine." He said, "The apostolic age ceased with the apostles." And I asked him, "Well, do you believe the Word?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Revelations 22:18 says, that, 'Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It...' not just two words; one Word, take one Word out... Said, "I believe that." I said, "Then I can tell you where the apostolic age was given, the apostolic blessings was given to the church; now you tell me where God taken it out of the church by the Word. You can't do it; it's not there." I said, "Now, remember, that Peter on the day of Pentecost, he was the--the introducer of the apostolic age. And he told them all to, 'Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ
for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.'" 67 Now, if you want to listen to the clucking of some denominational hen, and live back out there in the things of the world, then it goes to show that there's something wrong. Because that is the Word. "Whosoever will, may come." And if you've got a will, you should come. But if you haven't no will, then you're in a sad condition. But if you've got a will to come, come follow God's formula. And He never fails to fulfill what He promised. I once was young, and now I'm old; I've never seen Him fail in His Word. Because He can do anything but fail. He cannot fail. God cannot. It's impossible for God to fail, and remain God. He has to, to do that. 69 Now, Pharaoh's army tried to impersonate, because they wasn't called and they had not that Life. Into the... The promise wasn't given to Pharaoh. The promise wasn't give him for a promised land. And an impersonator, trying to follow a real believer who's called to such, only makes a mockery out of it. That's what's the matter with our religious system today. There's too many people trying to impersonate the Holy Spirit, too many people trying to impersonate the baptism, too many people trying to impersonate the apostolic age. It's for believers and that alone. God has made a way, rich in mercy, that His children would not perish. He's made a way for them. Now, Pharaoh trying to pursue on, he drowned in the very waters that saved Moses and his group. Now, Moses did not drown, because God is rich in mercy to them who are following His provided way. Amen. Can you see what I mean? That tonight, people who don't believe in Divine healing, people who do not believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, how can they receive anything? God is rich in mercy to those who will follow after Him; not after a creed, but after God. 73 God is the Word; It was made flesh and dwelt among us, now, that He might bring forth the other attributes of God. The body, Jesus, was the body of God, an attribute. Moses seen Him pass, the back part of Him; no man had seen His face. But now we seen Him, we have beheld Him, see Him as the Sacrifice. Now, see, He was an attribute of God, being displayed, the Word. That's what He was. And when any believer comes to God, he becomes God's attribute of His Word; he's used to manifest the Word that's promised for that day. See? That's right. God, rich in mercy, has never left us without a testimony. He's rich in mercy. 75 We find out that God was so merciful to Moses out there in that dead sea--out in the Red Sea out there, rather. Then when He said here, in Exodus 19:4, He said, "I carried you away on eagles' wings, brought you to Myself. Carried them on eagles' wings, and brought you to Myself." There was other men in the middle of that sea out there also, trying to impersonate. But what? "He carried them on eagles' wings." Now, God always likens His prophets to eagles. And what was it? Moses was His messenger. And they were following Moses, and that was the eagles' wings that they were carried on, because he was packing God's message. And the people followed that. They were following God as they followed Moses with His message of deliverance. And the Bible said that, "He--they perished not with them who believed not." 'Cause God was rich in mercy to them, because they were following His commandments. God wants us to follow His commandments. 77 We could say the same about Korah and about Dathan and their gang of unbelieving people, as they tried to impersonate. They tried to--to inflict something into God's program. They didn't like a one-man program. They didn't like that. They had to have something to do. Korah said, "Why, there's more holy men than you, Moses. You act like you're the only beach on the--or the only pebble on the beach, rather." And said, "I--I... you oughtn't to do that. And there's more men here." And Moses knowed that he was to carry those children over into the promised land, because the promise was given to him. And he must pack them to the promised land.
79 And, today, the Holy Spirit is here to vindicate God's Word, and that's the eagle wing that we're supposed to ride on, not some manmade theology. But we are to ride upon the wings of the eagle, to the promised Land. And here they was going to get a bunch of chickens out there, Korah thought, you know, to come around, impersonate this, the eagle. And when they did, God said, "Separate yourself from them," and He swallowed up the world. He would've swallowed up the whole thing, the whole creation, but God was rich in mercy to those who are trying to follow His Word. Always, God rich in mercy. Many of them come over on the side with Moses, and God opened up the earth and swallowed up the unbeliever. He, the--the unbeliever will always perish. 81 Those who did not believe, though they come out and walked for a while, but, they--Jesus said, "They are, every one, dead." And dead is "annihilation." They are dead. Just think of them. They come out, seen the miracles of God, seen the great hand of God, enjoyed the manna; and got out there and listened to a man named Balaam, that perverted the way of God by his teaching contrary to the Word, "We're all brethren, so let's just all get together." That's another Balaam system rising up today, "Let's all get together." It will not work. Let's walk with the Eagle, Jehovah Eagle. You're eaglets. There's only three saved out of the entire group; Moses, Caleb, and Joshua. The rest of them perished in the wilderness; Jesus said so in Saint John the 6th chapter. God in mercy would not let them perish, because--with the rest of the unbelievers. They all died right there in the wilderness, and they are dead. God saved Moses and the eagle believers, because that they had respect to His Word. 84 And today, friend, the only way that we can ever have favor with God, God's rich in mercy today, but we've got to respect what He said about it. You just can't take what somebody else said. You've got to take what God said. He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine true." Today we're told that all you have to do in many places is join church, have a creed, or something like that; or say a prayer, or put your name on a book, or be sprinkled or baptized a certain way, or something like that. That's all you have to do. But that's wrong. To be an eagle of God, you've got to follow the Word day by day. You've got to continue to feed upon the Word. 87 Now, we find them, after this time, murmuring again, weakened in faith, after God had showed mercy to them. And we find them murmuring with God, and when they did, they were dying with snake bites. Well, they deserved it. They certainly did. Anybody that would mistake God's Word and do these things that they did, they deserved to die. Every one of them desired--deserved to die in the wilderness. But when they were so sick that even doctor Moses and none of them could do anything about it, and they were dying by the thousands, but God rich in mercy, He made a way of escape for those who would believe Him. He made an antidote for it by setting up a brass serpent. God in His rich... God made a way of escape so His believing children could be healed. God's interested in everything that's wrong, everything that you anticipate in. Every walk of life, God is interested in you. You are His child, and He's rich in mercy. He wants to do for you. 90 The people sinned later by taking this same thing that God had made an atonement for them, by the brass serpent, which represented sin already judged, and they idolized that gift. And that sinned again. "God will not share His glory with nobody." Therefore, we can't have no two, three, four gods. There's only one God. He'll not share His glory with anything else. He's God, alone (See?), so as the heathens have many gods. We have the one God, and He will not share His glory with another; neither will He let anything be an idol in front of Him. Even though He had made an atonement for
the people, and it was God's Word, it was right; but when they become to idolizing that, then they got in trouble. 91 Now, that's just the same thing, I think, that's happened to our church ages. God sent us the message of Martin Luther with his message, John Wesley, the Pentecostal message, but what did we do with it? The very same thing that they did with that brass serpent; we idolized it, "I belong to this, and I belong to that." You see, you belong to something without the sincerity that's connected with genuine godly worship of the Word. What happened? The Bible... We're told in the Bible that the prophet took that idol and destroyed it. Hallelujah. What we need on the scene today is a prophet that will destroy the idol of denominations, that thinks they're going into heaven upon belonging to some creed or a denomination: needs to be destroyed and burnt up, throwed away. God is full of mercy. He's rich in mercy. In the day that when we would've all been in that chaos of darkness out there, but God rich in mercy has sent us the real genuine Holy Ghost with His Own interpretation to It, right here in the building every night. God rich in His mercy, how wonderful we find Him to be. Yes, sir. Now, all they thought they could do was to just go to this snake, or this little thing that God had made out there, had Moses to make and hang on a pole, and they could be healed without any sincerity. They just stood and looked at it. And they got to idolizing it, and God sent a prophet along and destroyed it. 95 Now, all that refused to look at that serpent in the wilderness, they perished. Now, God makes a way, but if you refuse to look at it, if you'll set across the street, if you'll hold onto some creed and refuse to look straight into the Word and see whether It's right or not; all that refused to look, they perished. And God is a never changing God. And all who refused to look, perished. So is it today, the same thing. Then the people sinned later, and as they've always did, and made the idol out of--out of it, making it a--a--a--getting--trying to get a healing without sincerity, and they belonged to something, and the way we do today. And now we see then, the difference of it was that God... It was a good atonement, the good sign for that time. That time it was all right. But it was just to be for that time, for that journey. That's all it will work for, that journey. 98 And the message that Martin Luther brought of justification was all right for Luther's age. That's as far as it went. Sanctification was fine in Wesley's age. That's as far as it went. Then we come into the Pentecostal age. And the restoration of the gifts is a very fine thing; it was fine in the age; but we are going beyond that now. We're beyond that, just as sure as there is a world. We've got to become beyond this thing, because we have done the same thing with it that they did before: make an idol out of it. "I belong to this order of it. I belong that order of it." God will send somebody that'll smash the thing, and tear it to pieces, and confirm His Word, the full Word. Notice. Praise be to God. Now, we see that that's true. God rich in His mercy. 102 Then when the prophet destroyed this, it left them without any sign of healing, of an atonement, because their idol was destroyed. But God rich in mercy made them another one. And what did He do that? He troubled water at the pool at the temple, and many come and was healed by stepping into this water. Jesus came down to this same pool and saw a man had been laying there for a number of years, waiting for the troubling of the water. See, God rich in mercy. Although they idolized that thing, although the prophet had to tear it up, God made another way for them, 'cause He's rich in mercy. He wants them to be healed, and He made a way for their healing. Now, then that went on, the world become more sinful and more sinful all the time. And finally the world got so sinful that God could've destroyed it, He said in Malachi 4, "unless I come and to smite the earth with a curse." He could've done it; just the question.
104 But then God rich in mercy He sent forth a Saviour, Jesus Christ. He sent forth Jesus to be both Saviour and Healer. For He said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up," for the same purpose. He, the Atonement, that's what we have claim upon, nothing but the atonement. What Jesus purchased by His Blood, that's what we have claims upon. And the Bible said, "He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed." That's what we can claim, because that's what the atonement, that we stand for, ordered for us. God rich in mercy. This was to be an eternal atonement, because He came Himself. God came Himself in the form of sinful flesh to make a--an eternal atonement; and suffered in the flesh, and made the atonement; and returned back in the form of the Holy Ghost, to confirm that atonement. Where no brass serpent or no trouble's water could do it; it all pointed to that perfect Atonement. God's rich in His mercy has did this. 106 Now, today, being it's the day that we're living in, we have come through these church ages and explained everything away from that. Our theologians of the day has far lost that side of it. They explain it all away to some other day, some other age, some other something, way back, from long ago. And Divine healing was just about played out, hardly found anybody who would believe it. They made fun of it. Not no more than about twenty years ago, they were making fun of it. The Pentecostals had practically got away from it. They started in the early days, but they got away from it. Look how they did. Now, they got denominational wild, running out to make them each a creed and so forth. Except, instead of accepting Light, as Light come in, they organized and made themselves creeds, each one coming around, making himself a doctrine and staying in that doctrine. And then they got so much took away till the Holy Spirit couldn't get into the church. They just become another idol like a brass serpent, it become a--an idolatry. Every fellow said, "I am belong to this, and I belong to that." It was an idolatry. What a mess we were in at the end time. But God rich in His mercy has sent back the Holy Spirit upon us, and vindicating His Word tonight as He promised He would do. God promised He would do these things. Look what He did. 109 Look what He did, He... How now we can see how He promised each age a certain thing to happen. And we find out that it happened just exactly like it, that He said that He would do, because He's rich in His mercy to always have mercy to fulfill every Word that He has promised. He has to do it, and always, in order to stay God. Always He does this: His Word always comes to pass in Its season, His seed that He has sowed into the earth. What did He do? He put it here in the Word, and that's a Seed. And every time the age comes along, that seed ripens up, and then a reformation comes forth. And He promised it, and it does that. Now, we did not deserve these things. We did not deserve these blessings of God, because we had went out after the things of the world, went in the error of Cain. Cain, building a nice altar and a nice church, and putting flowers upon it, and thought that's exactly what it was; it was a bunch of apples, or pears, or pomegranates, or whatever it was that his father and mother had eat in the garden of Eden that run them out. And so he offered that back to God, and God rejected it. 111 "But Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain." And, today, the Bible said in Jude, that, "They have run in the way of Cain; perished in the gainsaying of Korah." See, run in the way of Cain, building altars, building churches, denominations, making it flowery, big, more members than the rest of them; taking in things, anything that come along and that jumped up-and-down, or shook hands, or was baptized a certain way, or spoke in tongues, or run through the floor, they put their name on the book. That's right. And then turn on the real Truth that be preached, and deny it. How can it be so? Notice what a mess we were in. Notice. And the Bible said, "And they went in the way of Balaam, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah." Perished in the gainsaying of... What was the gainsaying of Korah? "Why, you think you're the only holy man? Why, God's... All of us are holy. The whole church is all that. Every... All of us get together;
that's what we ought to do." That's where they perished: that. And we truly deserved it. We deserved to be that. But God rich in mercy has pulled us out of that chaos and let us see it before the thing hits here. Rich in His mercy, and sent us back a revival of Divine healing, and the coming again of the power of God. According to history, no revival ever lasted over three years. This revival carried for fifteen years; it's been a burning fire around and around the world. Why, because we deserved it? God rich in His mercy, not because we desire it or because we deserved it, rather. 115 Just think of what it's done. I think of one of your sisters right here in Phoenix, that many of you know, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop; she had cancer of the heart. And she was in the prayer line up here when Brother Moore and I were here the first time, about fifteen, eighteen years ago. And she was dying with cancer of the heart, and she should've been dead a long time ago. But God rich in mercy sent His power upon her. And He saved her life, and she's living today. God rich in mercy. Congressman Upshaw, a great man, I think he was the President, or something of the--of the Baptist, Southern Baptist Convention at one time, or Vice President or something. He'd done all. He was a good man. He did all that he knowed how to do. He'd went to every doctor. Nobody could do nothing for him. He was bound down. Ministers had prayed for him. He'd had a gallon of oil poured on his head, anointing, of different ministers everywhere. 117 One night, Los Angeles, California, walking up to the pulpit, look at a bunch of wheelchairs about twice, three times, to what's setting there, all up-and-down the aisles, back and forth. And then there laid over there a cot with a little colored girl in it, little Negro girl, and her--her mother was setting by her. And my brother had bringing the prayer line up. And I was looking, knowing not what was going on. And I seen a doctor with tortoise-shell glasses operating on a little Negro girl for a throat condition, and she'd paralyzed. And I looked around; I thought, "Where is the child at?" I couldn't see her. After while, way down there, no hope, lovely little girl about seven or eight years old, to be paralyzed the rest of her life... And there was her mother down there on her knees, praying. Then I said, "This doctor operated on your little girl," and described it. She said, "That's right, sir." Then she tried to get the baby to the platform. They told her not to do it. They tried to quieten her down. About time they got her quiet, I thought, "Well, we'll get a chance to pray for her." In a few minutes... Maybe people right here was there that night. And I was looking out over the audience; I seen that little girl going down, looked like through a--a little narrow road, with a doll in her arms, rocking that doll. No matter how much the doctor said that she was going to be paralyzed the rest of her life, God rich in mercy sent down the Holy Spirit by a vision, and that little girl got up out of there, and she and her mother took hold of hands and walked down through that aisle, praising God. 122 Way back there set an old man, Congressman Upshaw, many of you knows his testimony. He had been a good man, tried all of his life, sixty-six years an invalid in a wheelchair, pushed in bed; crutches under his arms, that he walked with, never no more to walk normal. And there he set there, looking on that. And all of a sudden I looked out and saw a vision. Here he come, walking down across the top of that audience, bowing his head, could walk as good as anybody. I didn't know who the man was. I said, "There's a great man setting back there. He fell off of a wagon when he was a little boy, onto a hay frame, and hurt his back. They bored holes in the floor to keep the vibration, when the people walked from striking on his back." I said, "He becomes a great man, and he keeps growing greater. He's setting in a great circle at the White House." And then this man come and told me, said, "That's Congressman Upshaw. Did you ever hear him?"
I said, "Never heard of him." And so he run a little extension mike back there, and they was talking, back and forth. 126 Then I started to look around, and I seen the old Congressman coming, walking towards me in a vision just as perfectly normal as he could be. God rich in mercy pulled him from that wheelchair, and he walked without crutches till the day he died. God rich in mercy. When doctors had failed, when science had failed, when everything else had failed, God was rich in mercy to Congressman Upshaw. I think of myself. As a little old boy, I remember as... People call me today a woman-hater. The reason it was, is because I seen so much immorality out of women when I was a kid. I hated them. And I don't do that now, because I know there's some good ones. But I remember how it was so bad, so immoral. And I thought, "My, I--I'll never be around where people is at. I have no education, so I won't get any." 128 And a little old kid setting there, not even a shirt on, with my coat pinned up like this, with a safety pin, and it real hot. And the teacher said, "William, aren't you hot with that coat on?" I said, "No, ma'am, I'm a little bit chilly." And she made me go over to the stove and--and put some wood in the stove, and I liked to have burnt up. And I--I didn't have no shirt that whole season through. And I thought, "If I could ever get the money, some time that I could get a little, get me a thirtythirty rifle, I'd come out west here and live out here and hunt, for the rest of my life. I didn't want nothing to do with people. Just stay away, because they didn't like me, and--and I'd just stay away from them. And then every time I'd go downtown to talk to anybody, see some fellows on the street, I knew. I'd say, "Hello there, John, Jim. How are you?" "Oh, hello." See, they didn't want to talk to me, didn't want nothing to do with me, because of my daddy and them that made whiskey. And I--I didn't do that. It wasn't nothing I done. And I would've been that type. 133 But now I said to my wife not long ago, "My wall is plastered with the best guns that can be bought." Oh, and I think of them old dirty clothes. Tonight I got two or three good suits. And no friends? I have to hide out in the wilderness to keep away from people. What's the matter, is it because of my personality, is it because of my education? No. God rich in mercy saw me in that condition and He saved me. I remember being led by the arms as a blind man. I could not see. Everything in front of me was a blur; I'd be blind the rest of my life. But God rich in mercy restored back my sight. I'm fifty-five years old, and still got good sight. God rich in mercy is the only thing that I can say. 135 Once the church had no provided way of healing. They had one, but they turned it down. But God rich in mercy has sent them a gift of Divine healing. That is the Holy Spirit among us, confirming the Word with signs following. God rich in mercy. I have two or three pages here of these notes, but I ain't going to try to strike them, because I'm--I'm conscious that it's almost time to start that prayer line. But God rich in His mercy... Many of you here tonight, the doctors turned you down. There's people setting in them wheelchairs, they'll probably never come out of there. They are there to stay. Some of them, paralyzed in different ways, they (would never) couldn't come out; there's no way for them to come out. But God rich in His mercy has provided an atonement. Don't turn it down. Receive it. There's men out there with heart trouble; there's people with cancers, that the doctors can do nothing with. You're hopeless, helpless, in this world. 138 But God, rich in His mercy, has sent down the Holy Ghost, and right here now to confirm the Word, to prove that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because we deserve it? Because
God is rich in His mercy. Amen. Now, that's the One; that's the Person; It's that Lord Jesus. He is not dead, but He has risen from the dead, and He's alive forevermore. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, still just as rich in His mercy as He was to the woman that had a blood issue. And she started through the crowd. There was no hopes for her, the doctors had done all they could do. She had a blood issue. She was dying. And she touched the Master's garment. God rich in mercy turned around and told her of her condition. And she was healed of this blood issue. A little, foul prostitute went up to a well one day, to get some water. No hope. She'd been excommunicated from the virgins, from around the people; her life was no good. And she thought, "What's the use of trying? I'm turned out; there's nothing left for me." But she looked, standing over on the side, or setting by the side of the well, and there was a Man setting there Who told her all things that she had ever done: God rich in His mercy. That same God tonight's just as rich in His mercy, and just the same as He was in them days. God rich... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] 142 I think we have two hundred prayer cards out here, or what we've called out in two hundred. We're going to call them and let the people line up. We're going to pray for them. But before we do it, that there be some newcomers here, to get away from all superstitions... This is not a superstition. It is the manifestation of a promise of God. It depends on what you're looking at. No virtue in any man. There's no power in no man. But we as believers have authority; not power, but authority. Someone asked me, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, you believe you got power to do this?" I said, "I ain't got power at all, but I've got authority." Every believer has it. If you refuse it, you'll stay where you're at. But if you'll accept it, it'll do the exceeding abundance, because God is rich in His mercy. 146 Take a little policeman standing out here on the street, his clothes hanging half off of him, he's so skinny. The--the cap's got his ears pulled down. And he walk out there where cars are coming down that street at fifty miles an hour, three hundred horse power motors in it. He hasn't got the power to stop a bicycle. That's right. But just let him blow that whistle and hold up that hand, and watch the brakes squeak. He hasn't got power, but he's got authority. The whole city's behind him. And when a man or a woman, I don't care what condition you're in, you've got the authority of God by a promise, because He's rich and promised to do the exceedingly abundantly. "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." You got no power, but you got authority. Remember when He told me back there, said, "You'll be able to reveal the secrets of the hearts." For He... You remember that, many of you Phoenix people? He promised it. What He promises, He does. 149 Now, there's some of you here that hasn't got prayer cards, and no doubt. How many's sick and don't have prayer cards, raise up your hands? Sure. All right. If you want to know, not authority, not power, but the authority of the Word, "The things that I do, shall you also." Jesus promised in Luke 17:30, that just before His coming, there would be like the time of Noah, Moses--or Noah, "When they were eating and drinking, and given in marriage; and knew not till the day that Noah entered into the ark." He said there would be that time. Then He said also, "As it was in the days of Lot," and said, "this will take place in that day when the Son of man shall be revealed, when the Son of man is revealed in the last days." 151 Now, look what He, how the Son of man revealed Himself in the Person of this Angel, which was the Son of man. Absolutely. Abraham called Him, "Elohim." He was a Son of man, revealed Himself just before the Gentile world was burned. How did He do it? To the believer? To the make-believer, He sent two preachers down to preach to them. But to the real believer, He stood with His back to
the tent, and He said, "Abraham..." He was Abram the day--a few days before that. But now he's Abraham. "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Said, "She's in the tent behind You." Said, "I'm going to keep My promise to you. I'm going to visit you." Oh, Abraham was a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety; but God rich in mercy kept His promise. It brought the baby, 'cause God's merciful, and He full of mercy. He's rich in mercy. He keeps His promise. 155 Notice, with His back turned to the tent, Sarah laughed and said, "How could these things be? I'm old. How can I have pleasure with my husband as a young married woman? Why, he's a hundred years old. Our family relationship has ceased, many, many years ago. How could this be?" And she laughed about it. And the Angel with--the Son of man with His back turned to the--to the tent, said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'How can these things be?'" What was it? Jesus said, in Saint Luke 17:30, that, "In the days like it was in the days of Lot," same situation, before the Gentile world is burned up, He said, "the Son of man will reveal Himself in that day." He made the promise, that Malachi 4 promises it would say. A Message would come forth that would restore the people back to the original Pentecostal Message, and with the same blessings they had on the day of... What is it? It's a two-winged eagle, both New and Old Testament, flopping its promises together of God to fulfill what the promises of the Bible said it would do. Amen. 158 God rich in mercy would not let His people go out in this denominational, rich in goods and things of the world Laodicean church age, but He would make a way of escape. Believe it, people. God bless you. Amen. God rich in mercy. The mercies of God, that's the only thing that I desire, not His righteousness, not His law; but His mercy is what I call for. God, be merciful to me. We all have that feeling. I was watching. There's a little woman setting out here on the end of the seat. You have a prayer card out there, lady? You don't. Let me show you God's rich in mercy. You've been real nervous here lately, haven't you? Real bad, and your eyes has gotten worse. Isn't that right? That's right. Now, they're going to change. God rich in His mercy by asking you if you'd believe this. Now, you have no prayer card; you have nothing; but you don't need it. See, it's grace that's bestowed to you. 160 There sets a little bitty fellow setting right there in front, with kind of a--setting right out here. He's suffering with a growth on his body. It's just recently come on there, recently. Isn't that right, sir? That's right. You don't know what it is. You're scared of it. That's right. It was caused from a bruise, wasn't it? Have you a prayer card? You don't have no prayer card. You don't need one. God rich in His mercy. Oh, brother, sister, believe God. Don't doubt Him. Believe Him. That's right. Here sets a man, gray suit, glasses on. Look at here, sir. Do you believe? God is rich in His mercy. You're setting there with a hernia. Do you believe that God can heal that hernia and make you well, setting right here on the end of the seat, looking at me? If you believe that God can heal that hernia, God will do that to you if you'll accept it. Do you believe it? Will you accept it? All right. You can have it if you'll just believe it, have mercy. Yes, sir. 163 Here's a lady setting out here; she's suffering with poor circulation in her body. But if she will believe, God will heal her, if she believes it. I believe she's going to miss it, as sure as anything. Have mercy is my prayer. Like I plainly see the woman's... Mrs. Riley, do you believe that God can heal that poor circulation? If you will, receive it. Amen. Just believe. God is good, isn't He, Stella? Yeah. That's right. I never seen the woman in my life. But God in His mercy... Here sets another woman, setting right back behind there, right in the back, looking right at me. She also... She's got poor circulation too. She was thinking about it just then. I never seen the woman in my life. Being that this other woman had the same thing, look at me. Do you believe me to be God's
prophet, or His servant? You also have heart trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand. You don't have it now. God rich in His mercy is showing forth that He's alive here in the building tonight. God rich in His mercy. Amen. 165 Could there be, how many sinners and backsliders would stand to your feet, and say, "God, rich in His mercy, be merciful to me"? Stand to your feet. I'll pray for you, if you believe that He want-you want mercy now. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you and you. Backslider, raise to your feet. God rich in His mercy. Are you--you... Surely you've not gotten so numb in this condition, that you can't see that that's the very promise of the hour. Surely you ain't got so wrapped up in denomination, and other things, that you can't see that this is the promise of the hour: God rich in mercy. Ever who you was, that stood up, I'm going to pray just in a minute. I want you to make your way to some good full Gospel church and--and be--and be baptized in Christian baptism, God give you the Holy Ghost. 168 Is there another will stand to your feet, and say, "Me, I want to be remembered. God, in Your mercy remember me. I haven't lived like I should. Maybe..."? God bless you, lady. I... God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. That's right. "God, rich in His mercy, have mercy on me." God bless you, sister. Is there... How many more is in here, say, "I'll stand. I want God to know that I want mercy. I haven't lived right. I've lived this way and that way. I've been up and down, but I want His mercy." God bless you, brother. Someone else, say, "God rich in His mercy." God bless you, sister. God bless you, sister. That's right. God rich in His mercy. God bless you too. God bless you back there. God sees you. Just stand to your feet. Say, "Does it do any good, Brother Branham?" Sure. Stand up and see how much different it is. If you're really sincere in your heart, God is rich in mercy. "He's not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance." God rich in His mercy. O God, have mercy on us. 172 Now, how many in here now, that's holding those prayer cards? What were they? A's? A's and B's. All the people that's got prayer card A's, stand over on this side, and prayer card B will stand up behind them. I wonder if there's some ministers here that would like to anticipate in helping me. If they are, would like to come up, I would be glad to have your--your assistance here, for we will be glad to pray, and pray--pray with you. This, the Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Yes, sir. "In My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongue." Have we done it? By the grace of God; not us, but God rich in mercy to keep His Word. God... Now, the wheelchairs, if you want to put them right down here in the front; we'll pray for them right here, won't have to pull them up through that, all that aisle there. Let, all right, let them come right up here. We'll certainly pray for it, every one of them. God rich in His mercy. 176 Would you stand to the right-hand side now for a few minutes? Did Brother Brown come with you? Coming tomorrow. I--I--I was in hopes he'd be here. Where--where's Brother Outlaw? Where's Brother Fuller? Some of them people that was up here with me when I first come, let's come back. You remember these old fashion prayer lines, when we used to stand there till you would have to hold me on one side, and somebody on the other, I'd get so weak? How many has been in them meetings way back in the beginning? Looky here. You remember back there, I told you that the Lord Jesus told me that, if I'd be sincere, that these things would take place. Is that right? We never had such as that in that day. But it happened, because God's rich in His mercy and loyal to His promise. Amen. Oh. Amen. Praise God. Hallelujah. "Oh, I'm so glad I'm one of them." Amen. Oh, my. There are people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts are all on flame, With the Fire that fell on Pentecost, That cleansed and made them clean; Oh, it's burning now within my heart, Oh, glory to His Name! I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them. 178 Oh, me, a wretched, miserable, poor blinded wretch, as I was, and now by His mercy, His rich mercy, I can see the Kingdom of God in sight. Amen. How beautiful is His commandments. Stand right over, my brother, on your crutch. If you can't get up, all right, stand right here, we'll come right down and pray for you. And now let the A's and B's, of prayer cards, get lined up over on the other side there, and we're going to pray for them. Minister brothers, you are certainly, if you believe in laying hands on the sick, you come right here and stand with me on this platform. We're going to pray for the sick. 182 Now, to you people that's standing in that line, if you can believe the Presence of God is here, that the Holy Spirit is in our midst now, doing just exactly what He said He would do. If I had power to heal you, I'd certainly do it. If I had any way of healing you, I would certainly do it. I do not have it. I... God has give a little gift. I'm not much of a preacher. I don't have education enough to be qualified as a preacher, what's called a preacher in these days, when the--when the experiences must be a theological experience, and it must have certain doctor's degree, and so forth. I can't qualify for that. But God, seeing my heart, and know that I want to do something for Him, I want to appreciate it. 184 A man said to me the other day, said, "I think you're just a fine man, Mr. Branham, but I believe you're sincerely wrong. You're all out of the will. Do you know you'll be condemned at the end?" And I said, "Look I want to tell you something. I'm going to say that you--that you would be right, just to say for the argument's sake. If I am wrong, which I--I don't believe I am; but if I was wrong, and I knowed right now that I was going to live to be a hundred years old, and He was going to condemn me at the end of the road, and tell me, 'You don't deserve to come into My heaven, William Branham. Get out into outer darkness.' You know what? I'd serve Him every day of my life until I went anyhow. For I have received so much of His unmerited blessings, that He's more than life to me. He's everything that I..." 186 All that I am, all that I ever could hope to be, I have derived from His grace and mercy. I was wretched, miserable, poor, blind, but by grace He has healed me, and I am strong and healthy by the grace of God. I have good eyesight. I have eat, drink, have whatever I have need of. He never promised to supply my wants: my needs. And if I am cast away at that day, and I knowed... I cannot see where I would be. But if I knew that I was wrong, and God has chose me to be wrong, I would want to stay wrong, and because that I want to do His will. It's... I love Him till I want His will to be done. Now, that's a big statement, but I hope you get it in the way, the spirit I said it in. See? I want to do His will. I ask Him for something some time, He shakes His head "no," I just rejoice so much about that as I can if He said, "yes." Because we always ought to ask, "Thy will be done." His no's is just as... If that's His will, that's just... It's a whole lot better than His yeses, if it's His will to do it. That's when you really love Him. Amen. 188 I get to talking about Him, I just can't stop now. Oh, He's so real, so real to me. Friends, He's-He's all that I am, all that I ever could be, all that I ever expect to be, is grounded in Christ Jesus, His Word. I'm thankful tonight for the witness of the Holy Spirit, for the Message. I know it might, some might disagree with It, but as I have told you, I'm duty bound to a Message. A sign went forth, and God
does not send a sign just to show that He's God. A Message, a Voice always follows the sign. Anyone knows that. Jesus come with signs and wonders. He was a great Man when He was doing signs and wonders, but when He begin to set down and to begin to bring the Message, "I and My Father are One," oh, my, that was wrong to them. See? But the Voice had to follow the sign. 191 Moses was given two signs, and each sign had a voice. That's right. I preached on it here sometime ago, somewhere, on "The Voice Of The Sign." It must have a--a Voice of the sign. It's a changing. Always it's that way. If it isn't, then it didn't come from God. If a man comes out with an odd peculiar ministry, that's found in the Bible to be the Truth, and that man stays right in that same old denominational doctrine, forget it. Nothing to it. God don't do a thing like that. That thing, that's rotten manna that's got termites in it, or wiggletails, or whatever you want to call it, from forty, fifty years ago, still trying to eat that old manna that fell way back years ago. And the children of Israel on their journey, new manna fell every night. That's right, you couldn't keep it over. We don't live over some other age gone by. We're eating new Manna, fresh Manna out of heaven, in our journey as we go on. Let's bow our heads now. 194 Lord God, You are so real, Your Presence. I think of grace, Lord. We--we have just seen You do so many things. We've heard You speak with tongues, see You interpret it through Your people. O God, to see You heal the sick, open up the eyes of the blind, make the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to talk, what a great and mighty God You are. And then to see that You promised this in the last days. Though we have many carnal impersonations, yet it only declares that there is a real God somewhere, that really is true. And I pray, heavenly Father, tonight, that we will become so God-conscious that we see that You're here. And these people in the line, when they go through this line, Lord... For we're doing this because that we made a promise to them. And You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Here's minister brothers standing here, men that You have chosen before the foundation of the world to be what they are tonight. You knew, before there was a world, that we would stand here tonight, because You're infinite. 198 So we pray, heavenly Father, tonight, that as these sick people, crippled, blind, lame, cancerridden, whatever it might be, that passes through this line, may they realize that the very God that knows the secret of the heart will heal them, if they will just only accept it, only look and understand. The man that looked upon the brass serpent just as a priest's piece of brass, he never would be healed, because he didn't have understanding of what it was. And today, Lord, the same. If they look upon a gift, to think of it might be able to help them, they don't have understanding. It's only vindication of the Presence of God that's here to heal. Grant it, Father. May it be done, in Jesus' Name. Amen. 201 I want the little pianist, if she will, man or woman, whoever it might be, to go over there and play this song, "The Great Physician Now Is Near," the sympathizing Jesus, if she will, wherever the pianist is. Now, that's... I remember one of my first healing service, Fort Wayne, Indiana. A little Amish girl setting, playing that piano, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." A little baby was brought to me on the platform; it was crippled. And while I was praying for that baby, it jumped out of my arms and run down across the platform. The mother fainted. The grandmother threw up her handkerchief, begin to cry. And this little Amish girl now, not knowing nothing about anything about Pentecostals, because she belonged to the Amish church; but she was playing. Her long hair fell
down; she raised in the Spirit and begin to sing in unknown tongues, and the--and with the harmony of that song. And them piano keys moved up-and-down, playing, "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Amen. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. 204 Now, let us pray now as... Now, let's everybody out there pray. You people coming through the line, when we lay hands upon you, remember, Jesus said if you'd believe it, you'd be well. You believe it? Now, let's all sing now. The great Physician now is near, The sympathizing Jesus, He speaks... (Let's just close our eyes now as we sing.)... hearts to cheer, Oh, hear the voice of Jesus. Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue, Sweetest... (Father God, move upon the people now.)... sung, O Jesus, blessed Jesus. The great... Now, as you walk through now, He's here. Take my word, or you believe it yourself; He's here. Everybody in prayer out there now for the people. 206 [Brother Branham and ministers pray for the sick while Brother Borders leads the congregation in singing. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] O Lord, I believe; O Lord, I believe; All things are possible, O Lord, I believe. All that believe, raise your hand like this, say, "I believe." [Congregation says, "I believe."--Ed.] Here sets a man setting here. The reason I was extent, talking, he's dying with cancer. He's on this crutch. There's no way in the world for the man to live outside of God. He's got cancer all through the bowels, and well, he's going to die if it isn't for the mercy of God. And I wish I could just... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... word of encouragement to this man. You, you know the doctors can do nothing for you now. You're beyond that. See? And you're a... You--you only got one chance, and that is in Christ. See? And, brother, I--I--you... I'll die one day too. You'll have to go, if Jesus tarries. I've got to meet you over there, stand there at the judgment bar. And this night... 210 You know, like in television, television has picked up that every time we even move our finger, anything, it's on record. Every word we say is on record. Now, see, television has proven that. Now, television doesn't manufacture a picture; it only channels that wave into the--the television. See, it doesn't make it. There was television when Adam walked on earth; there was television when--when Moses come through the Red Sea; there was television when Elijah was on Mount Carmel (See?); but they just now discovered it. See? And now, everywhere I... Every move we make, and every sound, it's playing a record that'll meet us at the judgment. Every move we make has got to meet us there. And I've got to answer for the words that I say to you, as a minister. I've got to do it, because God will hold me responsible to it. 212 Now, if I could, I'd make you well; 'cause you just got a little time, if not for God. Now, I come down and prayed over you, all I knowed how to do. Brother, anything in the world, I could do for a man setting there in that condition, I'd do it. And let me ask you. See? You--you--you are already healed, because Jesus said you was. See, "By His stripes we were healed." Now, if you could, from the bottom of your heart, accept that, you'll not die now, but you'll live. Now, see, now we know that television's coming through this room. We know that. We don't see it. We can't see it; our eyes are not made, our senses can't pick it up. It takes a manufactured tube, or whatever it is, crystal, to pick that up.
So is God present. We don't see Him, but we know He's here. Jesus Christ is the same. Look, He just declared Himself, how He makes Hisself. Now, as far as healing, if He was standing right here now, He could do no more for you (See?) not another thing. If the Son of God was standing right here, which He is, He's here, but He couldn't do no more for you, because He's already identified Himself here. See? And He's here right now, just the same, to heal you and make you well. 216 And that little lady there told me, said, "You asked the blessing, and prophesied or something, over her, that she'd have a baby," setting in that wheelchair. And she did; she had her baby. And now, the little lady setting here. Now, she had a goiter operation and it paralyzed her. Well, we just see so much of them things happen. Now, little sister, I know you're a genuine Christian. Why God has let you set there, I don't know. I believe maybe it's because that you have... Faith, you-you're trying to have faith to get out of there (See?); but now look, let's just not try to have it, let's just have it now (See, see?); just--just going be there. That's all there is to it; it's going to start right now, and we're going to get well. And you people out there in those chairs, wherever or whatever you are, just remember that Christ is present. 218 Now, you say, "Is there somebody, do you see my picture is coming through." Oh, yes. Even the Words of Jesus Christ that He spoke when He was here on earth, is passing right through this room. It never dies. How many knows that's scientifically the truth? Well, what is it? Then the Spirit picks up that Word that's been written and makes It manifest. Oh, glory. He's here. He's right here now, the Lord. We just... We have seen so much; He's done so much, till we just kinda, you know, just kinda stumble over it. If we would realize, not just some mythical something, some theological term; but the evidence that He promised He would show Himself in this day, here He is declaring it right here before us right now. What a wonderful thing. Isn't that wonderful? 221 Now, you believe. Will you believe it? Believe you're not going to die. You're going to live, and you're going to honor God. You're going to honor God. Have you ever been baptized? You're a Christian, are you? And you're a Christian. Well, you want to live for the honor of God. Then go live, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, live. And, sister, you want to walk for the glory of God, and take care of your baby; then walk, sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. You, every one of you, do the same, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Don't forget this Westward Ho Motel here tonight, the Presence of God identified here. He's no respecter of persons. He only wants you to believe. Do you believe Him now? Amen. God bless you. Let us bow our heads now. I don't know who they've chose, to--to dismiss. Brother Mushegian here, come right here, brother. He's going to dismiss in prayer. God bless you. LEAN NOT UNTO THY OWN UNDERSTANDING PHOENIX AZ 65-0120 V-19 N-3 1 Let us remain standing just a moment now for prayer. How many in here has a request on their heart, that you would that God would do something special for you in this convention? Let's bow our heads now to Him. Heavenly Father, we are a privileged people to be assembled together here in the Name of the Lord Jesus, in a free country where we can worship You according to the dictates of our conscience, as yet. And we pray, Father, that this will long be. And now, may we take advantage of this great privilege we have. And may we put our whole heart into the service tonight to worship You, that it might be said, that God was in our midst tonight, blessing His people. Save every lost soul that's in here tonight, Lord. And every backslider, may they come back to the house of God. I pray for every sick person, may be healed, the afflicted might walk, and the blind see, the deaf hear, praise and glory be given to Jesus Christ among His people. May it be long remembered, Lord, because that we have assembled ourselves together and asked in Jesus' Name for these blessings. Amen. May be seated.
3 Somehow, in coming to the Ramada Inn, it always seems like coming back home in a way, because I've been here so much till I--I think they just must begin to know me. And I'm glad of that, because I've found a fine bunch of people at these Ramada Inn's. The one in Tucson and one here, they've been very kind to us, letting us have services. Not long ago I had a service of my own, down in Ramada Inn, and the manager wouldn't even let me pay for the rent of the building. That's really nice. I'll remember that when I'm crossing the countries too, now, those who are good to the household of God. 4 Now, we've had, since Sunday night, or Sunday afternoon, rather, some great times in the Lord, or at least I have. I've had a wonderful time enjoying His blessings, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and with His people. I--I like to remember that together we are worshipping God. You are an attribute of God, part of God, when you become the son and daughter of God. And God is in you, willing His will, if you'll let Him do it. So we hope tonight, that every person will forget about the things that's been in the days, and laying everything aside, and just put our hearts right into the service now; not only to this night, but in the coming convention. No doubt many delegates has gathered. And I do see some of the extras tonight on the platform, gathering for the convention that starts tomorrow. And I ask the people who are here for the revival that we've just had, that if it's all possible, I wish you'd stay over for the convention. We're going to have some fine speakers listed. One brother could not come, and--but we got many will be here to take his place. I want to be in the complete convention myself to enjoy this fellowship. 7 You know, we get up here as ministers, and we speak, and we're always giving out to the people everything that's in us. I preached a subject one time, where Jesus said, "Behold the lily, how they neither--neither toil nor spin, and yet I say unto you that Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one." And I find out, the lily has to grow day and night, spin and toil, and to make itself radiant. But it gets no blessing out of it itself. He opens up himself, and--and the by-passer smells the perfume from him. The bee gets the honey right out of the heart. He gives everything out that he toils to take in. And I call my message, Reverend Mister Lily, so that's kinda a odd text. But--but it is, ministers give themselves out to the people, and it's good then just to set down and-and listen to others. Like warming by the fire, we like to set under each other's fire blaze and warm our hearts with the Gospel that our brethren is preaching to the people. And I'm grateful to have this opportunity to do that. 9 And now, I'm trusting tonight... Billy told me that he gave out prayer cards totally. And we couldn't get a prayer line up here if we had to. See, you'd have to go out around through there, and through a dark hall, and come up this way. You'd stumble over everything to getting in here. And the afflicted and crippled would be in an awful shape, doing it. But we don't know what our Lord may do. He may fall right among us tonight, and--and heal everyone that's here, every sickened. Oh, I'd rather see that than all the prayer lines I ever had in my life, just--just to see the sovereignty of God fall among His obedient children. I--I always like that. 11 Usually, if you have any personal contact with the people, like of laying on of hands, it could be, I don't think too many would do that, well, they would say, "A certain-certain minister laid his hands upon me, and glory to God..." That makes the people look at that minister then. But if you can just stand here, preach the Word, and let the Holy Spirit heal every one, then there's-it's absolutely just the grace of God. And then God gets all praise, glory, there's not a shadow of nothing for no one else. That's the why I... In my ministry, the reason I don't get to too many, 'less... Now, last night we tried to pray for as many as we could. But laying on of hands... 13 And usually in the night, just maybe the Holy Spirit come right among us and go to manifesting Himself, making Himself known among us. And then by that, I think it's real when He can maybe in
sovereignty... See? I can't say now, "This man, or this woman, or that child." See? The Holy Spirit moves out on the building and speaks to whomever He will speak. See, that's sovereign. And then that brings the knowledge, because it's a promise of God, and that brings the knowledge of--of the-God sovereign and also brings His Presence down among us. We should see it and rejoice and... And no matter... You say, "Well, I was crippled in my hand. I was there last night. I--I--I didn't get any better." That don't have anything to do with it. To you, it's already finished. You're not looking at your hand then; you're looking at a promise. You see? And therefore, you can't say, "Well, Brother So-and-so didn't pray the prayer of faith, or so-and-so." It's the Presence of the Lord gave you faith (You see?), and then He sent His Word and healed them. 15 Now, last night I--I broke my promise again. I'm going to sure try to keep it tonight, if I can. And now, somebody said, "You didn't stay on your text last night." No, I--I didn't; because I'll tell you why. I was going to preach on a subject, now I forget just what, "But God Rich In Mercy." And I got to trying to explain how that Paul, speaking there, said, "We who were in past times," one time, some other time than now, "we were dead and in sin and trespasses; who God has quickened, made alive..." Now, see, before anything can be quickened, there has to be something there to be quickened by. That's right. 17 So you see, if you were in the foreknowledge of God, then you are becoming a part of God. And the only way you can be a son of God or a daughter of God, you had to be a part of God, and God isn't complete without you. Has to be. That's right, 'cause there is One, only one resource of Eternal Life, and that is God, and Him alone has Eternal Life. See? Now, and you were a part of Him, insomuch that you're an attribute, or in His thinking in the beginning. And that, because He thought of you in the beginning, it gives that little tug towards Him. That's what has to be quickened. Some of them will never be quickened; they just don't have it; that's all. Just like if you would put a grain of corn in the ground, didn't have... Ever how pretty it was, if it didn't have the germ of life in it, it can never be quickened. But the germ of life has to be there first. 19 I got that little story about that eagle, walking with the hens and the chickens because he was hatched out and born there, but he never did feel just like them chickens. And, you know, when his mammy come by and hollered, he heard a voice that sounded awful good to him, because remember, he was an eagle to begin with. He just had to come to find himself to find his place. And that's the way every believer is. You wasn't born for this world. You was created in the image of God to be a son of God. And you don't belong in this chicken yard out here. You're a eagle. And you know, I got on that "eagle" and I couldn't get my feet back on the ground, so I just got... I went too long, and then I forgot what my text was, and I--and I lost my notes and everything else. I was having an awful time. But that's what it was, it was just on that "eagle." 22 Now, may that Eagle, God... You know, God likens His prophets to eagles. And He calls Himself an eagle; He's Jehovah Eagle, Papa Eagle. And the reason He does that, an eagle can fly higher than any bird there is, and because he is made different from any other bird. Now, he does not build his nest on the ground like chickens and so forth, but he goes high to build his nest. And another thing, that, he is a special built bird. Now, if a--if a hawk, or a crow, or a buzzard, or any other bird would try to follow him up into heavens, he would disintegrate; he's not made for it. He has to be a special person to go up there. His feathers are tighter than any other bird. And--and his eye is sharper than any other bird. And the higher he goes, the further he can see. Well, some of them birds, when they get as high as they're supposed to be, they're as blind as a bat. And that's the way with... Well, when they leave that creed, they don't know nothing about it then. "Days of miracles is passed," why? They can't see it.
But eagles can go into the heavens, and heavens of heaven up there. What good does it do to get up there if you can't see? Oh, I'm so glad to be one of them, and associated with a whole nest full of them now. 27 Let us turn in the Old Testament now, to the Book of the Proverbs, written by Solomon, one of the wisest men in the world, outside of our Lord Jesus. But He wasn't exactly like Solomon, insomuch that Solomon was a man borned of a woman and was begotten by an earthly father, David. But Jesus was a virgin-born Son, and was not altogether a man; but He was God, the God-Man, and He was more than a man; He was a man plus. See? But Solomon was just a man like you and I, and he asked God for wisdom to run his kingdom. And he had a gift of wisdom, the smartest man that we've ever known of outside of our Lord. He wrote the Proverbs, and I think they're very good. And we're going to turn now to the Book of Proverbs the 1st chapter, and--or the 2nd chapter, rather, and the first few verses of the Proverbs, of 2, beginning with 1. Proverbs 2, beginning with 1, the continuation of Solomon advising his sons. My son, if thou will receive... I am sorry. I have Proverbs 3:1. I'm sorry. I looked over here on--on my book, and I see that it is Proverbs 3 instead of 1 or 2. I'm sorry. Proverbs 3:1. My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall be... shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the tables of thine heart. So shall thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path. Oh, I think that's the most beautiful Scripture. Now, I want to take for a text, out of the--the 5th verse, "Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding." 31 Now, this is a--a very strange text for the day that we're living in, because the emphasis today is certainly laid upon education and upon our own understanding of things, the day of--of learning. But we find out here that this strange statement, like other Scriptures, it has its place, and we trust that God will let us see where the place is. Today we send our children to the school to have understanding. Then after they are through with the grammar schools, we send them to high school for a better understanding of knowledge. Then after they are through there, some children are even fortunate enough to go to college, and go through college to complete their education and their understanding of knowledge. What they are acquired of by... Many times to get a job, you have to have at least a high school understanding, or a college education, or so forth. 33 Yet, the wise Solomon told us that not to lean to it, not to our own understanding; learn not of these things. Because we wonder why that he would say such a thing as this, for it's because that usually our modern understanding is usually the wisdom of man, which is contrary to the Word of God. I think that's what that Solomon was trying to advise his sons, was not to be illiterate, but not to lean to their understanding. And I think it would be a good exhortation today, if we said to our sons and to the sons of God, that it's all right to have an education; there's nothing against that; but when that education is contrary to the Word of God, then lean to the Word and let your education go (See?), because the Word. And education will stand and will give you a good job, probably a good standing amongst intellectual people, but, that's all right, which will probably be a great help to you, help you in your financial and your--your livelihood, make living maybe a little better for you. 35 But remember one thing, my son; you've got to die. No matter how much education you got, and how much culture you are able to accumulate, you've yet got to face death, because it is written, that man must die, and after that the judgment. And God, when... Death is not so bad, but coming to
the judgment is the bad part. Now, you can die, "but after that the judgment." And God is not going to inquire of you how much schooling you got when you were here on earth, how much knowledge you accumulated, whether you've got your Bachelor of Art, or whatever degree you might've been, even as a minister. It's not going to be required of you. But it's going to be required of you, what you did about the understanding of God's Word. That's where the requirement comes, because that... Your education; fine, but the Word of God is Life. "My Word is Life," and to know It is Life. And He, He said, "Know Him." He is the Word. So you can only know Him by the Word, for He is the Word. That's the only way you'll know Him, is by His Word. 37 Somebody could come up and say, "This is God," or "That's God," or "This is God," or "This is right," and "That's right," but we come back to the Word, which is the Truth. And the Word is just like the--the North Star; it's a true star. No matter which a way the world's a floating, that North Star is centered with the earth. You set your compass to the North Star. It's always in the center of the earth. Other stars float around with the world, but the North Star stays stable. Now, the compass is the Holy Spirit, and (the) your--your tie post would be the North Star, so the Holy Spirit will always point towards the Word. The Holy Spirit will never lead you to anything else but the Word of God. So how could a man accept a creed, when it's contrary to the Word, and then still say he has the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost would point you away from that. It takes the Holy Spirit to point you to the Word, for He is the Word. He is the Word, and It can only... As the--as the magnetic in the compass is only set towards the North Pole, that's the only way it can draw. And when the Holy Spirit is the Author and Writer, and the quickener of the Word, how can It point the person to anything else but the Word? 40 So when a person says they have the Holy Ghost, and accept something contrary to the Word, it shows that ain't the genuine Holy Ghost they got. See? It may be a ghost; I wouldn't dispute that, but it--it isn't the Holy Ghost of--of Christ. Now, you know, many times, they take one another's spirits; and so that might point in a--like a group of men to a certain thing, but it won't--it--it won't point to Christ. But the Holy Spirit always points to Christ, and Christ is the Word. We see this so plainly in the Bible. Or, I do. Maybe I might be wrong, but--in my thinking, but I don't think so; because that this, "Lean not to your own understanding of things." If you lean to your own understanding, then you're bound to get off of the right road. You can't lean to anyone else's understanding when it comes to Life. To find Life you've got to lean to the Word. That's Life. 42 We see this from the beginning. It's so plainly made known to us from the beginning, that God gave His first family on earth His Word to live by. Only His Word, was to live by. Now, that's not through eating the food and so forth. But His Word they were to live by eternally. And as long as they kept that Word, they lived eternally. But the first little phrase of that Word was misplaced, the whole chain broke, and the human race plunged into death. See? Now we notice Eve, which was no doubt an intelligent person; the first right off of Adam, who was the--the son of God... And Eve, certainly being in that spot where there had been no sin, no place for sin, she certainly must've had a wonderful conception of what God was. Because every afternoon, she and her husband walked in the cool of the garden in the evening, and talked face to face with God. What a--an unreasonable thing that a person who would walk face to face with God each day, and then would turn to the reasoning of something that reasoned her away from the Word of God. 44 We still got them. They so easily be reasoned away from the Word of God, after setting in the Presence of God. Seeing the Word of God preached, the Word of God made manifest, drunkards and sinners come to the altar and be converted and made new creatures in Christ, people of ill fame made ladies and gentlemen; and then to turn from that blessed thing that led them to this Life, and then be perverted off after some kind of a creed to become more popular or--or get into what they would call a better class of people.
Why, you're in the best class that there is: sons and daughters of God. Well, I like that company better than I would with all the kings and potentates, and everything else. Give me that humble bunch of people, if they don't know their right hand from their left. As long as they know God, and love Him and serve Him, that's the celebrity of heaven to me. Yes, sir. 46 Now, but we find that Eve was easily persuaded by Satan from the Word of God, and she leaned on her own understanding, because Satan had projected something to her which wasn't to her real understanding of God. But she had something else told to her by the enemy, Satan, and she believed it. Now, we find the results of this. It plunged the whole human race to death, because the first mother on the earth leaned to her own understanding, contrary to the Word of God, and plunged the whole human race to death. Now, do you believe that? That's the Word. Well, a woman is always... A church in the Bible is typed to woman. And a church today can accept a bunch of dogmas or creeds, and plunge the whole congregation in a separation from God. Those people who adopt those things in the stead of the Word of God are just like Eve. And it's been done over and over, till it's got this whole generation plunged away from the Word of God. 49 And when the Word is made manifest, the Word is revealed, they won't accept It, because they won't do it, because they lean to their own understanding. "This church was built here. It's a beautiful place. It's a great organization. It's a member of a great body of people. Why shouldn't we belong to that? I'll trust in it." Trust not in your own understanding, but trust in the Word of the Lord. Now, now it ended finally in death to the whole race, as I said, same as now, to the many people who rely upon their own understanding, their dogmas and creeds, and so forth, claiming, "The Word of God is not altogether true, that some of It is inspired and some is not." How can you have faith in a Bible, if part of It is inspired and part of it's not? If one--if one quotation is wrong, then the whole thing might be wrong. It's all got to be right, exactly right. 51 And some of these so-called perverted Bible schools teaching man's knowledge, accumulation, where they get together and set in a council of people, and say, "Now, look, if the days of miracles, it ended in the days of the apostles." And many men under the bishop or the high man, would set there and say, "Well, if I can just agree with him, no doubt but I might be in line next for his position." See, then you lean to your own understanding, instead of standing on your two feet for the Word of God. That's what causes these things. 52 Sometime ago, someone... I was in a dispute on the income tax. And they said to me, said, "Why, your trustees are nothing but puppets, I suppose." I said, "If I had a trustee on the board, that had a different idea, and wouldn't stand up, and (I don't care who's speaking about it) would express his own views of it, I'd throw him off the board." Yes, sir. Though it was contrary to my belief, I want him to express what he thinks is right. That's what I got him there for, see what he says about it. But we have that. 54 Notice, Jesus said in Saint John 10, "My sheep know My Voice," A Voice, of course, is His Word when He's speaking. "My sheep know My Voice. My Voice has been proven to them to be true. It's been vindicated that it is My Voice." Now, now, notice, they are not subject to following any other voice. They won't. "My sheep know My Voice, and a stranger they will not follow." In other words, they will not understand a theological voice that's teaching contrary to the Word. The sheep don't understand that no more than the eagle, last night, could understand the clucking of the hen. They don't understand it, because he was an eagle. And that's the same thing with a genuine born again child of God, they understand only the things that are of God. Now, somebody'd say, "Well, now look, you could do this, I think. It's, I believe that it isn't this away. I believe that the days of miracles is passed. I don't believe that that's Divine healing. I don't believe this." Now, a genuine born again Christian, that'll never stop in his ears; he don't understand
it at all. And how could a man that believes in God, and can read the Bible and see that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, will ever accept such a thing as that, I don't understand it. So they do not lean to their own understanding. 56 Just like a--a baby. You take a little baby, and let him be born and let him once lean upon his mother's bosom, nurse from her the warm milk, lean his little head upon her bosom, though he's just a few hours old. In a day or two from then, take him away from his mother and give him over on the breast of a strange mother, he'll kick them little feet up in the air and yell. It's not his mother. See, he has already had a something about him, because he is a part of this mother, and yet nature has provided him a way to know his own mama. And if nature has provided a way for a baby to know its mother, from where it's born from, how much more has he a son of God that's born by the Spirit of God. He knows his Mama. He knows, because he was borned of the Word, and he understands the Word. Put him in a strange place, he certainly is out of--out of place, he'll get out of there as quick as he can. Because he has, he doesn't lean... Somebody'd say, "Now, wait, dear, this is your mama now." It's not his mama, because he has a way of knowing that he's part of this mother, that's his mother; no one else can ever take her place. He knows his own mother. 59 Notice how it's--how it is really so, God has made everything after its kind, the cattle after their kind. Many time in bringing a roundup down, we'd bring the whole herds of cattle and the little calves; I used to wonder how they would ever know their own mama. Now, they--they coming down out of the mountains, the cattle all mixed together. A--a--a cow that is with the calf, maybe a little hungry calf might nurse a little from the other mother, if he's real hungry; but when we stop them, out on the prairie, that mama starts through that crowd of cows and calves till she finds her own, and the calf is running for its mother. It knows that certain little whine in her bawl. And she's bawling for that calf, and other mothers are bawling till you can't even hear yourself think, but that little calf will find that certain call of its mother, because it's part of the mother. 60 And a borned again Christian from heaven, he is a part of this Word. Right. Another mama he will not follow. He's a part of the Word. He stays with the Word. "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare hisself for battle?" said Paul. He knows the sound of the Word. Notice how-how this is, the predestinated hand of God following them through. He knows that he was ordained; he was in the Gospel Truth. He knowed that he was born by the Spirit of God. He knows that the Spirit of God cannot deny the Word of God, so therefore, a stranger he will not follow. Notice how... 61 I was looking back here on a note that I had wrote down here. I--I passed by it, but I just happened to see the Scripture reading, thought I'd refer back to it again. Notice how His own predestinated sheep followed Him, right in the days of the greatest theologians that we ever had. They come right out, because they knew Him. They knew what the Word had promised for that day. They knowed what the Messiah was to be like when He came. And Simon Peter came to Him, which was only "Simon" then. And Andrew had tried to tell him about that. "This Man is the Messiah." Well, Simon, of course, he was maybe a little hardheaded, and he wouldn't go. But when he walked up into the Presence of Jesus, when Jesus said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." Now, we know that Jesus told His apostles that He knew them, and He--before the foundation of the world. They were the attributes of His thoughts. Therefore, being that seed laying in him, and he knew that the Word said and had been promised that the Messiah would be a prophet. And when he seen that, he was through with fishing. He knew then that he would drop his nets, because he would go--go and become a fisher of men. 64 For now there stood others standing there, who seen the same thing done, and classed it a evil spirit. That was the theologians, because it wasn't in the taste of their theological teaching. And they
turned it down, because they leaned to their own understanding, by their doctrine; when Jesus Christ came in the fulfillment of the Word of promise, and they were too blind to see it. They leaned upon what the priests said, and upon what the church said, instead of upon what God said. Now, Jesus rebuked them for it. He said, "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you claim you have Everlasting Life. And They are They that testify of Me. These Scriptures that I'm asking you to search, they tell you who I am." But they wouldn't lean to what the Word said, but they leaned to what their understanding was. They leaned to their own understanding. And the Scripture tells us that they were veiled. The veil of their own theology had them blinded. You say, "Brother Branham, what are you getting at?" 67 I'm just getting to this. That thing is occurring again, till men and women and people will lean to a certain church that they have joined and belonged to, no matter what the Word of God says about it. They go right on with that, leaning to their own understanding, and ignoring the Word of God, as if It hadn't (never) even been written. It's ungermitized seed of human life. It's got the physical life, but no spiritual life in it to be quickened. The veil was over their face. Now, notice, they had their own thoughts of what God should be, they had their own ideas of what Messiah should be. But the Word said what the Messiah should be. Now, see, they had their own understanding of what He would be. No doubt but what the high priest said, "All my priests under me, now when the Messiah comes... We've built a great temple here. We've done all this. And the Bible said, 'He'll quickly come to His temple,' and all these things. When He does, the Messiah will come right up here and recognize Himself with us, and say, 'I am the Messiah. I have arrived. I am that Messiah that you've been looking for.'" Well, when He did come, He come in such a different way from what they thought it was, they didn't recognize Him. They didn't know Who He was. But His... 69 And what if some hypocrite would've walked up there and said, "I am the Messiah. I am Doctor So-and-so"? They would've accepted it. But when they come to a Man that was born with a darkened birth behind Him, no education of any school He ever went to learn, no seminary did He have, no fellowship card; but He was the interpretation of God's Word made manifest. "The works, that I do tell you Who I am. If I do not the works that was promised I'd do, then believe me not." And could we not apply that to this day? When the Holy Ghost comes, that they want to apply to some other age, when He comes in the action and the demonstration of His power of Eternal Life, the people want to call it a--a wild fanaticism. Why? They are leaning to their own understanding and not to the Word of the Lord. You know that's right. 72 The identification, that God's Own interpretation is the manifestation of the promise. Maybe I'll say it, make it a little plainer. When God speaks the Word, He doesn't need any man, or any woman, or no one else to say what That means. When He said... Well, you say, "God meant this." God means just what He says it means. See? Now, how does He interpret His Own Word? By fulfilling It. The Bible said, "A virgin shall conceive"; she did. That don't need any interpretation. God said, "Let there be light," and there was. That don't need any interpretation. God said also, that in these last days He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and He's done it. That don't need any interpretation. That only needs an acception, somebody to accept what God has done. It doesn't need an interpretation. God interprets His own Word. God promised the things that we see day by day, that He would do it in the last day. 76 People today, like it was then, they lean upon their own understanding. "My pastor says that that's fanaticism." But the Bible said it would happen. Whose understanding you going to lean upon?
The Bible promised in the last days, that the Laodicea church Age would get so rich, and get so insuffic--or in a sufficiency of their own, "I am rich. I have need of nothing. I set as a queen." And she's rich. And He said, "Thou knowest it not that you are miserable." Now, that's the entire church age, the church. "To the church of Laodicea, you are naked, blind, poor, miserable, and don't know it." Setting in her riches, ten thousands times ten thousands, and thousands of members, wealth of the world in her hand almost. Putting it all together they--with the Catholic church and the Protestants together, as they're going together, they got the wealth of the world. 78 We are busted in this nation, just about. We're borrowing on tax that'll be paid in forty years from now, they tell me, so they said on "Lifeline." Taxes, we're spending now, will be paid forty years from now. My little grandson, if Jesus tarries, the taxes that he'll pay when he is forty years old, we're spending on it now, sending to foreign aid, and our own Indians and things starving to death; trying to buy fellowship. You don't buy fellowship. You don't buy a friend. No, but that's what we're doing. That's the way we're set up, taxing people to everything they can get onto, tax, tax, tax. And we'll not be out of war debt for--for hundreds of years yet, I suppose, that we been throwed into by politicians. And now we shouldn't be that way. There's no reason for us to be that way. But the churches themself has become rich. "Pretty near the wealth of the world," says the Bible, "lays in the Catholic church." That's why Russia run her out, why Russia excommunicate. That was the very grass roots of communism, because the church taught to be something, they wasn't no more from the rest of the world. 80 When we was up there in Finland, that little boy was raised from the dead, there stood them Russian soldiers at attention, and they said, "We will receive a God that can raise up the dead." We have made denominations, and schools, and--and buildings, and failed to do what Jesus told us to do, was preach the Gospel. We've tried to educate the world. He never said, "Educate the world; he that's educated shall be saved." You've got to be borned again, filled with the Spirit. That's the reason we have so miserably failed everywhere. See, we got the wealth, we got the thing. Now, what will happen? And when this church, World Council of churches goes together, can't you see who is going to do the leading? Can't you Methodists and Presbyterians understand that, the rest of you, even to Pentecostals? You say you're not going in. You'll either go in or you'll bust up the denomination. You'll do one or the other. It's right before you. You've got to do it. It's a forcing, the mark of the beast. That's what it is, exactly. Denominationalism absolutely (I can prove it by the Bible) is the mark of the beast. "She was a whore; she had prostitute daughters." And we know that that is the Truth. Organized religion, it's contrary to the Word, and it's antichrist in its principles. Not everything in there is antichrist; but in its principles, its system is antichrist, because it's against the Word of God. Every organized system is that way. 83 There you are (See?) and you lean to somebody else's own under--their understanding, instead of leaning to God's understanding, by what God said about it. That's the reason it's wrong. Boys go off to seminaries who has good education, off to these Bible schools, so-called. And maybe they got a-got a call of God in their heart. And they get out there and they're so indocumated with one view, that, "So-and-so said it, Bishop So-and-so. This one said it. That one said it. The council of men agreed, this way it should be." Don't care what anybody says. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth. No matter whose it is, Mine be the Truth." Now, how do we know what's Truth? When the Bible declares that something will happen, that something's going to take place, and it happens that way. Now, the Bible said in her was the--the wealth of the world: gold, silver. Now, if we're on the gold standard, and we're broke, now what is going to happen? What's going to happen? You know, the rich people of this nation, these big factories, and whiskey men, and tobacco men, and so forth like that, is not going to stand to change the currency, so the only thing we'll have to do is borrow it. And there's only one place we can borrow it. And when we do, we sell our
birthrights out to it. That's right. Then what are you going to do? You're owned by it, the--that system. There's nothing else you can do. 88 Oh, people, don't think I... You may think I'm crazy. But when my voice is silenced in death, these tapes will still be playing, and you'll recognize that what I've said has come to pass. I'd be a most silly person to take the stand that I have took to even against this thing, I--I would be--I'd be against God, I'd be against everything that's God, if I did--if I had--was wrong in my thinking and my calling. The thing would be against God. But I have took my stand because I see it here in the Word. It's God's Word. Then I see it being vindicated, proven that it's the truth. That's the interpretation that God gives of His Word. God's own interpretation of His Word is how He vindicates It and makes It true. 89 Why were these Pharisees blind? What made them so blind? Because they would not accept revelation or vindication of the Word. And that's the reason today that the churches are blind, is because they won't accept revelation that's being vindicated. If the Word says so, and it's revealed, and then it's proven, still they won't accept It. That's the reason these Jews, the Jews to this day will not. You cannot talk to them about Christ, because the veil is still over their face: blinded to... And the church, you can't talk to them about the full Gospel and the power of God, because the god of this world has blinded them from the truths of God, and they lean to their own understanding. When women come into the church and bob off their hair, because their pastors tells them, "Oh, that's all right. That man's crazy." But the Bible said she has done wrong when she does it; God refused to answer her prayer. And some of them women make another disgrace and try to be a preacher, then she's done a double thing. The Bible said she should not do that, none of it. But the church organization will receive it, and ordain her, and send her out; they're leaning to their own understanding. 93 One Word of God misplaced, or misconstrued, or It not accepted, breaks the whole Chain. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Why is it, women, you hear me preach against these things, of wearing shorts, and paints, and--and hairdos of this here bobbed hair, and all that kind of stuff, and then every year when I come back you're still setting in the same condition? Is because you're leaning to your own understanding instead of the Word of the Lord. And, pastors, why don't you clean up your church? Because you're going to your denominational creed instead of the Word of the Lord. That's right. Lean not to your own understanding. Well, lean not to your own understanding, but upon the Word of the Lord. 96 They would not accept it, because they would not accept vindication. Jesus come with a--a Gospel, just exactly the way He said He would come. Even many times... John was a little bit confused when he was throwed into prison, and he--he got down there... And he had preached that there was "Coming in the Messiah, Whose fan was in His hand; He'd thoroughly purge His floor, and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire, and gather the wheat into the garner." The Spirit of God bringing forth, gulching out of Him like a--like a fountain. And then when he seen Jesus come on the scene, a little, meek, lowly sort of a Fellow being pushed around, around here for His life, and over there. Why, they didn't... John couldn't understand it, so he sent some of his disciples to find out from Jesus if He really was the One. What a dishonor to Jesus, after that prophet standing there in the water, with the Word of God, said, "I knew Him, because I seen the--the Holy Spirit like a dove, God descending from heaven like a dove and going into Him, and I heard a Voice from heaven, saying, 'This is My beloved Son,'" and then John said, "Go and ask Him if really He was the One, or--or--or do we look for another?" 99 Now, Jesus never sent him a book on how to behave in prison, or what church he should've joined. But He said, "Stay around a little while and watch what happens, and then go show John the
things that you have seen and done," because that His works that He did vindicated Him to be the Messiah, the Son of God. "Blessed is he who is not offended in Me." So many have become offended. So many people get offended so easy at the Word of God. It--It's contrary, they want to lean to their own understanding. They don't want to take the Word of the Lord. And they have to go just the way that--that they've been taught to go, and the way that they are taught--their church leans upon it. No matter if God promised He'd--He'd rain, have rain in the morning, and the church said, "that's nonsense," they'd believe the church instead of God. Because why? They're born of the church. But a man that's borned of God, is of the seed of God. And the seed of God is the Word of God, and he only lives by That. That's his Life. 102 Now, they leaned onto their own understanding, but they didn't want to lean on God's Word. They knowed better. It was in the Scripture. They called it a evil spirit, that Man. 'Cause why? Their priest said, "Anybody that goes to hear this Man preach, they'll be put out of the synagogue." When a man was healed that was blind once, by Jesus. Even his parents, so happy about the healing, but they was afraid to confess that it was Jesus that did it. Yeah. He said--he said, "Is this your son?" Said, "Yes." Said, "Who made him well?" Said, "I--I don't know." Said, "He's of age, you ask him. He--he can talk for himself." Because it had been said that any man that leaned to His, Christ's understanding instead of their understanding, would be put out of their church. Now, isn't that just the same? I ask you a pine blank question. That's right. And they do the same thing. No matter what God does, it has to be according to their understanding, not what God vindicates to be the Truth. Now, and that man had the answer though. He said, "Who healed you?" He said, "One called Jesus of Nazareth." Said, "He's a sinner. We don't know from whence he come." He said, "Now, that's a strange thing. You're supposed to be the leaders of this hour. And here's a Man opened my eyes, that hasn't been done since the world begin, and yet you say you don't know from whence He come." Oh, my. 107 Why? They was leaning to their own understanding instead of the Word of the Lord. Because Isaiah said, "The blind would see; the lame would leap like a hart; deserts would break forth in joy." But, you see, they leaned to their own understanding, not to the Word; their own system they had drawed up. Now, notice the churches of today do the same thing. They have formed a great super race of understanding in their denominational systems. That they have such a super understanding, they don't want nobody else to fool with it, nobody to come in unless they belong to that group. Don't tell me; I live in Tucson, Arizona. I come down there three years ago; I met with the council of churches, and I said, "I never come to start a church. I come to fellowship with you. I come to help you. I'm a missionary, evangelist, whatever I do." They said, "Are you coming here to start a church?" I said, "No, sir. I come here... If I want a church, I got one in Indiana." I said, "I come here because the Lord led me here in a vision. I'm going to stay for a while now, unless He leads me away, but I never come to start a church. I come to help you brethren." 111 That's been three years ago; I've never been invited to one place. Why? Because there was a get-together right after that, and said, if any man had me in their pulpit, they would excommute that preacher. See why? Leaning to their own understanding! Certainly, that's is--is so-called; they form their super understanding.
'Less you put your name on their book, you say--you're lost. A minister told me that. "Oh," you say, "that was some quack." It was a Pentecostal. Jack Moore and I set there and listened at him in Dallas, Texas. He said he was going to have to take a man off the book. I said, "Why?" "'Cause he fellowshipped with you." I said, "Well, take it off." He said, "Well, he's lost then." I said, "Lost?" "Why," he said, "if his name is not on it..." I said, "You mean you're a district presbyter and believe that?" He said, "That's the truth." I said, "Get off the phone, mister. You--you... That ain't the grace of God, that--that. See?" 116 "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, and become members of that Body." I don't care what brand you got on you, that don't have nothing to do with it. You are absolutely a Christian by birth; that's the only way. That's the only way you can be; not by joining, not by creeds, not exciting this, or reciting this, or any other thing, or by education, theology. You're a Christian when you're borned again, and you cannot be borned again 'less you've been elected to be borned again. "For no man can come to Me except My Father draws him, and all that My Father has given Me will come. (Amen.) I'll raise him up again at the last day." These great so-called Bible schools we have, they'll say, lean upon their own learning. Oh, my. They, no matter what the Word says, they can so plainly explained it, oh, to their ownselves, make their ownselves believe it, and their own kind believe it, that, "The days of miracles is passed. There is no such thing as prophet, prophets, apostles. There is no such a thing as gifts of healing, and so forth. It all ended back in the Bible days." They can make themselves believe that. 118 You know, the Bible said you can believe a lie and be damned by it. See? That's exactly the truth. They form, no matter what the Word of God says, they lean to their own understanding. They--they lean on it; they believe it; they think it's the Truth. You can keep believing a lie over and over and over till it's the truth to you. That's right. But how do we know whether it's Truth or not? God proved it's Truth, 'cause it's in His Word and He a-vindicates It. He does His own interpretation of It. How do they do, get to this? They do it by their culture, their education, of their understandings of their--the degree of doctor's degree, and so forth, that they have come from some certain seminary and learned these things. 121 But look, friends, listen. Nowhere in the Bible are we asked to understand. We're not asked to understand It. We're asked to believe It. Believe It by what? By faith. If you understand It, then that makes faith annulled. You can't understand it, but you believe It anyhow. If I could understand God, I wouldn't have to believe God. I do not understand God. No man understands God. I cannot understand the Word of God, but I accept It. I believe It. I'm not asked to understand It. I don't, went to no seminary and all this great understanding of man's knowledge on that. I just know that the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and I look for Him in that same category. I know He promised what He would do in this day; I look for Him to do it and He does it. That's right. He promised grace; I looked for it and I received it. He promised healing; I believed it and I accepted it, and I received it. 123 Now, don't want to take too much of your time, but I want to ask one thing if you'll bear with me a minute to consider some of those who did not lean on their own understanding; some characters of the Bible, just for a few, that leaned not to their own understanding, regardless of what the understanding of their age was.
Let's take, for instance, Noah. Noah lived in a day of great scientific research. In the days of Noah they probably built the pyramids, that they cannot reproduce again. Now, we haven't got nothing to do it with, nothing to lift the boulders up there. They could not today. Them days, they had some kind of a chemical they could put in dye and make the clothes look natural till today. They had an embalming fluid that they could make a mummy; we could not make one today if we had to. We've... A lot of the arts that we have lost. The day that he lived, in a smart scientific age. Jesus referred to it, that that same kind of an age would return again before He come back, "For as it was in the days of Noah..." Now, you will believe that, won't you? Do you believe that Jesus said that? Do you believe we have returned to that age? Now, that is in the Book of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 29th verse. 126 Now, in Luke 17:30, He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, when the Angel of the Lord..." Now, He was reading the same Bible we are. And when He... Go back and find out what kind of day it was before Noah's rain. Go back and find out what kind of a day it was before the world was destroyed in the days of Lot. Find out what it was, and you see what Jesus was talking about. "In the days of Noah, they was eating, drinking, marrying, and given in marriage; knew it not until Noah entered into the ark, and the flood come, taken them all away." In the days of Lot just before the world was--the fire burned the Gentile world, the Sodomites, there were homosexuals, perversions, everything in the world. A great... It was a modern Los Angeles; not a modern only Los Angeles, but a United States; not only in United States, but a world. It sure was perversion. Men lost their natural source of life and their natural understandings of common sense, become perverted by an evil spirit that changed the whole course of their natural life, and they were possessed with demon spirits. If that ain't the picture of the days of Noah, I don't know it, and in the days of Lot, I mean. In days of Noah also, eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage, divorce courts filling, and everything, just like it was. 130 But remember, before the world was destroyed, Abraham was sent on the face of the earth and was given a promise of a son. And Abraham met God in many stages, as a type of the church has met God. But just before the destruction and the promised son returned, or came, rather, the son had been promised, came, God came down and was manifested in human flesh in a Man, three Men. And They come down to Lot; come first to Abraham, and They set down. And Abraham had had his name changed from Abram to Abraham; Sarai to Sarah. And this Man, the speaker, Elohim, when He came down to speak to him, what did He say? He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?" Said, "She's in the tent behind You." Said, "I will visit you according to the time of life." And she laughed in the tent behind Him. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" See? Now, He would've took the life of Sarah right there for laughing at His Word; but He could not do it, because Sarah was a part of Abraham. 133 And today, Jesus said in Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the end time when the Son of man..." Now, remember, "Son of man" is a prophet. Jehovah called Ezekiel a "son of man." Jesus come in three names: Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He called Hisself "Son of man" so that the people would understand, for He was that Prophet that the Lord God would raise up. Now, notice, then He promised what? The Son of man would reveal Himself again just before that time, before the fire. And that was the last sign that Abraham saw before the promised son arrived; and he turned back to a young man, and she to a young woman. Before... Now, notice, the Scripture specifically says that, now we must look for that. And then if we see the world in perversion and the things that's in it today, carried on the way it is, then how can we say that's right and don't say this other's right? Because somebody, you're leaning
on their understanding and not the understanding of the Prince of Life Who was that Person that was there at the gate with them at Sodom. Now, we notice, we lean not to our own understanding. 137 Noah did not lean to his understanding. It was a great scientific age, but he didn't lean to his understanding of his day. But he leaned on the promise of God, and moved by the power of God, and prepared an ark in the saving of His house, when it was absolutely contrary to common sense. There was no water up there, never had been. But he knew if God said there would be, there would be. So he leaned not to his own understanding, but by faith he moved by the Word of God's promise. The Spirit moved him, and he did it. Abraham, he did not lean to his understanding about human life. He had married his wife at about seventeen years old. Here he was, seventy-five years old, and she was sixty-five years old, being ten years younger. But Abraham did not lean to his understanding, when God said that He'd give him a son by Sarah. But he called anything, any scientific proof that was contrary to God's Word, any learning outside of God's Word, as though it wasn't so. And he give God praise, strong, giving Him praise. He did not even consider looking at his own body, or the deadness of Sarah's body, or--or his body. He did not consider anything, but leaned upon the promise of God. He leaned not upon his own understanding. He leaned not upon reasons. 139 "Why," you say, "Brother Branham, it's reason that God wouldn't heal the sick; we've got so many fine doctors." The Bible said, "We cast down reasonings." We don't reason. Faith don't reason. Faith believes and accepts. Notice. But he believed instead of unbelieving, and called the things, which were not, as though they were, which was absolutely against any reasoning. But he didn't reason. He just believed it. There was no reasons could prove that that baby could be born. That woman was about twenty years apast menopause, and his body was as good as dead. And when he was a hundred years old, twenty-five years later, he still was giving God praise, against any kind of a understanding. But by faith, he knowed that God would keep His Word. He leaned not to his own understanding. 142 What if Moses would've leaned to his own understanding, when God told him that he was to--to take Pharaoh--or the children of Israel out of Pharaoh's hand? What if he'd have leaned to his own understanding, when he was there by the Pillar of Fire, when God said, "Go down and I'll be with you"? What if he'd have leaned to his understanding when he brought them to the Red Sea, and there they was at the water, and here God had promised them the promised land? What if he'd have leaned to his own understanding, "How am I going to get across there? We haven't time to build a bridge. Here's the army coming right behind us. Here's the mountains on either side. Here is the water in front of us, the Red Sea"? Now, if he'd leaned to his own understanding, he'd throwed up his hands and run, fell at the feet of Pharaoh, said, "Pharaoh, forgive me; I did wrong." But he leaned not to his own understanding. But he prayed, and God told him to step forward, and the sea opened up, which was against all reasonings. But he leaned not to his own understanding. 145 What if Joshua, when he went over there with the other ten denominations, and walked over there and seen that promised land of God, and would've come back with them and said, "Now, wait a minute. It is true. We look like grasshoppers. They're giants. How can we ever take them? We don't even have swords, just what we've picked up. How can we ever go in and take that land? Why, it's totally impossible. They outnumber us fifty men to one. They are trained soldiers, and we're nothing but just a bunch of sheepherders and mud-daubers out of Egypt. How? We don't even have shield and things, how will we ever take it?" Why, understanding would sure prove that they could not do it. Any military man like he was, or Moses, could not have leaned on their own understanding. But their understanding, they leaned not on. But they knowed that God said, "I have given you that land. Go take it."
147 Lean not to your own understanding. If you lean on your own understanding today when you're sick, maybe setting in a wheelchair, dying with cancer, heart trouble, and the doctor says you're going to die, if you lean to that understanding, you'll die. But don't lean to that understanding. Certainly not. What about at the walls of Jericho, that they say they could run a chariot race around the top of them, them great big walls? God said, "Go up there and march around it so many times, and sound a trumpet, and all of you let out a shout, and the wall is going to fall down." Well, that was absolutely would be silly to the carnal mind. But Joshua, knowing how thick those walls was, 'cause he had built plenty of walls down in Egypt. He knowed the cement that was in them, how tight they were to hold them chariot races on top, and even houses built on top of it. But he didn't lean to his own understanding. He believed what God said was the truth, and obeyed His Word, and the walls fell down. Leaning not to his own understanding. 149 What if he was fighting that battle, and, as I was preaching on Sunday, and there the sun was going down; the enemy was routed. That night they'd get together and they'd come with another force, kill plenty of his men. Now, what if he'd have said, "I need some daylight. I've got to have some more sunlight. Well, now wait a minute. God set this order, and the sun turns so the world turns. Now, let's see, if I'd say for the sun to stop... Maybe if the world stops now, then it'd loses its gravitation, I'll fall"? He didn't listen to his understanding. Only thing he said was, "Sun, stand still; and, moon, you stay where you are," and it obeyed him. He didn't lean to his own understanding. But he leaned to the promise of God, "I've given you that land; go get it." 151 He's give you the promise of the Holy Ghost. You can get It in this convention. You can get It now. Don't lean to, "You know, I'm tired. I tell you; I eat too much supper. I--I--I'd hate for John to see me doing this." Oh, for goodness sake, you're leaning to your own understanding. "The promise is unto you, and your children's children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." "The doctor said I'm going to die. He examined me, and said I had this cancer, I had this, or whatever it was. I've got to die." Don't lean to that understanding. God is the Lord thy God Who heals all of thy diseases. So don't lean to that understanding, no man's understanding. Lean to God's understanding. 155 What if Samson, out in the field, when the Philistines, a thousand men run up on him? And there he was standing there, a little bitty, curly-headed shrimp, about that high. He did... Well, he wasn't a swordsman, 'cause he didn't know; he had no training, military training. He was just a little old curlyheaded sissy like, with seven locks hanging down: mama's boy standing out there, and here come a thousand Philistines. Well, he didn't have nothing in his hand. He looked down, and he found an old bleached out, white jawbone of a mule, and he picked it up. Now, said, "Let's see, now, I won't do much with this, because them helmets on their head is... Them Philistines, all them soldiers, they've all got spears. They've all got coats of mail. And their helmets weigh about fifteen pounds apiece, great big men, all out. Well, if I'd ever hit with this old brittle jawbone of the mule, upon one of them helmets, why, it would burst to pieces. That's it"? He didn't lean to his understanding. He just took what was in his hand and started beating Philistines. And after he'd beat down a thousand of them, he still had the jawbone in his hand. Amen. 158 I don't care what man's theology says, don't lean to that. Lean to the Word of God, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Certainly, he believed it.
What if David would've listened to Sam's--Saul's theology? There stood Goliath out there with his big boast, and all everybody scared. Saul, head and shoulders above all the army... Goliath said, "Somebody come out and fight me. There's no need of--of all of us dying. If I kill you, then you all serve us. And if you kill me, why, we'll serve you," 'cause he had the edge on him. That's the way the devil likes to do, when he's got his whole seminary out, and all of them, when he's coming along. See? Little old David walking around there, a piece of sheepskin on him; ruddy, stoop-shouldered, a little bitty guy about a hundred pounds, a hundred and ten, he said, "Do you mean to tell me that the armies of the living God, that's circumcised to a covenant, will stand there and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the armies of the living God?" 161 Saul said, "Come here, boy." He said, "I admire your courage, but the days of miracles is passed. We don't have no such a thing as that. And let me tell you something, what fellowship card can you show. See? You ain't even got an armor. You ain't got nothing but a slingshot in your hand. See? You haven't got a Ph.D. or LL.D. How you going to do this? Why, that man is a warrior. Why, he's--he's a D.D., double L, Ph.D., LL.Q. Why, he's got so many degrees, he could plaster a wall with them. And who are you? A sheepherder." He said, "But I want to tell you something." He said, "You know what?" Said, "I was herding my father's sheep out there," and said, "a lion come in and grabbed one of them, and run out. And you know, I took this little slingshot and went after him, and knocked him down. I took the--the lamb out of his mouth, and he rose up against me when I did. I just took the knife and killed him." Said, "I went on back. And here come a bear in, after that sheep, and grabbed him and run out. I slew him too." He said, "Now, the God... Not my Ph.D., not my own understanding. I can't tell you how I do it. I don't know how it's done. But the God (Amen.), the God that delivered me out of the paw of the bear and the lion, how much more will He deliver me out of the hand of that uncircumcised Philistine." 163 A bishop Saul, said, "You know, I believe you got a calling, boy. I'll tell you; if you'd come over here, I'll learn you how to duel. (See?) And I'll tell you, I'm--I'm the doctor, so you put on my armor. I want to dress you up." David stood there, and they give him a Ph.D., a LL.D., and all that, and he-and the poor little fellow couldn't even move. He didn't know how. He said, "I never proved this. That ecclesiastical vest don't fit me. Take the thing off. Let me go with what God helped me with." That was faith in the power of God. And he--he didn't lean to his own understanding. He didn't lean to what somebody else said. He leaned to faith. Because he knowed if God had saved him from the bear's paw, how much more would He save him from that Philistine. Well, if God loved you well enough to bring you up out of sin and to fill you with the Holy Ghost, what's the matter with you poor spineless weaklings around the country, won't He much more deliver you from your affliction when He promised He'd do it? God's Word said so. He'll do it. Sure, He delivered him out of the hand. 166 Oh, every one of the prophets, what if they would've leaned to their own understanding in their age? They'd have never walked up to them priests and high priests, and called them whited walls and everything else. They'd never prophesied contrary to them. They'd have been like some of them modern prophets, would agreed, wore fine clothes, and been in kings' palaces. What if John would've tried to lean to his own understanding? But he walked right up. They said, "Now, wait a minute, John, don't you preach on marriage and divorce." He walked right up to Herod's...?... and he said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." Yes, sir. Say, "Well, you know who that is? That's the Procla..." "I don't care who it is." He didn't lean. He said, "Now, you know you haven't got much. You're down here on this wilderness. The association won't receive you, if you go to acting like that." He didn't care about any association. He didn't lean to his own understanding, but to the understanding of God. Sure.
171 There was one man who did lean to his own understanding, and his name was Judas Iscariot. Oh, he... I--I don't see how he could've done it. He'd walked face to face with Christ, just like Eve did in the beginning. He had seen the vindication; he'd looked at God in the face, like Eve did in the cool of the evening. Eve looked at Christ in the cool of the evening in the garden. And Judas had set in the cool of the evening in the garden of Gethsemane and many places, and had looked at the same Christ; had heard Him teach, prove Himself by the Word, vindicated to be the prophet that Moses had spoke of would be raised up, and told them in the Scripture Who He was, and all about it. They had seen it proved by God, that He was, and then he leaned to his own understanding. 172 How could he do it? It was because he never had it down here in the first place. He wasn't a germitized seed. He was the son of perdition, borned out of perdition, returned back to perdition. Now, we notice. But he went out, and maybe he might've had an idea of his understanding. He might've thought that Jesus... He had so much respect for Him, "Now, you know; I might sell Him for thirty pieces of silver. And if I do, I'll have some money, and I can do something with that. And He's able to deliver Himself." See, he didn't know in the Scripture that He had raised up to take that same place. And neither does the people today realize what condition that they're in. It's ordained for this Laodicea church to be in this condition, putting Christ on the outside, and Him knocking, trying to get back in, [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.], no cooperation nowhere though. Vindicating His Word in the day now, like He did in every day, and they walk right away from it. Leaning to their own understanding, that's--that's all there is to it. 174 Or, maybe, let's say this that--that he thought maybe if he did sell Christ for thirty pieces of silver, why, that he would have a--a fellowship with some of the great denominations of that day, the Pharisees and Sadducees. He'd say, "Now, wait, He can take care of Hisself. I've seen Him in great battles; I--I know that--that He can take care of Himself. So I might make some money, kind of a--a little retirement, as it was. And then, again, I might have a great standing with these churches today, if I would betray Him to them." See? But he leaned to his own understanding, instead of the understanding that that was the vindicated Word of God, and he did to Jesus just what the Scriptures said he would do. And today, the church world has turned Christ out in this last days, just exactly like the Book of Revelation said they would do it. It's the spirit of Judas again in the form of church, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the Word." See? That's right. Now, oh, my, what did it result in? Death, just like it did to Eve. And it does to all others who tries to pervert the Word of God and lean to their own understanding. Even now they sell, not for thirty pieces of silver, but maybe become, oh, some great officer, some seminary experience. Wouldn't be worth thirty pieces of silver, but they sell it anyhow; sell their understanding of God out for such a thing as that. 176 How different from the great learned Saint Paul, who had all the knowledge he could brag about. But he said, "I've turned the whole thing of my reasonings down. I met a Pillar of Fire one day on the road down to Damascus." And he said, "I never come to you with excellency of speech, because if I did, you'd trust in the wisdom of man. But I come to you in the power and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost, that your--you would lean upon the Word of God." Amen. Said, "If an Angel from heaven come, preaching any other thing, let him be accursed," Galatians 1:8. That's right. No, sir. He never. The little woman at the well, she was immoral. But she knowed that the churches had excommunicated her. And, but she never leaned upon her own understanding when she met this One at the well, who told her all the sins that she had done; she run into the city. Now, it wasn't right for a woman to do that, to go in and say anything, 'cause she was a prostitute. But when she had met Jesus, she never leaned to the understanding of the people, them days. She come, said,
"Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" She never leaned upon her understanding. No. 178 The virgin Mary, when the Angel Gabriel met her and told her that she was going to have a baby without knowing a man... Whew. Never been. She never leaned upon her own understanding, that a woman could not have a baby without having a--a husband. She didn't lean upon that. But she said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Your Word." She didn't say, "How am I going to do it? And when will I do it? And how's this all going to take place?" The Angel said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee; and that holy Thing will be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." She said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She didn't take her reasoning, say it couldn't be done. She just said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." That's right. 181 Notice. The--the woman that had the blood issue, the doctor told her, said, "There's no hopes." She'd spent all of her living, with the physicians, and none of them could help her. And she didn't lean upon that. When Jesus... She walked through the crowd, and she said, "I believe if I can touch that Man's garments, I'll be made well." She goes over. "Now, wait, the doctor said, 'You can't get well.'" She'd had this blood issue for years and years. She got weaker all the time and worse. The doctors had give her up. That's all the understanding they had. But she said, by faith, There's no Scripture telling her to do that. But she said, "If I could touch the border of His garment, I'll be made well," and she slipped around and touched Him. She walked back, set down. And Jesus turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" He looked around till He found her. He told her of her blood issue. And she felt at that moment in her own body. She couldn't prove it then, but she felt in her own body that her blood issue stopped. She never reasoned, if the doctor had turned her down, how could anything else help her? She never went to reason, but she went to faith. 186 Now, the Bible said that He's the High Priest today, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Is that right? Don't go to reason, say, "Oh, that's..." He said today He's that. He is right now a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. The same yesterday, today, and forever. What do you think when I was out there as a Baptist preacher, and that Angel of the Lord met me out there and commissioned me to go do this that I'm doing? Why, my pastor said, "You've gone crazy. Why, you had a nightmare, you..." I said, "You'd better take my fellowship card right now." Now, he said, "How can you with not even a grammar school education, preach around the world? How can you ever pray for kings and potentates, and you--you--you can't even use your grammar right?" I wasn't trusting in my grammar. I wasn't trusting in any ability I had. I was commissioned. Hallelujah. And I didn't go to reasons. 190 If I had have listened to reasons, there'd probably have been thousands of people died years ago. But I carried a Message exactly like He said, around and around the world. And I'm going again, by the grace of God; not by reasons, but by a commission. Hallelujah. I leaned not... You say, "You're fifty-five years old." If I was ninety-five, that don't mean a thing. He's still the same God that He was with Abraham. Yes, sir. Lean not to your own understanding. And after the sign went forth, and the Voice following, and the churches begin to turn me down and close their doors upon doctrine, that any of them is daresn't to stand before me to say it's right or
wrong. I challenge any of them. Uh-huh. Not to be smart, but I know where I'm at. See? That's right. What did they do? What did they do? They shut every door. "Now, what are you going to do?" 192 The other day, up on the mountain, I was standing there. I said, "Lord, I got one open door in the whole nation, as far as I know; that's Phoenix, Arizona, is the only one I got." And I started down off the mountain. Just as plain as I ever heard anybody speak, said, "What's that to thee? Follow thou Me." Amen. No more of my own understanding. I'll lean upon His promise. Oh, friend, don't lean upon reasons. Then you cry out, with Eddie Perronett of old. All hail the power of Jesus' Name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all; Crown Him Lord of all. That's right. Don't lean upon what you think, what somebody else thinks. By faith accept the promise of God. Will you do it? Now, it isn't whether somebody else did it, whether they didn't do it, but what about you? What will you do with this Jesus called the Christ, that makes Hisself known in this day, the same as He did in that day? Do you believe Him? Let us pray. 195 Lord Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords, God of gods, God of all potentates; the First, the Last; the Alpha, Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the Bright and Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Root and Offspring of David; come, Lord God, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Bless this crowd of people, Lord. This... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] just getting ready to start tomorrow. We've had a little meeting here, and You've blessed us in it. You've made Yourself known to us. I pray, God, that You will continue to make Yourself known to us. Bless us tonight. Help us now. We are needy people. And, Lord, Thou knowest I don't like to scold people, but how can I hush that holy burning? I don't like to do that, Lord. You know my life, my heart. I must do it. And I pray, God, that You'll help me to do it. Just give me grace, and never let me lean to my own understanding, but let me lean upon Thy promise. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 198 I want you, everyone to be real reverent just for a few minutes. In this crowd of people, there's men and women setting here, no doubt, who are sick. How many is sick and afflicted in here, raise up your hands, just say, "I am in need of God"? Just raise up your hand right now, "I'm in need of God." Now, I don't know very many people. I know these three boys setting right here. I know Mr. Dauch and his wife setting there. I think--I think this is Sister Moore. I'm not sure. Is that right, Sister Moore? Outside of that, I guess that does it. Or Brother Mike, and the platform. That's as far, as I see, that I know. But the heavenly Father Who promised, and in this day He would vindicate Himself in this age, just exactly the way He did at Sodom... Did He promise it? Manifest Himself? Do you believe that? 201 Now, if you will pray, and by faith... Now, don't try to reason, "How can I touch Him as the High Priest?" Now, the Bible said, the New Testament; He is a High Priest right now. He continues a High Priest after the order of Melchisedec. He's the High Priest forever. There's no other High Priest but Him, no other mediator between God and man, but the Man Christ. That's right. He is the only One, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now, if He remains that same High Priest, and the Bible said, we can touch Him by the feeling of our infirmities, like that little woman did that touched His garment, your faith can touch Him tonight and He'll act the same way in human flesh, like He did when He was in human flesh there at--at Abraham's oak. You believe that? He promised He would do it. Now, just pray, anybody that has a need. And I--I...
204 It's like I said: a gift is not something that's like you take a knife, and if you want to cut this with it, you can cut it; or you cut this, you can cut it, or whatever you want to. That's not a gift of God. See? No. A gift of God is some way you have of getting yourself out of the way. And gifts and callings are the predestination of God. "Gifts and callings are even without repentance." You're born with it, a little gear that you pull yourself over in, but you cannot step on the pedal. See? God has to operate it. You have to get yourself out of the way. Your faith can operate it, not mine; yours. Mine just takes it out of the way. You believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ lives today. 207 Don't lean to your own understanding; you say, "Well, now look, I--I'm in serious shape, brother. You don't know me. I've been in this wheelchair. I've been... I--so..." I don't care what you've been, and see if God won't come down and do exactly like He did when He was here on earth in a physical body. He'll do it in your body, in my body together as a unit believing in Him. He'll do it because He promised He would do it. Now, don't lean to what somebody say, "Oh, that's--that's mental telepathy," that they call It. Said Jesus was the same thing. They said He was a fortuneteller, a devil. But He was the Son of God, because He was according to the promised Word of God. 210 Now, as I said, our--our places, we don't have to have that to come up and lay hands on people. We laid hands on them last night. But the only thing you have to have is faith and then recognize. By faith you accept it, by faith, not--not anything that... Don't say, "Well, now how can it be done?" If I could tell you how it was done, then it wouldn't be no more faith. I don't know how it's done. I don't know, but I believe it. I--I don't know how--how God saves a sinner, but He does it. I don't know how God does any of these things, but I accept it. He--He does it; that's the way. Because I can't explain it. Now, well, I... Never will be explained. No one can. Because if you do, then it is no more faith. I don't see how God and Christ could be the same Person, but They were. Scripture said. Well, you can't explain it, but they were. "My Father's in Me. It's not me doeth the works; it's My Father in Me. If I do not His works, then that shows I'm not of Him. But if I do His works, then He testifies Himself that I'm of Him." Well, it's the same thing now, exactly the same thing. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, if you will believe. 214 Now, there's a man setting right here before me, he's got dark hair. He's got a watch on his arm, a dark suit. He's wearing glasses. You can look right here; you see him setting with his eyes closed, praying. I don't know that man. The heavenly Father knows I don't know him. But I'm just going to look to him just for a minute, 'cause he looks like he's so sincere, setting there. Ever since I made mention, the man just closed his eyes and started praying. The man is a stranger to me; that's to my hands. I don't know him. God knows that man, and He can reveal to me. If that promise is true in the Bible, He can reveal to me what that man's got his eyes closed for, and what he's praying about. Do you believe that? Do you believe it, sir? If you'll open your eyes, you're setting right here, look right here. You believe that? All right. Now, you know I don't know you. We're strangers to each other. But God knows you. Now, he started crying, weeping. Because I can tell him now that God's going to answer his request (See?), because that was what struck him just then, that Light; from darkness, changed to Light. See? 216 Now, the man, he's praying for somebody else, and that's this little boy setting over here by him. That's his son. That's right. Now, that little boy is suffering with a--a stomach disorder, and also something wrong with his intestines. That's right. That's right.
You're not from here. You're not from Arizona. You're from California. That's right. And you're a minister, and your fellowship is with the Assemblies of God. That's true. Reverend McKay is your name--or, Reverend Kaid, that's right. Is that true? Wave your hands like this. Now, your little boy's going to get well. Your faith... Now, what? Now, there's the man with his hands up; he doesn't know me; I don't know him. But what was it? He touched the High Priest. Now, see, he couldn't lean to his own understanding. Now, what he's got to do, what does he do now? He's got to believe that what was told him, the truth, 'cause he knows he knows not me. That's right. 219 Here, here sets a woman setting right down here in front of me also, she's got her head bowed. She's suffering with a cancer. She also comes from California. I hope she don't miss this. Miss Adams, that's her name. I never seen her in my life. Yeah, that is true. There's a lady setting right back out here. I can't just put my, point to her, but I see a Light hanging over her. She's deeply in trouble. She's got trouble with her neck for one thing. And another thing, she's--she's got spiritual troubles wherein she's troubling about. And she has got a domestic trouble; her daughter just run away. That's right. That's true, isn't it? She's got her hand up. Mrs. Miller, that is right. You believe? God will send her back, heal your body. Now, I never seen her in my life. She's a--completely a total stranger. Here's a lady setting here in the audience. She--she's not from here; she also is from California. She's got cancer, and the cancer's on her breast. She's been operated on, one breast, and it's went to the other. That's right. Mrs. Kaland, that is right. You believe that God will make you well? All right, you believe it. I'm a stranger to you, lady. I don't know you. That's true (See?) she's...?... 222 That you might know that God is present, there's a lady setting right next to her. Her name is Mrs. Harris. She's a total stranger to me. But when the Spirit struck this woman, she also in sympathy with her. And she comes from California. That's right. And she's got trouble with her shoulder. That's right. You believe that God will heal you? If that's true, raise up your hand so that the people can see: total stranger. Lean not to your own understanding. What can do that? You can't explain that. That's a paradox. It's beyond explaining. Ask those people; I never seen them in my life, never knowed nothing about them. It could just go on through the meeting. But, now look, don't lean to your own understanding. But lean to what He promised, that He would do that; if that isn't the same Spirit that was dwelling in human flesh, that knowed that Sarah laughed in the tent behind the Man... Is that right? And He promised just before the world was destroyed with fire, when the Son of man would reveal Himself again in like manner, as the--the Son of man (prophetic) would reveal Hisself in human flesh like He is here with us tonight, as He did then. Now, what hour are we living in? Just near the destruction. 225 Friends, don't stand in here, no longer, a sinner. Accept Jesus Christ while you're in His Presence. Now, I know, usually it's customary for ministers to make pleas and tell stories about mother that's dead and gone on. That's all right. But we don't come upon the basis of our mother being dead. My mother's dead too, my father also. But we come up, intelligently, accepting upon the basis of God manifesting Himself in Jesus Christ to take away the sins of the world. We come and believe upon the atonement. And while He has a vindicated His Word... I don't care what church you've gone to, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, or no church at all. If you will admit that you have understood it different, and know that you really never have been born again, but you want to be, and want to accept it now, the promise now. You might not be filled now, but you will be filled when the--as the meetings goes on. You want to accept it upon those basis, would you stand up to your feet and let me just offer prayer for you right where you're standing. Everyone in here that knows... 227 Don't lean on your own, "Oh, say, I spoke in tongues." Now, that don't have nothing to do with it. I believe in speaking in tongues too. But I've seen witches, devils, and everything else, speak in
tongues and interpretate. That's right. Ask missionaries down here, we can find out, Brother Creech, and you know that's right. I've seen them speak in tongues, and drink blood out of a human skull, call on the devil. Sure. I've seen them lay a pencil down, and it'd get up and write in unknown tongues; and the witch, wizard stand there, interpret it. So speaking in tongues is no sign you got the Holy Ghost. If that--and if you speak in tongues and deny this Word, there's something wrong somewhere. Right, right. Don't lean to your own understanding. Somebody now, you said, "Well, I shouted it." I do too. But don't lean to that. I've seen all kinds of demon powers shout and scream. I've seen Mohammedans shout and scream till they worked theirself in such a place, they could run splinters through their hands. In India, I've seen them scream and jump up-and-down, take balls of water, with hooks in it, and push it through their skin and walk on hot fire coals (That's right.), denying Jesus Christ. 232 See, don't lean to your own understanding, but upon the Word of God. If your life doesn't cope with this Bible, to believe every Word that's in there; and you want to believe it, and want God to work His will through you, because you can be a part of God, will you stand and say, "I will accept it right now, brother." Thank you. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. Wonderful. God bless you. May God grant to you, all these sincere. You say... Just--just keep standing, just... You say, "I'm a church member, Brother Branham, but really I'm a Pentecostal; but when it really comes to really saying I can believe all that Word's the Truth, I just can't do it, but I--I want to do it. You help me; you pray for me. I want to stand up and say. I--I don't, you say look setting here, or, I'll-I'll testify in this church, that I was." But you know down in your heart you're not. God knows you're not too (See?), so why not just stand. Don't lean to your own understanding, but lean to His Word. 234 Will you stand, some more? Anybody else wants to stand? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, you. "God, help me." God bless you all. That's good. Just keep standing. Say, "Will that do me any good?" Stand up one time, see if it does. Really mean it, "I want, Brother Branham, I want to be right. I want to be right." Now, I'm not saying leave your church. No, sir. Stay right there where you're at, just be a real Holy Ghost filled person in that church. You say, "Well, I don't know what my pastor will say." He'll appreciate you if you're--if he's a man of God. See, that's right. "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify the Father." God bless you. Well, God bless both of you, and you; and you, brother, you. God bless you, each one. God bless you. God bless you, son. 239 Now, you that raised up, if you feel better after raising up, just raise your hands to tell others that you feel better about it after you raised up. See, every hand. See? Sure, you do. See, you're sincere. You're standing up, say, "I'll be a witness." "He that will stand for Me here, I will stand for him there. He that's ashamed of Me here before these men, I'll be ashamed of him before My Father and the holy Angels." Don't be ashamed of Him. Don't lean upon your own reasonings. Lean upon the Word of God. "He that will confess Me before men, him will I confess before My Father and the holy Angels." Would there be some more, just before we pray? Let us bow our heads then. God bless you, sister. Sure. God bless you, you, brother. Certainly. Would there be any other, just while we have our heads bowed? God bless you, you. Now, that's right, they're still standing. We'll just wait a moment, just a moment. God bless you, brother. God bless you. Say, "Does it mean anything, say, 'God bless you'?" That's pronouncing my blessings to you. God bless you. 242 Some of you that's standing around the wall, where you have no room to set down, would you just raise your hand, say, "Me, God, it's me"? God bless you, brother. God bless you, and you; and you, sister; and you, my brother; and you, my sister.
Oh, the Holy Spirit's so sweetly moving over the audience. Can you feel that? God bless you, young man up here on the platform. God bless you, over in the corner. God bless you, young fellow. Yes. O Holy Spirit, move freshly in our hearts now. Show us our wrongs, Lord. We don't--we won't lean to our own understanding, our own reasoning. But we lean upon You, because we know that we're standing in Your Divine, vindicated promise of today. You have made Yourself known beyond any-beyond any reasoning. We could not reason and explain it. But You've come right down here in our midst now, and made known to us that You are here, and men and women are believing that and accepting it. God, take each one of us into Your bosom, and hide them in the Rock of Ages until the fires are passed. We're fixing to be burned, Lord. We know it. We're back in Sodom. But the righteous shall not perish with the guilty. You'll call Your children, Lord. You told Lot, "Get out of there. Get out." I pray, God, that each one that's in that condition tonight, that's out there, not sure where they're standing... God, they wouldn't take a chance on going down a one-way street, the wrong way. They wouldn't take a chance on running a red light, if they're in their right mind, because they might get killed. Then how could a person take chance on their eternal destination, just guessing, presuming, adventuring without really authority to adventure, because they belong to a church or a denomination? And really they can't--they can't understand how that the Word of God could be today as it was then, how these promises might be made manifest. "The apostolic age to be gone." Help them, Father. I commit them to You in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. 247 Thank you, my brother, sister. I'm so glad to call you my brother, sister. And remember, God will make me answer for every word, at the day of the judgment. Everything that I preached tonight, I got to answer for it. I'm conscious of that. And what have I done since a little boy, preached this Gospel, and then be a castaway? Now, how many of you is sick and afflicted here tonight and you want to be prayed for? Raise up your hand. Now, will you just do one more thing for me? Lay your hands over on one another. Lay your hands on each other. Everybody bow your head now, and just like you was in church, up here on the platform. Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in of--His Presence, a vindicated Presence... The very Word that's been preached has been confirmed that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let the Holy Spirit of God sweep over this crowd of people just now. Many of them has come and accepted You as their Saviour; many backsliders has accepted You and come back. O God, I pray that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You'll heal every person. You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You promised it, Lord, and the believing children have their hands laid upon one another. Satan, you are defeated. Come out of these people, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let them people go, for the Kingdom of God's sake, in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 252 All that believes that Jesus Christ now is your Healer, as well as your Saviour, and you want to accept Him upon them same grounds, stand to your feet, say, "I now accept Jesus as my Healer, as well as my Saviour." Wonderful. Praise the Lord. Thank the Lord. Now, let's raise our hands and sing to Him. I will praise Him, I will praise Him, Praise the Lamb for sinners slain; Give Him glory, all ye people, For His Blood has washed away each stain. Oh, don't you feel good? Wave your hands. Oh, my. Let's sing it again. I will praise Him, I will praise Him, Praise the Lamb for... (Remember, same yesterday, today, and forever, that Lamb is.) Give Him glory, all ye people, For His Blood has washed away each stain.
254 You love that? Let's reach over and shake hands with somebody. This is the breaking of the meeting, started in the convention. Say, "God bless you, brother, pilgrim. God bless you." That's fine. That's good. Wonderful. Now, do you believe we're going to have a great convention after this? We thanked God for a great meeting, now we're going to have a great convention. All that believe it, say, "Amen." My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb (Let's look up to Him now.) Calvary, O Saviour Divine; Now, hear me while I pray, Take all my sin away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my Guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's fears away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! Amen. The congregation said, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Hallelujah. Oh, praise Him, Praise the Lamb for sinners slain; Give Him glory, all ye people, For His Blood has washed away each stain. Amen. 256 How wonderful. All right, shall we bow our heads now for the benediction. I don't know who has been chosen to do it. Brother Johnny Manadal, from California, while we have our heads down... Now, don't forget tomorrow night, that's the first, beginning. Tomorrow night, the convention will be right here, right here in this hall at seven-thirty. God bless you. Have you enjoyed the Presence of God? Amen. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, let's bow our head while Brother Johnny dismisses us. BROKEN CISTERNS PHOENIX AZ 65-0123 V-19 N-4 1 Lord, I believe; Lord, I believe, All things are possible; Lord, I believe. Let us remain standing just a moment and bow our heads. Lord Jesus, we are trying in our humble way to express to You by singing this, that we believe. And we pray, Lord, that now, that You will continue breaking the Bread of Life to us, giving to us that which we have need of out of Thy Word. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. May be seated. 3 I'm quite sure, if we should--if I'd say the all-sufficient word now of "amen," that the august blessings of God would still rest upon this audience. I set this morning and listened close to the service, and enjoyed the testimonies, the different ways each one has of expressing themselves. And to hear the newcomers, the Baptist brother here that come to apologize for thinking that a little wrong. So I--I certainly appreciate the humil--somebody that can be human enough, or--or gentleman enough too, if he thinks he's made a mistake. He didn't exactly apologize to me; it wasn't me he was apologizing to; it was God. So I--I appreciate that. See? God bless our brother and his evangelist brother. My, that Baptist, you know, I used to belong to the Baptist church myself. I was a member of the Missionary Baptist church. When I come among the people, I know how you feel. I felt the same way, just full of something that I--I didn't know.
6 I remember my first experience of seeing a Pentecostal; it was in Dowagiac, Michigan. I beg your pardon; I'd been at Dowagiac on a fishing trip, and was coming down from Dowagiac to down into Indiana. And so I seen the names of "Jesus" all over the cars and things, and I listened to their services that day. And the next day they asked me to come to the platform to say a few words, and I did. And I... They asked me what church I belonged to, and I told them I was a Baptist. And that night they had an old colored man was going to preach, and he must've been in his late eighties, and he come out to the platform. The old fellow, they almost had to lead him out. He was, one of those long ministerial coats on, and a velvet collar, and just a little rim of white fur hair around the side. And I thought, "All these men here and theologians, great men, how they'd let this service be given to a fellow like that? Well, the old man should be in a chair somewhere, setting down...?..." 8 They'd been preaching that day about what Jesus had did here on earth. And, but he came take-took his text, I believe it was from Job:7 20, I wouldn't be sure that's the Scripture. However, this is the quotation, or some part of it, "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the world, when the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy?" And he spoke on what went on in heaven, while they had been speaking on what went on in earth. And somewhere, at about five minutes after he was speaking, he, the Spirit of the Lord hit him, and he jumped way up in the floor and clicked his heels together. And my, there was so much room, there was almost half on this platform; and he went walking off, said, "You just haven't got enough room up here for me to preach." Well, I was about twenty years old then. I thought, "If--if that'll do that for that old man, what would it do for me?" So see? 11 Behalf of keeping everything just as orderly for our new brothers, that we certainly welcome them into our fellowship. I see, I believe they had made mention of a priest setting here; I think; 'course, being Irish, my people are Catholic. And so there was a couple more Baptist and different ones. You might've been a little confused awhile ago. I noticed none of the brethren spoke about it, but I thought I would try to straighten out. When Brother Shakarian... After the fine speaker here was got so filled with joy of knowing the coming of the Lord so close at hand, he--he spoke in an unknown tongue to us. And we have interpreters that gives the interpretation. Which Scripture says, "If there be no interpreter, then let them hold their peace." But if--if they speak in tongues and then interpret it, it becomes prophecy. So the little confusion of--of two of them at one time. Now, that wasn't a bit confusing (See?), because one of them was giving the interpretation; the other one was prophesying. See? So that's... 12 I thought I would let our brethren understand, if they did not understand, because one of them was correctly giving... Did you notice the time limits of each one? And the other one was just so filled himself, that the Spirit of God was prophesying through one; interpreting, the other was giving the interpretation. So that it might be clear, that you... We're not... Sometimes, to the natural mind... Just like our precious brother that give the apology this morning. It is a bit confusing to the person who doesn't understand. But to those who are in, that's veterans of the battle that we're in, why, we understand that what these things are. So I just thought I'd say something about it, if it was all right. 13 Now, I--I know this is no place to say this. But being that everybody's been telling little things, I... You know, that fellow said, the old colored man said, "You don't have enough room for me to preach." You ain't got enough time for me to preach: rather long-winded. A man said one day, said, "A minister came up; he'd been a pastor at the church for twenty years. And he always preached just exactly thirty minutes each Sunday morning at his church." And he said, "This Sunday morning, he preached three hours." And so the deacon board called him in, and said, "Pastor, we really appreciate you." Said, "We always know that--that you stand for the Bible and Its
rights." And said then, "And you always correct us so we can be feel pure and clean before God. And we really appreciate you, and we believe you're God's servant. And we certainly did appreciate that message this morning." But said, "There's just one thing that we want to ask you about." Said, "We timed you, as a deacon board." Said, "Every Sunday morning you're just exactly thirty minutes, and today you were three hours." Said, "Now, remember, we appreciate every bit of it. It was all right." Making the old fellow feel good, you know. 16 He said, "Well, brethren, I'll tell you what it is." Said, "Every morning when I go to... I'm called to the pulpit," said, "I put one of those little Life Savers in my mouth," he said, "and I just suck on it." And said, "When the Life Saver's done," said, "it takes just thirty minutes," and said, "then I quit preaching." He said, "You know, this morning, I thought I was a little overtime. I spit it out; I had a button in my mouth." I ain't going to put anything in, so--so we hope I don't get some buttons in our pockets. But we are... I hope that didn't sound sacrilegious here. But I just... You know, even God has a sense of humor, you know. So we are very thankful to be here and have this time of fellowship, and--and with this grand privilege to break the Bread of Life once again in my own simple little way. I know, as theologians, as that man spoke here last night from England; my, hate to get up behind a person like that with my seventh-grade education. But I hope that God will interpret to you the meaning in my heart. See? If my words are not right, my intentions, I--I trust, are. 19 Now, let us read in the Scripture. Many of you like to follow. And I'm going to read this morning, for just a few moments from the Book of Jeremiah the prophet, the 2nd chapter, and I am going to begin now with the 1st verse. Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, and the love of thine espoused, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, and in the land that was not sown. Israel was holiness unto the LORD, and the firstfruit of his increase: all that devour him shall... and offend; evil shall come upon them, saith the LORD. Hear ye the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel: Thus saith the LORD, What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they have gone far from me, and walked after vanity, and are become vain? Neither said they, Where is the LORD that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, and led us through the wilderness, through the land of desert and of pits, through the land of drought, and of the shadows of death, through the land that no man passed through, and... no man dwelleth? And I brought you into a plentiful country to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof; but when you entered, ye defiled my land, and made my heritage an abomination. And the priests said not, Where is the LORD? And the hand of the law knew me not: and the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit. Therefore I will... plead with you, saith the LORD, and with your children's children will I plead. For... over this land of Chittim, and see; and in the Kedar, and consider diligently that, and see if there be such a thing. Has a nation changed their gods, which are... no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which does not profit. Be astonished, O you heavens, at this, and be horrible afraid,... very desolate, saith the LORD. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and have hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. 20 May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Words. And I would like to--to take a text of that as, "Broken Cisterns." We had been reading this Scripture this morning; which, all Scripture's
given by inspiration. And we come to the house of the Lord for correction and for understanding. And sometimes that we see the... any little thing in the way. Like this military man awhile ago was speaking to us and saying that some certain things, that perhaps maybe in some other country has a certain missile, or--or something on that idea, and we've got to find something to counteract that in--in a military strategy. Well, the same thing goes into a church to a parish where a man is preaching, or if he's an evangelist in the field. When he sees uprisings, and something that's just starting, going, its infancy or whatever it is; it's that man, if he is a servant of God, to block that thing so far from the people's minds that they'll keep away from it. And we don't want that to happen, for us to get into places like that. 24 Now, during the time of Jeremiah here, his prophecy, it had been about sixty years since the death of--of Isaiah--Isaiah. And they'd been about sixty years without a major prophet. There was Habakkuk and some of the small minor prophets, but Isaiah was the last major prophet. And the people had--had, during this time had had no one to call them out, they had drifted (Yet, they were God's people.), had drifted into this state now that--that we find them in, as Jeremiah came to prophesy to them. And Jeremiah also was... He prophesied before the exile, and also he went into exile with them. And then, of course, Daniel come on after Jeremiah. And Daniel said that he had understandings by the Scripture of the seventy years that they was to be there. 'Course, there was another prophet among them, that wanted to make this yoke, as he put it upon his neck, that it would be a small thing, that, "Within two years, well, God was going to bring them all back," but Jeremiah knowed different from that. And we know what happened to the prophet who prophesied wrongly; he died that same year. So God wouldn't let him stand. 27 And now, we also notice the conditions of the people in that day. Now, I do not wish you to misunderstand me; I--I'm not aiming in what I aim to say here, some Scriptures and little notes. Used to be I didn't have to--to write my Scriptures and things down. But after I passed twenty-five the second time, well, I--I don't remember like I used to, so I write down a Scripture and kind of know from that where I'm going. And then so much time praying for the sick, and so forth, and out and gone, I don't have time to really study like I should do. 29 Now, but this great prophet of this day was Jeremiah, and he was something on a order of Amos and many of the other prophets that rose up. He was stirred when he seen the conditions of the nation. Now, there were places... Some time when you're speaking about a nation, it might think that it's reflecting to a--a certain group. It--it's not that. It's the overall picture of the nation. And we find today, a--a very comparative condition today as it was in the days of Jeremiah, that the nation itself altogether has gone into, more or less, idolatry; kind of a, I'd say, got away from God. And by doing that, it's been the weakness of the pulpit. Because if the pulpit would've stayed straight, and with the Word of God, God would be in every church like He is moving among us here. But they have led away from that. And that's the thing that I--I want to talk about this morning. And now, we find that that's absolutely true in every age. 31 I believe it was Amos, as I referred to him awhile ago, that he said he was not a prophet, neither the son of a prophet. But said, that when the lion roars, who can but fear? And if anyone ever heard a real lion roar in the wilderness, these you hear in the cages around here are just meowing. But when one roars in the wilderness, everything takes heed. I've laid in the jungle to hunt them. And he's the king of the beasts, and, when that lion roars, even the beetles stop hollering; everything does. The--the--the jackals and the--and the hyenas a screaming, and the other animals, the squawking of the baboons and the monkeys, the beetles, you can hardly hear yourself think; but in
the distance let a lion roar, and every beetle will stop hollering. See, everything's afraid of him. Yet, there's many things can kill him, but he's recognized as the king amongst the beasts. He said, "When the lion roars, who can but fear?" He said, "Then God has spoken, who can but prophesy?" And that's, I think, the condition meets that challenge again today. God has spoken. See? And we see the handwriting on the wall, so it's very easy to prophesy and see that we're at the end time. 35 And we're seeing God, from every section of denominations, all the way from Catholicism, through all the Protestant churches, Buddhas and whatmore, from India, and whatevermore. He's calling His people together, assembling them together. And I'm--I'm very happy for that to see this day coming. Now, we... It's--it's a great day, one of the greatest privileges. That if I had to, if I would--would've knowed before there was a world, when we were souls a part of God, that we are, for we were with Him before the foundations of the world. Because there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. And we're a part of Him. We was not so much that we would know and--and could think, and had a being; but we were in His thoughts of what we were, before the foundation of the world. Because we are a part of Him, like my son is part of me, and I am part of my father, and so forth. We are sons and daughters of God, by His foreknowledge. And back there, if I could've known as I know now, and could looked over the whole span of time, and He'd have said to me, "What time do you want to live?" I'd said this time right now, just the eve of the--the ending up of world history, and the oncoming of the Kingdom of God to be established in the earth. I think it's the most glorious time of all ages is right now. A... 38 We find out here that Israel is accused by the prophet, when God had ordained him and sent him out. They were accused of two major sins. And we want to talk on those two things that they had done. And from that, we want to prosper by it. Now, they had turned from God, the Fountain of living water, and had hewed themselves out cisterns. They had turned from the thing that God had given them, and had hewed themselves something that they had did themselves. And these cisterns, you notice, he had--they had broken and they were leaking. 39 Now, a broken cistern cannot hold water. It'll leak out. I was raised on a farm, and I know what an old cistern is, and the difficult we have with it. And this leaking cistern is a--a very fine picture, I think, of this day, that when our--everything that we have tried to do, to get men together, get people together, get churches together, it has become always in the realm of intellectual tryings. We have tried to make all the Methodists become Baptists, and vice versa, and the different denominations. And that was not God's program to begin with. 41 God only has one meeting place. He said over there in the Book of Exodus, that, "I have chosen the place to put My Name, and that's the only place that I'll meet people." And He had chose a place to put His Name. And where He put His Name, that's where He met Israel. He's got a place that He meets His church today, and He chose that Name, and that Name is Jesus Christ. And there's where He meets the true believer, when he's in Jesus Christ. That's where God chose to put His Name. You say, "God's Name?" He said, "I came in My Father's Name." So that's where God put His Name was in Christ. And in Christ is where we can all meet under the shed Blood, and there have real, true fellowship. 43 God made His program at the beginning in the garden of Eden, where the place He would meet man, and that wasn't upon intellectual understandings; if it had, Eve was exactly in line with His program. But we know that her accepting Satan's intellectual conception, "Surely, God will not," but God said He would... And so then He chose the place of redemption, and it was by Blood, and not by intellectual conception. So we're only beating the air, but it's just human nature that--that people will try to--to do that. If we had time, we could break it down in many pieces, but I don't want that
button. So we'll just try to make it as simple as possible, "Leaking cisterns." And we find that it's--it's absolutely happened again; it's a very picture of our age that we're living in, of all of our trying. And no disregards to every effort that any servant of God, that even names the Name of Jesus Christ. He ought to be honored for just even naming His Name in reverence and respect. And the great evangelistical systems that's crossed the earth, and so forth, in these last days, I think, still we'll never be able to get people in one heart until we get them underneath the Blood of Jesus Christ. That--that's the only place that we'll ever be safely. 46 Someone called me not long ago, from up in the east, and said, "Brother Branham, I hear you've moved out to--to Arizona, and you formed a--a place there where that there's safety." And as you know how the Message come, and the Lord told me what would happen in Alaska, and how down through California it would be, and it's just been that way. They said, "Now, if that's shaking, and everything, where is the safety zone?" I said, "There is one safety zone that I know of. That's in Christ. For those that are in Christ, will..." It's the only one I know. 48 Now, Jeremiah was called also, "the weeping prophet." And because I believe, that made this prophet weep--weep, rather, was because him being a prophet (and the Word of the Lord comes to such) and seeing the people walk after their traditions, and thought they were all right, and no way at all to turn them. For they was going straight to exile, because we know you reap what you sow, regardless of who you are, what you are. And we as a nation have reaped--or sowed, rather, and we've got to reap. I'm speaking tomorrow, the Lord willing, at afternoon, on "Birth Pains"; and I--and I touch that in there, that we cannot get by with nothing. We've got to reap what we sow. And if God would let us get by with our perversion of Christianity today, and perverting in the people into these things that's so-called Christianity, as Brother Moore once said, "He'd be morally obligated to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize for burning them up." That's right, because God's still just. And where unjustice has got; it's--it's becoming to His holiness and His Word that He makes people reap for what they sow, and we'll have to do that. 51 Now, notice they had left Him, the Fountain of living waters, and had hewed themselves cisterns. Now, there may be somebody here who wouldn't understand what a cistern is. A cistern is a manmade tank that tries to take the place of a well. It's something that somebody dug. And how many knows what a cistern is? Fine. All right, a lot of country people here this morning. So that they... I remember the old cistern at the place, how it looked, and I was always afraid to drink from the thing. It was a--a manmade tank. And it never can be relied on. You cannot rely on a cistern. 53 Now, anything that man does is usually not very good. But just like the--the Lord set time into-into--into its cycle, and the earth turning; every year, every time it crosses, every day, every hour, and the sun setting, and it never fails. But the very best watches we can get, will fail many minutes in a month's time, no doubt. But, you see, everything God does is perfect, and what man does is imperfect. So why accept what man does, when you can have perfect? 54 I've always said that about us Pentecostal people. See, we know, and we're not--we're not out of the order of course, of God, we don't believe; but we also know that among us we have people who try to impersonate the other fellow. That's just human. They'll try to do that. They did it in the Bible: one, "I'm of Paul," and "I'm of Silas," and so forth. But they--they tried to impersonate what someone else did or is doing. But why would you accept a false impersonation, when the skies are full of the genuine thing. When the promise is unto you and to your children, why would we accept something that was different? Why would we take up a creed or a dogma, when the Bible is the unadulterated Word of God? Why
would we try to add to or take from, when the Lord Jesus said in Revelations 22:18, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of It, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life"? 56 When God first set the human race in--on earth, He told them they live by His Word. Now, the Word of God is like a chain, you're passing across hell with It; and its chain is only its best at its weakest link, and God wants us to keep every Word of It. Now, that was the first of the Bible; just to break one Word, plunged the human race into a darkness of death. Jesus came in the middle of the Bible, and He said that, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not just part of the Words, or ninety-nine out of a hundred; but every Word, just like Eve and Adam was. And in the last of the Bible, Revelations 22:18, He said that, "Whosoever shall take a Word out of This, or add one Word to It..." So why do we need to inject in Here somebody's ideas of things, when this is God's own Idea about it? We want to take what He said. And it's also written, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." 60 That's what was the matter with this prophet. In the days of Jeremiah, he was a prophet, he had the Word of the Lord. And this fellow was trying to inject something to It. Now it cannot be relied upon. And I'm likening these tanks now to these systems that we have tried to take, and to take the place of the original Word of God. For nothing can take Its place. It is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And Hebrews 13:8 said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. How can we rub away from That? It's got to be the Truth. He remains the same. He is the same in every principle. That's the reason you enjoy It, you Baptists and Methodists, and Catholic and Presbyterians, and so forth, enjoy that Presence. Somewhere in you, you've accepted God. Maybe sometime in an intellectual way, maybe you have felt the power of God, and you are a servant of God; but when you can really come into God, and recognize your place in Him as a son or a daughter of God, that's what brings that great thrill to you, that God intended you to have. 63 Now, we notice in Saint Mark the 16th chapter, Jesus did not say, "Go ye into all the world, and-and--and teach." He said, "Go preach the Gospel." 'Preach the Gospel' is demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit. "Go ye into all the world, and demonstrate the power of the Holy Ghost." Talking to a brother, one of the sponsor's on the--my meeting in India, in Bombay there, down into South Africa and different places, where the missionaries had taught it as a word or as an intellectual conception. But one day in the meeting, when the Holy Spirit came down Hisself and saved thirty thousand blanket natives at one altar call, and right on the same ground where they were standing. Women standing there, who had been as naked as they almost were when they come into the world, and the very minute that they raised their hands to receive Christ... And the Holy Spirit fell upon the place and healed twenty-five thousand people at one time, off of wheelchairs, cots and stretchers. The mayor of the city had me, next day, look at these van loads going down the street. 66 Them women standing there naked, not knowing they were naked, but as soon as the Holy Spirit struck them, they folded their arms to walk away from the presence of their men. And I'm wondering that how that we in America call ourself a Christian nation, and in the Presence of God; and each year we, our women, take off more. And you ought to be putting on more. And more of Christ you put on, the more conscious you'll be of your own conditions. Sometime I see the way people act on the street, I wonder if it's just exactly mentally right. Seems like that they don't realize that when they do that, what they are doing; they're making themselves a bait for the devil, and to send souls to hell. That's right. But the world is in a corruption like it was in the days of Jeremiah.
68 Now, back to the cistern. Now, this cistern cannot be relied upon because it cannot fill itself. And it has to depend upon the local rains to fill it, the local rains or the local revivals to have a little revival here and a little revival over there, or so forth to get it filled up. So it cannot be relied on. It can't fill itself. It's insufficiency to itself. It cannot do it. And it's got to depend on the rains to fill it. Then let's notice where it--it gets its rain, where it gets its water, the cistern. It comes off the top of the barn, sheds, where all the dirt that the dust blows up there, it washes right into the rain, and right down into the cistern, a manmade tank. It becomes almost like a cesspool. And it washes off the top of the barn where all the animals, of the smell in the barnyards, and so forth, and settle down. And the air blows in the--the dust and stuff on the barn, then the local rain comes along and washes the rain, right off. And then the water is carried by a manmade trough through a manmade spout to a manmade tank. And then when it gets there, it's filthy, so filthy that you have to put a strainer rag on it, or you couldn't drink it. Now, see, it's washing from the roof by a manmade trough, manmade spout, into a manmade tank. And then it with a manmade strainer over the top of it to see that some of the bugs and things is kept back. 71 Now, now, we notice, in these few days after the water sets there in this manmade denominate, or tank. Excuse me. Excuse me. All right. After it's--after it's been washed off of all kinds of theologies and things washed into it; now we come to find out, when it sets there a few days, it becomes stagnant. And anyone knows in the history of the church, when God sends something forth, a message, and it becomes fresh from God. Then after the--the life of that founder, or whatever it might be; you call him reformer, or whatever you want to say about it. After his death, then they get a system worked up and they make an organization. And as soon as they make an organization out of that, it dies right there. It never rises again. It's did it through every time, back, plumb on back. 73 In giving the regards to this Catholic priest setting here; when God organized the church--or, not organized it, God never did organize a church. He's not in that kind of a business. He's in birth, not organizations, so when God started the church off at the day of Pentecost. And then finally down at Nicaea, Rome, they organized it, and there's where it lost its power. Then we come on down to the Lutheran reformation, and it was a great thing. The Word of God was given, "Just shall live by faith." And when they did, instead of picking up, all together, all of them together and marching on, they made a Lutheran church, separating themselves from this group, and then it died. 75 Then God raised up John Wesley with sanctification, the message of the second work of grace, and it was a wonderful thing. But after Wesley and Asbury, they organized it; it died. Then up come the Pentecostals with the restoration of the gifts. They were doing fine; what happened? Organized it, and it died. Just exact. Now, in the midst of all this, God's still calling a remnant out of every one of those generations. He's certainly. And it's our time of coming out, of gathering together. And that's what I think the Full Gospel Business Men has played a great part in breaking down these walls, and saying that, "There's no difference in us. Let us come together and worship God under one principle, not under an organization." If it was an organization, I'd get off this platform right now. I have nothing to do with it. 78 What it is, it's got to be a fellowship, and not a fellowship of some creed. But a fellowship in Christ by the power of--of His resurrection, that's the thing that brings Life. It brings birth. And before birth can come, we realize there has to be death before birth. And a birth is a mess; I don't care what kind of a birth it is. If it's in a pig pen, or--or wherever it is, it's a mess. And so is the new birth, it makes you do things that ordinarily you wouldn't think you would do. But when you're ready to die to yourself, then you're borned again, a new creature in Christ Jesus, then things open
up and life becomes a new sight to you, because you've accepted the Person of Jesus Christ, and not some theory or some creed. Or even to the written Word, It's got to be quickened by the Holy Spirit. No matter how much theology you've got, it's laying there dead. I could have a handful of wheat; until it gets into the process to where it can be quickened, the wheat will never live. And you can have a doctor's degree, Ph., LL., whatever you wish to; but until the Holy Spirit comes upon that and quickens it to you, as a personal experience with God, then the wheat does no good. Your learning is in vain. 81 As this Englishman said the other night here, I was so astonished at that. All the learning he had, as Paul, he had to forget all he knowed in order to find Christ, do things that he thought he wouldn't do. But that's the way God does; He humiliates us in our educational system. Not as I'm trying to support ignorance, but I'm trying to tell you the difference. Education can never bring Life. It takes the Spirit of God to bring Life, and that Life must not come out of just a intellectual revival. It's got to come out of the Bible, Word revival, and that Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And when It falls today, and quickens, you get the same results you did in Acts 2. Exactly. It always has, and it always will be, because it's the Spirit of God that conditions the atmosphere. 83 It takes atmosphere to do things. That's the reason you men are always taught, "Bring your children here." Well, certainly that's right. I was glad to see my daughter Rebekah come in and set down just a few minutes ago. Some of you seen me wink at a woman; it was my daughter; so she come in and set down. I want her to receive the baptism of the Spirit, and that's why she is here in the meeting. That's what the purpose of it. It takes atmosphere. As old Doctor Bosworth used to say, "You can take a hen egg and put it under a pup, it'll hatch a chicken." Why? Because it's an egg and got the right atmosphere. I don't care if you're a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian; in the right atmosphere it'll hatch out a newborn child of God. Atmosphere, that does it, no matter what denominational tag you have. 86 I used to herd cattle. I noticed the ranger when we'd take them up into the forest, out of the--out of the feeding lands down at the ranches, and put them on the forest. He would stand there and watch as they went through the gate at the drift fence. He never paid so much attention to brands, because there was all kinds of brands went through there. But there's one thing he did notice, the blood tag. It had to be a thoroughbred Hereford or it could not go on that forest, because it's the Hereford Association that grazes that forest. It must have a blood tag to keep the breeding right. And I think that that's the way it'll be at the day of the judgment. He's not going to ask me if I was Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, or Presbyterian, but He's going to look for the Blood tag. "When I see the Blood, I'll pass over you." That's the thing. 88 So we find that these cisterns, after they set around awhile, they'd be--they become stagnant and they are no good. And it becomes then, also becomes the home of frogs, and lizards, and snakes, and bugs, and germs, and whatmore, because it's a stagnated condition that's pushed into it. Could you imagine, washing off of a barn roof, or off of a house close to the barn, or anywhere the dirt would be, what kind of a bugs and germs, and everything that washes into this cistern? 89 Now, it's a perfect example of any kind of a manmade system. He's a failure to begin with. That's the reason he needs a Saviour. He could not save himself; he cannot do nothing for it. He's lost to begin with. He's borned in the world sinful; he comes to the world speaking lies. He's a liar to start with, so how in the world can he do anything for himself? How can a holy man... There's no holy man. There's no holy church. It's a Holy Ghost, not a holy church, a holy people; it's a Holy Ghost among a people; that's what it is to me. Not a holy mountain where Peter and them stood; the mountain wasn't holy. But it's the holy God on the mountain that
made it holy. It's not a holy person; it's the Holy Ghost used in that person, what makes it holy, not the person, but the Person of the Holy Ghost. It isn't the man; because he's just a man, born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. 91 Any manmade system will keep him right in that; he'll blind the thing from the intellectual, the intellectual eyes, that they think, "I belong to church; my name is on the book. I have did this. My father was this and so forth." That sounds all right; which it is, nothing to say against it. But still, friend, Jesus said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot even see." "See" there doesn't mean that he sees with his eyes, but, "understand the Kingdom of heaven." Until you're born into... How would this Baptist evangelist, how would that man who stood there and criticized and made fun of It? See, there's nothing in him that could even receive It; but God had to do it. See? God gave him the Holy Spirit. He manifested that this was not hypocrisy; this is the Word. He only hears it from a school idea, and they try to take all the--the blessings of God and place it on a day gone by. 93 A--a young Baptist preacher, here not long ago, setting present right here this morning; and he came to me, and he said, "Brother Branham, there's one thing that you are doing that's wrong." I said, "Help me." And he said, "You are... I think you're sincere and a good person, but..." I said, "Thank you, sir." He said, "But there's one thing you're doing wrong." I said, "I hope the Lord just finds one thing wrong." And he said, "Well, there's... This is what you're doing that's wrong." Said, "You're trying to introduce to the world an apostolic ministry"; and said, "the apostolic ministry ceased with the apostles." I said, "As a Baptist to a Baptist, I'd like to ask you a question." Said, "What?" I said, "Do you believe the Word of God's inspired, every bit of it?" He said, "Why, certainly." I said, "Then, He said, 'Don't add one word or take one for." I said then, "I'll show you where the apostolic blessing come on the people by a promise of God, now you show me the promise of God and when it went off the people. See, if you can't produce that in the Word, then--then forget about it" See? I said, "because It's still going on." 99 He never said nothing for a few minutes. And so I said, "Well, then, brother, I'd like to ask you this. Peter introduced the apostolic message on the day of Pentecost. And we all know that's true, for he had the keys to the Kingdom, that Jesus had given to him. And now watch what he said. He said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Then if there's a place where He took it out, then what happened to Peter's words on the day of Pentecost?" See? No, it's never ceased. Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. God help me to believe that and hold to it, and all of us, and stand by it, because it is the Gospel truth. Yes, sir.
101 A wise man should never look at these things and know that they won't work. They never have worked. An organized religion and an organized experience will never work in the Presence of God. It's got to come unadulterated from God. It has never been used by God, no time in the past that God ever used such a system. Now, you, oh, you get members and things like that. But I mean the genuine seed of God, the blessing like fell on the day of Pentecost, it never comes by organization; it comes by a birth, being born again. 102 We're invited to take Israel for--for an example, which they have been. Notice, they had forsaken Him, their provided fountain, and had hewed themselves out cisterns. Could you imagine a-a--a--a thing, when a man is at a artesian well, drinking, and then wants to make him a cistern (See?) to drink out of it? Now, that's what the prophet said; that's what the Word of God said. That's what God said to the prophet. "You have forsaken Me and--and have left Me, the Fountain of living waters, and have hewed yourself out cisterns, which are broken, and they're leaking out." 103 See something... They wanted something they could control, or to show what they had done. That's the--that's the folly of organized religion. It's always trying... They've got to have something in it themself. They got to have all these systems, and societies, and things, "And I belong to this now." Instead of just being humble children of God, they want something that they could show themselves. Instead of letting God do it His way, they wanted to do it their way. And that's the way the systems has got the church today. Not... Each system, one wants it this way; one wants it that way. If you're a Methodist, you must be it this way, a Baptist, this way. A Presbyterian, Catholic, whatevermore, they got their systems. Nothing against that, but that ain't what I'm talking about. Man wants his way of doing it, and God has got His way of doing it. And He said, "You are holding to your way, a broken cistern, and won't accept My way, the way of Life." And that's the same thing as it is today. It just hasn't varied a bit. Think how foolish of a man leaving an artesian well of pure clean water bubbling up, and then he want to go to a broken cistern that he made himself, and dig him out a cistern, with that trash that's up on top of the barn washing into it, then drink from that. There certainly is something mentally wrong with that person. 106 And when a man will cling to a--an ecclesiastical conception of the Scripture, instead of accepting the Holy Ghost which vindicates the Scripture and makes It real to you, there's something spiritual wrong with that person. That's exactly right. Sure, the Holy Ghost... Each one has an interpretation of the Bible, what you think is right. God don't need your help. God don't need your interpretation. God's His own Interpreter. God does the interpretation the way He--the way He says He would do it. The Lord said in the beginning, "let there be light," and there was light. That don't need any interpretation. That's what God did. He said, "A virgin shall conceive"; she did. That don't need any interpretation. He said He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh; He did. It doesn't need any interpretation. God interprets His own Word by vindicating It, and manifesting It, and proving It. 108 That's how a prophet was proven to be of God. He said, "If there be one among you, who's spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known unto him in visions, speak to him through dreams. And what he says comes to pass, then fear him; but if it doesn't, don't do it." That's the same thing when God speaks His Word, and the man says, "The Word is This," and it happens that way, then it's God doing it. But if he says, "It's this way, and the days are gone," why it takes all the... He reaches for a hungry bread, in his hand to children, and take it away from them, and them starving. Why would you want to drink out of a cistern when this artesian well was there? What is a Fountain of Life now? What is the Fountain of Life, fountain of living Waters? An artesian well we would liken It to.
112 Now, I want you to notice the difference between a cistern and a fountain of living water; artesian well, and an old broken cistern out there full of bugs, lizards, frogs, germs, whatmore. See? And here's an artesian well. Now, watch this. It's self-supporting. You don't have to get any big systems and bring a lot of money into it. You don't have to join a lot of members. It supports its members, of the Spirit of Life in them, functioning. Notice the water that comes from it: fresh, pure and clean. Not a cistern, something stagnated that's been indocumated by forty, fifty different minds, saying, "This is right, and that's right, and this conception," and vote and call on, and as they do, and then make a denomination out of it. It's pure and clean, unadulterated Word of God, coming from the hand of God. It's a real artesian well. Notice, the secret of its power is within itself. Man cannot find it. Some kind of a pressure beneath it, that's a-making it push up. 116 I remember when I, used to, was the state game warden of Indiana. I used to go by in Harrison County, a certain well, a spring. It was always bubbling up. And just, oh, it looked like it was the most happiest thing. Whether the snow was on the ground, ice, was froze, how cold it was, it still bubbled; where the old manmade ponds and tanks, with frogs and everything, was out there froze over, solid. And that goes to show that any denomination, through a little lack of Spirit or a little change of atmosphere, will freeze over. But God's artesian well is that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. It keeps all the things bubbled out of it and shoved out of it. And there's none in there to begin with. The minute it gets into it, it'll push it out of the way. 118 That thing was bubbling up like that, and I said, set down there one day; I thought, "I believe I'll talk to that spring, just for a moment." I took off my hat, and I said, "What are you so happy about? What are you bubbling so about? Maybe it's because the deers drink from you once in a while." If he could've spoke, he'd said, "No." I said, "Maybe it's because that I drink from you." "No, that isn't it." I said, "Well, what's making you so pure, so clean? So what--what is it bubbling that makes you bubble, full of joy all the time, and nothing can freeze you over? You're spurting up in the air, and there's nothing; clean water." If it could've spoke to me, you know what that well would've said? He'd have said, "Brother Branham, it--it isn't me a bubbling. It's something behind me, bubbling me." And that's the way it is. That's a poor word, but you know what I mean. 121 And that's the way it is with a born again experience. You cannot contain it. It's a--a well of water within you, bubbling up into Everlasting Life. See, there's something about it, that you have nothing to do with. The manmade tanks may freeze, and them begging for revival and everything; but a man that's under that Fountain, living in that Fountain, it's day and night. No, you don't have to wait on local rains and local revivals. You are full of It. "I'll give unto him a fountain of Life, in him, bubbling up." There's something in It that's fresh every day, pure and clean. It's the unadulterated Word of God in your heart and mouth, vindicating Itself, speaking for Itself. I don't care whether it's raining, whether it's snowing, what kind of weather it is, you're still happy because the Holy Spirit is in there bubbling up. It's a hidden power. Notice. Oh, its secret's within it. 122 It gives of itself, freely, to whomsoever will drink and use of its substance. Now, you don't pick out, say, "Well now, I just have to go to the Methodist church because I'm a Methodist, for a revival. I'll have to go over here, but if--I have to go a Pentecostal because I'm a Pentecostal revivalist." I'm telling you, when you got that well of Water springing up, that Fountain, when you're drinking by there, there's no difference, you give to anything that comes by. You're willing to give a hope of Life to a Catholic, to a Protestant, to a Jew, to a atheist, or whatever it is. You're really, really got Something in you that's doing it.
123 You notice another thing about it, you don't have to pump it. You don't have to pull it, and pump it up. I've seen so much of that till it makes me sick: pumping up something, playing a bunch of music, and jumping up-and-down, or--or a great bunch of literature out in the town, and great big signs, "The man of the hour." There's only one Man of the hour, and that's Jesus Christ, Who's the same yesterday, today, and forever. There's only one Messenger from God, and that's the--that's Jesus Christ. Yes, sir. You don't have to pump this up, or pull it down. Or, not, you don't have to join it. You just take it, freely. Amen. "I am the Fountain of living Water; you left Me to go and make yourself some tanks." Now, you don't have to pulp it--pump it, pull it, and join it, dig it, nothing else. You just have to take of it freely. 126 You don't need any manmade theology for a strainer rag, either, to tell you what go through it, what it does not. Some manmade theology of some educational system, self-righteous religion in your--in their--this, or some cistern of religious system, you don't need it. It don't have to be there. You put a rag on that, it'd throw it plumb up in the air. It don't have nothing to do with it. It's selfsupporting. It's the power of God springing up into Life. Why would a man leave a thing like that to join into a system, is more than what I could say. It don't need any strainer rags. It don't need it. It does not need to be--does not need to depend on local rains for its filling. It's full all the time. Amen. 127 A man, I hear them say, "I'm just down in the dumps today." Oh, my. Oh, I'm glad to be living in the Presence of God, whether things are going right or not right. He's my Life. Amen. He's all our Life. He's the Life, the abundant Life. Yes, sir. His... And look what it does for us. Its power and purity is within itself. It needs no priming from the cistern or any other system. Somebody say, "Well, what's your fellowship card? Let's see if you're a good Baptist. I'll see if you got a card. Or--or, a good Pentecostal, if you're a Oneness, Twoness, Threeness, or--or whatevermore." See? It doesn't need any priming. It's always a going. Yeah. You know, I used to have this old cistern; I had to pour water down there and prime and prime and prime, with this old sucker pump to get it out of there; you know, pour some more water in it, and just poured a bunch of bugs and things in to pump out bugs and things. That's just about the way some of these systematic revivals is. But, thank God, "There is a Fountain filled with Blood, where sinners plunge beneath the flood." You don't make church members; you make Christians out of them when they come to that Fount. Why would you leave the Fountain of living waters to drink at such a cesspool as that? 133 No pumping up; Its power is within itself. It needs no priming (Yes, sir.) for itself, its own life is in itself. That's the way the seed of God is in a man's heart. The Life of God is within the individual, not in the church, in you; it's in you, you're the one that has the germ of Life in you. Just one taste of it is convincing to all kinds of clergymen. Ask the Catholic priest; ask the Baptist, whatever it is. Just one taste of this great fresh artesian water, I'm telling you, it's convincing that it's the Truth. Your hungry soul, anyhow, it's convincing to the thirster anyhow. Now, if you're not thirsting... This little Baptist, he wasn't thirsting to begin with; but when he got thirsty, the water tasted awful good. That's right, but you've got to thirst, "the blessed thirst," as Jesus called that. "Blessed are you when you do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be filled." And Jesus said that, friend. Yes, sir. It's a blessed Fountain to the thirsty. 135 Why should any want to swap it for a swamp? How would you like to swap an artesian well for a swamp water, full of bugs and contaminations of all kinds of manmade theories, which God said that, "Adding one to His Word, or taking one of His Words away, his part would be taken off of the Book of Life"? And when God promised that He'd vindicate this Word in every generation, "For the promise is unto you and your children, and them that's far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call," why would you pump on some systematic pump that's been contaminated for years from some old manna?
Maybe the manna was all right, nothing against it, in the days of Martin Luther, in the days of this and the days of that, and the other reformers, nothing about it; but that's manna that fell a long time ago. If we notice in the Bible, that they had to pick it up every day. They had to get new. After it got a little old, it rotted. It cannot rot without breaking down. It has to have bacteria in it, or something to-to make it rot. We know that's so. And so is the systems. After it lays there from one great revival to another one, and it gets contaminated and gets full of bugs, and like a cistern full of wiggletails, as we used to call it, little old bugs that wiggled in there. 139 And that's what's the matter with so many people's experience today. They're--they're just full of wiggletails, wiggling from one to one, and one to the other, telling tales that ain't got no truth in it at all. That's right, wiggling out of one into another. "I was a Methodist; I joined the Baptist. I was a Catholic; I went to be this. I went to be that." It's just wiggletails. Oh, forget the whole thing and come to the Fountain (Amen.), the artesian Well, the ever-living Presence of Christ. I believe Him to be the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. More you get from Him, the fresher it gets, and the colder it gets, and the better it gets, and the sweeter it tastes. I've been serving Him now for thirty-three years, and each day grows still sweeter than it was the day before. I never been... He said you would never thirst if we drink in this Water. Notice how great it is. Oh. Israel did as many do today, they left the fountain of living waters to go dig themselves cisterns. 142 Now, speaking of grace just for a moment, what the grace of God. We got laws and by-laws, "And if you don't measure up to this standard... I got a religious measuring stick; if you don't measure just up to that, you've got to, well, you can't come in," and so forth. But God saves us by grace, not by a measuring stick. See? But God, speaking of grace now, just how this happened to take place, drinking from Him. From this measuring stick... Murmur, murmuring Israel. Watch, He said, "And I will visit you again." Notice in the Scripture. Notice, He's going to try them to visit them again. Murmuring Israel at the Red Sea was invited to follow Him through the stagnated Egyptian's water to be a free people. They was invited to come over to be a free people, with Him. Come out through the dead sea, the dead sea--the Red Sea, rather, come out through that to go into a wilderness to bring a separation between them and the impersonators trying to impersonate it without circumcision. 144 Oh, that's what caused the trouble. Every one of them perished right in the wil--or right--right in the sea, Pharaoh and his army. They seen human beings walking by supernatural power, so they come back around and tried to impersonate that without being in... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... sea. And when they did, they perished. It's carnal comparison. A man that tries to do that, try to impersonate something, then he is making a carnal comparison of a real Christian. 146 My Indian brother there knows that. Come up around Bombay and you'll see the people there, the Hindus and so forth, laying on spikes and upon--walking on glass and--and walking in fire to show what they can do, and things like. That's carnal impersonations of some man back in the jungle there, is doing that to his sacrifice for his god. We find that amongst all religious life, carnal impersonations, somebody trying to be like the other. There's only one Example you're to be like, that's like Jesus Christ, Who was the Word. And then when the Word of God comes to you, it'll be the same way. 148 But God led them right on to the promised land anyhow. They found also every tank... When they started through the wilderness in their journey now, after they had separated, they found out that every tank was dry to them.
And you'll find the same thing, brother, when you start this journey to the promised land. You'll find doors closed. Like that little preacher said, an Anglican, or whatever he was, and the first thing you know, his church turned him out. See? Just as long as he had so many receive the Holy Ghost, that was the end of it. 150 And we--and Israel found the same thing, as examples, in their journey to the promised land. The tanks were all dry. Yeah, their journey in obedience to His promised Word, their journey, and the tanks they found dry. Now, they found the tank--tanks could not be depended on for the journey. And if you're going to journey in obedience to the Word of God, and try to join this and join that, you're going to find out there ain't a tank in the world that will support it, not at all. You are an individual. God leads you just the way He wants to lead you. Then we have found the same thing today, and all tanks are dried up. 152 But the promise, are always true to God Who will keep His promise to His people. He promised to supply all they had need of, so He did that. In the midst of the empty, dry tanks (Just think of it.), and complaining Israel in the desert in their journey, He called His servant-leader, the prophet Moses out to one side, and opened up a fountain of living water by a smitten Rock, so His believing children would not perish. In this day, that speaks of grace to me. We are undeserving. The way that we've done, the way that we've lived, we're undeserving. But God in this day, like right here this morning, look to Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, and all, He has opened up a Fountain. Hebrews 13 proves this, that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So it--it makes true John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life." And it was lifted up for a compound reason, because the people were murmuring and sinning, and they were snake-bitten and they were dying; and for the forgiveness of their sins, and the healing of their sickness. And that's the same Fountain that's open to us today, for our salvation and for our healing, physical healing. "For He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." 157 And when the Rock that was smitten by the promised Word of God had commanded, it was giving forth gushers of pure clean water; not--not stagnated, not contaminated, but God's own Presence. Was pure water, and it saved all that drank. Now, we know that that's true, because we read it in the Old Testament, as a type. Now, you did not have to pull it, pump it, join it, go into the seminary to learn how to use it. They'll tell you how to use it there (See?), "Oh, well, you, if you have received the Holy Spirit, we believe that, but so you--you do it this way." But, you see, there's no control of it. You don't use the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit uses you. See, see? You're not the--you're not to use the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit got you. A gift is not something you take like a knife, and sharpen a pencil with it. It's yielding yourself to God and getting yourself out of the way so the Holy Spirit can use you. 160 Notice, they never had to pump it or pull it, or they never had to ask, "Now, how do we use this water?" Because they knowed how to use it. They were thirsty. They knowed what to do with it. And so is a man or woman, what, regardless of what creed or denomination he belongs to. If he's thirsting for God, he don't have to run back to the seminary, like this Anglican brother did, or British brother, last night, had to go back and consult how to the Anglican church, how he must use this great gift he's got, speaking in tongues, and how he must do this. They'd kick him out to begin with. See? He was thirsty, so God just filled him. That's all there is to it. It's thirsting, and then He just fill. You don't have to have any control, somebody tell you what to do with it. God leads each individual in the--the way He wants you to do. You are a--an individual yourself. You are a part of God. Nobody
can take your place. And there's no way to have to go to somebody, and say, "Now, I'll have to do this with it," or "I have to do that with it." No, sir. God uses it the way that--that He wants to. When you're thirsty, you know enough to drink. And if you're thirsting this morning, drink from it; that's all you have to do. 163 God had provided a way for their thirst, the thirsty children to partake freely of Himself. And God's provided a way for every man and woman this morning, who's hungering and thirsts. Perhaps there's people setting here, have never been saved. There's people setting here who's on the verge of being saved. There's people here, setting here as church members; you want to do right, but you're drinking from a tank. They'll never tell you these truths. The only thing to come, is take the promise of God and come to that Fountain, then He'll quench the thirst. "He that drinks from this Fountain shall never thirst again." 166 Notice now, how--how He liberated His--His ones who received this water by grace, and not by a system or a cistern of education. He vindicates His Word is a Life-giving Resource. How many in here knows that you received Life when you taken that Word and His water, just you know that you received Life? Let's take, well, for instance, just another example, or two, and then I'm going to close just in a moment. I ain't got--I must have that button somewhere. But notice. I just keep talking, but I don't mean to do it. Look, let's take for an example, just a couple people. 168 Let's take the woman at Jacob's cistern, a dug well. There she was setting there. That's all the woman knowed, was this cistern where she come to get water. And over against the well she found, in the little panoramic there, a Man setting there, a Jew. And she was a Samaritan; it's a city of Sychar. And we find out that this Man, this Jew, spoke an unusual Word to this woman, said, "Bring Me a drink." She said, "Now, we have segregation. It's not--not right for you to ask me a question like that; You being a Jew, and me a Samaritan." He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink, and I'd give you waters that you don't have to come to this cistern to drink it; be a well of water bubbling up in you." Notice, when she found that this proved to be the Truth. 171 Now, first, any man could've said that. But she said, "You say worship in Jerusalem, and we worship in this mountain." He said, "Salvation is of the Jew. We know what we believe." But said, "Let Me tell you one thing," in words like this, "neither in this mountain, or at Jerusalem. The time's coming when man shall worship God in Spirit and in Truth, for the Father seeketh such." He said, "Go get your husband and come here." Watch, here it proved it. Here show what fountain she was at. Said, "Go get your husband and come here." She said, "I don't have any husband." He said, "You've said the truth." See, it looked like it was a plain contradiction to what He'd asked her, and said, "Go get your husband." Said, "I have no husband." Said, "You've said the truth." Said, "Because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours." 175 Watch that woman, how different from the priests of that day. The priests of that day seen that same thing happen, and said, "That's a devil, a telepathy, or--or a Beelzebub." See, they failed to see the Word promising that. But that little woman was better versed in the Scripture than any of the priests. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. We haven't had one for four hundred years, since in Malachi." But
said, "We have looked for one, and we know there's one coming, the Messiah. And when He comes, this will be what He'll do." Jesus said, "I'm He." Amen. Did you notice, she left her bucket at Jacob's cistern, run down into the city, full of an artesian well. She'd seen it perfectly vindicated, and He was that Fountain in her Life. Let me introduce it to you. She left that. When He was proved to be the Word of Life, she left it; and had discovered that the same Rock that was smitten in the wilderness, was proven to be present then. 178 Let me say: that same God that was in the days gone by, that we speak so much of, He's present here now; not by some theological understanding, but by a personal knowledge of His vindication that He'd pour out in this last days the Holy Spirit upon His church. He is not an "I was." He is still the "I AM," present tense, always. Then the cistern lost its taste. And so does every man who ever falls into the power of God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the denominational systems lose their taste. You don't want no more of that stagnated frogs, and lizards, and bugs, and so forth. You're drinking from a Fountain that's fresh and pure: the Word of God, fresh every hour in your soul. The same as now, when the Word has been proven to be the Truth, taste and see if it's not right. Though the cistern had served its well--served its time well; but (You see?), the Fountain of Life was there, not Jacob's well no more, for spiritual drinking. What they thought, if they drank from that well, why, it would be all right; but now the Fountain of Life Itself was setting there. 181 Now we don't need systems and organizations that we have. We're at the end time. And God promised in this end time the things that He would do. And we see it fulfilled to the Word. We hear the man of military might stand up, and shivering, and saying, they, "Something's fixing to happen." We feel the Holy Spirit warning us that something's fixing to happen. We see everything set in order. Then leave that system and come to the Fountain. Yes, sir. Served its purpose, but now she was face to face with the Fountain itself. 183 In John 7:37-38, Jesus said in the last days of the feast of the tabernacle (What did He say?), "If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink." Right in a bunch of theologians. "If any man thirst, let him come to Me, and drink. For the Scriptures has said, out of His innermost being shall flow rivers of living Waters." There's the living Fountain. That's the Fountain that the people has forsaken today. For the creed, they have forsaken the Fountain of living Water. Let me introduce you to Him. He, to me... And I'm closing. He, to me, is that Fountain that saved Hagar's life, and the child, when they were dying in the wilderness. I believe He is that Rock; in Isaiah 32, He's that Rock in a weary land. He's the shelter in the time of storm. Zechariah 13, He is the Fountain that's open in the House of David, for sin. I believe Him to be that. Don't you? In Psalms 36:9, He is David's fountain of Life. He is the still Waters of David, and the green pastures. He is the Water by the brook-side, for David. 189 In Genesis 17, He's Abraham's nursing breast, El Shaddai that when his life was gone from him, still he... God said. "A man of a hundred years old, how will this thing be? I'm old; my wife is old, how can these things be?" He said, "I am El Shaddai." Now, "El" is "the," and--and "Shad" is--is "breast," and "Shaddai" is plural, which means "I am the breasted God." Like a baby that's fretting, and it's sick, and its strength is gone from it, lean upon the mother's bosom and nurse its strength back. Sure. Not only... When it's nursing, it isn't fretting no more. At the mother's breast, it's satisfied while it is getting its strength.
And any man that will take God's promise in his heart, that, "The promise is unto you, and your children, them that's far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call," and lay right against that and nurse your strength back... Fretting child, believe it. It's for the believers. 194 To the believer poet, I can think of many songs that the poets found us. There was one of them said one time, He... There is a Fountain filled with Blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins, When sinners plunged beneath the flood, Lose all their guilty stain. That dying thief rejoiced to see That Fountain in his day; There may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. And ever since by faith I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 195 To me, He's the Waters of the Word of Separation, that separates you from everything that's contrary to His Word. That's the Fountain I believe Him to be. Yes, sir. That... It's the Waters that separated me from manmade cisterns to the Fountain of living Water. Oh, friend, I--I can just... You can just go on and on, with the things that--that He is to us. He's Alpha, Omega. He's the Begin; He's the End. He's He that was, which is, and shall come. He's the Root and Offspring of David. He's the Morning Star. He's my All in all. 196 And, brother, sister, if you haven't had a--a... Just been drinking from this little manmade tank, all your life, why not this morning forsake that tank and come to this Fountain? Let us bow our heads just a moment. With your heads bowed... [A sister begins singing in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... to my opinion, the altar call. How many now? I--I was all nervous. I--I was keeping you too long, made me chop my message to pieces. But I believe the Holy Spirit wants you to get what I mean. [Blank.spot.on.tape?--Ed.] as He... See? Look, there's nothing more important in this day than getting right with God (See?); our dinners, whatever it is, whatever. The Lord is here. Now, I've only heard that about once in my life, since this time. Now, how... All of you here, not "how many." All of you here that wants to drink from That, just stand up just a minute, just for prayer. God bless you. [Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] The Lord bless you. 200 Now, how many in here, that--that's standing present now, would say, by uplifted hand like this, "God, move on me; just fill me, let me drink from this Fountain. And I haven't done just what's right, but I--I want You to forgive me for it. I want You to wash away my sins. And let--let--let me from this day, just..." Just look. My...?... There is a Fountain filled with Blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins, And sinners plunged beneath the flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains; And sinners plunged beneath the flood, Lose all their guilty stains.
Now, that you that's a Christian believer, you've accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, but you have not as yet... Now, if you haven't, that's the Fountain. The only One I know about is that Fountain from Emmanuel's veins. Now, and if many of you here... 202 It's just like I was speaking the other night about this little eagle walking in the barnyard with the chickens. And he never knowed nothing else but the chickens, but he knowed there was something about him was different from the chickens. And then his mother come hunting him, and she screamed from above. It was a eagle's call. See? He had to be an eagle to begin with, or he'd have never recognized that call. See, he... There has to be something there, germitized, or it can never produce Life. And if the Seed, the Word of God, is in you, the Holy Spirit's here now to germitize that and bring It to a reality to you. 204 How many in here has not received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, would you raise up your hands? All around, everywhere, just real honest, if you haven't received the Holy Ghost, and you'd like to, raise up your hand. Wherever you are, just keep your hand up, just a moment. Now, I want, you standing around and looking at them, I want somebody to lay your hands over on them. I believe right now the Holy Spirit will fill every one of you who wants It. Now, don't think about the food out there in the cafeteria. Let's think about this Food here. This is the One. This is Life. See, this is Life. Now, turn right around, each one of you, and lay hands on each other. "And they laid their hands upon them." Now, I want you to pray for that person you've got your hand... Now, don't think about going out. Don't think about nothing else. Just think, right now, the Holy Spirit's here to fill each individual. Open up your heart, dump all the cistern water out, and say, "O Fountain of Life, come into me. Fill me, O Lord God, with Thy goodness and mercy." 209 Lord Jesus, that inexhaustible Fountain, I pray, God, that You will fill each one of them. May the Holy Ghost fall here. I pray, God, that we'd forget all about anything else; that the Holy Spirit fall into the midst of us just now, and will give to us that Waters of Life freely from everywhere. Grant it, O God. While the--the continuity of prayer and song, blending together, Lord, knowing that's Your Presence, Your Divine Presence, we want to come to the Fountain. We want the real, genuine baptism with the Holy Ghost. Lord, these people are praying for It. I pray that this right moment now, that they will be filled with this goodness of God. Grant it, O God. Hear the prayer of Your children. May You come upon their being; may the power of God, and the Holy Ghost sweep over them. Grant it, God. O how we thank You for the refreshening, for the Presence of the mighty God of heaven, standing in our midst. Right at this noon hour, Lord, feed us. Lord, we want food from Your table. Feed us, Lord, just now. Feed us with the Holy Spirit in our lives; our hungry parching souls are thirsty. As You said in the interpretation of the song, "It would pour forth water upon parched ground." Let it happen, Lord. Let Thy Words be made manifested in the hearts of Thy children: "Waters upon dry, parched ground." Eternal God, hear the prayer of Your servants, and give unto us that blessing. Amen. 211 Oh, how I love Je..., Just keep praising Him now. Find out, the Holy Spirit's here. If you don't receive It, it's your fault. ... How I love Jesus, ("Lovest thou Me more than these?")... love Jesus, Because He first loved me. Oh, how I love Je..., (Praise be to God.) Oh, how I love Je..., (What if He would come just this moment?) Oh, how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me.
I'll never forsake Him, I'll never forsake Him, I'll never forsake Him, Because He first loved me. Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me, The Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He; Oh, saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame, Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His... Let's sing it to Him now. O, wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me, Counselor, the Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He; Oh, saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame, Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name! 213 All that feel that, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, hallelujah. I see some people coming through now with the Holy Spirit. I once was lost, now I'm found, free from condemnation, Jesus gives liberty and a full salvation; Saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame, Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise... Let's raise up our hands now and really praise. Oh, wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me, A Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God is He; O saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame, Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His Name, Do you love Him? Oh, wonderful. Praise... That Fountain filled with Blood, where sinners lose all fear of man, all condemnation, just free in him. Hallelujah. Oh, my, that's really wonderful. Now, while we sing that again, let's let all the Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, what is, while we sing this, "Wonderful, Jesus is to me," let's just turn around and shake hands with each other, just have a good old mix-up. You know, I, that's what I like. Come on, let's sing it now as we do it. Oh, wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me, 216 [Brother Demos Shakarian speaks to Brother Branham about President Johnson having a heart attack--Ed.] Wonderful, Jesus is, (That's right.) Oh, Counselor, Prince of Peace, [Brother Shakarian again speaks to Brother Branham." Brother Earl Prickett leads the congregation in singing, "Wonderful." Blank.spot.on.tape. Congregation sings "There's A River Of Life." Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] 218 The Bible said, "Pray for those that are in authority." Our heavenly Father, we are standing in a desperate need for the leader of our nation, our President. He may never know this, Lord, but You know it. I pray for Brother Johnson, as he professes to be a believer in You. And, Father, a heart attack, we understand, has struck him. I pray, God, spare his life. We're in a--a national crisis right now anyhow. And let Thy Spirit come upon him, Lord. And right now, in the hospital or wherever he may be, let Your Spirit come down to that Walter Reed Hospital and touch his body, sparing his life. Lord, the man's under pressure, more pressure than what we understand. So we pray, God, as believers and as a part of this nation, we pray for our leader, that You will grant him an extension of life in this great hour, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
BIRTH PAINS PHOENIX AZ 65-0124 V-3 N-4 1-1 Let us bow our heads. Dear God, we are very thankful today for the great outpouring of Your Presence in our midst already. We're expecting this exceedingly, abundantly this afternoon. We thank You for this marvelous song from this fine Christian woman that's just sang this hymn and Your Spirit that came down and in interpretation thereof. Lord, let it be so, we pray. And, God, I pray that You'll bless each and every one of us and may our hearts be filled with joy when we see this take place. Dear God, we pray this afternoon if there be some here that's unprepared to meet You, may this be the hour that they'll make that final decision and will come into Thee through the new birth. Grant it. Bless all of us, Lord, who's been a long time in the road. We pray that You'll teach us new things by Thy Word. Give us better understanding by Thy Spirit, Lord. May He come and interpret the Word. The only Interpreter we have is the Spirit. We pray that He'll grant that to us today. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen. 1-3 [Message given by someone in audience. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] That suffices. [Someone on platform speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Thank you. What a time. I don't know any better place to be, lest it be in heaven; for we're just feeling the anointing of that now (See?), setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus--gathered in heavenly places. God bless Sister Florence. And she's going through a time of sorrow and shadows, her father just taken, and I--I pray, "God bless that child." And Brother Demos, load on both shoulders, and the weight of all these conventions and things. He needs our prayers too. God bless Brother Shakarian. Brother Carl Williams, I'm certainly happy to be here in this convention with you and amongst all these fine brethren. And I had the privilege of meeting some... And now, this is my finishing part of the service (as far as I know), so well, I expect now to be able to shake hands with some of these fine men and to get to meet them; for I expect to spend eternity with them in a--in a better land. 2-1 A just a little thing, I hope that I will not be misunderstood. It's not a coincidence I do not think, or I--I think it was providential, that yesterday I was given a present by a friend here, from a friend of mine, Danny Henry. He was a boy... One day in the Christian Business Men's Convention in California, I was having a--a meeting. I was speaking very hard against the--the condition of the time, and I--I hope that everybody understands that--that I have evil in my heart. It's not that. You surely understand I don't mean it that way. But I have to just say what comes to me to say. And then after that this little fellow, a Baptist brother, and I think he's some relative to a movie star. And he came down to put his arm around me to say, "The Lord bless you, Brother Branham. I just want to offer a word of prayer," and he started speaking in French. And the boy doesn't know one word of French. And someone raised up, a kind of a big woman from, I believe she's from Louisiana; she said, "That's French." And then there was a man way over there said, "That's French." And they'd wrote out what it was. I have the original copy here. And then it happened to be a young fellow walking from the back and coming forward (wanted to see their notes), and he was the U.N. interpreter of French: just exactly French. 2-3 And I would like to read this note. This is the original note of one of them, and it was from this man that it interpreted. I may not be able to call his name just right: Le Doux, Victor Le Doux. He's full-blooded Frenchman. Now, here's the message: Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way; thou hast walked of your own choosing; thou hast picked the correct and precise decision, and it is My way. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of heaven awaits thee. What a glorious decision thou hast made. This in itself is that which will give and make come to pass their tremendous victory in love Divine.
When I got that... You know, when I first heard people speak in tongues, I--I wouldn't criticize nothing (See?), because I've seen it genuine, but I always wondered. But when that happened, and knowing what the commission was behind it, I--I knew it come from God. 3-2 Then his brother sitting here (a real well known attorney) gave me a present from Danny. Danny's just left the Holy Land. And he was laying on the tomb--in the tomb, rather, where Jesus had been lain after His death. And when he did, he said he got to thinking of me. And--and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he went out on Mount Calvary where the Crucifixion taken place, and he got a piece of rock. And he came back and made me a pair of cuff links out of it, and I really cherish them. And now, this--of course Danny doesn't know this, but this morning while out in prayer, I just looked down at those cuff links, and each one of them, if you'll notice, is blood stained and also has a straight line right through each one. And here in the message that he give from God of the straight and narrow way, how it just fit in just exactly. I thought that was kindly, maybe providential or... And I certainly thank Danny. You tell him, brother, that--how I appreciate that. 3-3 And another strange thing, I asked my wife the other morning... I put on a shirt that had to have a cuff link in it, and she said, "I forgot to bring your cuff links." So the Lord had us some provided for me. Oh, it's a glorious life; isn't it, brethren? Just to walk in the simplicity of--of the Gospel, and yet in its simplicity, it's the greatest thing I know of. I know there's nothing--of it. And being that it was made simple that I had a chance to come into it (See?) here by the grace of God. 3-5 Now, this afternoon, I don't want to take much time because I know you're going to churches tonight, and I think all you visitors here should look around on the platform, see these ministers and they're all... They'll be glad to have you in their service tonight. They'll do you good. No doubt you went to some Sunday school this morning in the city. And while we're having these conventions (and being the Full Gospel Business Men) I think we ought to give all of our support that we can to our churches, because that's where our businessmen go, and it's a house of God. And I hope you will visit some church tonight. Tomorrow night is the closing of the convention, I believe, and I guess they've announced the speaker, which I am to be here, the Lord willing, to hear his message. God bless each and every one of you. 4-2 Now, I--I am--don't claim to be a preacher. I'm--I'm kinda--I haven't got enough education to call myself a preacher. A preacher, when you say that, they expect you to have a couple degrees in college, and--and I don't have anything but just a little slingshot. See? And I try to come after the sick sheep if I can, to bring them back to the Father's pasture. If I make mistakes, forgive me. I'm not a theologian. I don't criticize theologians; theology's all right. It's what we need. But sometimes I criticize the condition that we've gotten into. And that doesn't mean to any certain individual. It's just the Message. I wish that it wasn't mine to give. It tears me to pieces 'cause you know how you'd feel. What of your own children (See?), don't you hate to have to give a child a scolding, bawling out, or something though? I'm a parent too, and I know what it means. And I--I trust that you forgive me. 4-5 And I want you to do like this: when you're setting this afternoon I'm going to ask you a favor. Just got a little short, few notes here. As I've told you, I have to make me--write my Scriptures out. Used to be I could almost quote the Bible by heart, but not now. Went through too many hard battles; got too old for that. But I trust that--that you'll listen to me just a little while this afternoon and just really open your heart and try to understand what I'm digging at. Then I think it'll be better-especially the pastors of the city and different places. I--I trust that you'll listen real close. And now you do that--do by that the way I do when I eat my favorite pie: cherry; some of my favorite meat, chicken. So when I'm eating a fine piece of cherry pie and I hit a seed, I don't stop the
pie; I just throw the seed out and keep on eating pie. And when I hit the bone of a chicken, I don't throw the chicken away; I just throw the bone away. So why, if I'd say something that you wouldn't agree upon anytime, just throw that part away and--but look at it real good; be sure it's bone now. And then may I also say; if it's a seed, remember, it brings forth the new life. So look real hard, and may the Lord bless. A... 5-1 Brother Carl Williams said something the other night about turning loose to praying for the sick, which would be very fine. I know that would be fine. But we just--we're not fixed here for that: to bring a prayer line. And I don't know whether Brother Oral or any of the other brethren has ever had a prayer lines in the conventions or not. I don't know. I've tried it two or three times, but usually if a crowd like this you'll have to give out prayer cards (See?) in order to do it, 'cause you can't... It's not an arena; it's a house of God. See? Dedicated for that. And we--they press and push, and if you have cards, you line them up orderly. So Billy asked me, said, "Shall I go over and give out cards? The people are asking me for prayer cards." I said, "No, Billy. Let's just leave to the Holy Spirit do what He wants to do." See, that... See? And let Him maybe build faith, and just be healed right there where you're at. See? But the... See? Divine healing is a minor in the Gospel, and you can never major on a minor. Anyone knows that. But it's a bait that's used to get people to believe in the supernatural Presence of God; the supernatural is present; and then by that, if they can recognize His Presence, then they are healed (See?) by faith believing it. 5-4 Now, I want to read some out of God's Word, the New Testament, and then I want to take a text from this New Testament and this Scripture and speak this afternoon on a subject for just a little while. And I don't want to keep you too long for the services tonight, but remember, I hope I've made myself clear: just give it your attention for a while, if you will. Now, before we do this, let's bow our heads again. You know, we could sing too much. We could shout too much till we got hoarse. And we could sing at the wrong time or shout at the wrong time, but here's one thing we're never out of order: when we're praying. "I would that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without doubt or..." 5-6 Father, it is the greatest privilege that a mortal ever had was to close his eyes, and open his heart, and speak to You. And we know that You hear if we could just believe that You hear, for Jesus said, "If you ask the Father anything in My Name it'll be granted." That was on conditions if we wouldn't doubt it. So, Father, help us to believe this afternoon that our petitions will be granted, and may there be not one shadow of doubt anywhere, but may it come to pass the things that we're asking. And that is, God, for Your great Name to be honored today by bringing into Your Kingdom every lost and straying soul that be under the sound of our voice, or that this tape would ever reach-out into the heathen lands where around the world they go. I pray, heavenly Father, that there will not be a feeble person in our midst today. When the service is finished, may the Lord God save every lost soul, and heal every sick body, and fill His children's hearts with joy. That's why we have faith, Lord, to ask in Jesus' Name to God our Father: because that He promised He would hear, and this is for His glory. Amen. 6-3 In St. John's Gospel, the 17th chapter and beginning with the 20th verse, I wish to read for a--a text. I think that is right. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That... I believe I have got the wrong place. Now, excuse me just a moment. I'm looking for Jesus' prayer that--or not Jesus' prayer, rather, but for His... I might've got marked down here on my text something wrong. Where Jesus prayed that--or was saying that "as a woman in travail for birth of
her child"--birth, childbirth. Is that Luke or John? Jack, which is that in? Sixteenth of John. I thought that was right, but it didn't sound very much like it. The 16th of John [Man on platform says, "21st verse"--Ed.], 21st verse. Sure 21st verse. Sure, here we are. John, St. John 16 and 21: That they may be... 6-5 No, Brother Jack, that's still wrong. 16:21, I got the 16th chapter of St. John, 21st verse, but it-am I wrong. Well, there's a mess--a mis--a mix in this Bible. Yes, sir. They printed it wrong. Yes, sir. You know what? That's exactly the truth. Here's a brand new Bible; I've just gotten it, and it's got; it's got the--it's printed wrong. [A Catholic priest steps up to the pulpit and offering his Bible, speaks these words to Brother Branham: "This is God...?... There's a reason why it was done and you... And God will show you why to bring out of this. It's wonderful."--Ed.] All right. Thank you. Thank you very much: 16:21. Thank you very much. That's true. A woman when she... Verily, verily, I say unto you, That you shall sleep--weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful,... your sorrow shall be turned to joy. A woman when she is--is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour cometh: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more... anglish--anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. Thank you very much, my brother. I sure appreciate that. Now, that certainly is a misprint in the Bible--page has been put in wrong, and I just found it on my old Scofield Bible and picked up this one and run up here with it just a few moments ago ('cause my wife just gave me this for a Christmas present). 7-3 Now, I want to--to speak this afternoon upon a subject that I announced: "Birth Pains." Now, that sounds very bad, but it's in the Bible. I believe that Jesus here was speaking of, as He said, "You will have sorrow, but your sorrow shall be turned to joy," speaking to His disciples here, knowing that the birth of the--of Christianity was coming into existence. And now, the old has to die in order that the new is born. To have... Anything that gives birth has to have pains of distress, and they certainly was going to go through the pain of distress and anguish to get from the law unto grace. Normal natural birth types the spiritual birth. All things of the natural is types of the spiritual. And we find out if we look out here on the--on the ground and see a tree in the earth growing, it's struggling for life. That goes to show that there is a tree somewhere that doesn't die, because it's a-it's crying out for something. We find people, no matter how old, how sick, what condition, they're crying out to live because it shows there is a life somewhere where we live--live forever. Notice, how perfect. 8-2 Now, in I John 5:7 (I believe it is, if I'm not mistaken), it said, "There are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; these three are One. There are three that bear record in earth; that's the water, Blood, and Spirit, and they agree in one." Now, notice, the first three are one; the second three are earthly which agree in one. Cannot have the Father without the Son; you cannot have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can have the water without the Blood and the Blood without the Spirit. I think through our ages has proved this to be true. Water, Blood, Spirit: justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That types or makes the--or the antetype which takes away from the natural birth. Look when a--a woman or anything in travail for birth, the first thing comes to pass: the breaking of the water (a normal birth); second thing is the blood; and then comes the life: water, blood, spirit. And that constitutes the normal, natural birth. 8-4 And so is it in the spiritual realm. It's water: justification by faith, believing on God, receiving Him as your personal Saviour, and being baptized; second is sanctification of the Spirit, that God cleanses
the spirit from all elements of the world and the desire of the world; and then the Holy Spirit comes in and gives new birth and fills up that sanctified vessel. For instance like this: now, that... I told you what you don't believe lay aside and then take the pie. Notice. Now, a glass is laying out in the chicken yard. You don't just pick that up and put it on your table and fill it up with water or milk. No. By picking it up is justification. Cleansing it is sanctification, 'cause the Greek word "sanctify' is a compound word which means "cleansed and set aside for service (not in service; for service)." Then when you fill it, it is put in service. 9-1 Excuse this now (not to hurt); there's where you Pilgrim Holiness, Nazarenes failed to walk on up into Pentecost. You was cleansed by sanctification, but when you were ready to put in service by the gifts of speaking in tongues and other things, you turned it down, dropped back out in the pen again. See? Now, that's--that's what happens; it always does that. Now, not to criticize you now but just--I want to get this off my heart. And that's been burning me ever since I been here, so I might as well just--if Carl's grace and Demos' and them and your all's, I--I'll try my best to deliver my soul from it (See?); then it's up to you. Normal typing the spiritual. Now, we find out then that it's fully born... When the baby... Usually now when the water breaks, you don't have to do very much about it. And when the blood comes, you don't have to do much about it. But in order to get life in the baby, you've got to give him a spanking and make him yell out. And that's a... Now, without education, as my brethren here are so well trained to it (theirs), but I have to take nature to type it. And there you are. That's what happened; it taken a real spanking to get this to them. 9-3 Now, you take a little--some kind of a shock. Maybe you wouldn't have to spank him, but just shock him a little. The very idea of him being born sometimes will do it. Grab him; shake him. If he don't start breathing, spank him a little, and then he yells out in unknown tongues to himself, I guess. But see he... Anyhow he's--he's making a noise. And I think if a baby is born just by--by stillbirth with no sound, no emotion; that's a dead baby. That's what's the matter with the church today, the system; we got too many stillborn children. That's right. They need a Gospel spanking (You see?), and so--to wake them up, to bring them to themselves so--so that God can breathe the Breath of Life into them. And now we find that that's so true. It's crude theology, but it's the Truth anyhow. 9-5 So notice in a seed's birth, the old seed must die before the new one can be born. So therefore, death is hard any time. So it's painful; it's distressful. Birth is the same; because you're bringing life into the world, and it's--it's painful. Jesus said that His Word was a Seed that a sower went forth to sow. (Now, we're all acquainted with that, and I want to teach this like a Sunday school lesson 'cause it's Sunday.) Notice, then this Word, being a Seed... But remember the--the seed is only bringing forth a new life when it dies. And that's the reason it was so hard for those Pharisees to understand our Lord Jesus Christ; because they were under the law. And the law had--was the Word of God in seed form. But when the Word was made flesh and become not law, but grace... Now, grace and law cannot exist at the same time, 'cause grace is so far above law, law's not even in the picture. And therefore, it's so hard for the Pharisees to die to their law so that grace could be born. But it must go. The two laws cannot exist at the same time. There cannot be a law says that you can run this semaphore, and the other one says you can run it: one says you can; one says you can't. They... It has to be one law at a time. Maybe one time you could've went through it; caution, go through it. But this time it's red: Stop. See? And so there cannot be two laws exist at the same time. 10-3 Now, we notice that always... My thought now to you, it take pain, distress, discomfort. Look how them Pharisees died to that law, through pain, distress, discomfort. But it must be.
Now, we find that rain which brings forth fruit upon the earth, "It's borned," as the poet said, "in the fields of thunder, in a ragged, jagged sky." But if we didn't have the thunder and the ragged, jagged skies, the little distilled drop of rain that's been lifted from the seas and distilled from the salt, it would not be born. It takes that lightning, thunder, blasts, ragged, rugged, fearful thing to bring forth the soft petal drops of water. It takes pain to bring forth birth; it takes dying. And as the clouds die, rain is born; because rain is a part of that cloud. One has to cease so the other one can exist. Now, if my brethren here (some of them) was able, they could give you all the laws of those things. I can't. 10-5 And now, let's drop over to another thing just for a little proof. I think one of the prettiest flowers (Everybody has their own ideas of them.)--but I think the prettiest flower that I've nearly ever seen is (back in the east) our pond lily. How many ever seen a pond lily? Oh, there's just nothing like it to me. But did you notice what that pond lily had to be. I think of what Jesus said: "Consider the lily, how it toils and spins, but yet I say unto you that Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these." For Solomon's glory and his arrayment was all artificial, but the lily in its beauty is life that's making it beautiful, not some artificial smear-on, paint-on. Just like our women, I don't think you have to have all this green, you know, and eye winkers, you know out like that, and all that manicure, or--or not (I get that stuff mixed up.) all on your face to make you pretty. Pretty is as pretty does. If you'll add a little Acts 2 and 4, mix it all up together with a little John 3:16, it'll beat anything that Max Factor ever did try to fix. Your husband will love you more; everybody else will; and I'm sure God will. 11-2 Lily--He said consider it, how it grows, toils, has to bring itself up. This little pond lily, look where it come through: dirt, muck, mud, muddy waters, dirty waters; pressed its way through all of that (this little germ of life), working itself from the bottom of the pond where the frogs and--and things are at and then brings itself up through all of that. But when it gets in the presence of the sun, it's born. The little seed burst open into life. It cannot do that until it goes through all that process. It's got to come through that; that's what makes it, is because that the sun itself is what's drawing it. And when it gets fully above all the dirty waters and muck and so forth, then it's so happy, it just gives its life out freely. And it's a beautiful life when it gets in the presence of that which is drawing it up. I think that's a beautiful type of Christian life. When something is drawing you out of the world until one day you're born right into Its presence by the Holy Spirit. How beautiful. If you try to help it, you kill it. 11-4 Like a little chicken when it's being born. You know, if you ever noticed one of the little fellows, right on top of his little beak (or any bird that's born from an egg) it's--it's got... It's maturing this old egg shell. The old inner part of the egg has to rot away. And it has to take this little beak and scrape back and forth until it breaks the shell out. We call it "pipping" its way out down in Kentucky where I come from: pipping his way out. They've never found a better way. Why? It's God's provided way. You try to help him; you'll kill him. Pick the shell off of him, he'll die. See, he's got to labor, strain, break forth. That's the way a Christian has to do. It ain't somebody just shaking your hand, taking you in. You've got to lay there till you die, rot, and are borned into the Kingdom of God. It's God's provided way. You don't go in by book, or shake hands, and join, pump up, pull down. You--you just simply have to get away from the old shell. Notice, no better way have they ever found. 12-2 They found no better way for a baby to get what it wants besides God's way for it. Now, when that little baby's born, you could set a bell down here beside his little crib, say, "My little son, I am a theologian in the way... I've read books on how to raise a baby, and I tell you, you're a modern child. You been born in a modern home by modern parents. When you're hungry or need mother or I, just ring the little bell." It'll never work. The only way that it can get what it wants is to cry for it. That's God's way. And that's the way that we get what we want: is cry for it. Cry out. Don't be ashamed. Say, "I'm hungering for God." Don't care whether the deacons, pastors, or whatever it is around.
Scream out anyhow. If the Joneses are setting there, what difference does it make? Cry out. That's the only way there is to get it--until you get help. He taught that when He was here on earth, you know, about the unjust judge. 12-4 A little dew drop, I don't know the formula of it. Maybe there'd be a scientist here, but I'm just going to say a way I think. It might be a--some kind of a congested group of atmosphere come together in a dark night, and it falls to the earth. And when it does, it's borned in the night. But in the morning it's laying there cold and shivering on a little blade of grass or hanging on your clothesline. But just let the sun shine out once. Did you notice how happy it gets? It just glistens and quivers. Why? It knows that it's that sunlight is going to draw it back to where it was at the beginning. And so is every man or woman that's born of the Spirit of God. There's something about it when Light spreads over us, that we're happy because we know we're going back to where we come from, from the bosom of God. It can sparkle with joy when the sun hits it, of course, knowing it's going to where it come from. Little crude things, but we could keep on with it, but let's find something else. 13-1 We know the old seed is--must, before the new seed can come out of the old seed, it must rot, absolutely, not die only, but rot after it's dead. We know that to be true. That's the same thing in new birth. We never go back, but we go forward when you're borned again. And that's why I think today we have so many--not so many rather, genuine new births, is because the seed is--maybe will sympathize with the Word or the person, but they don't want to rot away from the old system that they were in. They don't want to come out of it. They want to stay in the old system and claim the new birth or the message of the age. We found that under the Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals, and all other ages. They still try to hold on to the old system and claim this, but the old system age must die, rot, in order to bring forth the new one. They still want to cling. Notice, they know the old system is dead, but they just don't want to rot out of it. Now, rot is when it's really done away with. 13-4 When a claim is made that they are newborn... But a claim is only a begotten sign; rotting brings forth the new birth. You got to rot away from it just as we did in all ages, through the Wesleyan and the all forth... But the thing of it is, after that new birth is born... Wesley--or Luther came forth with one word: "The just shall live by faith." Well, he could not no longer cling on to the old system. He had to come out of it. And then when the Calvinists got the Anglican church in such a condition (under the Calvinistic doctrine) until God raised up an Arminian doctrine (which was John Wesley)... The old system had to die in order for the new to come on. And when Wesley's age ceased and all the little ages or blades that come out on the stalk of the tassel in Wesley's time... See, when Pentecost come out with the restoration of the gifts, they had to come out of Baptists, Presbyterian, Pilgrim Holiness, Nazarene, Church of Christ (so-called), and all that; they had to come out of it, rot away from it, to accept the new birth. 14-1 You're always called crazy, but it's is like Paul said when he rotted out of what he once claimed; he said, "In the way that's called heresy, that's the way I worship the God of our fathers," in the way that's called heresy. See, he'd accepted the new Life that the Old Testament had give birth to the New, and he had to rot away from the Old (just make it a shadow) in order to be... That's just where we are at now. Now, bear with me, but that's my idea. The churches has got so systematically till you can't get into one 'less you belong to one. You've got to have a fellowship card or some kind of a identification. And by believing this, the only door I nearly have open is these Business Men. And as long as they're not a organization, I can go in with them, but--and get to bring the Message that I feel that's on my heart to the people. But it's got so systematically. And I love you Pentecostal people. And Pentecost is not an organization anyhow. You just call yourself that. Pentecost is an experience and not a denomination.
But, you see, the thing of it is that's so hard for many man--when they look at it and believe it, and see it so identified by God in the Word, yet it's so hard to rot away from that thing you've been in. "What would I do? Where would I get my meal? What... " God is your meal. God is the thing for you to hold on. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness." I'll leave it lay at that; you know what I'm talking about. 14-4 We are told by God's prophets that we are to have a new earth--a new heavens and a new earth. If you want Scripture for that, it's Revelations 21. I could quote it for you. I have it here. John said: I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and... first earth was passed away... It was gone. Now, if we're to have a new earth, the old earth and the new earth cannot exist at the same time--or the new world and the old world cannot exist at the same time. There can't be two world orders together at the same time. Now, in order to get the new earth, the old one has to die. Now, if the old one has to die, then it's giving birth pains for a new one now. 15-1 And then if a doctor went to examine a patient that was in labor, now the--one of the things that doctor would do--which I'm talking in the presence of two or three, I know of, good medical doctors here, Christian doctors. And I--I--I would ask you this. One of the first things that doctor does after he's been watching the patient is to time the pains--birth pains. He times the pains, how close they are together and how much more terrific each one gets. One is more harder to have than the other one; next one, still harder: get closer together. That's the way he diagnoses the case: by the birth pains. Well, if the world has to give away to the birth of a new world, let's just examine some of the birth pains we're having on the earth. And then we'll see about what day and just about how far she is along in her labor. 15-3 The First World War showed great pain--birth pains. It showed one of the first birth pains of her going into labor, because of that time for her we had brought forth the bombs, and we had machine guns and poison gas. And you remember--maybe many of you cannot. I was just a little boy of about eight years old, but I remember them speaking of this mustard and chlorine gas and so forth, how it just look like it'd just get started and they said it would burn up the whole earth. It'd kill everybody. Well, it might be a breaking of that, just winds blowing across the earth, and how everybody was scared to death of that great weapon of poison gas. The earth went through--had its first birth pain. And we find out now we've had a second war, World War. And her pains was much greater, more terrific all the time, the birth pains of the earth. She almost had to give away during the time of the atomic bomb because it would destroy a whole city. It was much greater than the pains of the First World War of destruction to the earth. 15-5 Now, she knows that her time of deliverance is at hand. That's the reason she's so nervous, flusterated as she is--is because that there is a hydrogen bomb and missiles of the air that could destroy the whole world. One nation'd scare the other, no matter how little it is. They've got those missiles that they claim will--just one of them, they can direct them by the stars and drop them anywhere in the world they want to. Russia, as I heard on the news the other day, she claims that she can destroy this nation and--and keep the atoms or the things from breaking up her nation. We don't know what to do about it. Everyone's making these claims, and it's so. People has... Science has broke into God's great laboratory until they're going to destroy themselves. God lets--always lets wisdom destroy himself. God doesn't destroy anything. Man destroys himself by wisdom as he did at the beginning, taking Satan's wisdom and--instead of God's Word.
16-3 Now, she knows she must give away. She cannot stand it. Russia, I believe, would destroy this nation today if she thought that she could destroy it and then preserve herself. Any of those little nations could do it, but they're afraid because they know that this world cannot stand in its orbit under such conditions. So the world knows that her birth pains is so great she's got to give away. There's going to be a new birth borned at hand. I'm thankful for that. I'm tired of this one. Any--anyone knows that--that here it's a place of death and sorrow and all kinds of discrepancies and so forth. I'm glad that you have to give away; I'm glad that time is at hand. As John said of old, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." 16-5 Now, she must rot, of course (as I have said), in order to bring new birth. Look what she's rotted into. Notice, my brethren. She's totally rotten. Her politics and systems is just as rotten as they can be. There isn't a sound bone in her--in her world system. Her politics and her religious politics and whatever it is--one says, "I'm a Democrat"; "I'm a Republican"; "I'm a Methodist"; "I'm Baptist," why, the whole thing's rotten to the core. Got to be something give away. She can't stand it. You put a George Washington or an Abraham Lincoln in every county in this United States, it still couldn't come back. It's beyond redemption. There's only one thing can help her; that's the coming of the Creator. She knows she must give away. She's in pain and distress. One don't know what to do. One's looking this way, and one that way, and everything; one's scared of the other, one trying to do something or destroy this, and this is trying to contradict that and destroy the other, until now they've got it in the hands of sinful men who could destroy the whole world in a five minutes time. See? 17-2 So she knows she can't stand it. The people know she can't stand it, and the world knows that they're going to--it's going to happen, for God said it was. The whole heavens and earth is going to be on fire. It's going to be a renovation of the whole thing so a new world can be born. God has prophesied it. She's rotten in all of her systems and she's got to do that to rot away. That's why she--I said she's so nervous and red in the face and flusterated, and earthquakes everywhere and up and down the coast and tidal waves in Alaska and shaking up and down the coast with earthquakes and things and people writing, "Shall we leave it? Shall we leave it?" See, they don't know what to do. There's no safety zone but One; that's Christ, the Son of the living God. And there's only one thing that is the safety zone, and that's Him; all outside of there will perish just as certain as God said so. 17-4 Now, let's look at the Doctor's Book (if she is in this kind of condition) and see if this is supposed to happen when the new earth is to be born: Matthew 24 in the Doctor's Book (which is the Bible), and let's see what's prophesied, what her symptoms would be. Now, if a doctor knows the symptoms of birth of a child... And just about time the child's to come, he gets everything ready because he knows that that is the--the time the child's to be born because all symptoms show. The-the water's broke, the blood, and now the--it's time the child's dropped; it's--it's time for the child to be born. And so he gets everything ready for it. Now, Jesus told us just exactly what would take place just at this time. He told us in Matthew 24 that the church (true church) and the other church would be (church natural, church spiritual) would be so close together (impersonators) until it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. How that it was in the days of Noah; how they was eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, and all this immorality of the world that we see today; the Bible, the Book (the Doctor's Book) said it would happen. So when we see this happening we know that the birth is at hand. Got to be. Yes, sir. 18-1 Now, we look at that as--as a nation--as not a nation, but a world. Now, Israel, the church, let's start back with her a few minutes and let's follow her for the next ten minutes maybe. Israel had birth pains under every prophet that came to the earth. She had birth pains at his Message. But what did he do? The prophet had the Word and--and she had sown so much rottenness and made so much systematic orders in her being, until this prophet shook her off of her
foundation. They were hated by everybody. So therefore, when God sent a prophet, the church itself went into birth pains, because the prophet--the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet and him only. That is, the Word that's spoken for that day is made manifest by the prophet of that age: always has been. And the churches, they built so many systems around the Word until he shook her off her rocker when he come. She had birth pains. What was it? "Back to the Word. Back to the Life." Systems doesn't have a Life. It's only God's Word has Life. The systems is built around it, but it does not have Life. It is the Word that gives Life. His Message will rock the remnant back to the Word. A little group will come out and believe sometime, maybe in Noah's time only about eight people, but anyhow God rocked the remnant and destroyed the rest of it. It had to rock away. 18-5 It did that all down through the ages until finally the church delivered to them a Man Child, and that Man Child was the Word Itself made flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us." He conquered every devil, every power upon the earth that come against Him with the Father's Word only. Every temptation that Satan give Him, He rebuked Satan--not with His--His Own powers that He had, but with the Word of God. "It is written." "It is written." "It is written." For He was the Word. When Satan flew against Eve, she wasn't the Word, so it failed. When he flew against Moses, it did the same thing. But when he hit into this Son of God, He was ten thousand volts. It knocked the loose feathers out of him. When He come back and said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" There was that Man Child made flesh, God's eternal Word Himself manifested in the body of flesh here on earth to represent the Word. 19-1 That's how He knowed what was in their hearts. That's how He could tell Philip where he was, who he was; He could tell Simon Peter who he was; told the woman at the well. Why? He was the Word. That's right. The Bible said in Hebrews the 4th chapter: "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting asunder even to the marrow of the bone, and a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart." Why, those blinded Pharisee priests couldn't see that that was the Word made manifest for they'd wrapped up into a priesthood and a system, and the old system had to give away. It was the Word, but what had been promised had been fulfilled; so if it's fulfilled, it's got to rot away. It's the hull; the seed went on. Moses could not have brought Noah's message. Neither could Jesus have brought Noah's message, because it was another age; and the old seed was Life, but it served its purpose and was dead and gone on--the transformation from the old to the new, where the Life was at. But what was worrying the people? What worries them yet today? We're not building a wall--like we start off with Luther's message, go right down a straight line or Pentecostal message right... We are turning a corners. We're building a building. God's Word is the blueprint. Anybody can run a straight line, but it takes a mason to turn the corner. It takes the power of God to do that. It takes an anointed one from heaven to be sent down to do that. It has in every age. And in the prophet's age... The Word of the Lord comes through those prophets, and they turned those corners, made those different, but the builders wanted to build a wall. It's not a wall at all; it's a building, a building of God. 19-3 Now, we feel and know that this is the Truth, that the systems was rot in every age, and every one of their systems had to rot and die out, until she brought forth that church; out of that rotten mess came forth the Word Itself. The Word of the Lord come to the prophet. It never come to the priest; it come to the prophet. And notice, and when it did, finally that Word altogether be--was born here in human flesh. The fullness of the Godhead bodily rested in Him. He was the Word. The prophets is part of the Word--the Word for their age. We today are part of the Word, who follow the Word. But He was the entire fullness of the Word. He was the Word. He said, when they was
accusing Him of making Himself equal with God 'cause He was the Son of God, they said to Him, "Well, you make yourself God." He said, "Isn't it written in your laws that you call those who the Word of God came to gods (the prophets), and they were, then how can you condemn Me when I say I am the Son of God?" Where the fullness of the Godhead bodily rested in the Son of God, He was the full manifestation of God. 20-2 That's what finally the birth pains under those prophets. Why? Them being the Word they pointed to that Fullness of themselves, the Fullness of the Word. And then finally the systems died away until the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Watch how it was portrayed in Jacob. Watch how it was portrayed in Joseph. Exactly. Loved of his brother--his father, hated by his brother without a cause; he was spiritual, could foretell things and interpret dreams. And he couldn't help being that; he was just born that. He was predestinated to be that, but was hated by his brothers, and finally sold him for thirty pieces of silver (almost thirty pieces) and was raised up, set at the right hand of Pharaoh. Look in his prison, there was a butler and a baker. One was lost and one was saved. Jesus in His prison on the cross, one was lost; one was saved. Exactly, and then exalted into heaven, and set down on the throne of God. And when He shall leave again, there will be a sound go forth, "Bow the knee," and every tongue confess. And when Joseph left the throne and started forward, a trumpet sounded and every knee had to bow; Joseph was coming. 20-4 So someday the great Trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to this Word. Well, what's He coming after? What's He coming here for? Notice, she brought forth this complete Word which was made flesh under birth pains of the prophets that blasted out, "He's a-coming; He's a-coming; He's a-coming." Now, but she was without a prophet for four hundred years according to history and to Scripture: from Malachi until John. They only had theologians, priests, pastors. Now, here we can imagine without that what kind of a rotten condition her system must have been in: four hundred years without a Message direct of THUS SAITH THE LORD from God. So the priests, prophets, and so forth had got it into an awful mess. She was rotten. 21-2 Then John, the promised Elijah of Malachi 3, not Malachi 4, Malachi 3, 'cause Jesus said the same thing in--in Matthew the 11th chapter when John's "eagle eye got filmed over" (as I believe Pember's "Early Ages" expresses), and he said, "Go ask Him if He is the One, or should we look for another." See? And He said... Jesus, after sending his disciples back, after telling them to stay at the meeting and watch what happens and "Go show John these things, and blessed is he not offended..." He turned and looked to the--His disciples and the people that He was speaking to. He said, "What did you go out to see when you went to see John?" He said, "Did you go out to see a man in soft raiment?" And He said, "I say unto you, that's the kind that stays in kings' palaces." He said, "Did you go out to see a--a reed that was shaken by the wind?" In other words every little sting come along he shook by it. "I'll tell you, if you just come over and join our group we can give you a better salary," not John. "If you just won't preach against this and that, well you can join in our group," not John. Said, "Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? And I say unto you, more than a prophet. For if you can receive it, this is he who was spoken of by the prophet saying, 'I'll send My messenger before My face to prepare the way.'" That's Malachi 3:1; not Malachi 4 at all. That's a different. 'Cause that Elijah come, the world's to be burnt immediately, and the righteous walk out on the ashes of the wicked. 21-5 Now, notice, his Message never stirred them very much from their ecclesiastical sleep. They just said, "There's a crazy man down there; pass him by...?... called hisself crazy. Trying to drown people down there in water. (See?) Why, there's nothing to that old man. Why, he don't even have
on right kind of clothes. He's got a sheepskin wrapped around him. Why, he's as poor as Job's turkey. Why, what seminary did he ever come out of? What fellowship card? We'll not even cooperate in his meetings. We'll just let him stay down there and starve it out." See? The world hasn't changed very much; neither has its systems. "But we'll just let him stay down there. He don't have any..." You know why he didn't? Remember, his father was a priest. But why didn't he follow the line of his father, which was custom for the children to do in those days? Because he had something too great a message. He was to introduce the Messiah, for the Holy Spirit had said so. That little remnant that had been brought back by the Message of Gabriel down there knew that that would be so. So we're told about nine years old he went to the wilderness after losing his father and mother, that he went into the wilderness, 'cause he had to hear exactly. 'Cause in that great big theological building there they said, "Now, I know that you're supposed to be the one to announce the Messiah. Isaiah said you was coming, so you are going to be that Voice. Now, don't you think that Brother Jones here just meets that just exactly?" And he'd be easily persuaded. But he never learned any of their systems. His Message was too important. He went out into the wilderness to stay. 22-2 Notice, his Message wasn't like a theologian's. He used types. He said, "Oh, you generation of snakes," calling those clergymen, snake system. One of the bad things that he'd found in the wilderness, one of the sneaking things, was snakes. And he thought, "That's just about the best comparison I know." He said, "You generation of vipers, who's warned you from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We belong to this and that,' for God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham": these stones, what he'd found in the wilderness and on the creek bank. Also, "The axe (what he'd used in the wilderness) laid to the root of the tree (what he saw in the wilderness). Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit (He knowed where he got his firewood. See?) is hewn down and cast into the fire"--made firewood out of it. See, his Message wasn't a clergyman at all. It was after nature in the wilderness, but he had the Message to announce and had the faith in his Message to say, "That Messiah's supposed to come, and so He's right here among you now. I say unto you, there's One standing in the midst of you that you know not; Whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear. He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire." "Who is He, John?" "I don't know." 23-1 But one day there come a young Man walking down to the river, ordinary-looking Man, just say like... Old John the Baptist was standing over there, the blessed old prophet, and he looked across the Jordan; he said, "Behold, there's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." "How do you know Him, John?" "He, in the wilderness that told me to go baptize with water said, 'Upon Whom thou shall see the Spirit descending, He is the One that'll baptize with the Holy Ghost.'" His Message couldn't come from a theological standpoint or some manmade creed system. It had to come directly from God. Why, his Message didn't shake them very much. They thought, "Aw, he said he saw that; I doubt it very much. I didn't see nothing. I looked all my... I couldn't see nothing about it," the priests and them said. But he saw it, and we know now he saw it. Sure he did. But did you notice what it got? It never stirred them out of their sleep; they went right on and cut his head off just the same. But it--it never stirred them, but it did get the remnant, the one that had the Life in them, and--and a few of those that were waiting all for the coming of the Lord. 23-4 And Anna in the temple, blind, a prophetess that served the Lord by prayers, and then one day when she was in the Spirit... And Simeon had prophesied and said (an old man), he said, "The Holy Ghost told me that I will not see death until I see the Lord's Christ." "Well now, some of the priests, you know, said, "Poor old fellow, he's just a little off, you know. Why, he's got one foot in the grave now, and the other one's slipping. Why, just let him alone. He's
been an honorable old man, but he's kinda..." But you see, what did he have? It was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost. That's the same thing that is revealed to you people this afternoon. The Holy Ghost brought you here for some reason. To some... The Holy Spirit... Look at these priests and clergyman here from Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and all. They was moved by the Holy Ghost. The hour's here, till the Holy Ghost moved on them, and they've been looking for it, hungering. 24-2 Then just in the... One day... You know, didn't have television (Thank the Lord) for that day. So they--they was down upon the hillside of Judaea. There was a Baby born, a star appeared, and so forth. But after eight days the mother brought the little Baby in, wrapped in swaddling cloth. It's swaddling cloth I'm telling--told, that was a... They didn't have nothing to put on. It was a little rag off of the yoke of an ox, I'm told, that was His swaddling cloth. Here comes Joseph and them coming in with this little Baby. I'd imagine the mothers stood back from a distance with their little babies and needlework and everything. Said, "Looky there. See? See, there she is. She, she was pregnant by that man and here she comes in, and just stay away from her. Keep your distance." They still think the same thing. But Mary, with that Baby in her arms, it didn't make any difference what they thought. She knowed Whose Son that was. So does every believer that accepts God's Word into their heart. I don't care what the systems say, you know what it is. It's the promise of God; it was revealed to you by the Holy Ghost when you were overshadowed with His power. You know where it's at. 24-5 No man has a right to preach the Gospel until he's met God back on the backside of the desert in that Burning Bush, to where there's no ecclesiastical system in the world can explain it away from you. You were there; it happened to you. I don't care what the systems say. You are a witness of it. Hallelujah. I feel like that old colored man I was talking about; I ain't got room up here now. See? I feel very religious at this time, when I think that that's right: God Himself revealed to you. 25-1 Simeon had the promise setting over in his study that morning. Oh, I guess there might've been several hundred babies brought in every morning: about two and a half million Jews in the country, and these babies come in and many born; every eight days the mother had to come offer offering for purification. And now here comes Simeon, setting there, you know, maybe reading the scroll of Isaiah; I don't know. But all at once... Now, if the Holy Ghost has made you a promise, the Holy Ghost has got to keep that promise. If it's really God, He... If He... If a man comes through and says a certain thing, God doesn't back it up, it isn't Scripture to begin with; forget it. And if he says it's so, and God still doesn't back it; it's still wrong, 'cause God interprets His Message. He's His own Interpreter. What He says comes to pass, and then God said hear Him for it's the Truth. That's only common sense. If He says it happens and it happens, that tells it. It must be every time exactly the Truth because God don't tell lies. 25-3 And so then here's Simeon setting there taking this persecution. He was the remnant. He heard John. And the little remnant of that day... And here he was setting there listening to this scroll and knowing--I mean knowing that John was coming 'cause he's--he was part of the remnant; the Word was revealed to him. And all at once, when that Baby come into the temple, then it was duty of the Holy Ghost to reveal that It was there. So he moved by the Spirit, come out of the little study room, right down through the hall, hit that line of women, coming right down along that line of women until he got down to where this little Baby was, they was all staying away from, picked up the baby in his arms, said, "Lord, let Your servant depart in peace for my eyes have seen Your Salvation." And that time, another one of the little elected in that day was Anna, a prophetess. She was setting over there, blind, in a corner, raised up blind. Here she come, led by the Spirit, among all the women and the people crowding in and out of the temple, till she come right straight to where the Christ Child was. If the Holy Ghost could lead a blind woman to Him, what about a Pentecostal group that's supposed to have your eyesight. I won't go any farther; you know from there on.
26-1 Notice, oh, my, how that that church must've been in an awful mess again. We... It surely must've been in that day. But it rocked the little remnant, as I said. Now, let's be honest. If we see that church in that condition today, haven't we arrived at that time again? Now, just look at the things of promise of the Bible that would be going on in the church at this time. We see what's going on in the world and we see it's at its end. Now, let's look at the church. She (the church) had birth pains under Luther. Now, we know there's seven church ages and seven messengers to them church ages according to Revelation. Now, when Luther had to come forth, it certainly throwed the church into birth pains, but it brought forth a Luther. That's right. After that it got in trouble again, so it brought forth a Wesley. That's right. Got forth again, and it brought forth a Pentecost. Each of them (the messengers of their age) rocked the--back to the Word the message of their age, the message of... According to the Bible... I've got it, coming a book out on that--the commentary of the first four chapters of Revelations. Read it, soon as we get it on press, and it proves beyond a shadow of doubt what Luther's message was: justification, what... Sanctification is the next process in the natural birth, and then come the Pentecostals. Exactly. 26-5 Now, notice, each age rocked the church and give it birth pains. But what did they do? After the birth pains come, instead of going on with the Word, they got a bunch of men together just like the first one did. It's exactly. Right after the rocking of the apostles, then we find her going off again. Then we find out along come many of the others, Agabus and many of the great reformers back in the beginning. Each age had done (as you studied in the Pre-Nicaea Council, the Nicaea Fathers, and all that, and you find it all in there)--each age was rocked every time a messenger come forth with THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, she is in the worst stage that, according to the Scripture, that she's ever been. We are in the Laodicean church age, a rich but blinded church age that don't know it. There wasn't nowhere in the Bible that Christ was ever put out of the church but the Laodicea age. She's in the worst stage; she's the rottenness she ever was. Said, "I set a queen, have need of nothing and don't know that you're naked, and miserable, blind, poor, and don't know it." Yes, sir. Said, "I counsel of thee, come buy eye salve from me that I might open your eyes." And that'll--that'll certainly... The eye salve of God will certainly bring Light to the church if it wants to open its eyes to what God has said. 27-1 Notice quickly now. Now, she is in that stage; beyond a shadow of doubt we're in the Laodicea church age. Now, her messenger is promised in Malachi the 4th chapter. He's promised to do it, and the Message is to bring back the Word--bring the people back to the Word. Birth is to be... She's to be delivered of a new birth from--according to Malachi 4. In the church world today, there is two systems a-working. Now, listen real close. Now, I want to see if you're going to say "Amen" on this. There's two systems working in the church world today. (I'm going to get this off my shoulder, and then I have it over with.) We all know that--that's the Word of God and the denominational system. There is the two systems at work. Just as they was Jacob and Esau, one after the Spirit, the other one after the flesh. And what is it? Esau and Jacob was fighting in the wombs of the mother even to the time they were born. And so is the denominationals and the Word fighting one against the other. They have been since Luther first brought the first reformation. I hope that's simple enough that you can understand it. See? These men, if they can pick up this and go out with it, they can make more sense to it (See?) to bring it to a place where... I just want to lay this seed, but I hope they make it come to life. 27-4 Notice. See? It's always been that. That's the reason she's bearing birth pains, because there's a fight in her. There's a Esau, just a man of the world, very religious; and oh, he's all right, good fellow, clean, moral as far as I know of; but he don't know nothing about that birthright. He's born that way; he's shaped that way. And Jacob, I don't care what he is, he wants that birthright. He's the spiritual one. And them two today is in the womb of the church.
There's a great big system trying to be formed called the World Council of churches. And from the womb of the church is coming forth two children. You just mark my word. The world--the world-Word must deliver the Word Bride church. The church has got to be delivered out of her a Bride for Christ. Them that fell asleep in all ages will make up that Bride that come out on the Word that they come out on. Like from your feet coming to your head. She just gets greater, and more you have to have, and so forth. As the body grows up, so does the Body of Christ grow up. And then finally the Head will come to it; the Head of it will. 28-2 Now, if we notice, 'cause it's--it's all linked to the Head; the Head does the turning, pulling. But these systems will not grow out of that, 'cause it's a system, and it cannot bring forth... A cocklebur cannot bring forth a bunch of wheat. But they're both in the same field, watered by the same water and the same sunlight. One is the Word; one is not the Word. Them two are fighting; they've been fighting since the first reformation, and they're still fighting. Now, I don't have to go any farther on that, do I? Surely you know what I'm talking about. There we are. There's your system. What system are you in? Just imagine now. If you would've to live back in the other days under the jolting of God's prophets and Word to come forth, what side would you want to be on back there? Well, you got the same choice today. She's fixing to bring forth the perfect Word back there, and the Word's coming for the Word Bride. As a--a woman is a part of a man, taken from him, so the church will have to be a Wordabiding church, every word of the Bible, not systems, dogmas, or nothing added to it; it'll have to be an unadulterated, pure virgin Word. Right. 28-5 Under the days of the light of Luther when the church broked up, Luther forced... she... one of her pains, but he come forth, "The just shall live by faith. This is not the communion." Now, we find out that under the days of John Wesley she gave pains again but they was--there was a Wesley born. But what did he do? Went right back like mother did. Then under the days of Pentecostals your fathers and mothers come out of that thing and hated it. They went out on the street, and your mother with no stockings on, beating on an old tin can, and talking about the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And some old guitar... They laid out on the street corners, tracks, stayed all night in jail. And we're so starchy and went right back into an organization, and made ourself the same muck (They drawed the children back in it.) they come out of. They'd turn over in their grave. They'd be ashamed of you. I know that's hard but it's the truth. 29-2 You say, "I thought you loved people." If love isn't corrective, then how can you produce love? Love is corrective, and I do love the world. I'm--I'm zealous of God's church. And to see these systems that's binding it down under dogmas that's a-rottening it away, and God declaring His Word to be the Truth, and still they hold on to it. Amen. That's true. You know it's true, brother, sister. That's just a... That's a simple way of telling it. It--it isn't a breaking down of Greek and things, but it's a breaking down and showing common sense. Surely you can understand that. Two and two is four. See? Now, we know that that's right. 29-3 Now, the Word must produce the Bride. But the old system has to keep its type; it has to produce a Esau who sold his birthright. Here it comes; I feel it. I hope you don't think I'm crazy, but if I am, let me alone. I feel good this away. I'm better this way than I was the other way. I--I may be crazy to the world, but I--I know where I'm at. I know where I'm standing. Look, it's going to produce a stillborn baby, an ecclesiastical system that's going to bring all the denominations together to produce a Esau that hates Jacob. Amen. I hope you see it. A stillborn, dead denomination, all of them going together... Oh, Word believers, give in to my Message. Hear me. Not my Message but His Message that He firmly declares to be the Truth... You've got to choose from somewhere. You can't set still after this. You've got to make your choice.
29-7 You remember the other day down at the Westward Ho there (on that morning you all had breakfast) how the Lord let me show you that wheat, how it come up through Luther, through Wesley, and the tassels, and so forth, and a little springs off: every church represented in a stalk of corn, and then went back down into that wheat as it was, and there was that little shuck, looked just exactly like the real grain of wheat. When you go out and look, if you don't know your wheat, you'll say you got wheat there; but it's just the shuck. And then you open that shuck up, and there's no wheat there at all. Way back there's a little bud of life coming forth. You take a glass and look at it. And when Pentecost first come out, it was so close, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24, it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. What was it to do? A support to the grain. Is that right? Now, the tassel... Look here, the blade doesn't look like the grain that went in, neither does the tassel; but it's a little more like it; and the shuck is a whole lot like it. But still it ain't the wheat. It's the carrier of the wheat. 30-2 Don't you see how those messages has come with birth pains? But the Life left right out of there to go to the next message. The Life went right out of Luther into Wesley's message, right out of Wesley's message into Pentecostal message. Now, it's time again to leave the shuck. And what's the matter? There's nature in every form declaring that's the Truth. Now, you see why I... You think I'm crazy. Maybe I am (as I said), but there's something in me; I can't stop it. I never put it there. It never come by my own choosing. It's God. And He confirms it to prove that it's the Truth--to make it the Truth. Not as I have anything against Luther, and Wesley, Pentecostals or Baptists, or whoever--nothing against nobody; the systems is what I'm against because the Word's against it, not the men. Look at these priests and clergymen setting here today. They wouldn't be here if they listened to the system, but they had the common audacity of the Word of God to step out and accept it. "Hallelujah," means "Praise our God." It won't hurt you. "Amen." means "So be it." I believe it. I believe and know that it's the truth. It's confirmed to be the truth. Someday you'll find out maybe too late. 30-4 Now, watch, watch. The Bible said His wife has made Herself ready at the end of the age. How did She make Herself ready? To becoming His wife. And what did she... What kind of garment she had on? His Own Word. She was dressed in His righteousness. That's what. It is right. See? Visions... Notice. Just closing now, I want to say this one thing, just before closing. That's what led me to say this. I've "THUS SAITH THE LORD." If a man would say that without--putting it in his own thinking, he'd be a hypocrite and should go to hell for it. Right. If he'd try to get a bunch of people, fine people like this, and deceive them, why he'd be a devil in human flesh. God would never honor him. You think God would honor a devil or a lie? Never. See, it goes over the top of their heads, and they don't get it, and He pulls the elected out. 31-2 Look at all the prophets through the age, how He got the elected. Look, coming down through even to the reformation, like the--the Roman Catholic church burnt Joan of Arc to a stake for being a witch. That's right. Later on they found out she wasn't; she was a saint. 'Course they done penance: dig up the priest's body and throw them in the river, but--you know, but that don't settle it in the books of God. No. They called Saint Patrick one too (You see?), and he's about as much as I am one. So we notice... Look at his children; look at his place; look up how many killed; look up on the martyrology and see how many was killed there. You see it isn't so. But the claim of the people, that doesn't make it so; it's what God said and proves that it's true. Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good. 31-4 Now, we find out here about a few months ago, one morning I was walking out of the house and a vision came. And I challenge anybody here that's knowed all these years to say that any time that the Lord ever let me say THUS SAITH THE LORD but what it happened. How many knows it's the Truth, raise your hands. Could anybody speak contrary? It's true.
Don't pay any attention to the messenger; look at the Message it is. That's what it is. It isn't that. Don't notice the little baldheaded (you know) person, 'cause it's just a--it's just a human being, you know, and then we're just all the same. But watch what's happening. That's what declares it. I was taken. Now, I know people say all kinds of things, and we know that and a lot of it's not right. I can't answer for what any man says. I got to answer for what I say. And I can only say whether it's truth or not, and I'm the one that has to be responsible for it, not what somebody else says. I can't judge no one. I wasn't sent to judge, but to preach the Message. 32-2 Notice, I was to have a--a preview of the church. And I was taken by someone who I could not see, and was set upon like a stand. And I heard the sweetest music I ever heard. And I looked, coming, and a bunch of little ladies about, looked to be, of, oh, some age around twenty, eighteen, twenty, and they all had long hair and was fixed in different dresses, type dresses; and they were marching just as perfectly in step with that music as they could be. And they went from my left going around this a-way, and I watched them. And I looked then to see who was talking to me, and I couldn't see no one. Then I heard a rock-and-roll band coming. And when I looked over to my right side, coming up this away (coming back), here come the churches of the world. And some of the... Each one carrying their banner from where they were from, some of the dirtiest looking things I ever seen in my life. And when the American church come up, it was the awfullest I ever seen. The heavenly Father is my Judge. They had on these tattletale gray skirts, like one of these barroom girls, with no back on it up here, holding it up like a gray-looking piece of paper, and like hula dancing: paint, short bobbed hair, smoking cigarettes, and twisting as they walked to rock-and-roll. And I said, "Is that the church of the United States?" And the Voice said, "Yes, it is." 32-4 And when they passed by, they had to hold it like this and put the paper behind them when they passed by. I--I started to cry. I just thought, "Of all my labor and all that I've done and everything that we ministers have worked together..." And, brethren, I don't know how much you believe about these visions, but it's Truth to me; it's always proved to be true. When I seen that and knowing what was going on, my heart liked to broke in me. "What have I done? How have I missed You? I stayed right with that Word, Lord, and how could I have done it?" I thought, "Why did You give me a vision not long ago and see me in there?" And I said, "Well, will they have to be judged?" And He said, "Paul's group too." I said, "I preached the same Word he did. (Christian Business Men carried the article of it.)" And I said, "Why? Why would it be like this?" And I seen that bunch of prostitutes going by like that, all dressed up like that and called the church of Miss U.S.A. And I--I just fainted. 33-2 Then directly I heard that real sweet music come again, and here come that same little Bride coming by again. He said, "This is what comes out though." And when She walked by, She's exactly like the one was in the first place, walking to the step of the music of God's Word, marching on by. And when I saw it, I stood there with both hands up crying like that. When I come to, I was standing on my porch out there looking right out across the field. What? She's to be the same Bride, the same kind, built out of the same kind of material that She was in the first place. Now, read Malachi 4 and see if we're not supposed to have a Message in the last days that'll turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers, back to the original Pentecostal Message word by word. Brothers, we are here. Now, this church is supposed to get a sign. And its last sign, we find out here in the--in--in the--in the Scriptures... See now... See, the great birth pains has been in this Laodicean age. It's born in... Their church is being borned again. Not...
33-6 There'll never be another organization. Anyone knows that every time a message went forth... Ask these historians. After a message went forth, an organization come up out of it. Oh, Alexander Campbell's, everything else, Martin Luther and everything, they made an organization out of it. And usually a message only goes for about three years: a revival. This has been going for fifteen years, and there's been no organization come from it. Why? The shuck was the last. We're at the end. See the birth pains? See what's the matter? Just a remnant will be brought out. Just a remnant will be brought out. And that's why I'm crying and straining and pushing and laying aside every favor of men on earth to find favor with God and just moving on in His Word. She's in pain. That's what's the matter. She's going to give birth. She must make her choice. The handwriting's on the wall. We see the earth is just about ready to go. That's right. And we see the church; she's so rotten; she's about ready to go. And the birth pains is on all of it--on both the world and the church. And there's got to be a new world born and a new church born to go to it for the millennium. We know that. 34-3 Look. God gives her (And listen to this close now, in closing.) her final sign, her final Message, her final sign. Her final sign is she has to get in the conditions like she was at the beginning. The world, the church... Look how it was in the beginning, all them years without, from Malachi until Jesus. Look at it all the years now; look at it all back in there, the corruption that got into it. Look at the earth, how it was on each time, like the days of Noah, so forth. Has to be in the same kind of a type, and we see that. "As it was in the days of Noah..." we see all these things just patterning up. Then we get one final sign. 34-5 In Luke the 17th chapter, the 28th verse, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." For, "As it was in Sodom..." See? Now, Jesus read this same Bible, the same Genesis we read. Now, close, don't miss it. The same Bible we read, Jesus read. And He said to His church, "Look back and see when the days of Sodom returns again: perverted people, men losing their natural... Look at the homosexual, how it's on the increase across the world today. In a newspaper just recently... You ought get in my office and read letters from mothers for their boys. And homosexual is on the increase of, I think it's twenty or thirty per cent in--in California alone over last year. A great bunch of the--of even government people has proven to be homosexual. You government men know that. In magazines I read it. And in the different things that's taken place, if you... [Tongues and interpretation are given--Ed.] 35-1 If I have the right understanding of the Scripture, that's exactly what God said would take place. "Let him that speaketh in tongues also pray that he may interpret." That be true, I've told you truth, then God's here confirming it. It's the Truth; that's true. Now, look. What was that last Message that Jesus said? "As it was in the days of Sodom..." Now, watch. Just before the--the Gentile world was burn up--the fire. Now, try to understand. What happened? There was a bunch of people, lukewarm church members like Lot and his group down in Sodom. There was another man that had already come out of it. He wasn't in it to begin with. That was Abraham, the one that had a promise of a coming son. You understand? Say, "Amen." All right. And now, just before the climax of the destruction came, God appeared to Abraham in many forms, but this time He appeared as a Man. He was a Man. And he come up to God... Now, you say, "It wasn't a man; it--it was God in the man." Abraham called Him Elohim. It was a Man. And look, He set down with His back turned to the tent, and He said, "Where's Sarah, your wife?" He said, "She's in the tent behind You." Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of life, that I made you a promise." And Sarah laughed. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" See? 35-6 Now, that's what was going on in that day. Just to show the last sign that Abraham saw, the elected group pulled out away from Sodom (Now, don't miss this parable whatever you do.), the
group that had been pulled out that wasn't in Sodom to begin with. But two of the angels went down into Sodom, and when they got down there, we find Lot, and he found him in a backslidden condition: all homosexuals and perversions; you know the story. But there's One that stayed with Abraham, was Elohim. They preached the Word down there; preaching the Word smited them blind, and they couldn't find the door. That's what it is today. But the One that was with the group that was pulled out done a miracle before Abraham to show that Who He was, and was with Abraham. He said, "Why did Sarah laugh (concerning this baby)?" And Sarah come forth and said she didn't. He said, "But you did." And He would've killed her right there if she wasn't a part of Abraham. So would God slay us if we wasn't a part of Christ. The mercy of Christ's all holds us together--doubters and perversions in the Word. 36-2 But notice. Notice what happened. Jesus turned back around now and said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the end time when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself." See? Son of man always in the Bible is a prophet. See, He come in three sons' names: Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. See? And He pronounced His name Son of man, because that's the work He done-of a Prophet, Seer. And He said, "In the days like it was in Noah, when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself, that will be the time of the end." 36-4 Now, let's just think just for a minute. Never has the world had a messenger over the world... We've had Finneys, Sankeys, Moodys, Finneys, Knox, Calvins, so forth, all around the world messengers, to the church in these birth pains. But never did we ever have a man going out with an international message until this day with his name ending in h-a-m: A-b-r-a-h-a-m, which is six letters--A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. We got one today named G-r-a-h-a-m: six letters, and six is the number of the world, creation day. When did the world ever have a man down into it now, preaching down in the cosmos (down there in the world) down there calling the people out, "Repent. Repent. Perish or come out of it," until this age. G-r-a-h-a-m, look what he's doing-preaching the Word, blinding the outsiders, calling, "Come out," a messenger from God. Jesus said that would take place just when the Son of man will reveal Himself. Now, that--where's that at? Out there in the church orders: world. And they begin to hate the man for it. 36-5 But remember, there was a group also that was a spiritual group, the Jacob group, not the--not the Esau group; there's a Jacob group was looking for the son that wasn't in that Babylon. And they received a messenger. You understand? Abraham, A-b-r-a-h-a-m... They received a messenger, and that messenger... What was the great, outstanding thing He done to show that they was at the end time? He discerned the thoughts that was in Sarah's mind. And Jesus the Son of God, which was made flesh, showing that the Spirit of God would come back down in that little elected group of--at the end time and would reveal Hisself in the same manner. Birth pains... Oh, brother, please try to understand. Try hard. Open up your hearts just a minute. Look to Christ. That same God's right here now. That's the same One; He promised these things. And if He promised them, He certainly is able to do them. Let's bow our heads just a moment. I want you just to think solemnly. 37-2 Father, it's in Your hands now; I done all I can do. I pray that You'll help the people to--to understand. Seed's been planted; pour the water of the Spirit upon it, Lord, and water it for Your glory. If I made a mistake, Lord, I didn't mean to. I pray, God, that--that You'll interpret it right to their heart that they might see and understand. Grant it, Lord. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen. The Lord bless you. I love you. This God that preached this Word, this God that's responsible for this Word... I'm only responsible for saying It; He's the One that has to quicken It. That same God is here. Now, how many of you out there has a need, raise your hand. Did He promise to do these things in the last days? Now, you look to me. Now, it's like Peter and John said, "Look on us." Said, "This..."
See, he told him. Now, you look this way. Now, please don't move around. This is a very... I'm--I'm trying my whole heart within me. Just be real reverent. See, each one of you's spirit; when you move... 'Course you're a unit, and I'm trying catch faith of the people. A little woman passed by and touched His garment and went out and set down. Jesus told her what her troubles was, and she was healed. And now, He promised to do that again if the Son of man would reveal Himself like He did at Sodom. The world's in that condition. The church is in that condition. Now, has God kept His Word? See if He has or not. Oh, we've had signs, jumping, speaking in tongues, prophecy, so forth. But wait; there's another sign. Oh, we have so many carnal impersonations. That just makes the real one shine. Any bogus dollar should make the real one shine. 38-1 Now, you pray, and you believe. Just... I--I challenge you to do that. You look and believe what I've told you. How many believe this to be the Truth? Don't care who you are, where you are. I... Everyone in here, as far as I know, is a total stranger except Bill Dauch and his wife setting right there as I know them. I think I know this little preacher here from Germany, setting there, and Brother... and two or three people setting right there. Somebody back over in the audience, look, way back. I challenge you to believe what I've told you is the Truth. What about when that Angel of the Lord came down over the river yonder thirty-three years ago and He made this remark? How did I know when my own Baptist pastor'd turned me out of the church. Said, "You--you had a nightmare, Billy." I said, "A nightmare nothing, Doctor Davis. If that's the way you--the attitude you take, you might as well take my fellowship card." I knowed there'd be somebody somewhere would believe it; God wouldn't have sent a Message 'less there'd be something to receive it. Oh, sure, when I went forth praying for the sick, it was very fine. But when I begin to tell you the Truth of the Word then it's different. 38-4 Did you all know every Message has been that way? Jesus was wonderful when He went in the church and healed the people and everything, but He set down one day and say, "I and My Father are One," oh, that--that did it. "'Less you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no life in you." He didn't explain it. He wanted to see who would stand by Him. Right. What do you think a--a crowd with doctors and things said, "That man's a--why, he's a vampire. Eat his flesh and drink his blood." He never explained it; He never explained it. But still that Word was holding those apostles. They didn't care; they didn't understand it; they believed it anyhow. They knowed, 'cause they'd seen the works of God, and they knowed it was. He said, "They are they that testify of Me." 38-5 Here's a man--woman setting right here, got her hand up. Now, you can call me a fanatic if you wish to but that same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness is right over that woman. Now, remember, Jesus said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more, yet ye shall see Me. I come from God; I go to God." After His death, burial, He told the Jews; He said, "I..." He was that Rock that was in the wilderness. He was that Pillar of Fire. "I AM THAT I AM." Who was I AM? That Pillar of Fire in that burning bush. Is that right? And It was made flesh and dwelled among us. Said, "I come from God and return to God," in order to return in the form of the Holy Ghost. And here He is with us today, scientific pictures taken of It. And here He is to prove more than any scientific picture, anything; He's here to prove it; for It's Him. "I the Son of man will be revealed in this day." Now, there He is, and I'm looking right at It. You say, "Do you see It?" John saw It too, but the rest of them didn't. 39-2 Look, to prove it now. That woman's a stranger to me. I've never seen her--in her in my life. But she's got something wrong with one of her limbs that she's praying about. Is it? That's right, lady.
You had a operation on it. That's your husband setting next to you. You're not from here; you're from California. Your name's Rowan. Your stomach trouble's ended too, sir. You had stomach trouble, didn't you? Why, it's all gone. Your leg is healed. "In that day the Son of man..." Here, setting right back through here there's a man. He's a colored man: something wrong with his eyes. He's a... Yes. He--his work he does; he does something about car, polishes cars, car waxer. That's right. Your eyes are going bad. You've just believed, haven't you? Some real strange thing happened to you. Your first name's Fred. That's right. Your last name's Conner. That's right. You believe me now? Your eyes ain't going to bother you no more then. I never seen the man in my life. 39-4 The man right back behind there, he's not from here either: from California. Got a bad back. Mr. Owens? See? Lord Jesus make you well. I never seen the man in my life, know nothing about him. I'm just following that Light as It goes. If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe. Little fellow setting here, got a hernia, he's wearing glasses and a gray suit. Fred, God heals you if you believe it. Will you accept it? All right. I never seen Him in my life. Mrs. Holden setting over there from him, suffering with eye trouble. I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life, but that's true. See? If you can believe. What you crying for, sis? You got a nervous breakdown, bronchitis, heart trouble. You believe that God will make you well (setting on the end of the seat there)? If you believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well, and all that nervousness will go from you, and you feel like you're back in your right condition. The devil's lying to you. You accept it? Now, raise up your hand and say, "I'll accept it then." Okay; it's all over. 40-4 Why? This church is going through a birth pain. Won't you make your choice now in His Presence? I've showed you exactly the Word, what He said He would do. Combing through this building, ask anyone that's ever been struck, or talked or--to, or whatever it was, and see if I ever seen them, knowed them, or anything about them. You think a man could do that? That's totally impossible for that to happen. But what is it? The Son of man. "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, discerning of the spirit, the secrets of the heart." Just exactly like It was when It was made flesh here on earth in the Son of God, now it's being revealed by the Son of God as He's come to call a Bride out of that system. "Come out of it. Be separated." saith God. Touch not their unclean things, and God will receive you. Are you ready to surrender your whole life to God? If you are, stand up to your feet and say, "I will by God's grace accept it right now for everything that's in me." 40-6 Hallelujah. Praise be to God. You believe Him? Then just raise your hands and pray with me. Confess your wrong. Birth pains, it's hard to die. But die right now. Die. Come out of your own unbelief. Come out of it. This is the Word of God made manifest, just as It was when Jesus come on the earth; it's Jesus Christ again among you, proven. Abraham received a son immediately (the promised son) after that taken place. And Jesus is coming again. That's His Spirit. He's so close to the earth, so close to coming that He's ready to receive you if you're ready to receive Him. Now, raise up your hands and pray with me. 41-1 Lord God, let all the priests hold onto the altars. Let the people cry out. May the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud move into the people today and sober them, Lord, to the realization of the Presence of the living and mighty God. Grant it, Lord. Receive them. I pray this prayer for each one of them in the Name of Jesus Christ. Fill each one with the Holy Ghost who doesn't have the Holy Ghost. Lord, may the revival of this campaign, this meeting, break right now into a great powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May the sick be healed, the blind see, the cripples walk. May the manifestation of the living God be brought into the presence of the people, as it has been this afternoon, and may the people receive it. In the Name of Jesus Christ I ask it. Raise your hands now and give Him praise and receive what you asked for.
THIS DAY THIS SCRIPTURE PHOENIX AZ 65-0125 V-19 N-5 1 Thank you, Brother Demos, Brother Carl Shakarian, or, Demos Shakarian, and Brother Carl Williams, and delegates, all. I just think that the brother, the plow man here, just expressed what I wanted to tonight, that he just taken my speech right from me. Because I have enjoyed this, I believe, this convention, more than any convention I've ever been in. I've never seen in any convention, more harmony and such real fellowship and brotherly love. Another thing that I done, I've met many new delegates of heaven, new brethren that I've had the privilege to shake hands with and talk to. 2 Just a few nights ago, I was listening to the Baptist brother setting over there. I can't think of his name [Brother Shakarian says, "Irvin."--Ed.]: Irvin. And he brought a card to me from, I believe it's his aunt, that's setting here tonight. She's held that prayer card for some twenty years. She was brought into the meeting, dying with a disease, that maybe the doctor could explain what it is. It's something like leprosy, but it isn't leprosy. You just... There's an operation, they could cut a, some kind of a cord up here, or something, but she'd be just like a plant, she'd have to set there. And while she was setting there, perhaps her card not called or nothing, didn't get in the prayer line, the Holy Spirit directed me to her. And she's back there tonight, is well, and we're very thankful for that. The... 4 [Brother Shakarian says, "Brother, I think--I think Howard Irvin was over there speaking to you, but I think the aunt is here. Maybe we can have her stand up."--Ed.] Would you stand up, the--the aunt of... ["There she is. Wave your hand. Wave your hand." Congregation applauds.] God bless you, my sister, for your gallant faith in the Son of God. May He keep you well until the time He calls you home, when this mortal will take on immortality. I'm so thankful for that, to think she held that card for all these years now, and then was brought here to me and showed me tonight. You know, I was saying; it's like bread upon the water, it returns to you, when you try to do something for somebody else. 6 Now, I have also had the privilege of meeting many of these fine ministers, and I certainly appreciate their fine fellowship, this cooperation. Brother Carl announced me to be back next year, if the Lord is willing, and we are here on earth. And, well, I hope to meet every one of you here next year again, and each one bring another delegate with him and with she. Now, there's just one thing that I would like to say a little something about, maybe for just a moment. Because Doctor Reed is to speak next, and I've come all the way up here tonight; I've got two hundred and fifty miles that I--to make this trip, to hear Doctor Reed. And just something happened awhile ago that I would... But--but, Doctor Reed, I'd drive a thousand miles to hear him. But something has take... Since I've been here, I would drive a thousand miles just to hear what I heard a little while ago, such a wonderful thing, something that flesh and blood cannot reveal. Takes the Holy Spirit to do it. And to see someone who encouraged my life in such a way, and I certainly will be very grateful all the rest of my life. What I wanted to say, was--was, if I ever have to have an operation, call on a medical doctor, you-you come to me, Doctor Reed, right away. I--I can trust the man to operate, if I have to have one. Hands that believes in God, that--that would be the one I'd want working on me. And so we... I trust I'll never have to have it. But if I do, I would want he, or a man like him, to do the work, if he couldn't be there. 10 I had something to happen last night, that, or yesterday afternoon, rather, that was really kind of strange to me. And I'll be brief, because I don't want to take my brother's time, as he's going to speak. But I suppose it's kind of a complimentary to my ministry. I--I watch little things. Just every little thing has a meaning to me. I don't believe that anything happens to a Christian by chance. I
think it's ordained of God, 'cause Jesus said He'd make all things work together for good to them that loved Him. So therefore, I believe that every little thing in--in the little humble ministry that He has given me to help you people, to help everyone, and you all are a help to me, helping each other to get to glory. In that, every little thing has a meaning to me. But it was hard for me to believe that yesterday afternoon, when I lost my text up here. I--I tell you; I never was so gotten in my life. And then, my--my wife gave me a new Bible for Christmas. 12 My old one was just worn out. I've had it almost twenty years now, was give to me by the Houston Gospel Tabernacle people many years ago when I started out on the campaigns. And so I just, I cherish it so much, and I... The leaves and pages, of crossing the sea, and around, until I... It's just dropping out. And I pick up a page maybe in Genesis, and have to look back over in Deuteronomy somewhere to find it, you know, where I just stuck it back in the Bible. So she got me one for Christmas. And I hated to lay the old Book aside; it's been so dear to me. I said, "If I went before Jesus comes, lay it on me. And let this go down with me, and I'll come up with it when we come up." So then, that's my opinion anyhow. 13 As I used to tell a little story to... Hope this is not sacrilegious. But I went to... A man told me one time, I believe it was Brother Earl Prickett, a meeting up in New York; and I met a man; he said, "Say, what are you doing with these businessmen, being a preacher?" I said, "I am a businessman." And he said, "What kind of business you in?" I said, "Assurance." Now, he thought I said, "Insurance," you see. So I said, "Assurance." He said, "Oh, what kind of insurance you sell?" I said, "Eternal Life." Eternal... Said, "I don't sell It. I'm just a policyholder myself, and I try to prescribe It to others." 16 Remember a boy I went to school with one time, and he was an insurance salesman. Now, insurance is all right, but I don't have any. Then so he come to my house, and he said, "Billy, I'd like to sell you some insurance." Said, "I know your brother." My brother sells for Metropolitan. He said, "Well," said, "I would... I'd like to sell you some insurance." I said, "Oh, Wilmer, thank you." And you'll... He may be here tonight, his brother, he writes the articles in "The Upper Room," the book, "The Upper Room." So he... I said, "I have assurance." He said, "What?" And my wife looked at me as if I was a hypocrite. She... And I said... So she said, "Billy?" And I said, "Yes, uh-huh, I have assurance." And he said, "Oh, I'm--I'm sorry," said, "I didn't... I heard that you didn't have any insurance." And I said, "No, I have assurance." And--and he caught me, what I said then. He said, "What did you say?" "I said, 'Assurance.'" And he said, "Well, what do you mean?" I said, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; oh, what a foretaste of glory Divine! I'm an heir of salvation, purchased of God; born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood." He said, "Billy, you know I appreciate that." Said, "That's a very good thing." But said, "Son, that will not put you out here in the graveyard." I said, "But It'll get me out." I'm not worried about... [Brother Branham and the congregation laugh-Ed.] I'm not bothered about getting in; it's getting out. See? So I think that's the way we feel about it. 24 Last evening when I picked up that Bible, and I couldn't find that text... And I picked up that new Bible. I was reading out of the old, and I picked up the new one, and put it under my arm, and run up here. And I turned over to that place, and I thought, "Why, here, I believe it was Saint John 16:21," and it--it wasn't the reading at all. I said to Brother Moore, "Is that where that's at?"
"Yes." And I looked back, and it wasn't there. So I thought, "Well, they got a misplaced page in--page in." Then my brother here came, Brother Stanley, he came over; Bishop Stanley, rather. And I don't know what the man meant, I... It was such a comfort though. He walked up close to my side, and he said, "Hold steady, brother, God is maybe going to do something." See? And that just encouraged me to think he'd say that. I wonder if he realized he prophesied? But talking to him a few moments ago, just before getting up here, I'm sure he did. 28 So I brought it in my Message upon the "Birth Pains," and so forth. And my little rude way of doing it, about the lily; and how it's born down, and begotten, and comes up, and draws up the sun, the dew drop, and so forth. And then the corruption of what it has to die out of--to be born out of, rather, to come out. And I was trying to make an illustration of the church. Just like the doctor here, if he went to treat a patient. We've got doctors today that says, "You can rub your foot on the back of the heel, and heal the cancer on your face. You see?" But a good doctor wouldn't listen to such a thing as that. He treats the patient according to the book that he's reading on medical research. And that's the way I try to do to treat the patients. When I see the church sick, I don't want to try to tell them they need a new handshake or something or that, a new organization. I have to treat it according to the Book that I--I know. See? And so when I see the church, look like breaking out with measles, I want them to take the very Prescription I think is right, and for the measles, to get it out of the church; when I see sin breaking out in it, it's the same way. 31 I tried to make a comparison with Esau and Jacob, and then bringing times down. And I won't go into that. But bringing it down to the last part in my last Scripture to use, was comparing it, not unscripturally, but as Jesus said it would be, what the main Doctor said the condition of the church would be in this last days, "It would be a Laodicea: rich, blind, naked, poor church," and it would be compared with the days of Sodom. Now, we know that's the truth. If you notice it, historically, He brought in the days of Noah, first, and then the days of Sodom. And that's just the way it's traveled, just the same way. And history has many times repeats itself, history does, and so does--does promises of the Bible. For instance, like in Matthew 3, where it said, "Out of Egypt I've called My son." Now, if you run the reference on that, it was Jacob, His son, He called out of Egypt; that was His lesser son. But His great Son, Jesus, was called out of Egypt too. So it had a--a compound answer. 33 So and seeing as they went along talking about that, and then I brought my thoughts of that. And I walked out of the--off the platform, and went out. My children, going home, wanted to stop out here somewhere to get a sandwich. And I went in; the wife said, "Billy, I was so nervous I didn't know what to do." Said, "I gave you that Bible." I said, "You never wrote it, and you never put it together, honey." She said, "But, just to think, I--I give you a--a Bible that had a flaw in it." I said, "Well, maybe it wasn't." And so one of the children picked it up, and we'd feel the pages. No, it looked all right. But right down at the bottom, it was two pages sticking together (See?), and the 16th chapter was on this side, and then the continuation of the 16th chapter come up on the other side. And the 17th started on the... See, it's just perfectly, exactly the same, across. And that India paper, real thin, sticking together, and I was reading out of the 17th chapter all the time, instead of the 16th chapter. 37 And I thought, "God, why did You do that? Why would there be such a thing now?" That's me feeling, you know, to see what it was all about, 'cause I think nothing happens by chance. And I was thinking about the comfort of this brother here, coming, telling me, "Hold steady, him being a priest,
hold steady, maybe God is going to do something,'" or something in that manner. And I--I thought, "How could that be?" And then, setting there, like a thunderbolt out of heaven it came to me. Now, this might not make sense to you, but it does to me. See? 39 I remember in Luke the 4th chapter, that Jesus entered the synagogue at Nazareth, where He was brought up at, as His custom was to go into the church on the--synagogue, on the Sabbath. And when He did, we notice there that the priest gave Him the Bible, a Scroll. Jesus, looking through the Scroll, found a certain place, Isaiah 61, and He read the Scripture. Then He handed the Bible back to the minister. And then as He turned to the audience, all eyes was upon Him. And He said: ... This day this Scripture is fulfilled... And we know how peculiar that Scripture reading was, because He just took a portion of the 1st and 2nd verses of Isaiah 61:1 and 2. But He read down this far, where, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me to bind up the broken-hearted, and to--to give--heal the sick, and to open the blinded eyes, and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord," and then He stopped. For the next was to bring judgment; that would apply to His second coming, not His first coming. And He stopped, and turned around, and said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." How direct that was. 41 And what a--what a--a statement it was to the teachers and to the people that were present, that He could make this plain to the people, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." For here He was, the Messiah, yet they didn't believe it. Here He was, the anointed One for that hour. Every bit of His ministry from His birth up had proved to be what He was, and yet they could not believe it. What a statement. But He could say today... And if a person opened up their eyes, they could've knew--known what day that they were living in, for that was His hour, for He was right there doing exactly what the Scriptures, all the prophets had said would happen in that day. Here He was doing exactly what God had prophesied would happen. How did they miss seeing it? They should've known right quick, seeing what His ministry was. There's the Messiah. They would've known it, because He said, "The Scripture is fulfilled." 43 I think of today. And notice what that was as the--the priest gave the Word over. The Word was read, handed back to the priest. And the last quotation out of my text that I had, and my Scriptures wrote down, was Saint Luke 17:30, where, Jesus referring back to this day that we're living in, rich, Laodicea age, and yet rotten in politics, church politics and national politics, just as rotten as it could be. And then He said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming end time," notice what He said there, "in the day that the Son of man will be revealed." See, "In the days that the Son of man will be revealed..." I want to draw your attention. See, He came in three names. He came as Son of man, which was prophet. And that's what He did; He proved His ministry by being a prophet. We all know that. Every one of us knows it. He never said He was the Son of God; He said He was the Son of man. Now, today, He is the Son of God, which He returned back, and now He is in the form of the Holy Ghost, the unseen Person; but yet, God, the Son of God. In the millennium He sets upon His Father's throne, which He'll be Son of David. He revealed Hisself first as Son of man, a prophet; this age, through the church age, Son of man--or Son of God; and in the other age, Son of David: three sons. 46 But you notice here, He said, at the ending of the church age, it had got in such a mess till He would be revealed again as Son of man, "when the Son of man is being revealed." How appropriate was that mix-up yesterday. And I hope you don't miss it. We have had the revelation of Son of God, but the last promise that Abraham had before the son was made--or brought into existence, the one that he would been promised; before the promised son showed up, God manifested Himself there at Sodom as a Prophet, being a Man, in flesh, God. Elohim, as I heard someone speak it awhile ago, which the Godhead bodily was in Him. He was the Fullness. Elohim is the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. And we notice there when Lot saw... When
Abraham saw Him coming, he said, "My Lord." There was three of them. And down in Sodom, Lot saw two, and said, "My lords," lack of revelation. So notice what taken place here, when He come up, how He made Hisself known. 48 Could we not, could I not say this if I had just been on my toes (See?); the brother prophesied when he said to me what he did. This day... Watch what He did right after the reading of that Scripture. "In the days when the Son of man," not a man, not a human being, "the Son of man will reveal Hisself among His people again." This day this promise, of this hour that we're now living in is fulfilled before our very eyes. He turned immediately to the congregation, and ten or twelve, whatever people it was out there, unknown; He did the very same thing He did at Sodom. This day has this Scripture been made manifest before you. It's been made true before you. Then, my brother, sister, delegates, ministers, whatever we are here, children of God, how close are we to His coming then? If we're now seeing the Scripture that He promised just before the fire fell in Sodom to burn it up, and likened this day to it, and seeing that Scripture right before our eyes be fulfilled, how close are we to the coming of the Son of God then? How close is the manifestation of the Scriptures, like He did through Abraham, bringing the church up in type, which He was the promise to the church. And now we find out, Abraham's natural seed, how they failed. But the royal seed of Abraham, which is by faith in the promised Word, is now being manifested on the earth today. We are at the end time, my brother, sisters. We are at the end. 50 And we have not one other type. I have to type Scriptures because I don't have an education enough to bring out words and things. I make a type. But if I see in the shadows... If I never had seen my hand and see the shadow, I know I had five fingers. And that's the way you have to watch the Scripture types of the Old Testament. What does it do? It foreshadows this. And Jesus said that Sodom was the foreshadow of the end time now. And the very Scriptures that was promised to Sodom, the very Scriptures that was taking place at Sodom, that Jesus said would repeat itself again in this day, it's made known right before us today. God bless you. Don't miss it. And if I don't see you here next year; when they climb the golden stairs, I hope to meet you up There. God bless you. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] 52 Father, we are... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] According to the Scriptures, we are seeing manifested, before us, the last sign and type. The Words of Jesus Christ said this is so. Just as it was at Sodom, we see the world in its condition, we see the church in its condition, we see the--the elect being called out of every denomination; the Life, that's in those places, moving out now to take the form of the Seed. We pray, heavenly Father, that we'll waken a quickly. As a brother just said now, he seen before his face, and when he had his eyes closed, just masses going before him. O God, we feel that there is masses untouched yet. Help us, dear God. May we go from this convention with such a warning in our heart, knowing that this day the Scripture is fulfilled. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 54 [Brother Demos Shakarian says, "Hallelujah. Our editor, Jerry Jensen, would you come up here. His--his mother-in-law is unconscious right now; he just got the news. And they're ministers of the Gospel, Foursquare ministers. Would we just... He is, I know he is very heavy-hearted. And just..."-Ed.] Heard just now? Oh, yes. Oh, are they here? ["No, they're in Los Angeles. In a coma."] Distance is no difference to God. He's omnipresent. He has to be to be God. Some of the greatest things that I've know of being done in my own humble ministry, is by telephone, or someone calling in, great things taken place. Let us agree together that God will heal this people that's sick. 56 Dear heavenly Father, we bring them into Your Presence by prayer. We know that one night there was an apostle that was shut off from all activity then; he was in a jail, and he was going to be beheaded the next day. And down at John Mark's house they had a prayer meeting, and right in those inner cells there came that same Pillar of Fire that followed the children of Israel, or the
children of Israel followed It through the wilderness; came right in, because of that prayer meeting, and opened every door, and brought the apostle out on the street again, free to minister. We understand that these ministers, missionary people, is bound in now, they're--they're even in a coma. Lord, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hear our prayer tonight, O God. You said, "When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for; it shall be given you." Lord, we believe, and pray that in Jesus' Name, that You'll heal them, Lord, for Your glory. It's been said, been asked, now let it be done. Amen. God bless you, Ted. You believe with him. 58 Brother Demos. [Blank.spot.on.tape, then Brother Demos Shakarian says, "You recognize that fellow?"--Ed.] No, sir. A lot of change since those days, brethren. ["Come here, Howard. He was a very handsome fellow then. He is still handsome, Brother Branham. Yeah, that's a nice picture. And we had your aunt to stand a moment ago too. And maybe you would like to say a word, Howard."] [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] ... man they left out; we all appreciate Brother Shakarian. Now, if he ever want us to come forth... DOORS IN DOOR FLAGSTAFF AZ 65-0206 V-17 N-3 1 ... here this morning. I was thinking of my time coming into Flagstaff the--the first time. It's been about, I guess, around thirty-eight years ago, maybe forty. I was talking about getting up the hill. There wasn't no snow, but my little Model-T couldn't hardly get up the hill. It could go thirty miles an hour, but that's fifteen this way and fifteen this a way, you know, over some of these roads we had here. And it was quite a... [A brother on the platform says, "Why don't you give us that Ford poem."--Ed.] Brother Carl... ["Please."--Ed.] Oh. He's telling me about a little poem I had one time of on my Ford. It's not a good place to give it, Brother Carl. So we're very grateful. And I had so many nice testimonies this morning, hearing from these brethren, met some of the men. And there was just a minister that just spoke here, a little Spanish brother that gave his--the little boy's time to sing. Wasn't that wonderful for a six-year-old boy? My, the nicest little voice I ever heard for a little boy like that. 5 Now, this brother, the brethren forgot it, but he's holding a meeting here in your city. I think it's down at the Church of God, or Assemblies of God? [The brother says, "Assemblies."--Ed.] Assemblies of God, down at the Assemblies of God. And I'm sure they would appreciate your--your presence. You... How long is the meeting lasting, brother? Through Sunday, through Sunday night. ["We're having a sing-spiration tonight."--Ed.] Sir? ["We're having a sing-spiration tonight."--Ed.] Singspiration tonight. Now, you're all cordially invited to come to this meeting. Seven-thirty, tonight. And where is the church located, brother? Would you just tell us where it is? ["113 West Clay."--Ed.] 113 West Clay Street, right here in the city of Flagstaff. And--and I'm sure you'll... 6 Is the little boy with you? No, his daddy will sing. You sing, do you? Well, that's fine, I guessed that just right for one time. Well, that's very seldom you see that; but it's, usually, if there's one talent in the family, it takes from--from the rest of it, I think. So they have... ["It all started out in fasting and prayer, Brother Branham."--Ed.] Fasting and praying, now that's--that's really nice. Now, you know, if America, all together, all of our American families was like that, well, they'd just dismiss all the police force. The millennium would be on, wouldn't it? We'd...?... We'd be right in first class then. That's right. All death would fade away, all sickness, sorrow, all disappointments, and we would be with Christ.
8 So we are happy, and I hear all these fine testimonies. And had the privilege of meeting Brother Earl for my first time. And--and last evening I was talking to his wife, and--and she's been called out and healed several times in the meetings; said, at the last meeting she was on the platform. So makes us a little, kind of a little sense of humor. I didn't remember Brother Earl, though I'd shook his hand somewhere. And--and I was setting at the window, last night, looking for him to come up. And a great tall man come up, was wearing a black mustache. I said, "Here he comes." And then when... Billy, my son, said, "Oh, no," said, "that's not Brother Earl. He's much younger than that fellow." And so then I got to meet Sister Earl here last evening, and has had the privilege of being in their lovely home here in the city. This is a nice place. I always want to call it flagpole instead of Flagstaff, way up on top of the hill here. See? And I tell you, if there's anybody here from Texas, now you brag. I left Tucson yesterday, about seventy-two or seventy-five, somewhere along there, and up here this morning with an overcoat on. See, what they got in Texas, we got in Arizona, haven't we? That's right. We're right here. 11 This time of fellowship... Old Doctor Bosworth, a friend of mine, many of you might've knowed Brother Bosworth. He was one of the saintliest old men. And he said to me one time, he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?" I said, "I think so, Brother Bosworth." Said, "It's two fellows in one ship, so they have to share a little bit." So that's what fellowship is; we take and give, share with each other; with Brother Carl Williams, all the rest, Brother Outlaw. Oh, one of the first people in Arizona that ever sponsored one of my meetings was--was Brother Jimmy Outlaw, and we've been bosom brothers since that time. And we are very happy for all of you, for the ministers and the brethren that we meet around here. I don't have time, shake hands with everybody, as I like to, but it's a fellowship where we get together. 14 It just reminds me of--of the Phoenix convention. I've had the privilege, since the chapters first started, to--to help organize the chapters and speak in them. And it's the only organization I belong to, and it's not an organization. It's just a organism working among the people. And if some of you men here this morning, that--that doesn't belong to this fellowship of this Christian Business Men, Full Gospel, let... If you believe and will take my word, it's one of the finest groups of people. And--and to minister brothers, it's not against your church; it's for your church. See, it's their way of placing in to the--to the church. I just happened to look around at this lovely lady here that just sang that song a few moments ago. I've heard many attempts of it, but that lady had a voice could carry it right, you know, without squeaking it, like. I--I liked that so much, lady; it was very, very fine. Said it was a minister's wife here. And, brother, you ought to have her sing you to sleep each night, so that would be very fine, very fine. It was very fine singing. I appreciate it. 17 And this morning it kind of reminds me of a little--a little story that... I--I like to hunt and fish, and that's one of the reasons I'm here in Arizona, so, is getting hunting and fishing. And I like it. And so I was fishing one time in New Hampshire. And I guess I got a lot of partners in here that likes to fish, both in the male and female too. They... We all like it. So I had a little pup tent I'd packed way high, above where, you know, the fellows, kind of a little heavy or something, couldn't walk up there. And there's many fine of those Brook Trout, and Brown, Square-tail, Cutthroat. Oh, they're just full of them little tributaries coming down out of the top of the mountains in New Hampshire. And little trout, maybe fourteen, sixteen inches long, just many of them. And I'd only... I'd go over there and catch them, just for the fun of catching them, turn them loose. If I killed one, then I--I eat that one (You see?), bring him in. 20 So I had a--some of this old moose willow growing up, and--and every time I'd switch my fly line... I had a little Royal Coachman. I'd fly back in there with it, I'd switch it around a bunch of moose
willow. And I thought, "Well, I'm--I'm going to take a hatchet and go up there this morning and--and chop that moose willow down, so that I won't catch my line on it." Oh, I looked back under a little old, like a beaver dam, and they were just laying in there, just waiting for that Coachman to get on them. And now, all night long... I used to say, "got in my hair." But I ain't got enough hair for them to get into now. So I just--I just... It just how they would--how they would watch them. And so I got up there that morning took this little old hatchet, and cut down this moose willow. And I had three or four, was going to fix for breakfast, and come back. And I'm not a very good cook. And so I told my wife I couldn't boil water without scorching it, so you know that'd be pretty bad job of cooking. 21 So on my road back, there'd been an old mother bear and two cubs, and they'd got in my little tent. And you talk about rim-wrecking something; you don't know how things could be rim-wrecked till you let a bear get in the tent. He... They... It's not what they destroy--what they eat, I mean; it's what they destroy. I had a little stove, this little sheepherder's stove in there, and they'd get on this little stove and just jump up-and-down, you could hear the pipe rattle, and just mash it to pieces, you know. And when I come up, I had a little old rusty twenty-two rifle laying in there, but I had a-this axe in my hand. And, you know, when I come up, the old mother run off to one side, and she cooed to her cubs. And one cub followed along, all right; but the other one set, little bitty fellow. In May, you know, had just come out. Had his back all humped up to me, like that. And I thought, "What's he doing?" Well, then she looked over at me. And I looked for a tree to see just how--how close it was, 'cause they can scratch you, you know, about them young ones. And they... You can't talk them out of it. You see? So I watched the old mother a little while, you know. She kept cooing, and making noise, something like a bird. You'd have to know what one sounds like. So she kept cooing that cub, and that cub wouldn't come. 23 Well, I thought about my rifle. And I thought, "No, if I'd run in there and grab that rifle, if I'd shoot the old mother, leave two orphans in the woods," and I didn't want to be guilty of that. And besides, her charging, that twenty-two would be kind of small, you know. And sometimes it didn't go off, have to snap it three or four times to make it go off. So I thought, "Well, I'll just get in that tree there, if she starts over here. I'll get up there in the tree, get me a little switch and just whip them across the nose." Their nose is very tender. And they just squeal, then go down, you know, and they leave you alone. So I thought, "I'll get in that tree." But the curiosity of that little fellow, oh, setting up like this. And I thought, "What's he doing?" So I kept slipping around, watching her, you know, getting a little further away, and getting close to the tree, 'cause she kept cooing to that cub. So I got over a little further, and you know what that little fellow had done? 25 Now, I like flapjacks, or pancakes, I believe you call them, out here. Down south, we call them flapjacks. I'm not very good at making them, but I'm sure good at eating them. And, you know, I was a Baptist. And I don't like to sprinkle; I really like to baptize them, really put the molasses to them. So I had me a can of molasses about this high, setting there, a little half-gallon bucket for my flapjacks. And that little fellow... You know, a bear likes sweet, anyhow. He'd got that bucket of molasses open. And he was setting there with that little paw about that wide. And he had it up in his arms, and he was just socking his little foot down, and licking like that, you know. That's right. And he--he'd lick that little tongue. And I started... Any... If I just had a camera, I'd love to have showed that this morning, just to look at it. And there he was, putting his little foot down there, and licking like that. And I hollered, "Get away from there," like that. And he didn't pay any attention to me, and just kept licking like that. He sopped that bucket out. See? 27 And I hollered at him like that, he turned around and looked at me like that. He couldn't get his eyes open, he was just so full of molasses, you know. All over his eyes, his little belly, just as full of molasses as he could be. And then, after while, he staggered off sideways and run over to his
mother. They got him up there in the bushes and started licking him. They was afraid to set at the bucket, but they could lick him. And I said, "If that isn't a type of a good, old Pentecostal meeting: just get so full of good, sweet stuff, they go out, and somebody lick off of it. That's a real fellowship meeting. Now, we just come like this to get our hands in the bucket, each one of us, plumb up to the elbow of God's blessings. And I'm sure you'll find that at the revival that's being down at the Assemblies of God, going on down there now. The Lord bless you. 29 I said in Phoenix, the other day, a little... I hope it didn't sound sacrilegious, about a little joke about a minister that would go to the platform every morning, and for twenty years solid, he preached twenty minutes, and then be done, and so they couldn't understand why it was. And so, one morning he preached about four hours. And the--the deacons called him back, and--and said, "Pastor, we really love you." Said, "We--we think your messages are wonderful." And said, "We know, as a deacon board, we've watched you and timed you, exactly twenty minutes every Sunday morning." And said, "This morning was four hours." Said, "We just don't understand." Said, "I'll tell you, brethren." He said, "Every morning, when I go to preach," said, "when you call me to the platform, I reach in and put one of these Life Savers under my tongue." And said, "In twenty minutes when that Life Savers is gone," said, "I--I--I'm finished," he said, "I know it's time to quit." And said, "What was the mistake this morning, I got a button...?..." 31 Carl Williams and Jewel Rose, real bosom brothers and friends of mine, they went downtown the other day, and got a button about that big around to give me, and--but I haven't got it this morning. So we're grateful to be here. Now, does anyone in here know Doctor Lee Vayle? I don't think... Maybe not. He was a Baptist preacher, Doctor of Divinity, and he's got his degrees. He was a high school teacher to begin with, and he's a very fine, scholarly man. And my tapes of "The Seven Church Ages," I sent them to him to grammarize them. Because my old Kentucky "hit, hain't, and tote, and carry, and fetch," that don't go good for people who reads the books, so he was going to grammarize it for me. And then, after he got through, sent it back a couple times for more statements. Which the book is going to press now after about three or four years. He asked me, he said, "Can I write a book, just my comments?" And I said, "Well, it's all right, Brother Lee." And I thought... Then he said, "I'm going to tell you something." Said, "It's not to be sold; given away." I said, "Well, then, I'm sure that's all right." See? 35 And so they had a sponsorship of about ten people to sponsor it, which cost them about fifteen hundred dollars, I think, I understand, for ten thousand of them. And so we--we got them; it all come off the press a couple days ago, and we got just two or three, yesterday, and Billy brought them up. And they're--they're giving them away. Now, I've never read it; I don't know what he said. But I'm... This is by faith. But I'm sure, if you'd like to have one, if you'd just write us, it'd be sent to you free. See? And it's called "Twentieth-Century Prophet." And then I noticed in the picture here in the front of the book, many of you has got this picture, of course, and seen It, that's where the Angel of the Lord was taken at Houston, Texas. But they cut part of It off. 37 Then I see here in the back. And how many here has ever been in one of the meetings, let's see? I guess practically all of you have. You hear me say many times, "That shadow hanging over someone." Now, see, if you make a statement, and it isn't the truth, God won't have anything to do with it. You know God is not associated in lies, but He only backs up what's truth. So when He told Moses, when He met him back there in the wilderness in the Pillar of Fire, back in that burning bush... Then when He brought those people out, and those who would follow Moses
out for the journey, then He came down upon Mount Sinai, that same Pillar of Fire, and vindicated that what Moses had said was the truth. Now, God will do that. He always does that. So this Light here, of course, we associate It with God, because It has the same nature and everything that He did when He was here on earth. 40 Then on that, saying, "This person here, I see you're shadowed to death, dark shadow." How many... Many of you has heard that said. Well, here just recently in a meeting, there was somebody curious, wanted to see if they could get a picture of that, when it was said. So they... There was a lady setting close, and this man had a camera. And I said, "This lady setting here is Mrs. So-and-so," whatever it is. I said, "She's shadowed to death, and she's got cancer." And just then he snapped the picture, 'cause it was close. And there it was (See?) that hooded, black cancer of death hanging over the woman. And then the Holy Spirit spoke back again. Now, when they put this in the book, they had it cut off, so they just put this in here just till they make that a printing of the book. And that's why you'll see that loose leaf in there. I think "The Voice Of Healing" was the one who printed the book. 42 And now it's absolutely free. And the sponsors back here in the back of the book, who put fifteen hundred dollars in it, just to get it out to the public, let the public read it. So it's free, and it's a nice little book. And I don't know what the contents is, I've never read it; the Father knows that. But see, it was... To me, it's absolute truth. That's what we look for, is Truth. Jesus said, "You shall know the Truth; the Truth shall set you free." And He is that Truth. He is Jesus, the Son of God is the Truth of the Word, because He was the Word made flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Then that made Him the Truth, because the Word is the Truth, and He was the Truth. Now, when we see Him return in these last days, this great move of God, moving across the nations of the world, gathering a people for the Bride, that is Truth. 45 Years ago they said there was no such a thing as speaking in tongues; it was nonsense. God promised it, and He proved it to be Truth. That's right. Someone said this morning; I believe it was our noble sister there who deals with the children so much about their baptism; she said, "You can hear someone speak in tongues. But to hear someone sing in tongues (See?) it was such a beautiful thing." I remember my first experience; I was at Redigar Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Indiana. And I was speaking, having a healing service after the death of--of Brother B. E. Redigar. And Brother Bosworth had been there, Paul Rader. And many of you older men that--like me, you remember Paul Rader; and he was a Baptist, and we was--so we were great friends. And so while speaking there, was going to pray for the sick. It was a strange thing to them then, but a lady brought a little boy down that was crippled, and as he come across the platform, the vision of the Lord appeared and told him all about what was the matter with the little lad. And I asked the girl to hand--to hand me the little boy. 48 Now, just for the sister's testimony, that you might see what joy and what the real phenomena of--of grace of God, what it could do, when it worked according to the Word of God (See?) God's promise for the hour... Now, God's promise to Noah won't work for us today. God's promise to--to Moses, we couldn't have Moses' message. Moses couldn't have had Noah's message. We got the Message of the hour. We couldn't have had Luther's message. We couldn't have had Wesley's message. This is another time. God allotted His Word to each age. And as that age comes along, He sends someone there to vindicate that Word, to prove that that's true. And that... We see in each one then, just like what Jesus said when He was on earth, He said, "You build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers put them in there." 50 Now, my people are Catholic, as you know, being an Irishman. Now, we... Now, they--they talk about Saint Patrick; the Catholics claim him. Why, he's just about as much Catholic as I am. They talk
about Joan of Arc. They burnt that girl to the stake for a witch (We all know that.), because she was spiritual and seen visions. 'Course, a couple a hundred years later, they dug up them priests' body, and done penance, and throwed them in the river. But that ain't what it takes. See? They always miss it. Man is forever praising God for what He did do, looking forward for what He will be, and ignoring what He's doing. That's just the nature of man. And he hasn't changed his nature, the man of the world. 52 So we find that our Message is today, the Message that we have of, "Come out of Babylon, and be free, and--and be filled with the Spirit, and your lamps trimmed and clear, and look up, our redemption's drawing near," we--these things are foreign to many people who breathe and call our lovely Lord's Name. But yet in the midst of all that, we don't have nothing against those people, those denominational people. They're all right; they're fine. They're our--they're our associates in the Gospel, because Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And--and all the Father hath given Me, they will come." So we're only responsible for sowing Seeds. Some fell by the wayside, some different kinds of ground; some fell over and brought a hundredfold. So we are just Seed sowers. God is the One Who directs It when It's falling. And now, we pray that maybe, this morning there'd be a little Seed drop along somewhere, that might encourage someone. And just as a--a--a man... 55 And to finish my testimony concerning the little lady that I was going to speak of, this lady brought this little baby, a little boy, I guess, about ten, twelve years old, and maybe not that old, 'cause this woman was packing him. And she handed him over. And just then, while I was offering prayer for the child, the little fellow jumped out of my arms and went running down the platform, of about thirty-five hundred or four thousand people. And when they did, first thing they ever seen done, the mother, setting on the front seat, just fainted and pitched over. And a little Amish girl... Are you acquainted with the Amish? I don't know whether you have them out here: long hair, they're very sweet people, and very clean and nice type. You know, in all the Mennonites, or Amish, and so forth, we've not got one record of a juvenile delinquent. Call them funny if you want to, but we--we got something lacking in our homes, that they have. They haven't one record in the courts of a--of a juvenile misbehavior coming among them. They bring up their children just in one way, and that's the way they go. 57 And this young lady was a famous pianist, a beautiful young woman, and long, blond hair fixed up in the back. And when she looked across... Now, she was Amish; she knowed nothing about Pentecost, and neither did I. But when she looked across the platform, and seen that little boy going, walking across there, she threw up her hands in the air. Now, I know there's fanaticism, and I hope I'm not prone. I--I'm not a liar. And I--I'm not... If I'm wrong, I--I'm not willfully wrong; I'm ignorantly wrong. But that girl threw her hands in the air, and that hair fell down across her shoulders, and she started singing in a unknown tongue. And she was playing that hymn, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." And when she jumped up from there... I know this sounds very strange now. But this girl had never knowed nothing about speaking in tongues, but she was singing in an unknown tongue, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." And that piano continually played, "The Great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Well, they piled them altars, and down through the balcony, into the floor, people screaming. That girl standing over there, with her face up like that, speaking in other tongues; and the piano the ivory keys still moving: The Great Physician now is near, The sympathizing Jesus, He speaks the drooping hearts to cheer, No other Name but Jesus!
60 Oh, it's... "Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what's in store for us." You know what I think? Why would--why would we ever accept a substitute or just something that's a make-belief, when the heavens is full of the genuine, the real power of God, that can set a soul free, that can do something for us? God bless you. Now, there's so many things. I never told you where to get this book. See? Post Office Box 325, at Jeffersonville. And if you'd write, why, they'd send it to you. Or, either, visit one of the meetings; they'll be giving them away. Now, I am very grateful for this fine time of fellowship. And this morning I was thinking about a little story I used to tell at the Christian Business Men, about Zacchaeus. Many of you has heard me tell it, about how that this little fellow didn't believe in this discernment, and--of the Lord. 'Course, I guess, as we have in every age, you see a genuine, then you see an impersonations. And we just have to put up with that. But good, solid thinkers and Scriptural men understand. See? Which, we, and no matter... 63 When Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, when she was here on earth in her ministry, they say that pretty near every woman preacher wore those wings like, you know, or gowns like that, and packed the Bible. Just look at the Billy Graham's is in the land today. But, you know, Billy Graham could never take your place. I--I couldn't take Billy's place; he couldn't take mine. I can't take yours, and you can't take mine. You're an individual in God. God made you the way you are for some purpose. If we would just find our place, and then abide there. If we try to do something different, then (See?) we're--we're in somebody else's territory, which we just gaum up the picture of God. We take like Billy Graham in the denominational world today, as he's, if we'd call it maybe to the football player; he's got the ball. Now, if you try to take the ball away from your own man, you're just messing up your team. Guard your man. See? Keep guarding him, keep the rest of them so he can make the run. And we'll have the touchdown after while, and Jesus will come, and then it'll all be over. The Lord bless you. 67 Now, I'm going to the saying about this man Zacchaeus. And I had him up in this tree, you know, with leaves all pulled around him. And then when he come down out of the tree, he went home with Jesus. And I said, "He became a member of the Full Gospel Business Men chapter." So if there's any Zacchaeus's here, this morning, I hope that you take that good advice and become a member of the Full Gospel Business Men. You say, "Full Gospel?" Yes, sir. That's the only thing Jesus would've preached, you know, would've been the full Gospel. That's right. Isn't that right? Sure, for He was the full Gospel. That's right. He couldn't deny Himself. 69 But now, I have a few Scriptures wrote out here, of a little, common little text; it won't take me but just a few minutes, if you'll suffer with me. And before we do this... Now, in our little fellowship of get-together, and talking about the hands of the bear in the bucket, and so forth, now let's just brush aside all of this now, and just think we're getting acquainted. And--and we're--want now to enter into the deep part of the Word. Let us bow our heads now, as we approach It. 'Cause we have no right to approach the Word without speaking to the Author first. With our heads bowed, our eyes closed, and I trust that our hearts are bowed with our head. I wonder, while I raise my eyes and look over the audience, if there would be someone here would say, in raising their hands, "Brother, minister, remember me in prayer. I--I'm needy today"? God bless you. God bless you. Now, He sees your hand. He knows what's beneath your hand in your heart. May He grant it, is my prayer. 72 Dear God, as we are grateful for this building that we, Your humble children, can assemble ourselves together under here, and just talk and have fellowship, just to be ourselves, as we yield ourselves to Christ, and desire to become more like Him... We are ministering brothers setting near,
Lord, men who are far more capable of standing here to deliver this Word than I, Your unworthy servant; but it has fallen my lot. And, Father, I pray, today, that if I might say something that would not be just according to the will of God, that before I say it, You'd close my mouth, like You did the lions' mouths one day so they wouldn't bother Daniel. And, Father, we ask You now to remember each and every one, every minister. And this revival that's going on here in the city, Lord, down to the Assemblies of God, I pray, dear God, that You'll send such a revival in there that this whole city will be stirred by the power of God, that all these barrooms and wandering children around on the street will be brought to the throne of God, and be filled with His goodness and with His Spirit. Grant it, heavenly Father. 74 And we pray that today, that if there be man or woman, boy or girl, that's been brought into this meeting this morning, here under the shelter from the snow, that the great Holy Spirit will visit their heart and speak to them in a mysterious way. Maybe some that's wandered away, that once entertained You, Lord, but now has gone away; bring them back, Lord, this morning. And we pray for this chapter, for Brother Earl and for his wife, and for the others. Grant it, Lord. Now, break to us the Bread of Life, as we open back the pages of the Word, because we know the Bible is of no private interpretation. But God doesn't need us to interpret His Word; He's His Own interpreter. He said one day, "Let there be light," and there was light. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. "And in the last days I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh"; no matter what the world said, He did it. He needs no interpreter. He interprets His own Words by making It live and vindicating It to be so. Come to our hearts, Lord Jesus, and interpret to us today the things we have need of. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. 77 Now, in the Bible, if you will turn. I believe I've never had a message that I tried to undertake to speak on, that I never first read the Word. Because my word will fail; I'm a man. But His Word just can't fail; He's God. So let's turn now for just a little text, and we're going to be out just in--just about thirty, forty minutes, the Lord willing. On Revelations now, we wish to turn to the 3rd chapter of Revelations, begin with the 14th verse. And we want to read just a--the portion, it's a message to the Laodicea church age. And I believe, and I--I suppose most all Spirit-filled people and Bible readers believe, could say 'amen' to that, that we are in the Laodicea church age, 'cause that's the last age. Listen to the message of the condition of the church at this time. And to the angel of the church of... Laodicea write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works,... thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest thou not that thou art wretched,... miserable,... poor,... blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in... fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 79 The Lord bless the reading of this Word. Now, I want to take for just a few moments, a little text, called, "Doors in Door," "Doors in Door." Now, this is a very... "Doors in Door," is three words. "Doors in Door."
You might say to me a..., "Brother, there's probably a hundred people here. There... Don't you think that's kind of a small text, when you have before you a hundred souls?" Well, that--that may be true, the--the text is small. But it isn't the size of the text that--that counts, it's what it is. It's--it's what the text says that counts. 82 Like, I believe it was in Louisville, Kentucky, some time ago, a--a little boy was up in the attic, fooling around with some old trunks up in the garret, and he run onto an old fashion postage stamp. Well, the first thing in his mind, he might get an ice cream cone for that. There was a collector down the street, so he took off down the street, just as hard as he could go. And said, "What will you give me for this stamp?" The collector looked it over, and it was kind of faded out. He said, "I'll give you a dollar." My, that was easy sold. He would have let it went for a nickel, and then been happy for it to get an ice cream, but it was sold for a dollar. The collector sold it for five hundred dollars. And later, I don't know just where it did go; it went into the hundreds of dollars. You see, the little piece of paper wasn't very much, just a piece that you wouldn't pick up off the floor. But it wasn't the paper that counted; it's what's on the paper that counts. And that's the way it is with reading God's Word. It isn't just the paper, the value of the paper, or the size of the paper; it's what's wrote on that paper. And one word is enough to save a world, if it'd be received that way. 86 Sometime ago there was... I read a story of a--in the days of our noble... One of the greatest Presidents I think the nation ever had was--was Lincoln. Not because that he come from Kentucky, but because he was a great man. He was deprived of an education, but yet was--was something in his heart, some purpose. I--I like a man of vision. I like people that's got something they're fighting for, just not just lay around, "Well, ever what comes along will be all right." Oh, be up and at it. And Lincoln never let his education stand in the way; he had something to do. I think every Christian ought to be that way; find your purpose and go do it. Every member of this chapter, just not, "Well, we have a breakfast once a month," that isn't it, "or once every Saturday." Have a purpose in life, something you're going to do. Let's... God has placed you here; do something about it, every member of every church. There's a revival in town. That revival's there for a purpose. Let's get something out of it. Let's do something about it. 89 Mr. Lincoln... There was a man that--a young fellow, he--he was in the war, and--and he was--he was coward to begin with. And in the time of duty he--he--he withdrew from his post; and they found something against him, that he was going to have to be shot. And, oh, he... It was terrible. And one young fellow loved him so well went to Mr. Lincoln to get a pardon. He was President at the time in the United States here, and so he went to him for a pardon. And he said to him, as he was getting out of his carriage; and Mr. Lincoln, a tall, bearded, typical southern, skinny. And he said, "Mr. Lincoln, there is a boy that's going to die in two days from now, be shot, because that he run in time of battle." And he said, "Mr. Lincoln, the boy isn't a bad boy. But all those muskets a-firing, and-and people dying, he was nervous. And he was so upset that he--he threw up his hands and started screaming. He run." Said, "I knowed the boy." Said, "Mr. Lincoln, only your name on this piece of paper can spare him. Will you do it?" 'Course, this Christian gentleman, quickly signed the paper, "Pardoned, So-and-so." Signed his name, "Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States." 92 Went the messenger back as hard as he could. And he run to the cell; he said, "You're free. You're free. Here's Mr. Lincoln's, Mr. Lincoln's signature. You're free." He said, "Why would you come to mock me, knowing that I die tomorrow?" He said, "Take that away from here; you're only mocking me." And he would not receive it. He said, "No, I--I don't want it."
Said, "You're only making..." Said, "If that was the--the President," said, "it would have the--the coat of arms, and it would have his right paper." He said, "But it's his signature." He said, "How will I know his signature?" He said, "You're just mocking me; you're trying to make me feel good." And he just started screaming, turned his back. The boy was shot the next morning. Then after the boy being dead, and the President's name on this piece of paper that he was pardoned, then what? And they tried it in the federal court. And here was the decision of our federal courts, which is the ultimate of all of our courts. What they say sometimes, we don't like their decision, but we have to abide by it anyhow (See?), because that's the tie post. That's the ultimate. Now, it said this decision, "A pardon is not a pardon unless it be received as a pardon." And that's the way the Word of God is. It's a pardon if It be received as a pardon. And It's the Word of God; It's the power of God to those who will believe It and accept It. No matter, you're looking at It, and you say, "Oh, that's been tangled up; there's been a million translations, and all that." It might be that to someone. But to me, It's still the Word of God, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's duty bound to stay by that Word. 99 Now, He's got to judge the church someday. And if He judges it by the Catholic church, which they say He will, then which one of the Catholic churches will He judge it by? They different one from the other. If He judges it by the Methodist's, you Baptists are gone. If He judges it by the Pentecostal's, the rest of you is gone. But He won't judge it by the church. The Bible said He'll judge the world by Jesus Christ, and Christ is the Word. So you see we're without excuse; it's the Word of God that He judges; so no matter how small, one word significance to This, said Revelation 22:18... 101 First, I'll begin in Genesis. God gave the human race His Word to fortify themselves from death, sin, and sorrow, or any disaster: a chain, of His Word. "Thou shalt not touch this certain tree, for the day you eat thereof, that day you die." And a chain is only its best at its weakest link. And our souls are pulled over hell, holding to this chain; break one of them, that's all you have to do. Eve never broke a sentence; she broke a Word, by Satan. That was the first of the Book. In the middle of the Book come Jesus and said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word," not part of them, just one here and there, but every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. 103 When He was dead, resurrected, and went into heaven, and returned back, and gave John... Which He said there after His resurrection, said, "What if..." Said, "What will happen to this man?" Jesus said, "What is it to you if he continues till I come? Knowing not exactly his life would, but his ministry would continue. And He lifted him up, in the 4th chapter of Revelations, and showed him all the things that was to come, that we live in, even to this text today. And then on the 22nd chapter, the last chapter, the 18th verse, He said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." See? So we believe that man lives by every Word of God. I believe it and I know it's true. How little, it doesn't matter. It just takes one word to do it. 106 Thinking about how little, insignificant, seeing that many of my Canadian friends setting here. I remember I was in Canada when the King George, the one I had the privilege of going praying for, when he was healed, with that multiple sclerosis; he was suffering that day from the sclerosis, and also he had a stomach trouble, a ulcer; as many of you Canadians know, and Americans also. But seeing him pass down through there, setting in that carriage, he--he was a king. He conducted himself as a king. His beautiful queen setting by him in her blue dress, and as he come down the streets...
And a friend of mine and I were standing together. And when that carriage passed by, he just turned his head and started crying. I put my hand upon his shoulder, and I said, "What's the matter?" He said, "Brother Branham, there goes my king and his queen." Well, I--I could appreciate that. So I thought, "If a Canadian, under the government head, not government head, but still also a government head of England, and passing the king by, it could make a Canadian cry, and turn his head and weep, what will it be when we see our King?" And to think of it, our part will be the Queen. 110 Then the children was all turned out from the schools, the little children; they was given a little British flag. The Canadian flag is called something else. Brother Fred, what's the Canadian flag called? [Brother Fred Sothmann says, "Union Jack."--Ed.] Union Jack. But they give them a little British flag to wave. And when the king passed by, all the little fellows stood out, waving their--their little flag, and screaming to the king. And--and there were bands a-playing, "God Save The King," as he marched through the street. Oh, if you could just get a... You'd get a view of what's going to be at that resurrection there. 112 And when they was instructed, the little fellows to return back to school as soon as the--the parade was over. And the little fellows going back, one school missed a little girl. And they went everywhere to find the little fellow, up-and-down the streets. And, finally, behind a telegraph pole, stood the little, bitty, tiny, dwarf girl, just a-crying her little heart out. Well, the teacher picked her up and... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "What's the matter? Did you not see the king?" She said, "Yes, I saw the king." Said, "Did--did you not wave your flag?" She said, "Yes, I--I waved my flag." She said, "Well, then, why are you crying?" She said, "You see, teacher, I am so little, the others was standing in the front of me; they were bigger. And I waved my flag, but he didn't see it." And she was disturbed about it. Well, that might be that King George did not see that little fellow in statue. He might not have seen her patriotic heart, and how she felt towards him. She was too short. 115 But it isn't so with our King. Oh, the least little thing we do, He sees it. And He knows the very things and thoughts that's in our hearts, whatever we do, what little it is. And how do we serve Him? As we serve each other. If I don't love you, how can I love Him? See? "Insomuch as you've done unto these My little ones, you have done it unto Me." See? It's the--it's the little things that we leave undone sometime, that breaks the whole chain (You see?), and lets us go free, just denominationalminded, and forget about these little things that really are the--the essential things. Everything, every Word of God is essential. None of It can be left out. We've got to take every Word of It, just the way It was wrote. 117 "I stand at the door," said Jesus in this Laodicea age, "and knock." Did you notice, the only church age that He was put out of His church? All the other church ages, He was inside the church. Through the Methodists, and Lutherans, and so forth, He was on the inside, church. But here He's outside; our creeds and things had run Him out of the church. But He's standing out there still knocking, "He that will hear and open the door, I'll come in with him, sup with them, and give him healing for his eyes, and--and clothes, and give him the riches of heaven; he that will hear Me knock." I thought I could think of the name of that artist that drawed that picture, painted a picture, rather, of at the door. When he... You know, all great pictures first must go through the line, or, the hall of critics, before it can be hung in the hall of fame. That original painting now would run millions of dollars. 119 But, see, it's like the church has to pass through the hall of critics. We go through. You're going to be called "holy-roller," you're going to be called everything. But if you could only hold your
position in Christ, then someday He'll take us to the hall of fame. But first we've got to stand criticism. There's where the littleness of us stands; there's where it shows. He that cannot stand chastisement is a illegitimate child and not a child of God. No matter how much he's joined church, and whatever he's done, he's still, if he cannot stand chastisement, he's a illegitimate, and he's not a real child of God. But a real, genuine child of God don't care what the world says; everything else is secondary. He's got his mind on Christ, and that settles it. Yes. Whatever Christ says do, he'll do it. Wherever the Lamb goes, they're with Him, wherever. And then you see His appearing, His Presence, and what He does. He's always with His people, His Bride. He's courting her. Someday there's going to be a wedding supper. 120 And this artist, however, when it went through the critics, a bunch of critics gathered around this artist. I can't think of his name. I'm trying to think of Michelangelo, but he was the sculptor of Moses' monument. But I can't think of his name. But, however, he said, "Your picture is outstanding," said, "I have nothing that I could say against the picture." He said, "Because He's holding a lantern in His hand; it shows that He comes to the--in the darkest of night." He said, "And then He's at the door, with His head, His ear, so he won't be--be sure not to miss the faintest call. He has His ear turned to the door, and He's rapping at the door." He said, "But, you know, sir, there's one thing that you forgot in your picture." And the artist, taken him a lifetime to paint it; he said, "What is that that I have forgotten, sir?" He said, "No matter how much that He knocked (See?), you forgot to put a latch on it. There's no latch on the door." If you'll notice the door, there's no latch on it. "Oh," said the artist, "I painted it thus. You see, sir," he said, "the latch is on the inside. You're the one that opens the door. You open the door." 124 Oh, what does a man knock on a man's door for? He's trying to gain entrance. He's trying to get in. He's perhaps got something he wants to tell you or talk over with you. He's got a message for you. And that's the reason people knock at one another's door. They've got some reason to do it. There cannot be that happen without some reason. You would not go to a man's house unless there's some reason to go; if nothing else to visit, take him a message, or some...?... There's some reason for a man to go knock on another man's door. Wherever there's a question, there has got to be an answer. There could not be a question without an answer. So that's what we look for in the Bible, these questions of the day; the Bible has the answer. And Christ is that Answer. 126 Now, many important people have knocked at doors down through the time of life, and many knocked in times passed; and there probably times keep on, there'd be many more important people. Now, the first thing, perhaps, if somebody knocked at your door, if you could, you'd slip around and pull back the curtain, see who's there. If you're busy, as we claim we are today, "Too busy to go to church; too busy to do this. And, you know, my church don't believe in that kind of stuff." And I... See, we're just a little out of cater, sometimes, from the Word. But you pull back the curtain, then you want to see who's standing there. And if it's a man of importance, quickly you run to the door. 130 Now, let's go back just a little bit and take a few people that's knocked. Let's go back and think of Pharaoh in Egypt, many hundreds of years ago. What if--if Pharaoh, king of Egypt, came down to a peasant's house? And this peasant had been kind of, oh, disagreeable with Pharaoh, and he didn't believe his policies, and he different with him. And--and, but here stands Pharaoh, standing at the door of a--a brick mason or a mud dauber, as we'd call them, down in Egypt. And he pulls his curtain back, and there stands the mighty Pharaoh at the door. And he's knocking, smile on his face. [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.] Why, that peasant would open the door, and say,
"Enter, great Pharaoh, may your humble servant find grace in your sight. If there's anything within my walls, I am as much as a slave to you, Pharaoh. You've honored me above my brethren. You've come to my house, and I'm a poor man. You only visit kings and--and nobles, and important people. And I'm of unimportance. But you--you visit me; you've honored me, Pharaoh. What is it thy humble servant could do?" No matter what Pharaoh would ask, even to his life, he'd give it. Sure. It's an honor. 131 Or say for instance, the late Adolf Hitler, when he was Fuehrer of Germany. What if he'd have went down to a soldier's house? And that bunch of little Nazi soldiers all camped around, and, the first thing you know, why, somebody knocked at the door. And the little soldier said, "Ah, I feel bad this morning. Wife, tell them to go away." And she slipped over to the door and pulled the curtain back. She said, "Husband, husband, jump up, quick." "What's the matter? Who's standing there?" "Hitler, the Fuehrer of Germany." Oh, my. That little soldier jumped back, got his clothes on, quick, and stood at attention. Walked up there at the door, knocked the door--and opened up the door, and said, "Heil Hitler." See, he was a great man, his days in Germany. "What is it could I do?" If he had said, "Go jump off the cliff out there," he'd a-done it. Why? There's no more... There's not a greater important man in Germany, in the days of the Nazis, than Adolf Hitler was. He was a great man. And he... And what honor, when he only visits generals and great men, but here he is at a little footman's door. Oh, it would certainly been a great honor to him. 135 Well, now, what of Flagstaff? We'll bring it closer to home. What if this afternoon, that--that our President, Mr. Johnson, L. B. Johnson, what if he would've get off of a plane, out here somewhere? And now we are all just in one class of people. We're all poor. Maybe one has a little better job, maybe a little better house, but, after all, we're just human. But what if he come down to your house down here, maybe the humblest of us, and he knocked at the door; and you went to the door, and there stood President L. B. Johnson? Why, it would be a great honor. You might differ with him in politics. But you'd be an honored man to have the President of the United States stand at your door. Who are you or who am I? And there stands Lyndon Johnson at your door. Though you might be a Socialist or Republican, or different with him a million miles, but yet it would be an honor. 136 And you know what? Because that you were granted this honor, why, the television would throw it on the screen tonight. Sure. The mid newspapers tomorrow would have headlines in it, in here in the Flagstaff paper, that, "John Doe... The President of the United States flew into Flagstaff yesterday, uncalled for, and just went down, without even invitation, and knocked at your door." Humble, that President would have a name of being a humble man, as great as he is to come to mine or your door; we're nobody, then come down and talked to us. Why, you'd walk down the street, and say, "Yes, I'm the fellow. The President visited me." "Stand still, let me get your--get your profile. Look straight at me. Now, how do you look when you walk away?" You'd be an important person. Sure. 139 What if the queen of England would come, though you're not under her dominion? But it'd be an honor for some of you women to entertain the queen of England, though you're not under her domain. But, yet she's a great person; she's the greatest queen in the world at this time. Certainly, she is; that's political speaking. But if she asked you for some little trinket on your wall, that you valued ever so high, you'd give it to her. It'd be an honor for you to do it. Sure, she's the queen of England. And you'd be honored by the President. And everybody would talk about the humility of the queen of England, flying over to see a certain woman in Flagstaff, a little nobody. And the papers would pack it, and the news would flash it.
141 But, you know, the most important Person of all times, Jesus Christ, knocks at our door. And He's turned away, more than all the kings and potentates there ever was. That's right. And you might accept Him and go out and say something about it, the outside world would laugh in your face. No news is going to... Who could come to your house, any greater than Jesus Christ? Who could knock at your door, greater than Jesus Christ? Who could do that? The Son of God, Who could knock at your house, who would be more important? And yet He knocks day after day. And if you even accept Him, you're called a fanatic. So see how the world knows its own? That's right. But now He wouldn't come unless He had a reason to come. And do you think the humility of President Johnson, or the queen of England, or any great person, how it would be displayed, of the humility of that great important person to knock at your door. How about the humility of the Son of God? Who are we but sinners, filthy, born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies? Then the Son of God will come and knock at our door. 145 Now, the queen of England might ask you a favor. She might take something from you. So might the President, he might ask you to do things that you didn't want to do. He might ask you for treasures that you didn't want to give up, and which would mean nothing, just to him. But Jesus is bringing something to you when He knocks. He's bringing a pardon. Don't turn it down. Or as it was tried in our courts here, so will it be in the Kingdom of heaven. If He knocked and brought the pardon, and you turned it down, and die in your sins, you'll perish, though you had the honor of setting in a meeting like this, though you had the honor attending the revival, or your church, and heared your pastor preach a Gospel message. And you had the...?... say, "Yes, I was there." Maybe, you, hard to tell what all you could say. "I heard the singing. I enjoyed it. I heard the testimonies. It was real." But you turned it down. 147 What if I was a young man and found a young lady; she was beautiful, she was a Christian? She'd make... She was every qualifi... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] You can't find no fault with it, but you've got to lay aside traditions of men. You say, "Oh, I believe That's right. I see God said." But you've got to accept it. You... Then that woman becomes part of me. Then you become part of the Word, which is the Bride. If He is the Word, the Bride will be a Bride-Word. See, certainly will. See, you've got to accept It. You would... You could say what you want to; you could brag about the President; but usually when Jesus' turn comes to our door, we just turn Him aside. See, just we don't want nothing to do with Him. We say, "Well, some other day." 148 What if you knocked at somebody's door? Now, let's just turn the picture right around for a minute. What if you went and knocked on somebody's door, and you had something for them? And, after all, they were to you about like you'd be to God; well, if you do, why, all right, but you got no strings tied. So when you knocked on somebody's door, and they peeped out the window, and shut the curtain; or either come to the door, and say, "Some other time..." "Well, I'd like..." "I ain't got time this morning." You know what you'd do? Probably the same thing I'd do, and the rest of them, you wouldn't go back any more. But not Jesus. "I stand and knock," continually knock. [Brother Branham continues to knock--Ed.] See? "He that seeketh (not seek--seeketh); he that knocketh (Not knock is a continuation-- knocketh. See?)... He that seeketh, he that knocketh, it shall..." Not just... 151 Like the parable of the unjust judge. The woman went and wanted avenge--revenge, but she couldn't get it. He... Continually she knocked and pleaded. And she said... "Just to get rid of her, I'll avenge her enemy." How much more will the heavenly Father? It ought to be us knocking at His door. It ought to have been Adam running up-and-down the garden, hollering, "Father, Father, where are You?" But instead, instead of that, it was God running up-and-down the garden, "Son, son, where are you?"
See, that just displays what we are. We're always hiding, instead of coming right out and confessing it. We try to run, hide behind something. That's just the nature of man; we have it that way. Yes, sir. You would give these people the best you had, everything. But you wouldn't, you--you--you wouldn't accept Jesus. I ain't meaning you, but I mean the people here. 154 Or maybe you might say this; you may say, "Preacher, I just did that. I--I--I just opened my heart and let Jesus come in. I did that ten years ago. I did that twenty years ago." Well, that may be just exactly right, but is that all you done? See? I want to ask you now. If you would invite anybody in your house, and then when you got inside the door... Somebody invited you in, rather, say, "Come in." "Yes, I have a purpose; I'll go out of town and be honored. You see?" That's the way a lot of people accept Christ. "I'll... I--I belong to the church. I belong to the big So-and-so place down here, where Doctor Ph. LL. belongs, you know. And it's the biggest church. The mayor goes there, and everything, you know. I--I belong to that church." They let him in, just that much. "Yeah, I'll accept Him," (See?), for a personal gain. 157 But what then when Jesus comes into the heart? Many people accept Him 'cause they don't want to go to hell. But when Jesus comes into your heart, He wants to be Lord, not just a Saviour; but Lord also. Lord is "rulership." He comes in to--to take over. Now, you say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?" Sure. What if--if I invited you at my house, and you come in the door? And you knocked at the door, and I looked outside; I said, "Yes, come on in. If you can help me, well, you do so. But now, when you come in, now, I don't want you meddling around in my house. You stand right there at the door." You remember, our text is doors inside the door. Now, inside the human heart there's many little doors, and them little doors covers up a lot of things. Just to let Him in, that isn't all of it, when He comes in. 160 When I come in your house, if you welcome me in the door, why, if you'd say, "Come in, Brother Branham. I'm so glad to see you." I'd say, "Well, it's a privilege for me to come into your house." "Oh, won't you come over and set down? Brother Branham, go through our house; make yourself at home." Oh, my. I'd go over to the refrigerator, get me one of those great big sandwiches, about like that, take off my shoes, and go in the bedroom, lay down. And I'd just have a--a real gastronomical jubilee. See? Why? Because I felt welcome. You made me welcome. Therefore I'd appreciate it if you made me welcome. 164 But if I went in your house, and you told me, "You stand there at the door, now; don't you go to meddling around." I wouldn't feel too welcome. Would you? No. See? You wouldn't feel welcome. Somebody invited you in, and said, "Now, wait. Yeah, come in, but stand right there." Now, there is a little door when you're into the human heart. We'll just speak of a couple of them. See? We don't have time to go through all these doors, 'cause there is lots of them. See? But, say, the next ten minutes, let's speak of a couple, three doors. Now, on the right hand side of the human heart, when you walk into the door, there's a little door on the right side, and that's called in there, the door of pride. Oh, my. "Don't You go to entering that door." They don't want the Lord in there on that door; that's pride. "I'm a blue blood. I take care. Oh, yes, now look, I tell You, I-I..." See, it's pride. "Don't You meddle in there." Now, He can't feel welcome as long as you keep that pride door shut. 167 He's got to humiliate you. See, that's what He comes in for. "You mean to tell me I have to go down there and--and act like the rest?" Well, you don't have to; that's one thing sure. "Well, I'll tell
you, what do you think I'd do when I went to the business council the next time? What would I do if I met with my--my employer tomorrow? And that, I'd have to get that Spirit on me, and I'd jump up there in the middle of my work, and go to speaking in tongues, oh, that would humiliate me. No, stay out of there." Oh, there you are. See? Yeah, you'll let Jesus come in; you'll join church and put your name on, accept Jesus as your Saviour; but what about being your Lord, when He's got full sway? When He's Lord, He's got--it all belongs to Him (See?), you, you're completely surrendered to Him now. 169 But that little pride. "Oh, you mean, for us women, we're going to have to let our hair grow?" Well, that's what He said. "We're going to have to quit wearing manicure, or makeup stuff?" That's what He said. "Well, what do you think my sewing circle would? They'd call me old fashion." Well, just keep your pride. Go ahead. He'll stand at the door; that's all the farther He can get. But when you're ready to open that door, let Him come in; He'll clean it out for you. Shorts will go out here in the garbage can, and makeup will go back to the garbage can, and the barber will starve to death if he just cut women's hair to a real believer. Now, say, "That don't..." Oh, yes, It does too. That's what the Bible said. That's right. See, there's a little word there, that you don't want Him meddling... "Well, my pastor..." I don't care what pastor said. That's what the Bible said, "It's a shame for a woman to do so." "Well," you say, "we ought to teach us things, Brother Branham, is how to get the Holy Ghost, and how to be this, that." How you going to learn algebra if you don't know your abc's? Don't know even how to act like, look like one, dress like one... It's a shame to see these women on the street today. 174 I went into a place yesterday, when, oh, some of the perverted gang come in. They... The men had hair in their eyes, come down and hung down on their back, and like legotards, like little kids wear to school, with great big old shoes on, mouth half open. You can tell they were delinquents. And walked in there like that, say, "We're French." Who in the world would hire a man like that in his business? How will they make a living. And I seen a couple of real boys setting over there... They come from that university down there, these beatniks did, or I believe they call themself bugs or beatles, or something now like that, some of that stuff coming from England. And then in there like that, who would hire a man like that to work for him? Would you put a man like that in your business, you businessmen? If you would, you're--there's something, you ain't got close enough to the cross yet. 176 Look at these women out on the street, and it's a disgrace. Maybe innocent little women with these little bitty clothes on (See?), why, it's a disgrace, the way they look. Well, you say, "Why, woman, you are committing adultery." They say, "Wait a minute here, young man. I'm just as virtuous as I..." That might be so in your own thoughts. And it might be so, proving even by a medical examination that you might be. But, remember, at the day of the judgment, you're going to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a women to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart," and you presented yourself to him. See how the Devil's got them blinded? It's a disgrace. It's a shame. You see, they--they got a spirit. It's a spirit that does that. It's an unholy spirit. But a genuine Holy Spirit will make a woman dress decently and look holy. 180 My wife said to me, one time. We was going down the street, and we found a woman with a dress on back in our country. It was a very strange thing (See?): not too many Pentecostals back there. So we find out she had a dress on. And she said, "Billy," said, "I know some of them women. They sing in choirs down here at these churches." I said, "Sure." Said, "Well, and them claim to be Christians?" I said, "Honey, look. See, we're not..."
Said, "Why do our people?" I said, "Look, honey, we are not of their--their--their race at all." She said, "What?" Said, "They're Americans." I said, "Yeah, but we're not." She said, "We're not?" I said, "No." I said, "When I go in Germany, I find a spirit of Germany. When I went in Finland..." At the sauna up there, many of you Finnish know, the women give the men the baths. So that's just a Finnish spirit. Mighty fine people, but, you find, wherever you go, you find a national spirit. 182 You go into a church and watch the pastor, if he's real wild and carries on, the congregation will be the same. See? They take the spirit of one another instead of the Holy Spirit. That's the reason we got so much perverted teaching of the Bible. Instead of coming back to the blueprint, they take the spirit of some denomination. See? don't... The Word's just as foreign to them as It was in the days when Jesus come forth, introducing the real true Gospel. They said, "He's a devil. He's Beelzebub." See? But there you get it. And she said, "Well, if then we're not Americans, what are we?" I said, "Our kingdom is of above." See, we are free born again. The Kingdom of God is within you. See? Act like up There; you're delegates from There. I said, "We're citizens here, living here in the flesh. But our spirits, we are pilgrims and strangers." We are foreign to the world now, even our own nation, for we have accepted the invitation when it knocked at our heart to become part of Him, His Word. And the Word fixes us, makes us live and makes us act like Christians. 186 Sometime ago, in the South, a little story. There was a king--or, buyer. They sold slaves. That was in time of--of segregation, and they had slaves in the south. They was a... They'd go by and buy them, just like you would a used car off of a lot. Now, I am an integrationist, absolutely... I mean a segregationalist. I am a segregationalist. Because I don't care how much they argue, you cannot be a Christian and be an integrationist. That's exactly right. God even separates His nations. He separates His people. "Come out from among them." He's a... He is a segregationalist. "Don't even... Touch not their unclean things." He pulled Israel, that Jewish race, out of every, all the races in the world. He is a segregationalist. But I don't believe that any man is to be a slave. God made man; man made slaves. I don't believe one should rule over other, any race, color, or anything. But there is a segregation, the Bride of Christ is segregated from the rest of the churches; that's exactly right: church natural, and the church spiritual; church carnal, the church the Word. It always has been. "Jesus came to His own, His own received Him not; but as many as received Him..." 190 So this--there used to be buyers, brokers go by and buy these slaves. One time there was one come to a great plantation, and he watched them. The slaves were hard beaten, and everything, you know. They was away from home; they'd never go back again. The Boers, the Hollanders, had went over and got them, brought them here and sold them. And--and they'd never see papa again, mama again, never see their babies again. They bred them with one another; picked a big man, breed him to a big woman, away from his own wife to make bigger slaves. Oh, God will make them answer for that someday. That's right. That isn't right. 191 Like Abraham Lincoln said one time, when he got off a boat there in New Orleans, picked off his stovepipe hat... He seen three or four little Negroes, coming down, standing there with no shoes on, where they'd... A cow had laid and got--got the frost off the ground, they was standing after running the cows in. Their little old feet bursted, bleeding. They was singing, "You got shoes; I got shoes, and all God's children's got shoes."
When he got off the boat down there, walked up to the bull pen, there was a great big Negro standing up there, whipping him around, testing his heart. And run him up and down the street, with a whip behind him; then check his heart, see if he was all right. His poor little wife standing there, two or three kids under her arms like that; to sell him to breed him to a bigger woman. Old Abraham Lincoln stuck that under his hat--his hat under his arm, like that, and hit his fist; he said, "That's wrong! And someday I'll hit that, if it costs my life." And yonder, in a museum in Chicago, lays a dress with the blood on it that freed that Negro from that. And I say that sin and things is wrong. God help me to hit it, and all other ministers of the Gospel. We are born free children of God. We have no business for any creed or cult to run us into a World Council of churches. We are free born men in the Holy Ghost. We have a right. We come out of such stuff as that to be Pentecostals. That's right. Now, we are free. We don't have to be bound down to those things again. 195 But this buyer said, looking across his slaves, a hundred or something of them, on a big plantation, he said, "Say." One little fellow there, they didn't have to whip him; had his chest out, his chin up, right on the job. Said, "Say, I want to buy him." He said, "Oh, no." The owner said, "He's not for sale. Huh-uh." He said, "Well, is he a slave?" Said, "Yeah." He said, "Well--well, what makes him so different?" Said, "Do you feed him different?" He said, "No, they all eat out there in the galley together." Said, "Is he the boss over them?" Said, "No, he's just a slave." "Well," said, "what makes him different?" Said, "You know, I wondered that myself." But said, "You know, over in the homeland where they come from, in Africa, that boy's father is the king of the tribe. And though he's an alien, he conducts himself like a king's son." 199 Oh, I thought, what a thing for a Christian young lady and young man. Women, stop that wearing them clothes like that. Men, stop that telling them smutty jokes and all that stuff. We're sons and daughters of the King. Dress like a queen; dress like a--a lady. Act like a gentleman; don't let your hair grow down like this. The Bible said it's wrong (nature teaches you) for a man to have long hair. And it's a disgrace and a common thing for even a woman to pray with her hair cut. And how about these? "It's a--it's an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man." The great unchanging God doesn't change. But yet today it's just as loose as the rest of our nation is, a shame. Let's act like sons and daughters of God. Let's live like it. We are--we are sons of a King. We are--we're rotten...?... this bunch of mess and dirt and filth, around here, people call themselves "Christians" and still acting like that. But remember, we got a knock one day, and opened Him in, pride and all left. Amen. I don't care what they call me. Oh, I guess I'm just a little old fashion, But my Saviour was old fashion too. Is that right? You've heard the song. Be old fashion. Don't try to pattern after somebody else. He's your Example. Try to be like Him, and the Spirit in you will help you to do that. Make your life like His. 202 Yeah, there's a door there. I want to call another door. I get too wound up. There's another door there, just next to that door, going around the right-hand side, and that door is the door to your private life. Oh. Oh, you don't want Him messing with that. "Now, if I want to go out to a little cocktail party, what is it to you? What church is going to tell me what I'm going to do?" Uh-huh, there you are. See? "A tenth of my wages? Who's going to tell me what to do? That's my own private
life. I make this money. I have my own life. I'll wear shorts if I want to. That's my own American privilege." That is true. Sure. Right. But if you're a lamb and not a goat (See?), lambs is what He's after. They'll be separated someday. 204 A sheep has wool. That's the only thing it has. And it can't manufacture that wool. We're not asked to manufacture the fruit of the Spirit, but to bear the fruit of the Spirit. And as long as it's a sheep, it'll bear. It don't have to manufacture. The glands and everything in it is sheep; it'll make wool because the inside of him has the glands and the adrenalin and stuff it takes to make wool. And when you're a Christian, you'll cope with the Word. I don't care what anybody else says. You don't have to work up nothing, and bring down nothing, pull, pump up. You're a Christian. You just automatically bear the fruit of the Spirit. See? See, and that's the way it is. See? 206 But, people today, they don't want you fooling with their private life. Only thing you do, just open up every door around, now say, "Come on in, Jesus." Watch what happens. When you see in the Book, you're supposed to do this, you'll do it. Why? You're a sheep to begin with then. But if you just want to set, keep Him at the door, just say, "I've joined church. I'm as good as you. (See?) I accepted Christ." Maybe that's just what you done. But did you make Him Lord? See? 209 Now, the Lord cannot set down a Book of rules and say a Word, and then come around and deny It. And if you say you got the Holy Ghost, and the Bible says a certain thing to do, and you say, "Oh, I don't believe that." You just remember, that spirit in you is not the Holy Spirit, 'cause He can't deny Himself. That's right. He can't deny Himself. He wrote the Word, and He watches over It to perform It. See? So it's not the Holy... It's a spirit, all right. It might be a--a spirit of the church. It might be the spirit of the pastor. It might be the spirit of the world. It might be. I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, it might be a denominational spirit, "I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian. I'm Pentecostal. I'm this." That's... 211 Pentecost... Now, remember, let me straighten it; Pentecost is not an organization; Pentecost is an experience that you receive. You Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, and all can experience Pentecost. You can't join Pentecost, 'cause there's no way to join it. I've been in the Branham family for fifty-five years. You know, they never did ask me to become a Branham. I was borned a Branham. And that's how you're a Christian, you're borned a Christian. That's right. 214 Now. Oh, that private life... "Oh, I tell you, my pastor goes to these dances, and we do the twist. They have it." All right. See? "Don't you come telling me what I can do and what I can't do." All right (See?), you won't let Him in. Just let Him in one time, and then go back to the twist or the rock-and-roll, or whatever you're going to do, see what you can do. You can't do it. Let Him in one time, and then start to put on a pair of shorts, some of you women. I know I'm taking you a long time, but I want to say one more thing, if it's all right in this regard. 217 I suppose, the greatest meeting the Lord ever let me hold for Him was in Bombay, where I had around five hundred thousand, but--and two hundred and some thousand at--in Africa, Durban, at the race track. That afternoon, I said, after seeing such great marvelous thing that our gracious Lord come down and done, I said, "The missionaries taught you the Word, but the Word is quickened and made alive. What He says has to come to life." And I... And then when there was twenty-five thousand healings taking place at one time, and load after load of good old chairs there; just one simple little prayer, they'd seen the Holy Spirit just... Those people that didn't even know who they were and where they come from, that's all they wanted to see. See?
And I asked, "How many wants to receive Christ?" There was thirty thousand stood to their feet, blanket natives, packing idols. 219 Doctor Bosworth, Doctor Baxter and them, begin weeping. And Brother Bosworth run up and, so he said, "Brother Branham, this is your coronation day." Brother Baxter said, "Brother Branham, I wonder, I think they meant physical healing." That boy was on his hands and knees. And the Holy Spirit told him where he come from, what had happened, said, "You'll talk. Think about your brother; he's about a half a mile back there. He was riding on a yellow goat, and he hurt his leg." I said, "But, THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's healed." Here come the boy, with the crutches over his hands, like that. And take them about twenty minutes for a militia to quieten them down. 222 Then this boy on his hands and feet, like that, down, couldn't even raise up, naked. Oh, my, such a horrible thing. He thought he was coming up there to tourists, you know, to kind of do the--the jungle dance. And which I took the chain and shook it. I said, "If I could help that poor creature and wouldn't do it, I'd be a--I wouldn't be fit to stand back here." But I said, "I can't help him. But now I have a little gift; I can just pull it in gear, whatever the Lord says." And when the Lord showed, called him who he was, said, "His mother and father's setting out in there; they're Zulus. And said, "They're thin, unusual." A Zulu will average three hundred pound per man. So then said, "They're unusual. But this boy was born in a Christian home, because on his--on the right-hand side, as you go in the door, there's a picture of Christ, in the little thatch hut." And that was exactly right. His mother and father raised up. And that's his name. That's who he was, and everything. They couldn't understand. I looked back and I seen him standing in a vision there, just as straight as he could be. Never raised up in his life, he was born like that. I said, "The Lord Jesus makes him whole." He wasn't even in his right mind, trying to go, "uh, ba, ba, ba," like that. And I got ahold of the chain, and shook it like that. I said, "Jesus Christ, son, makes you whole. Stand up on your feet." There he raised up. The tears running down, and off his black belly, as he went down like that. I seen thirty thousand blanket natives give their hearts to Jesus Christ. 226 When at a Kiwanis Club, I said now... And they tell me I was going to become a holy-roller when I left the Baptist church, so I could fellowship with all people. They said, "Why, you'll become a holyroller." I sat with a bunch of my Baptist brethren; said--I said, "You've sent missionaries in there for the last hundred and fifty years, what did I find them? Still packing idols." I said, "But the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ," thirty thousand received Christ at one time." Now, I want to say to you women, you know what happened to them women? I said, "Right on the grounds where you're standing, the Holy Spirit will fill you." And when they raised their hands to accept Christ as their Saviour, and when they walked away from there: naked, now, nothing but just a little patch, clout, in front. And when they walked away from there, they folded their arms like this, because they was in presence of men, after they'd accepted Christ. 228 Now, how can we, sisters, how can we in this nation where we claim to believe and be Christians, and every year they take more off? When that person never even heard the Name of Christ, but just accepted Him in their heart. No, you couldn't tell them they were naked; they didn't know it. But they covered themselves up like this to walk away. The next day, or two, you'd find them with clothes on of some kind. Oh, my. There's something wrong somewhere. It's a twisting up of theology. The power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, like He did to the man who called "Legion: we found him clothed and in his right mind." And I begin to believe that it's a spirit upon the people that drives them into that Americanism and Frenchism, and all kinds of worldlism and churchism. But let them once come to
that Master, and they feel that knock at the door, they'll put clothes on and act like women and men, and they'll be borned again Christians. Amen. Yes. 230 Now, I'm done twenty minutes until twelve, just a--just a few minutes, let me bypass some here. Just a moment, some Scriptures, I'd like to open one more door. Would it be all right? The next door to there is faith. See, your private life, door of pride, your private life, now let's open faith. Just a whole ring of them (See?) but let's go into faith. You know, sometime ago I was in a hospital and a woman going under an operation. She called me, she said, "Brother Branham, I'm a backslider. Would you pray for me?" I said, "Yes, ma'am, I'd be glad to." I said, "You're a backslider?" "Yeah." I said, "Now, let's just wait just a minute. Let me read the Scriptures to you." There was a lady laying there in a bed, looked at me, real funny; her, and her son about twenty years old, a regular Ricky, and standing there looking at me like that. And I said, "Yes, ma'am," I said. I read the Scriptures to her, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, be white like wool." And when I read that to her. I said, "If you've strayed away (See?) you've got away from God, but God never got away from you, or you wouldn't be calling for me." She started crying. I said, "We'll pray." That lady over in the next bed, said, "Wait a minute. Wait a minute there." I said, "Yes, ma'am?" She said, "Pull that curtain." And I said, "Aren't you a Christian?" She said, "We're Methodists." I said, "Well, what has that got to do with it? See, that's no more than saying you was a--you was a colt, if you was in a pig pen. See?" I said, "That don't mean a thing." See? But, you see, that's where it's come, that self-righteous. "That's against our faith." I said the... "We don't want Divine healing in our church or that kind of stuff." See, see what I mean? See? They won't let in that door. "That's against our faith." 240 There is only one faith. "One faith, one Lord, one baptism." That faith... My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine; Now, hear me while I pray, Take all my unbelief away. Sin... Sin, there's only one sin; that's unbelief. A man that drinks isn't a sinner. See, that--that--that (See?) isn't sin. It isn't a--it isn't a sin to drink. It isn't a sin to commit adultery. To lie, to steal, that isn't sin. That's the attributes of unbelief. If you was a believer, you wouldn't do that. See? There's only two, you're an unbeliever or a believer (See?) one or the other. You don't do all these things and religious orders like that, just because you're an unbeliever; if you're a believer, it's the Word you believe in, 'cause Christ is the Word. See? And so you're just an unbeliever because that you believe some tradition, or some dogmas that's been added to the Bible, or something, and denominations do. But a real believer stays right with that Word. And God works right through that Word, right through to make It come to pass in this generation that we live in. 243 And now notice, and you say, "Oh, I... Brother Branham, the Lord..." Well, that's all right, there's many uncircumcised Philistines went one time too. And a bunch of Egyptians tried to follow Moses across the--the Red Sea, but it--it finally... "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, why, we find the same thing in the last day," the Bible said. Now, just a little further. Jesus said here in this--this age, "Because thou sayest that, 'I am rich, and increased in goods...'" Just look how we are today, richest the church ever was. And, well, you know, you Pentecosts would be a lot better off if you was out with a tambourine on the corner, like your
fathers and mothers was. But you got better churches than the rest of them now, fastest growing in the world; but where's that Spirit of God that used to be among us? You left out the real thing. "Because you say, 'I am rich.'" 245 Remember, this is Pentecostal it's speaking to, 'cause the Pentecostal age is the last age. See, all this revival we've had, there's no other organization starting up. There won't be. This is the end. The wheat's matured now. It's come up through the leaves, and stalk, and husk, and it's out to the wheat now (See?), won't be no more. They started a little Latter Rain, but it just fell right in; anything else will. They'll... This is the wheat is coming forth. See? Notice. "And because you say, 'I am rich, and increased in goods, have need of nothing,' and knowest not that thou art miserable, wretched, blind, naked, and don't know it; I counsel of thee..." Oh, my. "I knock at your door." [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.] "Laodicea, I knock at your door, and counsel to come to Me, and--and buy gold tried in the fire; white raiment, that your nakedness not be shown." Take off these things, and put on like you should (See?) the righteousness of Christ, the Words: not my righteousness; His righteousness. 248 "And I also counsel thee to--to come, get some eye salve, that you might anoint your eyes, that you might see." Eye salve... I'm a Kentuckian. I was born down in the mountains, and we used to have a little old place up in the attic. And--and us kids had boosted up a--a little old pole ladder, that we went there of a night. And we laid down. They had to put a piece of canvas over the top of us when it snowed. Well, the stars, old clapboard shingles... How many knows what a clapboard shingle is? Well, brother, why didn't I wear my overalls up here? I'm right at home. See? Well, they have old clapboard shingles. How many knows what a straw mattress is? Now, what do you know. I thought I felt awful religious about something. Well, I guess I am right at home now. That's good. And I never knowed nothing else till just a few years ago. How many knows what an old lamp is, the old chimney? You know, that was the big old moon and owl on the side. They used to have the littlest hand in the house, have to clean that old churn, you know. I used to have to take an old splasher, and it'd all splash over me; so I took that lamp chimney and turned it over there to keep it from splashing. Yes, indeed. 253 Now, my grandpa was a trapper. My mother's mother come from the reservations. He married an Indian girl from the Cherokee reservations there in Kentucky and Tennessee, you know where, the Cherokee valley. And they--he--he hunted and trapped, all the time, that was his--that was the way he made his living. And us kids laying up there, why, sometimes it get real cold. And that breeze coming through there, we'd get cold in our eyes, and--and our eyes would stick shut at night, you know. Mama called it "matter." I don't--I don't know what that is, but a cold would get in your eyes, and it'd get cold. And she'd say, "You got matter in your eyes," because of the--of the, oh, you know, the breeze circling through there, the draft that come across at night. Our eyes would swell shut. 255 And mama would get there at the ladder in the morning, when she got the biscuits made. She'd have the sorghum molasses setting on the table. And she'd say, "Billy." I'd say, "Yes, mama?" "You and Edward come on down." "Mama, I can't see." I called my brother, we called him, "Humpy." I said, "He can't see, either. See, our eyes had got matter in them." She would say, "All right, just a minute." And grandpa, when he'd catch a coon... How many knows what a raccoon is? That's what, and she'd... He'd catch a coon; he'd get the fat off of it and put it in a can. And that coon grease was a cure-all in our family. They'd give it to us for a bad cold, with turpentine on it, and coal oil. We'd
swallow it for a sore throat. Then get that coon grease hot, she'd come and massage our eyes, and our eyes would come open. See? It was coon grease that did it. See? 258 Now, brother, sister, we've went through a cold spell in the church. And, that's right, a lot of religious draft has come through; everybody's caught cold. And a lot of people has got their eyes all closed up, and there's a big World Council of churches coming up, up here, is going to force every one of you into it. They're getting away from that Word, our own groups are. I am duty bound to a Message; not to be different, but because of love... Love is corrective. Come back. Stay away from that thing. You ministering brothers, I don't care what your groups does, stay away from it. Stay out of it. It's the mark of the beast; stay away from it. See, Jesus is knocking in this Laodicea age. See where they put Him out? He's trying to get to individuals, not--not organizations and groups of people. He's trying to get one here, and one there, and one there, trying. "All that I love, I chasten." 259 As the little brother had the vision here, and said he had the vision. And he said, "This same Light that you receive, cause your death too." See? "As many as I love, I chasten; be zealous, and return. I'm standing at the door and knocking." Now, look, coon grease won't do this any good. But there is a Fountain filled with Blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins, Where sinners plunged beneath the flood, Lose all their guilty stains. That dying thief rejoiced to see That Fountain in his day; There may I, though vile as he... He opened my eyes with His eye salve. His Spirit came down and warmed the Bible, His eye salve. I couldn't see It. I was a--just a local Baptist pastor. But one day He sent His Spirit down, not the coon grease did He get hot, but He sent the Holy Spirit and fire. A little eye salve raked across my Bible-my Bibles... and I could see with my eye, I mean raked across my eyes so I could see my Bible. And I seen that He was the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true. I stand at the door and knock." 262 One more little story. Have we got time? Just that, then I'll go. See? There was an old darkie down there in the south. And, his pastor, I knew him, a nice old fellow. We called him Gabe. His name was Gabriel, and we just called him Gabe. He always, pastor and I, we-we went hunting a whole lot. He was an old colored brother, and we went out hunting. And so old Gabe liked to hunt better than anybody I ever knowed, but he was a poor shot. So one day his pastor and him went hunting. And we could never get old Gabe to line up to church. He just wouldn't do it. He wouldn't come to church. He said, "Ah, I's don't go down there where the hypocrites is." I said, "But, Gabe, as long as you stay out, they're bigger than you. You're hiding behind them. See?" I said, "You're hiding behind them. You're smaller than they are; they do go down and make an effort. See?" And so he said, "I--I just... I--I--I thinks a lot of you, Mr. Bill." But said, "I--I's is--I--I know old Jones goes down there, and he ain't nothing; he shoots craps with me over there." I said, "That's all right, Gabe. See, that's all right. But, remember, Jones has to answer for that; you don't have to. You see? If you just go..." I said, "You've got a good pastor." "Oh, Pastor Jones is one of the finest men there is in the country." I said, "Let him be your example, if you can't look farther than that. Let him be your example." 270 So one day Brother Jones said, took old Gabe hunting, and said, "We got more rabbits and birds that day, than we could hardly pack." And said, "Come in in the evening..." Said, "Old Gabe was coming behind, and all loaded down, you know, like that." And his wife was a real, loyal Christian. She had a place right there, a Holy Ghost filled woman, and she always had her post of duty. So he
was... Old Gabe was coming behind, you know. And Pastor Jones said he looked around; he could see, "Old Gabe kept looking over his shoulder, like that, the sun setting," said, "getting real low, getting cool." Said, "After while," said he was walking along, said, "old Gabe come up. And he had his shotgun barrel hanging full of rabbits and birds, and things." Said, "He tapped the pastor on the shoulder, and said, 'Pastor?'" Said, turned around, said, "Yeah, Gabe, what's the matter?" So he looked, and great big tears running off of his black cheeks, where his beard was turning gray. He says, "Pastor, I's been walking along this bank here for about a half hour." Said, "I've been watching that sun go down." Said, "You know, these gray whiskers of mine, and my hair turning," said, "you know, my sun's setting too, pastor." Said, "That's right, Gabe." And he just stopped and turned around, said, "What's the matter with you?" He said, "My sun's setting too." He said, "You know what?" Said, "I got to thinking," he said, "as I was walking along back there." He said, "You know," said, "the Lord must love me." Said, "Sure, He does, Gabe." Said, "You know, I'm a poor shot." Said, "I couldn't hit nothing," but said, "we--we really needed this meat at home." And said, "Just look at the big fine bunch of game that He give me, these birds and these rabbits." He said, "I got enough to keep us all next week." Said, "He must've loved me, 'cause I can't hit nothing, you know." Said, "I couldn't hit a... but I," said, "But just look what He give me today." He said, "He must love me, or He wouldn't have give me this." Said, "That's right." 275 And he said, "Well, I had a strange little knock at my door, down there. He told me to turn around, said, 'Gabe, your sun's setting too.' Said, "Pastor, you know what I done, pastor?" He said, "I made Him a promise." He said, "Gabe, I want to ask you something." Said, "What sermon did I preach that made you feel that way?" He said, pastor, or said, "Now, wait a minute," said, "what--what--what choir sang?" He said, "Oh, I sure do love that singing down at church, pastor." He said, "I love every message you preach, 'cause it comes right from that good Book, and I know it's right." But said, "it wasn't that." Said, "He just knocked, and I looked around here, and see how good He was to me, what He give me." He said, "Sunday morning, I's going to walk right up in front there where you standing." He said, "I'm going to give you my right hand," said, "because I done give my heart to the Lord, right down around the hill there." He said, "I's going to be baptized, and take my place right beside of my wife. And I'm going to stay there until the Lord calls me higher." See? He just happened to look around and see how good God had been to him. 278 I'm a missionary. If you could look out through the eyes that I'm looking through now, and see in India and places, them little hungry people, mothers starving on the street, their little kids can't even cry no more from hunger, and just think of what we had here today. Look at the cars you come in. Look at the clothes you're wearing. Look how rich you are. Friend, can't you feel that little knock there somewhere? Let us pray. With our heads bowed, and our hearts, as the minutes now are fleeting, of about seven minutes until midday. My brother, sister, science tells us it's less than three minutes until midnight. Now, if you can just look around and just think for a minute, your little children setting there by you. How many little spastics... 280 Look at your nice wife, brother, and think how many men that's worth millions of dollars, and loves a woman with all of his heart, she's a barfly. He'd give his cold million to have that woman to love him the way your wife loves you. And you, wife, how many women... How many mothers here this morning with their little children, how many fathers; why, they... My, there's many a man
looking at a crib, a little old drawed-up, poor little thing, crippled, and look at what fine little children you got. See? And many a little old, maybe... O God, there's so many things, if you'd just look. He's been so good to us Americans. Now, can't you just feel that you'd like to have a little salve this morning, "Open my eyes just a little farther, Lord, open my eyes"? As our sister so lovely sang, "His eye is on the sparrow, just a little sparrow, and I know He watches me." 283 Now, He's watching right at you now. Can you just hear, down somewhere, a little knock like this [Brother Branham knocks on something--Ed.], "I'm visiting, this morning"? It's the greatest honor that could ever be paid, if you can feel that knocking at your heart. Will you just raise your hand, say, "By this, Lord, by Your help and Your grace, to--from today on, I'll live as close to You as I know how to live. That's all I know how to ask You"? God bless you. God bless you. "By Your help and grace today, from today on, I'll never forget this." "Lo, I stand at the door and knock. If any man..." Now, remember, where was He knocking at the barn? No. At the bar? No. Where's He knocking? At the church. "If any man will hear My Voice, and open unto Me, I will come in and sup with him, and he with Me." 287 Dear God, this little broken, mixed up, few words that's been said this morning, somehow let the Holy Spirit interpret them to the hearts of the people. Now, there was many, Lord, maybe out of this hundred here was twenty or thirty people raised their hands. I have no way of knowing just what they needed, Lord. But I know that midday is just a few minutes off, and so is the coming of the Lord; yet, before this snow melts from the ground, we may be summoned, and this may be the moment that will change the whole future of whether they'd be left here or go up. Dear God, humbly we accept Jesus, we accept all of His Words. Fill us, Lord, fill us with Thy Holy Spirit, that our life just automatically would bear the fruit. Grant it, Lord. Forgive us of our many mistakes. Oh, we are so full of them, Lord. And we have nothing that we can offer, Lord, 'cause, everything that we got, You've give it to us. As Gabe said in the little story we just told, "You--You sure love us, Lord, or You wouldn't do this." And to think, these people set here since early this morning, setting here since eight o'clock, is four hours that they set in here. They love You, Lord. They love You. Now, Father, will You just send the salve of the Holy Spirit, open our eyes? May we... 291 These who are here in the city, may they rush to that revival tonight; may there be such an outpouring. Grant it, Lord. May an old fashion revival start here in the city. Grant it. Bless every man that's putting forth, every one of Your servants throughout the world, that's putting forth an effort. Be with them, Lord, and help them. Open our eyes that we might see more and more the likeness of Christ. Grant it, Lord. Forgive us of our sins. And now these who raised their hands, Father, I commit them to You. Receive them. Now, I quote Thy Own Word, Lord, which, "Heavens and earth will fail," but You said, "he (which is a personal pronoun), he that heareth My Words..." Lord, they might've been broke up and simple, but somebody heard them. The Seed fell. "He that heareth My Words and (conjunction) believeth on Him that sent Me (because He did this), he hath (present tense) Everlasting Life, and shall not in the future come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." They raised their hands, Lord. They broke the--every scientific law; gravitation holds our hands down. But they proved that there's a spirit in them, that could listen to a knock at the door, and reach out with their right hand towards heaven. Now, open the door. Open, Lord, and come in. We are Yours. Receive us, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. 294 I love Him, I love Him Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. You love Him? Wonder if we could just close our eyes just a moment. Now, from our hearts, with our hands up... I love Him, I love Him Be... We're accepting Your knocking this morning, Lord. My hands are up. All of our hands are up, Lord. And... Now, come in, Lord Jesus. Come into our hearts and sup with us, and we'll sup with Thee. ... Calvary's tree. You love Him? Oh, I think He's so wonderful. Don't you? Don't you feel His Presence just kinda scouring you out? I feel real religious right then, just feel real good, something about it. See? My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine; Now, hear me while I pray, Take all my sins away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! 297 Now, I want you when we hum this next verse of that beautiful hymn, old hymn of the church, I want you to shake hands with somebody. Just remain in your seat; just say, "God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. So glad to be with you here." Let's do that. [Brother Branham and congregation hum, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee," and shake hands with one another--Ed.] God bless you, Carl. I'm glad to be here. I'm just enjoying it. Thank you, thank you. Just think, Methodist's hands caught Pentecostal's, Baptist's caught Presbyterian's. O let... from this day Be wholly Thine! 299 Now, as we sing slowly now too, from the bottom of your heart. You know, after a scouring, scolding message, I think it's good to get in the Spirit and sing to...?... the sweetness of the Holy Spirit. "O how sweet it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." The Bible said, "It's like the anointing oil was on Aaron's beard, that run down to the hems of his skirts." You're wonderful people up here. I hope to get back to see you again before Jesus calls me, or the millennium. If I don't, I'll see you across the river over there. I'll meet you at the river. Amen. Set an appointment. While life's dark maze I tread, And grief around me spread, Be Thou my Guide; Bid darkness turn to day, (that little Light they talk about) Wipe sorrow's fears away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! 301 Every door open... Oh, just touch the little button, and watch them all go right around the circle; say, "Come in, Lord Jesus, be my Lord, my All." O let me from this day, (not let You stand at the door) Be wholly Thine! You that raised your hands and wants to be farther led towards the Lord, I ask you to go down to the revival tonight. And I'm sure the pastor there would take you from here to the inn. He has six pence, or whatever was given to take care, and wine and oil to pour in. He can finish the job. God bless you now. I'll turn the service back to, I guess Brother Williams, or ever who's...
MAN RUNNING FROM PRESENCE JEFF IN 65-0217 V-5 N-8 1 Let's bow our heads. Dear God, we are happy this afternoon for this privilege that we have of assembling ourselves together once more. And You alone, Lord, knows how our hearts has yearned for this hour that when we could stand before Thy people again here and bring this message that we so vitally feel that it's so urgent in this hour. And Thou has 'lotted us these few days now, and we pray, dear God, that Your hand of mercy will be upon us to guide us and direct us. And give us those things which we have need of, Lord, for our hearts yearn to know You better. We see the great harvest field, white, ripe, and know the grain is ready now for the great threshing time. Dear God, we pray that You'll open back the shucks from around us; let us lay in the Presence of the Son now these next few days and ripen to the Kingdom of God. 3 Bless every song that'll be sang; bless every prayer; and answer every one that'll be prayed, Lord. Save all the lost. Call back to the house of the living God and to fellowship those who've wandered away. We pray, God, that You'll heal every sick person that comes under our roof. Grant it, Lord. May there not be a feeble person among us at the end of these meetings. And dear God, then for ourselves, we who claim in this hour to be the church, the Called-out, those around the world who has come from out of Babylon and to be partakers of this wonderful fellowship in this last day, we pray God that You'll bless our hearts in such a way. We're truly hungry, Lord, and emptied out from all the things of the world that we know of, Lord. We've laid aside every weight that so easily beset us, and now let us run this race with patience, that's set before us. Grant it, Father. And may we be fuller, stronger, better Christians at the end of this service than we were when we entered. May God get all the glory, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. 6 I think this is a grand privilege tonight that I've waited on for some time. The other day I was telling my wife; I said, "I get so nervous waiting to get to the tabernacle." I just... I have other friends, of course I do, around the world, but there's something or other about this tabernacle here. I was took out of this dust around here when God gave me life here on the earth, and I guess if He tarries, I'll be buried here somewhere. When He comes, He'll find me here somewhere. But look like there's something when I go to thinking about Jeffersonville. The other day I got so lonesome; I said to my wife; I said, "I'm homesick, and I don't know what I'm homesick about, unless it's those people praying for me." I said, "Well, I'll... Only thing I know to do is go back and have a few days of meeting, see if we can't find something from the Lord, maybe He wants us to know something." And the great, vital subject that we got before us now is "Marriage and Divorce." And if there is a question, there's got to be an answer. There can't be a question 'less there's an answer. No matter what it is, there's got to be an answer. And if the Lord willing, I want to try to speak on that Sunday morning. 8 And then tomorrow night I think we're to be up here at the... What is that school called? Parkview auditorium. What, sir? [Brother Neville says, "Parkview Junior High."--Ed.] Parkview Junior High. How many knows where it's at? Well, I guess they'll have signs out, won't they, Brother Neville? Be... It's just above here about--about three quarters of a mile. There'll be a sign. You turn back off the road. It's a nice, elevated building; it's got places where you can lay your arm out and take notes of what you want to write and--and--and things. And I'm sure you'll enjoy it a little more than you will be kinda crumped up in the meetings here in the--in the tabernacle. There'll be plenty of room, plenty of parking room. Now, I think they had a little regulation we had to promise to abide by; that was not to come on the ground until about six-thirty? [Brother Neville relates they are not to be on the grounds before 5:30-Ed.] And what time is the... I believe it'd be a good idea for us to get there at six-thirty. Now, they got another auditorium here in town that seats six thousand. If we be real good, we may--someday
they might let us have the other one sometime for a big meeting, maybe sometime this summer when I get back from overseas. 10 And so I think we can seat up to... How many can we seat up there? [Brother Neville says, "Four thousand"--Ed.] Four thousand. So you see, we'll have plenty of room; there'll be no rush. And so come up at six-thirty. And then everybody can come in at the right time, everybody together. And I'm sure you--you have a good seat. And it's elevated like this, and--and a place here where you can write, and take notes down, and so forth. And that'll begin, if the Lord willing... I think now tonight, this being Wednesday night prayer meeting, we got... The place is just about filled up, so I think maybe we'd better start tomorrow night. We rented it just in hopes that maybe that if we would be enough to have an overflow here we could go up there. But I believe it'd be best to go on up, don't you think so, Brother Neville, to go on up tomorrow night? And how many thinks that'd be a good idea? And then you can have plenty of--of room. It's--it's already rented; it's paid for by some brethren here in the church. It just cost us fifty dollars a night, which is very, very... Wished I had that everywhere, could seat that many for fifty dollars a night, a brand new building, fine stage, and... but we're... 12 'Course we will take up offerings, I suppose. And we don't want them men to pay for that themselves; we'll pay for--pay them back. But when we get our expenses and things, well then, of course, we stop taking offerings. We don't... If there's any strangers with us, we've made that a policy to never beg, bum, push people for money. We pass the collection plate, which is just a... That's a religious act. I've tried it many times not even to pass the collection plate at all, but it don't work. See? Because giving is a part of our religion. It's a part of our duty. No matter if it's just a dime or whatever it is, or a penny, it's all... So you remember Jesus seen a widow passing by one day where the rich men was putting in much of their treasure in the treasury. And this widow passed by, maybe a couple little, hungry children walking by her side and gave everything she had, three pennies. And Jesus said, "Who paid the most?" 15 Now, if I'd been standing there, I'd said, "Don't do that, sister. We--we... Look, we got plenty of money." But He never stopped her. See? He--He knew He had something greater for her down the road. So see, after all, she had a home in glory that she was going to. And He never stopped her. He let her put three pennies in, because it was just--she wanted to do it. And it was... She'd had to want to do it with children, and a widow, and only three pennies to live on. She--she had to want to do that. So you see, when people want to give, you've got to give them the opportunity to do so. 16 But I think of these standing, and people saying, "Who'll give fifty dollars? Who'll give twenty dollars?" I think that's detrimental to your--to your intelligence. I--I think if the people realizes that it takes money to--to run a--a meeting... And I never would let them do it, the managers. I said, "Whenever you have to do that, then it's time for me to return back to the Tabernacle. So we won't have to do that." But I--I do think that we have to pass the offering plate in--in order to make it a complete religious service. And so they probably will pass a little offering plate each night, say something like, "Well, we're take up the offering now." And they'll pass the offering plate, and that'll--that'll be the end of it. 18 And each night, if the Lord willing, I think the Lord has laid upon my heart a very definite message for the church. I've been several days in prayer. And I won't go into that, because a great phenomena happened the other day that was really great. And I'm anxious to tell you about it. And now, the main subject, I suppose, which most all of them, Billy said, had been calling, was on the "Marriage and Divorce.' Which it is a great--a great subject. And I--I didn't know how to approach it. And I went up to pray about it, and the Lord met me. And I know that I by... I don't have it, but God has given to me... I have it now. God has given me the correct answer (See, see?), and I--I know that it's true.
And so I don't know just exactly yet, maybe Sunday I might ask our sisters just to omit the meeting themselves, but I--I don't know. It'd be--depend on if the married women wants to come with their husbands. There--there's some real vital things has to be told the truth about and how... And so we want to absolutely lay it out as THUS SAITH THE LORD, and then you got it then... You know just what is Truth then. And I'm trusting Him to do that. 20 And now, I was up here at the restaurant the other day eating, and--and Jerry and all of them's looking for you all. They--they said--said, "Well, we..." Some--one of the boys was up, said, "This fellow said, 'I'm going to come out pretty good this week,'" Said, "they got... These next two weeks..." Said, "They got a--a meeting here, Basketball or something or other," said, then said, "Branham's down there going to have a meeting." He said, "I'll feed a whole lot of people." At the Ranch House, one of those places up there, and they were--been really nice. And I appreciate you all, for they certainly didn't brag and say nice things about you... The manager up there at the Ranch House met me the other morning. I got in about two-thirty from Arizona, and he said, "Well, Brother Branham," said, "I hear you're going to have another meeting." Said, "I got some extra help," he said. And said, "Then I want to say one thing, that those people that come from down there," said, "they really are nice people." Now, that made me feel real good about it (You see?), 'cause after all, I kinda feel that you're my kids, and I--I--or children, rather. And so, I... Kid refers to a goat, and you're not a goat. You're my lambs. How's that? You're the Lord's lambs that He's let me feed. And I trust that it'll--it'll--that He'll let me do that. We're going on down the road... 23 And about this "Marriage and Divorce," I've wanted to speak on it ever since the time of those Seven Seals. You know, the--all mysteries was supposed to be made known in them--opening them Seven Seals, all mysteries of the Bible. And I'm thinking now, I... Getting kinda old, I--I think I... I thought I'd better at least put it on tape, whether if something would happen to me, then the church might wonder, "Wonder what He had on His mind, what would He say?" And all those subjects that seems to be so hard, I think the--by the Lord's help I'm going to try to bring them to you. And then-then if something happens, and if I happen to go before He comes, why, you--you'll have it on record then. 24 I think we got some new books out. I see Sister Vayle; I don't know whether Doctor is here or not. Is he here, Sister Vayle? He's probably in the meeting; I don't see him, but... Oh yes, way in the back. And Brother Vayle has wrote a book, and it's a... I thought, I believe they said today, two. Brother Vayle, is that right? You have two here now? Two books. Now, I don't know, I--the way I understand, that each person gets a copy. So I... If you... That's the way I understand it. I may be wrong in that. And then the "Seven Church Ages" has been finished (Is that right Brother Vayle?), and on print now. And I know you'll want to get them, 'cause they answer a lot of questions that's been in your heart. And then after that, well, we're going to try to get the Seven Seals opened, you know, in the book so that each one can read in form that they--that they want to--can understand and study it. 26 I think when it's wrote out, if it... First we took it right off of the tape the way it was written or spoke. And you know, you can preach a sermon is one thing. And then write a book is another. See, like I'd happen to touch on a subject, like I'd say to you, you'd understand. I'd say, "Now, the serpent's seed..." See? Well now, the reader of that book, if you took it off, would wonder, "What is the serpent's seed?" See? And they wouldn't know. If that happened to go into such a place like Princeton or somewhere, and they'd--they'd think we were unintelligent people. So I got Brother Vayle to kinda help me with this and keep the line of the same thought and give it grammar. And I'm sure my grammar, they--would--it would be a mystery to them, sure enough. So the--Brother Vayle's really good on that, so he's as a...
27 And then in that, I think our precious brother must've picked up a little extra inspiration somehow, and he said he was going to write a couple books of his own off of them like. And so he wrote one called, I believe, "The Twentieth Century Prophet" and another one, "Laodicean Church," I believe, or something like that. And Billy told me tonight that I believe several thousand of them arrived today; somebody brought them from Texas. And so they--they'll be here. And they'll announce it I think whatever they are. I think they're sponsored; I'm not sure. And if they are, they'd be given away to you (You see?) to-free. And we hope you enjoy it. And if you do, shake Brother Vayle's hand back there and tell him how much you appreciate. I've never read them myself. If I'd read them I might change my mind about that, so I--I'll try to read them this week while I've got a chance if I can. 29 Now, being Wednesday night, our meeting officially begins tomorrow night. But I think in being here among you, I--I just couldn't stay up there at the house and--and know that you all were down here. I... Just like, you know, like some of your kinfolks come in, you know, and you run down to the end of the lane to meet them, you know. And--and I--I thought I'd just run down and--and welcome you to Jeffersonville. And so this last week I was... About... No, I beg your pardon it's been about three weeks ago, I come home; I'd been out trying to... Been on some meetings through Arizona there. And I come back to try to relax, and I went on a hunting trip, and--and I got the Arizona state record lion. I run him through twenty miles of timber to get him. 30 But then to think though that I never thought when I was a little boy... Just to show how these things happen, a little place that the Lord has given us up there for the months that we're out there, and school for the kids. I was a little boy... I guess Jimmy Poole's here tonight; maybe his dad's here, Big Jim. We went to school together, and I remember setting there, was a little old ragged kid and shoes, tennis shoes on, toes out of them, borrow a piece of paper from one, and a pencil from another... I used to write poetry. Mrs. Wood here had me recite that this afternoon on tape about my old Ford, you know, and it's--it's a good one. Now... She said, "Well, you ought to send that to Mr. Ford." I said, "There's too much truth of it, he..." About a rattle in the front and a grind in the rear and a Chinese puzzle for a steering gear. But I... It's--it's a... But I always said, only thing I had to do is count four tires and shake it enough to get it to--started and then get in it. I said, "It was good when I'd start up the hill with it, just go pulling real slow, saying, 'I think I can, I-think-I-can, I--think--I--can,' then start at the other side saying, 'I thought I could; I thought I could.'" That's the way we pull this hill like "Pilgrim's Progress." So we... 32 I had a little poem I wrote something like this. It said... Now, just think; I was only about twelve years old. And standing up the other day looking up that canyon, and thinking that lion will be setting right here in this den room looking out the window in a glass window, I was thinking of a little poem. I went back and picked it up, something like this. Just think how God... Do you believe God's in all inspiration? God has to write a song. You believe God's in songs? Jesus said so. He referred back to David. Don't you know what David said in the Psalms, you know? "Has not it..." Look at the very crucifixion. David sang it in the 22nd Psalm. "My God, my God, why has Thou forsaken Me? All My bones they stare at Me. They pierced My hands and My feet." You know. And that was a song. Psalms is a--is a song. 35 And in this poetry just watch how it come to pass. Standing there a little old kid with a borrowed sheet of paper, I said: I am lonesome, oh, so lonesome for that far away southwest, Where the shadows fall the deepest over the mountain crest. I can see a lurking coyote all around the purple haze;
I can hear a lobo hollering down where the longhorns graze. And somewhere up a canyon I can hear a lion whine, In that far off Catalina Mountains at the Arizona line. 36 Forty years later I'm setting right there at that canyon, that lion looking me in the face. Oh, God, there's a land beyond the river somewhere, friends. It's just--it's got to be there. See? There's-there's too much speaking of it. All these things are not just myths; they are--they're real. They're realities. I'm so glad to be here tonight to be with these people that I'm expecting to live over there forever with, where there'll be no more sickness, or death, or separations. And travel will be nothing to us then. 37 Now, I think no meeting is complete without reading the Word and having a little... Brother Neville, I just walked up here. Billy said you wanted me to speak. Was that right, Brother Neville? I maybe taken a little too much for granted, but I--I just felt so good about it. You know...?... So now, you that's got songs and things, you see Brother Neville when you're going to sing, and then just have it up there, and have just about a half hour preliminary, and let's get right into these real deep messages and see what we can see the Lord will do. And I just trust... 38 I--I believe we have Truth. I'm satisfied with that. And I believe the wheat is absolutely, the shucks pulling away from it. You know? And to see... I may give a little prelude on that tomorrow night (See?), how the shuck's pulling away from the wheat. But the wheat has to lay in the presence of the sun to ripen. And that's what we're here for, friends. Stay in the Presence of the Son till our little group of people here, till it becomes so ripe to Christ, that it becomes bread on His table. That's what I want it to do. And now, before we approach the Word after reciting poems and so forth, let's pray again. Then we're going to take a text. 40 Dear Jesus, help us tonight now in these few words as we wait upon Thee. And we pray that Your grace and mercy will be with us, Lord. And tender our hearts; move back all the shucks, the thorns, the thistles; let the blessed sunshine of God fall in upon the Word, Lord. And may we have such a great meeting till there'll not be an unsaved person among us, all the children will be in the Kingdom of God. Those without the baptism of Spirit, may they receive it, Father. May all the great mysteries that we are supposed to know at this age, Lord, be unveiled to us and we'll see the plainness of God, so that we'll know how to behave ourselves and act, correcting ourselves and bringing the members of our body into discipline to the Word, that we might know how to live in this present day at the approaching of the Lord Jesus. As I read of Thy Word tonight, Lord, I might by a partial education be able to read and some of the words and maybe mispronounce others, but, Lord God, You alone can pull the context out of there. You're the only One that can do it. There's no--no way for a human being to ever do it; it lays in Your hands, Lord. So give to us each night them things that's hid in Thy Word, that we might be better Christians and live according to the time that we're living in, as examples of Christianity. We ask in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. 42 Now, many of you, in your Bibles I want you to turn to the Book of Jonah. It's a... We always talk so much about Jonah being a backslidden and everything. I've always took up for Jonah. I do not believe that Jonah was backslid. I--I do not believe that. I believe it's just that we just sometimes use it, say, "He's a Jonah." But if we... I've already spoke on it in another way, in telling how that I thought Jonah, what took place. Now, the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, and go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.
Isn't that a sad ending? "A Man Running from the Presence of the Lord," and that's my subject. 44 Now, first we want to think of this. Jonah was... The reason, the principal reason that I believe that he did this great thing here was because Jonah was a Jew, and he was asked to go to a Gentile city to cry out against it, thinking that he would not be received; because the Gentiles would think, "What's this Jew got to do with us?" But you see, another thing, it gives us a great thing here to see, that God not only is God of the Jew, but He's God also of the Gentile. He's God of all people. He just chose the Jews. 45 The Jews was called God's chosen people. They were chosen for a specific cause. And that cause was to give to them the law. And they could not keep it. And He just showed by that people, that the law could not be kept. And if He was a--a--a God of righteousness... And the law demanded righteousness, but there was no grace in law to bring a man out; no penalty was paid by the law. But it taken grace to pay that penalty unto where the law put us under. 46 And Jonah here was called on--as this, one of the minor prophets of the Bible, to go down to this city. And here we find an example of all of us. Every one of us, we always are running from something. We run from troubles; we run from responsibilities. We--we're all prone to do that. We-we are--we're more prone to run than we are to stand and face it out. See? We just--we--we find ourselves running. Sometimes we find ourself prone to run from work. We don't want to--we don't want to work. Some people just think they can make their living without working. But I think Solomon, it was, that said we could find here the answer in watching an ant. You know a little ant, they tell me if that--every ant doesn't work and lay in, that ant doesn't eat that winter either. So everybody has to--to work. 48 We got so many things we have to do, so much responsibility that we have to face. Everybody's got to face a certain responsibility. When you--when you come to--to choose your wife, to get married, or choose your husband, you-you've got to take a responsibility. And then you must remember... Maybe you build a home; it's a nice pretty home. And then remember, as a married woman you got to think of the responsibility of raising children. And you got to think that them pretty slick walls is going to have little, dirty hand prints all over them. Then you got the responsibility of educating your children. You got the responsibility of clothing and feeding. Everything is a responsibility. And so easy when responsibilities face us to shirk from them. And we find out that marriage is a responsibility in all manners. Even many times we find--this is hard to say, but it's true--that ministers many time shirk a responsibility for standing for the true Word of God when they're confronted with It. They'll shirk that responsibility. When Truth of the Word of God is brought face to face with we human beings, we have--we're prone to shirk back until the last resource. 52 I just got through talking to my little nephew up there. He's a Catholic, and he... And I baptized that boy in the Name of Jesus Christ here a few years ago, and he got with some little girl and turned Catholic. And I held his mother's hand while she was dying over there. She said to me, the last words, "Take care of Melvin." And he's just been dreaming dreams. He just can't... Every--everyday the last week he's been dreaming dreams. Said, "I'd walk into your church, Uncle Bill; you was standing there preaching; I'd run up to start to make a confession; I'd wake up." He said, "I--I been wrong." I said, "Melvin, you don't need no interpretation for that. Your place is down there where you belong." And that's right. See? 53 But to face up to responsibility, sometimes it takes the very hide off of us to do that. As a father to face up the responsibility to give your child a whipping. Them little fellows, you don't want to do
that. But as a father or mother you've got to face the responsibility of raising that child, because the Bible said, "Spare the rod and you'll spoil your son." And that still stands good in the sight of every psychologist there is in the world. That still remains God's Truth. If there'd been more of that practiced, we wouldn't have had so much juvenile delinquency and stuff, and the rot that we got in the world today. But the old golden rule of the home's been broken long time ago, and they let the kids do whatever they want to. 54 But even as I said, ministers, they'll come face to face with Truth, and then walk away from it. See, they're--they're just have--just seems like there's something that they--they don't want to face up to it. Many time out there people come, say, "I know that's right, Brother Branham, but if I did that, they'd kick me out of the church." What of it? If you don't, they're going to kick you out up there, so you--you got to be kicked out somewhere. See? So you might as well face up to it. Instead of running from it and say, "Well, I'll go over here; I won't go back." Go back, sure, listen to some more of it. Search the Scriptures. Jesus said, "Search the Scripture for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me." But we find that people won't face up with that. Being brought to--into the Presence of God and see when God made a promise, and God is obligated to that promise, and when He brings that promise to pass, then people are afraid to face up to the responsibility of coping with the Message of the hour. We find that everywhere. 57 How about you Lutherans? How many Lutherans was afraid to--people was afraid to face up to Luther's truth when he come forth with justification? Look what it cost you, maybe your own life to come out and confess Jesus Christ and--and become a--a Lutheran. Looked at you Methodists, how it used to be you all were called holy-rollers; I guess you knowed that. And they'd get under the Spirit and jerk back and forth. And they said they--they had the jerks. The Meth... That... No, that ain't Pentecostals; that was Methodists longs years ago. And they jerked, and shook, and fell under the power of God. And they throwed water in their faces and fanned them with fans, thought they'd passed out. And now, you were considered a bunch of holy-rollers. But you had... Your mothers and fathers had to either accept it, face up to the truth and facts, or turned her down. 59 What about you Pentecostals that received the restoration of the gifts? When the baptism of the Holy Ghost come out with speaking in tongues and the gifts of the Spirit coming back in the church, why the Methodists wanted to kick you out, and they did do it. But you had to face up to it. It's something you had to do. What about the issue when it come out about the baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ and you saw it was the truth? You have to face up to it or do something about it. You've got a responsibility; everybody has. And you must face up to these things. All right. 60 And when you see then in this day now when the Word of God has made these promises of things that we see happening now, then we've got the responsibility to either face up to it or get away from it. You have... You just can't stay neutral; you've got to do something about it. Said... Some move's got to be made. You can't come in that church door and go out the same person you come in. You're either further away or closer to God every time you come in or go out there. Oh, how easy it is for people to shirk these things. And I want us to think of these when we start into the official services tomorrow night, that I want you to notice when something is confronted, if you-if there's a question about it... If there's a question about it, there's got to be an answer. 62 Say for instance I said I was going west, and you pointed me this a-way. Well, the first thing you know, I run plumb a-passed my target. And I'm too--I'm northwest. Well, what if somebody points me down this way, and I go that way. I'll pass my target again; I went southwest. Well, as long as there's a question of which was is west, there's got to be a direct answer somewhere. And when
these questions confront us about the Bible truths, there's got to be the right answer somewhere. That's right; it's got to be there. And when we see something presented, I think instead of just running away, say, "Oh, nonsense, I couldn't believe a thing like that; I couldn't believe that," why don't you take the Bible and set down and face up to it. Study It. You're here in the meeting now; just look it over. Check it out yourself with the Word; check the Word by the Word. That's the only way to make It tell the Truth. And It must tell the Truth from Genesis to Revelation. Christ is the revelation of the whole Bible. In Him, Christ, all the Fullness--fulfilling of all the prophecies of the Bible is met unconditionally in Christ Jesus, 'cause He was God manifested in the flesh. 65 Now, when we find these things though, when we're confronted and come into a meeting, and see the power of God moving and doing things, and doing supernatural works, and see it performed, and look in the Bible and see that it's promised for this hour; then when we see those things, then we are confronted with a responsibility to either accept it, I mean, as for ourselves... Now, many people sympathize; many people say it's right. But that don't--that don't make it what-that ain't the thing that you're responsible for. 67 As I've said... What if I--if I was a young man and looking for a wife, to be married, and here stood a girl that met every qualification that I thought it took to make a woman, why, morally she was a queen, and lovely, and--and a fine personality, a real Christian, everything that I could think of to make me a good wife; no matter how much I think she's perfect, she's exactly right, she isn't mine till I accept her and the responsibility of her being my wife. That's the same thing the Message is. You might say it's right or this, that, or the other, and say, "I sympathize with it; I believe it's the Truth," but you've got to accept it; and it's got to become a part of you and you a part of it. You've got... Then it's yours. When you marry this certain woman that you have chosen you are--you are one then. And that's the way you are with Christ. When you see Him manifested and made real, then you are part of Him, and He's part of you; and together you're part of the Message. 70 Oh, how many denominational ships have we got going down to Tarshish for the Jonahs of these days: nine hundred of them, something, a ship that takes the easy route. Don't want to face up to it. Jonah didn't want to face up the thing of going to the Gentiles. He didn't want to take that cruel message over there: "Within forty days you'll perish if you don't repent." He hated to do that, and he thought, "Them Gentiles, it's hard to tell what they'll do to me." But he had to face up to it. See? But he took a easy ship and went down to Tarshish, went down in the hull of the ship and went to sleep: took the easy route, the easy way. 71 It's a popular way with the people. It's easy to take the way where everybody can pat you on the back and say you're a good fellow, and, "This is So-and-so, and certain..." and the world will look upon you. It's easy to go the popular way. But when--when you have to do something different, when you have to stand to your conviction of what you know to be the Truth, there's where the hard part; that's the rub comes, right there. Oh, as we've often sang that old song: How easy while sailing this sea and its calm, To trust in the strength of Jehovah's great arm; But, oh, let the waves begin to blow; let--let the wind blow and whip up the waves, then what do you do? Something like I was told one time that the lady said back in the horse and buggy days that--that said. The horse run away with her going from church. Said, "What'd did you do?" Said, "I trusted the Lord until the lines broke." Well, that's the time to trust the Lord, after every-after the lines is broke. You're trusting in the lines until they're broke. Yes.
75 And so we find out that we have many easy ways to go, ships going down to Tarshish, for it's easy. The unresponsibilities, it just flows in; you have everything coming, everybody likes you, and everybody--nobody disagree with you, you disagree with nobody; now, if that ain't a dishrag (That's right. Yes.), push over, flop over. Why, anybody, I don't care who you are and what you're standing for... Actually, decent thinking people will think more of you if you'll stand for your conviction of what's right. That's right. 76 Don't care... You take a woman, she might be ever, not very attractive and whatever she is, but you let that woman stand for principles of womanhood, let her stand like a lady, and if a man's got a ounce of man about him, he'll take up for her. Absolutely, we appreciate something that--that somebody's got that they believe that it's the truth and will stand for what they think is right. How wishy-washy, that's what. Too many Christians today are so soft-soaped and everything until they think all they do is join a church, go in somewhere, put their name on a book, or do a little something, jump up-and-down, shout or--or something like that and call it Christianity. Christianity's a everyday, rugged life living for God in the--this present world. It's a constant burning of the fire and love of God in the heart that sets you afire and puts you out yonder with the people and making converts to Christ. 78 Responsibility... But it's easy to go the way the world goes. It's easy to flow down the stream. Go out there and set down in the river with your boat. You get your oars and start pulling up against the current; you don't make much time and it goes hard, but you just once let loose the oars and watch how fast you pass trees going down. But look where you're going. When things are floating easy, remember, you're going towards a--a great cataract down there of some sort; you're going towards the falls. And it won't be long till you'll be going over that falls, just floating with the world, easy, the way it goes. You don't want that. No, sir. But you must accept your responsibility. Now, you believe it and you--you think it's the Truth... 80 And the responsibility that God has given us in this day to bring this Message... And as I get older and I know my days are shortening up, I feel the responsibility greater than I ever felt: press it on. We must do it. We must get down to it in our--everywhere we go and tell the Message and--and tell the people that Jesus Christ is coming, that He's God and He's coming soon. There's not a--not a hope left in the world but the coming of the Lord. 81 Looking back there at some friends that was with me up there when the Angel of the Lord... These boys setting here, I believe they found the place where it happened up there. And just remember what the Lord said that day to Brother Wood when we was walking up the hill. And--and he was kinda weeping because of his wife being sick. And the Lord said, "Pick up that rock, and throw it up in the air, and say THUS SAITH THE LORD." And I did that. And Brother Wood is setting as a witness. And I said, "Brother Wood, it won't be long till you're going to see something happen." And the next day when we were standing there, all of us together... And a bunch of the men standing right here tonight... 83 A young preacher was there, and he was a... I noticed... I just met him the night before; he was in our camp. He come up to be with us. And he said to me; he said, "Brother Branham, do you ever see visions out like this?" I said, "Yes, sir. But I come out here to get away from it, to kinda rest a little bit." He said... "Well," I said, "of course He shows me things out here." And I said, "Just over the hill here where the Seven Angels appeared down in there." He said, "Yeah, I understand." Said, "I was one of the sponsors on your meeting over in California." I said, "Well, I'm certainly glad to know that." And while standing there, just then I looked around and I seen kind of a heavy-set doctor looking into his eyes, and I heard him say, "You're going to lose
that eye, because there's a allergy in there. And I've doctored it for two years, and you're going to lose that eye." I said," Reason you ask me that, because your doctor told you the other day you was going to lose that eye." And he said, "That's right." And he looked around like that, and I seen his mother take off one of her stockings and hold her foot out with little tumors hanging down between her toes, up-and-down her leg and said, "If you see Brother Branham, tell him to pray for this." And I said, "Your mother hand her--stuck her foot out like that and said she had--she's got little tumors all over her--her toes and like that, and said, 'Have Brother Branham pray.'" He said, "Brother Branham, that's the truth." And I looked back, and when I did, I seen him standing there looking at me like that with his eyes just as bright. I met him this fall; he had better eyes than anybody in the camp. The Lord had healed him and made him well. 88 While I was standing there the Lord said--showed me what was going to happen: "Judgment's fixing to strike the west coast." And He said, "Get over there beside that fireplace." And I had a shovel in my hand, walked over there... Brother Roy Roberson, all of us know him here; he's not here tonight as I know of; he's in Arizona out there. He's the chairman of the trustees here. And I knowed him being a veteran. And something was going to happen. A real, pretty, still morning about ten o'clock in the morning, and the boys all around there, ten or twelve of us, letting down tents, and skinning out pigs, and things. So we, I walked around, said, "Roy, hide quick. Something is fixing to happen." I couldn't tell him no more. And just the time I got over there... And coming down from the heavens come the whirlwind of God and clapped like, shook the hill, run inside of that mountain, cut a streak plumb around it about five feet above my head, and cut all the tops of them trees off as the rocks went out, went up in the air and come down again with another big baptism, and struck across the mountain, and throwed the rocks out like that. Did it three times, then went up in the air. And Brother Banks come over to me and, "Is that what you said yesterday?" I said, "Yes, sir; that's exactly it." See? And then two days after that Alaska sunk almost up there. And up and down that west coast has been thunders and pushings and everything happening. And one of these days she's going to slide beneath the ocean. That's right. What is it? We're living in the hour of the coming of the Lord. 91 And we see isms and things rising up and all these different things; we know there's got to be a true answer to this. There's people out yonder in the country now going into caves and things. "On the 16th of March (you've read it in the paper) the Lord's coming." You know that isn't so. Jesus said, "No man knows the minute or hour." When we see all of these things and things taking place the way they are, there's got to be a true answer somewhere. There's got to be a Truth. There's one east and one west, but there's--one southeast and northwest or something, but there's got to be a true answer somewhere to the problem. 93 Shirk this? We must tell the people that we're living in the hours of the coming of the Son of God. We want--want to watch and God... Be on the move all the time, ready to give a man a correct answer. It's always been that way. It's--it's been men has shirked and went away from God every since Adam in the garden of Eden. When Adam was in the garden of Eden, when he come to the responsibility to make his choice: Would he stay with God or go with his wife? He had to make that--he made to make that... The responsibility was up to him. He either had to take what his wife said or what God said. And when he chose to go the way of his wife... And when he did that, then he lost his original condition and brought the whole world subject to death. When he had to take the responsibility of
either accepting a new light that his wife had found which was contrary... Oh, God. Think of it. God only give them about eight or ten words to keep: "But of that tree thou shall not eat." That's all they had to keep. And even with just that much word, they broke it. Then Adam had to face up, "Will I-will I do as my wife has said do, or shall I do what God said do?" Then he walked out with his eyes open. He'd had to take the responsibility. That throwed the whole human race unto death. 95 Then there come that other Adam which was Christ, not a One like Him. Somebody say He wasn't God. His uniqueness proved He was God. There never was a creature lived like Him. He lived in a world to Himself. He was borned outside of the realm of the natural...?... Hallelujah. He was the Creator Himself made flesh. Who could ever stand where He stood? Who ever talked like Him? Who could ever say the things that He said? Who could ever do the things that He done? His uniqueness proved He was God. There wasn't a prophet or nothing else could do what He done, Who could call the dead back from the grave, and Who could stop the skies, and do anything He wanted to do. He was God. Who could ever stand in His place? Who--what could He be but that perfect, immortal God made flesh and dwelt among us. 96 Nothing ever compared with Him. He lived in a world to Himself. No man ever spake like Him. When He just opened His mouth, there was something about it. Something was different from anybody else. Somebody said He was just an ordinary man. I defy that. He was God; that's what He was. For no man ever spoke like Him; no man could speak like Him; because He was the living Word Itself made flesh, the manifestation of the Fullness of God. I will admit them prophets had their message. They had them then; they have them now. But there was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily manifested there. He was the unique One, and He was the One that had to face the issue with all of His great powers that He had. And He could've absolutely been the King of the world. He will be and He--to His saints He is now. 98 He stood there. What man would be poor, didn't have a place to lay His head, that even knowed where a fish swallowed a coin. Who, what man could take them big jugs of water and turn them to wine and not have a place to lay His head? He had to face up to the responsibilities that had been given into His hands. What man that--could raise a man out of the grave after he'd been dead four days and rotten? Could He not have saved Hisself? Sure He could, but if He did He'd have not saved us. He had to face up to the responsibilities. And because of His obedience to the Word, where Adam's disobedience, and he took the short cut, the way down to Tarshish, but Jesus took the way to Nineveh to the Gentiles to get Hisself a Bride. I'm glad that He did it tonight. And we ought to face up to the facts that we belong to Him and take the world away. Amen. 99 Every man had to face up to that, has got a responsibility before God. We just take for instance Noah, he had... Noah, Moses, Elijah, and all the rest of them of every age, had to face up to the responsibility. And they had to do it. But that's the reason they were sent in the hour... Look at Noah in his scientific age, how he had to face up to a thing that was so unscientific. Why, there wasn't a--a reason why it couldn't be unscientific. See? It--it was unscientific, rather. Why, they said it's going to rain out of the skies. They... Never had rained a drop out of the heavens. Well now, he had to face up to it. God said it was going to rain. 101 And then he... Then faith without works is dead. If you say, "I believe it," and don't make no act... Just like the Message. If you say, "I believe it," don't make no act, what good does it do? See? Noah went to work with his hammer and built an ark to confirm what he was talking about. That's what we have to do too. We have to go to work and prove our faith by our works. Our works proves our faith. Moses had to do it, and Elijah had to do it. Every prophet in his age had to stand up and face these responsibilities. But many of them didn't do like Jonah. He run; they didn't.
103 Notice. Cry out against it. Oh, my. There it is; that's the subject. Cry out against it. There's the check part. He was going to have and tell those fellows, "Say, I come to join up with you guys. You know, I believe, I'll tell you what I'll do; I've got just a little thing here I believe I can make it a--bring us all together, and do this, that, or the other," but it was cry out against it. When you have to cry out against something... Now, he had to cry out against everything that was down there, cry out against the city, cry out against their work, cry out against their church, cry out against their prophet, cry out against their ministers, cry out against their priests; cry against it, the whole thing, cry out against it. Noah cried out against his age (Sure he did.), up against the churches of his age. Moses must-certainly did cry out against his--his age--the people, the priests, and so forth. He cried all the way through the wilderness. And every junction he cried, continually crying to the people. Elijah was very unpopular in his day because he cried out against that age. Certainly was. 105 John the Baptist was very unpopular in his age. He cried out against his age. He said to the king, the--the potentate of the--of the land... He--he had--he married his brother's wife. He had to preach on marriage and divorce one morning. So he cried out against it; he said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." It cost him his head to be cut off later, but he cried out, and he stood to his post of duty. He never took a ship to Tarshish and said, "Well, I'll agree with you, Herod. It's all right. As long as you think she's a nice woman, she's making you a nice wife, go ahead." Oh, mercy. Them dishrags. You see? Just--just every little thing... Why, it's nothing but to clean dirty plates with. 106 But notice. John wasn't that way. He faced right up to it. He said, "It is not lawful for you to have her." Yes, sir. And he stood out against it. They never run; John didn't; they stood and faced the fact. Moses tried to run one time like Jonah, but God brought him back. Many of them tried to get away from it; they'd start... But look, if God has called you and you are sure that God's in the Message, there's nothing going to turn you back. It didn't turn Jonah. No, sir. 108 Amos of old cried out, said, "The lion has roared; who can but fear? And God has spake; who can but prophesy? Who can but prophesy?" When you see God speaks and said a certain thing will happen, and there it is... A lion roars, everybody's scared. Yes, sir. If you ever heard one roar in the jungle... You hear these meowing around these cages out here, them tame lions, but you ought to hear a real wild one roar one time. The rocks will fall off the hill five hundred yards away. I don't see where all that belch comes out of them lungs that... He throws his head down, throws that fur up; I never heard anything... Like a--a cannon going off when he belches out that big roar in his lungs. Who couldn't be scared? They say if you're ever killed by a lion, it's painless. He scares you to death 'fore he gets to you. See, you--you don't notice it. He scares you with that great ferocious roar, and here he is on you in a split second. 110 He said, "The lion has roared; who can but fear? And God has spoke; who can but prophesy? When you see God doing something... You say, I might not be a prophet... Jonah said... "I might not be a prophet or the son of a prophet; but God has spoke, who can but prophesy?" I might not be a prophet; I might not be this, that, or the other; when I see God doing anything and I see in here in the Word, and He promised it, who can hold their peace and keep still. Sure, He's done it. Neither can we hide behind creeds, and all these here fellowships, and--down to--to Tarshish; we don't want to go them fellowships. 113 But many like Adam, do the same thing, try to make a substitute in some way, try to find a way out, and--and make a substitute to face God after they know in the wrong, faced up to the truth, went on with his wife and did exactly what God told him not to do. He went right ahead and did it anyhow. And then he found hisself naked, she and he both in the garden of Eden. Their eyes come
open; they knowed what was right and wrong then. And then he tried to find a substitute to kinda cover himself up with it. Now, that's just about the way we do today, an excuse, say, "Well, I tell you; if it was here or if this..." or, "If, if, if;" that's just it. See, but you must face up to it. It's either right or wrong. And if it's right, let's stay by it. If it's wrong, get away from it. That's all. Get what--find out what is right. You don't want to wait any longer. Let's find out now what's Truth and what's right and stay with it. We know that's truth. 114 Now, we find today that our people are so... It seems like all the sincerity has gone out of the churches. I... In the... We're living in the house there of a precious sister that comes to this church; she's probably setting here tonight. And she rents it out to her--the people; and she's just been so sweet to us about that place, about letting us have that place. And so I'd call her name, but she might not want me to do it. And she's been so sweet to us, well, we certainly wouldn't--wouldn't want to expose her. But she's been a very, very dear woman. And in the house there was a television over in one side. We got a little--two duplex. I got a big family, a bunch of youngin's, and we--and you--you know, and they have beds and plenty of them. And everything piled up on top, and we have to walk through this and through that to get in and out. 116 And then over there they had a television. And in this television these kids got to watching on Sunday morning some kind of hymn singing that come on. And you know, it--it would almost make you ashamed if there wasn't a genuine Christianity somewhere that you could put your hands on, to see what's called Christianity. Why, it seems like all the sincerity's gone out of it. Why, they don't-they don't seem to... Why, it's just terrible the way they stand there and draw their fist and fight one another on there, and try to sing hymns and everything like that, and pull jokes that hardly would--a sailor would pull, and then say all kinds of things, and kid and go on. You know the sacredness of--of-of Christianity has seemed to lose its place. 117 Now, I go to church and--and see the pastor get up there and announce that the--there's going to be a--a swimming bee. All the women in these bathing suits, they're all going out there. They're going to have a contest, these women, swimming. And they're going to have a--a party of some sort, and they're going to fry up a lot of--of chicken, and play bunco, and--and all these things like that. To me that takes the genuine sincerity out of Christianity. Just get by with anything. 118 I seen... Coming up here... We find out... You know, we find more of our sisters wearing shorts up here in this cold country than you find out there in that hot country. See? It's true. Out there where it's really hot there's not too many of them that wear them. But here where--where it's cold they--they do it. See, it's... They don't realize it's the devil doing that. See? Now, if it was to be comfortable, if it was to help yourself, it'd be different. Be men. I think it looks sickly on a man. But it--but... Yeah, yeah, You... You'd wouldn't pay no attention to a man. But the lady, her--her body is sacred, and she must keep it that way. And to see old... 119 If you can see people today... There's two spirits; and One of them is the Holy Spirit; the other one's a unholy spirit, and one's governed by that. And both of them religious, now, that's the strange part; they're both religious. And just like Esau and Jacob was, both religious; like Cain and Abel was, both religious; like Judas and Jesus was, both religion--both religious... And we see it today, both sides religious. See, it's the same spirit. The people die, but the spirit doesn't die; it goes right on. Both religious, one of them is possessed with the Holy Spirit that lives the kind of life that they should live and walk godly and honest. They wouldn't beat you out of a penny, and they'd--they'd do everything honest that they could to help you, and the others just will--just as nice as they can be. And the others we find out it's just vice versa, and yet both of them are religious spirits. Two of
them, one Holy Spirit and the other a unholy spirit. And we--if you notice it'll... Even though claiming religion, they'll make fun of you and call you a holy-roller; they do anything they can. A... 120 They ignoring the--the unchanging Word of God as though It never had been written. See, you can say, "Now, looky here, if--if the baptism... I have the Holy Spirit." And stand there with that cigar in your hand smoking? "Yes, I have the Holy Spirit. I don't think it's wrong to take a little drink. I don't think it..." See? And did you notice, "I don't think?" But God thinks different, you see, of course, to His Word. See? See, they--and they--they just simply as much as--as spit on It. That's exactly right. 121 Just as much as this little, old, crippled guy that crawled out that time when David was being excommunicated from his throne... He was going up on the Mount of Olives, going out weeping as he went up, looking back. And this little, old fellow crawled out there and was spitting on him. And that guard said, "I'll let the--that dog's head stay on him and spit on my king." David said, "Let him alone." See, they spit on him. About eight hundred years later they spit on his Son Jesus Christ too. And today they spit on Him again as if there wasn't even...?... irreverent, unconcerned, just turn up their head, and walk away from it, and laugh in your face. Why is it? They're on a ship to Tarshish that's exactly. Because of God you cry out against evil, cry out against sin, cry against the things that's wrong. Now, remember, it'll be... Say, you know, this time, you know, I'm two hours difference. In Tucson it's just ten minutes after seven. I... That... I'm getting kinda--kinda out of my place here. All right. 123 Now, remember, we're going to have to answer for it. Remember those who spit on Christ answered for it. When David returned back from his exile--when he was a fugitive--and when he returned back, remember this fellow fell on his face and cried out for mercy. He spit on David going out, but he was almost ready to bathe his feet with tears and--when he returned back. And someday those who pierced Jesus will see it, and those who are piercing Him today will see it also. They... Someday it'll come back. Remember Revelations 22, He requires us to keep every word that He has written, every word. 124 Now, we know His Presence are here. It's vindicated. We are having it. We're trusting in this coming week it'll continue to be vindicated among us, the sick will be healed and great things will be taking place. We don't want the popular idea; we want the Truth. And we don't--we want--don't want to... We don't want to face up to nothing but what God has said is the Truth. But be sure that your sins will always find you out. If it doesn't here, it'll get you at the judgment. So you're--you're... It's going to catch you somewhere. Now, that's true. But if--if you are a true Christian, truly called like Jonah was, God's already got your fare paid. Get off of that ship going to Tarshish anyhow. God predestinated you to this life. Yes, sir. If you're a true, called child of God, come to Christ. Come into the fullness of Him. Your way's paid to where? It's paid to Nineveh, not to Tarshish. You're predestinated. Your ship... There's a ship leaving right now on its road. So there's only one thing to do is get on it. And if you was like God... You'll never have no peace. 126 Like my little nephew awhile ago, about ten years now he's went from pillar to post, some morning he goes to this church, this Catholic church down here and take this one because what some holy father he talks about over here, and somebody over here, and some over here. What does it all amount to? See? And now he's still hungering and thirsting. I said, "Your place is at the altar down there, son." See? There's no way of getting out of it. When God ever takes out after you, you just might as well give up and go on; that's all. 127 Remember God--God was in the boat; God was in the storm; God was in the fish; everywhere he turned, God was there. See? God's there. And He'll just keep haunting at you. So why do we wait any longer? Let's just start this revival right. That's right. What you waiting on? We believe that the
coming of the Lord is at hand, and He's going to have a Bride, and it ready. And we don't want no ships to any Tarshish. We're going to Nineveh; we're going to glory. Amen. That's right. We're going where God's going to bless, and that's what we want to do. 128 Lay out in the Presence of God then with our hearts, not our--our hands so much, but our hearts before God until He's seasoned us through and through like that with the rays of His glory and baked into us His--His goodness, and ripened that which we have got into reality (See?) to where we can show others that Jesus Christ lives. Oh, my. We want to be that. 129 And remember, where Jonah went, God was in the boat; and God was in the storm; God was in the fish. He went on being right along with Jonah until His perfect will was done. That's right. And if He's ever after you, you might dodge over here and dodge over there, but you'll be miserable until you come back and do the thing you started out for Him to do at the first place. See? Don't go run from the Presence of God. Face up to it. You believe it's the Truth; then let... If it is the Truth, it's worth living for, dying for, anything else. And if He's ever vindicated it to you that it is the Truth, then we can't run from it nowhere; He'll be right there just the same. You can't do it. 130 By His provided prophet, the one that He ordained to go down there and call that message... Now, looked like He could've sent another prophet, but He ordained Jonah. And even Elijah wouldn't have done. Jeremiah wouldn't have done. Moses wouldn't have done. It was Jonah had to go to Nineveh. That's all there was to it. He commissioned him and told him to go. And when He says go there, "Jonah, go to Nineveh," nobody else can go do that but Jonah. And when God tells you something, you've got to do it. Nobody else... See, we just have to face up to it and--and go do it. We believe that we're living in the hour that when God is a-doing something. We believe that we're living among them now. I believe tonight I'm preaching to that congregation that's--that's laying, waiting out there just to get ripe. I--I really believe that with all my heart. I would say it's the same now as it's always been. 132 Now, we believe that the hour has come that St. John 14:12 must be fulfilled. We--we believe that Malachi 4 must be fulfilled. We believe that Luke 17:30 must be fulfilled. We believe that all these prophecies that He said would come to pass in this day, we believe they must be fulfilled. And we believe we're seeing them fulfilled right now. That's exactly right. Stop running; don't get out of His Presence; just move up into His Presence. That's right. And I know that's what you're desiring to do, 'cause I seen license out there from Texas, and Louisiana, and everywhere. That's what we're here for, is not to run from His Presence, but to run into His Presence. Come back; get off the... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... been a Jonah, if you've been wondering which way to go or what to do, come on, get on the ship with us tonight. We're going down to Tarshish to cry out--Nineveh to cry out. We'll let that Tarshish ship go on down if they want to. We've got a duty before God; that's a Message that we're responsible for. 134 So in this coming week, just a little prelude tonight to let you know what I'm crying out. I'm solely responsible for a Message brethren. You ministers setting here, I'm not here to hurt your feelings. And you women and men on this marriage and divorce case coming up, I want you to remember tonight--I've said all this to get this to you--that I am responsible only to God. And then again, I'm responsible to you to tell you the Truth. And I'm not going to tell you nothing but the Truth as long as God lets me know what Truth is. Until I know the Truth, I won't say nothing about it. And I won't say nothing about it. But I do believe that God shows me the truth on marriage and divorce. And I--I trust that He'll let me bring it out. 135 And other messages I aim to have this week is, "Who is this Melchisedec?" "Where Did God Choose to Put His Name?," and few of those things like that, which are messages coming up. And
"Birth Pains," and--and a few things that's on--on that order. And complementary to a man choosing his wife, and a few things of them messages I want to bring up this week. But I just want the congregation, where if there'd be a minister here... I'm not here, my brethren... I don't want you to... Or some of you members go back to your church and say, "Brother Branham said thus and thus." I am duty-bound to a Message that's been given to me from Almighty God. And as I stand here tonight, and God knows that's true, that right down on this river... There's people perhaps setting here when that Angel of the Lord come down there and told me what He did right there in 1933, right there on this Spring Street here. If you're a stranger here, drive right out corner of Spring Street there where you hit the river; and there's where it happened. That's been in 1933. It's probably been about thirty-two years ago then. Oh, it's been thirty--been thirty--thirty-two years ago--thirty-two years ago. And how that He's brought that right down, everything. And we've went out, and bringing the Message, and seen the sick healed, the blind, and--and the crippled, and lame, and halt, and everything, and then see even the dead that we know that's been verified raised up from the dead. There's people die and raise right back to life again, and all these things. 137 If a Message goes forth, there's signs and wonders, and you still see that same old school of thought that you come up with, that didn't come from God. God don't just have to do... And God is trying to get your attention attracted to something. And then, when Jesus went down there, He started healing the sick and doing great works and things. He always--He... Jesus did it. And Moses and Jesus done it, and the rest of them. And when He was here He did it, and He's doing it, the same thing today. When He sends forth a meeting like that revivals and starts a meeting in the earth, and starts a moving along with these great signs and wonders, and then you see come back that same old school of teaching, there--there's something wrong there somewhere. There's something new coming forth. 139 When Jesus came out after when... "He's a fine rabbi." He could go to any pulpit and preach when He was healing the sick. When... Oh, they liked to have Him over there. But one day when He set down and said, "I and My Father are One," brother, He wasn't so popular after that. When He said, "Except you eat My flesh and drink My blood, you have no Life in you; but he that eats My flesh and drinks My blood has Everlasting Life; and I'll raise him up at the last day." then He wasn't so popular from then. Said, "This man's a vampire. This man's a Beelzebub. That's the way he done them things. He could tell fortunes. He looked through the--their minds and perceived their thoughts. He's a fortuneteller." But what was, He--He was the Word of God made manifest for that hour. And He was duty-bound. He said, "I do always that which is pleasing to My Father." God help us to do the same thing: do that which is pleasing to the Father. And I hope you all will understand. If you disagree with me on these messages and things, that-you'll remember, at least have this respect, that I have a responsibility, and I'm not going to Tarshish. I'm on my road to Nineveh. And I--I got to cry out. The Lord bless you all. 142 Let us bow our heads now just a moment. It's almost nine-thirty; I don't want to keep you, but I want to find this if I can tonight: Is there some here that--that just isn't exactly where you should be in Christ, but you--you'd want to be and you desire to be, would you just raise up your hand, say, "Brother Branham, pray for me." God bless you, just look at the hands." I--I want--I'm here, Brother Branham, to get closer to God." If your head was raised, my--my hand's up to. That's what I'm here for. I'm hungering like you are. But, oh, the other day one of the most grandest things happened, and I--I know now what to do. And I--I pray that God will give you that clear understanding. It's there; they... If there's a question in your mind, there's got to be an answer somewhere to answer back to that question. My prayer is, God, let you see that question answered during this time. If you're sick, may God heal you. We're going to have healing services, I guess, practically every night, and we are going to pray for the sick. We're going to do anything that we can to help you. And
you do everything you can to help us. And we'll work together, trusting God will give us a great meeting. 145 Now, Father God, these few little cut-up words, but they're in Your hands now, Lord; they've been said. I'll have to meet it. Just like them words can never die, they're going around and around the earth on a record; someday I'll have to face it right back again. I realize this, Lord, and I say it with deepness of sincerity. I pray, dear God, tonight for each one of these, Your children. And O God, I trust before the week is over they'll--they'll understand that the question that's so great in their mind tonight will be settled. Grant it, Lord. There's some here who doesn't know You, Father, as Saviour yet, or maybe has never been filled with the Holy Spirit. May this be that night. Lord, I cannot fill nobody with the Holy Ghost; neither can I save anybody. I can only tell them what You said: "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." And I pray, God, that You'll create such a hunger in their heart. Many, Lord, they've got to be hungry. How would they drive these hundreds of miles through ice and everything, and over rainy mountains, and across deserts to come to a little old place setting here on the corner. Then I think again You said, "Where the Carcass is the eagles would be gathered." Feed us, Lord, upon Thy Divine Manna. Give to our souls that what we really need. We're thirsting for You, Father. We're in Your hands now. And let the great Holy Spirit that come down on the mountain the other day up there, I pray that He'll saturate every heart in here with His goodness and mercy, with understanding. We realize, Father, that's what we need, is to understand. For if we do not know what we're doing, then how do we know how to do it? But we must have understanding. As Daniel said he had understanding by the prophet Jeremiah's Writing, and, Father, we have understanding by the Holy Spirit's Writings as He will reveal It to us in this hour. Give to us, Lord, the desires that we have for Thee. Tenderly we ask this, Father, for Your glory in the Name of Jesus Christ. 150 And now with our heads bowed, as our sister is chording then, "He will give me grace and glory, and go with me all the way," I want you just to silently pray now and ask the heavenly Father that He will grant to you tonight that what you have... Brother dear, sister dear, He's just as close as your arm is to you. You--you believe me in--in other things; believe me in this. He's here to give you whatever you have need of. Oh, for the last few weeks I've been so hungry, so thirsty, so homesick to see you. That's the reason I said, "Billy, let's go home." Meda said, "What do you want to go back there, that cold country again for, Bill? You always get a sore throat and everything. You always come out and head cold, and you're hoarse, and you can't hardly talk." I said, "Well, I don't know." I said to her... I see my friend Charlie Cox setting back there; and I said, "I'm just anxious to hear Charlie say, 'That little squirrel "clim" that tree over there.' I just get so hungry to hear it." I--I just want to--want to be around you. 154 I know my Brother Banks got real sick. And I saw a vision of him here not long ago. And he was laying on his back, and I know he come pretty near going from us recently. And I look at the different ones of you... I come in the other night to the Christian Business Men's meeting, and--international; old "Pop" Shakarian, Demos' father, he used to set there and just keep looking till I come in; then he'd smile, and that little wave, he'd wave at me. He wasn't there; he's gone. Then I had to come to that family with THUS SAITH THE LORD, their daughter's going to die too: Florence. I saw her in a vision, saw her go. And I know she's going. And I said, "Pray, just pray. You know, there's a prophet one time was told to go tell a king to put his house in order. And he prayed, and He spared his life fifteen years longer." I said, "Pray, but...?..."
156 You look... And I--I come back... I stood over here in a restaurant the other day eating. A man walked up to me and said, "Aren't you Billy Branham?" I said, "Yes." He probably didn't know me, 'cause this--over this bald spot on my head I was wearing this little piece of hair to keep from getting a sore throat during this meeting. And he walked up to me; he said, "I thought I knew you, Billy." I said, "Yes." I said, "Who are you?" He said, "I'm John Warman." I said, "How's Ziff?'" He said, "Billy, he died." Umm. 158 I was coming down though the courthouse, went down to pay my taxes. Coming down through the courthouse, and a lady hollered at me, and she said, "Did you know John's gone?" or some name. It might not have been John--Ed or something. And I said... I didn't know the woman; I felt embarrassed. And come to find out, I didn't know who she was. She said, "Do you remember one dark night when the river was up over the banks out here and houses washing away over on Chestnut street, and you risked your life to go into a place to get a woman and some little children out?" I said, "You her?" She said, "I--I'm the lady." She begin to scream for her baby; you know my story. She said, "That one that I called my baby is married and got a family." See? And here she is old and gray, and here I am too. One by one our cards go out of the rack, as it was. And we have meetings; and I miss this one, miss that one. We all got to come up missing one of these days, but, brother, sister, there's a gathering place. Let's be sure now that we're right. Will you? Don't let all our understanding of God and so forth go in vain. Let's believe. 161 Father, they're in Your hands. I'm in Your hands, Lord. We're only here in dedication now, prior to the coming meeting beginning tomorrow night. Will You help us, Lord? May our--may our conversation be constantly upon Thee; may our hearts and minds be stayed upon Thee. And you said You'd keep us in perfect peace. It's also written in the Bible, "Lean not to your own understandings." O God, we don't want our understandings; we want Your understanding. Give them to us, O God, and may the revival come within our souls till this pack of people will be just one heart and one accord. Grant it, Father. Grant this things while we pray in Jesus Christ's Name. 162 Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory (Let's raise our hands.) ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Jesus keep me near the cross, There's a precious fountain Free to (Yes, Lord, free.) healing stream, Flows from Calv'ry's mountain. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. [Brother Branham begins humming the chorus--Ed.] O God. If there's any of you feels like you'd like to come up and kneel down around the altar, if you'd just like to come, say, "I'm not where I should be, Lord; I--I want to make a reconsecration. I want to do it tonight, Lord," you're welcome to come. We'd be here to pray with you.
In the cross, in the cross, Oh, be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Jesus keep me near the cross, There's a precious fountain Free to all a healing stream, Flows from Calv'ry's mountain. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. 163 Let's just pray, each one in your own way now. Just--just forget time. Let's just bow our heads in His Presence. This little lady here crying out, "I love You, Jesus." You remember when you got saved many years ago, you remember how sweet that was to you? He's just as sweet tonight. Let's pray. Everybody in your own way now, let's just--let's just all consecrate ourselves to God, just dedicate ourselves over to the Lord. 164 Dear Lord Jesus, [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "Thou the Stream of all my comfort, more than life to me, Whom have I on earth besides Thee? Or Whom in heaven but Thee?" Dear God, we pray now that Your mercy and grace will be sent upon each and every one of us, Lord. We're here around the altar. Many could not come up; You'll meet them at their seat. Whatever we offer, Lord, You're willing to receive. If we just offer You our time, You will receive it, talent, You will receive it. But, Lord God, tonight we're going beyond that; we're offering all we are. All that I am, all that I ever expect to be, all is in You, Lord. We pray that You'll take this, our prayers, into Thy heart, Lord, and give us of the great deepness of the Holy Spirit, that our lives will be changed; for we see that we're near the end now. Can't be too much longer. And as we see our loved ones dropping day by day, young and old, we know soon it must knock at our door. And tonight, Lord, while we're in our right mind, setting here, or kneeling here, standing here, whichever position we're in, receive us, Lord God. Take me, Lord. I ain't nothing, but whatever I am, Lord, if You can get any use out of me, I dedicate myself to You. 166 I pray, dear God, for each one of these, these dear people that I stood yonder Lord, in the mountains in Arizona and cried about. And here they are, knelt around the altar with us tonight, praying, consecrating our lives. We love You, Father, more than our own lives. We love You more than our families. We love You more than wife, children, father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife. We love You, Lord Jesus. Make that so real in our hearts, Lord. Pour in the oil of gladness this week, Lord, in our souls. Give us a bathing, a washing of the Word, by the water of the Word, dividing unto us Truth. Many here tonight, Lord, and will be here, that's confused on these subjects that's vital. O God, open that fountain in the house of God that's--that's for cleansing us. I pray, God, that You'll wash us and cleanse us in Thy Blood and make us new creatures, and give us grace and strength to bring forth the Word of Truth in its Divine revelation of the Being of Jesus Christ. May He appear before us, Lord. May He come and heal our sickness, forgive our sins, fill our hungry hearts with good tidings of great joy, the Gospel made manifest in our life. Bless every pastor, every song leader, every Sunday school teacher. Bless us all together, Lord, for truly we love You. And now, we're Yours, Lord, in this dedication. In the Name of Jesus Christ use us now according to Thy own will...?... 167a My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, O Saviour Divine!
Now, hear me while I pray, Take all my sins away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! You love that? Let's sing again. While life's dark maze I tread, And grief around me spread, O be Thou my Guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. Does that make you feel good? How many likes to sing them old songs? I--I just love them, don't you? We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. Oh, we're marching to Zion Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known, Join in the song with sweet accord, Join in the song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, And thus surround... Now, let's stand up now as we sing it, shake hands... one another. We're marching to Zion, (Bless you, sister.) We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of... Let's raise our hands up now to God. Oh, we're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. Oh, we're marching to Zion, Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. Doesn't that make you feel wonderful? My, my. Oh, let's just raise our hands and just praise Him in our own way. 168 Lord Jesus, Thou Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, Fairest of ten thousands, Thou the Stream of all my life, more than life to me, how we love You. Dear Father, oh, how we praise Thee. Bless these, Lord, bless Your...?... Grant these things, Lord. Grant it...?... [Brother Branham continues praising and worshipping God--Ed.] ... Near the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river.
Somehow or another I just feel we're going; there's something laying right ahead for us. I go to...?... I believe I'm prophesying. Great joy...?... leave...?... many sad in heart will be made... Great mysteries will be made clear, and people who are sad will be turned into joy. Near the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. 170 As John of old, when he got too old to preach, he would just set and scream, they tell me, with all of his might, "Little children, love one another." Love one another. Don't let nothing come among you. See? Keep all, everything away from... You don't... No matter what it is, face up to it. We're on our road to Nineveh. See? Don't get on that old ship of Tarshish that takes you out of the company. Let's move right on up the stream of God's blessing. I believe we're going to have it; I believe our Father. 171 Feel better now, sister? That's fine; that's the way I like to see children borned, that's...?... I can just think of years ago right on these grounds how many thousands has been borned into the Kingdom of God right on this ground. How little did we know when we was standing with a--eighty cents in our pocket to build the church with... Oh, He said, "I the Lord hath planted it; I'll water it day and night." And He's done it; He's done it. God bless you. 172 Now, when we bow our heads... Now, tomorrow night, remember, the services will be held up at the school auditorium here, and if... We will have somebody posted here now to show the people how to get there, 'cause new ones would be coming in. You love Him say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Oh, isn't He wonderful? I stand down here on the bank and sing that old song: On Jordan's stormy banks I stand (Think, that's been thirty years ago, thirty--thirty-three years ago.) And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. And many I baptized that evening are over there now. When they stood there and witnessed that Morning Star coming down out of the heavens, circling around like that, said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth to bring the--to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the second coming." How could it be thought? But all God's words are true. All God's words... We're living in the Presence of the great King. God bless you. While we bow our heads, I'm going to ask Brother Neville, our precious pastor, to come here, dismiss us in prayer. God bless you, Brother Neville. SEED NOT HEIR WITH SHUCK JEFF IN 65-0218 V-6 N-4 1 Let us remain standing for a moment of prayer. Let's bow our heads. Dear God, we deem this a great privilege tonight to be here on this occasion to bring a living Christ to a dying world and a dying generation. We would ask, Lord, that You would anoint our words and our efforts, that they will not return to You void, but may they accomplish that which they are purposed for. Help every man, woman, boy, or girl here tonight that's needy. And, Father, we know we're all needy. And when we leave tonight, may we feel in our hearts like those who came from Emmaus after the--had witnessed the resurrection of Christ, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the way?" Grant it, Lord. Heal the sick and the afflicted. May there not be any feeble among us after the service tonight. And above all things, may there not be one unbeliever left, Lord. May they all believe to Eternal Life. For that's our purpose of gathering here.
These blessings we ask to the honor of the Kingdom of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen. (May be seated) 7 It's good tonight to be back here. And I see we got a few standing around, and I think the--the phones are open now of--to many different cities across the nation: San Francisco, Tucson, up in the east. And we through the telephones send the greetings to them. We're in the auditorium here tonight. And the main auditorium's packed out, and the aisles, and around the walls, are standing full of people. And we understand that tomorrow night we're going to try to open up another side here to the gym and get a larger auditorium that'll take care of, maybe, a couple more thousand people. So we're hoping that tomorrow night. If it's filled up tonight, the first night, why, we believe it'll be greater tomorrow night. And I see they set in extra chairs and everything also tonight. 8 We're under great anticipations, first the coming of the Lord Jesus; the next, the salvation of--to lost souls that would receive Him tonight and be ready for His coming when He appears. I want to offer a special greeting and welcome to all these fine men on the platform, which I understand many of them are ministers. Couple of hundred or more are setting on the platform, and we're certainly thankful that they're here. To all you people wherever you are in different parts of the nation... And I understand that some are here from across the sea, overseas. So we're grateful for you to be here to enjoy this fellowship with us, which we're under anticipations that God is going to give us during this meeting. 11 It seems like that since I thought of coming back with these few days of meetings, that my own heart has been alarmed strangely with a great feeling that something's just about to take place. I don't know just what it is, but I hope that it's a great revelation from God that'll--will prepare us and make us better citizens of His Kingdom while we're walking in this dark world of sin and unbelief. This ground tonight, this very spot holds a great thing for me. Since I knew that they built this school auditorium here, I have wanted to have a service in this place. I'm very grateful to the school board and to those who graciously let us have it. It was upon this spot, right about somewhere where this building stands tonight, that a great thing took place some thirty years ago, right on this same ground. It was nothing but a broomsage field at that time. And I lived in a little house just beyond here, about two hundred yards. I was very concerned in those days about the salvation of my father and mother, which both are gone on tonight. And especially in that day I was concerned about my father. I remember, I was sleeping on the porch. It was warm, summertime. This is written I believe in the little book called, Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever, or either it was in the little book called, "I Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision." 14 And laying on the porch, I suddenly was awakened, and a burden come on my heart for my father. As many of you people here of the city knew my father, I think he was a great man, though he was a sinner, and... But he had a bad habit that I tried to fight against that thing as hard as I could through the age; that's drinking. That night he was drinking. And I woke up with a great burden on my heart for him. And just with my pajamas on, slipped on my trousers, my pajama shirt left on; I wandered out through this broomsage field to just about where this stands now. And I knelt down to pray for my father. And while I was praying and asking God to save him and not to--to let him die a sinner, that I loved him... And while I was in prayer, I raised up to look up towards the east from here, and there was a vision. And standing just above me (Many of you knows the vision.) was the Lord Jesus. 16 Now, I'm not allergic to illusions as I know of; but visions are real. And there stood the Lord Jesus, the first time I'd ever saw Him in a vision of that type. He was just about, oh, probably ten feet above my head, standing in mid air with one foot just making a step. He had on a white garment with fringe around the side of it. He had hair down to His shoulders, and He looked to be about--a man about
what the Bible said He was, about thirty, but a small, thin built Fellow, very small. Looked like He wouldn't weigh over a hundred and thirty pounds. And I looked, and I thought there was something that I might've--be wrong. So I--I rubbed my eyes and--and looked up again. And he was standing kinda sideways, kind of a profile of His face. And the looks of His face, which I've always seen in the visions, has been like Hofmann's head of Christ at thirty. That's the reason I have that in my house, on my literature, wherever I can put that, because that's the way it looked, more like that. Only He seemed to be small. 18 And I... As I was looking up at Him, I thought, "Surely I'm not looking at my Lord standing there." And I was kinda in, I'd say, in this position, and maybe right where this--under where this pulpit's at now. Somewhere, it was right in this vicinity within--with the radius of where I'm standing, the best I could measure off, within forty or fifty yards of somewhere around in this district here, this circle. And I looked up, and He was standing there. And I bit my finger to see if I was asleep. You know how you... Just seems like it couldn't be so. And I was just young in the Lord then, about six months I'd been preaching. I bit my finger. I took a broomsage and broke it off. And many of you people who live in the country, you know what that little toothpick like is in the broomsage. I begin to chew on that. And I said, "It--it can't be. I'm a-dreaming. There's my home. There's father, mother, and the children there. And there's the old brick house pond that used to stand down here, where I used to hunt ducks just about two hundred yards beyond this. And here I am standing in the field; it's got to be so." 20 I kicked against the ground, stomped my feet a little bit, and shook my head and--and rung my hands, looked up again, looked away, looked again; and there He was standing there. And the wind started to blow, and I seen the broomsage blowing. And when it started blowing, His garments blew with it. Like the clothes hanging on a line, they begin to--to flip. He was standing there. I looked at it. And I thought, "If I could just get a look at His face." And He was watching east, right this a-way. He was watching intensely. And I moved to step around to get a close look at His face, and I still couldn't see Him very well. He had His hands in front of Him, rather hid from where I was standing. I moved around again, and I cleared my throat something like this; I went [Brother Branham demonstrates--Ed.] to see if I could attract His attention. But He never moved. 23 Then I thought, "Maybe I'll call Him." When I said, "Jesus," He turned His head; and when He looked at me, He just raised His arms out. That's all I remember for about a... Nearly daylight I was laying right out here somewhere where this place is now in the field, my pajama shirt all wet with tears where I'd been crying, and I had passed out. His face had characters that no artist could--could draw or paint. They could not do it. He looked like a Man that if you would look at Him, you'd want to cry with sympathy and respect with reverence, and yet with enough power that He would speak it would turn the world over. And the characters could never be caught by an artist. And I never knowed to this day what that meant. But here I am tonight after thirty years, standing in an auditorium that's dedicated now to the service of Almighty God. And me just a--a lay member, really just a--a local elder in the--in the Baptist church here, of which Roy Davis was pastor at the time. And I am now standing here with the place crowded, right over the same grounds with the--to what I think, is the purchase of the Blood of Jesus Christ Himself in my hands to bring this four days' message of the Lord. 25 Just about six months after that I had my first baptism down here on the river when the Light came down right here at Spring Street. Many of you people might want to go down and take a look at it, at Spring Street and Water, right at the river front. And there's where the Angel of the Lord appeared in
public first, and--at two o'clock one afternoon. And a Voice came from it, said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the second coming." This is thirty years later, and here I am still tonight proclaiming that Message. And around the world it's went, and I'm glad to be back in my hometown tonight to represent this Lord Jesus Christ that I still love with all my heart. Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. I've never changed one iota in my doctrine. The first thing I started with, I still believe the same thing tonight. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. 27 Now, I have a Message that I'm responsible for. When the Message first started out, it was of course... Everybody was praying for the sick, great signs, wonders, and miracles, that started especially in the Pentecostal people, a universal revival of a healing campaigns that swept the world. For fifteen solid years there's been revivals on every hill there is, I suppose. Revival fires are burning. Literally millions have accepted Christ as their Saviour by that one commission. That inspired from there to Oral Roberts, and so forth, and on and on as it's went around, after the Pentecostal church was laying in its dead slump as it was then. My intentions and desire tonight is to awaken that church again to the coming of the Lord Jesus at hand. I have to rebuke it. I have to rebuke sin in whatever manner it is. I don't mean it to anybody's denomination. I have a Message. 29 Now, its hard to get in a church for a sponsorship just as it was with our Lord Jesus, 'cause it's Him; it isn't me. But as He preached at the first, and healed the sick, raised the dead, and cleansed the lepers, and cast out devils, everybody wanted Him. But there come a time where there's a Message that always follows every sign, because the sign has a voice. But when He set down one day, and said, "I and My Father are One." that was more than they could stand. It was also when He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." How... Why, doctors and well-thinking people would've said, "This man's a human vampire, trying to get you to eat his flesh and drink his blood." He never explained it; He just said it. And tonight you might hear things and through the meeting that's just said; we might not be able to explain, but remember, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We believe it. 33 Now, we don't have time to talk too much, because we've got certain times to start here and certain times to get out. And we want to honor the school board which set these times for us. And we'll do all we can to honor them. Remember, at any time a sinner wants to come to Christ, all you have to do is walk right up whether I'm preaching, singing, whatever it is, and give your life to Christ right then and stand in your seat. That's what we are here for, to help you. 35 I want to talk to Brother Vayle, Brother Borders, and the brethren here. If... I wonder if they couldn't have in the church in the afternoon, or some morning, or something, instruction service for those who are seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost? Would that be all right, you brethren, Brother Neville and all of you could get there, Brother Capps? If anybody wants to be instructed in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, why don't you come to the Tabernacle. [Brother Branham inquires about a time--Ed.] What would be best, morning or afternoon? Morning about ten o'clock? About ten o'clock of a morning. 37 If you got a question on the doctrine, if you got a question on the Message, if you--if you want to be... If you've never gotten ministered to personally, you want to be prayed for, or anything that you want to know in that manner, why don't you just slip down there at ten o'clock in the morning and see these men. They'll be one or more of them there to instruct, to pray for the sick, to answer questions just as a personal man would... You--you just go to them and they'll be glad to help you in any way they can.
Now, just before we approach the Word, we want to approach the Author of the Word again. You might eat too much; you might drink too much; you might laugh too much; you might walk too much; but you'll never pray too much. "I would that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without doubt or wrath." Let us pray. 39 Dear Jesus, Author of the Word of Life, and You are that Word, we solemnly now approach Thee after the explaining of the vision that, God, You bear me record that that is true. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll anoint the words tonight to the hearing of every ear that's under the Divine sound. And if there be some here or listening in out across the nation, if they are not ready and prepared at this hour to meet the challenge of the hour, the Message from God to repent and to be ready; for the Kingdom of God is nearing, we pray that it'll be so tonight with them, that they will meet this hour's challenge. O God, I would pray for a help, knowing the responsibility and what it means and what I must answer at the day of the judgment for all that I say here and elsewhere. Help me to be deadly sincerely, Lord, with all that I do or say in Thy Word, that it might bring forth fruit. For as Your commission was, "Let not this Word depart from thy mouth, but meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all that's written in the law. And then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. Have not I commanded thee; be strong and very courageous, for the Lord thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest." Lord Jesus, make it so tonight. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen. 41 Friday and Saturday from ten to twelve at the tabernacle at 8th and Penn Street will be instructions, answers to doctrine, prayers for the sick, and whatmore. Come right down if you have any question, anything you need. There'll be men there to--to handle it. The Lord bless you. Now, for this opening service tonight, I can't do nothing but open it straight to our message. That's what we're here for. And now, it's what I come back for. And Sunday morning, the Lord willing, I want to meet that great challenge of the day, about "Marriage and Divorce." 43 Now, in Galatians 4:27, I wish to read these words, 4:27 to 31 inclusive. For it is written, Rejoice, thou bearing that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate has many more children than she which has a husband Now, we, brethren, as Isaac, was are the children of promise. But as then he that was borned after the flesh persecuted him that was borned after the Spirit, even so is it now. Neverless what saith the Scripture? Cast out the bondswoman and her son: for the son of the bondswoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondswoman, but of the free. 44 The Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. Now, I believe here that I take a text like this, very odd, unusual. But sometimes we find God in those odd, unusual hours, unusual ways, unusual things. Because God is unusual, and those that really serve Him from their heart, serve Him in a unusual way to the things or the ways of the world. This text is called "The Seed Is Not Heir With the Shuck." Paul here is speaking of the literal seed of Abraham's two sons. Paul gladly is bringing himself into position of the birth by the freewoman. 46 Now, we know that Abraham had two sons by two different women. God gave him a promise by Sarah--through Sarah, rather, that there would be a Son born, and through this Son the world would be blessed. All nations would be blessed of this Son. And it's commonly believed, especially amongst the Jews that this was Isaac, but it wasn't. This promised Son of Abraham is Jesus, and He is of the Royal Seed promise of Abraham.
47 But Abraham having two sons, one by--by Hagar, which was his wife's maid, a lovely, pretty, Egyptian maid that Abraham had picked up down in Egypt for her--to be her--his wife's maid. And Sarah, thinking that God would not be able to keep all of His promise true, she told Abraham to take Hagar her maid and to marry her (which polygamy was legal in those days) and to bring the child, and that's the way God had it planned, that she was to have the child only through Hagar... But we find out that that wasn't so. 48 Now, we understand also that God is perfected in three. Now, God is perfected in three. Grace is five. Seven is completion, like the world. God is perfected in Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That's the perfection of the Godhead: all one God in three manifestations of three attributes of one office--or three offices in the one Godhead. Now, there is also three in perfection of the steps of grace to the church: justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost. That consists of the new birth. Just like a natural birth is typed by it. Which a woman giving birth to a child, the first thing comes forth is water, blood, then life. The Bible said in I John 5:7--or 7:5, I believe it is--that said, "There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (which was the Son), and the Holy Ghost; these three are One. There are three that bear witness in the earth: the Word--the water, blood, and spirit--water, blood, and spirit; these three agree in one." 50 Now, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are One. You can't have the Father without having the Son; you can't have the Son without having the Holy Ghost. But you can be justified without being sanctified. You can be sanctified without being filled with the Holy Ghost. We proved that in the order of nature. Now, and many of you may be... I may be strange to you. And I--I'm without education, and I'm sure you already understand. But I teach in types, as the natural types the spiritual. Now, we see that there are three in the perfection. God is perfected in three. Now, and that was in the perfection of the seed of Abraham was Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus: Ishmael coming from the bondwoman, Isaac coming from the freewoman, and both of them with sex, but Christ Jesus coming from the virgin, no sex. 53 Here this seed, one, one Seed, not seeds, but one Seed. These others were not seed of Abraham, because Abraham's Seed was his faith Seed that God was speaking of, not his natural seed. Because after Sarah died, Abraham married another woman and had seven sons besides daughters. So it wouldn't be Abraham's seeds; it was Abraham's Seed, one. And that was Abraham's faith Seed, pointing to the Royal Seed that was to come through Abraham's faith, not Abraham's natural life, but Abraham's spiritual life, who took everything contrary to God's Word and called it as though it was not, and believed God, against hope, believed in hope. That's the real Seed that we're speaking of. 54 Here we are presented with a picture though. The seed started, the seed of promise started in a slightly doubted--doubt of the original promise. See how it starts low in doubt in the original promise? God promised Abraham through Sarah to have this child. But now watch, the first seed of Abraham by the bondswoman come by Sarah doubting that this could happen, because she was old and passed the age of bearing. Now, that's how the church starts. That's how it always starts. You start from the bottom. You don't start from the top. A man trying to climb a ladder tries to get on top first, he'll break his neck. You've got to start and build up to that. And here we find the beginning of the promise of God being made manifest through a slightly doubted, interrupted program of God. That's the same way sin begin in the garden of Eden. That's how death started by sin, was when one word of God was misconstrued or doubted. You can't doubt or misplace one word of God that's THUS SAITH THE LORD...?... every Word be so.
57 And here Sarah even to who the promise... Sarah being a woman (which is a type of the church) gave doubt to the original program of God's promised Word, and said, "You, Abraham, my husband, take unto you this beautiful maid, and live with her, and be a husband to her. And God will give this seed of promise through her; and I'll take the child." See? Just bypassing one little iota changed the whole program. Therefore, we've got to take every word of God as THUS SAITH THE LORD. Every word of God is true. 58 Here the seed starts then in a promise slightly doubted. Isaac being the seed of the free and promised woman, brought forth (as Paul was trying to explain here in Galatians) he brought forth the natural, promised seed. And he goes on to say here that the--the bondswoman's children cannot be heir with the freewoman's children, because they are of two different categories. And that is true. The unbeliever cannot be heir with the believer. There's no way at all. That's where the trouble is today. You can't make a denominational chicken believe with a eagle. You just can't do it. There's where the trouble comes. You've got to believe every word of God. You just, you're not heirs together; neither will you--will you join with it. You cannot do it. You've got to be eagle or a chicken. 60 It could not be heir with Ishmael, the seed of the bondswoman of the--because of the doubting. Sarah doubted God's Word, that God was able to keep It. Notice, Abraham... (You see what I'm building on for Sunday morning.) Abraham did not doubt it. Sarah did doubt it. She was the one. It was not Adam that doubted; it was Eve that doubted. So then, we'll find out more about those as we pick it up Sunday morning. Neither can the Spiritual be--the natural be heir with the spiritual. No more can Ishmael's children be heir with the--with the--Isaac's children, and no more than the carnal can be heir with the spiritual. Church natural, church spiritual... There is a church natural that these women here type, and there's a church spiritual also. So the natural church and the spiritual church cannot be heirs together. They're two different, separate times, two different separate people, under two different separate covenants. 63 That's why the rapture is different and will only be for the Royal Seed of Abraham. It cannot come by the natural, carnal seed of the church. It'll have to be the Royal Seed of the Word of God through Abraham, the Royal Seed. That's why the rapture has to be first, 'cause remember, "we which are alive and remain shall not hinder, prevent those which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. We which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them together and meet the Lord in the air." Notice, and again it's written, "And the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years." Therefore, they're--they will not be heirs together; they'll not be in the rapture together. There's absolutely a church natural and church spiritual, a church carnal, a church spiritual. 65 There... See, here is no... There is no judgment to the royal, spiritual, predestinated Seed of Abraham, for they are predestinated to Eternal Life. They have accepted God's provided Sacrifice, and that Sacrifice which is Christ, the Word. "And there is therefore now no condemnation (St. John 5:24, if you want the Scripture)... There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)... walk not after the flesh, but the Spirit." And Romans 5:24, "He that heareth My Word (the word there is 'understandeth.' Any drunkard anything else can hear it and walk away.)... But he that heareth My Word (understands My Word) and believeth on Him that sent Me hath Everlasting Life and shall not come into the judgment, but's passed from death unto Life." Yes, sir. He that this great mystery of the God made known, understand, how that God was in Christ reconciling Himself to the world, how that He and the Father were One, how that the great mysteries of the fulfilling of God taking and bringing Hisself, manifested in the age of human beings, and in the strain of human beings, and in the company of human beings, to make His Word
manifested in the day in the eastern rising of the sun and to do the same thing as the sun sets in the west, to make Hisself manifested in a Bride church, the Word made manifest. See? It will to... "He that understandeth (that is, to know), that's been revealed to him of Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life and will not come into the judgment, but's passed from death unto Life." 66 The natural seed was only a carrier of the spiritual the--Seed, like the stalk, tassel, and shuck. We've went through that before at another message, but I'd like to preview it a little here--or go back to it again just for a minute. Now, here there is three stages of the seed, shows us the true picture, the three stages of the natural seed in the earth. Like a seed is planted, brings forth a stalk, little blade shoots from it, then the tassel, then the pollen hangs on that, and then the shuck, and then the seed again. 68 Watch these stages of this perfect parable here and how it worked out exactly in the type, 'cause God is the Author of all nature. Therefore, nature cannot fail no more than God can fail, because He was the One Who set the thing in its condition for--for us to look at and to see. Notice, Hagar the stalk, which was the first beginning of the seed springing up, now, it didn't look anything like the seed. It was the stalk, because she was a bondswoman, not in the promise at all, nothing to do with the Word, just a transporter of the seed. 70 Notice Sarah the tassel, that had the pollen. That Jewish nation raised from her, from--come out of Sarah brought Isaac, through Isaac brought Jacob, Jacob brought the patriarchs, and through the patriarchs brought forth a nation. Mary the virgin, faith, produced the true spiritual Seed Word made flesh. See? The three women, three women that this seed was carried through, one of them was actually an adultery under polygamy. The second was a freewoman, and the third one had no sex affair at all; but by faith she believed the Word of God. Hagar, Sarah... Both Sarah and Hagar was sex, but Mary was virgin by the power of a promised Word of God. That's right. 72 The stalk, Hagar... Two wives doubted the promise, but watch what that brought forth. When Hagar, the second wife of Abraham, which was just a--absolutely a concubine wife... But she brought forth a man. But what kind of a man was he? The Bible said he was a wild man. He lived by his bow and no man would conquer him. He was untameable, unconvertable, unregenerated. He could not be tamed. He was a wild man, because he was of the contrary to God's Word. And anything that's contrary, any preacher, any lay member, any church, that's contrary to God's Word will bring forth a wild adulterous bunch of worldly Hollywood, who cannot stay with the unadulterated Word, because it's not even included in the promise. No. 73 Sarah the true wife of a promise, being the tassel, brought forth a gentle man. In the returns brought forth a promised nation that served God. But Mary by no sex at all, but believed the promised Word when she was a virgin, knowing no man. And the Angel of the Lord met her, said, "Hail, Mary, blessed art thou amongst the women, for God is with thee." And she said, "How will these things be?" He--she said... The Angel said, "The Holy Ghost shall overshadow thee." It'd never been done in all of the ages, but Mary believed God. And she said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She believed the Word. How's she going to have it? She knowed that Hagar had the baby by a sex desire with Abraham, and Sarah had the baby by sex desire with Abraham: children of the promise, the bondswoman and the freewoman; but here she's asked to believe that a contribution to the faith that was in Abraham who believed the impossibles; "As long as God said it was so, that makes it right."... She believed God, never questioned. She said, "Behold, the handsmaid of the Lord. No matter how much criticism I have to bear from the world, be it unto me according Thy Word." There come forth the genuine Seed.
78 Sarah could not do it, because it was sex. That's right. And neither could Sarah, because it was sex; neither can the church under sectarianism; it takes a virgin belief in the Word of God that made the promise to bring forth children. Sectarianism will never bring forth a reborned church. It cannot do it. It'll bring forth a substitutionary something. It'll bring some--forth something that imitates it, something that tries to be like it. But a genuine born again Church of God believes the Word of God in the face of anything regardless of what it is, because it's unadulterated. It's by the promise of God that these things come. 79 Mary the true one said by the--out sex--said, "Be it unto me according to Thy Word. Behold thy handsmaid." And she brought forth... What did she bring forth? Not a wild man, not a nation, but she brought forth the Word, God Himself made manifested in the flesh (Amen.), the true Seed of God that manifested every promise that God made in the Bible. Without Him no man can live-without Him. She was the true seed. She was beyond the... She was the shuck that brought forth the grain. Now, the other two was carriers of life, only as the natural seed. Mary... Now, remember, I said the other two... Now, Mary, don't make her God, as some people tries to make her. She was not a god. No, sir. She was only a carrier of the Seed like the rest of them was. 81 But like faith in the Word brings more to the real image, like as the corn matures, or the wheat... It comes forth a stalk; then it comes forth the pollen; then it comes forth a shuck. But when... You think... That shuck, if you don't watch, it'll look just exactly like the real wheat. But when it's opened up, the real wheat's on the inside. It's only a carrier again. So you see Mary, not through sex, but through faith, something exactly like it... Mary was not that Seed. Mary was a carrier of the Seed. He was the genuine faith Seed, because the Word of God is by faith that He give to Abraham. And only faith can produce what God said He'd do, faith in His Word. 83 Notice, how more like the real thing Mary was, but like the shuck. The shuck hugs this seed in itself, and protects it, and nurtures it, until it's standing alone, mature. So has this third church age of Pentecost matured holding this grain until it's time to open up the shuck. Mary being the mother of Christ, just a incubator... He was no blood of Mary; He was no blood of Jew; He was no blood of Gentile; He was the Blood of God. God created this Blood. It could not be sex. He wasn't Jew nor Gentile. The baby's not one speck of the mother's blood. The blood comes from the father. We know the hemoglobin's in the male. Like a chicken, it can lay an egg, a hen can, but if she hasn't been with the male bird, the rooster, it'll never hatch. It's unfertile, though it looks exactly like a real fertile egg. Every nature of it looks the same, but it hasn't got the life in it. 85 That's the way with people who profess Christ. Many of them look like Christians, try to act like Christians, but you've got to have Christ on the inside of you, which is the Word made manifest, or it'll never mature into a real Bible believing Christian. It'll always be a denominational something. It cannot live, because there's no life in it to live. An egg cannot hatch; it rots right in the nest if it hasn't been with the--with the male bird. Just like members of a church. You can baby them and call them--make them deacons and everything else, but they'll--you have a nest full of rotten eggs unless they've mated with the mate. That's right. 87 Carrier, the shuck, it nurtured it. That's right. Then it, that is, the seed itself has to leave the shuck, or the shuck has to leave the seed to get the seed in the presence of the sun so it can be ripened. All in type we see. See here now how close she, the church of this last days gets to look like the Seed Itself. Look how this denomination of Pentecost that's raised up in the last days--and we'll explain it little later on (See?), how they come so close to looking just exactly like the Seed. When a
shuck comes forth out of a grain of wheat--or a blade of wheat, after the pollen has fallen in there in the second stage and produced the third stage, which is the--the--the shuck... And how that that, if you are not a real close observer, you'll never be able to tell but what that's the real grain of wheat in there. When that first little grain comes forth, look like a grain. But you set down and open it up, and you'll find out there's no grain there at all. It's only a shuck, a carrier of the grain. Now, the grain comes forth from that. But remember, there is no more after that shuck. Remember, there was no more Seed promised through a woman anywhere after Mary. And there's no more denominations promised after Pentecost. It's the rapturing Bride coming forth from there, the seed, the Word made manifest again. 89 Notice, see how close it looks. Matthew said--St. Matthew 24:24, said that the two spirits in the last days, the church spirit of the church people and the Bride Spirit of the Bride people, would be so close together till it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. That's how close. Look how it's come through the stalk. Now, notice, we're going to type something here. Luther in the church age a-bringing forth the Bride Seed was the same in spirit. Just one little grain of seed Luther stood out on; that was justification by faith. He was a very type of Hagar, the stalk. Notice, Wesley was type of Sarah, the Philadelphian, the age of love, that brought forth the tassel that... In Wesley's age there's more missionaries than any other age we've had. The great missionary age of John Wesley's time... But Pentecost represented Mary, Mary, the last stage of it. Now, she was not the Seed, yet the life of the Seed was in her. But it hadn't matured yet. I feel very religious. It hadn't matured yet. It was there, but it wasn't matured. So is it with our Pentecostal age that we're living in. There's got to come forth a--a Word of God that's inter--undenominational, outside of the realms of that denomination. 92 Luther went to husk with his first word, "the just shall live by faith." Wesley had two words, sanctification: second, definite work of grace. Pentecost had the third word: the restoration of the gifts. But the entire seed has to come forth. See how they denominated on one word, and another word, and another word. But there's got to be something cannot be denominated. It's the entirety of the life that's in there has to produce itself again for a Bride. There cannot be any more church ages after this. We're at the end, brothers and sisters. We're here; we've arrived. Thanks be to God. Amen. 93 Now, we see these things are just as true as they can be. Still we notice then, if her being the tassel, or Wesley being the tassel, Pentecost then, being the shuck, which is the next stage of the coming forth of the grain... But, brother, sister, the stalk is not the grain; neither is the tassel the grain; neither is the shuck the grain, though each time it matures it looks more like the grain. The stalk don't look like the grain. Then what comes forth? The tassel, a little bulb. It looks a--more like the grain than the--than the blade does. What comes forth next? The shuck. It holds the grain; it nurtures the grain. Now, looky back there at the promise God made to Abraham of, "thy Seed..." speaking spiritually. Any of us know that. He was speaking of Christ, not Isaac; through his faith Seed. 96 Notice, the first was by a bondswoman. Didn't look anything like the promise. God don't have to take back His Word for nobody. God said how it would come, and that's the way it'll come. But Sarah being a representative of the church, type of the church, it--she found out there, that... She said, "Well, I believe it's a little too phenomena. I just can't even believe in that, so you go get Hagar, and you take her for a wife." See there? That stalk didn't look like the promise at all, but when Sarah came forth, now, that looked pretty good. It looks a whole lot more like the promise there, but still it wasn't the genuine promise, because Israel in Isaac failed and denied the genuine Seed when It come on (Hallelujah. Don't get excited; don't run. That won't hurt you.), denied the Seed, crucified Him, and hung Him on the cross.
97 Just like Paul said here, "Did not the--the seed of the--of the freewoman or the bondswoman persecute the seed of the freewoman? And so does the seed of the denomination persecute the genuine grain. It's always got to be that way. They'll not be heirs together. They're not associated together. They're absolutely two different promises, two different times, two different peoples altogether. One's a Bride and other one's a church. No comparison at all with them. But still they are not the seed that's promised to come. Neither was Sarah; neither was--and neither was Hagar. Neither Sarah was or--or neither Mary was the Seed. Mary was not the Seed. She was a carrier of the Seed. But she had nurtured, brought forth out of her womb, just like the shuck brought from it's womb the real Seed. But the shuck is not the Seed. It only... It's closer to the seed. It's hugged up around the seed. Way back up in the stalk, the life is scattered all through the stalk. And when it comes to the pollen, it's gathered down closer. But when it comes to the shuck, it's right down there like the seed, and forms it almost like the seed. Jesus told us what would be in the last days: be so close it would deceive the very elected if possible. But then the seed comes forth from there. And the shuck, the life leaves the shuck. And the shuck is a carrier. And that's just exactly what our denominations has been, a carrier. Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals, and now it's time for the seed to come forth. 99 Notice it; notice, just... She was not the Seed; Mary was not, just a shuck, tassel, and stalk, carriers of part of the Word, not all the Word. Luther had justification. Wesley had sanctification. Pentecostals had the restoration of the gifts. But when the Word come... Now, they could produce that, that justification will save a man. You believe that? Sure. It's a carrier of the Word, the same as I believe the stalk is part of the wheat. Sure it is. But it's a carrier. It ain't the life. Then along come sanctification. How many believes in sanctification? You believe the Bible you have to. Sure. So still that's not... It's a little more like... That's two more words. But then come the Pentecost, the restoration of the gifts. Speaking in tongues, they call it the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues. There they call that the initial evidence, which brought forth the what? The shuck. But they denominated. But when you come to say, "I and My Father are One," and these other things, then the shuck pulls away from it. But the real genuine Bride church will bring forth the entire Word of God in Its fulness in the midst...?... for He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. 100 Notice, in the wombs of Mary was the Seed. But when the Seed was delivered, It said, "I come to do the will of Him that sent Me. I and My Father are One. If I do not His works, believe Me not." There was the Seed. "Which one of you can condemn Me of unbelief? What the Bible's promised I'd do, I done it. God has verified that through Me." He said. "Who can tell Me now?" See? But the--the Seed in Mary, the shuck, it was close to being that, but it wasn't. It was still in the womb. Notice. And in the Pentecostal age, through the Lutheran age, through the Wesleyan age, it's been the same thing through this Pentecostal age. Now, notice, but at the opening of the Seven Seals, Revelations 10, the full Word is to be borned into manifestation again and vindicated by the Spirit of God in the full strength, as It was when It was here on earth, manifested in the same way, doing the same things that It did when It was here on earth. Amen. Hebrews 13:8 said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In St. Luke 17:30 Jesus said, "In the last days, as it was in the days of Sodom when the Son of man will be revealing Himself again, it'll be the same thing." 102 The world's in a Sodom condition, and the church has went into Sodom with it like Lot and his wife. And I say that there is a elected church somewhere in this world that's pulled out and set aside from those things. And the manifestation of God has attracted its attention. We're at the last days. The shuck has give forth its strength into the seed; it's went on out. It was a good shuck, but it served its time. See, it is the Word Bride of the Word Groom. The natural seed of Abraham, of Isaac, and Jacob and-or natural seed, rather, of Ishmael, natural seed of Isaac, and so forth, had to go into the ground in order to--to bring out this other, bring out Jesus. And so has all these others. The seeds has to dry--
and I mean, the shucks has to dry, and the pollen has to dry, and everything dies so the seed can produce itself. 105 That's the way it's been in every age, denominations has been the carriers of part of it. Part of that is the Word, for it has been hid from the wise reformers or the--sealed away from them until the age of the eagle's appear. The Bible said so. Yes, sir. 'Cause we're promised that in Malachi 4. Exactly, we are. He's hid it from the eyes of the wise and prudent. And as we've just went through the Book of the Revelation, we find out that every--all three of those messengers, or those beasts that went forth, each one suited Luther just right. Each one seeded the other one just right, which is the ox and the different animals of the Bible. It went forth to justification, sanctification, even into the Pentecostals; but the fourth was an eagle. That's right, and through that age God raised it up. So it'd have to come through that age to be correct. Yes, sir, the eagle promise being fulfilled of--of Malachi 4... Jesus was not of Mary, but came through Mary, like the life through the shuck. 108 Now, many of you fine Catholic brothers here or sisters tonight maybe think that Mary was mother of God, as you say she was. How could she be the mother of God, and God had no beginning and no end? Huh? Who was the Father of God then if she was the mother? See? He was her Creator, and she was not His creator. He created Himself in the womb of Mary, not her own creation. It was... He created Himself. He was not of her, but she was of Him. That's right. The Bible teaches us that all things were made by Him. And not nothing was made but what was made by Him. So how could He... How'd He have a mother, when He was God Himself? 109 Now, we see here the true revelation of the true type. There's three women carriers of the natural seed until the matured into Jesus. How... Ishmael could not be, because be was born really-in what we'd think today: out of wedlock, because he was a bondswoman's son. Then come a little more like Him, like Jesus, which come out Isaac. But it still wasn't, because it was borned of the sex between Sarah and Abraham. But then along came Mary, by the virgin birth produced Jesus Christ (That's right.), God, the Word made flesh. Now, look, there was three women. There's three women typed here, churches (The women always types churches.) means three denominational ages, carriers, which also must die and dry up, just like the shuck and so forth does, to give room for the seed. The seed cannot get ripe--cannot get ripe, rather, until the shuck, stalk, and leaves are all dry. That's right. It saps every bit of the life in them out. Amen. All it was is that plus. Cannot do it... 111 Now, it's seed time or Bride time. The shucks are dead. The shucks are dried up. The virgin Word time, not touched... It's a virgin. Remember, a virgin Word time. If you put it in the hands of a denomination, it sure won't be virgin. It'll be man-handled time you get to it. But God's church is not touched by denomination (Hallelujah.); It's a virgin born Word of God made manifest: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah. How--how wonderful. I love it. I believe it. I know that it's the Truth. It'll not be touched. There'll be no denominational man-handling in the virgin birth of the Bride. No, sir. She's--she's commanded by God to come out of such. "Touch not their unclean things..." become vultures. 112 Just reminds me. As I was coming from Phoenix the other day, coming to Tucson from the meeting, the Spirit of God called my attention to something (as wife and I were going along talking, and the children was asleep in the back of the car, getting late), called my attention to a hawk. And I watched that hawk a little bit and studied him. He's a very type of the church today. Now, the hawk, as we all know, has lost his identification of his original creation. That's exactly right. Once he was similar to an eagle, his greater brother, a hawk was. But now he doesn't fly in the skies no more to hunt his heavenly manna, but he has gotten soft. He don't fly in the skies anymore; he
hops on the ground like a vulture, sets upon a telephone post, hops along hunting for dead rabbits. The hawk wasn't made to do that. No, he was made to be a similar to an eagle. Now, that's just like the church. It was made similar to the eagle. It should take the place in the heavenlies. But instead of that, it's got soft. It don't fly into the unknown no more, into the blue. No, sir. It's depending on it's modern ways of adoption, of education, and theology of some manmade denomination, looking for a bunch of dead rabbits half rotten that something else has (That's right.)... hopping along on the ground. That's right. A hawk... See that's what tells. The eagle hasn't changed a bit. He stays a eagle. 114 He doesn't soar into the skies, a hawk doesn't any more, to catch his fresh manna up there, but he depends on what he can find already dead. A hawk don't know how to--ain't supposed to get on the ground. But watch an old hawk today. Go down along the road; you see the telephone wires setting full of hawks, see if he can find something--something's killed, some rotten something. He's got so he hasn't got wings enough to fly. He's... The first thing you know he'll be on the ground altogether, grounded because he's got soft. He don't use his strength no more that God's give him. His special identification was to sail into the skies and watch down from below. But now, he gets down below and can't even look up. He's got his mind on dead rabbits to find out what he can find on the road, some skunk, opossum, or something somebody's run over. He's not an eagle, but he's something like it. Just like the church depending on its food for education and so forth, a dead diet that died years ago through Luther, and Wesley, and the Pentecostals, and gone on in the age. It's looking back for some manmade creed, instead of flying up in the heavenlies of the Word where all things are possible to them that believe. 116 He's took up the habits of the buzzard. Them dead things was left for the vultures, the world. Educations and so forth like that was left for the world, not for the church. He's so soft he don't... He ain't rugged no more. He can't get up into the rugged heavenlies where all things are possible to them that believe. He sets back and said, "Well, Doctor So-and-so said certain... My denomination don't believe it that way." Oh, you perverted hawk, afraid to break out upon the promises of God. You say, "Well, the days of miracles is passed." You're soft. You're scared to take your wings and fly yonder, and have you come too soft for a prayer meeting? Have you come to a place that you're scared to stay over ten minutes at the altar? Hop along like a vulture eating dead a-carrion on the ground. Yes, sir. 118 He's too soft to take the rugged beyonds anymore. Hops like a vulture, and eats vulture's food (That's what it is. That's right.), until he's begin to look like a vulture. He acts like a vulture; He ain't no more a hawk than nothing. He's more like a vulture than he is a hawk. A hawk's supposed to sail, not set on a telephone pole and watch for a dead rabbit, and then get down there and pop up and down the road like a vulture. See? That's just about the way the church has today. "What's the use of going up there and sailing around when I can get rabbits here?" But they're dead; they're rotten; they're contaminated. One time they were good. So was the doctrine of the Lutheran, Wesley, and the Pentecostals. Why you eat like a vulture? There was new manna fell every night out of the heavenlies for the children of Israel as they journeyed. Anything left over was contaminated. We used to say in the country, "got wiggletails in it." There's too many of them wiggletails in our experiences today. Our religion's depending on what somebody else said, what somebody else said, and, "The promise is for some other age." 120 Man come to me not long ago, a Baptist preacher, up there in my house, and said, "You know," said, "I--I just want to correct you on something." I said,"What?" Said, "You're trying to teach an apostolic doctrine over in this age," said; "the apostolic age ceased." I said, "When? (See?) I'll tell you when it begin, and you tell me when it ceased." I said, "You believe the Word?"
He said, "I do." I said, "All right. Now, on the day of Pentecost, you believe that's when the apostolic age started?" He said, "I do." I said, "Then the speaker, apostle Peter, said these words... And remember, Jesus said, 'whosoever shall take one word out of This or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life.' That's a preacher or somebody that's got their name on the Book." I said, "Peter said, 'Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is to you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' When did it go out then? It's always been in." It's a bunch of hawks that's turned out to be buzzards and hopping around on some other dead carcass some other age killed for them (That's right.) not fresh manna from the heavens anymore. 124 They don't want It today. They can't have a prayer meeting. Not eagles to begin with, soft, not rugged, just hops around. So is our modern denomination depended on education to some manmade theology to explain all these things away. And they accept that. They won't take the Word that said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He won't take Malachi 4. And he won't take all these other promises pertaining to this day, and said how the church age--how the prophet said, "It shall be Light in the evening time." They don't take this; they want to hop around on what some Pentecostal organization killed a hundred years ago, eating on half rotten manna. That's right. It's no good. 125 Notice, church is so carnal, feeds itself on worldly a-carrion, dead things of the world, just like the vulture does. Church politics, they don't let the Holy Ghost send a man to a church; they have to have a politics and see if the denomination's going to receive him or not. That's right. They like the world. They dress like the world. They look like the world. They act like the world. They're vultures like the world. They're lazy, soft, compromisers. That's all there is to it. Did you ever see a eagle compromise? No, sir. There's no compromising in him. Neither does a genuine Christian. He ain't soft. He'll hunt till he finds it. Amen. Yes, sir. He'll find his meat. He wants fresh manna. He'll get down there an dig till he finds it. He'll fly higher and higher. If it's not in this valley, he'll raise a little higher. The higher you go, the more you can see. So it's time for the eagles of this day to get to flying higher; dig into God's promises, not live on vulture food that's been killed years ago. Get out of it. 126 Politics, voting in, voting out, saying this, that, or the other. And the Holy Spirit has no more right-of-way in the church than nothing. No more prayer meetings, no more agonizing with God to fulfill His Word. No more believing that the Word is still the same yesterday, today, and forever, they just vulturize down, got a denomination, put their name on the book, got lazy and soft, and sets back there gloating on some kind of dead a-carrion. And then supposed to be at least a hawk that's a similar brother to the eagle, the prophet that brought the true Word and manifested it. Relies on half rotten, manmade theology. Where does he get it at? In some manmade Sunday school program sheet some educator killed for him back in some seminary, tell him that, "The days of miracles is passed; there was no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost; all this is nonsense." You mean to tell me that an eagle would eat that? He couldn't do it. No, sir. Neither will a Christian eat on that dead a-carrion from old denominational doctrines and things. They want the Word of God fresh, the promise of the hour. God promised rabbits in the days of Luther. He promised other things in the days of others. But now He's promised us a full square meal, the full seven course menu, for all the Seven Seals are opened and everything is ready for the Word of God, for those who can receive... 129 Hawks hopping like buzzards (Oh, my.), think of it, how critical what--how the hour is. Just as the hawk has long lost his identification as a hawk, so has the church long lost her identification as a lesser bird brother of the eagle, God's prophets. Once a carrier of a true word, justification, then it become a carrier of sanctification, then it become a carrier of the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
restoration of the gifts. But then when it goes on and keeps going back try to eat something, manna from another day, it's rotten. It's no good. A genuine eagle of this day knows that was all right, but we got that plus until Jesus Christ is made manifest in the fullness of His power as He promised to be in this last day. 130 She is now a dry shuck. It's passed. The Spirit of God passed through her. It's true. And will not-she will not be heir with the a-vindicated seed Word. She sure will not be. She'll not be in the rapture. She'll be a church member, may come up in the second resurrection, be judged according to what's she's heard. If you're here tonight and just a church member, what's your judgment going to be when we all have to stand there and witness you heard the Truth? See? She no more flies into the blue, into the unknown, unto the supernatural where the powers, and heights in the promises of God's eternal Word has made possible all things to them that believe. She won't believe that. She says... She falls right back on the telephone wire and says, "My denomination says the rabbits is all right." Though they got maggots in them, but yet they're all right. See? She depends on that. Pentecost is like her denominational vulture sister setting now in large council seats of the ungodly (certainly.), listening to her worldly politics head, feeding her on vulture food of dead rabbits of something that passed by fifty years ago. That's the condition of the Pentecostal church. Oh, my. 132 Just as Sarah tried to bring the promise of the supernatural by, by hand-picked Hagar, so has the church trying to bring a revival, our great evangelists, across the countries today, "A revival in our time, a revival in our time. All you Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, all get together." How can you have a revival of fresh manna on an old dead vulture? How can you have it? "Revival in our time." The revival would be so small, they'd never know it ever happening. Pentecostals said, "Oh, there's going to be a great thing happen." It's happening, and they don't know it. That's it. See? Yes, sir. "For where the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered, as sure as the world. That's what it said. What is the carcass? The Word. He is the Word, the Carcass, Christ, Christ in you, the same yesterday, today, and forever. 134 How true it is, Sarah trying to get the promises all fulfilled (You see?), in a great--like the church today, a great revival in our time by what? By a perverted promise. How are you going to do it when God never did bless organizations. He never did use an organization. When a message went forth, and they organized, it died right there. I challenge any historian to show me where it ever raised again. It died right there and stayed right there. God just moved right on out of that carrier into another one, right on out of the Lutheran into the Methodist, right on out of the Methodist into the Pentecostals. Now, He's moved right on out of the Pentecostals into the Seed, because it has to be the Seed. You can't beat nature. There's no nothing else there for it to happen but the Seed. So the Seed will produce Itself, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, the same Pillar of Fire, showing the same signs, the same power, the same God, the same miracles, the same things. Vindicated the Word and the Bible just exactly, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's leading tonight. God help us to see it and believe it. Sure. 136 See, Sarah, the church, hand-picked Hagar? It didn't work did it? No. Her hand-picked group won't work today either. Doctors, and Ph.D.'s, and L.L.D.'s don't do it. All the carriers fail. Luther failed it; Hagar did. What did Hagar do? Hagar gave her son to another woman's bosom (That's right?) to raise her child. Hagar did that, gave her son, her only son, to another woman's bosom, not its mother, to raise it. That's the same thing Luther did, when he gave his son justification over to a denomination to fool with (That's exactly.), to raise him up. 137 Wesley failed the same way as Sarah did, doubting the supernatural birth being the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as Sarah did at the oak tree. When Wesley was introduced to the supernatural...
When the Pentecostal age come on and Wesley was introduced to speaking in tongues, all this, they laughed and made fun of it. All you Church of Christ, and you (so-called), you Baptists, and Presbyterians, every one of you turned your nose up on it and went away from it. That's right. What'd you do, Wesley? You sold your child to an organization, and it died and perished. That's exactly right. But the Word, the true Word went right on. It didn't stay in that organization. It moved right on into Pentecost and took some more with it. It was a more matured son, like the seed that fell into the womb. And after while it started in the backbone, then it had lungs, and had head and feet, and after while it come to a place that it was born. That's right. So that's how the church has matured, the same way. 139 Wesley doubted just exactly like Sarah did at the tree. She said... When the Angel of the Lord, a Man dressed like a--a Angel... God, it was Himself, Elohim, dressed like a man, stood there with dust on His clothes and said that He'd and give the promise, after Sarah was ninety years old and Abraham a hundred. And Sarah laughed up her sleeve, and said, "How could this be when Abraham and I haven't had, well, we haven't been as young people--family relationship--maybe for twenty years." She was nearly a hundred years old. Said, "Me, have pleasure with my lord, me old and him old too? And his stream of life is dead, and my womb's dried up. My breast is gone; the milk veins are gone. How could I have it?" God said, "I promised it. He's coming anyhow." So did Wesley. "How can we accept them speaking in tongues, and Divine healing, and stuff. It's not for us in this day." 142 God said, "I promised in the last days that I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh." He promised to do it, and He went on and done it anyhow. And the Wesleyan church with the--all of its little pollen sisters of Baptists, Presbyterians, and Church of Christ, and Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, and United Brethren, and what for, died right with it, and the church moved on. Now, what did Pentecost do? Organized it just like the shuck. It done the same thing. It organized itself together, set itself in as the shuck. That's right. 143 Pentecost was as Mary. Pentecostal feast, look what Mary did. What did Mary do wrong? At a Pentecostal feast one time she was faced with a bunch of dignitaries, priests when her Son... She couldn't find Him anywhere. And she went back three day's journey she'd left Him, like the modern church today, about three times five or twenty-five has the church left--about fifty years ago or seventy-five. Left Him at the Pentecostal feast... Mary went back up with Joseph three days looking for Him. She'd been looking for Him, couldn't find. She found Him. What did she find? She found Him in the temple discussing the Word of God with the priests. And right in the front of those priests, those dignified, Mary let the curtain drop. She did exactly the thing she should not have done. Call her God, the mother of God? A mother ought to have more wisdom than her son. And she said, "Your father and I have sought You with tears for day and night. Your father and I..." claiming that the birth wasn't supernatural, that Joseph was the father of Jesus. She denied the supernatural birth. Pentecost took speaking in tongues. They denied the birth of the Word. That's exactly what it did. They'll take so much of it, but won't take the rest of it. It denied the birth of the Word just like Mary did. 145 But watch, there will not be any more organizations after this. Watch. The Word Itself, yet twelve years old, just a little bitty thing back in the shuck, He said, "Don't you know I must be about My Father's business?" The Word corrected the church right there. "What are you doing all these things for? You know you can't do this. We'll close up our doors. We won't let you come any more." "Know ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" Sure, sure, the true supernatural charm... She just claimed Him to be Joseph's son, a mere man, or what Pentecost did, just claimed Him to be one of three (Whew, I know that hurt.), one of three, but He was all three in one. But the Pentecostal, "Oh, yes, He is the Son of the Father of the Holy Ghost..." Oh, my. But the real true
Word speaks right out and said they're not three of them; there's one of them. Amen. Ye know not the Word of God. Make, not three of them, but one... 149 Notice, there will be no more carrier, mother churches, denominations, after this carrier shuck, because after the shuck there's no more... There's nothing left but them and just the grain. Is that right? Got to be the grain. It's got to be the same kind that went into the ground: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. A Spirit come upon the Bride to do the same things that He did. See, it's the reproducing again of the grain. The Word, yet young, spake for Itself. "And know not that I must be about My Father's business?" There's the secret of the Message now. Just exactly, the Father's business. What is the Father's business? Could you think of what the Father's business was to Him? To fulfill what Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." Fulfill what Isaiah said again, "The lame shall leap like a hart," and all these thing that'd take place; like Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet among you liken unto me." It was the Father's business to fulfill that Word. Well, if that come down through them stalks of them natural women, what about these stalks of these spiritual church women? Churches means women--women means churches, rather. Is that right? Then what is it now? "We must be about the Father's business," the wheat would cry back, the grain. Yes, sir. What must it do? Vindicate Malachi 4; vindicate Luke 17:30; vindicate Hebrews 13:8; vindicate St. John 14:12; vindicate all of His Word: vindicate Hebrews--I mean, Revelation the 10th chapter, of the opening of the Seven Seals; and the mysteries of God, even to serpent's seed, and all would be manifested: Marriage and divorce and all these other mysteries that's been hid under the pillars from all these years from the theologians and so forth, but it's now the hour. That's the Father's business. Think they would receive it? They want to be dignified and say, "Our denomination don't teach us that." But the Bible does. That's right. God vindicates it to be true. Sure it is. 153 Fulfilling this age when the Seven Seals are just proving the denominations has just been carriers. That's another one of the Father's business. To prove... And the Father's business now is to show you them denominations is not His. They're a manmade systems that deny the Word. That's right. Notice. You say, "Why, Mary the--the great virgin?" At the cross He never called her, "mother"; He called her, "woman," carrier, not mother then. True, she was the carrier of the Word, but she was not the Word. He was the Word. Oh, yes. Notice also, she was not identified in the resurrection with Him. He died and rose again, 'cause He was the Word. She was just a carrier. She died and is still in the grave. That's right. So she was just a carrier, not His mother, not God. She was just a carrier like the churches are. That's right. Shows she was just a carrier, not the Word. 156 Let's close by saying this. Oh, Pentecostal hawks, hopping around like vultures, partaking of the world just like the rest of them does, having a form of godliness, enough to deceive the very elected if possible, but denying the power thereof, as says the prophet here, a perfect example of what God's Word said it would be in the last days: a Laodicea church age, naked, blind, miserable, poor, wretched, and don't know it, claiming that she's big and wealthy, has need of nothing, and don't know that she's changed from a hawk, a similar brother to a prophet to keep the Word of God straight; she's turned to a vulture and feeding her people on dead ecclesiastical rabbits. That's exactly right. Wake up. My, how do you expect to be identified--or heirs with the eagles when such things as that in this great hour when the rapture is at hand. 157 Oh, Christian, oh, believer, if you've been a partial believer, keep on attending the meetings for just a little while, will you? We got something here I believe the Lord wants you to know. It's late; I
can't go any farther. I got to close, and maybe finish tomorrow night. But look, let us bow our heads just a moment. I don't want you to notice what grammar I use, but I want you to take heed just a minute to what I said. It's plain enough you could understand it, I'm sure, if you desire to. If you're here tonight, and you're without this experience... I don't say... You say, "I've danced in the Spirit, jumped all around." Yeah, hawks do the same thing. It's like the crows and the vultures. I'm not asking that. What are you eating on? Where do you get your daily diet? Where are you feeding, from the Word of God or some old a-carrion that's been used back yonder years and years ago? Is your experience even tonight with something you've picked up many years ago, or is it fresh and new tonight, new manna that's just fell from heaven and you're feeding your soul on it and looking tomorrow for something good and better? If you're not that way, now with your heads bowed, and your eyes closed, and your hearts bowed, ask yourself this sincere question, and not to me but to God, would you raise your hand in a testimony of saying this? "God, condition my soul and my spirit that I can feed only on the Word of God." Would you just raise your hand, say... God bless you. God bless you. I don't know just exactly how many's in here, there's--tonight. I'm a very poor judge of crowds, but I'd say at least a third or more raised their hands, that they want conditioned souls. Let us remember in prayer now as we bow our heads. 160 Dear God, I'm only responsible for saying the Word. And by these little simple parables, little types, the people see that one's not going to be heir with the other. And we know that in the last days there's going to be people that's going to be raptured up into the heavens. And some of them will be here when Jesus comes. And we're looking for Him to come even tonight. And I'm thinking of thirty, about thirty or thirty-three years ago knelt here maybe at this time of night, along nine-thirty or ten o'clock, praying for a father that was lost... Tonight, Lord, I'm praying for many fathers, many mothers, and brothers, and sisters. Won't You have mercy, dear God? It's too late now for my father to do anything about it; he's passed beyond the boundaries of this life. And soon, Lord, we're all going to pass that way. I too must go that way. Every man and woman, boy or girl in here has to go that way. And we will be accountable for what we do with the Word of God. 162 How little did that man seem in the sight of David when he was spitting upon him. How little will those people think that spit upon Jesus the Word when He returns again, those that pierced Him. How little will the people feel who could walk away from here and see even a--even not only in some great Greek words and so forth, but in plain nature that teaches of God the Creator, can see the carriers of the Word, and see the Word Itself, and know the hour we're living, and harvest time is here. Dear God, let us not turn our back upon it for some folly of the world, but let us tonight receive Him with all of our heart. And, Lord, create in me a good spirit, the Spirit of Life, that I might believe all Thy words and accept Jesus the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and believe today on the portion that's 'lotted to this age. Grant it, Lord. I ask it in Jesus' Name. 164 And now, I'm going to ask each one of you as you're here and thinking of this real sincerely... We don't have a church for you to join. We have a pool down there to be baptized in: "As many as believed was baptized." If you've never been baptized yet by Christian baptism... That don't mean sprinkling, pouring; that means by immersing, not in a title of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, but in the Name of Jesus Christ like the entire church was baptized until the Catholic church in 303, introduced three gods and three forms of baptism in a trinity titles. If you haven't had that yet, tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, there's robes and things waiting for you down there. Won't you come and join with Jesus Christ, not with us. We don't have a church even here to take care of you. Go to any church you want to, wherever you come from, but please, believe this Word. Do you believe it, say "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] God bless you. May you do... If there's anything we can help you, we're here to do it.
167 Now, I know there's sick here. Our time's got away from us tonight for a prayer line. Maybe we'll get it though. I want each one of you do something for me. You're setting close to somebody, lay your hands over on that person. And no doubt you're putting you hand upon a eagle, maybe an eagle that has been eating some vulture food somewhere, gotten sick of it. They don't want it no more. They want to come out of it. They're sick and tired of it. Set here tonight and see what eagles really can eat, the Word, and have a living Christ living among them, showing Himself alive, the same yesterday, today, and forever. They don't want to be heirs with the shucks. They're to be burned. All the straws and things is to be burned. The combine's coming to beat the wheat out in order to be wheat. There's some of them that's sick, some of them physically sick, I want you to pray, eagle, pray for your brother, sister eagle there, as I pray for you here. May the Spirit of God come upon you. Remember, I'm giving you the food of the eagle, the promise of God. He calls His prophets eagles. He calls Himself a Eagle; He's Jehovah Eagle. And while you have your hands laid upon one another, pray for them. 170 Our heavenly Father, Your Word said, the last commission You give to Your church was "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel (the general orders); he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe: In My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; if they should drink any deadly thing it wouldn't hurt them; if they take up serpents, they'll not harm them; and if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." O Jehovah Eagle, feed Your little ones tonight upon that Word, Lord. They're needy. That's the diet they need. That's what they need to know what the Food is, what THUS SAITH THE LORD is. You promised if they laid their hands on one another that they would recover. O Lord God, take all doubts and vulture ideas away from us now. And we feed solemnly upon the eagle Food of the Word of God. Let every unclean spirit that's in these people, every spirit of doubting, every spirit of fear, every denominational claim, every habit, every sickness, every disease that's among the people leave; in the Name of Jesus Christ may it come out of this group of people. And may they be free from this hour on, that they can eat the eagle Food that we're believing You'll send us through the week, Lord, breaking open those Seals and showing us those mysteries that's been hid since the foundation of the world, as You promised. They are Yours, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 173 All that believe and accept, stand to your feet, say, "I believe; I accept that; what God promised me, I receive." The Lord bless you. That's wonderful. Every person standing. That's good. A chord, "I Love Him." Let's sing this hymn to Him then, "I love Him, I love Him, because He first loved me." All together now. I love Him, (If you do, let's raise our hands.) I love Him, Because He first loved me And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. Oh, isn't He wonderful? Let's shake hands with one another. Brother Eagle, just turn around, sister, shake hands as we sing it. [Congregation greets one another--Ed.] I love Him,... (Brother Eagle, Brother Eagle, Brother Eagle, that's where you belong...?... Charlie, how are you...?... God bless you brother. God bless you, brother...?...) On Calvary's tree. Let's raise our hands again to Him. I love Him, I love Him, Because He first loved me (And He makes us eagles.) And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree.
175 How will you know, how will the world know that you love Jesus? When we love one another. That's how the world... See, God sees your faith; the world sees your actions. Love one another now; be kind to one another. Talk with one another. Be patient with one another. And any further instructions we can give, baptism, seeking the Holy Ghost... We don't have any rooms here to do that in, you understand. The altar call, if God's convinced you that this is right, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and you want to join with Him, go and be baptized in His Name tomorrow. There'll be men there to instruct you. Anything that we can do to help you, we'll do it. I love Him, I love Him, Because (You on the telephones now, Tucson, over in California, way up in the east, raise your hands way out in...?... Praise Him.) ... purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. Now, until tomorrow night I give you Brother Neville our pastor. THIS DAY THIS SCRIPTURE JEFF IN 65-0219 V-3 N-8 1-1 Just remain standing, if you will, while we bow our heads for a word of prayer. Dear heavenly Father, we are grateful tonight for this, another opportunity to come and present this glorious, marvelous Gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank Thee because that He still remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. We thank Thee for these people who have gathered out here in the time of this cold weather and still with their anticipations great, looking, believing that something extraordinary is going to be given us from God. We come with that hope, Lord, to every meeting. We thank Thee for the services night before last at the tabernacle. Thank Thee for the service here last evening and for the service today at the tabernacle. We're looking forward now what You will have for us tonight. Father, we know that anyone that's able to move their hands could turn back the pages of the Bible, but there's only One Who can make It live and be real, and that's You. Father, we're looking for You to do that tonight. Bless us in every way. Our hearts are so full of joy as we see the time approaching when we're going to meet Him face to face, the One that we've loved and lived for all these years. Many new converts, Lord, has been made. Understanding that a great host, forty or fifty, is to be baptized in Your Name in the morning from the service last night. O God, please continue, we pray, until every predestinated seed of God has seen the Gospel Light and come into the fold. We ask You to hide us tonight behind the Word; blind us to the things of the world and let us see Jesus. May there be a Mount Transfiguration experience among us tonight that we see no man save Jesus only. We ask it in His Name, and for His glory, and a-vindication of His Gospel. Amen. May be seated. 1-5 I'm just going to turn this mike, or this desk, just slightly sideways, if it's all right, so that I can see both sides of the audience. I guess I can get these microphones around here right. All right, just a moment. We are greeting from the main auditorium here tonight, our friends in Arizona, California, Texas, and across the United States by the way of telephone. This--this is going nationwide (this service tonight) by the way of telephone. So we trust that God will bless us. Can you hear back over to the--in the auditorium to the left? All right, they're going to check now the telephone system to see if it's working all right. 2-3 Everybody happy tonight? See? Well, that's fine. On this side? Amen. I'm so glad to see that you're all seated comfortably. And now, tomorrow night if the--the crowds keep increasing, they'll also be telephone direct; there is tonight; I think some of them's down there at the Tabernacle. And
tomorrow morning the services cannot be had at the Tabernacle, because the--there'll be a florist there decorating the church for a wedding tomorrow afternoon. And they have transferred the--the services in the morning up to Brother Ruddell's church (one of our associates) and up on the--the highway here: 62. Has it been announced? It's been announced. And if it overflows up there, we'll take the rest and send another minister down to Brother Junior Jackson's down in Clarksville. The reason we had it at Brother Ruddell's, it's close here and we can--and we thought you could find that easier. And then we'll take care of it in some way, and be sure to get all those baptisms in for tomorrow, and I hope there'll be another hundred or two added to those for baptism tomorrow. 2-4 And now, tomorrow night... I never like to announce anything you speak on ahead of time, but one night in the service, or one day, I want to speak on the subject of "Who is This Melchisedec?" because it's a--a subject that I think we're living in the time when these revelations of which has been the question down through the age of, "Who is this Fellow?" And I believe that God has the answer Who He was. Some said a priesthood; some said a king; some... But there's got... As long as there's a question, there's got to be an answer to that question which is right. Cannot be a question without first being an answer. 2-5 Now, we trusting that God will give us a blessing tonight out of His Word as we read It. And you've had... Billy told me to tell you that you've sure had fine cooperation with the peoples here that's been in the parking system, the police and everything. Keep it up; that's very, very good. We hope to see the time (maybe in the near future) when maybe we could bring the tent here to the city and put it up out here in the ball park where we could stay for some length of time, maybe for three or four weeks' revival, constantly. But here, we just barely get to know each other, and then we have to say good-bye and we go again. But I'd like to come and stay an extensive trip, one time where you could stay so you don't have to close out in a night or two, but just stay and teach day and night, day and night, on and on. Maybe somebody go home and feed the chickens, milk the cows, and come back next week and continue on with the service. I--I like that. So the Lord be with you. 3-3 Now, before I leave, perhaps Sunday morning or Sunday night, or sometime (one of these services), I know you're all waiting to hear the message on the truth about marriage and divorce, which is one of the great problems of the day. And I... Just as sure as I'm standing here, I believe that the correct answer is in the Word of God, and I believe that that's what I promised to come back for. I suppose, knowingly... As far as I know, I want to have another service here in Jeffersonville on Easter Sunday, and we'll--for sunrise service and then Easter Sunday; so we'll announce it ahead and try maybe to get the auditorium, if possible, or somewhere, for Sunday--maybe come Saturday and Sunday. Have to fly in and back out, because it's near the time... I have to check it first with the schedule I have and one of my--my--my itinerary in California. And then immediately after that, I've got to go down into--to Africa. So keep in touch and pray for us. 3-5 Now, tonight I want to call your attention to a portion of God's Word found in the 4th chapter of St. Luke--the 4th chapter and the 16th verse it will begin, Jesus speaking. This day is this Word fulfilled in your ears. Now, we want to draw from that a conclusion of how dynamic is the Word of God. Now, we all can figure out the mechanics, but it takes the dynamics to make it work. We can figure out what the mechanics of a machine (automobile), but then it takes the dynamics to make the wheels go to operating and moving. Now, Jesus had returned to--to Nazareth where He was brought up. On down in the Scriptures here we find that they said, "We heard you did such and such over in Capernaum; now let us see you do it here in your own country." Jesus said, "A--a prophet is not without honor except in his own country." And of course, that's where you're brought up at and where people know you. And there
He had a--a bad name to begin with by Him being born without an earthly father. They called Him a illegitimate child--that Mary was actually pregnant before she married officially, Joseph. But that isn't so; we know it isn't so. 4-3 And on this Scripture, what caused me to fall my eyes upon this was of something that happened just recently in Phoenix, Arizona. It was the last day of the service that I was to speak at the international convention of the Full Gospel Business Men, and in this convention there was a visitor with us which was a Catholic bishop, which is, he's of the Chaldean Rites of the Apostolic Catholic church, the Most Reverend John S. Stanley, O. S. D. He is the Archbishop of Metropolitan United States in the Catholic church. This happened to be his card and his--and his address. And he was a visitor with the Christian Business Men, and I had seen him there the day before. And when I was speaking on Saturday night, I believe it was, or Saturday morning at the breakfast, and I-as I was speaking he kept watching me. I thought "That man certainly is disagreeing with everything I say." And, you know, you could--you could just see him; he'd keep his head up and down, but I didn't know what was just exactly working on him. 4-5 So on Sunday afternoon when I got up to speak, I was going to take my text on "Birth Pains," where Jesus said that as a woman in travail with a child, she's travailing in birth. And so I was going to speak from there as "Birth Pains" (the subject), saying that the world is in birth pains now. The old has to be done away with so the new can be born; just like a--a seed has to rot away in order to give new life. And how the pains, birth pains, struck the world in World War I. She had a terrific pain, because they had poison gas and so forth that almost could destroy the world. And in World War II she struck another harder pain; they had blockbusters and also an atomic bomb. She cannot stand another labor pain. With these missiles and things today, one more war will throw her out into space, for she will now be delivered, and there'll be a new earth. The Bible said there will be. Under every prophet's message Israel got a birth pain, because that these prophets would come on the scene after the theologians and clergymen would have the church all in a organization form. And when them prophets come on the scene with THUS SAITH THE LORD, they shook them churches and she had a birth pain. Finally she had birth pains plumb on up until she delivered a Son of the Gospel which was the Word Itself made flesh. 5-2 So the church really is in birth pains tonight again for the deliverance of the Son--Son of God to come again. All of our theologians, all of our systems, all of our denominations has rotted right out from under us. So we are in birth pains. And a Message from God always throws the church in heavier pains. But after while she's going to be delivered of a bride that'll bring forth Jesus Christ to His Bride. And then, thinking this man had disagreed with me so much, when I raised up to speak this message, I turned in my Bible to find the page, and my wife had just given me a new Bible for Christmas. My old Bible was about fifteen years old, and the thing was just about tore to pieces. The pages, every time I'd open it up, would fly out of it and--but I knowed just where to find every Scripture. So I'd studied close in that Bible, and I'd just picked up the new one because the other one looked so ragged to go to church with. 5-4 And when I started to turn over in St. John where the Scripture was found, I started to read the 16th chapter, and the verse that I was looking for wasn't there. So I thought, "Strange." I turned back again; still it wasn't there. And Brother Jack Moore from Shreveport, Louisiana, a bosom friend of mine, he was setting there. I said, "Brother Jack, isn't that found in St. John 16?" He said, "Yes." And this Catholic priest got up out of his seat, from about a hundred clergymen setting on the platform, walked over close to me, with all of his robes and gowns and crosses and so forth, and got right up close to me; and he said, "My son, be steady. God is fixing to move." And I thought, "A Catholic bishop telling me that." He said, "Read it out of my Book."
And I read the Scripture out of his Book, and took my text and went on, preached my sermon. Afterwards, when I got through, he got up after I was gone and said, "There's one thing that has to happen. After that, the church has to get out of the mess that it's in, or we have to get out of the mess the church is in." So one or the other. 6-3 And I was on my road home (back down to Tucson) that evening, and the kids was crying for a sandwich, and I stopped to get a sandwich at a little stand. And my wife said, "Bill, I never was so nervous in all my life to see you standing up there fumbling through that Bible." Said, "Didn't it make you nervous?" I said, "Nope." I said, "I knowed it was in there somewhere; they just didn't have the page in. It's a misprint." And she said, "To think that I got you that Bible. It looked like every eye in there was right upon me." And I said, "Well, you couldn't help that. That was a misprint in the Bible." I said, "They just never put the page in." Well, I got down and looked at it again. Just perfectly as it could be, but the 16th chapter, ends portion--the portion of it just about three inches from the bottom, over at the 17th chapter, on the other side does the same thing; and being a new Bible, those two pages had perfectly stuck together, and I was reading from the 17th chapter in the stead of the 16th. "Well," I said, "that's all fine. It's for some cause." 6-5 And just as plain as you could hear any voice, a Voice come to me and said, "He entered into Nazareth to where He was brought up at and went into the synagogue as it was His custom. And the priest gave Him the Scriptures to read, and He read Isaiah 61. And when He had read the Scriptures, He set down, handed the priest back the Bible, the Book, and set down. And all the eyes of the congregation was upon Him, and precious words proceeded from His mouth and He said, 'This day this Scripture is fulfilled.'" "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." How accurate is the Scripture. If you'll notice this, in Isaiah 61:1-2 is where our Lord was reading from: Isaiah 61:1-2. But in the middle of the second verse of Isaiah 61, He stopped where it said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me to preach the acceptable year." Then He stopped. Why? The other part, to bring judgment, it didn't apply to His first coming, but His second coming. See, it didn't apply there; how the Scriptures never make a mistake. They're always perfect. Jesus stopped just where the Scripture stopped, 'cause that was exactly what was to be vindicated in His day. 7-2 Now, and that first coming... The second coming He will bring judgment upon the earth, but not then. He was to preach the acceptable year. Notice, the Messiah standing in the platform to identify Himself with the Word of promise for that age. How strange--the Messiah standing up before the church. And look at these precious words, when He says here, "To preach the acceptable year..." The acceptable year, as we all know as Bible readers, was the year of Jubilee, that when all slaves and prisoners, as they were--been taken prisoners, and they had to give a son to pay a debt, or a daughter to pay a debt, and they were in bondage. No matter how long they'd been in bondage or how long they was supposed to stay there, when the year come of the Jubilee, when the trumpet sounded, every man could go free if he wanted to go free. You're free; you was no more a slave. But if you desired to remain a slave, then you had to be taken down to the temple, stood by the temple post, and they took a awl and bored a hole in your ear. And then you had to serve that slave master the rest of your days. 7-6 What a perfect example it is of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When It's preached, the acceptable time and the time of Jubilee, anybody, no matter who you are, what color you are, what denomination you belong to, how far you've stooped in sin, or what's wrong with you, you can go
free when you hear the--God's Gospel trumpet sound out. You are free. But if you turn your back upon the Message and refuse to hear It, notice, you were bored in the ear with an awl. That means to say, that you have crossed the line between grace and judgment and you will never hear the Gospel again. You'll never get any further; you must be a slave to the system you're in the rest of your days, if you refuse to hear the acceptable year. Now, the other part of it, as I said, didn't need to be answered, because this coming Messiah, a time now, is when He will bring judgment. 8-2 Now, how could those people ever fail to see Who He was? How did they ever miss it? How could it be when it was so plainly made known and showed? How could they ever miss seeing when He... What a Word. Think of it. "This day is this Scripture fulfilled before your eyes." Who said it? God Himself, Who is the Interpreter of His own Word. "This day is this Scripture fulfilled." The Messiah, Himself, standing in the presence of the congregation and reading a word out of the Bible pertaining to Himself, and then saying, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled," and they still failed to see It. What a tragedy that that would be, but it's happened. It's happened many times. How could it happen? Of course, like it did in other times, by believing man's interpretation of the Word. That's what caused it. Those believers in them days (so-called believers) was taking the interpretation of what the priest had said about the Scripture. Therefore Jesus, not belonging to any of their ranks or their societies, He was excommunicated from their company. And therefore, they could not identify Him with them, because He was different from them. The Person of Jesus Christ was so unique that no one should've missed seeing that that was the Son of God, because He was a perfect identification of the Scripture that was wrote of Him. That's the way any Christian is known: when his life identifies the very things that the Christian's supposed to do. 9-1 How He could stand there and say, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled right before your eyes"... How outstanding. How so plainly, and yet those people misunderstood. Why? Is because they took the interpretation of some order of priests that they were listening to. And history always repeats itself, and Scripture has a compound meaning to It and a compound revelation. For instance, like it says in the Bible that "Out of Egypt I call My Son (referring to Jesus)." Run the margin on that and you find out it also referred to Jacob: same Scripture. Jesus was His greater Son. Jacob was His son that He called out of Egypt, which the Scofield reference and all other references give to it, because that's the Scripture it was referring to, so it had a--a double answer. It had a answer to Jacob called out and to Jesus called out. And so is it today. Is because that we're in such a turmoil as we are, and people fail to see the Truth of God, is because there's too many manmade interpretations of God's Word. God don't need nobody to interpret His Word. He is His own Interpreter. 9-4 God said in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That doesn't need an interpretation. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That doesn't need any interpretation. When--God's interpretation of His Word is when He vindicates and proves It to be so. That's His interpretation, by making it come to pass. That's where God's interpretation is, is when He makes His Word come to pass; He's interpreting It to you. Like if there'd never been light and He said, "Let there be light," and there was; that don't need anybody to interpret. But we get manmade systems mixed into it. And when you do, you--you get it out of line. It's always been that way. 9-7 But I still think of how striking it must've been. Think of it. The Messiah. Why did they fail to see Him? Because their very leaders that ought to have knowed Him, that ought to have been versed in the Scriptures, that ought to have been understanding of the Scriptures, they belittled this Man and said, "He's an illegitimate child of--to begin with." We wouldn't believe that. Years later we don't believe that; we would die for the purpose to say that He was a virgin born Son. And it'll come to
pass someday that the very things that we see Jehovah doing today, men in the ages to come, if there is, will die for the thing that we're talking about today. You'll have to do it when the mark of the beast comes on, and they're not allowed to preach the Gospel this way. 10-1 When the great union of churches comes together, which is in order right now for the world church, you'll have to seal your testimony with your own life to this. You must believe it now. If those priests could rise up that condemned Him, would not condemn Him. But you say, "If I'd have been there, I would've done so-and-so." Well, that wasn't in your age, but this is your age. This is the time. You say, "Well, if He was here..." The Bible says He's the same yesterday, today, and forever the same; so He is here. But He's here... As the world has civilized and become greater and educated more, He's here in the Spirit form, which they cannot kill or put to death. He died once; He cannot die again. He had to be made flesh in order for God to be put to death in the flesh for sin. But this time He can never die; It's the Holy Spirit. 10-3 Now, how to think that they had them things against Him. Another thing, that He would not join any of their ranks. Then you see, that still made Him a bad person. He wouldn't join their--their organizations, wouldn't join their priesthood, and He wouldn't have nothing to do with it. And then besides all that, He tried to tear down what they built up. He went into the temple. We call Him a meek Man; He was, but many times we misunderstand what meekness is. He was a Man of compassion, but yet we fail sometime to understand what compassions is. Not human sympathy isn't compassion, but compassion is doing the will of God. He passed through the pool of Bethesda, the gate; there laid people, multitudes of them. Multitudes is no certain number, but there laid multitudes: lame, blind, halt, withered. And He had compassion on the people always, and He went to one person that was not lame, blind, halt, nor withered. Maybe had a prostate trouble; maybe he had some little infirmity that was retarded; he had it thirty-eight years. It wasn't going to bother him, wasn't going to kill him. He was lying on a pallet. And He said, "Wilt thou be made whole?" And the man said, "I have nobody to put me in the water, but while I'm coming, well, someone steps down ahead of me." See, he could walk; he could see; he could get around, but he was just feeble. And Jesus said to him, "Rise up. Take up your bed and go to your house." And Jesus was questioned on that. For you remember the Scripture said this... 11-1 No wonder. If He'd come to Jeffersonville tonight and make a act like that, they'd still talk about Him. But remember, He came to do one thing: was the will of God. Now, that's found in St. John 5:19; you'll get the answer. He said, "Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son." Now, they ought to have knowed that that was the very vindication of the prophecy of Moses: "For the Lord your God shall raise up a prophet likened unto Me." Did you notice when He seen the man He said... Jesus knew that he'd been in this condition for many years. See, being a Prophet, He saw that man in that condition, and went down there, and waved-waded His way around through those people, mincing through the crowd until He found that certain man. Passed by the lame, halt, blind, and withered, yet a Man full of compassion, but compassion is doing the will of God. 11-4 Now, we find Him, as He would not join up with them; He would not have nothing to do in their ranks; then He was an outcast. He would not have any... Besides that He went into the temple one day. A man went in there and found the house of God just about contaminated as it is today. They were buying, selling, changing money, and He turned over the money tables took ropes and plaited them and beat the moneychangers out of the temple and looked upon them with anger. And said,
"It's written (Hallelujah.), My Father's house is a house of prayer and you've made it a den of thieves. And you with your tradition has made the commandments of God of non-effect." Oh, could a bunch like that ever believe in Him? No, sir. They had been so hog-wallowed in the muck of societies and filth of the day until they were so ecclesiastical froze up until they couldn't feel the vibrations of the power of Almighty God. No wonder the little woman could touch His garment and get healed by it, and a drunken soldier could spit in His face and feel no virtue. Depends on how you approach It; depends on what you're looking for. When you go to church it depends on what you're looking for. 12-2 Now, we see Him standing there. No doubt but what the people had already warned Him-warned--the priest had warned the people, "Now, he's coming over here next Sabbath, and when he does, don't you listen to him. Now, you might go and sit here, but don't pay no attention to what he says, because he don't belong to our group. He's an outcast. He has no fellowship card; he don't even have an organ--a organization paper with him. He doesn't have nothing like that." "What is he?" "Some renegade boy that was born down here of illegitimate birth by--in a carpenter's home, that a mother conceived him before they were married, and they're trying to hide the thing up with some supernatural thing. We know that when the Messiah cometh He'll come down the corridors of heaven and go to our high priest and say, 'Here I am, Caiaphas.'" But we find out that He didn't do it that way, because it wasn't written in the Word that way. It was a manmade tradition that caused them to believe that. The Word said that He would come just the way He come. And there He stood, reading the Word and saying to them, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes," and still they fail to see Him or recognize Him, like He did in all other ages. 12-5 Noah could've said the same thing the day that he entered into the ark and the door closed. Moses could've raised that window in the top of the ark, looked out upon the congregation (Remember, God closed the door.) and he could've said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes." But was too late for them then. He had preached a hundred and twenty years to try to get them into that boat that he had built, telling them that the Scripture said THUS SAITH THE LORD it's going to rain. But they waited too long. But Noah could've easily said that: "Today, this day, the Scripture is fulfilled." Moses, the same day that the Pillar of Fire come down on Mount Sinai and give witness to his testimony, Moses could've said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." Moses, you know, was a called man of God, a prophet. And while he was being called, being a prophet, he had to have a supernatural experience in order to be a prophet. He had to meet God face to face and talk with Him. And another thing, what he said had to come to pass or no one would've believed him. So no man has a right to call himself thus, until he's talked face to face with God on a back side of a desert somewhere, where he met God Himself. And all the atheists in the world could not explain it away from him; he was there, and he know it happened. Every Christian should have that experience before they say anything about being a Christian: your own experience. 13-3 I talked to my nephew awhile ago, a little Catholic boy, that said, "Uncle Bill, I've run from pillar to post, going everywhere trying to find something." Night after night, before this meeting started, he's been crying, and at nighttime he's been dreaming dreams of coming in, running up to the altar (where preaching) and making a confession that he's been wrong. I said, "Melvin, no matter where you try to go, how many churches you join, how many 'Hail Mary's' you say, or how many blessings you get from men, you've got to be borned again of the Spirit of God. It's the only thing that'll satisfy the human heart." I--I know they've got a substitute today of being borned again, just shake hands with the preacher and put your name on the book. But, friends, that is a dogma. It's not a Bible Truth. If it would, the Acts of the Apostles in the 2nd chapter would have to read like this: "When the day of Pentecost was fully come, the pastor walked out and shook hands with the people." But said: "When the day of
Pentecost was fully come (at the inauguration of the church), there came a sound from heaven like a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were setting." That's how the Holy Spirit come the first time; that's how It's come every time since that time. He's God and changes not. 14-2 Now, it stumbles people. They say, "That was for another day." Well, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Every time the church ever received the Holy Ghost, It's always come like He did the first time, under the same prescription: Acts 2:38, never has changed; never will change. Like a doctor's prescription for a disease, he'll write out a prescription for a disease (the doctor does), and take it to some quack druggist, and he puts too much of the antidote in it, it's so weak it won't do you any good. He puts too much of the poison in it, it'll kill you. It's got to be wrote just according to the doctor. And the doctor's prescription on how to receive the Holy Ghost is given to us by Dr. Simon Peter on the day of Pentecost. I'll give you a prescription: "Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the prescription is to them that's far off and even as many as the Lord our God shall call.": the eternal prescription. 14-5 Moses had had this experience. He went down into the country and he begin to tell the people, "I met a Pillar of Fire. It was in a burning bush, and He told me to tell you, "I AM THAT I AM. 'Go down; I'll be with you. Take up the stick in your hand and hold it up over Egypt; whatever you ask, it'll be done.'" Well, probably some priest said, "Nonsense." But when they seen the real facts of this take--come to pass, they couldn't hold it any longer. They knowed he was sent of God. Then if Moses said he saw that and testified to it to be the truth, then God's obligated, if that is the truth, to identify and vindicate that man's word the truth. That's true. If Jesus Christ stood there and read that day, "This day is this Word fulfilled before you," God's obligated to make that Word come to pass. We stand here tonight and say that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God's obligated to prove that to be so, because It's His Word. Now, what does it do? It takes faith and believing Him, takes faith and believing His Word that It is the Truth. 15-2 Notice what come to pass when Moses brought the children out and all those that followed him. Those who did not follow stayed in Egypt, but those who followed Moses, when they come out of the Red Sea and got out into the wilderness, God came down upon Mount Sinai. That Pillar of Fire set the whole mountain on fire and a Voice spoke out of there, and God gave the Ten Commandments. Moses could've walked up there before the people and say, "This day this Scripture that I have told you as His prophet comes to pass. This day, I've told you that God met me up there in a burning bush in a Pillar of Fire, and He said, 'This all... This will be sign. You'll bring the people right back to this place here again.' And there is God in the same Pillar of Fire I told you He was in, hanging right yonder on the mountain. This day this prophecy is fulfilled. Here He is to vindicate that the things that I've said is the Truth" God give us more men like that, that's honest and sincere and tell the Truth, that God Almighty could vindicate that His Word is still Truth. He remains the same yesterday, today, and ever. Why wouldn't He do it? He promised to do it. 15-4 Joshua might've said the same, the day that he come back to Kadesh-Barnea where they had journeyed so far in the wilderness. They were doubting the land being the kind of land that God said it would be, but God told them it was a good land; it was flowing with milk and honey. And Joshua and Caleb was the only two that would believe it out of the other ten that left. When they come back they had the evidence; they had a bunch of grapes that two strong men could only carry.
Joshua and Caleb could've stood right there and said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled. Here's the evidence that it is a good land." Sure. Why? "There's the evidence that it's a good land. Where'd you ever get such things as that in Egypt?" There was no such places. "But this day this Scripture is fulfilled." He could've said the thing--same when he prophesied and said the walls of Jericho would fall down after they'd marched around seven times--seven days, seven times a day. And when they marched around that last time, the walls fell down. Joshua could've stood up and said, "This day, the Chief Captain of the host of the Lord that told me weeks ago that it would happen like this, this day this Scripture is fulfilled. There laid the walls flat on the ground. Come on. Let's go take it; it belongs to us." This day this Scripture is fulfilled. How wonderful, men of God has stood for the things that's right. 16-2 Israel, at the river when they'd possessed the land, went over. How they going to do it? It's the month of April; the floods are coming down, because the snow is melting up in Judaea. Oh, what a poor general it seemed like that God was to bring His people there in the month of April when the Jordan was higher backed than it ever was. Sometimes... I might could stop here if I had time to give you just a little tip. Sometimes you may be setting out there with cancer; you might be setting with a disease. You think, "Why, me being a Christian would be in this a-way? Why would I be setting like this if I'm a Christian?" Sometimes God lets the things get so dark that you can't see up, around, or anywhere else, and then He comes and makes a way through it for you, that you might say, "This day this Scripture is being fulfilled, that He promised to do." 16-5 He let the Hebrew children walk right into the fiery furnace. They said, "Our God is able to deliver us from this fiery furnace, but nevertheless, we'll not bow down to your image." When they walked out of there with the smell of the furnace upon them--no smell of the furnace, rather, upon them, they could've said, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled." When Daniel come from the lions' den, he could've said the same thing. John the Baptist, after four hundred years of ecclesiastical teaching... No wonder that church was in a mess at that time. When he appeared in the wilderness, the Jordan, he could've stood right there on the bank, as he did, and say, "This day this Scripture (Isaiah 40) is fulfilled." 17-1 How I could stop here and tell you what that old priest told me. He said, "Son, you never finished that message." I said, "Keep still." He said, "You mean them Pentecostals don't see that?" I said, "No." He said, "I see it." And a Catholic priest too. He said, "Why didn't you go on?" I said, "Keep still." He said, "Glory to God, I see it." And about that time the Holy Ghost fell on his sister setting out there in the meeting, and she raised up speaking in unknown tongues and gave the interpretation of the very thing that the priest and I were talking about on the platform. The whole church, the whole place went into a roar. Carried on over into Oral Robert's convention last week, or week before last, and was the talk of the convention. How that that priest setting under... The Holy Spirit revealed out there through a woman (his sister, I believe it was) of what was taking place up there on the platform and revealed that thing that we were hiding. The hour that we're living, this day this Scripture is fulfilled. This day the evening lights have come, and we fail to see it. 17-4 Notice, John said, "This day, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as said the prophet Isaiah. Prepare the way for the Lord."
They didn't understand him; said, "Oh, you're Jesus?"--"you're the Christ," rather. He said, "I am not the Christ." He said, "I'm not worthy to loose His shoes." But he said, "He's standing among you somewhere." For he was sure that He would be there. He'd be in his day 'cause God told him he was to introduce the Messiah. One day a young Man come walking down through there, and he seen a--like a Light over the top of Him (a Sign), and he cried out, "Behold, the Lamb of God. This day is this Scripture is fulfilled before you." 18-1 Sure, at the day of Pentecost, how Peter stood up and quoted the Scripture of Joel 2:38, when they was all laughing, those people. They couldn't talk in their own language; they was jabbering off something else. The Bible said, "Cloven tongues." "Cloven" is a "parted tongue," not saying nothing, just a jabbering, running around like a bunch of drunk people. And they all said, "Well these people are drunk; look at them. Look how they're acting, how them women and men... They're disorderly," said that religious group of that day. Peter stood up in the midst of them, said, "Men and brethren, you that dwell in Jerusalem and you that dwell in Judaea, let it be known unto you that these are not drunk as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day, but this is that which was spoke of by the prophet Joel: 'And it'll come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.' This day this Scripture was fulfilled." Certainly. 18-4 Luther was right on time. Wesley was right on time. Pentecost was right on time. Nothing out of the order. Now, I ask you to consider the age and time we now live in with the promised Word for today. If back in other ages men could say, "This day this Scripture... This day this Scripture..." then what about the Scripture for this day? What's promised for this day? Where are we standing? What hour are we living, when the clock is beating, the scientific clock, three minutes before midnight? World has got the jitters; the church is in a bed of corruption. There's nobody knows where they're standing. What time of day is it? What about the Scripture for this day? 18-7 The conditions of the church--the conditions of the church today... In the world, politics, our world system is just as rotten as it can be. I'm not a politician; I'm a Christian, but I ain't got no business talking about politics, but I just want to say they're rotten on both sides. I voted once; that was for Christ. I got to win. The devil voted against me, and Christ voted for me. Depends on which way I cast my vote. I'm glad I cast it on Him. Let the world say what they want to; I still believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He'll prove it. He certainly will. Certainly. The increase in crime, juvenile delinquency... Look at our nation, once the flower of the earth. Our great democracy was born back there and--the Declaration of Independence--and the Declaration of Independence was signed, and we had a democracy, and our great forefathers and the things that they done. We had a great nation; but she is now rottening and crumbling and shaking and giving away, and trying to tax people to get money to send over yonder to buy friendship with our enemies. They're throwing it back in our face. One world war, two world wars, and still moving on to a third one. Certainly. Politics is rotten, corrupted, rotten to the bottom, just exactly what Matthew 24 said it would be: "Nation would be against nation, kingdom against kingdom." All these things would take place. Let's consider this now. 19-2 All right. Notice another: the increase in scientific research. Now, one time just a... My grandfather went to see my grandmother in a ox cart. Now, it's a jet plane or even a--a orbit into the--into the outer space. It's great. How... Who said this? Daniel 12:4 said knowledge shall increase in the last days. We see the hour we're living. Notice now the--the conditions of the world, the condition of science. And notice again today in our educational system; now don't try to deny this; I've got the newspaper clippings: teaching sex in our
church--in our schools of young students to have sexual affairs with one another to see if they can mate in the world. Yes, sir. How about in our priesthood? Tonight I got a piece out of the paper over in Los Angeles, California, of where a bunch of clergymen (Baptist and Presbyterian ministers) brought a bunch of homosexuals in and practiced homosexual, saying they was trying to win them to God, when that's one of the curses of the hour: a Sodomite. And the law even arrested them. 19-5 Now, where are we at? Our whole system has rottened out from under us. I seen the increase of homosexual across the United States has increased twenty or thirty percent over last year. Think of that: men living with men, just exactly like they did in Sodom. Increase in crime, juvenile delinquency, what hour are we living? This day this Word of prophecy is fulfilled. The religious world, the church itself, the church, the called out church (that we call the called out church), the last church age, the Pentecostal church age, where is it? It's in Laodicea as the Scripture said. Today they've let down the bars. Their women are half-dressed; their men are... It's a horrible thing. Some of them married three or four times, on deacon boards and everything else. They've let down and brought in corruption, because they've set in councils and took the place with the world. And today they got better buildings than they ever had. Some place one of them is building a fifty million dollar auditorium: fifty million dollar: Pentecostals that used to be down on the corner twenty-five years ago beating a tambourine. Said, "We... because..." The Scripture said in Revelations 3 that you are rich. Said, "I'm rich; I set as a queen; I have need of nothing." "And knowest thou not that thou are wretched, miserable, poor, naked, blind, and don't know it." This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes. Amen. "Amen" means "so be it." I'm not amening myself, but I mean I believe it's the truth. This day this Scripture is fulfilled. 20-3 The Pentecostal church is in a Laodicean condition. Oh, they still jump and holler and carry on when the music's beating. When the music stops beating, or the beatnik music some of them play and call it a Christianity, and whenever that stops, all the glory's gone. If it's a real praise of God, there isn't enough whistles and enough the power in the world to stop it. When it really comes from God, it don't take music to be beat up; it takes the Spirit of God to come down, that does it. And they've long forgot it, because they classed the gift of the Holy Ghost, initial evidence of speaking in tongues; and I heard devils and witches speak in tongues. The Holy Ghost is the Word of God in you that identifies Itself by accepting that Word. Outside of that it can't be the Holy Ghost. If it says it's the Holy Spirit and denies one word of that Bible, it cannot be the Holy Spirit. That's the evidence whether you believe it or not. 20-6 Notice another great sign. the Jews are in their homeland, their own nation, their own money, a member of the United Nations; they got their own army; they got everything. They're in their homeland which Jesus said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree." There they are, right back in their nation. This day this Scripture's fulfilled. The Jews in their homeland, this day this Scripture is fulfilled. The Laodicea church age, this day this Scripture (Matthew 24) is fulfilled. The world is in corruption (the whole thing), nations against nations, earthquakes in divers places, great whirlwinds coming down, shaking the nations and so forth, great disasters everywhere: this day this Scripture is fulfilled. 21-2 Now, we found out the condition of the world. We see where the church nominal--normal-organization, denominations, we see where they are. We see where the nations are. And we see that this day these promises is fulfilled. Now. But in this day there is to come a super, Royal Seed of Abraham. That's exactly what it'd be, would be a Royal Bride to the Royal promised Son. As I spoke last night, it won't be a natural seed; it'll be a spiritual Seed. There's to be a spiritual Bride raise up,
which will be the royal Seed of the royal faith of Abraham's Royal Son. She is to come on the scene in the last days, and the time and the place is a promise that's given to Her. According to Malachi 4 (a Scripture) there is to rise a Message that will shake the hearts of the people right back to the apostolic fathers again. There is to rise one on the scene in the power of Elijah, that'll rise on the scene; a wilderness man that'll come out and will have a Message that'll come right straight back to the Word again. That's the hour that we're living in. 21-4 Then consider. Now, I ask you at this hour, you people here at Jeffersonville, in 1933 the supernatural Light that fell down yonder on the river that day when I was baptizing five hundred in the Name of Jesus Christ (I was about a twenty year old boy.), what did It say, Jeffersonville? What was it at the foot of Spring Street there, when the "Courier Journal" (I think it was the "Louisville Herald") packed the article, and it went plumb across the Associated Press, plumb into Canada. Dr. Lee Vayle cut it out of the paper way up in Canada in 1933. When I was baptizing my seventeenth person under this Witness (and you know the rest of the story), and when I was standing there baptizing that seventeenth person, a Light come down from heaven, a shining down above there like a star falling from heaven. A Voice said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall forerun His second coming into all the world." This day this Scripture is fulfilled. Thank You, Lord. 22-1 This day... God promised it. What happened? This day It's went around the world. And when God came down there and said that (when I was a little boy) in a burning bush or a bush up yonder on fire with a Pillar of Fire--up here at Wathen's place on the Utica Pike, packing water back there from that barn to a moonshine still. You know the truth of it. He said, "Don't you never smoke, or drink, or defile your body, for there's a work for you to do when you get older." I testify to that being the truth that I saw it. And God, as He did with Moses, spoke out before the congregation down yonder and said, "This is the truth." This day this Scripture is fulfilled in the midst of us. Watch what He said about the discernment and how it would be, from laying hands upon them to knowing the secret of the heart. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before our very eyes. These promises that was made. 22-4 Notice, all these promises have been vindicated and fulfilled by the God of the promise. Look, hanging in Washington, D.C. tonight, the picture of the Angel of the Lord. As George J. Lacy, the head of the F.B.I. fingerprint and document for the United States Government, examined it from Houston, Texas, and said, "This is the only supernatural Being that was ever photographed in all the world." He ought to know; he's the best that's in the world for it. Notice, there It hangs as the Truth, the same Pillar of Fire that led Israel back yonder in the wilderness. We seeing It again today, the same kind of a message of "Come up out of Egypt...?..." This day this Scripture is fulfilled. You know the Message that He said. 22-6 Look at the vision of Tucson three years ago. When standing up there on the lane, when five years before that He said, "The day that the city drives a stake down in front of that gate, turn yourself towards the west." My tabernacle folks that's here knows that that's prop--at that time. That's right. And the day that Mr. Goyne and them was up there and drove that stake down, I said to the wife, "There's something about this." She said, "What is it?" And I went in and looked in my little book; there it was. And that next morning at ten o'clock, setting in there in my room there about ten o'clock, the Angel of the Lord came down and He said, "Go to
Tucson. You'll be northeast of Tucson and there'll come seven Angels in a cluster that will shake the whole earth around you." And said, "It'll be told you from there." How many remembers that here, way before it happened? There's men setting right here in this building tonight was standing right there when it happened, and said the Seven Seals of the hidden mysteries of the entire Bible would be open and fulfill Revelations 10, that in the seventh angel's Message these things should come to pass. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before our eyes. This day this Scripture is fulfilled. 23-4 Last year standing in the same place (Mr. Wood here and I), going up the hill in the--kind of mourning about his wife being sick, the Holy Spirit said, "Pick up a rock laying there; throw it up in the air; when it comes down say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, there'll be judgment strike the earth. Tell him that he will see the hand of God in the next few hours.'" I told Mr. Wood (that's present tonight) and I guess eight or ten of the men--or fifteen that was there at that time, when it took place the next morning, where the Lord came down in a whirlwind and ripped the mountain out around us, and cut the tops of the trees loose, and made three blasts and said, "Judgment is heading towards the west coast." Two days after that Alaska almost sunk beneath the earth. And since then up and down the coast the belches of God's judgment against that spiritual screen. 23-7 There is a iron curtain; there is a bamboo curtain, and there is a sin curtain. Civilization's travel with the sun; so has the Gospel. They come from the east and went west like the sun goes, and now it's on the west coast. It can't go no further; if it goes further, it'll be back east again. The prophet said, "There will come a day that cannot be called night or day," a dismal day, a lot of rain and fog, just enough how to know how to join a church or put your name on a book. But it shall be Light about the evening time. This day this Scripture is fulfilled. The same--the same s-u-n that rises in the east is the same s-u-n that sets in the west. And the same S-o-n of God that come in the east and vindicated Himself as God manifested in the flesh is the same S-o-n of God in the western hemisphere here, that's identifying Himself among the church tonight, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The evening Light of the Son has come. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before us. 24-3 Where are we at in this Abrahamic age? Where are we in this great time we're standing, the great hour that we're living? All the visions has been fulfilled. How about when a little minister friend of ours here, associate sister church (Junior Jackson), come running up to us one night (me down there) and said, "I had a--a dream, Brother Branham, that's bothering me. I seen all the brethren gathered upon a hill." And said, "Upon this hill you were teaching us out of letters that was wrote, looked like in some letters that time had carved out in the rock. When you finished that--all of that was finished, you told us, said, 'Come close,' and we all gathered up." Said, "You reached from somewhere and looked like got, like a crowbar and whipped the top of this little pyramid open. And when it did," said, "granite rock with no writing on it. And you told us to look in upon this. And you all--we all started looking." Said, "I turned my head, and I noticed you going towards the west just as hard as you could, towards the setting of the sun." How many remembers it? 24-4 And I stood there a little bit till the Holy Spirit revealed it. I said, "The entire Bible, as much as has been revealed to men through justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the baptism in Jesus' Name, and all these things has been revealed, but there is secrets that's hid inside, because the Bible's sealed with Seven Seals. I must go there to find it." That morning when those seven Angels come down and blasted the earth and rocks flew every way, seven Angels stood there and said, "Return back to Jeffersonville from where you come from, for the Seven Seals of the seven mysteries will be opened." Here we are today, we're understanding serpent's seed; in a few days, if God willing, we'll understand the correctness of marriage and divorce and all these things that God's opened, every
Seal, the mysteries, since the foundation of the world, and we've been--enjoy the Presence of His blessings. That is true. This day this Scripture... 25-3 The "Life" magazine packed an article of it, "Mystic circle of light goes up in the air above Tucson and Phoenix" in the same way that I told you nearly a year before it happened, how it would be in a--like a triangle. The picture hangs in the church down there. You that took that magazine has it. There it was just exactly. They said it was twenty-seven miles high and thirty miles across. They don't understand yet what happened. It appeared mysteriously and went away mysteriously. And Brother Fred Sothmann, Brother Gene Norman, and I stand there, three as a witness, like it was up on top of the mountain: Peter, James, and John to give witness; stood there and watched it when it happened and seen it done. There it is, hanging in the sky so far there's no humidity, no moisture, nothing to make a--a fog. How could it come there? It was the Angels of God returning back after their Message. This day that prophecy has been fulfilled in our midst. This day this Scripture has been fulfilled. Watch. Seven Seals has been opened, the whirlwinds to the west coast. Now, don't miss it like they did back yonder. Now, our attention a little closer to our day. 25-6 What does the Scripture say about today and about the time we live in? Jesus speaking... I won't have time to take them all, but I want to take this one 'fore we close. Jesus said in St. Luke the 17th chapter, the 30th verse, Jesus Christ, the Word Himself (Do you believe that?)--Jesus Christ, the Word Himself made flesh, spoke and said what the Word would be in the end time, what would be the sign of the end of the world. He told them nation would rise against nation, but He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is being revealed." Now, when Jesus came to the earth, He came in the name of three Sons: Son of man (which is a prophet), Son of God, and Son of David. Now, He lived here on earth; He never did say He was the Son of God. He said, "I'm the Son of man." Jehovah Himself called Ezekiel in the prophets "son of man," because He had to come to fulfill Scripture as a prophet. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." That's the reason He could not be the Son of God there, because He was the Son of man. He... The Word came to the prophets and He was the Word in Its Fullness: Son of man, the major Prophet, not the major Prophet, but the God Prophet. The Fullness of the Godhead bodily was in Him; therefore, He was the Son of man. Now, for two thousand years He's been known to us as Son of God, Spirit. And in the millennium He'll be Son of David upon the throne. We all know that, who believe the Scriptures. 26-3 Now, Jesus said just at the end of this church age that we're living in, that the Son of man would be revealed again in the same manner it was as it was at Sodom. Watch how historically He gave it. He said, "As it was in the days (first) of Noah, how they were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage." Then He brought next to last to the Son of man at Sodom, 'cause there He was dealing with Jews. Here at Sodom He's dealing with Gentiles. There He drowned them all by water in judgment. Here is the Gentiles; He burnt them all at the day at Sodom. That's right; the Gentile world burnt there. And so will it be when the Son of man reveals. It's not no more water, but it'll be fire this time. Jesus read from the same Genesis 23 that we read from, when He read about Sodom. 26-5 Now, we admit the conditions that's spoke of--of--the world condition of Sodom, Sodomites, Sodom condition. We every one will say, "Amen" to that; we believe that. All right, and the spiritual condition of Laodicea, the church natural, we'll say, "Amen" to that, and accept their signs. We know that every sign is there: the church is in Laodicea; we know that. We know the world is in a Sodom condition. Is that right? We'll accept that. But what about the sign of Abraham, the one waiting for the promised son? That was another one. Remember, they had a Sodom back there; they had their messenger. And Abraham had a Messenger to him. Abraham was waiting day by day for a--almost an impossible thing to happen: Sarah, ninety and him, a hundred. According to the promise of God
he was still waiting. In the midst of all criticism he was waiting for that son. So is the true believer still waiting for that promised Son to return. Notice, just before the son arrived, there was a sign given him. Is not the sign of the coming Son to be revealed to the Royal Seed of Abraham that's waiting for the Royal Son, as same as it was to father Abraham for the natural son? That right? Jesus said so here in St. Luke 17:30; before this time come, that the Son of man would be revealed like He did in the days of Sodom, before the destruction of Sodom. Now, we're looking for a sign. 27-2 Now, let's take the...?... conditions of time as it was in Sodom. Notice, that all went out in Sodomite, the world. I think one of the movie directors put on a picture not long ago, and I got to see it; that was Sodom. If you ever see it and there's nothing else on but that, take a look at it. It was certainly a good picture of the United States today--Hollywood, just exactly, the same kind of dressing and everything else that they did right then, big drunken sprees and everything else--a religious cult of people, so-called religious. Notice, and Sodom had a witness. And it was a fellow by the name of Lot, which was just a nephew to--to Abraham. Now, Abraham did not go down in Sodom. He and his group--he had a big group with him, enough to fight off about a dozen kings and their army; so he had a big group with him. And he was setting out there under an oak tree one day when everything was going wrong for him; nobody had anything to do with him, but he was still holding on to that promise. Watch now, closely, before we close. While he was setting there, down come three Men walking to him. Two of Them went down into Sodom and preached the Gospel to them that come out--to Lot. Is that right? But One stayed with Abraham. Notice, the One that stayed with Abraham was God Himself; the other two were Angel messengers. 28-1 Now, down in Sodom they done no miracles, only smiting them the blind; and preaching the Gospel always smites them blind. Now, look at the set of that day. There is a church natural. Always in threes (as I said last night) God is represented. There was Sodomites, the Lotites, and the Abrahamites. It's in the same position tonight, the world's setting just like that. Let me ask you something. Look at this setting now. Abraham called this Man that talked to him, Elohim. The Hebrew word "Elohim" means "the all-sufficient One, the One that's the Eternal One, Elohim, God Himself. In the beginning... Genesis 1 said, "In the beginning, God..." Take the Hebrew word there-the Greek word rather, "In the beginning Elohim created heavens and earth." 28-4 Here He is, Genesis, about 22 here... He said...?... Begin at--or about the 20... He said... And he called this Man's name Elohim. Why did he do it? God represented in a human flesh, that set down with Abraham and eat a calf sandwich, drinking some milk, and eat some bread (God Himself) and disappeared right before Abraham. But He give him a sign. Notice, and that sign was that He had His back turned to the tent. And remember, Abraham, his name was Abram a few days before that, and Sarah was Sarra before that--S-a-r-r-a, then S-a-r-a-h and A-b-r-a-m to A-b-r-a-h-a-m. "Abraham" means "father of nations." Now, watch real close here, and we'll see the setting of the hour that we're now living, as Jesus told us to look for this setting. We've seen all the rest of it right; now let's see to the Royal Seed, what setting they're supposed to see. Now, this Man said, "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?" And Abraham said, "She's in the tent behind You." Now, He'd never seen her. How did He know that his name was Abraham? How did He know her name was S-a-r-a-h? "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?" Said, "She's in the tent behind You." And He said, "I ('I,' a personal pronoun)--I am going to visit you according to the promise. Your wife's going to have that baby. You've trusted Me now; I'm going to make it come to pass."
29-1 And Sarah in the tent behind (eavesdropping, or eardropping, ever what you call it), listening through the tent, she said--laughed up her sleeve and she said, "Now, me, an old woman like I am, have pleasure with my lord and him old too, out there a hundred years old. Why, this hasn't happened for many, many years." And the Man, M-a-n, setting there eating, in human flesh, drinking and eating like an ordinary man with dust on His clothes, and had dust on His feet, and Abraham washed it off: God Himself, looked around and He said, "Why did Sarah laugh back in the tent, saying this?" He knew, could discern the thoughts of Sarah in the tent behind Him. Is that right? Now, when the Royal Seed of Abraham come on the earth, what sign did He show? (Son of man.) Simon came up to Him one day. Andrew brought him. He said, "Your name is Simon; you're the son of Jonas." He said... See, that made a believer out of him. 29-4 Philip went over and got Nathanael; come back and said, "Come see a Man Who we have-we've found: Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Joseph." He said, "Now, wait a minute. Could anything good come out of that fanaticism?" He said, "Come see." So when Philip come up in the Presence of Jesus with Nathanael, Jesus looked over at him and said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there's no guile." He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?" He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. You're the King of Israel." 29-5 When the little woman at the well, in her immoral conditions, come up (a little panoramic something like this) to draw some water, Jesus had sent His disciples away to get vittles. And when she come up to draw water, He said, "Bring Me a drink, woman." She said, "It's not customary for You to say that. We have segregation here. Now, you Jews have nothing to do with us Samaritans; we have nothing to do with you." He said, "But woman, if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. I'd give you waters you don't come here to draw." He found where her condition was, what it was. He said, "Go get your husband and come here." She said, "I don't have any husband." He said, "You've said the truth. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours." She said, "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh He'll show us these things." Jesus said, "I am He." On that she run into the city and said, "Come see a Man Whose told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" 30-2 Watch, He did that before the Jews and the Samaritans, but never the Gentiles. The Gentiles, we people were heathens in them days (the other nations), packed a club on our back, worshipping idols; we wasn't looking for no Messiah. He only appears to those who's looking for Him, and we're supposed to be looking for Him. But those who claim to be looking for Him, the church itself, when they seen that done, they said, "He's a devil; he's a fortuneteller, a Beelzebub." And Jesus said that sin would be forgiven them because He hadn't died yet, but said someday the Holy Ghost will come and do the same thing, and to speak one word against It will never be forgiven. That's this day, where every word has to hang together. Speak a word against It, it'll never be forgiven in this world or the world to come. 30-4 That was the Royal Seed of Abraham. And here that Royal Seed of Abraham (which come because of that identification of that Man setting there with Abraham) come to prove it was the same God promised that in this day, as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of
the Son of man, when He is revealing Himself as Son of man. Amen. This is the day for the Scripture to be fulfilled. Look at the setting we are today. Look at the church where the Son of God... Look at the dismal day; look at all the prophecies. Now, a strange thing--our visitors are due then, if the setting has to be like at Sodom. There were three of Them come along--three outstanding Men sent from heaven; we'll admit that-three of them; One stayed with Abraham. They all started there, but One stayed with Abraham; the rest of them went down in Sodom. Is that right? And Abraham had a changed name, from Abram to Abraham. True? Not one time has the history--church of the world ever had an evangelist to go to it with a name ending in h-a-m till this day--Billy G-r-a-h-a-m. Is that right? G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters. A-br-a-h-a-m is seven letters, but G-r-a-h-a-m is six letters, which is the world: man. See? 31-3 Look what's went out there today is them messengers from heaven. Is there a man on earth that's got repentance so preached so plainly as Billy Graham? Has there been a man that has had an effect upon the people like Billy Graham? Never has there been internationally a man. Oh, Billy Sunday and so forth was here in the United States, but Billy Graham's knowed worldwide. See where's he's calling? Out of Sodom. And he's got his accompanying party there with the Pentecostal church: an Oral Roberts. But what about the elect group? What kind of a sign are they supposed to see? What are they supposed to have? Hallelujah. "It shall be Light in the evening time." This day this Scripture is fulfilled. This day God's promise is fulfilled. We know that to be the truth. He's here tonight as He was then. 31-5 Now, to preach it... As I said awhile ago, if you preach anything and it's the Gospel Truth, then God's obligated to vindicate that. Is that true? Now, if that be so, let the God that wrote the Word, let the God that made the prophecy, let the God Who is God of the Word come forth and prove that He's still God. As Elijah went up on the mountain watching--Elisha went watching Elijah, he said, "I want a double portion." And the mantle that was on Elijah fell upon Elisha. He walked down and doubled that blanket up and struck the river and said, "Where is the God of Elijah?" And the same thing that happened for Elijah, happened for Elisha. And the same Gospel, the same power, the same son of man that was yesterday, is today, and will be forever: Hebrews 13:8. You believe it? 32-1 Now, I ask you. I cannot be Him, but He is here. We are only a carrier. Some of you people out there that's sick and afflicted (that you know that I don't know you, let God now, if I can humble myself enough...), you pray and ask God. I don't guess... There isn't a prayer card in the building, is there? No, I don't... We never give out any prayer cards. We're going to have prayer meeting--or healing of the sick at the church. But you pray, and you know that I'm a total stranger to you. See? You know me, Jeffersonville. I don't want people from Jeffersonville to do that; I want people from away from here somewhere. See if God still reveals. See if He's still the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do like the little woman did. He passed through and she said, "I believe this Man." She had a blood issue and she said, "If I could touch the border of His garment, I believe I'll be made whole." Is that right? Because of her faith, that day the Scripture was fulfilled. He bind up the heart of the broken heart, healed the sick and the lame. When she touched His garment and walked out and set down, He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" How'd He ever know in that great throng of people (probably thirty times what's here tonight, thousands of them), how did He know it? He said, "Who touched Me?" He didn't say that just to be saying, He said that because it was true. And He said, "Who touched Me?" And directly, He looked around and seen the little woman (where she was setting or standing, whatever position she was in), told her her blood issue was over. That was Jesus yesterday; that's Him today. You believe that?
32-5 I don't know you; God does. But you got pains in your side that's bothering you. That's right. You're setting there praying about it. Am I a stranger to you? We're stranger to one another; stand up if it is. I don't know you. It's this man right here on the corner, this young fellow. You also got a bad throat. That's right. You're praying about that; you're all nervous about something. You're going to have to leave the meeting, because you're a minister. You got some engagements you got to take care of. That is right. You believe God knows who you are? Reverend Mr. Smith, now you can go and be healed; Jesus Christ made you whole. Go on to your meeting; your throat won't bother you. Who did he touch? 33-1 There's a man setting right back here; he's suffering. He's got a tumor on his left lung. He doesn't--he isn't from here. You have been a mine worker. That is right. I'm a total stranger to you; if that's right, shake your hand. The tumor's in your left lung, and you're up for an operation right away. That's right? Uh-huh. You're not from here; you're from out of town. You're from Virginia. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? Mr. Mitchell (That's right.), go home and be well. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Ask the man; never seen him in my life. He was setting there praying. This day this Scripture... Here's a lady setting right back here behind me, as Sarah was in the tent. She's praying for a daughter. Stand up. The daughter's not here; she's away. The daughter has... You're the same as it was when a woman come to Jesus who had a woman that was variously vexed by the devil. The woman is--girl is demon possessed. She's not here; she is from--you're from North Carolina. You believe that, and that's the Truth isn't it? Mrs. Orders, you can go home. If you'll believe with all your heart, you'll find your daughter like found when Jesus Christ in the days gone by, said it would be. 33-3 This day this Scripture, the sign of Sodom, the sign of the Super-Seed, the sign of the natural church, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your midst. Do you believe it? Will you accept Him right now as your Saviour and Healer? Stand up to your feet every one of you and say, "I accept my healing; I accept Him as my Saviour; I accept Him as my King." Each one stand to your feet. This day... Listen, friends. He read the Scripture, handed the Bible back to the priest, and said all the eyes of the people were fastened upon Him. And He looked upon them and said, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled." I've read the Scripture, with a dozen or more evidences that we're living in the last day, the generation that would see Jesus Christ return to the earth. And I say to you tonight again, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight. You in Tucson, you in California, you in New York, on these telephone hook-ups, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight. Let us be glad and make merry, for the marriage of the Lamb is at hand, and her Bride--His Bride has made Herself ready. Let's raise our hands and give Him glory, all ye people. God bless you. WEDDING CEREMONY JEFF IN 65-0220W E-1 [By Brother William Marrion Branham, at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, Saturday afternoon at 2:30, February 20, 1965. The organist plays BECAUSE and OH PROMISE ME; then the minister, the groom and his attendants come to the altar; then the BRIDAL CHORUS is played as the bride's attendants come to the altar, followed by the bride--Ed.] Who will I ask to give this woman to be wife to this man? [The bride's father answers, "I, her father, will."] Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commanded by Saint Paul to be honorable among all men. It is therefore not by any to be entered into unadvisably or lightly, but advisably, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy state these two persons present come to be
joined. If there's any persons here that can show a just cause why they should not be lawfully joined together in this holy matrimony, do you now speak, or, from hereafter, forever hold your peace. E-2 I will require and will charge you both, as you'll surely answer at the day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment why you should not be lawful joined together in this matrimony, do you now confess it; for be it assured unto you that any couple that are joined otherwise than God's Word doth allow, their marriage is not lawful. But duly believing that you have considered this solemn obligation that you're about to assume, then that you have prepared to enter upon the same, reverently, discreetfully, soberly, and in the fear of God, I shall propose to you the marriage covenant. You will declare the same as you join your right hands together. [The groom and bride join their right hands together.] E-3 Will you have this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in this holy state of matrimony; do you promise to honor and love and cherish, in sickness and health, riches or poverty, and will forsake all others and cleave thee only unto her as long as you both live? [The groom answers, "I will."] Would you have this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to live together in this holy state of matrimony; do you promise to love, honor, and cherish, in sickness and health, and forsake all others and cleave thee only unto him as long as you both live? [The bride answers, "I will."] I'll require a token that this covenant will always be kept. [Two rings are placed on the minister's Bible, then offered to the groom for the bride, then to the bride for the groom.] Will you join your right hands together again, place them upon the Bible. We will all bow our heads. E-4 Almighty God, the great Creator of all things, the Author of Everlasting Life, and the Giver of all good gifts, when Thou didst see fit to give man a present, You gave him a wife. It is written, "He that has found a wife, has found a good thing." And as we stand this afternoon, after many thousands of years, our mind is brought back to the time that the first ceremony was ever performed, it was by You, Father, in the garden of Eden, when You married our father and mother, Adam and Eve, and to this day man has taken to him a wife. Father, we pray that You will bless this young man and this young woman, who has found love in their hearts, one to the other. And in the reckless age that we're now living, so many divorces, break-ups in homes, may it not be with this couple. May they remember this vow as long as they live. May there be no powers to ever separate them. I pray Thee, Father, as You did bless Isaac and Rebekah, and made them every happy in their lives, and they were fruitful, we pray that You will likewise do to this young man and this young lady, who have agreed upon this, talked it over with each other in secret, and now has come to the church and this company to offer their troth one to the other, and has so did and declared it in this public place. Now, Father, by the power of my commission given me by Almighty God, to be His servant, and has been witnessed to me by a Angel, by this authority I now pronounce this man and this woman, husband and wife, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. E-5 God bless you. You're married. [The couple kiss, then face the congregation. The organist begins playing the Wedding March--Ed.] Whatsoever God has joined together, may there be no man put asunder. [The groom, the bride, and the attendants leave.] May the audience stand for dismissal. Our Father, we thank Thee this afternoon that there is still, on earth, men and women who believe You. And as we here today, many of us, has went through the similar time for the same purpose, we
are minded as we see a young man and a young woman, that has agreed to live holy and separate from the world and other companions to live only to them, each other. We are minded of the Church that also has agreed to live holy and accept, from the world, separated, and waiting for the coming of the Bridegroom. May our hearts beat in love for Him. May our minds be upon Him, and waiting and longing for that great wedding supper that's going to be in the air, one day when He does come. Though He tarry, yet He'll be here. And as we leave today, then may this be reunited in our minds and our hearts, and may we pledge ourself to Thee anew, to live undefiled from the world, that we might someday be a partaker of that great ceremony that's soon to come. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen. Lord bless you. GOD'S CHOSEN PLACE WORSHIP JEFF IN 65-0220 V-5 N-7 1 Let us remain standing for a moment as we bow our heads for prayer. And now, with our heads bowed (and I trust our hearts are bowed too) I wonder how many in here tonight would like to be remembered in prayer, a something special. Will you just raise your hand, say, "God, give to me tonight that what I'm seeking for." The Lord bless you. 2 Our heavenly Father, as we now humbly approach this great throne of grace, by faith we move into the beyonds where God, and the Angels, and the Cherubims, and all the heavenly host is assembled together. For He said there cannot be even a sparrow fall to the ground without the heavenly Father knowing it. How much more does He know here when hundreds of people have their heads bowed and calling upon Thee for special requests. Father, look down upon the needy world tonight, for we are needy people. I pray, God, that because that we have assembled here and expressing to Thee our faith in a living God Who does answer prayer... We have come out from among the world of the uncircumcised, the heart and ears, come out to live a separate life and to live, and confessing our faith in Thee. And tonight we've raised our hands in saying we're needy. Dear God, answer every one of their requests. 4 And then, Father, we pray that You'll visit us tonight in the Word. We come here for correction, for understanding, that we might know just how to live in this present day, what to look forward to, what to do. For we know the coming of the Lord is drawing nigh, according to all the signs that the prophets foretold. We're nearing the time, Lord, when complete deliverance will be given to Your children. God, let us every one be there, Father; may there not be one missing. That's our purpose of being here, Lord. We love You, and we're trying to prepare for that hour. Speak to us, we ask again tonight, and heal the sick. All the sick and the afflicted that's in the building, we pray that You'll heal them, Lord, and especially them with spiritual needs. We pray that You'll save every lost soul, fill every believer with the Holy Spirit, and renew the strength and power in Your believing children. Grant these things, Father. We ask much, because You told us to ask--ask abundance, ask for great things, many of them, that our joys might be made full. And we ask them in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (May be seated.) 6 I certainly deem this a grand privilege tonight to be back here at the platform again here in this high school, to face these fine people that's gathered out to hear the Gospel. I ask God's mercy to help me to tell you the truth as far as I know the truth. He still can close the mouth of a man the same as He could the mouth of a lion. And if I'd ever try to say anything that was wrong and contrary to His will, my sincere prayer is that He close my mouth that I won't say it. For truly, I want to be in heaven myself, and I'd never be there... And besides all that, I'd be a false leader, somebody who'd done something falsely. If I do it, it's because I don't know no different. The Lord bless you. 7 Now, tomorrow morning, if it be the will of God, I aim to speak on that subject, "Marriage and Divorce." And we trust that you'll come and bring your pencils and papers. We won't take too long,
but I'd just like to... That was my purpose of being back here first, in Indiana, that I promised you that. And I will try tomorrow morning; if I don't get it tomorrow morning, I will tomorrow night. But I'm going to try tomorrow morning, if the Lord willing, to speak on the subject, the two schools of thoughts. And may God help us to know what is truth, just to know what's truth, so we can walk in Truth and in Light. 8 We... You know, used to have an old colored friend. He said to me; he said, "Brother Billy," said, "I-I don't want any trouble at the river." He said, "I want to have my ticket in my hand. And when the whistle blows, I don't want any trouble there. I've asked the Lord a long time ago if there's anything wrong, let me settle it up right now," said, "because it'll be dark and stormy on that morning when the ship pulls out for the other side." Said, "I don't want any interference; I want to take care of all of it now." That's what we're here for, try to take care of all the interferences so that we can walk aboard on that hour. Now, I won't speak to you very long tonight, because we got two services tomorrow. And then I take right off somewhere else to another--more services. 10 But now, in the Book of Deuteronomy I wish to read from the 16th chapter, the first three verses of Deuteronomy 16:1-3. Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover... The LORD thy God:... in the fourth month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of--out of Egypt by night. Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flocks and of the herd, in the place which the LORD has chosen to place his name there. 11 Now, my subject tonight is "God's Chosen Place of Worship." If you notice, the month A-b-a-d--b there is--means April. The month of April is when they were brought out. And now, the strange thing is, that we tonight as worshippers of God in this day that we live in... And we find so many different ideas of people. And as long as there's different ideas about things, there's got--different questions, there's got to be one true answer to every question that's asked. If I would ask the question, "What is this?" "Well," they'd say, "a desk." "What is it for?" See? Now, there... Somebody might say, "It isn't a desk; it's a board." Well, it is a board, but yet it's a desk. You see, there's got to be a true answer to it. And if I'd ask the question about anything, there's got to be a true answer. There can be something close to it, but there's got to be a true, direct answer to every question. So therefore, every question that comes up in our lives, there's got to be a true, correct answer. 13 And now, today we hear--hear it said so many of our people in the world today... As being a missionary, have taken several trips across the sea and around the world, I've been in contact with many different religions such as Buddha, and Mohammed, and--and Sikhs, and Jains, and whatmore of the religions of the world. And then here in our own United States and other foreign countries, meet with all of our different churches, such as our denominational churches, beginning with the early Roman Catholic, and then to the Greek, and so forth, and the--the different rites, and then down into the--all the denominational ages of nine hundred and something different Protestant denominations... Now, each one of them ('Course you could see their idea, and I cannot blame them.), each one claims that they are the truth, they have the truth, and... The people that belongs to those churches should believe that, because they have staked their--their destination, their eternal destination, upon the teaching of that church. And they're so much different, one from the other, till it makes nine hundred and something different questions. Therefore, being nine hundred and something different questions, there's got to be one correct answer. And I would like for us tonight, being that we're trying to go to heaven and to meet our Lord Jesus, Who we all love, I would like to search in the Scriptures to find that. 14 Now, if it is a Bible question, then it should have a
Bible answer. It should not be able to come from a group of men, from any certain fellowship, or from some educator, or from some denomination; it should come straight from the Scripture where God's meeting place is of worship. And surely, being God, there is a meeting place, somewhere that He meets. Now, we find out here that in Deuteronomy here, at the beginning, Moses reciting back the Scripture, the things that he had told them how He'd brought them out with a great, strong arm, out of Egypt and had first established them. They were called "the people of God" until they come out of the--Egypt, and then they were called "the Church of God," because the church is the congregating or the... Really the "church" means "called-out ones," those who've been called out. And they come out of Egypt in order to be the church. 16 Now, God told them when they--before they established the temple, and whatever they did, "I will choose the place of My worship, and I'll put My Name in it." And that's the only place that God would ever meet anybody, was by His own choosing. He chose His place; and where He chose His place, He put His Name. The second verse here tells us that. He would put His Name in the place that He had chosen for people to worship Him in. Now, the thing of it is, we want to find where that place is. With nine hundred and something different ideas, being that we're bypassing all heathen religion and just speaking of Christian religion... Which I have a feeling for the heathens or I certainly wouldn't be going over there talking to them, but they're wrong. Christianity is the only religion that's true, is Christianity. I'm saying that not exactly because I am a Christian, because I believe that to be the truth. It's the only religion that's right. 18 I've been to the grave where the white horse is changed every four hours, where Mohammed, a great priest and--and leader right after Christ, was supposingly to be a prophet, and I don't doubt but what he was, right after the Maccabee brothers, but when they--he died he claimed that he'd raise again and would conquer the whole world. Now, about every four hours they change guards, and they keep a white horse at his grave. They have for two thousand years, expecting him to rise again and conquer the world. But you see... And you go to Buddha. Buddha lived many hundred years, about twenty-three hundred years ago, the god of--of Japan. And so he was a philosopher, something like Confucius and so forth. But all these founders and so forth, all of them died with their philosophy and is buried and in the grave. But Christianity, which is established by Jesus Christ, there is a empty tomb. He was the only Man that ever stood on earth and lived and said, "I have power to lay My life down and raise it up again." And He did it, and He lives today. And we know He lives, because He is with us and proves Hisself by physical signs and wonders that He promised that He would do to show it; insomuch as a Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, it's with us today; even having Its picture taken, performing the signs and wonders that He promised It would do in this day, seeing all the words that He promised being made manifest this day. Therefore, the rest of heathen world is out; it's Christianity. 20 Now, being that there's nine hundred and something questions about where God meets--"He meets with the Methodists," or, "He meets with the Baptists," and "He meets in this, and that, and the other." Now, there's a question there. So everyone has to seek out his own salvation with fear and trembling. But tonight I want to try to find and prove in the Scripture where the correct place is where God meets and worships with the people. And if that's it, that's the only place He'll ever meet. 21 Now, we took this text out of Deuteronomy. It's a Greek word, which has a compound meanings, or it means "two laws." The Greek word "Deuteronomy" means "two different laws." And that's just what God has: two different laws. And one of them is a law of death, and the other one is a law of
Life. God has two laws. To follow Him, and serve Him, and worship Him is Life; to reject it is death. There's two laws in God. Now, one of those laws was made--recognized to the world at Mount Sinai. God gave the law to Moses and Israel. Not that the law can help them, but the law only pointed out to them that they were sinners. Until that time they didn't know what sin was, till they had a law. There cannot be a law without a penalty. A law's not a law without penalty. So therefore, the transgression of the law is sin, and the wages of sin is death. So therefore, until God made them a law, there was no transgression reckoned to them. If there's no law here that says you can't run over twenty miles an hour, then you can run over twenty miles an hour. But when there's a law says you can't do it, then there's a law and a penalty behind it. 23 Now, death was--the law of death was the commandments given on Mount Sinai which told man that he was a sinner, and to transgress God's law he died. But there's no salvation in the law. The... It was only a policeman that could put you in jail; it had nothing to bring you out with. But then He gave another law. That was at Mount Calvary, where sin was reckoned in Jesus Christ. And there the penalty was paid, and not with--without law, but by grace you are saved by the grace of God through predestination of God's foreknowledge of your being. Now, we see these two laws, Deuteronomy, speaking of two laws. There was two laws; one was the law of death and the other one, the law of Life. 25 There was also two covenants give to the people. We're going to speak of them in the morning. One of them was given to Adam on condition: "If you do this and don't do that..." But that law was broken. Adam and Eve broke that in the garden of Eden. Then God made the second covenant, and give that to Abraham; and that law was unconditional. "It isn't what you've done or what you will do;" He said, "I've already done it." That's grace; that's the law of Life. God did that for Abraham and his seed after him. That's all of Abraham's seed, as the Bible said, "All Israel will be saved." But that don't mean Jews, as Paul said, "That Israel which is inward or Israel outward..." Outward, as we spoke of the other night, it was Isaac's children by sex. But the law of God was through Christ, which was Abraham's Royal Seed, that by grace all Israel is saved. That's all that's in Christ is saved, all-God's second covenant. But all these things foreshadowed Christ. 26 Now, notice the 2nd verse. The 2nd verse here in Deuteronomy 16: "Worship in the place that I have chosen. Now, you must worship God," He said, "in the place that I have chosen (not what someone else chose), but what I have chosen." Now, if God chose a place; it behooves us then to find out what He said about it. And where is it? I want to find it, because truly I want to worship Him. We all are here tonight to worship Him. We're setting here tonight as Methodists, Baptists, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, Christian Science, and all, but we're all seeking something. We want to know truth. The Bible said that, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Somebody... You can't know what you're doing; you don't know how to do it until you know how to do it--you don't know what to do until you know how to do it, rather. You must know what you're doing and how to do it. This shows us that God has a meeting place for His worshippers in one certain place, and that place only God meets His worshippers. 28 Now, also, the place He has chosen for His worshippers, He claimed He would put His Name. Now, let's search out and find through the Scripture where this place is. Surely, if God said He'd put His Name in this place where He had chosen to meet the people and worship with them--or them worship Him, rather, that it's somewhere in the Bible, for it was for all ages.
And the great unchanging God cannot change. Man changes. But you could put your life upon anything that God ever said at any time, because it is truth. It is truth. Because that's the only thing I can have confidence in, is the Bible, because man's word will fail, but God is supreme. This year I should know more than I knowed last year. You should too. Each day... We're finite, so we gain knowledge. But God is infinite. He's infinite; and being infinite, He cannot gain knowledge. He is perfect to begin with. Every decision has to be exactly right. And the way God acted one time, He must forever act that way or He acted wrong when He act the first time. If a man ever come to God for salvation, upon the basis that He accepted him on, it's got to be accepted on that same basis every time. That's right. If a man ever come to God for Divine healing, and God accepted him upon a certain basis, the next man comes, He's got to accept him the same way, or He did wrong when He accepted the first man. God made a basis that He would meet a man on. He made a basis at what He would do, how He would do it, and that was through the sacrificial blood of a lamb in the garden of Eden. God has never, no time, ever changed it. 31 He decided how He would save man. We've tried today to educate men into it; we've tried to school them, tried to educate them, tried to denominate, tried to do all these other types of things to bring them in, shake them in, baptize them in, every other way there is, bring them in by letters, but still remains the same: God meets a man under the shed Blood of the Lamb. Blood was God's way in the beginning, and the Blood's the--God's way tonight. It's good to do penance and all these things, but salvation only comes through Blood. Blood is the only way that God chose to save man, and He cannot change it. Job had the same thing. He knowed that he was a righteous, because he had offered the--the sacrifice that God had required of him. 33 Now, let us search now to see what this place is, and the place He put His Name. We're going to have to find out where He put His Name. Then if we find out what God's Name is and where He put it, then we've got the place of worship as soon as we find that. All these things, of course, it was shadows of things to come. All the law was foreshadowing of the things to come. Just like the moon is a shadow of the sun. It serves in the absence of the sun, just like the church is to serve in the absence of the S-o-n of God. In the absence of the Son, the lesser light, the church, the believers, serve God and give light in the absence of the Son. But when the sun rises, you don't see the moon no more, because it's gone down. It doesn't need its light anymore, because it only gets its light secondarily off the sun. Now, like husband and wife, the sun and moon is, church and Christ. Now, we find, that these things being a shadow of Christ... Every sacrifice, feast, and everything in the Old Testament foreshadowed Christ. Just as the shadow strikes across the floor... Now, here's where we're going to have to find the correct place of worship, is to go back here in the Old Testament where it was given and see what these things were. 36 Now, when a shadow comes across the floor, you can tell whether it's man, woman, or beast, or whatever it might be, because it casts a shadow upon the floor. And as that shadow gets shorter, the shadow being the negative... And there cannot be a negative without a positive; therefore, when the positive becomes closer to the negative, the negative is swallowed up in the positive. The shadow and the--and the positive comes together, and that's what makes it then a--the positive. And if all the old things the Bible said in the Old Testament was shadows of the things to come, then therefore, Christ was the shadow of things to come. So we can see by the Old Testament types where He chose to put His Name and to--where now. Now, as the shadow is a--crosses the floor, I said, is the negative, being a type, so we, the worshippers also can see the shadows of the Old Testament fading into the positive of the New. Now, all the feasts, the holidays, all the tabernacle, all the wood, everything in the tabernacle, everything typed Christ. All the offerings, all the laws, everything was in type of Christ. We've been
through it time after time here at the Tabernacle. Then we see by these that every creed, church, and denomination is left far behind. It's not even in the race at all. Every creed, every church, every denomination is completely left out. There's no place for them at all. 39 Nothing is typed in the Old Testament or anywhere in the Bible of the church but the forced unity of Babel tower. That's the only thing that types the unity. Because it was by Nimrod, a wicked man who went out and forced all the little countries to come into one place and this great tower. It was religious worship, of course, but not considered in the Word of God. So there is where you see denominational religion typed: the tower of Babel in the Old Testament. Which this religion was certainly a religion, but not the religion of the Word of God. God has not chosen to put His Name in any denomination. I want the Scripture for it, if it is. I know they claim He has, but He hasn't. He cannot put His Name in many places, because He said He put His Name in one place, and that one place... Each one of our denominations wants to say they are that place, but it's contrary. But where did He put His Name? 41 Now, and He... What is His Name first? We'll have to name--find what God's Name is before we can find what it is He's putting in the place. Now, we find out that He had many titles. He's called the--He was called "Father," which is a title; and He was called "Son," which is a title; He was called "Holy Ghost," which is a title; He's called "Rose of Sharon," which is a title: "Lily of the Valley," a title; "Morning Star," "Jehovah-jireh," "Jehovah-rapha," seven different compound redemptive names, but all of them were titles. None of them were names. But He has a Name. When He met Moses He had not a Name yet, and He told Moses, "I AM THAT I AM." And when we see Jesus on earth, speaking in Hebrews the 6th chapter, I beg your pardon, St. John the 6th chapter, He said, "I AM THAT I AM." They said, "Why, you're a man not over fifty years old and say that you seen Abraham?" He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." And I AM was the One--the burning bush--the Pillar of Fire that was in the burning bush back in the days of Moses, the I AM THE I AM. 44 And now, we find out that Jesus said also, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then the Name of the Father must be Jesus. That's right. The Name of the Father is Jesus, 'cause Jesus said to them, "I carry My Father's Name. I come in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then His Name was Jesus, and Gabriel called Him Jesus, the prophets called Him Jesus, and He was absolutely Jesus. Before His birth even the holy prophet called His Name Emmanuel, which is "God with us." Then God was manifested in the flesh in order to take away the sin of the world, and in doing so, He was given the Name of Jesus. So Jesus is the Name. And the Name was placed in a Man, not a church, not a denomination, not a creed, but a Man. He chose to place His Name in Jesus Christ. Now, we find out that then He becomes the place of God's worship, where you worship Him. Ever before that He was even born, His Name was called Jesus. It was so important it was give to His mother by the Angel Gabriel, that His Name would be called Jesus, Son of God, what He was. 46 There we have it then. This is it alone. It is for Him alone. God's chosen place of worship, God's place chose--God chose to meet man was not in a church, not in a denomination, not in a creed, but in Christ. That's the only place that God will meet a man and he can worship God, is in Christ. That's the only place. No matter if you're Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, whatever you might be, there's only one place that you can correctly worship God; that's in Christ. Romans 8:1 said, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." That's the Gospel. 47 We can different upon creeds; we can different upon manmade theories. You can go to a Methodist church, you have to be a Methodist; a Baptist, a Baptist; the Catholic, a Catholic; but when once you're baptized into Christ and become a member of His Body, there's no differences.
The middle walls of partition is tore down and you're free because you're in Christ Jesus; and you worship God in Spirit and in Truth when you are in Christ Jesus. It's God's plan for you to worship Him in Christ Jesus. Now, no church denomination can claim this; no one can claim that. How dare you to make such claims? To do such a thing would be an antichrist spirit, be taking away from Christ, to take from Him. You cannot do that. Christ is the only place that God meets the worshippers. 49 They say today, I've have people tell me... A man called me not long ago in Beaumont, Texas; he said, "Mr. Branham, if your name is not on our church book, you cannot go to heaven." Would you ever think of that. Don't you believe such a thing as that. They think you have to belong to that certain church or you cannot go to heaven. That's wrong. To believe that is antichrist. I'll say this: If you believe such a spirit, you're lost. That's a good sign you are lost, because it's taking away from what God did. God never put His Name in any church. He put It in His Son Christ Jesus, when He and His Son became One. That's the genuine place of worship. No other foundations is laid, no other Rock, "On Christ, the solid Rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sand." Denominations will crumble and fall; nations will pass away, but He will remain forever. No other place that a man can find to worship God that God will speak back to him, no place but in Christ Jesus. That's the only place, the only place that God chose to put His Name, and the only place that He meets men to worship. You're lost to believe anything else. 50 Notice, all seven Jewish feasts was kept in the same place. They never kept one feast here for the Methodists, and one over here for the Baptists, one over there for the Presbyterian, one back here for the Catholic, and one for the Protestant. All seven feasts was kept in the same place. It's a very beautiful type here. We've just went through the Seven Church Ages, going to show that God keep all seven church ages in the Word. For each church age produced a part of the Word. And whenever they produced it, and they saw the Light... Just like the people who first discovered to baptize in Jesus' Name. What did they do? They made a denomination out of it, and it died right there. Then God moved right out into somebody else. He will not stay in one of those creeds and dogmas. He has nothing to do with it. There's nothing perverted about God. God's Word's holy, unadulterated. Christ is God's center Spot of worship. He is God. All seven feasts must be kept in this one place. You couldn't keep the feast in any other place but them seven places--the seven feasts of the year must be kept in one place. Therefore, the seven church ages had to come from the one single place, that was Christ speaking in all seven church ages. That's exactly right. Type of the seven church ages... But they made denominations out of it. 53 Now, let's look at another type while we're along here; that's the type of the Passover-foreshadowed Jesus. We notice here the sacrifice of blood by death. The sacrifice of blood was the place that foreshadowed Christ. Can a denomination bleed? Could you think of a church bleeding, a denominational bleeding? Certainly not. It taken blood to bleed from a life and the life... Here Jesus comes in view by the lamb. The lamb was a type of Christ and foreshadowed Christ, because He was the Lamb of God that John introduced that takes away the sin of the world. We find Jesus coming into view here in Exodus the 12th chapter. Notice, it was the only place death could not strike. When death was about to strike the land, there had to be a certain place; all from under this died. Only one place... Now, it didn't mean it was one house, but there was one place; that's where the lamb was killed. Where the lamb's blood was the death angel could not strike, because it was the one place God had put His Name. And that lamb was named back there in the beginning, a lamb. Notice, it was the one place he could not strike. 55 And now, the same is today. There's only one place that spiritual death cannot strike; that's the Word. Death can't strike the Word, because It's a living Word of God. But when you put creeds with It, the Word moves out to Itself. It'll separate like water from oil. You cannot mix it together.
Therefore you see, when the creed comes into a denomination, they all go after the creed, and the Word dies out and goes on with somebody else and increases It more, picks up a momentum as It go from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and on out into the grain. Do you see the path God has trod, bringing His Name all the time right down the same way, because He is the Word. Notice, It can't die. The Word of Life can't die. Notice how perfect now. The death angel was not forbidden to strike Egypt's great, intellectual people; it wasn't forbidden to strike its sacred lands, its great buildings, its pharaohs, or the priest of the land; the angel was not forbidden to strike. It could strike any building, any place, anybody, but it could not strike where the lamb was. Death cannot strike where this provided place of God is, and that is in the Lamb. Notice, not even was the--he forbidden to strike Israel, or its Hebrew priests, and our--any of their denominations. All must be in God's chosen, provided place or death struck. 58 Church, wherever you are, what you belong to, makes me no difference. But there's one thing you must know. You've got to be in Christ or you're dead. You can't live outside of Him. Your church might be all right as a building; your fellowship might be all right as men; but when you deny the Body, the Blood, the Word of Jesus Christ, you're dead the minute you do it. It's God's chosen place of worship. There's where His Name is exactly. There's where He chose to put His Name, not in the church, but in the Son Jesus Christ. Notice, safety lies only in the place of His choosing, in His Lamb, and in the Name of the Lamb. Notice, it was a male lamb, a he, not a her: not a church (she), but His Name, not her name. Where He was going to meet the people was not in her name, but in His Name: Him, the Lamb. 61 Now, we say, "The church, the great, mighty church, she did this, and she did that. She's weighed the storms. We've picked up in population; we're great in numbers; we're a mighty church; she's a great thing." But God never said anything about a "she," He said, "Him." "Him" is the meeting place, the Lamb, not the church. It's not her name, but His Name. He didn't put her name anywhere, He put His Name in Him. That's why all we must do or word or in deed, we must do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ. If we pray, we got to pray in the Name of Jesus. If we ask petition, we've got to ask in Jesus' Name. If we walk, we walk in Jesus' Name. If we talk, we talk in Jesus' Name. If we baptize, we've got to baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. For all that we do in word or in deed, do it in the Name of Jesus Christ. 62 A fellow said to me one time, discussing that, he said, "Brother Branham, my wife, I don't..." said, "She--her name is Such-and-such." (He's a minister, may be setting here now.) And he said, "My wife," said, "she's got my name." (I'll just say Jones, because it wasn't Jones.) He said, "Now, she don't have to get up of a morning, get the broom and say, 'Now, I sweep the floor in the name of Jones, and I wash the dishes in the name of Jones, and I patch the clothes in the name of Jones.'" He said, "I don't think you have to call any name at all." I said, "I believe you do." That's right. And he said, "Well, why--she don't have to say... Everything she does is in the name of Jones to begin with." I said, "But you never walked down on a street and got her and said, 'Come on, Jones.'" She had to become first by a ceremony, a marriage ceremony, Jones. If she didn't, you're living in adultery. And if you're baptized any other way but in the Name of Jesus Christ, it's an adultery baptism, which is not found in the Bible." Then what you do in word and deed, do it all in the Name of Jesus. After that, what you do... But first you have to come in His Name. 64 There's many fine women in this building tonight, fine, loyal women, but there's one Mrs. William Branham. She's the one goes home with me. She's the one that's my wife. There's fine people in the world, fine churches, but there's one Miss Jesus Christ, and that's who He's coming for. That's where
His Name lays. There's where His worship is, in Her and Her alone. That is true. Oh, yes, sir. We find that to be true. Now, that's why we--all we do in word or in deed we do it in the Name of Jesus Christ. There is not another Name given under heaven for salvation, but the Name of Jesus Christ. Acts the 2nd chapter says that: "For be it known unto you, there's not another Name given under heaven whereby a man must be saved," only in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. I hope you get it. The Name of Jesus Christ, every highest heaven is named Him. All the family in heaven is named Jesus, the Bible said. And all the family on earth is named Jesus. So that's God's chosen Name and where He's put It. That's His place of worship, is in Jesus Christ. 67 Now, we know that to be so. No other place to worship but in Him. There's no another name under heaven given among men whereby they must be saved. His is God's Name of redemption. God has a name called Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha, Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord forgives all thy sins," Jehovah-rapha, "the Lord heals all thy diseases." He had many titles, but He's got one Name of Redemption that belongs to the human race, and that is the Name of Jesus. That's His Name He chose to put... Where did He put it? He put it in Christ. All the other church names, creeds, titles, is death to trust them. You're trusting in the Methodist church to take you to heaven, you're lost. If you're trusting in the Pentecostals, the Pentecostal church to take you to heaven, you're lost: in the Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, any other church, you're trusting in their name, or their title, or their creed, you are lost, because you can't even worship until first you come into the Place of worship. Amen. That's the only place God meets the worshipper is the place He chose to put His Name. All others, you trust in them, you'll die. 69 He also... Another shadow of Jesus here, I've got marked down, the Scripture. Also He--He foreshadowed here; He must be without a blemish. The place He puts His Name, this Lamb must be without a blemish. Now, what denomination or system can you pin this to? What church? Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, whatever it is, what system, denomination can you pin that to without a blemish on it? It's all rejected and refused, but there is a Place. Hallelujah. That Place is in Jesus Christ. There's not a blemish on Him. There was no fault in Him. You cannot pin this. All these people that try to do so, say their church is without fault and all this; it's filthy Word-breakers, lovers, half-dead, Laodicean, creed, but it is not the truth. But even Pilate himself, His enemy, said, "I can find no fault in Him." His own enemy testified there was no fault in Him. You can't pin any sin on Him. He said to the priests of His day, "Which one of you can accuse Me of sin? Who can show Me that I'm a sinner?" Tell me one church that can say they never did do anything wrong. Frankly, there's not a one of them hardly but what's murdered and done everything there is on the calendar to do hardly. Then still call themselves... No, it's not God's meeting place of worship in any creed or denomination. 71 My friends, I don't want to hurt feelings, but I'm responsible for a Message, and that Message is "Come out of this mess." And if I asked you to come out, where am I going to take you to? Would I take you to the Branham Tabernacle? It's as much fault as any of the rest of them. But there's one Place I can take you to, where you're safe and protected from death, that's in Jesus Christ, God's Place of worship. That's the Place I'm introducing to you tonight, where God put His Name, where He promised He'd meet every person that come in there; He'd worship with him and feast with him; that's in Christ. Not in no church, no tabernacle, but in Christ, He is God's Tabernacle. He is the place that God came Him into Himself and dwelt in Him: "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am pleased to dwell in." There's where God tabernacled, brought His Name, and placed It upon, Jesus Christ. Therefore, His Name was put in a Man, His Son, Jesus Christ, in which He tabernacled Himself. And in that Tabernacle, where in a type, the old Jerusalem, the old feasts, the old temple was a type, when the smoke come in, the day that the ark went in, of the Covenant, and settled down, and the Voice of God was heard from it. So did the Voice of God be heard coming into the Tabernacle Jesus Christ,
which the old natural was a type and a shadow of the new. And when He come into Christ, He said, "This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in. And I'll choose the place where I'll put My Name, and where I will meet men, and where I will worship at." God chose the place, not in no church denomination, but in Jesus Christ. Yes, sir. 72 He must also b e without a blemish, as I said. No denomination can claim that. If they do, they're antichrist. Now, we find out here, notice His shadow again. The--the Lamb is to be kept up (Now, this is found in Exodus 12, if you're marking it down, Exodus 12:3-6.), the lamb must be kept up four days to be tried to see if it's worthy to go to the sacrifice yet. Must be took--examined over and over for four days to see if there's a blemish on it, see if there's any sickness in it, see if there's anything wrong with the lamb. It must be kept up four days. Now, I know, somebody might've thought that was a little bit--killed on the 14th, but you remember, they took the lamb on the 10th day of the month and killed it on the 14th day of the month (See?), which was kept up for four days. Now, Jesus, God's Name Lamb, went into Jerusalem and never came out again until after His death, burial, and resurrection. He was kept up under critics for four days and four nights. How perfect that Lamb was typed. Kept up for four days. That's when Pilate said, "I can find no fault in Him." 76 Another shadow of Him: no bone could be broken in Him, which was perfectly, when they couldn't... Killing the sacrifice, they couldn't break a bone. If it was, it was refused. And they already drawed the hammer back to break the bones in the legs of Christ, when they said, "He's already dead." They pierced His side and found Blood and water. Notice again another great thing here. I--I won't skip it by, because He was represented in the offerings, the meal offering. I remember one time they had a school in the Bible called the school of the prophets, and it was quite a school. And we find out that Elijah went up there to that school one day, and they said, "We..." They prayed him to leave, said, "When you're around here, things are too straight." So they wanted him to get away. And they went out to get him a dinner, and a bunch of the priests went out, or prophets, to get some peas to make a dinner for him. And when they did, they gathered a great big apron full of them, and when they come back, it was wild gourds, which was poison, and they throwed them into the pot. And the pots begin to boil, and they, somebody said, "Alas, there's death in the pot. Now, we can't even eat." And Elijah said, "Bring me a handful of meal." And he took the meal and threw it into the pot and said, "Eat, the pot's healed." The Meal Offering was Christ. The--every burr had to be set the same, and every little piece of meal had to be ground the same for the meal offering, showing that He is the Healer, and He substitutes and takes away death and puts Life by the two laws. Hallelujah. Where death is one place, when Christ comes in, Life comes in. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And where there was death, there became Life, because that Christ was bought in, the Meal Offering. What a great lessons that these things would be if we take time to break them out. 79 Now, notice. Not one word of the shadows fail. Not one word ever failed of the shadow. Everything typed perfectly. He's God's chosen Place of worship, and God's Name is given to Him. He is God's Place of worship, and God's Name's given to Him. He is the Word of God, and He is the Name of God. He's both the Word of God and the Name of God. He was the Word made flesh. He was the Word of God, Lamb of God, Name of God, and was God. That's what He was, the chosen and only Place of Worship to God. And God refuses any other place besides in Jesus Christ. You cannot worship Him anywhere. He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men." Today we have creeds, dogmas, and everything that teaches, "This is the way," and "That is the way," and Jesus said; "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man can come to God except by Me." In other words, "I am the Door to the sheepfold. All without are thieves." He is the only approach. He's the Door; He's the Way, the Truth, the Life, all that there is, the only Entrance, the only Place, the only
Worship, the only Name. Everything is tied to Jesus Christ. All the Old Testament is tied to Him, the New Testament tied to Him and the church today is tied to Him by the Word of His Commandment. There's not another place or another Name, or anywhere where God ever promised to meet a man, only in Jesus Christ, His chosen Place of worship. 81 Notice, God has promised to meet His worshippers in only this one place, and that is of His own choosing, not of our choosing, not of our thinking, but of His thinking, His choosing. And it would be the place where He put His Name, where He chose. So we find out that we find where His Name was, what He chose. By His own choosing... Now, that we have found the place He put His Name (that is, in Christ Jesus), and there is no other place or no other name... Are you satisfied of that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation replies "Amen"--Ed.] Now, the thing of it is, if we find where the place is... The worship place is nowhere accepted only in Christ. You can repent; you can do that; but you're not worshipping yet; you're asking for pardon. Peter said... On the day of Pentecost when they seen them all speaking with tongues and great signs and wonders taking place, they begin to laugh (the church did) and said, "These men are full of new wine. They act like drunk people." The... Mary, the virgin, all of them was together, hundred and twenty of them. And they were staggering like drunk men, and speaking in tongues, and carrying on. And they said, "These men are full of new wine." 83 But Peter, standing up, said, "Man and brethren, these men are not full of new wine, for this is just the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy; upon My handmaids and maidservant will I pour out of My Spirit. I'll show signs in the heavens above, and on earth, fire, pillars of fire, vapors of smoke. It shall come to pass before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'" When they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said, "Men and brethren, what can we do?" Peter said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is to all future generations." 86 Now, we find that. Now, we want to find how we get into Him. How do we get into this Place of worship? I Corinthians 12 settles it. "For by one Spirit," not by one church, not by one creed, not by one pastor, not by one bishop, not by one priest, but by one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body which is the Body of Jesus Christ, and subject to every gift that lays in that Body. Yes, sir. No joining, no reciting of creeds, no pumping up, letting down, handshaking, or nothing else, but by birth we are baptized into the Body of Jesus Christ. Amen. By one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body. And what is that Body? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us,... How can we be in that Body and deny one Word of It or place It off somewhere else that's not even in the Body. How can we ever do it? 88 God's chosen place... Notice. And when you are truly baptized into Him, the true evidence is that you believe Him, the Word. How can you be a part of Him and then deny Him? How can I deny my hand being my hand? If there... If I do, there's something mentally wrong with me. And how can I... If there's something mentally wrong with me, deny that's my hand, deny that's my foot? There's something spiritually wrong with the believer that denies any Word that God ever said in promise. There's something spiritually wrong with that so-called believer. You can't deny one letter of Him, because you have become a part of the same. You are a part of Him, because you're baptized into Him by the Holy Spirit that's brought you into the Body of Jesus Christ.
90 What a beautiful thing. God had a certain place to met--He met Abraham, and there Abraham worshipped. All down through the Testament... And His promised Word will be interpreted in you by Him. Did you get that? The Word that He promised to fulfill in the day that you're living in, you will be a written epistle of God, read of all men. Not what you claim, but what God does through you will speak out louder than anything you could claim. God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." That speaks through you. He spoke of this age, what would be now. The believers of this age has to believe this, what He promised today. Just the same as they had to come into the ark to be saved, go out of Egypt to be saved, they have to come into Christ to be saved now, into the Word Message that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. How do you get into it? By Baptism. Baptism of what, water? By the Holy Ghost. One Spirit we're all baptized into this one Body. 93 And His promised Word, He will not--you won't have to interpret It, He will interpret It through you, what you are doing, what He promised to do. The church that follows Him will be so much like Him until the people will know. Look at Peter and John when they was questioned about healing a man at the gate called Beautiful. They said they perceived, those priests did, that they were both ignorant and unlearned men, but they take notice that they had been with Jesus. Because what? They were doing the things that He did. He must be about the Father's business. And today it must be the same. Now, remember, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. For God meets you in Him, the only Place there is, for that is where He has chosen to put His Name: in Jesus. Jesus is the Name of God. Remember, Father, Son, Holy Ghost is titles to the Name Jesus Christ. 96 When Matthew said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,"... How it's been misinterpreted today, and say, "In the Name of the Father, Name of the Son, Name of the Holy Ghost." It's not even written. It's in the Name (singular) of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Father's not a name; Son's not a name; Holy Ghost is not a name; it's a title. Ten days later Peter stood up and said, "Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." Then did he do what He told him not to do? He did what He told him to do. The Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. 97 Every person in the New Testament was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not one person in the Bible was ever baptized in the titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That never did come into existence until the Nicaea creed was put on at Nicaea, Rome. It was an order of the Catholic church, found vindicated the same thing in the catechism. I've got it (That's right.), "Facts of Our Faith" and so forth, that it absolutely is a Roman Catholic creed. They'll tell you it's not in the Bible, but they say they have power to change them words if they wish to because of the pope. I different. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and, "Whosoever shall take one word out of this Bible," said Jesus, "or put one word in it, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." One word, not a sentence or a paragraph, but a word, "Whosoever shall take one Word..." 98 In the beginning God fortified His people with His Word. One word misconstrued caused every death, every heartache, every sorrow. Eve, she never broke a sentence, she broke a word. When Jesus come in the middle of the Book... That was the first of the Book. When Jesus come in the middle of the Book, what did He say? "It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." In the last of the Book, Revelations the 22nd chapter, the 18th verse, the very last part of the Bible, Jesus speaks Himself, said, "I testify that if any man shall take one word out of this Book or add one word to It, his part will be taken out of the Book
of Life, because he's a false prophet and has misconstrued the people, and their blood will be accounted to his hand, of doing so." We must keep that one place of worship; that is, Jesus Christ the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. All right. Remember, there's no other meeting place to worship, not a place. God chose it. 100 John, way back yonder at the tie between the New and Old Testament... (Listen close now; notice closely.) John, that great eagle come flying from the wilderness one day, his great wings spread; he lit down on the bank of the Jordan, a great eagle prophet that bridged the way between the Old and New Testament, and He called them from right and left. He was calling a day of repentance. There come the Pharisees and Sadducees out; he said, "Don't begin to say within yourself, 'We have Abraham to our father,' 'cause I tell you God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Oh, my. When he begin to throw his Gospel out and saying, "There stands One among you Who you don't know. I've not yet identified Him, but I'll know Him when He comes. I'm not worthy to loose His shoe, but He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire. And His fan is in His hand; He'll thoroughly purge His floor; and He'll burn the chaff with unquenchable fire." 101 That great Gospel eagle setting there as he crowed out his great threats. And the filth come out-or Herod, the emperor at that time, proclamator, married his brother's wife. And could you imagine that big Gospel eagle setting there and holding his peace at that. Some of them said, "Don't you preach on marriage and divorce now, John, 'cause there sets Herod." Walked right up in his face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." That's right. What he--was it? He was that eagle from the wilderness. He wasn't trained under man's scares and threats of some denomination, but he was trained under the power of Almighty God to know what would be right. He knowed the identification of the Messiah. Hallelujah. (The word means "Praise our God." Don't get scared; I've never hurt nobody yet. I'm not excited; I know right where I am.) Oh, when I think of him, that big eagle flying out there and setting down... He said, "I'll know Him when He comes." 103 One day he was standing there a-preaching. The priests was across the other side, said, "You mean there'll come a time the daily sacrifice will be taken away, this great temple that we've built, and all the work we put on, us big denominations?" He said, "There'll come a time when all that'll be done away." Said, "Can't be. You're a false prophet." And he looked around; he said, "Behold, there He is. There's the--God's chosen Place of worship; there's the Lamb, the real Lamb that takes away the sin of the world." He didn't say: "Here comes the Methodist. Here comes the Baptists, or the Catholic." he said; "There comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." The only safety zone there is is in that Lamb of God. In Him alone is salvation, not in any church, any creed, any people, any father, any mother, any holy man, or nothing, holy place; it's in the holy God, the Lord Jesus Christ, where God placed His Name on a human being for redemption, Who paid the price for us sinners. That's the only place that there is salvation. 105 That's the Rock I stand on. John identified Him. He said, "I didn't know Him when I saw Him come walking up, but out there where I got my schooling..." not in the seminary like his daddy did, not as a priest, trained, but in the wilderness, where he was in the theological seminary of Almighty God, waiting for God's Word; not what some group of men had hatched up, but what God had said about it. And when John looked up and saw the Spirit coming, he said, "I bear record this is Him." Oh, my. There's your Place of worship. There's your Hiding Place. There's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Not no church, no creed, or nothing else, but the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
See how John placed it? He didn't say, "You Pharisees is right, you Sadducees, Herodians..." He said, "There's the Lamb. That's the Place. He's got the Name. He is the One." Not another Name under heaven... 107 Watch what Jesus said about John now. One day John sent to Him to see what He's doing. Jesus said of him, "He was that great and shining light to show them the right path that they should follow before His advent, His first advent." Listen close. Don't miss it. Jesus said John was that Light, Malachi 3. No mistake. The prophet with the great shining Light, identified Jesus as being the only One, the Lamb. All other lambs them priests was talking about, and all them other things was foolish. Here was the Lamb. The man with the great shining Light that... Jesus said he was. Malachi 3 said, "I'll send My messenger before My face to prepare the way." And the one that was sent to prepare the way identified Him the Place. "That's Him; there's no mistake; that's Him. I see the sign following Him. I know that that's Him, a Light coming down from heaven and going upon Him." He was positive that was Him. 108 Then, my brother, I want to ask you something in closing. We might say this: In Malachi 4 aren't we also promised another eagle, a Pillar of Light to be following to show the erring church this day that He's Hebrews 13:8, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Aren't we promised another one to come flying from the wilderness? Amen. That's exactly the truth. How fitting and matching it is to Luke 17:30 where the Son of man Eagle will be revealing Himself to bring to naught all other worship places such as denominations and so forth. God chose His place. John said, "There it is." And then we're promised the same thing in this day, Malachi 4, to turn the hearts of the children back, to say that He's not dead, these things are not for another age, baptism in Jesus' Name was not for back there, but He's now the same. Amen. To bring to naught all other places of worship, that's what the last day eagle is to do, to show that all the rest of it is foolishness; denomination is folly, but to point them again with the same sign that he did, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah. 110 Also in Revelations 4:7 we had four beasts that we've just been through with. The first one was, we find out was the Lion. That was the first Beast that went forth to meet the challenge of that day, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. After Him come the next beast. And we find out the next beast was a ox, which is a beast of burden, a sacrifice. In the days of the Roman cathedral, the church died out: sacrifice. The next come was a man--was a beast with a face of a man. And that man was the reformers: man's education, theology, and so forth. But the last beast that was to fly, the last beast that was to come, the Bible said it was a flying eagle. Hallelujah. And the prophet said in this day it shall be Light. Oh, my. "In that day there will be Light." There's been a day of reformers; there's been a day that's just a shadow, can't call day or night. But in the evening time, in the eagle time... It shall be light about eagle time; The path to Glory you'll surely find. In the water way is the Light today, Buried in the precious Name of Jesus. Young and old, repent of all your sins, The Holy Ghost will surely baptize you in; For the evening Lights have come; It is a fact that God and Christ are One. Amen. It shall be Light about the evening time. God's only chosen place to worship... 112 Oh, what's this Message come to? What's he going to do? "And in his day it shall be Light at the evening time." And what? To welcome His children back home to the true promised land by the same sign of the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness. God's chosen
Place to worship, Jesus Christ, that's the only Place there is. That's the only Name God has for salvation. That's what He's named the family in heaven while it's on earth, is Jesus Christ. Oh, church, oh, people, sinner friend, don't trust in nothing else but Jesus Christ. Don't trust in any preacher. Don't trust in anybody else to save you. Trust not in any church, any creed, any denomination; trust only in Jesus Christ, for He is the Light of the hour. Let us bow our heads. It shall be Light about the evening time; The path to Glory you will surely find; In the water way is the Light today, Buried in the precious Name of Jesus. Young and old repent of all your sins; The Holy Ghost will surely enter in; The evening Lights have come; It is the facts that God in Christ are One. 114 Oh, brother, sister, if you haven't repented yet, if you haven't been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, would you make that start tonight, would you give God the opportunity to welcome you into the place where you can worship Him? Remember, outside of there, there is no place that God promised to meet you and welcome your worship. You say, "Brother Branham, I worship just as sincere..." So did Cain. He made every kind of an offering that Abel did, but it was a wrong offering. You might go to church, and pay your tithes, and do your duty as a Christian ought to, just as sincere as any man or woman. I've stood here now for some thirty years around the city here and screamed this same Message. I'm getting old. I can't be with you too much longer. But remember, in the day of judgment, my voice is recorded, and it'll speak out against you. There's only one Place that God puts His Name, and that's not in a church, but in Jesus. There's only one Place of worship, only one Place that you are received, and that is in the Beloved, Jesus Christ. There's not another Name under heaven, given among men whereby I be saved, no church, no creed, no nothing, Jesus Christ. And that's supposed to be the Message of the hour, to restore back the hearts of the children back to the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Won't you accept it tonight? 117 And while we have our heads bowed and those that'd like to be remembered in prayer, would you just raise your hands? We can't make an altar call, because it's just too many. God bless you. My, on my left, I guess there's three hundred. Now, to my right, would you raise your hands, say, "I want to be remembered." I guess there's a hundred and fifty or more on my right. We have a tabernacle down here with a big pool of water. Pastor, a fine pastor, Brother Orman Neville, associates, these men around here that you see and meet... Every day, every night, every hour, people that wants to be baptized that's repented; it's always waiting. And if you obey that commandment, you are sure by a promise of God, if you're sincere in your heart, to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There's only one place of worship. Now, that isn't in the tabernacle; that's in Christ. How do we get into Him? By one Spirit we're all baptized into this one Body. Let us pray. 120 Dear God, as these hands went up, they signified what was beneath that hand in the heart, a conviction that they are sure they need help from You. I pray for each of them, Father. And I'm going to quote Your Word. You said, "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life and shall not come to the judgment, but's passed from death unto Life." Father, just being gone from the city a few weeks, come back, asked about this one. "Why, they're gone." "Well, what about..." "They're gone."
Dear God, one by one we are called. One by one we have to meet the challenge to walk down through the valley of the shadow of death. And it's due to every one of us as mortals. But tonight You've offered us Your petition, that if we would believe on Him and be baptized in His Name, that You would take us in, and--and in this Body, the Body of Christ, not in the church, but in the Body of Christ, that Body has already been judged. It will not have to come to judgment. God poured out His wrath upon that Body, and that Body is free from sin. And being in Him puts us free from sin by His atonement that died for us. And in there we have fellowship with one another, while the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, keeps us clean from all sin and defilement. 122 Father, God, I pray that You'll take each of them into Your Kingdom. Grant it, God. May there not be a one of them lost; may there be not a boy or girl, man or woman. Lord, some of my own people is setting here tonight that's out from under that Blood. How well I can remember my daddy's words. And I pray, dear God, that none of them will be lost. Grant it, Lord. I'm believing You now with all that I have to believe with. Move upon my brothers, sisters, my friends here in this place tonight and out yonder by the phone. Several different states listening in, all the way from the east coast to the west. I pray, dear God, way down across the deserts there in Tucson, way over in California, up in Nevada, and Idaho, way over in the east and around, down in Texas, while this invitation is given, people setting in--in little churches, filling stations, homes, listening in. O God, may that lost man or woman, boy or girl at this hour come to Thee. Grant it just now. We ask it in Jesus' Name that they'll find this Safety Place while it is time, when we see the handwriting on the wall, the earth getting nervous, the time of deliverance is at hand. Part of our nation's sinking, the other part rolling and bursting with earthquakes, as Jesus promised would be. Let it not be too long for them, Lord. May they accept it now, for we present them to You as trophies of the meeting, of the Gospel. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 124 Do you believe Him? God bless you. How many believes that's the truth, to my left, raise your hand. How many to the right, raise your hand. God bless you. As far as I see, every one. That's truth, friends. God knows that's true. Now, while in Him, you're being in Him, you have access to everything He died for. And what did He die for? "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we were healed." Do you believe that? You believe in His atonement for healing now? 126 Is there any sick among us? Let them raise their hands, right or left. Great crowds of sickness. I can't call the line. You see, I haven't--I--can't come up on the platform. There's no way of doing it. They're having prayer meetings out in the other places for the sick, in the churches and things, down in the Tabernacle. I'm going to ask you something. How many believers is there? Raise your hand. All right. I'm going to quote to you the Word, which is Christ. Jesus' last commission to the world--and to the church, rather, He said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe: if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." How many knows that's true, Mark 16, say "Amen." [Congregation replies "Amen"--Ed.] All right. I'm asking you as a believer to lay hands on somebody in front of you. Just lay your hands over on somebody in front of you, and let's each one pray a prayer for each other now. Put your hands over on somebody around you. 127 Lord, here before me is a box of handkerchiefs, little pieces of goods, some old mother laying somewhere dying, a baby near death, sick people everywhere. We read in the Bible that they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and they were placed upon the sick, and evil spirits, and unclean spirits, and sicknesses, and diseases departed from the people. Now, Lord, we know we're not Saint Paul, but we know that You still remain Jesus, the only God-provided Place of worship. And now today these people has confessed their same faith as believing like those people did. Surely You have made a way for them, and I put my hands upon these handkerchiefs and ask
that the diseases and afflictions leave the bodies of the people these will be laid on in the Name of Jesus Christ. 128 Now, we are taught that as Israel was coming out of Egypt in the line of duty; they were on the road to the promised land. The Red Sea got in their way, and God looked down through the Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared, rolled back, and let Israel pass to the promised land. O God, look down through the Blood of Jesus tonight, and may the sickness roll back, and Satan be cast out; and may the people pass to that promise of good health and strength that God said, "Above all things I wish you would prosper in health." Now, as You see they're--Lord Jesus, the hands of these people laying on each other, they're symbolizing their faith that You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." They're praying in their own way for one another. The next person's praying for them. Now, Lord, this challenge has been met, that Satan, the big bluff, he has no right to hold a child of God. He is a defeated being. Jesus Christ, the only Place of worship, the only true Name defeated him at Calvary, and we claim His Blood right now that He defeated every sickness, every disease; and I call for Satan to leave this audience. In the Name of Jesus Christ, come out of this people and they be made free. 131 Everybody that accepts their healing upon the basis of the written Word, make your testimony by stand to your feet and say, "I now accept my healing in the Name of Jesus Christ." Rise up to your feet. Praise be to God. There you are. Watch over here, cripples and things getting up. Praise be to God. That's it; just believe. He's here. How wonderful. Out in the audience on the outside by the wires, you should see; I think every person in here, as far as I know, or most of them are standing up at this time. Oh, what a wonderful time. The Presence of the Lord, that's what--where the Presence of the Lord is, there is liberty, there is freedom. The Spirit of God makes us free. Now, that He has healed us, we believe it. He's saved us; we believe it. Those who wants to be baptized, the pool is ready. Any time, any hour that you want to come, there'll be someone there to attend to it. And now, I think before we close, we ought to sing an old hymn of the church. "I Love Him, I Love Him, because He first loved me." Raise up our hands to God and sing it with all of our hearts. We want to meet you in the morning at nine-thirty, this same building for the subject of "Marriage and Divorce." All right. Let's sing it now together: I love Him, (Let this great audience sing that now. Way out on the wires, sing it also.) Because He first love me And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. 134 Where was it done? On Calvary's tree. While we sing it again, I want you to shake hands with somebody around you, say, "God bless you, pilgrim." I... (...?... God bless you, Brother...?...) Because He first... And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. Oh, don't you love Him? Isn't He wonderful? Is He your Hiding Place? He's a Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm, the only Refuge I know; therefore... My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine! Now, hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, Let me from this day
Be wholly Thine! Let's raise our hands as we sing it. My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Oh, Saviour Divine! Now, hear me while I pray, Take all my sins away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! Let us bow our heads now while we hum it. While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be thou my Guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. While you have your heads bowed, our beloved pastor, Brother Orman Neville will dismiss the audience. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE JEFF IN 65-0221M V-3 N-13 MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 1-1 Let us bow our heads now for a moment of prayer. Most gracious Father, we thank Thee this morning for this privilege of being here in this auditorium, facing the outcome of the day. But we don't know what the day holds, but we know Who holds the day. So we pray that He Who holds today and tomorrow and all eternity will bless us today as we assemble together in His Name, that we might know better how to live to serve Him. This is our full intention, Father. God, Who knows our hearts, knows this true. We commit ourselves to You with the--the future part of the day for Your service, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Be seated. [Brother Branham speaks to someone on platform--Ed.] Same thing... Here's another one...?... MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 1-2 Good morning, visible audience and also invisible audience across the nation and where we're hooked up this morning. This gives me a great privilege to come here and to speak this morning on this a vital subject. To the visible audience, it's indeed a little confusing, because there's--just in front of me is curtains, then I have to speak to the right and to the left. And to the invisible audience, I have the auditorium to my right and also the gymnasium to my left, and I'm on the floor with the curtains open between, making my right hand and left hand. And we've got overflow this morning through the auditorium, also the gymnasium, and also the church--church down there on 8th and Penn Street. And in the overflow places the telephone system is taking it down to the other places. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 1-3 We've had a tremendous time in the Lord, and we're under great anticipations for this service this morning. And now, tonight being the closing time of this a--four days of campaign, why, we certainly invite all that can to be here. We're trusting that the Lord will give us a great climax tonight by doing something extremely extraordinary; insomuch, that He'd heal all the sick and do the great things that He usually does. And we're under great anticipations for the evening. The public is acordially invited: everybody, every church of every denomination; you don't even have to be a Christian. We certainly are calling for sinners to come in, set among us; and we do our very best to teach them what is the way of the Lord, that we might live. Now, I hope that the audience will not be nervous, and I'll--trusting to God that I will not be nervous, for I've had a tremendous night, a lot of strain, for I realize that the things that I say this morning will
be held against me in the day of the judgment. And I--I couldn't sleep. And I know if I don't say them, it'll be held against me in the day of judgment. So it--it makes it hard. You can't explain it. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 2-2 And now, this morning is that great subject we're to discuss on "Marriage and Divorce." And the reason I've made it Sunday school, so that we could talk about it and take our time. Instead of preaching a sermon on it, it's a teaching from the Scripture. And I--I want to say that if any minister or ministers, anyplace, should this tape ever fall into their hands (if we release this tape)... I don't know what the church will do about it. I'm asking Brother Fred to see the church board before he releases this tape. And to you people out across the nation that's got tape recorders setting, please don't let the tape out unless you hear from Brother Sothmann about it. Now, and if it is let loose, and any of my minister brothers or any Christian anywhere, that would disagree upon the things that I am saying about this subject, I--I trust that you will not criticize it. If you don't understand it the way that I teach it, well, you have a right to that as a minister, as a shepherd, and I respect anything that you believe. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 2-5 And there's two great schools on this. And if there's two questions, there's either one of them got to be right or neither one of them's right. So we're going to try to look to the Word of God this morning to settle this. To me, if it's a Bible question, the Bible surely has the answer to it. And now, just before we have these--start this subject, rather, before I pray over the Word, I want to express to each one of you that I--you Christians especially--that I desire, I--I want you to pray for me this morning. And all out in the unseen audience that's listening in this morning, pray for me, because I want to be honest and truthful. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 2-7 Now, we realize in making these statements, somebody, if it's only one person, will hang on to it like it was between life and death. There's many of you here will go away believing. 'Course, many of you, perhaps, won't. But I know in my ministry there's people who come to listen at me, listen to what I've got to say, from a... Well, they're setting right here this morning internationally, from many of the United States, Canada, and across the sea. And you can imagine the strain that it puts you to know that that man's eternal destination lays in your hands, 'cause he's going to hold on to what you say. So God would make me answer for it. And I want to approach this just as sincerely as I can. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 3-1 Now, I--I ask our sisters, and I altered some of my words so that I could speak it before them. Billy has in his pocket this morning, out there, some things that could not be said out before a--a mixed audience, and some that I probably will say, you must understand. Take it as from the--from your brother. To the best that I know, you'd set in a doctor's office and listen to him, he'd have to say very plain words to you. And some of you young ladies and young men, I don't want you to get the wrong impression; I want you to believe and just set still. Remember, Truth has got to be stated Truth. And now, no doubt, but there'll be many of you disagree with what is to be said, but I want to prove it to you by the Bible. And then I believe if you'll just be reverent and listen, then you'll have a better understanding and conception of what I've been hammering at all along. I believe this will explain it. And I trust that it will. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 3-3 Now, we may be a little lengthy, an hour and a half or maybe longer on this. I don't know how long it will take. And now again, I'd like to say that in this time, that knowing that people holds to your words... They do to their pastor, and of course I've been a pastor; and they hold to a pastor's words just like it was between death and life. They hold to their priest's words just like it was death and life. And of course the pastor, perhaps with all that he knows how to do, he's teaching his people just exactly like he was taught in the seminary. No doubt but what the priest also in the different religions that have
priests... 'Course the pastor really is a priest; it's an intercessor. So if the priest in all that he's taught in his--in the seminary, in the monasteries, a man with deep sincerity is telling just exactly what he's taught... Well, then I don't have any seminary experience or monastery experience. And nothing against it at all, but I have a very peculiar life. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 4-1 I was called when I was just a little boy. And in this was a visible, audible sign given me: a--a Pillar of Fire hanging in a bush, at seven years old, right here on the Utica Pike. My father was working for Mr. O. H. Wathen, that just recently died. And you've read the book; you know the story. And from that time... Down on the river then, It appeared visibly before the people, and now... It's had the picture taken many times, and it hangs in the Washington, D.C. as a copyright in the Religious Hall of Art as the only supernatural being that was ever scientifically proven to be photographed: same Pillar of Fire, exactly in the same look and every way, that brought Israel out of Egypt. I believe It's Jesus Christ in Spirit form in the Sonship of God; for He was called Son of man when He come first; now He's called Son of God; in the millennium He'll be Son of David. He come Son of man, a prophet, as was spoke of Him; now He's Son of God, supernatural; in the great millennium that is to come He'll be Son of David, setting on the throne of David. As all Bible readers know, that that's a Divine promise with God to David: He'd raise up His Son to set on His throne. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 4-2 And now, in a odd, peculiar ministry, I've been called everything from God to a devil. And that's just... It always is that way. That's what this archbishop of the Catholic church said to me the other night (down there the discussion was), that he said, "Brother Branham, John the Baptist clearly identified himself in the Scriptures as spoken by the prophet Isaiah." He said, "Your ministry is clearly identified in the church." He said, "The Lutherans are in the Bible." He said, "Lutherans knowed Luther; Wesley's know Wesley, but what about the Pentecostals?" Said, "They're wandering, don't know where to go." And I said, "Sir, I appreciate that." And it was that time the Spirit fell upon the lady (had never seen me in, his wife) and spoke and identified the same thing. Now, to be honest before this message I speak this morning, I don't know. I told him, I said, "Sir, I couldn't say that. That's a great big thing to say. It looks like it." One thing that I know, that there's something has took place, definitely. All these things just as scientifically proven and proven around and around the world, it can't be just a myth; it's truth. What is it? Let me say confessionally before I speak to you this morning, I don't know. And I would be daresn't to make any move until I heard from Him that has talked to me in the past and told me these things. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 5-1 Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ never did identify Himself as the Son of God. He said, "You said I was; to this end I was born," and so forth, but He never identified Himself. And now, that was the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, was the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit form (You believe that?), the Logos that went out of God. And then when He was on earth, He said, "I come from God and I go to God." We all know that. And after His death, burial, and resurrection, Saul of Tarsus was on his road down to Damascus to persecute the--the Christians because they were teaching things contrary to what they had been taught. And he was a great warrior under Gamaliel, one of the outstanding teachers of the day in their school, their monastery, and a great man and a officer of the church. And it was there that a great Light, the Pillar of Fire again, struck him down in the middle of the day. And a Voice said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 5-3 Now, if you notice when Paul--Saul raised up, he said, "Lord, Who are You?" Now, that boy being a Jew, he certainly wouldn't have called anything, 'less it had been something to symbol God, he wouldn't have called it "Lord." So It was the same Pillar of Fire. As Jesus said, "I go to God... I came from God, and I return to God." There He was, back in the form of a Pillar of Fire again. He said, "I'm Jesus, Whom thou persecutest, and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks." And we realize that when the Apostle Peter (to who the keys was given to build
the church), we find out that he was in prison, and this same Pillar of Fire came through the bars, opened the doors of the prison, and took Peter out mysteriously, without even disturbing the guards, to me It's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. And then you'll always know anything by the nature of it. Anything is known by its nature, the fruit it bears. And I ask you to watch the kind of fruit It bears, this Light, which is God, because It always goes back to the Word of God and proves the Word of God, preaches the Word of God, and God proves that Word materially so before you. There's got to be something behind it. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 6-1 People has called me a prophet. I don't call myself no prophet, because I'd be daresn't to say that. But I have say--I can say this, that the Lord has let me foresee things, tell things that has happened, will happen, is happening; and not one time has it ever failed in the tens of thousands of times. Everything that He said would happen, happened. We all know that. If there's a person in this visible audience this morning or anywhere could say one time it failed, you're at liberty to stand up and say so. But if everybody knows that every time, of the thousands of times it's been perfectly right, say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] So that would be the same thing around the world. Something is just about to happen. God never sends these things without being a purpose behind it. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 6-3 I was just thinking here (I placed it here, one of my notes) that I'm wearing this morning a set of cuff links. And many of you have heard of this movie star, Jane Russell, and her mother is a Pentecostal; and Danny Henry is her cousin, her first cousin, her mother's sister's child. He was Baptist. He was standing at the meeting, a businessman's meeting in Los Angeles, California, two years ago. And I had just got through speaking of a great, powerful, forceful statement that even the overseer (one of the general overseers of the Assemblies of God) stepped down to the platform from up in the balcony where he was setting, and he said, "I don't believe that Brother Branham meant that." I said, "I have to mean it, sir. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." And then... It was about the church in this age. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 6-5 And about that time this young man who is a businessman (his brother is over...), he--he was there taking pictures for television that morning. (His other brother is--is a--a state road supervisor of California.) And Danny Henry walked forward after the meeting was closed, on the platform like this, where the men were all seated, walked down to put his arms around me, and he said these words: "Brother Branham, I hope this don't sound sacrilegious," but said, "that could be made the 23rd chapter of Revelations," (which there's only 22 chapters in Revelations). He said, "I hope this don't sound sacrilegious." He had no more than said it (Now, the boy was a Baptist and knowed nothing about the supernatural.), with his arms around me, he started talking in a unknown language. And when he got through speaking in an unknown language, there was a--a heavyset, dark woman setting right in front of me; she raised up, said, "That don't need any interpretation." She said, "I'm from Shreveport, Louisiana--or Baton Rouge, Louisiana." Said, "That is clearly French." Victor Le Doux, which was a Frenchman, also setting up there, said, "Certainly, I'm a Frenchman, and that was perfectly French." I said, "Wait a minute. You write down what he said, and you write down what he said, before you say anything. Write down what you said, and let's see your notes." And so one wrote down, and the other wrote down. It was--even the punctuation was the same. And then, just about that time, when they brought the notes up, a fine looking young, blond-headed boy come walking from the back where there's--not enough room for him to set down. (He was standing up in the back.) He come walking forth, said, "Just a minute. I'd like to place a note too." He said, "I am the French interpreter for the U.N." (United Nations.) He said, "I'd like to leave my note." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M
7-5 And here all three notes exactly the same--of French. And here's the way it reads (This is the original notes take-note taken right off. This is Danny's note hisself. He packed it in his pocket. Of course it went in the Christian Business Men and so forth): "Because thou hast chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou hast walked in your own choosing. Thou hast picked the correct and precise decision and it is My way. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of heaven will await thee. What a glorious decision thou has made. This in itself is that which will give and make come to pass the tremendous victory in the love Divine." (Now, the man signed his name here.) "The above statement was interpreted by--of--of Danny Henry prophesying over Brother Branham, given by three witnesses in the cafeteria in Los Angeles, California." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 8-1 Now, this same young man that give this prophecy, not knowing what he was saying, was in Jerusalem about a month ago. He had the privilege of going out and--and laying in the tomb where Jesus had died and was buried. And so while he was laying there, he said I come upon his mind real strong, and he started weeping. Said how that, "It has been so hard for Brother Branham to stand against the world and these things and all churches." Like as it was once said of one of the Billy Graham's parts, said, "We can see Billy Graham, 'cause all churches are united together for him; we see Oral Roberts, the Pentecostals; but how do we ever have anything when it's contrary to what people have been taught?" It's God. And Danny, what he does for a hobby, he makes little stones. He walked out to where the cross had been put down, where they said the cross set in the rock. No one was around, so he broke off a little piece of rock, and he put it into his pocket for a souvenir, come home and made me a pair of cuff links out of it. And strangely, when he made them, they looked to be bloodstained, and right through each one of them, in continuity, runs a straight, narrow path right through both of them. Now, that might be just a... See, I--someone else might not notice it, but to me it's complimentary to the things I believe. I believe that everything has a meaning to it. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 8-3 And now, in this time, whatever the Lord has... If this isn't the thing that He prophesied of, of Malachi 4 and of also of Luke 17, and many other Scriptures that's to happen in this last day (may I say this in closing), it's laid the foundation for the man when he will come. So I am very thankful that God Almighty, if it be that way, has let me do a little something in my uneducated condition to show my appreciations of His love to me, my love to Him, and our love to the people. Therefore, in sincerity, I approach this subject of "Marriage and Divorce." May God have mercy on us all. And now, listen closely. And sisters, don't get up and go out; set still just a little while. Brothers, do the same. Don't turn off your sets out there that's coming in on this hookup. Don't do that. And just set still for a few minutes until it's over. Listen close. If you disagree, put down the Scriptures that I use and then study them prayerfully before you make your decision. God help us as we try to approach this subject. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 9-2 Now, it may be a little lengthy. I don't want you to be in any hurry and I... Just take your time (all of us) and study the Word of God truly and thoroughly as we know how to study It. Let's begin with St. Matthew the 19th chapter, and beginning, I think, with the 8th verse of the 19th chapter, I wish to start. I might start also with the first and read down through the 8th verse of the 19th chapter. Now, remember, these things that I say must come from the Word of God. It can't be my own opinion, 'cause my opinion's just like anybody else's, but it's got to be in continuity with the Word of God. Remember, God keeps everything in continuity. He never changes. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that? He's the same. Now, I shall read from the 19th chapter: And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coast of Judaea beyond Jordan;
And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them... The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him,... (I pause there so you get the emphasis on who it was that was tempting Him.)... saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he which made them in the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Therefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder. They said unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and... put her away? And He said unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 10-1 Now, God help us. This Scripture, this question, confronted Jesus at the very beginning of His ministry, and it confronted Moses at the very beginning of his ministry. It's a foremost question in believers' hearts. The sinner doesn't care. But it's to believers, because the believer is trying to do all that he knows how to do to live right before God. Therefore, if any question comes up on religion, then the marriage and divorce case comes up. Why? Because it is the cause of the original sin. That's where sin started, and that's the reason it's brought up every time, because it is the very beginning of sin. Now, I won't have time to explain all these things, but I'll be glad to answer your letter or anything I can, or we've got the books wrote on it and many questions and even cuttings out of newspapers and things here to prove this. We know that it was Eve... The apple that she was supposed to eat (for it's not even Scriptural), now they claim it was an apricot... It was neither one. She committed adultery that brought forth the first child, which was Cain, Satan's own son. For in him laid evil. It did not come through Abel. Satan's son was Cain. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 10-3 I know your question now: Eve said, "I have gotten a man from the Lord." That's exactly right. You could take the orneriest woman in the town, the worst man; if they had a baby, it would have to come from the Lord, because God has laws set together. And of these laws... Like the sun to raise: you put a cocklebur in a good field; it'll grow, and it has to grow because it's God's law. When seed is planted it must grow. And nothing can grow life but God, because it operates under His laws. And therefore, when the evil seed was planted in the womb of--of Eve, it had to bring forth because it's God's law of production. And it could do nothing else but bring it, and it had to come from God. That's the reason people say little babies sometime that's not born with Christian parents, are lost. Jesus Christ's blood atones for the child, I don't care how much it was born, how evil it was born. He's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. The little child cannot repent, because it has nothing to repent for, and that was the sin of the world which was taken away by the Blood of Christ. Babies go to heaven. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 11-1 It's the original sin and that's the reason it's--it's question. When any great phenomena comes from God, about the first thing: "What about marriage and divorce?" Now, as ever, it still is a question amongst the people, as it was in the times of Jesus, as it was in the times of Moses; it's always been and is to this day a question among the people, because the people want to know what's the truth. But where there is a question, there must also be an answer. And now, being an answer, as I have said before this week, there must be a correct answer. And if we get a answer to anything and it's a--it isn't right, then we know that it was wrong. But there's... We still ask until the true question is answered, if you want to know truth. And being this is a Bible question, it should be a Bible answer. It's like I said: if I wanted to go east this morning, and the best that I knowed this... I had to find a certain something in the field, and it was directly east, and I went east. Somebody said, "Brother
Branham, this is east." It is east potentially, but it's northeast. I would pass the very object I was looking for; I'd come back knowing it was wrong. And then if somebody said, "Brother Branham, go this way, to your right." Now, that is potentially east also, but it's southeast. I would lose the object that I was looking for, because I went beyond the boundaries of the perfect and direct way. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 11-3 Now, if that be so, we have two schools of thought on marriage and divorce. And that is, one of them says that a man can only be married once unless his wife is dead. And that's one of the questions. But you go to following that, you go overboard. And then the next says, "Oh, if the wife or the husband (either one) has committed adultery, either one of them can be put away and married again." You find yourself overboard with that. So see, it's neither southeast or northeast; we want directly east. You run out of Scripture when you go this way. You run out of Scripture when you go that way. We want to know where Scripture meets Scripture and know what's the truth of it. Each takes a different way and fail to bring up the correct answer, but there still must be an answer. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 12-1 It's just like today; there is two great schools of doctrine in the church: one of them is Calvinism; the other one is Armin--Arminianism. One of them is legalist, and the other one's grace. And we come to find out that the people who believe in grace (the Calvinists), they say, "Bless God, it don't hurt me to smoke; it don't hurt me to drink. I can do these things; I've got eternal security." Then we find the other side (on the legalists) said, "Oh, I would like to bawl him out; I'd like to show him a piece of my mind, but I'm a Christian; I have to keep still." See, you find yourself on two different roads, and neither one of them is right. Now, that's hard to say that, but it is the truth. We find ourselves on two different roads: one going one way; one, another. Now, let's see what truth is. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 12-3 Now, listen and see if this sounds sensible to you. For instance, if I get ready to go overseas (Now, I take my own family.), I'll call my wife up to me, and I will say, "We're... I'm going overseas, dear." (Now, here is the legalist's side.) "Now, my wife, I'm going to lay the law down to you. If you flirt with any man while I'm gone, when I come back, you're a divorced woman. And I don't want you to--making eyes, don't want you flirting. You understand that? I'm your husband, If you do it, I'm going to put you away when I come back." Then she reaches and gets me by the tie and say, "My good man, I want to tell you something (See, see?), that if you make eyes at any woman, or take any woman out, or flirt with any woman, you're going to be a divorced man when you come back." Now, wouldn't that be a happy home? That's the legalists. All right. Now, the other side is, that if I go overseas, and I make a mistake, go over and say, "Well, now look, I'll take this woman out. Oh, it's all right with my wife; she don't care." My wife say, "I go out with this man. That's all right with Bill; he don't care." If I don't care, then there's something wrong with me. I don't love that woman right. And if she don't care, there's something wrong with her. She's my wife. I don't want another man fooling with her. She's my wife. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 13-1 Now, the correct way of it is, there's both of them's got a truth, but not the exact truth. Now, when I go overseas, to make it right, my little family gathers around and we pray with one another, and I commit them to God and they commit me to God. And when we do, we go oversea--I go overseas. Now, I know she loves me; I have confidence in her. And I love her; she's got confidence in me. As long as I love her like that, she don't have any worry about me taking any other woman out. As long as she loves me right, why, there's no need of me thinking about any other man going out with her, because she's my wife and I believe her. I believe if I would actually do something wrong, make a mistake, and go out with some woman and return back and would confess it to her and tell her, "Meda, I didn't mean to do that; I just got caught in a trap; this woman just run right up to me and--and--and grabbed me by the arm and
started so-and-so," I believe she'd be understanding. I believe she would forgive me for it. But I wouldn't do it for nothing, because I love her. Though she would forgive me, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't hurt her for nothing. Though I know she'd forgive me for it, I don't want to hurt her. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 13-3 And that's the way it is with God. If I--if a Phileo love (which is human love, fellowship love), can make a man feel that about his wife, what about Agapao love (the Greek word meaning the love of God), how would that make me do about Jesus Christ? How... As long as I want to go do it, it's in my heart to do it. Well, they--I say, as long as it's in my heart to do it, I--I go do it. Legalism won't let me do it. It's because that I knowed I'd get punished for doing it. But the real truth of it is, is when the love of God comes into your heart till you want to do it, that's the truth of it. There's the two schools. Not legalism or other, or the Calvinism; it's both. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 13-4 Now, we find out today also, there's many different denominations; there's the Catholic church, the Protestant church. Each one of them says they're the way. "See, we have the way; we're the truth." There's the Methodist, says, "We have the truth"; the Baptist says, "We have the truth." Well, to me, as long as they feel that way, it's not so, because Jesus said, "I am the Truth." See? Therefore, as my sermon last night was that He is the place where God put His Name, the only place to worship. You are not a Christian because you're a Protestant; you're not Christian because you're a Catholic; you're not a Christian because you're Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal. You are a Christian because you've been baptized into Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, not by water. There's one faith, one Lord, one baptism, and that's Holy Spirit baptism. Water baptism inducts you into a fellowship; the Holy Spirit baptism inducts you into Christ. There's the truth. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 14-1 We have also two thoughts of this marriage and divorce. Now, that our Lord has opened the Seven Seal mystery of His Word to us in this last day... Now, many of you, this might be Greek to you, but my church understands of what--when you've heard of the visions and what taken place. And the question is a Bible question. We are invited here to believe there must be a true answer to the whole hidden secret that's been hid since the foundation of the world. And the Bible prophesies and says that in this day these secrets would be made known, Revelations 10: "And at the sounding of the seventh angel (the Laodicea messenger) the mysteries of God would be made known." And this is the last age, which is Laodicea. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 14-2 Look at all this revival has went on for fifteen years or more, and not one denomination come out of it. Luther had a revival; there went a denomination; Wesley, there went a denomination; Alexander Campbell, there went a denominations. All these other great--John Smith, and so forth, denominations; Moody, all along. But here's been one... Usually a revival only lasts about three years, but this has been going for over fifteen years and not one denomination has sprung up from it, for this is the seed time. There's no more shuck. After the one shuck's gone, it's seed. God is ready. If He isn't doing it now, He's going to call a church to perfection by His Word Jesus Christ. Notice, there must be a answer somewhere. And being that the seven sealed mystery of God, Seven Seals... How many understands that, raise up your hands. Let's see. I think most of them is our congregation from around. Listen, if not, the books will be out pretty soon upon the subject. We have books (some books) on it now. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 14-4 Jesus, in our text, invites us to go back to the beginning for the true Scriptural answer. Now, when He was confronted with this, there was two things in view. The priest said to Him, "Can a man put away his wife, marry another for any cause?" And Jesus said, "It wasn't so from the beginning." Then they said, "Moses suffered us a writing of divorcement" (and to put her away for anything they wanted to).
He said that Moses did that because (I'm letting that string awhile)--because of the hardness of your hearts, but from--or at the beginning it wasn't so. The question--the question today like of world peace, is it coming by politics, union of nations, united? I say to you, nay. It's always failed and it will again. But there remains a true answer to the question, "Will there be peace upon the earth?" Yes, when sin is ridden off of the earth there will be peace. But until that time there will be no peace. "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 15-5 God gave a remedy for sin. (Listen close now.) God gave the remedy to rid sin off the earth, but men of the earth won't accept God's remedy. God gave us a remedy and a way to marry our wives and live with them, but men won't accept God's remedy, won't accept His Word on it. Jesus, Who said this... And this reminds us of--of His words, knowing that He said, "Heavens and earth will fail (pass away), but Mine won't." The question, the true answer that Jesus want us to go back to, is to go back to the beginning. Then that would be in Genesis, 'cause the word Genesis is the seed chapter to every question in the Bible. And you always have to go back to the seed to see what kind of a seed's in a field to find out what your crops will be. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 15-7 Now, what kind of seed is sown? Genesis, being the seed chapter, we go back to Genesis. Jesus introduced us to that Scripture at the beginning. Now, remember, that's when time started to begin. Before that it was eternity. Now, our question there was... Notice, if we go back to the beginning... Now, don't fail this. And that's the reason I want to talk slow, so that the people out on the wires, and that the tape will say it clearly. If Jesus said, "Go back to the beginning," there was only one pair of anything on earth. There was one Adam, one Eve. They were joined by God alone. One female horse, one male; one female parrot, one male, at the beginning, as He told us to go back, there was only one pair of anything. Is that true? Then we find out that everything in the beginning was running in perfect order and harmony with God; nothing was out of cater. Everything in heaven's still in order; all the stars, the galaxies, the solar system, everything is perfectly in order. One of them move would interrupt the whole program. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 16-1 Now, listen. Do you see? One interruption spoils the entire program. Now, when human beings was running in continuity with God, with one man and one woman, this woman sinned. And it throwed the whole earthly program out of continuity with God. Therefore, one word added to this Book or one word taken from It throws a Christian out of continuity with God, throws the church out of continuity with God, throws a family out of continuity with God. Every believer can be throwed out by not accepting every Word of God. Then it was the woman that caused the separation of the lovely home. It was not a Cherubim that bothered the earth. It was not Adam that throwed the home out. It was not anything else that throwed the home out and throwed the whole thing out of continuity, but a woman: Eve. And it is here, that the beginning that Jesus spoke of, was broken. Jesus said, "At the beginning God made one male, one female, of each kind." And now, when this woman, not the female horse, not the female dog, but the woman, she broke the entire continuity of God's operation on the earth and throwed everything into death. The woman, not the man, she broke the covenant. She broke the covenant because why? She stepped across the borders of God's Word. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 16-3 Now, if she broke her covenant with her husband, she broke her covenant with God, then because she broke the covenant with God, she broke it with her husband. And when you break your promise and your covenant to God's Word, that's what caused so many illegitimate church members, 'cause a group of men got together and said, "Well, it didn't mean that," and it throws the whole organization out of continuity with the Word. "Oh, we don't believe that. Dr. Jones said it
wasn't so." But as long as God said it's so, He said, "Let every man's word be a lie and Mine be the Truth." There breaks the continuity. Now, we see, being that the continuity is broken, then the lifeline was broken. Also, the time line was broken. The covenant was broken, everything shattered. What caused it? A woman. That's what broke the covenant. Now, if you want to read that, you can read it: Genesis 3. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 17-2 Now, it was then man was made to rule over the woman by God's Word. She was no more coequal with him. She was coequal in nature, you know. But when she broke God's Word, God made a man to be a ruler over her (Genesis 3:16, if you want to put it down). She was no more equal with the man. She was a breaker of God's Word. Don't you see she--she, the church down here, the breaker of God's Word, that throwed her completely out of continuity? And that's what the church has done and throwed spiritual death upon the whole thing. Now, you'll understand why I hammer at these things like I do. It's truth. This is Bible facts. Notice, why did she do such a thing as this? How could that lovely, beautiful, perfect woman... I seen a picture one time (I believe it was in Greece.) of an artist that painted a picture of Eve. She was the most horrible looking thing you ever seen. That shows what a carnal mind can look at. But she wasn't; she was beautiful, 'cause she was perfect woman, all woman. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 17-5 Notice, why did she do such a thing, being in that high order? She was right with man, coequal with him. But we all know now that she lost her coequalness with man when she sinned, and God said, "Man will be your ruler from here out." Now, that's the Scripture. If you want to, we could read it. I'm giving you the Scriptures so (save time for this big hookup across the country) that you might read it yourself. Notice, the reason she did that... How did Satan ever get to her? Did you know Satan was coequal with God one day? Sure was, all but a creator; he was everything, stood at the right hand of God in the heavens, a great leading cherubim. Notice, the reason that she did this, she was not in the original creation. She is not in God's original creation; she is a byproduct. Therefore, at the beginning, as Jesus referred to it, she was not a original created being of God. She's a byproduct of a man (when Jesus referred to the beginning). MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 18-1 Remember, Adam was both masculine and feminish in the original creation: one. But then he was separated by a rib. Notice. But a byproduct... And notice, the only one of all God's creation of every animal and anything else, she was the only one designed this way. Every other female was in the original creation. Every other female was in the original creation, but Eve was not in the original creation (See?), that had to be made that way. We'll get to it after while. Notice, in this creation that she was in, not in the original, but a byproduct; and in this creation, there is... Now, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I want to tell you a truth, and you just set still; you're doing nice. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 18-3 There is nothing designed to be so deceitful as a woman that's deceitful. There cannot be nothing else; there's nothing made to be that way. Also there is nothing that could be so easily deceived as a woman. Now, the fall proves this statement to be true, the fall in the beginning. She was not in the original beginning creation. She was in Adam, but not in a female sex herself at the beginning. She was a byproduct, made. Now, there's nothing designed that can deceive and be deceived as easy as a woman. There is nothing designed or can stoop as low as a woman can. Think now. There's nothing designed in all creation that can stoop as low as a woman can. She can tear a man's heart to pieces easier than anything else there is in the world--is his wife. Let it--that nice little wife get to run around with some other man. Look at that fellow setting there with his children, the tears dropping out of his eyes. She is designed that way. She is designed to do this.
MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 18-6 There is no hog, no dog, or no other animal designed like her or can stoop as low as she can stoop. Now, that is true. With regards to my sisters, I just want you to watch. No animal can be immoral. You call the dog a slut (the female dog). You call the male--hog a sow, but her morals is a million miles beyond many a Hollywood stars. That's how low she's designed to stoop. She can't... Just think of this now: there's nothing in the world made in God's creation that can be immoral, stoop that low. You say, "Wait a minute: and man." We're going to get to that. The woman has to say, "Yes." Notice, there's nothing designed to stoop so low or be filthy but a woman. A dog can't do it; a hog can't do it; a bird can't do it; no animal is immoral, nor it can be, for it is not designed so it can be. A female hog can't be immoral; a female dog can't be immoral; a female bird can't be immoral. A woman is the only thing can do it. Now, you see where Satan went? See? But still she has... She's the one that's got the power to say "yes" or "no." See? Depends on where she wants to hold herself. See? MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 19-2 Now, here we can see plainly the serpent's seed, where it come in. There's only one place he could go to. If that wouldn't nail it down, somebody's blind. See, see? It had to go to that. Notice, the reason animals couldn't do it, a female animal, they were in the original creation, but the woman was not in that original creation. Now, we're going back to dig this up, and then bring it right down to the modern day in the Testament. She is designed alone for filth and unclean living. A dog can't; no other female can. It's just the woman that can. A dog or any other animals: once a year, and that for her babies, not for sexual pleasure, but for her babies. The old sow hog, the old slut dog: once a year, one moment; that's for her babies. But a woman is designed for any time she desires. (I've got some stuff crossed out here now; you can imagine the rest.) A dog can't; woman can. (I hope that the Holy Spirit reveals to you the rest of this I crossed out here.) MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 19-5 She is the only specie--specie of female that is made prettier than the--the male. There's not another specie among anything. All other creatures of God is beautiful males, such as in animals, birds, and so forth. Always the male is pretty. Look at the big buck deer: big fine horns, great specie, and the little humble doe. Look at the big rooster with all of his pretty feathers and the little brown hen. Look at the birds: the cock and the hen. Why? Why was it such of all the creatures of God? Every creature in the male is the prettiest. Between the sheep, between the--the hogs, between the horses, between anything else, it's always the big male that's pretty, and in the birds; but in the human race it's the woman that's pretty, not the man. If he is, there's something wrong. It's crossed up seed somewhere, originally it's that way. Why? Why was it done? To deceive by. Her designer, Satan, is still working on her too in these last days. Let me stop here just for a moment. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 20-2 Pretty... Did you know at the first destruction internationally of the world (or worldwide) was because of pretty women? "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair, they taken unto them women." Is that right? Have you noticed the increase of beauty of women in this day? I have seen the picture of Pearl O'Brien, which was supposed to be the prettiest woman in the nation at one time. There isn't a teenage girl in this school but what would out-shadow her when it comes to beauty. The increase of the beauty of women is showing the time of deception. When did a church look any more prettier than it does today? Everything is featuring great, big, fine buildings and millions of this and millions of that. Don't you see, "she," the deception? MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 20-5 Now, there's nothing can stoop like her, and she is designed so that she can be deceiving. And Satan is really working on her today (in these last days), because he is her designer. I could prove that now, to go right back at the beginning. Who started to work on her, Adam or Satan? God or
Satan? See? That's her designer. It's her chief weapon to throw men to her filth. Being a pretty woman, she can sway a man any way she wants to. Brother, it ain't the bootleg joint down here that gets the man; it's the pretty woman walking down the street twisting herself, half dressed. That's what takes... That's the deceiver right there. And she's deadly with it, absolutely deadly. You may question me about Satan being her designer, but that's the truth. Satan designed her. He still does it. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 20-6 Let me show you something in the Scripture. I got to take you back to Scripture and you draw your opinion as you look at it today. Satan is the one who features that kind of beauty. If we'll notice, he was the most beautiful of all these Angels in heaven. That right? And he desired to make heaven a more beautiful place than the kingdom of Michael's. Is that right? Also to show that Cain was his son, he offered a more beautiful worship, decorated his altars with fruits and flowers and so forth. Is that right? Beautiful, sin is beautiful, what we call beauty today. And sin is deceiving by beauty. You'd never look at a woman going down the street and tell what's in her heart. See? But I wanted to say these things so that you could see why that Satan is her designer. That's exactly right. His own son proved it: Cain. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 21-1 Now, she's beautiful so she can deceive. The world is beautiful so it can deceive. I mean cosmos, the order of the world. It's beautiful so it can deceive--great fine places and luxury. One of-the prophet, Amos, when he come up over, looked down into the city and seen it like a modern Hollywood, his little old eyes got little under that gray hair hanging in his face, and he walked down there with a message and burst it out on that place. He said, "The very God that you claim to serve will destroy you." Right. Sin is pretty. They picture Judas as some old drunken sot out here on the street somewhere, mouth hanging with flies in it, and so forth, as Judas. Judas was handsome, strong, a deceiver. It ain't that guy to watch around you. It ain't a guy that--the old farmer come in with a pair of overalls on to watch around your wife; it's that slicker. He's a rascal. Sin is beautiful to the eyes of the world. But God is not featured in that kind of beauty. Did you know that? God is featured in character, beautiful character. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 21-5 In the Bible... (Isaiah 53, if you want to put some Scripture down.) I've got rows of Scripture wrote on the side here for it (Isaiah 53)... The Bible said of our Lord Jesus that there was no beauty that we should desire Him, and we hid as it was our faces from Him. That right? We didn't desire Him because He wasn't pretty. He was probably a little fellow, stoop shouldered, ruddy-looking, and He wasn't desirable to be a leader. He didn't look like a leader; talked with common street talk and so forth like the people does (the common people); so therefore, He didn't look like He was any great scholar, educated, fine, all robed up and everything; He was just an ordinary man. There was no beauty of Him that we should desire Him. He walked in and out of men right along, and they didn't even know Who He was. He didn't look like a god walking along, what we'd think was a god. But the same, He was. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 21-6 Did you notice when the Lord God said to--to Samuel, "Go up to the house of Jesse and anoint one of his sons king to take Saul's place."... Now, the people chose Saul when Samuel absolutely told them not to do it. He said, "God don't want you to have a king. He's your King." And said, "Have I ever said anything to you in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? Have I ever begged you for money or something another for my living?" They said, "No, you never begged us for money, and whatever you said in the Name of the Lord, it come to pass, but we want the king anyhow." So they chose Saul. Look what the world chose. Look what Israel chose. Israel, God's anointed, they chose a man that was head and shoulders above any man in the nation: great, big, fine, handsome looking fellow; and he always was a fly in the ointment.
But God said, "I'm going to choose you a king to My choosing." So He said, "Samuel, I ain't going to tell you who he is, but you go up there; it's one of Jesse's sons." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 22-3 And Jesse, his wife, and all of them looked around and said, "Yes, our oldest son, he's a great, tall, handsome man. He'll look just right for the king's crown. He's smart; he's educated; he's a fine man. I know he'll be just right. He speaks his word proper." When they brought him out, Samuel took the cruse of oil and went towards him; he said, "No, the Lord refused him." So he went all the way down to six sons, and the Lord refused every one of them. He said, "Isn't there another one?" "Oh," he said, "yes, there's one. He's back out there herding the sheep. He just sets back there and plays songs, and sings it, and shouts, and goes on; but he's a little old stoop shouldered, ruddylooking guy. He would never make a king." He said, "Go get him." And while David come in the sight of the prophet, the prophet run with the oil and poured it upon his head, said, "This is God's chosen." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 22-7 Not pretty, but character, God looks at character. Man looks at natural beauty. It's deceiving. And that's why a woman was given that beauty for deception, to deceive. A beautiful woman, if she don't use it in the right way, it's a curse to her. That'll send her to hell quicker than anything else I know of. If she just--if... She could be pretty, sure; as long as she stays with her husband and does what's right, and that--that's fine and dandy. But she can take that same thing, and, my, how she can deceive with it, for it was give to her to do so. Notice now, but God is featured in character. There was no beauty we should desire Jesus, but there never was a character like Him on the earth. Now, we find out today that the--the church character, Satan and his group, look after big beautiful churches, beautiful things. That's what the world looks at today. Oh, if the pastor, the great So-andso times So-and-so, so priestly and godly, walking out in these big robes and things like that; they call that beauty. But the real saints of God looks for the character of the vindicated Word. That's what the saints did in that day when they seen Jesus. He wasn't nothing to look at, but they seen God was in Him; they seen God was with Him. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 23-4 That's how that those a... Joab and those characters with David, a little old fellow, but they seen the--the man was in him. They seen that God was in him, and they knowed he was coming into power someday. They... One slew them other five brothers of Goliath single-handed; one killed three hundred men. When some women was picking some beans for dinner, and the army had gone away, and he took a spear and killed three hundred men: Philistines. Character. Why? They stayed right by David. They knowed the anointing was upon him, and they knowed he was coming into power: a pure picture of the church today that'll stand by the Word. We know It's going to be made vindicated. We know It's coming into power someday. Although Saul... He was a fugitive from the rest of the nation, but they knowed he was coming into power. We know He's coming into power too, so we'll take that Word and stand right there, no matter what it costs. If we have to cut Philistines or jump in a pit and kill a lion (as one did); we go anyhow, 'cause it's the--that's the way God designed it to be. We look for character. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 23-6 You may now ask me: "Why did He permit her to be designed thus?" (I don't want to take too much time, 'cause I got a lot more to say here.) Why? The question might arise then: Why did God make this woman like this? Why did He permit her to be like that? It was for His own good pleasure. Sure. Now, if you want to turn in your Bible just a minute, let's turn to Romans 9 just a minute and show you something how God does these things (if you want to--to read it), and we can see here what God does for His own good pleasure (Romans 9:14). Then what shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness before God?... (When He chose Esau--or chose Jacob and rejected Esau before
either boy could have a right to make a choice himself. Neither one of them, before they was born, still in the womb of the mother, God said, "I hate Esau, and I love Jacob." See? Why?) For he said unto Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not... him that willeth, nor... him that runneth, but it's God that sheweth mercy. For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore... he... (Now, watch here.) For he a... mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Thou wilt say... unto me, Why then does he... find fault? For who has resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that rilest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me this? Has not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel to honour, and the other to dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured... such long-suffering the vessel of wrath fitted to destruction: ... that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessel of mercy, which he has afore prepared unto glory. Now, argue with that awhile. God did it. He had to make it this way. It had to be there. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 25-2 Now, listen. Now, for about five minutes I want to call your attention to something. What is God? God is a great eternal. At the beginning, way back before there was a beginning, He wasn't even God. Did you know that? A god's an object of worship, and there wasn't nothing to worship Him; He lived alone. And in Him was attributes. What is an attribute? A thought. (Now, you'll get something that'll border on the lesson for tonight.) Notice, He was His attributes that was in Him. Now, it was in Him to be Father; it was in Him to be God; it was in Him to be Son; it was in Him to be Saviour; it was in Him to be Healer. And all these things here are just displaying His attributes. There's nothing out of order. You think God didn't see the end from the beginning? Certainly He did. There's nothing out of order; it's just displaying His attributes. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 25-3 Now, He could not be just and make a man to fall. He had to put him on equal basis of free moral agency to make his own choice but knowing he would fall. Now, He can't be a Saviour 'less something's lost. He can't be a Healer 'less something's sick. These things had to be that way. God make them thus, so that His great attributes could be displayed. If there wasn't none, He'd never been a Saviour. But we know He was; even before there was a time, He was a Saviour. He was a Saviour. So there has to be something lost. How's it going to be? If He takes and loses it just in order to save it, then it isn't justice to His judgment. He couldn't send a man to hell and be just. He's kind, gentle, true, honest, and He's a great Judge. See, He'd be working against Himself. So He had to put a man out here and make him on free moral agency so he would--knowing would fall. And the man in His own image, how could he fall? Now, you seeing daylight? So He had to make a byproduct, something out of the original creation. Now, you see it. See? There you come. See? Then that's what fell. He made it, knowing it would fall. And it's put over in the hands of Satan for a vessel of dishonor. Where's honor bestowed today? You think on that. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 25-5 Notice closely now. Then again, why she was designed this way and not like other females? Why was the woman designed so and not other females? None of the other females was designed like that. They're not today. They can't. Not being made that way, she can't do it. Why did He not make this female then, of woman, just like other females so she'd just be the same way, could just raise her babies? Then she'd have her husband, live, and when it come time for her baby she'd have her baby. Why--why did He make her like this? Now, I can't say these words, and you understand what I am talking about, don't you? If you can understand, say, "Amen." [Congregation replies "Amen"--Ed.] Yeah. See? (There's young girls setting
here and young boys. See?) But you know, the animal has to come to a certain time of the year, then her mate; then that's all. But a woman, it's any time. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 26-2 He... Why did He make her like this? Now, watch His great program unfold as we go on through here now, just as perfect as perfect can be. (I didn't know this till the other day.) Why didn't He make her like that in the beginning, like the rest of His females? Because it would be unbecoming to Him. He's the fountain of all purity. That's the reason He had to let Satan get ahold of her, what he done in the perversion. Such a creature would be--would not be a--becoming to Him, originally designed for. All His works that He designed in the original is in continuity. All of His original works was in continuity: the female dog, the male dog (See?), female cow, the male cow, everything in continuity. All nature is in continuity. Seed die, go into the ground just like death, burial, resurrection. The sap goes down out of the tree, drops its leaf, comes back the next year with the resurrection of a new leaf. See what I mean? Everything, even nature of God is all in a continuity in one. And here's one designed out of the continuity of God. Nature's so designed so it can't sin. Think. The original creation of God could not sin. Oh, don't you see it now in this view here, the perversion of the church? The original is God's Word. There's no sin in God. See what I mean? Here's a creature that come into existence by a perversion. God's going to have a church, but look at this perverted thing they got out here. God has male and female, but this woman... See, the very symptoms of it shows back what was in God's mind. We could take a hour or two and break that down. She... Made this creature for that way. He made the creature and turned her so Satan could get ahold of her, and he did. He's still got her. She'd better flee to the cross, like men too. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 27-1 Notice, all nature runs in continuity. If He'd have made the woman in the same original creation, there'd have been no sin, because she couldn't have done it. She couldn't have done it. She is a perversion of the original creation. So is all sin a perversion of the original truth. What is a lie? Is the truth perverted. What is an adultery? Is the right act perverted. So there is the perverted creature; there is the perverted whole thing. And the whole thing is spelled s-i-n. Laying right there... That's why the question's so great. Only a piece, scrap, made of a man, to deceive him by, God made it. Right here has proved it. That's what she was made for. An immoral woman is the lowest thing that can be thought of in the earth. Excuse this, young ladies. She's nothing but a human garbage can, a "sex exposal." That's all she is. A immoral woman is a human sexual garbage can, a pollution where filthy, dirty, ornery, lowdown filth is disposed by her. Why's she made this way for? For deception. Every sin that ever was on the earth was caused by a woman. And a analyst just from Chicago, a--a woman wrote this article, of the police force, that they chased down in United States (metropolitan United States) that ninety-eight percent of every crime that was ever did in any form in the United States, there was either a woman in it or behind it. Now, I'm saying all this to get to one thing here at the end so that you can see what's the matter. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 27-5 She was made to deceive like she did Adam at the beginning, telling him that the fruit was pleasant and so forth to deceive him and take him away from the Word. That's the way the church does today: same thing. But then, after that, he become her ruler, to rule over her. Now, what a difference in this day and this day of conception. Instead of him being her ruler, she has become his god. Sure. She rules him. Now, you can kinda well understand what I've been hitting at. By her beauty and her sex control, her shape that was given to her by Satan (the byproduct that Satan did), she is sent to deceive sons of God, and she can sway more of them to hell than any other instrument Satan's got. That's exactly right. (I'm talking of the immoral now, not you sisters. We'll give you your place, right place, in a few minutes in the Word of God here.) It was in God's plan from the beginning.
MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 28-1 Now, to do this today... What is the god of the United States? You remember the Tabernacle years ago, I preached on that, "The God of This Modern Day." A little flapper setting there with makeup on, and dress pulled up over her knees, and things like. I said, "Behold, your god." And that's right. She's on every advertisement, half naked; she's on the street the same way. It's a instrument of Satan. "From the beginning," Jesus said. See? We see it was so now and--from the beginning and what He's talking about. Now, the heathens used to make her a god. Did you know that, a goddess? Sure did. They make her a goddess, for they did have sex acts in their worship. They claimed that she was a creator. In her womb she carried the seed and created. That's a lie. There's only one Creator; that's God. But you remember Paul there? Diana of Ephesus, a image of a rock, said the goddess of heaven throwed down. Don't you see how heathen worship is? And we, not knowing it, turns right straight back to heathen worship again to women, the very lowest creature on the earth: woman worship. She'll sway men any way she wants to. And not knowing, all that beauty on the outside, a hell's on the inside. Solomon said her--her gates is the gates to hell. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 28-3 Now, we see plainly here what Jesus spoke of in the Revelations the 2nd chapter and the 15th verse, of the Nicolaitane doctrine, the oncoming of that church pulling itself away from the Word. Also we can see here plainly these vulgar, ungodly, filthy programs that we have on television of Hollywood sex queens. We can see the filth of this city as these kids, little old girls walking up and down the street here with little bitty tight clothes, twisting around, and it cold enough to freeze them to death. They don't know that that's the devil doing that. They are possessed of an evil spirit and don't know it. You don't see a female dog doing that, do you? You don't see any other female doing that. And no male better walk up to her either. See? Now, you get the picture? We're introduce something just in a moment, the Lord willing. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 29-2 Now, you see the Nicolaitanes; you see their doctrine; you see the teenage queens they call them, these stripteases out on the street. Used to have to go to some vulgar show on the side to see a striptease. Just open your eyes, look out on the street. That's all you have to do now. The whole thing's a striptease. Sure. What do they do it for? To tantalize, tempt; that's the only thing she can do it for. She does it because she's filthy. She does it because she's made that way. She don't realize that she's a instrument in the hands of Satan. That's what she is. Even in our schools today they're teaching sex acts. Our rotten world of woman worship... I know they don't want to believe that. Stand and sing some kind of hymn, and so forth, on one day and out with women, running around all night long... See? All right. When in God's sight, the Word, she is the lowest of all animals that God put on the earth... Watch. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 29-4 That's why God forbids her to teach His Word. That's right. I Timothy 2:9-15: "I suffer not a woman to teach or to have any authority..." See? And also I Corinthians 14:34: "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for it's not permitted to them to speak, for they are commanded to be in silent, also saith the law." But today what does the church do? They make her pastors, evangelists, when the Bible completely forbids it. And the Bible said: "... as also saith the law," making it run in continuity, the whole thing. Just like the Lamb was last night, the only place of worship, under the shed Blood of the Lamb. That's the only place today, in Christ. Only way to do is come into Him. That's the only place of worship. It always was that way. The only place to worship is under the shed Blood. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 29-6 So now, we see the whole picture of it unfolding to us. There she is. That's why God won't let her teach, won't let her do anything in the church but to set still with a veiled face. Now, can you see why I have said the things and done the things that I done, knowing all this in my heart, brethren, sisters? I know, sisters, I've--you've got your place (just a moment) and a wonderful character that God can mold in you, but I'm just trying to speak on the other side to show what
you're actually from the beginning. Jesus told us to go back to the beginning to find it. That's what we're doing. Now, I've had to hit the high points on a lot of this, and I hope you understand it. And you people who will be listening to this tape, I hope you understand. Just go back. It's only to show that Jesus said, "Go back from the beginning and find out." All things go back to the beginning. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 30-2 You can see today why people... They say I'm a woman hater. That's far from the truth. I do not. They call me a woman hater. Remember, they called Paul a woman hater. A woman minister, not long ago, said, "Oh, you're like old Paul; all he had to do is pick on us women," a saint of God that was permitted to write the Bible, the New Testament, and dispute his words. He said, "If a angel from heaven teaches any other thing than this that I've said, let him be accursed," let alone some woman preacher. See? They said Elijah was a woman hater. He wasn't a woman hater of real women; he just didn't like them Jezebels. And if that be so, then must be--God must be the same way because He is the Word which come to the prophets. So it must be God, the same way. So see, He knows the original creation from the beginning. He said, "From the beginning..." They were prophets who the Word came to. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 30-4 And He made her for man and not man for her. Did you know that, that woman was made for man, and not man for woman? How many knows that? The Bible teaches it. All right. She was given a place in man before the fall, equal over all creation, but after the fall... Now, here we bring the subject up. But after the fall he was her ruler. She must keep silent in all matters. Now, after the original beginning is over... Jesus said, "It wasn't so from the beginning." That's when time begin, when God made it first in His original creation. All that understand, say, "Amen," again. [Congregation replies "Amen"--Ed.] In the beginning God created just one male and one female. But then the woman was made different from the animals, all other animals, for deception. Now, watch. Now, it wasn't so from the beginning. She was made... If she'd have stayed in her original condition, she would've never been no fall. But she caused the fall in the interruption that broke the whole continuity of God and throwed death, sorrow, and everything else on the earth. She was made thus. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 31-1 Now, notice. Now, after the beginning, after the beginning, after time begin... back in that was eternity; it was over. Notice, after that fall was made by Eve, after the fall, there was need to be another covenant made. Now, this is going to stumble you, but I'm going to give you the Scripture to prove that this is the truth. Now, notice, after the fall... Jesus said, "God, at the beginning, made one of a kind," but now, after the fall... Now, we're going beyond that; the covenant was coequal. But now after the fall there's another covenant made. Now, she was no longer ruler with him. Each must have a separate covenant. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 31-3 Now, let's see if that's right. Let's take Genesis 3 and find out if this is right now, as we go along, 'cause we want to be positive that these things, that are taught out and brought out exactly true so that... Maybe right here we have a little time, 'cause we're not too far from the end now, to get to the closing part of the subject to show why and what about divorces and so forth. Now, in Genesis the 3rd chapter, and we will begin now with the 3rd and the 16th verse. Let's begin at the 14th verse: And the LORD... said unto the serpent,... (Now, He's going to curse it.)... Because thou has--thou has done this, thou art cursed above all the cattle,... above every beast of the field; and upon thy belly thou shall go, and dust shall thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and the woman's seed; and it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel. (The promising coming through the woman, the Messiah, to redeem.)
Unto the woman he said,... (Now, look. Now, there's the covenant with the serpent which they were all all right beforehand at the beginning, or before the beginning.) Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy conception; and in sorrow shall thou bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (Not no more coequal together at all... Now, she's turned right around and she's the ruler.) And unto Adam he said, Because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat... it: cursed be the ground... (not cursed Adam now, cursed be the ground)... for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns... and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herbs of the field; And... In... sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou returns to the ground; for out of it--out of it was thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 32-1 Two covenants... Now, that closes the beginning of what Jesus said: "It wasn't so at the beginning." We got another covenant now. Notice, it's another covenant. Now, there's a covenant for the product and a--the byproduct. Notice, the fall brought trouble, death to every creature of the creation, making a difference in all nature. Now, let us notice what Jesus said about: "From the beginning it wasn't so." Now, it is not so from--it is... Now, it is after the beginning. Now, there's a double covenant. First it was just a covenant. Adam and Eve was coequal: one man, one woman. Now, the woman sinned. And what does she do? That throwed them all to death, and God had to make a covenant by that, another covenant. Here it is right here in Genesis 3:16. He made another covenant. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 32-3 Now, the world is to be repopulated, not by the original creation of God like in the beginning, not by the original creation, but by sex desire. Now, that takes care of the beginning, doesn't it? In the beginning there's only one man and one woman, one male, one female. But when she crossed that line and brought this sin, now the world's to be repopulated again by sex; not by creation; by sex. See where the woman's at now? Now, but that's the way the world's populated today, through women. That's the reason Jesus had to come through the woman to bring it back to its original beginning again, without sex desire. He's virgin born. But, hallelujah. there will come a time where it won't be no more sex, but God shall call His children from the dust of the earth, back like they was in the original. Not through any woman, but through the molding of the clay and the cosmic lights and the petroleum; He'll create again like He did Adam at the first time. Jesus made this possible by God making Himself a man and come into the world so He could die, through this--this woman. Now, is testing time by sin. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 33-3 Now, you see, then after the beginning it was--something else was introduced. Now, this is going to shock you. (Are you tired? Just set still just a little longer.) Then when the double covenant was made by man and woman through sex (another covenant altogether; not the original covenant, but another covenant), now what's introduced? Polygamy in all. Then after the beginning, polygamy was introduced both in man and in beast, after the beginning, the fall. God now secondarily sets a new nature again by sex. God created the first without sex. Do you believe that? Now, it's another covenant with nature; He sets it in another order by sex. Second covenant: one male, many females; one buck deer, a whole harem of does (That right?); one bull a whole herd of cattle, cows; one rooster, a yard full of hens (That right?); one David, after His own heart, with five hundred wives, with a hundred children born to him in one year of different women: a man after God's own heart; one Solomon with a thousand wives. But notice now, it wasn't so at the beginning. But now, it's after the beginning. The woman's done this, then she just becomes what she is now. See? MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M
33-5 David, the king which represented Christ... (Hold that in your mind.) David represented Christ. You believe that? Christ is setting--going to set on his throne. And this David, a man after God's own heart, had five hundred wives. See what I mean? David with his five hundred wives, Solomon with his thousand; and Solomon is the son of David in the natural, which represents Jesus Christ, the Son of David in the spiritual. But that's natural sex life; this is going to be spiritual created why, created. That's the way it was at the beginning, but not now in this life we live in now. Notice. (Don't fail this now; take it all down to your hearts.) But not one of those women could even have one more husband. He's the original creation, not her. Not one of those women could have one more husband, but that one husband could have a thousand wives. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's the Bible. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 34-2 Now, I've went back took my time, and showed you back yonder what started what Jesus said. Now, do you see it clearly? They could have as many... "Oh," you say, "that was just for Israel." Is it? When Abraham took Sarah down into the Philistine country, there was a king down there named Abimelech. And Sarah was a hundred years old (right at it), but she had been changed back to a young woman and been made beautiful. You know that? All right. And Abimelech wanted her for a wife. You remember my message on it? Abimelech wanted to take Sarah for a wife. Probably had a harem. But he could not take her if she was married to Abraham. So Abraham said to Sarah, "Say that you are my brother--because he'll kill me so that he can have you." Why didn't he just chase Abraham out of the country and take his wife and go on. Not only a law was it with believers, but to all people in the creation. Sinner or saint, you're responsible, man, for these acts. There was a heathen king. How many knows that story's true? It's the Bible, Genesis, about the 16th chapter, I think. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 34-4 You notice, Abimelech would've took her for a wife. He fixed hisself to have this new Hebrew girl. And he said, "This is my..." She said, "That's my brother." He said, "That's my sister." And Abimelech said, "I'll just take her for a wife then." Could you imagine a man doing a thing like that? But he did it. And then that night while he went to sleep, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Abimelech, you're as good as a dead man." He was protecting that--that stream of Jewish blood there. You see? He said, "You're as good as a dead man. You've got another man's wife you're fixing to marry." He said, "Lord, you know the integrity of my heart." Said, "Did not she tell me that was her brother? Did not he himself say, 'That's my sister.'" He said, "I know the integrity of your heart. That is the reason I wouldn't permit you to sin against Me." That right? Said, "Restore his wife, because that man is My prophet. And unless you take him back his wife and let him pray for you, not your priest. If he don't pray for you, your whole nation's gone." Amen. There's amazing grace right... "Your whole nation's gone. That's that man's wife, and he's My prophet." Amen. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's the Scripture. See? MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 35-2 Now, we find out death was caused--death is the cause of sin of the woman, come through the woman and not the man. By her way of living, her life, and by her, all death comes. Her way of giving life is death. How many knows that? Job 14, if you want to put down the Scripture. I got... If you question this, I got Scriptures wrote down for every bit of this. You want to read Job 14 there, it says, "Man that is borned of woman is of a few days and full of trouble." Is that right? "He cometh up like the flower; he's cut down and wastes away," and so forth. See? Every man that's borned of a woman is born in death as soon as he comes, but when he's borned into the creation of God, he cannot die. He's from that other Tree that was in the garden of Eden: Christ. Eternal Life come by the Tree.
"Oh," you say, "she was a tree?" Sure. What he said it, "Thou shalt not take of this tree," God said in Genesis back there. "Thou shalt not take of this tree." Why, the woman is a tree. She's a fruit tree. You're the fruit of your mother; the fruit of the womb is you. That's right. And then the fruit of the Tree of Life that was in the garden of Eden, is Christ. Through the woman come death. Through the man in the original creation, come Life. To be born of woman is death; be born of Christ is Life. Get the idea? That's where... Now you see where the goddesses went to, don't you? First Adam and Eve type the second Adam and Eve. See the multiplication. Now, the multiplication of Adam and Eve was through sex to replenish the earth, but it wasn't so at the beginning. God just made a male and a female like He did His other creatures. See? Legal. Just like the church. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 36-1 Now, let us, in view of these vindicated truths of God, search a little further, if you want to. All right. Now, this may hurt just a little bit till we get down to the bottom of it. I'm just going to show you truth of it. There is no minister that can marry a widow. Did you know that? You want to read that? All right, you get in Leviticles--Leviticus 21:7 and Ezekiel 44:22 and it will show you that the priesthood was not to marry a woman that's been touched by man. This type is of the virgin Bride of Jesus Christ, because they handled the fire of God, the priests did, Aaron's sons. (We haven't got time to read it all and get out by noon. We got twenty minutes yet.) And them's Aaron's sons that handled the--the-the fire of God. So they could not marry a woman that had been touched by another man. The unchanging God said so. They could not marry another woman (and woman had been touched by a man), showing in type here, if you want to see it, that the church of the living God is purely, unadulterated the Word of God and not a denomination that's been handled by man. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 36-4 Note, let's read this here. I want to get this to you. Matthew 5, Jesus spoke here of something that's really of a vital importance. We want to see it. Matthew 5. I wrote on my--I marked out some of the things I was going to say just to the men, so had quite a little time saying it just before our sisters. But I want to--to go out here now before... Now, sister, I want to put you into the place where God's Word promised you, and you see then--you stay in that place too. Matthew 5:32. I want you to notice here, to support this same idea of one and many. Matthew 30... I think it's Matthew 5:32--31 to begin with. It has been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: (Now, Jesus speaking, the One said, "From the beginning." Now, watch.) But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving... the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery:... (See?)... whosoever shall put away his wife, saving... the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery:... (Why? She'll marry again.)... and whosoever... marries her that is divorced committed adultery. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 37-1 See, she's got a living husband, so no man can marry her. Care what she does and who she is, she's got a living husband. There's no grounds for her at all. But it's not for him: causes her, not him. Get it? You have to make the Word run in continuity. See? Nothing saying he couldn't, but she can't. See? 'Causes her, not him. That's just exactly what the Bible says. "Causes her..." It is not stated against him to remarry, but her. Why? Christ in the type. Notice, it is stated that he cannot remarry, only a virgin. He can remarry; he can marry--he can remarry again if it's a virgin; but he can't marry somebody's else's wife. No, indeedy. And if he does marry a divorced woman, he is living in adultery; I don't care who he is. The Bible said, "Whosoever marries her that is put away, liveth in adultery." There you are, not no divorcee. See that original back yonder from the beginning now? Remarrying... Now notice, he can, but she can't. Like David, like Solomon, like the continuity of the whole Bible. Now, same as David and the rest of them...
MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 37-4 Now, you notice in I Corinthians 7:10, notice, Paul commands the wife that is--that divorces her husband to remain single or be reconciled, not to remarry. She must remain single or to be reconciled back to her husband. She cannot remarry; she must remain single. But notice, he never said about the man. See, you can't make the Word lie. From the beginning, the sex law by polygamy. Now, the Word of God runs true with nature of God, runs in continuity. See how there is one school went east and the other one went west on it? You got to come back to the truth to find out what it is. It's always been that way. That's the regular covenant with God from the beginning. First, before the beginning, from the beginning, there's just one and one. After the sin came in, then there was one man and a bunch of women. Run that way in nature, every animal; and human beings in natural flesh is animal. We are mammal. We know that, all of us. See? And it's all God's nature in continuity. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 38-1 But now that the Seals are opened, the Spirit of Truth directs us to the Word. That explains why all the mistakes has been down through the ages, because the Seals was not open. This was not revealed. It's true. Notice, you--you can't make the shadows fail (as I preached to you last night about the shadow across the floor); it's got to come out right. How can there be a shadow of an elephant coming across the floor and a little, bitty, spindly man come out to be the elephant, or the elephant, to a little, spindly man? Now, if you'll notice it in perfect type... Now, that is a true woman. A true woman, virgin, that marries her husband and lives and she's a blessed thing to the man. If God could've give His Son any better thing than a wife, He would've give that to Him. But she's designed to be a sex act. And no other animal is designed like that; no other creature on the earth is designed like that. That's the reason you see polygamy, because of that. That's what brought it in. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 38-4 Now, look. In the final analysis, look, there is one Jesus Christ (Is that right?), one Man: God Immanuel. You believe that? But the members of His Wife are many (See?), thousands times thousands of thousands. Is that right? His Wife, the Bride, the church... You understand now? That's why He said to Adam before sex was ever induced--or introduced, "Multiply to replenish the earth," when he was yet in the beginning, when he was yet both male and female in himself. There it shows then that the Bride's got to come from the Word, by spiritual multiplication--multiplications (See?), replenishing the earth. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 38-6 Now, in the sex act... See, the school's got those two things mixed up. Therefore, you can't do it. You've got to bring it back to the truth of it, in the beginning. And at the end there will be one Lord Jesus and His Bride many: singular. You get it? There was one David on one throne, one king after God's own heart, with five hundred wives. Jesus, setting on His throne (Hallelujah.) in the millennium, with a Wife like it was at the beginning, created out of the earth by the hand of Almighty God in the resurrection, of many members. There you are. Women, struggle to be that. Come into Christ, then you'll not be in that filthy mess out there. But as long as you're just a church member, trying to live morally good yourself, you'll never make it. Neither can a man make it outside of Christ. As Paul went on to say, "But there--in Christ there is neither male nor female"; they're all one. But to get this marriage and divorce straightened out so that you would know which was right and which was wrong... MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 39-1 Now, He plainly shows here in these types there is one Christ and many members of that Wife. Notice, He can put us away for spiritual fornications and false doctrine anytime He wants to, but how dare you try to put Him away and make it. The man can put away his wife and marry another, but not the woman put away her husband and marry another. See all the shadows and types there perfectly balanced out? See? The original creation, not the byproduct nowhere; not the church, the
Bride through the Word; not the woman, the man; each time. That's which... Never says anything against the man doing it; it's always the woman. That's exactly. But she can be the Bride of Christ by being... And remember, she being a part of a man, the Bible said she can only... "Nevertheless I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp any authority, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the byproduct was deceived. Now, withstanding she shall be saved if she continues in holiness and sobriety and in childbearing and all such..." (because then she becomes a part of this man; that's what bring... ) MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 39-2 Why didn't Abraham--why didn't God kill Sarah setting right there denying, a-lying right in the face of God, setting there as a mortal man, eating flesh, eating bread, drinking milk. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh back there in the back, behind Him in the tent (He'd never seen her.), saying, 'These--how can these things be?'" She said, "I never said it." Oh. Ooh, my. Tell God that He's a liar to His face. But He couldn't take her. Why? She's a part of Abraham. He couldn't hurt her without hurting Abraham. Now you women see where you belong? And the Bible said, you women, be like Sarah was, which adorned herself in modest apparel, live honest and true to her own husband, loving him so much that he--she called him her lord: ruler, ownership. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 39-5 And you, some of the women put on these nasty clothes, eat out here to throw yourself before men. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Then who's guilty, the man or you? He's a male, made so he could take this act. See? And you're the female that ought to refuse. And why do you put yourself out like that? It ain't for comfort. You know it can't be, when you're half froze to death with them shorts on. See? Can't be for comfort. Then what is it? It's for filth. You won't admit it, but it's--the Bible said so. It's the truth. It's a filthy spirit that's in you. You don't want to be filthy, but you don't realize spiritually you are filthy, because you're presenting yourself filthy. Now, a man, his old, dirty, knotty knees, and if he had on hardly any clothes at all, it wouldn't make any difference; his body is not tempting. Why? He was in the original creation: character, should be. But you're the byproduct to tempt by. God have mercy. Oh, my, this sinful world, I'll be glad when it's over. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 40-3 Notice, he can put away his wife any time he wants to, but she can't put him away. He can make me--He can throw me in the dust any time He takes a notion to, but oh, brother, I'd better not try to throw Him there; I'm finished. Solomon could marry any woman that wasn't married. He could marry any women he wanted to. A priest could marry only a woman that was a virgin. Solomon, like David, he married... What was her name? Abigail, which was a man called a fool. He had a nice wife, and he died. And Abigail was married to David. He was a king, not a priest. See? So he--he married, but a priest could not do that because he'd touched or got a woman to be his wife that was already been some man's wife. So that shows the virgincy of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bride will have to be unadulterated the Word, not one Word missing nowhere. Certainly. Could you imagine a correct bride, one breast off and the other one something or other wrong, you know? That's not going to be the Bride of Christ; She's perfect. She's everything the Word, not one Word failing anywhere. No. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 40-6 Notice, He can put her away, but she cannot put Him away. He did it, and proved it in the days when Luther, Wesley, and in Pentecost, when they refused to become the further part of Him by having spiritual sexual affair to become pregnated with further part of the Word. You understand? She refused... The Lutheran church refused for Christ to have any more desire with her. Luther refused it. And let me say this (going to call me something anyhow), so is it today with every one of them. They fail to take that Word. They refuse Christ. And any woman that refuses a man his child, has no right to be a wife to him. Amen.
You remember in the Bible when the king married Esther because the queen refused. He just got him another one. And when the... What happened when she refused to come out with the king, to obey him? The same thing it is with a woman that refuses to be wife to her husband. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 41-2 And so is it with the church that refuses to be come pregnated in the age that we now live in to bring forth children of this age. We're not Lutherans; we're not Wesleys; neither are we Pentecostals. We've got to be the children of this age through the pregnancy of the Word of God to bring forth a Child of this age, the Seed Child. Amen. I hope you understand. Couldn't be pregnated, no. So what did He do? Put her away in divorcement. That's right. But she dares put Him away. He put her away. He went right on revealing His Word to the Body and vindicating His same by Himself. His children begin to kinda look more like Him because it's fully maturing, or they become children of the Word, not children of the church; children of the Word. And the Bride will be a lovely little Lady of the Word, unadulterated, not touched by any man's organization, any manmade theory. She'll be purely unadulterated Bride of the Word. Amen and amen. I hope you get that out on the air. She'll be the pregnated daughter of God. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 41-4 See what a great honor a woman can be? See what a great thing the church can be? But you see where filth has got her to? Then trying to compare that church out there, with the church here; you can't do it. And try to compare the street harlot with the church of the living God; or the woman, the correct woman, with the harlot. Why is there such things as that? It's a law of God, the law of contrast. How would we know how to enjoy the daylight if there wasn't a night? How would we know how to enjoy the dry weather if there wasn't rain? How would we know to enjoy and respect a real woman if there wasn't a dirty one? MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 42-1 Went right on revealing It, the way He reveal His Word, but dare any one of us to try to put away Him and marry another. Now, surely it's plain why both theories are wrong. You can't make it run this way; it's gone. You make it run that, It'd run plumb past the promise. Here's the promise. Here's the thing right here. The Word is not contradictory; It has to stay in continuity. Now, no more than Matthew 28:19 contradicts Acts 2:38... Now, some of you women, some of you men, I--I know you're--you're disagreeing with it, 'cause you know you can't hide that right now. You can't. But let me just show you something. If Matthew 28:19 said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost," and they turned around and every person that was ever baptized was baptized contrary to that and baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the--even all through the Bible age, and for three hundred years after the Bible age, to the Nicene Council... Then they adopted dogmas instead. What's the difference? If it isn't revealed... And do you know that the whole Book, the whole Bible is a revelation? That's how you have to know the truth between this one and the other. It's because it's a revelation, and the revelation must be exactly with the Word, not contrary to the Word. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 42-3 You say, "Well, I--it was revealed to me." Then if it's contrary to the Word, it never come from God. That's right. Now, if you want to take Matthew 16:18, Jesus said Himself, that the entire church, His church would be built upon spiritual revelation of Himself, which is the Word. "I say unto thee that thou art Peter, and flesh and blood never revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you, and upon this rock..." Now, I know our Catholic friends there, you say it was built upon Peter, and Peter was a apostolic so-So-and-so under apostolic succession. The Protestants said it was built upon Jesus Christ. Not to be different, but take just what He said. He said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My
Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you, and upon this rock (spiritual revelation of what the Word is), I'll build My church, and the gates of hell will never shake it down." His Wife will not be tempted with other men. "I'll build My church and the gates of hell can never shake it." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 43-1 And Abel and Cain in the garden of Eden, Cain drawed his own conception. He said, "Now, look. God's a good God. He's over all nature, so I'll get the beans and potatoes, and I'll get the--the flowers, and I'll make Him a real pretty altar (That's a church). He knelt down; he believed God; he worshipped God, put up his hands, and offered this sacrifice. He done everything religious that Abel did. Abel built the same kind of an altar, but when Abel brought his, he brought a lamb. Now, Cain thought that making an antidote for sin, that his father and mother must have eat fruit as they were taught in that garden. But Abel by Divine revelation knowed that it was the blood that did it: by Divine revelation. And the Bible said in Hebrews the 12th chapter--11th chapter, that Abel by faith (revelation) offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which God testified that he was righteous. That right? Amen. Brother, sister, it's just as plain as anything can be to me. There's the whole thing. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 43-3 Now, on the marriage and divorce... See, it has to be revealed. Until it's revealed, you don't know it. But He promised in this last days in this age, that every hidden mystery in the Bible would be revealed. How many knows that? Revelations the 10th chapter. Jesus promised it, that all of these hidden mysteries on--on marriage and divorce, all these other hidden mysteries that's been would be revealed in the end time. Now, you remember the Voice said, "Go to Tucson." You remember a mystic Light in the skies, the seven Angels standing there? Come back and the opening of the Seven Seals? Watch what's taken place. That is true. Now, just a little bit farther. But now, hear ye. I know you... It's getting time for you to go eat, but I'm just eating fine. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 43-7 Notice. Now, the woman's got her place, and she is a jewel. Solomon, this man that had ten thousand wives--or had a thousand wives, rather, he said that a man that's found a wife has found a good thing. He said a good woman is a jewel in his crown; that's an honor, but an unrighteous one is water in his blood. That's his life. He said, "There might be one righteous man found in a thousand." (Solomon said this.) But said, "You wouldn't find one righteous woman in a thousand." Solomon said that. See? Now, notice that, that how it is. But you see, woman, you are--you are a jewel if you want to be a jewel, but the desire has to be by you. And you see why the marriage and divorce was, that Jesus pointed back yonder? It was because your kind was the cause of all sin. That's the reason polygamy and divorce and things was introduced. At the beginning it never was so and it won't be so in the world over yonder. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 44-2 Look at Jacob, out of whom come the patriarchs. He had at least a dozen wives. He married two sisters and had concubine wives besides that (common law women that he lived with), and those patriarchs was born right out of those concubine women. Is that right? See, you have to make the Word run smooth. Oh, I got pages on them. If a clergyman ever questions me on it and if we could get together, we can talk it; but surely if he's got any spirituality at all, he could see right here it's the truth. There's no question to it. A good woman is a good thing. I know that. I know it by real women. I've met real women that's genuine, just as real as any man that ever walked. She's a byproduct and a piece in--of him. And in the fall he listened to her. He's just... She's part of him. But it's up to her; she's made so she can be filthy. And she's given the right to refuse or to accept. That's contrary to the original nature at the beginning. See? But there you are. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M
44-4 Now, it's twelve o'clock, so I'll just omit something here for a few minutes. I want to ask you something. Now, remember, I say this to just my group only. And out in the air: I'm saying this to only my own followers; this Message is only to them. And what I'm going to say here, any minister, he--that's his-he's the shepherd of the flock; let him do whatever he wants to. That's up to him and God. Any priest, any preacher, that's up to you, my brother. I'm only speaking here in Jeffersonville, the only place that I'd speak this at, is because it's my own flock. It's the flock that the Holy Ghost give me to understand, to be overseer over. He'll hold me responsible for it. And these people of mine's been converts here from across the land that I've led to Christ. And little children, I'm here to help you and I am your friend. You might think I speak against you; I'm saying this to--for your good. I love you. And if that isn't so, God's my Judge. You know I love you. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 45-2 This is an awful strong thing. I didn't know how to bring it out. What'll I do when I got men and women setting in my congregation, some that's been married twice or three times? Good men, good women, all mixed up, what done it? False teaching. Exactly, not waiting on the Lord. "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder..." Not what man joined together, what God joined together. When you got a direct revelation from God that's your wife and the same thing, that's yours the rest of your life. See? But what man joins together anybody can put apart. But what God joins together no man better dare to touch it. "Whatsoever God joins together," He said, "let no man put asunder." Not what some half-drunk magistrate, or something else put together, or some backslidden preacher with a bunch of creeds in a book that'd let them do anything in the world and the Word of God laying right there. See? I'm talking about what God joined together. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 45-4 Now, I'm going to say this to you. I'm very careful what I say to you. I don't mean to be rough with you people. I don't mean to be rough with you, my pastor brothers. I don't mean that. But I'm responsible, realizing that this is been given into my hands, and if... I can't hold it, and I don't know how to give it out; and I know that this tape will... Oh, my. I'll just get ready. The office open up, 'cause it comes. See? Just like it was on the serpent's seed, but it's absolutely proven to be right. I got papers right here out of the paper where women right now... And even in--in the great--some of the great diocese has got the pictures of the original, a snake crawling a woman's leg and just-and how it goes around her. She has all kinds of sensations and things, something a man could never touch her with, with this huge snake wrapping around her and so forth. That's exactly the truth. And it's growing worse and worse and will get worse. Serpent, which he was not--he could not have had the sex affair with her when he was a serpent. But remember... MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 46-1 I was having a debate the other day with a--not a debate, just an Assembly of God minister, an associate, said, "You're wrong on that." I said, "Well, I may be. I'd like for you to tell me." He said... Then he went ahead and begin to talk about it. First thing you know he got hisself lost. And one thing he said, he said, "Brother Branham, where is that specie? God said 'one of each kind.' Now, where is that specie you said was between man and beast that science can't find now? Where is he at?" Said, "Is he on the earth? Was he a chimpanzee?" No, because a chimpanzee's blood won't mix with a woman. No other animal will mix with her. No, it won't. Or neither will a man's sperm mix with a--with a female. It won't do it. Then where is that certain animal? Now, God said, "Let everything bring forth of its kind." I waited just a minute and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit said, "Tell him it's here." Now, first I said, "Well, it may have become distinct." He said, "But, Brother Branham, that... We're talking about the Word, aren't we?" I said, "Yes, sir." And I said, "They, of course, claim that the other things like dinosaurs and--and mammoths, and so forth, mammals--mammoths rather, they're distinct, and so forth." I said, "It could've been that."
He said, "Brother Branham, we're talking about proof of the Word. If sin's here, then the original sinner ought to be here also." And I said, "Lord Jesus, You said, 'Take no thought what you shall say when you come before men, because it'd be given to you in that hour.' Lord, what shall I say?" He said, "Tell him it's here." (Just the same as see the visions on the platform.) I said, "It's here," not knowing where. He said, "Where?" And before I could even think, He said, "It's the serpent." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 47-1 That's exactly what it was, for he's no longer a beast; he was cursed and put on his belly for the rest of his days. He's here. Is that right? And still in that act that he done, is still the same sin works around a woman, like a male sex like that. There's where she has her walleyed conditions and things when she has her sensations, far beyond what any man could ever do. I'll stop there, 'cause we're in a mixed crowd. I'll get the men, I'll--we'll talk more about it. I got all the papers and things laying right here, right at my hand right now, and I was going to bring to you this morning. I was going to take the full day in this, but I'll close now in saying this. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 47-3 This is to my church only--not my church, the little flock that believes me and follows me; this is to them. The other day, knowing that when I tell you anything it must come THUS SAITH THE LORD, then I had the Scriptures as He revealed it to me, but, "Lord God, what can I say to that congregation? I'll have separations. Men will be setting on the porch and out in the yard and everywhere else: 'Shall I leave her?' Women: 'Shall I leave my husband?' 'What shall I do?'" I said, "Lord, what can I do?" Something said to me, "Go up yonder in the mountains, and I'll talk to you." And while I was up in the mountain... Not knowing that down in Tucson they were seeing it, but even the teachers called the children from (my little girl and them)--from the schoolroom and said, "Look yonder in that mountain. There's a fiery looking amber cloud going up in the air and coming back down, and going up in the air and coming back down." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 47-7 Mrs. Evans, are you here? Ronnie, you here? I come on back down to the station; this young boy (by the filling station, Evans' filling station there)--and before I knowed what the boy was going to say, he took me off my feet. He said, "Brother Branham, you was up in that mountain over yonder, wasn't you?" I said, "What do you mean, Ronnie? No." (See? To see what he was going to do.) Lot of times things happen I don't--you don't say it to people. It becomes... The thing of it is, you see so much happening, it becomes common to you. See? I just don't tell the people. I said, "Ronnie, what was you..." He said, "I can show you right where you were at." Said, "I called mama, and we stood here and watched that Cloud hanging up in here, going up and down. I said, 'It's got to be Brother Branham setting up in there somewhere. That's God talking to him.'" And the whole city of people looked at it. On a bright day with no clouds nowhere at all, with this big amber Cloud hanging there, coming down like a funnel and going back and spreading out. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 48-3 Friends (and then I'm closing, you can go from this), that's when this was being revealed to me, what I'm going to tell you right now. So don't miss it. Now, I'm speaking to our followers only, who's following me and this Message only, not the outside. Bear me record of this before God: just to this group only. Now, we are found in this mess because of misinterpreted theology. That right? That's why you women married the second time and you men, because misinterpret theology. Now, I want to show you something that He told me. And if God, our Creator, was questioned the question when He was here on earth (Jesus Christ), and when His delivering prophet came forth (Moses) down in Egypt to bring the children out of--of Egypt to put them in the promised land; and Jesus said here that Moses seen the people in this condition, and he granted them a writing of divorcement because the
situation was what it was. Moses found such as, "Let him suffer..." God permitted Moses, that prophet sent to the people, to grant this writing of divorcement to them. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 48-6 And in I Corinthians the--the 7th chapter, the 12th and 15th verse in the New Testament prophet, Paul, who met the same thing in the church and spoke this: "This is I, not the Lord." Is that right? Because of the divorce condition. It wasn't so from the beginning. But Moses was permitted it, and God recognized it righteousness. And Paul also had a right when he found his church in that condition. Now, you believe this to be true and believe it to come from God. And by the vindication of His Cloud and His Message that's brought me this far, should not God upon the mountain permit me to do the same thing to suffer you to go on the way you are and do it no more. Go with your wives and live in peace, for the hour is late. The coming of the Lord is at hand. We haven't got time to break these things up. Don't you dare try to do it again. I'm speaking only to my congregation. But if you are married--and God bore me witness to that on the mountain that I could say this (a supernatural revelation because of the opening of the Seven Seals and this is a question in God's Word): let them go on in as they are and sin no more. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 49-1 It wasn't so from the beginning. That is right. It wasn't so, and it will not be at the end. But under modern conditions, as God's servant (I won't call myself His prophet.), but I believe that if I wouldn't be sent for that, I'm laying a ground for him when he does come. So under the modern conditions, I command you to go to your home with your wife now. If you are happy with her, live with her, raise your children in the admonition of God; but God be merciful to you if you ever do that again. You teach your children to never do a thing like that. Bring them up in the admonition of God. And now that you are as you are, let us go now to late evening hour that we're living in and press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ where all things will be possible. Until I see you tonight, the Lord God bless you, while we pray. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 49-2 Lord God, we give You thanks. We give You praise. Thou art the same great Jehovah that suffered Moses. Moses, that servant, what would he tell his people? And, God, You suffered him to give a writing of divorcement. Paul, the great apostle who was the writer of the New Testament as Moses was of the Old... Moses wrote the laws, and a dispensation of laws. Many of the prophets, their words was injected into it, but Moses wrote the laws. And You suffered him a writing--to write them a writing of divorcement because of the hardness of their heart. The great saint Paul, being a writer of the New Testament, could also make such an assertion that "I speak under these conditions, I, not the Lord." MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 49-5 So is it today, Lord God, at the end of the world. As we are here under the mercy of God, knowing that soon we're to answer in His Presence, and that You have did so much, Lord, I'm sure in the sight of these people they'll hang onto this like it come from You. And to bear record here today of many people setting here that even saw that sign up in the mountain where the Angels of the Lord came in the whirlwind, where it came in the seven Angels, where the revealing of the seven mysteries was unfolded, and that same Angel, in the same direction, on the same mountain the day that this was revealed... God, I pray that the people will go home being thankful that God has granted this grace to them. I only spoke it, Lord, through permission. And I only say it through permission, Lord. And let the people be so grateful that they'll never try to do that sin again. And may they never try to do any sin, but love You with all their hearts. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 50-2 Lord, make these families happy and may they grow and raise their children in the admonition of God. For my message that was on my heart is delivered, Lord. I've done all I know how to do, and
Satan has fought me for weeks and hours without sleep, but now I command it, Lord, to these people that they study it and go and live for You. Grant it, Lord. It's off my shoulders now. They're in Your hands. I pray that You'll bless them. Bless these handkerchiefs, Lord, that's just been set on here for the sick and afflicted. May this night be one of the greatest, powerful nights, that all the people will be healed. Grant it, Lord. Bless us together. May we go in peace, happy and rejoicing, because the God of creation has showed us since the beginning and has extended to us, in our mess that we're in, His grace again in this last days. Oh, great and eternal God, how we thank You for it. And may our hearts be so happy that we'll never have another desire to sin against You. In Jesus' Name. Amen. MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-13 SUNDAY_ 65-0221M 50-4 I love Him (Why shouldn't you love Him.) I love Him, Because He first loved me, And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. I say it now so the ministers will understand: this is to them that follows this Message only. Oh, are you happy? I told you the truth, THUS SAITH THE LORD all the way through. Now, let us stand and raise our hands as we sing it again. "I love Him, I love Him for His grace; I love Him for His mercy; I love Him for His Word." And the Word of the Lord came to the prophet. I love Him (Come on, brother. Go ahead.) WHO IS THIS MELCHISEDEC JEFF IN 65-0221E V-5 N-10 WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 1 Let us bow our heads for prayer. Dear heavenly Father, we hear this song of "Only Believe"; it makes us to know that that's all we have to do to inherit any of God's promises, just believe them. For it is written, "All things are possible to them that believe." As we cry as the man who had the epileptic child, "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief!"... We thank Thee for Thy great power, Thy great revelation of Thyself to us in this last days. It makes our heart most happy and joyful to know that we have come in contact with the living God, Who vindicates it right back in physical, material evidences as He did in the days gone by and as He has promised for this day. We're so grateful to Thee our God. This dark day where no one seems to know which a-way to go, we're so glad that we found the safety zone, the retreat. Now, bless us tonight, Lord, as we speak of Thy Word. And the promises that's given to us, may we nurture them in our heart, cherish them with reverence, and obey them with real godly discipline. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 4 Oh, they...?... A love offering? You shouldn't have done that. Who did that? You guilty? I was getting on the manager. Says he took a love offering for me. He shouldn't have done that. I appreciate it; God knows that; but I--I never come for that. Thank you. May the Lord bless you. I'll do everything I can... I'll put it right in foreign missions, so I'll know it'll go for the Kingdom of God. And if the Lord willing, I'll take it myself over to the lands to bring this same Gospel that you been setting, listening to this week. Then I know it'll be done in the way that you believed it. The Lord help me to do it. I am very grateful for the great attendance this week, and for all you people that's hooked up tonight again with the--the wires of the telephone. And we're grateful to each and every one of you. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 6 Billy said to me this morning; he said, "Daddy, if you would've come with me this morning, early, right after daylight, and stand out here around in these places and watch mothers feeding their babies in the car, them poor people setting in that rain, waiting for the doors to open..." You see what a hypocrite I'd be if I told you anything but the truth? I'd really be a foul person. Sometimes I have to hurt, but it's not because that I want to, it's because... It's--it's not me that's hurting; it's truth that hurts. And I--I... But I believe that's the reason you come, because I'm deadly sincere with you and do all that I can to help you. The Lord help each and every one of you.
WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 7 And now, I want to thank the people for their fine cooperation, the people of the city here also, who gave us--let us have the--the renting of this schoolhouse, this auditorium, and the gym. And I want to thank the officials if you're here. And also I want to thank Thurston Colvin, which is the custodian here, for his fine cooperation in helping us to get this and being with us each night. We thank the Jeffersonville Police force for coming up here and watching with a real cheap cost. I think about two dollars a hour that the police were put up here on special duty to park the cars, to see that there was no--nothing happened, and everything was all right. We're grateful to the people for that. And to the--the--also the engineer here on the--the board, I've noticed him. And all that's affiliated with this, we are certainly grateful to you. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 9 I thank each and every one of you for the gifts. Billy just brought me this afternoon a--a gift, several of them in boxes, candy and so forth. And one of them was the--the Beatitudes with a picture of Christ worked in it. It was the sermon on the mount. And it certainly was beautiful. I certainly thank you. And so many things, I don't know how to thank you for. And then also for your-your sponsoring, financing the meeting, we certainly do appreciate it with all of our heart. The Lord bless each one of you richly. Billy said there was many people had been asking for private interviews during the time. And many asked and had little babies to be dedicated. Oh, how I want to do that. But you see, when I come this time, it's so urgent I have to stay right all the time in study this Word and prayer on account of bringing these messages. See, they're not... They're--they're extra ordinary to us, because it's finding the will of God and then speaking the things. And all that has to meet together, and asking God just which one to open up. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 11 Now, the Lord willing, we'll be back again soon, as soon as we can find a day. I made a--a motion or--or said something about Easter. I'd better check that, because I think I've got a schedule in California along about that time. So that may be wrong. However, when we return again to the Tabernacle, we'll send you a card and--the church, and--and give you the--the date and time. Then I'll... Maybe at that time... Again I haven't put any time to praying for the sick. We haven't had one service that we brought the people up and prayed for them. We been sending them out. And our brethren here has been preaching, Brother Lee Vayle, and Brother... These other brothers has been preaching and praying for the sick, and doing the water baptism--baptizing rather, and letting me stay alone with the Word. We thank these men. They done a gallant job. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 13 There's so many friends here I'd like to meet. I look down and see John and Earl. And--and there's Doctor Lee Vayle, one of the managers of the campaign--Brother Roy Borders. Them men, I haven't even got--I haven't even no more than shook their hand. I haven't had a chance to. I think of my friends from Kentucky, and around in here, and minister friends, how I would like to shake their hands. Brother Blair, I noticed him here the other day. And many of those men that I--I love; and they been to several meetings; I never even as much as shook their hand. I--I'm trying... It isn't because I don't want to do that; it's because I haven't the time to do it. And I'm just a-hurrying. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 14 Dedicating the babies, sure, my own son, my little grandson was supposed to be dedicated at this meeting. I haven't had time to do it, little David. I'm grandpa twice now. So Mr. May, if he's here tonight, who give me that cane, look like I'm going to have to use it pretty soon, so... And I told Billy; I said, "The Bible did say multiply and replenish the earth, but the whole burden wasn't given to you." And these grandsons are appearing fast. And so remember, my daughter-inlaw was barren to begin with; she could not have no children. And one day leaving a meeting, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Loyce, you will bear a son; the Lord has blessed you. Your female trouble is gone." Little Paul was born nine months later. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E
16 Two months before this baby come on the scene, I was setting, eating breakfast one morning at the table, and Loyce and Billy was setting across the table from me. And I seen Loyce feeding a little baby with a pink--or blue blanket wrapped around it. And Billy was setting in the corner feeding little Paul. I said, "Billy, I just saw a vision. Loyce was feeding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket." He said, "There goes my hunting trip. That's just nine months from now." Eleven months later little David was born. And I haven't been able to dedicate him to the Lord yet, and will not until we return again. So you see what it is. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 17 How I love people and their fellowship. But our brethren has been praying for the sick, and I know it's a success. Each night we prayed for the sick, one laying their hands on the other, all of us together, which that way it's catches the whole scope. But maybe, if God willing--I'll mark it on the card if we send it--coming back, I'd like to dedicate about two or three days again just to praying for the sick and doing what we can in that manner. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 18 Now--now, I thank the people for their help again. Now, I just want to comment just a moment on the--on the morning's message. There's no doubt I didn't get completely through with it, but I think you understand. And I'm sure you didn't... You'll never know what that was for me to do. Now, it seems very simple to you, but you see what you're doing? You're taking the place of God to pronounce something. And before I would do that, it had to come a answer from God. And He had to come down, and He visibly showed Himself, and gave the revelation. Therefore (See?), this is to the church. And remember, I said these--this what I said was to the church only. And so that you might have confidence and know, that was the same God that said to me up there where they was no squirrel, "Speak, and say where they'll be." And three straight times it happened. Now, if He can by that same Word create something that isn't there, how much more will this hold fast at the day of judgment. See? People were there to see these things, and know as Paul said in the days gone by, there's men with him who--who felt the earth shake and didn't hear the voice, but they--they seen the--the Pillar of Fire. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 21 It done me good though after it was over to see husbands and wives that I know is genuine Christians hugging one another and weeping. And listen, friends, God confirms His Word with signs and vindications to prove that It's right. The spoken Word... Now, remember, that Light that was in that cloud that gave the revelation... I was... My little girl was telling me, Sarah here, that when they... That school there in Arizona was looking up there on a cloudless sky and seeing this cloud mysteriously, in that mountain, going up-and-down with a Amber Fire burning in it. The teacher dismissed the classes and the school and brought them out front and said, "Did you ever see anything like that? Look the way that--is." Remember, that's that same Amber Light that's on the rock. See? So it's the same God, same revelation. Said, "Tell them to do this." It's what I told you this morning, so there it is. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 23 If it happens to be that my good friend Brother Roy Roberson is listening in at Tucson, Roy, you remember the other day the vision you seen when we were out standing upon the mountain? You come up to me, and that cloud was over the top? Come walking down, you know what He told you, I told you at the house the other day? That's it, Roy. Don't worry no more, son; it's over. You just don't know what that means. It's grace. He loves you. You love Him. Humbly serve Him and worship Him the rest of your days. Be happy; go ahead and live as you are. If you're happy, continue that way. Don't never do anything wrong again like that. Just go ahead; it's God's grace. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 25 Now, I want to pray again before we enter into the Word. How many will pray for me? I'm just going from meeting to meeting, will you pray? You know, I'd like to sing you a little song, all of us together before we go to the Word. Just to--so that we'd know, God... Just a little dedication. Did you ever hear this little song, "He Careth for You?" Through sunshine and sorrow, He careth for you.
A little lady's coming up to the piano. Say, I want to thank this little lady too; I didn't even know who she was. It's one of the deacon's daughters here. I certainly... Brother Wheeler's little girl, she's growed up now. She was little bitty thing that set on my knee not long ago, and now she's a young woman. So I certainly thank her that she's used her talent in music, and now she plays very sweetly. Would you give us a chord, sister? All of us together now. He careth for you; He careth for you; Through sunshine or shadow He careth for you." You love that? Let's sing it again all together. He careth for you; He careth for you; Through sunshine or shadow He careth for you. (Brother Dauch, He does for you too, brother.) WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 27 Don't you love Him? Let us bow our heads now. Dear gracious God, with this little note here of a few things to say to the people and back again to refer back to this morning, for that's what the people come to hear. I pray, God, that You'll let the people see that God loves and cares. And it was not me that give that, Lord; it was vindicated that it was the Truth. So I pray, dear God, that Your love will always remain among the people. Tonight to have to separate after this meeting and go to our different homes, it--it kinda pulls us, some, deep, Lord. I pray that You'll bless these people. Now, as we approach the Word in prayer, and approach the written Word, we ask that You will take this written Word and make It alive to us tonight. And when we leave this building tonight to separate to go to our different homes, may we say like those who came from Emmaus, that had walked with Him all day and still didn't know Him... But when He got them inside the room that night, and the doors all shut, He did something just like He did before His crucifixion. By that they knowed He had risen again. Do it again tonight, Lord. Grant it, while the doors are shut and Your little group here is setting, waiting. And, Father, when we go to our homes we'll say like they did, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?" We commit ourselves and all in Your hands, Lord; do with us as You see fit. In Jesus' Name. Amen. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 29 Now, let's get right into the service now quickly, turning now with me if you will to the Book of Hebrews. And another revelation on the Message, we'll speak for just a few moments tonight, the Lord willing. And then while reading the first three verses of Hebrews 7:1-3, and then commenting on this... And we don't know what the Lord will do. We do not know; the only thing we do is just believe, watch, pray (That right?), and believe that He'll make everything work together for good to them that loves Him, because He promised to. For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; (Let's read a little farther). Without father, without mother, without descent,... neither beginning of days, or end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 30 Think of this great Person, of how great this Man must be. And now, the question is: "Who is this Man?" Theologians has had different ideas, but since the opening of the Seven Seals, the mysterious Book that's been mysterious to us... According to Revelations 10:1-7, all the mysteries that's wrote in this Book that's been hid down through the age of the reformers is supposed to be brought out into view by the angel of the last church age. How many knows that's right? That's right. Supposed to be brought... All the mysteries of the mysterious Book is to be revealed to the Laodicea messenger of that age. Seeing there is much dispute about this Person, and this subject, I think it behooves us to
break into it to find out Who this is. Now, there's several schools of thought on Him. One of the schools are--claims He's just a myth; He wasn't actually a person. And the others says that it was a priesthood, that was the Melchisedec priesthood. That's the most likely one that hold better to that side than they do to the other, is because they say it was a priesthood. It can't be that, for in the 4th verse it says He was a Person, a Man. So in order to be a person He has to be a personality, a Man, not a order, but a Person. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 32 So He was not just a priesthood order, neither was He a myth; He was a Person. And the Person is eternal. If you notice, He had no father, He had no mother, He had no time He ever began, and He had no time He ever ended. And ever Who it was is still alive tonight, because the Bible said here that He had neither father, nor mother, beginning of days or ending of life. So it would have to be an eternal Person (Is that right?), an eternal Person. So it could only be one Person; that's God, 'cause He's the only One that's eternal--God. Now, in I Timothy 6:15 and 16, if you'd like to read that sometime, I'd like for you to read it. Now, the thing that I contend is, that He was God, because He's the only Person that can be immortal. And now, God changing Himself into Person; that's what He was: no father, no mother, no beginning of life, no ending of days. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 34 Now, we find in the Scripture that many people teaches that three personalities in the Godhead. So you cannot have a personality without being a person. It takes a person to make a personality. A Baptist minister a few weeks ago come up and--to my house--and said, "I'd like to straighten you out on the Godhead sometime when you got time," called me up rather. I said, "I got time right now, 'cause I want to be straight, and we lay aside everything else to do it." And he come up; he said, "Brother Branham, you teach that there is just one God." I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "Well," he said, "I believe there's one God, but one God in three persons." I said, "Sir, repeat that again." He said, "One God in three persons." I said, "Where did you go to school at?" See? And he told me a-a Bible college. I said, "I could believe that. You cannot be a person without being a personality, and if you're a personality, you are one personality to yourself. You're a separate individual being." And he said, "Well, the theologians can't even explain that." I said, "It's by revelation." And he said, "I can't accept revelation." I said, "Then there's no way for God to ever get to you, because it's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent and revealed to babes (revealed, revelation) revealed to babes such as will accept it, learn." And I said, "There'd be no way for God to get to you; you close yourself off from Him. The whole Bible is the revelation of God. The whole church is built upon the revelation of God. There's no other way to know God only by revelation: 'To whom the Son will reveal Him,' revelation. Everything is revelation. So to--not to accept the revelation, then you're just a cold theologian, and there's no hope for you." WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 38 Now, now, we find out that this Person had no father, no mother, no beginning of days or ending of life. It was God "En morphe". Now, the world--the word comes--the Greek word means "change," was used, changing Himself, "En morphe", from one person to... One person... The Greek word there, "En morphe," means... It was taken from the stage act, "that one person is changing his mask to make him some other character." Like in--in school just recently--I believe, Rebekah, just before she graduated, they had one of Shakespeare's plays. And one young man had to change his clothes several times, because he played two or three different parts, but the same person. He'd come out; one time he was the villain. And when he come out next time, he was another character.
WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 40 And now the Greek word "En morphe" mean that he changed His mask. And that's what God did. It's the same God all the time. God in the form of the Father, the--the Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, the same God was made flesh and dwelt among us: "En morphe," brought out so He could be seen. And now, that same God is the Holy Ghost. Father, Son, Holy--not three Gods, three offices, three acts of the one God. The Bible said there's one God, not three. But that's how that they couldn't... You can't get this straightened out and have three gods. You'd never sell a Jew that; I tell you that, one who knows better; he knows there's only one God. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 650221E 42 Notice, like the sculptor, he hides with a--a mask over it. That's what God's done to this age. It's been hid. All these things has been hid, and is supposed to be revealed in this age. Now, the Bible says they would be revealed in the latter times. It's like a sculptor keeping his--his piece of work all covered over until the time he takes the mask off of it and there it is. And that's what the Bible has been. It has been a work of God that's been covered up. And it's been hid since the foundation of the world, and its sevenfold mystery, and God promised in this day, at the age of this Laodicea church, He would take the mask off the whole thing and we could see it. What a glorious thing, God, "En morphe", masked in a Pillar of Fire, God, "En morphe" in a Man called Jesus, God, "En morphe" in His church: God above us, God with us, God in us, the condescending of God. Up there holy, no one could touch Him; He settled upon the mountain, and even if a animal touched the mountain, had to die. And then God come down and changed His tent, and He come down and lived with us, become one of us, and we held Him. The Bible said, I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh," handled with hands. God eat meat. God drank water. God slept. God cried. He was one of us: beautiful, typed in the Bible. That was God above us, God with us; now it's God in us, the Holy Spirit, not the third person, the same Person. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 44 God came down and become flesh and died the death in Christ so that He could clean the church in order to get into it for fellowship. God loves fellowship. That's what He made the man at the first time for, was for fellowship. God dwells alone with Cherubims. And notice now, He made man, and man fell. So He came down and redeemed man, because God loves to be worshipped. The very word "god" means "object of worship." And this that comes among us as a Pillar of Fire, as something that changes our hearts, that is the same God that said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 46 Now, in the beginning God dwelled alone with His attributes as I spoke of this morning. That's His thoughts. There was nothing, just God alone. But He had thoughts. Just like a great architect can set down in his mind, and draw out what he thinks it's--he's going to--to build, create. Now, he cannot create; he can take something that's been created and make it in a different form, 'cause God's the only way--only One can create. But he gets in his mind what he's going to do, and that's his thoughts; that's his desires. Now, it's a thought, and then he speaks it, and it's a word then. And a--a word is... A thought when it's expressed, it's a word. A thought expressed is a word. But it has to be a thought first. So it's God's attributes; then it becomes a thought, then a word. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 48 Notice, those who have tonight Eternal Life, was with Him and in Him, in His thinking, before there ever was an Angel, star, Cherubim, or anything else. That's eternal. And if you have Eternal Life, you always was, not your being here, but the shape and form that the infinite God... And if He isn't infinite, He isn't God. God has to be infinite. We're finite; He's infinite. And He was omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. If He isn't, then He can't be God: knows all things, all places because of His omnipresence. Omniscient makes Him omnipresent. He is a being; He's not like the wind. He is a being; He dwells in a house, but being omniscient, knowing all things, makes Him omnipresent,
because He knows everything that's going on. There can't be a flea bat its eyes but what He knowed it. And He knowed it before there was a world, how many time it'd bat it's eyes and how much tallow it had in it, before there ever was a world. That is infinite. We can't comprehend it in our minds, but that's God--God, infinite. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 50 And remember, you, your eyes, your statue, whatever you was, you were in His thinking at the beginning. And the only thing that you are is the expression word. After He thought it, He spoke it, and here you are. If it isn't, if you wasn't in His thinking, there's no way at all for you ever to be there, for He's the One that gives Eternal Life. You remember how we read the Scriptures, "Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God..." And that His predestination might stand true, He could choose before anytime who... God's sovereign in His choosing, did you know that? God's sovereign. Who was back yonder to tell Him a better way to make the world? Who would dare to tell Him He was running His business wrong? Even the very--the very Word Itself, very sovereign... Even the revelation is sovereign. He reveals to whom He will reveal. The very revelation itself is sovereign in God. That's how people pound at things, and jump at things, and hit at things, and not knowing what they're doing. God is sovereign in His works. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 52 Now, we find Him at the beginning, His attributes. And now, you were with Him then. Then is when the Book of Life comes into view. Now, we read over here in Revelations the 13th chapter, the 8th verse, that the beast that comes upon the earth in these last days will deceive all those people on the earth whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Think of it. Before Jesus was ever born, four thousand years before He came on earth, and several thousand years before you come on earth, Jesus in God's mind died for the sins of the world, and the Book of Life was made; and your name was put on that Book of Life before the foundation of the world. That's the Bible truth. See? Your name was ordained of God and placed on the Book of Life before the foundation of the world. You were there in His attributes. You don't remember it, no, because you're just a part of His life. You are a part of God when you become a son or a daughter of God, just as you are a part of your earthly father. That's right. You are... The male carries the hemoglobin, the blood. And when that has gone in--in the egg, then you become a part of your father, and your mother is a part of your father also. So you're all a part of your father. Glory. That lets the denomination out altogether. Certainly does. God in all, the only place... WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 55 Notice now His attribute. Then the attribute was first God, the thought, the attribute itself all in one, without being expressed. Then when He expressed, secondarily, He became then the Word. And then the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us, St. John the 1st chapter and the 1st verse. Notice, this is in the beginning, but before the eternal. Notice, in the beginning was the Word. When the time begin it was Word, but before it was Word, it was attribute, a thought. Then it was expressed. In the beginning was the expression, the Word. Now, we're getting where Melchisedec is. That's this mysterious Person. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And then the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Hold that there now. Notice. His--His first being was Spirit, God, supernatural (All right?), the great Eternal. Second, He begin to form Himself towards flesh in a theophany, it's called, "the word, a body." This then is the state He was in when He met Abraham, was called Melchisedec. He was in the form of theophany. Now, we'll get to that and prove it in a few minutes, the Lord willing. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 58 He was the Word. A theophany is something that you could not see. It could be right here now, yet you cannot see it. It's just like, well like television, that's in another dimension. Television...
People are moving right through this room now singing; there's colors also, but the eye is only subject to the five senses. Your whole being is only subject to five senses, rather. And you are only subject to what the sight has been limited to see. But there is another dimension that can be seen by a transformation by television. Now, television does not manufacture a picture. A television only channels it into a circuit, and then the television screen picks it up. But the picture's there to begin with. Television was here when Adam was here. Television was here when Elijah set on Mount Carmel. Television was here when Jesus of Nazareth walked the shores of Galilee. But you're just now discovering it. They wouldn't have believed it back there. You'd have been crazy to have said something like it. But now it's become a reality. And so is it that Christ is here. The Angels of God are here. And someday in the great millennium to come it'll be just more real than television or anything else, because they are here. He reveals Himself in His great form of what He claim as He "En morphe's" Himself into His servants and proves Himself. Now, here He is in the form of Spirit. And then He comes in the form of a--of--"En morphe." Now, He appeared to Abraham "En morphe." When Abraham was returning from the slaughter of the king, here come Melchisedec, talked to Him. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 62 The other day in the Tucson paper I was reading an article that where there was a--a woman driving down the road, at I believe about forty, fifty miles an hour, and she hit an old man with an overcoat on. She screamed and stopped her car. It threw him up in the air: right out of the plain desert. And she run back to find him, and he wasn't there. So what did she do? Some people behind her saw it happen, saw the old man fly up in the air, his overcoat turning. So they run back to find out. They couldn't find the man anywhere. They called the police force. The police come out to examine the place; there was nobody there. Well, each one of them testified the car chugged, hit the man. He went up in the air, and everybody saw it. Witnesses and two or three carloads of them, they seen it happen. Come to find out, five years ago there was an old man with an overcoat on hit and killed on the same spot. When you leave here, you're not dead. You've got to come back even if you're a sinner and be judged according to the deeds done in the body. "If this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, we have one waiting." "En morphe," that's the word. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 64 Now, God in this stage of--at this stage of His creation later formed into flesh Jesus. From what? From the great beginning Spirit, then came down to be the Word, bringing Itself out. The Word doesn't yet make Itself; it's just spoke out, "En morphe," later He becomes flesh, Jesus, mortal to taste death for all of us sinners. When Abraham met Him, He was Melchisedec. He unfolds here what all the attributes will do in the final end, every son of Abraham. Every son of the faith will absolutely do the same thing. But I want to watch how we have to come. Also we see Him revealed here in Ruth and--and Boaz as a Kinsman Redeemer, how He had to come to be flesh. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 67 Now, we see the attribute sons of His Spirit have not yet entered into the Word form body, but--a theophany. This body is subject to the Word and earnest--waiting for the earnest change of the body. Now, the different between Him and you as a son... See, He was at the beginning the Word, an "En morphe" body. He came in and lived in that in the Person of Melchisedec. Then later... We never heard no more of Melchisedec, because He became Jesus Christ. Melchisedec was the Priest, but He became Jesus Christ. Now, you bypassed that, because in that form He knowed all things. And you have never been able to know that yet. You come like Adam, like me. You became from the attribute to the flesh to be tempted. But when this life is finished here... "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." That's where we go; that is the Word. Then we can look
back and see what we done. Now, we don't understand it. We have never become the Word; we've just become the flesh-man, not the Word. But... And look clearly, makes it clear you will never be the Word unless you was a thought at the beginning. That proves the predestination of God. See? You can't be the Word 'less you're a thought. You had to be in the thinking first. But you see, in order to stand temptation you had to bypass the theophany; you had to come down here in flesh to be tempted by sin. And then if you sin... "All the Father hath given Me will come to Me, and I'll raise him up at the last days." See, you had to be first. And then you see, He come right down the regular line, from attribute to... WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 70 Before the foundation of the world his Name's put on the Lamb's Book of Life. Then from that He become the Word, the theophany, that could appear, disappear; and then He become flesh and returned back again, resurrected that same body in a glorified condition. But you bypassed the theophany and become flesh-man to be tempted by sin. And then "if this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, we have one already waiting." We have not yet the bodies. But look, when this body receives the Spirit of God, the Immortal Life inside of you, it throws this body in subjection to God. Hallelujah. "He that's born of God doth not commit sin; he cannot sin." Romans 8:1. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus; they walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." There you are. See, that throws your body subject. You don't have to say, "Oh, if I could just quit drinking, if I could just..." Just get in Christ; it's all gone. See, see? Because your body is subject to the Spirit, it's no more subject to the things of the world; they're dead. They are dead; your sins are buried in baptism; and you are a new creation in Christ. And your body becoming subject to the Spirit, try to live a right kind of life... WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 72 Like you women claiming you got Holy Ghost and going out here and wearing shorts and things, how could you do it? How could the Spirit of God in you ever let you do such a thing as that? It just can't be so. Certainly it can't be. He's not a filthy spirit; He's a holy Spirit. And then when you become subject to that Spirit, it throws your whole being subject to that Spirit. And that Spirit is nothing in the world but this Seed Word made manifest, or quickened (Hallelujah.), made alive. And when the Bible said, "Don't do this," that body quickly turns to it; there's no question. And what is it? It's the earnest of the resurrection. This body will be raised up again, because it's already started. It was once subject to sin, and mire, and corruption, but now it's got the earnest; it's turned heavenly. Now, that's the earnest that you're going in the rapture. It's the earnest. A sick person laying dying, nothing left but death, that's all can happen. I've seen the shadows of people done eat up with cancer and tuberculosis, and see them persons a little while after that perfectly normal and strong. If there is no Divine healing then there's no resurrection, 'cause Divine healing is the earnest of the resurrection. Amen. You know what the earnest money is don't you? It's the down payment. "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we're healed." WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 76 Notice, how wonderful, we love Him. Now, this body is subject to the Spirit. Have not yet entered into the Word form, but we are still in the flesh form, but subject to the Word. Death in the flesh will take us there. Just the same thing. Think of a little baby. You can take a woman, no matter how evil she is, when she is pregnant and fixing to be mother, watch before that baby's born; I don't care how cruel the woman is, she gets real kind. There's something about her sound--seems godly, to see a little mother fixing to become mother by the baby. Why is it? That little body... Now, it's not alive yet. See the only thing it is, is just flesh and muscles. That little jumping, that's just muscles jerking. But when it comes forth from the womb, God breathes the breath of life into it, and then he screams out. See,
just as--as sure as there is a natural body being formed, there is a spiritual body to receive it as soon as it gets here. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 78 Then when a man is borned again from heaven, he becomes a spirit babe in Christ. And then when this robe of flesh is dropped, there is a natural body, theophany, a body not made with hands, neither born of a woman, that we go to. Then that body returns back and picks up the glorified body. That's the reason Jesus went to hell when he died and preached to the souls that were in prison. Turned back into that theophany... Oh, marvelous. Thank God. II Corinthians 5:1 "If this earthly body be dis--dissolved (this earthly tabernacle), we have another one." See, we have bypassed that to come straight from God, the attribute, to be flesh to be tempted and tested by sin like Adam did. But when testing of His Word is over, then we are taken up to this body that was prepared for us before the foundation of the world. It is the Word there that we skipped to come right around down here to be tempted and tested. If we'd have come through that, there'd have been no temptation; we'd knowed all things. That's the reason Jesus knowed all things, 'cause He was Word before He was flesh. Then we become the Word. Here we are formed to the Word image to be a partaker of the Word, feed on the Word, by being predestinated since the beginning. You see, that little spark of life that you had in you from the beginning when you started your journey... Many of you can remember it. You joined this church and joined that church, and try this and that; nothing satisfied. That's right. But one day you just recognized it. Right. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 81 The other night I was teaching somewhere; I believe it was out in California, or Arizona, about... I believe I've told the little story here about the man setting a hen and had a eagle egg under it. And when that eagle hatched out, he was the funniest looking bird that them chickens ever seen. But he walked around; he was the--he was the ugly one among them, because he just couldn't understand how that hen will cluck and scratch on that manure pile and eat, and he couldn't get the idea. She'd say, "Come on over and feast, honey." Why, he--he was a eagle; he just didn't eat like that. It wasn't his food. So she'd catch grasshoppers and whatmore, you know, and call the little chickens. And all them little chickens would go along, cluck along, and eat. But the little eagle just couldn't do it. It didn't--didn't look right to him. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 83 So one day his mammy come hunting him. And he'd hear that hen cluck. He'd tried his best to cluck, but he couldn't do it. He tried to cheep like a chicken, but he couldn't do it. See, he was a eagle. He's... To start with he was a eagle. He was just hatched under a hen. That's like some church members. Every... That's about the way it is; about one out of a setting is right. But one day his mammy flew over and she screamed. He recognized it. "That sounded right." Why? He was a eagle to begin with. That's the way it is with the Gospel of the Word, the power of Jesus Christ; when a man has been predestinated to Eternal Life, he hears that true ring, scream of God, nothing can keep him from it. The church might say, "Days of miracles is past, cluck, cluck, cluck. Stand here and eat this, and stand here and eat that." That barnyard stuff won't do for him any more. He's gone. "All things are possible." He gets off the ground. That's what's the matter with so many Christians today; they can't get their feet off the ground. The old mammy said, "Son, jump; you're an eagle. Come up here where I am." He said, "Mom, I never jumped in my life." She said, "Well, you jump; you're eagle to begin with; your not a chicken." So he made his first jump and flopped his wings; didn't do too good, but he got off the ground. That's the way we do; we accept God by faith by the written Word. There's something in there (See?), that Eternal Life, you were predestinated to it. His grandpa and grandma were eagles; he was a eagle all the way back. Eagle don't mix with other things. He's not a hybrid at all; he's a eagle.
WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 88 Then after you recognize the very Word of God was Eagle Food, then you left the other thing. You've then been formed into the living image of the living God. You heard from your theophany. "If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting." You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham?" All right, let's take a couple of eagles and look at them for a few minutes. There was a name--man named Moses. Everyone knows that a prophet's called the eagle in the Bible. There was a prophet named Moses. And one day God called Him--and wouldn't let him go over the land--and he--he died on a rock. The Angels took him away and buried him. There was another man, a eagle, didn't even have to die. He just walked across Jordan, and God sent a chariot down and: "This robe of flesh he dropped and rise and caught the everlasting prize." Eight hundred years later, eight hundred years later on Mount Transfiguration here stood those two men. Moses' body had been rotten for hundreds of years, but here he was in such a form till even Peter, James, and John recognized him. Amen. "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved..." If you're an attribute of God expressed here on earth, you've got a body waiting after you leave this world. There they was standing on Mount Transfiguration in their theophany, for they were prophets to whom the Word came to. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 90 Also let us notice another prophet one time by the name of Samuel. He was a great man. He'd taught Israel, told them they shouldn't have a king. He said, "Have I ever said one thing to you in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass?" They said, "No, everything you've always said in the Name of the Lord come to pass." He was a prophet. And he died. About three or four years later, the king got in trouble; that was before the Blood of Jesus Christ was ever shed. He was in paradise. And a witch of Endor called for somebody to come, console Saul. And when the witch saw him standing up, she said, "I see God raising up out of the earth." And after the man had been dead, buried, and rotted in the grave, here he was standing there in that cave with his prophet's robes on, and was still a prophet. Amen. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 92 For he said, "Why did you call me out of my rest, seeing you become a enemy to God?" Watch him prophesy. "Tomorrow night by this time you'll be with me." He was still a prophet, though he was gone from this body. See, he become here and was part of that Word, and he entered from the flesh life back into the body that had been prepared for him before the foundation of the world. He entered into the theophany which was the Word. You get it? That's where all believers go when we turn from here. Then in that form the veil then is lifted. You see you are the Word also when you enter into there. As a little baby as I said awhile ago... Now, notice. Praise God for these opening Seals is my prayer, to know these things. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 95 Now, the true revelation of Melchisedec comes into view was--that He was God, the Word, before He became flesh, God the Word. 'Cause He had to be; no one else could be immortal like Him. See, I had father and mother; you did too. Jesus had father and mother. But this Man had no father or had no mother. Jesus had a time He started; this Man didn't. Jesus gave His life; this Man couldn't, because He was Life. And it's the self same Man all the time. I hope God reveals it to you, the self same Person all the time. Notice His title, King of righteousness. Now, Hebrews 7:2: King of righteousness and King of peace, He's two Kings. Now, watch, Hebrews 7:2, King of righteousness, also the King of peace. He's two Kings there. Now, since He has come in the flesh and received His body up, in Revelations 21:16 He's called the King of Kings. He's all three of them together. See? King God, King Theophany, King Jesus; He's the King of Kings. It's all met, just like soul, body, and spirit. All comes to make one.
Also He is the Father, which was the first, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Spirit. King of righteousness, the Spirit attribute; theophany, King of--of peace, theophany; and in flesh He was King of Kings: same Person. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 98 When the theophany... Moses seen Him, Exodus 33:2, He was a theophany. Moses wanted to see God. He'd heard His voice, heard Him talk to him, seen Him in a bush there with a big Pillar of Fire. And he said, "Who are You; I want to know Who You are?" Moses said, "I'll put--if You'll let me see You... I'd like to see Your face." He said, "No man can't--see My face." He said, "I'll put My hand over your eyes, and I'll pass by. And you can see My back, but not My face." See? And when He did, it was the back of a Man; it was theophany. Then the Word that come to Moses, I AM; that was the Word. The Word came to Moses in the form of a--a Pillar of Fire in a burning bush, the I AM. As the Word from the theology--or from the theophany, rather (Excuse me.), He came to Abraham as a Man under the oak tree. Now, look at there. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 101 There came a Man to Abraham, three of them, and set down under an oak tree, three of them. And notice, after He talked to Abraham... Why did He come? Abraham, being the one with the promise and the message of the coming son, and also He was God's Word prophet that was trusting God's Word, calling anything contrary as though it wasn't... See how perfect the Word is? The Word came to the prophet. See, there was God in a theophany, and the Bible said the Word comes to the prophet. And here was the--the Word in the theophany... Now, you say, "Was that God?" Abraham said it was. He said His name was... He called Him Elohim. Now, in Genesis 1 you find out, "In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth." In Genesis 18 we find out that--that Abraham called this Person that set there and talked to him, and could tell him the secrets of his heart, tell him what Sarah was thinking behind Him, Abraham said, "It is Elohim." He was in a theophany form. You get it? WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 103 Notice, after... Now, we find out that He was then in the theophany form. He called Him, "Lord God, Elohim." Now, in Genesis 18 we find that that is true. Now, notice, Abraham... There was three of Them together, but when Abraham met the Three, he said, "My Lord." But when Lot down in Sodom, two of them went down there; and Lot saw two of them coming, and he said, "My Lords." See, what was the matter? The first place Lot was not a prophet (That's right.), or neither was he the messenger of the hour. So he didn't have any revelation of Him. It's exactly right. Lot could call them "Lords," a dozen of them, he could still said, "Lords," but no matter how many Abraham saw, it was still one Lord. There is God; this is the Melchisedec. Notice, after the battle was over, Melchisedec served His victorious child Communion (Think of that.), part of Himself. Now, we want to see here, in type here is in view the Communion. After the battle He gave of Himself, because the Communion is part of Christ. And after the struggle is over, after you've done got yourself whipped out, then's when you partake of Christ, become part of this Being. You get it? WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 106 Jacob wrestled all night and wouldn't turn Him loose until He blessed him. That's right. Battle for life. And after the battle is over, then God gives you of Himself. That is His true Communion. The little bread and wafer just represents it. You shouldn't take it, 'less you've wrestled it out and become part of God. Remember, at this time the Communion had never been instituted, not until--before--the death of Jesus Christ, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years later. But Melchisedec after His child Abraham had won the victory, Melchisedec met him and gave him wine and bread, showing that after this earthly battle is over, we will meet Him in the heavens and take the Communion again; it'll be the wedding supper. "I will not drink no more of the vine or eat the fruit, until I eat it and drink it with you anew in My Father's Kingdom." That right?
WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 109 Notice again, Melchisedec went to meet Abraham before He got back home. What a beautiful type here we have: Melchisedec meeting Abraham before he got back home after the battle. We meet Jesus in the air before we get home. That's right. II Thessalonians tells us that, for we meet Him in the air. A beautiful type of Rebecca meeting Isaac in the field in the cool of the day. We meet Him in the air; II Thessalonians tells us so: "For we which are alive and remain shall not prevent (or hinder) those which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." Perfect, all these types... Therefore the theophany, if you have died and entered into that theophany, what happens? The theophany comes to the earth to pick up the redeemed body. And if you're here in the air, you take the body to meet the theophany (There you are.), and caught up and go to meet the Lord in the air. Who is this Melchisedec but God? WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 112 Now, we see here plainly the complete secret of our lives in journey, and death, and where we go after we die. Also predestination is in plain view here. Now, listen as we teach this, closely. The stages of--of the eternal purpose He had in His secret has now been revealed. Notice, there is still three stages to perfection. Just like He redeems the world; same way He redeems His church. He redeems the people in three stages. Now, look, first is justification like Luther preached; second, sanctification like Wesley preached; third, baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's right. Then comes the rapture. Now, the world, how did He redeem the world? The first what He did, when it sinned, He washed it off in water baptism. That's right. Then He dropped His Blood upon it from the cross and sanctified it and called it His own. And then what does He do? As He tore all the world out of you and renovated the whole thing by the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost, He also will renovate the world. And it'll be burnt over with fire and cleanse every germ for millions of miles high, and every thing will be cleaned off. And then there is a new heaven and a new earth, just like you are a new creature in Christ Jesus when the Holy Spirit takes ahold of you. See, there you are. The whole thing's just as plain as it can be. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 115 Everything's in three. The natural birth's in three. What's the first thing happens to the woman having a baby? What breaks first? Water. What breaks next? Blood. What's the next process? Life: Water, blood, spirit. What happens to the plant? Rots. What's the first thing? Stalk. What's the next? Tassel. What's the next? Shuck. Then the grain comes out of that, just the three stages of it till it gets to the grain. That's exactly. God vindicates that. That's always been right; God vindicates it to be true. Show plainly the predestinated is the only one that's considered in redemption. Did you get it? Let me say that again. The predestinated is the only one that's considered in redemption. People might be making like, think they are, but the real redemption is those that are predestinated. Because the very word "redeem" means "to bring back." Is that right? To redeem is something... To redeem anything is bring it back to its original place. Hallelujah. So it's only the predestinated will be brought back, because the others didn't come from there. See? Bring back... WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 117 Being eternal with Him at the beginning... The Eternal Life that you had, His thought of what you was, only He wanted you to... He wanted me to stand in the pulpit, say. He wanted you to set in the seat tonight. Then we are serving His eternal purpose. And the one that left home, only come to the earth to serve His purpose. Is that right? All right. Then after it's finished, it's brought back in a glorified state. It's matured and brought back again. No wonder Paul could say when they was building a block to chop his head off. He said, "Oh, death, where is your sting? Oh, grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God Who gives us the victory." He said, "Death, tell me where you can make me holler. Grave, tell me, how you going to
hold me, for I am a possessor of Eternal Life." Amen. He recognized it. Death, hell, grave, nothing could hold him. And nothing can hurt us, got Eternal Life. He realized he was blessed with Eternal Life. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 119 Just like a little dew drop. If I understand it's... I don't know too much about chemistry, but it must be that it's a-the congealing of humidity or atmosphere... And when the night gets cold and dark, it falls from the heavens and drops upon the ground. It's fell from somewhere. But the next morning before the sun comes up, it's laying there, the little fellow, shivering, but just let the sun come up, watch it go to shining. It's happy. Why? The sun is going to call it right back to where it come from. And that's the way with a Christian. Hallelujah. We know when we walk into the Presence of God, something in us tells us that we come from somewhere and we're going back again by that power that's a-pulling us. The little dew drop he glistens and shines and shouts, because he knows he come from up there, and that sun's going to draw him right back up again. And a man that's a attribute of God, borned of God knows (Hallelujah.), when he come in contact with the Son of God, he's going to be drawed up from here someday. "For if I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto Me." Amen. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 121 Now, notice. Now, we see Melchisedec and why that Mary wasn't His mother. That's the reason He called her woman, not mother. He had no father, for He was the Father, the Everlasting Father, the three in the One. He had no mother. Certainly not. He had no father, for He was the Father. As the poet said one time speaking a great compliment unto Jesus. He said, I AM that spoke to Moses In a burning bush of fire. I AM the God of Abraham, The bright and morning Star. I'm Alpha, Omega, the beginning from the end. I am the whole creation, And Jesus is the Name. (That's right.) Oh, Who do you say that I am? And whence do they say that I came? Do you know My Father, Or can you tell His Name? (Hallelujah.) That's the Father's Name. "Yeah, I come in My Father's Name and you received Me not." See? Sure, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 123 And this Melchisedec became flesh. He revealed Himself as Son of man when He come as a Prophet. He come in three names of a Son: the Son of man, the Son of God, the Son of David. When He was here on earth He was a Man to fulfill the Scripture. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet liken unto me." So He had to come as a prophet. He didn't never say, "I am the Son of God." He said, "I am the Son of man. Do you believe the Son of man?" 'Cause that's what He had to testify of, because that's what He was. Now, He's come in another son's Name: Son of God, the unseen, the Spirit. And when He comes again, He's Son of David to set upon His throne. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 125 Now, when He was here and was made flesh, He was called the Son of man. Now, how did He make Himself known to the world as Son of man, the Prophet? One day... I was telling a story of Peter and Andrew his brother. They were fishermen, and their father Jonas was a great old believer. One day they said he set down on the side of the boat. He said, "Sons, you know how we prayed when we needed fish." (They was commercial fishermen.) He said, "We've trusted God, Jehovah, for our living. And I'm getting old now; I can't stay with you boys much longer. And I've always--with all the true believers--have looked for the time when that Messiah will come. We've had all kinds of false ones, but there's coming a real One someday." And he said, "When this Messiah comes, I don't want you boys to be deceived. This Messiah will not be just a
theologian; He will be a Prophet. For our prophet Moses, of who we follow, he said..." Now, any Jew will believe his prophet. He's taught to know that. And if--if the prophet says anything that's so, then that's truth. But God said, "If there be one among you spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known to him. And what he says comes to pass then hear him and fear him. But if it don't, then don't hear him at all." See? So that was a--the vindication of the prophet. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 127 "So Moses was truly a vindicated prophet, and he said, 'The Lord your God shall raise up among you, out of your brethren a Prophet like unto me. And all that won't hear him will be cut off from the people.'" He said, "Now, children, remember, that as Hebrews we believe God's vindicated prophets." Now, listen close; don't miss it. And he said, "When the Messiah comes, you'll know Him, for He will be a prophet Messiah. Now, I said, it's been four hundred years; we haven't had a prophet since Malachi. But He'll be." And one day after his death, few years, his son Andrew was strolling along down the bank, and he heard a wild man out of the wilderness saying, "That Messiah is standing among you now." That big eagle that raised up over the wilderness and flew over there, said, "The Messiah's among you right now. We don't know Him yet, but He's standing among you. I'll know Him, because I'll see a sign coming from heaven." One day He said, "There, behold, is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Away he went--went, this man, to find his brother; he said, "Simon, I want you come over here; we've done found the Messiah." "Oh, go on, Andrew, you know better than that." "Oh I know, but that--this Man is different." "Where is he? Where'd he come from?" "Jesus of Nazareth." "That little wicked city? Why, he couldn't come from a wicked, dirty place like that." "You just come and see." Finally he persuaded him to come down one day. So when he come in the front of this Messiah, Jesus, standing there speaking to the people, when he walked up in front of Him, He said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas." That did it. He got the keys to the Kingdom. Why? He knowed that that Man did not know him. And how did He know him and that godly old father who'd taught him how to believe the Messiah? WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 130 There was a man standing there by the name of Philip. Oh, he got real excited. He knowed another man he'd been studying the Bible with. Away he went around the hill, and he found him out there in his olive grove. He was kneeling down, praying. They'd had lots of Bible lessons together. So he come out there, and he said, after he'd got through praying, he said, "Come, see Who we found, Jesus of Nazareth the Son of Joseph. He's the Messiah we're looking for." Now, I can hear Nathanael say, "Now, Philip, you ain't went off on the deep end are you?" "Oh, no. Nope. Now, let me tell you. You know, we been studying the Bible together, and what did the prophet say the Messiah would be?" "He'd be a Prophet." "You remember that old fisherman you bought the fish from, that didn't have enough education to sign his name, called Simon?" "Yep, uh-huh." "He come up, and you know what? This Jesus of Nazareth told him that his name was Simon, changed his name to Peter, which is 'little stone,' and told him who his daddy was." Well, he said--he said, "I don't know, could anything good come out of Nazareth?" He said, "Let's not talk about it; just come on and see." That's a good idea. Come and see. So here come Philip bringing up Nathanael. And when he got walking up, Jesus probably standing speaking, probably praying for the sick in the prayer line, and when He come up to where Jesus was, Jesus looked around at him and said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there's no guile."
WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 134 Now, you say, "Well, it was the way he's dressed." Oh, no. All easterners dress the same. He could've been a Syrian or been anything else: beard, garment. He said, "Behold, an Israelite in whom there's no guile." In otherwise, a honest sincere man. Well, that kinda deflated Nathanael. And he said, "Rabbi (which means 'teacher'), Rabbi, when did You ever know me? How did You know I was a Jew? How did You know I was honest, no guile?" He said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you," fifteen miles away, the other side of the country the day before. What did he say? "Rabbi, You are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel." WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 137 But there stood those priests there, self-styled, self-starched, said, "This man is Beelzebub, a fortuneteller." Jesus said, "I forgive you for that." Now, remember, they never said it out loud, but they said it in their hearts. And He perceived their thoughts. That's right. That's what the Bible said. Call it telepathy if you want to, but He--He perceived their thoughts. And He said, "I forgive you for that, but someday the Holy Ghost is going to come and do this same thing (after His going); speak a word against It, will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come." Is that right? Now, that was Jews. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 140 Then one day He had need to go to Samaria. But just before we do that, we found the woman, or the--the man as he went through the gate called Beautiful, that he was healed, and Jesus knowed his condition, and told him, "Take up your bed and go on home." And he did it and got well. Then we find out the Jews, some of them received Him; some believed it; some didn't. Why didn't they believe it? They was not ordained to Life. They wasn't part of that attribute. Now, remember, them were priests and great men. And Jesus... Think of those theologians and priests, men that you couldn't find a flaw in their life. Jesus said, "You are of your father the devil, and his works you do." Said, "If you'd be of God, you'd believe Me. If you can't believe Me, believe-believe the works that I do; they testify Who I am." Now, the Bible said that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus said, "The works that I do shall he that believeth on Me do also." That right? Notice, that was the real Melchisedec now. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 143 Now, notice again. There was only three races of people. You've heard me say I was a segregationalist. I am. All Christians are segregationists, not segregation of color, but segregation of spirit. A man's color of his skin has nothing to do with him. He's a child of God by birth. But a Christian, God said, "Separate Me; come out from among them, and so forth." He is a segregationist of filth, between right and wrong. But notice, they had a segregation then, a racial segregation, which was the Samaritans. And there's only three races of people on the earth if we believe the Bible; that is Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. That's the three sons of Noah. We all sprung from there. That's right. That makes us all back from Adam, which makes us all brothers. The Bible said, "Of one blood God created all nations." We're all brothers through the blood stream. A colored man can give a white man a blood transfusion or vice versa. The white man can give the--the Japanese, yellow man, or the Indian, the red man, or whatmore, or Japhanite [?--Ed.] or whatever. He could give him a blood transfusion, 'cause we're all the same blood. The color of our skin, where we lived, had nothing to do with it. But when we're segregated is when we come out of the world, like He brought Israel up out of Egypt. That's when we're segregated from the things of the world. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 145 Now, there was Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. And if we had time to run the genealogies back, you could see the Anglo-Saxon, where he come from. Now, that was the Jew, the Samaritan, which was half Jew and Gentile, that married in with the Gentiles at Balaam's doings, and Moab. They were Samaritans, and there was Jews and Gentiles. Now, we Anglo-Saxons had nothing to do with any of it; we didn't believe any Messiah, nor nothing else. We wasn't looking for one. We were
brought in afterwards. Jesus came to His own, and His own received Him not. And He said to His disciples, "Don't go in the way of the Gentiles, but go rather to the lost sheep of Israel." And He went only to the lost sheep of Israel. And watch, He manifested Hisself as Son of man before the Jews. They turned it down. Now, the Samaritan being half Jew and Gentile, they believed also and was looking for a Messiah. We wasn't; we were heathens with clubs on our back, worshipping idols: the Gentile. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 146 But now one day (St. John 4) He had need to go by Samaria on His road down to Jericho, but was--went up around Samaria. And while He was going up there, He set down on the well outside of the city called Sychar. And the well, if you've ever been there, it's a little panoramic 'bout like this here. And there's a public spring there, a water where they all come. And the women come of a morning, get their pots of water, and put it on their head, and one on each hip, and walk with it just as straight as can be, never spill a drop, talk to one another. So they--the--the people come out there. So this was about eleven o'clock in the day. So He sent His disciples into the city to buy some vittles, food. And while they were gone, there was a woman which was ill famed; we'd call her today a "red light woman" or prostitute; she had too many husbands. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 148 So while Jesus was setting there, this woman come out about eleven o'clock. See, she couldn't come with the virgins when they come in the morning to get their wash water; she had to wait till they all... They didn't mix like they do now. She was marked. So then she come out to get some water. So she just took the old windle, and put the hooks over the jar, and started to let it down; she heard Somebody say, "Woman, bring Me a drink." Now, remember, this is Melchisedec; this is Jesus yesterday, the Son of man. And she looked around, and she saw a Jew. So she said, "Sir, it's not proper for a Jew to ask a Samaritan for anything. I'm a woman of Samaria, so you have spoken out of your place. You shouldn't have ask me such a thing as that; we have no dealings with one another." He said, "But if you knew Who was talking to you, you'd ask Me for a drink." She said, "How You going to draw it? The well's deep, and You have nothing to draw with." He said, "The water that I give is water of Life springing up into Eternal Life." He talked to her till He found what her condition was. And then told--watch what He said to her now. "Go get your husband and come here." And she said, "I have no husband." He said, "You've said the truth, for you've had five, and the one you now are living with is not yours; so in this you've said the truth." Watch the difference between that woman and that bunch of priests. She knowed more about God than that whole bunch of priests did put together. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 153 She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet." She said, "We haven't had one for four hundred years. Now, we know that the Messiah's coming, and when the Messiah comes, that's what He's going to do." That was the sign of the Messiah, for He was the Son of man. Said, "That's what He's going to do when He comes; You must be His Prophet." He said, "I am He." Nobody else could say that. She dropped that water pot, and run into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me what I done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" Now, remember, He promised to do that same thing at the end of the Gentile race. The Jews had had four thousand years to look for that Messiah, four thousand years of teaching He was coming, and what He would do when He got there; and they failed to see Him, failed to recognize it. And when He made Hisself known in the very Bible terms that He said He would, when He'd been a theophany and then become flesh and dwelled among them, they failed to see it, and called His works the works of the devil. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 156 Now, we've had two thousand years of teaching, coming down through the Roman Catholic church, after the apostles. Then we come down through the Roman Catholic, the Greek, and so
forth, on down to Luther's age, and Wesley, whatmore, nine hundred different organizations. Coming down, they had all these ages' teaching. Now, He promised just before the end time would come that the picture of Sodom and Gomorrah would again... "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the end time, the Son of man will reveal Himself again." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] "Yet a little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me, for I (a personal pronoun)--I will be with you, even in you to the consummation, the end of the world. I'll be with you." He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You see--you see the Samaritan was actually--from my last night's sermon--was Hagar (See?) a perverted type. The Jew was Sarah--or was Sarahite; but the Gentile is of Mary the Royal Seed, Abraham's Royal Seed. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 158 Now, it's promised that in these last days that this same God, this same Christ, would come back here and reveal Hisself as Son of man. Why? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And if He let those Jews go by with--and give them that Messiahic sign, and then come to the end of the Gentile's teachings and let them just go in on theology, He would be unjust. He's got to do the same thing, because the Bible said in 13--Hebrews 13:8, He is the same. And He's promised in Malachi 4 and all the different Scriptures that the last days the church would be setting just exactly like it is today and the world would be. Look at the world today. Look at the Sodom condition. Look at the earthquakes in divers places and the things that's taking place. Look at the church in the mess it's in of Babylon. Look at the messenger to it, an Oral Roberts and a Billy Graham: G-r-a-h-a-m. First time we ever had a messenger to all the churches that his name ever end in h-a-m like Abraham. A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters; G-r-a-h-a-m is six letters. Where's he at? To the world. Six is man's number. Man was created on the sixth day. But seven's God's number. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 160 Now, look at them down there in Sodom. And there is their messengers down there speaking to them. But then where's that Royal Seed of Abraham? Where is their sign, that He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom," that God came down and was manifested in human flesh, and told what Sarah was thinking back in her heart in the tent behind Him, the last sign before the Gentile world was destroyed by fire? And the church has got it's last sign before the whole world's going to be destroyed, this Gentile kingdom be destroyed by the fire and wrath of God. You believe that? That Melchisedec was flesh, represented Himself in a human body; and then later He was made flesh. And now, tonight He's the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it? Who is this Melchisedec then, that's the same yesterday... Never had no father, never had no mother; He never had no beginning of days; He never had any end to life. And He met Abraham, and what kind of a sign did He perform? Then when He was made flesh, He said it would repeat again just before the end time. You believe that? I believe it. Let's pray. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 163 Dear God, I believe the Scriptures, that You have said You was the same yesterday, today, and forever. And as sincerely in my heart, Lord, I know that something's fixing to take place. I cannot strictly identify it; I'm afraid to say anything, Lord. Thou knowest the heart of Your servants. And how many times down through the age when You sent things, people failed to get it. Man is constantly praising God for what He did, and saying what great things He's going to do, but ignoring what's He's doing. So has it been through the age. Why did the Roman church fail to see Saint Patrick as God's prophet? Why did they kill Joan of Ark when she was a--a prophetess, burnt her as a witch? Father, it's always past. You hide it from the eyes of the wise and prudent. No wonder You said to them priests, "You garnish the tombs of the prophets, and you're the one that put them in there." After they're gone they see their mistake. They always persecute You, Lord, in whatever form You come in. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E
165 I pray tonight, God, just one more time. Tomorrow we're scheduled to be--to go to Tucson. Other parts of the world, other cities we must preach in. But, dear God, there might be strangers here tonight that never has--they've heard words preached, but never seen it made manifest. As I asked You at the beginning... When those disciples, Cleopas and his friend coming from Emmaus, was walking along the road and You stepped out of the bush and begin to talk to them after the resurrection, preached to them... Why, He said, "Fools, slow of heart, don't you know that Christ should suffer these things and enter into His glory." But still they never recognized it. All day long they walked with You and still didn't know You. But one night... Night come; they constrained You to come in. When they went into the little inn and closed the doors, then You did something just the way You did it before Your crucifixion; and they recognized it was the risen Christ. In a few moments You was behind the curtains and gone. Quickly they run and told the disciples, "The Lord is risen indeed." Father God, I believe that You're still alive. I know You are. And You've proved it to us so many times. Could You just do it once more for us, Lord? If we found grace in Your sight, let it happen once more. I am Your servant; these are Your servants in here. Lord, all that I've said wouldn't mount to... Just one word from You would be more than I've said in these five nights--or five messages. It would be more, just one word from You. Won't You speak, Lord, that the people might know that I've told them the truth? Grant it, God. I ask it in Jesus' Name this once more. Amen. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 167 Now, I don't know you; I know some people. I know this boy setting here. I know Bill Dauch setting right there. I want to... Here's Brother Blair, Rodney Cox. It's hard to see out there. On this side right at the present time I can't see nobody actually that I know. Now, how many in here that knows that I am a stranger to you, raise up your hands, knows that I know nothing about you, raise up your hands on both sides. How many in here that has something wrong or something that--that you know that I know nothing about, would you raise up your hands. Now, it would be totally, absolutely, totally impossible for me to know anything about you. Otherwise, then it'd have to come from some revelation of Spirit. And being that I've told you all these nights, and tonight that He is not dead; He's here and promised to do the same thing, and promised that there would come a time in the last days according to Malachi 4 and according to St. Luke, that He would appear again in human form among His people, and do the same things, and reveal the same things, the same Messiahic sign... How many knows that, you Bible readers--knows that's the Truth say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] Must all be Bible readers. Now, I know it's foreign to the people today, but still it's the truth. That's the reason they didn't know Jesus of Nazareth. They knowed their church creeds, but they didn't know Him. But He come just the way the Bible said, not a theologian, not a priest; He come as a Prophet; and His own received Him not. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 170 Now, if God will keep His Word, and if I happen to--it happens to fall on someone that I know, then I'll--I'll get someone else. See, I want somebody that I don't know. And I want you to pray. Now, look, there was a little woman one time had an infirmity. She'd spent her money for the doctors; they could do her no good. And she said within her heart, "If I can touch that Man's garments, I'll be made well." You remember the story? And so all of them tried to get her to stay back, but she pressed through until she touched His garment, went back and set down. Now, listen close. And then when He did that--when she did that, Jesus turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" Why, Peter the apostle rebuked Him. He might have something like, "Lord, don't say a thing like that. The people will believe there's something wrong with You, because when You ask them to eat Your flesh and drink Your Blood. They already think there's something wrong. And You say, 'Who touched Me,' why, the whole crowd's a-touching You." He said, "Yes, but I perceive that virtue went out of Me." That was a different kind of touch. Now, anybody knows that virtue is strength. "I got weak; virtue left Me." And He looked around on the
audience until He found the little woman and told her about her blood issue. And she felt in her body that that blood issue had stopped. Is that right? And He said, "Thy faith has saved thee." Now, the Greek word there is "Sozo," which absolutely means "saved physically or spiritual," just the same, just saved. He is--He's your Saviour. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 175 Now, if that was Him yesterday, and the way He acted to prove that He was among the people, the Messiah promised, and that's the way He identified Himself as promise by the Bible, He'd do the same thing now. Wouldn't He--wouldn't He have to do the same thing? You say, "Did He say it's about healing the sick?" Yeah. The Hebrews, the Bible that I just read from said that Jesus Christ now is our High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. How many knows that true? The Bible said that. He's a High Priest now that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Then if He's the same High Priest that He was then, how would He act now? He'd have to act the same way He did then, if He's the same High Priest. Now, you might... I'm not your high priest. You might touch me, and it'd just be like touching your husband, or your brother, or whatmore, a man. But you let your faith touch Him and watch what happens. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 177 Now, if I be God's servant and have told you the truth, God will vindicate that to be the truth. And that would prove that Jesus Christ is a-living tonight, standing here. Is that right? Now, you have faith, just one side at the time, one side. You have faith out there. (I'd better stay at the microphone here, because they can't hear me.) Somebody just look up to God and say, "God, that man don't know me. He knows nothing about me. I'm a perfect stranger to him. But let my faith touch You, Lord. And You know what's the matter with me, Lord. You know all about me; You know who I am, the same as You knowed who Peter was, same as You knowed Nathanael, as You knowed what was wrong with the woman with the blood issue. And this man tells me that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. Then, Lord, let my faith touch You." And if He'll do that and infallibly prove Himself here, how many of you will believe Him with all your heart, if He'll do it at least one, or two, or three people for--for a witness. God bless you. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 179 Now, Father God, this is totally out of the hands of any man; it'd have to be supernatural phenomena. So I pray that You'll help me now, Lord; I'm in Your hands. Do with me as You see fit. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, don't be nervous, just humbly, reverently say, "Lord, I'll serve You. And that'll be a Truth that... If I could touch Your garment, then You speak back through that man. That will prove to me that what he said's the truth." That right? How many ever seen the picture of that Light? It's all over the country, everywhere. Science has took it and examined it and everywhere. Now, He's right here now, same One that said about marriage and divorce, same One was on the mountain and shook the hills back there, same One that's down here at the river in '33, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's the same. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 182 Now, there's a woman; and she recognizes now that something's happened. That Light's hanging right over her. She's setting right here, she's... Green sweater on or something... I don't know the woman. I suppose we are strangers to one another. That is right. Do you believe that God... You're--you're in need of something, and you believe that God can reveal to me what your trouble is? And if He does, then you know it'll have to be a supernatural power, because I don't know you. And it'll have to come through supernatural. Depends upon what you think it is. You can take your side with the priest, call it the devil, or you can take the side of the believer and call it God. Ever which you believe, that's where your reward will come from. If God will reveal to me your trouble, will you accept Him as your--your Atonement for that trouble? I don't know what the trouble is, but I know and you know that something's going on.
Now, now, just let me tell you how you're feeling, then you'll know, a real warm, sweet, comfortable feeling. I'm looking right straight at It. It's that Light, Amber Light hanging from the woman. And the lady is suffering with a trouble in her stomach. It's a kinda of a growth like in her stomach. She's not from here, no; you're from away from here, aren't you? That's right. You're from Wisconsin. Is that right? Sure. Now, you are healed. Your faith has made you whole. Now, tell me who the woman touched? I'm twenty-five yards from her. She touched Jesus Christ, the High Priest. You believe that? WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 186 I'm looking at a woman that I talked to. This woman, I'm looking right at her, 'cause she's praying so hard for a man. She told me she had a man... She never told me nothing about it, but her name is Mrs. Waldrop. She comes from Phoenix. She was raised from the dead. And her doctor come with the x-rays and showed cancer in the heart. She died in the prayer line. How long ago has that been, Mrs. Waldrop? Eighteen years ago, and there she sets tonight, a living testimony. Her doctors come to the meeting, brought the... Said, "How can the woman live?" But there she is, and no sign of it. She's brought someone, and she's praying for him. Now, he's dying with diabetes. Now, that I knew. But being that you're praying... You know I don't know who he is, Mrs. Waldrop. He's from Missouri, and his name is Mr. Cooper. That is right. Now, you believe? You can go back home and be well, sir. It's up to you if you'll believe it. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 189 Here's a woman, and she's suffering with a asthmatic condition, complications. She's not from here. She's setting out there in the crowd, right out there. I hope she gets... She's not from here; she's from Georgia. Miss McKenny, you believe with all your heart and believe that God will make you well? Stand up on your feet if you're a stranger to me and that is true. Jesus Christ healed you. You believe? To my back, there's a man setting behind me. He's contacting God. And what he's wanting, he's got a baby that's got heart trouble. And that baby has got a murmur in his heart, so the doctor said. And that man's name is Mr. Cox. Stand up, Mr. Cox. And He told Sarah what she was thinking behind Him. Right across the aisle from him, back a little farther, is a man who comes not from here, but from New Mexico. I never seen him in my life. I'm looking right at him now; he's behind me. He's from New Mexico, and the man has a girl that he's interested in. And the girl has got something wrong with her mouth. It's a... The palate in her mouth is what's wrong. And the man's name is Mr. West. Would you stand up, sir. I'm a total stranger to him, but the Lord God will heal his child. Do you believe now with all your heart? WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 192 How many of you believe now with all your heart? Now, isn't Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you accept Him now as your Saviour, raise your hands. Do you believe in Him as your Healer? Here, here's a person setting here crippled or something, laying on a cot. (Can you hear me through this mike?) I don't know you; you're just a woman laying there. If I could heal you, I would do it. I can't heal you. It's just a man who's just rejoicing, his child was healed. I don't know you. You're a woman; I'm a man. This is the first time that we met in life, I suppose...?... right back there with you, that brought you. Frankly, this is your first time here though, just brought you in. You come from a long way. You're shadowed to death. You have cancer, not crippled, but cancer. The doctors can do no more for you. It's true. And you're sure to die, 'cause doctors can do no more for you. One time there was two lepers set at the gate of Samaria. And them lepers said, "Why do we set here till we die, because all kids are starving to death and eating one another's children." They said, "If we go down to the enemy's camp, the Syrians... If they kill us, we're going to die anyhow. And if they save us, we'll live." And they took that chance. And by that faith, they not only saved theirself but the whole group. Now, you're going to die; you can't live. But you're not asked to go to the camp of the enemy, but you're invited to the house of the Father...?...
WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 196 You're dying with cancer; you can't live outside of God. You're not from this city; you're not from around here; you're from a long way. You're from Milwaukee. It's true. That's right. From the city, I know. Right. Do you believe? Will you accept God now as your Healer? If you will, no matter how weak you are, how bedfast you are, I believe in your case I would rise up in the Name of Jesus Christ and take that cot and go home and live to the glory of God. Will you obey me as God's prophet, then rise up and go home; be well. Don't be scared; get up off the cot. God will make you well. See? Somebody hold her so she can get up and get strength. You believe God? Just let her get a little strength; she'll be all right. That's it, sister. There she is in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Let us stand and give praise to God. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever...?... the Lord Jesus Christ bless you...?... THE EASTER SEAL PHOENIX AZ 65-0410 V-2 N-6 EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 1-1 It's certainly a privilege to be here this morning on this birthday of the Full Gospel Business Men's Chapter here at Phoenix and to know that the Lord granted me a little part of it, to be part of this fellowship. I want to greet Brother Carl Williams and his wife, Brother Stromei, and the rest here at the platform: Brother Shores, Brother Outlaw, ministers, and all you fine people. You know, I--I had a birthday last week too, and I'm just a tiny bit older than the chapter. I believe he said five years old for the chapter. Somebody said the other day, "How old are you, Brother Branham?" I said, "Twenty-six." And I said, "I wiped out the first twenty-five years. I didn't serve Him so well in them." I said, "I hope He does too." To get Him to do it'll be different. But it's good to be here. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
1-4 And now, we want to not take much of your time, because we... I'm--I'm always afraid after I hear some of these fine testimonies and things that's going on, that I--and songs, that I will do something that'll upset that; and I wanted to add to it, if there be anything I could add to it. These sisters, that Brother that sang the song this morning (the colored brother), I appreciated that. "His Eye on the Sparrow." And these sisters that sang this song, that's been one of my helps since I was here the first time. I had, I got that on a record, and I've just played it out, "I'd Like to Talk It Over With Him." And I asked Brother Dawson Riley there, my friend, if he would--some of them, if they'd see if they could get those ladies, if they were still here on earth, to sing it again this morning. And I hope Terry got it. And I suppose he did. I want to take that off of there maybe to a record or something, 'cause I really like that song. And that's my--my desire is to talk it over with Him. I think we all want to do that. That's why we're here this morning. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 1-6 Now, the oncoming meetings next week... Is it all right to mention it? I--I to be home this coming week at the Tabernacle next Sunday for Easter Service, Saturday night, Sunday, and Sunday night. And then I go back to California. All you people around California, be sure glad to have you at the meeting over there. And I think Billy has sent out the wrong advertisement. He said the Biltmore Hotel I believe it's to be at, it's a--couldn't get it; and it's at the Eastmont?... Embassy, the Embassy Hotel. So any of the Full Gospel people over there would let you know, if you're over that way. And then we come back from there, and I go to South Africa. And just one month from today we sail for South Africa, expecting a great time in the Lord, about three nations down there. So we--we certainly solicit your prayers. I probably won't be able to see you no more if the Lord carries on for us to go until I get back. I hope I have a great report for you when we come back. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 2-2 Last time down there, I think the Lord that gave me the greatest meeting I ever had. And one time for an altar call... Now this is out of blanket natives, as far as I know, there was thirty thousand accepted Christ at one time. And we thought maybe they meant physical healing, because there had been about twenty-five thousand healed at one time. And the next day the mayor of--of Durban (which is Sidney Smith) said, "Go to your window and look coming down the street." And there were van load after van load just piled full of old crutches and things, just piled up. That they were coming behind the natives (which was at war at one another) coming down the streets of the city singing "Only Believe" in their native tongue. I'll tell you; my heart thrilled like... When you see something like that, Brother Shores, you feel your work's not in vain then. You see, you tried.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 2-3 And I hoped God repeats it again, not because, 'cause we're going down there, but because we're looking for the coming of the Lord. He's... As the songs said, we're seeking out that little lost sheep that's, that... He--He won't come until that sheep's in. Everyone has to be in the fold. He won't close the door till that last one's in. So minister brothers, I'm sure with you this morning, I'm trying to hunt out that last sheep. It might be in Phoenix this morning. I don't know. But when the last one comes in, then the Shepherd will close the door. [Someone speaks to Brother Branham and congregation--Ed.] That's perfectly all right...?... EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 2-5 I don't. I'm the one that has to write out what I'm going to say almost. I'm--since I'm getting older I find it harder to remember, put my Scriptures down and so forth. Used to be I could line up about fifty Scriptures in my mind and never even pass right on through it, but I got a lot of rough miles behind them days. So we're looking for the coming of the Lord. Lord bless you all. And you--you get up here and you think... You set down here and hear these people testify, and you think, "Well, when I get up I'm going to say something about that." And there's so much to say, you'd be all day saying it. But I certainly appreciate you all. May this little chapter just keep growing. May every church in Phoenix continually to grow until Jesus comes is my sincere prayer. Now, I think just to rest us just a little bit, let's stand while we have prayer, will you? EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 3-1 Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who raised Him up from the dead and has given Him to us as the Sacrifice, the Lord and Saviour. We are so grateful to Thee for this privilege that we have this morning to stand in Thy Presence with Thy people that's been redeemed, and looking for His glorious second coming to receive us unto Himself. If there be sin among us, Lord, purge us with Thy hyssop. And we pray, heavenly Father, that You will heal every sick person that's in our midst. And if there would be by chance those who doesn't know You in this great baptism of the Holy Spirit that we're so earnestly contending for, and seeing it is a must according to the Scriptures for this last day, we pray God, that He'll fall upon us all today and baptize us a-freshly into the Body and bring those that are out in too, Father. Bless us as we read Thy Word and endeavor to speak that which is truth of Thy Word. Close our mouths to that which is untruth and open our hearts and mouths to that which is truth. As we commit ourselves
to Thee use our mouths to speak, and our ears to hear, and our hearts to receive. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Who has ordained it to be so. Amen. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 3-4 I would like to read from the holy Word, three places in the Bible. And if you would mark these, and you want to carry them on through to read them for further information, I'd be very happy if you'd mark them down. The places I'm going to read is Matthew 28:1-10, and then Revelations 1:1718, Romans 8:11. May I repeat them again. And now, Matthew 28:1-10, Revelations 1:17-18, and Romans 8:11. Now, we are approaching Easter. And as you're getting your places and marking it down, I think that this coming week is the most, and the greatest historical week of all of the weeks of the year. I think of the greatest thing we will celebrate this week, this coming week, was the greatest event that ever taken place on the earth. I don't think anything could surpass it. You say, "Well, the--the crucifixion was great." But many men has died. Many men has been crucified, even in the same days of our Lord. But there was only One of them Who rose up from the dead. That sealed it. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 4-1 Now, I'm--want to read. And this is kind of a little pre-Easter message, the Lord willing about forty minutes. Now, let's read from St. Matthew's Gospel, the 28th chapter beginning. In the end of the sabbath, as it begin to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and set upon it. His countenances was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the quakers did, the keepers,... (Pardon me.)... did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear ye not: for I know that you seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said, Come and see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run and bring the disciples word.
And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 4-2 And in Revelations the 1st chapter and the 17th and 18th verse: And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of death and hell. And in the book of Romans, the 8th chapter and beginning with the 11th verse: But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. Now, I trust that the Lord Jesus will add His blessings to the readings of these words. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 5-3 Seeing that Easter, that I have stamped it in my own heart as the greatest meeting or the greatest event of the year... (I want to ask you to pardon me a moment. Isn't that kinda blaring out there to you, kind of a roaring? Is it all right? Can you hear it all right like that? You can't hear it. Is that better? Right like that. I was... didn't want to get too close.) Now, why I say this is because that Easter He proved what the Bible had said. All the Scripture that was written of Him to do, He sealed His Messiahship when He rose from the dead: The Easter Seal. We have so much of it today. We talk about that buying Easter Seals. Well, I want to speak this morning on the "Easter Seal." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 5-4 It's a different seal than what we buy with our money as a seal to go on letters, for I think the Tuberculosis Association, or whatever they call it. I--I think this seal is a little different seal. And being
that Easter is the great day of the year for we Christians who claim to be God's children, I want to try to break into it and see how we should be fellowshipped with this great thing that Christ did for us. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 5-5 A... The Word of God was spoken many, many hundreds of years before His coming, of His crucifixion, and of His death, and of His suffering, and also of His resurrection. We'll be going through these services perhaps next week as we listen to our--our radio programs, and in our churches with our pastors and so forth, this coming week. But of all the days and all of the things that Jesus did... And certainly appreciating all of His vindication of God's Word, and what He did to fulfill it--of healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils, preaching the Gospel to the poor and fulfilling every word that God said that He would do when He came; and then also suffering for our sins in our stead to be the propitiation for our sins at the cross, where no one else could've done it but Him... EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 6-1 But above all of that, I think Easter sealed the whole thing, because there'd been prophets on the earth who had prophesied before Him. There had been prophets on the earth who'd healed the sick, even raised the dead and done the same signs that Jesus did, but Easter proved it. It sealed the Word of God forever for the true believer. All gloom and doubt was shattered at that blessful morning. Man had been shut up, as it was, in a prison house, even to religious people before this day, because they had been--seen great religious moves, and moving of the Holy Spirit, and so forth; but when a man died, it seemed to settle it. But when this One came and said, "I have power to lay My Life down; I have power to take it up again," and then go prove what He said, to me, that-that's the seal of it when something is said, and then is turned around and proven. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 6-3 If a man said... Like Columbus believed the world was round, and he watched the ships (as we're told), how they come in, and he could see the mast way before he could see the ship. And it proved him that the world was round. People didn't believe that in that day, but he was a man of vision. He set out to prove exactly what he had a vision of that was the truth. And God purposed to prove His Word the Truth. So He... There was only one Man that could do that, and that was Jesus; and He come and proved that to be the truth. It sealed it. And that broke all the seals of gloom and scattered all the--the superstitions of other religions, and so forth where great men has raised up and said great, marvelous things. But they're everyone in the grave. But our Christian religion is the only one who has a empty tomb. And that proves
to me that He is the God of the dead and God of the living, that He can raise up the dead back to life again. And I... This quickening power, quickening Spirit of His, has proved through the years that He is the One Who can quicken the dead back to life again. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 6-5 And when He proved by His promise this great conquering power that He had on Easter, He proved that He could conquer death, hell, and the grave. "I am He that was dead and is alive again and alive forevermore, and have the keys to--to death, hell, and the grave." What a statement for anyone to make. And not only did He make it, but He had already proved that He--He had what He claimed to have. And I think "God hasten the day that when we, as Christians who believe this Bible, can prove what we are talking about." See? That's what makes, as they said awhile ago, the salt of the earth, the sister said. That's right. The world is looking for this salt. And when we can prove by our lives and by the Bible a... that our lives are vindicating that Word to be living today, that--that's the day we're looking for...?... EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 7-1 The Word--this Spirit, Romans 8 there that--11 said, "If this Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ be in you, will also quicken your mortal bodies." Not only did He prove to Him--to us that He was Jehovah Redeemer and had power over death, hell, and the grave, but He has also give us the access to the same Spirit, that we ourselves can have the assurance that we too are quickened by that Spirit. For the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in your body; It will also quicken your mortal bodies. Now, the word "quicken" means "to be made alive after death." After it's dead, then it's to be quickened. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 7-2 The world has been shut up in doubt for many ages until then, this was proven: not only talked about, but was proven. I think that anything that's worthwhile... As Jesus said, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations and prove to them by demonstrating the power of God to them. These signs shall follow them that believe." Them who promise and say they believe, He give us a definite understanding of it, that these signs would follow them that believe. It would be the proof of their testimony. Now, we can say we believe, but until we are--have the proven sign that He said that would be upon us, then we are just confessing to be believers and not the possession of believers.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 7-4 For remember... A few days ago I was listening to a--a radio program on KAIR, down in Tucson, and this minister had taken the side against us, that the Pentecostal religion was nothing but just a sham; there was--not to listen to it, it was unstable. And said, "Any man that spoke in tongues and these things and claimed to be--heal the sick and so forth by prayer, that it was--to leave away from it and to pray for those poor decrepit people, because that they were an a illusion, that there was something wrong with them." Oh, how I would have liked to have talked to that brother just a little while. And he said that the--that that was only given for the apostles at the day of Pentecost, and that was all. I find that thirty years later Paul was ordaining these gifts in the church in I Corinthians 15; that he set in the church the gift of speaking in tongues, miracles, and all these other gifts was set in the church. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 8-1 Jesus said that, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." "How far?" All the world. "Who to?" Every creature. They've never received it yet. "And these signs shall follow them that believe." "How long?" All the world. "Who to?" Every creature. "These signs shall follow them in all the world and in every creature. These signs shall follow them. In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues. If they taken up a deadly thing or serpent, or drinking a deadly thing, will not harm them. They'll lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." That was His last commission to the church: Mark the 16th chapter. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 8-3 Paul's, ordaining these gifts into the church thirty years later, and said in Galatians 1:8: "If an angel from heaven preaches to you any other Gospel than this which is already received (See?), already been preached, let him be accursed." I believe that Pentecost began without an ending. I believe it's to be to every creature, all times and all places. That Pentecost should always remain. The Pentecostal blessings should be upon the people. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
8-5 And now, what is this Pentecostal blessing? It's a confirmation of the resurrection. No wonder the Gospel itself means "good news." Good news of what? He's raised from the dead. "And because I live, ye live also." Ye which were once dead in sin and trespasses, God has quickened us together by that Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead. And we are now setting in heavenly places with Him, communing with Him, talking with Him. What a joy to tell people that story that believes it to be the truth. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 8-6 I'm wondering today just what's happening. Are we really getting the people to God, or are we just getting them to church? We must get them to Christ, where this quickening power. It's good to go to church, sure. If that's as far as we go, it's not far enough. When you come to church, that's good; but go on to Christ from the church; because we must receive this quickening power if we ever expect to be in that general resurrection, because it's the only thing that will ever bring us from the dead. "For if this spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, it'll also quicken, make, bring to life your mortal bodies." What a promise to us. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 9-1 Now, notice, the very essence of this resurrection is to tell, and to show, and to prove that Jesus has raised up from the dead. He's not dead; He is a-living. He lives here. He's in us. "I'll be with you, even in you. A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, unto the end of the world." Now, as Christians, we all claim He is alive, or we've been quickened from--quickened from life--from death to life by His Spirit. And if we haven't been quickened, then we've not been made alive. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 9-3 Now, we're going to break into this subject, the Lord willing, and kinda teach it for a few minutes: how that are we quickened and can we be sure that this is the truth? Now, this is your own life. This is my life. It's where that the... If this isn't truth, what I'm fixing to say, then I'm one of the most foolish people in the world. I've give my life for something there's nothing to, and so have you. But if it is the truth, then I owe everything that I am. I owe everything that I could be to the cause of which we're standing for. And I think that we mustn't lose our enthusiasm.
And as we see Easter approaching, it just does something down in me, as I--I know that that's the day that the thing was sealed forever in the sight of God. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 9-6 Now, we notice it's the same Spirit that raised Him from the grave that is dwelling in us. Now, how could that be the Spirit that raised up God, Jesus, from the dead has--dwelling in us? Now--now is the Spirit that quickens. It's not the Word that quickens; it's the Spirit that quickens the Word, or gives the Word life, gives It wings to fly, gives It access. It's the Spirit that does that. Now, the wheat alone is just a wheat, but when the quickening life gets into it--into the wheat, then it gives it life. And we which were once dead, made in the image of God, and yet dead in sin and trespass, there's some way God had to get this quickening life into your mortal body. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 9-8 I'm talking about your body. Now, Jesus was the Word. You believe that, don't you? "In the beginning..." St. John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Now, as the promised Messiah, He quickened every Word that was prophesied that He would do: healed the sick, and how He'd be born of a virgin, all that, made it--it's true. He was the Word manifested here on earth, but He could not do this just as a man. It taken the Spirit of God dwelling in Him to quicken these promises to Him. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 10-2 I hope that we get this real clear now. Jesus, being a Man Himself, the body; but it took the Spirit in Him: the Spirit. "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He's the One that does the work." See? And Jesus Himself was the Word, because He was... Before God... This is a bad word to use, and I hope you take it right before a crowd, but He was predestinated by the foreknowledge of God, how God's plan was to be, that He would send a Redeemer, and this Redeemer could only be His own Son. So then, that was God's promise all the way from the garden of Eden, that Jesus would be here. Here He was, as a Man borned of a virgin. But it taken the Spirit of God to quicken that Word to Him, and He was the Word quickened, the Word quickened for that hour.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 10-4 The time had come when you had to have a Redeemer. The law had failed. Other things had failed. Now, it takes a Redeemer, and He was the promised Redeemer. He was quickened by the Word of God. And now, if that same Spirit that was upon Him to be the Redeemer in that age, that we have accepted... Now, the promise of in this last days what would take place, if you become part of that Word, you are redeemed with Him; because the same Spirit that dwelt in Christ is dwelling in you, quickening your life to this age. And it will also in the end time quicken your mortal bodies, resurrect them, bring them up again. That takes the gloom away when we look at it in that, and that's the truth. See? EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 10-6 Romans here, Paul has proved it to us. See? "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, It will also quicken your mortal bodies." This is the same Spirit that raised Him up that quickened the true believer to Eternal Life. The Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells into the believer, quickens the believer to Eternal Life. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 10-7 There's only one life, one Eternal Spirit, one Eternal Life, and that's God. God alone is the Eternal. And then we, being His children, are part of Him; that is, the attributes of His thinking. And the thought is expressed, and becomes a word. Then each individual in here that possesses this Eternal Life was before the foundation of the world in God's thinking. That's the only way it could be, cause you are a attribute. That's an expression of a thought has been come a word, and a word has taken life, and it's eternal. That's the reason we have Eternal Life. In the same principle that the great Son of God, the Redeemer... We become sons and daughters of God through that same Spirit, by the same foreknowledge of God. Look at the millions on earth that didn't receive it when Jesus was here. But how thankful that we should be this morning to know that we have the direct evidence and the Bible proofs that we are included in that great resurrection morning coming, that great Easter. We have the earnest of it right now in our mortal bodies. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
11-3 The predestinated ones are the first, of course, to be quickened, when the Holy Spirit comes to claim its own. Now, there is a great statement; and I want my minister brothers to try to understand this. See? In the beginning, God, the great Spirit... He wasn't even God then. He was the eternal One. "God" is an object of worship. He had nothing to worship Him. There was no--there was no angels, no nothing, just God alone. Him alone was eternal. But in order to be God, there had to be something to worship Him. So He created Angels, and beings, and Cherubims, and so forth to worship Him. And His great plan begin to unfold. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 11-4 But remember, you, in the--the statue that you are in this morning, if you wasn't in His thinking then, you're not now. For you... There's some part that's in you that's eternal; and eternal only belongs to God. And in God was His thinking of you setting right where you are now. In His thinking I stood at the pulpit this morning, because He's infinite and knows all things. Therefore, He could tell the end from the beginning, because He's eternal. And you, being a son of God or a daughter of God, then you were in His thinking at the beginning. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 11-6 And then when the Holy Spirit come... And you're on earth, walking around here as a sinner; way down in your life there's something. You don't know what's taking place, but you're hungering. I heard the Presbyterian brother, I heard the--the Baptist, talking about back there, He was a Freewill Baptist, preaching where he can--my fellow brother. That--you... There's something in you, something that you never put in there. It's something that you couldn't desire to be in there. It's something that's contrary to your own nature. It's the foreknowledge of God taking place. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 12-1 God's Word, as Jesus, was born the Son of God to be Emmanuel, God's full expression in a Man... And He found Him in perfect obedience down at the river of Jordan, being baptized by that prophet. And as soon as He obeyed Him and walked out of the water, the heavens opened to John, and he saw the Holy Ghost descending from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son." See, perfect obedience, the Spirit had sought Him out in obedience.
Oh, wayward man or woman this morning, when you're setting here and there's something in you telling you this is right, it's the Holy Spirit seeking you out to bring you to a knowledge of truth of this hour that we're now living: not some hour that's gone by, the hour now. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 12-3 There was thousands there that had--obeying the hour past, but there was a present tense hour. That was the hour that Jesus was to appear, and there stood the Word. There stood the people, and here was a manifestation of God taking place to a vindicate that that was the truth. And as Pentecostal people today, let me say this: That we're standing in this last days where God promised He'd would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and His sons and daughters should prophesy. For It said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." It's the hour. That's what's makes that creation in you. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 12-4 As I spoke here not long ago (It sounded a little sacrilegious but I hope it don't to you this morning.), the farmer that set the eagle--or set the hen and had an eagle egg. Many of you remembers the story of the old eagle giving birth to this to this... or the hen giving birth over here to this chicken... Or the--or egg of a eagle under her chicken feathers. See, it's the atmosphere. The Presbyterian church, Methodist church, Baptist church, any of them can bring forth these eagles. Sure, it's the atmosphere that does it. As Dr. Bosworth used to say, you can take a hen egg and put it over a--under a pup and tie him down, a pup would hatch out a chicken. Why? It's the atmosphere. And when any church or any group that'll assemble themselves together and pray until they're throw away their creeds and things, and look straight in the face of God, it'll bring forth eagles just as certain as I'm standing here. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 12-5 That's what I think that this Business Men's Group has done, trying to break up the atmosphere. We're getting too clannish. One belongs to this and that. Let's break up the atmosphere and get the atmosphere in a heavenly worship. Get the atmosphere right. Eagles will be born in--out of any church anywhere. And this little eagle walked with the hen for a long time, but the--the clucking was kind of strange. He didn't understand what the hen meant when she scratched in the--the--the waste of the manure piles in the yards. And that wasn't food to him. And she eat bugs and so forth that a eagle doesn't eat; so it seemed strange all to him. And he was a ugly duckling. He was a--not saying this sacrilegious; maybe he was a Freewill Baptist, and--but something on that order, or Presbyterian.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 13-1 But you know, one day his mother knew that she had laid an egg. There had to be a child somewhere. So she throwed her big wings into the winds, and she searched, and she searched, screaming to the top of her voice. And one day she passed over the barnyard. And when this little eagle heard this familiar scream; He'd never heard it before, but he realized that it fit him like a glove over a hand, and he knew that was his mother. She knew that was her son. She was looking for him. So has God in every age ordained His church for that age: a message for that age. And they could have laws and anything that they want to, but when that hour come, the Holy Spirit of God, which is at the beginning thought out and spoke out for that age, that Spirit hunts that egg. And when he hears that message, there's no church denomination going to hold it. It'll rise to the heights. It's got to. It's a different bird. It's a different creature. He's a eagle, and he'll hear the scream. "My sheep hear My voice." As someone said (Brother Williams), "sheep-food." "My sheep hear My voice, a stranger they will not follow." No matter how loyal the church has been, and how much its big a name it's got, when "My sheep hear My voice (which is the Word), a stranger they will not follow." They'll go right straight to that Word, and they can do it. It's like a magnet. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 13-5 One day up in Indiana, I was visiting them steel mills, and the whistle blowed. And everybody took off their aprons and begin to sweep the--out from their lathes, out into the middle of the floor, the shavings that they'd made through the day. And I was walking along with the man that was taking me through. And he said, "Watch this." And so every man laid his--his bench dress upon the-upon the table walked away. Way back in the back, he touched a little button, and here come a big magnet through. And it picked up every bit of that iron that was shaved off of those pieces. Now, it went out, it demagnetized it. It dropped into a cupola and was melted over for another piece of--of goods, the same thing, axles or whatever they were building. And I stood there and looked at that till I--I just lost myself. And I said, "I'm wondering something." He said, "What is it, sir?" And I said, "I notice that some of that didn't go up." He said, "It's aluminum, and the magnet is not magnetized to the aluminum." I said, "I see." And he said... Then I said, "Well did you notice there's a piece of iron laying across... "But you see sir, it was bolted down." I said, "I see." And I... When he took it out, I said, "Now, what happens to that out there?"
He said, "It goes right back into the mill, poured out into through the cupola, and comes right back and makes another wheel." I said, "Praise the Lord." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 14-2 That's it. See? There is a great magnet setting in the sky that God one day'll touch His fingers to. No man knows the time He's coming, not even the Angels of heaven doesn't know. God alone knows. But there has been some trimmings that's come off of the Bible: Bible Christians, believers for this hour. One of them might've been a axle back in another day. This might be some other part. It's going on to make the big regime of God, but it'll be molded into the pot of God's great cupola and poured out again into the images of God. Just those who are magnetized to it will be taken up. Oh, how to... What a privilege it is to know that there is something in the resurrection that's pertaining to us. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 14-3 Now, notice, recognize the call of God's Word, which is a part of... And it's a eagle to an eagle. Now, if that mother would've screamed like a--a buzzard, he'd have never knowed it. He'd have been just as well off in the barnyard. But it was the scream of an eagle. There was something inside that little fellow that he knowed he was an eagle; and the same thing is with every true believer. When the preaching of God's Word comes forth, and it's vindicated, and proved that it's God's Word for this hour, then there's something within the believer; I don't care how loyal his father was to a church, or how loyal his mother was, or his grandparents, and if that church is teaching contrary to this hour of the baptism of the Holy Ghost message; there's something in him that screams out. He'll leave the barnyard. He's got to do it. The chicken might've been all right one day but this is eagle hour. See? It--it's a different. It's something that he must leave, the old coop, and fly away into the blue. Then this earthly body is quickened and brought by the quickening Spirit to the obedience of God's Word. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 15-2 Now, when this Holy Spirit, represented as the eagle flying over the land, and finds the believer... "No man can come to Me. No man can come to Me as he wants to. All the Father has given Me will come to Me, but no man can come by himself." It isn't your own thinking, your own drawing. It's God drawing. See, see? "All the Father has given Me will come to Me."
Now, the Holy Spirit is here on earth, looking out those individuals that God has ordained to Life in this age. And as soon as It finds It, It does just like It did on Jesus Christ, the great super Son of God, He who redeemed us all. It comes down and takes Its place of abode into the human life. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 15-4 Now, notice. Brought the quickening power... Now, that quickening power that come upon Jesus quickened Him to manifest every promise of the Word of that day. So does the Holy Spirit that come upon us in this day. If it's not a mockery holy spirit, if it's not the devil mocking the Holy Spirit, but is the real true Holy Spirit, it'll manifest the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Luther, It manifested that promise of that hour. When It fell upon Wesley, It manifested the promise of that hour. When It falls in this day, It manifests the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Moses, It manifested the promise of that hour. Fell upon Noah, It manifest the promise of that hour. When It fell upon Jesus, It manifests the promise of that hour. See? It's the Holy Spirit coming down to quicken, make alive those people that's foreordained of God to be in the rapture. Oh, that is, if he's a true eagle, he will understand the message of the hour: if he's a true eagle. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 15-6 Now, the little eagle probably in the barnyard was eating all right, but he--he knowed it wasn't just exactly right. But then when he heard the truth, then he received this truth. Now, in John 14--John 5:24 rather, Jesus said, speaking this way, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life and shall not come into the judgment, but's passed from death unto Life." Just think how simple that is. "He that believeth..." Now, the correct way of saying that, "He that understandeth..." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 15-8 Now, you go out here on the street and say to this prostitute, "You believe?" "Sure." "You believe that He's the Son of God?" "Certainly." "Been baptized?" "Sure."
Go down to the drunkard and say, "You hear that, hear that preacher preach?" "Yeah." "You believe that?" "Sure." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 16-1 See, but he that understandeth, he that knoweth his place in this hour... "He that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me hath (present tense) Eternal Life, shall not come into the judgment, but's already passed from death unto Life." Then when this new Eternal Life dwells in you, it is the potential or the earnest of you being quickened from mortal to immortality. Let me say that again. When this Spirit has found you, the individual, and has come upon you, it is the potential of your eternal inheritance that God thought of you and made for you before the foundation of the world. That is your potential. Like if you ask me for an oak tree, and I gave you an acorn. Now, the--the--the life for the oak tree is in the acorn. Now, but you have to wait till it grows up. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 16-3 So do we. When you receive the Holy Spirit of God, it's God's potential waiting upon you that's already recognized you, and you're sealed by the Spirit of promise of God into the body of Christ. When God looked down at Calvary and seen Jesus dying, He not only... He died for His Bride, the body, which is the Word-church, the church that believes the Word of God for the age whether it's feet, body, head, or wherever it is. See? It's Christ was bleeding and dying, and God, looking upon Him, saw His resurrection, and the church raised with Him on Easter. Now, I want you to get all of this together 'cause I've got something here, a little bit I want to say, the Lord willing. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
16-6 Now, notice, it's the earnest or the potential, the quickening power of your resurrection when you receive the Holy Spirit, is then dwelling in you, the potential of it. Notice, you--you are now on your way growing to the full resurrection. No tree just comes up overnight. It's got to grow. As we grow in the grace and the knowledge of God... You are baptized into the Holy Spirit. Now, as the Pentecostal church baptized into the Holy Spirit, it's begin growing. Limbs that's died, just pruned them off; but the tree's still growing. It's still going on, because it's got to come to the resurrection. You're led by the Spirit to quicken the Word to you who is believers. The Word keeps quickening as you come to the first limb, second limb, third limb, on up. It just keeps quickening. The Spirit of God keeps quickening to you. Notice that Pentecost, their bodies were quickened by the new life they received. That makes me feel religious. Think. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 17-3 Now, here was men, fishermen, tax collectors; the humble little women of the--just ordinary housewives, little virgin girls. They were believers. They were believing that this was the truth. They believe that when Jesus died they believed on Him, and rose up again from the dead. They believed that to be the absolutely testimony of God, that He had quickened Him to life. Now, they go up to the day of Pentecost to receive their abstract. You know what an abstract is? It's when a deeds been cleared. They went up there just to receive their abstract, and they become quickened. Or... What a thrill. They'd bought the land: been bought for them. They'd received it. Is it true or not? "We seen Him raised up, but now what about us? We are witnesses. We stood and seen the Man crucified. We seen the clouds come over the earth and darken the skies, and the--the earth quaked and shook and had nervous prostration." Then when they put Him in the grave, they speared Him in the heart with a spear; and they took His body down and laid it in a grave of Joseph of Arimathaea. And then they find out that on the third day He raised up again. And as the disciples said, "We are witnesses of this. We seen Him raise up. We know He's alive." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 17-6 Now, what did that do? That took all the fear out. No wonder Jesus said, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead and is alive forevermore." See? It taken all the fear out when they did that. Now, but when they went up to Pentecost, there they received the quickening power, the power that made them alive. Now, there's where I think that you Presbyterian, and Methodist, brethren, you do receive potentially on believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, but the abstract hasn't come yet. That's the clearing of the deed.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 18-2 God gave Abraham a promise. Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. But He sealed the covenant by the seal of circumcision. And God gives you a promise potentially that you will receive it, and you're going to be raised up; this body is going to be glorified with Him at the end time. But you see, you have to get a clearance on that deed. And the clearance is when everything against it has been stricken off, and you got the abstract to it. You've got the seal. It's yours. Everything's on it belongs to you. Amen. And when we believe on Jesus Christ for our Saviour, and repent, and are baptized, and come up to believe Him, God recognizes our repentance and our faith towards Him and sends down the abstract. And the abstract is the assurance. It's the guarantee that everything was ever held against you, you thoroughly repented. Hallelujah. And the property is boughten, and you hold the abstract for the assurance. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 18-4 Let somebody try to put you off the land and say he belongs, and you with the abstract in your hands. Let him try to do it. There ain't a law in the land can do it. Because you hold the abstract, and there's no devil, no church, or any theology that can overstep the boundaries of God's proof and abstract that the baptism of the Holy Ghost has recognized us in Jesus Christ. We're just as sure to raise as He raised, because potentially we have already raised in Him. Amen. The whole thing... What does it do to our mortal bodies? It turns our opinion, changes our notions. It sets our affections on things which are above, and the smoking, drinking, gambling, the things that you used to do is dead. It's beneath you, and you are quickened, and this quickening power brings your body into a raptured condition already. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 18-7 Notice, the Pentecostal people up there when they got quickened by the Holy Spirit... Listen to me. When those Pentecostal group up there on the day of Pentecost received their abstract deed from God... Sure, it glorified their souls. They screamed; they saw tongues of fire separated upon each of them. And it so quickened their body, till they couldn't even speak in a earthly language anymore. It quickened their body to a heavenly language, the place they're going to. Quickening power of God shook their mortal bodies so till their entire mortal language was transfigured, transformed into an immortal language. What a quickening power. What... something it belongs... If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in your mortal bodies, it shall also quicken your mortal bodies.
We are quickened then by the power of the living God. Tongues quickened them to a new heavenly language, to speak to them, a rapturing up, raising up into a different atmosphere than what they'd ever lived in. Also with the new quickening life to them that come in them, it quickened their language. They spoke in new tongues. Oh, yes. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 19-3 Now, watch it. It also was designed to give them (after this abstract); it was designed to give them every promise that was on the grounds. Every promise on the grounds of God's Word, that was promised in the Bible, that quickening power was give to them to quicken that promise to them. Therefore, they laid hands on the sick; they was healed. They spoke in new tongues. They done great signs and wonders, because that was in God's promise. And when Jesus died to redeem that back to them, the grounds that belonged to the sons of God, He demonstrated what God was. How dare we to socialize that and put it into an organization. We have no rights to do that. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 19-4 It's the Holy Spirit today hunting out honest hearts that will believe that message. Everything in the Bible that was promised is to that believer; and when you accept it in its fullness, then God knows that you'll do it; He gives you the abstract to that. And then, every promise that's made is in your possession, and the Holy Spirit's there to quicken that to you. Oh, my. What a--what kind of people should we be? How wonderful to see that God's great Holy Spirit here to do that power. Think of it. When the Holy Ghost Itself, here to bear record of this hour. Jesus said so. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. How dare any man to wipe that out of there. "The works that I do shall you do also. (John 14:12) These signs shall follow them that believe." That is the assurance. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 19-6 When we see a group of people setting together, and those signs manifesting themselves, that's the assurance that the abstract is there to vindicate that that's property of God. Amen. So we are Easter also. Amen. We are now in our Easter. We've already raised (Hallelujah.) from the things of the world to the things of God's promise. Not we will; we are. It's the potentials. It's God's promise He'd pour out His Spirit in the last days, and that's what they would do. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
20-1 Notice, laid their hands on the sick. Everything that was in God's promise... "I shall pour out My Spirit in the last days upon all flesh. Your old men shall dream dreams; your young men shall see visions," and all these different promises that He made. Everything's laying right there in God's promise. Jesus redeemed it to us, and when we become... Or we--if we are ordained on that ground, if we are ordained to be on that ground (like the eagle walking in the chicken's nest), if you're ordained on that ground, the Holy Spirit is here to find you; and when It finds you, you recognize His call. You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen, quickly you're raptured up to meet it, and now you're setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise. What a heavenly Father Who would give us these things. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 20-3 The Spirit quickens their fellowship with God, so that they call the dead back to life in that day. They laid their bodies upon the dead; they come to life. Listen closely. They done the same things that Jesus did, because the same Spirit was upon Him was upon them. If one Spirit makes a man act this way; it makes the other one act that way. If one... How can this come upon and say he's got the Spirit of God and deny the works of God? Cannot do it. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 20-5 Notice, God's life, which is in the Greek called Zoe, moving through them and in them, quickened their minds to His Word. Now, let me say that real quietly now. The Spirit of God that moves among the people, quickens the mind of the person to the promise of God. See, it does it. Look at... I'm trying to show you the--the... and let you realize that I'm speaking now of the church, and also quickened to life in Him. Although they only was His attributes to begin with, but if God said in this day (back in the beginning), "John Doe will be My servant," millions of years ago... Now, John Doe was born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, because he's a mortal; but maybe he gets a little religious feeling. He will go join a church. Maybe he will join a Pentecostal church; I don't know. He might join anything. But let him get under the atmosphere of God once. See? John Doe is bound to recognize Who his Father is. Just as that eagle recognized who the mother was. It's got to realize it. See? Only that John Doe is God's attribute that's become a Word spoken, and then the Holy Spirit seeks that Word out. Here it is. He calls him, gives him Everlasting Life, and brings him into the Presence of God, God's Word. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
21-2 Look, God had to same when He saw Jesus. It was a--it was a finished work that God finished with Jesus when He said, "It's finished." All the plan was finished. And when the Spirit of God comes upon you, and you truly are one of God's attributes that He spoken of... Now, if you're not, you'll wonder and flusterate, and run here, and there, and everything else, and never come to the knowledge of the Truth. But if you are one of those, the old things pass away right quick (You see?), and you become new, and the plan of salvation is finished. You're ready to obey every Word that God ever spoke of you (See?) for you to do. You're submissive to His Word. The contract, exactly, the abstract to the contract, the title deed belongs to you. The debts are all paid. It's all struck off, and as it was at the day of Pentecost. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 21-5 Now, let us notice the quickening--this quickening Spirit on other people. Now, I told you I wouldn't speak very long, and I just got twenty minutes to keep my word if I do that. Notice, to keep to what time I said--about a hour. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 21-6 Notice now. This quickening power that only comes... Now, there's a lot of mockery of it. There's a lot of people that really think they got it when they haven't. A lot of people do it because they've got some false impression of what they've seen other Christians do. Satan can impersonate any of that. We know that. And as missionaries, you can see it impersonated: shouting, dancing, speaking in tongues, all these things, you can see it impersonated anywhere, absolutely, amongst heathens, even people who deny there is such a thing as Jesus Christ being the Son of God. See? And they do all those things themselves. But the real true quickening Spirit that comes to the believer quickens him to God's Word. That's back to eagle food again, right back to where he lives. "Man shall not live by bread, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 22-1 Let us now notice this quickening Spirit as it come upon other people, like it did on--on the day of Pentecost. Let's notice Pentecost, how they acted, and see if they were quickened by this quickening power that we're talking about.
On the day of Pentecost they were all waiting up there. In themselves they were afraid. The Jews is... What they were going to do, so they got scared. And what happened? When this quickening power fell from heaven, there was a bravery set upon them. There was something, an understanding, where they wasn't too sure of it a few hours before. They knowed He had--He'd died; they know He had risen; they had talked to Him on the way; but was that thing for them, or was it just for them, or for Jesus Himself? But here on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, the Abstract, fell upon the believers that made them part of His resurrection, made him part of His fellowship. The Holy Spirit came and confirmed to them that they would be raised up, because they were potentially raised then from cowards to brave men. They were--they were afraid of the very Word that they thought. Don't let this pass over you. They were afraid. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 22-4 They knowed that he was that Word. Even the Jews had to admit it. Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know that you're a teacher that come from God. No man could do the things you do except God be with Him. Now, we know that. We recognize that." So the disciples... Peter had even swore in His Presence. All of them had forsaken Him at the crucifixion, but here they are now up in this upper room in the Presence of God. Then all of a sudden, here come this Holy Spirit down from heaven, and It quickened them. And the quickening took place; they wasn't afraid to make a witness of the message that they believed and knowed to be the truth. Otherwise they were afraid of it. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 22-7 How many Presbyterians, how many Methodists, how many Baptists in the world today, how many Pentecostals that's knows the truth and are afraid to make a stand on it? I'm persuaded to wonder what was that fell on you? Are you a part of His resurrection? Would you dare scream off for some man's theory and idea, or have you got the real boldness and the real manhood it takes to stand out and call right right and wrong wrong? Are you a part of His resurrection? Are you a worshipper of a bunch of creeds? Are you a goer to church? Do you have your name on there and dead in sin and trespasses? He that believes not the full Word of God is a sinner. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
23-1 Those Pharisees believed in many things to be the truth; they said, "We're God's children." And they were until that Word was preached, but when that Word was preached and vindicated, then they become sinners for rejecting the thing that they knowed was right and witnessed that, "We know that thou art a teacher come from God. For no man can do the things that you do without God being with Him." I wonder today. Where are we at? I ask you: Where is this resurrection finding us? Are you dare to step out? Are you dare to take God at His Word? If you're ordained to Life, you sure will do it. If you're an eagle, you can't help doing it. There's something in you. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 23-3 Or do you want to just serve a creed somewhere and say, "I go to church. I'm just as good as you are." See, if you hold no birthrights, you'll never see it; you can't see it. But if you do hold the possession of this birthright, you can't help from seeing it, because it's part of you, and you're a part of it. How could I deny the mother that gave me birth? How could I deny the father that his own blood is in me? How could I deny Charles Branham for being my Father? I could not do it. I'm willing to stand his reproach or anything else, because I am his son. Hallelujah. Then being a son of God (And He was the Word of God.), how can I deny that Bible being Truth that Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever? And seeing the hour that we're living in, we need a Easter in the church: resurrection. We need a resurrection to power of faith: men and women to stand out for that which is God's vindicated Word. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 23-5 Say, "Well, we having a Youth for Christ." That's all right. "Our church is having a meeting. We want so many members." Nothing against that. That's all right, but that's only the atmosphere. That might be an old hen's feathers, but if you'll get in the right atmosphere there, you'll hatch eagle if you're a eagle egg. And if you were foreordained of God to see it, you can't help from seeing it. You're coming forth in a resurrection. That's the way the Baptist was born. That's the way the Methodist was born in a resurrection of that day, but they turned off to a hen instead of an eagle. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 24-1 I said not long ago, going down from Tucson, I watched a very strange thing. I seen a hawk setting on the wire down there. That hawk has long lost its identification. It used to be a bird next to the eagle. It could not follow the eagle; no, by no means, nothing can follow an eagle; but he was a hawk.
Christ is the Eagle and the church should at least be a hawk. They can fly higher that any of the rest of the birds. But that hawk has become soft. It's lost his identification. He sets on the telephone wires and waits for some dead rabbit. He hops like a vulture in the stead of flying like a hawk. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 24-2 No, my brother, sister, you Pentecostal people, which is my own dear people, the church is losing its identification. It's coming down and depending on some dead formal creed instead of flying in the heavenlies our yonder for fresh manna. A hawk used to hunt his own manna, but today he takes what the automobiles run over and what the vultures eat. He hops like one. He looks like one. We so adorned ourselves in the modern world, our women cutting their hair and wearing shorts, our men with not enough backbone to stand in the pulpit and tell the truth; we've long got soft on the Word. Oh God, send the Holy Ghost and look out them eagles somewhere that's ready to stand now, no matter what takes place; that'll soar into the unknown, not set on the telephone wires and look for some Sunday school literature to come in. Let me have the Word and in it a precious and a power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. We need an Easter, a resurrection that's potentials. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 24-5 My friend, if you're satisfied with such carrion of the world, there's something wrong. My sister, my brother, let me say to you this in godly fear, knowing that I may never live to see an Easter again, but there's one thing sure: when a genuine foreordained son of God by the Word of God hears that voice of God, he'll rise and go to meet It. It's the potentials that he's going to meet the real living Word. As He was... The bride will meet the groom. She's a part of His body. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 24-6 Notice, long have we.. We're losing our identification. We come on Wednesday night, some of us. Others stay home to watch "Who Loves Susie." Televisions, all kinds of worldly things, all kinds of entertainments to keep you away from church... Long have we lost it. Our seminaries, our schools, are putting out a bunch of Rickies with a whole lot of theology, and entertainment, and everything in the church to take the place of the prayer meeting.
We've took dress and tried to fulfill what the modernist try to do, and bring them in. You'll never win them by that. They got more of that than you have. You ain't got no business on your ground--on their ground. Let them come over on yours where the real baptism is shining, where the real power of the Resurrection... EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 25-3 Don't try to build a church like theirs. Don't try to have a pastor like that. Don't try to do this, that or the other, or cooperate with the world. They shine with Hollywood; the real Gospel glows with power. Eagles hear that. They don't look for a shine; they look for a glow. Glowing with humility, glowing with love, glowing with power: that's what the real eagle hunts. You can't scratch in a barnyard and please him. He will never be able to do it. You'll never tell it to him, because he don't believe it. Let that voice scream from the heavens, "I am He that was dead and alive again." Something takes place. "I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. And it shall come to pass in the last days, I'll pour out of Myself upon all His flesh." Glory to God. "I'll quicken your mortal language; I'll quicken your mortal tongues; I'll give you the evidence that I'm going to bring you in the resurrection with Me." Hungry hearted eagles reach for that just as hard as they can. It's the Pearl of great price that they sell everything else and go buy. Amen. God help us, friend. Our churches are losing their identification. Let's quickly now, let's go to some... EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 25-4 Watch the action of those disciples: a-scared? They knowed Jesus was the truth; but you see, it was against the popular idea, the popular religion of the hour. The most strictest religion--Pharisees, Sadducees, and so forth (their cults, clans and denominations) they were against that heresy; but Jesus was the identified Word, and Jesus is the Holy Ghost in Spirit. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more, you shall see Me," not the body, the Life that was in Him: God is upon the church to call sons like He did then, obedient; "I always do that which is pleasing to My Father. Which one of you can accuse Me of sin." In other words, sin is unbelief. "What has the Word said about Me that I haven't done? (There it is.) Show Me what the Word said that I'd do that I didn't do? Which one can accuse Me? Which one can lay your fingers on Me and say that I haven't fulfilled My Father's Word?" Oh, when the Pentecostal church gets to that spot, "Who can accuse Me of unbelief?" EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 26-1 Oh, Christians, be identified not as a hawk but an eagle. That hawk is soft; it'll come down. You never see a eagle doing that; he will never do that. He hunts his own food out of the blue. God's prepared him so that he can see it. He gets fresh manna, not something that's dead.
In the Hebrews, when they crossed through the wilderness, they eat, tried to eat dead manna, and it become stagnant. It had--it had wiggletails in it. You know what we mean. It's contaminated, rotten, maggots is in it. Why would I eat a food that had been dead years ago? It might be in form and shape, but it isn't fresh. We got to get food every generation new. So does the eagle look for that food every generation, as we're in our journey. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 26-4 Notice. Now, let's take some people again. Let's take some of the Old Testament prophets, see what they did. Let's look first at Stephen, how Stephen in the midst of that Sanhedrin Council... When that Council brought him up there, that great assembly of believers there, or supposed to be believers, brought him up and tried to condemn him, "Why," he said, "you stiffnecked, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost. (That's that Eternal Life.) As your fathers did it back yonder through the prophets, so are you doing it today." And they gnashed upon him with their teeth. They didn't want to hear that. He was against their creed; it was against their denomination; and they stoned the man to death. And he raised his hands up, looked toward heaven and he said, "I see heavens open and Jesus standing at the right side." Why? He had the resurrection, quickening power in him that took him into the bosoms of Jesus. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 26-6 Notice quickly now. Look at Philip, down there in a great revival--having a revival where it'd been daresn't for any man... Why, if he'd had had've got a big cooperation amongst the churches and everything down there and was having a great revival, and the quickening power of God spoke to him and said, "Stephen..." Maybe it said this, "You're having a great revival, but I got one man I want you to talk to." And Stephen's obedient, no matter what it is, how much criticism, "Oh, Stephen, you can't leave." "But I can. God said so." And he went out into the desert, and out there he found this eunuch. And what happened? He said, "Has uh... If thou believest with all thy heart that Jesus is the Son of God, I'll baptize you." When he baptized him, look, he was quickened by this quickening power to leave a revival of thousands of people to go out into the desert to one man. Oh, that'd be against all reason. See? Why there's ten thousand wanting you here, but there's one wanting out there. See, and the quickening power sent him to God's provided place. Hallelujah. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
27-2 Men and women, it'll make you stand to your feet. It'll make you do the things that God wants you to do. I don't care what somebody else says about it. The neighbors say, "Oh, that person's lost their mind, pray all night; they read the Bible." I don't care what they say; it's what God called you to do. That's right. Why, they say, "We can't have these old fashion Pentecostal revivals, like..." Oh, yes we can too. You can have it in yourself, and you are the majority in God, no matter what the rest of them think. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 27-3 Notice after in obedience... Listen close now. After obeying God to His Word, when he fulfilled his mission, that quickening power that he received at Pentecost caught him away, quickened his body. Miles and miles away, he was taken in the Spirit, and was found over in another country somewhere: quickening power of God. And if we be Pentecostals, that same power that raised up Jesus from the dead, if it dwells in your mortal bodies... See? EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 27-4 All right notice, let's take another man with this quickening power. There was a man way long ago by the name of Enoch. When a new thing come along, when something come along and said, "Well, now we have to go back to the old school or this, that, or the other," Enoch walked with God. Whatever God said do, Enoch never missed one word. He walked with God. What was he? He was a son of God. He was an eagle that had been called to that day, and when it came time, he was so full of that quickening power... Remember, he'd walked five hundred years or more before God, and not one time had he missed His Word. Not one time did he misbehave himself. Not one time did he do, but kept the testimony. Everything that God told him to do, he went and done it. No argument about it, he just went and done it. No matter what anybody else thought, he went and done it. Why? He was full of that quickening power. And when it come time for the old man to die, God just sent down a ladder and he walked up home. He quickened him and took his mortal body up in a rapture. Amen. That's that quickening power. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 28-1 Look at Elijah. After his work was finished on earth, he was so full of that quickening power, he condemned them Jackie Kennedy haircuts in his day. He had told old Jezebel what he thought of her. He told them preachers and priests what was right and wrong. And they didn't believe him, but he condemned them painted-faced women and things so bad, and he was so full of that quickening power, till nothing could harm him.
God had fed him from the heavens, took him out and set him aside. And he was so full of quickening power when it come time to die, the Jordan opened up, and he just walked... Was sent down a chariot and took him up home. So full of that quickening power he become a true genuine son of God. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 28-3 Notice, he had a successor, and his name was Elisha. And Elisha had a double portion of this quickening power. See? He had a double portion of it. Now, he preached for about eighty years, or he was about eighty years old. He took sick and died. Now, he didn't get to go home like Elijah did. See, both of them is represented there in the church. Some saints go, and some resting; but notice, when Elijah was taken up in the rapture, then Elisha went to sleep in God, full of quickening power. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 28-5 Look at his prophecy just before he died. See? Now, let me show you. I don't care if you're dead or where you're at, that quickening power never leaves. Years and years after his death, his meat had rotted away; the skin worms had eat it up. But they were packing a dead man one day, throwed him in on that bones, and there was so much quickening power there, till the man came back to life again. Hallelujah. Raised him up from the dead, because that quickening power that was upon that saint of God never left him, stayed right on those bones. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 28-6 Oh, remember, we are flesh of His flesh, bone of His bones, if we are His Bride. Death won't bother that quickening power at all. "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Glory to God. What a... I don't know what to say... What a hope for an old man like me, knowing I see my end time right out yonder soon, as fifty-six years old. Ever since a little bitty boy I stood here trying to proclaim this, but I know that in me... Nothing good that I have, nothing I've done, but in me is that quickening power. It quickened me one day from the things of the world as a young man unto Eternal Life. All the things that's happened... I've seen visions, foretold things; He never let nothing fail yet. I've spoke in other tongues. I've prophesied. I've done those things by the Spirit of God that dwelt in me. That's quickening power.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 29-3 I know that someday... My Redeemer's living now, and someday when He comes, these bones shall rise again to go to meet Him in the air. You may bury me in the sea, burn it up, whatever you want to, that quickening power is eternal. Whew. I feel a Easter right now. Yes, sir. I've had it for years. It's in me. It's in you, if you--the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in your mortal bodies. It's quickened you from the things of the world to the Word of God only. It's quickened you from this life to Life Eternal. You, who were once dead in sin and trespasses has now been quickened together to set in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, feasting on manna from above, seeing the hand of God made manifest and prove the promise of this day. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 29-6 As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. They were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage. And as it was in the days of Lot, so will it be in the hours that the Son of man will be revealed on earth, not Son of God no more, Son of man come back as the prophetic message for the last day, when that eagle will be flying, not the lion, not the ox in the sacrifice age. See, every time a religious power went forth to meet the challenge of the political power of the world... When the lion raised up the religious power, it went to meet the Roman power. And then when it come the sacrifice hour, the ox went, because he's a sacrifice beast to the Lord. Then come the reformers down through the church ages, come the face of a man. And them reformers have been since: Luther, Wesley, oh, Calvin and on down--down Pentecostal age. But in the last message that went forth, there came a flying eagle. It's eagle time, reveal time, the Word of God made manifest, the Word of God proved. Oh, children, walk into this baptism of the Holy Spirit. Come in and believe it with all your heart. God will fill you. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 30-1 Looky here now. We find now. Remember, we are flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. As God raised His bones and flesh out of the grave, they cannot hide the man that has the potentials. Death cannot take him. Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me; I'll raise him up at the last day." Oh, my. Easter, why, we're right in Easter. When He raised, we raised with Him. He sent the abstract back; we hold it as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He is alive forevermore, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 proves that He's the same.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 30-3 His Messiac, anointed ones believe that. What is the Messiah? What is the Messiah? "Messiah" is "anointed One." And now if He was the Messiah by being the anointed One for that day to fulfill the Word of God, to be the Redeemer and the anointed One, and God raised up that body, His Bride is the anointed One for this day, and it's already raised with Him in the resurrection, because these two are one. Amen. I wished I could tell it the way I see it. I wish I had the education I could do it with. See? I--I hope you see it. I hope God, the Holy Ghost comes down there and puts that in your heart to see what I mean. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 30-5 The resurrection. We are now in the resurrection. We are setting with Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life, not those who do not have Life. They won't know it. They'll never know it. They'll go right on thinking they're getting the Holy Ghost, being saved, and the rapture will done be over with and gone. Said, "Elias has already come and they did that what... And you knew it not." See?" EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 30-6 Notice death does not stop the quickening power of God. Notice death can't stop it. You say, "Well, my mother was a Spirit-filled woman. My daddy, I never seen a man so full of the power as my daddy, but he died, Brother Branham." Sure, that didn't stop the quickening power. Moses had that quickening power. Do you believe that? There never was a man like him on the earth until Jesus. For he didn't only see visions; he talked face to face with God. Even a prophetess, Miriam, disputed his word one day. He said, "Don't you fear God? Consider my servant, Moses. There's not nobody in the world like him this hour. There's never been anybody like Moses. I speak to Moses. What did he ever say that wasn't true. See? I speak to Moses. Don't you fear God? Don't you say a word against him." And right then she was stricken with leprosy and was dying. She didn't live very long afterwards. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 31-1 Moses prayed for her, and Moses climbed upon the mountain at a hundred and twenty years of ministry--or eighty years of ministry, hundred and twenty years of life, climbed up on the mountains, and died, and was buried in the valley. But that quickening power was on him. About eight hundred
years later, here he's standing on Mount Transfiguration. Amen. What was he? He was included in that resurrection. Sure he was. He had the quickening power of God. Here he was standing. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 31-2 Looky. Job, Abraham, Isaac, the saints on the day of the resurrection, that great morning; and Job and all of them knew that would come when He said, "I know my Redeemer liveth." Hundreds and hundreds of years before Christ... It's actually the book of Job was wrote before Genesis, they claim: the oldest book in the Bible. And in his trials and--like we go through now... And his wife even, the closest thing to him on earth, said, "Why don't you curse God and die the death?" He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman. The Lord gave, the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord," and then when the Spirit of God come upon him, and he begin to prophesy, he said, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days, He will stand upon this earth; though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." And he made a place to bury himself. He said, "If I buy this ground," and he bought there and buried hisself. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 31-4 Later on come a man named Abraham. (The church growing, coming on up.) Abraham, well now, he had the potentials of God too: Everlasting Life, Eternal, because God called him. Now, notice, when he died or Sarah died, he bought a piece of ground in Palestine near Job's grave and buried Sarah. Abraham died and also was buried with Sarah. Abraham begot--begot Isaac, and Isaac, when he died he slept with Abraham in the same portion of ground. Now, when Isaac begot Jacob, Jacob died way down in Egypt, but being a prophet now with this potential, this quickening power, he said, "Don't you bury me down here, Joseph. Come here, my prophet son. Put your hand upon this hip that God crippled. Swear to the God of heaven you'll not bury me down here." What was in that man? Why wasn't Egypt just as good as any place? He was a prophet. He knowed where that resurrection was going to be. Wasn't going to be in Egypt, but be in Palestine. Said, "Put your hands upon my crippled hip, and you swear by the God that I've served (You're my prophet son.) that you'll not bury my bones down here. Take me up yonder and bury me." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
32-1 Joseph, being a prophet, also laid his hands upon his crippled daddy, said, "I swear to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I'll not bury you here." They took him up and buried him in that land. Why? Why? When Joseph died, he said, "Don't you bury me down here. Don't bury me down here." Why? God's God everywhere, but He has a plan. Joseph was a prophet. He said, "Someday (Listen at his words.) the Lord God will visit you and will take you out of this land, and when you go, you take my bones." That quickening power was in them bones. Oh, if the Spirit of Him that raised up Christ from the dead dwell in you, He will also quicken your mortal bodies. Don't put my bones down here. Bury them up there. But those of the promise, when Jesus come... EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 32-3 Here I've got a Scripture here, Matthew 27:51, when Jesus raised from the dead, Job seen that coming, said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. The last days He will stand upon this earth. Though the skin worms has destroyed this body, yet in my flesh I will see God. I'll Him." They knowed that was a prophet. Abraham was a prophet. Isaac was a prophet. Jacob was a prophet. Joseph was a prophet. And they had the revelation of God according to His Word. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 32-5 On that Easter morning when that One came and redeemed all those who'd believed on Him, they raised too, according to the Bible. That quickening power come into the grave of Job, where there wasn't even a spoonful of the dust of his bones left. After all those hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of years, his bones had decayed and had went back--and turned back to the gases of the earth. And just a mere ash dust laid there. But yet, when that's quickening power--according to the Word of God to the promise, hundreds and hundreds, yes, thousands of years later, when that quickening power would brought forth from the grave, Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all of them come out of the grave with Him. The Bible said so. St Matthew the 27th chapter and the 51st verse it said, many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth resurrected and come out of the graves with Him when He come up on Easter morning. Why? They had that potential. They had that quickening power (See?), and raised up from the dead, and went with Him in the resurrection, enjoying the resurrection with Him, because they were full of that quickening power. They had that genuine Easter Seal. "Well," you say, "I wished I lived back in the Old Testament." Wait a minute. In I Thessalonians the 4th chapter the 16th verse I want you to read that. "I
would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that sleep, that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again the third day (not makebelief, but we believe it), even so them that sleep in Him shall God bring with Him." The New Testament saints with that quickening power shall resurrect also at His second coming, just as sure as the Old Testament saints with all that quickening power upon their bones, and translations, and powers, and so forth that showed of God. Them prophets, who the Word of God came to, they resurrected with Him on that resurrection morning. And with the promise of God, that everyone that's in Christ Jesus will also come with Him in His resurrection: the quickening power of God upon the bones. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 33-5 No wonder we lay hands on the sick. No wonder we love one another. We're brothers and sisters. We shouldn't hate one another because we're corrected by the Word of God. We should love one another and have respects for one another. You know, if you don't, it won't help you. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 33-6 There's a little fellow setting right here in this--under this church now. A few days ago... That man believes. A little old boy had a cancer on his ear, and he wouldn't say nothing about it. He's working up there at the house. I'd been on a hunting trip with him, up there with the Mosley brothers and Brother Dawson here. We was up here hunting. Brother William's son... And I happened to look over on his ear, and I seen his ear all swolled up. And I said, "What's the matter, Donovan, that ear?" He said, "Brother Branham, it's been on there for a long time. I don't know." I just mis--caught him by the hand there. That was a big cancer on his ear. Never said one word, just held it. It was off my brother. In a day or two after that there wasn't even a scar left of it. It was his respect to the God of heaven by His quickening power killed that cancer and spared the life of Donovan Weerts back there. That's right. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 34-1 What is these things? Looky here, people here in Phoenix. Look at you people who's believed in this. Look at the people who has this, that lays their hands upon you. Watch what happens. It's quickening power. "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick..." That quickening power, eagle to eagle, something's going to take place.
Now, a eagle to a buzzard won't work. Eagle to eagle raises from the barnyard to the heavenlies. "These signs shall follow them that believe," when they're both in belief. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 34-3 See that same quickening power of God represented in these two prophets, Elijah and Elisha. Notice, the same word, one of them is catch up and the other one is caught up: catch up and caught up. See? He was caught up; we'll be catch up--catch up with them, meet them in the air; be caught up to meet them in the air. Notice, a bird has to have two wings to balance itself. That right? Elijah was a translating wing: Elijah. Elisha was a resurrection wing. See, both of them together representing the saints that are living and the saints that are gone on. Remember, quickened to see the past the curtains. How these people were quickened back there to look past the curtain and see down in this time. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 34-6 Those prophets... Look at Paul. He said in the last days how these people would be acting and calling themselves Christians. He was a prophet, full of the quickening power, foresaw it coming to pass. We believe that, don't we? He received quickening power. Look at the quickening power today foretelling things without one event missing. Not one time does it fail. Quickening power: not the power of a man, the power of God, the power, the abstract of Easter, the resurrected Jesus has sent back the abstract to guarantee us that we're already quickened with Him. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 34-8 Notice, you remember the little book, the Business Men here, "Looking a-Past the Curtain of Time"... I begin to get older, knowing my days are getting shorter, and I get real... I play that little piece that them ladies sang awhile ago. I've had it for about eighteen, twenty years now, "I Want To Talk It Over, Lord." You get out there and go to praying, then that quickening power comes. I'm rested up. And I looked up there, and I said, "Looky yonder." I remember that morning being caught a-past, and my wife setting back there, laying on the same bed with me that morning. And I was raised up and looked up, and there she was asleep. I said, "If I'm going to do anything for the Lord, you'd better hurry up, boy, you're past fifty." Then the Holy Spirit caught me away. And I looked over there and I seen those saints, just as certain I'm standing here by this desk, with this sacred Book laying here, and a minister of the Gospel.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 35-2 Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? If I did, I want you to tell me about it. Every time, hasn't it been perfectly at the platform? Every time hasn't it happened just like He said? This was THUS SAITH THE LORD. I stood there and looked over in that time, and I seen tens of thousands times thousands coming, young men and women running, throwing their arms around me, screaming. I looked right back and seen myself laying on the bed. Oh, Lord, let me look a-past the curtain of time. What is it? It's quickening power that'll catch us away: that great quickening power. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 35-4 The quickening power come in this last days. That's what I'm in Arizona for right now. There's many people setting right here, stood right here in Phoenix and heard me tell you from this very platform, THUS SAITH THE LORD. (How many remembers it?) Now, goes... Something's fixing to happen. I saw seven angels come. Didn't "Life" Magazine pack it, just a fog of It floated across here twentyseven miles high and thirty miles across. Is not Fred Sothmann and these others, Gene Norman and them setting back there, stood right there when them seven Angels appeared right there on the hill? It shook the hills for miles around like that. There stood seven Angels and throwed a sword in a hand and said, "Go home and open these Seven Seals that are given." And here they are, the true mystery of marriage and divorce, and the serpent's seed, and all these things that's been fussed about. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. What is it? The quickening power coming to the church, making her ready in this hour that we're approaching: quickening power. Oh, God help us to receive it. Help us to believe it. See? Just depends on what attitude you take to It whether It's going to do you any good or not though. See, you have to believe that. If you don't believe it, it won't do you one bit of good. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 36-1 How old Samuel stood there before that people and said, "Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? Did I ever beg you for your money to live on?" "No, but we want the king anyhow." That's the way the church is today. They want their own ideas. They won't pay a bit of attention to you. They walk right around. Well, it just goes to show the quickening power is not there.
"Oh," you say, "Well, I spoke in tongues." "I jumped; I shouted." That's all fine, but if that quickening power is there, you'll recognize. Like that little eagle, that's his mamma. That's the Word, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's what God promised. That's what was foretold. That's exactly what happened. We're beyond any shadow of doubt, potentially in the resurrection right now, the saints getting ready to be taken up in the air. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 36-3 So Jesus, so full of this quickening power, said, "If you can destroy this temple that took you forty years, you thought, to build, I'll raise it up in three days." Why? Why could Jesus say that? I want to ask you. Why could Jesus say a thing like that? He knew that He was... Amen. I wished I could make that stick. He knew Who He was. He knew that every word God had wrote in there of Him, He'd fulfilled it. He knew He was the One David spoke of. Do you know you're the one the Bible speaks of? Do you know your position is in Christ? If you're in Christ, you're a new creature. Do you know this Word is just like everyday living to you. Why, sure. It's yours. You are an eagle; that's your food. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 36-6 He knew that by the power of God He would do it, because it was prophesied He would do it. That's the reason He wasn't scared to say, "Destroy this temple. I'll raise it up in three days." Because David said, "I'll not leave His soul in hell. Neither will I suffer my holy One to see corruption." He knowed not one cell of His body would corrupt, and it corrupts in seventy-two hours. He said, "Destroy this temple. I'll raise it up again in three days." Why? He was so full of that quickening power that quickened every word. He looked back and seen every word God wrote of Him and prophets said, He'd fulfilled it. He knowed that would be fulfilled too. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 37-1 Now, every word that God said, has your spirit said, "Amen" to it, and it's been fulfilled in your life as a believer? Do you hold back on something and say, "Well, my church teaches different"? Then be careful, hawk. Notice, eagles believe. There's no question to them; they believe it.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 37-2 Notice, now He knew it would happen because the Word said it was, and every word wrote of Him had to be fulfilled. He knew that it was written by the power of God by the holy prophets that had prophesied that He would do so, and prophecy never fails. It cannot. The Word of God can't fail. And it is written in the--by the Spirit that... And now, also the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, if It dwells in your being, your body, It will also quicken your mortal body. Then shoot it, burn it, do anything you want to; make fun of it, tear it down, turn it down; do what you want to, God will raise it up, for He said He would. Every saint of God has that promise in him, knows that that's the truth. So fear not, brother, we already in the Easter. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 37-4 Look now at transfiguration just before we close: transfiguration. We're all represented there in transfiguration. Look what we are seeing today. Notice just what we're seeing today, the quickening power of God. We was all there. There was the dead saints represented in Moses. There was the resurrection and Jesus Christ glorified. Elisha, Moses, Elijah, and Jesus all standing on the mountain: the dead saints, the raptured saints, and Jesus glorified. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 37-6 Oh, my. What do you say... I heard a guy say the other day, "You people, why, if you have this kind of power, you ought to go out and tell people what you can do." Far be it from a real Christian saying a thing like that. See? Surely, we don't claim no power to... but we do one thing. When they looked around with all this power upon them, they saw Jesus only; and the real true believer don't care whether he's backing up a denomination or nothing about it. He only wants one thing: for you to see that glorified Christ. Makes any difference, a real true Mount Transfiguration experience only glorifies Jesus Christ. He didn't glorify Moses, didn't glorify Elijah, didn't glorify themselves, didn't glorify nothing else, but they seen the glorified Christ; and any true believer, that's what's in his heart: to glorify Jesus Christ. That's what He's trying to get the people to see. Not say, "Well, if you come and join our groups... If you come do this or do that..." Oh, don't do that. Don't do that. See God's Word, which is Christ magnified
and fulfilled the promise of this day, in this great hour of resurrection... Notice, and it gives them joy to know that we are with Him, of flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. What a joy. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 38-1 That's the only thing that a real believer cares about. They don't care about a denomination. They don't care about an organization. They don't care about what the other women think. They don't care; certainly not. They won't do these things that the--these other women do. They... These men won't do them things. They won't hang and baby around with some organization to keep from being putting out and afraid they won't have a meal ticket. They don't care about them things; It's nonsense to them. There's only one heart's desire, that is to Jesus Christ glorified. Their conduct must be with God. It must absolutely, nothing else but just the glory of Jesus Christ. And what is Jesus? The Word. That right? Now, notice, and seeing His same vindicated method proving His resurrection... EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 38-4 Now, what is it? Seeing your life by His promised Word that He said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, proving that He's still alive. I don't care if every door in the country's closed to me. That time... My, as I said I was fifty-six the other day. I could be snapped out; I'm at the heart attack age. I'm in all this other age and everything else. Well, what difference? It didn't make any difference to me when I was a kid. It don't make any difference now what hour my number is called, and my card out of the rack. I don't care if they ever knowed I ever lived on the earth. It don't make me no difference. You don't have to have no big monuments and big buildings to say that I was here on earth. But there's one thing that I want them--them all to know: that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and in my heart I hold His abstract. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 38-5 I know that someday, although I may be drowned in the sea, I may be killed in Africa; I don't know what'll happen to me. But one thing I know: I hold the abstract. Hallelujah. Every door could be closed. That don't make a bit of difference to me. I'm not trying to glorify some man, or some organization, nor myself, or none of the groups, or nothing else. I want people to see Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and His Spirit lives. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 39-1 No wonder Jesus said, "Fear not. I am He that was dead, but I'm alive forevermore." For now we are redeemed by Him and are risen with Him, and are now, not will be, setting in heavenly places in Him. Now, when we have this Spirit in us, the Abstract, shows that all of the doubts has been stricken off. What? Christ lives: not I live, not me, Christ lives in me. Not you live, but Christ lives in you, because His living Word lives in you, showing that all of the accounts of all your Methodists, and Baptists, and Pentecostal ideas and everything else is stricken off in Jesus Christ. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 39-3 Like on Mount Transfiguration, all the prophets and everything else is finished. All the days of the Lutheran, the Methodists, the Presbyterians, they're all right, but "This is My beloved son. Hear ye Him," the Word of this hour, the hour of the seals, when all the mysteries back yonder that's been hid all these years, since that great pyramid of time was stricken off the headstone, making honed down, so that the star of David will settle into its place, and the great church of the living God will be raised like the wings of an eagle, packed out yonder into glory. Yes, in now, in now in our bodies, speaking with new tongues, and prophesying, and foreseeing, laying hands on the sick, and they recover. The world dead and all the things of the world, we've passed from death unto life, and we now hold the power. Hallelujah. On that resurrection morning when deaths seals will be broken, we shall rise. Hallelujah. We shall rise. Amen. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 39-4 There ain't enough devils in hell to keep us from doing it. We were foreordained of God for this hour. The Word of God manifests Itself right through us, and we live in the Presence of God, by the Word promise of God. There ain't a devil in hell can keep me from raising. There ain't a door he could shut in my face on that morning. The seals has been broken. Hallelujah. I'm free. I'm an eagle. I'm no longer in a cage, but I'm free. I've raised from the dead into the new Life of Jesus Christ, not only me, but every man, woman, boy, or girl setting here that's been filled into that Spirit of God is a new creature in Christ, and you are a eagle. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
40-1 We are alive today and enjoying the resurrection forevermore. Because He lives, we are alive also. And He's living us, making us alive, and the Spirit that raised Him from the dead dwelling in our beings shall quicken our mortal bodies in that great eternal Easter. Glory to God. Oh, take the world. Take anything you want to, but give me Jesus. Amen. I love Him. He's all the world to me. And because that you are a part of Him, I am a part of you, and you are a part of me, and together we're a part of Him. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 40-3 Oh, Christian, what a opportunity we have. We have opportunities that St. Paul never dreamed of having. We have opportunities that Enoch, and Elijah, and all of them never had, the opportunities we have now. There's one little sheep out yonder somewhere, and He will not be satisfied till that one comes in the fold. By the help of God, and by a vision, and THUS SAITH THE LORD, I'm returning across the sea. That last little sheep may even be a black one down there, for all I know, where they don't even think they got a soul, but God knows different. I'm going to seek till the last day of my life to find that one, wherever it is. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 40-5 I hope I never have offended any of my brethren by saying these strict things. I... Not as that I don't want you to go to church, sure, I want you to go to church. You go to church wherever you're going. But just don't let that be your hope, saying, "Well, I belong to this," or "I belong to that." Oh, brother, sister, belong to Christ. Go to church, but belong to Christ. Amen. Let that--let that potential, if that isn't in you, quicken you right now to Life. Won't you just receive it now? This room's full of It. I feel It all over me. I know It's here: the power of God. The great Seer of visions, the great Foreteller that can tell the things that have never failed, the great One that can speak and no man can say it's "no." A man can open, and no man can shut. He that was dead is now alive, and alive today here in Phoenix walking amongst the newborn flowers. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 40-7 No wonder on that Easter morning little tear drops of dew was laying on every lily's cheek and every rose. Why? It knowed it was brought up through the ground, and somewhere there's an eternal flower blooming. It'll take its place someday. That's right.
No wonder joyful tears can run down our cheeks. No wonder our hearts quiver and shake, when we can feel that same transforming power coming into our lives and filling us. Even for letting us speak in a language that comes from heaven. We're so quickened up into His Presence there: prophesy, foresee, foretell, and everything hitting perfectly with the Word. If it's prophesying contrary to that, don't believe it; but if it's with the Word, it's already said, THUS SAITH THE LORD. "Fear not, I am He that was dead and alive forevermore." That is God's Easter Seal, that seals every letter of this Word into your heart. What is the seal? You are written epistles, read of all men. You know that. But when God has claimed you, He sealed you with the Easter Seal, that you are risen with Christ, and you are a new creature. If you haven't been sealed this morning, do so while we bow our heads. [A message in prophecy given by one in the congregation--Ed.]... Lord. You hear that? Think now, with your heads bowed. Romans 8:11; "If so be that the Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead be in you, It will also quicken your mortal bodies." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 41-4 What can we look forward to, people? What is there left? Look at Formosa and all the world, and atomic missiles and everything else just ready to strike the world, and just so nervous, scared, and screaming, and these movie mimics is on out there just telling all kinda jokes, just like a little boy going through the graveyard, whistling at night, trying to make the people believe that everything's all right. Don't you be deceived. The coming of the Lord is at hand. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 41-5 Did you notice the other day, a fisherman come up and told me (setting down yonder in the bay) that some kind of a rugged point or something other down here, how that long before that earthquake shook over in Greece, all the fish that usually feeds about that time of morning, they didn't feed. What was it? They wasn't on the surface. The second time it happened, the same thing took place. He knew right then something's going to happen, them fish wasn't feeding at that time. And all the gulls and things that feed on the fish, they quit feeding. That early in the morning, that's when they feed. They just set upon the bank, got away from the cliffs and things, for just in a few minutes the sea moss begin to boil up out of the earth off the sea bed. See, them fish knew it before it happened. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
42-1 Going into India, I read the paper: said, "The earthquake must be over." For days the little birds wouldn't come back to their nests in the rocks; the cattle wouldn't stand around the shelters, under the shade in the heat of the day. The sheep stood right out in the middle of the field and leaned against one another. They wouldn't go up around them rocks two or three days before the earthquake happened. Why? Them sheep knew it. They knew something was going to happen. Those birds knew something was going to happen. Those gulls knew something's going to happen. Those fish knew something's going to happen. It's the same God that led those animals into the ark. Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something's fixing to happen? Don't look for some great big universal something sweeping, nothing but the coming of the Lord Jesus. Remember, just remember the words and promise of the Lord. Won't you come on in right quick? Get away from them big walls. The resurrection is near at hand now. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 42-3 If there's somebody here that don't know that they'd go in that resurrection, and not sure that they've got that resurrection power resting in them... Though the skin worms destroy it, though an atomic bomb burst right in the middle of you, it'll never destroy that quickening resurrection power. No, no, sister, brother, your precious name is put on the Lamb's Book of Life up yonder. No man can rub it out. There isn't enough rubbing compounds in the world to rub your name from the Book there where His Blood has bought it. If you're not sure of that, don't--don't take a chance on it now. See? You might take a chance on running through a barricade somewhere and not get killed, but you're not going to run through this barricade. No, no, you're going to get it. You don't have to. There's a red light flashing now. Bypass, bypass your own ideas; bypass the things of the world. Come, let's be resurrected together in this great Easter time, the great celebration of the Easter. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 42-5 Can you celebrate it in your heart this week? If you can't would you just raise your hand to God, say, "God, I'm not sure of it. I don't know whether I could just do all of that or not. Will You help me? I'm going to raise my hand to You, Lord. Help me." God bless you. God bless you. That's good. "I--I want You, Lord. Help me. I--I want--I want to be raised. I--I want to be... I want to have the potentials right now. I want to know it's right. I want to know that it's right, Lord. I don't... I can't make no mis..." Don't want no mistake then. It ain't going to... It's going to be too late. Now, is the day. My, now is the day; don't wait. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
43-2 Not long ago I was preaching. An old colored man come back there to the back of the building and met me. He said--says, "Reverend, I wants to tell yuh. I says you's right." He said, "I done told the Lord a long time ago: I want my ticket in my hand that morning. I want to know that it's marked right." Said, "It's going to be a lot of trouble down there at the river." He said, "I--I'm comin' down to that river. I--I don't want no trouble there. I want to get it all straightened up right here." That's right. Got your visa? If you haven't got your visa... You may have a passport, but if you haven't got your visa, you can't enter the land. You know that. Have you got your--everything ready? If is isn't, right now's the time to do it. Fear not; if you're a little bit scared... Now, there's about maybe a hundred hands that went up in here, so if you're just a little bit scared, now let's just settle it. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 43-4 Now, I know we've had different ways. Some men say, "Come up and let me shake your hand." Others say, "Come up and kneel at the altar." Now, them's fine. I haven't got one word to say against it at all, not a thing. Anything they say... But let me just tell you my way. As many as believed... As many... Coming to the altar won't make you believe. Shaking hands with the minister won't make you believe. But if you're called of God and you're a eagle to begin with, just a scream tells you. You believe. If you really believe it, I'm going to pray with you. Could you imagine that little eagle stay in that barnyard any longer? No, no. Huh-uh, no, no. Don't stay here any longer, friend. Let's--let's rapture now. The grace of God is here to do It. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 43-6 Heavenly Father, we realize that we're coming down towards the closing hour. We haven't too long to be here now. Not as our age, but at the time. We believe there's a many a young person setting here, be living when this happens, and it may happen yet today. We don't know the minute or hour, but, Lord, You told us, "When you see these things taking place..." And they've been taking place now for a long time. We know we're way over according to the scientist. Six or seven years ago we was three minutes till midnight. We don't know how much time that is ticking on, but we know we're right there. O God, to have that assurance, to see that our heart punctuates every promise of God with "Amen!" To see that the Spirit Itself that's come into us, quickens our being... God, let my brethren see that this morning. Let my brethren see that. That that Spirit comes in and quickens to the Word. Let my sisters see the same thing, Lord. And then, if they see something that won't let them quicken to that Word, O God, may they get rid of it right quick. Grant it Father. It's all in Your hands now.
I know I've failed in many things and continue to fail, but Lord, I've done all I know how to do. Now, it's in Your hands. They're Yours in Jesus' Name. Receive them Father. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 44-2 Now, to you that's here and is needy of healing for your body... How many believers are here? Raise your hand. "I am a believer as far as I know in my heart." How many possess, you know beyond a shadow of doubt, that in your heart right now you've been raised from the dead? Oh, my, what could happen in a meeting like this then. I know I'm late, but what could happen right now? Just think of what could take place. The potentials is laying right in you. See, you with your hand up, you've took like--like an oath to God: "That I know that something's happened to me. I may not be right where I ought to be." Neither am I. No, sir, I'm a long ways from where I should be, but I know this one thing: I've passed from death to Life. I know something happened to me. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 44-4 Many... Not as an old man now, but many, many years ago it happened, and I know that day when I walked into that hospital when I had my great challenge... I'd seen my wife die, me calling for her life. "What have I done but stand on the street corner and preach and pray for the sick." And then Satan said, "Well, he won't answer your prayer." I seen her die, but I know that in her was that resurrection power. Them bones shall rise again. I seen my little baby lay there. And I laid my hand on it and said, "God, don't take it." Looked like He pulled the curtain down and said, "I won't even hear you no more." Satan said, "There it is, just one word." He knowed better than tell me there was no God, 'cause I knowed that. But he said He don't love me; He don't care for me. See, every reason and thing said, "You're just a young man, yet twenty years old. There lays your wife laying down yonder in a morgue, and here's your baby going there. If you... And just--you said he was a great healer and he's all this; and look what does He do? One word, he wouldn't even had to speak it, just look down there and say, just nod His head, that's all would take place. It'd be healed. But you see, he don't love you. He don't care for you. Letting your baby die right there now. And even refuse to hear your prayer in this dark hour." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410
45-1 Everything he said was absolutely the truth. He said, "What have you done? Work all day long till you couldn't hardly stand up, and then stand up all night till twelve and one o'clock standing on the street corners preaching, making calls to the hospital. Just come in and set down in a chair, set there and sleep an hour or two and go back to work again. Next night, the same thing. Here you are about twenty-one, twenty-two years old. Every friend, every young lady, every young man that you ever associated with, calls you a crazy crank. What have you done? You've made a fool out of yourself. Don't you see it?" I was just about ready to agree with him. Something down in me; that was that quickening power. I said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord." When all my hopes give way, Then He's all my hope and stay. For on Christ the... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... sinking sands, Oh, when He shall come with triumph sound, Then may I then be in--in Him be found... Wrapped in the robes of His righteousness, not in my own; I don't have any. Mine's filthy dirty rags. I'd hate to try to go to heaven on my preaching. I'd hate to try to go to heaven on my visions. I'm going to heaven because I hold His grace in my heart--His grace to me. That's why I'm going. That's how we go. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 45-4 Oh, friend, you're a part of this body. You're God's little children. Now, I'm saying this to build your hope. If you've found... If I've found favor with you, told you the truth, and what I've told you is-is... As the prophet said of years gone by... Not making myself His prophet, no, sir; but I'm telling you the truth. Has He ever said anything but what was right? I've knowed you now for some twenty something years here in Phoenix, since that song, "I'd Like to Talk It Over With Him" over at Brother Outlaw's church, I believe it was, and Brother Garcia. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what happened? EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 46-1 Remember, there's only one hope. Get this quickening power. It'll hold you when everything else has give away; it'll hold you. Some of them said, "Did you keep your religion, Brother Branham?" I said, "No, it kept me." It keeps me. I don't keep it. It ain't whether I hold on or not; it's whether He held on or not. He is what held on for me. He didn't have to.
Angels was setting in every tree, said, "Just pull your fingers loose; just point. You don't have to take it from the cross. Just point your finger and watch what..." See, that mocking bunch. But if He'd did that, I couldn't have had this testimony today. You couldn't have had it, but because He stayed to the cross, He held there, that's why I hold with Him. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other grounds are sinking sands. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 46-3 Now, if you're sick, will you lay your hands one another. Let's pray. Lay your hands on somebody by you. Regardless of what's wrong with you, have faith now. If I ever told you the truth, I tell you now. See? Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." And you're believers; you just raised your hands. Don't doubt. There's some poor suffering person that you got your hands on. Somebody's got their hands on you. Remember that quickening power, that power that raised up Jesus from the grave. Now, you have faith in what you've got in your--in your own body. It's going to help that person that's got your hands on. If it dwells in you, It'll also quicken your mortal bodies. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 46-5 Dear God, as I stand here this morning nearing the noonday time, when it's about this hour of the day when Jesus cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? ... I thirst." No wonder the prophet foresaw it and said, "All my bones they stare at Me; they pierced My hands and My feet. But He was numbered with the transgressors. But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace is upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed." We claim that this morning, God. We claim that. In the morning of this resurrection, notice this a-vindicated truth that I've told, Lord, from Your Word in the Presence of God. He is Judge, and we are witnesses that He's redeemed us, and in us lays, by the grace of God, that resurrecting power. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 47-1 And our friends are sick, the ones that the hands is laid upon. O God, we challenge the devil in the midst of our faith this morning, with hands laid upon the people, and me with my hands stretched over the people. Let every disease, every affliction that tries to hold the people in the presence of this vindicated truth, come out in the Name of Jesus Christ. May these people be made free today.
That the Bible, the Words of our God said, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 47-2 And our hands has been up in the air towards You, God. As every plant of the earth drinks at Your fountain, and as sure as that plant that's germitized drinks from Your fountain, it begins to build up. It begins to grow. The stalk of corn, the flower, whatever it is that's drinking in Your fountain grows up toward You. And this morning we've grown inches, Lord. We can reach up higher. We're drinking at Your fountain. We are Your creatures, with the resurrection power within us, Lord, and we pray that You'll hear our prayer for our brothers and sisters; and may every affliction that's hindering these dear people here that possesses this power, Lord, turn them loose so they can serve God. And it shall be well, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 47-3 Do you believe Him. To leave a thing like this, how can you do it? You just have to, looks like pull yourself away. Do you feel that way? I--I... It may just be me that I'm... But I have a feeling, just a strange feeling when I come among the people where you set together like this. I know somewhere invisible here, just like radio or television, whatever it is, passing through this room, Christ is in this room. Just think, our Redeemer. Tony, He's here. Amen. And who could be any happier than people who possess with Bible evidence of every Word of God being made manifest to see even to angels and His Being as they have through the--the ages, and hear the words of the seers predicted it, and it happened just exactly. And here we are at the eve of His coming. Oh, what a wonderful time. We'll see Him. One of these days He'll be here. Until He does come, will you pray for me? EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 47-4 I've got dangerous perils in front of me. I know it. See? And I meet with heathens who'd shoot you the same as taking a drink of water. And you're just paid for it; you come on their grounds; devils that have challenged you on the Bible just as easy, but I've never seen the time but what our God won the victory. I go in His Name, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Hope of Eternal Life, the Resurrection and the Life. "He that liveth and believeth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." I believe that to be God's eternal Word. Do you believe the same? Will you pray for me? I'll pray for you.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 48-2 May God watch over us until we meet again. Now, let us stand up to our feet just a moment. Got anything you want to say? Let us bow our heads. It just wouldn't be right for us not to sing this little song, would it? You remember our song, "I Love Him"? Is that in every heart? Let's just sing it. Sister dear, would you... I want to say I appreciate your playing too, sister. All right. I love Him, I love Him, Because He first loved me, And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. Now, we're going to change the song. My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine! Now, hear me while I pray, Oh, take all my guilt away, Oh let me from this day Be wholly thine! EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 48-3 Doesn't that do something to you? How many likes that real hard... I like jubilee songs, sure I do but when you're in a Spirit of worship, don't you love those old sweet hymns? I believe the Holy Spirit moved upon Eddie Perronett and them that wrote those grand old songs. Don't you believe that? Fanny Crosby when she wrote. Pass me not, my--O gentle Saviour, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou are calling, Do not pass me by. Thou the stream of all my comfort,
More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Or whom in heaven but Thee. Isn't that wonderful? That makes us want to sing, "I Love Him," doesn't it? Now, while we sing this time, "I Love Him," let's... We love one another. If we don't love one another, then we can't love Him. Now, let's just shake one another's hand, just stand and just reach across the table somewhere and shake hands with one another. I... (...?...) And purchased my salvation, On Calvary's tree. EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 49-2 Let us bow our heads now. I'm going to ask Brother Williams, young Brother Williams, to come here just a moment. I'm going to ask him if he'll dismiss this audience in prayer. I love Brother Williams, a young Christian, that I think is truly a servant of Christ, his little family. I have a lot of fellowship with these and those precious Mosley boys, and all of them. We're been together, and so many of my dear friends here in Phoenix that I love with all my heart. And I think that morning in that vision, He said, "All that you ever loved and all that loves you, God has given you." EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX.AZ V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ 65-0410 49-3 Believe someone here repenting of their sins: down on the floor, a young lady crying. Let's just bow our heads a moment for her. Dear God, is that that little sheep that was left in Phoenix? I don't know, God; You know. But someday it will be. But, Father, this no doubt is one, so I pray that You help her just now. Sweetly open up the gate, say, "Come, child of Mine. Come in from the tired weary road. You've been stumbling out there in the dark. I come out today to get you. It's My Spirit that's speaking to you and bringing you into the fold now." Grant it, God. May this young woman just at the crossroads of life... "He that will hear My Word and believe on Him that sent Me has Everlasting Life." Grant it, dear God, to this young Christian. "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out." While saints are standing over the young woman praying, remember even Paul who was stoned so bad that he was dying, and when the stain-saints stood over him and prayed, life come back; because in the bodies of those saints was that quickening power that brought the spirit of life back to St. Paul. God, it can certainly pray the prayer of death out of
the--or the death our of the person by the prayer of faith to life. Grant it, dear God. Bless us now as we wait upon Thee. In Jesus Christ's Name, we pray. Now, with your heads bowed, I'm going to ask Brother Williams... RISING OF THE SUN JEFF IN 65-0418M V-3 N-12 RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 1-1 ...?... bow our heads. Lord, as we gather here this fine Easter morning, see the little buds pressing their way out, the bees flying in and getting their portion, the birds singing like their hearts would burst with joy, because there is an Easter, we believe that You raised up Jesus from the dead many years ago today, and we celebrate this memorial day. And let there come an Easter among us all today. May we, as His servant, understand His Word, that we were in His fellowship then, and that now that we are risen with Him and setting together in heavenly places. Bless the service here in the tabernacle and across the lands where it goes by this telephone. Heal all the sick and the afflicted. May it be a Easter for them also and an exodus from sickness unto strength. And those who are dead in sin and trespass, may they live today through Christ. And we'll praise Thee, for we ask it in His Name. Amen. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 1-5 I certainly deem this a marvelous privilege this morning to be back here in Jeffersonville, Indiana, with this great congregation, the church packed and standing in the--round and outside and in the lots and everywhere. To you people on the phones across the nation, it's a beautiful morning here. Five o'clock this morning, my little friend with a red breast flew up at the window and woke me up. Seemed like his little heart would burst saying, "He is risen." I've always thought of this little bird as being a friend to me because I like him. As the legend about him says, a little brown bird saw Him suffering on the cross where sin had placed Him. Of course, the little bird had no sin; He didn't have to die for the little bird; but he flew in to the cross and tried to pull the nails out with his little beak, and he got his breast all red. And that's the way I want mine too, as this shield of trying to protect this glorious thing that He died for.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 1-8 Realizing that our time is limited here, especially for those friends who are listening in by this telephone, I would like to call your attention this morning to a--a picture that some time ago was taken by the camera of a vision that I had here at the Tabernacle of leaving Indiana to Arizona, where I was to meet in the form of a pyramid, seven Angels. Not knowing what would happen, later when I got there, thinking it was the end of my life, that no one could stand the blast... (And I'm sure all of you are acquainted with the story.) And then in Sabino Canyon one morning like this, while in prayer, there had been a sword placed in my hand and said, "This is the Word and--the Sword of the Word." Later the Angels appeared as was prophesied. And at the same time, a great cluster of--of Light left to where I was standing and moved thirty miles high in the air and around the circle, like the wings of the Angels, and drawed into the skies a shape of a pyramid in the same constellation of Angels that appeared. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 2-2 Science took the picture all the way from Mexico as it moved from northern Arizona, where the Holy Spirit said I would be standing (forty miles northeast of Tucson). And it went into the air, and "Life" magazine packed the pictures: a mystic something way in the spheres where there can be no moisture, where there can be no evaporations of anything, thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across and coming right up from where those Angels were. Now, they asked to know (science); the--one of them at Tucson wanted to know any significance, but I didn't tell them. You all knew it told beforehand, but it wasn't for them; it was for you. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 2-4 And so there He spoke to me and said, "The Seven Seals will be opened. The seven mysteries, sevenfold mystery of the Bible that's been closed up since the foundation of the world will be revealed." And we, yet a humble little group compared with all the world, we've enjoyed these blessings and hearing those mysteries: Marriage, Divorce, Serpent's Seed. All those different questions has been completely revealed to us, not by man but by God Himself, that's opened those seven mysteries of what the church was, how it was in Christ at the beginning, and how it would be revealed in the last day. And now, as this went up... We have the picture outside on the plaque. But then... I have the picture laying present here, if you notice it as "Life" magazine had it. But I wonder if my audience visible here has ever really looked at the picture (See, see?) in the way it should be?
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 3-1 You remember, I was preaching when this vision came, upon the subject of the Book of the Revelations where the old judges, where we seen Jesus in Revelations 1. When we started to open the Seven Seals--or the--or the church ages, rather, just prior to the opening of the Seven Seals, Christ was standing with hair like wool, white; and I described that to you that the old English judges and judges of long ago, when they went to the bench to be sworn in, their supreme authority was given them; they wore a white wig, as it was, over their heads to show their supreme authority. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 3-2 Well, if you'll turn the picture like this and look (and you can probably see it from the audience), it's Christ. See His eyes looking here just as perfect as it could be, wearing the white wig of supreme Deity and Judge of all heavens and earth? Can you see His eyes, nose, His mouth? Just turn the picture from this (the way they had it), this a-way, the way it's supposed to be. And you... Can you see it? He is supreme Judge; there's none other but Him. And that is a perfect identification again, a vindication that this Message is the truth. It is true. And making Him, not a third person, but the only Person with the white... See, you see the dark, His face, His beard, and His eyes? And notice, He's looking; from Him comes this Light shining on the right-hand side to which He's looking to. And on the cross that's where He looked, to the right, where He pardoned the sinner. In the light of His resurrection we still go forth in His Name. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 3-4 I wish, this morning, that I had just--much time to--to spend upon these phenomenas, that's beyond any shadow of doubt been proven for the past thirty years--or thirty-five years right here at this church, since down on the river when that same Light came down here in Jeffersonville in 1933 and spoke those words: "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the second." We're at the end time. And we see it. We wonder sometimes why it hasn't spread over the earth; maybe sometime we'll have a chance to explain that, if God willing. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 4-1 Now, I want you to turn in--in your Bibles, as we always believe that the Word must come first-of the reading of the Word. I always read That, because It... My words is the word of a man; it will fail, but the Word of God can never fail. Now, we're going to--to read from the Holy Scriptures, a text. And we want you to turn first to three places in the Bible that I have chosen to read from. One of them is in Revelations the 1st chapter and the
17th and 18th verse. This is where He appeared with His hair white as wool, and His feet was like brass. And then I want you also to get in your Bibles, Romans 8:11. And I've chosen, this morning, three places to read from the Holy Scriptures for my message today, that the Lord has placed upon my heart for the resurrection. And then I want you to also, Mark 16:1 and 2, and there I will draw my--my context. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 4-3 Now, in Revelation 1:18, we read these words: 17 and 18: And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; for I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of death and... hell. And in Romans the 8th chapter and the 11th verse we read this: But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. And now in Mark the 16th chapter (the chapter of the resurrection)--the 16th chapter, the 1st and 2nd verses: And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, the mother--and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had brought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 4-6 Now, my text this morning, I want to take for a text: "It Is The Rising Of The Sun," and for a subject I want to use the Quickening Power. Now, you know, you perhaps have been hearing the radio and the different ministers speak, and our noble Brother Neville this morning speaking his Easter subject on the resurrection. And I thought maybe I would take it a--a little different path, not to be different, but just to add a little more, maybe in another angle. For you... The Scriptures, every angle you go with the Scriptures It always declares Jesus Christ. You cannot get away from it any way, It always declares Him. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M
5-2 Now, as the world today in a--a memorial service (or at least in United States and this side of the earth, this morning in the churches and throughout) is celebrating a memorial of--of the greatest triumph that man ever had. I think as Saviour when He died, or as an infant when He was born... (He could not have been here lest being--coming into the earth.) And when He died, certainly He atoned for our sin. But yet, there's been many fine, little babies born, and there's been many men who have suffered and died for a real cause, but there never was one that could raise hisself up again until this day. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 5-4 Now, that it is the greatest week in history, the greatest celebration of all times, this Easter is where He proved what He had said. Man can say things, but yet it isn't exactly can be believed upon thoroughly, until it's been proved to be the truth. And as God, Who said, "Prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good," He would not tell you to do something that He would not do Himself. So He prove Who this was that died for our sins. And now, not only is it a memorial day of all these great Easter flowers, and Easter bonnets, and pink rabbits, and so forth, that we've got into, and holy celebrations, which is all right; but this is not the real thing in that way. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 5-6 As people today are trying to say, we should wash feet once a year on--on Thursday, and on Friday we should take the communion, and all different doctrines of... They argue about whether it should be this day or that day, or whether it should be a sabbath day or the first day of the week or... All these things are just merely tradition. What good would any of it do you, whether you had Lent or not Lent, if there's no Life in you. It's only a memorial, which there's nothing against it, but they have certainly carried out their traditions but left off the main thing. Satan doesn't care how religious you are, or how right you are in your doctrine; if you miss that Life, you're won't come up anyhow. No matter how religious, how good, how many churches you've belonged to or will belong to, it doesn't matter one thing unless you have been born again. Therefore, if God raised up Jesus from the dead, did He raise Him up for a memorial, and is this resurrection morning only a--a one day in the year or a certain day that we celebrate this, or are we benefactors of His resurrection? What does it mean to me? What does it mean to you? Now, we believe by faith that He raised from the dead, but what has that got to do with me? That was two thousand years ago.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 6-3 Now, to find this text, as I was tired, and my arm hurting me from shots that the nurse gave me for... Leave overseas now, as you know, in a few days, and I must have these shots, son and I; and with cholera, yellow fever and everything, I was pretty weary, making me sick; which Caesar requires to have these shots before you go into the other nations. And He said, "Give Caesar that which is Caesar's, but then, give God that which is God's." And as I was setting there wondering what would I speak to this waiting audience this morning (which I am very thankful for), and men and women who would lay their life on the line for what you would say, how should I do it? What should I take for a text? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 6-4 And then, while I was setting there almost asleep, my door rattled out on the front side of the house. Nobody being there but myself, as far as I knew, I listened; I didn't get it just right. After while, the den room door, where I have turned into my study, it rattled; and someone kept shaking the door. And I--I went to the door and opened the door, and to my surprise a--a pretty, little, yellow-haired, blue-eyed girl stood there; looked like a little Easter flower (that's setting here looking at me now). She handed me a card, and it was the ('course, I guess when I get home there'll be Easter cards and so forth, but...) the only one, being leaving home, that I'd received. And she said, "Brother Branham, this is from daddy and me." She wanted to be sure that "me" was in it. And her arthritic father setting in a wheelchair had sent this card. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 7-1 When I took it and thanked the little darling, as she turned and walked away from the door, I opened up the card; and in the form of this card I drew my text, for on the card was the St. Mark 16:1 and 2: "Sun-up--the sun was rising." And then I thought of that and then the subject of the quickening of Jesus Christ to be raised up from the dead, I drew my subject. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 7-3 Now, the sun, at this rising of the sun... Well, there was a time when the world was laying in utter darkness. It was without form and was void, and it was all covered with water, and was laying there in the dark, dismal, gloomy atmosphere. And the Spirit of God moved upon that water and said, "Let there be light." God had a reason to do that, for down beneath that water there was seeds that He had planted, and it had to have that sunlight to make it live. And the first Light was ever given in the earth was God's
spoken Word. The first Light that ever struck the earth was God's spoken Word; He said, "Let there be light." And there was light, that turned darkness into light in order to bring forth a creation of joy and life upon the earth. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 7-5 Then the Spirit of God, as It moved with love and compassion at that great day, the first day of the dawn of creation upon the earth, the sun rose and swept across (its rays) and dried up the waters from the earth and made an atmosphere above; and for its first time it was to bring joy and life to the earth by a seed. That was a great hour. But oh, it wasn't nothing, that sunrise, like the sunrise on that Easter morning. This time, with the sun leaping into the skies, it brought forth a greater sunrise then ever; because it came greater news with this sunrise, than it did with the sunrise at the beginning. This sunrise brought a news that "He is risen. He is quickened from the dead as He's promised. He's risen from the dead." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 7-7 The first time the sun rose in Genesis, it was bringing a message that there will be life upon the earth: mortal life. But this time when the sun rose, there was a--a dual sunrising, another sunrising. It was a not only s-u-n rising, it was a S-o-n had risen to bring Eternal Life to all God's promised seed, that by foreknowledge He's seen laying upon the earth. No more could the--the botany life live back there at the beginning without the s-u-n to bring it to life; no more than today, when sons of God is upon the earth, it take the S-o-n Light to bring them to Eternal Life. His chosen ones that He knew before the foundation of the world, He had chosen them in Himself before the foundation of the world. And on Easter morning then, in this dirt somewhere, laid our bodies at that time, for we are the dust of the earth; and in heaven there was a book of memory, and His attributes was in Him, knowing that because this Son of God raised, It would also raise to Life every son that was foreordained to this great time. He knew it would be, and what a more glorious sunrise that was than it was at the beginning, at time when it first dawn. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 8-2 Now, on this great breaking of the Easter Seal... Now, today we have a tuberculosis Easter seal. People sends a message one to the other, and to support this great fund or drive for the doctors and medical science to work upon something to retire or to help the tuberculosis, they are seal--what we call an Easter seal, when we send message one to another...
But when we receive the message, that seal is broken, because the seal is what's got a message bound on the inside. And now, the true Easter Seal on this sunrise was broken, and the secret of Life after death was revealed. Before that time we didn't know; the world groped in darkness, groped around man's suspicion. Theories was among man's hearts, traditions, made up. Men worshipped idols; they worshipped the sun; they worshipped all kinds of gods. And all kinds of people that made claims, they all went into the grave, and they stayed in the grave. But the real Seal had been broken, and One, Who once lived as we live, died as we will die, was risen from the dead. What a morning, never one like it in all the history of the world. The secret was made known that He was both Resurrection and the Life. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 8-4 Then He said when He come forth on that morning, "Because I live, you live also." Not only was He the beneficiary of the resurrection, but all those Seed that was resting in God's great providence was a benefactor of that resurrection to Life, because He said, "Because I live, ye shall live also." That was the breaking of the Seal. Because He was brought up, so will every one that's in Christ be brought up with Him. At this glorious sunrise God had proven or vindicated His Word. All the glooms and doubts that had moved in people's minds was taken away, because here was He Who once lived, eat, drink, and fellowship with mankind that said, "I have power to lay My life down, and I have power to raise it up again." And now, not only had He made the statement, but He proved it to be the truth. Oh, what a glorious thing that is. I'm sure this morning that even we, who believe it, cannot comprehend what a great thing that was. Because He raised from the dead, we also have already raised from the dead, for we were in Him. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 9-2 Notice now, as the gloom covered the earth and the seeds could not live without the s-u-n to rise; and gloom had covered the earth, and now, the S-o-n was risen and all gloom was vanished by this Light, as It spread across a--the nations to the people that "He is not here, but He has risen." What a--what a statement. He had proved His Word; He had proved it be--to be true, for He had now conquered death, hell, and the grave, the trinity of the devil: death, hell, and the grave. For Satan is the author of death; he is the possessor of hell and also the grave. And that was the trinity of Satan, being caused by one thing, that was death--death you go with the grave and being a sinner you go to hell. All the very... One thing, the trinity of Satan, which was death that had held man in captivity all these years, but now, the true trinity of God being One, manifested in Christ, Who was Life, and had broke the Seals and conquered the enemy and rose up the one, true, and living God. "I am He that was dead, and I'm alive forevermore and have the keys of death and hell."
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 9-4 God in One, made man and dwelled among us, and conquered every enemy, and had proved that the trinity of Satan was conquered, and that the trinity of God was made known, 'cause only God alone had power to bring life back again. He was that Immanuel. God had been manifested in the flesh. No wonder He could claim there, Matthew the 27th chapter, "All powers in heaven and earth is given into My hands. I send you to be My witnesses to all the world." He had conquered both death, hell, and the grave. Not only did He do that and come out triumph with all the power in heavens and the earth, all that was the Father, all that was the Holy Ghost, and all that there ever was, was in Him. "All powers in heaven and in earth is given unto Me." Everything else is powerless; He had conquered it. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 10-1 Now, and then not only that, He sent word to His disciples, His believing, "Fear not, for I am He that was dead and is alive again forevermore. And I have the keys to death and hell; I've already conquered it." Don't fear anymore, for every foreordained, predestinated Seed of God shall come to Life when that Light spreads across the earth of the glorious Gospel. In every age it'll bring forth the crop that God ordains it to do. He has raised from the dead. Oh, what a wonderful thing that is. "I am alive"--or quickened. The word means, the word "quickened," the Greek word means, that's something that's made alive after death. Like the--the seed that goes into the earth, it has to die, every bit of the seed; it has to rot, every bit of the seed; and every bit of the life that was in the seed has to come forth again. He was quickened, not only that... "And will send the same Life that quickened Me, the power that brought Me from the grave, I will send It upon you to quicken you, that where I am there ye will be also." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 10-4 In Luke 24th chapter, 49th verse, He said, "Behold I send the promise of the Father upon you; but tarry ye (or wait ye) in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with power from on high" to show that, not only did He draw all the benefits out of it, but He shared those benefits. He come to redeem, or to bring to Life those predestinated seed, that God seen before the foundation of the world, and put their names in the Book of Life; and here they are on the earth without a hope. He came not only to be the blessing, but to share the blessing with every predestinated seed. Now, if the seed wasn't on the earth it could not live. It had to be on the earth and also germitized. No matter how long it's kept in darkness, it'll come forth when the S-o-n shines upon it.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 11-1 Notice now, He come to share it with us. No wonder the Gospel is good news. The very word "Gospel" means "the good news." The "good news" what? If a man died for our sake, that's good news. If Christ was born, that's good news. But never a news, never was there news like this news: that He Who made the promise has confirmed the promise, that He's alive forevermore and has the keys of both death and hell in His hand. All the gloom was shook away; there was no more gloom to be seen, for the Son was up from the grave. There was no "He will come" or "He may come"; He had already come. The Gospel, good news... RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 11-2 Notice, the very Message of the Gospel Itself is to prove to the people that He is risen. "Go tell My disciples that I am risen from the dead, and I'll meet with them to confirm this to them." Oh God, how in this last days there shall be Light again across the earth, "And I'll prove to My disciples; go tell them that I am not dead, and I'm not a tradition, but I am a living Christ; I'll meet them. Take this Message to My disciples, that I'm risen from the dead." The Gospel, good news... You say, "Is that right?" Hebrews 13:8 said He's the same yesterday, today, and for ever. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 11-3 We, as beneficiaries, are to prove His Life is in us now, the beneficiaries of this Life. The Life... There never was a life lived like it; He was the Son of God. And He died and that shut it out; but when He raised again from the dead on Easter morning, then we, as His servants, are commissioned by Him to go into all the world and to bring this good news to every person: that He is a-living. And how can we do it by word only? For it is written, "The Gospel came not by word only, but through the power and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to prove that He is alive." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 11-4 Now, if there is another gospel, as Paul spoke to one of the groups, "I am so surprised that you turned to another gospel (which there is no other but a make-believe gospel), to a denominational fiction, turning from that good news: 'And because I live, ye live also, and I live in you; and the works that I do (John 14:12), the works that I do will identify Myself in you.'" Oh, what a Message. No wonder we've had a dark world of theology. But in the evening time there shall come Light again. There will be a resurrection in the evening time. It shall be Light at the evening time. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M
11-5 Now, the very essence of the Message that was sent that, "He is risen from the dead," we, His beneficiaries, we, who share the resurrection with Him, draw benefits from this by proving to the world that He is alive. We cannot do it by word only; we cannot do it by some tradition of man; we only reflect exactly what we're pointing to. I'm afraid today that too many of us are not getting people to Christ. We're getting them to a church, to a theory, but we must get them to Christ. He is the only One, and the only One that has Life. "He that has the Son, has Life." And if the life of a man that's dead be projected in you, you will live the same life he lived. If the blood of a man was a certain type, and you took the blood from one man and changed the blood of the one man into another, he'd absolutely be that typed blood. And if your spirit that's in you is reckoned dead, and you are anointed with the Life that was in Christ is upon you... Romans 8:11 says, "If the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, It'll also quickens your mortal bodies," that same Life, them same powers, them same beneficiaries that He had here on earth from God. He redeemed you, a seed that was foreknown by God, whose names was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And that Gospel Light of the resurrection, the confirmation of the Word... How did we know He was the Christ? Because He proved what He talked about. How will I know the Message of the hour? God proves what He promised and He talks about it. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 12-2 That is the identification, that we are beneficiaries with Him in the resurrection. He proves what He's talked about. What He promised to do in Christ, He proved it on the resurrection. What He promised to do in the days of Moses, He proved it. What He promised in the days of Enoch, He proved it. In all the days of the apostles, He proved it. And now in this day, He proves what He said, because they are a part of that seed that was represented on the Book of Life that He came to redeem back to God again. Oh, what a Message. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 12-3 A Easter morning, not only did He raise, but His beneficiaries raised with Him. He--they were in Christ at His crucifixion; they were in Him at His resurrection. We are His beneficiaries, quickened after being dead in darkness, in a darkened world of unbelief, where churches, and denominations, and so forth had drawed us out; and there's something in us calling, "Oh, we want God; we're hungering and thirsting for God." We join the Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, and whatmore, and still there was something wrong. We just couldn't find it yet. And all of a sudden, while we was groping in darkness, the great resurrection came to us in the manifestation of the promised Word of God, like He was the manifestation of the promise Word of God. "I will not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer my holy One to see corruption." He manifested it, every Word of God that was promised to Him; He proved it when He raised on the Easter morning.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 13-1 Now, them who were once groping in darkness and wondering around: if they should wash feet on this day, or if they should keep a certain day, or do a certain set of rules, all those things passed away. For there was a glorious resurrection that defied every manmade thing that man had ever done, every manmade reason. There had never been to that time a man that could lay his life down and pick it up again. He defied that scientific proof they had by raising again. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 13-2 When they say that Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever; that His power isn't the same; that His Gospel isn't the same, when the Bible says It's the same; God defied every denomination, every creed, and He moved forth in His Holy Spirit as He promised, and proved it to us that He is alive. We are the benefactors of His resurrection, quickened after being dead in the world in sin and trespasses; He has quickened us together with Him, raised with Him, now setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. His bring--His Spirit brings His same Life again on the earth. If the Spirit of God that raised up Christ, the body, the anointed body, if the Spirit of God anointed that body in such a way that when that Seed fell into the earth, He just wouldn't let Him rest there. No, He quickened Him and raised Him up; that same Spirit by the same works, by the same power, by the same signs, be in you, It'll also raise you up. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 13-4 I'd like to read a little Scripture here for you. I'd like for you to turn to another Scripture I got wrote down here. It might help you a little. It's found in the Book of Leviticus the 23rd chapter, the 9th to the 11th verse. Listen close, in the law, Levitical law, God speaking to Moses. Listen. All these things are types now, and we'll stop here for a few moments to get into this type. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When you... come into the land which I give unto you,... (unto the place, the position that I have given unto you. Now, you speak to the children of Israel, that when you get to this certain place that I've promised you I'd take you, when you get there in this land... Now, speaking natural here, typing the spiritual)... and shall reap the harvest thereof,... (you have received what I told you)... thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest: And he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 14-1 If there would be any holy ritual, it should come forth on the sabbath day, which was the seventh day of the week, which is Saturday. But did you notice in this memorial, to wave it on the first day of the week. The sheaf, which was the first of your seed that you planted, when it comes up and ripens, you cut down this sheaf and take it to the priest, and let him take it and wave it before the Lord for your acception, that you are accepted. You have come with your sheaf, and he's to wave it before the Lord on, not on the sabbath, the seventh day, but on the first day, which we call Sunday, S-u-n-d-a-y. 'Course, that's a--a Roman word, which they called it the Sunday for the sun gods. But how it is changed. It's not s-u-n anymore; it's a S-o-n-d-a-y, the Sonday that that Corn of wheat, God's first One up from the dead, is to be waved over the congregation that we are His seed; and that's the first of the Seed of those that slept, waved upon the first day of the week. On Sunday, He raised up, waved good-bye, and ascended up on high in the presence of the people. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 14-2 Notice, It was the first Corn of God's wheat that had been raised from the dead: God's first Corn of wheat, by God's Quickening power. God had quickened His life, raised Him up from the dead, and He was the Firstfruits of those that slept, the Firstfruit. He was that Sheaf; that's why they had to wave that sheaf, for it was the first One that come to maturity. And it was waved as a memorial of thanksgiving to God, believing that the rest of them would come. And it was a sign. And today, because He was the first Son of God to come to full maturity to be in God, He was plucked up from the earth and is waved over the people (Oh, what a glorious lesson.) by the Quickening power. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 15-1 The first One... Although He had--He'd been typed in many times, as we'll see later that He was typed, but this is really the Firstfruit of them that slept. He was waved over the promised seed that had promise of Life; He was waved at the day of Pentecost, when there came a sound from heaven like a waving, mighty, rushing wind, and was waved over the people, the Pentecostal people that was up at Pentecost waiting for the blessing to come; and to be waved again, we realize, in the last day, according to Luke 17:30, in the Sonday again, in the days that the S-o-n of man will be revealed or waved again over the people. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M
15-2 Now, Who is this Son of man? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." And of all the teaching that we have and confirmation of the Word of God, by Word of God, by signs, by wonders, we see today (that in the Book of--of Luke here, that as we just quoted from the--the--Luke the 17th chapter and 30th verse, and Malachi 4, and the different Scriptures that we are acquainted with,) that that Word again is waved over the people, that the dead traditions of man is dead and the Son of God is alive again with the baptism of the Holy Spirit right among us and is giving us Life. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 15-3 As Christ was the first One to raise from all the prophets and so forth (although typed in many places, He was the Firstfruits of those that slept), in the Bride coming of Christ, coming out of the church, there'll have to be a Sheaf waved again in the last days. Oh, my. Waving of the sheaf, what was the sheaf? The first one that come to mature, the first one that proved it was a wheat that proved it was a sheaf. Hallelujah. I'm sure you see what I'm talking about. It was waved over the people, and the first time there will come forth for the Bride age, for a resurrection out of dark denominationalism, will be a Message that the full maturity of the Word has turned back again in Its full power and being waved over the people by the same signs and wonders that He did back there. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 16-1 "Because I live, ye live also," speaking to His Wife. "Because I live, ye live also." What a resurrection that that was. And what a resurrection this is: to be quickened from the dead, to be made alive in Christ Jesus by God's Quickening Power. He was waved to them; the Word, which He was, was waved back to them on the day of Pentecost, the Word made manifest. Now... And as I say, He's to be waved again in the last day. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 16-3 Now, for instance, you say, "Well now, wait a minute, Brother Branham. I know a church that..." Well, I do too. See? But now, for instance, what if--if we were going to go back to Tucson this afternoon, now, and each one of us had a--was going to go in a--a big Cadillac, brand new; and all of the seats were made out of--of doeskin (softest of the leather, soft and easy to set in); and the floorboards was plush; the steering wheel were nickel-plated and had diamond studs all over it; and the engine was mechanically tested to be exactly the right engine; and the wheels were--all had bearings and greased up; and the tires were all puncture-proof and blow-out free, that all had been tested scientifically. They had been pushed off the
assembly line, both of them, and both of them filled up with gasoline. That's the running power, the gasoline, because in it is the octane. But now, when you're going to start them, although both of them look just alike, but there's one of them don't have any spark, any firing power. "Well," you say, "the power is in the gasoline, Brother Branham." But I don't care how much power is in the gasoline, unless there's a spark there to manifest that power, less there's a power there to confirm that that's gasoline, it just might as well be water. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 16-6 Until... No matter how much theologians claim, how well you got your church set, how much education you got, how much like the Bible, until that wave Sheaf, until the Holy Spirit comes upon that person to quicken that Word (The gasoline represents the Word; It's the Truth.); but without the Spirit it won't move. We've put too much stress on the mechanics and nothing on the dynamics. It needs the dynamic power of God, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ upon the church to manifest and to bring to pass that this is gasoline. It might be in a gasoline can; it could still be water. See? But the only proof of it is put the Life on it, and it'll prove whether it's gasoline or not. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 17-2 And when you try to put the Holy Spirit in a denomination, you're as much as trying... You can get a splutter; you'll ruin your engine by getting it full of carbon. But oh, I'm so glad that there is a ten thousand octane power, the Word of God and the Holy Ghost to light It up and to resurrect the power of God into a man's life, or a woman's life, or into a church, that shoved that Cadillac down the road yonder under dynamic power of the Holy Ghost, which came back and was waved over the people at the day of Pentecost, making Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 17-3 There was the first Sheaf come up from all the prophets which was the Son of God, the King of all prophets. There has been churches, churches, brides, brides, churches, brides, brides, but there's got to come One. Hallelujah. There has to come a real Bride. There must come One that's not only got the mechanics, but the Dynamics of It, makes that church live, move in the power of His resurrection. Until we come to that place, until we find that place, what good does it do to polish the hubs? What good does it do to give her a face-lift or a simonize job, when there's no Dynamics in it? No matter how much the mechanics prove to be right, there's got to be a Dynamics to make it work. That's what He proved. Hallelujah. That's what Easter proved. He wasn't only the Word, but He was God Himself, the Dynamics
in the Word, that made the body of Jesus Christ, cold, stiff, and dead in the grave, shake into Life and rise again, and roll away the stone. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 17-4 "I am He that was dead," so dead till the sun said He was dead; the moon said He was dead; the stars said He was dead; all nature said He was dead. And now, the whole world has to recognize that He's alive again. He was not only the Mechanics (God's Word), He was the Dynamics to prove It. And if He, being the Groom, the Bride has to come forth, 'cause It's part of Him. And It can only be the manifestation of the fulfilling of all of revelations and the others that spoke of the Bride. And It can only manifest... And if it does something different from the Groom, it isn't the Bride, because She's flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone, Life of His Life, power of His power. She is Him. As man and woman are one, and woman taken from his side, She has taken His Spirit (the feminish Spirit from Him), the flesh from His side, made both mechanics and Dynamics, the Wife--the Spirit of Him and the flesh of Him and put it together and made mechanics and Dynamics. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 18-1 Until the church or the people... All these Easter bunnies, and ceremonies, and big churches, and finery will fail and pass away, until that church becomes both Dynamics and Mechanics, and the Spirit of God that moved Him to do the things that He did, if He hit on sixteen cylinders, so will the Bride. Amen. For He said in John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also, I'll give him a charge of My Dynamics in his mechanics, that the world will not be able to withstand it, and I'll raise him up again at the last day." That's the Easter message: the Dynamics and the mechanics together. The mechanics without the Dynamics, no good; neither is the Dynamics without the mechanics. You can scream and shout and jump up and down all you want to, and deny this Word; it won't do any good. You're just cranking around the--the pistons of--got spark there to fire, but no gasoline to fire it by. It'll only work as they come together. Amen. So one will set still and the other one'll go up; that's the only thing there is to it. Yet they both might look like, both claim to be churches, both claim to be brides, but one has mechanics and Dynamics. It brings it to pass. But what He said is the Truth. It just won't move, no matter how good the mechanics is, until the Dynamics come. When the Dynamics come, that Fire is made to connect with that octane in the gasoline. And when that explodes it, it causes a combustion, and that combustion moves every motion, every move, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the resurrection; that's the real power of God: mechanics with the Dynamics.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 18-4 Notice. It's the Spirit that quickens; It's the--it's the spark that fires. It's not the gas that fires; it's the spark that fires the gas. See? "You can do nothing without Me, but with Me you can do all things. As (He is the Word; It's the Father living) Father sent Me, so send I you. As the Father has fired Me and pushed Me into everything, I do only that which is pleasing to God. Now, as He sent Me, so send I you with this same mechanics. And it takes the same Dynamics to operate it. And these signs shall follow them that claim to have the mechanics. The Dynamics will take its place." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 19-1 Paul said, "The Gospel came to us not in word only (through gasoline only), but through spark also to make It move." There you are. It came to us in that manner. It's the same Spirit that raised Him up that quickened the true believer to Eternal Life. Now, remember, potentially now, watch (as we are getting out of our time). Notice, the same Spirit... Now, Romans 8:1... Now, let's just read that again in Romans 8:1, and we'll see what that says. All right. And not Romans--I mean 8:11, I'm sorry: in Romans 8:11 now... But if... (There's the problem; there's this catch.) But if the Spirit of him... (God, the Holy Spirit)... that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you,... Now, there you are: if the Bridegroom's Spirit dwells in the Bride. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 19-3 When God made His first bridegroom, He made the bridegroom first, and he was both man and woman in spirit, formed him in the dust of the earth to make him material. And notice, when He made Eve from Adam, He took not another piece of clay, He took from the same piece of clay, the same Word; for Adam was a spoken Word. See? He took from him and then taken the... He had masculine and feminish spirit, and He took the feminish spirit away from Adam and placed it in Eve, so it's still part of Adam's spirit. It's Adam's flesh. Then, it was Adam's spirit, the dynamics, that quickened the mechanics of his body. So the Bride must also be flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone. Now, how is this mortal flesh going to become His flesh? We'll get to it in a minute. See? How is it done? How... What is this great transformation? Notice. Now, if the Spirit of him... (God)... that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M
20-1 Oh, my. The predestinated One, of course, like the seed laid upon the earth, the One that had Life in them. Many of them were dead. They were just rotten seeds; the waters and things burn them out. But you know, there was a seed laying there ready for life. God knowed it was laying there. Now, the predestinated Ones are the first to be quickened by the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit comes to claim Its Own. Now, this is deep now and be sure to catch this good. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 20-3 Now, as the sun was sent across the earth, not to bring rocks (which was dirt also) to life, it was not to bring all the dirt to life, but was to bring the part of the dirt which was enclosed around a life. Not all men will receive Christ (oh, no.), but those which God foreordained Life is housed around some of the dirt of the earth. That's the one He comes to quicken. They're the Ones that... Now, that dirt would lay there in the sun and say, "Oh, this old sun's so hot"; that rock, say, "This old sun's so hot"; but that little seed said, "That's what I'm looking for." And it began to spring forth to life. It quickened that part of the dirt, because the sun was sent, not to quicken the rock, not to quicken the dirt, but to quicken the life of the seed. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 20-5 Now, the Holy Spirit comes now. Of course, It wasn't sent... Why won't all the people receive It? It wasn't sent to them. A guy told me, "I don't believe... I don't care what you say. If you could raise up the dead, or anything, and heal the sick and prove it anyway, I still don't believe it." I said, "Certainly not, you're unbeliever. It don't mean a thing to you; it wasn't even sent to you. It's sent to those who will believe." The Message is to the believer. To them that perish It's foolishness, but to them that are in Christ and part of that Seed, It's Life. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 20-7 My crude little story about the farmer putting the egg under--the eagle egg under the hen... See? That little eagle was, absolutely, he was a--he was a odd looking little creature (when this farmer had did that thing that he did to put this eagle egg under this old hen). And she hatched out a funny looking chicken. And it was a--it was a odd little fellow. He didn't look like them; his feathers wasn't like the rest of them, and he--he just--he was an odd little guy. And all the rest of the chickens recognized him an odd fellow. And the hen went around. He didn't even like the diet she was feeding him. He just didn't like that scratching in the barnyard; he--he didn't have nothing to do with that.
So he wondered why he had to be the odd one around there anyhow. See? And he never tasted anything that... He just eat enough to keep him alive, because he didn't like the taste of it (See?), 'cause he wasn't a chicken to begin with. See? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 21-2 And the--the hen would cluck and--you know, "The days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing. Join the church." It just didn't hit right with the little guy. So he followed around the hen until one day, his mammy... The old eagle knowed she had laid so many eggs, and there was one missing. She knew that that eagle was somewhere, so she starts out on the hunt for him. And she circled over the mountaintops, and down in the valleys, and over and everywhere, where he might be. By this time he--it's time for him to be born; it's time for him to be hatched out. And said, "Maybe a crow come in and picked up my egg, maybe a vulture; I don't know. Something picked up my egg, but I know that egg is in my mind. I got a son somewhere. I got to hunt him." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 21-3 So does God. He's that Great Eagle. In His thoughts He knowed He'd have a church; He knowed He'd have a people. No matter what's cuddled them, no matter what they's hatched out under, He's hunting. He's hunting for His Own. And one day, the story goes, this old eagle flew over the barnyard. She was looking everywhere, and she found him. Oh, for that resurrection to recognize that he really wasn't a chicken after all. He was an eagle. And he was always taught to look down, look for a bug or something in the barnyard. But he heard a scream that said, "Look up this way." And he looked above him, and there was a creature with fourteen feet wings, powerfuller than all the chickens there was in the barnyard, and claimed him to be her son. He said, "Mama, how can I get to you?" Said, "Just jump, start flopping your wings, for you're an eagle." See? She knew she had a son somewhere. No matter what he had been raised up in, she's got a son somewhere. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 22-2 And God knows. Hallelujah. He's got a predestinated foreordained church. He knowed He's got sons and daughters and a Bride waiting somewhere; and when the Holy Spirit begins to fly over it, that wave Sheaf, oh, my... He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, not some mythical story, but a reality. No matter how man tried to tell him... A eagle, he didn't know what an eagle was; and yet he was an eagle. He would not understood it until he seen something that reflected him--that he reflected, rather.
And when we see not a denomination, not a Ph.D., not a LL.D., not a good neighbor, but a son of God, molded in the image of God with the dynamic power of God to answer the request of this day that He's the same yesterday, today and forever, there ain't no hen going to hold you. He hunts for his mama. He's an eagle to begin with. He recognizes, this real eagle recognizes the call of God's Word. Why? He's an eagle. A eagle to a eagle, the Word before the foundation of the Word to the Word, the Word predestinated to the Word written for the hour. You realize your position? He hunts for it. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 22-5 This then, this earthly body is quickened and brought by the quickening Spirit of God to obedience to the Word of God. (Quickly.) When he wanted to know how he could get there with her... He'd been taught he couldn't do that. "You can't get no higher than you jump." See? He's a chicken. See? But this eagle said, "That's not so." "Well, look at the chickens." "No matter what the chickens are; you're eagle. Just start spreading those wings and get a little exercise in them. Start moving up." The Word to the Word... "The works that I do shall you also. He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he also. (See?) Because I live, he lives also. And if the Spirit that raised Him from the dead dwells in you, It quickens your mortal body." See? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 23-1 What does it do? Now, listen, so that you'll know that this Easter, I want it to mean more to you than any Easter ever did. See? I want you to see it. We know what it done for Him, but I want you to see it, not will, it has done the same for you. See? What does it do? It quickens the mortal body. This mortal body that we live in, It quickens it, in other words, brings it to Life. Now, you who once walked along with a great big cigar in your mouth, and everything, a bunch of cigarettes; and you women who once had short hair, painted, and carried on, and wore shorts, and things like that; all at once, Something screamed and you looked down here and It was the Word. See? It quickens your... You said, "No more shorts for me, no more liquor for me, no more lying, no more stealing, no more this, that..." See? The Spirit that raised Him from the dead, dwelling in you will also bring your mortal bodies (the dust of the earth) into subjection. You see? What is it? Subjection to what? Christ. Who's Christ? The Word, not the theology, but the Word.
Then, you say that these things... "Oh, I think it's all right for women to wear slacks." When the Word said, "No." See? It quickens you to that. See? You're drawed to It. See? It's you then. It becomes... You become part of the Word. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 23-4 It brought your body, not... Well, you say, "Well, now, let me tell you something; my pastor..." I don't care what your pastor says; it's what the Word says. If you want to be a chicken, go on with him. But if the pastor speaks different from this Word, then he's not a feeder of the eagles (Uhhuh.); he's a feeder of the hens (See?), not of the eagles. See? Eagle eats on eagle's food. See? they're clean. The Bible said it's wrong to do that, and the men and so forth, and what all you do that's wrong... Say, "Days of miracles is past." This Bible said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. If they say that's a mental telepathy, and it's some kind of a mind reading, this discernment and all these visions and things is nonsense (See?), they are chickens. They don't know what eagle food is. But, brother, when you hear that scream there's something in you, you're a eagle to begin with. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 23-6 Why? You are that Seed that the resurrection of the S-o-n has dawned and the wave Sheaf upon the earth to make you recognize that you are a eagle and not a denominational chicken. You see it? Now, if the Spirit that raised Him from the dead, the Word, the Dynamic of the Word, dwells in you, It also quickens your mortal body. Now, how are we flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone? Because (quickly) while we were yet mortal sinners (mortal, ready to die, these bodies), It quickens that body. What's quicken? Brings to Life. The Spirit that once liked to drink, run around, commit adultery, and all these... It's quickened. Why, the thing's died and you're resurrected. It quickens your mortal body. Therefore, your body is the temple of the Dynamics. Because why? From the beginning you are part of the mechanics. Oh. There's your resurrection. There's the church in the resurrection with Him. These bodies right now are quickened. See? You've heard; you believe; it changed you from a denomination to the Word. See? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 24-4 The Dynamics, if It comes upon water it'll just splutter: "Days of miracles is past, putt-putt-putt; oh, I believe Divine... pomp-pomp-pomp; but they--they don't... pomp-pomp-pomp." See? but when it hits that one thousand octane, "Whrrrr" and away she goes. You see? Now. My.
The Dynamics strike that... But if It strike a chicken, It won't do no good. But when It strikes a eagle he moves out (Amen.), the Dynamics with the mechanics. See what I mean? That is, if he is a true eagle now, he will understand. Let me straighten a little Scripture here for you. (I think we're off the phone, but we are still here.) St. John 5:24, Jesus said, "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on him that sent me, has Everlasting Life." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 24-7 Now, look. I go down the street and just take that literally and what it is, without the spiritual understanding (not making it say nothing else, but just saying what it says). See? The right word there in the Greek, in the original, it says, "He that understandeth My Word..." Now, to prove that's right, I go down here, and here's a drunk coming along this street and with some other man's wife on his arms, and cussing and taking God's Name in vain, and everything else like that. "Say, did you hear what that preacher said? Did you..." "Yeah, I heard it." That don't mean He's got Eternal Life. See, see? "He that understandeth My Word," he that is an eagle. "Now, Brother Branham, I want more Scripture than that." All right. "My sheep hear My Voice. A stranger they won't follow." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 25-1 As in the marriage and divorce case the other day, when the Holy Spirit had told me that, I come said it just the way He told me. Some minister lady give me a right sharp, little bawling out. She said, "I guess you take the place of God." I said, "No, ma'am." Said, "Well, you told them their sins forgiven." Said, "Well," said, "only God has power to say..." Another Pharisee. See? And said...?... I said, "You see, that you might know that Jesus told Peter and the apostles, after he had the revelation of Who He was and told Him, 'Thou art Christ, the Son of God,' He said, 'Blessed art thou (See?), son of Jonas, flesh and blood never revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed It. Upon this Rock I'll build My church; the gates of hell can't prevail against It. And I give unto thee the keys. Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind it in heaven; what you loose on earth...'" That's that Divine revelation of the Word made flesh. If it was flesh in that day by the Son, the Groom, it's of flesh today by the Bride.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 25-3 "Whosoever sins you remit, to them they are remitted; whosoever sins you retain, to them they are retained." Now, the Catholic church picked that up and taken it to their priests, but that's carnal. Watch. It was the spiritual, revealed Word that did it. That's the reason He told them to go baptize in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. He knowed they knew Who He was. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 25-4 Talking to a little preacher the other day, he said to me, said, "Now, Brother Branham, I've come out and joined--went over to a certain-certain church, a Pentecostal church where..." (The Pentecostal has now started taking the round wafer, you know. You've heard of that I guess, the kosher, the moon god, you know? And they all accepted it and taking it.) This man said the--the congregation went to him; he said, "What I bless is blest." (Now, ain't that what the priest says; he has power to turn it back to the body of Christ? See, just six of one and half a dozen of the other, just the same.) And he said, "I want to ask you something." (He was trying to dodge that issue of the baptism in Jesus' Name, because this was the man that said it was--it was the antichrist that did that.) He said, "Do you think it is all necessary that a man should be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ?" I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "After he's been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost?" I said, "Yes, sir. He hasn't been baptized at all. He hasn't been baptized at all, no name; that's a title." And I said, "It isn't recognized." I said, "Why did--why did Peter..." He said, "Well, now, let me tell you something." He said, "Now, in Acts 10:49," he said, "While Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell upon them." But I said, "He turned right around and said, 'Can a man forbid water that these should not be baptized?'" RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 26-1 He said, "Well, you was speaking over there awhile ago about Acts 19, where Paul passed through the upper coast of Ephesus, find them disciples." And said, "Why," said, "they wasn't baptized in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost." I said, "No, they were baptized unto repentance, not for remission of sins, unto repentance, 'cause Jesus hadn't been made known yet. The Sacrifice hadn't been killed."
He said, "Well, why did they have to be baptized over?" I said, "The man that had the keys said this: 'For be it known unto you that there's not another Name under heaven given among man whereby ye must be saved.' Salvation alone goes in the Name of Jesus Christ. 'Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ.' There's not another name, no church, no hierarchy, no titles, or nothing else; yet He is the Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Morning Star, Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, Jehovah-jireh, rapha, Manasseh, all these. He's all these things, but yet He--there's not no salvation in any of those titles: Jehovah, no salvation; Rose of Sharon (yet He is), no salvation; Father, Son, or Holy Ghost, no salvation; only the Name of Jesus Christ. And then the Bible says that repentance and remission of sin must be taught in His Name, beginning at Jerusalem, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 27-1 He said, "Do you think it makes any difference?" I said, "Sir, I want to ask you something." He, and I, and my wife were setting at the table. He just moved over to see me. I said, "We are both Arizonans; we live here. And I--and we know our council, and our ward, and all, and our mayor, governor and everything." He said, "Yes." I said, "Now, if I told you, brother, to go over here and sign up for our dinner in the name of the Governor of the State of Arizona, would you go sign it like that? You think they'd receive it at the desk?" "Why," he said, "I guess not." He said, "Why did Jesus say that?" I said, "This is it." See? Why? "If I told you to go sign for this dinner in the name of the Governor of the State of Arizona, and us being citizens of Arizona, and knowing who the Governor is, why, you'd know to sign it in the name of Sam Goddard," (See?) I said, "because he is the Governor of the state. I don't have to question you. You know who the Governor is. Now, when He said, 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,' He knowed how they was going to baptize. They knowed Who He was. 'My sheep hear My Voice.'" See, see? He said, "Oh, I see." "But now the next thing, will you believe?" See? ... He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me has Everlasting Life,... And when this new Eternal Life dwells in you, It is the potential (when you have received this Holy Spirit now, that they did at Pentecost). They were the mechanics; now the Dynamics had to come. They had believed.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 27-3 You know, our good Baptist friends tell us when we believe, we've got It. But they didn't have It, yet they'd believed. Acts 19, they'd believed, but they didn't have. "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" See? They had the mechanics all right, because the apostles were--I mean Apollos was teaching to them and proving by the Bible the mechanics, that Jesus was the Christ, but they didn't have the Dynamics yet. See? That's it. All right. When... [Blank.spot.on.tape-Ed.]...?... You potentially have the Earnest, the waiting. Now, when you get the Dynamics, you have been quickened from mortal to immortality. It makes the whole body come subject to the Word. It'll make you act different, look different, live different; It'll just make you different. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 28-2 Now, look. [Second side incomplete--Ed.]... been quickened. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses, and darkness has He quickened. What by? His Spirit that raised up Jesus on Easter morning from the dead. And if It dwells in your mortal bodies (Now, watch.), It also quickens, brings to Life, makes it subject to the Word. Now, how can you claim to have that Spirit and throw yourself away from the Word? You're quickened by something else. For It will quicken your mortal bodies to the Word. Sure It will. You can't run without It. You'll just sputter if you don't believe all of It. If you have part gasoline and part water, you ain't going to go nowhere. See? You've got to take it one hundred percent gasoline. If you don't, you're backfiring; you ain't got no power. See? "But I'll... I believe this, but I don't believe that." Pump-pump-pump-pump. You ain't going nowhere. But, oh, when you take the fullness, let it light up on that. Every Word is Truth. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 28-4 Then (Notice now, as we close; notice this.) notice, it's just like a little--a little seed laying in the ground. Now, potentially you are resurrected. You're resurrected when you receive the Holy Spirit in you; you're resurrected right then. Your body's potentially resurrected. Look at a little seed plant in the ground. It has to drink from His fountain, the waters that pours down. And as it drinks, it pushes up toward Him, coming more like the likeness of the seed that went into the ground. See? The church come that way: through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, now in the blossom. See? The Spirit of God come through that. And the spirit of the world has come through the antichrist the same way and now blossoming out in a great union of churches. See? The whole thing... And the individual comes that way. Everything works on the same-on same scale of God, 'cause He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 29-1 Notice. On your way growing to the fullness of the resurrection, led by the Spirit, as the sun (su-n) pulls that little plant that's drinking from God's fountain, just keeps... See? It can only drink from one thing. You pour oil down on that little seed one time; kill it. That's right. You pour stagnated water, old water that ain't no good, that's contaminated; it'll stunt the growth; it won't bear fruit. Is that right? But you pour real good soft rainwater (Amen.), no manmade chemicals in it, just let it come from the heavens above, and watch that little plant. There's no water will grow that like that rainwater. You put chlorine and stuff in it like you try to dose us up with, and the first thing you know it kills the plant. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 29-2 That's what's the matter today. They try to give them waters from the denominational fountain, and it stunts the growth. See? But let him have the... ... come where the dew drops of mercy are bright; Shine all around me by day and by night, Jesus the Light of the world. Then you've got it then. We'll walk in the Light, that beautiful Light, Comes where the dew drops of mercy are bright, Just shine all around me... Take these manmade fountains away from me. "No other fount I know, nothing but the Blood of Jesus." That's all the fountain I want to know. Let the Word dwell in me, Lord; water It with Thy Spirit. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 29-4 Notice. Now, if that Spirit that raised up Jesus from the grave dwells in you, you potentially have Life, led by the Spirit to quicken the Word to you to believe It. The little thing keeps pushing up as it grows. Notice. At Pentecost their bodies were quickened to a new Life. Look at a bunch of little cowards. Am I holding you too long? Look-it. I'm just warmed up,...?... feeling good. Oh, my.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 30-3 Notice. They were cowards. Notice. But they had the mechanics. See? But they were all standing back in there, saying, "Oh, I'm 'fraid of them. Naw, I'm afraid to go out and make a claim, 'cause, oh, all of them great big bishops and things out there. Oh, I'm 'fraid to. Them priests and things, I'm 'fraid to make that claim, afraid I'd say I believed on Him. Oh, I just can't do that." You see? But all of a sudden the Dynamics come. Yes. And what did It do? It not only filled their spirit inside, but It quickened their mechanics. Their bodies were quickened. They were no more cowards. They went right out in the face of the people. Yes, sir. "You men of Judaea and you that dwell in Jerusalem..." Where before the Dynamics come, they were just mechanics. See? "Ye men that dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known unto you and hearken to my words, these are not drunk as you suppose. I'm one of them. This is that. I'll show you what it is; It's the Scripture. This is that." (And I always said, "If this ain't that, let me keep this till that comes.") "No. This is that that was spoken of by the prophet Joel, 'It'll come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" See, the Dynamics come into the mechanics. They wasn't afraid no more. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 30-6 Some of you people that are afraid that some woman will laugh at you for having long hair, or quit wearing makeup. Some of you men that's afraid your organization will throw you out when you baptize your congregation in the Scriptural baptism, you need to close yourself in the upper room till the Dynamics come. That's right. It changed them; It quickened them; It made them different. They were a changed people from then on. It quickened them from an old life of being a coward to a--like a--the Lion of the tribe of Judah. They absolutely faced martyrdom, nailed to crosses, crucified up-side-down, burnt, throwed in the lion's den, no more cowards, but death had no victory over them at all; the Dynamics was in the mechanics. Yes, sir. It quickened their mortal bodies. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 31-1 Now, listen, here's another thing for proof. It so quickened them in such a way till you know what? They was lifted up in heavenly places, and their mortal bodies was so quickened till their language changed. It only--It quickened their language. That's what the Bible says. It's... Their mortal bodies being quickened, their language was quickened; their thoughts were quickened; their spirits were quickened; their life were quickened; they were quickened altogether. They tried to talk and couldn't talk in any more human languages. They was so quickened up in the Presence of God till they spoke in a new tongues, a heavenly language. Whew. What a Quickening Power.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 31-2 If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you (Oh, hallelujah.), It will quicken your mortal bodies. It'll make you do things you didn't do before. They was full of the Quickening Power then. See? Your body ain't subject to sin no more. You--your--the desires... He say, "Come on out here." You say, "Shut your mouth." "Oh, we got the biggest..." "Shut your mouth." Ah, you're a eagle. Did you ever see how independent an old eagle walks? He don't hop like a vulture (See?) to every dead and all the carrion laying on the ground. No, sir. He walks proud. "Shut your mouth." "Oh, here's a good dinner over here." "Not for me. My desires is changed; my appetite is different, for man shall not live on the world of carrion alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." A genuine quickened eagle lives by that. Amen. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 31-5 Oh, when He raised up Christ from the grave, dwelling in you, is quickened your mortal bodies unto His Presence. You recognize It; you are no longer a scavenger; you're a eagle. You don't want the things of the world. You're a son and daughter of God. You're feasting at a fountain that the world knows nothing about; you're drinking at--somebody knows--the world knows nothing about. You're eating hidden Manna that the world never even knowed nothing of It, for you're an eagle; you're quickened up where you can get to It. You can't get to It down here; you got to get up here. You got to be quickened, lifted up there, so It will quicken. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 32-1 And what did they do? They spoke in another language. The Bible said they did. They spoke in every tongue under heaven. Could you imagine that? Them old mortal bodies that's in there say, "Well, I don't know now whether I can believe this or not." All at once, they were so quickened till the bravery of the Lion of the tribe of Judah fell into them over that waving Sheaf. Oh, that Eagle come to call Its own. And they loved not their lives unto death. Amen. And there's going to be more who'll give their life's blood.
For this Holy Ghost Gospel and Its crimson flood. There the Son has got to be--be revealed again in the Bride in the last days, a Quickening Power has got to come, quicken out of these dead denominations and creeds to a living Word of the living God. Ohhh, no. It quicken them to new Life. It does the same thing for us now. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 32-3 Notice. Then they was so quickened in that Quickening Power, now, I... (Listen close now. I'm trying to show you.) The Quickening Power wasn't only in their soul, but It was all over them. It... Not only the Dynamics come in to quicken, but It quickened the mechanics. You see what I mean? They were so quickened till their tongues begin to speak in another language. They were so quickened by the power of the resurrection of Christ, until they laid their hands... They were so quickened with Quickening Power, till when they laid their hands upon the sick, they got well. It quicken your mortal bodies. They were healed by laying on their hands. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 32-4 And the Spirit quickened their fellowship together with God, till they also were so quickened into the Presence of God, until when a person died and their soul had gone off, It called him back to life again. Amen. Glory. (Now, I'm feeling religious.) That's right. Quickened... Not only was His resurrection for Himself, but for whosoever will--to this predestinated seed that's a-laying there quickened, quickens their mortal body. They laid hands on the sick; they recovered. They prayed, and in the Spirit they saw visions, called the dead back to life. That's right. Quickened their mortal bodies; and if It comes into you, if it be so... Now, you can say it's so, but if it be so, these signs follows them. See? And It quickens your mortal body; It'll quicken you. Now, Notice. Quickened into the Presence of God. Why? It was the Spirit of God that raised up Jesus from the grave. And the Spirit of God... "I give unto them Eternal Life (come from the Greek word, if you look it up, Zoe), which moves It through you and then quickens their, even their mind. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 33-2 Now, look. How can you say that that Spirit dwells in you though you done everything that you thought was right? Here's your evidence whether you've got It or not: if the Spirit that was in Christ is in you, It also quickens you to the Word, for He is the Word. And if it, contrary, quickens you away from the Word, then it isn't the Spirit of Christ. Don't care what you done, until that moves you in the Word... "My sheep hear My Voice and they shall live by every Word," every Word.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 33-3 I was talking on that the other day. My old mother, she's gone on now, and she was a very odd woman. And she was, you know, about a half Indian, and she was odd. But in there she was a person didn't dream. But I only think she only had four or five dreams all of her life, but every time she dreamed a dream, it was true. She had a dream, it was true. I remember one time when I first started preaching, many years ago. We was living right up here on the road, right just above here. And I was preaching right here at this church. And she dreamed a dream that I was standing here by the side of a three steps. And I was standing preaching to everybody that they must walk up these three steps before they hit the highway. And on the highway's a little pearly-liked white line run right into the--the--the doors of heaven, to the pearly gates, and that pearl had been stretched out to the top of these steps. If that ain't my Message exactly today: justification, sanctification, and baptism of the Holy Ghost. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 33-5 Now, I was saying that a person has to come by these three steps to be able to walk that highway. And said that there was a lady came by. (Now, you know what kind of shoes people wore thirty-five years ago.) Well, there was a lady come by, had on a great big pair like they wear today, spike-heeled shoes. And she come by and I said, "Wait a minute, sister. You can't walk that highway with that." And I said, "You--you--you can't do that." And she said, "Aw." She said, looked around at the rest of the women and said, "Don't believe him; he's a madman. (See?) Don't believe him. I'll show you I can be justified, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost and still walk that." And she... I just let her go, couldn't do no more about it, couldn't stop her. And she jumped up on the highway, she looked back at the sisters and said, "See, I told you." She started to run up, and she... You know what the Bible said in Isaiah, 5th chapter, said they'd have outstretched necks (they have to; they're pitched over. See?), mincing as (have to, have to twist)--mincing as they go, making a tinkling with their heels (See?), the daughters of Zion in the last days. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 34-2 And she started up that highway just as hard as she could run, and after while the road got narrower and narrower. She started reeling, mincing like that, and off she went. And mother said, "The horriblest screams that I ever heard in my life was that woman falling into those flames and smoke, going down, down like that." Said I turned around and said, "See?"
She just obeyed everything but one Word (See?), everything but one Word. Sure, Pentecostal women can be saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost and then fail. Absolutely. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word, that can be... See, see? And she failed it. And as I said (See?), she'd have went on in all right, but (See?) she failed to listen. Telling her what was ahead. And He's wrote the Gospel by the disciples, apostles, and doctrine of the apostles and prophets, and so forth, and they won't listen. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 34-5 Now, notice this Quickening Power, "Zoe," bringing the Word, the mind that was in Christ was in you then. I'm trying to show you, that you, when you raised--when God raised Jesus from the dead, He raised up you also, and also quickened to Life with Him (You are now quickened to Life.), although then you were but an attribute in His thoughts, but God had saw all in Him at the finish. See? When God looked down upon the body... (The Spirit left Him in the Garden of Gethsemane; He had to die a man.) Remember friends, He didn't have to do that. That was God. God anointed that flesh, which was human flesh, and He didn't have... If He'd went up there as God, He'd have never died that kind of death; can't kill God. But... He didn't have to do it, but remember, He went there with you in Him. See? God had never separated the Bride from the Groom yet. So when God looked down upon the Body of Christ, He saw both male and female. It was all redeemed in that one Body. See? They are one, the same, same Word. the same Word spoke of the Groom speaks of the Bride. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 35-1 Well, how can the Bride come and fail to manifest everything was promised of Him, and the Groom come, and He wouldn't be the Bride? But when He did everything, even to proving it by raising Himself up from the dead afterwards, then don't the--the Bride have to do the same thing, have to be exactly what the Word said She'd be in these last day? Don't She have to return through Malachi 4? Don't She have to be manifested like it was in the days of Sodom? Don't the world and every--have to be just exactly like it is? Isn't these things a perfect identification of the Word of God made known to us? Well, friends, I know I'm keeping you a long time, fifteen minutes yet till dinner, but maybe I'll get through by then. But notice. Looky here. What a perfect thing it is. (I don't know when I'll see you again. See?) RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M
35-3 Look. Notice this. But God foresaw the Bride in the Groom. Hallelujah. See? To save His Wife, like Adam, He had to go with Her. Adam knowed what he was doing. Eve didn't know what she was doing, but Adam walked out with his wife. See? And Jesus took His Wife's place and became sin for Her. Remember, He became you; He stood your punishment that you might stand in His place. He stood in your place that you might stand in His place. What a love. What a fellowship. How can we deny it? How can we do anything but love Him, friend. I could stay on it hours, but let's move on a little farther. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 35-5 Like the Pentecostal experience today and the coming of the Holy Ghost in this last days was promised, is like the abstract to a title deed. See? Now, you can get a title. Sure. See? You can get a title to a place, but that still don't say it's yours. No, sir. Somebody way back yonder could come in and put a claim on it. But when you get an abstract, that shows that everything that's ever against it is struck off plumb back from the foundation. Is that right? And when a man has said that he believes the Word, and then when the Holy Spirit comes, It is the Abstract to the title. And that gives you permission, when you have that Abstract, that every bit of that belongs to you, and everything's on it belongs to you. Amen. And that gives us the Abstract, when the Holy Ghost comes upon this title deed that God saw back yonder 'fore the foundation of the world, and put it--name on the Book of Life, but was born through a man and woman, and subject to sin, and guilty of sin. But when I believed on It, I received the deed. But when the Holy Ghost come, It was the Abstract that everything against me, whether my mother done it, my father done it, my grandmother done it (like the little epileptic child I prayed for a few minutes ago, that come through from the grandparent--the epilepsy fell down and--upon the child, I said), but when the Abstract has come, It struck off, omitted everything. I'm a Abstract holder then. Amen. And as sure as the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, I have a Abstract deed that I'm part of that Body, with the Abstract of the Holy Ghost making that body of Word live out, just exactly like It did in Him as He promised in the last day: the Abstract. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 36-3 All my sins are struck out. All your sins are struck out by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost is come as an Abstract to the title deed that God give me by grace by foreknowledge. Oh, my. What you scared about? No wonder He said, "Fear not; I am He that was dead and alive again, and I'm alive forevermore and have the keys to death and hell. Don't worry about nothing; even death ain't going to hurt you."
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 36-5 Notice. Beautiful. Let's go right quick now. The Abstract title. The debt is settled; everything against it has been struck off. Ha, ha, ha. Glory. I may act silly, but I feel good. Notice. See? Oh, an Abstract deed. Do you realize what that means? You realize what that means, brother? There's nothing can take it away from you. Amen. I am a holder. Amen. What a--what deed? I have now cashed in on my beneficiary of His death, burial, and resurrection. He become me, that I might become Him. Now, He became a sinner that I might become a son (Amen.) and hold the Abstract deed, for "these signs shall follow them that believe," (See?), the Abstract deed. Now, quickly, before... We got about ten minutes more. Let us now notice quickly, the quickening of the Spirit. Now, I'm going to show you some signs so that you'll understand. Look. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 37-2 Now, watch what this Quickening Power (was my subject, after the Son has raised up)... Look how It done on them at Pentecost, what It did to them, what that Quickening Power did to them. It quickened them. Now, let's notice what It did on Stephen. Stephen was full of Quickening Power, wasn't that right? See? He was full of Quickening Power. It didn't make him a-scared. He said, "You stiff-neck and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost; like your fathers did, so do you. Which one of the prophets that showed forth the coming of the Just One, didn't your fathers stone?" Oh, my. Done something to him, sure, he was full of Quickening Power. And they said, "We'll get rid of that guy." And when he died (they stoned him, and his poor little head, the stones beating against it like that), he looked up and said, "I see the heavens open." Quickening Power was working. "I see the heavens open and Jesus standing at the right hand of God." That's what Quickening Power done for Stephen. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 37-5 Notice, another fellow had this Quickening Power; his name was Philip. He was so full of Quickening Power; he was having a great big meeting down at Samaria. Devils was being cast out; people was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. They was having a real meeting, and the Spirit spoke to him. Oh, the--the Dynamics come down and It said, "Leave this revival." "But what will the ministers say?"
"Don't make any difference what they say." See? He was full of Quickening Power. He had the gasoline and the--the Dynamics was falling upon him. Said, "Go out into the desert." And he found a eunuch there and baptized him in the Name of Jesus Christ: one man, who took the message down to Ethiopia. That right? And he obeyed God... In obedience to God, if you've never been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, do it, and watch the Quickening Power pick you up then. See? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 38-2 When Stephen done this great thing--not Stephen, but Philip--done this great thing to leave that great revival and obey the commandments of God, when he fulfilled by fill--by baptizing this eunuch in obedience to God, he was so full of the Quickening Power till It caught him away. It will quicken your mortal bodies, if this Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead... It quickened Philip till he wasn't seen for a maybe a hundred and fifty miles over somewhere else, over in another country. It quickened his mortal body. How did he do it? He was so full of the Quickening Power. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 38-4 Oh, church of the living God, we can't stand around here on little "sugar-tits" that we're nursing around here today; we've got to be full and prayed up with Quickening Power until the quickening of the Holy Ghost... We got to be caught away someday in that rapture yonder. Yes, sir. Amen. Oh, my. Excuse that expression. I was thinking about a mother that makes those little sacks (we used to) for the baby. Some of you old mammies remember. Little old baby gets to squalling, you take some coffee grounds and some sugar, wrap it up in a sack and let him suck on it, just to pacify him. There's no strength in that; it'll kill him. See? That old caffeine in there and stuff with a little sweetener to make him swallow it down, was getting caffeine in him. We're tired of such stuff as that. Get back. You're eagles. Back to the Word of God. Be burly; nothing can hurt your feelings. Therefore, you're free from all the scandal of men. Whatever anybody says against you, that just brings more love. Quickening Power, caught away into the heavenlies, a eagle that's done flew above the chickens, way up yonder in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 38-7 Oh, It was on Philip, that quickened him, caught him away. Let's take another man. There was a man by the name of Enoch. Now, he had walked with every Word of God for about five hundred years. He had a testimony that "I haven't one time failed His Word." He
got so full of the Quickening Power, when the Dynamics hit him, on them mechanics, he didn't even have to die; he just took up home. Just started walking. He was so... Like Philip, he got so full of Quickening Power, instead of going over to the--Gaza and going to another place, where they found him up in the upper coasts there; instead of that way, he just said, "I'm an old man anyhow; I just got so much Quickening Power, I'll just walk right out of the earth." That's the same Quickening Power that we have right now. See? It will quicken your mortal bodies. Isn't that right? It's the Quickening Powers. Enoch with that perfect testimony that "Everything God told me to do, I did it. Everything that I seen He said for me do, I done it," and he become so full of--of dynamics or--mechanics until when the Quickening Power struck him, the mechanics, It just lifted him right up. He walked on out of the earth into heaven. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 39-3 Now, now notice. On Elijah, after he... Look, Elijah, that great prophet... Man, in his day... Excuse me. Brother, sister, in that day he had fussed at them painted-faced women, them Jezebels and Ahabs, and stood till... And nobody, it looked like, stood with him. And he rebuked, and devoured, and stood out there, and God had taken care of him and helped him in every place. You know, the old fellow got tired one day. He said, "I'm getting old, so I just can't go no further." They say he was going on, I guess, ninety years old, real old and walking around there, and he was so full of Quickening Power, you know what? He looked across Jordan. (Oh God, I can almost see the other side, can't you?) So full of the Quickening Power until he seen a chariot hooked over there, some horses of fire and chariot afire hooked to some tree over there. He just walked across the river and went home without even dying. The Quickening Power sent--caused a chariot to come down from heaven and take him up. Even picked off his coat and throwed it back for Elijah. That's right. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 39-4 Now, then that fellow picked up that robe (a type of the church again. See?), picked up that robe. Now, he done twice the miracles (which is a type of Christ and the church). See? Elijah done four; he done eight. See? Now, he was--he was double the power, 'cause he asked for it. "Greater things than this that I do, shall you do." See? But he was so full of the Quickening Power and everything, till he done all these double what Elisha done, more than he did. And notice, he lived a life on up to eighty or ninety years old, and he got old and he--he died. He died and they--they took him out and buried him. You know, well that Quickening Power didn't leave him. Many many years after that, when the flesh had all rotted off his bones, he was laying in the tomb; and they were packing a dead man one day, and they saw the enemy, and they just throwed this man in on top of Elijah's bones. There was so much Quickening Power on those bones till the man jumped up to life again.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 40-2 Oh, He'll quicken your mortal bodies. Though dead and rotten in the grave, and yet, that Quickening Power rested over that dirt. Hallelujah. Um. He that raised up Christ from the dead also quicken your mortal body. The Elijah back there--Elisha and Elijah. Remember that dead man, that prophet, full of that Quickening Power, laying in the grave and rotted away, there was so much Quickening Power, till they throwed a dead man on him; he come to life. He could still lay hands on the sick, couldn't he? Amen. There you are. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 40-4 And remember, we are flesh of His flesh Jesus Christ. We are flesh of His flesh and bones of His bones. Oh, there's no way out of it; we're going to rise and that's all. Just going to rise, that's all. Easter means more than just a tradition. It is also now, for our bodies are quickened with Him and we're setting in heavenly places. And this body may rot in the sea; it may rot in the ground; there may not be a spoonful of ashes, but she's coming forth. For the Spirit that raised up my Lord from the dead has quickened this mortal body. It's quickened your mortal bodies. And we are His beneficiaries of His resurrection, His policy of Eternal Life that I talk so much about, you know. No wonder He said, "Fear not." He had knowed, for Paul said, "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? I'm full of Quickening Power. Thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Yes, sir. Quickening Power... Oh, my. He is alive forevermore, the same yesterday, today, and for ever(Hebrews 13:8). RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 41-2 Notice. Messiah, the Anointed One; so is His Bride the Messiahettes (See?), the Anointed One. Notice. Death does not stop God's Quickening Power. Death can't stop It. When you've got It, It's eternal. There ain't nothing going to stop It. You can't harness It; you can't--can't do nothing to It. If you live your life out, that still don't stop It; It's just as good as It was. See? Notice. Moses was full of that Quickening Power. Was he? He was a prophet who the Word came to. He was part of the Word; he was the Word of that day. Is that right? And after he was dead eight hundred years, on Mount Transfiguration, there he stood with Elisha. Is that right? The Quickening Power, death don't never take It away. No, no. "I'll raise it up again." The Angels come; buried him down there in a valley. He had been rotten and gone; his bones was gone, and everything else, but the Quickening Power was still there. It quickened him and brought him up, and there he was standing there.
RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 41-5 Notice. You say, "Is that right, Brother Branham, after eight hundred years?" Oh, my. If you'd read in Matthew (I got a Scripture here), Matthew 27:51. You can write it, put it down. When all those back there that believed that He would come... The Bible said here, after He comes... They were sleeping in the ground; Quickening Power was upon them, and they were a part of Him (them saints). They were part of Him, because they'd believed on Him. Potentially they had that Life through the sacrifice of a sheep (a propitiation) which could never bring spirit of the sheep back upon the man. How about now with the Spirit of the man, God Himself upon him. See? How much more Quickening Power do we have? But through the propitiation for sin was offered a lamb in type. What we have is not the type; it's the antetype. What are we scared about? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 41-6 And those fellows who only had a type pointing to His resurrection and went down into the grave with it... There's Job back there under his great strain. My, everything took away from him. The devil said, "Let me have him. I'll make him curse you to your face." And then He broke loose. He said, "Don't you take his life." And he did--he all but take his life. And his wife even turned against him, said her breath had become strange to him. In other words, she was--she'd had nothing to do with him. She didn't seem to love him any more, just pushed him away. "Job, you're miserable. Why don't you just curse God and die?" Said, "You talk like a foolish woman." See? Oh, my. See? He held right to what he had, now, he's a prophet. He said, "I am not a sinner. I have offered the provided sacrifice." Amen. He knew where he was standing. He was on the Word. No matter what the others said, he was right there at the Word. And then that great tremendous hour, said, "You speak like a foolish woman." He said, "The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away; why, blessed be the Name of the Lord." Said, "I come in this world without anything. I come here naked; I'll go out the same way. Blessed be the Name of the Lord." Setting there, broke out in boils, his kids dead, he was poverty-stricken, and his friends all turned against him, his church members and everything else, scraping himself with a... And what a miserable wretch. None of you ever been through that yet. Still he held to that Word. He was an eagle. Oh, my, you can't keep the film over his eyes all the time. No, no. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 42-3 All at once, standing on that Word, what happened? The skies peeled back, the thunders begin to roar, the lightning begin to flash, and Job looked up and saw a vision, said, "I know my Redeemer
liveth, and at the last days He'll stand upon this earth. And though after the skin worms has destroyed this body (bones and all), that Quickening Power will be there. I'll see God for myself, Whom I shall see for myself. My eyes shall behold and not another." Is that right? "Though after my reins be consumed within me. Though after the skin worms that's in my body now will destroy it..." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 42-4 You know, skin worms don't come to you; that worm's already in you, your own skin worms. Did you ever notice that? Put you in a coffin and put it airtight; the bugs will eat you up just the same, 'cause they're in you. You are just a bunch of bugs to begin with on the inside. "Though the skin worms, my skin worms destroys me (my flesh), yet in my flesh, I'll see God." And on that resurrection morning... Glory. Hallelujah. Matthew, this great writer (27:51), said after He was resurrected from the dead that the Old Testament saints, many of those that slept in the dust of the earth, come up out of the grave, and entered into the city and appeared to many. That Quickening Power, still on them bones of Elijah, when there was no more bones, still on Job, when there wasn't a spoonful of the dust left of his body, but the Quickening Power was still there. If this Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He'll also quicken your mortal body. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 43-2 Notice, quickly now. You say, "Oh, I wished I lived back in..." You live in a better time. Now, if you all... I see you putting down some Scriptures. All right, put down I Thessalonians 4:16. Notice, how beautiful. See? In the--the saints, them that sleep in Christ, will God bring with Him. See? Saints in the grave, resting like Elijah was, some like Elisha was (See?), some of them'll be quickened, some will be taken, some will be in the grave--they will go in. The Trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we which alive and remaining shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. The Quickening Power on the living, the Quickening Power on the dead. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 43-4 See? That same Quickening Power of God presented in both of these prophets. Look it, their names are almost the same: Elisha, Elijah. See the Bride and the Groom? One of them is Mr. Jesus; the other one is Miss Jesus (See?), almost the same, just--just between the--the He and She. See? Elijah... And look how its represented here. Now, Elisha was taken up in the rapture (represents the church). All right. Elijah... And Elisha rested until the resurrection. See? It's just like a bird needs two wings to balance hisself. See? The church was represented right there in those two prophets. "For we which are alive and remain to the coming of the
Lord shall not hinder them which are asleep, for the trumpet of God shall sound, and both wings shall come together and we'll fly away (Hallelujah.), fly away." 'Cause what? In the living or dead that Quickening Power still lives. Notice. Remember. Remember now, quickened to see what these things are. Watch the Quickening Power of this day. Remember, we are quickened... RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 44-2 Not long ago... For a help, as I--I think our Lord said and so did Paul: "What the Father showed me, I've held nothing back, I tell you." And in these last days when we see this Quickening Power upon us... He even give Quickening Power to us to see the sick healed. We have seen the Quickening Power working among us like it was then, upon them in the early days (See?), see It bring back by vision and raise the dead. See? It make the sick well. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 44-3 The other day I was telling someone, little Donovan Weerts here (I guess you all know him). I was up hunting with him. Poor little fellow, he's a nice little guy, comes here to church, just a very good friend of mine, and he just said, "Didn't want to bother you." I looked at his ear, turned all inside out, and I said, "How are you, Donovan?" and just took him by the hand like that--and a cancer. And I said, "Donovan, what's the matter with your ear?" He said, "Don't know, Brother Branham, about six, seven months it just keeps getting..." I said, "Why didn't you say something about it?" Said, "I--I didn't want to bother you, Brother Branham." I said, "Do you know what it is?" Said, "I have an idea." I just put my hand over on him, never said a word. Two days after that there wasn't even a scar. What is it? That Quickening Power. See? It will quicken your mortal body. His ear would eat off, his brains would've been gone. See? He'd have died--but the Quickening Power. See? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 44-5 And one day when I was weary myself about... I said, "If you... Boy, you'd better go ahead; you're fifty years old. You--if you going to do anything for the Lord, you'd better hurry up and do it;
you're getting old." See? And there that morning the Quickening Power come. And He let me look over the curtain, and I seen all of you over there. See, see? He said, "All that you ever loved and all loved you, they're give to you." See? I seen them all over there like that. What was it? Quickening Power. John the Revelator was filled full of Quickening Power and stood up and seen the end from the beginning. Isaiah was full of the Quickening Power and stood up and seen the millennium and all: Quickening Power. And if the Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead dwell in you, It'll quicken your mortal body--mortal body. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 45-2 Remember. The Quickening Power... Look what we seen in this day. The Quickening Power has come to us to open the Seven Seals. What was that? The intelligence of a man? No, the Quickening Power of God. See? The Quickening Power of God foretold this would take place. See? But the Quickening Power of God made the world testify to It, it's the Truth. The Angel of the Lord, what I told you was around, that Pillar of Fire, Quickening Power, let the world testify that It's the Truth. And in that, they didn't know what It was, and we who just look this way... and It's our Lord up there. You see? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 45-3 He is the One Who opened those Seals; He is those Seals. For the whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was open. What is the opening of those Seals then? Revealing Christ. And the very seven Angels which represented the Seven churches was all completed, and we couldn't even see It. They did--they took the picture, not us. And there He is standing there, supreme Judge, showing that He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. What identification. Quickening Power did that to us. Quickening Power lets us see His coming. Quickening Power snatched us from death to Life. Quickening Power gives discernment to know what's wrong with you, and what to do, what you have done, and what you ought not have done, what you should have done, and what you will be. Quickening Power. All these things. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 45-5 Our Lord Jesus is so full of Quickening Power, He was all of It together. He was so full of Quickening Power, He said this: "You destroy this body and I'll raise it up in three days." Talk about confidence in Quickening Power. "Destroy this body and I'll--this temple, and I'll bring it up in three days." Why? Why'd He say that? He knew that it was written of Him (See?), that it was written Him by the Word of God which could not fail.
The Word said, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption; neither will I leave His soul in hell." And He knowed that Quickening Power would raise Him up, that there wouldn't be one cell corrupt. He said, "You destroy this temple and I'll bring it back again in three days." Why? It was prophecy, the Word of God. And prophecy, if It's true Word of God, cannot fail. And the same prophecy and Word of God that said He'd raise Him up, says that we are already raised with Him. No wonder He said, "Fear not." And it is written that the Spirit that is now--was in Him, now in us also quickens our mortal bodies. Fear not, friend, the S-o-n is up. The Son is up. No. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 46-2 Now, look at transfiguration. We was every one represented there. There was the living saints that had raptured, there was Elijah standing there; and there stood Moses, the dead saints...?... Also, both of them had Quickening Power. Whether the one died and the other didn't die, they're all there. Notice. Oh, look what we're now seeing in these last days. The same thing that He promised, John 14:12. Now, look. Certainly. People say, "You claim to have power?" "No, no, no. We're just like them at Mount Transfiguration." See? Certainly, we do not claim power, but we, like--like they was on the Mount Transfiguration, they wasn't saying--Moses say, "See who-see who I am," and the disciples say, "See who I am, see who I am." You know what happened? Notice. They seen Jesus glorified. That's all they wanted to see represented, Jesus glorified. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 46-5 And so is it today. We don't try to be some big person. We don't care what the people say about us. Our name ain't nothing; it's His Name. Our life is nothing; it's His Life. It's His power, not our power. And there's only one thing that we love to do, is see Him glorified. And how can it be? When He's glorified in us by His resurrection that's in us. We see Him represented again as He was, today. Did you get that? See? Our desire is not to be glorified. Our desire is not some big name. Our desire is not boost some church, or make more in the Sunday school, or try to bring in, hogtie, push in, offer picnic party, or bring stars, buttons, or something else like that. That's not our desire. Our desire is to see Him glorified. Glorify what? Not with self-pride, but in us, our lives, to prove that He is alive and living in us. If I can get myself out of the way, so when William Branham not even thought of, and you not even thought of, till we can see Jesus glorified among us, see Him, that's our desire. That's the quick--gives us the Quickening Power. And it gives us joy to know that we are with Him, both flesh and bone of Him,
being the Bride of Him, and seeing His same vindicated methods proving in us that He is now risen from the dead. See? No wonder He said, "Fear not." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 47-2 For now (Notice.), we are redeemed by Him and now risen with Him. That's what Easter means to the people: risen with Him. Notice. Now, we have His Spirit in us, the Abstract deed, fully paid. No. You don't say, "Well, I hope I make it." You've already made it. Not, "I will make it"; "I've already made it." I never made it; He made it for me. See? Not me, Him. "Well, Brother Branham, they say..." I don't care what they say there; He made it for me. That's all I want to--I'm caring about. I just--I just want to see Him manifested. How can you do it? Call Him down? No. He's in you. See? He's in you. "Well then, Lord, if I can get myself out of the way, You can manifest... myself. How can You do it? Because You ordained it so: 'All that the Father has given Me will come'" Notice. Glory. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 47-4 With all that evidence collected with us now this morning, oh, I think of that song: On that resurrection morning, When death's cords will be broken, We shall rise, Hallelujah. we shall rise. You believe that? We shall rise. In Him we become part of Him, the Easter, the revealed secret of God like it was then, of Life after death. We are now alive, who were once dead in sin and trespasses. The true Easter Seal has broke death from around me, and I'm alive. The Easter Seal at the beginning broke the seal of the Roman seal (the Easter Seal) that He was sealed up. And man when they died was gone, but He broke the seal and revealed the secret. And now, God by His Holy Spirit has broke the seal from around our lives, and Christ is revealed that He lives in us, for now we are quickened with Him. Oh, page after page... We shall rise! Hallelujah. We shall rise! Amen. On that resurrection morning, When death's... bars are broken, We shall rise, Hallelujah! we shall rise!
Oh, aren't you glad. I'm so glad way back down yonder, in a little old coal shed one morning, the seals were broken, and I raised with Him a new creature. His Quickening Power, the Son's up. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 48-2 Not long ago, I was told a little story about a--a fisherman. A fellow come out and hired an old fisherman to take him fishing out on the west coast. They went out that morning. And if any of you have fished out there for the salmon, why you know what takes place; it gets awful foggy out there. I see my little brother, Eddie Byskal down there, a missionary to the Indians out there; and we fished ourselves out on those coasts. So this--the fisherman was kind of a greenhorn, you know. He went fishing and they drifted out. Waiting for daylight to come, you know, and they're... And they couldn't hear the foghorn no more, and this fisherman got all excited, said, "Say, we're drifting out to sea. Hey." He got all excited. He said, "Set down, Son; set down." The old fisherman, quiet, you know. He knowed what he's talking about. Said, "Just wait until the sun comes up, then we see where we're at." RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 48-4 You say, "Must I be Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal?" Just wait. The Son comes up, we'll see where we're at. He is the Word. Wait till you see the Word manifested, shining across the Seed, the wave Sheaf, we'll see where we're at. Do you love Him? Sorry I kept you this long. How many of you is going to stay over for night then? Oh. I'll just come back again then this evening. About seven o'clock? [Brother Branham holds a conversation with someone on platform--Ed.] Did you have something for tonight? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 48-6 Let us bow our heads. Is there one here, or many, who doesn't have this Quickening Power in you? The Son has shined across and you've set in this tabernacle, you've listened to tapes, and yet the Spirit has never quickened you, till you could follow the Word of God? If you women and you men could obey every Word that He's written... Oh, that's a dangerous thing. What if you'd be a dead seed, no Life in you. But there's something in you that tells you, "I--I want to rise this morning. I want to rise from the state that I'm in. I don't want to be just a dead seed to be left to dirt, and the driftwood; I want to rise." Will you raise your hand and say, "Pray for me, brother." God bless you. God bless you. My, look at the hands. There's no way at all for an altar call, what we call a altar call, people come up around the altar.
I'm not too much on it anyhow. That was just added to the church during the days of the Methodist revival. See? RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 49-3 The Bible said, "As many as believe (See?), were baptized." There's a pool here full of water waiting for any candidate who's ready to die to themself. Now, you might be buried in--many times in the Name of the Lord Jesus, but until that Seed is Life (See?), It won't quicken it. No, no. Baptism of waters is like the dew that fell from heaven. It can fall upon the seed, but there's no Life there it can't live. But if that real baptism of water is a death to yourself, and you're ready to die out to everything that you ever been taught by creeds and denominations which is contrary to the Word, and you'll walk as a son or daughter of God, and you mean it in your heart, watch what that baptism of water will do to you this morning. Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your wrongs, your sins, and you shall receive the Sheaf, the Wave-offering. You shall receive the Dynamics, the Holy Ghost, for the promise is to you and all them, to all generations, it'll be. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 49-5 Father God, I have spoke at length and taken up much of the people's time, but Lord God, there's no stopping to it. It just seems you just have to quit, and walk away, and rest, and come back. We're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with a evidence of the resurrection. Dear God, we're only going to be mortal once, and what will it be if we let this opportunity pass us? Our hearts are burning; our souls are thrilled, these who have come in. And many here are hearing this message this morning. Yes, two or three hundred lifted their hands. They want to believe, Lord. Oh, surely that seed's not dead, Lord. How could they raise their hands like that? There's something. Oh, God, it's old self, it's that wife of Job standing there saying, "Oh..." But, Lord, let that Job, that believer walk in this morning, die completely, and be buried here in this baptismal waters, the dew drops that come from heaven, the Word of God, that says It'll wash away every sin and remit it. You're baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, what for? The remission of your sins. Sin's remitted in the Name of Jesus Christ. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 50-2 May it then, Father, may, if they're sick, may they walk out well. May, if they are crippled, may they walk out under the power of the Holy Spirit. If they've been sinners, may they walk out washed and
clean. And the mechanics by going in, the Dynamics come from above, the Holy Spirit and catch them away, Lord. Quicken their mortal body; then we shall hear genuine new tongues, powers of God, love untold, dying grace and living grace, and a resurrected Christ, a Body, a Bride, representing Him on earth. Father, they are Yours. They raised their hands; I have preached the Word. Now, Father, receive them, I pray; in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 50-4 You love Him? Isn't He wonderful? Are you satisfied that you are a part of that Easter resurrection, that you raised with Him? Raise your hand. You are included. "My little--little children," as Paul would've said--not trying to impersonate him, but the love, "I love you." I storm the roads and everything else to get here, to get to speak with you. Come up out of the desert, across the snow drifts, and so forth to get here. We fly in planes; you drive across the country, so we can get together. We love one another; we are part of one another. Don't you never let Satan tell you anything else. Being a part of one another, we are a part of Him, and we're fellowcitizens of the Kingdom, enjoying these blessings together of the resurrection. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 50-6 And now (See?), now you are already resurrected. When God raised Him up, He raised you; the Son is just now on you. And now you're growing into a blossom Life like He was to be resurrected completely in that last day. Your potentials you have now. Why do you know? Your soul changed, didn't it? Your body come in obedience to It, didn't it? Into obedience to what? A church? The Word, which is the Life. Then you are now resurrected from the dead. It is Easter with Jesus and I. It's Easter with you and Jesus, and it's Easter with you, I, and Jesus. We are all--Jesus, you, and I--we're all resurrected together and we will rise at the last day even though our spirits leave our body, even though the bodies rust, may they go to dust, may they be burnt up, may they be in the bottom of the sea--the Bible said an Angel poured out his upon the sea and everything that died come up. There's nothing can hide us or separate us from that God that we love so well, that's raised us up together. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 51-2 God bless you. I've kept you here a long time. If them people is still on that telephone, they sure--at fifty cents a minute, they'd really paid this morning, but I just couldn't stop at that hour; I just had to go on.
Now, the Lord willing, I'll be back tonight to talk with you again. And if I can't, and then you all know... I suppose we're not on no--or no--we're on telephone no more? Not on telephone no more. You all know where I'm going, don't you? Africa. I've called for a long time, for years I've tried to get back. Now, a vision, the Spirit of the Lord has prepared the way. They said when those poor natives heard it, that I didn't come the last time when--there, they laid on the ground day and night and moaned and cried, saying, "Lord, what have we done?"--thousands of them. Those people don't even believe they got a soul. See? And they cried, and they moaned, and they cried, "Don't you send no word ahead. Please don't." See? If that visa would happen to go through there and get amongst of them ministers, they'd stop me right there. I have to go in as a hunter. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 51-5 I'm going up to the queen that brought seventeen trainloads down and come down to the meeting. I get to go up and hunt on her territory. And I go in; my passport and everything calls for a hunter, not a religious service. Then there's going to be one brother meet me, say, "Why don't you have a little meeting for us?" The stadiums are already rented; they don't even know it. See? Oh, glory. Pray that the will of God will not be hindered, that my soul that's cried for Africa since I've left, may I be able to return again and then bring you a message of a great meeting. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 52-1 I probably won't see you no more from today until I return back. We're going in just a few days now, the 10th of May. Will you pray for me? Remember, you don't know what troubles are till you hit there: witch doctors on every side and devils; and don't think they don't know what to do. See? And you better know what you're talking about, when you stand before them. "But I know in Whom I have believed, and I'm persuaded He's able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day." Now, there's some handkerchiefs laying here. Dear God, as this message this morning of the resurrection and me standing here, Lord, and proving by the Word that that Quickening Power is in the believing child; therefore, upon believing in faith that that Quickening Power has changed my life, and these people believes, Lord, and It changed their lives; and we pray one for another. I'm laying my hands upon these handkerchiefs that may God, Who quickened Jesus Christ and brought Him from the dead, and that Spirit that raised Him up from the dead, be dwelling in our bodies. The Spirit that was upon the body of Elisha that after being dead and nothing but bones, it had Quickening Power in them. The hands of the apostles had Quickening Power in them. The minds of the apostles, the sight of the apostles, the--the tongues of the believers, all had Quickening Power. Now, may that Quickening Power, as I lay this Word upon them and my hands to represent a possessor by grace of that
Quickening Power, may It quicken every one of these sick bodies and they be made whole again, God. Through Jesus Christ's Name. May it not only for these handkerchiefs, but for those people out there in the audience, everyone that suffers, those little children, elderly people, whatever they are, may that Quickening Power quicken them right now in Jesus' Name. Amen. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 52-4 Now, how many got Quickening Power? Now, lay your hands upon one another. If that Quickening Power's in you... Now, there's only one thing to keep It from hindering, that's your unbelief. A woman touched His garment, and was made whole; a Roman soldier spit in His face and went to hell. See? So they have--it depends on where you at. Do you believe it? Do you believe it? Now, I want you to bow your head and pray for one another. Just--just pray right out. Just say, "Lord, this person..." See? Just pray for one another. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 53-1 Dear God, we do this in the Name of Jesus Christ, the only Name given among men whereby that we could be saved or healed. These people who are fellow-citizens of the Kingdom, a possessor of Quickening Power, quicken It to them, Lord, just now. And may the Spirit go from eagle to eagle, from Word to Word, till the Fullness of Jesus Christ be made manifest in each of the bodies, for physical, spiritual, or any need they have need of, as we lay our hands upon one another, in Jesus Christ's Name. DOES GOD CHANGE HIS MIND JEFF IN 65-0418E V-5 N-9 DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 1 Let us bow our heads. Dear Lord Jesus, we are assembled again in Your Name with great expectation for the outpouring of the Quickening power of God to bring us into recognition of our position and place and our responsibility as being a called people, separated from the world, dedicated to God. Grant, Lord, tonight that the blessings of God will guide us and direct us in the things we do or say, that it might bring honor and glory to Your Name. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
2 I'm happy to be back in the church tonight and to be with you dear people. And I know it's warm; I just called my wife; I think it's ninety something there, ninety-five or ninety-six or something, and it's a--quite a bit warmer than it is here. So I'm getting used to the warm weather now. So... But I'm so glad to be here at the Tabernacle at this wonderful Easter time. And I can't say that I apologize for that long, long message this morning, but I--it was--I didn't want-want to wear out your patience and then come at it again tonight. But I--I wanted to--to get that message to you that you are a part of this resurrection. See? And don't worry about it no more (See?); just rejoice over it. There is nothing nowhere can separate you from it, nothing; eternally secured in the Kingdom of God. When God has stamped His Seal upon you, you're to the end of the destination. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 4 When the government puts a seal upon a package, the railroad puts a seal on a door, that car cannot be tampered with until it reached its destination. When God puts His Seal upon a man (and the Seal is the Holy Spirit), when He seals a man like that, he's gone to his eternal destination. And never no more can he ever, ever go back any more; 'cause remember, Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed for all times." You see? You're sealed forever; you are sealed eternally into the Kingdom of God by the Holy Spirit. Now, think of that. Then you... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 5 The devil will punch at you, and he'll say everything to you and accuse you, and--and try to make you think that you're not, but don't you listen to him. Now, you know you've passed from death unto Life; you know the things that you once loved, you don't love no more. You know that you have believed every Word of God; you seen God working right among us without--infallible proofs that He is the great I AM. You've notice that ever what has been said in His Name, never has one thing been prophesied in His Name but what happened just exactly the way it did, even to science, newspaper, picture, cameras, writers; everything else has to recognize it. See? Regardless of whether they want to or not, God makes them do it anyhow (See?), to make it known. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 7 Now, being a little group... Remember, it's not a big group that He comes for: "Fear not, little flock; it's your Father's good will..." See? I want to leave a word with you, shocking, just before we have a ordination of a minister. And this is very shocking, but just that you might know. Now, I ain't saying that this is exact to number, but I'd like to leave this with you.
I don't know whether any people's in here has ever seen hybreeding of cattle (which I don't believe in it), but I've watched it done. And I've seen them take the sperm of the male, just enough could be touched on a little metal, like a little toothpick, and lay it upon a piece of marble and turn those glasses which magnify it a, I don't know how many times, until that sperm... Where you could see nothing with the natural eye, any ordinary glass, but when it's magnified hundred or hundred and fifty times, you can see in that one little drop of sperm maybe fifty to a hundred little germs abouncing around. Also, in the female comes as many eggs in a--in the sperm. Now, when they are-are brought together... Now, the first two that meets and connects... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 10 There's only one out of that million is going to live. Did you ever think of that? They are the same germ and the same egg, both of them just alike, but there's only one going to live. And that's not determined which one beats there first, because sometime the egg way back in the back, and the germ might be up in the middle of the sperm, and they'll crawl over one another. It takes an Intelligence to know whether it's going to be boy or girl, red-headed, black-headed, or whatmore. It's a election of God; it can be nothing else: election. Even in the natural birth is election, whether it's going to be boy or girl, or whatever it's going to be. And when that little germ wiggles into this little egg, and the little tails drop off, it starts the baby's spine of whatever it's after, animal, baby, or whatever it is. And the rest of those million germs--a million eggs, a million germs, and only one lives. All the same, but God chooses by election what's going to live, and the rest of them perish: one out of a million. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 12 When Israel left Egypt, they all believed in one prophet's message. They seen the signs of God by Moses; every one of them saw them. And they each one come out of Egypt, and walked through the Red Sea, and was baptized unto Moses. Each one saw the power of God strike him when he sang in the Spirit and when Miriam beat the tambourine, run up and down the coast. Each one of them every night eat fresh heavenly manna out of the skies. Each of those drank from that spiritual Rock that was smitten. And there was two million people left Egypt. How many made the promised land? Two, one out of a million. Where they all at? Jesus said they perished. "Your fathers eat manna in the wilderness for the space of thirty years, and I say unto you, that they are all dead." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 13 Now, there's about five hundred million Christians in the world tonight, counting Catholic, Protestant, and all. If Jesus should come in that rapture, according to what I've just said, there would be
five hundred missing in the world tonight in the rapture. And they probably is that every day, counting all the lands, that's never accounted for. So it could be at any time. See? Oh, Christians, let us buckle on the armor of God. Let us do all that we know how to serve Him, love Him, and wait for that great time. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 15 Now, there's not going to be a great millions and multitudes come out of a generation and march in. There--there can't be. Now, remember, each day ends a generation, each day. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls was saved by water." But each day ends a forty year period for somebody, for some. See? And each day so many is sealed away in the Kingdom. One day the last day will arrive. Let us be sure now, while we are in our right mind, and in the church, and amongst the people where the Holy Spirit so has identified Hisself with us, let's be sure that everything's all right and stays all right before Him. Don't you stop; don't rest day and night until that Quickening Power has brought you from the things of the world into the Kingdom of God. And you that truly are brought into the Kingdom of God, and quickened by the Spirit of God, how happy, with tears of joy we should be on our knees day and night thanking God for what He's done. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 17 Tonight we have a little change in the service. We have a fine brother here, Brother Capps. He come to us from the Nazarene church, and I think that is right, Brother Capps? He's wishing tonight to be ordained by us, by laying on hands. We do not have papers to give out to anyone, yet we're recognized as... We could have papers, but we believe that a true ordained minister, his papers is in heaven. See? And he--he has the rights to preach the Bible as long as God identifies his life with the Bible. We believe that's his credentials. And now, Brother Capps has been ordained officially in the--the Nazarene church, but tonight he wants the elders and so forth to lay hands upon him for ordination to carry this Message. What a gallant thing. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 20 I have--I have heard the reports ever since I been in Tucson, and such wonderful reports of Brother Capps here in his assistance to our gracious Brother Neville, who's holding the candle of Light just as gallantly as these two men can hold. We have laid hands on Brother Neville but not upon Brother Capps. And I want those who are ministers, Brother Jackson and them, if they're here, and Brother Ruddell and
the elders of the church here, if they'll come up here just for a few minutes now and a--laying hands on Brother Capps. And they... Now, we find in the Bible that that's the way they did it; they lay hands upon them and set them apart then. And that's the way they did Timothy. Said, "By this gift that was in thee from the grandmother Lois..." They'd noticed it, that there was a gift in the man that come to him by the presbyters by laying on of hands. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 22 Now, latter day brethren--latter day rain brethren got though--that mixed up. They thought they give him a gift by doing that. No, the gift was already in him, and they just laid their hands upon him as a sanction that they believed that God had already put the gift in him; and they sanctioned it by laying on of hands. And these men here in this church that I believe that's possessed in their soul was this Quickening Power, if you brothers will come up just now, Brother Ruddell and all the rest of you that's here in the church, and the elders and sister churches around to lay hands upon Brother Capps, that he might be ordained by our sanction before this audience and sent out to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus wherever God may call him. He becomes--he's already one of us by birth. He's one of us because he's believed the Message. He's one of us because that--that he stands for the Truth of the Word. And we want Brother Capps to be officially ordained before you by the laying on of hands, that he's one of us. [Brother Branham gives directions to the ministers--Ed.] Okay, Brother Ruddell, Brother Capps, Brother Neville... Brother Junior Jackson, any of them other ministers here? I don't know just how many there is. I don't... I guess they got their own services tonight, so come right up here, Brother Capps. Now, where's Brother Hunter and them from New York? I got... Brother Anthony, I guess they have gone back. Any of you others that's here that's with us, why, we'd be glad for you to come here and stand with us now as a recognition that we believe Brother Capps to be... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 23 How many of you here know Brother Capps, raise your hand. All right, put your hands down. How many believe he's a servant of God, raise your hands. We love him as our brother. Now, this is not exactly a correct way of what we would call ordination, but I want this audience... I couldn't sing this song, but I want you to help me try it, that... One day a prophet went down to the altar in the temple, and while he was there at the temple... He had been a good man, but he'd just been laying upon the arms of Uzziah the king, and he was a--he was a good man. But yet one day at the temple he saw something when he fell into a vision that he'd never
saw before. He saw Angels with wings, flying back and forth through the building, crying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty." (Come on Brother...?... See?) "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!" [Brother Branham speaks to Brother Ben--Ed.] Ben... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 26 And when he did, the post of the temple moved out, and he said, "Woe is me, for I'm a man of unclean lips." In the Presence of God he recognized that even though being a prophet, he'd been wrong. He said, "I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among people with unclean lips." And one of the Angels flew, and took a coal of fire, and touched his lips, and said, "Prophesy, son of man." Would you give us a chord on that, sister, if you will. How many knows this song? Let's... one verse. All right. When the coal of fire had touched the prophet, Making him as pure, as pure can be; When the voice of God said, "Who'll go for us?" Then he answered, "Here am I, send me!" Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord; Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee. Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me." Millions now in sin and shame are dying; Listen to their sad and bitter cry; Hasten, brother, hasten to their rescue; Quickly answer, "Master, here am I." Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee. Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, Speak, and I will answer, "Lord send me."
Let the elders walk around now and lay hands upon Brother Capps. Let's all bow our heads. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 28 Dear God, the temple post has moved again. And as seeing the Spirit of the quickening Life working in our brother, I pray, God, as he feels this from above that says that he must go... We lay hands upon him as Your elders, Lord, and give to him the right-hand of fellowship, and lay our hands upon him, and pass the blessings of God upon him, that You'll anoint his lips, his thinking, his entire being, and may he take this Message of the Gospel to every crack and corner that You'll call him to. Grant it, Lord. We give You our brother as a servant of Yours in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Preach the Word, my young brother. Be in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke with all longsuffering in doctrine. God bless you...?... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 30 [Brother Ben Bryant speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Have you? I didn't know you hadn't. Brother Ben here has come to us. I think he's been preaching for some time. Yet, he hasn't been officially (I thought he had; that's the reason I called him up.) ordained or hands laid on him here. Now, Brother Ben's wife is here somewhere, and she is a dear person. She was a woman preacher. And when she and our brother were married, and he brought her to the tabernacle, when she seen and heard the Word, yet a fine little lady with a fine personality, but when she seen that it was wrong for the women to do that, she laid aside; and it seemed to fall upon her husband. That's correctly; that's apostolic. That's the way it should be. Brother Ben takes the tapes, as I understand, with his wife. They go into the out-of-the-way places, way back into the mountains, into the jungles, and they play these tapes and comment on the tapes. Many times they're run out, cast out, throwed out. We expect that, for all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 33 How many here knows Brother Ben? How many believes him to be God's servant, worthy of this blessing that we'll ask of God for him? See, he's not a stranger; he's been with us for years and years. I know him as a man of humility. He's like me; he makes many mistakes. We all do that. But what I like about Brother Ben, he's willing to crawl on his knees to make it right. When he heard the other day on "Marriage and Divorce"... He and his wife was ready to separate, because that he loves her, and she
loves him, but they want to cope with the Word of God. Whatever the Word said, that's what they wanted. I pray that God will bless Ben and his wife to His service. Let's lay our hands upon the brother. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 34 Dear God, we lay our hands upon our Brother Ben by a sign that we love him and we believe, Lord, that he is willing to do a work for You, to be sent out with these tapes, to play them among some mountain people in the way-away places where probably many of us would never get, but yet the Message must go to all the world. We pray that You'll bless our brother, and give to him Your Spirit, and may It come upon him and guide him and direct him and his wife to those places where maybe that one soul is way out there... And the doors cannot close until that one sheep is brought in. Thou art not satisfied with ninety and nine, the--every name that's on the Book must be brought in. Help them, Lord, as we lay hands upon him as associating him with us as our brother. And our help, prayer for him, will go with him; and we pray that You'll bless him, Lord, wherever he goes. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Bless you, Brother Ben. The right-hand of fellowship we can give you as minister brothers. God bless you. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 35 John Martin--Earl. How many knows Earl Martin? How many believes him to be a servant of Christ? He comes to us from a--I believe the--originally from a Pentecostal group, and now I think he pastors and does a independent work. I've knowed Earl to be a real servant of Christ. I'll never forget one act--many has been, but one act with Earl. I remember one night they called him when I was in Dallas, Texas--or I--I believe... No, it was a... Beaumont, Texas--is right, sister. And they--they... His baby was laying, dying, and they thought it was already dead. It wasn't breathing no more. And Earl made his way around to my room, as a daddy, bending shoulders, stooped down before me as I was in bed, rolled out, and he put his arms around me and said, "Brother, I believe you are God's prophet. I've always believed that. If you'll just say the word, though my baby is dead, yet shall it live." And his baby come back to life and living. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 37 You believe he's worthy of the right-hand of fellowship of these believers? Let us pray, brothers, as we lay hands on him. Gracious heavenly Father, we lay hands again on our Brother Martin. We send him, Lord, to the utmost parts that Thou has ordained that he should go, wherever it is, many or few, byways, highways, hedges, wherever it is, Lord. May Your blessings be with him. We lay our hands upon him as we bid him Your
speed and give him our blessings, that the Spirit that's upon us, Lord, may go with him, and will guide him and direct him to the lost souls out in the hedges and highways. We send him in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, Brother Martin. Go now; the Lord be with you. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 39 For the same purpose? Richard is your name. How many know Richard Blair? How many believe him to be a servant of God? He comes from the--the group of the United Pentecostal church. And Brother--Brother Blair, I remember a great calling of his. I remember the time where Brother Blair would not--didn't want to believe me, because that there was a spirit working with him, telling him that I was false. And while he was setting right in the meeting, the Holy Spirit turned around and called it out. And he was just about ready for a--a breakdown, and that's what got him in that shape. And I remember his lovely wife calling me one day; she said, "Brother Branham, I believe Richard is going to die." And she had, I believe, a scarf. She went and laid it on him as I asked her and prayed; here he is. A little baby had been in an accident, or--his boy--in an accident, that they didn't give much hope for it, with a concussion of the brain, and with prayer, even by the phone, the baby was made well. Do you believe Brother Blair is a true witness of Christ? You pray that your blessings go with him. Brethren, lay your hands on him. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 41 Dear God, to identify our gracious and noble brother, Your servant, that has even come from his own group to walk in Light. Father, we pray that You'll bless our Brother Blair, as we send him with our blessings and our sanction by our hands upon him to wherever You may call him, Lord, to whatever work it may be. May Your Spirit go with Brother Blair. Guide him and direct him to the lost and dying of this world, that he may help find that lost sheep, that he might bring it back to the fold. Wherever it might be, whatever You have for him, Lord, we just ask that Your Spirit guide him and direct him throughout his life's journey. We are his brethren. In giving him the right-hand of fellowship, we ask You to go with him in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. The right-hand of fellowship... God bless you, Brother Blair. We are with you one hundred percent, pray for you and will do anything we can to help you. God bless you. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 42 [Brother Branham has conversation with Brother Anthon--Ed.] What say? Who are you? Merlin Anthon. In the church. Anybody know Brother Merlin Anthon? He's new to me. [The Brother speaks again to Brother Branham--Ed.] Oh, yes. Pardon me, brother. From the Salvation Army. That's right. I
remember him. Sure I know him now. I just... His face didn't look familiar to me just--same at this time. How many knows him to be a man of God? How many believes that--that God is working with him, raise your hand. Will you pray for him? Now, Brother, we know that you come in from a great group of people, Salvation Army; they're a great people. But--and--but the Salvation Army does do a great work out on the street. We can say nothing against the Nazarene, the Pentecostal church, or the Salvation Army, or any of them; they are our brethren. But you see, we believe that we are carriers of a great Message for this very hour that we're living in. You want to do that with us? Let us bow our heads while we lay our hands on our brother. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 44 Dear heavenly Father, You are the One that does the calling; You are the One that quickens the Word so that they can believe. And we lay our hands upon our precious brother as a sanction that we believe that You're with him and will help him. We send our blessings with him, Lord, that we who believe that we've passed from death unto Life and now hold Quickening Power in our hearts. By the grace of God we lay hands upon our brother and send him with our blessing that You'll lead him and guide him and direct him to every crevice of the earth, Lord, that You have ordained for him to go. May Your Spirit go with him and give him health, strength, and success in his ministry, for we send him in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. That's the right-hand of fellowship. You brothers shake hands with these brethren like that so that you... All right, the Lord bless you all. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 46 [A brother speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] You... Whatever you wish in your eyes to be...?... Now, what's your name? Brother Correll. This is Brother Correll from Cincinnati. Anybody know Brother Correll, raise your... Being from Cincinnati, I doubt it. And anybody know... He says that he was with a group, and the group wanted to ordain women ministers. He couldn't stand it, and he had to break away from it. That's exactly how I broke away from the Missionary Baptists. Dr. Roy E. Davis, how many ever heard him? Sure, you did. He wanted to ordain some women preachers, and I said, "No, sir. As an elder," I said, "I cannot do that conscientiously; it's against the Word of God." I don't know you, Brother Correll, but upon the basis of your testimony and that truth that you stand for... We have nothing against those women; they are sisters; we love them, but we believe that they got their place; in that they must stay. And we believe that they are darling to a man, a helpmate, and by no means... We think they're the greatest gift outside of salvation that God ever give a man. But she's got no place in the pulpit according to the Word of God. Upon that basis and your faith in God, we lay hands on you as fellowship to come go with us. Let us lay our hands.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 48 Our dear heavenly Father, this young man, I can just about know how he feels, him being pushed out because of the real truth...?... that man shall live not by bread alone, but by every Word. So we lay hands on him now, placing our blessings upon him. May Your Spirit lead him, guide him, and direct him throughout life's journey to wherever You may send him. Let him know that we are praying for him, and will be a help to him and support him as long as he will stand for the Truth. Grant it, Lord. We send him in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, Brother Correll...?... Our hands laid on the different ones. All of you give kind of the right-hands of fellowship...?... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 49 Brother Ruddell, here has never officially been ordained here at the church. Can... How many knows Brother Ruddell? We all know him. How many knows he's a man of God? Dear heavenly Father. We as Your elders lay hand upon this brother who has moved through deep muddy waters... He's seen his congregation fallen off. He's seen everything take place naturally...?... [We are unable to distinguish Brother Branham's voice from that other minister's praying--Ed.] We lay our hands upon him and pass our blessings to him...?... Anoint him, Lord, mightily. Send him to every crevice of the earth...?... Send him in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Brother Ruddell, you've always got a right-hand of fellowship. I know Brother Ruddell. Seems like-like my own boy. His daddy, and I, mother have knowed one another so long. And I know Brother Ruddell to be a servant of God. I serve with Him. God bless you, Brother Ruddell. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 51 Who are you, brother? Brother Martin. You know him, Brother Martin? What's your name? [The brother tells his name--Ed.] Brother McCommas. I guess there's no one here knows him, but he is a... Yes, this man here knows him, Brother Tyler. And he comes to be--have hands laid upon him that he'll be a carrier of the Gospel. Brother McCommas... Where are you from, Brother McCommas? Rockford, Illinois. [The brother speaks to Brother Branham about the healing of his wife--Ed.] Oh, is that right? From Tucson. Oh, I remember the call now. Praise the Lord. [Brother Martin speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Your sister. And she's here now, was prayed for her the other night from Tucson by telephone. Paralyzed, she was paralyzed a few nights ago, and she is here now. No wonder he wants to take the Message. Let us lay hands upon the brother.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 52 Dear God, I lay hands with these others, upon Your servant and give to him the right-hand of fellowship, praying that the blessings of God will...?... [Brother Branham cannot be heard above the others in the background--Ed.] Guide him and direct him. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. The righthand of fellowship, my brother...?... God be with you. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 53 Yes, Brother? All right, sir. I believe this is Brother Darius. This man is Brother Darius. Where you from, brother? Black Rock, Arkansas. Brother... knows him. Someone else, I believe, here said... Brother Brewer. I believe I met this morning, they're... Sister Vayle, I guess, Brother Vayle and them who know him, and know him to be a man of God, a servant of God... Wonderful. Well now, my dear brother, to be a carrier of the Message, we want you to know that we'll stand behind you, do everything that we can. We'll be praying for you, that you also will carry this Message to the utmost parts of wherever God has ordained you to go. Let us lay our hands on our Brother Darius. Dear God, we lay our hands upon our brother, give him the right-hand of fellowship, and send him in the Name of Jesus Christ...?... You'll anoint his...?... [Unable to distinguish Brother Branham--Ed.]... give him the right-hand of...?... Your Spirit go with him and guide him and direct him, in Name of Jesus Christ. God bless you, brother. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 55 Now, I believe... Brother Anthony... Many of you know Brother Anthony. He's been here with us a long time. I know him to be a servant of Christ myself. I believe he's a dedicated young man. He's never officially had hands laid on him. He didn't know this was coming, friends. See? But right now is good as any. So we're going to lay hands on Brother Anthony, just give him the right-hand of fellowship. God has to do the ordaining. This is just to let him know and you know that we believe this brother, and we love him, and he's one of us in the Message. And we want him to have God's blessings, and that's what we ask on him. Let's pray as we lay our hands on brother. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 56 Dear God, this humble little Italian servant of Yours, Lord, comes tonight to have hands laid upon him and the right-hand of fellowship officially extended to him by the church outward, Lord, Your great power send this young boy to the parts of the earth that would send him, that You'd call him to. May he go and deliver them people from drinking and sin and meanness and to serve You, Lord, all the days of
his life. May You lead him, guide him; may our blessing be with him as we send him. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 57 Oh, I don't know. We're on a telephone hookup; fifty cents a minute. Was there somebody else here was want... Step up here and call your names, who you are, brethren, just through the microphone, right up here. Just tell them... [The following men state their names: Pat Tyler, Claude Boggess, Dale Potter, James Humes, Earl Horner--Ed.] Is that them? Come up, brethren... These men, do you believe this Message to be the Truth from God's bless...?... You believe that with all your heart? And you are desirous and think if we lay hands upon you? We want you to know that we are with you and will do anything that we can do to help you. And now, I want you brethren, so that I can lay hands on them to, to step right up here now, and let's all bow our heads as we lay hands on them. Dear God, here's a group of men; I lay my hands upon each of them in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. And may You Who have called them as ministers, may they...?... Lord, for Your...?... [Unable to distinguish Brother Branham--Ed.] We give to them the right-hand of fellowship, pray Your blessings to be with them, Lord, and bless them...?... of the earth...?... May they work and serve You in the capacity that You call...?... May they be gallant, real servants...?... Grant it, Lord. We ask it in Jesus Christ's Name...?... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 58 God bless you each, brethren. God bless you; God bless you, brother; God bless you; God bless you, Brother...?... Lord be with you, each one. Bless be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred mind Is like to that above. Isn't He wonderful? Just think now of how many ministers is here tonight to have hands laid upon them. I didn't know that we were on this telephone hookup. If the people out there will forgive me for that, I didn't know it. See? I just didn't know they was going to hook this little message up tonight, but we are... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
61 Now, we'll read the Word and pray and get straight into this message that I feel that the Holy Spirit would have me to bring to you tonight. And now, while we are turning back in the--for the text (I'll announce it in a moment.)... Let's turn to Numbers the 22nd chapter, verse 31: Numbers 22:31, for a text. While you're turning, if you'd like to read--read it or mark it, I want you all to remember me now, until I get to see you again, I hope, sometime this summer, the Lord willing. And if anything happens I don't get to go overseas, I'll be back; but we are now believing that how all this has worked around, that the Holy Spirit is going to send us now on a way that He has chosen for Himself to send us. That's the way we want to do it. The Lord bless. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 64 Father, we're about to read Your Word. Will You bless It and anoint It to our understanding, we ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. The Book of Numbers the 22nd chapter and the 31st verse: And the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face. Now, in the reading of this, to build a context around it, I want to take the subject, "Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word?" That's quite a text, and it's a great truth that we ought to understand. Can God say anything and then say, "I'm sorry I said it"? Can God take His Word back after He's said It? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 68 Now, in this statement here, the reason I chose this statement was because it's one of the statements of the Bible that a reader, trying to see--or try to say that God does change His mind, this would be more like that He changed His mind than any place in the Bible I know of; because He told Balaam one thing and then told him another. And now, many people has tried to make Balaam just a, oh, a soothsayer or something. But Balaam was not a soothsayer; he was a prophet of the Lord. Now, we'll kinda get the outline of the message first. Israel was in their journey from--going to Palestine, coming from Egypt. And the Lord was with them, and they were... Every enemy that had raised up before Israel was moved out of the way, for God said He would send hornets before them and would drive out the enemy as long as they walked in obedience to His command. The job was never too big. The Amalekites, the giants of the day, meant nothing to Israel, though they were small men in statue;
but they were walking in THUS SAITH THE LORD. So no matter what the opposition was, God always seen that His words of promise never failed Israel. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 70 And Israel of the Old Testament is a type of the Bride of the New Testament, coming up out of the--the world, marching on the road to Canaan--or the Canaan that we go to, the millennium. Now, now, we notice Moab here is a type of the church. And Moab... They had just slew some kings and had routed the enemy, killed off everything, possessed the land, and moved up by Moab. Now, Moab was by no means a heathen nation. Moab was a nation that served the same God that Israel served. And the land of Moab was originally started with Lot's son by his own daughter. And he, being the founder of this nation, and had organized and celebrities and so forth, and made a great nation out of it, and they had multiplied and went on... And now, Israel was of the seed of Abraham, not of Lot. Israel come out of Isaac, Jacob. And Israel sprung out of those twelve tribes from Jacob, which was later called Israel, because he wrestled with the Lord. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 73 And Moab here... Now, in this... And you people out in the--on the telephones, I want to first say that I--I do not wish to be critical, and I hope I'm not; but the Message that's been given to me, I must be faithful to that Message or I'll be a hypocrite. See? I--I can't say no more than what I am sent to say. And I--I am thinking that the great enemy of the Christian society today is the organized churches. I do believe with all my heart that it'll finally form into the mark of the beast (which I can-think I can prove that by the Bible with God's help. I have already done it.)--that it will form into the mark of the beast in the federation of the churches. Because God never did at any time ever recognize a ordained church--organized church, never. He never did do it, and every time that man made an organization, the Spirit of God left it and never did return again. Ask any historian, or you may be a reader yourself. Never. When they organized, God laid it on the shelf; and that's where it went; it stayed from then on. They growed in members, but never awakening of the Spirit: never, no more. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 74 Moab here is a type of such, because they were a--a organized nation in their own land, like in their denomination. And they had their own religions. And their religion was the same religion that Israel had. They were Moabites and believed in Jehovah God, but they was a organized group of people.
And now, as they represent the natural church, Israel represents the spiritual church in its journey. Now, Israel was not an organized nation. As long as they followed God, they were independent. They come up, sojourners, no place to go; wherever the Pillar of Fire went, they went with It. They were not a organized nation. They had a organism among them, because circumcision gave them that under the commandment by God, but never an organized nation at this time. When they finally become an organized nation, that's where they fell and rejected their Messiah. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 76 And now, we find always that when these natural and spiritual spirits of churches and organizations meet, they's always a clash. It's never failed to be so; it always clashes. Because we find that in there is a jealousy, and there... In this jealousy it causes carnal comparisons, impersonations. And we find it in today as it was then; when God does something for an individual, everybody tries to copy just like God did for that person. See, it causes a competition, and it makes carnality. And then, if they cannot (the other side) get the spiritual results, then they take it by a political power or they substitute something to upset the people's mind to draw disciples after themselves. That's exactly what took place at the very beginning. As Cain and Abel, both boys here on earth; and when Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, and God vindicated Abel by coming down and receiving his sacrifice, it caused jealousy with Cain; because he was jealous of his brother, and slew his brother. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 78 It started at the beginning, that when the natural and the spiritual... Yet Cain and Abel worshipped the same God. They both built the same kind of altars, and they both worshipped the same God at the same church, same altar. But Cain by carnal reasoning brought in the fruits of the land and laid them upon the altar as a sacrifice, thinking that surely that this would answer to God for an atonement. So he must've brought in--as people think today, apples, that Adam and Eve took that caused the sin, and whatever... I think now they got it down to a pomegranate or something now. Some of them said not long ago it was something else, and... But Abel had the right sacrifice. He knowed that it was blood that did it, so he brought a lamb. And when God received his... Now, Abel, by faith, by revelation, no other way; there was no Bible written. So you see, the beginning of righteousness is God's revealed Truth, and the entire church of the living God is built upon that. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
80 Jesus, one day, coming off the mount, said to His disciples, "Who does man say I, the Son of man, am?" One said, "You're Moses," and the other one say, "You're Elias, and You're Jeremias, or one of the prophets." He said, "But who do you say that I am?" That's when the apostle Peter, inspired of God, quickened by the Spirit, made that tremendous statement: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." Notice the statement: "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you; My heavenly Father has revealed this to you. Thou are Simon; upon this rock..." What rock? Now, the Catholics says, "Upon Peter, the rock (little stone)." And the Protestant said, "Upon Christ, the Rock." Not to be different, but it was upon the revelation that Peter had Who He was. "No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him; and all the Father has given Me will come to Me." "Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God." "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven. Upon this rock I'll build My church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against it," spiritual revealed Word of God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 84 Notice, Abel by faith in God offered a more excellent sacrifice. And the carnal believer thought that it was the works of his own hands that--and his fruits and his beautiful offering that he brought, that God would recognize, and it made a clash. We find that Abraham and Lot had to clash. We find that Moses and--and Dathan, Korah had the same clash. Moses, being a ordained prophet with the Word of the Lord, vindicated that he was chosen to be their leader of the hour, and that Abraham had promised all these things, and here Moses did exactly what God said it would be--take place. And Korah, being carnal, wanted to raise up an organization among them. He wanted to make a group of men, and God doesn't deal with people like that. It shows right there in that Scripture a type of the journey today that organization is not what God ordains. For as soon as Korah done it, he said to Moses, "You take too much upon yourself." In other words, "The whole congregation's holy; why, you say you're the only holy man. You have no right to do any such as that. You try to make yourself somebody big. We're all holy; we're all God's children." And Moses just turned his head and walked away. He said, "Lord, what will I do?" God said, "Separate yourself from him; I've had enough of it." And He swallowed him up in the earth.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 88 See, there was a clash. When the carnal and the spiritual meets, there's always a clash. When Judas and Jesus met, there was a clash: One the Son of God; the other one the son of Satan. Just like Cain and Abel, there was a clash when they met. One of them was the treasurer of the church, and the other One a Pastor. And as... Now, we come in this day to the same thing again: the carnal denomination to the spiritual Bride of Christ. The spiritual Bride of Christ is so much different from the carnal organizations till there's no comparison in them at all. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 89 Now, notice; the natural always tries to type the spiritual. But as in Jacob and Esau, it will not work. It will not. Now, when it come to doing good works, I--I--I believe that Esau actually was a better man than Jacob in the sight of men. He tried to take care of his daddy (was blind, a prophet), and all these things that he tried to do. But yet Esau didn't think about that being just carnal work; he thought he could get in by what he done--do something good for somebody, which was all right. But Jacob, his whole soul was to get that birthright, and that's what God recognized in him spiritual. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 90 Notice. And it's always caused the natural to hate the spiritual. It caused Cain to hate Abel; it caused Korah to hate Moses; it caused Judas to hate Jesus; and on and on it goes. It causes the natural to hate the spiritual, just as Cain at the beginning hated Abel, the one that God received the sacrifice from, and tries to destroy them. You... They try to destroy the influence; they try to destroy everything, because it's nothing but jealousy. It started in Cain and proved that it was jealousy, and it's still the same thing today when the natural, the carnal, and the spiritual meet together. It proves it's Satan, no other way, because jealousy comes from Satan. And then causes an impersonation of the truth: somebody to try to impersonate something that isn't--they are not ordained to do. How much of that have we seen in these last days? Oh, my. How much of it? So we see God does for--not forever change His mind about His original Word, but who He calls, that's who He ordains. No one else can take that place. No one could take Moses' place. No matter how many Korahs raised up and how many Dathans, it was Moses God had called, regardless. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
92 But--and if the people won't walk in His perfect will, He does have a permissive will He'll let you walk in. Notice, He permits it all right, but He will make it work out for His glory in His perfect will. Now, if you'd like... Just like in the beginning, it was not God's perfect will for children to be born on the earth through sex. No, sir. God created man out of the dust of the earth, breathed the breath of life into him, and he become a living soul. He took from that man a helpmate and made a wife to him. That was God's first and original will. But when sin come in and did the thing that it did, then He permitted man to marry a wife legally and have children by her. "Multiply and replenish the earth then, if that's the way you're going to do it." But, you see, it never was His perfect will. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 94 Therefore, all these things that had a beginning has to have an end. All sin has to come to annihilation. All sin has to be done away with. Therefore, in the great millennium when the resurrection comes, we will not have to be reborned again by our fathers and mothers, but God like He did in the beginning will call man from the dust of the earth and his helpmate with him. That's right. That's the way He did it at the beginning. So therefore, God never changes His mind about anything, but He will permit you to go on. Now, this is a long ways around to get to what I want to say here about this, but--and--but it's a... You'll--I want you to understand it. See? God will permit you to do something and even bless you in doing it, but still it isn't His perfect will. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 96 God permitted Israel to take a law in Exodus the 19th chapter, when grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrificed lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a law. It wasn't God's will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted. It's best to have God's will. That's what He taught us: "Thy will be done; Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Don't question It, believe It. Don't try to find a way around It, just take It the way It is. So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect Divine will. He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be His perfect will, but He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will. And childbearing by sex is one of that.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 99 Now, notice, Moab, to begin with, was a illegitimate nation. It started out illegitimate, yet by a--a father believer and a daughter believer. Just exactly, if you'll type that and use a spiritual mind, you can see that denomination standing there just as plain as anything. Sure. See, the whole thing is altogether wrong. And look, when it's started like that, it can--it keeps--like a ball of snow, it just keeps rolling more and more and more. You get one error and start on that one error, and you just keep rolling one thing after another, and one thing like another, all after another. And that's the way the church started. That's the way it started at Nicaea, Rome, when the Roman Catholic church... At the very beginning, where it come from was Pentecost, but when they organized and brought in the celebrity into the church, they started to making--having prayers, and running beads, and--and praying for the dead, and all these other things; and then it just started rolling from one error to another, one error to another, until look where it's gone to. There's not one representation of Pentecost in it at all. See? It's one error picking up another, picking up another. There's only one thing to do, that's clean off the record and go back to the beginning. When Martin Luther started off with justification... This ought to be the further advanced Lutheran church. See? If Luther... When he organized, he could not take Wesley's sanctification, because he was organized, and the men wouldn't stand for it. So the Spirit moved out of it. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 102 Now, Lot's group here, or Moab was Lot's daughter's child, illegitimate to start with. Now, notice, as the natural church, Moab, represents the natural denomination, Israel represents the spiritual church. Israel, the--the church true, was the bride of that day, called out of Egypt and vindicated to be the truth. Notice when they--them two come together. Both of them offered the same sacrifice, both built saw--seven altars; both offered up clean sacrifice--ox. And they even offered up rams, testifying that there was a coming Messiah. Fundamentally, they were both exactly the same: Israel down here in the valley, Moab up on the hill; and Moab with seven altars, Israel with seven altars; Moab with seven ox, Israel with seven ox; Moab with seven rams, speaking of the coming Messiah, Israel with seven rams. What was the difference in them? Fundamentally, both right. But you see, Moab did not have the vindication of God with them. They were only a nation, a group of celebrities, but Israel had a prophet with them. They had a smitten rock with them. They had a Pillar of Fire. They had a brass serpent for healing. They had the blessings of God moving right along with them. And they was the called out children of God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
104 Now, we find that so perfectly typed here in them churches of today. As Moab was not so... Israel was a sojourner from place to place. Wherever that Pillar of Fire moved, they moved with It. Moab, not so, they were settled down in their own denomination, down in their own nation. They didn't move; they stayed right there. They had their celebrities. They ordained things as they should do, and they had their warriors; they had their fighters;, they had their king; they had--that they got their orders from, and so on. But Moab seen Israel with something that they didn't have. They seen a mighty power amongst Israel, and it was a prophet. And that prophet was Moses. And they knowed that when the battle went wrong, they just raised up his hands and held them up there, and the battle changed. So they didn't have such as that, so they tried to match it with politics, with a political pull. They sent over to another country and hired a prophet to come over so they could have a prophet and would have power amongst them just like Israel had amongst them. Do you see the carnal comparison? Can you see the carnal church today? It's done the very same thing. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 107 Notice. Now, they're both going to have prophets. The only different was, Moses, the prophet of God, his King was God. That's where he got his orders: the Word of the Lord. And Balaam, he also, he had a king, and that king was Balak, the king of Moab, and that's where he got his orders and his blessings. So Moab said to Balak, "Come down"--or Balaam; said, "Come down and curse me this people, for they cover the whole face of the earth. They just come and lick up everything like an ox licks up the grass." Said, "Come down now, and I understand that you can curse, you can bless; whatever you do is recognized." Now, we want to notice that this man was a prophet ordained of God, but he sold his birthrights for political reasons, just as the church did today: like Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and the whole group of them, sold it out for pulls in their organizations: Moses under God; Balaam under Balak. Yet both prophets were called men of God and both spiritual, notice the difference. Each had a head: Moses' was God; Balaam's was Balak. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 109 Notice here how the spiritual is applied to prove that the natural is wrong. Moses, sent of God in line of duty is met and challenged by another prophet of God. Can you imagine that. Moses (See?), called of God, ordained of God, standing in the duty of God, moved up into this cold, formal group and was challenged by another prophet of God, what God had blessed and ordained. How would you tell the difference? They both had prophets. God spoke to both prophets.
And some of them say, "God said, 'Do this.' God said, 'Do that.'" Now, I don't question that. But it's out of the line of God's Word, the prophet... No matter if he is a prophet, he's out of the line. So many people get deceived like that. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 111 "Oh, this brother can do this," and, "This brother can do that." And deny the Word? "Though I speak with tongue of men and angels, though I have gifts that I can move mountains, though I give all my goods to feed the poor, I am yet nothing." "Many will come to me in that day and say, 'Lord, Lord, have not I prophesied in Your Name? Have not in Your Name I've cast out devils and done mighty works?' And I will say unto them, 'Depart from you--depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never even knew you.'" Yet they come with a confession that they had did it, but Jesus said they were workers of iniquity. What is iniquity? Is something that you know you should do, that's right to do, and yet you don't do it. See what it's going to be in the last days? Hear the whole line... That was my purpose tonight. I said I'd be out at nine o'clock, but I'm going to be a little bit after maybe. Look. That was my whole purpose to show you this line by the Word of God (See?), that-that God has to keep His Word in order to stay God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 113 Now, we notice this. Both of these were spiritual men, both were prophets, both were called. And Moses, right in the line of duty with a fresh Pillar of Fire before him every day, the Spirit of God upon him, in the line of duty... Here comes another servant of God, called of God, ordained of God, a prophet to whom the Word of God comes to. Here's the danger of it. There's nobody could dispute that man being a god--of God, because the Bible said the Spirit of God spoke to him, and he was a prophet. But you see, when he got the real answer from God, he wouldn't keep it; he didn't notice it. Then he went to challenge Moses. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 114 Now, Balaam sought the will of God with all of his heart. Now, when these great men come over and said, "Balaam, Balak the king has sent that you come to him immediately and curse this people Israel, because they're scattered all over the face of the earth, and now they're camping against me. And they've licked up every kingdom around below them, and now, we want you to come over and curse this people, because I understand that if you curse anyone, he's cursed." Now, you see, he was a man of God. "What you bless, is blessed." He was a servant of God.
And Balaam now thought, being a prophet, "There's only one thing for me to do and that's seek out what is the will of God." That's the duty of a prophet if he's called to be a prophet. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 116 First, what must a prophet do? Is seek out the will, the Word of God. He must do it. Because being a prophet, the Word of God comes to him. The... They say, "Well, you're not a theologian." Never does the Bible say the Word of God come to a theologian. They're the one who messes It up. The Word comes to the prophet of God. And here was a man who was a prophet of God. And when he was hired--to be hired to come over and curse another people of God, notice, he went to seek the will of God. And he wanted to know His perfect will, and God gave him His perfect will in the matter. His perfect will was presented to him. What was His will? "Don't you go." That's God's first Word. "Don't go with them. Don't you try to attack My people, walking in My perfect ways." How that is today. Want to fuss, debate, and everything else when they see the Spirit of God working among you, and they're trying to--they've tried it for years to smother it down; but the more they try to smother it, the greater It grows. You can't curse what God has blessed. You just can't--you just can't do it. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 119 So you see, that was God's people. Now, that prophet, though he was up there and hired by the king, worked among the celebrity and so forth... And the Word of God came to him, he sought the will of God, and the will of God spoke back to him and said, "Don't curse this people. I've blessed them." Now, there isn't a theologian under the skies that can deny this Message that we're preaching, but what It's exactly the Word of God right in time. God's a-vindicated it in everything that's been said or done. He's proved it to be right. Now, there's no theologian, no Bible reader, no prophet can look in that Word, if he is a prophet, he'll see the same thing. But if he doesn't see the same thing, that shows there's something wrong, because... You say, "Well, oh, I could take it vice versa." So could Balak, Balaam. See? But God identified Moses. And then what was the proof? The Word of God. And he heard the plain, clean-cut decision of God: "Don't you go. Don't try to--to curse what I've blessed. Them's My people." But you know what? Balaam didn't like them people to begin with. Oh, what a--how many Balaams is there in the world today? He didn't like that group to start with. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
122 Now, after he got God's clean-cut decision, "Don't you go."... But you see, instead of doing it, it was the same thing like Cain, like Korah; he was jealous, and he--he wanted to--a reason to go anyhow. Notice, his denominational headquarters, after he sent back said, "Nope, don't believe I'll go down; don't believe I'll have anything to do with them. I won't debate with them people, 'cause God's done told me they're His people, and I don't believe I'll go." If he'd have stayed with that, but down in his heart he didn't like them. See? They wasn't of his group. And anything didn't belong in his group wasn't right to begin with. See? And he looked down at them, said, "There's been some awful things them people did. Surely a holy God will curse such a people as that. They're--they're illiterate; they're not educated like us. We're smarter people. Oh, they claim to serve God, but look at them. What are they? A bunch of--why, a bunch of slaves, mud-daubers, that the Egyptians run out down there. Why, God would never have anything to do with a dirty bunch like that." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 124 He failed to see that smitten rock and that brass serpent, that Pillar of Fire. He tried to judge them from a moral standpoint. He failed to see the higher call of God. By grace, by election they were in that line, and with God's Word. And when he wanted to curse them, God said, "Don't you do it; they're Mine. Leave them alone. Don't you touch them." Now, so the men turned around, went back. Now, watch his denominational headquarters though when he gets back. They sent a more influential group. This time there might've been some--instead of just regular layman, they might've been doctors of divinity come this time. They might've been bishops, or the--maybe state presbyters for all--all... He sent a--a better group and a--a little more influential group, somebody that had a little better education and could lay out the plan to him better, could make it reasonable. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 126 See, that's what Cain did. He reasoned. That's what Korah did. He reasoned. It's not him that reasons. We cast down reasonings; we believe God, no matter what anything else says; we believe God. We don't reason what God says. You can't reason with It. You have to accept It by faith. And anything that you know, you don't have to reason anymore. I don't know how He does it; I just believe He does it. I don't know how He's going to keep that promise, but He said He'd do it; I believe it. I accept it on the basis that I believe that it's the Word of God. You say, "Well, you can't get by with that." I don't know how I'll get by with it, but He said, "Say it." I remember my Baptist pastor told me, said, "Why, Billy, you'll preach to the post in the church. Why, you think anybody'd hear a thing like that?"
I said, "God has said so." "How are you going to, with a seventh grade education, pray for kings and preach around the world?" DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 127 I said, "I don't know how I'm going to do it, but He said so; and that's just good enough for me." See? "He said so. I don't know how it's going to be done." He said, "Do you think that people of this great, educated world, that you're going to stand up against on this subject of Divine healing and so forth, do you think they'll believe that?" I said, "It ain't for me to know whether they believe it or not," I said; "my duty's to preach it. That's what He told me. He said He'd be with me, and He's told me what it would do." And it's done just exactly what He said it would do: "First, take ahold of their hands; then it'll come to pass that you'll even know the secret of their heart." And I told you about it, and it happened that way. How does it do it? I still don't know how it does it. It's none of my business how it's done; it's just done. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 129 Who could explain when God told Elijah, "Go up there and set on the mount, and I'll feed you. I've ordained the--the crows to feed you"? How could a crow get a slice of bread and a pinch--a piece of fish baked, and bring it to a prophet? That's beyond anything I could explain. I don't think you can either, or nobody can. But He did it. That's all's was necessary. He did it, and that's the truth of it. How He did it, I don't know. It's none of my business. But He did it. How He made the earth, I don't know; but He did it. How He sent His Son, I don't know; but He did it. How He rose from the dead, I don't know; but He did it. How did He save me? I don't know; but He did it. That's right. How'd He save you? I can't tell you; but He did it. How did He heal me? I don't know; but He did it. He promised He would do it, and He keeps His Word. Now, Balaam should've knowed that, and he did know better. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 130 Notice, this better, influential group come, and what better? They had better gifts. And not only that, they could give him more money, and they could--offered him a better position. "Now, besides just a regular minister in our organization, we'll make you district superintendent. (See?) Well--we'll do something for you if you'll just run that bunch of people out of there (See?) and stop that." Oh, they offered him a great position. Said, "The more you bless..." Said, "You know, I'm able to promote you." Look where he's getting his words from, the head of the nation.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 131 Where was Moses getting his words from? The King of heaven. One was the Word of God's promise: "I'll take you to the promised land, and no man will stand before you. I'll send hornets before you and drive them out from right to left. And you're going to take the land. I've--I've already give it to you. Go on; take it; possess it; it's yours." And now (See?), that's Who Moses was listening to. And this man was listening until it come to something in his own heart he was jealous of, and so then he went to his ecclesiastical head. See? Notice, a better position. He said, "You know I'm able to promote you? I will promote you to a better place. I'll do more for you; I'll raise your wages; I'll give you a better salary." And when he offered him all of this, it blinded him. How many Balaams are there in the world today, that by a better position, a better church, a promise of something... When a man gets his eyes open to the Word and the workings of God, and that good man who's got influence will start out as a servant of God, and he holds a good congregation, after while, the Holy Ghost baptism is presented to him; the baptism in Jesus' Name is presented to him (which is a Scripture and the only Scriptural way to baptize), and when it is presented to him and the denomination knows they're going to lose him when he starts that, they offer him a better position and a change in church. See, old Balaamism again, just exactly like it was at the beginning. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 134 Now, that man who reads that Bible, he can't read it unless he sees that that's the truth. There's nobody ever baptized using the titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It's a Catholic creed and not a Bible doctrine. No person in the Bible was ever baptized or three hundred years after the death of the last apostle, but what was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. The Catholic church started that, and the rest of them come to it. And any minister setting in his study and will look at that, knows that's the truth. But for popularity, to hold his position, better thought of among the people, he compromises. "Well," you say, "God blessed him." Certainly. Some of them have got gifts of healing; some of them have great campaigns; and that rubs right in their face, and they get the same answer from the Word of God that you or any other man would get: God doesn't change. See what I mean? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 136 Balaam, for a better position he thought... Now, look, when that better group come back, the right... Balaam here took a phony text. See? He said... The--the better group come back; he--he ought to
have said, "Get out of my presence. I've told you the Word of God. Get going. This is THUS SAITH THE LORD." But you see, the gifts, and to be a more popular man... Oh, how they like to do it. "We'll send you all over the world. We'll give you a special plane. We'll sponsor your meetings everywhere if you'll just..." Oh, no. See? We know what the Word says. We know what God said. We're going to stay with that by God's help. See? No matter what kind of a promise, and how much more you can pay, and how many this, that, or the other you can--you can produce, we want the THUS SAITH THE LORD and what He said here first. Well, the church said, "That's secondarily." We want what the--God said at the beginning, and anything added to it or taken away from it, even your name will be taken off the Book of Life, to add one word to It or take one word away from It... We want what He said, not what the church said, what Dr. Jones said, what somebody else said; we want what THUS SAITH THE LORD said, what the Word said. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 138 But now we find Balaam, a servant of God... And many of those men start out, and are ordained of God, and does speak God's Word in many things, but when it comes to the full truth, they won't do it. Notice here, as a prophet of God, he should not been caught in such a group as that to begin with. He shouldn't have went with them. But watch. For popularity sake (See?), for his conscience' sake, he said, "Well, stay all night, and I'll try again." See, "I'll try again." What do you want to try again for? God already told him what to say. God said, "Tell them you're not going." That's His original Word: "I'm not going." "And don't you go; don't you curse what I bless." Now, watch how it backfired on him after while. See? And it will every time. When God says anything, He means it. He don't change His mind about it. He stays right with His Word. No matter what anyone else says, He stays right with that Word. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 141 Now, Balaam should've knowed better. He should've dismissed himself from such company, but all them nice gifts and a--a--the promise that this king said, "You know, I can do it; I'm the bishop. I can do just whatever I want to, and I'll promote you if you'll come do it for me." And God done told him, "Don't do it," but yet Balaam said, "You--you stay all night, and I'll--I'll try again." See? He had the Word. You don't have to argue anymore about it; God's done said so. With a group like that, they always talk you out of the will of God if you'll let them. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
143 There's one group to come to a prophet, one time, named Job. They couldn't talk him out. He saw the vision; he knowed what was right. Balaam saw the vision and still didn't stay with it. No matter how much these church groups said, "Oh, Job, you ought to do this, you ought to do that"... Even his wife... He said, "You talk like a foolish person. (See?) I know what the Lord said; I know what He required, and that's what I done." See, he stayed with what God told him. Notice, Balaam using this phony text for his conscience... See? He said, "Well, I'll--I'll find out. I'll try again." Now, there's where you come secondarily. How many Balaams have we got tonight that likes to use that phony text of Matthew 28:19 just for their conscience' sake? How many wants to use Malachi 4 for their conscience' sake? How many wants to use Luke 17:30 just for conscience' sake? How many wants to use these things, yet, "Well, I tell you, I--I believe they're all mixed up on that"? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 146 And then here was Balaam trying to say, "Perhaps maybe God's got mixed up; I'll try again, (See?) see what He says." Now, He knows your heart. Notice, Balaam used this phony text for his own conscience' sake, because actually he wanted that money. He wanted that dignitary; he wanted that--he wanted that job. He wanted that position to be looked up to as Dr. So-and-so. So he--he--he said, "I'll try again." Oh, at the Balaams in the world tonight: promised positions, popularity (my, oh, my.), they numb their conscience by them. Because of their denominations, they say, "If you do that, out you go. I know you're a good man, and we love you (and he is a good man), we love you, but you can't preach that. Our--our doctrine says you can't do that. Dr. So-and-so said this is the way it is. Now, you've got to believe it this way if you stay with us. Now, if you want to, I know you had a hard time, well, I'll see if I can't get you promoted, maybe change churches." Oh, you Balaam. When you know the will of God, you do it. God ain't going to change His mind. No. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 148 Something that He could pass by, the truth, for His commission... He said, "Well, I'll--I'll try again." Notice the Balaams there is. So now remember, when he come the second night with this great celebrity, already had his conscience dull and numb, God let him go. Now, God never changed His mind, but He give him His permissive will. "Go ahead then." But he found out it'll not work. God knew what was in Balaam's heart. Though he was a prophet, He knowed he hated them holyrollers, and he--and he just--he--he was going to want to curse them anyhow, and God done told him
not to do it, but yet he come, wanted to do it again, so God let him go ahead. God said, "Go ahead." Now, remember, He never changed His mind. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 151 Notice, it was his desire to curse them. The people that he classed as fanatics, he wanted to curse them. He wanted a position. He didn't want to fool with them, so he thought if he could do this little act for the king, then he would be promoted. God never changed His mind or His Word, but He will give you the desire of His heart--of your heart. He promised that. You know that? He promised to give you the desire of your heart. And let your desire be the Word of God. Let your desire be His will, never your own will, His will. If He--you ask Him for something, He don't give it to you, say, "Thank You, Lord. You know what's good." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 152 Look at even King Hezekiah, when he sent that prophet up there to him, God did, and said, "Put your house in order. You're going to die." Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly and said, "Lord God, I--I ask You to consider me. I've walked before You with a perfect heart. I want You to let me live fifteen years longer." "All right." God spoke to the prophet, said, "Go back and tell him I heard him." And what did he do? He brought disgrace upon the whole nation. He kindled the anger of God till He would've killed him. That's right. You know that. Backslid on God. It would've been far better on--off, nation, king, and all, if he'd have went on and took God's first thing to him. But it looked hard on the prophet, when the prophet had to go back and speak the Word of God to him after he done told him. But God said, "Go ahead." But you see, it brought a disgrace. What did Balaam do? After knowing the will of God, and yet he was persistent, he was going to do it anyhow, and what did it do? Notice. He never changed His mind; He knowed what was in his heart. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 155 You know, Thomas, one time he just couldn't believe it. No, he--he said, "Naw, I can't believe that. If I could take my hand, stick it in His side, put it in the nails of His hand, well then--then I--I--I'll believe it then." He said, "Come here, Thomas." See? "Now, put your hands in here." "Now..." Oh, Thomas said, "Now, it's my Lord and my God."
Said, "Yes, you've seen, and now you believe. How much greater is their reward has never seen and yet believe." People sometimes won't receive the Holy Ghost unless they speak with tongues. I believe in speaking in tongues. Certainly. He's a good God; He'll give you the desire of your heart. But no matter how much you speak in tongues and deny this Word, you're wrong anyhow. See, see? You don't go in by speaking in tongues; you go in by keeping every Word. That's the evidence of the Holy Ghost: when you believe the Word of God. See? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 157 I believe in speaking in tongues. I believe you can be quickened, like I said this morning, till you'll speak with a new tongue. I have myself, and I know it's the truth. I know it's true, but that's not the sign you--that you're God's selected child. See? No, indeedy. He never... Said, "Many will come to Me and say, 'Lord, haven't I prophesied and done all these great things in Your Name?'" He'll say, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity, I never knew you." You speak with tongues and then refuse to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ? Something wrong somewhere. Yes, indeed. Any of those things, any of those orders God give... There's something wrong. Just search your own conscience and see what--see what the Bible said. Show me some place where somebody was baptized in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost. See? It's not there. But, you see, sometimes for your conscience' sake... You say, "Well..." You say, "God speaks to the women about how they must do, not wear shorts and things, but you know, the pastor said... So they take the easy way. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 159 They know what God said about it here. See? Sure. God said so, so they--they--they want to do it anyhow. See, they try to find an excuse. "Well, I think it's much better; it's--it's not... The wind don't blow..." But God said for a man to dress different from a woman. If a woman put on a garment pertained to a man, it was abomination in His sight. So it's not right. Yes. You shouldn't do it, no. See? So therefore, it's wrong. But you see, they try to find an excuse that "the Lord told me to do this." I don't say He didn't, but look, it ain't His perfect will. It's got to be His permissive will. You see what it'll do? It'll pollute the whole bunch. It polluted all the camp. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 161 Notice here, God never changed His mind, His Word. But He is a good God, and He'll give you the desire of your heart though it be against His will. You believe that? Look. God told Moses, "You go down there (this anointed prophet)..." Said, "Go down there and speak to that rock. It's already been smitten."
Moses went down there in his anger, picked up the rod, and said, "You rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" and smote the rock. The water didn't come; he smote it again. It come. It was against God's will. It broke every plan in the Bible. Christ had to be smitten second time. See? Christ was smitten once. It broke the whole plan. But He give him His permissive will. Then after, he said, "See, we got the water for you. See, I brought it for you, you bunch of rebels." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 163 God said, "Come here, Moses. Come here. Come up here on top. You're been a faithful servant. (like the woman with the high heels: "You've climbed..." See?) Look over yonder. See the promised land?" "Oh, Lord..." "But you're not going over. You took My permissive will down here at the rock. You glorified yourself (See?) and not Me. You sanctified yourself. You didn't sanctify Me. You didn't keep My original Word, what I told you to do." Yet the waters did come. You can lay hands on the sick and they recover; you can prophesy or speak with tongues, but the thing is, keep His original Word. God don't change His mind, friend. You got to keep His commission, His will. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 164 "Oh well, that was for the disciples." He doesn't change. If He's still got a disciple, that's the same commission: "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe." It's never change; He can't change. Now, you can say, "Well, I tell you, it ain't for this day." Oh, you Balaamite. You see? See? God don't change. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just look at the Balaamites today: "Oh, I know in the Bible they baptized in Jesus' Name, but look, all the people..." I don't care what the people's done. There's not another Name under heaven given among men whereby you can be saved. No remission of sin, only through the Name of Jesus Christ. What--how good you are, what you do, that don't have one thing to do with it; it's God's original Word. You got to stay with that. Whew. All right. Obedience to His Word is better than sacrifice. You remember that time when Saul came back. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 167 Balaam had a gift of faith and could've used it to the perfect original Word of God. Many men on the field today with gifts of healing could do the same thing. Many men out here, people speaking in
tongues, people prophesying, a gift--could use it for the Kingdom of God, but they don't do it; they take... And God blesses them anyhow, gets the permissive will. But for popularity, and pleasures, personal gain, sold their birthrights as Esau did (See?), sold out to a organization, sold out like Balaam did. See? And so many are doing today the same thing. We know that's right. They sell out their birthright. Women professing the Holy Ghost, wearing shorts, men permitting them in the pulpit, bobbed-haired women in the pulpit, paint on their face, with religious gowns on, it's the biggest stumbling block the church has ever had. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 168 If you want to know in political powers what time it is in the Kingdom age, see where the Jews are. Watch how the Jews are, because they are a nation. If you want to know where the nations are standing, watch the Jews. If you want to know where the church is standing, watch the women. Watch the morals among the women, 'cause she's a representation of the church. When you see the pollution amongst the women, you find a pollution in the church. What she become a painted-up Jezebel, just exactly what the church has become. See? Now, that's the truth and you know that. See? If you want to know where the church is, watch the morals among your women, 'cause she is-the church is a woman. If you want to know of the national status, watch the Jews. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 169 Notice, as God said to Balaam, after he had heard the true cut decision Word, "Don't go"... Yes, then He told him after He seen it in his heart, what it was to do, He give him His permissive will, so He said, "Go." And you can do the same thing. If you don't want to walk in the truth... You can go to have--have to have a great ministry. Certainly you can. But you're taking His permissive will; you're walking over His Word. He'll prosper you (certainly); the--just like He did Balaam. He was a success, but he couldn't curse that people. He couldn't do it, 'cause every time he started to curse, he blessed. See, he couldn't do it. But when he come to being prosperous in his achievement, he taught those people, through Balak, to commit adultery. He brought in the camp of Israel and married them off. He said, "Why, we're all one. Why, you worship the same God. We got a prophet up here; you got a prophet down there. And we have the same sacrifice, the same Jehovah as our fathers. Now, why not you all just come and associate with us." The Bible said, "Don't join yourself up amongst unbelievers. Don't yoke up with them at all." If they don't believe it, stay away from them. See? "Come out, be separate," saith the Lord, "and I'll receive you. (See?) Touch not their unclean things." That's right. Their filth against the Word and things like that, stay away from it; don't listen to it. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
171 And here we find out that Balaam went down there and he begin to teach the people, and he had an error. And he--he run in the way of Balaam, how that he did, and taught Balak, and the children of Israel committed adultery, and a plague struck the nation of Israel, the people, and thousands of them died in one day. And while they were all there before the altar of God praying, here come an Israelite man with a Midianite woman, a denominational woman, and went into the tent. And the priest's son walked over there and took a javelin and killed them both. And that stayed God's wrath. You know that's the Scripture. Is that right? See? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 172 But what happened? Balaam. He succeeded in weakening Israel. What did he do? He weakened their camp. God let him go and weaken their camp, and it polluted the whole camp. And when some doctrine starts that's not the Bible truth, it pollutes the whole camp. Somebody raise up with a different idea, like Korah, and say, "Well, this, that, and the other. And I got a different idea," it pollutes the whole camp. And that's what's done the whole church camp today. That's right. Teaching, as he did, weakening the whole camp for Kadesh Barnea, the Word showdown... When they got to Kadesh Barnea, then in the weakening of the camp, they come back, said... Went right... After... Remember, they'd eat Angels' food; they had the Word of God every night made manifest, and they eat the food. They drink from the rock. They did all--seen the miracles; they watched Moses and seen his word, seen his prophesies, everything. And then finally when they listened to this false teacher come in among them and teach wrong, he weakened the camp, and prospered by it. He might've built a million dollar buildings; he might've had great denominations; he might've added thousands times thousands, and done great works, and mighty works, and was a prophet. That's all right, but as long as it's not with the Word of God, you'd better stay away from it. God don't change His mind. Stay right with His Word, 'cause that's what's going to come out in the end: the Word, word by word. "Whosoever shall take one word away from It or add one word to It..." It's got to stay that Word. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 174 Now, listen closely now. When the Word test came, when they went over and seen the opposition so great--the greatest opposition they ever seen, the Amalekites was--was ten times their size--they said, "We look like grasshoppers. Their fences are--or their cities are so walled till they can run a chariot race around it, two chariots, as hard as they can go around the walls (See?) of the cities. Why, their spears are way out there, long. And they're giants. Why, we look like grasshoppers. We can't do it." And two men stood on that Word. Caleb and Joshua said, "Wait a minute. You two million people, shut up just a minute; we are more than able to do it. (See?) We are more than a match for them." What was they basing on? God said, "I've given you the land. It's yours." And there they stood. But the people had gotten married off amongst other things and all kinds of creeds and rituals among them, and
they just weaky, wishy-washy, didn't know which way to turn and what to do. That's right. There come the Word test. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 175 Yet He grants you permission for to make--permit your will--a permissive will, knowing that-what's in your heart... He knows it. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I do so-and-so; it don't bother me. God blesses me every day. I sing in the Spirit; I dance in the Spirit; I..." He'll permit it. Go ahead. That's right. But what are you going to do? "I wear shorts; and I do this; it don't bother me. I know my faith is in Christ, not in what I wear." But the Bible said there is something to it. See? What'll you do it? You'll make a stumbling block like Balaam did before every one of the other women. What'll you do to your young girls? You'll have a bunch of "Rickettas" (That's exactly right.), a bunch of little painted-up Jezebels. See? But God will prosper you. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 177 "Why, He blesses me." I don't doubt that. He blessed Balaam too. See? Certainly He will. You'll walking in His permissive will, not His perfect will. God doesn't change His mind 'cause He blesses you. He blessed Israel right out there for forty years. What did they do? Married wives, raised families, kissed the children, paid their tithe, lived right out there, and the--God blessed them in the wilderness, fed them with the manna on and on; and every one of them perished, 'cause they never kept His original permissive--His original will, His Word. They took His permissive way. "Go ahead." But you remember, when they left Kadesh, they never journeyed any farther; they just went around and around in the wilderness. Where they could've been out in two days after that-they could've been in the promised land, they journeyed forty years, and every one of them died but Joshua and Caleb, the ones who stayed on the original Word. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 179 Oh, God, help us. God don't change His will. He don't change His mind, but He'll bless you. Sure, He blessed Balaam. And what did he do down there? He polluted the whole camp. See, you have to stay with what He said. He never changed His original plan. Now, look at the Balaams today in the field, would you? Just look around: Prospering, speaking in tongues, sure, using God's gift to gain, everything. Sure. But it defiles the whole Church of God with their corrupt teaching. That's right. One said to me, he said, "What you doing this for? What you doing that for?"
I said, "Don't you believe that that's the truth?" "Oh, yes, but," he said, "you know what? That's not your business. You're to pray for the sick. They believe you to be a prophet. Why, you could teach them women how to--and them men how to do this, that, or the other..." How can you teach them algebra when they won't even learn their a-bc's?" See, see? How can you teach them things when they won't even take their primer?" See? You've got to come back and start where you began or where you left off, and take every Word of God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 182 Just look at it in the field today. As Balaam married into God's church a harlot--married a harlot into God's church--so is these false teachers today trying to tell you. They're going to marry every one of these organizations and these people into the old harlot of Revelation 17. They're Balaam doctrine, going around today and say, "We're just the same; we're all Christians." And priests and popes and whatevermore are all compromising and doing this. The preacher said... Even I know a Pentecostal preacher... All of them started now giving a round kosher, which means Ashtoreth, the moon god, a kosher wafer, say, "Shut your eyes and take it if it hurts your conscience." Shut your eyes? A round wafer? What does it mean? We are taking a broken body, Jesus Christ broken, not a round moon god, Ashtoreth, who Mary took the place of (and the Roman kosher's still round)... For the moon god--goddess, not god. We have a broken Kosher. Certainly. Oh. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 184 So now the great harlot of Revelation 17, these Balaam teachers with their false doctrine, is marrying the church into that kind of a mess. Watch when it comes to the showdown at the end time, look the weakness of it now. Nine hundred and something different organizations, one pulling one way, and one the other, there's no unity among them, and they're trying to bring unity, not backed by the Word of God, God's original plan, they're taking it in by politics and an organization. God don't change His mind; He stays right with His Word. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word won't." That's right. He stays with His original Word. Oh, my. Though they still reason against It, just like they did, and just... There's only one thing to do; He won't change It; just believe, because both heavens and earth will pass away, His Word will never fail. See? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 186 You see where you're getting married into? See the politics and things, how they're trying to join the church together by politics in the church? We are not joined to Christ by politics; we're joined to church--to Christ by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the way you know the baptism of the Holy
Ghost is 'cause that Spirit in you identifies every Word of God to be the Truth. That's right. "For whosoever shall take one word out of It or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Yet he prospers. You say, "You can't believe that by prosperity?" You can't judge God by prosperity; the world prospers. Balaam prospered by it, but, brother, you judge God by His Word. He keeps His Word and identifies It the Truth. So remember, friend, as long as you live, don't you never forget this: God doesn't change His mind. Yet He'll bless. He'll let you go His permissive will, but He won't change His mind. He won't change His plan. He won't change His Word for you. No, sir. You've got to change... You can't have God's Word to match your experience; you got to have your experience to match God's Word. See? That's the way you've got... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 188 You say, "Well, I'm a good man. God does this, that, or the other." "But do you keep His Word?" "Oh, well, I tell you, that ain't just..." Now, all right. There's something wrong somewhere. God's going to... Yes, He'll prosper you. Sure, He'll make you... The denominations has prospered to who wouldn't have it. They spread their tents, the great, fine churches and everything throughout the land, and the rich and money pouring in and members from everywhere. Didn't the Bible say there was found in her even riches of the world, and even souls of men, and everything, that was found in this old harlot, which is the mother of the whole thing, corrupt politics and organization? But God's little group is His Bride, centered on that Word. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 189 May the dear heavenly Father ever keep you stabilized right there. Don't you never move from that Word. You may bless; you may... God may heal your sick; He may heal your sick baby; He may heal your husband, you wife, He may heal your mother, somebody else; you may jump at His Spirit and dance up-and-down. Remember, the rain falls on the just and the unjust just the same. But when that seed's laying there, it's either ordained or it's not ordained. And if it's ordained, it can... If it's a wheat, it has to bring forth wheat; if it's a Word of God, it has to produce the Word of God. If it isn't, well then it isn't. See? You get that now? The Lord bless you. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
190 Here I told you I was going to quit at nine o'clock, and here it is, twenty minutes to ten. Many of you people a long ways to go. I love you, and the reason I hold you like this is not because I want to be cruel to you, but I love you. And what I know, I don't keep nothing back; I tell you the Truth. Out in the meetings where I go, you never hear me preach these messages. No, I promised you to come to this Tabernacle. Right here is where I preach my messages from. I've got three or four more here that the Lord has given me; I've got the Scriptures on it, that I would be daresn't to preach it anywhere else but right here. Here's where the Word of God started going from, and till God changes it, I'm staying right here and bringing it out right here. That's right. Out yonder in meetings, I pray for the sick and everything like that and on the side say things in a round about way that the sheep hear it. They know what it's talking about. Otherwise, it's just the bait on the hook. You see? I show the signs of--of trying to show that God knows in discernment, and knows the hearts of the people, and does these things. That's an evangelistic gift just to stir the people. The first thing you know, a tape drops into their house; that's got it then. If he's a sheep, he comes right with it; if he's a goat, he kicks the tape out. That's it. That's... And you too, is right, Ben; that--that's exactly right. Ben's had some experience. All right. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 192 Well, that's right. Aren't you glad that you're His? Aren't you glad? We used to sing a little Pentecostal song a long time, like: I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out; I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out; If it had not been for Jesus, where would I be? I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out. Oh, I've been happy since the Lord brought me out; I've been happy since the Lord brought me out; If it had not been for Jesus, where would I be? I'm so glad since the Lord brought me out. I've been shouting since the Lord brought me out; I've been shouting since the Lord brought me out; If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be? I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out. Glory. Aren't you glad?
Aren't you glad... (Let's sing it.) Aren't you glad that the Lord brought you out? Aren't you glad that the Lord brought you out? If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be? I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out. Well, I've been singing since the Lord brought me out; I've been singing since the Lord brought me out; If it had not been for Jesus, oh, where would I be? I'm so glad that the Lord brought me out. Aren't you glad of it? Then, "We'll Walk in the Light," you know that song? We'll walk in the Light, It's a beautiful Light; Comes where the dew drops of mercy are bright; Shine all around us by day and by night, Oh, Jesus the Light of the world. Don't you like that? Let's sing it again. We'll walk in the Light; It's a beautiful Light; Comes where the dew drops of mercy are bright; Shine all around us by day and by night, Oh, Jesus the Light of the world. (It's sun up.) All ye saints of love proclaim, Jesus the Light of the world; Truth and mercy in His Name, Jesus, the Light of (Now, let's raise our hands when we sing it.)
Oh, we'll walk in this Light, It's such a beautiful Light; It comes where the dew drops of mercy are bright; Shine all around us by day and by night, Jesus the Light of the world. Shake one another's hand. Oh, it comes where the dew drops of mercy are bright. (Aren't you glad you're children of the Light. The sun's up.) ... all around us by day and by night, (Little children, love one another.) ... the Light of the world. Oh, we'll just walk in the Light; It's such a beautiful (Manifestation of His Word) Comes where the dew drops of mercy are bright; Just shine all around us by day and by night, It's Jesus the Light of the world. You believe it? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 193 We're marching to Zion, The beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. Oh, we're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God.
Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; But children of the heavenly King, But children of the heavenly King, May speak their joys abroad, May speak their joys abroad. For we're marching to (Glory.) Zion, The beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. Oh, we're marching to Zion, Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of... Get your handkerchief out. Take out your handkerchiefs. Let's give the Lord a wave offering. It ain't a sheaf, but they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and...?... Oh, we're marching to Zion, Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. Oh, we're marching to Zion, Oh, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E
194 Amen. Oh, don't it make you feel good? I can just imagine those old saints back there before going into the Roman circus there, start walking up that hill, you know, up that little ramp, going up into the lion's den, saying: Oh, we're marching to Zion, This beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. The fields of Zion yield A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly throne, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets. We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 195 Repeat after me: [Congregation repeats each phrase after Brother Branham--Ed.] Lord God,... I pledge myself anew to You... Cleanse me from all unrighteousness;... cleanse me from all doubt in Thy Word... Let me from this Easter... be a new creature... in Christ Jesus... Let me bear in my heart... Your Word... May It be a Lamp to my feet... and a Light in my path... From henceforth... I will follow You... In Jesus' Name... Amen. We're marching to Zion, O, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, That beautiful city of God.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 196 Don't that make you feel good? We have pledged ourself anew, knowing that in our hearts we have been quickened from the dead...?... Don't that make you feel good? My, oh my. I love you with undying love. Listen. Love one another, for you cannot dislike your brother who you see, and say you love God, Who you haven't seen. So just love one another. Then you serve one another, you serve God. Is that right? "As you do unto the least of these that's got Quickening Power in them, you've done it unto Me." "When did we see You in need? When did we visit You in prison? When did we do these things?" "What you done to them, you did it to Me." Isn't that wonderful? I love Him, don't you? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 198 Oh, there's one more song we have to sing, if you've just got a minute more time. Oh, well, we'll just take them. All right. All right, sir. Oh. "Take The Name Of Jesus With You." Don't forget that, friend. Let's all sing it now. Each one together now, just with one big heart, take it to Him, that's with all we got in us. Take the Name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe; It will joy and comfort give you, Take it everywhere you go. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven; Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 199 Remember now, pray for me when the hot persecution winds are blowing, when devils on every side is challenging, I'll remember you're praying for me night or day; I'll be praying for you. Stand by your good pastor, Brother Neville, and the associate, Brother Capps. Listen to them; they'll teach you the Word of Life. I believe that. If I didn't believe it, I certainly wouldn't have them here. I certainly would
not. I believe that they believe the Message, and they stay with it to the best of their knowledge, and I've got faith in both men. Stay with them. These other brothers around where they got their meeting, that stood here tonight, if you're around their neighborhood, stand by them. You heard what they come here for tonight. Take the Name of Jesus with you, As a shield from every snare; (Listen at this.) Oh, when temptations 'round you gather, Just breathe that holy Name in prayer. Precious Name, (Precious Name,) O how sweet! (O how sweet!) Hope of (Dear God, heal these people, heavenly Father, in Jesus' Name. Grant it, Lord.) O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet; Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. Let's bow our heads now. [Brother Branham hums "Till We Meet"--Ed.] Oh, God, be with us; help us, Lord. Till we meet, (Till we meet.) Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0418E 200 That's truly my prayer, till we meet again. God bless you. And now, I'm going to ask our precious Brother Neville if he'll dismiss this fine congregation. God love you, each one. I'm so thankful to have people like you all. What would my Message be if I had nobody that believed it? And there's people here, you'd die for it...?... May God help you, each one. My prayers are with you; my blessings go with each one of you. May you not forget that you're part in that resurrection. The Quickening Power is now in you. It's all settled. You're God's child. Let's bow our heads until Brother Neville dismisses you. God bless you.
ONE IN A MILLION LOS ANGELES CA 65-0424 V-18 N-1 ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 1 Thank you, Brother Shakarian. And good morning, friends. Certainly good to be here in Los Angeles again this morning, prior this great convention, and the oncoming meeting of this coming week over at the Embassy Hotel. I'm expecting to see you all over there. And we're all under a great expectations to meet our Lord Jesus and see Him over there. He promised that He would be wherever two or three was gathered together, He would be there. And I'm sure that I met Him this morning as I come up the steps here in this auditorium, when all the people with great anticipations, waiting for the breakfast and the speaking. And it's good to be gathered here with you. And to the radio audience, there's so many in here, that I had to go down on the next floor and speak to a few. And seen so many requests, heart trouble, and different ailments of their bodies, and we're here now to pray for the sick and the afflicted. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 3 Just as I got top of the steps... I'm looking at the old gentleman now. He came up to me and said, "Brother Branham, years ago..." He said he had heart trouble so bad that he--they thought he was going to die. And had prayer for him, and the grace of God healed him. And here he is this morning way in his eighties, just rejoicing. So that makes us take a new hold. And now, I'm certainly soliciting the prayers of the people out in the radio land, as well as here. After I leave this meeting, I'm going to Europe, down into Africa and around, on meetings. And this is going by a vision, so it's going to be a great meeting there; I'm sure. And I felt for years that the Lord has wanted me to come back. The little humbly--humble ministry that He gave me, I don't think He's quite finished with it yet over there. Seemed like there might be a soul somewhere that I could catch in the Gospel net, the one that He's give me to seine for the people, the way of in Divine healing, praying for the sick. And I certainly solicit your prayers, both you people here and them who are out in the radio audience. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 5 Now, I don't have time just take a text and preach, which I expecting to after a few minutes here in the--in the--this auditorium, but just to speaking to--to you a few moments, get acquainted. And to the people out in the land, I'm going to have prayer for those out there right away, and you here also. And
I'm certainly glad to meet all these fine new friends that I have never met before, just come in contact with them this morning. We've been having great times in the services in other places. I don't get out too much anymore; it-it's so busy. We just try to keep the road hot between Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Tucson, Arizona, where we moved out there a few years ago by a vision of the Lord, that sent us out there too, not knowing where I was going. And many of you here at Clifton's, I spoke to you a little before I left in the Phoenix meeting of the vision that had come of seeing seven Angels in a cluster. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 7 And I know, to the radio audience, perhaps many of you are not full Gospel, and this may seem a little mysterious to you. Which it would to me, but there is... Anyone who can explain anything, you don't have to accept it anymore by faith. It's things that we cannot explain, that we have to accept by faith. We cannot explain God. No man can explain God. He's sovereign, and He's great and mighty. We just--we just accept it because that we know He's there. And then by our faith in accepting it, He brings the response back to us of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which I'm just going to speak to you about in a few moments here on, "God's Way Or Place Of Worship." And the only place that you can worship Him, the only place He'll ever meet you, there's got... There's one church, one place, one time, one people and all that God meets. And it's--I hope that the Lord blesses the message to your hearts here. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 9 Now, coming to Tucson, it was strange. Those visions speaking to you in the Name of the Lord, not one of them as I ever can recall, will ask anyone else if they can recall anytime, that He ever did say anything but what was the Truth. It always happens just the way He says it will happen. And He's supposed to, according to the Scriptures, return to us in this last days in this type of ministry. That'll be after the baptism of the Spirit, and speaking in tongues, and Divine healing, and so forth, these things. The capping of the Pentecostal message is what we're speaking of today. This ministry of the Christ Himself impersonated among His people with the very same things that He did when He was here on earth; in His Body, the Bride, which is part of Him, doing the same things, as Husband and Wife, or King and Queen, just before the marriage ceremony. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 11 This week, the Lord willing, I wish to speak some on that, out in our campaign here at the--the Embassy Hotel, and kinda get acquainted in my humble way of doing it. The--the time and the hour that
we're living, if a person don't know which a-way to go, what to do or how to turn, you're--you're not walking by faith anymore; you're just guessing; you're presuming. And "presume" is to--to "advance without official authority." So if we haven't got the real official authority to know what God said would take place in this hour, how are we ever going to face this hour? And we've got to face it, knowing by faith in His Word, the things that's supposed to be happening now. And the condition of the nations the condition of the people, condition of the church, and so forth, we've got to know that, and then how to walk out to face it. If you don't know how to do that, you're just--just what we used to call, kinda haphazardly; just jumping, hoping it'll be here, hoping this and hoping that, and will it be? But God don't want us to do that. He wants us to know what He has said about this day, and then meet it by faith, because He said it would be that way. Then we--we know you're Truth then, because you haven't got some person's word for it; you got His Word of what we must do. And we're hoping that our heavenly Father will--will grant this to us this week. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 13 Now, I'm sorry that I cut off of what I was saying a few moments ago, about coming to Tucson. And I thought myself, that it was the end of my life. I thought no one could ever stand that shock of that condition that happened in that vision that morning about ten o'clock at home, that would ever be able to live after that. Why, I come to Tucson, making arrangements with my son, for my wife and--and children to go with him after I was gone, because I thought it was my end. And I, in Phoenix, the men in meetings before it happened, I told you just how it would happen. Well, a few months after that, I was up in Sabino Canyon one morning, which is just north of Tucson. I was up there to pray. And while I was praying, I had my hand up in the air, and saying, "Father, I pray Thee that Thou will in somehow help me, give me strength for the hour that I'm now facing. And if my work is finished here on earth, then I must come to You. And it's not that I regret coming, but I know that You'll take care of my family. And I--I'm just asking for strength for this hour." And something struck my hand. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 15 Now, radio audience, this may seem strange that I have said, but it's the truth. And God is my Judge. I looked in my hand, and there was a sword, had a sheath over the handle part. And the handle itself was made of pearl, and just looked like kind of a gold-like guard over the handle part. And the--the knife itself looked rather like it was kind of a shiny like, oh, something like chrome or something glistening in the sun.
Now, it was about ten or eleven o'clock in the morning, way on top of a mountain. You can imagine how a person (that I feel that I'm in my right mind) would feel standing there with a sword from nowhere, people for miles and miles, holding that in your hand. I felt of it, took and waved the blade back and forth, and, why, it was a sword. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 18 And I looked around. I said, "Well, now, how could that ever happen? Here I am standing here, right here, and no one around for miles and miles, and where did that come from?" I said, "Well, I--I suppose maybe it's the--the Lord telling me it's my end time." And a Voice spoke and said, "This is the Sword of the Lord." And I thought, "Well, a sword, then it's to--for like a king to knight." You know how they used to do in England and different places. I thought, "That's what that is for, to knight." And I thought, "Well, maybe I'm supposed to lay hands on people, or..." I had all kinds... The human mind can be all messed up, you know. You don't know. Our minds is finite; His is infinite. So and as I was, it... Then it left my hand and I didn't know where it went, just disappeared. Why, if a person didn't understand a little bit about spiritual things, you--you'd go crazy like that. You'd be standing there, wondering what happened. And He said, "The vision is not your end time. It's for your ministry. That Sword is the Word. The Seven Seals will be opened, the mysteries of..." ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 21 And then two weeks after that, or two months, rather, after that, I was up in the mountain with a bunch of friends when it happened. Seven Angels, just as clear as you're standing here, came sweeping down from heaven. The rocks in the mountains rolled out and down the hills, and--and people standing there were screaming and going on, you know, and the dust flying everywhere. And when it was, He said, "Return to your home. Now, will be, each Angel will be one of the seals of the Seven Seals." Which it's on tape. And the book will be out pretty soon, being now it's kind of grammarized. As you know, my grammar's not very good, and people wouldn't... You just have to be people that love me and know how to understand me on my grammar. But some theologian is grammarizing it for me, and taking out all the--the... Well, maybe I said the wrong word there. I don't even know. So I heard someone laughing, so I guess that "grammarize" wasn't right. But like the Dutchman, you take me for what I mean and not what I say, really. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424
23 And it's just three minutes now, I'm told, unto the closing of the program. Now, you dear people out in radio land, and you that's sick and needy here in the audience, would you just lay your hands on each other now while we have this word of prayer for the sick? Now, Jesus said, His last commission to the church, "These signs shall follow them that believe (Them, them that believe.); if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 25 Dear heavenly Father, we're like children today, we're obeying what You said do. We are laying hands upon all these telephone requests. Thou seest them out in the land out there, how they're needy, the suffering. You see those here that are needy, suffering. And we are committing them to Thee, Dear God, with this faith in Thy Word that Thou has said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Grant it, Lord, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. [Brother Branham ends first radio broadcast--Ed.] ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 26 Thank you, Brother Shakarian. It's certainly a grand privilege to be back again on the broadcast to speak to some of our friends out in the radio land, as well as present here. And we are certainly extending this invitation to you to come to the Embassy Hotel tomorrow afternoon to be prayed for. And not only that, but bring the ones that's sinners and those who are backslidden. If we just have prayer for the sick, and we do see God constantly doing great miracles, but that's secondarily. The main thing is to be saved, filled with God's Spirit, which I'm going to speak to you about just in a few moments here, and the sufficiency how that we must be filled with God's Spirit. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 28 And Divine healing usually draws an attention to people to--and brings them in the Presence of God. When God does something that--that they know is un... Well, it's not understood. We cannot mechanically show how it's done. God does it in His own great way. Then that attracts the attention of the people to know that there is a Presence of a power somewhere that can do something that's beyond human understanding, and that causes them to look to the Lamb of God. And always, Divine healing; I've been told, and I believe myself, that about between sixty, maybe, and seventy percent of our Lord's ministry was on Divine healing. And He did that to attract the people. Then when they were there, He said, "Except you believe I am He, you'll perish in your sin."
ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 29 Now, Divine healing is a great drawing card to get people to look to the Lord Jesus. And Doctor F. F. Bosworth, which many of you are--was a friend to, and knew him, and his ministry meant so much to me as a young minister. I started out in my meetings, and I run into Brother Bosworth. He used to say, "Divine healing," it's a crude little statement now; he said, "Divine healing is the bait on a fishhook." Said, "You never show the fish the hook. You show him the bait, and then he gets after the bait and gets on the hook." So that's what we try to do. That's our--we... Our aim is to get people to the Lord Jesus Christ. And He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. So if He was a Healer in the days gone by, He's a Healer today. A... ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 30 Just a personal testimony before I pray for the sick out in the radio land. It was a few days ago I was setting up in a mountains where a great thing had taken place before fifteen or twenty brethren there, where the Angel of the Lord came so down, and great Light flying like a comet, bursting around through the mountains, and rocks flying for two hundred feet, or more, across the earth, cutting the top of the trees out. And I was standing right under It. And told them just a few moments before it happened, it would be there and what would happen; frankly, it was told the day before. And all these men running under trucks and everything, trying to get away, they didn't know what had taken place. And He spoke and said what would take place right immediately afterward. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 31 Setting on this certain rock there, right where He had appeared, I had a--a friend that was with us, that had come down from up in Minnesota. His people are here this morning, and I'm not sure but what he may be here on some of the other floors. It was Donavon Weerts, and a fine young fellow, a Lutheran that had just give his life to Christ and been filled with the Spirit, very humble German boy, about thirty years old, family, two or three little children. He moved down in Tucson just to be neighbors with me, where three or four hundred had moved in to be neighbors. So he... And I'm glad to have such neighbors as that. They follow me all the way to South Africa, and everywhere around, just to be near and see the--with me, and to be with me and enjoy the pleasures of the Lord. Such a humble fellow, I'd never noticed him very much. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 33 'Course, the people that I know and associate with are just like my own brother, sister. I watch them, and feel if I think they're getting out of line, and take them out to one side and talk with them,
because I love them. We want to live in glory together. And sometimes maybe in the meetings, you think I speak harsh to you. That isn't from... That isn't because that I don't love you, but it does come from my heart, because I--I... It must be just one way. There's only one way to serve God, and that's... And we must stay in His way, no matter what our thoughts is, His way. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 34 And I noticed Donavon, on the right tip of his ear, was swollen perhaps three times its size, and looked very red. Well, now thinking maybe that there in the desert for a few days, that where we'd been, that maybe he had got some cactus in his ear. But taking ahold of his hand, I found out that it was a cancer. So I said to Donavon, I said, "Donavon, have you... How long has that been on your ear?" Just to kind of throw him off, like I didn't know. I said, "How long has that been on there, Donavon?" He said, "Brother Branham, about six months," he said. I said, "Why didn't you mention it to me?" He said, "Oh, seeing you so busy," said, "I didn't want to--to do it." Said, "I just thought maybe sometime the Lord might tell you." So I--I said, "Do you realize what it is?" He said, "I have a good idea." I said, "That is right." And the second morning, no more than that, holding the boy by the hand; the second morning, there wasn't even a scar on his ear. It was all completely gone. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 37 So many times we press, trying to get to this, that, or... See, it's, "These signs shall follow the believer." It didn't say if they pray for the sick. "If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." We must have faith ourselves in what we're doing. All right. So now Donavon is probably here. You'll meet him. He'll be here, if he isn't here this morning, on some of the other floors. You'll meet him, and he'll know the testimony. And what more could I say? I believe Luke, or John, one, said the world couldn't can hold--contain the books that could be written of what He's done among the people in this last days; how sick's been healed, alcoholics delivered by the thousands of them, and all kinds of diseases and afflictions.
ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 40 Now, you out in radio land, as well as here, I'm holding here now a great handful of requests that's come in by the phone this morning, constantly ringing since we've been here. And so we... One hundred and ninety-six requests has come in this morning by the phone, since we've been in here. So let us join in prayer now as each one... Wherever you are out in the land, lay your hands on one another, if you're believers. If not, lay your hand upon the Bible or something out there, while we pray here and there. Dear heavenly Father, the little testimony of Donavon Weerts, just one of the thousands, Lord, that Thou has so graciously... I pray that You'll look down into the hearts of the people both here and in radio land. And may they every one be healed. May the evil one leave them, and may they be delivered from all their affliction. Grant it, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, we ask it. Amen. "Thank You, Lord..." [Brother Branham ends second radio broadcast--Ed.] ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 42 Well, this is three times for me up here this morning. My. And, you know, it was just told that we got to vacate the building in about twelve, fourteen minutes, or something. And the management said there's on the other floor there, and they can't serve any meals. Our meals lengthened out. We have many courses, you know. So we are very, very glad that we have had this great spiritual, gastronomical jubilee, as I would call it, this morning here with this fine bunch of men. I'd like to--to make mention that we are--the services again tomorrow afternoon, over at the Embassy. Now, we will be praying for the sick there, and expecting God to meet with us. And I've come to put in my part, my ministry, into making (all that we can) this meeting to be a success, not a success because it's our meetings, but a success of people finding Jesus Christ. That's the success. Any meetings, no matter how much we praise God, how many great things that we see Him do, how many times He speaks to us in the Spirit, and so forth; unless there's something accomplished, some souls brought into the Kingdom. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 44 And Brother Shakarian now just made a--a real statement just now about what he thought about these days that we're--we're living in. I truly believe that with all my heart, that we're living just at the closing time, just in a--just in the evening shadows. The sun is far advanced. And when we see things taking place the way they are today, why, it's hard telling what another generation would bring. A few days ago... Just let me give you a little inside something. They made an analysis throughout Arizona, where I live; of all the schools. They gave the children, unknowingly to them, a mental test. And guess what? Including high schools and--and grammar schools, there was eighty percent of the children suffering with mental
deficiency. Seventy percent of them was television watchers. See, the evils has just slipped up on us and we don't... You wonder why it comes. You can hear the Voice of God screaming out against it, and yet here we--we find ourself webbed into it. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 46 Let me give you a--a shocking something. See, "Not all that says unto Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter in; but the one that doeth the will of My Father." His will is His Word. We can be ever so religious, have great times, shouting, jumping in these meetings, which we're... I don't--I don't want to be critical. But I have a--a duty to do to God, and that duty is to be sincere and to say what He wants me to say. And I'm--I'm certainly grateful for the California chapter who's bore with me in--in my convictions. If I don't speak my convictions, I'm a hypocrite and now I'm not even honest with you. And if I can't be honest with you, how will I be honest with God, 'cause I see you and talk to you. 'Course we do to God too, but we've got to be really sincere and honest with one another. We are certainly in a--a horrible, horrible age. And did you ever stop... ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 47 Just let me give you just a little analysis. "Not all that saith unto Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter therein; but the one that doeth the will of My Father." Jesus said on earth, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word," every Word, not just now and then a Word, but by every Word. It was one Word misbelieved, by God's--of God's commandments, that caused death, sorrow, and every sickness and heartache. To miss God's Word, one Word, if he taken the human race into death, by miss--misbelieving one Word, "surely," surely... But He said it would happen. Satan said, "Surely it won't." But it did. So we've got to keep every Word of God. And if the human and all this suffering and things that went on the human race, by misconstruing, or--or misbelieving one Word, how we going back by missing One, if it's cost all this price, even the life of His Son? ... many are called,... few are chosen. ... many are called,... few are chosen. I can't take a text from this, but 'cause we haven't got time, but just to leave something with you. Let us think of... ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424
51 I went one day with Brother Shakarian, where they was hybreeding cattle. And I seen the--the--in the laboratory where Brother Shakarian taken me in. And they dipped in the sperm of the male cow, just a little--like a little instrument, a match stem, and took up a bunch of that sperm, and put it under this glass that magnified it hundreds of times. And there was little germs jumping in that--in that sperm. Which, we know the germ comes from the male, and the egg from the female. And I asked the chemist there; I said, "What's that making that little jump like that?" He said, "That's--that's little bulls and calves." See? I said, "In that little drop?" He said, "Yeah." I said, "Perhaps then in the entire sperm there would be a million of them?" He said, "Oh, yeah." See? And I watched close. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 53 Now, when this great thing takes place, there's one egg waiting for one germ out of that million. And there's no one can tell which germ that is, or which egg that is. If you'd watch the natural birth, it's more of a mystery than the--than the virgin birth. Because in this sperm, there's one in there that's predestinated to live and the rest of them will die. And it isn't the first one meets; it's the first one that comes together with the egg. Maybe the egg may raise up from the back of the sperm, or the middle of the sperm; the germ may do the same, the egg. The germ crawls into the egg, and little tails drop off of it, and there starts the spine. There's only one in that whole load of a million that's going to make it, only one; and that's determined by some unknown force to man. Yet they're every one alike, every one of those germs are just alike: same thing in animals, same thing in man. It's determined whether it's going to be boy, girl, red-headed, black-headed, or what. It's determined by God. All of them look the same naturally, but there's one in there that's ordained to life: one in a million, yet all of them alike. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 54 When Israel left Egypt, there was approximately two million people left at the same time. Every one of them heard the message of a prophet. Every one of them saw the Pillar of Fire. Every one of them was baptized to Moses in the Red Sea. Every one of them shouted in the--in the Spirit, beat the tambourines, and run up-and-down the bank with Miriam, when Moses sang in the Spirit. They every one drank from the same spiritual Rock. They every one eat fresh Manna every night, every one of them. But there was two made the land: one out of a million. What was the test? They all drink in the same Rock; they all eat the same spiritual Manna as we're eating this morning; but the Word test proved them. When it come to the time of Kadesh-barnea, when
they started over into the promised land, and they could not go over till they was tested by the Word... And all the--the other ten came back and said, "We can't make it. The people are like... We're like grasshoppers to them, their great walled city. The opposition's too great." But Joshua and Caleb stilled the people. They said, "We're more than able to do it." Why? God said before they left the promised land, "I've given you the land. I've give it to you. It's yours." But there were one out of each million. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 57 There's approximately five hundred million so-called Christians in the world today, and each day ends a generation. And now, what if the rapture would come today and five hundred people, universally, would be taken in the rapture? You'd never know or even they'd see in the paper of them going. And the coming of the Lord is a secret coming. He'll come and steal away. It'll be such a minority, till just like it was in the days when the disciples asked Jesus, "Why does the Scribes say that--that Elias must first come?" He said, "He's already come, and you never knew it." Did you ever think what the people did? They went right on believing that Mo--that Elias was coming. And he was right among them, and they didn't know it. So will it be in the coming of the Son of man. They'll do with Him just the same thing. The Spirit of God is here. Well, what are we going to do with It? Are we going to eat Manna, and so forth, and not continually move up as we grow? ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 61 Did you ever notice a seed, as the Reverend Pitts was speaking a few moments ago, that how a seed goes into the ground? Many seeds are there in the ground. When God moved upon the water with the Light, and Light brought forth. The first Presence of God, spoken Light came by God's Word. And God's Word is the only thing that still brings Light. And when the waters went back, the seed was already in the earth, and the Light only brought forth the seeds that remained with germ in them, come forth, God making His creation. And now, on Easter morning there was another Light struck the earth when the Holy Spirit was given. And It's given to bring Light to those Seeds that God by His foreknowledge knew that would be here on the earth. As He knew the first natural seed, He knows where the spiritual seed is. Your body was laying here right then on the earth when God first brought the earth into existence. We are a part of the earth. We were laying there. And by His foreknowledge He knew exactly who would love Him and who would
serve Him, and who would not. His foreknowledge tells that. If it doesn't, then He isn't God. He can't be God without being infinite. And if He's infinite, He knows all things. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 63 So you see people making their blunders. They stumble at it. They run at it, and they think this and that, but it doesn't work right; we see it. But there is a working right; that's to find God's perfect will and stand in it, what God called you for. As Brother Jack said a few moments ago about down here at the--the Persian Square, all the confusion, one this a way, and one that way; and about the theologians, and so forth, that you want to know some theology, go down there. I guess that's just about like it is in Hyde Park in London. I was down there; everybody has his own idea. It's a--it's a conglomeration of a modern day world in Babylon. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 66 But did you notice as--as Brother Pitts went on with his lovely message this morning to us? As he begin to walk out of the park, there he found a little Easter lily. "In the midst of all the confusion," as he brought it to us, "it had no way to say 'yes' or 'no.' It was a life of God shining in it, in the midst of all the confusion." It was there in its radiance, because God had ordained it to be there. In the midst of all the conflict, no one was noticing it. They didn't see the spiritual application of it. And so is it today amongst all our great gatherings, and groups, and churches, and denominations, and so forth, one is pulling this way, "We must be Baptists, or be Presbyterians, must be this, that, or the other." In the midst of all of it, there is a growing flower. There is a power of God right among us, being raised right up in the midst of all of us. Let's just stop and behold it a few minutes, and watch it this week, and see it unfold right before us. We believe God will do it. Don't you? ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 68 I see that we ought to be downstairs by now. So let's pray, each one of us. Dear God, when we bow our heads in Thy Presence, we are feel that we are so insufficient to ask. But You promised us that if we would come You would not turn us down. And these rude statements that's just been made, by no means to be a doctrine, "one out of a million," but just to kindly remember. For You said, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto life, and few there will be that'll find it. For many are called, but few are chosen."
O eternal Father, send the Gospel Light across this city, through this coming week of convention. And if there be any seed, somehow by Your own great, wise providence, like trying to illustrate it in the sperm of the male and female, may they roll into the convention. May the Holy Spirit give them Life. We realize that the time is perhaps later then we think it is. We pray, God, that as we come here, just believing that maybe there is something here that could be done that would help the people, or--or catch that last sheep. We know, when the sheepfold is full, then the Shepherd will close the door. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 71 As it was like in the days of Noah, when the last member of the family was brought in, God closed the door. And they beat and pounded, but it was too late. Dear God, they had the opportunity. You said, "I am that Door to the sheepfold." And how striking the song from the poet, "Are not ninety and nine enough for Thee? But, no, there was one more." He might be a little black sheep, or he might be a little nobody, might be the little her or he. We don't know where they are, but that last one must come in, and then the door will be closed. O God, Who knows all things, search our lives this morning. And send us wherever that we could go, that we might find that last one, that the door would be closed and the Shepherd inside with the sheep. Grant it, Lord. If there be that one here today, if that one that is supposed to come in... "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. And no man can come, except My Father has drawed him." ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 74 And if there be a tug, or a little feeling, that this might be the hour for somebody here in this audience, here or downstairs, or wherever they may be, may they answer, "Yes, Lord, I am that little wandering one that's wandered away; and that's fought It off all my life. I--I--I felt that I should come, but today I'm hanging on the side of defeat. I can't go up or down. I can go no way." Oh, may the great Shepherd come, reach down with tender hands and bring that one safely in, place it upon His shoulders and bring it safely back. Maybe there is one here, Lord, that's sick, in a similar condition, that the doctor said, "There's nothing can be done." He tried hard to rescue it, but he could not rescue it. It's beyond his reach. There's--there's nothing that he can do. His medicine or his knife cannot get to it. But, O Lord, there is nothing too far for Your great arm, and Your Word is Your arm. So we pray, dear God, that, this morning, while we are talking to Thee, that Thou will reach down and pick that one up that's sick and cannot help itself, out of the reach of all scientific matters, away from the doctor, may they--they be healed. Grant it, Lord. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424
76 As we think of David, as he was given a charge over a few sheep, just a few. But one day a bear come in and got that one little sheep and took it out, and would have eaten it up, like a cancer would eat up a body, or a huge lion... But David, not too well equipped with a--a rifle, or, not a swordsman, but with only a slingshot, he went after that sheep. And when he found the--the animal that was about to kill the little sheep, he slew it with the slingshot. Just a simple little weapon with a piece of leather and a string, and--but he had confidence in it. We have no great genius among us, Lord. We're simple people with a simple little prayer, but we are coming this morning after Father's sheep. That woman that has walked the streets, miserably, smoking cigarettes, trying to find peace through the cigarette; that man who has smelled the glass and tried to set it back, but the enemy holds him tight; that boy or girl that's tried to do right, that just can't find strength to break away from the wrong thing; we come in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to claim that sheep this morning. We defy the enemy; because it's a simple thing, a slingshot, a prayer, but we're coming to bring that one back to the Father's fold, that we might give an account of those things that's been committed to our hand. May the power of God now strike faith down in the hearts of the people, and may that lost soul return this morning. May the temptations of this life turn them away, let him go. May he find hisself safely upon the Master's shoulders, being carried back to safety again. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you all. Till I see you tomorrow, I'll turn the service to Brother Shakarian. [Bother Branham ends third portion--Ed.] ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 79 This, I--I hope that you'll--that I've found more grace in the sight of God and before you to believe that I would stand here to tell you something that was wrong. I have passed my fifty-sixth birthday the other day. Now, this isn't just an old man's Message. I've believed this since I was a little boy. And if this isn't true, I've been the most foolish person God had on the earth. I've give my entire life for this cause. And may I say this with sincerity: if I had ten thousand lives, I'd never change my opinion. Now, healing is in the reach of every person. Remember, healing is in you. God placed in the peach tree every peach that would ever be in it, when He planted it in the garden. See, you just... The peach tree or the apple tree, or the fruit tree, just has to grow from drinking the water in the earth. Now, each one of you has those potentials in you to deliver you, for it is God, since you've been planted into Christ by baptism, not water baptism, spiritual baptism. You don't come into Christ by water baptism. By spiritual baptism. Tomorrow afternoon, the Lord willing, I'm speaking on that, how and what is the real application of it. We have it in the afternoon so it won't interfere with any of your services. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424
82 Now, look, each one of you here is standing as believers (See?), then the Life that was in Christ is in you. It can, if you could just see it. It's the Devil's business to keep you blocked off from That, keep you blinded. He can just let you be blinded, that's... See, you don't know where you're going then. A man that's blind cannot tell where he's going; he's got to seek the understanding from somebody who can see. Until we can understand, somebody's got to tell us what's Truth. And Christ died for you, and you are transplanted from the world into Christ. And everything you have need of is right in you by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Isn't that right? Now, the only thing you have to do is just start drinking from That. ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 85 And as the tree drinks, it begins to push out its leaves, its buds, pushes out its fruit each year. The fruit's not in the ground; the fruit is in the plant. How many understand that, say "amen." [The congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] So see, the fruit is in the plant, and every plant has to drink from his fountain. As the rain comes down, gives that plant life to drink from. And as it drinks, it grows. And it's growing up until it comes to the full bud, just like the church has, to bloom out in this age. And as we drink, we grow. But if the plant refuses to drink, then the plant cannot grow. And if you'll just believe it... Now, individually... ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 88 'Course, you know how the Lord does show different things of what you've done and what you should not have done, and so forth, in the meetings. We was hoping that the Holy Spirit would fall upon us this morning and do such, as we stood. But I kept waiting. I think it's the nervous part, thinking that downstairs they want us out of here. See? But they're wanting us; we're late now. But believe this with all your heart. Please do. If I--if I found grace in your sight as a truthful person, believe this. Now, put your hands on--on each other. Now, look, now, the Bible didn't say, "These signs will follow William Branham." Didn't say, "It'll follow Oral Roberts only." Didn't say, "It would follow Brother Kopp," or somebody. "These signs shall follow them (plural) that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." It's that power of God that's in you, that brings the Life to the person you got your hand on, the Life-giving source of the Holy Ghost.
ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LA.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ 65-0424 93 Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in this crucial moment when the church... May they stand at this second without nervousness, may the power that raised up Christ from the grave, quicken to them just now the Truth of the Gospel, that Jesus' commission was, if they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover. May every demon power, every sickness, every disease, every affliction, every tormenting thing that's happened to the people, may it leave just now by faith. As believing people, we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, raise your hands and give Him praise, if you believe that He does it. Dear God, this baby will die, Lord, unless this is done. I condemn this knot, in the Name of Jesus Christ. May it leave the innocent child. Amen. Now, the doctors have tried, and they fail... GOD'S PROVIDED PLACE OF WORSHIP LOS ANGELES CA 65-0425 V-18 N-2 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 1 Let us bow our heads just a moment. Dear heavenly Father, we certainly deem this a privilege to be here today in this city of Los Angeles, and amongst these, the believers that--the elected that's been called out of the world, separated children of God in this great hour that we're living, under this great expectation of the appearing of our Lover, the Lord Jesus, at any time. We thank Thee for this in our heart, that we believe that He will come in our generation. We're looking for Him today. If He isn't here today, and we're here tomorrow, we'll be looking for Him tomorrow. Dear God, we pray that this meeting will be just a--a special meeting. May it be a time that it'll make a--a record for the church advancement, that'll be on Your Books in the eternity. Bless every feeble effort that we put forth, Father. We realize that we're a total failure without You; so therefore, we must have You, Lord, if it can--we continue. And we do not want this for our own glory. We want this for Your glory. For that's our heart's desire, is to see Jesus glorified in His people. To strengthen the faith of those, Lord, in this day when the battle is so hard, we've come in for this revival among us, and a retreat, a refreshment. We pray that You'll grant all these things to us, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. (May be seated.) GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
3 Brother Shakarian, Sister Wyatt, and to the friends of our Lord Jesus Christ, I certainly appreciative of this opportunity to be in Los Angeles again, to preach of this glorious Jesus that we're all out here to learn more about today. If our efforts are... [Someone speaks to Brother Branham concerning the microphone--Ed.] Yes, sir. [Blank.spot.on.tape]... this time, time. This is quite a complicated affair. Say, this thing doesn't like to cooperate. [Others suggest how to adjust microphone.] Well, it isn't going to work like that. [Blank.spot.on.tape]... Brother Shakarian. Now, that sounds a little better. I'm kinda small, got a small voice, and but a great big Message from the Lord. There's lot of opposition from Satan to keep from bringing It, but we'll get here anyhow. We're trusting this will be a great week for all of us. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 6 I was setting there thinking of how many times that our dear deceased Brother Thomas Wyatt, no doubt, had spoke from this same pulpit, a great servant to Christ. I knew Brother Wyatt. He was always a great inspiration to me when I would meet him and talk with him. I remember, just as a boy preacher, he would always... His book, called, "Wings Of Healing," I like that title, "Wings Of Healing." And we're glad to be here in this temple that's been dedicated for service of Christ. God bless his widow, and all of you people who... Sure, I know you miss him too. I missed his program. When I heard that he was gone, I--I could hear that voice. He was getting a little aged, but he still carried a good strong voice, and a--and had a message from God. And his life still lives on here in you people. And over in the mission fields where he sent all those units, and so forth, the Gospel still moves on because of Thomas Wyatt. May his soul rest in peace until the time we meet him in that glorious land where there is no death or old age. We're here to carry on now until our time is called or the great general resurrection when Jesus comes to get us all. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 9 Now, I know you have service here, I think, tonight. And I was told a few moments ago, that I--that you had service here tonight, so I will hurry up as quick as possible. Because I've got Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, so forth, this week, so I'm trusting that the Lord will bless us. We're going to pray for the sick. We're going to preach Christ, if He will, if it be His will, in all the power of His resurrection that He will permit us to do. And whatever He gives to do, that we want to do with all our heart. And I--I know that He'll bless us if we'll just believe Him. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
11 And now just before we open the Word to read It, I want to speak to Him again, while we bow our heads and get quiet now, and trusting the confusion's over. We realize, all Christians know, that the enemy, our enemy, works on every hand. But, see, when things like that happen, just hold quiet. God knows what it's all about. See? Just set still, He might've been doing something you might not know nothing about right now. Let's speak to Him. Father, we pray now that You'll calm the sea, the mighty Lord Jesus come walking in on His Word now, introducing to us in a new spheres, and His power and in manifestations. We ask this, as we read His Word; may It be quickened to our hearts today, that we might know Him in the power of His resurrection. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 13 Now, if you'll turn in the Book of Deuteronomy. I want to read a verse, or two, out of the Book of Deuteronomy, the 16th chapter of Deuteronomy. Observe the month of Abib,... (which means April)... and keep the passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee... out of Egypt by night. Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the passover of the LORD thy God, of the flocks and of the herd, in the place where the LORD shall place his... (Pardon me.)... in the place which the LORD shall choose to place his name therein. Thou shall not eat no leavened bread with it; seven days shall thou eat unleavened bread therein, and the bread of affliction; for thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste:... thou mayest remember the day that thou comest... out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life. And there shall be no leavened bread seen in thee, all the coast--all thy coast seven days; neither shall there be any... flesh, which thou sacrificedst the first day at the evening, remain at all until morning. Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any gate... which the LORD thy God giveth thee: But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shall sacrifice the passover at evening, and the going down of the sun, at the season that thou comest forth out of Egypt. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 14 [A baby now cries out in the congregation--Ed.] Looks like we got some trouble again. I believe I can holler louder than that. It's a very strange text I wish to speak a little while on, this afternoon, is on the, "God's Provided Place Of Worship."
Now, this is unusual. But as I've said many times before, that God usually dwells in unusual manners, unusual places, does unusual things, because He is unusual. Ever who believes on Him, acts unusual. There's many, many things that we'd like to say about His unusualness. But I know that all who are acquainted with Him knows that He is unusual, does the unusual things, some sometimes at the unusual time. So we are trusting today that God will bless these, this reading of the Word, and the text that I have chosen to talk to you about. Now, what I think that caused our trouble here was they cut them tape recorders in over there, and just pulled the current right out of the microphone. So if they don't fix it, why, you'll hear me anyhow. God will fix our ears so that we can hear. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 18 The reason I want to speak on this text, and it's a good time to do it at the Full Gospel Business Men's meeting, is because all of the churches, or many of them, are represented in this group, all different denominations. And I find many times that people, meeting them on the street, in the highways, on planes, trains, buses, I'll say to them, "Are you a Christian?" One of them will say, "Well, I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian. I'm Lutheran, Pentecostal," or something on that manner. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 21 Everyone has got a denomination that he wishes to represent. And that's perfectly all right to be represented by a denomination, but still the bad part of it, that each one thinks that this certain group is the only group that--that's going to go to heaven, and it's the only one that--that God is represented in at all, is somebody's certain group. I thought this afternoon would be a good time to settle that. [Congregation applauds--Ed.] And perhaps that's why Satan keeps working on this microphone. You know, anything that man makes will go wrong, but what God makes doesn't go wrong. So being a good time to do it, a good place to do it, so God help us that by His grace we will try to do our best to talk about it. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 22 Now, this text coming out of the Book of Deuteronomy... I understand that Deuteronomy... As I have some Scriptures and things written down here...
It used to be I could think of them real fast, but since I passed twenty-five the second time, it comes a little hard for me to remember it all. So I go into the room and pray. And as He gives me the Scriptures, I jot them down, and maybe a note now and then with it, kinda keep my mind running the way it was when He gave it to me. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 24 "Deuteronomy" being a Greek word meaning "two laws," the word "Deuteronomy"... And God has two laws. And one of them is the law of death: to disobedient to His Word. We find that when Eve disobeyed His Word; it brought death. That's one of His laws, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." And then He has another law, which is the law of Life to obedience, if you don't do such a things... Why, keeping His Word, you'll live. Boils down to two things to my way of thinking: that's either keeping His Word or disobeying His Word. One of these laws was given at Mount Sinai. And the other was... That's the law of death. The other law was give at Mount Calvary, where the law of Life was given through Christ Jesus. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 29 He also has two covenants. He had a covenant with Adam, the first man on earth. And that covenant was on conditions, "If you do so-and-so, I'll do so-and-so." Adam would had something to do in order to keep this covenant alive before God. He had to walk in God's ways, keeping all of His Word, not breaking one Word. But then He made another covenant; that was with Abraham. This covenant was not on conditions, but was unconditionally. God gave the covenant to Abraham, no strings tied to it at all: unconditional, not, "I will," "I have. I've already done it." And that's the law that Christians must live by. Is not what we do ourself, but what He has done for us. Christ has already been sacrificed, not He will be; He has been. It's a finished product. He lived, died, rose again, ascended into heaven, has come back in the form of the Holy Ghost. So it's a finished work with God. Christ, knowing no sin, became my sin; that I might stand in His place, He took my place. I was in Him at Calvary when He died. There I must die with Him to live. Because the law of sin and death is in the body, you have to die to be reconciled to Him. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
32 But now, we get all these words that we could use, these great texts, which is--we're all familiar with many of them, and the great types of the Scripture. But this afternoon we're confronted with this, that in the face of all this He still says there's only one place that He'll meet you, in the face of all of our different theories. We've had Judaism. We've had Mohammedanism. We've had... We got all kinds of creeds, and denomination, churches, and so forth, but yet God said there's just one place that He'll meet you. All those places, each one says that, "He meets in my church. And if you don't belong to my church, He--He won't meet you. You--you just got to be in this group or He--or He just won't meet you there. Or, He won't meet you nowhere else but there," rather. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 33 And then we find out here that He does have one place, just one place only. "Thou shall sacrifice the sacrifice in the place that the Lord thy God shall choose." Now, He's got a chosen place that He meets the worshipping children, and they were not to sacrifice anywhere else but in that one place. Any other place would not work. He had one certain place that He would meet them. And one place alone is where He meets the worshipper. And then if that be true, we'd better be very careful that we find that place. I think it's very behooving to us, that as people who know that we're dying, and living in a dying race, living in a dying age, living in a dying nation, under the banner of death... GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 35 And this world must soon come to an end. It can't go much longer. Sin is too deep. It's beyond hope. There's no more hope for the world. It's past that. I believe the Holy Spirit is gleaning in the fields, finding this one and that one, for the hour is far spent. The Gospel's been preached to every nation. Ism's and things has followed It, but yet the Gospel has went on just the same. And now, at the end time, we see the things happening the way they are; there's a great warning amongst the elected people of God to find what is right. And it behooves us to know that, now, not somebody's theory, but to know what is Truth, what the Bible says is the Truth. Because it'll be too late one of these days for us, and this may be the day; so let's take real consideration of what God has said. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 38 Remember, when God speaks a Word, He can never take it back. He has to ever remain the same. He can never say something, and then say, "I... Well, I--I didn't exactly mean that." See, He's infinite. He knows the best to begin with. We say things that we think is best, then after while we take it back. But
God can't do that and remain God. So if He's infinite, He--He does not do that, because He's perfect in every Word. He never utters a Word unless it's eternal. All of His eternal's was with Him at the beginning, His thoughts, His attributes, and they're only expressing themselves in the world today. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 39 Now, remember, He has a provided place, one place alone where He'll meet the believing children. Anywhere else won't work. Remember, Jesus said, when He was here on earth, talking to a bunch of people who was very religious, very fine, very cultured, a very zealous people of God, but Jesus said to them, "In vain you worship Me," teaching for doctrine their traditions of men. Remember how pious those people was, and how zealous of God? I believe if we were counting the people who were more zealous of today or that day, they would be more zealous than we are, far more. When it come to keeping the traditions and laws, and things, they lived by those. And they were very zealous of God, and they believed God. But Jesus, God made flesh among us, said, "In vain do you worship Me." Now, He didn't say they didn't worship Him. They was worshipping Him, but in vain. So anything in vain is of non--no avail, doesn't do no good. You should never do it, because you're just wasting your time. You're wasting your breath; you're wasting your efforts, until we come to know what we're doing. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 42 Surely, if God expects people to be perfect, as Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect," there must be some preparation somewhere. And He said, "I'll choose the place that the people will worship Me. No other place will I meet them." And now, that's got to be that place, and we ought to seek it out, find out where it's at, and then go there. And I think we should turn there, quickly, when we find the place, leaving other things alone. Now, remember, Jesus said in this same Scripture here that I'm quoting, man's tradition then is in vain. We should never fool with it. There needs be somewhere, some place that He has provided a place for us, that we could come and the worship would be received. Now, remember, outside of that chosen place, no matter how sincere you are, how fundamental you are, you're still worshipping in vain. I know that sounds rude. But the building's about finished, we don't want it shaking. Let's bolt it down with the Gospel, so that when people meets you on the street, or wherever you are, you Christians, that you'll have an answer for them.
In the hour when they're saying, "Oh, this is That. And I seen these do this, and that do that." Certainly, all these things has got to happen. But there is a place that's provided by God alone, and that's the place that God meets the worshipper, alone. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 46 Notice the 2nd verse, "Worship in the place that I have chosen." Chosen what? In this place showed that He has a place where all people worship. Other places are in vain. "And in this same place," He said, "I have chosen also to put My Name in this place. I'll choose a place, and I'll put My Name in it," in this place that he's going to worship. Now, this shows that there's one place, just one. It must be God's choosing; it can't be ours. We have no choice coming; He's already chose it. Now, what God chooses is right. I can choose wrong; you can choose wrong, but God cannot. Choose right... After all, it's He's the One that's being worshipped. And He's got the place where He wants His worshippers to meet there, and we must meet Him there. That's the only place that He stays, only place that He'll hear you from. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 48 Let us notice here, also, "The place I've chosen to worship Me in, I'll put My Name in that place." Oh, now let us search the Scriptures for that place that He has His Name in. Now, we have shadows and types all through the Bible; we know that of different places where He met the people, but that's not the place that He'll meet them today. Because they were only foreshadowing something, coming up to the real place where He's to meet the people, the place, the church that He is to meet in. And there is a place, there is a church, that God promised to meet the people in this place and answer their prayers, if they would just come to this place and worship Him. Now, we find out that there's many claim as that they have the place, God's Name is in their place. But, you see, they put God's Name in there. There's a lot of difference between God putting His Name there, and somebody putting there--His Name there. See? We must remember that God said He would put: "I have put My Name. I will put My Name in this place. And that's the place that I choose, and have chosen, that people should worship." GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 51 This, bringing us now in view of these shadows of time, brings us Christ in view. All the Old Testament foreshadowed Jesus. In Egypt that night when there was to be a--a passover lamb killed for the protection of the people, we realize that God had one place, one condition. No matter how young,
how old a priest, a clergyman, whatever you was, you must be in this certain place. All outside that place, perished. You must be in this one place, a place that He provided. Now, we could spend much time this afternoon, in explaining that, which would be just reviewing what we already know, that how Christ foreshadowed in the types the sacrificial Lamb, how it must be kept up, a male without blemish, and how it must be killed by the elders, and how that the blood must be sprinkled on the door, all foreshadowing the coming of Christ. And under this shed blood was the place that God met the worshipper, when the Death angel passed through the land. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 53 I believe that we're ready to go out of Egypt, one of these days, and go into this promised land. And it's time that we got in the right place, and quit this here fussing around, "I'm Presbyterian. I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. I'm this. I'm that, or the other." Get out of it, and find where this place is, because there's death everywhere besides His chosen place. Death will strike just as sure as the world if we're not in His chosen place. But where He chooses, death cannot come. If you notice in the sacrificial lamb, death had already visit there. Death had come to this place because the lamb had died. Death had already visit. And so where death had visit, then God promised that would be His place. Then, Him in view, we see now what the sacrificial lamb was, what the place of life was at that time. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 55 Now, to me, this denounces all arguments. With Christ being in view, being the sacrificial Lamb, then that denounces all denominations, all creeds, all dogmas, all churchanity. It denounces the whole thing. That's right, for we find here, Him in view, for He is the pure unadulterated Word of God. Saint John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." Therefore, He is God's unadulterated Word made flesh, made manifest. And this in view, we could not attach that to any church in the world today, any denomination. Any place like that, we could not attach it, because it isn't so. We put Christ's Name upon a building, call it the Churches of Christ, and this, that, or the other. That doesn't make it so. That doesn't do it at all. But when God puts His Name in something, that's what does it. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 57 Now, there's nothing in the Bible that would type our modern organizations, except Babylon. That's the only type in the Bible of our modern organization, organized religion, because it was founded
by Nimrod and a forced unity amongst religious people. And that's what the creeds and our denominations do today, force unity, "You either belong to this or you're out." And we're coming now, as we can see, to a forcing all into one great unity of it. But that is a mechanical made advice by a man, and it cannot stand. It is not God's will. It is not God's program, no matter how people try to say it is. It is not. It can't be. It's just impossible for it to be. God wouldn't put His Name in such a thing as that that denies His Word. How can God live in something that denies His own Word? You cannot do that. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 58 So we find out it doesn't attach to any church, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Catholic, Greek orthodox, whatever it may be. It's not God's place of worship yet. Now, let God, Who made this promise, come forth and prove it, that it's right. That's the way to do it. If He's still God, He's still God. If He ever was God, He remains God. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 60 And now, we see this forced religion right in view now to bring all the little groups into one great unity, they call it. Some of them believe in this, and some believe in that; and some deny this, and some deny that. The Bible said, "How can two walk together except they be agreed?" It'll never work. We've got to be in an agreement. And what in agreement with what? Not in agreement with one another, as much as we've got to be in agreement with the Word, with God. That's what it's got to be in the agreement with. Now, we find out that a forced unity was represented by groups of people at Babylon. God cannot put His Name in such a thing as that. He never did and He never will. Though they tried it, they put their name into it, put His Name into it, but it's not so. But we must find where He put His Name, for it is the place and the only place that He has provided for the Christians to come, as believing children, and worship Him in this place. What would this place be? GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 64 Now, to back it up, we could take the entire Bible to back up what I'm going to say. For the place that He chose is in Christ, in Jesus Christ. It is in Him, His Son, God's Son, Jesus Christ. "Well," you said, "I thought the Scripture reads here that He said He would choose the place, and He would also put His Name in that place."
Why, the son always takes the father's name. My name's Branham because my father was Branham. And Jesus said that He came in His Father's Name. Saint John 5:43, "I come in My Father's Name and you receive Me not," therefore, there's where God placed His Name, under the sacrifice of His own Son. That's God's only provided Place there is where people can meet God, is in Christ. That is His provided Place, no denomination, no creed, no nothing else, God's promised to meet. Only in Jesus will He meet, for that's the only Place His Name is. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 68 We also hear Jesus, as I follow the Scripture out, in John--John the 5th chapter and 43rd verse, He said, "Another will come, and come in his name, and him you will receive." We can join a creed, "another," we can join a denomination; you'll receive him; but when you receive Jesus, it's different. "Another will come, 'I'll say I'm Methodist; I'm Baptist; I'm Presbyterian,' you'll receive that all right. But I come in My Father's Name, doing that what the Father said I would do, and you receive Me not." He said, "John came, and he had a great witness, but I have a greater witness in God--in God than what John did. For what the Father has given Me to do, that I do," the Words that was written of Him, what He must be in that day. For He was... GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 69 His Name was God. God has many titles. God's a title, Itself, was called Jehovah-jireh, Jehovahrapha, Jehovah-manasseh. He was called the Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Morning Star; Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End; then Father, Son, Holy Ghost, all these titles. But His Name, God's Name is Jesus Christ, the Anointed One. That is His Name. He had many titles, but one Name, the only, "Not another Name under heaven given among men, whereby you must be saved." We find that that's true. Also this warning, that, "When this other one comes, that he come in his own name, 'Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal,' so forth, you'll receive him. You'll join up with him." But Christ is turned down. They turn That down. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 72 The prophet said... Let's trace his name a little bit. The prophet said a... His Name would be called Emmanuel. Now, Isaiah said that, about the 7th chapter. And also in Matthew 1:23, said, "This was all done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 'His Name shall be called Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, "God with us."'"
Emmanuel, and His Name was Jesus, God with us, with His Father's Name. He came in His Father's Name. There's where God placed His Name, in His Son. That's the only Place that you can worship Him. The only Place God will ever meet you, is in that Son which was typed by the sacrificial lamb. And all down through the Old Testament, all brought types of that one thing, that that place alone, God, alone met under the sacrificial blood. Only place He met, the only place is He meets today; it's not in the name of creed, or in a name of a denomination, name of a church, or name of a group, or name of a society, but in the Name of Jesus Christ. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 74 I tested that when I was a young man. I'd often heard of spiritualism, of the Devil, how he does things. And I knowed if there was a God, there must be a Devil, because the Bible said there was a Devil. And he, I thought... heard about these spiritualists. I went to some of them, found out they were phonies, nothing to it, just a big bunch of make-belief. But I found out there were some of them were real spiritualists. And I was at a camp one time, where a minister and I went to see them in there. They'd raised the table up from the floor, and had whiskey glasses setting over it; and taken that table, turned it back and forth, and a guitar flying through the building; people's clothes... Had had this up in the room, said, this medium said, "I challenge anybody to knock it down." GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 76 Two men said, "I'll get it down." They grabbed it around the legs like that and tried to hold it. It wouldn't. Why, that table throwed them plumb across the floor. Don't you just set around. If you've never been a missionary and been on fields, only thing you know is just the thought of a Devil. If you look out here on some of these people walking around the streets, you can see him. But there is a Devil. Certainly is. And people worship the Devil, don't even know what they're doing. They worship the Devil in churches, "Teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, creeds--creeds and traditions." I said... GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 79 This woman hollered over to me and said, "They tell me you're a preacher." I said, "I am." She said, "Then if you don't..." Said, "What do you think about this?"
I said, "It's the Devil." And she said, "Well, then if you've got so much power, knock it down." I said, "I don't have any power at all. I have no power, but I'm here representing One." I said, "Lord Jesus, You said, in Saint Mark the 16th chapter 'In My Name they shall cast out devils.'" I said, "Now, that Your servant may know, as the battle lays before me," I said, "I command that table to fall down, in the name of the holy church," and it stayed right there. I said, "I command that table to fall down there, in the name of the 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,'" and it stayed right there. I said, "I command that table to fall down, in the Name of Jesus Christ," and like to have broke all four legs off, hitting the floor. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 85 "In My Name they shall cast out devils." That's the Name of the Father. He put His Name in Jesus Christ. And in Him He meets to worship. In Him He meets to cast out devils. In Him He meets to heal the sick. In Him He meets to save. In Him He meets to save, fill with the Holy Ghost. That's God's only Place to meet people for worship. Now, we find out that Jesus said also that... The word, Name "Jesus," means "Jehovah-Saviour, Jehovah the Saviour." GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 86 Remember, "You shall not worship the Lord..." 5, Verse 5, "You shall not worship the Lord in any gates, that the Lord God giveth thee. Any gates, you shall not worship Him there," God said in 5th verse here of Deuteronomy 16. "Thou shall not worship Him in any gates, that the Lord God giveth thee." He give you these things for temptations.' We're going to get into that, this week, the Lord willing, see whether God takes His Word back, or not. Notice, He give you them gates, but don't worship the Lord in any of those gates, because the Lord thy God ain't going to meet you there. But the Lord God has chosen the gate. He's chosen the door. Jesus said in Saint John the 10th chapter, "I am the Door to the sheepfold. I am that Door." He's Jehovah-Saviour. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 88 Now, we could go on here for hours explaining that. But I'm sure you understand it by your action, that you--you respond to the Truth and to the Word. So we'll not go any further; you can take it anywhere you wish to. Everywhere you come, it it's the Truth, it'll fall right back in line with the rest of
the Word. You can't make the Bible say one thing one place, and something else at another; it's contrary to what He said first. It must be the same all the time. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 89 I'm omitting a lot of Scripture here on this, just because I see it's getting late. And our sister and them is having service here tonight, and we want to pray for the sick. That is, and find out, Billy, if they got some prayer cards. [Someone says, "No service tonight."--Ed.] No service. Good. Good, but good. All right. Now, let's find it. All right. [Congregation applauds--Ed.] We trust that the Lord will bless this lady for this, letting us have this place, giving us this time. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 91 There's so many infallible proofs that Jesus is the place. He's the Gate; He's the Name, and the only provided Way that God has for man to meet in worship. He is the Way, the Truth, the Light, the Gate, the Door; the Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Morning Star; the Alpha, Omega. He's all, the whole thing put together. He's both Root and Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. In Him dwells the Fullness of the Godhead, bodily, where we in there are sons and daughters to God in God's Godhead. Yes. As sons and daughters, we're in the family, if you're in there. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 92 Now, how do we get into this great place to worship? That's the next question. How do we get into this Place, if Jesus is the Place? He's the Name of God. He's the place of God's worship. And He's the only Door to the sheepfold. And we want to find out how we get into Him then. Now, if you're into the door, of course, you come in like the family, as we was talking the other day about, the--or at the breakfast, about the little sheep, that God would not close the door until He found that last little sheep and brought him in. If you've come in, then you become a family. You're a family of God when you've come into God. But you can't be a family of God and be Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostal. You can't do it. You have to come into Jesus Christ. "Well," you say, "we did it." We'll see if you did it. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
95 Let's find out what the Bible says now. We find in I Corinthians the 12th chapter, the Bible said, "By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body." We're baptized into the Body of Christ by one Holy Spirit. We're not shook in; we're not joined in; we're not baptized with water in. We are baptized with the Holy Ghost into the Body of Jesus Christ. How long does it last when you get in There, until you misbehave yourself? Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption." Argue with Him, not me. That's what It says. I'm reading It. All right. "You're sealed until the day of your redemption," until the day that Jesus comes for you. Then think of it. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 97 You are then not yourself; you are a new creature, for the Greek there means "a new creation." You've been recreated again. The power of God comes upon you, and you become created, a new creature; which brings the whole physical being, spiritual being and everything, in subject to the Word of God, not no other way. How can you say that you're a Christian, and disobey His Word in one thing? Whosoever disobeyed the law in one--one part of it, was guilty of all of it. Whosoever... Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God," not just part of the Words; every Word. That He said in Revelation the 22nd chapter, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of this Book, or add one word to It, his--his part will be taken out of the Book of Life." We are not to take away from the Bible, or add to It. Just say what It says. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 99 And in I Corinthians 12, It said, "By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body." Now, after you're in this Body, Romans 8:1 said, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." There's the place where there's no condemnation. Whether you go to a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian church, wherever it is, if you are in Christ, you are a new creature, and there's no condemnation in you, nowhere at all. That's God's meeting place. That's where God meets the worshipper. There's where you are--are accounted a new creature, for they're dead to the things of the world. They're alive in Him. The living Presence of God is with them day by day. He lives in them through every age. Every age that's come along, down through the Bible, when man meet God's requirement, comes into the place to where He provided in His written Word for that day, God makes that person to be a new creature, and he has no condemnation. Look at Job.
Am I deafening you, the way I'm in these mikes? I'm sorry about it. I know it's the rebound in here. I hear it here myself. But, look. Job, regardless of how many people try to condemn him, how many said he was wrong, he was keeping the commandment of God by that burnt-offering. He knowed he was justified, because he was keeping the commandments of God. That's how he was justified, because he was doing the things that God wanted him to do. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 104 The living Presence of God lights up the day, every day, from death of creeds, and to Life and to the Word of the day. Now, God has things that He does. As a--a little flower, like I said the other morning at the breakfast... When a seed comes to light, starts growing. It drinks from God's fountain, keeps pushing up till it gets to the bud part, gets up into the flower, up into the blossom. Now, we find out, that when we start with Christ, we grow the same way, because we grow in grace and in admonition of God. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 107 God's only provided plan for any age is His Word. His Son came and manifested every promise that was promised for His age. All the prophets came just exactly on time, they was God's Word living on earth. They was the Word. Jesus said that they were gods. Jesus called those prophets gods. A man met me in the last meeting I had, he said, "You're a poor theologian." And I said, "I--I don't claim to be one." I said, "The Word don't come to a theologian; theology does." The Word comes... See? I said, "Just theology comes to a theologian." But I said, "We're talking about something else." GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 110 Now, we find that in each age, when God said a certain thing would happen, here come that man along and manifested that, here come their people along and lived that. That was God Himself living in the people, because it was a answering of His Word. Now, God's only provided way and only provided plan today, is His Son, through His Word for this age, quickened by the Spirit of His life, quickened.
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 112 Now, we have great schools of theology. And many times when we do that... Nothing against it, certainly not, but, you see, when you got a school of theology... Jesus said in Saint John 4, "The time is coming, and now is, when God, being a Spirit, will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth." Now, some people have Spirit, no Truth. Others has Truth, no Spirit. So it's just like if we had a big car, we were going somewhere in a Cadillac. And both Cadillac's was made just alike, and we pushed them out here and we--out to the tanks, and we filled them both up with gasoline. And you crank and crank on one. Well, you look out, say, "The seat's all right. The steering wheel is pretty; it's got diamond studs in it. And plush, set... sets pretty. And you set back and go to sleep. And, oh, a lot of things you could do, each one, but (You see?), one of them... All of them has the right mechanics, but one of them has the dynamics. You see, you might know the mechanics, but it takes the dynamics to start off the mechanics, to make them work. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 115 And that's what's the matter with the church today. We're full of theology, without any dynamics in it. That's right. See? In other words, you've got to have the spark to the gasoline, or the gasoline is no more than... It's not even as good as water, as long as it hasn't got the spark to fire it. So that's the way. No matter how well we're taught, how well we'll believe, and how much of the Bible that we say is true, and we believe it all true; it's got to be the--the dynamics has got to be there, the spark, to set that Word afire and make it start rolling. It's got to have that. If you don't, the church sets still, the car sets still, you'll set still. But no matter how much you say, "I sympathize. I believe every Word of That." You've got to have something to spark that off to make that one hundred octane go to firing, and the big Church of God go to moving on. It's got to take the dynamics with the mechanics. Nothing wrong with the mechanics, but lacking dynamics. And I think that's what's the matter with the church today; we're lacking that dynamical power to press this Word and make It live for this day. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 119 Martin Luther had the mechanics and dynamics in his day. John Wesley had them of his day. Pentecostal had them with their day. What about our day? This is another time. The church should be fully grown now, ready to go meet Christ, with the manifestation of every blessing that He promised in
the Bible, operating in that one great Body where He promised that He'd meet the people and be worshipped in this great church of His. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 121 But, you see, we send our kids away to school; we learn reading, writing, arithmetic, all the history of the prophets and everything. That's all right, but unless you got something behind that... "Oh," you say, "well, I--I shouted. I spoke with tongues." That's good. I believe that too. But that's not what I'm talking about yet. See, you'll--you'll... it'll splutter. You say, "Plank-plank, boompboomp," like ad old car trying to start. You say, "Yeah, I believe this. I believe that too. But--but when it comes to this, them days, oh, no. No." She's a hundred octane, brother, with a right kind of a generator behind her, it'll fire every Word of God to Its promise. Right. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 124 That's what's the matter with us today, we almost come to a stop. We want to believe this, believe that. I say something, about This. "Well, I don't know." Well, the Bible said so. That settles it. If God said so, it's there to be done. If we... If that's what God said do, we've got to do that. Just stay there till God fires it off, and directly you start running then again. You see it? If you don't, you get the plugs all smutted up. And so we need something different, we need something to fire us off. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 126 And notice, not only does He come in by the Holy Spirit, with the learning of His Word, He manifests that Word. Now, remember, the prophets believe the Word. They receive the Word of God. And God the Holy Spirit came into them and fired that promise out, and made it come to pass. Oh, my. Who's going to condemn that? Jesus said, "Who can condemn Me of sin? (Sin is unbelief.) Whatever God wrote and whatever the prophets said, I'm the Answer. What they said I'd do, I do." He came as a prophet, the Son of man. That's exactly what He was, and what He proved to be. He was. Why? The dynamics was there to fire off the mechanics. He was the mechanics, the Son Himself, and the Father was the dynamics. "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He splatters forth the--the--the dynamics and makes the thing move on. He brings it to pass."
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 128 "When did I ever say anything..." Like Samuel said one time to the people, "Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord, but what come to pass? (See?) When did I ever say it, and when did it not happen to come to pass?" "Oh, you, what you told us come to pass, but we want the king anyhow." That's the way it is today. People want to hold onto their petty ideas. They want to hold onto their creeds. They want to hold onto this. Then talking about a revival in our day, how can we have a revival when it's all messed up the way it is? Watered gasoline and everything else in it, all kinds of detergents and all these modernistic things mixed into it... GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 131 I was coming down the road one day, and it said, some kind of modern detergent, said, "You don't have to wash the dishes; the only thing you have to do is dip them in there and dip them out." I thought, "I'm going to be a hero in my house." I go and get me a box of this stuff. And I said to the wife, "Go on in, honey, let me wash the dishes." I thought, "Boy, them guys know what they're talking about, them scientists. I'll show her how. I'll... she'll... Till she catches onto this, what I'm doing... Just dip it in and set it out, that's all you have to do." The kids had eat eggs for breakfast. And I poured this detergent in there, and dipped it in, dipped it out, and dipped it in and dipped it out. It was still eggy. Yes, sir. I don't believe anything I hear on television, no more. No, sir. No, no. No, indeed. That's the reason I don't believe any manmade system can stand. God's got one provided Way. It isn't Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian; but it's Jesus Christ by the new birth, believing that Bible. That's God's provided Way, and the only Way that He has, is in Jesus Christ, His Son. And in His Son He placed His Name. His... God's Name is Jesus, 'cause He came in His Father's Name. And so that would be God's Name, because He was God. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 137 Now, notice, when this great moving power of God comes into a son of God, it quickens him; the Spirit of Life enters into him. Then what does it do? It seats them in heavenly places, right now, not they will be, we are now. Now we've already resurrected; the dynamics and the mechanics is gone to work quickened to us, and we are quickened up into the Presence of God, where His Spirit is. And now we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: in Christ Jesus, setting in there, that great seat of--that's already fired up, been raised from the dead. We're a part of it. If you're a part of the Bride, you
are, because the Bride's part of the Groom, you know. So we find out that it's the same thing, and She'll do just exactly what's predicted for Her to do in this day. She won't be a Laodicea, not by no means, a lukewarm. But She'll be on fire for God, She'll be moving on in the Spirit of God. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 138 Now, we're looking here now to find out. Now, let us, now at this same time that it does, that this strikes us... And, when, we're once dead in sin and trespassing--trespasses, rather, he--we been quickened together unto His Word of this age. Now, let us think about way back in the old times of somebody that was quickened by this Word, just before we have the prayer service for the sick. Let's take a few characters, watch their characteristic. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 140 Let's take a man here that kept all the Word of God back in the Old Testament by the name of Enoch. He was so quickened by the Word of God, that he had a testimony, that he pleased God. There wasn't one thing that God commanded Enoch to do but what he did it. I wonder how many Enochs would be here this afternoon, that if you know it's in the Word of God? How many of you bobbed-haired women could call yourself an Enochist (See?), and know that God condemns that? How many of you men, that let's them women do that, could call yourself an Enoch? Oh, my. That's just one thing, how about the thousands? And we smother down, say, "I belong to this, and I belong to that." You may belong to that, but till you come into God's provided Place, and you can't get in there unless you become part of that Word. And being part of It, you become all of It, subject to all. Notice, we have this here that the Bible calls the Word of God, and which it is the Word of God. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 142 Now, we find out that Enoch come into God's provided way, with His Word, and walked five hundred years, and pleased Him. And we find out that the mechanics was so perfect in Him, that when the dynamics got to working in the engine, it just took him off the earth. He took the first airplane flight, like, to heaven. Working on God's mechanics and dynamics together, he was not, because God took him out of the earth without death. That's exactly right. He was walking in God's provided way. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 143 The same thing we find out on Elijah. Old Elijah had bawled out so many of those painted-face Jezebel's, and haircuts, and so forth, that they were using of that day, the old man had spent his life just
condemning sin amongst them women, because they had a woman, Jezebel, there to set a pace, just about like your Hollywood here has, and got all the sisters all wound up into it out there. And the Jezebel still lives; you can just look around and you can see she does. And she's still in great power too. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 145 Now, we find out, the old fellow being a prophet, he cursed that thing and everything, stayed perfectly in the will of God. When all the rest of the preachers weakened off, he stayed right there with It. And one day he got so tired, that God sent a chariot down from heaven, and horses of fire, and took him up, he was so full of that Quickening Power. Just think, with the Word of God in his heart, he become so full of that Quickening Power that quickened him. "If the Spirit of God, He..." I believe we find in Romans 11, or 1:11, "If," it says, "if the Spirit..." Romans 8:11, it is. "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead be in you, it will also quicken your mortal bodies." If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, if, if It be in you, It'll also quicken your mortal bodies: quicken it. What does the word "quick" mean? The Greek word means, "to be brought to life after death." Hallelujah. There's the gate of worship, worshipping in the Spirit and in Truth, mechanics and dynamics together. You see what I mean? If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, It will quicken, make alive, your mortal bodies, because It's already Life. And when It comes into your body, It brings your whole body subject to It. Subject to what? The Word of God, if it's in you. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 150 Now, if it's something in you telling you, "Well, that was the days past. And Mark 16's not true, and that Pentecostal idea of the baptism of the Holy Ghost." That ain't the Spirit of God in you. I don't care how well you're trained, you--that's not the Spirit of God. You say, "Well, my mother belonged to this, and my father, through years, and my brother." Whatever you want to say about your relatives and so forth, that might've been all right with them; but it ain't for you (See?); you've got to this day come into Christ Jesus for this age and the promise that's meant for this age. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 151 Notice, we find out that this great Quickening Power struck Enoch; it quickened him and he went home without dying. It struck Elijah, quickened him till he went home without dying.
We find out his successor was Elisha, which was a type there of Christ and the church, Elisha. Elijah done four miracles, and Elisha done eight miracles. He had a double portion, like was poured out upon the church. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Later they had a dead man, throwed it over on his bones, and he come to life. That Quickening Power was in the grave with him. You can't... It's always there, when you get that Quickening Power of God, being quickened up with Him now. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 155 Now, remember, in Christ we are flesh of His flesh, bone of His bones. When God wounded Christ at Calvary, He was wounded for me and you. We are flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone, body of His body, Name of His Name, Bride of Him. See, we are in Him; we are His flesh and His bones. And God has already raised us up potentially. The Quickening Power that raised us from a life of sin, and changed our being, it has potentially raised us up in Christ Jesus, which the resurrection will bring us forth in the fully maturity. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 157 Now, remember, we died in our own name, was buried, and raised in His. See, we're no more of our own. Of which, that great Name of Jesus Christ, which the Bible said over here in Ephesians 1:21, that both families, in heaven and earth is named after that Name. That's where God put His Name. That's the family's Name in heaven. That's the family's Name on earth. And we're in Jesus Christ by spiritual baptism, not by water; by Spirit we are baptized into one Body, which is Christ, the worshipping Place. Then being in there, we're being on this ground, it's like the abstract deed. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 159 You say, "I bought a piece of ground." It isn't yours yet until you got an abstract. But if you got a abstract, it shows that everything was ever against that piece of ground has been stricken off. And then when you've become a Christian and accept Christ as your Saviour, then when God sends down the abstract, it shows that no matter what your father did, your mother did, what anybody else did; your mother, daddy might've been drunkards, prostitutes; whatever it was, every sin is stricken off. You've got an abstract title. There's nothing can put you off of it. And look, everything that's on that ground belongs to you. Amen. And when you're in Christ Jesus by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, every gift of God belongs in the church. It's a abstract title deed. You... It's yours; it belongs to you. It quickens your mortal bodies. Oh, my, if we'd think of it.
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 161 Let us take a look at those faithful ones at Pentecost. They were all in the upper room there, and they was all scared. They had a--they had the--the title, all right, but they were afraid. And all at once there came a sound from heaven (the abstract sent down to them) like a rushing mighty wind, filled all the house where they were setting. And they were so quickened by That, till all their cowardliness they were... One of them was even afraid, they even denied he wasn't a Pharisee yet, or he wasn't a Sadducee yet. But when that Holy Ghost fell and baptized him into Jesus Christ, he became flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone, Word of His Word. He was a new creation. He was a new person. It quickened his body. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 162 Look what It did, what It does to you when It comes in. It don't make you go out and say, "I'm Methodist. I'm Baptist. Oh, I know I oughtn't to smoke. I oughtn't to have this. I oughtn't to wear these kind of clothes. I oughtn't to do this. I oughtn't to do that." It so quickens you till you have to do it. It quickens your mortal bodies. Look, It quickened their bodies, until they flew so close to heaven till It quickened their body to speak in a language they'd never heard of before. It quickened their bodies; they spoke in new heavenly language. They were quickened into the Presence of God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. God's Quickening Power baptized them into that. They were in the Place of worship then. They were where they could worship. The Sanhedrin or nothing else ever could bother them, because they were quickened. They were new people. That's after they was baptized. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 164 Look at little Stephen. He come into God's provided way, was quickened by the power of God, come into the gate, God's provided way. And even when they went to kill him, stone him to death, he said, "I see heavens open, Jesus standing at the right hand of God." That's Quickening Power. He was quickened up into His bosom. There was Philip, another one full of the Quickening Power. We find him down there at Samaria, holding a great revival. This great Quickening Power, after he was in Christ, come where he had thousands of people listening at him. And He said, "Now, leave here, Philip; I want you to go out into this desert, Gaza, here. I got a man out there I want you to meet." And no question, no question at all, he was full of that Quickening Power. He was in Christ; he was in the provided Place where God could talk to him. God spoke to him. There was no question.
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 166 Say, "Well, He spoke to me and told me I'm going to be healed, but I don't know now; I feel awful bad today." Oh, my. "Well, He told me I had the Holy Ghost, but sometimes I sure doubt it." Philip knowed exactly the Voice of God, 'cause he come God's provided way. He didn't question God, about, "Well, God, I got so many here, I have to stand. I have to see the state presbyter 'fore I can do it. I have to go talk to the bishop," wasn't nothing about it, he minded God; right out into the desert he went. He found one man, a eunuch, an Ethiopian, a colored man coming down, reading the Scripture in Isaiah. And he said, "Do you understand what you're reading?" Said, "How can I unless someone would teach me?" Philip got up on the chariot and begin to talk to him about the Lord. He said, "Here is water, what hinders me from being baptized?" He said, "If thou believest with all thy heart, all thy soul and mind, strength." Got off the chariot and baptized him. And Philip was so full of that Quickening Power, till He caught him out of his sight. Think. In his mortal body, his physical being was caught up out of the sight of the eunuch. I believe that to be the truth. God could take him somewhere else where He had need of him. He was caught up. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 173 You know, death can't even take that thing away from you, when you're in Christ, in God's Place. Look here, Moses had it. He was a prophet that the Word of the Lord came to. No many... How many Korahs raised up and said, "We need a great organization. Now, you try to take the place of being the only holy man." God said, "Separate yourself, I'll just swallow him up." And the Dathans, and so forth, didn't bother him, he went right on. And when Moses died and was buried by the Angels, that Quickening Power stayed on him. For eight hundred years later here he is over in the promised land talking to Jesus. That Quickening Power was still on him. That's God's Place of worship. "What say? How did you know?" He was a prophet. The Word came to the prophet. And he was the manifested Word of God for his age. Amen.
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 177 See, you can't die; you're done quickened. Oh, if the church could only see that, that it's not what you're going to be; you already are. It's the Devil trying to rob you from that. "Well," say, "now I'll tell you. I belong to this." Don't care what you belong to. You've got to be born, regenerated, baptized with the Holy Ghost into Jesus Christ, quickened to every Word. Your Spirit in you will punctuate "amen" to every Word of the Bible. Outside of that, if it--if it shakes its head on one, you get rid of that spirit. It's not the Spirit of God that would dispute the Word of God. It'll keep the Word of God. Not only does it believe It, but It makes It live. It manifests the Word of God. Yes, sir. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 180 Notice also them saints of the Old Testament. Potentially, under the old sacrifice, they were waiting for this new one to come, had a good conscience towards God. In Matthew 27, we're told that, when Jesus raised and come out of the grave... Which we just celebrated a few weeks ago, Easter. The Bible said that many of the saints that was sleeping in the dust of the earth, raised up at His resurrection, and come into the city and appeared to many. What were they? They were manifestations of God's promised Word. The only place that God meets, under that sacrifice. Now, in I Thessalonians 4:16, the Bible said also that the New Testament saints would come forth with Him when He comes again, them that's quickened into Him now. How do you get into Him? By spiritual baptism, the power of God, the place that He meets in Jesus. Now, Jesus is God's provided Way. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 182 Now, notice, Jesus was so sure what He was. He knowed He was the Son of God. He knowed He was virgin born. He knowed that every Scripture manifested Itself right through Him. He knowed it so perfectly, till He said to them builders of the temple that day, He said, "You destroy this temple, and I'll raise it up in three days." Think of that. "Destroy it, and I'll raise it up in three days." Why? It was a written Word of Him. David said, "I'll not leave My Holy One in hell--not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." Now, Jesus knowed that that was He, no question in His mind. And He knowed that seventy-two hours the body corrupts; sometime within that seventy-two hours He was going to come back to life again; so He said, "You destroy this temple, I'll raise it up again in three days." Why? The Word was written of Him. It was written of Him, because He was the manifestation of God's written Word for that day.
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 185 Well, there's got to be (Hallelujah.)... There's got to be, brother, there somewhere God's manifested Word of God today. And that's the same thing, for He spoke of these days and He said what would take place in these days. He's already told us. We know what's going to take place. And we see it being manifested in you, then you're in God's church. Outside of that, you could call yourself, "Methodist, Baptist," or anything else, it'll never work. There was only one meeting place; that's in Christ Jesus. Oh, today, oh, how today that I would that everybody would see that, see how to get in, being baptized. The Bride is part of her Husband. The church is a part of the Word, the manifestation. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 186 Now, what church are you in? Are you in a denomination? If you are, I'll strictly tell you now, you're in Laodicea. But if you're in Christ, you're a new creature, and you're in the church of the living God, with the manifestation of the very same things that He did in His day will be coming back here in this day, doing the same thing that He said It would do. Then that is the real church. You get into It by spiritual baptism, not by joining, not by some more, but by being baptized by the Holy Ghost into His Body. All right. It's God's only provided way that He has left for us to do, is to be baptized into His Body by His Spirit. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 187 Jesus said in Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth, while he is in Me..." No wonder people say the days of miracles is passed, no wonder they say these things. "He that believeth in Me (not believe on Me, but believe in Me), the works that I do shall he do also." Why? It's His Life. It's His dynamics in His mechanics that's in you that fires it off, makes it go and do the works that it promised do. Or, my life in Him, has quickened me by His Spirit, to make His Word, which is the Mechanics, work by His Dynamics. Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 188 Now, also in Mark the 17th chapter, the 30th verse of Saint Mark. Listen close. Jesus promised these things in the last day, that He's the same yesterday and forever. He promised in Malachi 4, that He would turn the hearts of the people in the last days, back to the faith of the fathers. He promised that. He promised so many places in the Bible, the things that He would do. "Yet a little while and the world seeth Me no more, yet you'll see Me; I'll be with you, in you always, even to the end of the world."
And notice in Saint Luke again, 17:30, "As it was in the days of Sodom." You know what happened in Sodom? Look in California; not only California, the United States; not only in the United States, but the world. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 190 Look at this teenage insane. Why, we had a... I told you the other day, they was taking an analysis there of the schools in Arizona where I live, and eighty percent of the children in school is mentally retarded. What will their children be? We can't have another generation. We're at the end. Jesus said these things would come. Look at all the televisions and things getting these fictitious things in order. It'll come a time, I predict, that people will be completely totally insane; the world will be. The Bible speaks of such hideous sights as they show in movies today of some prehistoric creature's egg; that's lived in the earth for so many thousands and millions of years, hatch and come forth to some... That's just a minor thing to what's going to happen. When hell is opened and the Devil comes out with all of his mysterious things, of women--or locusts with hair like women, and teeth like lions. Why, the world will be completely, totally insane. It's not but just about one degree from it now. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 192 Oh, for the glory of God, for the coming of the Lord Jesus, for the Holy Ghost, for the know-so, for the living Presence of the living God. Jesus said in the Saint Mark there, He said, "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." Now, remember, not Son of God. He came in three sons' names: Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. When He was on earth, He come as Son of man; He was a prophet. Son of man is a prophet. Jehovah Himself called the prophets, Jeremiah and them, "Son of man, what seest thou?" Jesus come, because He had to come according to the Scripture, as Son of man. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet, liken unto me." And He had to be a prophet, Son of man. But after His death, burial, and resurrection, now He's been Son of God, the supernatural, the Holy Ghost. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 195 But He promised, just before the coming of the end time, the world would get like it was in Sodom, when a Man came down in human form, three of them, two Angels and God Himself. That was God; the Bible said it was. Now, He came down and He manifested Himself there, by turning His back to the--the tent where Sarah was, and told Abraham what Sarah was thinking in the tent. That right? Now,
Jesus Himself said, "At the day when the Son of man is being revealed..." in other words, "the Son of man, the ministry of Jesus Christ Hisself." The church will come through justification, through Luther; through sanctification, through Wesley; through the baptism of the Holy Ghost, or the Pentecostals; and grow right on into the perfection of the Son of man, that when Husband and Wife will be the same-self persons. God will be so manifested into His Bride, His church, till they'll both be the same. They are one. Now, you see where we're at. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 197 Don't hold to them traditions and creeds. They were all right in their day, but the flower's bloomed to a blossom now. It's seed time. That's right. Jesus promised these things. Now, when we see God make His promise live before us, and see that it's in us, and His Spirit is living in us, that is the only way of worship, only place of worship, the only true way you can worship, "For there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." God made the promise. Jesus said, "The things that I do, you'll do also," and what He would do in the last day. How it come through this age, neither light or day, it'd be the--the like a darkened time, but said, "The evening time, it shall be Light." GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 199 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The same sun rises in the east sets in the west; civilization's traveled with it. It traveled over three bodies of water, three forms of baptism. Oh, yes, from Asia over into Europe; from Europe over into England; and from England over into the United States. And now, we've come right straight back again, and here we set this afternoon on the west coast, where the sin barrier of all the powers of darkness heaps in here. These movies and television casts, and men kissing women on there, and poisoning the minds of little girls... GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 201 Did you know any man that kisses a woman is morally obligated to marry her? Potentially it's a sex act. Sure, it is. Yes, sir. What is it? It's the male glands in a man's lip and the female glands. When male and female glands comes together, it's sex. Look on Hollywood; look at the little girls laying out here in the parks and the boys wallowing around over these girls, and things like that, and even singing in choirs. And these Elvis Presleys, and so forth,
that we have today, it's a disgrace to the name of America, to what our forefathers fought and bled and died for. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 203 But the hour is come that every kingdom has to give away, because there is a Kingdom of God that's established in the human heart by the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Presence of Jesus Christ. And Christ will come to His Bride and will set up a Kingdom here on earth that'll never be diminished. How do you get into this Kingdom? You're borned into it. How do you know it? You just keep... How would you belong into a kingdom and disagree with the king? See, you'd be... And the King is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us, the same yesterday, today, and forever." How did they know He was the Son of man? He'd look out there upon the audience and perceive what they were thinking about. We know that's true. He's the same today. You believe that? GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 205 Did Billy give out any prayer cards? That's one I forgot to ask him. Did he give out prayer cards? Did he give out prayer cards? All right. I'll tell you. If you've got faith enough, I've got faith to believe that God, Who made the promise, can prove Hisself to be God right here without any person coming to this platform. I feel to take the initiative on account of the promise of the Word of the living God. Looky here, let me show you something. This Quickening Power, we're going to exercise It. Let me show you. How many believes you got that Quickening Power? Well, what's the matter with your hands upon the sick? GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 207 When them disciples received Quickening Power upon them, on the day of Pentecost, what did they do? They went out and laid hands on the sick, and they recovered. Jesus said in Mark 16 it'll continue on to the end of the world. How long, to the apostles' age? "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs will follow them that believe; if they lay their hands upon the sick, they shall recover." That's the Quickening Power like was on Elijah's bones--Elisha's bones. The same Quickening Power is upon the saints, that raised them up. If that same Quickening Power is in us, lay your hands on the sick, they shall recover. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
208 I've noticed here; I've almost quit having discernment anymore, just lay my hands on the sick. I've been noticing when, my, things I never... I didn't get to one-third of the people otherwise. This way I get to more than I ever did get to. And I find out a better results, by just getting myself into God's arms, and saying, "Lord God, You promised it. It's Your promise; it's not mine; it's Yours, and You promised You'd do it. And I've seen You do it. And I'm going to believe You're going to do it, because I've been baptized into Your Body, and Your Spirit here to identify that that's the Truth." Amen. That's the place of worship. Then you get into a place, all things are possible. Then you get into a place that your--that your motives and objectives for your achievements is just exactly in the will of God. And when you lay your hands there and believe it, it's going to happen. You believe that? GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 209 I believe, before one prayer card is called, or anything else, that God Almighty can tell me what you've got out there, and what you ought to do, and what you ought not have done. That's taking the initiative, right, I know that's right, but that's exactly what God would have us to do. You believe that? How many would believe it if God would do it? There's not a person setting in front of me that I know, that I can think of, or see anybody that I really know. How many knows, out here you're all strangers, raise your hands, know that I don't know nothing about you, raise up your hands. Anywhere in the audience knows I know nothing about you. I guess it's everywhere, especially up in here. Now, maybe the other people just... I don't know them. They just didn't raise their hands, but I--I--I don't know them anyhow. I believe I do see Richard Blair setting right here. I believe that's right. I can... It's dark down there. There's lights this way. I--I don't see. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 211 But looky here, I'm trying to tell you that when that Quickening Power comes into you, it's Jesus Christ. When Jesus laid His hands on the sick, they got well. When Jesus had Quickening Power to quicken Him, as a Man, He could look out and tell the thoughts that was upon the people, tell them what they were thinking about, what they done. Have His back turned to them, tell them the same thing, "Why do you reason in your heart?" The woman touched His garment; He said, "Who touched Me?" He looked around, and found her, and said, "I perceive virtue's gone out of Me. Your faith has made you whole." That's Jesus Christ. That proves that where the church is, and what the real Quickening Power of God does to the human being. Do you believe that? Let's bow our head just a moment. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
213 Dear God, we've had a fight with Satan this afternoon on these microphones, knowing them people probably didn't get half of it, the bounding around on the--in the building like that. But I pray, God, that the Holy Spirit will take that which was meant to be, Lord, to let the people see that we're not some dead dragging bunch of hope-so's. God, we are alive now, quickened by the power of the resurrection of Christ. Jesus Christ lives in us. We believe that, Lord. We claim no glory of our own. Like on Mount Transfiguration, where every one of us is represented there; there was Moses, the one that died and raised again; there was Elijah, the quickening saints that'll be caught up at the last day. Oh, they seen then, when they looked back, they seen Jesus only. We know, Lord, we don't want people to see us. We're not here for that purpose. Far be it. But, Lord, it does delight our hearts when we see Jesus glorified among us; when we see Him glorified, when we see His Word, which He is the Word; when we see we can read it here in the Bible, where He promised He would do it, then see Him work it right in us, O God, how it makes us feel humble, that we know that His living Presence... GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 216 We haven't joined nothing or bargained for nothing. We just believed, Lord, unto Eternal Life. And You sealed us in there by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and quickened our bodies, and quickened our spirits, and quickened us then to see visions, and prophesy, and speak in tongues, see great signs and wonders take place. Why, it's the living God. We're into that Body. When to the world is foolishness to them that perish; but to we who believe, it's the power of God unto Eternal Life. We thank Thee for it, Father. Now, let it be known this day, Lord, that You are God, that You have never changed Your mind about one Word that You ever said. And You're the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the one--the one and only way that God has provided. The only Man that God ever put His Name in, was His own Son Who carried His Name: Jesus, God, Jehovah, Saviour, Emmanuel, the Door to the sheepfold; He that Was, Which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and the Offspring, both Root and Offspring of David; the Morning Star, the Lily of the Valley. O God, how wonderful. No wonder Isaiah said, "Counseller, Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father." Oh, we have no other Father but You, Lord. You are our Father. You are our Mother. You are all that we are, all that we could ever be. We won't see nothing else but Jesus glorified. Father, I might've made a poor out of this, this afternoon, but take the sentiments of my heart, and hear me, dear God. And let it be said this day, that Jesus Christ was glorified right here in this temple. Grant it, Father, for we ask it in His Name, and as I humbly wait with this audience to see You move by Your Spirit. Amen. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
219 Now, I want you to do this one thing for me. I want to ask you one solemn question. I want you to answer me as if it was the last time that you'd ever answer anybody in your life. Do you believe it's the truth? You believe there is not a church or a denomination could be recognized in the Presence of God? You believe that? There's not a one. Only those that are borned into Jesus Christ, take on His Name... That's right. You take on His Name when you're borned in there, not by water baptism. Although you can be baptized in His Name, but that don't take on His Name. You take on His Name by birth, not by water. See, you're baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ (Yes, sir.) into fellowship; but you are baptized by the Holy Ghost into Jesus Christ. So you can be baptized a hundred times, any way you wanted to, the other way, it'd make no difference. But when you're once baptized by the Holy Ghost into the Body of Christ, you become a son or a daughter of God, and every Word is true. And then He did that for that purpose. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 221 As I said the other day, when God moved and struck the sun across the earth, He knowed them palm trees and everything was laying down under that earth. He... They were part of the earth at that time; so were you. And when He raised up the Son of God on Easter morning, and sent forth the Holy Spirit, it was to quicken also that seed of Eternal Life, that He foreknew before the foundation of the world, that would be here. He knew this microphone would act like this this evening. He knew that you'd have the attitude you've got. He's infinite. You can't imagine it with your mind; you've just got to accept it. But let me say this one thing: that same God stands here this afternoon in His beauty. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 223 Whether you're a Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, whatever you might be, don't you trust in some organization. 'Cause they cannot be an organization... It's made up of too many different doctrines. It's made up of among... You have to be an individual to God. You have to be an individual. God deals with you, not in your church. You are to live a right kind of a life in your church or congregation where you're worshipping at; you should live that kind of life that you should be. But you see, they draw creeds and so forth, that you can't even enter their doors if you don't believe that. So how can God ever come in there, when His Word constantly is being manifested? GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 224 How did Luther know about these baptism and--and restoration of the Spirit, when he was back in that day? The plant hadn't growed like that. Neither did Wesley know it. And neither does the
Pentecostal know what's going on today. Same thing, grows right away from you. That's right. It has in every age, and it always will. I can prove, by the Bible, this is the wheat age. Remember, after this great revival... There's never been another organization rise since Pentecost. They can't be. It goes from the shuck to the wheat, and there's nothing else but the grain. That's the reason. Fifteen years... Usually three years and they got an organization of any revival. Ask any historian. But there's no organization after This. They tried to raise up a Latter-day Rain, but you see what happened to it. It can't. It's wheat now. Yes, sir. There's no more carriers. It's the real grain. Christ is among His people. You believe it? GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 226 Let's start from over here on the bottom floor. I can't pick out in there, seeing there's so many of you. How many believe me to be His servant? Have faith in God. How many over here believe that the same way, say, "I believe it with all my heart"? Now, may the Lord God grant this to us, that you might see the Quickening Power. It's something, vital evidence, that proves it. Yes, somebody can say, "Oh, this is That, this, that." But let it act. Now, it's totally impossible for me to know anything about you. You know that. I don't know but one person, I could look at, and that's Reverend Blair setting out there from way back east, I believe Arkansas or somewhere back in there. That's the only one in the audience that I do see that I know. God knows that's true. So it'll have to be something that... GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 229 I just happen to see over here, this little lady setting at the end there, has got a spiritual problem you're praying about. You believe that God will straighten out that spiritual problem for you, make it right? All right, you can have it. Put your hand over on the other lady setting to you, 'cause she's got stomach trouble she's praying for too. Yeah. That right, sister? Raise your hands up if that's true. I don't know you, never seen you in my life; two colored girls. Now, what's that? Isn't that just exactly like what He said He would do? Just exactly. Here's a lady setting, looking right down through here; setting, looking at me. She's got heart trouble. You believe that God will heal the heart trouble? You was setting there praying, "I wish I could get there." Is that right? Wave your hand like this, it's right. How did I know what you were saying in your prayer. See, just believe. That's all you have to do is believe.
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 233 Here sets a lady right here that'll die right away if she isn't healed. She's got cancer. You believe that God will heal the cancer? Yes. You believe it? Here, being that you was kind of slow putting up your hand, you believe God can tell me who you are? Mrs. Gunn. Now, if that's right, wave your hand like that. See? All right. Go home; Jesus Christ will make you well. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." That struck this lady setting there with the dark hat on, looking at me. She also has cancer. You believe God would heal you? You believe it with all your heart? I'm speaking to Mrs. Miller. You believe that? I don't know the woman, never seen her in my life, and God in heaven knows that's right. Amen. "If thou canst believe..." Here is a colored woman setting right over here on the end, had her head down. She was studying; she's studying about a loved one, somebody she's praying for. She come, actually, to pray--have him prayed for. No, he isn't here; it's her husband. That's right. She... He's not here. He's at home. He's had an operation, hasn't he? That's right. He's bothered with sinus trouble and so forth. That's true, isn't it? He's going to be all right. Your faith was strong for it. You believe that that's to be true? Amen. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 236 Can't you see that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Ask those people. It's went plumb across the audience. Do you believe that He's here? Do you feel that Quickening Power in you? Well, that's the God that makes you well, friends. You believe it? Now, will you do one thing for me? For the... How many in here is sick, let's see you raise your hands. Now, it's going on five o'clock. Lay your hands over on each other, and let's just... Don't say a word now; just lay your hands on one--one another. I want you to do something. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 238 Say, the man setting right back here has got that growth on his back. Do you believe that God will take that growth off your back, sir? You believe that God will make you well? Young fellow looking at me, he thought he was going to get passed by. Raise your hand up, sir. That's right. You believe with all your heart, God will take it off for you. Hallelujah. I challenge this whole audience, in the Name of Jesus Christ. If you could, if... Your conscience, don't let it be seared with unbelief; don't let it be flusterated. Can't you see the Son of man, the Son of man in the form of prophetic Message, returning back again in His church in prophecy,
revealing Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? It's never been done through the age till this time. See? There's the proof of it. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 240 What is the church? How do you get into It? When you're in there, everything that Jesus Christ was, you are, even to be a son and daughter of God. He become you that you might become Him. The thing of it is, you're scared to use it, or either you're not cooperating with His Word. Now, that won't do a bit of good and I--I don't care what you do. If you don't come fully into that Word, it'll never work. Who can accuse me of something He said that's promised in this day, that didn't happen? Then don't throw your denomination at me, 'cause it won't work. Hallelujah. I feel... I know He's here. I'm positive He's here. I know that now there's Quickening Power enough in the church to heal every person that's setting here. Can you believe it? Well, then, will you? Do you believe in praying for the sick? Do you believe Jesus said, "They lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover"? All right, put your hands over on each other now. Don't pray for yourself. Pray for the next person. They're praying for you. Now, quietly and reverently. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 244 Lord, how I thank You, can stand here at this platform and--and preach a Word that's so contrary to the people's thinking today, till they would call It heresy; they call It spiritualism; they would call It evil spirits, like they did, when, Beelzebub. But to see You right in the midst of this grand audience this afternoon, turn right around and confirm and prove exactly what's been preached, that It is the Truth. God, these are Your people. The--the Devil has tried to mess up the microphones; he's tried to mess up the people's thoughts; he's tried to keep them from getting this. But I believe they'll get it anyhow, Lord. I ask for them to get it. I ask for them to receive it. Grant it, Lord, these believers with Quickening Power, that when they... If they don't live to see Your Coming, that Quickening Power will raise them up at the last days. Grant just now that that Quickening Power will quicken their faith, Lord, to what they are doing. There's a believer got a hands on a believer, a body to a body, a power to a power. And it's the power of God by a son of God or a daughter of God, by the Son of God. O God, may Satan turn this people loose. May they be healed this afternoon by the resurrecting Quickening Power of the Presence identified, Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it be so. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425
247 Your hand's on the people has got Quickening Power in them, if you've been quickened. Have you come to Life? Has Christ become real to you? Has the power of God been manifested? Are you in that church, God's provided church? How are you in It, how do you know you've been quickened in It? Your whole thoughts, your whole being is in Christ now. And Christ is in the midst of the people, proving Himself alive, proving that He's here at the days of Sodom. With them hands of those people, that their lives have been changed from streetwalkers, from drunkards, from prostitutes on the street, to a genuine saints of God, quickened. Their hands is laying upon you. They're in the church by Holy Ghost baptism, the same power was upon Elijah's bones. That same power is laying upon your shoulder, upon your hands, upon your heads, that same Quickening Power; with Him standing here proving that He's alive from the dead, show Himself that He's alive, here now doing the very same things that He did when He was...?... Amen? GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 249 Can you believe Him now? Can you believe that them hands laid upon you are godly hands? Can you believe that Spirit that's quickening us now, making us act crazy to the world, do you believe that's His Quickening Power? Do you believe you're in His church? Then if you are, and believe that those hands that are laying on you are holy hands, commanded by God; then I command you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to stand to your feet and accept your healing, everybody that's been sick. [Brother Branham pauses--Ed.] Oh, Christian, you realize what's taken place? Do you realize, out in that street yonder is millions of people walking these streets today, that's nothing in the world but atomic fodder? Do you realize them people are dead in sin and trespasses, and like the black of churches all over, for a few little lectures or something on some kind of a keeping of a certain thing, and call it religion. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 251 Did you realize that you have been raised from death unto Life, and has been baptized into the Body of the living God that's quickened your body, where there's speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues, seeing Jesus Christ manifested among us? Why, sickness could not stand in such a group as this. Let your faith go to Him; believe Him. Say, "Lord God, I believe with all my heart," and you'll be made well. Is there sinners here that would like to come into that Body? Raise your hands, and say, "I have never come into It; I've never been filled with the Holy Ghost, but, Brother Branham, I certainly desire It this afternoon. Will you pray for me?" Raise your hands. Don't be ashamed; you're in His Presence. Just look at the hands. Look at the hands.
Now, everybody that wants the baptism of the Holy Ghost, raise up your hands, wherever you are, that want It. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ LA.CA V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ 65-0425 254 Now, you that's got the Holy Ghost, who's standing near them, lay your holy, consecrated hands upon them. "If the Holy Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwells in you, It quickens your mortal bodies from death to Life." It brings the whole body into the subjection to the Spirit. Now, let's bow our heads, and everyone pray for those people that wants the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And I do believe that God will fill each one of you right now with the Holy Ghost. Why do we wait, friends? You're going to wait too long one of these days. This is the hour. Don't wait any longer. You're right here in this temple where you got all night to stay and pray. Dear God, I pray that You'll send the Holy Ghost again like as a rushing mighty wind, fill all the house, after the perfect identification here this afternoon, that You're living and with the people. In Jesus' Name. Amen. PROVING HIS WORD LOS ANGELES CA 65-0426 V-18 N-3 PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 1 Let us bow our heads just a moment. Dear heavenly Father, we are grateful that we are here tonight. We--we are grateful that we know Your Presence is here with us. Now, we pray that You'll minister to each one of us, as have--we have need. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. (May be seated.) Just feels good to have these microphones alive. I was so sorry that kinda mess that up yesterday, the message that I wanted you to get so bad. And I wanted you to be sure to see that. It's the--the anchor that we have. We are not anchored by a church. We're anchored in Christ. You see? He is that only Way. He's the only Place of safety, the only Place that God ever put His Name. And God said He would meet the people in the Place He chose to put His Name; not in any gate, but in the gate that He chose. And in that place He would meet the people, and there only. And we find out that God never put His Name anywhere but in His Son Jesus Christ, as the son always takes the name of the father. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426
4 And now you say, "Well, what does that apply today? Each one says, 'I'm in Jesus.'" He is the Word, that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." Again it's also written in Revelations the 19th chapter, when we see Him coming, the Bride and Groom, His vesture dipped in Blood, His Name was called "The Word of God." He is the Word of God. And that's, He is the quickening power. He is, the Holy Spirit is that, the--the Dynamics that comes into the mechanics, the Words, that make it live. And it all has to work together, or it just won't work. It's got to take the whole Bible, the whole Christ, the full Gospel. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 7 I want to say to this panel that I watched on television last night, knowing it was going to be on, and I watched it. I want to comment these brethren, the ones that was on that panel, such a masterly piece of answering questions. And I'm a very much of a critic, you know, anyhow, but there wasn't nothing to criticize there. It was absolutely genuine, and I could agree with that one hundred percent. [Congregation applauds--Ed.] Thank you. Amen. Them answers was right to the point. I certainly did appreciate that. I only wish I had a film to show in my church at home that it was really nice. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 8 And I'm so thankful to know that--that God has dealt out in the other realms besides our own Pentecostal group, and are picking up men, those seed of God that's been laying out there all these years, waiting for the Light to shine across them. And it also gives us a warning, friends, to know that Jesus said, "When this sleeping virgin had begin to come in to buy Oil, that was when the Bridegroom was coming." So we can see by that, when we see the Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, coming in to get the Oil, then that was the hour that the Bridegroom came. Let's remember that. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 10 I never had Billy, my son, to say such to me as he did just a few moments ago. He said, "Daddy, I don't tell you what to do. I don't mean to impress you by anything," but said, "daddy, whatever you do, put all your time for them sick people." He said, "I never seen so many sick people." Said, "I gave out two hundred cards in just a moment or two." Said, "There's so many people sick." He does very seldom ever tells me that.
And then I come tonight with some little notes wrote down here, and some comments upon the oncoming judgment, and knowing that we're setting here tonight with the very wrath of God jerking beneath us, and soon she'll swipe it up. And knowing that the wrath of God is waiting, just at the moment it will be said, it'll be over, for millions. And knowing that in my heart, and knowing it to be so, and then we see so many sick, pressing and pulling. And I thought, "Tonight, most of them are Christians." And let me say to this, to you children of God. Whatever you do, you let everything else go. You serve God day and night with all your heart. You-you can feel there's something wrong. You can tell it as you walk in the streets; you can, and wherever you go. You know, if you're spiritual; and I know you are. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 13 And I was talking to a man, Brother Stromei. I don't know whether Tony's here or not. He--he was... [A brother says a name--Ed.] Tony Salameh, Salameh, Salameh? No. I got the wrong Tony. No, that's the wrong Tony. This is the Tony at--at--of Tucson. What is his name? [Someone else says, "Stromei."] Stromei. I know it's Salameh, Stromei, or something. I got it. In his store the other day, was a man came in, was very striking; he was saying something that brought back a memory to me, when I, last time I was in--in India, where I think the Lord gave us the greatest crowd we ever had at one time, was in Bombay. We couldn't even find places nowhere to put them, tens of thousands and thousands of people. And just before we got there, there was a newspaper translated. Well, it was; India's a bilingual country, it was--it was the English paper. And said, "Well, the earthquakes must be over; the birds are flying back to their home in their nests." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 17 A few days before the earthquake come, that tore down the fences and things. The little birds find themselves shelters in the rocks and build their nests; and in the afternoon or in midday when the sun's real hot, all the animals stand around those rock walls to get in the shade. And for two days the birds stayed out in the trees; they wouldn't come to their nests; and two days, the animals, the sheep, and cattle, they would not come around in the afternoon or hang around those walls. They-they stayed out in the field and leaned against each other for shade. Then all at once an earthquake that just shook the walls and tore down the buildings. And, see, if those little birds had been in there, they'd have perished. If the cattle had been standing beneath it, and the sheep, they'd have perished. God warning nature...
PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 19 A few days ago, down in Brother Tony's store, I was listening to a man there that said... When this earthquake taken place in Alaska, he was fishing down in what we call Stony Point, at Mexico. And he said, "The birds wouldn't feed, and the--the fish wouldn't feed. There was something wrong. And all at once the earthquake broke loose." And the other day when that one happened over in India, or wherever it was, he said he was fishing again. And he thought, "Well, it's strange. Those fish feed about this time. There's not a roll in the water nowhere. The water's just as quiet, perfect time for the fish to feed, but they didn't feed. And all the birds that's usually out there, the gulls, picking up these fish and things, was all walking around on the bank, huddling one against another. In a few moments, the sea moss from the bottom begin to come up like that, a earthquake had happened across the other side of the earth." See, them fish knowed there was something wrong; something was fixing to happen. Those birds knew the same. Surely, if God gives a fish and a bird discernment, how much more should He give His--His children. We know that we're at the end time and judgment is waiting, so let's be real reverent. Flee to God with all your heart. "O Capernaum, thou who art exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell," and today she lays beneath the bed of the waters. Just remember and pray. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 22 Now, tonight I want to read a place here in the Scripture, just for a few moments. We're going to pray for the sick. Billy said he give out a bunch of prayer cards. And he gave out some yesterday, and I never got to any of them last night. And I wondered, when the Holy Spirit came... It's just... You can't make It work. It's just like a little lever; you pull yourself into a gear. You're the one does that operating of the Holy Spirit, not me. You do that yourself. So I... Last night I noticed even in discernment, it never picked up with the people just right. They didn't seem to take to it. I have found that here lately, it seems like, more or less, just as I was speaking, laying hands upon the sick. They know... We should realize that in us has been given, we who believe Jesus Christ and been borned of His Spirit and filled with that quickening power, that power that's in you. By laying on hands, on the others, like the disciples did and down through the age, It absolutely healed the sick, raised the dead; It showed visions, prophecies. And the very same Spirit that lived amongst the early apostles is living in the church today, working the very same things. And as quick as we can recognize that... See, no matter how much it's a working, you've got to recognize that and believe that. It won't do one bit of good, until you do believe it. But the moment you believe it, your troubles are ended. That's true. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426
24 Now, let us turn in the Scripture. I was setting out there a few moments ago, jotted down a few more Scriptures to change my text for the night. And I want to read some out of the Word of God, out of the Book of Saint Luke the 8th chapter, beginning with the 40th verse. Listen now; I'm going to read extensive. And it came to pass, that, when Jesus was returned, the people gladly received him: for they were all waiting for him. Would not that be a fine attitude for the company tonight? And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus' feet, and besought him that he would come into his house: For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay a dying. But as he went the people thronged him. And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched. And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? ... Jesus said, Somebody has touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me. And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and fell down before him, and declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith has made thee whole; go in peace. And while he... spake, there certain one came from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying to him, Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the Master. But when Jesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole. And when he was come into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter,... James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden. And all wept,... bewailed her: and he said, Weep not; she is not dead, but asleep. And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead. But he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called the maid, saying, Maid, arise. And her spirit came again, and she rose straightway: and he commanded to give her meat.
And her parents was astonished: but he charged them that they should tell no man what was done. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 26 Now, let us pray. Dear heavenly Father, we--as we read this Word, we know that that is truth. This happened. It's not some mythical story that we read out of, maybe a newspaper or some book of fiction, but this come from the Book that we know to be the Word of God. We believe it happened. We believe that this Jesus that did this notable thing, two instance here, of the woman with the blood issue, and the dead child, we believe that He is God's Son, that God raised Him up from the dead and has presented Him to us tonight in the Person of the Holy Ghost. And we believe that He is here with us tonight. And believing that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, His compassions reach out to the people. As the people reach for Him, the same results that was given in that day will be given this day. Grant it again, Father, that we might have a fresh anointing. As Brother Shakarian asked so sincerely awhile ago, and asked the audience to believe, we are asking again in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 28 I want to speak just for a few moments, and that will be just a few moments, 'cause I want to get them people with the prayer cards up here and pray for them. And omitting any other thing but just praying for the sick... But before we pray for the sick, we've got to get the people in that attitude. It's the attitude that always brings the results. It's the attitude that you take towards God. Here's a woman touched His garment; she was healed with a blood issue. A soldier spit in His face, and put a crown of thorns on His head, and felt no virtue. It's your approach. The attitude is what it takes. And that's what it is tonight, dear friend; it takes the attitude. We are, and believe that we are in the Presence of Jesus Christ, but it's your attitude that brings the results. The mechanics is here and so is the dynamics. If you can just get started, God will do the rest. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 31 Now, this subject that I want to speak on for a few moments is: "Proving His Word." Now, that's a great thing to think of that: Proving His Word. Now, God's just as able to prove His Word tonight as He ever did prove It. And the Bible also said, "Prove all things. Hold fast to that what's good."
Now, you've heard, no doubt, heard the old proverb, "Prove it, I'll believe it." But that doesn't hold true. Many times I've seen many things proved, that was absolutely scientifically even proved, and yet people didn't believe it anyhow. I was talking with a man here not long ago. We was talking about Divine healing. He said, "I wouldn't believe it. I don't care what would happen, how much proof you could show of it; I still don't believe it." Well, certainly, no matter what you'd ever do for that man, he--he's lost. He cannot believe. There's nothing in him to believe. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 35 I just had a--a little experience here about a week ago, as you all know that I--I hunt. And when I come back from my meeting, I been lion hunting. And after I moved into Arizona, it's good, I like to hunt big game, and I like to get out amongst nature and watch it. Now, I'm not a killer. I just hunt. So I--I don't like to destroy game; I--I don't think it's right. I think it's just as much sin to kill game, when you're not using it and going to use it for a purpose, as it would be to kill anything else. I believe it's wrong. We shouldn't do that. God gave it to us for food and for purposes, and we should not destroy it. But now, what the law says you can take, all right. Just don't waste it. And I down there, the season is out for everything else. Lions kill a lot of cattle. And I know a lot of ranchers up in the country. And every time they get a kill, why, they call me, when a lion gets amongst sheep. A certain friend of mine, the other night, lost about thirty-five hundred dollars in one night by one lion killing just lambs. He got in, and 'course, the rest of the lions are going to have to pay for his sin. And so I got the lion, and so it was a great big lion, and was nine foot long, and weighed close two-something, so it was--it was a good big lion. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 38 And then I went from the country of Arizona, up into Utah, to hunt. And so I was told that there was people up there, that a man that I was going to hunt with, was a government trapper, "And for goodness sakes, don't mention anything about religion around him." Said, "He was really a rough fellow." And I said... Well, I told the man I was going with, I said, "I won't mention it." He said, "Don't say 'preacher.' If you do, you'll never get to go hunting. He wouldn't take you." Said, "I hunted with him three days, and slept with him every night, eat with him every day, and he never even said, 'Good morning. How do you do? You want something to eat? Wash the dishes.' Nothing." Said, "Now, just don't say nothing about it."
I said, "I won't say a word." So I didn't tell him I wouldn't pray, but I just kept on telling him that I... And I'd prayed. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 42 So when we got up there, the--the man was a very hard character, and I didn't think he believed anything. And he'd just lost a baby a few nights before that, a stillborn baby. So we went hunting. And on the second day, the man I was hunting with had told him, said I get to hunt everywhere around the country. So when the other hunter, was with me, had left, we were way in top of peaks, where we just run a lion till we got him into the rocks, and he'd got away. And so we were setting there waiting for the dog to return. And this man said to me; he said, "The other hunter, your friend, tells me that you get to hunt everywhere. You got plenty of money?" Said, "I guess it's none of my business." And I said, "No," I said, "isn't plenty of money." I said, "I--I'm sponsored." And he said, "Oh, I see." He said, "Well, I guess it's none of my business again," but said, "are you with a firm that sponsors you?" He was pulling it right out of me. I promised I wouldn't. See? So I said... Yeah. I said, "No, sir. I'm a preacher, a missionary." He said, "A what?" And I said, "Missionary." And he just stood and looked at me for a few minutes. I said, "Do you have any hope for Life hereafter? What is your hope?" He said, "I'm a Jack Mormon." And I said, "A what?" He said, "A Jack Mormon." I said, "What kind's that?" Said, "The one that swears and drinks coffee, and smokes cigarettes." I said, "Well, an honest confession's good for the soul." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 49 And then he said--he said, "I want to ask you something." He said, "I am told that the Mormon church is the only true church there is." He said, "Do you believe that?"
I said, "When it comes to church, I guess it's as good as any of them. I only know one Truth, and that's Jesus Christ." I said, "I know He's True." "Well," he said, "I had a baby born the other night, stillborn." He said, "I am told that this baby, because it was stillborn, God never did breathe the breath of life into it, that I'll never see it again." He said, "What do you think about that?" "Well," I said, "you won't as a Jack Mormon. You sure won't. That's one thing sure; you won't see it as long as you stay a Jack Mormon." And he said... Well, he had been pushing at me, so I push him back a little bit. You see? We had--had time to push back. And so he said--he said... I said, "What's the matter?" He said, "Oh, I don't know." And he said, "Well, what do you think?" I said, "I am acquainted with many fine..." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 53 I didn't know he was a Mormon. And I was a very... I know, being it in Utah, it probably was, but I... 'cause most the people up there are Mormon, around Salt Lake City. This wasn't Salt Lake City, however. So I thought, "Well, I've had some fine Mormon friends, been in the prayer lines, fine people." And I said, "I have met some very fine men who are--are Mormons." And he said, well, he said... I said, "I don't know their teaching on that, and I wouldn't want to say something contrary to their teaching, because that's what you are, and I respect that highly." And I said, "Well, and you believe that?" He said, "Yes, sir, I do." But said, "I don't live to it." I said, "Well, I believe that the Bible teaches that God knew that baby millions of years ago before the foundation of the world." I said, "God told Jeremiah, 'Before you was ever conceived in your mother's womb, before you ever was come forth from the belly, I knew you, sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nations.'" I said, "That's how much He knew about it. See?" He said, "Well," he said, "thank you." He started walking down the hill. And then he met with this other fellow, and he said, "Why didn't you tell me that guy was a preacher?" And so we... He talked to him a little bit and begin to tell him about the meetings. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 57 Now, Mormons believe prophecy. I don't--might not be any here, but they--but they do believe in--in prophecy. But, so, now, maybe I'm talking out of school, well I... Yeah. Yeah. But, however, they believe.
And he say, he come back to me, said, "I understand that you are a prophet." I said, "No, sir." I said, "I... The Lord has showed me a few things to happen." And he took off right away, said, "Let's go in." And he got in his car, and went down to the... There was a little city from where he lived. In a few moments he was missing. We was fixing the dogs to take another hunt right after lunch. And when we did, why, he took off in a car. In a few moments, a fine-looking young man come back, about seventeen years old, a real saintlylooking Christian gentleman. He said, "This is my brother." Said, "He is not a Jack Mormon. He's a real Mormon." I said, "How do you do, son?" And he said, "I understand, that my brother tells me that you are a prophet." I said, "No, sir." I said, "It isn't that I am a prophet." I said, "The Lord has showed me things to come to pass." He said, "I have a shot in my arm right now; I'm supposed to be on the operating table." He said, "But my brother told me this. And I said, 'If that's so, I don't need the operation.'" He looked me right straight in the eye, an honest, true, sincere look, said, "You lay your hands upon me. If these things are so, I won't need the operation." He went home well. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 65 This brother, Christian friend of mine, was hunting with me from Phoenix. He said to me, he said... Some of these boys are setting right here now. One of them I know is here present. We went home. He said, "Brother Branham, if the Lord would show you a vision and let you tell them Mormons just what's going to happen, that will do it, because they are looking for it." So I prayed and I prayed. And on my road back home, I was coming up on the following Monday, Sunday, about ten o'clock, I was standing in the room, after church that morning, and was looking out. And I saw flashlights flashing, or some kind of a light flashing. And I saw a lion that was in a tree, and-and it was too small for me to shoot. I didn't want it. And there was someone else shot it, and when they did, they shot it with too big a gun. It blowed the lion up. I didn't appreciate the--the--the way it was done. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426
68 When I got up to Phoenix, I told Brother Dawson that and Brother Mosley. I know he's here. I seen him the other day somewhere here. And he was going up with me, he and his wife. And I said, "You watch and see; that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's going to happen that way. Nights we waited, four or five nights we'd hunted, or days. Seldom you ever tree a lion at night. Happened to be, coming home, they turned the dogs loose, this hunter, this Mormon boy. And the-the lion struck a trail, or the dog struck the trail of the lion, rather, and run him up in a tree. And at ten o'clock at night they come, got us out of bed. We went out there, and there was that same lion in the tree. Flashing the lights, Brother Mosley shot him with about a forty-four caliber, liked to have blowed the lion half in two. And there it was, just exactly the way it was said. The next day, I met the chief game warden of the state, another Jack Mormon. Took those boys together, leading them back home to Christ. I tell you; He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. God proves His Word to be so. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 73 You've heard people say, "Seeing is believing." That's not altogether true. Many people see and they still don't believe. The days that Jesus was on earth, why didn't they recognize Him, that He was that Word of God made manifest? Why didn't the people realize that Moses said, "The Lord your God shall rise up a prophet liken unto Me"? And He fulfilled every Word that the Bible spoke that He'd do, but they didn't believe it. But God in every age has proved His Word to be true. He always proves His Word. Then they say sometimes that, "Seeing is believing." It isn't so. But we know that God goes right on proving His Word in every age. We know that He proved it to Adam and Eve, that when He said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you shall surely die." We have to admit to that, that that's the truth. We believe that, for He's proved it to us, and we know that it's the truth. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 76 Now, we'll just take some places that God did prove His Word. Let's take, for instance, in the days of--of Noah. God spoke to Noah a message that certainly was unscientific and unbelievable. No one could've believed. It had never rained upon the earth. Unscientific... Perhaps they were a greater scientific age then than we are now, because they built pyramids and sphinx, and so forth, in those days, that we can't build now. They was acquainted with a power, of some kind of a mechanical power, perhaps atomic or something, that they could lift those big boulders, that
we couldn't do it today. But they did great scientific things. They had a--something they could embalm a body to make it look natural for hundreds of years. We've lost that art. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." And we know that we are to enter into another great scientific age. And now, the message that Noah had was very much contrary to the belief of that day in the church, and it was also very much contrary to the scientific research. But God proved His Word to be the Truth. God proved that what that prophet said was the truth. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 80 Also we'll take another for just a moment. Abraham was another prophet of the Lord, that the Word came to and told him, when he was seventy-five years old, and Sarah was sixty-five years old, that he was going to have a child by Sarah. Now, that was quite a shock to an unbeliever. Could you imagine today, such a thing happening even in this day with all of our scientific achievements, and all these test-tube babies they talk about, and so forth? But this old woman, now of sixty-five years old, and an old man of seventy-five years old, but the Word of the Lord came to Abraham and told him that this was going to happen. And Abraham believed God. And no matter how much God spoke, and how true it was, Abraham had to believe what God said, to make it so. Now, look how that man was tested with his testimony, that he did believe. That same man that made that confession, that he believed God, he's a person like you are setting here tonight. We still believe God. We got to believe His Word is the Truth. And He'll prove It, that It's the truth, if we'll just believe it. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 82 Now, look at the hindrance that Abraham had. First thing was his age, seventy-five years old, and Sarah being sixty-five. She was way past the change of life, the menopause. No doubt but what it stopped many years before. He'd lived with her as a wife. It was his half sister, and probably taken her when she was just a girl in her teens, and had married her. And he'd had no children. She was absolutely barren. And now, we find that, to do this he had to separate himself from all of the peoples who did not believe it, in order to make it come to pass. I don't mean to say you have to separate yourself from peoples. But you have to separate yourself from all the gossip of unbelief, and stay away from that. When people says, "Aw, those things don't happen. That's a bunch of lunatic people. There's no such a thing as that happening," just close up your ears and walk away. Don't pay any attention to it.
PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 84 The Bible said that "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief; but was strong, giving praise to God." His name was changed from Abram to Abraham, the changing of the name made his name, "father of nations." Could you imagine a man living with his wife, as a sweetheart, that had... He'd lived with her now for all these years, and now somewhere in the age of eighty years old, and his wife seventy years old, and yet without one child or any hope of child, yet claimed that he was the father of nations. Could you imagine the criticism of his passing fellowman would say, "Father of nations, now how many children do you have at this time?" And all the criticism he had to go through with... But Abraham didn't stagger anywhere at all, of unbelief. He believed that God was able to perform that which He had promised, that God would prove His Word, no matter how long it took. But instead of getting weaker each time, like we are prone to do, he got stronger all the time. "If it didn't happen today, tomorrow it'll be a greater miracle, 'cause it's one day older." That was God; that was God in Abraham, for he knowed that God proved all of His Words to be so. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 86 If His children will only take His Word, so He can prove it by you. That's the only way He can prove His Word. He doesn't prove It to unbelievers. They can't be proved. They are unbelievers. But it's not to unbelievers. It's not for unbelievers. It's to him that believe. And if He can find somebody who'll believe His Word, He'll prove His Word by you. And sometimes sickness and things happen to us that way, that God can prove Himself. Do you remember the blind man that Jesus found? They said, "Who sinned, he or his father, his mother?" He said, "In this case, neither, but that the works of God might be made known." See, it happened to the boy so that Jesus could be glorified. Sometimes sickness is not a curse; it's a blessing, that we can stick our faith out there and call those things which are not, as though they were. God said so, and He'll prove it's so if you'll just not weaken under the test. He could prove Job one time, that he wouldn't curse Him to His face. Look at the trial that Job went through. But down in the very jaws of death, he yet said, "The Lord gave, the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord." He certainly believed it. God proved His Word to Job. He proved it to Abraham. He proved it so. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426
92 Also He proved It by Moses. And when Moses, when the difficulty was so against him, Moses had it in his mind, that perhaps, to be a deliverer, that his mother had probably told him he was borned a proper child. She--she was his tutor that raised him up in Pharaoh's palace, no doubt had told him, "Son, we have prayed that we'd be delivered, and we believe that you are that child that God will use to deliver." And then when he... See, he come up and was to be the--the son of Pharaoh's daughter, and we find out that he was to be heir to the throne. Why, no doubt it was in their mind then, that he would become the next Pharaoh, "And that's how he would deliver the people, by being the next Pharaoh." But God had a... If that would've been so, then he would've done it through a material, through a--a--a act of politics. But God doesn't always work like that. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 94 God has His own ways to work, and He said He would bring them out. He told Abraham after four hundred years, He would bring them out, with a mighty hand; He'd show signs and wonders. So he couldn't do it like that, so Abra... We find out that Abraham believed God, and here's Moses now believing God. And Moses looked out of the same window that Pharaoh did; he saw the same people that Pharaoh looked out upon them as a cursed people, a people that had nothing but a bunch of fanaticism for a God, and some desert God somewhere that they knowed nothing about, some unseen post that they pray to, that there wasn't nothing to it. They're a bunch of fanatics. And they were a bunch of slaves. And their God letting them be slaves, proved that He wasn't God. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 96 And right in the midst of the whole thing, He was raising up the very man. God does things in such peculiar ways, right up under them. Not a theologian, not a teacher, not a priest, not one of the holy men, but just an ordinary man, born for the job. And God called him to be His prophet and sent him down there, and nothing in his hand but a crooked stick to face an army, mechanized units that had conquered the whole world. But with that stick in his hand, as God told him to hold that stick in his hand and he would deliver Israel, and he went down and did it because God promised it. How's he going to do it? "I will be with you." He said, "Show me Your glory, Lord. I'm slow of speech. I can't talk right. And I..." He had a million excuses. But He said, "I'll be with you." And that's all it took. He went, taking God's Word. No matter how dangerous the task seemed, Moses continued to believe God. And God proved His Word through Moses
to be the Truth. Because regardless of what took place, Moses stayed right with the Word. In the time of the journey... PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 99 God told them, down in Egypt also, that He would deliver them into a promised land, a good land, full of milk and honey. And it was absolutely there. They didn't know it was there, but He said, "It's there, and I have given it to you. It's already yours; just go claim it." And in the wilderness, when many of them come out, dancing in the Spirit, when Miriam beat the tambourine; eating manna out of heaven; listened at Moses sing in the Spirit; watching the miracles and signs go forth. But when it come to a showdown to believe the whole Word of God, all the promise, they failed. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 101 Only two of them believed it; that was Joshua and Caleb. And they brought back the evidence that the land was good. But, the circumstances was, that's what was what hindered them. Because they said, "We're not able to take that land, because their cities are walled; their--their--their delegates there (Not their delegates), but their--their people are--are great giants. Why, we look like grasshoppers, up beside of them." Joshua and Caleb said, "We're more than able to take it." Why? God had give it to them, no matter how big the giants was. The obstacle meant nothing to them. God had said so. And God proved it by them. And they did go over and take the land as God said they would do it. He proved it to them. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 104 Now, when they come up in the month of April, when the waters was flying down out of the mountains, over the snowdrifts, and so forth, and looked like that God was a poor general to lead His army right up to a place, He had them pinned off from the promised land. And the very time He taken them over--was going to take them over, it was the worst month in the year. The month that the Jordan was overflowing, its banks run plumb out into the fields. Why, if they was going to take them over, it'd be in the summertime, when they could wade across. But He waited till the waters got deep. He likes to show that He's God. He likes to prove His Word, regardless. Don't care whether the doctor said, "You're dying with cancer." That's all the man knows. Maybe the waters are deep for some of you tonight. But, remember, God made the promise. God keeps His Word, and God proves His Word. It's the truth.
He waited till the waters got muddy, until they got deep and over their heads, and so forth, and then He opened up the way. He went before them and made the way. How they going to get in at Jericho, when it was all closed over? Joshua was wondering. He knowed God had led him that far; the next step belongs to God. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 108 One day, when he was out walking around, viewing the walls, he seen a Man standing with His sword drawed. And he pulled his sword and went to meet the Man; he said, "Who are You for? Are You with us or are You for our enemy?" He said, "I am the Captain of the hosts of the Lord." And He told him what to do. How's he going to blow a trumpet and a wall fall down, that they could run a chariot race across it? What would have anything to do with a trumpet? God uses such simple methods. It's so, the simplicity of it, what makes it God to me. We're always trying to find some great something's going to do something, and God... Some great organization's going to take the whole thing and clear it all out... When, God takes a simple person, just one man that He can hold in His hands, and He'll prove every Word that He said by it. Takes such simple little methods. "Sound a trumpet," not dig out the wall, but, "Just sound a trumpet and the walls will fall down. The blast of the trumpet will knock the walls down." How foolish to the carnal mind. But God proved His Word was true, for the walls fell down, one on top the other. They went straight up and they took the city. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 112 Oh, God likes to prove Hisself to be God. Joshua knowed that. One day, and when he was standing there, one of the greatest paradox that ever happened outside of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ... When the enemy... He'd routed them, and the different armies was in the mountains. He had them routed, and the sun was going down. Oh, my, what a time it was for General Joshua. Remember, he fought that land through, without having a hospital, a nurse, a first-aid band, or a wounded man. Tell me something that can beat that. Yes, sir. He never had no hospitals, no nurses, and he never lost any man, as long as they walked in the will and Word of the Lord. God proved that He was with them. That's right. Notice now. And we find out that Joshua knew, if night come, they'd slip around and get with one another, and-and--and get theirself together and make another big army, and he'd have a rough time with them the next day. He didn't know what to do, so he looked up to God. He needed help, and he needed that sun to
stand still. So he just commanded that sun to stand still, and the--said for "the moon to hang over Ajalon," not move until he commanded it. And the moon and sun stayed still for twenty-four hours, when Joshua fought the battle and conquered the enemy, because he was right in the line of duty. He had a right to do it, because he was obeying God's commandment. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 115 And as long as you are in the line of duty, keeping God's Word, doing just what He told you do, marching by the orders of God, you've got a right to say to that mountain, "Be moved." God keeps His Word. "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' don't doubt in your heart, but believe that that what you said will come to pass, you can have that what you have said." Jesus said that in Saint Mark 11:22. That's the Truth. I know that's the Truth. It's God's Word, and that proves that it's the Truth. We're just afraid sometimes. We get to a place, we're afraid He won't keep that Word. He will keep that Word. He said He would do it. Now, we find that's true. He proved it. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 117 Isaiah's prophecy, one time, which something that'd never happened: never did before, and never has since. He said, "A virgin shall conceive." Could you imagine a woman without knowing a man would have a child? Isaiah said, "A virgin shall conceive." And God caused a virgin to conceive to prove His Word Truth. He proved His Word, 'cause a virgin did conceive and she brought forth the Son. Now, that Word made flesh, look what It did. When that Son came forth, He was the Word Himself. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." He was that living Word. He proved He was that living Word. He said to those teachers of that day, "Who can condemn Me of sin?" Sin is unbelief. "Who can tell Me that I'm an unbeliever? Every Word that's written of Me has been fulfilled." The last seven predictions of His life was fulfilled in the last seven hours on the cross. Everything was written of Him was fulfilled, because He was the Word. He proved He were--was. He healed the sick. He raised the dead. He conquered death, hell, and the grave. He proved He was the Word. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 121 Notice this case here at Jairus' house. He was... He had told them the truth. We see Him as He crossed the sea. He comes in.
There was a little woman up on the hill, that had spent all of her money with the physicians. No doubt, the physicians had done all they knowed how to do to get the woman well; probably Hebrew physicians, and that was a Hebrew woman, so they'd done all they could for their sister. Although, they had nothing to stop this blood issue, which was, perhaps, a menopause time and her blood had flowed forth till she--little thing was so weak she could hardly get around any more. And she'd heard about Jesus. And when she seen the little boat push into the willows, she went down to find out. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 123 A lot of His critics was standing there. And He's not free of critics today. If they'd have knowed Who He was, they would not have been His critics. But they was His critics because they didn't know Who He was. And that's the way with the Message today; so many good men and women criticize this because they don't know what it is. Jesus said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you'd have knowed Me. Moses spoke of Me. Many great men longed to see this day. If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. I have greater witness," He said, "than that of John; for the works that I do, prove that the Father is with Me." He had greater works, because He was the Identified. John was identified also as the voice of one crying in the wilderness. But when He come, He was the prophet that Moses had spoke of would be raised up. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 126 As I said the other night, He come in three names; the name of the Son of God, Son of man, and Son of David. When He was on earth here the first time, He was the Son of man. He could not be Son of God then; He never claimed to be. He said He was Son of man. When anybody would question Him, He said, "You see the Son of man, the Son of man..." Now, "Son of man" is a prophet. He had to come that way, because the Scripture, He cannot come contrary to the Scripture. That's why today, that our--our Message of this hour cannot come through theologians and theology; it's got to come back to the same thing it promised to do. It must be that way. So we find that in this Man, He had to be a prophet, not Son of God there, He had to be Son of man. Jehovah Himself called the prophets, Jeremiah and them, "Son of man." "When you see the Son of man..." "Who is the Son of man?" they kept asking.
Then He served His office as Son of man. Then He served His office now as Son of God. God is a Spirit, and when now He served through the church ages, as Son of God. Now, in the millennium, He'll be Son of David, when He sets on the throne of David. He'll be the heir to the throne, Son of David. Son of man, Son of God, Son of David, and it's the same Man all the time. Just like Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the office of God. He was God the Father, then He became God the Son, and now He's God the Holy Ghost: not three Gods; one God, three manifestation, three attributes of the same God. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 132 Now, we find, and in this hour that we're now living, God keeps His Word just the same as He did then. We find out that He come across the sea. This woman believed Him; there was something within her begin to pound. She had no Scripture for it, no more Scripture than Joshua had to stop the sun; but she believed in her heart that He was the Son of God. So she said, "If I can only touch His garment, I will be healed." So she pressed through the crowd until she touched His garment, and the blood issue stopped. Now, He looked upon the audience to find out who touched Him. No doubt, there was someone. He stopped. All the people thronging Him, and some making fun of Him, some laughing at Him; the priest standing off and questioning Him, and the clergymen, and so forth. But there was some who believed Him. And--and after while He stopped, all of a sudden, turned around, said, "Who touched Me?" Some of them said, "Why, Master." I believe it was Peter said, "Why, the whole crowd is thronging You. Why, who touched You? Why, everybody's touching You." He said, "But I perceive that virtue has gone from Me." He got weak. It was a different kind of touch. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 137 If we could only see that, brother, sister. If you can touch Him with that certain touch. Oh, sick people, I'm fixing to pray for you just in a few minutes. I do believe that I have the Holy Spirit, no more Holy Spirit than what you've got right out there, these men's got here. The same Holy Spirit, but it's a commandment of God; and if you'll believe that to be the commandment of God, of praying for the sick, and laying hands on them, and casting out evil spirits, and the promises that He's made, it'll be the same thing with you. You'll get what you ask for, if you can believe it. "Canst thou believe that I'm able to do this?" said Jesus.
"Yea, Lord, I believe," said the man with the child with the epilepsy, "I believe that Thou art the Son of God that was to come into the world." Now, we know that that can only take that attitude to bring the results. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 139 Now, quickly, let's think of Him a moment, here He's on His road up. A little priest came down, no doubt but that little fellow was a borderline believer. There's so many of them in the world today, little borderline believers. They want to believe That. They want to believe that the Holy Ghost is real. They want to believe this is the apostolic move, as God promised in the last days He'd pour out His Spirit. We... He wants to believe in Malachi 4, that He promised that in the last days the--the original Pentecostal Faith would be restored back to the--to the church again. Malachi 4 claims it. "Behold, I will send to you Elijah in the last day (That's right.) and He will restore the faith of the children back to the fathers again (See?), the faith of the fathers to the children also." See, it's got to be. You say, "Well, that was John the Baptist." No, no. John the Baptist was Malachi 3. That's right. Matthew 11 says so, "If you can receive it, this is he who is spoke of, 'Behold, I send My messenger before My face.'" It was Elijah, certainly. Jesus said it was, but not the Elijah of Malachi 4 at all, because immediately after that message, the earth is to be burnt with fire, and the righteous walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. So it never happened in the time of John. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 143 We've got to have a Message sweep back and bring the people out of all these denominational conditions, back to the original, genuine Pentecostal faith. And we're seeing it done; it's fulfilling of a Scripture that has to come to pass. All Scriptures must be fulfilled. How many more of that we could apply, it would take me longer than my time up now to show. But you understand these things, that it's got to happen just exactly like this to Abraham's children, just as He promised. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 144 We see Jesus going up now to heal the little girl. 'Cause the father, the little borderline believer, something come to a spot that he had to recognize Jesus, so the doctor had given her up. And he got on his little black hat and took off down to find out whether he could find Jesus. See, He's always right there when you want Him. He found Him just coming into the shore.
And he said, "Come to my little girl, lay Your hands upon her, and she will be made well." Said, "She's laying at the point of death. She's my only child." Said, "She's twelve years of age. We don't have no other children. Wife and I (perhaps) are getting old. And this is the only child that we have, and she's laying at the point of death. Lord, I believe You. If You'll just come lay Your hands upon her, she'll get well." See, what did he recognize? He recognized that that promised Word of God was manifested in this Man. Just the same as Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, teacher, we know Thou art a teacher comes from God. We know it. The Pharisees know it." Why didn't they confess it? "No man could do the things that You do, 'less God was with Him. We know that You come from God." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 147 Here we find out that Jairus believed the same thing. He said, "Come lay Your hand." He knowed that God was in Him. "Lay your hands upon my child. Though she's at the point of death, she'll live." He just walked along with him. And while he was going, here come a runner coming back, and said, "Don't trouble Him; don't trouble the Master any farther. The--the girl, dead, she's gone on now. She's passed on." Jesus turned to Jairus, said, "Didn't I say to you, if you'd only believe, you'll see the glory of God? If you'll just only believe it." He got into the room, and there they was all lamenting and crying, and wailing, just like any persons would do. A fine little girl, a pastor's daughter had died, and she was taken out of this world. And she probably been dead for hours, and then they'd laid her out on the couch, and was ready to embalm her body, perhaps, and put her away, and in burial. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 152 Then we find that Jesus walked in the house. They was all wailing. He says, "Give--give peace." He said, "She is not dead, but she's asleep." Now, could you imagine what they thought? "Why, this man we know now. We understand that he's a illegitimate child. And we hear of his, all of his rashal predictions that he makes. And now we know that the priest is right; the man's crazy, for we know that she's dead. The doctor pronounced her dead, and there she lays. She's gone, and we know she's dead." They said, they laughed Him to scorn, in other words, made Him feel embarrassed by criticizing Him. But He had done said that she wasn't dead. That's all it takes. "She's asleep." No matter how much critics, He's going to prove His Word. He put them all out of the house, get all the unbelievers away, took Peter, James, and John, the believers, three witnesses, and the father and mother, went in and took the
daughter by the hand, and spoke in a language that called her soul back from somewhere out yonder in eternity. And the girl lived. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 155 What did He do? He proved His Word. He proved that what He said. She was not dead. She was asleep. Now, we find out, doing this, realizing, and He proved something else there. Now, He proved that He was God. He proved that He had foreknowledge. Watch what His Word said now. "She is not dead, but she is asleep." See, she wasn't dead to begin with. She was asleep, showed His foreknowledge. Now, there might've been a many of little maiden died that same morning, but this one wasn't dead. She was asleep like Lazarus was. And He called her out of that sleep, because she wasn't dead. "And he that believeth in Me, though He were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." Only those who are on the Lamb's Book of Life, that He redeemed when He died, that's who He'll call out of that sleep at that day, those who are quickened by His power, that has that quickening power laying in them. Even as I said last night; even after Elisha had died, and his bones was laying in the grave, that quickening power was still on his bones. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 157 Sure, He proved that Who He was. Now, we find out again, likewise, He proved also that in Hebrews the 4th chapter and the 12th verse, He proved He was the Word of God. He certainly did. Notice what He did. Hebrews 12--Hebrews 4:12 says that, the Word of God is more powerful, quicker than a two-edged sword, and--and It also is a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. Watch just a moment now. When He first started His ministry, after He come out to show that He was the Word, when He come out of the wilderness from His temptation, there was a man named Peter; his name then was Simon. And he came to Jesus with his brother Andrew. And as soon as he walked up into the Presence of Jesus Christ, Jesus said, "Your name is Simon. And your father's was Jonas. From henceforth you shall be called Peter." That proved that He was the Word, because the Word is a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. He was the Word. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 159 Philip seen this happening. He took off around the mountain, was gone a day and come back. And he brought with him a friend named Nathanael. And he said, "These things are really happening. Moses said the Lord our God shall raise up a Prophet like him, and here the Man is. Why, He told Simon
who he was, even who his father was, and we know that what He says is the truth. Because God said it in the Word, and here it is proved that He was to do that, and that proves that that is the Messiah." And when he walked up in His Presence, Jesus said to him, said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there is no guile." He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?" Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." He proved His Word. He proved God's Word. He did. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 163 The woman at the well, when she had wanted... He asked her to let Him have a drink of water from the pitcher that she was drawing water from the well, and she said, "It's not customary for you Jews to ask we Samaritan women such a thing as that, because we have no dealing." He said, "But if you knew Who you were speaking with, you'd ask Me for a drink." She said, "The well's deep." And the conversation as it moved on, finally He found out what her trouble was. And He said, "Go get your husband and come here." She said, "I don't have any husband." He said, "Thou has said truth, for you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband." "Why," she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." She... "We hadn't had one for four hundred years, you know." Said, "I perceive that You are a prophet. Now, we know that when the Messiah cometh, which is called the Christ, when He comes, He will tell us these kind of things. That'll be His sign." When He said, "I'm He that speaks with you," He proved His Word. He... We prove what He claimed to be. He was the Messiah, the Son of God. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 169 Now, we find out, also, that this little woman that had this blood issue, that touched His garment, that also proved to her that He was the Word of God.
Now, remember tonight Jesus said... Also in Hebrews the 1--Hebrews the 3rd chapter, I believe it is, He said that, He now is a High Priest, this age we're living in now, a High Priest setting in the Majesty of God in the heavens, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity. Hebrews 13:8 said He's the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He's the same God that He was then. He's the same tonight. Saint John 14:12, He said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also. Even more than this shall he do, for I go to My Father. (See?) He that believeth on Me, these works that I do shall he do also." In Matthew 28 He said, "A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you even to the end of the world." Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He stands tonight to prove His Word. (My time is gone.) But He proved He could... He proved His Word then, what He had promised for that day. He proved Isaiah's words. He proved Noah's words. He proved Moses' words. He proved every one of the prophets' words. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 175 He promised that in this day, the day that we're living in, that the world would be in a Sodom condition: homosexuals. Just look at it in the world today, all over the world where I travel, not only here, everywhere. It's critical. In Sweden, young men and women go skiing stark-naked. And they in Germany, and in France, and everywhere else, it's just about kind of a riffraff that we have here in the United States. It's an age. I, if I get a chance to ever come back, I'd like to speak on some of the prophetic things to you, and show you that the age that we're living in, the Bible said that, "Children would rule their parents." [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... Word. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 177 But remember, Abraham had a seed, which was the seed Isaac. He had other seeds after Sarah's death. And he was a hundred and forty-five years old, he married another woman, had seven sons besides daughters, 'cause God had turned him back to a young man when he was a hundred years old. He was then again just forty-five, so then he... We know that. I've preached that to you here in California, years ago. And now, we understand that Abraham's Seed was not the literal sexual seed through Sarah, which was Isaac, which made a nation, but the royal Seed was by the promise, which was Jesus Christ. And through that Seed, He raised up a royal seed. Oh, my. Now, we are a royal priesthood, a royal nation, a holy
nation, offering praises to God, the sacrifice of our lips giving praise to His Name. God proved His Word; He poured out the Holy Ghost upon us. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 179 He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the day when the Son of man will being revealed." Now, did you notice? From Son of God, just before He become Son of David, He reveals Himself again as Son of man. Did you notice the Scripture? For He always does; He never does nothing unless He makes it known to His servants the prophets. That's exactly. That's what His promise was. See? He never does nothing... God cannot lie. He always reveals it first before He does it. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 181 Look at the situation we're setting in today. Look where we're at. Every one of you will admit we're in a modern Sodom. You know this country's in for it. They're beyond hopes. There's no salvation left for this nation or no other nation. We're beyond that now. The prophecies that's prophesied about this, is fulfilled. God's a-gleaning, getting that last little sheep wherever it is. It'll all be in one day. We're at the end time. Look, positionally... I ask you, just as a brother or sister, to build just a moment more of faith before we pray for these people. And I know we don't have to go at no certain time. But I--I--I want to start the prayer line, then you that have to go may go then. See? You that want to stay in the prayer line, may stay. But just let me, just as a brother, just point out something to you a moment. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 183 Watch Jesus, in Luke 17:30 (See?) when He was saying there about the end time, how they would be like in days of Noah. And then He said, "And like, likewise, in the days of Sodom," said, "when the Son of man is being revealed..." The Son of man again, not Son of God, Son of man. See? that brings in Malachi 4 again, right straight back, all these other prophecies coming right in, how it's supposed to be done. He proves His Word to be so. That's right. And notice in doing so, how He's going to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and what's going to take place, how the restoration will come back. "And your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Upon My handsmaids and maidservants will I pour out of My Spirit. And I'll show signs in the heavens above." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426
185 I got a picture here, of Brother Lee Vayle's here. I'd like to show you just what taken place up on the mountain the other day, when all the school kids turned out, just before this great subject of the open of them Seven Seals. When the school kids turned out, when I was up in there praying, here was Fire just in a funnel coming down, then go back up and burst out, and turn around and come back down again. That's what He said what to go tell the people. We... And there It is, where the schools of Tucson, and where It went up into the air. And science took the pictures, and so forth, and questioned about It. They said, "Where is It at? What happened?" They can't make it out. See? Oh, it's not done in a corner, only darkened conscience. It never. Jesus, when He was here, there was millions of people never knew He was on earth. Yeah. There'll be millions today won't understand, tens of millions of them. But there will be, to those Who It's sent to, they will understand. "The wise shall know their God in that day, and they'll do exploits." We realize that the hour that we're now living. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 188 Look at Sodom now; look what happened. He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom..." There was a group of people that was looking for a promised son. We believe that. That was Abraham and his group. There was a lukewarm bunch, Lot, half backslid, yet a believer, down in Sodom. Three classes of people, there's always them three classes. Ham, Shem, Japheth's people; also believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. They're everywhere, and we--we find them in every group. And everywhere you find them. And that groups is still here. You have to divide that. You can take it right through the Scripture, just dovetails itself right in. And listen to this. Look at where we're setting positionally and prophetically tonight. Now, every one of us know that the world's in a Sodomite condition. We know all the prophecies of Israel. It's in its homeland. If you want to know nationally where we are standing, watch Israel, where it's at. If you want to know what condition the church is, watch the way women act. She's the church. See her immoral, indecent? Watch, look where the church is at. Just watch it (See, see?); just watch women, you see where... How your women degrade and become so polluted, that's the way your church is (See?), the type. Watch where Israel is, you see the time figure where we're at. See? Just watch those signs and wonders. If you--if you, or if your eyes is open, see where we're at. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 194 Now, watch positionally where we're setting, the world in a Sodom condition. Now, notice, "as it was..." Now, notice, there was somebody in that day watching for a coming promised son. Abraham and
Sarah, they were watching for a promised son in Abraham's group. They was not in Sodom. But just at the moment, the last chapter of the event, just before the promised son came, there were three Men came down from heaven, an Angel--two Angels and God. And they came down and talked with Abraham under the oak. Is that right? And two of them went down into Sodom and cried out against the sins of the city. And it just before the burning of the Gentile world at that time. All Sodom perished right then. Just a few was pulled out: Lot and his two daughters. His wife never even made it; she turned back. How I could just like to have time to show you that right now, where that church is standing at that position. I want you to notice now. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 195 And one Man stayed behind, that talked to Abraham, and He done a sign to Abraham. And watch, Abraham had seen God in many great signs. We believe that, don't we? Just before the coming son... But before the son was manifested, there was a sign he was given. Because the Son, the true Son, was to be the Son of God, through Abraham's faith (See?) was Jesus. We being Abraham's seed, dead in Christ, we are Abraham's seed. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 197 Notice now just before that taken place, this son to come... Now, this One that stayed and talked to Abraham, had His back turned to the tent, and He said, "Abraham." Now, just a day before that he was Abram. Now, He said, "Abraham, where is thy wife, Sarah?" not Sarra, S-a-r-r-a. S-a-r-ah, "princess," "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" Said, "She is in the tent behind You." He said, "I'm going to visit you (See?) according to My promise that I made you." In other words, "The time of life, Sarah will start in her ordinary time of life again." And Sarah, being old, a hundred years old now, in the tent, laughed up her sleeve. See, she smiled to herself, said, "How could that Man be right? See, me an old woman, and my lord Abraham out there, also old, family affair had been done away with for years." Said, "How can I ever have pleasure again with my lord? He being old, and me old, past bearing," milk veins gone, every... She is dried up. "How could we ever have pleasure again?" And that Man, with His back turned to the tent, said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'How can these things be?'" What was that? Discernment, a prophetic. See, see? That's what he seen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426
201 Now, He said that will return again, and the Son of man, which that was... That was the Son of man right there. Well, he called Him Elohim, Lord God, Elohim; anybody knows that's right. Elohim is the Lord God. "In the beginning Elohim created heavens and earth," the all-sufficient One. The Son of man made flesh, there He was standing there in flesh at that time, like a theophany, standing there discerning what Sarah was saying in the tent behind Him. He promised. Watch. The Royal Seed of Abraham is promised to see that same thing. But notice Lot, he had a messenger down there too, two of them went down there. One of them went down, and another one went down with him, and they preached and called the people to flee from the wrath that was to come. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 203 Positionally, the world has never set in that estate, from that day that Jesus made the promise, until right now. I want to ask any historian that might be in the building, or if you hear even on this tape, and hear it at any time, please write me. I've studied history now for some thirty years, the Bible history, and there never has been a person that I've ever seen in all the history of the church through the seven church ages... That we're now in Laodicea, and we know that. Never has there been a messenger that ever went to the entire church, with his name ending with ha-m, till now: G-r-a-h-a-m, Billy Graham. There's been Moody's, Finney, Sankey, Knox, Luther, and so forth, but never a h-a-m, "father to nations." Now, remember, he's G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters. But A-br-a-h-a-m is seven letters. Notice, they're down there, Billy Graham, going into the--the all parts of the world, and calling out of Sodom, "Come out; flee the wrath that's to come." There's no man that I know of in the field, that has got ahold of God on that word of justification like Billy Graham does. He can present it. He's not such a theologian... I guess he's a theologian, but he's not just a powerful teacher. But God is with him. That man will stand there with like a Sunday school lesson, and hold those people spellbound. He's God's servant of the hour. To who? The church natural that's in Sodom. But remember, there was one church spiritual, that wasn't in that denominational outfit either, a called-out group, and they received a message also, and a messenger. And what was it? Discerning the thoughts that was in the heart. God always proves His Word. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 206 Let's pray. Dear heavenly Father, this crucial moment where decisions must be made, time is ticking on by; we don't know what hour our Lord may come. And as we see these prophecies that's been made by Him, through Your prophets down through the ages, is now being unfolded, O God, how I thank You for this, that even able-bodied men, able men in--in theology, that can stand up against the wiles of the world and the unbelievers, and on these panels, and beyond a shadow of doubt stand there bold and gallant, knowing where they're standing and prove that Word to be true by the Scriptures. And
then we who are waiting on Your coming, Lord, believing these other things that's been prophesied that would take place, to stand and enjoy seeing You walk right among us and perform the very thing that You said would come to pass, proving Your Word to be right. Eternal God, Your sick children are setting here. I don't know how much more time we've got to work. The evening sun is sinking. But You promised to the prophet, "It shall be Light about the evening time." And we see the same sun rises in the east is the one that sets in the west. Civilization has traveled with the sun and now we're at the west coast, and the Gospel traveled with civilization. Now, Father, we know this is the end of the Gospel, the end of time, the end of the age. She's fading into eternity. But You promised that the Son would come out, the Son of man would be revealed. In the last days this would take place. The evening Lights have come, Father. We thank Thee for that. And humbly as it is, yet You do it so simple, many times, that it goes way over the top of the great, so-called deep thinkers, and reveals it to babes such as will learn. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 208 I pray, God, that You'll make it so tonight that Your poor sick children here will see the promise of God, and each one of them will be healed, and go out of here tomorrow with new strong bodies, and be well again. Grant it, Lord, so that they can take the Message from one to the other, till that last one is in the fold, and then the doors will be shut. Help us, dear God. I ask You tonight in the face of all this, if You'll just once more, Father, for me. It--it seemed the other night, the people never noticed it much. But, I pray, let it happen again tonight, Lord. 'Cause I have went over my 'lotted time to speak, but I don't know how much longer we're going to have to do this. So I pray, Father, will You hear me? And hear the prayer of these godly men and women that's setting here tonight, who's filled with Your Spirit. They are believers, Lord; You can just work among them. And we are... I pray that You'll confirm Your Word that You said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Let it be again, Jesus, to prove that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I ask it for the glory of God, in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ. Amen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 210 Now, just for a moment, I want to know how many people in here that have prayer cards. I--I want you to raise your hands, each one of you that has prayer cards. Well, it's generally, I guess, just about all over. I wonder how many people in here that does not have prayer cards, and yet you're sick, would you raise your hands and say, "I do not have a prayer card, and yet I am sick. I am needy." I want to ask you to be reverent for a moment.
Now, I love to talk to you. That's always my trouble; I talk too long. But before you come, I--I'd hope and trust that God will prove this, that what I've said to be the truth, and let--let Him just see. Now, how many setting out there that's sick, that knows that I don't know one thing about you, raise up your hands. Just look at that. All right. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 215 I want you without the prayer cards now. The prayer cards will be called up. I want you to pray. The Bible said that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He says, He's a High Priest setting there making intercessions upon our confession. We have to confess it first, before He can be a High Priest, 'cause He only intercedes to our confession. Is that right, minister brethren? See, He only intercedes upon our confession, what we confess that He is, what He has done for us, not what He will do. He's already done it. We have to confess that He's done it. "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 216 Now, the heavenly Father knows that looking upon you, is to see I recognize a good friend of mine from Ohio, him and his wife setting here, is Mr. Dauch and his wife. And I believe, setting second or third from them, is again that Reverend, Mr. Blair that I seen last night. It's dark over the audience, to me, account of these lights here is kind of a little blarry to me, and I--I don't see you too well. But I want you to pray. And you put on your heart the thing that you have need of, and you ask our High Priest, Who can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Now, me not knowing you, and you might just touch me all over, be like touching your brother, your husband, your pastor, someone, it wouldn't--it would do no good. But if you touch Him, and if we are truly in line with His Spirit, then He can use your faith to touch Him, and by a gift to speak back through. See, I'd be just as mute as this, this is here, without a voice speaking to it. There's got to... This--this is a mute without something here to speak through it. And so is any person, is a mute, when it comes to these things, unless God speaks through them. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 220 Now, you pray, and let's see if these things that I have said is the truth. God, help it to be so. I don't say that He will. I hope that He will. I'm trusting that He will. He's never let me down yet, over the years, across and around the world, with all kinds of nations, and millions of people. He's never failed me yet. And I'm sure, just as sure as I believe I'm standing here, He won't fail me now.
I'm going to ask you just to be reverent and keep seated just for a few moments. We're going to dismiss the main audience and pray for the sick, just in a moment. But I want you, you believers, that if you'll just not look to me, but believe, say, "I believe that what the man said is the Scripture. I don't know as we're as far up in the time as he says we are. But if it is, then it's got to happen. If his Words are God's Words, then his words will fail but God's Words won't." God's obligated to back up His Word. He'll prove It. He'll prove It. "He that believeth on Me..." He proved that this is the last day. He proved what would happen. He proved that this was supposed to happen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 224 And remember, Abraham and his group never received one more sign from God, until the promised son arrived. How many knows that's true? That sign of discernment... And the royal Seed of Abraham, let me hear you, let me tell you. "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're receiving your last sign." That's according to the Scriptures and the revelation of God that's in my heart, that speaks that this is the Truth. And I trust that you will believe it to be the Truth. Now, you believe. Everybody just believe, say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch You. I have a need in my heart, and I know Brother Branham knows nothing about me. I don't even know the man; he don't know me, but You know. And if he's told me the Truth, this will happen." I ask you, don't move now, just for a little bit. Be real... See, you're spirit. And I take every spirit in here under my control, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that His Word might be fulfilled. Now, just be reverent. Pray. Look to Him; say, "Lord, I believe it. Help Thou my unbelief." Let's start. I have to concentrate on some sort of the part of the building here, 'cause (See?) so many of you, and each one of you is a spirit. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 229 I cannot... You say, "What about me?" I could not tell you. It's sovereign. All the works of God is sovereign. There'll be many people healed crossing this platform tonight. There'll probably be many not. It's all in the sovereign of God. Who can tell Him what to do? No one. He works according to His own will, His own plan. But you just believe. Be humble. Don't be nervous. Just reach out for God, and say, "Lord God, I believe it. (See?) Let me touch Your garment. I have need of such-and-such. I know the brother don't know me or know my need, but he told us that--about these things that You did, and say that You're here the same today."
That don't exclude you brethren here on the platform, any of you. I just ask you, my brethren, as fellow workers of the--of the Gospel of Christ. I speak to you just as sincerely as I know, as a--a dying man with you (See?) leaving this world. We've got to leave. And I must give an account at the day of judgment for what I say. I'm conscious of that, very conscious. And I appreciate you men, what you are, standing here with me, helping me. I'm just trying to help you, to do everything I can, for the Kingdom of God's sake. I'm praying and asking. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 232 Here, how many ever seen that Light in the picture? You seen the picture of It? There It hangs right there. Can't you see It? It's up over that lady setting there with her handkerchief. She's praying for a--a loved one. That's right, lady. That loved one... Do you believe me to be His prophet, or pardon me, His servant? You believe that? All right. Now, if God can reveal to me what's wrong, why, you will accept it to be from God, just as the woman that touched His garment? Now, you know you're--you're twenty or thirty feet from me, or more; you never touched me. But you've touched Something, that you know you're in contact with Something, someone. What it is, it's for a woman, which is your daughter. That's right. You believe that she'll be made well? She is a dope addict. That's exactly right. I see her swimming, drunk. See? Now, the handkerchief that you have in your hand, you place upon her, and don't doubt. I believe that God will deliver her. Will you believe it with me? Amen. Now, I don't know the woman, but God knows her. Do you believe now with all your heart? PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 235 The man setting up there with the striped shirt on, with a hernia, you believe that God would heal you and make you well? You believe that He will do it? I've never seen the man in my life. You have a prayer card, sir? You don't have? You don't need one. "If thou canst believe." Here sets a woman trying to look over the top of this woman setting right here. She's a stranger to me. But she's real nervous. I don't know her. I've never seen her in my life. But God knows her, and she realizes right now she's in contact with Something. You've been praying there for some cause. The reason that you are, you can't stay no longer than tonight. You must leave the meeting. You're planning on going to your home, tomorrow. You're not from here, or neither are you from California. You're going east from here. You're going by air. You're planning, going by air. You're from Oklahoma. Yeah. That's right. You are also in a dying condition. You come here to be prayed for. You do not have a prayer card. But you believed that you're going to be healed, if you could only get here. That's right. Also, your condition is cancer. The cancer is in the bone. Do you believe you're going to be healed now? You believe you're in contact with Him, my sister? Perhaps God will tell me who you are, then would that help you? If it is,
raise up your hand if you believe that God--it would help you. All right, Mrs. Steel, you can return to Oklahoma, and be...?... I don't know the lady. I have never seen her. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 238 Here's a lady setting right back here behind her. She is suffering with varicose veins. And she's also got a son that's an alcoholic, and she's praying for him. If she'll believe, she can be healed. Mrs. Mason, will you believe with all your heart, and believe that Jesus Christ will grant the healing to you? You do? All right, then lay your hand on that lady setting next to you there; she is praying for her husband that's unsaved. God will grant the healing. Let us pray. Dear God, I pray that You'll grant that blessing to her. Give that woman the desire of her heart, Lord. Her faith is so close to You; it's touched You. And I pray, Father, that You'll help, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, believe with all your heart, that you receive it. Will you do that? All right. God bless you. Do you believe your husband is going to be saved, lady? Do you believe with all your heart? Raise up your hand, you do. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 243 There seems to be before me a woman that's very heavy. There she sets. You believe me to be God's servant? You believe me to be God's servant? You do? All right. I do not know you. What your trouble is, is glands. You're overweight. You've been to a doctor; he said he could do nothing about it; but that was an earthly doctor. See? You're... You just had a lot of sorrow. You've lost your husband. You're not from here. You're really from Arkansas. You're seeking work also, and you can't find work. You was afraid that something, you wouldn't get called. But your faith now has touched God. My sister, you go, believe. God give you a job, give you the desire of your heart. God proves His Word to be true. You believe that to be so? Now, I just want you to pray with me again. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 245 Father, God, You are the same God that proved. When You said, "The girl is not dead; she's asleep," then You had to prove it. Now, You promised that just before the coming of the end time, that the Son of man would reveal Himself in the same manner He did at Sodom. You promised it, Lord. Now, you've come to the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit, and got among us tonight, we believing people, and have proved it. You've proved Your Word like You did that day. Lord, we need no more proof. You're
among us. We love You. And we realize that this is the last sign just before Your coming, according to the Scriptures. And all the shadows and types never fail. They've got to be positive. So we pray, Father, as Your children come now to be prayed for, that every one will be healed. May there not be a sick person left among us at the end of this healing service. O Dear God, will You let Your anointing be so graciously upon Your people just now, that every one of them may be healed. And if there be some here, who is not Your children yet, and upon the basis of these things, that they have heard the Word and seen the thing done, just exactly proved to the very letter, and Who You are and what You are, that You're here... And, Lord, would You--would You bless a lie? Why, certainly not, Lord. But You did promise to bless Your Word, and It would not return void. It would accomplish that which It was purposed for. And now You have did that before us tonight beyond any shadow of doubt. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 249 And with our heads bowed, is there people here that never have believed before, that would like to just raise up your hand? With your head bowed, just raise up your hand, and stand to your feet, and say, "I now believe, with all my heart. And I want to accept Jesus Christ right now." Would you do that, any people, any people that's here, that hasn't yet accepted Christ, and would want to do it at this time? I won't tell you... You go to the church of your choice. But I'm asking you to receive Jesus Christ while you... You'll probably never be no closer to Him until you see Him in Person when He comes in His visible body from the heavens. Will you now accept Him if you haven't already done it? Upon basis of seeing no one here standing, I believe then all of you to be sane, sensible people, and realizing what you're doing. If you're setting there under this, you remember, "If you're ashamed of Me before men, I'll be ashamed of you before My Father." There was somebody standing up, maybe, yes, in the audience, in the back. Dear God, those may, I not see, that's standing, they want to accept You. They realize, Lord, that this has not been done until this time, and now You confirm it and prove that it's so. I pray, Father, that in their hearts, that's strangely moved at this time... How do we know but what this is the last person to come in. This may be the end for Los Angeles. This may be the last soul that'll be born into the Kingdom. We don't know when that times comes. And when it does, the door will be closed; the Body will be complete. It will not be a freak body or a freak Bride. It'll just have so many members whose names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, to which Jesus came to take like Adam, walk right out to save his wife. I pray, God, that You'll receive them now into Your Kingdom. They're in Your hands. Deal with them, Lord; I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426
252 God bless each one of you that stood. I didn't know some of you were standing. Some stood in the back, some up in the balcony. Now, I want you to do one thing for me. Please understand me. Meet some minister here and talk it over with them after the church is over. Will you do that? Don't let it fail. If you've never been baptized in Christian baptism, do that next, and then stay with your hands up until you receive the Holy Ghost. Now, and many people has prayer cards here. We're going to ask them to stand, and come up here, and I guess, walk across. Or shall I have to come... I'll not be able to. From this side over here, can come out through this way, over on this side, the people who have prayer cards. And now, if there's any of you that must go, it's... I'm late. I'm sorry. I'll try to do a little better tomorrow night. At... It's ten minutes after ten, by the clock on the wall. Thank you very much for your attendance tonight, and may the God of heaven bless you. If you'd like to stay and watch the prayer line, you're always welcome. But we're going to start praying for the sick now, and I don't want to hold you unless you want to stay. You're dismissed in the Name of the Lord Jesus. May God's peace go with you and bless you, and give you rest in your bodies through the night, and grant you good health so you can come back again tomorrow night. God be with you now. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 255 And let those who have prayer cards stand for prayer now, as universally we pray for the people. Now, we want you to know, now, you that's standing with a prayer card, is there any doubt in your life? Is there any, pardon me, any sin in your life that you haven't confessed? If there is, let me ask you this. Don't come into the prayer line with unconfessed sin in your heart. 'Cause you must... This is the children's bread. See? And if you're not a Christian, surrender your life to Christ in the prayer line, then come. It's for the believer. Will you do it? Accept Him first as your Saviour, and then come across the platform to be prayed for. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 256 Now, I'm going to pray for each individual; not just pass them by, like some kind of a routine. We're in a church now. I think Sister Wyatt has give us the reason that we can stay and pray... We can stay as long as we want to. And I thank Sister Wyatt and the staff here, for letting us do that. God bless her. Her gallant husband stood on this platform, prayed for sick, until he died, as far as I know, a real soldier of the cross. And now, I'm trying to keep on doing the same thing, bless this people. And now I pray that each one of you comes apast us here... You don't have to confess anything that you want to. You don't have to say anything wrong with you. Just come and let me pray for you, and believe.
Do you believe that God has sent me to do this? Raise up your hand. Remember what the Angel of the Lord said? "If you get the people to believe you, be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before the prayer." And you know that's true. It's been proved over and over. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 259 Now, I'm going to ask that our Sister Rose, if she will, to play that, "Only Believe," or, "The Great Physician Now Is Near," or something. I want each one of you now in--in fellowship with me. Will you, also, you people that's not in the prayer line, will you be praying for these people? Well, promise them that by raising up your hand, "I'll be praying. See? We'll all be praying." All right. Yeah. I would that you would, if you have to leave, go real quietly now, so that they won't bother while we pray. You believe it will be over now, sister? Dear God, I lay my hands upon sister, challenge the affliction of her body. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it leave her. Amen. Bless you, sister. You believe with all your heart? All your sins are confessed? You're, as far as you know, you're ready to receive your healing? Dear God, I lay my hands upon my sister, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, and ask that the affliction of her body will be gone, in Jesus' Name. Amen. All sins are confessed, and you're ready for your healing? You believe, brother? Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother, as we know that You're present here, Lord. I pray that You'll heal him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 268 All sins confessed? No, you don't hear. [Brother Branham speaks slow and distinct because of the sister's deafness--Ed.] You believe that you will hear? You believe. The woman's deaf now. We will pray. Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our sister, and take this deafness from her. She's setting in a closedoff world, where she cannot hear. I pray that You'll grant her healing, through Jesus' Name. I'm going to ask the people to keep your head bowed, a minute. I want to see what's happened to her. Now, please, in Jesus Christ's Name, let no one raise their head or eyes. Now, you mustn't do that till I tell you to.
Can you hear me now? Hear me? [Brother Branham claps once more, and then again. "I can hear."] Hear me? ["Yeah."] Can you hear? She can hear now. [Brother Branham claps once more.] Hear that something? Now, you believe with all your heart. You will? And you believe, and God will make you completely well. She said, if I just prayed and put my hands on her ears. And she said she could hear something. All right, just go on now believing that you're going to hear perfectly. You can hear. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 273 Is all sins confessed, sister? You're ready for your healing? Dear God, I lay my hands upon my sister, knowing that in us is no good thing in ourselves. But we know that we are Christians, borned of the Spirit of God. And we lay hands upon our sister and ask for her healing, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you believe you're going to be healed? All right, now you--you are healed. That's the way to do it. That's right. Right. All sins are confessed, and you're ready for your healing? You believe by laying on of hands, that the God Who knows the hearts of the people, will make you well? Our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal our sister, as we lay our hands upon her and ask in the Name of Jesus Christ that You'll make her well. Amen. How do you do? Of course, you know I know what's wrong with you. But I'm just not saying it; 'cause, you do, it'll--it'll just keep on going on and on. But if you will... Is all sins confessed? And you believe that God will make you well? You believe the arthritis... I done said it. Dear God, I pray that You'll help her and make her well. Grant it, in Jesus' Name. You won't be crippled. Go, believe with all your heart. You believe that God will make you well? All sins are confessed and you're ready for your healing? You believe your back will be all right? Dear heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal her and make her well. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it be so. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing now. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 282 Is all sins confessed, sister, you're ready for your healing? Dear God, her sins, she says, is confessed. I lay my hands upon this woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, ask for her healing. Amen. Are all sins confessed? You must be right; you're very sick; you know that. You know that I know what's wrong with you. And do you believe that God will make you well, heal your heart and make you completely well? Dear God, I pray that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You'll heal her and make her well. May this leave her, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you now. Don't doubt. Go, believing.
Sins all confessed? You're ready for healing? Dear heavenly Father, I lay my hands upon our sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed. Amen. Don't doubt it. Go, believing. All sins confessed, you're ready for healing? Dear heavenly Father, I pray that You will heal our brother, will make him well. Grant it, Father. I lay my hands on him, for this purpose, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you. I believe it with all my heart. Are you believing now, sister? All sins are confessed and you're ready for healing? Dear God, I lay my hands upon sister; in the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed for Your glory. Amen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 292 Now, just many times like that, just a touch, as Jesus said, "These signs will follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick." I've begin to notice in the meetings, that it takes effect fifty percent better than what it does when you call the people in line, have discernment, 'cause you only get to just a few. And this a-way, there's many more gets healed. Have you confessed all your sins of unbelief and everything? You believe now that you're going to be healed? Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our sister as I take her hand and ask in the Name of Jesus Christ for her healing. Amen. God bless you, sister. Do you believe now? All sins are confessed? Dear God, I lay my hands upon our sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen. God bless you, sister. Seems like a very small thing, but it's God Who promised it. Sins are confessed? Dear God, I pray that You'll heal this our sister. As I lay hands upon her in the Name of Jesus Christ, may she go and be well. Amen. Sins are confessed? Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our sister, as I lay hands upon her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 301 Now, as you come with the mechanics, may it strike the Dynamics; it'll go to work. Sins are confessed and you're ready? Dear God, I pray that You'll heal her and make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. All sins confessed now? Dear God, as this woman looks me in the eye, I believe that. I pray that You'll heal her, in Jesus' Name. You just bringing her, are you, sister? You're just bringing her? All right. You believe, sister, that God will make you well? [The blind sister says, "I believe God could give me eyesight again."] God bless you.
Heavenly Father, You're always merciful to the blind, and to the needy. Now, they have seen what You've done tonight. So we believe, Lord, this great last sign moving among us now. I ask for this blind woman's sight to come to her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, report this now. Report it. [The one who brought the blind sister, request prayer--Ed.] Oh, yes, you believe that God will heal you? Dear heavenly Father I lay my hands upon our sister and ask that You heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sisters. Let us hear how you are, how you get along. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 312 You believe, sister? O dear heavenly Father, I pray for our sister, trusting that You'll heal her now. I lay my hands on her, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Now, believe. That's right. Just go believing. You believe, brother? All sins confessed? Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our brother and make him well, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. You believe, sister? O God, I pray that, in Jesus Christ's Name, humbly, in the sweetness and meekness of this hour, may the Holy Spirit make this woman whole. [The sister says, "And I ask, pray for my son. I haven't seen him for twenty years."--Ed.] I pray that God will send your son to you, sister, dear. God bless you. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 318 Dear Father, I pray for our sister here. In the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, may He come now and heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Bless you, sister. Dear God, I pray for my brother, as he stands here and I lay hands upon him, and ask for his healing, in Jesus' Name. Bless you, my brother. All right. Little boy? Dear God, laying hands upon the little one, I bless him in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing. You believe now, sister? You want to be prayed for too? Dear God, I pray for her, as I lay hands upon her. Now, this is Your commission; that's what You said do, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You said it would be. Now, He said that, didn't He? Has to be that way, sister. Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our sister and make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister.
PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 325 You've come believing, sister? Dear heavenly Father, I ask Your blessings on our sister, just obeying what You said do. You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick," You said, "they shall recover." May I stop here just a moment to say in this, just to let the people rest a moment, just for a moment. A critic once said to me, that isn't so. But, you see, He said, "These signs shall follow." You've heard my message on the--on "The Trial," putting Jesus on trial. See, He told Noah, "It was going to rain." It never rained for a hundred and twenty years, but it rained anyhow. He told Abraham he'd have a son by Sarah. It was twenty-five years later. He never said when. He said they'd have the son. Twenty-five years later it happened. See? He didn't say when. He said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick. God shall raise them up. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that what He said? He didn't say He'd jump up and do it right then. He said, "They shall recover." See? That's His promise. That's what we believe. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 330 Come, sister. You believe that to be true? Then there's no way to keep you from being healed. I lay my hands upon sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen. You believe, sister? All sins confessed and ready? Dear God, I lay my hands upon sister, in obedience to Your commandment, and ask for her healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen. I want you that's being prayed for, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to report before these meetings are over what happens; and just let the audience, the other people, see what really takes place. Maybe tomorrow, next day, or when, you just watch what takes place. My mail has showed that it's a--it's so much different than just to letting them try to test their own faith. Because Jesus said, "They lay hands upon them. They lay hands upon them; they shall recover." Now, get what He said. He didn't say they'd jump up and run up-and-down the floor. They could do that. But He said, "They shall recover." Is that what He said? That's what He said. That's what I believe. And He's here now; the One that said the Word is here to make it so. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 336 You believe, sir? Dear heavenly Father, upon the confession of his faith and believing, I lay my hands upon him, in Jesus Christ's Name, for his healing. Dear God, I lay my hands upon this woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. All right.
Dear Father, I lay my hands upon this woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. You said, "She shall recover." Ready for healing, sister? Dear God, I lay my hands upon her, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You heal her. All right, sister, dear, everything ready for healing? Your faith has now been met, you believe you're going to be well? And, God, I lay my hands upon her in obeying Your commandment, "To all the world, every creature." I lay hands upon her, in Jesus' Name, for her healing...?... PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 344 Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing. Dear God, I lay my hands upon my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... going down the aisle. I just didn't want to worry you. You'll be all right if you'll believe that now. Dear God, I pray that You'll heal my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... to help me pray for these people. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 349 Now, we got some handkerchiefs here, and so forth, in here to be prayed over. And I want you to continue to pray with me now. Now, these little parcels... Now, I know this sounds very strange for people to pray over a little thing like this. But if you could only come into my office once and just watch... If we had kept testimonies through these years, I suppose you couldn't have piled on this platform, that's been healed just by sending out these prayer cloths like this, millions of them, around and around the world. Now, you know what it is--it is? Somebody get that handkerchief there for that--that young... You'll know your handkerchief, will you, brother? All right. And I have seen little, crippled children healed. And you see, what it is, it's just a point of contact, as Oral Roberts used to say. It's just a point of contact. We pray. Now, we don't do this ourselves; we do this because the Bible commissions us to do this. We all know that's true. Now, there's many people that they anoint handkerchiefs and so forth. Well, now, we think that's all right, sure, but if we just... The Bible didn't say that they anointed handkerchiefs, but they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs. Now, see what I was talking about? Now, what they seen, that quickening power that was in Paul, that they knew he was God's servant, they knowed that God was in him. They knowed that everything that he touched was blessed. How many understands that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 354 You know, I think Paul was quite Scriptural in what he done. Don't you think so? You want me to tell you where I think he got the idea of doing it? [Someone says, "From Elisha."--Ed.] From Elisha, is right. See, Elisha said, "Take this staff and go lay it on the baby." And the prophet sent the staff because he knowed that everything that he touched was blessed. He knew his position. He... If he could just get the woman to believe the same thing... Now, see, now, the Bible never even said, "They shall pray for the sick." It said, "They shall lay hands on the sick." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 356 Now, just think, the people seen in the apostle Peter, the Presence of God manifested in this man; insomuch that they--they even laid the people in his shadow, and they were healed. How many knows that's Scriptural? That's just as much Scripture as John 3:16. See? It's all God's Word. Now, the people, you know the shadow of that man did not heal the people. But look, if the power of God was upon that prophet, for years and years after he died, insomuch that a dead man was throwed on his body, his bones... The body wasn't even there; the bones was there. And the Presence of God was upon those bones, until that dead man come to life. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 358 Now, don't you know that that same God that did all those things is right here tonight? To--to me, I think we should be the most happiest people in all the world. Just think of this. I--I hope that I haven't impressed my audience to believe that it's something that I do myself. You-you know better than that. I, I am your brother (See?), and I am just your brother. But I do know, I do know this, that God is here. And I know that He has given something to us, that we cannot explain it, only by the Word of God, claims that it should be here at this time. So it also gives us identification to know that we're living in the last days. It gives us identification to know that this people, this chosen, elected, called-out, predestinated... Now, that's a big word, "predestinate," but we all know that it's the truth. We absolutely know that the infinite God predestinated all things by foreknowledge before the foundation of the world, even the Lamb was slain; and every name that would ever be on the Book, was put on the Book before the Book was ever written. Now, how many knows that's true?
And Jesus came to--to redeem those that were in the Book. In the Bible, the Lamb came from behind the curtain, and taken the Book, and opened the seals that It was sealed with, for He came to claim all He had redeemed. He's the Intercessor now, an Intercessor making intercessions for those who He has redeemed. All whose name was written on the Lamb's Book of Life, is redeemed. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 363 As I made a crude little statement the other night... I'm waiting for you--all to get these handkerchiefs here. I'm not just trying to preach over again, but I said there was a little statement... I hope this don't sound sacrilegious. See? But like the farmer that set the hen, and didn't have enough eggs, so he got a eagle egg, and he set it under the hen and she hatched out an eagle. And he was a very odd fellow amongst all the chickens, because they didn't see things alike. But that's all he ever seen, was the hen. He only heard one voice; it didn't sound like his voice. Neither could he make a voice like the hen or the chicken. He didn't appreciate their diet, as they eat from the barnyard. There was something different about him, yet he didn't know what the difference was. And then one day, there was the mother eagle that knowed she'd laid so many eggs. And there was one of those eggs, which was to be her son, was missing. So she went hunting for him, and she found him in the barnyard. And she screamed. And when she screamed, the little eagle knew the voice of the mother. As Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice." PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 365 I think, last night, when I seen that panel of Baptists, Presbyterian, and whatmore, they might've been brought out under a hen. Excuse me, brother. See? But Mother knew she had Her darlings out there somewhere. So them men standing there, not disputing the feeding they'd got from the mother hen, and so forth, but now they're eagles (You see?); they fly for their food. See? And I think the church is something like a scene I seen not long ago, coming down from Tucson, or from--from Phoenix, going to Tucson. I saw a mysterious sight. And it kinda broke my heart, to see what had taken place, how a hawk, that used to fly in the air, a brother to the eagle, which is a type of the church... And Jehovah is the Eagle. He called His prophets eagles. He called Himself Jehovah Eagle. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 368 But this hawk has long lost its identification, because it doesn't no more sail through the air and hunt its meat like it's supposed to. But it sets on the telephone wires and acts like a scavenger. He-he
hunts for dead rabbits that the cars has killed, and him and the vultures get out there and eat together. He hops like a vulture, instead of walking like he should walk. He's lost his identification. And I say this with all godly love and respect, the church has long lost her identification as a sister eagle. She sets around. Instead of digging into the Word and find where these things are right, she waits for a bunch of Sunday school literature that's been made up by a bunch of intellectuals somewhere, some dead rabbit that's been killed somewhere else, hops like a vulture. God, help us to fly away from that. These promises are true. Not what somebody said about It, but what God said about them. They are true. I'm so glad to be associated with eagles. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 371 Let us pray together for our sick ones. Dear heavenly Father, it is taught in the Bible that they taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons, and demons went out of people, and unclean spirits left them. Now, Father, me standing here over these handkerchiefs, represents every person that's present. It's the Body of Christ, us together. We are claiming by grace and love, that we are here to represent His Bride, and believing, associate with Him in His Kingdom. And we know we're not Saint Paul, but we know You're still Jesus. And we pray that You'll honor the faith of these people. If they'd have lived back in the days of Paul, they'd have heard this same Gospel, seen these same things. Therefore, they're the same kind of people. You're the same God. So I pray, dear God, that You'll honor their faith, like You did those in the Bible days. And may every demon power, every sickness, every affliction, that's bound the people that these handkerchiefs and parcels here represent, may that evil power of sickness leave them. PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 373 It was said one time, that Israel was walking in the line of duty to a promised land. And right in the line of duty, the enemy come and backed them up in a corner, and the Red Sea cut them off from the line of duty and in their march. And God looked down from the heavens through the Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared. It rolled back its waves, because God's waves was in the bottom of the sea. And It made way for His children, walking in the line of obedience. Now, God, if the Red Sea would get scared, and roll back its waves, roll back its waters, and give place to a journeying children marching in obedience, dear God tonight look down through the Blood of Your Son Jesus, Who made the promise. And when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the sick bodies of the people, may the eyes of God look. And may that sickness, that devil, be scared and move away. And may the people keep the journey to the promised land, with good health and strength. As Israel marched through the wilderness, there wasn't one feeble person among them at the other end. May it be granted to these people, Father, for we send these handkerchiefs, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
PROVING.HIS.WORD_ LA.CA V-18 N-3 MONDAY_ 65-0426 375 God bless you, each one. As you get your handkerchiefs now, you believe with all your heart. Do you believe that God hears this? See? I--I want to say this. Don't, don't doubt one bit. See, it may seem real strange. (Excuse me, just a minute.) Don't doubt one bit, but believe now that, what we have asked, God gives. Do you believe that's God here, knows the secret of your heart? You know and believe that's God? Now, just settle your mind now; it can't be nothing else. See? Now, what if there would be a great tomorrow, way years ago this will be history. And when people in years to come, if it was to be such, they'd come and say, "Well, if I'd have been living then, I'd seen that done, boy, that's all I would've had to know. I'd have believed it right then." See, the same thing that you believe, if you'd been back there when they done it then. Remember, it's still Him. It's His Life in you. God bless you. DOES GOD CHANGE HIS MIND LOS ANGELES CA 65-0427 V-18 N-4 DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 1 ... God. Let us remain standing with our heads bowed just a moment. Heavenly Father, we thank You for every graceful thing that You have given to us. We're unworthy of--of any of Your blessings. These are certainly unmerited blessings that we receive. And we pray, God, that You'll continue to be with us. Just walking in and feeling this wonderful spirit in the meeting, I know it comes from You. So I pray, Father, that You'll continue to honor the meeting tonight with Your Presence, and heal all the sick and the afflicted. Grant it. May this be a--a great night that we'll not forget soon, because of Your Presence. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 2 I want to apologize for keeping so late last evening. I will try to be faster tonight, and just so that we can hurry up and--and pray for the sick. I certainly felt good about last night's meeting. They seemed like that there was many people got healed. And I had plenty of support, everybody praying, and together. That's the way we stand. So the Lord bless you. Now, I think tomorrow night we're to be... I guess they've already announced it. It's another--another place, I think. All right.
Now, let's turn in the Book of Numbers the 22nd chapter, right quick, for just a little text to pass a few comments, and then we're going to place the most of the time in the prayer line. Billy said he gave out enormous amount of cards, two or three hundred of them. And it'll take quite awhile to get them through the prayer line, so I--I will just speak for a few minutes, not over thirty minutes, if possible, and then start the prayer line, pray for the sick. In Deuteronomy, in... Pardon me. Numbers, 22nd chapter and the 31st verse, I wish to read this. And the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face. Now, this may sound like a rude little text for just to--to give a stand and to have our healing service. And I'm going to try to have the prayer line started by nine o'clock, if possible. Now, I want to take the subject tonight: "Does God Change His Mind?" DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 7 You know, we can change our mind, and because we--we learn a little different, we know we were wrong. But I don't believe that God can change His mind. Because if He does, then He certainly could not be infinite, and He could make a better decision if He would change it. So He... The faith that I have in Him, that--that He doesn't change His mind... Because if God ever makes a decision, He has to stay with that decision. See? And each time the same problem comes up, He's got to act in the same way He did the first time, or He acted wrong in the first time. See? So it gives us somewhere to have a--a basic faith. Now, we cannot... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 9 Yes, faith isn't just a loose-leaf, something that you can fly it here and over somewhere else. It's something that's got to be sure. It's got to be stable. And now, I cannot base my faith upon some theory. It's got to be a proven fact before I can have faith. Just like a man choosing a wife to marry, why, he, he's got to have faith in that woman, he marries her, he certainly is fixing hisself for a lot of trouble. See? So he's got to... You got to have faith, some solid facts, some faith to base it upon; upon her word, upon what somebody else has said, or something. He's got to have something to place his face on--faith on. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 11 So I feel that to meet God, there is just one thing that I can base my faith upon, and that's His Word. Because we have different ideas, pretty near all of us. We'd set down and go to even talking
about something to eat, why, we would different on something to eat; and we're made different; our appetites are different. And therefore, it makes our churches, we see they are different in their ideas of what's right and what's wrong. That gives us, every one, a privilege to take a choice. But to me, I--I believe that the Word of God is right. And I--I don't believe It's of any private interpretation. I believe it's just what It says, that's the Truth. And that's the way I take it, just on the basics of It being the Word of God. And now, I haven't got faith enough, maybe, to make all of It act, but I certainly wouldn't want to stand in the way of somebody who did have faith enough to make It act. Like, for instance, Enoch had enough faith that he didn't have to die. He just took an afternoon stroll, and got tired here on earth and just walked on up to heaven. I'd certainly like to have faith like that. But I hope that we do get that faith someday, as we grow on into Him. Now, our... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 15 The reason I chose this place, because it seems like that here to me is one of the places in the Bible that would be a--a critical place for the text tonight, because it looks like that God did change His mind, and told Balaam one thing to do and then told him something else to do. So I thought, maybe, just for a while, we'd try to straighten this out just a little, and see what He really told him. So now, to outline this, we know that Balaam was a--a--a prophet. And Balak was the king of Moab at the time. And they were not infidels up at Moab; they served the same God that Israel served. Because Moab, the nation was founded by Lot's son by his daughter, and so they served the same God. If you notice, their sacrifices and everything was just exactly the same: bullocks, and also the rams, speaking of the second coming. And now if fundamentalism is all that God requires, then Moab was just as fundamental in his offering as what Israel was. But we find them now, Israel is in the line of following the Word of God to a land that had been promised them. And they come... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 17 Here would be a type of the natural and spiritual, meeting. And when the natural and spiritual meets, there's always a collision; because they run right head-on into each other. And Israel here would, I'd want to represent it as a spiritual church, and Moab as the natural church, just the church, what we call church natural. And we're all sure that there is a--a church, and there is a Bride coming out of that church. We know that, that that is true. And they clash here. And we notice that when they clashed here, it come under something that I would like to speak a moment on. As soon as they clashed, and one seen what the other one was doing, there was a great impersonation, one of the other.
And that's where we find it today, that we do get too much impersonation. And when you do that, you're always in trouble. You cannot live the other fellow's life. We cannot impersonate something. We must be just what we are. You mustn't never try to. If this fellow does something; because he does it, you think you have to too. You don't do that. You're an individual to God. And we mustn't try to impersonate each other. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 21 And now, Israel, right in the line of duty, marching on their way to a command--by a commandment of God to a promised land, they clashed with Moab, another group of believers. And I hope this doesn't sound too bad. But the little illustration I want to make here is, Moab being settled down in a land, he was more like an organized affair. He had his celebrities, and his dignitaries of the--of his kingdom. But Israel was just a--a wanderer. They had no certain place they went. They just wandered as the Lord led them. Now, I believe also, Balaam, later in his prophecy, said, "The people would not be among the nations. It would just be a scattered." And that's what it's always been. And we find out, the clash come. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 24 Just as Cain and Abel, they also came together in a clash. And them being brothers, and both of them of the same mother, Eve. And we find that they--they realized that they were mortal, and they had been put out of Life, out of the garden of Life. And they both was trying to find a way to get back in there. And if you noticed, both boys was very religious. Cain was just as religious as Abel was. And they both built altars, otherwise, a church. They both made sacrifice. They both prayed. And they-they served God, both of them, but one of them served Him wrong. Now, you see, you can be ever so sincere and yet be wrong. You can be wrong. "There is a way that seemeth right, but the end thereof is the ways of death." Now, we--we see that this was so true with Cain and Abel. And when they seen--Cain saw that Abel's sacrifice was received... And I might stop here to say, why did God receive his sacrifice? Is because that--that he was... By a revelation he understood that it was not apples, or I believe they now they got it the pomegranates or something that they eat in the garden of Eden, that caused sin. And he found Adam... Or, I mean, Abel believed that it was--he--it was blood, which it really was. And Abel by revelation, faith, offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain; which God testified by it, he was righteous. See? And the whole church is built upon a Divine revelation of the Word of God. The whole... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427
27 Jesus said so. One day, coming down off the mount, He said to His disciples, "Who do you say I the Son of man am? Or who does people say I am?" "And some of them said, well, You're Moses, You're Elias, or one of the prophets." He said, "But who do you say I am?" And Peter made that great statement, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas..." And here's the great argument amongst believers. Now, the Catholic church says that, "There He--He built His church upon Peter, for He said, 'Thou art Peter,' little stone, 'upon this stone, little stone, I'll build My church.'" Well, now, the Protestant mostly believe that it was upon Himself that He built, upon Him, the Cornerstone. But, you see, He was the Cornerstone to the building. I believe that what He built the church upon... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 33 Not to be different, but (You see?), the question was, "Who does men say I am?" And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood never revealed this to you. You never learned this by going to a seminary. See, you never learned this by some manmade affair. But My Father, which is in heaven, has revealed this to you. See? Upon this Rock I'll build My church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It," the spiritual revelation of Jesus Christ, Who is the Word. Then it'd be the spiritual revealed Truth of the Word is exactly where the church rests. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 36 I think that's what Abel had at the beginning: a spiritual revelation that it wasn't the fruit of the field, or the works of our hands, or so forth. It was blood. And he offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than--than Cain did. We find in Abraham and Lot, the same thing in a choice, because Lot went down, when the time come, when the spiritual and the--and the natural church come in a clash, because of the herdsmen. They had to separate one for another. And whenever this does, it sets up a jealousy. We find out that Abel, be--because God had received him, and He did not receive Cain's beautiful big offering he had toiled so hard for, and was religious, and bowed down and worshipped, and so forth, done everything that Abel did, only he didn't have the revelation of what was the truth. So we find out
that when God accepted Abel's revelation and his offering, it made Cain get jealous of Abel. And there was the first murder. We find out that jealousy become between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot, and they had to separate. We find out that Moses and Korah had a clash also. Jesus and Judas had a clash. And as ever, it's been the same thing, and so is it today, the natural church and the spiritual church has a clash when they come together. Now, the natural tries to match the spiritual, always with a carnal impersonation. But as it was with Esau and Jacob, it will not work. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 41 God has His church called, named, set aside. And in the age that She lives in, He'll reveal Himself to Her, each and every time, just as He said in Romans the 8th chapter, that the foreknowledge or predestination of God might stand sure. Cain--or I mean Esau and Jacob, before either boy was born, before they even had a chance to make a choice, God said, "I hate Esau and love Jacob," for He knew what was in them from the beginning. And we know we're in... Keep that in mind, He knows what's in your heart. He knows what you mean. No matter what we say, He knows what you mean. And it's always caused trouble. And they--the... Always, the natural always tries, since Cain destroyed Abel, the natural has always tried to destroy the effects of the spiritual. We find it the same thing today, the very same thing today. It proves that it comes from Satan, because it's jealousy and impersonation of Truth. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 45 So we really believe that God never changes His mind about what He said; He always keeps It true. But He has a permissive will. Now, there, where the trouble lay. We try to work on God's permissive will, and He will permit it. But also if we take His permissive will, though it's not right, He will make His permissive will to work out together to glorify His perfect will. There's nothing will go wrong with God. We're... He knows just where the clock is a-ticking at tonight. There's nothing wrong. Every lick is hitting just exactly the way it should be, everything. We think it's wrong, but He knows it's right. It's supposed to be like this. Like at the beginning God just permitted sin to come. He didn't not... That wasn't His perfect will. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427
49 But, you see, God, the great Spirit, the Father, in Him was attributes, and these things that you see displayed now is just His attributes being displayed. He dwelt alone; He was not even God; God was an object of worship. He was the Great eternal One. And in Him was attributes, such as to be Father, to be Saviour, to be Healer. And now, how could He first... He had to be Father, because it proves He was Father, but He dwells alone. He alone is immortal. And now, but His attributes has to be displayed. Now, to be a Saviour, there has to be something lost. And God cannot purposely lose anything and then redeem it. It wouldn't be becoming to His holiness and His great judgment. But He put man on free moral agency, knowing that man would fall. And in that then, He became man Himself in order to redeem back man that fell. That's the reason that Jesus was Emmanuel. If God sent another person besides Himself, then that wouldn't be just. God had to come Himself and take place. And God could not be come down in Spirit and take place; He had to be made flesh in the flesh of His Own creative Son. And He showed here, in the beginning, that His perfect will was to create man out of the dust of the earth. But, you see, He permitted sex to be brought in. He never did intend children to be born by sex, but it was permitted, which soon will fade away. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 52 Now, we find out that Moab was a illegitimate to--to begin with, because it was Lot's son by his own daughter. Now, notice, as the natural church Moab repre--represents the--the natural church, Moab does, and Israel, the spiritual church. Now, Israel, the bride, was the--represents the calledout. The church Itself, the word "church" means, "called-out one, come out," those who have come out. "Come out of her, My people. Be ye separated, saith the Lord, and I will receive you unto Myself. Touch not their unclean things." The Church of God is called out of the world, out of the chaos of the world. You're no more of the world. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 54 As I was trying to say, the other night to you, it's when you know that you have the earnest of your--of your eternal redemption right now in you by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it's already quickened you. You are now risen with Him, and we're setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. See, you're no more of the world. If you love the world, and your affections are still on the things of the world, then the love of God's not even in you. See? We are from--free from the world. There's no more desire. In the Hebrews, I believe the 10th chapter, said, "There was a continually remembrance of sin each year, those beasts' body was offered. But in this case, the worshipper once purged, has no more conscience of sin, no more desire to sin." The whole thing is gone from you, because you have been quickened into a new Life.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 56 And then the church natural is just a bunch of people in denominations, that joined. It's no more... I don't even no more call it "church." I don't like to refer to it. I like to refer to it as a lodge: Methodist lodge, Baptist lodge, Pentecostal lodge. But the church is the borned again that's in Christ Jesus, that's new creatures. And so we still see that--that God keeps His Word. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 58 Now, Moab seen, Moab looked down upon the field and seen God moving amongst this people who was not even an organized nation. They were just floating around from place to place. But the strange thing that, they come upon these nations and they took them. Everything was in their road, they took them. Now, they found out, Moab looking upon it and Balak, he looked down upon the nation of Israel, and he said, "The people cover the whole face of the earth." He said, "And they lick up the nations, just like a ox licking up grass." And they found out, one of the great keynotes was that how they got this great revelation, there was a prophet among them. They had a prophet, now, someone that led them. It wasn't a manmade system like he was used to, his--his delegations with him, and so forth, but it was--and his dignitaries. But they had a--a leader, a Divine-called leader. And, oh, what a sad day it was, when the church world left off the Divine leadership of the Holy Ghost and adopted a bishop or anything else to take Its place. It was a sad day. The Holy Spirit is to be the Leader of the church. He is sent to confirm the Words of Jesus Christ to make the church live as it did live at the beginning. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 61 Not long ago, a very famous school here in--in this city, a seminary... And they have one in Phoenix. And one of the men, or a couple of the students was--came down to me and said, "We like you, Brother Branham. We don't have nothing again' you, at all, but we'd just like to straighten you out." And I said, "Well, I sure want to be straightened out." So and so I said, "If I'm wrong, I certainly don't want to be wrong; I talk to too many people." And he said, "Well, here's your trouble." Said, "You are trying to introduce, or to make live again an apostolic religion, when the apostolic religion ceased with the apostles." And I said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, now if..." He said, "Now, I wouldn't debate it with you."
I said, "I wouldn't either. We don't. We're not supposed to do that. We're brethren." And he said, "Well," he said, "I would just like to help you." I said, "I'm certainly willing to get help." And he said, "Now, you see," he said, "now the a... That's true." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 65 And I said, "Now, on talking, we mustn't use textbooks." I said, "I won't use mine," and I had none but this one. But so--so I said, "I won't use textbook, just the Bible. And, you, we just use the Bible." He said, "All right." I said, "Now, we believe that the apostolic church begin at the day of Pentecost. Do you agree with that?" He said, "Yes, I do." I said, "Now, we realize that God gave the church power there, for these apostolic movements." He said, "Yes, that was the framework of the church. Now, the church is already set in order, and we got all of our pastors, and our great organizations and things. We don't need those things anymore to draw people." I said, "Now, where does the Bible say that?" I said, "You tell me where the Bible says that at." See? And he said, "Well, it doesn't exactly say that in that way." I said, "Well, then, I can't receive it 'less it says it just in that way. See, see?" I said, "We're..." I said, "That's the way it has to be." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 70 I said, "Do you believe that God's still calling people?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Now, you will believe that the Bible is correct, every answer?" "Yeah." I said, "Now, the spokesman at the day of Pentecost was Peter, who had the keys to the Kingdom."
"That's right." And I said, "Now, whatever his decision was, Jesus said, 'What you bind on earth, I'll bind in heaven; what you loose on earth, I'll loose in heaven.'" He said, "I'll believe that." I said, "Now, in Acts the 2nd chapter, the 38th verse, Peter said to those people who were marveling at these people speaking in unknown tongues. And they asked him what they could do to be saved, and he said, 'Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin; you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Now, if God's still calling, that same promise is for them." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 75 Well, he come over here and was with one of Billy Graham's groups up here praying for a meeting. And a group of them was setting up here in California somewhere, a few weeks ago, in real deep sincere prayer, consecrated to God, fasting, and the Holy Ghost fell on the whole bunch and begin to speak in other tongues, and... Yeah. Now, he is a member of the--of the Friendly church, the Assemblies of God in Tucson, Arizona. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, I go up there and feel so good." Said, "Just raise back my hands," and said, "the glory of God. I just sing." And said, "I never could do that in a New Testament Baptist church." I said, "I see you can't. That's why you're out." So there you are (See?) God keeps His Word. What He says, He'll do it. God has to keep His Word. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 78 Now, we find out here that this carnal impersonation that Moab had... He saw this prophet among Israel, that was able to bless, curse, lead, and so forth, so he tries to match it by politics. Now, that's just what's taken place in the churches today. They have tried to match it with some kind of a system. You can't do it. The Holy Spirit must be alive in the church, always, leading the church for the age that it's living in, to confirm the Word that's promised for that age. God spoke the Word from the beginning, and it's so much for this age, and so much for that age, and certain for them age. It always happens just that way. And, see, and the Holy Spirit must be alive in the church to make this church live its day. It must be here today to confirm this latter-day ministry, latter-day signs, latter-day pour out of the Holy Ghost. It's just
got to be here to do that, and you cannot get it through the working of systems. God has a system. He is the One Who's give us the Holy Spirit. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 81 Now, we notice here that Moses had a King, and that King was God that anointed him. And Balaam also was under a king, Balak. And it was more like a political setup (See?): Balak. Balaam, a prophet of God, he went to Balak for his information. Moses went to God for information. There was the difference. Yet, both of them were prophets, because they were both called of God; both met God, both talked to God, and both Spirit-filled. Now, I'm coming home. Now, they were both Spirit-filled men. Now, that is true. The Bible said that God met with Balaam and talked with him. See? So we notice, each one of these prophets, both of them being prophets, men of God, they catered to their headship. Moses catered to God. And Balaam here catered to Balak. Notice here, in typing the spiritual and the natural, how perfect it was. Moses, sent by God, in a line of duty, is met and challenged by another man of God. Could you imagine such? But look what a setup they had up there. It was an organized nation. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 86 And Moses was leading the children of Israel, just as God would tell them where to go, led by a Pillar of Fire, and a supernatural Being that was leading the way. And Moses was getting his information through the--the Logos, of course, that went out of God, that Pillar of Fire, which was the Angel of the Covenant, which was Christ, the Anointed One. And he was getting his message through There, and giving it to the children of Israel, on the road to a promised land. But this man was all settled down, and he had his kingdom. He had his churches. He had everything right there in order. So he sends over to get this man to come over and to curse this people. And notice, could you imagine, that one prophet, one man of God seeing the works of God with another man, and try to--to challenge that works of God, when he knew, ought to have knowed better. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 88 Now, Balaam, first when... Balak sent to him and told him, "Come over and curse this people." Now, Balak done the very thing--or Balaam, rather, done the thing that was right; he sought God. He sought God, first. Now, that's what he ought to have done. And then God give him His perfect, clean-cut answer, "Don't go with him. Leave them alone. Don't you curse those people. They are blessed." See? Now, that ought to be enough. When God says anything, He
cannot change that. Notice, His perfect will was, "Don't you go. Don't attack that people. They are My people." That was His perfect will. But Balaam didn't like those people to begin with. See, there you are. How many Balaams do we have today, the same way, same thing? They know better. They had them in the days of our Lord Jesus. Nicodemus come and said, "Rabbi, we know You're a man sent from God, or a--or a teacher sent from God. No man could do the things that You do 'less God was with him." See, they looked. There was a Balaam again. See? Now, Balaam didn't like the people. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 92 Notice his headquarters, after they had sent some fine men over there to tell him, "Now, there's some people coming up down here. And I understand that you're a prophet, you're a great men, so you come up here and curse this people." Balaam said, "Now, you wait a minute till I go in and pray, and stay all night, maybe the Lord will meet me and He'll tell me." All right, the next morning, the Lord met with him and said, "Don't go. Don't curse those people. They're blessed." All right, Balaam went out and said, "Well, I can't go, because the Lord told me not to go." Now, notice when they went back and took the headquarters, for him to go down there and stop this meeting they had (You see?), well, then they come to find out, the headquarters sent a better set of people, higher dignitaries, maybe a bishop, somebody else, or it might've been a state presbyter, somebody sent down there, "Tell him to go down and stop that anyhow." See? Notice, his better influential group, better gifts, more money, said, "I can exalt you to a better position. I might make you, instead of just being an ordinary man, I can make you a little higher now. I have the right to do that, because I'm king here in this great movement. And I--I can do something better for you, if you'll just do it." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 97 Notice, the new offer blinded him. He ought to have knowed what God said, God will do. But it blinded him. And as a prophet of God, he should've not been influenced by such a group. He should've got out of that group to begin with. And if I'm talking to some man of God here... When they try to tell you at the headquarters, that, "The days of miracles is passed," and this what we're doing here, and the Lord Jesus is blessing us, "and that's a bunch of fanaticism, work-up and emotion; there's no such a thing as Divine healing," get out of that group right there. Get out of it, because It's the Word of God being made manifest. They say, "There's
no such a thing as apostolic days. There's no baptism of the Holy Ghost. That speaking in tongues, there's nothing to it there." Oh, but, brother, don't you listen to that. There's a many one like Balaam today, setting back in their office, reading these Books of the Bible and know that It's the Truth. But yet just because of position's sake, they won't take their stand. Just exactly right. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 100 Notice, God... He knew he shouldn't have been in this group, or Balaam should've know it. They-they get out of the will of God. Them fellows will talk you right out of the will of God. When you find the will of God, don't let nobody talk you out of it. I've knowed of good people, come to the meetings, get healed, and go back. And they'd say, "Oh, well, there's nothing to that. You're just worked up. There's nothing to it." And the people go to doubting. I've seen people come and receive Christ in their heart, go back; maybe speak in tongues, and go back. And the church would say, "Why, you're a--you're a disgrace to Christianity," and so forth. And, oh, my, don't--don't do that. See? Get out of that group. Stay away from it...?... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 101 Notice, Balaam used a phony text here, for his conscience's sake. See? He said, "Peradventure, you stay another night, and maybe I'll ask God. You see? Maybe He might've changed His mind." But God don't change His mind. When God give us the declaration of the baptism of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, that's the way He has to keep it. He did all through the Bible age, and He will any other time that man will come upon them basis that He offered there. If you'll come, believing, repenting, being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and believing on God, God's obligated to fulfill that prescription (That's right.), 'cause He's the doctor. And He'll fulfill it if you will--if you will obey it. But you can't afford now to try to get this prescription, take it over to some quack druggist that--that might put something else in it. It might kill the patient. That's the reason we got so many dead church members today; they are trying to give the wrong prescription. God's got the prescription right here in the Bible. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You've got to take the medicine the way the Doctor said give it. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427
104 The Bible said, "Is there no--is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there?" 'Course there is. Said, "Then why is the daughter of My people in this condition?" See, we got the Bible. We got the Physician. It's just the druggist is misfilling the Scripture-prescription. That's what it is. You're trying to say, "The days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost and all these things. It's nonsense." The Bible is exactly right. God doesn't take back anything He said. And they try to use a phony way out, something another like, "Well, we believe that." Well, now, no matter what you believe; it's what God said. He said, "I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh." He promised this in the last days. They try to say the meetings, that you're seeing... They call me a soothsayer, a--a--a polished-up soothsayer, or a--or a Beelzebub, or some devil. Well, they got to say that, because they're of their father. That's what he said about Jesus at the beginning. And it's not us doing this anyhow; it's same Jesus, 'cause He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's His Spirit. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 108 Oh, something that could pass, bypass and ful--bypass His commission. So many people try to bypass that. "Oh, come join the church, and it'll be all right. We're an old church. We've been here for many years. We started..." Yes, that's right. If that's so, then the Roman Catholic church has got it on all of you; they're the first of the organizations. They was first. But remember, not the first church, they was the first organization, and the mother of every one of them. Which every one of them is contrary to God. Revelations 17 says the same thing. See? Yes, we are in the last days. Now, remember, God will let you though. See, now... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 109 And then Balaam, he thought, "Well?" Then God told him, "Go on." Why? God knew what was in his heart. God knew that was in his heart to begin with, so He told him to go on. He will permit it. He will permit you to do it. He will bless you many times in doing it. He blessed even Israel after they... Grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a deliverance, signs and wonders, brought them out of Egypt, and everything, and yet they wanted a law. God let them have it, but He cursed them all the time. He let Balaam go on just the way he was supposed to, but what did he do? He went down there, and instead of cursing the people, he had to bless the people. He could not curse what God had blessed.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 112 And I--I told you, was going to quit at nine. And I looked up, and it's time now, and I got a book full of notes here. But I want to say this, in closing, that God never changed His mind. His direct will was for Balaam not to go. And when God makes a statement, it has to ever remain true. Now, the Bible said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Now, that don't mean "in a certain way." That means He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus said, in Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Is that right? He promised in Mark 16, "These signs shall follow them that believe." They say, "Well, that was just for the apostles." He said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them in all the world, and to every creature. In My Name they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues. If they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it wouldn't harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, that is His qualification. See, we try to qualify something. We are trying to make--qualify the church to what we think God's Word is. We can't qualify to the church. We've got to qualify to God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 117 I've always said, it's a great matching time. You paint your steps red and watch your neighbor paint his red. Some of you women wear a certain kind of hat at church, and watch the rest of the women get that. Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy had this here water-head haircut, and look all the women. She wore them little old sack-colored aprons, or things like that, it's a scandalous for the woman to be on the street with them stretched on like that. Look at all the women doing the same thing. It's an impersonation, but that's in the world. The church people picked it up, and it's a shame that they do it. It's wrong for them to do it, and it's a disgrace. And when we see it creeping into Pentecost, it's more disgraceful. That is right. But, you see, the church puts up with it and lets it go. Now, we don't care. I never cared whether my coat matched my trousers, or my tie matched my coat. I want my experience to match God's Bible and His requirement. And that's what we as Pentecostal people ought to do, is have our experience just like theirs was, because He's the same Jesus, the same Holy Ghost, the same power. He's a-living today, and He lives among us. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427
120 It kinda reminds me of one day His mother had gone off from Jerusalem, from the worship, and his foster daddy, Joseph. And they went three day's journey, and just presuming that He was along with them, and they found out that He wasn't there. And, you know, I want to liken that today. You know, the church has had a three-stage journey: Luther, Wesley, Pentecost; three-stage journey. God will give them a message, justification, Luther, he hung onto it; then come sanctification through Wesley; then the baptism of the Holy Spirit with Pentecost. And I wonder if we didn't get off all on a big tantrum somewhere to build big things and do great things like Balaam had in his mind; great organizations, the--the one to outrun the other one, and this one more, giving gold medals and stars for Sunday school and who could bring in the most members, and take in just anything into the church. I tell you, there's one church there's not a hypocrite in, that's the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's baptized by the Holy Ghost. You're not persuaded in There. You're borned in There. You're sent in there by the Holy Spirit. They found out. The parent found out that He wasn't among them. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 124 Now, in this hour, this great crisis is on, when we know that this nation is shaking... Not only the nation, but the world is shaking. It's at the end time. There is not another thing that I know to happen but the rapture, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's all ready. And we see these gatherings. Oh, get every benefit, this convention coming up, get everything out of it you can get that's of God. If you haven't got the Holy Ghost, just put it in your mind you're not going to leave here until you get It. That's the way to do it. Stay there, 'cause you... This is, might be your last opportunity. There may never be another convention on this west coast. It may be beneath the sea by that time, 'fore another one. So we don't know what could happen, so we... We're looking for the judgments of God to come upon the nation. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 126 Now, may I say this. They thought He was along. But they found out in the crisis that He wasn't. See? He wasn't with them. Now, we find out, that in the time that when this great thing has been brought up, and we find out that we're missing something in our churches, and that is the power of Christ. Now, look, I don't want to criticize. I love you, and genuine, true love always is corrective. Now, we're missing Christ in our church. We're missing Christ amongst our Pentecostal people, our brother and sisters. There's something wrong. The old fashion prayer meetings they used to have all day and night, they don't have them no more. Our
women used to wear long hair; they don't do it anymore. It would be a disgrace for women to paint and use paint back in the early days, and act the way these women do. Something went wrong. Nothing wrong with Christ (See?), but something went wrong. Something is somewhere. The pulpit used to, wouldn't have permitted such a thing as that, but it does now. See? The crisis is on, and we're missing something. We're missing power that we ought to have, where the big machine ought to be running up, and great signs and wonders. Well, this building ought to be setting so full of power of God, now, till a sinner couldn't stay in here; the Holy Spirit condemning it, right quickly like that, like Ananias and Sapphira. And we're missing something. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 130 Now, what happened? They went to look for Him amongst their kinfolks, and they didn't find Him amongst their kinfolks. So where did they find Him? Right back where they left Him. And I think, when our church got on this great organizational spree that we had to, one had to outdo the other, and had to have bigger churches, and better class of people, and better dressed people, and better singers, and stand up there and... I like good singing. I like real good old fashion Pentecostal singing. But I cannot stand that put-on stuff, it just simply don't go with me; hold your breath till you're blue in the face, just to be heard. Now, I believe in singing from your heart in the Spirit of God, like I heard in here awhile ago. See? I like good old fashion shouting, but I think shouting can go on just if the music's going on or not. The Spirit of God upon the people, It brings down the blessings and power of God. I believe men can testify, and sing and praise God at their work, wherever they are. Truly. And now, we're missing something. Where will we find Him? Right where we left Him: in the Word. Let us pray. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 135 Dear heavenly Father, one of these nights we're going to close this Bible the last time; the last song is going to be sung, last sermon preached; the last prayer line will be called; the last sinner will come in. And then what? O dear God, we don't want Your permissive will, Father. Let us walk in Your perfect will. Let us just--just not take a Word here and there, and make It to fit a dogma, or a creed, or something. Let us take the Word as It is, believing the full Gospel, all that Jesus taught for us to do. We do not believe that the acts of the apostles is just the framework. We believe It's the Word of God. It's the acts of Your Holy Spirit in the apostles. And we believe that the same Holy Spirit, Lord, that come
upon them, and the way they acted, It'll do the same thing in us when It comes upon us, if it's the same Spirit. So I pray, dear God, that this convention that we're just on the eve of it to start tomorrow night, I pray, heavenly Father, that it'll be the greatest convention that this city has ever had, because of Your Presence. Bless each speaker; O God, may it be so--so shaking, may the wrath of God be thundered out across the pulpit. May sinners shake and tremble. May the Presence of Jesus Christ come so real to the people, that they can just close their eyes and see Him walking among them. Grant it, Lord. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 137 Now, tonight, just before this happens that we're praying for... Dear God, some of Your children are sick. They've been wounded, and--and they're hurt. And I've come to pray for them. Will You honor what I ask You tonight, Lord, for their sickness? I trust, to You, there won't be a feeble person in this building when the services is over. Your servants all through here, setting out there, shouting, throwing up their hands, and back here on the platform, and saying "amen" to the Word. And, Father, we are one unit of people. We've come out of the world, out of those cold formal conditions, and we've been borned of the Spirit. We're alive tonight. And You said, because You live, we were alive also. And we are trusting, Lord, and believing with all of our heart, according to the Word, that we are represented in Thee. Now, make Thy Words real tonight to heal the sick, as I pray for them, and these others pray. Grant, Lord, it'll be so. And we'll praise Thee for it. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 140 And... [Someone begins to speak in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Thank You, Father God. We feel that, just like one time in the Bible, they was up against a crisis, and the Spirit of the Lord fell upon a man and He told him where to defeat the enemy, where to go. Listen to that. Just correct yourself. See, the Spirit of Life in you, corrects you to the Word. See, if the Word is living in you, It lives Itself right through the Word. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 142 Now, last night I was late. Now, you're such a fine people, I just... Looks like, and as I start getting older, I--I--I just wished I could... I will be with you forever, in another land.
So now we're going to pray for the sick, and now I'm not going to try to bring too many at a time, like I did last night. And now, Billy Paul give out a bunch of prayer cards, I suppose a hundred of them. Did you give a hundred, or two? Two hundred. What was they? C. Who has C-number-1? Raise up your hand, let's see if that's right now. Prayer card, look on your prayer card; it's got a number and a--and a letter on it. C-number-1, raise up your hand. Way up. All right, come down here. Number 2, 3, 4, 5. Now, and, you, somebody get over here and catch them. Now, we want every one of the prayer cards, but we want them lined over on this side. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I see three of them. And have you a prayer card, sir? 4. Now, there be another one? 5, is that the person coming there? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. C-number-1, 2, 3, 4, 5. All right, now just come as you're called, your number. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 145 So last night, I seen them down there, people crowding. We don't want that. This is a church, you know, not an arena. So we--we, you have to keep order. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now, just line them up as they go back. Now, prayer card 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. And somebody will hold up their hand when they got--when they're lined up up there. And we're going to pray for them. How many's going to believe with me now that the Lord Jesus is going to do a great work? I'll do all that I can. Now, 6, 7; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Now, just come around, so they won't all be crowded at once, you know, and around it. That's what the numbers are given to you for, to keep you in order, you know, to keep so it will not be... Then as your number is called, well, you just come then. All right, and now we want to... Now, I want all, everybody, to be real reverent now. And we'll pray on now for about, till we can get these people prayed for. And we don't know what the Lord might do. We don't know what He'll do. But we're expecting Him to do great things. Now, I believe, fifteen, have I got that many over there yet? Billy Paul, where you at? All right. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 151 Now, see, they're already jamming up. So now, I'm going to have, maybe, perhaps some brother to, as when them comes down to the end of the row, let him call the next numbers (You see?), so we won't all have to stand, stand there so long when we're praying for--for the--the sick people. All right. Now, we'll--we'll... I want--want you to... I want to speak to you while they're getting those people so they won't be jammed up together.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 153 Now, no one come until your--your number's called. We called up to fifteen, I believe it was, or twenty, something along there, I'll say up to twenty, and then let's wait. And that'll be enough in there right now, whatever is over there. And now how many cards is there? Raise up your hands. And how many doesn't have cards? Raise up your hands. Now, remember, you don't have to have a prayer card. We've been here two nights, and each night the Holy Spirit has went out over the audience and healed the people, regardless of prayer cards. Is that right? The prayer card only does one thing to you: help you to get in line. That's right. But you have faith, and you watch the Holy Spirit leave the platform right here, and go right out among them audience there. How many knows that to be true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 156 Now, I--I believe, firmly believe, if there was any other church besides the Pentecostal church, that I would--could go with and believe to, I would be with it, if I thought there was anything better. And when you hear me say something about the organizations, and things like that, I'm not against the people. It's because... What if you seen a man that you loved, out in a boat floating right down towards the falls, and know that boat was going to sink with him, and you say, "Well, I love him, but he--he's got his own ways"? No, I couldn't do that. That's not in me. I'd scream, run out and grab him, shake him, jerk him in, or anything else, to get him out of there. See? And I know that that won't float the falls. That's right. It's got to come back to Christ, as certain as anything. It's got to come back to the--to the--God. Now, I--I... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 159 Everybody in here has been in my meetings before, is that right? Hold up your hands if you've been in the meetings. All right. There's not any... Is there any newcomers that never was in one of my meetings before? Hold your hands. Well, what do you... I never... Is this the first time you've been in one of my meetings? Raise your hands again. Well, I--I--I tell you, I... Maybe I better change this thing. [A brother says, "Explain a little bit about your ministry."--Ed.] Well, I--I'd better. Now, you, to you people just come in, I--I'm going... It's going to take me just a little, few minutes longer. Let me explain, because you'll go away with the wrong impression. See?
I believe in every act of God. But I do believe that the Bible promises us in the last days, that there is to be--come again, the church has got to get in the same order it was, that Jesus left it when it went away. See, it's the Bride, it's got to come back to that place. Now, we've come through the great works of God, through justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, restoration of gifts. But in following the line of Abraham... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 164 Now, I'm uneducated, and so I have to use something like John the Baptist. He was uneducated too. He went in the wilderness about nine years old, and he never got an education. So his sermons were more based upon like nature, "O you generation of snakes..." See, that's the worse thing he seen, and the so slimy, and he called them priests snakes. He said, "You generation of snakes, who's warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Don't begin to say, 'We got this, and we belong to this.' God's able of these stones (That's what he seen on the river bank.) to raise up children to Abraham. And also, the axe (That's what he used in the wilderness.) is laid to the root of the tree. And every tree that don't bring forth good fruit is hewn down." That's the kind he burnt, and made firewood out of. You see? But the good trees... He--he just makes his sermons like that. So in this, I want to--to say it in this manner. We're at the end time, the harvest time. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 166 Now, in Abraham's journey, he met God all along in different forms, and so forth, which we could take it and show it just... We are Abraham's Seed, if we're in Christ. And Isaac was really his-his lesser son; he was his son, sexually. But spiritually, Christ was Abraham's Seed, his royal Seed, his faith. Now, we find that his royal Seed is, travels the same journey, that's Bride of Christ travels the same journey that Abraham did. And the last sign that Abraham seen before the promised son came, was when God was manifested in a human body, and two Angels came down. Jesus said in Saint Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, that, "As it was in the days of Noah..." He told about Noah's time. And said, "As it was in the days of Sodom... (See? His coming), so will it be in the days when the Son of man is being revealed." Now, He never said the Son of God being revealed; the Son of man." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 169 Now, Jesus came in three names: Son of man, which is a prophet; Son of God, which went through the church age; then Son of David. But in between the Son of God and Son of David, according
to His Own Word, and according to Malachi 4 and many Scriptures, He's to return back into His church in physical form, in the people, in a--in human beings, in the way of being a prophet. See? And watch what this Man done when He came down to see Abraham. First thing, He told Abraham about his name being changed, because He didn't call him Abram, He called him Abraham. And when He did, why, we find out that--that He said, "Where is thy wife, Sarah?" S-a-r-a-h; not S-a-r-r-a. "Why," he said, "she's in the tent behind You." He said now, she was ninety and Abraham was a hundred, and He said, "Now, I'm going to visit you according to the promise, the time of life." And Sarah on the inside, heard Him, listening through the wall of the tent, and she laughed to herself. And the Angel, Man setting there, said, discerned her spirit in the back behind Him, and said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying about these things?" Well, they called Sarah forth, and she denied it. He said, "But you did do it." She was a-scared. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 175 Now, Jesus said, just before the coming of the Son of God, or the Son of--the second coming, that this age that we live through... He come as Son of man, a prophet, because that fulfills the Scripture. Moses said, "The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like unto me." We all know that was Jesus. Don't we? So He had to come according to the Scripture, a prophet. He never called Himself the Son of God; He called Himself the Son of man. But now He is, through the church age now He's been Son of God. In the millennium He'll be Son of David, setting on David's throne. But between this time, we find out by the Scriptures, He's to reveal Himself again as Son of man, a prophet. 'Cause the Word of the Lord comes to prophets only, never to theologians. It is to prophets. And the Lord said He did nothing, in His unchanging Word we just talked about, until first He shows His prophets. And the end time, them seven seals that this Bible has sealed up, the sevenfold mysteries of all of Christ, has to be revealed first, and it can only be brought to a prophet. We've been looking for that for years, and we believe that His Spirit is among us now, so we find. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 179 Now, watch when Jesus come, watch what He did to prove Himself to be that Messiah, that Anointed One. One day, after He had received... The Father had came down and dwelt in Him in the
form of a dove coming down from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am pleased to dwell in." That's the reason He said, "I and My Father are One. My Father dwelleth in Me. It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." John bear record, seeing that Spirit of God, like a dove, descending. A Voice coming from It, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell." See, and He dwelt in Him. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 182 Now, watch when His ministry started; He had to act Son of man now. Now, watch what He did. There come up a man by the name of Simon Peter. His name was Simon then, later called Peter. Andrew had been attending the meeting of John; and then when Jesus come, and John had introduced Him, he saw Him. And Andrew asked his brother, Simon, to come to the meeting with him. And they had been told by their father, as it's said that, "There would come a time, before the real Messiah would come, that there'd be many false Messiahs raise up." There's always that way. He said, "But, sons, remember, the real Messiah, you will know Him because He'll be according to the Scripture. He will be a prophet. Now, we haven't had a prophet for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years since Malachi. But there'll be many people make claims, which we know there was--there was a Jesus raised up and carried out a bunch, and so forth. But this real Messiah will be a prophet." And all Hebrews are taught to believe what the prophets says are the truth. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 184 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Right then that uneducated fisherman, who we're told didn't have enough education to write his name, the Bible said he was both ignorant and unlearned, he recognized that to be the Son of God. He recognized that to be the Messiah, because there was a prophet. There was the One Who told him who his name was, and told him what his father's name was. Then he knowed that had to be a prophet, 'cause the Man didn't know him. And he was given the keys to the Kingdom. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 185 And we find there was some standing there listening at that, and one by the name of Philip, who had a--was having Bible studies with a friend, by the name of Nathanael, looking for the Messiah. So he runs around the mountain, about a day's journey, and comes back. And he finds this Nathanael over there under a--a fig tree, pray--praying. And he said, "Come, see Who we found, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph." So Nathanael being--or Philip or...
Nathanael, rather, being a good man, he said, "Now, could any good thing come out of Nazareth?" He said, "Well," he said, "just come and see." Now, that's good advise. Come, see for yourself. Don't stay home and criticize. Come, find out. "Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life." Jesus said, "They are They that testify of Me." So on the road back, no doubt they had a little talk. He told him, said, "You know that fisherman that couldn't sign that ticket for them fish you got that day? He told him. You know his father was up there in the church; his name was Jonas. You remember? So He--He--He told him who he was." "Oh, I'll have to see that." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 189 So when he walked up in the--maybe he was in the prayer line where Jesus was. I don't know. He had walked up in Jesus' Presence. Jesus looked at him and said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there's no guile." Now, the first place, you say, "How'd He know he was an Israelite? Well, because he was dressed?" No, no. All easterners wear those turbans. They dress alike. And said, "An Israelite..." And He said, "There's no guile." He could've been a crook or anything, then he'd have been exposed. He said, "In which there's no guile..." And so that kind of took the starch out of Nathanael, so he said, "Rabbi, when did You ever know me? Why, I--I--I don't get this. When did You ever know me? I never met You. I just was brought up here by Philip. When did You ever know it?" He said, "Before you were under the fig tree, while you were there praying, I saw you." He said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God. Thou art the King of Israel." Jesus said, "Because I told you this, you believed? Then you'll see greater than this." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 197 Now, there was those standing there. Now, let me give you a little warning. There was those standing there, rabbis and priests, and they said, "This man does this by Beelzebub." And Jesus turned and said, "I'll forgive you for that," for the atonement wasn't yet made, "but someday the Holy Ghost will come and do the same thing," He said, "and to speak one word against That, it'll never be forgiven you in this world nor the world to come."
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 199 On to the woman at the well, the Samaritans... Now, there was three races of people on earth. We might be black, brown, yellow, whatever we are, but we come from one blood. And there's three races, which come from Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people; that's Jew, Gentile, and Samaritan, half Jew and Gentile. Now, we Gentiles, Anglo-Saxons, we were heathen, worshipping idols. We wasn't looking for no Messiah. So when Jesus manifested Himself as Son of man... Now, listen close, and I'll close. When Jesus came, He was duty bound to represent what the prophet said He would be, so there before Israel He represented Himself before Peter and Nathanael and those there as Son of man. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 202 Now, He has need go by Samaria. And He goes up to Samaria, and there He found a woman setting at the well. We know the story, and as she--they talked together. She come to get water. He said, "Bring Me a drink." And she said, "Now, there's segregation here, and we can't have this. And I'm a woman of Samaria, and You're a Jew. We don't have..." He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink." She said, "Why, the well's deep; what You going to draw with?" And the conversation went on till He contacted her spirit. And when He contacted her spirit, He found what her trouble was. How many knows that? Now, how many of you newcomers knows that the truth? That's right; that was true. And what did He say? "Go get your husband and come here." She said, "I have no husband." And He said, "Thou has said well. For you've had five husbands, and the one you're living with now is not your husband." She turned. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 208 Now, she wasn't like them priests, said, "He's got a devil. He's a fortuneteller or something."
She turned, and she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Now, we haven't had one for four hundred years. The church hasn't been used to such as this. But we perceive, I perceive that You are a prophet. Now, I know that we're looking for the Messiah. And when the Messiah comes, that's the thing that He'll do." Now, the Bible said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. If that was the anointed sign of Messiah back there to the Samaritan and to the Jew... Now, it never was done before Gentiles. Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus ever do it before Gentiles. They had four thousand years of looking for a Messiah; we've had two thousand years with their training also, to look for a Messiah. Now, if that was His identification just before their day was finished, it's got to be our identification; because He promised the Son of man would reveal Himself again in the day that the world become like Sodom again. And anybody knows we're there. See? DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 212 Now, I believe that Jesus Christ keeps every Word. All Scripture is inspired. I don't believe we have one right, and will be condemned for it, if we add one word to It or take one Word from It. Revelations 22 says so. I believe He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I certainly honor the Lutheran for their stand in their day, the Methodists for sanctification in their day, and the Pentecostal for their stand in their day; but we're living in another day. We're living when there's been stalk, tassel, shuck, almost like the wheat, but the wheat's inside the shuck. The shuck has just supported the wheat, kept the hot sun from burning it. And now the denomination is pulling away from it, so It can lay in the Presence of the Son to get ripe. So we are--we're in... There won't be no more organizations rise up. This is the end of it. We've had, always about three years, when a message starts, they organize it. This has been going on for nearly twenty years and no organization. It can't. We're in a wheat time, a harvest time. I can hear the great combine coming. We're going home one day. Right. "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 215 Now, I am not He, but I am His servant. I do not believe that you lay hands on people and give them gifts. Gifts and callings are without repentance. They are predestinated of God, to meet the age and the time of that age. Any Bible student knows that's the truth. Moses was born just in time, Jeremiah, in time, all the rest of them, John the Baptist, in time. Jesus was in time, and we're in time. This is what is supposed to happen.
Now, I claim that He is alive today, and His Spirit... After the church ages, we're in the Laodicean church age, the last call, and the worst of all of them, 'cause He was put out of the church. Remember, Son of man, and He was put out of the church; not an organization out of an organization, but a Person out of an organization. See? None of the other church ages had that, just the Laodicea. If you're spiritual, you'll understand. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 217 Our heavenly Father, now I have testified truly of You. Now, if this be true, which I know it is, Lord, I believe it true, You testify that I've told the truth. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. I'm going to ask something just a moment. I wasn't going to have any discernments in the line, because I thought all of you had just been in my ministry. But for these people that's here, let the-some of you people out there go to praying, and let just someone in the line or something. And now, if Jesus Christ will take this human being... Now, it won't--won't work without you. You're the one who does it. Now, listen, a woman touched His garment one day, and He turned around, said, "Who touched Me?" They all said, "Why, You seem..." Or as Peter said, "Why, the whole crowd is touching You." He said, "But I perceive that I've gotten weak, or virtue's gone from Me." "Virtue" is "strength." And said, "I perceive that I have--I have gotten weak." And so He looked around upon the woman until He found her, and told her about her blood issue, and that she... He said, "Thy faith has saved thee." All right. Now, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the New Testament, the book of Hebrews, said that right now He is the High Priest making intercessions for you, that can be touched by the feeling of your infirmity. Now, here, is that--is that one of the patients here, sir? Come. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 224 Now, for the audience. I do this not for a show, friends. Now, stop thinking that. Remember, I get your thoughts. How many knows that's true and sees it? Here is a woman that I--I've never seen. I don't know one thing about the woman. We're probably born miles apart and years apart, and here we stand here tonight. We're strangers to each other. I don't know you. Now, I have no idea. Here, here's a--here's Saint John 4 again, a--a man meets a woman. Now, I'm not Jesus and she's not that woman. But here's just similar. And He said, "The works that I do shall you do also." Now, I don't know. It takes this woman's faith to do it. I don't know nothing about
her. But now, if I have told that which is truth, then God's obligated to make the--say this is right. Now, not knowing you, if God of heaven, and I have told the truth... Do you believe that what I said about that is the Truth? You accept that to be true? You believe that? I wouldn't stand here before this Holy Bible and try to mislead someone, a man of my age, and know I've got to meet God yonder at the judgment bar. We've got to stand there someday. We know that. Now, if God can reveal to me, something in your life, that you know that I don't know nothing about, 'cause I don't know you. If anything, it would have to be something in your life I would know nothing about, have to be come from a supernatural power. And then it'd be up to you, what you thought the power was. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 228 Now to you newcomers. Now, I hold my hand. Now, please don't walk around right now, 'cause (See?) you're each a spirit. When I turn, you just feel like a--a pull from everywhere. See, you're-you're human beings and got spirits. And you are a spirit. If you're not, you're dead. So you just respect, just for a moment. And you men here, pray. I wasn't expecting this, never come for this tonight at all. I come just to pray for the sick. But that's the newcomers. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 230 Now, you believe that? If the Lord can tell me what your trouble is, or what you're here for, something you have done, or ought to have done, or--or something else, then you will believe? All right. I'm trying to contact your spirit. You see? That's what I'm trying to do. Like He did the woman at the well, He talked to her a little bit. See? He was asking for a drink. And that's what I'm trying to do, is get your mind, not reading your mind; but trying to as He did, perceive your thoughts. You're here for a stomach condition. You got a stomach trouble. That's right. Raise your hand if that's true. You believe now? Not only that, but you're hungering for something else. You want the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Wave your hand if that's true. See? I seen that Light move down on her, and then move back. See? Go and receive the Holy Ghost, sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 232 Do you believe now, newcomer? Now, you say... Now, here (See?) when that anointing once gets started, then here It goes. See, just as soon as the woman standing, there she is, she's right now... She recognizes there's Something around her.
How many ever seen the picture of that Pillar of Fire, that Light there? At Washington, D.C... See? Now, I wish... It's another dimension like. I'm looking right at It. There It hangs right here by the woman. I'm looking right at It. Now, I'm a total stranger to this woman. I don't know her. And I doubt very much whether she knows me, only just by being out in the meeting. That's all. But if God can tell me something about you, or something like just awhile ago, would you believe me to be His prophet, His servant? You'd believe that with all your heart? Well, may He grant it. You are--you're facing an operation, and that operation is about your hand. There's no places on them, but it's a nerve condition in your hand. That was caused by an accident, and you're supposed to be operated on. You believe, and you won't have to be operated on if you'll just believe with all your heart. Amen. You believe, and you'll get well. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 236 Just--just have--just have faith now. Just don't doubt. Just believe. Now, here, let this one more woman, 'cause this woman is in a critical condition. You see that black shadow? How many ever seen the picture taken of the black shadow of death? It's hanging over the woman right now. If God don't help her, she can't live. She has a tumor. And the tumor's in the brain. Dear God, if You're presence, so close now, that knows all these things, I pray, dear God, that You'll heal our sister. Let her live, Father, for Your glory. I ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 238 How do you do? You're a mighty nice person. If mother had lived, she'd have been about your age, I suppose. She's in glory tonight. She'd always pray for me when I went to meeting. I said to the Lord... Ma'am? ["I'm eighty-five."--Ed.] Eighty-five years old... Bless your heart, sister. Now, I am a total stranger to you, I suppose. We're years difference in our age. And I don't know you. I've never seen you. We're just two people met here on earth, but you are a Christian. You're a believer. 'Cause the reason I know that, is the feeling of your spirit. You're--you've welcomed me. See? And I do believe it to be the Holy Spirit, 'cause It gives the works and actions of the Holy Spirit. See? And I know It's Him. I know this thing that we speak of is true. Now, I know it's the truth. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 240 Now, I don't know what would be wrong. But if the Lord Jesus would reveal to me what would be wrong with you, would--you would know whether it was right or not, or tell me something that you've done, or ought not have done. You'd believe it was that same Lord Jesus, same God that could tell Philip where he was, tell Simon what His name was? Do you believe Him to be the same One?
Your trouble is a bowel trouble. That's exact. Isn't that right? You believe me now to be His prophet? Your name is Mrs. Bayer, Mrs. Bayer; Bayer, like Bayer aspirin. That's right. You're healed. Go on, Jesus Christ make you well. God bless you. You believe with all your heart? Now, if you just have faith, don't doubt... DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 243 Now, you're really not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else. It's a man, and he's not here, a brother. That brother is in a mental institution. Take that handkerchief you got in your hand, while the Spirit is on you; send it to him. Put it on him; don't doubt; he'll come out of the institution and be well. Do you believe it? God bless you. You say that... "You said that Angel in the last day there He had His back turned. Are you look..." I won't look at this woman. I turn my back. Now, lady, the one that's the patient, can you hear me, say, "yes." If the Lord Jesus will reveal to me what's your trouble, when I'm looking this way, you'll know whether it's the truth or not. Is that right? You believe then it's to fulfill what Jesus said, "It would be done in the last days, as it was in the days of Sodom"? Will you believe it? You have a lady's disorder, a female trouble. Believe with all your heart now; it'll leave and you can go home, be well. God bless you. "If thou canst believe..." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 246 You believe God will heal that heart trouble? Well, just keep on walking, saying, "Thank You, Lord." Believe and you won't...?... Get up of a morning, you can hardly move. Arthritis is a bad thing, but Jesus Christ is the Healer of arthritis. You believe that? When you step off of a curb, sideways, going down... I see you doing that. You won't have to do that no more, if you'll believe. You believe that I was sent for this purpose? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, may it leave her. You got stomach trouble. You believe God will let you go home, eat your supper, feel good about it? Go on your road; eat your supper; believe and you'll feel fine. You have a weakness comes over you (That's right.), because your heart's bad. That's right. You don't have it no more now. Go, believe it. What if I didn't say one word to you, and just laid hands on you, would you believe me too--that you'd get well? Come here.
Dear heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal the woman and make her well, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 252 How many people here believe, how many of you newcomers, all you people? Just think, and I can't hardly see the people coming now. Just remember, one vision caused the Lord Jesus to get weak. How many knows that? One woman touched Him. Daniel saw a vision and was troubled at his mind, his head, for several days. How many knows that? See? All right. Now, how many of you people believe that, that this is the Holy Spirit? Do you believe it with all your... Not me now, the Holy Spirit. Now, here's men setting here that believe that too. Now, some, now some more of you people that's got them prayer cards, I want everybody that's going to be in this prayer line, stand up to your feet just a moment. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 256 Now, look, I want to ask you a solemn question. Have you confessed all your sins that is there? You believe? Have you confessed, and you--you believe that you're going to be healed? You've confessed all your sins and made all the wrongs right? Raise up your hands, if you have, before God, you believe that. And now, with your hands up also, do you believe it takes the Holy Spirit, and this is the Holy Spirit that's just a vindicating Himself among you? You believe that with all your heart? You do? Then every one of you can be healed. Now, do you have faith and confidence in these ministers setting here? Do you believe them men too? How about let's pray for you, each one, and then let you come by and lay hands on you. This makes me so weak, that I just go on like that, it just--it just gets me. And I just--I'm going to South Africa after this. For, oh, my, you know how it is down there where you can't even talk to the people, and there'd be... We're at least expecting three hundred thousand, one single meeting. So you just believe. You're here in America; you've seen It in and out. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427
262 Dear God, these people are needy. And I don't know nothing else that You could do, Father, to prove to them by Your Word, that You're the unchanging God. I believe that we have seen so many great things, Lord, and ate from Your table, with such dainty, wonderful eternal Food of Life, till we become--it become too accustomed to It. It--it becomes a common thing. We're not, we don't approach It right, Lord, when we see... Even I think of myself standing here, I should be on my knees, knowing that right here that Spirit that raised Him up from the dead is standing right here. The Spirit was on Him when He was living here on earth is right here now. And we, poor unworthy sinners, through His grace and mercy He bought our lives. And here we are, today, carrying on His work, as He said that we would carry on His work. "The works that I do shall you do also." Promising these things and proving them, here in this world, Lord, I am so grateful to You, that I could be counted a part of the people of Yours in this last day. Dear God, these people are standing. They're sick, Father. I have no way of healing them. And neither do You now; You've already healed them. You were wounded for our transgressions, with Your stripes we were healed. So, Father, I pray that each one of them passing through here, when we're going to pray for them, that they'll come like they were walking under the cross. For they know, beyond a shadow of doubt, the a-vindicated Holy Spirit is here on the platform. The Christ of God is right in the meeting. Forgive every sin. Take away every unbelief. And may each of them be healed as they pass through this line. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 264 [A brother says, "Brother Branham, if we can have everyone sit, and take one section at a time, that way then they won't crowd."--Ed.] Yeah. All right. Now, I want to ask something. Will you, my brethren, stand here with me? You see, here's one thing about it. Many evangelists goes into a city, and they do all the praying for the sick, and all the rest of it. And when the congregation, when it's gone, the--the--the people's only built around the evangelist. See? That isn't so, people. These men, I doubt anyone in this age... I know it, there's a lot of impersonation, but I won't say what I was going to. But these men might not do that, that's true, and I very much doubt it. But they're just as ordained of God to lay hands on the sick, as I or anybody else. God's just as much to answer their prayer, as He would be to any prayer there is. Jesus has commissioned, "These signs," didn't say will follow William Branham, Oral Roberts, so forth, "it'll follow them that believe." And these men are filled with God's Spirit. They're baptized people, with the same Holy Spirit. That Spirit was here doing that work just a few moments ago, He's still here. He's on each one of these men (See?), and they're all filled with It. So I'm going to ask them to make a double line along here on the sides of this row here, if they will, so that they can lay their hands upon the sick too, as they pass through.
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 268 And they want those who have prayer cards to stand, prayer cards only, to stand out in the aisle. And the rest of you pray, just a few minutes now. Stand, on each section, just stand right out to your left of your section. Stand out, to your section, and then they'll just call you. When you see this line up here ending, let this line walk right into it. When this line ends, let this one walk into it. And when you come by, now, remember, you'll just be taking a walk unless you're believing. How many of you know, you just feel in your heart, that you've prayed through about this, and you're going to be healed as soon as you pass through this line? Raise up your hand, say, "I accept it, Christ, right now, just because You commissioned these things." DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 270 Now, I pray for every one of you. We're going to pray. I'm going to ask Sister Rose or ever who's at the organ over there, Sister Rose, will you please play "The Great Physician Now, Is Near," for us. And let the people, all the other people, be in prayer. And as they pass through this prayer line, I believe every one is going to be healed. God bless you. The rest of you now keep your head down, and be praying for others. Be real sincere. See, that's how that little Baptist preacher got the Holy Ghost the other night. He was thinking about it, just setting there, real sincere, and It fell upon the whole group of them. You got to be sincere with God. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 272 Now, He's proved He's here with you. He is here. Now, when anybody tells you that this is just a bunch of excitement, you know better now, don't you, you newcomers? He vindicated Himself; it's Him. And no one else could do that. This hasn't been done for--since the days of the apostles. It's just now come back to the church, as was promised. The Lord bless you now. Now, you people, as you pass through this line, come, praying. Everybody now, "The--the great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Now, when you come, come with your heads down, in reverence. Pass by, and these men lay hands on you, you'll be healed. ... -est note in seraph... ...?... but it's all right tomorrow night... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... these things, but just a simple thing of obeying what God said do. I've seen it happen so many times. You see, the Scripture didn't even command us to pray for the people; It just said, "Lay hands on the sick; they shall recover."
DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 275 Just recently, oh, it's... I don't say recently. The case was in my mind now. It's been about three or four years ago, or more. We was right here in California. Two women came by there, one of them had a--a--a growth on her face, and the other one had a stomach trouble. And they believed it just so. I laid hands upon them and said, "Now, I do this in the Name of the Lord Jesus." It was almost a month later. That lady was trying to eat with that stomach trouble, she just couldn't do it. One morning, "a real cool feeling went over her," she said, and she went to eat. And she run down to tell her neighbor, and her neighbor was shaking the sheets, like that, trying to find the growth that had left her face that night. See, just believe, friends. If He does that for one, He'll do it for all. And it's just a simple thing of laying on of hands. And that's what He said do. We don't know how it works. I don't know how it works. It's just His promise. He said it would do it. And I've found tens of thousands around the world; they just get well. God promised to do it, and it's His promise. See, we just believe that. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 278 Now, we're all coming over here. You that couldn't get up, move right up close, and we're coming over to pray for you. Now, I want each one of you men to go right along here, laying your hands in here, if you will, right along there. And I want to stand here and pray, and then come lay my hands on them too. All right, get right in here. You all move right up close, so everybody can reach them now. Dear God, in Jesus Christ's Name, we're praying for these people, some of them are afflicted, crippled. There them hands of those ministers, Lord, are going back and forth from one to the other. I pray that You'll heal each one of them, Lord. Let the Holy Ghost come upon them people, each of them, Father. And may the great power of God overshadow them just now, and may they go home and be well, knowing this, that Jesus said, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You promised it, dear God. We are believing it. We are believing it, because You said so, and we know that it's so, so shall these people be well. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bless them all. Amen. DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 280 God bless you. [Brother Branham and ministers lay hands on the sick. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... my heart accept healing for every one of you. I believe that. Will you believe it with me, each one of you now? That's all. I told you the truth, just as far as I know it. I love you, and God bless you. And I--I believe with all my heart, you're going to be well. And may my blessings be with each one of you now. May God watch over you and protect you. You're in my prayers. Will you pray for me while I'm in Africa like that? I--I--I love you. And I'll see you tomorrow night.
SEED SHALL NOT BE HEIR LOS ANGELES CA 65-0429B V-18 N-5 SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 1 Thank you very much, Brother Demos. And now, we're happy to be here this morning and hear all these fine testimonies from these fine people; and now, we trust that God will continue to be with us and bless us. Now, tonight I understand that I'm to speak tonight, the Lord willing. And I asked Brother Shakarian just a few moments ago; I said, "Now, don't feel embarrassed. I know we have to get out of here at eleven o'clock, and I--I just lose all sense of time when I get up here." It looks like all the rest of us do. We feel... They say, "Two minutes, three minutes, or..." Brother Smith, you know, that's hard to do in two or three minutes. And I know how it is, and I feel sorry for each one. But we're in a time age where we are. We're going to eternity, but we're now in time. And I said, "Brother Demos, just a little before time, don't feel embarrassed, just pull me on the coat and I'll know it's time to stop." Now, if I don't get finished, I'll finish tonight. So if I do, well, I have a new text for tonight. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 5 Now, just before we open the Book, let us speak to the Author, with our heads bowed. Dear heavenly Father, we thank Thee this morning for this gathering, for what we've already heard. If we should just pass the benediction now, Lord, we'd feel that it'd been good to be here. So I pray that You'll continue, if it's good in Your sight, and continue to be with us and help us. And now, we gather ourselves around the Word. As we have gathered around the fellowship of each other, hearing the testimonies of what You have done for us, now let us go back in the Word and find where all this comes from. Then that will be a confirmation of what we're feeling and seeing taking place today. Grant these things in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 7 Now, as--as His servant, I--I'm obligated to a Message. And I've sometimes been very much misunderstood in times past, and perhaps will always. But I don't say things sometimes to be--to be
different; I say them to be honest. And I like to say what I think is right. Everybody has a--a right to those things to express his own opinion. That's why I'm among you. And Brother Shakarian, speaking about the prayer cards in the prayer lines, of seeing what the Holy Spirit... Now, he didn't say that about me. That's about the Holy Spirit, because I couldn't do those things. Anyone knows that; I couldn't do that. But that's the minor side, what you see here. You should be out in other place, and watch how He foretells things. And I... Things that will happen is... These are just... You--you're the one who does that. You're the one who believes God. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 9 And--and--and then if you don't believe God, remember, He tells you so right here at the platform. And if you're in sin, He tells you so. And the things that you've done, and ought not have done, He tells you so. It just isn't only what they put on they prayer card. They could put on their prayer card... They wouldn't say on there they was a sinner, and this woman was living with the wrong husband, or so forth. And they won't put that on a prayer card, but the Holy Spirit gets that anyhow. See, see? And so it's then in out how the--the supernatural part, friends. And I say this honorably. 'Cause there is not many of us here this morning, just a small group. It amazes me, till it makes me so nervous; I just feel like screaming sometimes. And when I set down to a spot on the mountainside, where I spend a great deal of time there receiving from God, come down and give out to the people what He gave to me... And I--I don't want to be different from people. But yet, to be honest I've got to be honest with God (See?), to--to a Message. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 11 And now we're, the Lord willing, we're fixing to leave right away for an overseas tour just in a few days, and if that be the will of the Lord. I certainly solicit your prayers. You're so nice; I get to talking; I just forget all about time, like the rest of us. But to Brother Shakarian, these fine ministers here at the platform, and out there, all you friends to Jesus Christ, I salute you in His Name, as a--a fellow kinsman with you, by the cross, to God, being brothers and sisters. I want to turn this morning in the Scripture, over in the Book of Galatians, the Lord willing. I wish to read a Scripture. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 14 Now, last night, hearing the message that went forth from our ministering brother here at the platform, he spoke in tongues. Bredesen, Brother Bredesen, a very fine man, I...
To see this with my illiteracy and education, my lack of understanding by words, and then knowing the Message to be true, and see such men as was on that panel the other night, standing there with, that can meet that intellectual type... They might not be able to do what the Lord's called me to do. I can't do what the Lord's called them to do. But us working together, I'm sure we can get the Message over, if we'll just stay before God. And when he gave a--a testimony here last night, and the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues, and someone out in the audience, I always know to reverence that. 'Cause I understand by the Bible, that's the Spirit of God bringing something to us. And he said--it spoke of the latter rain, the former rain and latter rain. And that brings me to a thought, that... SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 17 Brother Bonham had just give me a little package with some checks on it, said, "This is a love offering for the--from the people." Now, he--he--they should not have done that. See, I didn't come here for that purpose. But I... He... They give it to me, and of course, the--the... There's no way of giving it back. And I'm going to take it, if the Lord willing, and try to put it on my expenses, going overseas. Because I'm not sponsored, no means, where I'm going. It's kind of a secret, because the churches won't let me in. And I'm going in as a hunter, because it's on my Lord. The Lord has put it on my heart to do it, and I have to go in kind of under disguisement. See? So they have a little funny ideas there, that each one wants me to sign a card, that I'll agree with them on what they believe, and say this other group is wrong, and this group says they'll bring me in if I'll say this group is wrong." See? But I don't like that. See, we are... I've always tried to stand between the people, outside of the organizations and their differences, and call to what it seemed like the Spirit of God was saying through the brethren here this morning, that we are not a denomination. We are children of a family. Now, there's not no Branham denomination. There's a Branham family, and we all don't join that family; we're borned in that family. And so, I, that's what I'm trying to represent, the--the best that I know how. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 20 Now, in Galatians 4:27-31, I believe I have marked down here, I'd like to read this for a text. For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate has more children than she that has an husband. Now, we, brethren, as Isaac was, of the children of the promise.
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so is it now. Nevertheless what saith the Scripture? Cast out the bondswoman and her son: for the son of the bondswoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondswoman, but of the free. May the Lord add His blessings now to His precious Word. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 21 I have a few, last night jotting down a few things; and it used to be, when I just had one meeting a week, somewhere, I--I could remember those Scriptures just as plain in my mind. But now after I've... Now, as I say a little jokey way, I don't mean to be joking here at this platform. But after passing twenty-five the second time, I--I don't remember like I used to. There's a lot of... There's a lot of miles on--in this old ford, and so I don't remember it. But as long as I can move, I want to give every move to the glory of Him Who saved me. Now, I, seeing then this morning, watching... Maybe this seems strange, and maybe to an intellectual mind it might be altogether mixed up, but it's complimentary to the thing that I'm called for. Even every little thing is a sign to me. I watch it, see how it moves. That's how I get my message sometime is to watch and see the way the Spirit moves, and see what this one says, that one says. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 23 And you've noticed me, many times, before a healing service, standing there on the platform, or setting back, watching. I'm feeling the Spirit, way It's a moving, and already know what's the matter with that person setting there. See? See it over, and over here (See?), you catch It even before you go to the platform. Sometimes before I come to the meeting, sometimes before even coming over here like to California, I've set down with those who with me, say, "There'll be a certain thing happen; this will take place here, and this will be down here; it'll go over this way." See, because it's in the Spirit of God. He is the... He knowed all things from the beginning (See?), and so He is the eternal One. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 25 And then noticing this morning Brother Jewel Rose, a very precious friend and brother to all of us, how that he got up and read that Psalms. Look how that dovetailed in, like he said, "I want to see what kind of a seed that's hanging on you." Last night, the Spirit spoke and said, and about, "The latter rain,
former and latter rain, both being poured out in the last days." And this morning, "The seed that's hanging on you." See, the Spirit speaking, watch how It did through these ministers and so forth this morning. So therefore, I'm taking this subject: "The Seed Shall Not Be Heir With The Shuck." That's a very strange text, but, "The Seed Shall Not Be Heir With The Shuck." And from taking-drawing my conclusions of this, or my text, rather, from Galatians 4:27 and 3, Paul here of course is speaking of the literal seed of Abraham's two sons. Now this, I want to use this so that you'll be sure not to miss it. And if I go overtime, I'll pick it up tonight. And I want to teach just like a Sunday school lesson, so that you'll, I believe, we'll have a better understanding. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 27 And I... and some of you men who are--are more capable of doing this than I am, why, I'm not a theologian by no means. And so if you disagree with me on this, just be like I did last night when some dear sister here baked me a cherry pie. Setting on my--my--in my hotel room this morning, I--I hit a seed, but I'm still eating pie. I just laid the seed out. You see? So that's... What you don't believe about it, just lay aside (See?), and just continue eat what you think is right. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 28 Now, Paul is speaking of Abraham's two sons, which one of them was by Sarah and the other was by Hagar. Now, we find out here, and we understand that through the Scriptures, that God is represented never in twos. It's in three (See?); always in three God is perfected. The mathematics of the Bible runs perfect. God is perfected in threes, worshipped in sevens, and so forth. See? So we--we find that the mathematics of the Bible never fails. And we got here two sons of Abraham, and yet we can only be heirs as long as we are one of those sons, or some son of Abraham. "For we being dead in Christ, then we become Abraham's seeds, and are heirs with Him according to the promise," therefore, Abraham must have another Son. Now, we know that his first son was by Hagar, and we find out his second son was by--was by Sarah. But he had a third Son, which was Jesus. Now, that may seem strange, but that's what we're going to try to break down. As I said, God represents Himself always in perfection in three. And I've made myself clear before all now, and especially to our theolo--theologians, that these things are just the way I see it, the way it comes to me. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B
32 Like in the beginning God, God dwelt alone, because He was the eternal One (See?), wasn't even God. God's a object of worship. And the Logos, as we call It, the Word that went out of God that, anyone knows that That was the Angel of the Lord, or the Word of the Lord, that followed the Israelites through the wilderness: the Angel of the Covenant, the Logos that went out of God. And then that Logos was made flesh and dwelled among us. Now, we're in Saint John 1, "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And now, as He gave His life for us, then His Spirit comes back upon us. Jesus said, "At that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me." See, it's God all along, God manifesting Himself, working Himself through different ages. So those three of, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, same God working in three attributes... And we today are one, the church itself, an attribute of God's thinking before the foundation of the world to have a--a church. So those which are in Christ was in Christ at the beginning; that was His thoughts, and His thoughts is His attributes. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 34 Here the seed starts in the promise in Abraham here slightly doubted, by Ishmael. And I want to show you the three stages of these--of this seed that we're going to speak of, which is not heir with the shuck. Now, we find that in the beginning here that God gave Abraham the promise. He gave Adam the promise first. And that was on--the covenant was on conditions. "If you won't do this. if you will do this." But when He gave it to Abraham, it was unconditional, "I have already done it." He never... What He did, it was unconditional, He gave to Abraham. Now, and through that, Abraham having the promise; therefore, we have to be Abraham's seed. "It was not only to Abraham, but to his Seed after him." Now, if you'll notice, it wasn't "seeds" after him, but "Seed" after him. Now, we find out that the promise, being slightly doubted by Sarah, and Sarah told Abraham to take this Hagar, the Egyptian young woman for wife, and that would be the way that God would raise up this promised seed... SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 38 Now, you see, from as I said last night, any move from that original plan of God throws the whole thing out of cater. We can't move from that original Word. It's got... We talked on it last evening, or evening before last, rather, on Balaam. He got God's answer straight and clear, "Don't go." But He has a permissive will. And you can work in that if you wish to, and God will make it honoring, but still it's not God's perfect will. And that's what we should strive for: His perfect will, not His permissive will. The
Kingdom of God, which He--is in the earth today, will--can never be set up justly on a permissive will. It's got to come back to His perfect will. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 39 Now, we see here that Sarah, after God had told Abraham that the child would be born through Sarah, that would bless the world, now Sarah doubted it. And I want you to notice; it never come by Abraham, but by Sarah, the female. And she doubted it, and she said, "Take Hagar." And Abraham didn't want to do that, but God told him to go ahead and do it anyhow. So he did it, slightly doubted. Now, Isaac, being the free and from the promised woman, could not be heir with Ishmael, the bondswoman, in doubt. That's what Paul was trying to say here. See, where one thing is doubted, and it brings down a certain thing of God, a certain order of God, but it won't be heir with the original order of God. You understand? See, it can't be heir. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 41 Now, that's why I am so strongly today. And I thought this would be a good time, because I don't know how much longer we'll be together, and maybe I could, some way God would help me to show you the reason that I so firmly denounce organized religion. See, see? It cannot be heir with the original program of God, because organization is not of God. It's of men. The first church was ever organized in all the world was the Roman Catholic church at Nicaea, Rome. And Revelations 17 said she was a whore, and all of her children were harlots. And a whore is a woman who doesn't live true to her husband, and a harlot is the same thing. But you see, it become a church anyhow; it's an organized system, and it separates brotherhood. We tried to organize all the churches together. It won't work; never did work. It will never work. The World Council of Churches, they're just... They're out of the program of God. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 42 Now, you say, "Who are you, a fellow standing up there with not even a grammar school education?" That don't make any difference what the education is. It's not my education I'm trying to talk about. It's the Word of God I'm speaking about. See? And these vindications that you see in the ministry, it isn't me; it's God trying to get that to you, that it's the truth. Would God have anything to do with a lie? Then far be it from me, serving a God that would bless a lie. It's the Truth that He blesses, the Truth that He honor. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B
44 Now, Ishmael could not be heir with Isaac, because one was slightly doubted, just slightly doubted. It was a child; it was still the seed of Abraham, but not God's perfect way for it: Ishmael. Now, I could just spend much time here, but I'm hoping the Holy Spirit will convey this to you in the real way that it should be. Now, if they... If Ishmael and Isaac could not be heir together because the original plan of God was substituted into a--a permissive plan of God, a permissive way that God did bless, neither can the spiritual church today be heir with the denominational. The denominationals, God blessed them like He did Ishmael; but the spiritual will not be heir with the others. That's right. There will be, coming out of the church denomination (church so-called, church natural), will come a Bride of Christ, the elected. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 46 Now, there, what troubles me at this hour is knowing that we see all these denominations pulling into this what we know to be the--what you call the latter rain, or the pouring out of the Spirit. Do you realize that Jesus said that when that come to pass, it would be the end? When the foolish virgin and the wise virgin was not heirs together... For when... The foolish virgin, she was a virgin, just lacking Oil. But when she come to buy Oil, it was at that time that the Bridegroom came. And she was left out, while she was trying to buy Oil. You understand? I want that to soak in real good. Now, surely I won't have to move that subject any further. Now, neither can the spiritual and the natural be heirs together. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 47 That's why the rapture, the Bride, the wise virgin, the called-out, the foreordained, the elected... Why, you business men wouldn't run your office like some people try to think that God runs His program: haphazard. God knew before the foundation of the world who would be saved and who would not be saved. By predestination, by foreknowledge He saw every member, put every name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the church ever began. Jesus come to seek and save that which was on that Book. He bought the Book of Redemption. It was lost, and He redeemed us, and all names was on that Book was redeemed when He redeemed us. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 48 Then, as I have said many times, you recognize that. That's why you're here this morning, why you're coming up out of all these organizations and things. You're... There's Something pulling you. As my little thought was about the eagle hatched under the hen (See?), you--you realize there's something different. The--the church didn't have a--a satisfying something. But you--you heard something else that was a scream; you realized that--that you were born for that. You're a part of it. You--you fit into it like a
glove on a hand. And that's why we are assembled here together this morning is because as my old southern mama used to say, "Birds of a feather flock together," because you have things in common. Buzzards and doves has nothing in common. Their diet is different, although a dove could be hatched under a buzzard. That's right. Depends on what it was to begin with. Now, and in that though, the--the dove might have to be mothered awhile by that--by that buzzard, but finally he'll find his mate. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 50 That's what the church is doing today, for Jesus is the Word, and He is the Bridegroom, and the Bride is a part of the Groom. Therefore, the Word that's to be fulfilled this day is the same part of the Word that was fulfilled in His day, and it's the same Word, same experience, same Life. For when God separated Adam, he was both... We find out, Adam was spirit to begin with. "He made man in His own image, created He male and female." And then, Genesis 2 and on, He created man in His--out of the dust of the earth. Man was created in God's image (God is a Spirit.), so he's a spirit man. Then when he become flesh man, animal flesh on the earth, He's--He's showing, portraying here the Bride. He never taken and made another being, but he took part of Adam, the original creation, took from him, a rib from his side; and took the feminish spirit out of Adam, left the masculine spirit in there, and placed it in the feminish part. Therefore, part of his spirit, part of his body: flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone, Word of His Word, Life of His Life, and that's the way the Bride is to Christ. That's why the rapture of the royal Seed has to come first. And the rest of the dead live not for a thousand years, then they were brought up at the white throne judgment. See, there is no judgment to the royal Seed, or the predestinated Seed of Abraham. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 53 Now, if you'll take Saint John 5:24, listen to this, "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life." Now, how would that be so much different from many of our theologies? Now, I could walk out here and say to a drunkard, "Do you believe?" "Sure." A man with another man's wife, "Do you believe?" "Sure." "Did you set in the meeting last night to hear the Word?" "Sure."
"You believe It?" "Sure." He's just saying that. But the original interpretation of this Word, "he that understandeth My Word, and will believe on Him that sent Me... He that understands," that is to who It's made known to. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him. And all that My Father hath given Me, they will come. My sheep, My doves, hear My Voice. A stranger they will not follow." And what is the Voice of God? Is the Word of God. What's any man's voice but his word? It's the Word of God; they'll hear the Word of God. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 56 The natural seed, therefore, was only a carrier, through Ishmael first, Isaac second, then on down to the Seed. Just like the stalk, tassel, and shuck of the corn. Now, here, the three stages of the seed shows us the true picture that I want you to notice with me this morning. We're seeing here... And as being uneducated, I have to take the natural things that I see to type the spiritual things that's made known to me, because I couldn't make it sensible to you in any grammar. And anyhow, God always types the spiritual by the natural. If there wasn't a Bible, I'd still know that Christianity was right, because the whole earth turns upon death, burial, and resurrection. Nature works death, burial, and resurrection. Look at the sap out of the tree, how it's brought the leaf, and the fruit falls, goes back into the earth for the cold winter, down beneath the sod, comes up again in spring with new life, each year, testifying that there is a life, there is a death, there is a resurrection. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 60 The sun rises of a morning, a little baby just born, very weak. At seven or eight o'clock, it starts off to school. At ten or eleven o'clock, it's out of college. It's shining in its strength, from about eleven till about three, then it begins to weaken. In the evening it goes down, gets weak, an old man. Is that the end of it? It dies. No. It rises again the next morning. See? All nature, your real true Bible that witnesses with this Bible... That's what I'm trying to show you this morning now, through nature you'll see the Word of God, patterned to the--the Word of God, because nature is the formation of God. Like science, they find the--the mechanics and the laws of nature, but they don't know what that nature is. They don't know the life of nature. That's God. So the mechanics without the dynamics is no good.
SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 63 Now, the stalk, tassel, and shuck, notice. Hagar here represented the stalk, which was the first life that started in the promise. Sarah represents the tassel, or the pollen, comes in the tassel. Mary, the virgin, represented and produced the true spiritual Seed to bring forth the real true stalk. Hagar and Sarah, both was by sex. But Mary, the virgin, was by the power of God's promised Word by virgin birth. She brought forth the genuine Seed. The stalk, Hagar, the second wife by doubt of the promise, working through a doubt, slightly... SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 64 I just hope; may God help us. I don't... I want you to see this so bad. You cannot slightly doubt any of It. You've got to take It just as It is. It needs no interpretation. The Bible says that the Word of God is of no private interpretation. God don't need any of our schools to interpret His Word. When He vindicates It and makes It live, that's the interpretation of It. When God said, "Let there be light," there was light. That don't need to be interpreted. When He said, "A virgin shall conceive," she conceived. It doesn't need to be interpreted. We don't need all this; its seminaries and things that gets men, "Well, we got the interpretation. We got the interpretation." God Himself interpret His own Word. He doesn't need anybody to interpret for Him. He said it'd happen, and it happens. He said in the last days He'd pour out His Spirit. He did it. I don't care what the denominations said. He did it anyhow, 'cause He said He'd do it. So It doesn't need interpretation, for God does His own interpretation. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 67 And these things that you see, that seems to be mysterious to you now, if you would just... You remember, your ministry, you Pentecostals, back yonder thirty or forty years ago was just as much mystery to the--the church of the Methodists and Baptists, as this is to you today. But now, find It in the Word. I'm trying to show you like you tried to show them. And then if God turns around and says It's so in the Word, then confirms It to be so, that's God's own interpretation. You don't need anyone to interpret for you. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B
68 Now, Hagar, by slightly... Remember, you cannot take one Word out of There. And Jesus said in Revelation, at the close of the Book... And at the first of the Book Christ said any man that took one piece away from that Word... Just one Word misinterpreted caused every sickness, death, that we've ever had. Well, if God, Who is holy, looked down, and caused all this chaos by just slightly misinterpreting one Word, and any little thing against that supreme Word caused all of this chaos, and the suffering, bleeding and dying of His own Son to reconcile this horrible thing back to Him, how are we going to get in anything less than keeping the whole Word? "Well," you said, "Brother Branham, that was in Genesis." I felt that. See? But let me tell you Revelation; that's the last part of the Book. "Whosoever shall take one Word out of the Book of this prophecy, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 71 Jesus said, in the middle of the Book... There's your three witnesses again; Genesis, the New Testament, and the day today. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." "Why, He didn't mean it." He was talking to people who were theologians to the highest. Those priests, their great-great-greatgreat-great-grandfathers had to be priests. To misconstrue one Word of It, why, it was absolutely a death penalty. They had to be stoned, for one Word to be miss... But they had the wrong interpretation of It. Therefore, when the Word Itself; when God promised to send the Messiah, and sent It in the very swaddling cloth that He promised It'd come in, they had a different swaddling for it to be wrapped in. Let me say this. So is it today, that they don't get it. It's not in the swaddling of denominationalism or intellectual. It's in the swaddling of the power, and the resurrection, and the manifestation of the risen Christ, the way God promised it, and not in the swaddling of people's thoughts of it. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 74 Now, Hagar, by one little slight difference, through woman, not through Abraham now... Abraham didn't want to do it, but God let him do it, because he--same thing He let Balaam go on. Now, notice, by slightly differing with it, she brought forth Ishmael, which was a wild man, never conquered. He lived by his bow. He was a wild man. He is yet today. Now, Sarah, the tassel, or pollen, Sarah, the true wife of the promise, brings forth a gentleman, in return brought forth a promised nation.
Now, but, Mary, no sex, but through a promise, just like Abraham got the promise from God, the Word of God, but believed the promise, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." (See?), brought forth not a stalk, but the original Seed, for He was the Word that Abraham believed and that Mary believed. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 77 Now, Mary was not the Seed; she was only the shuck through the Seed. The two others was carriers of life, only the natural seed. Mary was not the Seed herself; but like faith in God's Word, brought a more real image of the Word, because He was the Word. But like the shuck, the--of a wheat, the corn of wheat, the shuck holds the wheat inside of it and protects it until it is able or matured to go on its own. See? Then it was the Seed Itself that left her. Just like the Seed was in her womb; she wasn't the Seed. She didn't produce the Seed. God is the Seed. Now, the blood then, many people think that it was Jewish blood that we were saved by. And some of them said, "Well, we got a right through the Gentiles, because Rahab the harlot, and--and Ruth the Moabite, and so forth, they were Gentiles." You have no claim of that at all, neither one. He was neither Jew nor Gentile. He was God, the Logos, the Word that went out of God. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 79 When He begin to brood upon the earth, and brought forth marine life... When the Spirit of God, the Logos, the Word, which God said, "let there be," and there went the Logos, which is the Word. And the Word begin to... 'Cause all this was in the Logos: the whole Word of God, the whole Bible, for every age. And as the Logos begin to breathe upon the earth, there come marine life, and building up to bird life, on up to animal life. And finally there come something in the representation, or looked like the thing that was brewing--brooding over it: God, a man in the very image of God. That man fell, like the seed has to fall. And then God begin to brood over that after the fall. He brought up a--a Enoch; He brought up Elijah; He brought up a Moses; He brought up prophet after prophet, trying to restore that image again. And, finally, upon the earth came the genuine Image of God Himself again, which was God, the Logos made flesh and dwelt among us. Now, that same Logos has a part; He's got a Bride, and the same Logos, this Word that cannot be tampered with, is brooding over the churches today, trying to bring back the Word to Its full manifestation. Which the--the prophets was carriers to that Seed, and the church denominations has been carriers to the Seed now. Now, notice quickly, but like the shuck hugs, holds in the Seed now, then it leaves her... SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B
82 Jesus was God. He was. His Father was the great Logos Itself. And He could not pour It all in Moses, for he was a prophet. And the Word of the Lord always, never fails, comes to the prophet. There's no place, no time in the Bible, or since the Bible, that the correct interpretation of the Word come to a theologian. It's not in the Scriptures. Never did the Pharisees, never did the Sadducees, and never did God raise a prophet out of any of them, and never did He in this last day. As soon as they raised it up, they all get together and make an organization out of it, there it dies. But it's for a purpose that He did this. We'll try to explain it, God helping us. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 85 Notice, see here how close the she, the church, the seed now, gets to look like the Seed Itself. Now, you notice when the seed goes into the ground, it's the original seed. When it comes forth, it brings forth a life. But what does the life do out of a seed of wheat? It doesn't produce the same stalk of wheat right then, or same grain of wheat. It's the life of the wheat, but it's in a carrier stage. And that was the first reformation, when Luther came forth out of the darkness of the chaos. It had to die. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 86 So many times people sympathize. Oh, and I read a book not long ago, on, "The Silent God," give by some of these modern philosophers who try to turn you away from God. If you don't know the Word of God and the plan of God, you can be easily shook. But when you see God's plan, His program, then by faith you know it's God, and God identifying Himself, doing just what He did in--in the other times, walking, proving. That's the reason Moses could not be shook. He talked face to face with God, and God told him, "I am the One that was with Abraham back yonder. I'm the One that's made this promise. I'll be with you." How you going to stop that man then? As the prophet of old said, "When the lion roars, who can but fear? And God has spoken, who can but prophesy?" When we see the things that God promised at this hour, see it unfold, how can you stand still when you see that that's His way He--what He said, it would happen. See all the mysterious things, but that's just exactly the way God said it would take place. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 89 Now, notice, "she," the carrier. Now, Hagar come forth as a stalk, and then come the pollen, and then come the shuck, and then come the Seed. Now, watch these carriers. I want you to watch first.
Now, the stalk does not look at all like the Seed, but the Life that was in the Seed is in the stalk. That was Luther. Now, the little stalk has many blades; it went off from Luther into Zwingli, and on down to Calvin, and many others. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 91 Now, notice, then it changed its position. Watch nature now forming to the Word of God as the sun: death, burial, and resurrection. Then come the pollen; that was Wesley. And through there were many little pollens hanging on it that actually looked a whole lot more like the Seed than what that leaf did, on the wheat or the corn. Looked a lot more like it, because Wesley with the second Word, second Word of God, bringing His church up, come through sanctification. That was his message. All right. Then after while that dropped off and went into the stalk again, and brought forth a ear of corn. But before this ear started, there was a shook--shuck, covering, husk. And any wheat raiser, corn raiser, if you'll dig in there and pick out that ear of corn, or that ear of wheat, you'll think that that little-that little first little thing is that grain of wheat. But now, there's the Pentecostal age. Now, you can't... You--any theologian or any historian, rather, knows that that's the ages, the way they come. Take the--the Book of Revelations; take the church ages, and see if that isn't exactly the way they unfold. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 94 Now, from Wesley came forth Pilgrim Holiness, Nazarenes, and all them little holiness churches, a whole lot more closer to the Word than what the Lutheran reformation was. But, you see, when Luther organized, that just started those blades. And when this come up, all the Spirit left that Lutheran church, all but just the denominational, and the real true believers went into sanctification. And then when sanctification moved over, the Pilgrim Holiness, and so forth, and all the holiness organizations, Nazarenes, and so forth, It moved from there right out into this Pentecostal age. And look at that little grain now of wheat; it looks a million times more like the original wheat that went into the ground, than what the stalk did or what the pollen did. But if you'll set down, put it under a glass, and open those little shucks up, they're just carriers also. The grain hasn't started yet. It's a little bitty bud right at the back; with a big high-powered glass you can see that little tip, like a pin point, there comes the seed. And the--this here shuck that looks just exactly like the real thing, it isn't the real thing. It's only a womb like Mary's womb. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 96 Mary was not the Seed in the representation here of the stalk. She was only a carrier of It, like the rest of it. But being called and chosen first by God Himself for this purpose, it looked more like, as our
Catholic friends would think, that she was the mother of God. No, she was not the mother of God; she neither was the Seed of God. The woman produces the egg; God produces the--the life. The hemoglobin, the blood, is in the male sex. A hen can lay an egg or a bird can lay an egg in springtime build its nest, but if that female bird hasn't been with the male bird, it won't hatch. It's dead. It'll rot right in the nest. As I often said, that's what's the matter with the churches today; they're rottening right in the nest, called Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostals, and so forth. If they're not in contact with the Word Itself, they rot right in the nest in their organizations. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 100 Now, now, some of them says then; the Protestant more or less believes that it was the Mary produced the egg. If that be so, look what you make Jehovah God doing. The egg cannot be produced without a sensation. So you see, God made both egg and germ; He created both in the womb of Mary. And that Man was not nothing but God Himself made flesh and dwelled among us, Emmanuel, not just a fine man, a prophet; He was fine Man and Prophet; not a teacher, a theologian. Oh, He might--He might've been all that; He was All in all. But above all that, He was God Himself. The Bible said we are saved by the Blood of God: God Himself, not a third person or a second person: the Person, God Himself, great Jehovah overshadowed Mary in the Creator, and created both the Blood cell, the Life, and also the egg. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 102 If you can get a Jew to see that, you--he knows who the Messiah is. When that John Rhyn was healed up there at Benton Harbor, been blind for forty years. That rabbi asked me; he said. I had an interview with him; he said, "You can't cut God in three pieces and give Him to a Jew." I said, "Some of them does. But we don't cut God in three pieces." I said, "Do you believe the prophets?" "Certainly, I believe the prophets," he said. I said, "Who did Isaiah speak of, Isaiah 9:6, 'unto us a Child is born'?" He said, "Why, it was the Messiah." I said, "What relationship will Messiah be to God?" That done it. I said now... He said, "He'll be God."
I said, "Exactly right. His Name shall be called Counseller, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father." SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 107 There's where the oneness missed it; there's where the trinity missed it, both sides of the road. But the happy medium's right in between. If God could be His own Father, if Jesus was His Own Father, He couldn't be. And if He had another Father besides God, and the Bible said the Holy Ghost was His Father, and if they're two different spirits, He's a illegitimate child. That's right. Which was the Father of Him, God or the Holy Ghost? You say one and watch how embarrassed you're going to get. See? God was His Father. Is that right? SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 108 Matthew 1:18, He said. Now, the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When... his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with a child of the Holy Ghost. Now, Who's His Father? See, see what I mean? Notice. ... Joseph her husband, being a just man... not willingly to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily, on this wise. Behold, while he thought on these things,... the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take in the--unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of..." [Congregation says, "the Holy Ghost."--Ed.] I thought they said, "God the Father was His Father"? Oh, theologians, where is your understanding? SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 110 Notice, it shall be Light about the evening time. The true Seed come forth from Mary, but it was not her Seed. It was the promise of God, that she said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." The carriers of life was the women. And now, Mary, the Seed so much closer... Hagar had to receive it in a perverted way. Sarah, doubting the thing, brought it to just a natural seed, sexual desire. But Mary, without any sex at all, believed the Word, and the Word was made flesh. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B
113 But notice, Mary being so close, she held the Seed in her womb, and it looked like it would be her Seed. And so has Pentecostals. I'm going to come home. But remember, Jesus said in Matthew the 24th chapter, 24th verse, "In the last days the two spirits..." Not in the early days now, in the latter times the two spirits would be so close together until it would deceive the very elected if it were possible: Pentecostal spirit, just exactly like the real thing, so perfect that it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. Now, that's not my words. That's what He said. Now, after while maybe you'll get an understanding of what I'm trying to say. Now, that Seed certainly looked more--that shuck looked more like the Seed, until more than the pollen did, and more than what the stalk did, but they were only carriers of the Seed. See, Luther organized; the stalk died. Wesley organized; the pollen died. Pentecost organized; the life died. And now comes forth the Seed. You can't go any further than the Seed. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 116 Notice, all through the years, when a great move rises up, right quickly behind it comes an organization. About three years is about as long as the revival lasts; then they organize it, makes an organization. It has to be many off of it, like many off of Luther, the blades; and many off the pollen, Wesley; and the Pentecostal leaves going out, oneness, twoness, threeness, fourness, fiveness. Oh, mercy. See? But notice, twenty years of Jesus Christ manifested, not one organization has roused, and not one will; it'll die like every latter rain move, everything else. This is the end time, the Seed, and it won't be heir with the shuck, no more than Ishmael was heir with Isaac. See here now how close she is, close enough to deceive: Luther, the stalk; Wesley, the tassel; and Mary, the shuck, or the womb, or Pentecost. How I could go right here on that shuck and show you. Down through the age it's never come so close till like it is right now. Everything is the church, the church (See?), the "she." And notice, it was the "she" in the beginning that doubted the original promise. It wasn't God took His Word back. God isn't taking His Word back today; He's confirming His original Word. But Sarah said, "Maybe, peradventure; we're waiting." SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 120 That's what's the matter with the people today, you're trying to climb into something that you don't know what you're climbing into. How you going to do it unless you know what you're doing? Are
you walking blindfolded? Trying to climb into something that you don't know what you're doing, you'll fall. "If the blind leads the blind, they both fall in the ditch," Jesus made that quotation. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 121 But now we're standing at the time of the Seed. Now, the Seed will hold (What?) support, cooperate with the Seed, holding it. It was set there for that purpose to hold it. Because as the sun comes up in the early spring upon the wheat, watch the whole nature through the season roll, through the day roll, everything rolls just perfectly right with God. Now, when that warm sun begins to shine upon the seed, it breaks forth. But the world has to be in a certain position to make that seed break forth out of the dirt. It has to come around this a way, and get in a certain position to make that seed come forth. It had to come that way to get it up out of the--or upon the dark age. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 123 Some people, this critic that I said wrote the book, "A Silent God," he said, "All through the dark ages, them poor martyrs died, they went down on them Christians, and God set in heaven as if He wasn't even concerned." Why, the poor illiterate, blinded, spiritual blinded man, if his eyes were only opened... Don't you know the seed has to lay in the dirt to die and to rot before it can bring forth again? And the church of Pentecost died through the early Catholic church. And she just come in a stalk form, but you see how closely she's shaping, each one through the Lutheran, Wesley, Pentecostal age? You understand? SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 125 Now, it's got to come right straight back to that original ministry that He had here on earth, 'cause it's the Bride. See? They're one. Now, He promised in the last days how these things would happen. And we see them happening like, all the promises, Malachi 4, Saint Luke 17:30, oh, how many more Scriptures, it'd be endless. But, oh, I'm going to have to stop, 'cause it's... Let--let... Yes, sir. Well, you--you tell them, and see if they can get to... You ask them (See?), and then you come tell me. Now, just a minute. I want to get this so bad. See? I--I want you to see this so bad. Look, Jesus... Notice (See?), the Bride... SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B
127 Still, we find out in this age that we're now living (See?), that the womb, the Pentecostal organization looked just exactly like the real thing. But did you realize that Revelation 17, it called the Roman Catholic church, the first organization, a whore? How many knows that's true? How many know that she was the mother of harlots? What is a immoral woman? Now, He said this woman was a church. What is a whore? Is a woman that's untrue to her marriage vow. What is a harlot? Same thing, same word. Now, she gave birth. What kind of birth? Not to the Word, but to organization birth. Here's Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostals, and they all took the habits of their mother. Any orneryish woman in California can give birth to a virgin girl; and that's why the first message come forth; but when truth was presented to Luther's church--age, of sanctification, he couldn't take it. When the baptism of the Holy Ghost was permitted, presented to the Methodists, they couldn't take it. And now when the Seed time has produced to Pentecost, she can't take it. She's organized. But she has been a carrier of the Seed. See? [A brother speaks in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Amen. Now, thank the Lord for that, the Word, the simplicity of the Word that was said. (See?) SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 130 It's just simple, just like in this, just like the--watching the corn grow. You don't have to have some great theological interpretation of it. Just watch it. You're... He's right around you all the time. See, the... It's a... I got to stop. I felt the little pull, and I asked him to do that. We've got to close. Now, brother, just this one remark, then I'll go. Look, now, the shuck, the stalk, and so forth, are only carriers of the Word. They had part of the Word (See?), until they got down; justification, sanctification, restoration of gifts in--in Pentecostals. But now notice, just as it was Ishmael, Isaac (See?), and then to Jesus, (See?), one was a perverted, one was the original, and here comes the Seed Itself. See? Now, the church has come from that same thing, right back. Like a flower or anything else, it drinks, pulls in, and goes... SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 133 That don't mean the Lutheran's lost. The Lutheran that rejected sanctification would be, that wants to hold onto the something... You see, Israel eat new manna every night. See? Notice. But now at the end time, look at this shuck here; now notice in the wheat. The complete mystery of-of the Life is sealed up inside that shuck. We see it in Luther coming up. We see it in tassel coming out. We
see it in the stalk. We come over here, and now it's in the shuck form, almost like at the Pentecostal age, but the real mystery is hid inside. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 135 Now, remember, according to Revelations, the whole mystery of the Book is sealed with seven seals that the reformers didn't have a chance to bring forth, the four stages of reforming, the four stages of four Beasts that went out to meet the four powers of the world. The first went out, was a... What was the first went out? A lion, to meet the Roman age. That was the Word, the original. He's the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Christ Himself went to meet that age. What was the next animal that went out to meet; the next animal went out to meet the other horse rider, what was he? See, that first horse rider was dressed in white, crowned on his head, later, so forth, but a bow with no arrows. See? SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 137 Notice the second horse that went forth, the Beast that went to meet him was a ox. A ox is a beast of sacrifice. They went down in martyrdom during the dark age. The third Beast that went to meet the next horse, before death horse rode, death and hell, the next horse that went... The next Beast that went to meet the horse rider of that day was the Beast with the face of a man. How many knows that? The intellectual age, the reformers, Luther, Wesley, Calvin, Knox, Finney, Moody. See? But then notice, what went forth in the evening time? A eagle, prophetic back again. It shall be Light about the eagle time; the way to glory you'll surely find, O church of the living God. SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR_ LA.CA V-18 N-5 THURSDAY_ 65-0429B 140 I wish I could come here and--and just set down of a morning, and stay all day to fellowship with you around these things. Listen, do you think I don't like you? I love you, my brothers. I--I--I would like to go to every organization and co-op--and--and just believe with each one. But, you see, it just can't. There's hardly a door open for me. I'm slipping into a nation right now, because of organization, because that they won't let the ministry that God... I wrote them a letter back; I said, "For ten years I've tried to come in. And you with your crazy baptism..."
One of them believes you got to be baptized three times; once for the Father, once for the Son, and Holy Ghost; face forward. The other said, "No, you got to be baptized three times backwards; once for the Son, once for the Father, and Holy Ghost." And they're both wrong. One said, "He... You're baptized to His death, and He pitched forward when He died. We're baptized to His death." The other one said, "Who buries a man on his face? You bury him backwards." Such nonsense, separating people, it shows it's jealousy. It's from Satan. It isn't of God. In the midst of both sides, God's neither on either side, but He's calling from both sides, "Come out from among them, and be ye separated," saith God, "and I will receive you unto Myself." God bless you. CHOOSING OF A BRIDE LOS ANGELES CA 65-0429E V-2 N-28 CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 1-1 There's lots of sick people, and I can't get to all of them at once. I'm certainly happy to be here again tonight in this beautiful auditorium and amongst this wonderful group of people. And we was coming in out there a few moments ago, the people standing out on the street said they couldn't get in. And I said, "Well, maybe I can get you some room," and they wouldn't let them come down. So I'm sorry we don't have enough room for them. They said the basement was full also, and so we are sorry about that. But we're happy to be here and happy to see all this fine group of ministers and businessman here, and all you delegations from different parts of the country. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 1-3 I had the grand privilege of speaking this morning at the breakfast which I certainly cherish to be an honor to speak before such fine people. And I was on a subject of, "The Shuck Won't Be Heir With The Wheat." I didn't get to finish it, and it was not the--the brother's fault. He tried to get the management to let us stay a little longer, but he just wouldn't do it. I certainly appreciated that, Brother Demos. It's very, very nice. I certainly thank you for your kindness, each and every one. But they just wouldn't let us do it, so we just had to--had to close off. I'll pick that up some other time to finish that up. "The Shuck Will Not Be Heir With The Wheat." Did you understand that--you that were there? I hope there was enough that it would be understood.
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 1-4 Now, I know tonight there's a panel also [Brother Branham is referring to a question and answer panel regarding the Baptism of the Holy Spirit sponsored by the Full Gospel Business Men which appeared over television in Los Angeles at the time this Message was preached--Ed.], so I don't want to keep you here long enough that you'd miss that, because I do think that was certainly an asset to-to the Pentecostal believing people, that panel we saw the other night. Such a fine bunch of men and such wonderful answers: straight. It made me feel real good to see that, and I trust that the Lord will bless it tonight, and ever who that looks, may they believe. That would be my sincere prayer. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 2-1 And so many reports coming in today from--in the mail and by calls of so many being healed in this meeting. I was so glad of that. To... That's the... To see people sick... That's kinda of my ministry. I'm--I get up here to preach, I'm... You know, I'm not a preacher, but I... With this, my Kentucky grammar, "his," "hain't" and--and all those words, so I--I can't say this what we call a modern preacher of today. I couldn't take that place, because I--I have no education. But I do like to express what I know about it to others, or what I feel that I know about it to others, how I've learned it, how He is to me. He's all my life. All that I could ever expect to be, and so much more than I ever thought that I'd ever have a friend, hardly, on the earth when I was a little boy. But I certainly am thankful for great friends today. I'm... [Conversation regarding public address system--Ed.] Oh, I'm sorry. I--I'm kinda out of focus here somewhere he said. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 2-2 Now, to get right straight into the service, let's turn for some Scripture readings. I'm--I always like to read the Bible, because It's the Word of God. I believe that, and I believe It to be God's infallible Word. And now, I have a few Scriptures written down here and some notes that I'd like to refer to for a few moments, maybe for forty-five minutes, and then we'll get out in time to go see this wonderful panel again tonight. And I trust that God will continue to bless you right on through. And I know what you've got to do, and I'm supposed to drive to Tucson yet tonight. See? So you can imagine. That's ten hours' drive. And I'm leaving for overseas, and I've got to get a yellow fever shot on test in the morning at the Government, so I--I got to get over there. I had to postpone it the other day, and they're not going to take no "no" for an answer again now. And I've got one more tetanus and typhus to take, and my boosters. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E
2-3 So I'm so thankful for this opportunity, and--and this fine meeting we had prior the convention certainly did thrill my heart. You're a fine bunch of people; I trust that God will bless you. And when the great hour ever... That great monster laying up yonder that flipped hisself over in Alaska a few days ago, threw its tail up again this morning along about down around Washington. He could head this way mighty easy. And if the Holy Spirit ever tells me definitely... Some of you has been answering--asking me that: "Is it going to happen here, Brother Branham?" No, I don't know that. I just don't know, and till I do know... That's the truth. I always wanted to be honest with you. I'm just not going to presume, take any ideas, or some--what I believe, or something like that. When I tell you, it's going to be... Well, He's got to tell me first, and then I'll tell you. I--I know the whole world is in a shaking condition; we're at the end time. But one thing I've tried to be... CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 3-2 Brother Shakarian was saying this morning how he used to go through the prayer lines, and reach down there, and get those cards before the people come up, and look at them, and see whether--whether I told them what they had wrote out there. They write all kinds of stuff on their prayer cards, you know, and he was going to see if it was right. He said out of the hundreds that he'd checked, there'd never been one wrong. There never will be one wrong (See?), because that it's as long as it is God. If I ever project myself into it, then it's wrong right there to begin with. A little girl whose father's setting listening at me now come to me not long ago. She had a dream. She said, "Brother Branham, what does this dream mean?" I said, "I don't know, sister. I'll have to find out if the Lord will tell me." So I went on and tried to ask the Lord, and He never did tell me. So the little girl come back again; she said, "Well now, where is the interpretation of my dream?" I said, "Come here, honey, and set down." I said, "Your father and mother are very good friends of mine (See?), and they've come all the way from Canada, retired, and sojourned here with me. They believe this what I'm trying to say, and I've never said anything wrong to anybody willfully in my life. If I... I think I know what the dream means, but until I see that dream myself, and then He tells me what it means, I can't tell you. See, if I just make up something, there might be a time where you needed me between life and death, and then you wouldn't know whether to believe me or not." CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 3-6 If I tell you anything in the Name of the Lord, it's truly that that's Who told me that. And so far, of all these years throughout the world and around the world, it's never been wrong one time, because... Now, you know a human being can't be that infallible. It takes the Spirit of God to do that.
And now I have a message that I'm responsible for. And many times I've been considered amongst the people (Well, maybe someone who just didn't set down and think a minute), that I was a--a--oh, an awful person, that I didn't like people and I was always cutting them. And that's not so. That isn't so. I love people. But you know, love is corrective. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 4-2 If your little boy was setting in the street out there, and you said, "Junior dear, I don't want you out there, but..." and cars buzzing by him, and you brought him in, he run out again, why, you should correct him. If you love him, you will. You have to... If you seen a man floating down the river towards a falls in a little boat, that you knowed that boat was going to sink when it hit the falls, would you say, "John, you, maybe you ought to think awhile. Maybe you might not make it." If I know he's not going to make it, I'm going to almost jerk him out of the boat, if I can, because it is love that does that. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 4-4 And now in these messages that I speak, I never try to bring in any doctrine, or so forth. I--I do that in my own church. But out here amongst men and women who are different denominations and different ideas, I just try to take it in a mild form and explain, but enough to where if you are born of the Spirit of God, I believe that you'll understand what I mean amongst Christian men, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, whatmore. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 4-5 Now, tonight, I want to turn to Genesis the 24th chapter, and I want to read the--beginning with the 12th verse of the 24th chapter of Genesis. And he said, O LORD God... my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham. Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water: And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down the pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou has appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed me kindness to--unto my master.
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 5-1 And then in the book of Revelations... That's the first of the Bible: Genesis. Now, in the last of the Bible, I want to read in the 21st chapter of Revelation and the 9th verse. We know what this Scripture of Genesis here... You read the whole chapter if you wish to. It's God sending out Eliezer-or Abraham sending out Eliezer (pardon me) to select a bride for Isaac. And the beautiful Rebekah came out and was perfect answer to the prayer that--that Eliezer, the servant of Abraham, had just prayed. Now, in the 9th verse of the 21st chapter of Revelation: And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, and I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 5-2 Now, I want to take for a subject tonight for that: "The Choosing of a Bride." And this is a... If my brother that records here will... This is the tape that you can go ahead and let out. And now in this, it doesn't exactly mean that I'm speaking this to this congregation present, but these tapes go around the world. They're translated in practically, oh, a great deal of the languages, even into the heathen lands around the world. We send them tapes free on a society of the church, and they're translated in all out through the jungles of Africa, and to India, and around the world goes these tapes. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 5-4 Now, choosing a bride... In many things of life we are given a choice. The way of life itself is a choice. We have a right to make our own way, choose our own way that we want to live. Education is a choice. We can choose whether we are going to be educated, or whether we are not going to be educated. That's a choice that we have. Right and wrong is a choice. Every man, every woman, boy, and girl has to choose whether they are going to try to live right or not live right. It's a choice. Choice is a great thing. Your eternal destination is a choice, and maybe tonight some of you will make that--that choice of where you'll spend eternity, before this service ends tonight. There'll be one time that... If you turn God down many times, there'll be one time you'll turn Him down the last time. There is a line between mercy and judgment, and it's a dangerous thing for a man or a woman, boy or girl, to step across that line, for there's no return when you step across that deadline. So tonight it might be the time that many will make their--their decision where they will spend the endless eternity. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E
6-2 There's another choice that we have in life. That's a life's companion. A young man or a young woman, stepping out on life has a--has been given a right to make a choice. The young man chooses, the young woman has a right to accept or reject it, but it's still a choice on both sides; both man and woman, they have a right to choice. Also you have a choice as a Christian. You have a choice of the church here in America (so far) that you can go to. That's your own American privilege to choose any church that you want to belong to. That's a choice. You don't have to go to any of them if you don't want to, but if you want to change from the Methodist to the Baptist, or the Catholic to a Protestant, or so forth, there's nobody can tell you or make you come to any certain church. That's our--that's our freedom. That's what our democracy is that every man can choose for himself freedom of religion, and that's a great thing. God help us to keep it as long as we can. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 6-4 You have also a choice whether... When you choose this church, you can choose whether you, in this church whether you choose a church that will guide you to your eternal destination. You can choose a church that has a certain creed, that you might think that creed's just what you want; or the other church has their creed. And then there is the Word of God you have a choice of. You have to make your choice. There's an unwritten law among us of choosing. I believe it was Elijah one time upon Mount Carmel, after the showdown in a great hour of the crisis, that we're just about to come to right now. Perhaps it may be to you or I tonight, that we make this choice like the Mount Carmel experience. Frankly, I think it's going on worldwide now. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 7-1 But there will soon be a time where that you'll have to make a choice. And you men here of your denominational churches, just believe this, that the hour is right on you when you're going to make a choice. You're either going to go into the World Council or you're not going to be a denomination anymore. You're going to have to do that, and that choice is coming soon. And it's a dangerous thing to wait till that last hour too, because you might take on something that you could never shake out of it. You know, there's a time when you can be warned, then if you step across that line of warning, then you're already marked on the other side, branded. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 7-2 Remember, when the jubilee year come, and the--the priest rode with his trumpet sounding, that every slave could go free; but if they refused to accept their freedom, then he had to be taken to the
temple to a post, and an awl bored him through the ear, and then he served his master always. And it's put on his ear as a type of hearing. Faith cometh by hearing. He heard that trumpet, but he didn't want to listen to it. And many times men and women hear God's truth and see it vindicated and proven truth, but yet they don't want to hear it. There's some other reason. There's some other choosing that they have than to face up to truth and facts. Therefore, their ears can be closed to the Gospel. They'll never hear it again. My advice to you, when God speaks to your heart, you act right then. Elijah gave them a choice which they should, "Choose you this day whom you shall serve. If God be God, serve Him; but if Baal be God, serve him." CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 7-5 Now, as we see that all of the natural things is a type of the spiritual things, that we went through in our lesson this morning, as the sun and its nature... That was my first Bible. Before I ever read a page in the Bible, I knew God. Because the Bible's written everywhere in nature, and it just corresponds with the Word of God: how the death, burial, resurrection of the nature, and the sun rising, crossing, setting, dying, rising again, just so many things that we could type God in nature that we have to bypass for this message. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 8-1 Now, if the spiritual--or the natural is a type of the spiritual, then the choosing of a bride in the natural is a type of choosing a Bride, the Bride in the spiritual. Now, it's a serious thing when we go to choose a wife. A man... For the vows here is until death do we part. That's how we should keep it. And you take that vow before God that only death will separate you. And I think we should... A man in his right mind that's planning a future, that he should choose that wife very careful; be careful what you're doing. And a woman choosing a husband, or accepting the choice of a husband, should be real careful what she's doing and especially in these days. A man should think and pray before he chooses a wife. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 8-3 I think today what's got so many divorce cases now, that we lead the world in America, in divorce cases; we lead the rest of the world. There's more divorces here than anywhere else (this nation), and supposed to be, and thought of, a Christian nation. What a reproach: our divorce courts. I think the reason of it is because that men has got away from God, and women's got away from God.
And we find that if a man prayed and a woman prayed over the matter, not just look at a pretty set of eyes, or big strong shoulders, or such as that, or some other worldly affection, but would look first to God and say, "God, is this Your plan?" CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 8-5 I think today there's so much cheating, just like in school. When--when the kids come by of a morning, many of the kids in the neighborhood that--that's friends of mine will come by and say, "Brother Branham, will you pray for us? We're having a--a test today. I've worked all last night and I don't seem like I can--can get it settled. Pray for me." I think that any school kid, if you would, if you... And the parents at the table of a morning, if you'd say, "Mother, John's got a test today; let's pray for him now," I think that it'd be the--all that you could ever do any other way, or looking over on somebody else's paper and cheating. I think that if you'd just come out and pray over the matter... CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 8-6 And if we would study what we were doing when we were going to get married, when we choose our wife or husband, if we'd study it over... A man should pray earnestly, for he could ruin his entire life. Remember the vow is "Until death do we part." And he could ruin his life by making the wrong choice. But if he knows what he's making the wrong choice and is marrying a woman that isn't fit to be his wife, and he does it anyhow, then it's his fault. If the woman takes a husband and knows that he's not fit to be a husband to you, then that's your own fault after you know what's right and wrong. So you shouldn't do it until you thoroughly pray through. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 9-1 The same applies of choosing a church. Now, you must pray over the church that you are fellowshipping in. Remember, churches have spirits. Now, I don't want to be critical, but I realize that I'm an old man, and I got to leave here one of these days. I've got to answer at the day of the judgment for what I say tonight or any other time, and I--therefore, I've got to be dead earnest and truly convicted. But you go into a church, and if you'll watch the behavior of that church, you just watch the pastor awhile, and you'll usually find that the church acts like the pastor. Sometimes I wonder if we just don't get one another's spirit instead of the Holy Spirit. You get to a place where a pastor's real radical and carrying on, you'll find out the congregation's the same way. I'll bring you to a church where I seen the pastor stand, jerk their heads back and forth. You watch the congregation; they do the same thing. You take a pastor that'll just gulp down anything, usually the church will do the same thing. So if I was choosing a church, I'd choose a genuine, fundamental, full Gospel Bible church, if I was choosing one to put my family in.
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 9-3 Choose... I looked... The boys the other day... Brother Shakarian's son and his son-in-law taken me up here to pray for a young fellow, a singer, a dandy boy, that just come back (Fred Barker, that was his name.), just come back from a trip, and they called me that Fred was dying, and then before I could get in the house, another message come, "He may be dead right now." And he said he'd a hemorrhage in the brain, and he was paralyzed, and--and he was dying; and his wife wanted me to pray for him. And I thought, "Oh, I--if I try to fly, he'd be dead 'fore I get there, and may be dead now." So I called quickly and got the little lady on the phone, and--and we got the phone hooked up into Fred's ear. He couldn't swallow. They was giving him artificial swallowing. And when we prayed for him, he said-motioned, take it out of his throat. He could swallow. The doctors didn't believe it; they took it out, and he could swallow. And he was setting up the other day. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 10-1 A church--choosing a church... Phone call just come in awhile ago this morning. A member of my church, which is really a Baptist woman out of Louisville, she died early this morning. And my church at home, a real group of consecrated men, assembled themselves together and went down before the undertaker embalmed her, stood over her, and prayed until life come back in her, and she's living tonight: the elders of my church. Why? They'd been taught to believe that all things are possible. Come to God sincerely. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 10-2 So you must make the right choice. Again, the kind of a woman that a man would choose will reflect his ambition and his character. If a man chooses the wrong woman, it reflects his character. And what he ties himself to shows truly what's in him. A woman reflects what's in the man when he chooses her for wife. It shows what's down in him. No matter what he says outside, watch what he marries. I go to a man's office and he says he's a Christian, pinups all around on the walls, that old boogiewoogie music going on, I don't care what he says; I don't believe his testimony; because his spirit's feeding on them things of the world. What say if he would marry a chorus girl, or what if he'd marry a sex queen, or just a pretty modern Ricketta? It reflects; it shows what he has in his mind of what his future home's going to be, because he took her to raise his children by, and whatever she is, that's the way she'll raise those children. So it reflects what's in the man. A man that takes a woman like that shows just what he is thinking of the future. Could you imagine a Christian doing a thing like that? No, sir, I could not.
A true Christian will not look for such beauty queens, and chorus girls, and sex queens. He'll look for Christian character. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 10-4 Now, you can't have all things. There might be one girl that's real pretty, and the other girl maybe she's a--her statue looks better than this one. And you might have to sacrifice one for the other. But if she's not the statue of a lady, of a woman, and she's... I don't care whether she's pretty or not, you'd better look at her character, whether she's pretty or not pretty. Now... For it is becoming if a Christian would choose a wife, he ought to choose a genuine borned again woman. Regardless of what she looks like, it's what she is what makes her. And then again, that reflects his own godly character and reflects what's in his mind and what's going to be in the future, for his family will be raised by such a woman, for the future plans for his home. If he marries one of these little modern Rickettas, sex queens, what could he expect? What kind of home could a man expect to have? If he marries a girl that ain't got enough moral about her to stay home and take care of a house and wants to work out in somebody's office, what kind of a housekeeper will she be? You'll have babysetters and everything else. It's true. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 11-2 Now, I'm not much of this modernistic taste of women working. When I seen these women with these uniforms on riding around in this city on motorcycles as police, it's a disgrace to the--any city that'd let a woman do that as many men that's without work. It shows the modern thinking of our city; it shows the degrading. We don't have to have them women out there like that. They ain't got no business out there like that. When God gave a man a wife, He gave him the best thing He could give him outside of salvation; but when one goes to trying to take a man's place, then she's about the worse thing that he could get ahold of. Now, that's right. Now, we can see the spiritual application. I--I know that's bad. You think it's bad, but it's the truth. We don't care how bad it is; we've got to face up to the facts. That's what the Bible teaches. See? CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E
11-5 Now, we here see plainly the spiritual plan of God's planning for His future home with His future Bride comes into view now. If a man marries a sex queen, you see what he's looking for for the future. If a man marries a woman that won't stay home, you see what he's looking for in the future. And I, one time... This sounds awful, and I--I just feel to say it, and I--I... Usually if I feel to say the thing, I ought to say it, and it--it's usually God's way. I--I used to go with a rancher that I worked with to buy cattle. And I noticed the old fellow always looking right in the face of a heifer before he went to bidding. Then he turned her head and looked back and forth. I followed him along and watched him, and he looked her up and down. And if she looked all right in statue, then he'd turn and look her in the face, and sometime he'd shake his head and walk away. I said, "Jeff, I want to ask you something." He said, "Say on, Bill." And I said, "Why do you always look that cow in the face?" I said, "She looks all right, a good--a good heavy cow." He said, "I want to tell you, boy; you got a lot to learn." And I--I realized it after he told me. Said, "I don't care how she's made up; she might be beef plumb to the hoof; but if she's got that wild stare in her face, don't you never buy her." I said, "Why so, Jeff?" "Well," said, "the first thing is," said, "she'll never stay put." And he said, "The next thing is, she'll never be a mammy to her calf." And said, "They put her in a pen now, the reason that she's fat. You turn her loose with that wild stare, she'd run herself to death." And I said, "You know, I kind of learned something. I believe that applies to women too."...?... That wild, starey, Ricketta look, better stay away from her, boy. All that there blue stuff over the top of her eyes, and I didn't--I wouldn't want that; I don't think that's becoming to a Christian. I don't care how much the television and paper says it's pretty; it's the most horrible looking, hideous sight that I ever seen in my life. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 12-4 When I first seen that here at Clifton's Cafeteria one morning at a breakfast, I seen some of them young ladies come up. Brother Arganbright had just come in and I. And he'd went downstairs. And I looked, and I--that girl come in. I thought, "Well, I--I don't know." I never seen it before. It was some kind of... Oh, it looked like she was cankered, You know, just kind of a funny looking... I--I'm not saying that to be funny. I'm--I'm saying it to... You know, I've seen leprosy. I'm a missionary. I've seen all kinds of freaks, you know, of how diseases... And I was going to walk up to the young lady and tell her, "I'm--
I'm a minister; I--I pray for the sick. Would you like for me to pray for you?" And I--I'd never seen anything like that. And then here come two or three more in, and I kind of stepped back then and waited. And Brother Arganbright come by...?... I said, "Brother Arganbright (He may be here)," I said, "what's the matter with the woman?" And he said, "That's--that's paint." I said, "Well, my, my." See? I thought they ought to have her in a pesthouse somewhere, you know, to keep it from breaking out all over other women. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 13-2 But you know, you have to plan, and look, and pray when you're choosing. For we see by this, the Word of promise, she, the bride that a man would choose is going to reflect his character. It reflects what's in him. Now, could you imagine a man filled with the Holy Ghost take something like that to be a wife? I--I just don't see it, brother. Now, maybe I'm just an old crank, but you know, I--I just can't understand that. See? Notice, for it's going to reflect what is in him. She's going to help him make his future home. Now, then when we change back now for a moment to the spiritual side, and when you see a church that's in the world, acts like the world, anticipating in the world, partaking of the world, counting God's commandments as if He never had wrote them, then you--you can just imagine Christ ain't going to take a Bride like that. Could you imagine taking the modern church today for a Bride? Not my Lord. I don't--I could hardly see that. No. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 13-4 Remember now, a man and his wife are one. Would you join yourself to a person like that? If you would, it would certainly kinda disappoint my faith in you. And then how about God joining Himself to something like that, a regular denominational prostitute? You think that He would do it? "Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof." He would never do it. She must have His character in her. The real true borned again church must have the--the character that was in Christ, because the husband and wife are one. And if Jesus did only that which pleased God, kept His Word and manifested His Word, His Bride will have to be of the same kind of character. She could not by no means be a denomination, because then no matter how much you want to say "No," she's controlled by a board somewhere that tells her what to do and what she can't do, and many times a million miles off the true Word.
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 14-2 It's too bad that we ever got away from the real Leader that God left us to lead the church. He never sent state presbyters. He never sent a bishop, cardinals, priest, popes. He sent the Holy Ghost for the church to lead the church. "When He, the Holy Ghost is come, He will lead you into all Truth, reveal these things to you that I've told you, bring them to your remembrance, and will show you things that is to come." The Holy Spirit was to do that. Now, the modern church hates that. They don't like it. So how could she be the Bride of Christ? The people of today, choosing a modern denomination, what it does, it only reflects their poor understanding of the Word. I don't mean to hurt, but I mean to let it go deep enough till that you'll look at it. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 14-4 I've married many couples, but I--always reminds me of Christ and His Bride. One of the weddings that I performed here some time ago, it--it was quite an outstanding thing in my life. It's been several years ago when I was just a young minister. My brother was working on the--the P. W. A. I don't know where anybody ever remembers that yet or not, anybody as old as me. And that was a project that the government had, and my brother worked up about thirty miles. They were digging out some lakes, a project for the conservation. And there was a boy that worked up there with him from Indianapolis, about, oh, about a hundred miles above Jeffersonville where I--I live, or lived. And there was a... He said to my brother one day; he said, "Doc," he said, "I--I want--I'm going to get married if I can just have enough money to pay the preacher." He said, "I--I got enough money to get my licenses," but said, "I haven't got enough money to pay the preacher." Doc said, "Well, my brother's a preacher, and--and he--he may marry you." He said, "He never charges people for things like that." He said, "Will you ask him if he'll marry me?" CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 15-1 Well, that night my brother asked me. And I said, "If he's never been married before, either one of them, and they're--everything's all right." He said... Well, he will ask him. And I said, "If it is, tell him to come on down."
So when Saturday come along and the boy came down... It's been a great thing for me to always look back upon this. I'd... Rainy afternoon, and an old Chevrolet car with the headlights wired on with baling wire, that drove up out front. It was just awhile after I'd lost my wife, and I was batching, two little rooms. And--and Doc was up there with me waiting for them. And--and the boy got out of the car, and he certainly didn't look like a groom to me or would to anybody, I guess. Yet I could barely--buy a pretty good pair of shoes for a dollar and a half, and he had on a pair was run over, and his trousers was real baggy. And he'd on one of these old moleskin jackets. I don't guess some of you older people would remember. It looked like it'd been run through a washing machine without being rinsed, and it was streaked, and tied up like this, and the corner up. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 15-4 And a little lady got out on the side with a little, oh, some of them little checked looking dress... I don't know. I made a mistake on calling that kind of goods one time. Gingham, I believed it's called. And so it was a... I said it wrong again. I--I always do that. And I said... She got out of the car, and they come up the steps, and--and when they walked in, the poor little thing, she... I guess she just, about all she had on was a skirt. And she didn't have no shoes hardly on. She'd hitch-hiked from Indianapolis down, had a little hair hanging down back in long kind of plaits down her back, looked very young. And I said to her, "Are you old enough to get married?" She said, "Yes, sir." And she said, "I have my written permission from my father and mother." She said, "I had to show it to--to the court here to get my license." I said, "All right." I said, "I'd like to talk to you a little bit before we perform this wedding." They set down. The boy kept looking around the room. He needed a haircut real bad. And he kept looking around the room. He wasn't listening to me. I said, "Son, I want you to listen to what I'm saying." Said, "Yes, sir." And I said, "You love this girl?" And he said, "Yes, sir, I do." I said, "You love him?" "Yes, sir, I do." I said, "Now, have you got a place to take her after you're married?" Said, "Yes, sir." I said, "All right. Now," I said, "I want to ask you something. I understand that you are working up here on this P. W. A."
And he said, "Yes, sir." (That's about twelve dollars a week.) And I said, "You think that you can make a living for her?" He said, "I'll do all I can do." And I said, "Well, that's all right." And I said, "Now, what if he gets out of... What if he loses his job, sister? What are you going to do, going to run back up home to mama and papa?" She said, "No, sir, I'm going to stay with him." And I said, "What, sir, if you have three or four children and nothing to feed them, and you haven't got any work, what are you going to do? Send her away?" He said, "No, sir, I'll struggle right on. We'll make it some way." I felt little, and I seen that he really loved her, and they loved one another. I married them. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 17-2 And then I wondered where he taken her. A few days I asked my brother Doc, "Where it is?" Said, "Go down to New Albany (a little city below us)." And down on the river where I had some tin laying up, where I went everyday when I was--I was a lineman, so when the rest of the fellows, they all set around and told jokes and things, I'd get in the truck and run down on the river and pray during that...?... or read my Bible under a big piece of tin where an old ironworks used to be. There's a bunch of old boxcars setting down there. And this fellow had went down there and got one of them boxcars and sawed him a door in it, and had taken newspaper and tacky buttons... How many knows what a tacky button is? Then there is no Kentuckians then. You take a piece of cardboard, put a thumbtack in it, a little sprig, and then push it in the... That's a tacky button. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 17-3 So they had put it all over. And he'd went up there to the ironworks, and got him some stuff, and made a step. They come up, then got some old boxes and had him a table. And I thought one day, "I'll go down and see how they're getting along." About six months before that, I'd married E. V. Knight's daughter to E. T. Slider's son. E. V. Knight is one of the richest men there is on the Ohio River. And he runs a great factories through there making these prefab houses and so forth. And--and Slider, Mr. E. T. Slider is a sand and gravel company, millionaires' children. And I had married them.
And I went back in a place, practiced it for about two weeks, and going back in a booth and kneeling on a pillow, and all the pomp and everything I ever went through nearly, had to go through to marry that couple. And when they come out, why, they was... This other little couple just stood there in a little old room where we had a little couch and a folding bed, but they both was married by the same ceremony. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 17-6 And then one day, I thought I'd go down and visit this rich couple. They didn't have to work; their fathers were millionaires. They'd built them a nice home. Frankly, this E. V. Knight up here on the hill, his doorknobs are fourteen carat on his big palace, so now, you can imagine what kind of home they lived in. They didn't have to work. They'd had a nice Cadillac give to them every year, and just only children. And they had just everything they wanted. I walked up one day... Now, how I got acquainted with them, one of their friends was a good friend of mine; we all kind of chummed together. That's how I got acquainted when they wanted me to marry them. So I went up to visit them. And I got outside, my old Ford outside, walked up the steps. And--and I got up a little bit too close, and I heard them. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 18-2 And they were really fussing. They were jealous of one another. They'd been to a dance. She was a very pretty girl, and she was kind of one of these beauty queens. She took many prizes around there, and won some cars and things for being beauty queen. And I looked at them, and one was setting in one corner and one the other, fussing about some boy that she'd danced with or some girl or something. When I come up, they jumped up real quick and grabbed one another across the floor, their--their hands across the floor, come walking over towards the door. Said, "Why, hello there, Brother Branham. How are you getting along?" I said, "All right. How are you all getting along?" And "Oh," he said, "I--I... We're very happy, aren't we, honey?" And she said, "Yes, dear." See? CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 18-4 Now, see, you're putting on something that isn't real. Now, you can't get warm by a painted fire. Like some of these churches try to paint Pentecost of something that happened a thousand years ago or two thousand years ago. You can't get warmed by a painted fire. Pentecost is just as real today as it was then. See? It is. The fire's still falling. It ain't a painted fire; it's a real fire.
So they--there they was. See? I--I wouldn't want to live like that. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 18-5 "Well," I thought, "You know just down over the cliff there and over on the river, there's where this other couple wound up." I thought one Saturday afternoon I'd slip down there and see how they was getting along. So I, dirty on the face and dirty overalls on, and my tools on. I thought I'd slip up on them. And I slipped on like I was watching for insulators being cracked by the lightening or something and--as I walked along by the side of the telephone wire--the electric cable along the river. And the old Chevrolet was setting out front; was about a year later after I'd married them, and there was a... The door was open, and I could hear them talking. So this sounds--sounds like a hypocrite, but I walked up close enough that I could listen, see what they was saying, stood there; and I just wanted to know for myself. I like to find out and be sure I know what I'm talking about. That's the way I do about God's Word. Is it the Truth, or is it the Truth? Will He keep His Word, or doesn't He keep His Word? If He doesn't keep His Word, then He's not God. See? If He does keep His Word, He's God. See? CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 19-2 And so, I wanted to see how they was getting along, and I slipped along the side real easy. I heard him say, "Well, honey, I wanted to get that for you so bad." She said, "Now, look, sweetheart," she said, "this dress is all right." She said, "Why, this is just fine." Said, "I appreciate that, but you see..." I slipped around so I could look in through the crack where the door had been shoved open there in the boxcar. And there he was setting in there, and her on his lap, and his arm around her, and her arm around him. And he had one of these old slouch hats and had put a little hole, and mashed it down in the top, and poured out his paycheck in that. He--he was laying it out on the table. He said, "So much for groceries, and so much for insurance, and so much on the car," and they couldn't make their ends meet. Come to find out, he'd seen a little dress up there in a window; he'd been looking at it for a couple of weeks, that cost a dollar and something. He wanted to get it. He said, "Why, honey, you'd look so pretty in it." And he said... She said, "But, honey, I--I got a dress. I--I don't really need it." See? CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E
19-5 And that little queen... And I backed off and looked up. I could see the--the steeple on the top of the other house, and I stood there and looked a few minutes. I thought, "Who is the rich man?" I thought, "If... Bill Branham, if you want to take which place, where would you go?" For me, I'd take, not the--that pretty thing up on top of the hill, but I's take this character down here that is a real homemaker, somebody that loved me and stayed with me, somebody that tried to make a home without bleeding you for everything for fineries, and somebody that was with you--part of you. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 20-1 That's always stuck with me of how that was. One chose a beautiful girl; the other one chose character. Now, that's the only way you can choose. First look for character, and then if you love her, fine. Notice, God's first Adam didn't have any choice for his wife. He didn't get a choice. God just made him one, and he didn't get to choose her. So we find out that she led him astray from God's Word. He didn't get to pray over the matter. He--he--he isn't like you or I. He didn't get a choice. And again, by doing that, she led him from his rightly position as being a son of God, and she did it by showing him a more modern way of living--something that they really shouldn't have done, but the character of her showed that she was wrong; her motives and objectives were simply wrong--and persuaded him by her reasoning that the modern new light that she'd found, which was contrary to God's Word, was a better way to live. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 20-3 And how many women today, and vice versa, men, that could pull a good woman away from God, or pull a good man away from God by trying to tell him this religion (you Pentecostal boys)... "That religion," they say, "oh, that is old fashion; it is old fogy. Don't you believe that." You'd better pray hard before you marry that girl. I don't care how pretty she is: same thing to a man. She persuaded him out of the will of God and caused him to do something that he should not have done, and by it caused death to the whole human race. That's why the Bible forbids her to teach, or to preach, or to handle God's Word in any manner. I know, sisters, many of you say, "The Lord called me to preach." Now, I'm not going to argue with you. But I'm going to tell you; the Word says you're not to do it. "She shall not teach or usurp any authority, but to be in silence." "Well," you say, "the Lord told me to do it." I don't doubt that one bit. Did you hear my message the other night about Balaam? Balaam got the first straight cut decision of God, "Don't do it." But he kept on fooling around till finally God told him to go do it. God might permit you to preach. I don't say He didn't.
But it's not according to His original Word and plan, for she's to be under obedience as also saith the law. True. Therefore, she's not supposed to do it. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 21-1 Now, notice again how the natural bride types the spiritual. The Word says that she was made for man and not man made for her. Now, I'm going to speak on why in a few minutes on the Bride of Christ, but I'm trying to show you the background of it. Woman was made for man and not man for woman. That's the reason under the old laws that polygamy was legal. Look at David setting down there with five hundred wives. And the Bible said he was a man after God's Own heart with five hundred wives, and Solomon with a thousand, but not one of them women could have another husband. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 21-4 You get my tape on "Marriage and Divorce" that up on top of the mountain at Tucson, here not long ago, I was up there praying about it. They dismissed the school to watch that Pillar of Fire circling the mountain and going in a funnel back and forth, up and down. People right here knows it: there and saw it. And it... When He told me the truth of this marriage and divorce questions... If there's one side going this way, and one going that way, there's got to be a truth somewhere. And after those seven seals, He showed what was the truth of it. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 21-5 Notice now, she could not have but one husband, because woman was made for man and not man for woman. That whole five hundred women was just David's wife. It was a type--when Christ sets on the throne in the millennium, His Bride will be not one person, but it'll be tens of thousands, the Bride, all in one. And David had many wives as individuals but only--all of them together was his wife. Like the whole body of believers is the Bride of Christ. Because it was she, the woman; He was the man. Now, we were made for Christ; Christ wasn't made for us. That's what we try to do today in our text books, is try to make the Word, which is Christ, suit us, instead of us trying to make ourselves to suit the Word. That's the difference.
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 22-1 When a man chooses a certain girl out of a family, he must not rely upon beauty, for beauty is deceiving, and beauty, modern worldly beauty is of the devil. Oh, I hear someone say out there, "Be careful here, preacher." I say that these things on this earth that's called beautiful is absolutely of the devil. I'll prove it to you. Then in the light of this remark, let's search God's holy Word to see if it's right or not. And some of you women wants to be so pretty, see where it comes from. In the beginning we find that Satan was so beautiful till he deceived angels, and he was the most beautiful angel of all of them. Shows it lays in the devil. Proverbs said... Solomon said, "Beauty is vain." That's right. Sin is beautiful. Certainly it is; it's attractive. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 22-3 I want to ask you and say something here to you, and I want you to notice in a few minutes. Of all of the species in the world (birds, animals), we find that on the animal life, all besides humans, it's the male that's pretty and not the female. Why that? Look at the--look at the deer--the--the beautiful big buck with his horns and the little muley doe. Look at the--the hen, the little speckled hen and the big beautiful feathered rooster. There's nothing, no female, besides a woman could be immoral. You call a dog a slut; you call a hog a sow; but morally they got more morals than half of the movie stars there is out here. They cannot be nothing else but moral. And the woman was the one that was changed over for the perversion. That's right. See where the beauty takes her to? Now, that's why that today we find that women is on the increase of beauty. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 22-5 You take Pearl Bryan. Did you ever see her picture, was supposed to be America's great beauty? There isn't a school kid out of any school but what would have her in a back row. Did you know it's suppose to be that way? Did you know the Bible speaks that that's the way it's going to be? Do you know the fall came by women at the beginning? And fall... The end is going to wind up the same way, women coming into authority and ruling over men, and so forth. Do you know the Scripture says that? You know the day that she puts on man's clothes and bobs her hair, all of those things are contrary to God's Word and... You know she represents the church? When, you watch what women are doing, and you'll see what the church is doing. That's exactly right. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E
23-1 Now, now, that's just as true as the Word of God is true. No other female is made that can stoop like a woman can. And yet, through that, being made an off... She was not in the original creation. All other females is in the original creation: bird, male and female; animals, male and female. But in human life, God only made a man. And He took from him. And a woman is a byproduct of a man, because God did not institute such a thing. Search the Scriptures. It's exactly right. God... No, sir. In His original creation she was put out there, but if she can hold herself right, what a greater reward she has than man. She's put on a testing ground. Through her come death. She's guilty of all death. But then God turned around and used one to bring Life back again: brought His Son through the woman, an obedient one. But a bad one is the-the worse there is. There's nothing that can be as low. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 23-3 Cain, Satan's son, thought that God accepted beauty. He does today. Cain was Satan's son. "Well, now..." you say. We won't go into details on that, but just let me settle it for you. The Bible said that he was of that evil one; so that settles it. All right. Now, he was Satan's son, and he thought that bringing in an altar and making it real pretty for worship, that's what God would respect. They think--think the same thing today. Certainly, just... "We build a great building; we'll have great denominations; we'll make the biggest building and the finest dressed people, the most cultured clergymen." Sometimes God's ten million miles from it. That's right. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 23-5 Yet it's the church though... If--if God just respects worship, sincerity, sacrifice, Cain was just as just as Abel. But it was by revelation that he understood that it was not apples that his parents eat. I'm going to say something here that don't sound good for a minister, but I'm going to say it anyhow. I hear these other ones saying things, so I--saying little jokes. Now, I don't mean it. I say this though: If eating apples caused the women to realize they were naked, we had better pass the apples again. That's right. Forgive me for that. But just so that it'd change... I've got you tied up here and talking about the women and so forth; I--I want to relax you a minute for what next is to come. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 24-1 Now, notice, you--it was not apples. We know that. The church has become in these days with its achievement like all other manmade achievements; it's becoming scientific. They're trying to make a scientific church by the attraction of pictures and great steeples. And it's too bad that the Pentecostal got into that rut. You'd be better off with a tambourine down on the corner and the Spirit of God around
you...?... But you're trying to compare with the rest of them, because you're denominated. That's what did it. See? Churches are trying to be scientifically. And remember, as man achieves progress by science, he's killing himself everyday. When he invented gunpowder, look what it done. When he invented the automobile, it kills more than the gunpowder does. Now, he's got himself a hydrogen bomb. Wonder what he's going to do with that? Right. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 24-3 And so is the church. As it tries to achieve by science, by manmade schemes, it's taking you farther away from God and into death more than it was in the first place. That's right. Don't choose your church the same way you did your wife. See? What science did for her was a marvel, but you'd better keep away from the church on that. He made paints, powders, and all these other things. Choose the character of His Word. Now, let us compare the natural bride of today with the so-called church bride of today. Compare a woman going to get married today... Now, just look what science has done for her. She comes out first with her hair chopped off, with one of these Jacqueline Kennedy hairdos (See?), or something like that. And you know what the Bible says? The Bible actually gives a man, if he wants to, the right to put her away in divorcement if she does that. She's a dishonorable woman that'll cut her hair. The Bible said so. That's right. Didn't know that, huh? Oh, yeah, I preached too much in California for you not to know that. That's right. No. What good does it do me? They do it anyhow. You can't take the pig and change his--make him a lamb. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 24-5 Notice. You're going to hate me after this, but you're going to know the truth. See? Let's--let's compare it. Here she comes up with a whole lot of paint, something that she's not, a modern bride. Wash her face and you'd run from her, maybe: scare you to death, take all that stuff off of her. And so is the church with the big painted front, a complete theological Max Factor. Both has a beautiful false face on: manmade beauty, and not God-made beauty, not much character in either one. Notice, just like Satan, enough to deceive by. Compare the modern bride now with her: wears shorts, wears paint, cuts off her hair, wears clothes that look like men, and listen to a pastor that told her that was all right. He's a deceiver. He'll suffer for it in the regions beyond. That's right. Doing that to deceive, to be something that she's not. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E
25-2 That's the way the church does: gets big D.D., Ph.D., L.L.D. so you can say, "Our pastor's this, that, and the other." Maybe know no more about God that a Hottentot knows about an Egyptian night. That's right. Some theological seminary experience out there, and knows no more about God than nothing. Modern church and their theological paint, have their women all with their glory shaved off by their some Ricky added pastor that they got, like a Jezebel if there ever was one: bobbed-hair, shorts, paint, and all fixed up in a theological taste. That's the way the church stands. That's right. But her spiritual character is far from that being the homemaker that Jesus Christ is coming to receive. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 25-4 If any Christian would marry a woman like that, it shows he's fallen from grace. His taste of God and his taste of a home (what a home ought to be) is far when he choose a woman like that. No, sir, she sure wouldn't fit a Christian's taste. Her spiritual character is the lowest ebb: dead in denominational beauty and lust of the world. That's exactly where the church stands today. Sold her Word-given character to Satan for a scientific manmade religion, when she had the right as the church of God to stay with the Word of God, and have the Holy Spirit working among, welding the body together with the Word and love of God. Instead of that, she sold out her birthright like Esau and took a denomination that'd let her do anything she wanted to (That's right.), just to be popular like her mother did at Nicaea Rome. God's Word... Oh, how it's entered into our Pentecostal realm. It's too bad, but it did it. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 26-1 Notice just a minute, a nun in a Catholic church. That woman to become a nun, and take that last veil, she is absolutely sold out to that church. She's soul, body, and spirit property of that church. She has no mind of her own. She can't have when she takes that last veil: no mind of her own; no will of her own. See out here that Satan makes them his bogus like the true. The true church of Christ, the Bride, is so sold out to Him and His promised Word, till the very mind that's in Christ is in you. What a difference. And we find today that the modern church, the modern world church, the modern world church and also that the spiritual church are both pregnated to give birth to sons. One of them, a denominational birth is going to be give one of day--these days at the World Council of Churches, which will produce to the world the antichrist through a denomination. That's exactly the truth. I may not live to see it. I believe I will. But you young people remember that you heard a minister say that, that it'll finally wind up that that is the mark of the Beast. When she forms that World Council of Churches, and she'll give birth to her son the antichrist.
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 26-4 The other is pregnated by the Word of God and will bring forth the Body, the finished Body of Jesus Christ, which is the Bride. The Body of Christ isn't finished yet. How many knows that? A man and woman is one. And Christ is one Body, the Word. The Bride will have to be the rest of that body, and the two together makes the one body again, like Adam was at the beginning. Man and his wife are one. Now, She, the true Bride, so sold out to Him that She use no mind of Her own. His mind, of course, is His will, and His will is His Word. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 26-6 Now, look at the so-called bride chosen by man, and compare the spiritual to the natural of today: a modern Jezebel bewitched by her Ahab, Max-Factor beauties and everything. Look at the church, the same way, but a prostitute to the Word of the living God: big denominations, big buildings, big money, big salaries, all sold out. Men standing in the pulpit endorsing that that's all right and let them get by with it. Just deceit, that's all. Truly a blind Laodicean church age just exactly what the Bible said would be. Said, "I am rich; I set as a queen; I have need of nothing; and knowest thou not that you're poor, miserable, blind, wretched, and naked, and don't know it." If that isn't THUS SAITH THE LORD of Revelations 3, I've never read it. That's what she is and don't know it. Think of it. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 27-2 If a--you'd tell a man or woman on the street that was stark naked, and tell them they were naked, and they say, "Tend to your own business," why, there's a mental deficiency there somewhere; there's something went wrong with their mind. And when you can read the Word of God how that people should do, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost that we have today, and people... Why, they look at you as if you were crazy. You tell them you got--they got to be born again; they got to believe the Bible. They say, "That was a Jewish fable for years ago. Our church has the way." Wretched, miserable, blind, naked, and don't even know it. What a... CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 27-3 And the Bible said that--that's the condition that they'd get into. How could a true prophet ever miss seeing it? I don't know. Drifting right into all of our churches everywhere. Just look at it. Just in a modern trend.
The old whore and daughters of Revelations 17 giving to the poor, blind, miserable people her doctrine of theology contrary to the Word of God. And they found in her the souls of slaves and men and women of--of everywhere. Instead of attracting the people... Christ vindicates His Word which attracts the people. He don't attract the people of churches that are attracted by big denominations, and big doings, and great big carry-ons, and fancy things, but the Word of God attracts the Bride of Christ. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 27-5 Now, notice, it's interesting to--to notice how that the church tries to attract the attention of the people by fine robes, and dressed choirs, and bobbed-haired women, and painted faces, and they think they can sing like an angel, lie like a devil, run around all night to a dance like the--think nothing about it. And that's what they think is all right. That's beautiful. But you see, that's false made. That's is not the Word of God. While the true Bride attracts the attention of God by keeping His Word. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 28-1 Now, notice. Now let us notice Christ. You say, "Well, now wait a minute, what about this beauty you're talking about? The Bible said in Isaiah 53:2 that when Jesus come there was no beauty of Him that we should desire Him. Is that right? There's no beauty. If He would've come in the worldly beauty as Satan is today, the people would've run around Him and accepted Him the way they do the church today. They would've believed Him and received Him as they do Satan today. Certainly they would. But He didn't come in that kind of a beauty, but He always comes in the beauty of character. There... Christ wasn't a beautiful, great, strong, stout Man. God doesn't choose that kind. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 28-2 I remember one time a prophet went up to--to take a king, to make a king out of Jesse's sons to take another king's place: Saul. And so Jesse brought him out, and he was a great, big, fine boy and said, "The crown will look right on his head." And the prophet went to pour the oil on him; he said, "God's refused him." And He refused every one of them till he come to a little old stoop-shouldered, ruddy looking fellow, and he poured the oil upon him, and he said, "God chose him." See, we choose by sight. God choose by character. Character, there never was a Character like Jesus Christ. It lives in Him, manifests in. We see it true. It's not worldly beauty of Him that attracts His Bride; it is His character, the character of the church that Jesus looks for; not whether it's big buildings; whether it's great denominations; whether it's big membership. He promised to meet with wherever two or three are gathered together. Truly. That's
where the true believer rests his hopes, is upon that Word of God being vindicated in truth, what it is. Choose by His Word. Not a worldly loving group, they hate that. No wonder she is divorced from Him, because she's missed His revelation, and she don't have it. He cares not for her, the way she acts and does, and how much of this worldly stuff she has; He's looking for her character, the character of Christ. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 29-1 Now, just a moment now; that's it. He chooses a Bride to reflect His character, to which the modern churches of today certainly misses His--His program here a million miles, 'cause they deny this to be the truth. So how could it be? Now, He's looking for the day for that Bride to be formed (Hebrews 13:8) just exactly like it was--like He was. It's got to be His same flesh, same bones, same Spirit, same everything, just exactly built up, and them two then become one. Until the church becomes that, they're not one. The character of Him, the Word for this age, must be molded... She must be molded like He is. Now, in closing I want to say the reason that I've said these things, and I'll--I'll close. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 29-2 The other night about three o'clock in the morning, I was awakened up. Now, I take any of you to answer this: Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what it was right? It's always been right. So help me; God knows that is true. There is no one nowhere in the world, of the thousands of things that's been told, that He has ever missed one word of it. Always been perfectly come to pass, even to when I was at Phoenix the other day (or about a year ago it was) and told you that about that message on--on "What Time Is It, Sirs," and told you seven angels would meet out there, and it'd be the opening of these seals and what... And there the--the "Life" magazine packed the article of it, this great flame going up into the air thirty miles high, twenty-seven miles across, and they said they couldn't make out what is was, don't know yet. And men setting right here in this building tonight was standing right there with me when it happened, just exactly the way it said. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 29-3 He told me of the things was coming to pass, and it happened just exactly; how each of those Seals opened and told the mysteries that'd been hid down through them ages of the reformers and so forth, just perfectly; how I was standing upon top of the hill--men, three or four of them standing right here present now; yes, more than that. Going up the hill, the Holy Spirit said, "Pick up that rock." (We were hunting.) He said, "Throw it up in the air, and say, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD.'" I did. Down from there come a little funnel of wind. I said, "Within twenty-four hours, you will see the hand of God."
Men setting right here present now, the next day about ten o'clock, standing there, I said, "Get ready; get under the car there" (a veteran); I said, "something's fixing to happen." It was a clear sky, right up in a big canyon; and down come a whirling fire from heaven just as hard as it could scream, hit the walls like that. I was standing right under it. I just took off my hat, held my head, and it come about three feet or four feet above me, and cut a ditch plumb around that wall like that, and blasted, and went back up in the air, and whirled around again and come down three times, even cut the tops of the mesquite bushes out for two hundred yards. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 30-1 Hear them fellows saying, "Amen"? They were there when it happened. See? And it made three blasts. When they got out from under the cars, and everything, and come back over, said, "If that'd hit you, there wouldn't been a greasy spot." I said, "It wasn't... It was Him. He was talking to me." God speaks by a whirlwind. See? And there was that same Pillar of Fire that you see on the pictures standing there. And when it went up, they said, "What is it?" I said, "Judgment is striking the west coast." Second day from that, Alaska like to have sunk. See, it struck once there, the first blow where the... You have to do something to symbolize it. Like a man put some salt in a cruse, and throwed it in the water, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, let there be sweet water." And another one, Jesus picked up water, and poured it into a jug, and--and made wine out of it. You have to have something to symbolize it, and that's what that was that went up in the air and come down; that started that little whirlwind. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 30-5 Within twenty-four hours it'd shook that mountain till it had cut a ridge around it. Reverend Mr. Blair, setting here looking right at me now, he was up there and picked up some of the pieces of it and so forth. Here's Terry Sothmann and them standing here, and Billy Paul and brother, some... Many of these others setting in here that was right there to see it happen when it tore it out. That's not fiction; that's the truth. That wasn't back in the Bible days; that's now. See? That same God that's always showed me these things, and they've come to pass exactly to the letter, never have they failed one time; now, I'm bragging on Him. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 31-1 A few weeks ago I was in a vision, and I was standing upon a--a high place, and I was to see the preview of the church. And I noticed coming from my... I was standing more like this way, facing the
west, and coming this way was a--the lovely bunch of women, real nice dressed, long hair fixed nice in the back, sleeves, and skirts down neatly, and they were all in a marching tune, like "Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before." And as they passed by, I stood, and there's something there, some Spirit was God, and He said, "There is the Bride." And I looked and my heart was happy. And she went around this way, and passed around behind me. After while when She come back this a-way, It said, "Now, the modern church will come into preview." And here come the Asian church up. I never seen such a filthy bunch. Here come the other churches up of the different nations. They looked horrible. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 31-3 And I--I say this because I am duty bound to tell the truth before God. And when He said, "Here comes the church of America now to be previewed," if I ever seen a bunch of devils, it was that. Them women were stripped naked with a old gray looking thing like a color of an elephant's hide, and they was holding it in front of them with no upper part on it at all, and they were doing this kind of stuff that these--these dances that these kids do out here, that twist and stuff and that kind of music going on. And when I seen Miss U.S.A. come up, I almost fainted. Now, this is THUS SAITH THE LORD. If you believe me to be His servant, you believe me now. I wouldn't say that for nothing in the world; there's not enough money in all the world to get me to say that if it wasn't true. And when she come by, that was the filthiest looking thing I ever seen. I thought, "God, as hard as preachers and we brethren have labored to get You a Bride, and that's the best we could do." She was twisting, holding this in front of her like one of these hula skirts of a thing, holding it in front of her parts, her lower parts like this, dancing and twisting like these kids do out here on the--on these vulgar shows that they have, twisting. That was Miss Christianity of America. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 31-5 So help me, by the help of God, that's what it looks like in His face. I--I just... I start... I could've fainted. I thought of all the trying, and the preaching, and the persuading: every one of them with bobbed hair, and they were twisting and carrying on, holding this in front. They come around where I was standing there with this supernatural Being. I couldn't see Him. I could hear Him talking to me. He was right around me. But when they turned this way, they hold... they was just twisting and laughing and going on, carrying on like that, holding this in front of them. Now, me standing in His Presence there, and His servant, and of all I'd tried, that's the best I could do. I thought, "God, what good did it do me? What good did it do? All the crying, and begging, and persuading, and the great signs and wonders and miracles that You showed. And how I stood there and go home and cry after preaching to them and things, and what good did it do me? And then I have to present something like that for You for a Bride."
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 32-1 And as I stood there looking, she passed on by, and you can imagine the back part of her with nothing on, holding this in front of her as she went shimmying by like that to this twist, throwing her limbs out like that in her... Oh, it was vulgar how she was carrying on, her body shaking around like that. Now, I... You say, "What does it mean, Brother Branham?" I don't know. I'm just telling you what I seen. And when she passed by like that, I looked at her, and oh, I just got real faint. And I just turned around. I thought, "God, then I--I'm condemned. There's--there's no need of me trying any how. I just might as well quit." Mrs. Carl Williams, if you're setting here, and that dream that you told me about awhile ago that you had the other night that's been bothering you; there it is. The steering wheel is taken from my hand. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 32-4 Then I just thought I--I just might as well forget it; I was gone. Then all at once, I heard them coming again, and coming upon this side come the same Bride that went around this a-way. Here come them little ladies again, and each one of them was dressed in their national garb from where they come from, like Switzerland, Germany and so forth, each one wearing that kind of garb, all long haired, just exactly like the one at the first. And here they was coming, walking, "Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war..." And when they had passed by the preview stand where we were standing, you just all at once every eye went that way, and then they turned back, and on they went marching. And just as they started to going right up into the skies, this other one went up to a brink of a hill and went down like that. These started marching right up into the skies. And when they went to marching, I noticed a couple of little girls from the back (looked like they might be of some foreign girl, like Sweden or Switzerland, or somewhere's,) they started looking around and got... I said, "Don't do that. Don't get out of that step." And as I screamed like that, I come to in the vision, standing there with my hand out like that. I thought, "Well..." CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 33-1 That's the reason I've said what I have tonight. I want to ask you a question: Is it later that we think? Could she already be called, and chosen, sealed away? There won't be one extra one, you know. Could it be possible? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Remember what I said the other day at the breakfast? In the pollen of breeding male and female, there's a million germs goes forth, million eggs goes forth, but there's only one of them live, and yet they're every one just alike: one out of a million. Every one of
them the same egg and the same kind of germ, one of them lives; the rest of them dies. No one can tell which is the one that's the ripe egg and what about it. God has to decide that. Whether it's going to be a boy or girl, blond or brunette, or whatever it's going to be; God decides that. Not the first one meets, but the first one God's decided. Maybe one come up here, and one... If you ever noticed in a test tube to see them come together. I've watched it. God has to decide that. One... Every one of them just alike, but by election. The natural birth is by election. God takes one out of the million. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 33-2 When Israel left Egypt on their road to the promised land, there were approximately two million people. Every one of them was under the same sacrificial lamb, or they wouldn't have lived. Every one of them listened to Moses the prophet. Every one of them was baptized to him in the Red Sea. Every one of them danced, the women with Miriam up and down the side of the--when the seashore when God destroyed the enemy. Every one of them stood with Moses, and he heard him sing in the Spirit. They every one eat manna out of the wilderness that dropped down from heaven: new manna every night, which is a type of the message. Every one of them eat from it. But out of the two million, how many made it? Two: one out of a million. There's approximately five hundred million Christians in the world tonight counting Catholic and all: five hundred million so-called believers in the world. If the rapture come tonight, that would mean, if one out of a million was a count (I don't say it is.) but if it was, five hundred people in the next twenty-four hours would be missing. You'd never even hear of it. There'll be that many missing anyhow that can't even be counted for. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 34-2 Then it could be--happen to us, friends, like it did when John the Baptist came. Even the disciples said, "Why did the Scriptures say, why did the--the apostles, or the prophets say, why does it say that Elias must first come and restore all things?" He said, "I say unto you, that Elias has already come, and you didn't know it." One of these days we could be left setting here. "What about the rapture before the tribulation sets in?" "It's already come and you didn't know it." CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 34-3 All the body is sealed in, just keeping it in step. I ain't saying it's that way; I hope it isn't that way. But, friend, when you let... If we've got a feel in our heart tonight that we should straighten up our lives,
and the things that we have done, let me advise you as a minister brother... And I'm going to say this for my first time over the pulpit. I've stretched out farther tonight on this than I have on anything else anytime anyhow before the public, because I've had a great freedom in--in these meetings. If you believe me to be God's prophet, you listen to what I've told you. If there's one little tinkle of feeling in your heart, you go to God right now. You do it. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 34-4 Stop just a minute, men. Look at your--your creeds that you serve. Look in your churches. Is it just exactly with the word of God? Have you met every qualification? Say, "I'm a good man." So was Nicodemus, and so was all the rest. They--they were fine. See, that don't have nothing to do with it. And women, I want you to look in the mirror, and look what God requires a woman to do, and see in God's mirror, not in your church mirror now, in God's mirror, and see if you could qualify in your life the spiritual Bride of Jesus Christ. Ministers, think the same. Do you cut corners here to save somebody's feelings over yonder? Would you do this if it wasn't--if they would put you out of the church? If you are feeling that way, my dear brother, let me warn you in the Name of Jesus Christ, flee from that right now. And lady, if you can't measure up to the qualification of a Christian, not as a nominal Christian, but in your heart and your life is patterned exactly like God's marriage certificate here says it has to be... And church member, if your church isn't like that can measure up to God's qualification of His Word, get out of it, and get into Christ. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 35-3 That's solemn warning. We don't know what time. And you don't know what time that this city one day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean. "O, Capernaum," said Jesus, "thou who exalted into heaven will be brought down into hell, for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, it'd have been standing till this day." And Sodom and Gomorrah lays at the bottom of the Dead Sea, and Capernaum's in the bottom of the sea. Thou city, who claims to be the city of the Angels, who's exalted yourself into heaven and sent all the dirty filthy things of fashions and things, till even the foreign countries come here to pick up our filth and send it away, with your fine churches and steeples, and so forth the way you do; remember, one day you'll be laying in the bottom of this sea. You're great honeycomb under you right now. The wrath of God is belching right beneath you. How much longer He'll hold this sandbar hanging over that, when that ocean out yonder a mile deep will slide in there plumb back to the Salton Sea. It'll be worse than
the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los Angeles. Repent the rest of you and turn to God. The hour of His wrath is upon the earth. Flee while there's time to flee and come into Christ." Let us pray. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 35-6 Dear God, when in my spirit is shaking, my heart is dropping teardrops of warning, grant, O God, that men and women will not think of what I've said as a joke, and the church people will not think of it as something that was prejudice or against them. May they see, Lord, it's in love. Thou barest me record, Almighty God, that up and down this coast I went, year after year, proclaiming Your Word. Bear me record, O God, if it would happen tonight, I've told the truth. Thou knowest this vision of the Bride is the truth. I've took Your Name by it, Lord, and said it was, THUS SAITH THE LORD, and I feel that I'm conscious, Lord, of what I'm doing. So I pray Thee, Lord, in Jesus' Name, let people shake themselves tonight and flee from the wrath that is to come, for the--Ichabod is wrote over the doors and over the nation. A black check mark is come across it; the Spirit of God is grieved away from it; and they're weighed in the balances and found wanting. The feast of King Nebuchadnezzar has repeated again with drunken parties and halfdressed women calling themselves Christians. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 36-2 O God of heaven, have mercy upon a sinful world and a sinful people, Lord, as we are tonight. God, I'm trying to stand in the breach and ask for Divine mercy that You'll speak into this crowd tonight and call Your Bride to attention, Lord, to march not by the sign of any creed, but by the sound of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grant it, O God. Let it be known this night, that Thou art God, and--and Thy Word is Truth. While solemnly in the face of this people, we call them to attention of Thy Word. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray for them, Lord. They have seen You beyond any shadow of a doubt move across the crowds and tell them what's in their heart. And Thou knowest, Lord, that right now what's going on. Thou knowest that to be truth, O God. And I pray Thee in Jesus' Name, let the Holy Spirit intercede again, Lord, and pull from this audience, Lord, those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Grant it, O God, I pray it with all my heart. These people, naturally, Lord, would give me the last penny they had to support the message. They'd do anything that they could, but O God, when it comes to coping with it and coming into it, I pray, God, that this will be the night that You'll reward them and pour down Your Holy Spirit upon this convention. And may there not be a frolic or jumping around, but a weeping, and a crying, and a repenting, holding on to the horns of the altar while we see judgment rolling beneath us tonight. Grant it, God. I pray as sincerely as I know how, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 37-1 My brother, sister, I don't know what more to say. If I've found grace in your sight by the power of God, if you believe me to be His prophet... This is the first time in public I've ever said that, but I feel a strange warning of some sort. I'm not prone to this. You know I'm not. I don't act like this. I hesitated to speak that message and say those things. I run sideways and everything else to keep from doing it, but it's been said, and it'll stand at the day of the judgment as a witness that I've told the truth. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD. Oh, Pentecost, run for your life. Flee to the horns of the altar and cry out before it is too late, for the hour will come when you can cry and it'll do no good. For Esau sought to find the place of his birthright and couldn't find it. I commit you, oh, California, oh, convention of the Full Gospel Business Men, who I love, who I've left and strung to with all my heart, I commit you to Jesus Christ tonight. Flee to Him. Don't let the devil ever cool you off from this. Stay right with it until you're every one filled with the Holy Ghost insomuch that it'll make you come to this Word, that'll make you women straighten up, that'll make you men straighten up. If you say you've got the Holy Ghost and won't cope with the Word, it's another spirit in you. God's Spirit is on His Word. The Messiahic, the anointed Word... The Bride must be a Messiah-ette, the anointed Word. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 37-2 Let us stand to our feet in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you never hear my voice again... If God willing, I'm sailing to Africa in a few hours; I may never return. I don't know. But I tell you with all my heart; I've told you the truth. I haven't shunned to declare to you everything that God has told me to say, and I've said it in the Name of the Lord. It's a solemn moment. I don't know how to express it. I've tried to leave the pulpit three or four times, and I can't do it. This is a solemn hour. Don't you never forget it. This is a time that maybe God may be making His last call. I don't know. He'll make His last call someday. When? I don't know. But I'm telling you, according to that vision, it looks like that that Bride's about finished. Look at the nominal churches coming in. When the sleeping virgin come for oil, she failed to get it. The Bride went in. The rapture went up. While they went to buy oil, the Bridegroom come. Are you asleep? Wake up quickly, and come to yourself, and let us pray each one like we were dying at this minute, in the Name of the Lord. Let's each one pray in your own way. CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E
38-1 God Almighty, have mercy upon us, Lord. Have mercy on me. Have mercy upon us all. What good does it do, no matter what we do, if we fail in these things. I stand and ask for mercy, O God, before this great city sinks beneath the sea and judgments of God sweep this coast; I pray, God, that You'll call Your Bride. I commit them to You now in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. LAST VISIT TO SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA 65-0527 LAST.VISIT.TO.SOUTH.AFRICA_ SOUTH.AFRICA THURSDAY_ 65-0527 E-1 This is one of the highest moments of my life. I have waited fifteen years for this time. My heart has longed to see you again, ever since I left you. I have prayed very much to get to come back. And a few weeks ago, I was under great anticipations, believing that I would get to come and have a meeting. But when I got the visa, "restricted," I almost had a heart attack. Ha. I wanted to come so bad. But I do believe that through God I will minister again in the Name of the Lord Jesus among the people of Africa. God has promised to give us the desire of our heart. And that's one of the desires of my heart. I can remember the great meetings here in Johannesburg. I remember the boy with the short leg coming long again, normal. And the lady that--the little girl was healed from a back condition and her mother fainted and fell back in the--the cot. [The translator says, "That's my wife's cousin"--Ed.] Your wife...? Oh my! There's so many great things. No doubt, there is many of those people attended those meetings are with the Lord now. I have gotten old too since then. It won't be too long till my time to go up. Then we will be together forever. No visas. Ha Ha. I--I would feel like bringing the Message. Ha Ha. But it is written in the Scripture, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God, the things that are God's." I am expecting to meet you here in a few moments, shake your hand, and have fellowship again together. I appreciate all these fine man. I wish I had all my brethren in Africa here today of all the denominations. That we could just get together and talk all evening. And I would like to hear what the Lord's been doing over here for you. And I would like to tell you what He's doing for us across the sea. Maybe he will permit that some day. Until that day, I will be praying for you. Will you be praying for me? God bless you. ASHAMED OF HIM JEFF IN 65-0711 V-3 N-9
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 1 Thank you, Brother Neville. Good morning, friends. Good to be here this morning. And--and I think I made a... I am an intruder on Brother Neville's time, and setting back there with his, getting his text together; and I walked in; he started folding up his text, and said, "Well..." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 2 It reminds me of years ago. There used to be a colored brother down here, named Brother Smith, Sister Cross. They were very good friends of mine. And when I'd walk in the building at night, the old fellow used... He had a white mustache. Don't know whether any of you remember him or not. And he would be on the platform, you know. And all of them would be singing, "It's A Highway To Heaven." And Brother Smith (See?), he just set like this, you know. And I would walk in the back door. There was a little girl, kind of real dark, she used to set in the corner. She'd start clapping her hands, saying, "Lift Him up," that song, you know. They put their own melody to it, you know. And then over in the next corner, be somebody else, says, come in again, "Lift Him up." Well, that's what they'd sing when I come in the door. I just love that bunch of people. And so old Brother Smith set back there, a little bit, you know, and he was kind of a quiet sort of a fellow. He'd say, "Come in, elder, rest your hat." Not "rest yourself"; "rest your hat."...?... See? "Come in, elder, rest your hat." He'd get up there, and I could tell the way he started off, I was in for it. See? He would say, "Well," he says, "children, you know," he said, "I--I was setting here just wondering, 'Lord, what You going to give me to say?'" Said, "He--He--He kept shaking His head at me, 'I ain't going to give you nothing to say.'" Said, "I seen Elder Branham walk in back there, and I said, now, 'Lord, I just begin to remember...'" Well, I was right in for it. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 6 Brother George Wright, how are you, brother? [Brother Wright says, "Oh, good. Sure."--Ed.] Bless you, Brother Wright! Certainly. ["Brother Elijah is back there."] Oh, is that right? Brother Elij' Perry, he said, is back here. Where you at, Brother Elij'? I haven't seen him in a long... Why, my, goodness. Now, we ought to have a real meeting here again: Elij' Perry, George Wright, and some of them old timers that used to be here when you almost had to hold the shutters on the place, with our hands, the wind blowing. Good seeing you. Mother, Sister Wright with you? Sister Wright in? She's back there too. Yes, sir. Well, I'll...?... Sister Perry, I see them all now. Well, that's really fine. Good to be in. It's good to set in these places. It's good to be together. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
7 I'd planned on, so hard, coming back, burdened in the heart. I just returned from Africa, as you all know. And when I got over there, I had a restricted visa, and wouldn't let me, wouldn't let me preach, because it gathers too many together. And they're expecting an uprise there at any time, and--and they--they wouldn't let me preach because of that gathering too many people together. The only way I could, would to have some organization that's represented by the government, in the government, to invite me over, then that would automatically let the government send out a militia for protection. See, they're just... There's just going to be an uprise, and that's all there is to it. It's just right in hand. See? That government man said, "The last time you was here, you had about a quarter of a million people together." And he said, "Then, you see, that'd just be the very thing that communism is looking for, for an uprise." So I couldn't preach. Those people standing there, waving their hands, and crying, "Remember my mother. Remember, my brother died... My..." There, and in behind a bar, you know, bars of wire, and it just made you feel real bad. And I come back home. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 9 And I thought, "Well..." My son, Joseph, back there, had let down a little bit in his reading. And he had... He passed all right, but he had to take it over: wasn't reading good enough. So I thought, "Well, we're going to have to stay home a little while." And I said, "If we stay home, it's going to ruin the kids' vacation." So we just postponed it, and taken him over to another part in August, and let-and come back here for a couple, three weeks. See? I said, "I believe, while we're back there, I'll just take and hold a meeting. We'll get that school auditorium up here, and--and we'll have a meeting from the twenty-eighth on through to the first, a meeting at the school auditorium. I wanted to preach on the subject of the outpouring of them seven last vials." And so we called ahead, and we had a little disappointment. They won't let us have these schools no more: too many people crowds in. We can't have it nowhere. And so then I decided, while I was back here then, instead of... ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 11 We can't put all the people, if we'd adver... It's never been advertised now. So if we put all the people, try to put them in the Tabernacle here, we couldn't do it. See, it just... Five days in here would be awful. So setting in there talking with Brother Neville and Brother Wood, and them, we have decided to do this. If we can't, I'll--instead of that would make us have five services; that would be twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first, and first. Well, I feel if we have, beginning next Sunday, we can have two services, Sunday morning, Sunday night, that's the eighteenth. And then on the--on the twenty-fifth, have Sunday morning and Sunday night. That's four services. Then on August the first, have a
Sunday morning and Sunday night. That'd give us six services, and then it won't make such a jam to get the people in. And I think that... Don't you think that'd be better than having everybody just crowded and mashed together, and everything? Then just that for them two services, we can put up with that, but everybody kind of pull together. For five nights, straight, it would make it hard. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 15 And I want to get with the trustees and the elders here, while I'm here. This is becoming everywhere. We're living in these last days, to where the Gospel does not have the-the preeminences as It should have. It don't have the rights that It should have. It's all sewed up in politics and things, and just like a union. And that's what it's finally coming to, because the mark of the beast has to come by union, we know. So we--we... 'Cause it's a boycott, "no man can buy or sell, save him that have the mark of the beast." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 16 And now I want to find out, through the elders. I feel led. I've never had such a hunger in my heart for God in all my life, than--than I have now. See? For... And I--I want to get my own tent and my--my stuff, like the Lord gave me a vision to, and I believe the time is just now at hand. And I want to see while I'm here, why we can't get the tent. And--and then when we go, like come here to Jeffersonville, instead of having just a day or two, or three or four days, we can go out here and put up this tent, and have two or three weeks (You see?), it... Nobody can say nothing about it. We can either take a ball park, or, if they won't let us have that, there's farmer out here will let us have a farm. We'll rent the farm and--and put it up. The only thing we'd just have to do there, would be make our--our outbuildings, and so forth, and for our conveniences. And that could be easily done. And then we'll start having our services like that, because that's according to a vision from the Lord, that it's to be done that way. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 18 And coming in, yesterday, and finding, you know, this, that. And was going up the street, and a good friend of mine going along there, said, "Hello, Billy." I looked at him, and snow-white hair, that much tummy and--and the boy's my age. We run around together, handsome young fellow, when I was a kid. I--it kinda made me feel funny. My little son, Joseph, said, "Why you sad, daddy?"
"Oh," I said, "I can't explain it to you, Joseph. See, I can't, can't--can't tell you." And I look at Elij' Perry setting back there, and Mrs. Perry; seem like yesterday they were a little black-headed couple out there, living next door to me, when we had the old boat, Wahoo, and down on the river and fished at night. See them both white-headed; you know, it says one thing, it's a little buzzer that comes on, "You ain't got much more time." See? So I want every day of my life to count for Him. What I have left, what time I have, I want to spend it somewhere doing something, if it's no more than stand on a street corner, testifying to the glory and honor of God. And I--I'm here for that purpose. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 22 And I've got a little secret place up here at Green's Mill, Indiana. It's not a city now; it's--it's a wilderness. And some people has taken it over, and they won't even let you set a foot on it. But I got a cave there that he'd never find me when I got into it. I'd go at nighttime, and he'll never know when I go in or come out. And he don't know where the cave is, and couldn't get to it no matter where it was. And I want to go over and talk to the Lord awhile; I feel that it's a necessity. The wife, she wants to come, want to come back and visit around, and Rebekah and Sarah, and them, with their friends. And we're back here now for the next three weeks, and if the Lord willing. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 24 And I think, instead of trying to jam the people all together, for them meetings here in the Tabernacle... 'Course this belongs to us, belongs to the Lord, give it to us. And it's air-conditioned. Like to have a Sunday morning service, a Sunday night service. That'd let people go back to their place, then wait over until the next coming week. I don't think I could take and--and officially do justice to the pouring out of those last vials, 'cause they're very, very great message in that. But I could pray for the sick, and do things that... I have messages to the--as the Lord will give them to me, for the church. Through the week, I'll get out here in the wilderness somewhere and study, come back on Sunday morning, have Sunday morning service like this, and a Sunday night service. Our most gracious little pastor, Brother Neville, I asked him if that would be satisfaction to him. That's taking all of his services away from him, but he was more than glad to surrender it to--to over to that. I just... ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
26 Brother Capps, he, I guess, got the roaming fever too, and I see he has left, and--and Brother Humes. And the Lord had a Brother Mann here just to take right over, and the place. You know, isn't that wonderful how God will do things? He always had everything timed just right. I come up and I heard somebody preaching. I said, "That don't... I believe..." Brother Capps, he come to Tucson, and I think it bluffed him right quick, it was about a hundred and ten degrees. He didn't want nothing to do with that, so away he went, him and Brother Humes, and went up to Phoenix. 'Course it's a hundred and fifteen to sixteen, eighteen up there. That was still worse, so I think he took off to Texas after that; he, trying to find a place. But you don't want no Arizona this time of year, I tell you. It was a hundred and forty the other day, last Friday, a hundred and forty degrees at Parker. And that's where Brother Craig, from the church here, lives. And you can break an egg; it'll fry 'fore it hits the ground. [Brother Branham laughs--Ed.] You--you spit and--and the moisture is gone, it just... There's no humidity nor nothing; it's really a bake oven this time of year. But from about November, December and January, it's wonderful. But when it comes about March and April, you--you better get away if you don't want to suffocate. And so Brother Capps and them happened to come just at that time, which I think run them out. So maybe the Lord did that for a purpose. I'm believing this, that God orders the footsteps of the righteous. Sometimes it seems hard. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 30 Like the other day on this trip to Africa, I was so sure that I was moving in the will of God. Because a year ago I was down in the south, holding a series of meetings, and they--they... I thought... Coming from that organization, said, "You can come on through the Christian Business Men, but we'll have nothing to do with it." Well, I don't want to throw them men right in on it, you know, make a conflict. I--I want to make them feel good at one another. So I just said, "Well..." Wrote them a letter, I said, "Remember, I've tried to get into Africa for years again, feeling that my ministry isn't finished in Africa. I have no..." Why would I have to go to Africa, when I got six, seven hundred cities right here in the United States calling (See?), just right here, without leaving Canada, Mexico, or any of those places? Why should I want to go there? But it's something in my heart that pulls me to Africa. There--those people, there-there is something about them that I love, and I want to go just for the colored people only. And there's something in a lot of them, them leaders, they don't feel I should do that. But I--I want to go to my colored friends. That's where the Lord called me. And now they're needy. Many of those people, those white people, can have doctors and everything. But them poor natives live out there, and half rot. And I--I--I feel they're the ones that looks like they'd receive It. They're the ones.
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 34 There's something about it. When you get to a spot, you're so smart that you know everything, then God can't do nothing with you. But if you get to a place that you're willing to listen and learn, then--then it's God's time, can move in and talk to you. And so I wrote them a letter back, and told them that. I said, "Remember, at the day of the judgment, let them bony hands reach out of the smoke, condemn you. Their blood be upon you, not on me, 'cause I've tried for about ten years to get back." Then when I mailed the letter, come back, Something said to me, "See Sidney Jackson, take a hunting trip." The same time, the Lord spoke to Sidney Jackson, said, "Yellow-mane lion, Brother Branham camping; Durban, big meeting." Well, he was over here, and he spoke with you here. By the way, we baptized... He was firmly against this baptism in--in the Name of Jesus Christ. And his wife was worse than he was; she would just walk away. You could... I'm telling you; I never seen any more devout people. They've got about a hundred and fifty ministers over there, baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and they're just burning the country up. The Message is just sweeping Africa, everywhere, aviators and great men coming, being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 38 And so I, when I started to go over, I'm telling you, I never had so much trouble in all my life of trying to get there. And then at the very last minute, very last minute to go, here was wrote across my visa, "Cannot anticipate in any kind of religious service; can only come hunting." Well, then, it was rank. But I said, "I don't care what the Devil does, I--I can't... I can't voucher for what Brother Jackson said about yellow-mane lion, and this, that, or the other. I--I can't vouch it. But I do know God told me to see Sidney Jackson, and go hunting." And I said, "I'm going." And sometime... And I had one of the greatest trips. I found out what the trouble was. Now, I think, about October, the Lord willing, I can go back and have a meeting and everything, full cooperation, everything else (See?), in Africa now. I got to the bottom of it and found out where it was at, what caused it. Up here, writing, this one has got this to say, and something's got something to say, and this one there. The best thing to do, is go find out, yourself. And I know where the trouble was, and what the reason of it was; it was because of so many people gathering together, the government wouldn't let me have it. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
41 Now, if the Christian Business Men or any organization, which will bring us in, then the government automatically because it's the organization is represented with the government, the government sends militia protection. If there'd be twenty-five man out of one denomination, twenty-five out of another, still they won't receive that. It's got to be the--the head of this organization. And Christian Business Men is a nonsectarian organization representing all the churches. Doctor Simon, their head over there, a very fine man, I got to meet him and talk with him. And they are taking the meetings, and all the rest of the churches is coming in together. See? And I believe we'll have one of the greatest meetings that's been had in--in Africa. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 42 But my point was this, when you know that you--you're trying to do what's right, the first thing is, if you feel led to do anything, then check it with the Word and see if it's right with the Word, and then let nothing stop you. I don't care how many wheels the Devil throws in the way, just move right over the top of them. I told my wife and I told Brother Wood, when I got here, and some friends that I met yesterday, I have had about five years here that I hardly knowed what to do. It's been a--a nervous... See, the revival itself amongst the churches has died. Everyone knows that. You feel it in this Tabernacle. You feel it everywhere. There is a thump, dead feeling. There's just something isn't right. It's because the revival enthusiasm has gone away from the people. Go into the churches; you'll see them setting there. And the pastor stumbling around for a message and something another. And the first thing you know, he turned it off on some kind of a party they're going to have, or something. It seems to be a dead thump everywhere. Billy Graham notices it; Oral Roberts. Mr. Allen had some trouble, as you know. Oral Roberts has got that fifty-million-dollar buildings, and so forth, in there. He's got a school. And, well, there's nobody on the field now. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 45 I left here, by a vision to go yonder to Tucson to see what the Lord wanted me to do. There He met me up there, as He told you here that He would do it, and the form of seven Angels, and said to return back and the Seven Seals was to be opened. That's just exactly what happened. He said, one day with Brother Wood when he come out there, we went to the same place, and throw up a rock, it come down. He said, "Within a day and night, you're..." Some, I forget just what the words was. "You're going to see the glory of God." And the next day a whirlwind came down out of the skies, and we know the story of what taken place. When it went up, they asked what it was. I said, "It spoke three words, in three great blasts." The men
only heard the blasting. I understood what It said. And said, "Judgment striking west coast." Two days after that, Alaska like to have sunk. It's been thundering around, earthquakes, everything. Just look at them, every day earthquakes just shaking everywhere. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 48 My last meeting, last meeting I had. This will be my first message, really, to preach since then. I was preaching in Los Angeles, at the Biltmore Auditorium, and I was speaking on a man choosing himself a wife. You probably got the tape of it. It's... I said, "It reflects his character and his ambition." That when a man takes a woman, he takes a young girl and to be his wife; he takes, you know, a modern girl that's a common Ricketta, it--it just shows what he's... If he marries a beauty queen or a sex queen, whatever it is, it shows his, what's really in the man. But a Christian, he looks for character in a woman because he's planning a future home with that woman. He plan, he gets a homemaker. And I said, "Then Christ, according to His Word here, tells us what our future home will be. What kind of a wife will He choose then, a denominational prostitute? Never. He'll choose a woman that's characterized by His Word; that'll be the Bride." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 49 And while in there Something struck me; I didn't know nothing for about thirty minutes. There was a prophecy went out. First thing I remember, Brother Mosley and Billy; I was out on the street, walking. And It said, "Thou Capernaum, which calls yourself by the name of the Angels," that's Los Angeles, city of angels (See?), the angels, "which are exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell. For if the mighty works had been done in Sodom, that's been done in you, it would've been standing till this day." And that was all unconsciously to me. See? And how I just got through exhorting Christ, exalting Him and telling the church. I said, "You women, no matter how I try to come to you and preach against these things that... And you men, you preachers; you constantly conned all the time, do it just the same. You walk over It as if the Word of God wasn't nothing." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 51 And when I understood that, I went; I said, "There is a Scripture about that somewhere." And I went and found it was Jesus rebuking Capernaum by the seacoast. That night I looked up the Scriptures. Come home, got the history book; and Sodom and Gomorrah was once a--a thriving city, a Gentile headquarters of the world. And you know that city by an earthquake sank into the Dead Sea. And Jesus stood, and said, "Capernaum, if Sodom would've had the works done in it that you've had done in you, it would've been standing today. But now you must be brought down to hell." And about two hundred or
three hundred years after His prophecy, with all them coastal towns, every one of them still standing but Capernaum, and it lays in the bottom of the sea. A earthquake sunk it into the sea. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 52 And then prophesying, "Los Angeles will be in the bottom of the sea." And I come home and went to Africa. And while I was in Africa, they had an earthquake. And scientists... You seen it; it was on a broadcast that some big, fine homes tumbled in in Los Angeles, and a motel, and so forth. And now there is a... Since that earthquake, there is a two or three-inch crack that come in the earth, starting in Alaska, goes around through the Aleutian Islands, comes out about a hundred and fifty or two hundred miles in the sea, comes back up at San Diego; takes in California, or Los Angeles, and comes out again just below the northern part of California there, a little place called San Jose, just below there. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 54 And this scientist was speaking, being on a interview. We was watching on television. And he said, "Beneath that is just a churning lava." And he said this; he said, "That is... A chunk will break loose," and said, "and it will..." And this inter--man on--scientist interviewing this chief scientist, said to him, said, "Well, that could then all sink?" He said, "Could? It's got to." Said, "Well, 'course, will probably be many, many years from now." He said, "It can be in five minutes from now, or it can be in five years from now." He just 'lotted five years. But just as I surely was standing there under that Inspiration, put judgment on that west coast, and then followed it right up here with the sinking of Los Angeles; she's gone! That's right. It will happen. When? I don't know. But, oh, what happened? You know, we only got six continents now. We had seven; that one that sunk between Africa and the United States... Oh, it's historical; you know about it. Now, if that goes down, then I want you to watch when... ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
60 This was a sermon that I preached on when, I believe, Brother Elij' Perry might have been deacon here in the church at the time, for all I know. But it said, "The time will come..." I didn't know it till Mrs. Simpson brought me the--the sermon the other day. And I got it wrote in a little book, that the desert, that the ocean shall weep its way into the desert. That was thirty years ago. And, of course, the Salton Sea is about two hundred feet below sea level, and if that big churning, that earth swallowing in like that, with hundreds of square miles, hundreds and hundreds of square miles sinking into the earth, that'll throw a tidal wave plumb to Arizona. Sure, it would. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 62 Oh, we're at the end time, glorious hour, the appearing of the Lord Jesus. He said, "There shall be earthquakes in divers places, perplexed of time, distress between nations, men's hearts failing in fear." Said, "When these things begin to happen, raise up your head, your redemption's drawing nigh." Oh, my. Nations are breaking, Israel's awak'ning, The signs that the prophets foretold; The Gentile days numbered with horrors encumbered; Return, O dispersed, to your own. (Be sure to do that!) That day of redemption is near, Man's hearts are failing for fear; Be filled with God's Spirit, Have your lamps trimmed and clear, Look up, your redemption is near! (That's right.) False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying, That Jesus the Christ is our God. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
63 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] See the picture the other day, how He turned that picture sideways there? And the very picture of that seven Angels being lifted up, turn it to the right-hand side, and there is the face of the Lord Jesus looking down to the earth again. You remember when I preached the seven church ages, I couldn't understand why Jesus standing there with a "white" over His head. He was a young Man. I took it back in the Bible, it said, "He came to the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was white as wool." Jesus was only thirty-three and a half years old at His crucifixion. I called up Brother Jack Moore, a theologian. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, that's Jesus in His glorified stage." Said, "After His death, burial, and resurrection, He turned to that." That sounded all right for a theologian, but it didn't go good, it just didn't hit the something. I went up there and started on that first church age, there the Holy Spirit revealed it. Now, you got it right on your church ages. I guess the books will be out pretty soon now, the full detail of it. And it showed that Jesus was Judge. There's a white wig that they used to wear, put a wig on and wear it as a judge (England still does it.) when you got supreme authority. And that turning sideways in this picture, there He is, His black hair, you can see it in the side of His beard, and the white wig on. He is the last of the authority; He's Supreme Authority. Even God said so Himself, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 67 There He is with them Angels, the message, which was the seven--breaking of them seven seals that revealed serpent's seed and all these things here. And it shows that it is His very covering; it's His--it's His supreme authority. He is Supreme, and He's wigged or--or covered. The Bible said that He changed His countenance, or He changed Himself, en morphe. The word comes from the Greek word, "en morphe," which means "a Greek actor that plays many parts"; today he is one thing, in the next act he's something else. He was God the Father in one act; God the Son in another act; and He's God the Holy Ghost in this act. See? There He is; His Word is still Supreme. We're living in the last days. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 68 Coming back from Africa the other day, I kinda tired. You see, it's just it's nighttime there now, and you have to turn around. And then time I got turned around, I come back again. We had a wonderful trip, hunting trip, one of the best I ever had in my life. Then Billy's got some pictures, maybe he'd have a time he can show it somewhere, and show you the trip. I had a dream. I'm always dreaming of being back at that Public Service Company somehow. So I--I thought I was kind of ratting on the job; I was supposed... They just let me have my own way, and I thought I'd... Instead of going out and walking the lines or collecting the bills, or something I was supposed to do, I just said, "Well, I'm my own boss." I just went swimming. And I got down there and
took off my--these clothes, and put on my swimming clothes. I was by myself. And I thought, "Say, this ain't right, the company... This is daytime; the company is paying me for this time." Thought, "That's strange." And then I thought, "Well, the money I collected on the route..." I had both the patrol and the route mixed together, and I said, "Well, the money I collected, I've done something, roving around here; I've lost all my tickets; and I got their money and my money mixed together. Now, how will I know who paid the bills?" I thought, "Just because I wasn't paying any attention." I thought, "That's not right. There's only one thing for me to do, that's go back to my superintendent and tell him." That was Don Willis. I said, "Don, I lost those tickets. Now, here's all the money I got, and here's their money together. Leave it here at the cashier. And the people, when they come in, they'll have a receipt that I received the bill." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 71 Probably people setting right here that (I--I... I know there is.)--that I collected from them in--in the days, and I'd... And I'd give a receipt. You know, it was only ten percent if you let your bill run over. And maybe, a dollar and a half, be fifteen cents over. A lot of them people lived... We just liked to get together and talk, and they'd just let their bill go, wanting me come talk to them awhile. That was... Give fifteen cents, you know, just to set down and talk a little while, to collect their bill. So it got it ragged; they just got so many bills I couldn't collect them. Well, I thought that's the only way I could do it. And I woke up. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 72 The place where we live, Sister Larson. I don't think she's here. She's been very nice to us; and she don't like for me to say that. But she's a very fine lady, and we've been living in her rooms. She's got two apartments, small apartments together; we rented them both. And wife and I sleep over here in--in the other apartment where I kind of receive the people when I can, and there's a couple of little twin beds in there. I woke up. She wasn't awake yet. And after while she woke up. And I waved over at her, and she looked back, batted her eyes a few times. I said, "You sleep good?" She said, "Nope." And I said, "I had the awfullest dream. I was back at that Public Service Company again." I said, "What have I done?"
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 75 I remember as a little boy, or a young man, I'd walked all those lines at Salem, Indiana, different... I'd go in buy a--a breakfast, maybe a bowl of oats. In that hot sun and everything, it's... I'd--it'd just make me sick to eat breakfast. I'd turn in ten cents on my petty cash. The superintendent come down and said--said, "You know what they said in the--in the meeting? 'Who is that knothead that would turn in ten cents for breakfast?' Said, "You ought to at least turn in fifty cents." Now, all of you know, fifty cents was a big breakfast in them days. And I said, "Well, I don't eat that much." He said, "Well, the rest of them turns in fifty cents. You ought to turn in fifty cents." I said, "Well, I don't use it." Said, "Turn it in anyhow." That was my superintendent. Well, I thought, "Well, what can I do? I have to charge fifty cents, and I eat ten cents." So I'd go out on the street and get some little kids that didn't have no breakfast, and get them forty-cents worth of breakfast. So then I thought, "Well, what could I... Maybe that's what He holds against me." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 77 And I remember, here not long ago, they come through on the patrol, tore up that back yard back there, and said, "Turn in your bill." You know they got patrol rights, but they have to pay for damage. I just wrote back and said, "You don't owe nothing." I thought, "That'll pay for them forty-cents. Maybe I've spent twenty or thirty dollars during that time, giving it to kids. Maybe that'll do it." Kept on dreaming. Then I had a big tree out there, the kids played under it, and the patrol... Now, they patrol in a helicopter. So he come in and said, "Billy, how about cutting that tree out?" I said, "No, don't cut it. We're going to trim it." I said, "Brother Wood and I are going to trim it." Said, "Well, I'll just have the man come by and trim it." I said, "Now, don't cut it." He said, "I won't cut it." I went off on a trip. When I come back, she was cut plumb on the ground. Then I had a lawsuit coming. You see? I said, "Well, Lord, this will clear it up, what I owed." So I struck that off, that was all right, just let it go. Well, I still dreamed it.
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 82 When I got up the other morning, I said, "Well..." The first thing we do of a morning when we get up is pray together, then pray when we go to bed at night. And then after she went on over to get the kiddies' breakfast, I started to pray. I said, "Lord, I must have been an awful guy. What have I done in life, that I--I can't get away from that Public Service Company?" I went in and took a bath, come back out. Something just seemed to say to me, "Maybe I'm ratting on His job." I thought, "Here's about five years I ain't done nothing, just waiting on Him." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 84 Standing up there the other day. They built us a new home up there, and Brother Mosley come down, was talking about it. I said, "That's just a little gift from my Father." He started crying. I said, "You see, He said, 'If you'll leave your homes, houses, lands, fathers, mothers, I'll give you houses, lands, fathers, mothers, and hundredfold in this life, and Eternal Life to come.'" I said, "See, I had to leave the Tabernacle that I love so dearly. My home that the Lord give me up there, had to leave it. He just give me this one back." I said, "He's wonderful. You see?" And he started crying. Well, I--I said, "I had to come out here and separate myself, come to this desert." And I thought, "Wonder why God bring me to a desert, out here where there's nothing but scorpions and Gila monsters?" ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 86 And it's not only a desert; is it hot, but it's spiritually a desert. Oh, my. There's no spiritual life at all in the churches, they're against... Why, you never seen such in your life. We don't even have a church to go to or nothing. And then when... The people almost perish spiritually. I noticed it in the people that come out there, see the differences in them, watching it. And so you stay under the Spirit of God; your life becomes sweet, tender, like water brings this grass and soft buds. If... This grass in Arizona wouldn't grow; these trees would be cactus, them leaves just wind up and make stickery. That's the way it is when you get dry around the church, everybody's sticking one another, you know, and just... See? You got to have soft waters of rain soften you up, and make leaves, and shade for the pilgrim that passes by. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 88 And so something said to me, "Maybe you're ratting on God's job." So I prayed for a vision.
And Meda just got me a new Bible, and Brother--Brother Brown from up in Ohio got me a new Bible, both of them at the same time, at Christmas. I went and got one of the new Bibles. I said, "Lord, in the days gone by, You had a Urim and Thummim." Now, listen, let me say this. 'Course, they're not... This is not taping this meeting, the reason I'm ask-saying this. Let me say: don't do this. It's not a good thing. But I said, "Lord, it used to be, when a dreamer dreamed a dream, that they took it down to the Urim and Thummim and told it. And if the--if the Urim and Thummim flashed the lights back, a supernatural Light, the dream was true." I said, "But that priesthood and that Urim and Thummim's done away with. Your Bible is the Urim and Thummim now; Lord, may I never do this again. I've asked You and prayed to You to give me a vision, speak to me about why am I dreaming these dreams. What have I done? If I've harmed, if I've done anything to any person in the world, let me know. I'll--I'll--I'll go make it right. If I owe the Public Service Company, if I done something wrong to them or any other person, if I done something wrong to You, let me know. I--I want to make it right." Let's make it right now. Don't wait till after while, it may be too late. Let's do it now. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 93 And I said, "Surely, there's something in this Word of God, from Genesis to Revelations, that some character in there that You dealt with, would be on the same basis that would be my question. If somebody done something, and--and You got after him about it, then let me turn to that place in the Bible. And if somebody, whatever they done, it'll lean my way. Where I've done wrong, or something You want me to do, or haven't done, let me see some character in the Bible like that." And I closed my eyes, just let the Bible fall open, put my finger on a Scripture, Genesis 24:7, Eliezer, Abraham's faithful servant, the model servant of the Bible, being sent to hunt the bride for Isaac. Chills run over me. Sure, that's my... That's right with the rest of my message, pulling out the Bride. He said, "Swear that you'll not take a bride out of these, but go to my own people." He said, "What if the woman won't come with me?" Said, "Then you're free of this oath." He said, "And the God will--of heaven will send His Angel before you to direct you." He went right straight out and begin praying, and he met the beautiful Rebekah that become the bride of Isaac. Just a perfect message back to the Word. "Go get that Bride." That's a duty. That's what I'm here for. That's what I'm trying to do, is call out a Bride. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
98 Remember in California there, that interview of the Bride, preview, I had it here. How that Bride come up first, and seen Her go by. Then here come Miss America, Miss Asia, and all, oh, the awfullest looking thing. And then the same Bride passed by again. One of them got out of step, and I was getting Her back in step; two of them, it was. And that's what I was supposed to do, keep that Bride in step, hunt that man. I said, "God, I'm going back home, renew my vows again, and start out anew." So that's what we're planning on doing; that's what I'm here for. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 100 I think it'd be a good thing if we did this, started on the eighteenth, next week, next Sunday morning, next Sunday night, the following Sunday, and the following Sunday. How many thinks that would be a good thing? Thank you. Now, I want you to do something for me. If you've notified any people that there--there's going to be a meeting on the twenty-eighth, will you renotify them again, that we couldn't do it. Tell, write them a letter, or something another. We don't want the people come and be disappointed, but we could not get the auditorium. See, we couldn't get it. And so because the last meeting I think we had so many up there, and everything, they just... You know how the public is, and they... Well, we're just living in the last days; that's all. And they claim that the people come in and disturb the school, and they were there too early, and they did this, or that, or something another, and the place was too jammed up, and the fire marshal does this and that. And, well, you know. So we will set up those vials and those Trumpets; I want to place them in. I told you I would. They come under another thing. So does the vials come under, the sounding of trumpets; but we want to take the entire course right straight through, and bring it, tie it in together. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 104 How many has read any of Brother Vayle on rewriting that, and fixing it up, and grammarizing it for me? Have you read any of it? You have, two or three of you. I think you done a real job, Brother Vayle, a real job. You... I think Sister Vayle did it; and you just wrote it down and she done it. She was a... See, I'm not always against the women, am I, Sister Vayle? So now, let us, for the next fifteen, twenty minutes, read a Scripture here. And I--I got a little book here. I told, I believe, was it Brother Vayle, or who was it, or I believe it was Roy Borders. Brother Vayle bought me the book. I want to make a little textbook.
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 107 But if anybody ever looked at what I call notes... Like I want to preach about the Morning Star, I'll draw a star. And if I want to preach something about... I make it all in symbols here, scratches; nobody can ever know what it was. While I'm out, and I think of anything I got it on--riding on the road, sometimes the car is jumping up-and-down, and I'll jot this down, and say this and that, and make little signs, and cross, and bridges, and--and all kinds of things. Like I want to preach on the descending of the Star; and I'll put the pyramid, draw it out here, and put the five-point star of David coming down on it. And I know where I'm going in the Scriptures like that; and Moses, a certain thing he done. Just make little turkey tracks like. I got several of them in here. And I thought I'd, this morning, back there when I thought I'd speak on this subject for a few minutes here on a note, maybe it'd take me twenty minutes. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 109 And then I ain't going to take Brother Neville's service tonight. I--I--I'm going to rest tonight, listen to him. And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday morning we'll start the service. And you all help me, and we'll pray, 'cause it was in my heart to try... They said, "Well, we could go to Louisville or we could go down in New Albany." But the meeting was supposed to be for Jeffersonville. I'll go to Louisville and New Albany at different times, but this is supposed to be here at Jeffersonville. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 111 Now, let's bow our heads just a minute while we been--I been talking to you here for about thirty minutes. Let's speak to Him a moment. Lord Jesus, we are--we are certainly a blessed people, above our--our thinking, above our understanding. For if there was a noble among us, such as some personnel from some other country, or a diplomat of some sort, we'd think it was great to have such a noble person among us. But today we have the God of heaven, not only among us, but in us, dwelling, living His Life through us. And we're so thankful for this, Lord. It's beyond our understanding, of course. But now, speaking on what the services, and the going to Africa, and the things that we've tried to arrange for these few days here in the Indiana... And somehow or another, Lord, it may be You are driving us to that tent to make that vision fulfill. So Thy will be done; we've committed it this way, the best of our understanding. So we pray, Lord, if there's any thing contrary to Your will, You'll make it known to us, that we might know to do Your perfect will.
Now, bless us in these next few minutes. Speak to us through Thy Word, Lord, for Thy Word is Truth. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. Let's turn in the Bible to Mark the 8th chapter. It's get... ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 115 When do you usually let out, twelve o'clock? About twelve o'clock. All right. Now, I'll--now just a little short message here that I can speak to you about the Word, after testifying about over there, and so forth. Mark, the 8th chapter, and let's begin about the 34th verse to the thirty--taking the 38th, the rest of that chapter. I like to read what He said, 'cause I know that's true. Now, we... And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it;... whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 117 I want to take a little text from there, if it'd be called that, called: "Ashamed." You know, I like that. "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and of My Word, I'll be ashamed of him." Now, the word "ashamed" could be also translated "embarrassed." You know, something that you're... You're faced with something that you're embarrassed about, being ashamed. That another thing being ashamed does, it shows that you are not sure of what you're talking about. If you know what you're talking about, and have the assurance that you know what you're talking about, you can tell anybody that; you're not ashamed. But if you feel put out, out of place, it shows you're not sure. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711
120 You notice there's so much of that today, especially on the subject that I'm speaking of, "ashamed of the Word." Now, He and the Word are the same. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us: the same yesterday, today, and forever" So "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word," and He and His Word are One, so being ashamed of His Word in this sinful present generation, "I'll be ashamed of him." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 122 Now, we notice today, if somebody says, "Are--are you a Christian?" It's very much a popular thing, say, "Oh, I'm a Christian." See? "But do you believe the Word of God, where It said, 'These signs shall follow them that believe it'?" "Oh," Even ministers' faces will blush. See? "Are you ashamed of, say, of Divine healing? Are you ashamed of the full Gospel? Are you ashamed of your Pentecostal experience?" That's being ashamed of His Word. That's His Word made flesh in you. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 126 So His Word has to live Itself out for every generation. It lived Itself in the days of Moses. Because in that day the Bible said, in Hebrews, 1st chapter, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers by the prophets." And those prophets... The church got all so twisted up that when... Those prophets, those daring messengers of God, come without church, without denomination, without organization, without anything, and defied kings, kingdoms, churches, and everything... When the priests was brought before... They was brought before the priests; they wasn't ashamed, because they had directly THUS SAITH THE LORD. If you notice, the prophet, in one sense of the word, in the Old Testament, when he said THUS SAITH THE LORD, now watch him, he goes right into the phrase of taking the place of God. You notice, when he placed out before him THUS SAITH THE LORD, he fell right into God, and he acted as God. Then he gave his message, which was God speaking through him, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 129 I think of the prophets of old, when they come with that message, and it embarrassed the kings, and it made the people feel uncomfortable. The priests even, they would feel uncomfortable, because
they were supposed to be leaders, religious men, and when they--the Word came forth in that manner, It exposed them, and they felt embarrassed, or ashamed. And many times we see that, not many: too often today, that man, you say, "I am a Christian." "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" "Oh, huh..." You see, they're--they're embarrassed about it. Somebody say, "Do you belong to that group up there that does all that there shouting, and all that Divine healing stuff?" Many times, Christians back up. They want to announce, if--if they got a denomination, now, "I'm Baptist. I'm Presbyterian. I'm Lutheran." They're not ashamed of that. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 133 But when it comes to being a Christian that can take God's Word just the way It is, then they're-they're--they're ashamed. "I don't belong to any denomination." See? They--they're--they're ashamed to say that. They've got to be like the rest of the world, represented by some organization. Now, that's just recently come into that. In the days of Luther to recognize yourself as a Lutheran or a follower of Luther, well, it almost meant death by the Catholic church. In the days of Wesley, to know that you had defied the Anglican church, it was almost a penalty of death by the Anglicans to announce that you were a Methodist. In the days of Pentecost it was a shame, almost, to say that-that you was a--that you was a Pentecostal, because you was quickly counted a holy-roller, or--or some tongues speaker, or--or something like that. Now, they organized and went right in with the rest of the group. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 135 Now, when the calling-out time comes, that you don't belong to any of it... Very popular to say, "I'm Pentecost." It's very popular to say, "I'm Presbyterian, Lutheran." But what when it comes to the time that you'll have to come out and stand for the Word, "I don't belong to any of it"? That-that embarrassed... Jesus said, "Now, if you are ashamed of Me, then I'll be ashamed of you." Why would He be ashamed of you? Because you're claiming to be His, when you won't follow Him. What if I said, "This little boy, he's--he's my son"; he turn around and say, "Who, me be your son? What do you think I am?" It would embarrass me. It would to your son. And that's the way that's so-called Christianity today. If you name it a name of a denomination, all right, they accept the fatherhood of a denomination. But when it comes to accepting the fatherhood of the
Word of God, Christ, no, they're embarrassed. They don't want to say, "Yes, I have spoke with tongues. Yes, I have seen visions. Yes, I believe in Divine healing. Yes, I praise the Lord. I'm free from all organization; I'm not bowing down to any of that. I'm a servant of Christ." Oh, my, that'd just tear them to pieces. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 139 The other night, a great speaker come in amongst the Full Gospel Business Men in Chicago. May I stop here just a minute, to say this. You excuse me. But many times you think, and I do too, that what we're talking about, the Truth of the Bible, don't go over amongst the people. But It does. Sometime they'll rear right up against It, but they really don't mean it. They're trying to find where you're standing. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 141 As the story was about a bunch of drunks, arguing that there was no such thing as Christianity. One man said, "I know where there's one at, that's my wife." Said, "Well, I--I don't believe it." Said, "Come on, we'll... Let's all act like we're really drunk." Went up there at the house, and done everything they could. And--and he told them cook them some eggs, and then he throwed them out on the floor, and said, "You know better than to cook my eggs like that." Carrying on in the house. And they went over in the other room, fell down in a chair. They heard somebody out there sweeping it up, not saying a word, saying, singing a little song to herself. Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free? There's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. And this consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free, And then go home a crown to wear. That one old drunk said, "What'd I tell you?" Said, "She's a Christian." See, they was only trying her. And sometimes the world, I've found out, try you.
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 144 So I never thought this would happen, but last Saturday night, I believe it was, or Sunday night, the great speaker, I don't subject to calling people's names, but he's trying, working exactly contrary. I'm trying to keep them churches out of that ecumenical move, and this man's trying to put them in there. So he was speaking for the Christian Business Men, which I was supposed to have had the meeting in Chicago, and I thought I'd be in Africa at that time, so I couldn't take it. This man said, got up there and said, "The greatest move, the greatest thing is in the earth now that's ever been; all the churches are returning back to the Catholic church in the ecumenical move, and the Catholics will receive the Holy Ghost." What a trap of the Devil. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 145 And this leader, Brother Shakarian, the president of the International Business Men, stood up and said, after the man sat down, said, "That's not the way we've heard it." Said, "Brother Branham has told us that this ecumenical move will move them all to the mark of the beast," and the man setting on the platform. Said, "It'll move it to the mark of the beast." And said, "We're inclined to believe what he says is the Truth." And he said, "How many of you would like to hear Brother Branham come and give you the true side of it? Raise." And there was five thousand something people, they screamed and cried, just to come for one day (See?), one day. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 146 Brother Carl Williams called me up, said, "Brother Branham, boy, I went out through that crowd," said, "they had piles of hundred-dollar bills laying in my hands to get you a airplane ticket up here and back." See, just for one day... See, those people, that Word is sinking in where sometimes we don't know it. See? but, see, when you're really... No matter how much the world is against it, how much the denominations are against it, God is proving it to be the truth. When the great hour finally strikes, things will happen maybe that we didn't think about. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 148 Yes, it shows you're not sure, if you're embarrassed, so you would, or rather not discuss the subject. If you're going to be ashamed of it, you wouldn't want to discuss it: hold back.
But how can a man who's filled with the Holy Ghost, how can a man full of the power of God, and the love of God in his heart, talk to a man a few minutes and not mention something about that love that's in his heart? See? There's something that it--it happens; you can't do it. This is a--must be that evil day that Jesus was speaking of. People are ashamed of the Word and of the Spirit of God that acts within them. But when the Truth is made plain to the people, God then, Himself, revealing Himself through the Word... ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 151 Now, any man can make any kind of claims. And we've had it in these days, where there's been so many claims claimed, that it's been horrible. But, you see, if there is a truth, it must be by the Word. Because they say they had all kinds of things, of oil flowing through people, and blood out of their hands, and women on their back in this blood, and running down their shoes, and raise up their shoes and pour oil out, and frogs jumping out and hopping down the platform, and all kinds of things like that. There's no such stuff as that in the Bible. There's no promise of anything like that in the Bible. Only It said, "In the last days, the spirit would be so close it'd deceive the elected if possible." But there's no Scripture for that. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 152 But when it comes to genuine, unadulterated Word of God, confirmed by God, It seems to even embarrass the other group on the radical side. See? There's an embarrassment about it. But it's a reality to a man or woman, boy or girl, who really is a genuine Christian. When God made the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and you receive It, there's something that settles within you, that there's nothing takes its place. When a man ever meets God; not in some emotional work up, some enthusiasm, or some religious doctrine, some catechism, or creed, or a dogma that he has accepted for a--a comfort for hisself... But when he really comes to the place like Moses did on the back side of the desert, walk up face to face with Almighty God, and you see the voice speaking to you exactly with the Word and the promise of the hour, there's something it does to you. See, you're not ashamed of It; It does something to you. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 154 Now, let us look now, for just the next fifteen minutes. There's some people that receive such an experience. And as I speak to you today, not as a church or as a denomination, I speak to you as an individual; not because you come here to this Tabernacle; because that I love you and you love me, not because of that. Let me speak to you as a dying mortal, that someday you've got to come to the end of
this life. And I may not be there, and another preacher might not be there. But there's only One Who can meet you there, and that's God. And you--you listen to it, and not whether "my wife is a good Christian" or--or "my husband's a good Christian," but, "Am I right with God? Have I met God like that?" Not because my pastor met God, or 'cause my deacon met God, but, "Have I met Him?" Not because I shouted, not because I spoke in tongues, but because, "I met Him as a Person." Then you'll never be ashamed of that; there's something that's so perfect and pure, and true. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 155 And remember, you might meet a spirit that would act like God. You might meet a spirit would do this, that, or the other; follow it a little bit and see how it compares with the Word of God. You might meet a spirit that would tell you you're saved, and give you a glorious feeling, and you'd shout and scream; then it comes to denying the Word, how can the Holy Spirit, that wrote the Word, deny His Own Word? That Spirit must punctuate every promise of God with an "amen." If it isn't, then you never met God; you met a deceiving spirit. And the world's full of it today. But when you see God come down and make a statement that He's going to do a certain thing, then it comes back and does that time after time after time, then you've got a genuine Spirit of God. How could a Spirit be on a man, the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible, then turn around and deny, "That's not right; that was for some other day"? He said, "The promise is unto you, and to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That was Acts 2:38. How can a spirit then accept anything different from that, and be of God, when Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever"? ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 159 What if somebody said, "Oh, I believe He was a philosopher. He was a good man. He was a prophet. But as far as His power..." I was speaking the other night with George Smith, the boy that goes with my daughter Rebekah. A fine kid, sang here in the Tabernacle, a Baptist boy that just took, told, "Take my name off of that thing. I want nothing to do with it." And there was a young lady... They was having a conference, this certain Baptist church, up in the hills. And--and they're so firmly against me, all of them out there, and about not... They've not got nothing against me; it's against this Word. Me, as a man, they can't say nothing against me; I never done them any harm. But That's what they're afraid of. See? Now, we were...
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 162 They was having this meeting up there, rather, and they had, was going to have a missionary to take the last three nights of this great conference up in the hills where it's cool. Happen to be, this missionary got up and come onto Mark 16, and he said, "There's many people today who can't believe in Divine healing." Said, "I was in India. I'm an Indian. And I was in India when a man here in the United States by the name of Brother Branham, come." The pastor begin to move over. Said, "My wife was dying with cancer. I was blind," or something like that. "He prayed for one of us, and the other one he called out in the audience, not even knowing our own language, and spoke the power of God." And said, "We're here, healed." Well, they tried to shut him up. They couldn't do it. That's our... See, right in their own conference... Then they even denied of anything. And the--and some of the people, even my--this boy's sister, them on the ground, wouldn't even have nothing to say. They wanted to know if she wasn't connected, some way they could get down to find out. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 164 One of the ladies said, "Well, I believe it." Rebekah and George went to see this lady. And she went and got a girl that was suffering with a--a-kind of retarded a little. So they had me come over there to see the girl, the other night. And I went over there, the little lady was setting there, and I said, "Are you a believer?" She said, "Nah, I don't know whether I am or not." Well, she wasn't retarded, just a devil spirit. They don't realize it. See, it takes you, and you don't know it. It comes, then violence overcomes the person, and they don't know it. Women that walks out here on the street with these shorts on, they don't realize. They might be... They could might could prove and swear to it, that they've never done anything evil against their husband, or so forth like that, but in their heart they don't realize, but the spirit of the Devil has took them over. They are possessed of it. Why would a woman want to strip her clothes off--off before a man? There's only one person who done it in the Bible, and they were insane. Others try to cover themselves. They don't realize it's so cunning, so subtle. You have to watch, weigh yourself with the Word of God and see where you're standing. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 168 This young lady said, "Oh, they told me that I was baptized when I was a kid." Said, "I don't know whether to believe that stuff or not." I said, "Don't you believe Jesus Christ?"
And she said, "Well, I don't know whether I do or not." She said, "Some of that hocus-pocus stuff, I don't believe it." I said, "Well, of course, you don't believe hocus-pocus stuff." I said, "But do you believe that He was the Son of God?" "Oh," said, "He could've have been." I said, and I said, "Do you believe He's the same today, the God that would save you?" She said, "Is any of that there stuff about that there miracles and stuff like that? I don't believe nothing about it." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 172 And I said, "What would you do if you were setting in a meeting and seen God the Holy Spirit, which is the only God there is, working amongst the people; God in the Fatherhood, the Pillar of Fire, and the prophets; God in His Son, then God in His people? It's just attributes of God, one great God Who covers eternity." I said, "What would you see if He, among His people, made the--the blind to see, the deaf to hear, look out upon the audience and tell the people what was wrong with them, and like He did when He was here on earth?" She said, "I believe it would be horoscope." I said, "You are in a worse shape than I thought you were. You'd be better off if you was crazy (See?); you wouldn't be accountable." But I said, "You're just possessed of an evil spirit." I said, "When Jesus told the woman at the well about her husbands, when He looked upon the people and perceived their thoughts, would you call that horoscope?" See, just so wrapped up in a denomination called Lutheran, that anything contrary to that would be wrong... Now, God wants men who is wrapped up in the Word. Anything contrary to That's wrong. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 175 There was a man in a very scientific age by the name of Noah. He wasn't ashamed of God's Word. God met him; He talked to him. He knowed it was God. And He said, "It's going to rain." It never had rained, but he believed it was going to rain. And the faith that he had, he wasn't ashamed to exercise it. He took a hundred and twenty years to build an ark, when the world was against him. He wasn't ashamed of God's Word in his day. God saved him and his household for it. There was a... How foolish it might've seemed to be to other people; but to him, he met God. No matter how scientific the other was that was contrary, how it said it couldn't happen, it couldn't happen, he met God.
That's what it is when you know that you're talking to Him... You would think it was a foolish thing when somebody... When, I know that there is a few people in the world holds on to what I say to be the truth. To stand here and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, I'm going to Arizona, there I'll meet seven Angels in a cluster," well, there's a group of men standing there to see it happen. The other night saying that Los Angeles would fall into the ocean... But when you have met God, and the God Who doesn't fail, the God Who does exactly what He said He would do, He's always done it; you're not ashamed of it then. You don't have to walk back and be embarrassed about it; you can tell the whole world. When a man meets God, talks to Him, and the reality of God becomes his in his heart, he's not ashamed of It. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 178 Noah wasn't ashamed. It seemed foolish to the rest of the world, but not to him. Moses, when he was before Pharaoh, he wasn't ashamed to tell Pharaoh that these certain things would happen, because he had met God. God told him in the burning bush. Moses said, "I--I stutter." That's what he had, an impediment of speech. He said, "There comes Aaron. You be God to him, and he'll be prophet to you. I know he can speak well. But I'll be with your mouth. Who made man to speak?" Amen. I like that. That's God. "Who made man be deaf or dumb, or who made man to speak?" God has. He said, "Lord, show me Your glory." Said, "What's that in your hand?" He said, "It's a stick." Said, "Throw it on the ground." It turned to a serpent. Said, "Take it up again." It turned back to a stick. Amen. He's God. "Put your hand in your bosom." He put it in, pulled it out, white with leprosy. Said, "Put it back and pull it again," and it was like the other hand. "I'm God." Then he walk up before Pharaoh and say what He said he'd say. He said, "It's going to be thus and thus." Picked up sand and throwed it up in the air, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, let fleas come upon the earth," and the fleas came. Took water and poured it out into the river, and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," and the whole rivers and everything turned to blood. Called hail down out of heaven. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 182 You know, in the last days there's supposed to be them plagues repeat again. And remember, an adulterer in the Bible time, his penalty was death by stoning. The unbelieving church will be stoned to death with hailstones, was once God's way of punishment. He'll stone this unbelieving world, this
adulterous generation. He'll stone it from heaven with hailstones weighing a talent apiece, which is a hundred pounds. The adulterous church will die; the adulterous world will die under the punishment of God, under stoning, like He did in the beginning. Get right with God, church. That's what we all must do: turn back to God. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 183 That old fuzzy-faced, gray-haired whiskers, bald-headed, skinny arms, eighty-year-old Elijah setting up there in the wilderness, looking out upon the sins of the people... God spoke to him one morning, said, "Go down there and tell Ahab that not even the dew will fall from heaven till you call for it." I can see his little old eyes looking out from under that fuzzy-looking white beard, that stick in his hand, walking down the road like a sixteen-year-old boy. Walked right up in the presence of the king and said, "Not even dew will come from heaven till I call for it." He wasn't ashamed of God or His-His Word; tell a king or anybody else. He wasn't ashamed. Didn't have to hide, say, "Now, Ahab, you-you'd be a..." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 185 It puts me in mind of something like I was telling the day I said to the people, "I'm getting to a spot I need more faith." That's what I'm home for now is to get a--a new burst of faith. Got so, look like, when you pray for people, you apologize, "Mr. Devil, would you please move over and let me...?" Nothing. Faith's got muscles and hair on its chest. When it speaks, everything else shuts up. Don't go in, "Mr. Devil, you move out." "Get out of here. I'm a son of God, commissioned of God. Leave them alone." That moves. You have no apology to the Devil, nothing to do with him, not ashamed of the Word of God, not ashamed of your commission, not ashamed of who we are. The only shame that I am, is I'm a Branham; that's my earthly birth. I'm ashamed of my failures. But as His servant, I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed of His Word. Whether it's denominations, kings, potentates, or whatever it might be; just ready to give an answer, God calls for it. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 190 Moses walked up before Pharaoh. He wasn't ashamed to tell him that they would not compromise and take his so-many days out in the wilderness. He said, "Some of the women stay back and your children." Said, "We'll all go. Not even one hoof will be left behind; we'll take our cattle and all." He wasn't ashamed. Why? He'd come into the Light of deliverance.
That's the reason a man or a woman, sick or anything, once comes into the Presence of God, and knows that God's healed them, you're stepping into the Light of deliverance. You don't compromise on anything. Deliverance was in his heart, for he'd met the God Who said, "I am the God of Abraham, Who give Abraham the promise. And the time--time of redemption, of deliverance, is at hand. I'm sending you down there to take them out." What's to apologize about that? ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 194 Pharaoh could've killed him. He was just a man. He was a slave. He could've killed him. But he wasn't ashamed of the Word. He didn't come down and get on his knees and beg to Pharaoh for nothing. He said, "I come to take them." Pharaoh said, "Well, you can't take them." He said, "All right, then there'll be fleas upon the earth, till you'll wade through them." There's what happened. Said, "Oh, Moses, take them away." He said, "All right. Now, do you repent?" Said, "Well, you can go so-many days in the wilderness." He said, "Then flies will come." Amen. Said, "Darkness will come." It was so dark you couldn't see one place to the other. And finally death come from Pharaoh to the servants, it was death for the oldest child in the family. Didn't have no apology to nobody. He was a son of Abraham, born in the Spirit of God, given commission by God, the message of God to go down and take those people out. Well, can't God call the same thing in this hour to take out of the church a Bride? ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 199 Daniel wasn't, or David, rather, wasn't afraid before Saul. When everybody was afraid of Goliath out there, he wasn't afraid to walk up. And said, "Your servant..." This little ruddy-looking fellow said, "Your servant was herding his father's sheep, and a bear come in and got one of them. I chased him out in the wilderness and killed him with this slingshot. A lion come in." Oh, my. "A lion come in and got one of them, and run out in the wilderness, and I knocked him down with a slingshot. When he got up, I killed him." He said, "And the God..." That backslidden king standing there, them wishywashy soldiers
claiming to serve the God of heaven, and let that uncircumcised Philistine stand out there and defy the armies of the living God. Said, "Your servant also will slay him. For the God Who delivered the lion and the bear to me, will also deliver that uncircumcised Philistine." He didn't stutter, didn't say, "perhaps it'll be done." He said, "It'll be done." He wasn't ashamed. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 200 Daniel, before the king, wasn't afraid to defy his orders that nobody would pray, only to him. He opened up the windows, and threw up the sash, and prayed three times a day. He wasn't afraid. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, wasn't afraid of that fiery furnace. Said, "Our God is able to deliver us. God can deliver us. But if He don't, we're not bowing down to your image." They wasn't ashamed of it. No, sir. No, sir. They certainly wasn't ashamed of it, because they knew. Samson wasn't ashamed before the Philistines. When a thousand run up to him, he picked up the jaw bone of a mule. And them helmets, they was about an inch and a half thick of brass. He beat a thousand down with it, and still had the jaw bone in his hand. He wasn't embarrassed. He just picked up what was in his hands, and went to work with it. He knowed that the Spirit of God was upon him. He knowed he was born a Nazarite. He knowed that nothing could bother him. He was a servant of God. As long as he was in the will of God, nothing could stand in his way, no matter how many kings or Philistines, or whatevermore come up. Right. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 203 John wasn't ashamed of the Word of God that came to him in the wilderness, and told him to go baptize with water. He wasn't ashamed to say, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," for the Spirit of God was upon him. He wasn't ashamed before the priests. He wasn't ashamed of the Word of God when he walked up to Herod. Philip's wife was living with Herod. Walked right up in the face of the king, this old woolly-faced fellow out of the wilderness there, come out of there, with no education or nothing else, and walked right up in the face of Herod, and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." He wasn't ashamed of God's Word. Sure. He absolutely was not ashamed of It. Stephen, he wasn't ashamed of God's Word. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 205 First, the Pentecostal people up there on the day of Pentecost, when they gathered in the upper room, the Holy Ghost fell upon them by a promise of God. Luke 24:49 said:
... behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but wait... in the city of Jerusalem, until you receive power from on high. And the very promise that the Word of God promised to them, "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you, but wait there; don't get no more theology or educations, and so forth; wait till you're endued with power." And when that power from heaven came, like a rushing mighty wind, they wasn't ashamed of the Gospel. Peter stood up and said, "Repent, every one of you. You men, with wicked hands, you've crucified the Prince of Peace, which God has raised from the dead. And we're a witness. For this is what Joel said would come to pass in the last days, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" He wasn't ashamed of the Gospel. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 208 Little Stephen, as I mentioned him a few minutes ago, when he went through there like a--a--a tornado. He wasn't a preacher. He was just a deacon, but he testified everywhere of the resurrection. He had met God. And it's just like... Try to stop him? Well, it was like trying to put a--a house, a burning house, fire out of it, on a windy day, in a dry time. Why, every time the wind blew, it just set another fire. They jerked him up before the Sanhedrin Council. Can you realize what that is? That's like the Ecumenical Council. All religions head up, in under the Ecumenical Council. All of them headed up there under the Sanhedrin Council. Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, whatever they were, they had to come into that council. And they snatched him up, just not one organization, but the big council snatched him up. "We'll scare the liver out of him." When he walked up that morning, the Bible said his face looked like an Angel. He said, "Men and brethren, let me speak to you. Our fathers dwelled in Mesopotamia before they came to Charran," and so forth. He still went and give the Scriptures. Then when he got all wound up, the Spirit come upon him; he said, "You stiff-necked, uncircumcised of heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost; like your fathers did, so do you." He wasn't ashamed of the Gospel, wasn't ashamed of the Word. He wasn't embarrassed before any Sanhedrin Council. No. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 212 Paul said before Agrippa. Being a Jew, taught under Gamaliel, a great dignitary he was; but one day, on the road down to Damascus, he come in Presence contact with God. A Angel came down from heaven in a form of a Pillar of Fire, a Light that struck him on the ground. Raised up, and said, "Lord, Who are You?"
And He said, "I'm Jesus." Stand before Agrippa, he repeated the story again. He said, "I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for It's the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believes." Sure. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 214 Now, friends, we come on down with men down through the age, but we're past time. But let me say this. A man who has once come in contact with God, which is the Word, and the Word has been made plain and manifested to him, there's no shameness about that. You're not embarrassed. Doesn't embarrass me to say I believe every Word of God. Doesn't embarrass me when the Lord says to say anything, you go say it and do it. Don't embarrass me to say that I've been filled with the Holy Ghost. Don't embarrass me to say that I've spoke with other tongues. Don't embarrass me to say that our Lord has showed me visions. Don't embarrass me to say He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. "When you're brought before rulers and kings, for My Name's sake, take no thought what you shall say, for it'll be given to you in that hour. It's not you that speaketh, but My Father that dwelleth in you. But whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word in this generation, him will I be ashamed of before My Father and the holy Angels." God help us not to be ashamed, but help us to be a living testimony. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 217 Every man in the Old Testament, when them prophets came, they become--they become the living Word. They was the Word. Jesus said they were called gods, and they were; because the Word of God came to them. They say, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." And any disciple of Christ who has come in contact with Him in redemption, and salvation has come into his heart, he is a possessor of God. And what kind of a life should we live, and how should we walk, and how should we talk, if God is representing Himself through our own mortal bodies? Who could be ashamed of that? If I come to a place that I was on the police force here in Jeffersonville, walk down the street in all the authorities, I wouldn't be ashamed of the city. I'd be part of the city. I'd be a police, a part of the city to keep order and conduct. If a man run a red light, I wouldn't be ashamed to tell him he done wrong, give him a ticket. That's my duty, 'cause I'm--I'm getting paid by the city. I'm living by the city. I have the authority from the city. No matter if he was drunk, or what was the matter with him, they'll back me up. I stand my grounds, 'cause I'm a policeman and or... I'm ordained, or put in here and given authority to do this. You're supposed to take the law and rights, and things, and see that it's done right.
ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 220 Then if I'm a Christian and been filled with the Spirit, wearing the testimony of Jesus Christ's resurrection, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, don't let any devil try to push you around, say, "You don't do this and you don't do that." You do do It. God's give you the... See, we don't have power. That policeman don't have power to stop one car. It's about... Sometime they're three or four hundred horsepower motor, what could he do about it? But he's got authority. And that's the church. We have authority, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His promised Word (Hallelujah.), "The things that I do shall you do also; more than this will you do, for I go unto the Father." ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 223 Don't be ashamed of Him in this generation; sinful, perplexed, the last generation that'll ever be on the earth, this sinful, adulternous, and full of all putrefied sores. All, everything that's been decent has become indecent. National politics, filth... Nations are broke up. Way back in the jungles of Africa, on safari hunters, they had to take high-powered radios to hear Elvis Presley, Pat Boone, and them guys with that rock-and-roll and twist. And the natives, trying to see them act along, jerking their head, acting like that, the natives stood and looked at it. But, you see, they're not Americans like Pat Boone, and Elvis Presley, and Ricky Nelson, and them guys are. They're not Judases of that type, but they're... See, it's a spirit. And the spirit is not only in America; it's spread itself out over the world to bring them to the battle of Armageddon. They act like that, whether they are... Whatever nation they come from, Africa, India, wherever it is, that vulgar and stuff has spread all over the earth, by just one man started it. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 225 So has the Gospel and the power of Almighty God has spread around the world. And the separation time is now taking place, when God is a-calling a Bride, and the Devil's calling a church. Let me be part of the Bride. Let us pray. Dear God, we see the handwriting on the wall. We're at the end time. We know that there's great things laying ahead; but yet somewhere, somewhere out in this mess out here, is still honest people that's been ordained to Life. It'd be impossible for one man or two men; but, God, all of us together, let us spread in every corner we can, the good news that Jesus is coming, and (See?), just spread a little Bread along, a little Word. Wherever the eagles are, they'll follow that Food. Whether It comes by a tape, or whether It comes by a word or a testimony, eagles will follow It to Its headquarters. For It is written, "Where the Carcass is, there the eagles will gather."
Dear Jesus, we know that Thou art the Carcass that we eat. Thou art the Word, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. We pray, God, that as we scatter the Word, that the true eagles will find It. Let us not be ashamed when we stand before people, wicked, indifferent people, religious, whatever it is. As Paul told Timothy, let's be instant in season, out of season; reproving and rebuking, with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap for themselves together teachers, having itching ears, and will be turned from the truth to fables. God, we're living in that day. You've let me live long enough to see that happen. As that lays right here in the cornerstone of this Tabernacle today of thirty-three years ago... ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 229 God, bless each one in here. If there be one in here, Lord, that's not ready to meet You, that they cannot just agree with Your Word, and they haven't met You face to face and--and know that You not just by an act of some sort of a--of a--of an acception, like you would a creed or something, but has met the living God; and if they haven't did this, Lord, may they do it right now. I--I believe You're--You're real near at this hour. I don't know who they are. I don't know even if there's any here, but I just feel led to pray to You. Not that the people hear me, for that would be a hypocrite rite. God forbid. I don't want to be a hypocrite. But I pray it with the sincerity in my heart, Lord. Whoever he or she is that You speak to this morning, may they humbly not be ashamed, but way down deep in their heart receive You now, coming this evening and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, following every Word, every Word; if they've been baptized different, or sprinkled, poured. Remember (we do, Lord) that You said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of the Book, add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." Though he tries, comes, puts his name on the book, it--it won't work. Let us be sincere and humble. Now, they're in Your hands, Lord. You do with them as You see fit, for they're Yours. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 233 Now, while we have our heads bowed, I want you to think real seriously now. I apologize, first, for being about fifteen minutes late. Now, we want to hum. And you just think in your heart now, "Have I really met God?" Just think it real sincerely now. 'Cause it won't be too many times maybe until... May be the last time now, that we'll meet before His coming. It's close, friends. Every Scripture, looks like, is just about fulfilled. And it might be for you or I, this might be our last chance. We may be gone 'fore night.
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. I can hear, ("Are you ashamed of Me and of My Word?") I can hear my Saviour... (Now, just imagine you are laying on your deathbed now.) ... can hear... (Then it might be too late, but it isn't right now.) Take thy cross, and (Might have to sacrifice now.) follow Me. Now, in your heart answer this. I'll go with Him through the garden, I'll go with Him through the garden, I'll go with Him through the garden, I'll go with Him, with Him all... Now, with our heads bowed, let's just raise our hands and say, I'll go with Him through the judgment, (Now, that's what's going on right now; He is judging us.) I'll go... (Lord, do You find me guilty? Then forgive me.) ... through His judgment, (What do You judge me to be this morning, Lord?) ... with Him through the judg... (Try me, Lord, see if there be any unclean thing in me.) ... with Him, with Him all the way. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 236 Father, we thank You this morning for all these hands. I didn't see one person but what they had their hands up. I thank You, Lord. I--I trust You didn't either, Lord. No one that didn't have their hands up; they are ready to go through the judgment. Judge us, Lord. And if there by any wrong in us, forgive us for it, Father. Give us of Your mercy, for we don't want to meet Your judgment when mercy is not present. So mercy is present now, so we pray, God, that You'll judge us and forgive us of our sins, according to Your Word and Your promise. And let us live for You all the days of our life, not being ashamed of the Gospel. Now, Father, if it's Your will, we're starting three straight Sundays now of meetings. Prepare our hearts for it, Lord. Prepare me, O God. I'm the one that's standing so deeply in need of You. I pray that You'll guide me and direct me in the things that I should do and say in these days to come.
Guide and direct our precious Brother Neville, that gallant servant of Yours, Lord, and also Brother Mann, and the deacons of the church, and the trustees, and every person that assembles here. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 239 Prepare us, Lord, that we might be able in a--a real Christian way to bring sinners to You, and to bring church members to a knowing the God that we know, that we have met personally, and let Him become their God too. Now, Father, this we cannot do; we cannot send them in. But Thou, Holy Spirit, move upon the people, the members of churches. And the little experience I had with You the other morning, "Go get My Son a Bride; take It from among the people, among the churches. Pull out that Bride." Let me, in prayer now, Lord. You send the Rebekah; I'll try to be the Eliezer. Help me to be a faithful servant. And may the God of heaven send His Angel before me, before us, that we'll collect the things together and select the Bride that You have chosen. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 241 Now, I'm sorry to have kept you a little late. It's twenty-five after. I should've been out of here twenty-five minutes ago. But now, you like that old song, "Take The Name Of Jesus With You"? Ain't that pretty? I've sang that now for some thirty-three years as a dismissing song. Water baptism, "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand." And I think this is so pretty, "Just take It everywhere you go." Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope... (Shake hands with somebody by you.) Precious Name, (precious Name,) O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Now, remember the services tonight, seven-thirty, seven-thirty tonight. Now, let's sing just one verse. See? Take the Name of Jesus with you, As a shield from ev'ry snare; When temptations around you... (What do you do then?) Just breathe that holy Name in prayer. Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven; Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 243 Was there any come to be baptized after this service? If so, raise your hands. Somebody to be baptized? Two, all right, to be baptized immediately after this service. If the rest of you, any of you that wants to be baptized, we'll have baptismal services at every one of these services. The only thing you have to do is ask. We're ready to baptize you. That's our duty to baptize you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's our duty to do it. And we'll be glad to do it anytime. You that's to be baptized, just go to the rooms, immediately after the service, and we'll go right ahead with the water baptism. Anybody wants to follow them, you'd be sure that we're here... If you have repented of your sin and you've accepted Jesus as your Saviour... If you have been a Christian for years, and never seen the Light, and the Light of deliverance has come now... A woman, a Bride that must take the Name... Jesus said, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not. But there will be one come in his own name, and you'll receive him," that's your denominations. Any son comes in his father's name. I come in my father's name. You men come in your father's name. And what was His Name, what is the Name of the Father? Jesus. He, "came in My Father's Name, you received Me not." Now, His Bride will have His Name, of course. I took a woman, by the name of Broy, and she become a Branham. He's coming for a Bride, be sure and remember that as you come to the pool. Let us bow our heads now. ASHAMED.OF.HIM_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-9 SUNDAY_ 65-0711 249 And Brother Vayle here is no stranger to us. He's a very precious brother, been with me in many meetings, him and his wife. And he's also now the writer of these sermons and things that goes into book form. Brother Vayle, would you dismiss us in prayer, while we bow our heads. [Brother Vayle prays--Ed.] TRYING TO DO GOD A SERVICE JEFF IN 65-0718M DOING GOD A SERVICE WITHOUT HIS WILL V-4 N-8
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 1 Let us remain standing now for a moment while we have prayer. Let's bow our heads. Lord, we are happy this morning to be back in the house of God in another service. And we pray God that You will correct us this morning of all of our errors. Show us the paths that You have ordained that we should walk, and give us of Thy grace and love, that we might follow those paths and instructions with all of our heart, that we might be found that day in Christ, blameless, for we believe, Lord, that His appearing is soon. We see all the signs that He said would take place just ere His coming now being fulfilled. And with joy we look for that moment. As Abraham of old looked for the promised son, and seeing those last signs of God come down on the earth, then he knew that it wouldn't be long until the son would arrive. And now, we see it repeat again. Jesus told us that when these things begin to come to pass to lift up our heads, that our--our redemption was drawing nigh: perplexity of the time, distress between nations, earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring, men's heart failing for fear. And we realize that we're in that hour when the nations don't know what to do, another war coming up, looks like. What a horrible thing that would be. The earth pulling apart, scientists saying that something terrible is near... We see the Bible speaking of this. Then, Lord, help us today to stand in this house of correction and take orders from our God to go forward in this hour of darkness to shine Light, for it may be our last opportunity to do so. For we ask this in Jesus' Name and for His sake. Amen. (Be seated.) TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 4 I certainly deem this a grand privilege to be here in the Tabernacle this morning. And sorry that we don't have seating room around for you. And the place is packed out, and standing everywhere outside... You people outside now, you can hear this on your radio, I forget... [Brother Neville tells Brother Branham which frequency it can be heard on--Ed.]... 55 to 57. You people outside and out in the parking lots and on the streets, can hear this on your radio between 55 and 57 on your radio dial. So we tried... I was coming back, rather, to--here to try to have about a ten day meeting to speak on the subject of the Seven Last Vials; for in between those Vials is the Trumpets. And I was telling you in the--when I was going to preach on the Seven Trumpets, that I would bring them in with the Vials and the Plagues. And I thought it'd be a good time; I just returned from Africa; and--and the children hadn't had their vacation. My little boy Joseph, had--had kinda went a little--need a little few weeks of study on his reading. He passed all right, but he wasn't up to par, so we kept him in Tucson so-while I was in Africa, and went on his reading and catch up on it with some day school. And then we come back. And I thought, while the kiddies was having their vacation, I'd have a little meeting here with the people and preach these subjects. But when we got here, we found that we could not get the school auditorium.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 6 And I knew the Tabernacle wasn't sufficient to seat the people and make them comfortable the way they should be when they--when I have this message; therefore, we had to--to make a different arrangement. And instead of having the--the ten nights that we were planning on having, well, I made it just two services a Sunday: this Sunday, next Sunday, and the following Sunday, two services, so that... And we never advertised it. And then, if anyone who heard some way that the meetings was going to begin on the twenty-eighth at the school auditorium, if God permitted, well, if you have any friends and got any reservations in the motels, I--I'd cancel it (See?), because it--that they--we can't get the convenience to have it; they can't get the--school auditorium. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 7 And now, I want to speak on just evangelistic services on Sunday morning. And Sunday night I want to have prayer for the sick. And we are trusting that God will meet with you people who are sick. I don't know how Billy's going to take care of you, I suppose, give out prayer cards, or how ever ways to control the congregation. But we will do all we can to pray for every person in these next three weeks that we intend to have services, if it be the will of the Lord. And then, many times there's personal interviews, somebody just wants to see you a minute on something or something like that. And we're going to... How many here wants a personal interview, let's see your hands. Wow. Who doesn't? So then, we are... It's kinda going to be hard to get them, so write out your request and send them-put them in with Billy, and I can get them from there. And now, he'll announce about, I guess, prayer cards, whenever they're to be given out. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 10 How many of our ministering brethren is there here this morning? We haven't had a chance to... I don't guess... Have you recognized any of them? How many ministers are here this morning? Would you just raise your hands, or stand up. Let's see how many ministers are in the congregation this morning. Well, fine. Thank the Lord for these men. Wish we had time to recognize every one of them, but I'm sure you see them and we--God knows them in their service; and we pray that God will bless them richly. No doubt many of them's closed their services to be here: Brother Junior Jackson, and I guess, Brother Don Ruddell. And this broadcast is coming into their churches. And in-also up in New York and other places across the nation this is by a private telephone into each church this morning.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 11 I'm glad to see Brother Richard Blair setting here. I just read a letter of a great thing that God did among the people there. The other day, as I understand (I may be wrong, Brother Blair; if I am, correct me.), he was working, helping a man wire a trailer or something, I believe it was. (I read the letter.) And they reversed something; and however, it run the current into a water where a--a little boy was (one of the--the men that the trailer belonged to, his little boy, just a little lad), and it killed the little boy. And his stomach swollen and... We know electrical shock, that's--when they die that's what happens. The little eyes set; his teeth went together. It alarmed the brethren so bad. Brother Blair said he thought he could get ahold of me somewhere to pray for it, but remembered that it was that "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst." And the father skinned his fingers trying to get his fingers in the little boy's mouth to break it open. And they knelt down and started pray over the little boy, and he come back to life again, and he...?... TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 13 Was that true, Brother Blair? One of our loyal brothers here... Oh, the little boy's here. Well, thank the Lord. That's fine. We'd like for you to stand up, sonny boy. Now, we thank the dear Lord for this. Is that the father of the little boy? Are you the father? That's right. And here's Brother Richard Blair. Our God is able to do anything. Yes, sir. He promised it. We are living in the Divine Presence of the great, glorious, heavenly Father. And all things that we--are possible if we can just believe it. You see what that does, what it paid off for that man's life to believe that? Saved his little boy. Now, God had His loyal servants there to--Brother Blair and them--to pray for the little boy when he was in that condition. Yes, when anything happens, remember, you are children of the living God. "Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, there I am." And again it's written: "He's a very present Help in time of trouble." And if there ever was trouble, that little boy laying there dead on the ground from a shock of electricity that went through him... So we're thanking God this morning with all of our hearts for these--for these things that He has done for us. God bless these faithful men too. In a time of emergency that's the time to look to God; and look to Him and be on friendship with Him before the emergency arrives. We know this: If we have favor with God, we can ask Him anything, like you would any other friend; and He's a very present Help in time of trouble. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 16 I just met on the street yesterday Brother John Martin's sister. I was... Someone had stopped me down on the street and someone went by and waved their hand. Coming back home, you know, you see
the people everywhere stopping and shaking hands and so forth. And this lady, I remember they called me recently where someone hit her in the back in--in a car, and bursted her spine and all upand-down. She was to be paralyzed the rest of her life. She's setting in the meeting this morning enjoying the Presence of God. I was just talking with her in the room; I want to pray with her again, and she was... She's here somewhere. I guess she couldn't get back in. But here. Sure, she's setting right here by us. That's right. Would you stand up just a minute, sister, that people might... Here's the lady the doctor said a few days ago would never walk, a busted spine and everything from a wreck--wreck; and there she stands, whole. You know the Bible said, "And they could say nothing against it, 'cause the man was standing in the midst of them." That's right. Here's the little boy brought back from the dead, and here's a woman with the bursted spine, standing in the midst of us. It's just been done. So He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. How happy we should be to be a-living now in His Presence and know that He's this very present Help in time of trouble. Glad to see Brother Vayle, Brother Martin, so many in this morning. And the Lord bless you brethren richly. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 17 Now, it's a... I know it's not too cool in here with all this crowd, but yet, when I left Tucson the other day, it was about a hundred and four or five; and almost midnight it was ninety-three, and so this feels pretty good to me. And at Parker they said was a hundred and forty Friday before we left. And you can imagine how hot that is. 'Course that's in the desert. And now, these next three Sundays... Today, the fifteenth, I believe, is that right, or sixteenth? Fifteenth, isn't it? [Someone answers, "The eighteenth"--Ed.] Eighteenth. And the twenty-eighth and the--August the first. Is that right? [Someone answers, giving correct dates--Ed.] August... The twenty-fifth--the eighteenth, twenty-fifth--and first, there'll be services at the Tabernacle. Don't, you know, get too much of it out, 'cause (You see?), we can't get what's in--what's here now inside, you know, and it just gets worse. Just come back if you can. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 19 And--and then I'm here to get the trustees together. I'm kinda getting put out of all this turning me down on place to hold a meeting when I'm feeling led to do it. So I think I'm going to ask them if we just can't get our tent and--and put it up and just stay there, and, you know, get out here in the ball park or out on a farm and move it from place to place just as the Lord will lead. And I feel that that's what He's going to do. You know there's a vision concerning that. And I think that maybe the reason this happens... Now, you know, a lot of times we think it's horrible because certain things happen, but you know, that might be God (See?) driving into these things. When He said it, He'll do it.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 20 A few nights ago many of you--just in about a month before going over to Africa... Many of you perhaps has the tape (of you people that get the tapes) on "Choosing a Bride," was preached in California. The last few minutes of that tape, I don't remember of ever being there. But the Spirit of the Lord came in such a way. I'd been condemning them the way they were living and doing, and after the Gospel had been preached and declared before them so much. And all of a sudden the Holy Spirit spoke out and said, "Capernaum (See?), the city that calls yourself by the name of the angels (That's Los Angeles.), thou art exalted into heaven, but be brought down to hell." See? And then after that it was over, why, I was outside. And Brother Mosley and Billy was with me, and they said, went back and looked, and the whole floor was just laying full of people, ministers sobbing. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 21 And I went and got the Scripture; I said, "There's something about that in the Bible." And it was Jesus rebuking Capernaum, all those coastal cities that He had visit. Why He said, "Capernaum, thou art exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell." He said, "For if the works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah that's been done in you, it'd been standing today." And at that time Sodom and Gomorrah was in the bottom of the sea. And just after that, maybe a hundred years or something after Jesus' prophecy, Capernaum, the only coastal city that He'd visit, a earthquake sunk it in the sea. You know, that was a direct answer to California, to Los Angeles. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 22 And then at Tucson the other day, just as I got back, a great earthquake had happened out there. And the scientists was on the television drawing it out. It was in the papers, that the earth the other day split from the Aleutian Islands--or from Alaska around the Aleutian Islands, about two hundred miles out into the sea, come back in at San Diego, went around Los Angeles, and come out at San Diego. And it pulled loose several inches. Houses has toppled down. Motels has went in. And the scientist on this panel was--was asked, said, "Well, that could fall in someday?" He said, "Could? It will." And he used a scientific names of how the lava has... That's what's caused these earthquakes all along around San Diego and down in there; it's been that hollow place. And now, all of it's begin to break in like sand falling in. And now, it's just a crust and it's pulled loose several inches. They could take radar and stuff, and follow that crack, and mark out, see where it was at. And it pulled loose several inches more, maybe two or three inches the--the other day again, right after that prophecy was given. And the ones that was interviewing the scientist said, "Well, it probably won't be in our age." He said, "It could be in five minutes or in five years, but it's going to fall in."
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 25 Mrs. Simpson, I don't think she's with us today; or... I see Brother Fred setting here, but I don't know where Mrs. Simpson is. She went and got a prophecy that I made about 1935 or something like that, and said: "The time would come (It's written in a book somewhere.) that the sea would weep it's way into the desert." Look what'll take place. If that thousands of square miles falls down into the lava of the earth and slides in, there'll be millions die at one time. And that'll cause such a tidal wave... Remember, plumb up into the Salton Sea is a hundred or two hundred feet lower than the sea level. That water will probably come almost to Tucson with that tidal wave coming across there. And the sea shall weep its way into the desert. Nations are breaking; Israel's awakening, The signs that our prophets foretold; The Gentile days are numbered, With horrors encumbered Return, Oh dispersed, to your own. We're in the end time. Now, the Lord bless you richly. I get started on that and forget about time. We're going to fade quick--pretty quickly into eternity anyhow. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 27 And now, in St. Mark the 7th chapter and the 7th verse, to bring a text to this subject that was just read in I Chronicles 13. To make a text for this I want Mark 7:7: ... in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. Now, I know nothing but the Message the Lord has given me, and that's all I can speak on. And now, I'm going to speak on a subject this morning which I thought would be good. And tonight I want to speak on, Meat in Due Season, if the Lord willing--"Spiritual Food in Due Season," and how to receive it. Now, and this morning: "Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God." God is sovereign. And we see here what David done in the Scripture reading of I Chronicles 13. And he was--his intentions were good. But God does not give us merits on good intentions. There's only one way to serve God; that's by doing His will at His command. And God, being sovereign, there's no one to tell Him what to do or how to do it; He does it the way... He knows the right way to do it. And that
makes me feel good. And it ought to make all of us feel good, and I'm sure it does. For one would have it coming this way, and one have it going that way, and one the other way... TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 30 But one great thing again about God, He's not left us, now, without knowing what's the Truth and how to do it. He wouldn't be just to punish us for doing something that we didn't know how it was going to be done, and then let us stumble into something. He's not that kind of a God. He's a God that speaks a Word and expects His children to believe It. And therefore, He knows what's best, and when to do it, and how to do it. We have our ideas of it, but He knows. And then, if He set up a system that what He was going to do and didn't tell us what was going to happen and how it was going to happen, then we stumbling at it would be--would be justified in--in our stumbling, or trying to do something; each one would be justified. But there's only one way and that is His Word. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 32 And another thing, David here, we see that in his heart he wanted to do something that was good. He had no bad motive or no bad objective, but the house--or the ark of the Lord was away from the--the people; and he wanted to bring the ark of God back to its place, so the people would consult God about the things that they wanted. Instead of--of just letting it go, we... What if Brother Blair and the father of this little boy said, "Well, it's too bad, child's just got hurt, killed. I guess, just something that happened"? but they went quickly to God. What if the little lady and her husband, a minister of the Gospel, a few nights ago or days, when that little lady had that bursted spine that just stood up... The doctor said, "She'll be paralyzed all of her life." What if the husband--she had said, "Well, honey, we'll just console ourselves to that." But quickly they done something about it; they went to God. And how many things in the Bible could we refer to of how when people get in trouble, get to God. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 35 Well then, in them days they had only one meeting place where they could meet God, and that was at the ark under the blood. That's the only meeting place yet: under the Blood. The mercy seat was sprinkled to give mercy to the worshipper or the asker when he come to ask the petition of God. And God had a special routine, the way you had to go to--about that, and He wouldn't accept anything else. He wouldn't accept any other provision, just the way He fixed it.
Recently I just preached on a message (Many of you know about it.), that only one provided place that God meets the worshipper, the place that He said, "I'll put My Name." If we can find a church that He put His Name in, then we got the place. He said, "I will not bless you in all the gates, just the gates that I put My Name in. I'll put it in one place, and you've got to meet Me there; and that's the only place I'll meet you." And we found out through there where He put His Name. And that's the only place that He meets the worshipper; and His Name was Jesus Christ. God's Name is Jesus Christ. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 37 Jesus said, "I come in My Father's Name." Every son comes in his father's name. And He came in the Name of the Father. And there's not another Name under heaven given among men, whether it's called Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, whatever it might be done; there's only one meeting place that God meets man, and that's when he's in Jesus Christ: only place. And all these old things back here under the Old Testament type that. I want you to clearly understand it. Now, it's a Sunday school lesson. And I've got some Scriptures and notes written down here. And I thought that this would help you to understand, as all the old things happen for examples to us. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 38 Now, we find that God had a way of doing things, but David, just being blessed of God like he had to become king, he just thought that he would just do something for God anyhow. And he never went about it in the right way. We notice, God reveals His Word in His own predestinated season. Now, how could Martin Luther have knowed about the Message today? How could the Presbyterians... How could Martin--or the Catholic church know Martin Luther's message? How could John Wesley have knowed Luther's message? How could Wesley have knowed the Pentecostal message? Or how could the Pentecostals know this Message? See? He reveals It in His seasons, because It is a Seed; and as It grows and matures He reveals Himself. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 40 Like the heat of the sun to open up. When it's tender and young, bring it out of the ground, the seed, then give it its leaves in another stage of the sun. The hot sun will kill it if it's the ripening seed or ripening time. So He regulates the sun and regulates nature to meet His Word. He regulates the church, the predestinated, the Bride, to meet the season that they are living in.
Even nature itself tells us today, as we see the nations breaking, the earth sinking in; the handwriting's on the wall. We see the church and the states it's in. We see the Bride and the state she's in. And we know by nature that the church is getting ready to leave. What a glorious time. It's a time that all the prophets longed to see this hour. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 42 Now, He reveals His Word only in Its season. Martin Luther read the same Bible we did. Wesley read the same Bible Martin Luther did. Pentecostals read the same Bible we read. Jesus read the same Bible that the Pharisees read, but they had... Trying to keep the corn in a early stage when it was ripening, they failed to see their hour. Now, David has done the same thing here. God reveals this Word in the season and to whom He chooses to reveal It to. God chooses who He reveals It to. He chose that before the foundation of the world. All of His doings were foreknown by Him, hidden from man; He just reveals them as He will. It is His chosen season, His chosen person. And He never did choose a party or sect; it's a chosen person. How He does it... TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 44 Who is it that will dare to correct Him and say, "Now, Lord, You made a mistake by putting this man in the ministry. This man doesn't believe like we believe." Who's going to tell God He's wrong in it? It would take somebody that's a little more of a delinquent than I am to tell Him that. He knows what He's doing. He knows who to choose and who not to choose, what to do and when to do it. No matter how much we think that a certain person is qualified to do a certain job, God knows who's qualified for the time and the season, or the time and the right time to do it. And the real, true Christian, the real, true believer in God, waits upon the Lord for these things. Wait on your ministry. If you feel a call, be sure that it's God. Be sure that it's right. Be sure that it's timely of what you're saying. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with the wings like an eagle. They shall run and not be weary. If they walk, they'll not faint." TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 46 Notice David, king of Israel, just anointed. Samuel poured the oil upon him, and he was chosen of God to be king of Israel. And David got this revelation to bring the ark of the Lord up to the city of David. Now, there's nothing wrong, but you see, David went at it wrong. Now, it looks like if a man like that would get a revelation, a great man like God's chosen king (The greatest king that ever lived on earth outside of Christ, I guess, was David, 'cause Christ is a Son of
David.)... Now, the greatest man, freshly anointed, coming from the very Presence of God, got a revelation to do something for God and wanted to do it for God, but the revelation was wrong. Now, that's a great thing. It'll deal with our subject: "Trying To Do God a Service Without Being Called To Do It." TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 48 Notice, David got the revelation. And notice, it was not the prophet Nathanael that got the revelation; it was David the king that got the revelation. Neither was Nathanael consulted about it. He never asked Nathanael. But did you see here in I Chronicles, he consulted captains of thousands and captains of hundreds. He never consulted Nathanael. He consulted the people, and he consulted also the priests and the theologians of that day, the scribes and the theologians. David consulted first, said, "If it--this be of God, let us go down and bring the ark of the covenant of our God up into the city, and let us consult God before we do things." TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 49 They said in the days of Saul they left off consulting God by the--the--the ark, the Urim--Urim Thummim; they left off doing that. And David said, "Now, let's get back to God, all of us. Let's get back to the right thing. Let's go down and get the ark and bring it here (bring the Presence of God, in other words, into the city). Let's hold a revival. Let's bring the people back." But he got the revelation, which seemed to be good, but it wasn't the will of God. Instead of asking the source that he should've asked, he consulted his captains, because he'd just become king, and he followed that line of thinking, that his chief captains and his great men... Then he went into the church nominal and asked if they could have the revival: the priests, the scribes, the captains of thousands, the captains of hundreds, and he consulted them, "Was this the will of the Lord?" And they said it was. But, you see, he failed to ask the main resource that God always deals through (See?); he failed to get it. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 52 Now, his intention was good. His motive was good. His objective was good, and--to bring a revival in the city, bring the people back to God. But he never consulted the way God told him to do it. See? Even all the people agreed and the priests and--that the king was right. They needed the ark back in the city. Now, they needed the Presence of God. They needed the revival. But God had not promised to
reveal His Word in Its season to the peoples. He never promised to reveal It to the king in the season. God doesn't change a bit. He didn't promise to do that. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 54 No matter how sincere, and what good motives, and what good objectives, and how people want those things, and see the need of it, there is a will of God to be carried out in these things. That's what I want to drive down tight. For I want to make this so that you have to see it if--if the Spirit of God dwells in you. And that's the reason I'm lingering so long here. Not taking you people's time on the telephone and on the hookup, but I--I want you to see it. If you run out of time, then get the tape. That there... No matter how much it's needed, how much everybody agrees that it's needed, how much that that is the truth, there's yet one thing to find out: Is that the will of God? Now, God never promised that He'd reveal His secrets to his kings, He'd reveal His secrets to His people. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 56 Something like the time of Micaiah, the son of Imlah, as we leave, not the text, but another time to bring this in and make it true to you, real to you, so you won't miss it... There was in the days of Micaiah... He was a poor man, and he also come from a poor family. But Ahab, king of Israel, as a nation being under God, he had set aside a school and had brought up selected, handpicked prophets, and had four hundred of them in a school. And they were great men. They wasn't just false prophets. They were Hebrew prophets, genuine men. And they consulted the Lord by these men. And they did prophesy. But, you see, when the real showdown came, they were every one out of God's Word and will. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 58 For Jehoshaphat came down from Jerusalem to meet the--the king Ahab, and they put on their garments, and set out in the--in the gateways, and brought the prophets up before them. First Ahab said, "We got a place up here at Ramoth-gilead that actually belongs to us." Now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD; Joshua divided it for the people and give that to them, but the Philistines had taken it over. And said, "Here our children need bread, and we ain't got enough land to raise the bread on; and our enemy, the Philistine, feed their children, the heathens, off of the very ground that Jehovah God gave us." That's very straight. And said, "Here we, the people of God, set here with our children needy; and our enemy feeds their children on the ground that God called us out of Egypt and give it to us." That would raise a theologian, wouldn't it? He said, "Shall we go up and take our grounds that God gave to us?"
Jehoshaphat said, "Yes, I'll help you. We are brothers. You're in Judah, and I'm in--I'm in Jerusalem (or--or was it vice versa? I believe... No, that's right, I think that Jehoshaphat...). However, Jehoshaphat was a good man, a king, a righteous man who loved the Lord. Ahab was a lukewarm believer. So they brought them down, and Jehoshaphat said, "Listen, let us consult the Lord first. We ought to find out about this." (See, if David would've done what Jehoshaphat did...) He said, "Shouldn't we do this?" And quickly, being an Israelite, Ahab said, "Certainly. I've got four hundred Hebrews like we are, Hebrew prophets of our own organization. And I'll consult them. They are prophets." TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 60 Now, you see, this... You say, "That stumbles me, Brother Branham. A prophet?" Oh, yeah. There was one in the time of Jeremiah who said they'd only be down there two years. The Lord told Jeremiah, seventy. Put a yoke around his neck, and the prophet broke it, Hananiah. But you know what happened to him. Oh, yeah. You got to stay with the Word. So these prophets came up, and prophesied, and said, "Go on up; the Lord is with you." And one of them, I believe it... I forget his name now, the chief, Zedekiah, I believe, said--he put two iron horns and said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, by this (Now, that man was sincere.) you'll push your enemy plumb back into their lands and take what belongs to God; it's give to you." I don't believe he was a hypocrite. I believe he was a good man. I believe all them prophets were. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 62 You say, "Prophets?" Yeah. Remember, the very man that consented to kill Jesus Christ prophesied, because it was his office. He was high priest that year, and being that he had that office and held that office, the Spirit of God came to him. And that didn't mean he was saved or anything about it. And he prophesied (Caiaphas), because it was his office that did it. And these prophets, being prophets of office prophets, prophesied, and the Spirit of God came on them, men with gifts of the Spirit. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 64 I realize I'm talking to ninety-nine percent Pentecostals, but men... Many times a man, God can deal with them, give them a gift, and the people will squeeze in on those people. If they're not perfectly called and sent of God, he'll cause that man or woman to say something that isn't His will, because the people constrains them to do it.
How I had to catch our own little pastor here on it. Out here in the woods one morning about three o'clock in the morning, said, "Go tell Brother Neville." I come to you, didn't I, Brother Neville? Everybody, "Brother Neville, prophesy over me. Tell me this or that." See? You'd have him saying things then that wouldn't come to pass. They that wait to find out what the Lord wants to do... See? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 67 So these men looked upon it in the natural sense, "It belongs to us." But you see, they didn't find the Word and will of God. Then Micaiah come down, and he had a vision. And he examined first. You notice? Said, "Wait. Give me tonight. Let me find out, and tomorrow maybe I can answer you." He wasn't right quick, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," like in agreeing with the other prophets; he said, "I'll only speak what God says." And the next day we find out God told him what would happen. And it was absolutely contrary to the others. The whole school, it was contrary. And even one of them walked up and smacked him in the face for it. But see, he waited. Then when he did that, he compared his prophecy, his vision, with the written Word, and it was right with the Word. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 69 When somebody says they got a revelation to baptize people in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, that's contrary to the Word. None of the rest of them ever did. When they say that, "Oh, we're going to stand..." and this, that, and the other, and so forth, that's contrary to the Word. When they say they don't believe in serpent's seed, that's contrary to the Word. All these other things, that's contrary to the Word. It must be with the Word and at the season. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 71 Now, if David would've only done that. The ark was coming, but not at that time. There was no place for it. Notice. Now, when they went down to get the ark, all the dignitaries said, "That's the thing to do, David. Glory to God. We need a revival." And that was real Pentecost today: Baptists, Presbyterian. "David, you're our king. You all... Captain So-and-so, and Major So-and-so, and General So-and-so will be at your meeting. Why, they say that's just the thing to do, David. You got the whole country with you." That's what's the matter today. I don't want the country. I want God, if there's nobody else stands.
David had all the captains. He had cooperation with the military forces. He had cooperation with all the denominations, with all the theologians, with all--everybody agreeing with him. So did Ahab, and others in the Scripture; but he didn't have God, because he was out of the will of God. I hope we get this. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 73 Notice. They done every religious thing they could. They must--probably put out advertisements and everything: "Great revival, the ark is going to be brought back. We're going to have a revival. We're going to do this." Notice, he sent singers. He sent people with harps, with trumpets, and they done ever religious thing that they knowed how to do; and still God was not in it. Somewhat see it repeating again, don't we? They took all the singers. They took the harp players, the trumpet blowers, the women, the men, whoever it was that sang; they took them all down there, and they went through every religious motion. I don't want to say this, but I got to say it: so is these denominations today, Pentecostal and all, is going through every religious motion of singing and shouting. Notice, David shouted with all of his might, and he screamed, and he jumped, and he went through every religious motion that there could be; and still God was not in it. And his motive, and his objective, and everything was right; but he went the wrong way with it. See? He done all the religious movements: shouted, sang, had special singers, special shouters, everything else. They danced in the spirit. They done everything that was religious. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 77 It's something like our great crusades of our time. They wanted to win the world to Christ. There is no such a thing. Great, landslide revivals, great things happening, if they could only realize, that day's passed. She's doomed. But they're building crusades, organizations, and everything; but the results is just about like it was in David's time; it didn't work. We go and have a revival. Our great--some of our great evangelists today, they say they have thirty thousand converts in six week's time; and a year from there go back, they can't find thirty. There's something wrong. What it is, it's just the same thing David done. Great dignitaries, great men, great preachers, greater schools, great authority, but still they're consulting an old denomination instead of looking in the face of God's Word and see when the season's on. You can't raise certain foods but just certain times a year. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M
79 Now, let us see what happened. Although their--their religious emotion and stuff was great, their intentions was great, their crusade was great, their singing was great, their dancing was great, their shouting was great, their music was great; and they had the ark. What good's the ark without God? It's just a wooden box, couple tables of stone. That's like taking communion, being baptized. What good does it do to be baptized if you're not first repented? What good does--take communion and become a hypocrite, if you don't live the life and believe the rest of God's Word? Take part of It and not the rest of It, it shows there's something wrong. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 80 Now, when all this happens... Let us now see what happens when God and His age and His time is not considered, just the people's idea. Many people has said to me, "Why don't you come over here and hold a meeting? Well, we call for you. Sign this, that, or the other." Wait. You might want it, but what does God say about it? Many people has said to me... I've had a invitation, I've had interviews, personal interviews and things, waited for a year. Wait. How will I know what to say until God tells me what to say? See? Got to wait. That's the reason I said, "Write that out; let me see what He said." See? Wait. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Is that right? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 82 Notice, they consulted only the priest of that day, the theologians, the denominations. And notice, by doing that, consulting the priests and consulting the congregation, consulting the people, they did it wrong. Notice. The Ark was the Word. We know that's right, 'cause the ark is Christ, and Christ is the Word. See? The Ark or the Word was not put in it's first, ordained, original ordained position. Oh, don't fail to get this, church. Everything was perfect, and everything looked good, like a great revival was coming; but because they failed to consult the right person about it... They consulted the priest, consulted the dignitaries, consulted the theologians, consulted the singers, and got everything together with one accord, and a great organization of the military, and also the--the--the forces of the nation; everything was at harmony for a great meeting; but they failed to consult God. So had Ahab; so had others. What a moment. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 84 Now, don't miss this. They failed to get it, because they hadn't consulted. And by doing that (Watch.), by going to the priest, by going to the theologians, and by going to the military forces, and not
even considering their God-sent messenger of the hour, Nathan, they did it wrong. They went and picked up the ark and put it upon a new cart, put it upon a new cart (or a new denomination's going to start up) and not upon the God-given, ordained way to pack it. It was supposed to be packed on the shoulders of the Levites. But you see, when you start wrong, you'll keep on going wrong. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 85 If a bullet is supposed to be directed to a target, and you jerk the barrel one thousandths off here to begin with, at a hundred yards you're four or five inches off. You start wrong. Oh, God, help us to know this thing has started wrong, this great crusades of the hour, and the so called. God is not consulted about it. Priests and religious men is consulted; organizations is consulted. "Well, will you have such-and-such? I believe if we could get everybody together..." Don't get everybody together. Just get God's Word about it. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 87 Then we find that when they do that, what do they do? They continually to go right on with their same old religious program which is out of the Word of God and the will of God. That thing died years ago, them old dried up things of years ago. It had dried up in days of the Lord Jesus. They didn't know it. He said, "If you'd have knowed Moses, you'd have knowed Me, for Moses said I was coming." Said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness." Said, "They're all dead," Blind, He called them: Pharisees, religious leaders. "Except you believe that I am He, you'll die in your sins." But they didn't do it. They was so set in their ways. They had to have it their way. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 90 That's the way David did. He had it in his way, so he just said, "You know what I'll do? We're moving." He had a revelation. "We're moving now, so we'll do a new way. The days of miracles is passed, so we'll just make us another organization. We'll build a new cart and show them a new thing that's started." What a false prophecy. You've got to go back the way God said do it. They put it upon the shoulders of the Levite, and that was over the heart. The Ark, the Word, is not to be packed upon a new denomination, upon the theories of some man, but in the heart. The Word of God is not to be handled by denominations; It's to be handled by the heart of a man where God can come in
there and reveal Himself. And if He reveals it according to the Word, it's God. If it isn't, it's not. And then, the Word of that season... Sure, a Pharisee could say, "Who told us that we can't do this and do that? Moses give us these orders." But Moses also said... Satan said, "Why it is written, he'll give his..." "And it's also written," said Jesus. The season, the time... "If you'd have knowed Moses... You have one accuse you: Moses. If you'd have knowed Moses, you'd have knowed Me," He said, "for Moses wrote of Me: 'The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet among you of your brethren; Him shall you hear.'" If they'd knowed Moses they'd have knowed Him. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 93 Now, close, listen. Don't miss this now. See, first thing when they consulted the priest, consulted the dignitaries, consulted the military, consulted all the congregation, the neighborhood to get together for this great meeting to come, they failed to do it right. They didn't consult God, and by doing so, not going back and see what time it was... Oh, brother, listen. What time are we living in? What's the age? What's the hour that we're in? It's not time for these things that they're talking about. That's passed. Judgment is on hand now. You can see it breaking. You remember the rock up on the mountain? Judgment hour. You remember the revelation or the vision of the Bride? Just keep Her in step. Don't let Her get out of step. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 95 Notice, upon the shoulders of the priest... And David and all the priests that really ought to have knowed better, but what was it? The priests should've knowed better. The Scribes, theologians should've knowed better, because the Word said not to do that. And today when they want to say, "Oh, Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever; that's mental telepathy; that's this, that, or the other," they fail to see the promised Word. "Oh, that was a day gone by." David said, "Oh, well, now wait a minute. Upon the shoulders of--of the priests, that was back when Moses come out. Sure, we, we'll put it on a new cart today. I got a revelation of it. The priest said, "Amen, David." See? Influenced by their new ecumenical council that they should all be together and do this this way and that way, that's what caused the priests to stumble. They never consulted the right person. They didn't
do it right; therefore, they got in trouble. Yeah. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 98 I'm afraid in a lot of things today... When a great teacher, one of Pentecostal's greatest stood before the religious group the other night in Chicago... I was supposed to have that meeting with the Business Men, but I thought I'd be in Africa that time; but just got back the day before it started. And they chose a great Pentecostal intellectual, and he got up and told them that this ecumenical move was a thing of God, and said that all of them's coming back; even the Catholic church is going to come back to its original condition, all speaking in tongues for the evidence and so forth. And not knowing that's a trap of the devil. And a man that I didn't know... Sometimes you plant seed. You don't know what's going to happen. But the president of the Full Gospel Business Men, as soon as the great speaker set down, he said, "I am prone not to say things against our speakers, but that ain't the way Brother Branham said would happen. But he said that would lead to the mark of the beast." He said, "But Brother Branham don't know what he's talking about. Said, "We are--believe he does." See? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 100 And in Chicago they said how many here would like for me to come up and give my version of it? They begin screaming and shouting. See, you're planting seeds. You don't know what's going to happen. Just keep laying out the Seed. When that hour comes some of them's... Like Thomas, he was about the last one to see the Lord, but he had to see Him to believe Him. See? When they see it happen, oh, Thomas come in, but he was a little late. Now, when they see the things that's predicted and saying THUS SAITH THE LORD happens, then they say, "Give us some of your oil." See? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 103 But now, notice influence. Sometimes great guys get together. You hear them say great So-andso and great So-and-so, our great... Don't never do that. There's no great ones among us. There's only one great One, and that's God. We are brothers, sisters. I don't care if you're a pastor of a church that's got five people in it, that don't make you little; that makes you a brother (See?), if you're true to God's
Word. I don't care what, how, you don't get little. God don't have little children and big children. He just has children, and they're all the same. Notice, God Himself come from the ivory palaces of glory to become one of us. Now, who's the big one? Took... Not come down here to take the form of a priest, but a servant and wash the very clay that He created, the feet of His apostles in the... Now, who's great? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 105 But influenced, these men were. They didn't understand. They thought something new was going to happen (No.), something that God didn't say was going to happen. They went at it the wrong way. That's what all this enthusiasm when the--started back yonder a long time ago, each denomination had to have a Divine healer; each denomination had to have this, that, or the other. Each denomination had to have a little David. Each one had to have this, that, or the other. See what happened? It done the same thing it did here: Same thing. Influence... The Word for the season, the time that they were living in was ignored. Notice, the Levite's shoulders was the original provided way of God to do these things. Pack that ark on the Levite's shoulders. Anything outside of that was contrary. What He said, that's what He meant. God cannot change. That's the reason, stay with His Word. I've got Scri--a--I Chronicles 15:15, if you want to put that down. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 108 Notice, now notice, there in following God... Now, I want you to--to kinda jot this in your mind. To keep God's commandments, to do anything right for God, to do--do God a service correctly, there is five musts (See?), to do God service correctly. Now, David was doing God a service. He was doing everything he knowed to do, except leaving off God. See? He was doing something that was right, something good for the people, something good for the church. But there's five musts; I want you to remember these. No matter how sincere a man may be in doing it, doing God a service, this--these five must be there: First, it must be His time to do it. What if a--if a... Moses would come, said, "We'll build an ark and float up the Nile like Noah did"? Noah's time was all right for an ark, but not his time.
What if Jesus would come, said, "Now, I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll just go up on the mount like Moses did and get a new declaration of laws"? See? Uh, uh. He was that law. See? You must be in His time. It must be in His season. You got that now? Must be in His time, it must be in His season, time and season, and it must be according to His Word that has been spoken. It must... TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 114 I don't care how well you say this ought to be, and that ought to be, or this ought to be; it's got to be according to His Word, according to His time and His season; and it must be given according to the person He has chosen to do it by. I don't care how much dignitaries. There's king David just as great as any of them. He was king over the nation. But He had a way of doing it, and He had told them how He would do it. But they failed to do it. It must be according to His Word, according to His time, according to the--His program; and it must be by the person He has chose to give it and to do it. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 117 Moses tried to run from it. "Take somebody else." But God chose Moses to do it. Many of them... Paul tried to get out of it, many others. But it's got to be by the one He chooses to do it. And it must come first to His prophets. The Word of God must come to His prophets: Amos 3:7, "The Lord God will do nothing until first He reveals it to His servant the prophet." Four. And the prophet must be a-vindicated by the Word of God. There's your five musts. It's got to be that way: His time; His season (when He said it would be); and the man that He chose, and it must come to the prophet; and the prophet must be a vindicated prophet. We find out many of them in the Bible it come to the prophets and it wasn't a-vindicated. Our Prophet is Jesus Christ. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 120 So now, notice. See, God had not revealed the thing to them by His provided way of doing it. They had accepted David's way. They had accepted the priest's way. They had accepted the scribes' way, the theologian's, but not God's way. Nathanael was--he was a prophet of that day. Later on Nathanael told them how to do it. But see, they done it without consulting Nathanael. Not a word says that Nathanael was consulted. All of the influence, the great thing going on... And, my, I think of that song:
Let--keep, help me, Lord, when hearts are aflame, Let me humble my pride (to go with the rest of them) and just call on your Name; Teach me not to rely on what others do, But just wait in prayer for an answer from You. See? That's the way it is. Let me see it happen in the right way; then it's believed. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 121 Now, God revealed the thing to them by David, and by the ministers, and by the people, and by the captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, but not by Nathanael who had THUS SAITH THE LORD. And the Lord said He would do nothing until He showed that prophet of the age first what to do. See what they did? They went straight out of the Word of God, went and put the ark upon a new cart. See? So they went about to do it apart from God's commandment in God's provided way... And that's what's happened today, friends. That's why we've had so many great crusades and so forth and no results. More infidelity, more sin, more... I tell you; this nation is gone, not only this nation, but other nations. This nation like England of another age has been the prostitute of all the rest the nations. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 122 Way down in Mozambique, four hundred and eighty miles from civilization, in the jungle, beatnik kids listen to Elvis Presley, jerking their heads and bouncing up-and-down like that all night long with stay--and little sets like that'd pull for a thousand miles plumb over in Rhodesia to get Elvis Presley. And yet they say, "He's very religious, him, and Pat Boone and them." Why, it's the Judas of the hour, and don't know it. And that's the bad part. They believe they're--they're right. Didn't Jesus say to this Laodicean church age, "Thou art naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don't know it"? Don't know it. Well, the Pentecostal kids down in Africa and around say, "Why, Elvis Presley, he sings the prettiest you ever heard." No doubt but what David did too; no doubt but what the singers did, but it caused death to strike the camp. See where they're--where we're at today, friends? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 124 The Levite's shoulders was God's original way to do it, and they had put it on a new cart. Now, it'll never work. They didn't consult the right way. See? So they got out about it and went about it in the wrong way, and that's what's happened today.
When men, no matter how sincere, try to do Him a service outside of His provided way of revealing it, they always mess it up. God sets it in His way. Man, no matter how sincere you try to do it outside of that, you--you'll mess it up. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 126 Something like Balaam was in Balaam's day. God told Balaam, that prophet... He was a prophet, the prophet Balaam. He was a prophet, and the Word come to him exactly, said, "Don't go down there. That's My selected; that's My choice." And Balaam got with the dignitaries, the military men, preachers, and influence men; and said, "Well, I--I tell you, the king will..." See, just pattern with David, pattern with today, just take everything in a type, and you'll see it. You see it say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] See, see? Just like it is now... But the--the--the clergymen said, the--the--the--the priests said, the scribes said, the theologians said, "This is the way it's supposed to be done." But it wasn't. And it proved it wasn't. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 128 And God told Balaam--that he was the prophet first--He told him, "Don't go down." But the influence of these other men caused him to do it contrary to what God said do it, and it become a curse instead of revival. Oh, sure, he got down there and taught the people, saying, "Now, look. Wait. You know what?" Said, "We are--we are Moabites. You remember, Lot's daughter is our queen. She is our origination. We're all of one blood. We're all... All of us denominations are the same." Don't you mix with that thing. Stay away from there. See? So he said, "We're all the same. Why, your peoples is like my people. We can intermarry one among another, so we can have a real ecumenical council. See? All of us can get together and come back to the original thing again." And God cursed the thing. That sin never was forgiven Israel. It stayed with them the rest of their days. And it never was forgiven. They perished in the wilderness with it (That's right.), because they didn't take God's provided way by His a-vindicated way of doing it. Notice, this thing that they did caused Israel to die the death in the wilderness, and Jesus said, "They're every one perished and gone." Watch who it was stood with Moses back there, Joshua and Caleb and the--and the program. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M
131 Notice again, here's David, what he done. And when he did, what did it do? It caused death to strike a sincere person. And I guess we're still hooked up, and I want you to hear across the land. This thing that David done without consulting Nathanael and getting the Word of the Lord for it, it caused death to strike sincere people. Yeah, there he put his hand forth, which had been living in the presence of the ark, it come out of his--his house. And the ox stumbled, and the ark was falling. They'd already done one thing wrong, two things wrong. First, they never consulted Nathanael. The next thing they did, they went down there by not consulting the Word of God which the--Samuel was the Word in that day. And they never consulted the Word of the Lord, then when they did, they went contrary to the Word of God. And here this good man, that had been caretaker; he was a bishop, thought, "Well here, I don't want God to be let down." So he put his hand on the ark, where he wasn't a Levite, and he died. Three things... TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 133 Now, think real hard and watch what the denominations has done today. See? They've turned It down, called It false doctrine. See? Look where they're at. They'll get their ecumenical council all right. They called it mental telepathy, when God Himself vindicating It to be the Truth and proving it's the Truth. "Oh, they're just a little bunch of nitwits up there," they say; "don't know what they're talking about." That's right; we don't. But we just say His Words, and He knows what He's talking about. See? I can't explain It, nobody else can, but He--He--He proves It. Now, notice. A many a sincere believer today that comes to Christ, wants to come with all of his heart, is killed spiritually the same way. Many sincere men go to the Catholic church and wants to become a Christian, go to the Methodist, the Baptist, Church of Christ, and even the Pentecostals (See?), and wants to become a Christian, put his hand on it, join up with them. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 135 And when David saw this thing happen, it woke him up. Don't wake up too late out there, brother. He seen that death had hit. Show me the results. Why has this so-called revival getting people back in the churches done to the nation to the--to the body of believers? It's nothing but made new organizations and denominations all the way along, more members and so forth. Is the nation better? They said they was going to... America, "God bless America, it's--it's a nation, it's a Christian country." It's a million miles from being a Christian country. I don't even pray for it. How can I pray for it, and it won't repent under the mighty powers of God demonstrated before it, and denying, and closing the doors to it, and walking away? I commit it to God. And she's going further away, and now she's going to sink. Just watch what happens.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 137 Many sincere persons go join an organization, or a group, or a cult of some sort, and there they die spiritually. You can't tell them nothing. They get that stuff drilled into them: "Why, these bishops said this, and this said this; this said this." You show them right here in the Word of God where it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, "But our pastor..." I don't care what your pastor says, don't care what I say, or anybody else says. If it's contrary to God's vindicated Word, the hour, the time, the Message, and so forth, forget it. Stay away from it. And I've got to stand before every one of you in the day of judgment, and you know that. And little would I say that, knowing I'm an old man now. I'll... It ain't that I know something, but He knows. I just follow what He says. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 138 Look today at the big crusades that we've had across the land; it's proven that it's been in vain. And didn't Jesus say here now, Luke 7:7, "In vain do they worship Me (In vain did David bring the ark up. In vain did Ahab train them prophets. In vain did Balaam take that money.), teaching for doctrine the commandments of men"? It's the commandments of God that counts. No matter how sincere... "Them people are really sincere." You hear that so much. "They are so sincere." Well that don't mean nothing. Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, and all those cults get out here on the street and do things that one of us wouldn't do. Catholics stand on the corner and beg and so forth, those orders of it like that, and worth billions time billions times billions of dollars, still beg for it: sincere, no doubt. Churches go and--and preach and so forth, and ministers stand in the pulpit and do everything they can to get new members into their church; but it's a new ark. There's only one Ark to follow; that's the Word of God. Anything contrary to that Ark, stay away from it; it's on a new cart and not on the shoulders of God. That's right. Stay away from the thing, don't have nothing to do with it. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 140 Our big crusades, billions and millions has made confessions. And I doubt whether there'd be a hundred of them of all of it. See? Doesn't do a thing. Then look at the Word promise. You'll think that that's failed, and we know it's failed. Some of our greatest of--of revivalists in that land today say that's it's utterly failed. The church knows it's failed. Everybody knows it's failed. Well, why is it? Why did it fail? It's for a good purpose; it was to bring people in the Presence of God, great crusades. And millions of people spent their money and put in great crusades, and churches all went together, great auditoriums, and great things, and great things taken place; why did it fail? Is because they never knowed the hour they were living. No wonder Jesus stood and in His heart He wept; tears run down His
cheeks, and He said, "Jerusalem, oh, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood. You stoned every prophet I sent to you. But you would not. But now your hour has come." TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 142 Can't you feel the Holy Spirit screaming out from you? "Oh, United States and the world, how oft I would've gathered you, but you would not. Now, your hour has come. Your god of pleasure, your god of filth, your Sodom and Gomorrah god, that's come among you..." Even our little kids, beatle haircuts and bangs across their faces, little perverts starting out. Our women is gone, beyond redemption. Our men has become big sissies, walking around with little short pants on and acting like a girl, and hair hanging down their necks, and... We're Sodomites, and the fire and the wrath of God waits for us. You know how He'll kill, how He'll destroy it? The way He always did. When a prostitute did anything wrong, she was stoned to death. They picked up stones to kill the woman that was a prostitute. That's how He'll kill the church. The Bible said He'll rain hailstones out of the heavens, will weigh a hundred pounds apiece, and He'll stone them. Who's going to stop Him? What science is going to say it can't be done? He'll do it the same as He made a ark and floated Noah to safety; He'll do it again for His church. And by His own laws and His own way, He'll stone that prostitute who's committed adultery with the kings and captains of hundreds and thousands. He'll stone her to death by His own laws that He set in order. Who's going to tell Him He can't make a hailstone? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 144 Ask someone who knows how a rain drop starts, and makes a circle, and goes back through a torrible picks up more and more and more till it gets to a certain weight, and then it falls down. He, God, Who gravitation could not even hold Him on the earth and He lifted up into heaven, God, Who made gravitation, can also make a torrible big enough to swing a stone till it'll weigh a hundred pounds. He said He would do it, and He'll do it. Who's going to tell Him not to do it? He'll do it, because He said He would. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 145 We're in the last days. We're standing near the judgment. Why? They're trying to eat old manna that fell back yonder fifty years ago, the Pentecostal church. The Holiness church is trying to--over two hundred years ago, the Lutherans about three hundred or more years ago, many hundreds of years ago. They're trying to eat old manna. Oh, brother, that stuff is stagnated. It's contaminated. It'll... It's got--it's got (I always said) wiggletails in it, maggots. It'll kill you to eat it.
Find out if David or if any of the rest of them would only consulted the Bread of that hour. If the priests, and prophets, and preachers, and theologians, and schools, and denominations would've only consulted the hour, but now it won't do them no good. It done moved out. It won't help a bit. She's gone now. She's crossed that line about five years ago between repentance, judgment, and mercy. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 147 Notice, what is then? What can be done? What is to be done? Let's consult the prophet, the Bible, where we cannot add to or take from It. If we do, God takes us from the Book of Life. The Bible said in Malachi 4 what would happen today, Revelations 10, how the Seven Seals would be open and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through these reformers. He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that and avindicated It to be the truth by signs, wonders in the heavens and the skies, and everything else for thirty-three years. You think they'll listen to it? No, they're dead. They've put their hand into something that's killed the whole thing. No, it won't--it won't, never no more. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 148 It was when this thing happened that David saw. Oh, God, send us a David that can see where he's standing, that can look out and see God made a promise what--how He was going to do it today. God said it right here in His Word how He'd do it. God told Micaiah; Micaiah examined his vision before four hundred dignified prophets. He examined his vision to see if it was right. He looked back to what the prophet said before him to see what happened. He looked back, and he saw that Elijah standing there, said, "Ahab, the dogs will lick your blood too." Now, he seen then that that vision was just exactly according to the Word of God, so he pronounced it; and he was right. That's right. No matter what the rest of them said, he stayed right with that Word. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 150 Now, let's look at the vision we have today. Is it building churches? Is it new things? Is it great things that's going to happen, or is it judgment? Look back and see the promise of today, see what season we're living in. You say, "Well, bless God, brother, I'm sincere. I join church. I got my bachelors of art. I done this." That's all right. That's fine; nothing against it. So had David; so had the priests of that day; so had the theologians; but it was contrary to the Word. God said how He would do it today, how He would restore all things, what He would do again. He promised to restore. That's exactly right. In Joel 2:28 He promised He would restore: "I will restore, saith
the Lord, all the years that the cankerworm's eat." They got a... See, that's the same worm. It's in a different stage of life. And when Catholicism started eating, then Lutheran, Methodists, and Pentecostals, and all down, He said, "I will restore everything back to a church exactly like that one was at the first place." TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 153 Watch the vision the other night. Exactly the same Bride come this side come this side. After that prostitutes passed with their gowns on, their no things just this a-way, and dancing by rock-androll, and calling themselves the church. You say, "Well, we don't do that." That's the way God sees you. It ain't what you see your own self; it's the way God sees you. No man sees hisself wrong. It's when you look in the mirror of God's Word, It tells you whether you're wrong or not. If David would've done that, he'd seen he was wrong. If Ahab would've done that, or them prophets would've done that, they'd seen themselves wrong. A vindicated prophet said Ahab will die and the dogs will lick his blood. And his prophecy was exactly with it. Then he knowed he was right. Even Jehoshaphat should've seen that and knowed it. When Micaiah saw the vision, he wasn't much with the--with the people in them days, but he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. He was right. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 155 Notice, we're bringing this thing now in this day when we see the great hour that we're coming. Notice what David was trying to do too. I had a little note here on that. He was trying to bring the ark to the city of David, his own denomination. Look back yonder when the Lord first spoke down here on the river: "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming..." Brother, the Assemblies couldn't stand for that, neither could the United, all of them. They had to have one somewhere. Ah, they all had to do it. See? Just exactly. All of them had to bring it to their own house. Wanted to bring it to the city of David. Why? There was no place ready for it. And that's the reason you can't bring the Message to a denomination. The Word, the Ark, Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and all of His identification, you can't bring It to your organization. They'll never believe It, because there's no room for It. Don't the Bible say He was outside the church of the Laodicean age trying to get in? There was no place in the city of David, no matter how loyal it was, and how great it was, and--and so forth. It still wasn't the place; it was going to be at Jerusalem. That's where it went later when the prophet told them what to do with it. See? So David had to bring it to his own city. No place ready for it.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 158 Christ is our Ark, and they won't receive It. Christ is the Word. They won't receive It. They want their creed, their denomination, a new ark, or--or--or a new carrier. They want the denomination to carry it, a new ark. Remember, Christ our Ark. You believe Christ is the Word? That's the Ark then. Is that right? All right. Christ cannot be carried to His correct position by any denominational cart. He deals with one person and not with a group. He never did deal with a group; one person. When He said He'd not... If He did, He's contrary to His Word, Amos 3:7. And you can't make It lie. No, sir. It's true. But see, they tried... The Ark cannot be carried by an organization; there's too many heads in it. See? It cannot be done. He promised He'd not do it, and He won't do it. He--He said, when He promised-when He promised to do it some other way, that's the reason He promised He wouldn't do it. (Don't think them thoughts. I can feel it. See?) TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 160 So He--He promised He would do it a certain way, and anything contrary to that He won't do it. See? But by His original way according to what He said in Amos 3:7, that's the way He'll do it. And that must be a-vindicated and proved to be right. Now, you know what He promised today, then He's doing it today. That's just what He said He'd do: He'd open those Seven Seals, and what all He'd do; reveal the mysteries back there, how these baptisms and all things had been all messed up. And here it is in His very Presence. Science proves it. The heavens has declared it. Man's standing, looking right at it and seeing happen. And not one thing has He said but what He made true. There you are. Just so that you would see where we're at today. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 161 How, any man that has his spirits knows--has God's Spirit upon him, knows this is the truth; because God's Spirit won't speak contrary to the Word. Oh no, It'll be right with the Word. You say, "I got the Holy Ghost. I shouted; I spoke in tongues. I danced in the Spirit." That don't mean one thing to God. See? David did the same--practically the same thing back there. They sang with all of his might, and he shouted with all of his might; all the rest of them did, and they're walking right into death. That's right. That don't have anything to do with it; it's the Word that counts, the Word of the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord. Yes, sir. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M
162 See, they that have God's Spirit in them look at the promise for the day, and watch, and wait until they see it, and then they say, "That's it." God reveals it to them. Like Nathanael... Philip went and found Nathanael, and Nathanael said, "Now, wait a minute I know that's promised, but let me see It." And when he saw It, he said, "That's It." The woman said, "Now, I know, I've heard all kinds of theologians. I've done this and that. And I've read the Bible myself, and I know that we're--there's a Messiah coming that will do these things, so you must be His prophet." He said, "I'm He." She said, "Come on, see a Man, this is It." She waited until she seen that Messiah identified by the Word of God. Then she said, "That's what we've waited on four hundred years. We haven't had a prophet or nothing. Here He is, and He Himself says that He is He. Now... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Come out and see a Man who told me the things I've done." But the priests wanted to kill Him, and they finally done it. See? But they can't kill His Spirit today. That's right. No, they can't kill His... It was here to bring us in, so we're thankful. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 165 Notice how great God is, how great His works are, how He can never fail. Now, God has a provided and original way to do things, and He'll never do it contrary to that. Now, He promised in the last days that what He would do. And He sent them--us a Message, and this Message would have the same identification as Elijah had, as Elisha had, as John the Baptist had. And It would turn the hearts of the people, not to the denomination, but back to the original, apostolic fathers, back to the Word. And how these things have been a-vindicated. How that in the sounding of the last angel, Revelations 10: In the days of the seventh angel these mysteries that's all been... Why did the Methodists do this, and the Baptists, and the Church of Christ, and the Jehovah Witness, all do that? Them mysteries will be revealed in the last days when the seven angels-seventh angel's Message, when he, not when he starts out doing this, but when he begins to sound his Message. See? Not the years in preparation, but the--when he begins to sound the Message, these mysteries then will be revealed. And here they are, not knowing them, and you people are a witness of that. And then in that great observatory--so that the world will be in doubt--they're still wondering what happened. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 167 In Tucson them big observatories took the picture of it up there, still wondering what happened. What is it? They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about? What, how it could've happen?" There's no fog up there; there's no air, there's no moisture, thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my.
"There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places, then shall appear the sign in the heavens of the Son of man." That day (Luke) the Son of man will reveal Himself again, and be revealed Hisself. And the world will look like Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh, my, brethren, don't be ignorant of spiritual things. See? Search the Scripture for in Them you think--you have Eternal life, and They are They that testify of the Word. They are They that testify of the Truth, the things that God is doing in this hour. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 168 And now, watch. They that have the Spirit of God wait for these things. And when they see those things, they believe those things. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him, and all that the Father has given Me (He is the Word.), they will come to Me--they will come to Me." I've been pretty rough this morning. See? They wait on the Lord, waiting; and when they do, and they see that promise of today being vindicated, it renews their faith in His Word, 'cause He promised to do it, and here He is doing it. Then there's no doubt. God speaks; His Word first speaks, and then the Spirit that's a-bringing It does the thing that the Word said It would do. Oh, we have lots of impersonations. We'll still have lot of them, men of sincere heart trying to do things this way and that way, but watch what happened. People will put their hands, and then--then die. See? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 170 Notice, no man's scheme of denomination will ever work. Making members for their own selfmade denominational ark... God never did have a denomination. He never will have a denomination. And it's a manmade thing. And I wonder today if all of our drawing in and great crusades and revivals, if we haven't been filling up the Methodist ark, the Baptist ark, the Presbyterian ark. What about the Ark of Christ, the Word? And if the Bride is to be the Word, then She's got--and to be of Christ, part of the Bridegroom, She's got to be the Word, the Word not for His day, the Word of this day that He promised would be this day, that He sent His Word forth to mold His Bride and make Her. Hope we see it. Don't get some idea of your own now, and don't take somebody else's idea. Take the vindicated Word here, the Bible. It says... TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 171 God has promised in His Word how He would choose His Bride in this last day. Did you know that? He promised it, how He would do it, and that by His original plan of choosing Christ, of choosing the time, choosing the season how he... He can't miss it on His Bride, because She's part of that Word. He can't choose it by a denomination when He didn't choose Christ by a denomination. Did Christ come
to a denomination? Did He come by a denomination? No. They rejected Him. Well, that's what the denomination done then; then when He chooses a Bride, can He come any other way? How did He bring Christ here? By the Word of the prophets. Is that right? How will He bring His Bride here? By the Word of the prophets. How did He identify Him when He come? By a man with the spirit of Elijah upon him coming out of the wilderness. How will He identify His Bride? He promised in Malachi 4 the same thing before He destroyed the earth like it was in the days of Sodom. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 172 Remember, Sodom burned. Is that right? Well, this world is to burn. Jesus said so. And it'll be the time that--like Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse said: In the days it'll be like Sodom and Gomorrah, then the Son of man would be revealed. And then what would happen? According to Malachi He will burn the earth again, and the righteous in the millennium will walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. Is that right? See? So we're right at the end time. We're setting here at the door now waiting for Him to come. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 173 Notice, God promised in His Word that He would choose His Bride by His original way He chose His--the Bridegroom. He foretold it by the prophets and sent a prophet to identify. The prophet said, setting on the banks of Jordan, "Behold..." They said, "You're the Messiah, aren't you?" He said, "No, I'm not the Messiah." "You must be the Messiah." "But I'm not Him, but He's standing among you. And His shoes, I'm not worthy to loosen. When He comes, makes Hisself known..." And today He's standing among us in the Person of the Holy Ghost, manifesting Hisself more and more, coming into His church, making Hisself known; because Him and the Bride, and the Groom, will be the Same, making Hisself known. And one day you'll see that the One that you feeled in your heart and see His identification, will become personalized before you. Then you and He are One. You've united by the Word, and the Word was in the beginning will go back to the beginning which is God. "And that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me." Hallelujah. We're here. Hallelujah. I'm so glad to see Him personifying Himself right among us and see what He promised for the Word, not what somebody's emotions, singing, and jumping, and dancing, but by His Word (Amen.) He's making Himself known. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M
175 Look when they brought--and they built the temple and brought the ark into it, God went in there with a Pillar of Fire. Amen. It was David jumping and screaming. It was all the singers and the priests a-carrying on when they was out of the will of God. But when God identified the ark in His place and position, before they could get the ark in there, here come the Pillar of Fire leading the way, right down over the cherubims wings and right in behind the holiest of holies, His resting place, the Pillar of Fire. And the glory of God was in there till the see--they couldn't see how to minister. Amen. It'll close the eyes of every theologian when He comes for His Bride. She'll be taken up in the-in the middle of the night, as it was, to them. They won't even see Her go. Oh, praise be to God. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 176 Notice. God promised that He would bring His Bride out, what He would do: There would be a seed; there'd be a Light in the evening time, how He would do all these things, just exactly, and by the way that He original planned it in the Old Testament and the New Testament. And it isn't through denominations. It isn't through our system we're using today. We're just causing death. Put... People are--put their hands with it and die from it. See? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 177 The Word, the evening Message must carry evening results. The evening Message must sow evening seeds, not morning seed, evening seed. Is that right? The midday scene--its seeds back there was denomination, and it died, perished. But evening-time Message will show evening-time Light, will show evening-time results. The evening-time Message... Jesus' time, midday message showed midday results. The beginning message showed the beginning result: made creation. He made His Son in His own image in the midday. In the evening time He makes a Bride for it. See? What by? His Word. How did He form the earth? How did He speak it into existence? By His Word. Who was His Son? The Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled..." How will He take His Bride? By the Word, not by a new cart, not by some theologian's idea, but according to His Word He'll identify Her. Don't put one thing to It or take one thing from It now. Leave It the way It is. See? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 178 The evening time, He promised He'd reveal--open those Seven Seals and show what them churches had missed back there. Revelations 10, and Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, He said He would do it, so let's not mix it up. Let's keep it right like that. Let me in closing... It's about, pretty near fifteen minutes until twelve; let me close in saying this: Friends, listen in the Name of the Lord Jesus, these things are too plain for you not to believe it. It's too
plain for you not to see it. Surely you can see that. Surely the world could see it. But just your... Now, don't be influenced by these new fandangles and things they got today. I don't care how good a men they are, how sincere they are; if they don't speak according to the law and the prophets, the Bible said there's no Life in them. See? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 180 David thought he was right; he was sincere. Them priests thought they were right; they were sincere. But they just failed to consult the Lord about it. And how could they done it? Maybe they said, "We prayed through." But that wasn't God's way of doing it. He promised that He would do nothing until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. And there stood Nathanael right among them, and never consulted him at all. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 181 Now, read in the next few chapters of Chronicles there, and you'll find out when David set in the house and said, "Is it right (Nathanael was setting with him) that I should have--live in the cedar and-and the ark of God under the tents out here." And Nathanael found from the Lord what to tell him to do. And he'd done done wrong, so God said, "Tell My servant David, I love him. I made him a name like great men in the earth, but I can't let him do it (See?); he's done failed Me. (See?) I can't let him do it. I'll bring a man along: his son shall raise the everlasting house of God." And that was David of course. Which Solomon typed it, but then he failed. Every man's got to fail. Every human being's got to fail. God is the only One that can't fail. He can't fail. That's one thing God cannot do, is fail. And God is the Word. And the Word... No matter how it looks like it's going to come this other way, it'll come just exactly the way the Word said. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 183 Now, remember, you've got to follow the season, the time. See? And what season you're in, what time, and make that a-vindicated to see that it's exactly the Truth. Now, take all these musts, all the Word, all the types, and the things, and look where you're setting. Think of the hour we're living in. Looky yonder that nearly one tenth of the earth is ready to fall in. Science says that. They're looking on the clock. A few years ago they said, "It's only three minutes now till midnight." Might be a minute; might be a half a minute now. They said, "It won't happen in our generation."
"It could happen in five minutes." And notice, the next thing he said, "Five years." I never said that now, he said that, the scientist. They're swarming away from California like flies. See? Well, the day that Lot went out of Sodom, the same day it rained fire down upon the earth. One of these days God's going to take our Message, and we're going to leave here. Something's going to happen sure enough then, when the church is gone, His Body, His Bride. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 186 Now, I want to read you a Scripture, and I want you to read It with me. I want you to turn to Deuteronomy 4 in closing. I think enough probably has been said that you'll understand. Deuteronomy 4, I'm going to read two places in here. And to this church, and to the tapes--people on tapes, and people on the hookups across other parts of the nation, I want you to listen to this real close and don't you fail. This is a thing that I... Deuteronomy the 4th chapter, I'm going to begin at the 1st verse. Going to read the 1st verse, then I'm going to read the 25th and the 26th verse. You can read it all when you get home, but just save time so we can get out on time, 'cause I've got to come back again tonight, the Lord willing. Listen to this prophet speak. He had been in the Presence of God. He knowed what he was talking about. Listen. Now, therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and to the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. (That types our millennium.) Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought of it,... (Don't add one thing to It and don't take one thing away from It. Stay, just say what It says.)... that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Your eyes have seen what the LORD did... to Baal-peor; for all the men that followed Baal-peor, the LORD thy God has destroyed them from among you. (Now, you're a separated people out of them denominations. See, see?) But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God ye are alive every one of you this day. (You never died with your denominations; you're alive now and in the Presence of God. Close don't miss it.) Twenty-fifth verse. Now, when they're going into the land, now watch what happens. And when thou shall beget children, and children's children, and you... have remained long in the land, and shall corrupt yourselves,... (That's what happened.)... and make... graven images,... (something else)... or the likeness of any thing, and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke him to anger: (Listen.) I call heavens and earth to witness against you this day,... (See?)... that you shall soon utterly perish from off the land... (or the place)... where you go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but ye shall utterly be destroyed.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 187 This was Moses speaking to Israel after he had been a-vindicated by God by a Pillar of Fire and knowed he was proven to be God's servant to lead them out. And before they went into the land, before they entered, Moses said, "Now, the words that I have spoken to you, I call heaven and earth to witness against you. If you add one thing to it or take one word from it, you'll not stay in the land where the Lord God gives you." So say I in the Name of Jesus Christ. Don't you add one thing. Don't take--put your own ideas in. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don't add to It. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 188 He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made He's kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today in a challenge, has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn't He done it just the way He said He would do it? That's exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don't add to It. Don't take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God, for we're nearing the going into the land. Then you won't return. You won't return to this type of a life again. You'll return as an immortal being. You'll turn when sin is done away with, when Satan is bound. And for a thousand years you'll live upon this earth that the Lord thy God has given thee. "For the meek shall inherit the earth. Blessed is he that doeth all of His commandments, that He might have the right to enter into the city; for without are sorcerers, liars, whoremongers, and dogs; they shall not enter therein." They're only for the redeemed and to those who walk in His commandments. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 189 Don't take some new thing. They're flying everywhere, and there'll be more than that come. But don't take these new things. The Lord your God has declared to you what is Truth. The Lord your God has vindicated what is Truth by His Word and by His Spirit. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit." And the Spirit... God seeks those who worship Him in the Spirit and Truth. "Thy Word is Truth." And He's thoroughly a-vindicated that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's showed the evening seeds to you. He's revealed it to you in the Word. He's proven it to you by His Spirit. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M
190 Don't never start or try an organization. Don't try to build upon anything else, but stay humble before the Lord your God, for it looks like the gates may open into the promised land soon. Then let us go in with the true singing and rejoicing, when the Bride and Groom takes its place at the throne. Live humble; live loving. Love one another. Don't never get nothing among you. If you see something coming up in your heart against somebody, get it out of there right then. Don't let... And Satan will do his best to get among you. See? Don't you let that happen. Some slicked-tongued fellow might come along and try to take you away from it. You think they could talk Moses out of the Presence of God where he'd stood there and seen it? No, sir. No, we don't take from It or add to It. Just keep It the way the Lord said. We don't want no denomination; we don't want no organizations. We don't want no malice; we don't want no strife. We want God; and He is the Word. Now, let's bow our head. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 192 O God, I look around with spiritual eye; I try to see what's taking place. I see Your Word, the way It's been vindicated, the way It's been proven. All the way from thirty-three years ago down here on the river, what You said, and here it is thirty-three years later, and You are doing just what You said. And You done just what You said. Lord, far be it from us trying to make It any littler or try to make It any bigger. Just keep It the way You've made It. Just walk humble and follow You. These are they, Lord, that You have given to the ministry besides all those who sleep across the nation, around the world. The cemeteries here holds many of those waiting, blessed saints. But it's as it said, we which are alive and remain shall not hinder those that are asleep. The trumpet will sound, the dead shall rise first; then we be caught up with them. When the glory of God will be upon the earth, it'll hide the church away from the world. It won't even see It when It goes. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 194 Father God, keep these in Your hands. They're Yours. I pray, God, that we'll always walk humble before You. We don't know how long. We don't desire to know how long; it's not our business. That's Your business. It's not our wills to know when You will come; it's our will, Lord, to keep humble till You do come, and walk with You. It's our desire for You to just let Yourself be known once in a while, Father, among us, that we can see that we're still walking with You. Forgive us of our past sins. Guide us and protect us from every snare of the devil for the future. Lead us and guide us, O God our Father. Forgive our sins and help us to be Your children. We're a poor class of people. We're an outcast by the societies of this world, by the denominations of the churches. We see the end, and we thank Thee for spiritual eyesight into Thy Word to see the end time. For all these things must come to that great stoning from heaven. Help us, Lord, not to be here at that day, but to be gone into Your Presence, fly away into Your bosom.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 196 Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord. We pray that tonight You'll give us such a great service; may there not be a feeble person in our midst because of Your Presence, Lord. May our hearts continually be set on Thee. And we know, Lord, that money, property, things of the world have no meanings, just so temporal. All of them must go. Our jobs, our places, our friends, everything must go. No matter how rich, how poor, how popular or unpopular that we are, it all must go. But there's only one thing that our being here is centered around, and that's Jesus Christ. So God, let us lay aside everything that's secondarily and hold to Him; and He is the Word (Grant it, Lord.), the vindicated Word of the hour. The vindicated Word of the days of Moses was Jesus. The vindicated Word of the day of Isaiah, Elijah, John, all, was Jesus. And the vindicated Word today is Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Help us, Lord, to believe that, see that, and walk in it. We--we ask in Jesus' Name. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 198 With our heads bowed, I wonder if there's some in here that has never truly made that one great, all sufficient... You believe it, but just to believe it is not enough. I believe that my wife was a good girl. I knowed her father, her mother. I knowed her for years and years. She walked a straight life. I believe she was a good woman, but that didn't make her mine. She never become mine until she--I accepted her, she accepted me. Now, Jesus wants to accept you. Won't you accept Him and become part of His Word? If you haven't done that, with your heads bowed and your hearts bowed, I trust... TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 199 There's no room for an altar call here. I'm not too much on them anyhow. I believe God visits you right where you are. Would you raise your hands, say, "Brother Branham, remember me in prayer. I want to do that." God bless you. I... God bless you. My, hands everywhere. "I want to be like that." God bless you, brother, and bless you, brother, all of you around. "I want to be that." God bless... "I truly want to be that." I--I see it... Well now, look, friend, there may be a little something... If you're not that, then there's something you've centered around besides that. You're so close to it, you're looking at it. You see it. You've seen it for years moving up. You see it coming matured now. If that means everything to us and nothing else is going to last but That, why not just turn your head from that thing you've been looking at and center yourself on Him, which is Center of all life, all hereafter is Him. Won't you do it while we pray together? TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M
200 Dear God, there's hands of men, women, boys, girls, even ministers, got their hands up. They-they wanted to--to say that they wanted to become centered right around the Lord Jesus, and yet looks like they can't do it; there's something pulls them this way and that way: it might be a denomination; it might be a person; it might be a sin; it might be something they're hiding in their heart. I don't know, Lord; Thou knowest. Whatever it is, may just now, Lord, while on others Thou art calling... You've done called them; They're Yours. And while You call them, may they turn loose of that--that besetting sin, as the Bible said, "Turn away from that sin that so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us." Looking to what? To our job? To a denomination? To our affiliation? To the councils? To Christ, the Author and Finisher of the faith that we have in Him. Do that, Father, for us today. For we ask it in His Name and for His glory. Now, they're Yours, Lord; do with them as You see fit. Do with us as You see fit; we're Yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 202 I love Him, I love Him, Because He first loved me, And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. Have you forgotten about dinner? Have you forgotten whether the kids are all right out in the car or not? Have you forgotten all about the past and realized what that is you're feeling right now? It's materializing before you day by day. See? Let that be the center of whatever... Let the rest of the things go away; they're going to perish anyhow. Oh, just keep following after Him. As Elisha followed Elijah, let's follow Him. For we must be taken up too someday. We seen the chariot of fire that lifted Him out of the grave. We feel it among us now. Someday He's going to unhook the horses from the bushes. We're going up. Don't you love Him? And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree. Oh, can't you just almost just close your eyes and see Him hanging yonder? I love Him, (Who else could I love?) I love Him, Because He first loved me, And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 203 Every time when I return home, somebody's gone. I'll be gone a few months, come back; somebody's gone. I get sad every time I come. The other day a boy I went to school with, coming down the street he said, "Hello, Billy." I looked at him; he used to be a handsome little fellow, real black shiny hair combed back. Now, it's as white as snow. Used to be so straight; his tummy way out like this. I said, "Hello, Jim." I looked at him; I felt my heart; I thought, "God, that boy and I, that man and I are the same age." Then I know my days are numbered. I know it can't be too much longer. I look around; I think, "What can I do, Lord? Help me. I don't want to go ahead of You. I want to stay right--right behind You. You lead the way. And I look, think, "Fifty-six years old, oh, my, can't be much longer." And I look down, see my good friend Bill Dauch setting there, seventy-two or seventy-three years old. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 205 I look around; I see these kids; they think, "Well, I'll wait till I get as old as Brother Branham, I'll think that..." Honey, you may never see that; I doubt very much you seeing it. See? But just think, if Brother Bill Dauch lives through this day, he'll outlive hundreds of fifteen, sixteen year old people. They're dying every hour. So what difference does it make what age you are? What are you doing about the hour you're living in? What are you doing for Jesus at this time? See? Oh, I want to see Him. I want to see the hour I look and see all these old bodies transformed, see them changed in a moment in a twinkle. If that isn't so, then we're most foolish people; eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you die. See? You're just like a animal; you die and go to the dirt and that's all. But there's a mortal--immortal soul living in you, brother. We done heard from heaven. We done seen it proven. We know that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 206 Now, members of the Body of Christ, while we sing that again, I want you just set in your seats and shake one another's hands while we sing that again. I... (Just greet your brother, sister.) I love Him, Because (Richard...) He first loved me, And purchased my salvation On Calvary's tree.
Do you love Him, say, Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you love His Word, say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] You love His cause, say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you love His Body, say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.] Then you love one another. Amen. That's right. "This will all men know you're My disciples, when you have love one for the other." TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-8 SUNDAY_ 65-0718M 207 Now, I've laid my hands on these handkerchiefs. If you have to get them before night... I'm going to have Brother Richard Blair, God answered his prayer, him and the brother, here praying the other day for to bring back this little boy that sets among us today, that's a-living because of their faith in God... Now, I'm going to have him to dismiss us in a word of prayer just in a few moments, so we can come back again tonight. It's about five minutes after twelve by that clock. And I want you come back tonight, if you can, if you're around. If you have to go home, may God speed you on your road, and help you, and protect you. If you can stay and want to stay, you're welcome to stay. God be with you now. Till we meet, till we meet, Till (Let's raise our hands to...) meet at Jesus' feet; Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. [Brother Branham begins humming the same song--Ed.] That's the way you leave the house of God, prayerfully, humbly, trusting we'll meet again tonight. If we don't... God be with you... till we meet again. Let's bow our heads now. Brother Blair. SPIRITUAL FOOD IN DUE SEASON JEFF IN 65-0718E V-8 N-7 SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 1 Only believe, only believe, All things are possible, only believe. How? Now, this way:
Now, I believe, now I believe, All things are possible, now I believe; Now, I believe, now I believe, All things are possible, now I believe. Let's remain standing now with our heads bowed: Lord, may this not only be a song, but be the very depths of our heart singing out, "Now, I believe!" The disciples said one time, after Jesus had done so many mighty works; they said, "Lord, now we believe." Jesus said, "Do you now believe?" They said, "We believe that Thou knowest all things and need that no man teach Thee." So, Father, tonight we realize that You don't need our teaching, but we need Yours. So we pray that You'll teach us how to pray, how to live, and how to believe. Grant it, Lord, through this service tonight. If we lack anything, give it to us, Lord. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 3 I know many of you are standing again tonight. And outside, met groups that said they couldn't get in, and they're listening to the radio in the different cars. And now, we'll try to make just as quick as we can tonight, on Sunday night we give over to pray for the sick, have a prayer line that's we can get one up here. But we are dedicating this service tonight for prayer for the sick. And I want you to get built up now in the--the holy Oracles of God, in the faith, the faith of this hour. The faith, it's going to take more faith than ever was in any age, for this has to be rapturing faith, be taken up. And so we want you to believe tonight in all that you have seen, heard, the Word that you have heard preached, the--the signs and wonders that you've seen done. We want you to accumulate all that together in your heart and consider it whether if that be God or not. It's like Elisha of old said, "If God be God then serve Him." And if Jesus is the Center of all things to the Christian, then I think we ought to let loose of everything else and cleave to Him. Remember, He is the Center; He is the North Star; He is the Ultimate; He is the Absolute. And if He is the North Star... There's only one thing that'll point to the north star; that's your compass that you're sailing with. And the Compass that I'm trying you to sail with is the Word, and the Word always points to Him. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 6 And we feel like that we're going through a great time of distress and trials, perplexity of the time and distress between the nations, and all kinds of things happening, and sometimes I get engulfed like I... Everywhere I look it's like on a--in a ship out on the sea. And I've been give charge of the Boat. And
how we going to make it? And here comes one with a white cap, hundred times bigger than my ship, but we'll crest them, every one. We are more than victors through Him. The Captain, the Chief Captain, has got a hold of the string on the end of the ship, He'll pull it through. We'll crest every one of them. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 7 Now, tonight so we can hurry and let you get out early... We appreciate your long drives, and so forth, and how you have to drive, and the sacrifice you have to make. And, see, that makes me to where I'd just like to stand and just keep talking and doing everything I can to help you. But when I'm here I try to press in everything that I possibly can to give help for that moment that we're now here. Then you take... If you give people too much at a time they can't remember it. You--you've got to just take one thing and hold it right to the person until they see that. And then when they get that solid in their heart, then they'll--then teach them something else: just step by step as we go. Now, you pray, be of a good courage, and believe now, tonight, for healing. I don't think there's any question in your mind about the time we're living. I don't believe there's a question in your mind about whether God is in the midst of His people or not. I believe you all believe that. And I... There's no doubt in my mind about it. And I--I--I know my people, my friends, the friends of Christ, the children of--of Christ believe that. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 9 And it gives me great pleasure to get to see when you know that you have a message from God, and you give it to the people, and see the people respond to That, then you look back and say, "Thank You, Father." Oh what a joy it is then to see the children eating the Bread that's been sent to them. You realize that was a vision years ago right here at this Tabernacle? That's right, "The Bread of Life." Brother Neville, you remember it. Might--mighty time... SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 10 Now, let us turn, if you want to follow the reading or mark it down, just... I don't believe it would be appropriate to have a service without reading God's Word and passing a few comments, if it's going to be a healing service or any kind. We all understand. There's no strangers among us, I suppose. But we all understand what healing is: nothing that somebody does for you; it's what God has already done for you. Salvation's on the same line. The only thing is to get the people to believe that's the Truth. And God teaches it in His Word and then proves it to them who will believe it, for He said, "All things are possible to them that believe."
You say, "There's nothing impossible with God." You believe that? There's nothing impossible with you either, for "All things are possible to them (God is one Person), to them that believe." See? So there's nothing impossible with you, for you, if you can only believe. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 12 Now, in I Kings the 17th chapter, I want to read the first seven verses, the Lord willing. And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn... eastward--turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And it shall be, that thou shall drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. (Notice, "feed thee there," not somewhere else, "there.") So he went and did according unto the... Lord, or the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 13 The Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. And now, tonight I want to take a text from there, that's called, "Spiritual Food In Its Season." This morning we had a--a lesson on--on Doing God A Service, or trying to do Him a service without being--out being the time, the season, the place, or the person. And now, this is "Spiritual Food In Due Season." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 14 This prophet, Elijah, we know very little about him. But we know that he was God's servant, and the servant of God for that hour. And God has used His Spirit that was upon Elijah, already three times, and promises twice more; five times, for grace. He used It upon Elijah; It came on Elisha in a double portion; was on John the Baptist;
and supposed to come just to issue in the Gentile Bride; and come with a Moses to take the Jews home. That's right. Five times that God promises to use the Spirit of Elijah, and already done it three times. Now, this great prophet, we don't know where he come from. We know he was a Tishbite. But how he come... SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 17 We know little about the prophets. We don't know where they come from. Very seldom there's... I don't know of any that come out of the church or had any genealogy behind him. It was just ordinary men that was fearless, and many times uneducated. And they never done any writing themselves. Isaiah and Jeremiah, a couple of them, done some writing, but this great man Elijah never wrote one thing. Many of them didn't write; maybe they couldn't write. But they were men that were rugged. There's no man in the Bible like those ancient prophets. They defied kingdoms, kings, peoples, churches, and everything else, and stood firm on the Word of God. And God proved them to be right. They were very rugged individuals. And this Elijah was one of the ruggedest of all of them. He was a man of the wilderness. He came out of the wilderness; he lived in the wilderness. The Bible said he dressed hairy, and he had sheepskin wrapped around him, and a piece of leather, a camel skin wrapped around his loins, very--whiskers over his face, and I'd imagine he was a very rugged-looking man and--to look at. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 19 But we didn't... They all didn't all die. They're not all dead. In the days of the Nicene Council, many of you people that's read The Nicene Council of the early church, when they wanted to make an organization out of it and break up all the other churches, and come into one, when they had that Nicene Council, rugged man like Elisha come in there from the wilderness, eating herbs alone, great rugged men. But the dignitaries, the higher-ups, under Constantine, and so forth, stilled their voice, because those, being prophets, knowed that the corn of wheat of the church Bride had to fall in the ground, the same as a corn of wheat in the Bridegroom had to fall in the ground. And there it laid for a thousand years. And that's why they're writing the books today, "Where is that silent God that could stand and look, see little children murdered and women tore to pieces by lions, and set in the skies and say nothing about it?" They don't know the Word. That corn of wheat's got to fall in the earth. How could a righteous God stand and look at His Own Son die and be spit on, and so forth? But it's according to the Word; it has to be. And that's the way it is even to this hour.
SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 21 This man, he was a great man. He had a sinful generation before him. Ahab was king; his father before him had been evil. Ever since Solomon, there's been one evil king after the other. And this man, Ahab, who reigned twenty-two years in Samaria, was the worst of all of them. He was a real modernist. He believed in religion, certainly. And he had everything in a modern trend. He had his four hundred Hebrew prophets, all of them well-schooled and trained. God sent him one, and he wouldn't believe it, and that was Elijah. But Elijah, this Tishbite, was a man of the wilderness, not a smooth man, he was a rugged man. And one day after Ahab had sinned until God could stand it no more, He spoke to Elijah in the wilderness. And here he comes down the road to Samaria, as I've often illustrated, maybe the white whiskers sticking out around his face, bald head, shining in the sun, little old narrow eyes, back there with a stick in his hand, a smile on his face, walked right up to the king of Israel, and said, "The... Not even dew will fall till I call for it." God, give us men like that, men who know what they're doing with THUS SAITH THE LORD. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 24 Now, we find out that before he did this, that, God had called him. God had talked to him, and therefore, he wasn't afraid of anything. He wasn't afraid of his message, it wouldn't happen; he knowed it would happen. He knowed it was according to the Word of the Lord, and he knowed he was God's prophet for the hour. Therefore whether the king would cut his head off, throw him in jail, whatever they'd do, it made no difference to him; he had a commission, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," right in the face of the king. What a rugged person. But before he did this, predicted this great drought... For God will not let sin go unpunished. There must be punishment. What good is a law without a--a punishment? What would it do good say it's against the law to run the light and no fine behind it or no punishment behind it? It wouldn't be a law. So there's a punishment to sin. And when God makes a law, and that law--law is defied, then there's got to be punishment for that. And this nation had violated all of His laws. Oh, they had big church; they had the temple. They had plenty of educated men. They had prophets all over the country, had schools of them, turning them out like a machine. And they had plenty of prophets; they had plenty of--of priests; they had plenty of scribes; and they had plenty of religion; but they were away from the Word of God. So God called a man outside of any of their ranks at all, and sent him in with THUS SAITH THE LORD. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E
27 And notice how He cares for His Own. Before He sent this prophet with the message, He said, "Elijah, go down and tell King Ahab these things. And now, when you do, get yourself away from him right quick, for I have made a place for you to go during the drought. I'm going to take care of you, Elijah, if you just preach My Word, do just what I tell you to do." Now, I'm going to type this great ministry tonight of Elijah and the time of Elijah, with the hour that we're now in. I believe It's a perfect type. I think of the nations if I had--we had time to go back, but I want to put plenty of time in the prayer line. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 29 So if we could go back and see Israel had taken Palestine upon the same basis that we took this United States. We come into this United States and drove back the occupants, which was the Indians, and possessed the land. And so did Israel come into Palestine under the leadership of Joshua, under God, and drove back the occupants and took the land. And their first kings were mighty men, David, Solomon, great men. Our first Presidents were great men: Washington, Lincoln, and so forth. Then finally the presidents or the kings become getting more rotten all the time; finally they ended up with this Ahab. Very type, typical of our day... And the people had got so modern they didn't want to hear the true Word of the Lord. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 31 And you can imagine, on a modern people like that, what a real true servant of God would sound like to them. "Why, he was crazy; he was out of his mind. There couldn't be such a thing." They were religious, very religious. They had sincere men; they had sincere people. They was very religious. So he knew that it would take more than just an ordinary theology; it would take more than--than any ordinary message; it would take more than just preaching the Word to crack their stony hearts. He knowed it took THUS SAITH THE LORD to send that judgment down upon that people. So he knowed that when he went out with THUS SAITH THE LORD... And it was THUS SAITH THE LORD, to spurn that was judgment. We see that in our day too. You see that in any day. There's nothing left but judgment when you step over the line of mercy. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 33 Now, that type there that I'm going to type Elijah with the church today, or the church of today... Just before judgment he received this message. Elijah, he represented, being cared for in the natural, his natural food, because it wasn't going to rain now, according to the Word of God, for three years and six months, or until Elijah called for it. "Whatever time you say, Elijah, that's what it'll be." Therefore he
walked up to the king and said, "There'll not even be dew fall till I call for it." That's quite a--a load, isn't it? That's quite a message. And now we're going to type that with the spiritual drought of today. Now, we all know, we're very aware that there is a great spiritual drought in the land today, spiritually speaking. And, you know, that was predicted by the prophets, just before the second coming of Christ would be, said, "There will come a famine in the land, and it won't be for bread alone, but for the hearing of the Word of God." And that day is now, "hearing the true Word of God." Now, this types the natural drought with the spiritual. Sin and unbelief, by false teachers and modernists in the church had brought the place to this coming, oncoming judgment. Then they had turned from God's Word and His prophet to a modern theological terms of the Word. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 36 If you notice here it's just at that time that God always raises up something? 'Cause He always... He does nothing until first He reveals it to the people, and He always reveals it by His servant. Now, but Elijah, during this time, had a secret place that God had ordained for him to go to. That's the thing we want to see now just before we have the prayer line. Elijah had a secret place provided by God Himself. Now, the church never provided it for him; the king never provided it for him; he didn't provide hisself; but God provided a secret place for Elijah to be fed all the time during the drought, where his food was provided day by day. He didn't need to wonder what's going to happen tomorrow or wonder if the supply would run out. God said, "I have commanded the ravens and they'll feed you." What a wonderful thing, a type of our secret place in Christ. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 38 When the world council and all that's going on today, that says, "The days of miracles is past," the great powers of God's been taken out of the churches. They seem like, anymore, they don't have nothing but a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. We know that to be the truth. And form of godliness, and denying the power thereof... It's just the same thing that David did this morning with the ox carts: got away from the Word. When the Word was presented and give to them, they did not want It. Therefore, they'd gotten away from It. That's what these people had done in the days of Elijah: gotten away from the Word. They thought they had the Word, but they didn't have It. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E
41 So notice, then in the--during the time that He was going to punish the unbeliever, He made a way for the believer: the same thing He does each time. In the days when He was going to destroy the world by water He made a way of escape for Noah. In the days that He was going to drown Egypt He made a way of escape across the sea for His people. How God makes His way. And where there is no way, He is that Way. He is that Way. Now, we realize that we're facing some of the--one of the greatest hours that history has ever known. It isn't exactly the warhead with the bright shiny missile with a head on it, that we should be afraid of; it's the churches we should be afraid of. It's the hour that we're living that we should watch. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 43 Now, notice, but God made a way for Elijah to escape it. And He's made a way for His believing children to escape it now, the wrath and things that is to come. Because God could not be just to judge those people and send them punishment, and sink Sodom and Gomorrah, and sink Capernaum in the middle of the sea, and condemn those generations, and Sodom and Gomorrah, and then let us do the same thing and get by with it; we're just as sure for judgment as they were sure for judgment. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 45 Now, we notice that the--when these things come up, the modern trend of that day, God rose up a man in that day (or raised up a man, rather) to combat the forces, and they wouldn't listen to it. They thought he was crazy, he'd lost his mind: he was just some old fanatic, fool from the wilderness, kind of bush-crazed. But yet he had the Word of the Lord. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 46 "The Word doesn't mean what It says," they say today. "Oh, well, the Bible is a history book." I guess you've seen this, and now they claim that Eve didn't eat the apple, she eat a... What was it? I believe it was a apricot, they say now: it was an apricot. And then that Moses never brought the children through the Red Sea. It was a big bunch of reeds up at the other end of that sea, and he went through a sea of reeds. Then how did the water, w-a-t-e-r, wall up on both sides; they went through on dry land then? Oh, such nonsense. But, you see, it takes that kind of a day to bring God's wrath down upon the people. It does it. They say there's no such a thing as--as these... Even church people don't believe in miracles. "I'll give you a thousand dollars," they said, "show me a miracle. Show me a miracle." Well, they couldn't see it if there was ten thousand things done before them. Why, they--they'd never see it.
You say, "That's impossible." Oh, no, it isn't. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 48 Elijah one time was down at Dothan, and the Syrian army had come over and surrounded the city to take him, because they knowed that's where the--the nation's power laid, was in that seer. Why, the king... One of the men told the king of Syria, said, "Why, you know, Elijah the prophet, the Tishbite, tells the king of Israel what you talk about in your secret chamber." Said, "Go get that guy. That's the fellow that's hindering us." And the whole Syrian army slipped in around Dothan; they was all around it. And the--Gehazi the--the servant of the prophet woke up, and he said, "Oh, my father, the armies is all around us here. We're completely surrounded." He said, "Why, there's more with us than there is with them." See? And Gehazi looked around and said, "I don't see nobody." He said, "Lord God, open up that boy's eyes." And his eyes opened up, and all the hills was full of Angels and chariots setting around, the unseen forces. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 53 Elijah walked right out there, and the Bible said, "He smote them blind." He walked out to them; they were blind to him. Walked out and said, "Are you looking for Elijah?" He said, "Yes, we're looking for him." Said, "Come on, tell you right where he's at," and led them right into ambush, right straight where the armies walked right out and got them. Now, the Bible said, "He smote them blind." That settles it. And people are so spiritual blind today, though the Lord God come down in the midst of the people and do anything, and the things He promised, they still can't see it. They are spiritually blind, don't know God, don't know His great power. Now, we notice that they did that in the days of Elijah, and they still do it today. God smites them blind. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 56 They say today, that there is no miracles; there is no such a thing; all this is emotion. And they said the same thing about Elijah, because when he was taken up and Elisha took his place, a young man, went bald-headed young, the children run out behind him, said, "Old baldhead, why didn't you go up
with Elijah?" See, they didn't even believe it in the beginning, the people, after so many things had been done. And this great man of God had been translated into heaven by a chariot of fire, and the people still didn't believe it and had their little children run behind this man and say, "Old baldhead, why didn't you go up?" See? And then the prophet cursed the children, and a she bear killed fortytwo of them. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 57 Now, notice. Today, as it was then, they put their own interpretation to the Word. Now, if they want to do that, that's up to them, but they try to make us believe it. The Bible said that this Word of God is of no private interpretation. God does His Own interpretating. God confirms His Word, and that's the interpretation of It. As I've many times said, He said in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That don't need to be interpreted; it happened. He said, "A virgin would conceive." She did. He said He'd pour out His Spirit; He did. And He said in the last days the things that He would do, and He's doing it. It don't need any interpretation, God's doing His Own interpretating. No matter what foolish man say, that doesn't stop God a bit. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 58 When Jesus was on earth, He had as much unbelief to contend with that we have today, and maybe more. But it didn't stop Him, He went right on performing and carrying out His duty, and God confirming everything He done. He said, "I'm not by Myself. My Father and I are one, He dwells in Me. It ain't Me that doeth the works; it's the Father that dwelleth in Me. And if I do not His works, then don't believe Me; but if I do the works and yet you can't believe Me, believe the works." See? In other words, they... "Search the Scriptures," He said, "for that's where you think you got Eternal Life, is by knowing the Scriptures. And the Scriptures Itself testifies of Me." Amen, what a statement. "They are they (the Scriptures) that tell you Who I am," Jesus said. And it's the Scriptures that tell you the hour that we're living, and the things that you see done, it's God Himself among His people. Nothing can raise the dead but God. Nothing can do the things that He's doing now but Him. For the Bible said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 60 Now, we see that modern trend of the people then, "Oh, the days are past, there's no such a thing as miracles. The people are all emotionally worked up."
Listen to that Elijah, the prophet, cry out against them and their theologians. Notice, notice, he spoke as if he was God Himself. Elijah spoke as if he was God Himself, "The dew will not fall from heaven until I call for it." Amen. Yes, sir. The prophet had been so long in the Presence of God... The prophets of the Old Testament, or any time, when they lived in the Presence of God until they become the Word; their Message is the Word Itself. And remember, he said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." And when those man had those messages from God, and they become so wrapped up that their own thinking... It might have been against their thinking; they might not have been able to--to see it right. But they was speaking the Word of God, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." "There will not be any rain till I call for it." Oh, what a statement. He had been in the Presence of God and been vindicated so perfect. And remember, that also follows Amos 3:7, "The Lord God will do nothing until first He reveals it to His servants the prophets." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 64 Said, "There's not going to be any rain fall." He first... They laughed at him; they thought he was crazy, "That fanatic." But, see, he had THUS SAITH THE LORD that it wasn't going to rain. And God, before he did that, He revealed it to Elijah His servant. And he was a vindicated proven prophet, so the people ought to have repented. But instead of that, they laughed at him, said, "Oh, we got plenty of rain. The reservoirs are full. The rivers are running good." The Bible said that there was not even dew for three years and six months. All the brooks and waters dried up, everywhere. That wasn't that man; that was God speaking through that man. That was how it was. We always know. So he... SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 66 We find out that when a man comes, sent from God, ordained of God with the true THUS SAITH THE LORD, the message and the messenger are one and the same. Because he is sent to represent THUS SAITH THE LORD, Word by Word, so he and his message is the same. A denominational man under denominational auspices, he and the church is the "one." A theologian under theology made by some denomination, he and his message are one: church of theology, a theologian. It's correctly. Then when a man comes with THIS SAITH THE LORD, he and the Message is one. And when Elijah come with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and his message became one. Just as Jesus, when He come, He was the Word, Saint John 1. So the Word of God and the messenger of the age was the selfsame thing all the time. That's right.
SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 69 Jesus was the Word that was prophesied of. He was what the prophets said would happen, "A virgin shall conceive and bear this Child." Way back in the beginning God told them and said, "The woman's Seed shall bruise the serpent's head, and he'll bruise her heel." All these prophecies had been given: David crying, all the rest of the prophets down through the ages, speaking of Him. He was that Word manifested. Hallelujah. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 70 Now, do you see where I'm trying to get to? I spoke with you pretty plain this morning. Don't you see the authority of the living God in the living church, the Bride? The sick are healed; the dead are raised up; the cripples walk; the blind see; the Gospel goes forth in Its power, for the Message and the messenger are the same. The Word is in the church, in the person. The Word of God was in Elijah when he walked up there with THUS SAITH THE LORD and said, "It isn't going to rain." That wasn't Elijah; that was God in Elijah. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 72 I said a many time, like the Christian Science lady that told me one time, I've told it many times about it; she said, "Mister Branham, you put too much bragging on Jesus.," I said, "I hope that's the only thing I've got to answer for." And she said, "You try to make Him Divine." I said, "He was Divine." Said, "Oh, He was a prophet; He was a good man; but He wasn't Divine." And I said, "Well, show me one Scripture that says He wasn't." And she said, "In the Book of Saint John it says that He wept when He went to the grave of Lazarus." "Well," I said, "sure, He wept. He was both human and Divine, He was a man, weeping; but He had to be God to raise the dead." That's right. And I said, "He was a man, hungry; but He was God, feeding five thousand with a couple biscuits and five fishes." That's right. "He was a man sleeping on the back of a boat; but it was God in Him that could still the waters." For why? He and His Message was one. He said, "I and My Father are One. My Father dwelleth in Me." He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily.
SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 78 I think it was so striking the other day, when I was bringing The Seven Church Ages. To start off with, I--I couldn't make out Jesus standing there with those--with that white over Him like that, said, "His hair was white as wool." I couldn't understand how a man thirty-three years old would be snow white. I called a good theologian, Pentecostal theologian, a good dear friend. Well, it was Brother Jack Moore. He's smart, intelligent man. He said, "Brother Branham, that was Jesus glorified. That's what He looked like after He was glorified." No, I couldn't believe that. No. I--I--I said, "Well, Brother Moore, thank you." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 80 I got in the room there and got to speaking to God. I run my concordance to take Him back to Daniel, where it said, "And he came to the Ancient of Days Whose hair was white as wool." I said, "Lord, I--I--I don't know what to say, and I've got the responsibility." Now, that was before the--and remember, before the Seven Seals was opened, about a year or more before. I was praying there, "Lord, what was it?" And I looked, standing before me, and there stood a man and he was a judge, and he had a white wig on. The old judges of ancient days used to wear a white wig to show that he was a supreme authority. And then when I seen Jesus with the white wig, I said it only vindicates the truth that we know, that He is the supreme Authority. God witnessed the same thing on Mount Transfiguration, said, "This is My beloved Son, hear Him," the supreme authority. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 83 Then back out there at the beginning of the Seven Seals, when those seven Angels come down in that pyramid form, stood there, and told me to return back here and speak on those Seven Seals. He'd be with me. He showed me what they were, the lost things. I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book; but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn't something that's written in the Book... It's something that's been hid in the Book. "For whosoever shall take one Word from It or add one word to It..." So it is a mystery that's been in the Book in these seven church ages. Each one of them produced a--a mystery, all about water baptism, and these other things that they've fumbled about so long.
Then when that went up, the big observatories from way down in California, plumb down in Mexico, over Tucson, everywhere, taking the picture of It. It was a mysterious sight. Brother Fred Sothmann there, setting right back there, and I and Brother Gene Norman, standing right there present when it went up... They took the picture, still they don't know what about it. Here sometime ago, everybody saying, "Looky here at this, looks like this, and the--them angels' wings, how they're folded in there." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 85 One day, turning it to the right, looking, there was Jesus Christ just as perfect as Hofmann ever drawed Him. It was standing there with a white wig on, looking back down towards the earth, showing that He's supreme Authority. The heavens declare it; the Bible declares it; the Message declares it. It's all the same: Supreme Authority, with the white wig on. You see His black beard under it. Many of you have seen the picture. We got it back there. Just turn it to the right, sideways; look at it. There He is, just as perfect as it was--if it would been photographed of Him. They're looking at it from the wrong angle. You got to look at it in the right angle. And only the Lord God can reveal which is the right angle. Turn it to your right and look at it. There He is just as perfect, and it'd been photographed up there. The first time I ever seen Him, He looked like a Head of Hofmann. I had never seen that before; and in Billy Sunday's tabernacle years later, I saw it. My house has never been without one of the pictures since. Then, here in the skies, saying that the very God that I saw up in this vision out here, just a little boy out here by where this schoolhouse stands, He looked like that. And here in the heavens, thirtythree years later, declare it, that it's the truth. That's the way He looks: not some mystic something of somebody's idea. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 88 Like in the Vatican, they got a--a--a Christ drawed over there, with a little white ring of beard or a ring of beard around His chin about a half inch long, runs right around the top of His mouth and like this, and call that the Christ. That just puts me in mind of a Greek artist I seen one time in an ancient cathedral, showing what Adam and Eve looked like, "They looked like beasts or something." That's what the carnal mind can perceive of some spiritual thing. I think Adam was the most handsome man that ever lived, and Eve was a perfect woman in every way. Now, carnal minds wraps up the thing in their own ideas, then God sends down and unfolds the thing by His power. That's exactly what took place here in the days of Ahab.
SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 91 Now, we find out that Elijah could say that because the message of the hour and the Word of God... Or the messenger, the Message--the Message and the Word was exactly the same thing. The prophet, the Word, the Message; messenger, Message, and man was the same. Jesus said, "If I do not the works that's written of Me, then don't believe Me." That's good. Any man and his message is one. That's why today that they do not believe in doing the works of God, because they do not accept the Message of God. They don't believe the Message. But those who believe God's hour that we're living in, these things are hidden food. Just think. God has so hid it that they look right at it and don't see it. The same way that Elijah blinded the Syrian army, the same way that God blinds the unbeliever from the true genuine Food of the child, the believer. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 94 What they called Noah a fanatic, building an ark, his eyes were open to the Word of God and the promise. The very thing that they called fanaticism, saved Noah and his family (See?), the very same thing. The thing that people laugh at, is the thing that we pray for. The thing that people calls crazy, we call great. What the world calls great, God calls foolish. And what the world calls foolish, God calls great. It's just exactly the contrast between the right and wrong. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 95 Remember, he went into his secret place by the plan of God, by the call of God, and the Word of God. Elijah entered into his secret place by God's foreknowledge, plan, and the call upon his life, and according to the Word. If that ain't the way we entered I don't know how we get there. And notice before the drought begin, Elijah went into this place of secret for his living. A very type of before the judgment starts to strike the earth, the church is already called out, the Bride's already chosen, and just waiting before the judgment strikes: already waiting, eating the Food of God, enjoying the blessings of God. Any man in his normal mind knows that we're headed straight; we're right in the hour of judgment. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 97 Look. Brother Banks and several of you men that's here tonight, that stand out there on that mountain that morning.
And I want to speak about that mountain, next Sunday morning, the Lord willing. Got a great revelation, something further that I can't hardly keep from telling tonight. But I have (See?), and it's just constantly all the time one thing happening after the other. See? It'll never stop happening, for it was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Every one of you here, thousands times thousands over the tape, heard me stand and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it will be thus and thus." And even the newspapers and magazines have to declare it to be the so. They don't know what it's all about, but they seen it. They don't know what it is, but they seen it making the Word exactly the truth. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 100 When we was standing down here on the river, that Angel of the Lord came down that day, thirty-three years--or 1933 it was, come down and spoke the things that He did. Walked out, and many men stand upon the bank there, said, "What did that mean, Billy?" I said, "That wasn't for me; that was for you. I believe; you don't," just went walking on. Then the pastor said to me, he said, "You mean that you, with a seventh-grade education, is going to go all over the world and pray for monarchs and potentates and kings and things? And... Oh," said, "forget it." I couldn't forget it; it was engraved upon my heart. Now, here, thirty-three years later, everything He said has happened perfectly the way He said He would do it. He's God and can't fail. He always keeps His Word. He... Don't never doubt it. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 104 Now notice, he went in by the plan of God, foreknowledge, call of God, and the Word of God, and went in before the drought set in. Now, we know that judgment is ready to strike. Standing on the hill that day, Brother Banks Wood setting here, was walking up the hill. Maybe I quote it again, so that build your faith for this prayer line that's fixing to take place in the next ten, fifteen minutes. I was just walking ahead of Brother Banks. He was... I think he had left Sister Ruby when she was sick. And he... Coming behind me, I noticed his face, red. I looked back, and I thought the hill might be a little hard for him to pull, so I kinda slowed up, right in them deserts, right up hills like that, right where the Angels of the Lord appeared, we was heading right in that direction then, where they appeared a few months before that. And as I went up the hill, the Spirit of God... When I turned around to look on top of the mountain, He said, "Pick up that rock and say to him, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll see the glory of God in the next few hours.'"
I just picked up the rock and said, "Brother Banks, I don't know why," throwed it up in the air, and I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're going to see the glory of God." He said, "That meant Ruby?" I said, "No, I don't think it had anything to do with you, Banks or Ruby, either one. I just think it was just saying, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, something's going to happen." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 109 And the next morning when we were standing there, many of the men... I don't know how many's setting here now, there was twelve or fourteen, fifteen of us setting there. All of a sudden, a minister walked up to me and he said, "Brother Branham," he said, "my name is So-and-so." Said, "I was one of your sponsors in California." And I said, "I'm glad to meet you, sir": Douglas McHughes. He said, "I'm..." I said, "I'm glad to meet you," shook hands with him. He said, "Well, now, I want to ask you a question." Said... Roy Roberson, trustee here, Brother Wood, Terry and Billy, and, oh, Brother McAnally, and I don't know who all was standing there. And I... He said, "I want to ask you something." He said, "Does the Lord ever give you visions out like this?" I said, "Yes, brother, but I come out here to kinda get away from it, to rest up." (And I looked around like this, and I seen a heavyset doctor looking at him, said, "Reverend McHughes, this allergy in your eye will soon put your eye out. I've doctored you for two years, and I can do nothing about it.") I turned around to him and said, "What you asked me that for, your doctor told you the other day, 'That allergy was in your eye.'" It was middle of the day, about eleven o'clock, and he was wearing sunglasses. I said, "The reason... You're not wearing that because it's the sun; it's because of your eye. He told you you was going to lose that eye." And he started crying, said, "That's right." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 113 I turned to walk around again, had a shovel in my hand. (And I looked and I seen him standing there looking at me, his eyes just as bright.) I said, "But THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're not going to lose that eye." I was hunting with him this last fall; he can see better than me and anybody in the crowd. Yeah. And I seen an elderly lady pull down her stocking and raise up the side of her skirt. She said, "Son, if you see Brother Branham, tell him to pray for my feet." And I looked down there, and he--little, like tumors hanging on her feet, all around.
I said, "Your mother's a gray-headed lady ('my son.' You see?) She told you before you left, if you seen me to have me to pray for her feet. She's got little tumors like, hanging all over her feet." He liked to have fainted. Said, "That's the truth." I said, "Tell her not to worry; it'll be all right." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 116 I started to walk around, then I heard the Voice of God speak, said, "Get out of the way, quickly." Roy Roberson standing there, knowing he was a veteran of the war, I put my hand on his shoulder; I said, "Brother Roy, hide as quick as you can." Said, "What's the matter?" I said, "Get out of the way; hide." And just started walking around, put my shovel down, turned around took off my hat. And here He come, glory of God falling in a whirlwind that tore the side of the mountain out like that, and blasted and shook the place like that, cut the top of the bushes out; just about three or four, five feet above my head: went back up like a funnel like that, and blasted again, and here it come, three times. Then when it left the third time, Brother Banks come over and said, "That's what you was talking about?" I said, "Yes." Said, "What was it?" I said, "God appears in whirlwinds." I didn't know whether He wanted me to tell the people or not. Then I went on and prayed a little bit. Then He told me I could tell them. I said, "It's judgment striking the west coast." Look at her today. Look what happened a few hours after that: Alaska sunk. And now the whole thing's going under. We're entering into the judgment; mercy's been spurned. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 121 But thanks be to God, we got hidden Food, spiritual Food, that we're living on the goodness and mercy of the revelation of Jesus Christ in these last days, vindicating Himself among His people. Amen. They went in. Elijah went in before the drought set in. Thank God for being in before the judgment sets in. Now's a time of coming out and going in, getting out of those organizations and getting into Christ, a coming-out and going-in time for all true believers.
Then he was called and stayed in there. Remember, he never left that brook until God called him. And after the drought was about over, He called him out of there, down to a widow's house. Notice, He called to this widow, and this widow had not associated herself with the unbelievers (took the mark of the beast during the drought), so He called he--her out to--called Elijah to sustain this widow. They just had one little cake, one little thing she was holding on to. And Elijah said, "Give that to me first. For THUS SAITH THE LORD, that barrel will not go empty; neither will the cruse run dry until the day that the Lord God sends rain upon the earth," putting God first, His Word first. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 124 Notice, there was meal in the barrel. Every time she went after meal, there was meal in the barrel. There was oil in the cruse, every time she went for it. Why? Meal represented Christ in the meal-offering. The burrs had to be set just right to grind every one of them. Every burr of this meal exactly the same, showing that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That was the Word, the Bread of Life following the message, to vindicate the Word. So is it today, friends. So is it today, that the Bread of Life that the children eat on, follows the Message of God, to sustain them during the time of the drought. What if He stood in our presence today? What if He stood in our presence right now? He would act and do just exactly like He done the days when He was in flesh here on the earth. The Bride is part of the Husband; the church is the same as Christ. "The works that I do shall you do also." And it is the Word that done it. He told us that the things that He did that we would do also. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 126 We notice here again, if the Word is in us and has come to us, as It did Elijah in that day, It'll do the same thing that he did: he would feed on the secret Things of God which is hid from the world. Oh. Again it makes the message and the messenger as one. The spiritual Food is ready, and it's in the season now. And each one of you can have this Food if you wish it, if you're willing to steal away from all of the unbelief of this hour, if you're ready to come into Christ, come into His promise. And remember His promises in Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, also in Saint John 14:12 (and how many more Scriptures of telling), Joel 2:38, and all that He would do, or 2:28, rather, what He would do in these last days. And how the prophet said that it'd be Light in these last days, how it would work, what it would do, all the Scriptures pointing to this last days. And that is Christ. If you can hide away in That now, in that secret Place, you can eat and see the goodness and mercy of God. If you're sick, there's healing there. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E
127 You remember when Elisha, later on, had called down... After that meal-offering that he had, Christ, and sustained the widow's house with it, notice later on when he called fire down out of the heavens, and so forth, and proved his sending of God, the prophet's Spirit... Notice, in the wilderness, when he was laying down there under the juniper tree, a Angel come down with that same kind of meal, and baked some cakes and fed him. And a little later on He put him to sleep again, and woke him up, and he had some more meal cakes baked there for him. And he went in the strength of those cakes for forty days. Glory to God. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, how we love Him, spiritual Food in its season. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 129 "It's not meet to take the children's bread and give it to dogs." Didn't Jesus say the same thing to the Syrophenician women? He was sent to His Own. That is right. And that's who He come... He never went to the Gentiles. And now, today He visits the Gentiles in their time, and it's not meet... You say, "Why is it that the Message don't go out in these great big places, these big crusades, like amongst the denominations?" It's not their Food; it's not the church (so-called) Food. It's the Bride Food. It's spiritual Food in season. It would make them sick at their stomach; It's too rich for them. See, see? You--you--you can't do it. But for the children It's Bread; It's Life; It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 133 We're going to get too late if we don't start the prayer line now, so let us bow our heads just a moment: Dear God, Food in due season, spiritual Food, something that the world knows nothing of. How we hear our Lord say that night, or that day down there at Samaria, the same place that Elisha walked up and said, "Why, the dew will not fall till I call for it." Here stood Jesus there telling His disciples. Said, "Master, why don't You eat?" And He said, "I have Food that you know not of." Truly, Lord, His Food was to do the will of God, to see the works of God made manifest in His hour. He was there to see that it was done. "I do nothing except My Father shows Me first. What the Father shows Me, that I do."
And, Father, so is it today. The church, the true believer, the Body of believers, has access to Food, spiritual Food, that the nominals know nothing about. The world knows nothing of this Food, Father. But Your church, Your people, the Bride of Your Son loves it. We have access to healing of our bodies when the doctors has failed. We have access to this. It's one of the Foods of God that He gave to His church, and promised it in the last day to His believing children. Father, help us to be believing children, for all things are possible to the believers. Grant it, dear God. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 138 I believe Billy told me that they give out some prayer cards. If somebody'd tell me the letter that's on the prayer card, that's all I want. C, all right. Let's take C-1, start off, to get our little line started. See, now they may be all over. Now, if everyone... Well, see, I'm going to try this. I don't know whether we can do it or not. Or either we can just have a calling line, you set still. It doesn't matter to me. If you'd rather come up here on the platform or have calling, it doesn't matter, just either way. I'm just depending solely on the Holy Ghost. I'm depending Him to defend this Word that I've preached. Brother George Wright, I believe it. Since a little boy, coming down to your house many years ago, listen at that old whippoorwill set in the tree, I still believe that same Message. I believe it's the same. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 140 All right, I see they're clearing back here for a prayer line. All right, prayer card C-number-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, come first and stand right here. If you can't get up, if you'll just raise your hands, some of them will come pack you. What is it? Yeah. Prayer card C-1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And now notice, you that do not have a prayer card... Now, I haven't had a prayer line of this type for a long, long time. How many remembers my commission when we built the Tabernacle here? He said, "Do the work of an evangelist." Didn't say I was an evangelist. Said, "Do the work of an evangelist (See?), for the hour will come when that's to be changed." And that hour's arriving. All right. Now, in this, He... You can't mix two or three different ministries together, pastor and evangelize the same time. You can't be a--a prophet and maybe a pastor at the same time (See?), 'cause you have different works, different ministry. But the Lord gave me what I should do in my Message. But then He said, "Do the work of an evangelist; make full proof of your ministry, for the hour will arrive when they will not endure sound doctrine." If that hasn't come now! Every church denomination has turned me down, they wouldn't endure sound doctrine. "But after their own lusts they'll bring their own teachers in, and they'll be turned into fables.
And they will do great things of exploits like Jambres and Jannes that withstood Moses, but their folly will be made manifest." See, see? All right, impersonations. You see how Jambres... SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 144 And, God in heaven knows, that lays right there in the corner of that Tabernacle stone since 1933, wrote on a page of a Bible, laying right there. Look how they've done it. Look what's come to pass: impersonations, just exact. Said, "Let them alone; their folly will be made known in the same manner as Jambres and Jannes was." Here we are in that day. I seen the church then when we was just laying the cornerstone, people hanging in the sills and all around, standing around the walls of the Tabernacle. There you are. And they said, when it comes up, the people of the city here, said, "Within the space of six months..." Us with one dollar and eighty cents to build a Tabernacle, a lot of the garage people done decided it was going to be their garage. But it's still a sheep pen for God's Sheep. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 146 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C-6, 7, 8, 9, 10. All right. Now, "I the Lord have planted it; I'll water it day and night lest some should pluck it from My hand." Look at the criticism, No denomination would back it up. No church is like it around the country here; no Pentecost in the country, nothing to sustain it. Everybody against the water baptism, everybody against all these other things, even to my own family; my own daddy turned me away from the door. I got my clothes in a little paper sack and went and lived in New Albany. That's right. But through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; It's grace that brought me safe this far, (I'm fifty-six years old, and soon I've got to cross the river.) Grace will take me on. (Amen.) When I've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun; We'll have no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun. Oh, how I love Jesus, He's all the world to me.
SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 148 Oh. All right, how many did I... Where did I leave off? 10? Can we take some more? All right. What was that? 10? Fifteen, all right, C-10 to 15, wherever you are, if you can stand up and get in. What say? Huh? All right. C-15 to 20 then. Let that be C-15 to 20. That'd be ten more people. We see... You see--see where the line's standing there, we don't get them--get them crowded. And we'll... All right. Now, give me your undivided attention; we won't be long. But now, oh, what an hour, what a time. I--I wish that everybody could love the Lord. I--I wish that we could all just come to that spot to realize the potential of this minute. Let's try it. Just give me your attention. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 150 What--what are we trying to do here? We are placing God's Word to a test. Elijah done the same thing: walked out upon the mountain after he knowed that he was sent from God to do it. He said, "Now, let's prove who's God. Let the God that answers by fire be God." And the heathens cut, oh, said, "Well, sure, no..." The--the heathens knowed fire wasn't going to fall, so they'd scream and carry on. But Elijah knowed it was going to fall, 'cause he had a vision from the Lord. You say, "He had a vision?" Yes, sir. When he got everything laid in order, he said, "Lord, I've done all this at Your command." And then the fire begin to fall. When God's Word is kept to the letter, then it's God's business, take care of the rest of it. Just asks you to lay it out there. And be sure that you're called to lay it out there. See? If you are, He'll take care of the rest of it. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 154 Now, here'll be people coming through this line that I'll be praying... How... Well, you're just about to the wall now, all right, or to the line to start. Now, first, at least somewhere here in the building, some people... How many in here is sick and don't have a prayer card, raise up your hand. See, just all over. Now, you know if our Lord... And I believe He will, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He run prayer lines. People come to Him in great lines, multitudes; He touched them, blessed them. Then He stopped sometime and said, "Who touched Me?" Look around, told a woman what she touched Him for; and said her blood issue was gone, her faith had made her whole.
What if she'd turned around and said, "Well, I don't know, Lord; I've had this a long time"? It wouldn't have happened. No, it wouldn't have happened. No. What if He told the Syrophenician woman, "Because of this word that you said, your daughter, the devil's gone out of her," what if she say, "Well, now Lord, I--I wanted You to do it this a-way"? The-the devil would have still been in the girl. But she expected to find her child the way He said she'd find her. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 157 Now, He told us, "If thou canst believe... If you can say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have it. When you pray, believe that you receive it; it'll be given to you." What a promise. Now, the man who preaches the social gospel don't believe that at all. He'd walk up to the door, look in, or stand there; he'd say, "Well, just another bunch of holy-rollers," and walk away. See? But he don't know that this is the hidden Food. He don't know that this is the secret Thing that's hid from him. He doesn't know it. It's--it's--it's pitiful, a mind that's naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it. See? That's a bad thing. O God, let me die first, but don't never get me like that. I'd rather die (Yes, sir.) than to do that. I think every one of us would, wouldn't we? SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 160 But now, God has promised us these things in the last days. In Malachi 4, said that Jesus Christ would come down and impersonate Himself in human flesh like He did at Sodom. That's right. And said the world would be in a Sodom condition. And it said, "As it was then, the Son of man will be revealed that day." See, this Man that come down in the form of a man, which was "Elohim," by Abraham, before this promised son came. Look what it was. Abraham said it was God. And the Bible said there was three men came to him, dust on Their clothes, traveled, set down and eat like men. And Jesus said, "Just at the time the world gets in a Sodom condition, then the Son of man would reveal Himself again, not Son of God, Son of man (See?), would reveal Himself." Now, mark that with what the last prophet said, "Behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the--the hearts of the children back to the fathers," (See?) a Message to bring them back to the Bible. And the Son of man will be revealing Himself in that day. And at that day of the sounding of the last church age, the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be made known in that day. The Seven Seals would be broken; the mysteries of all these churches and things, how they happened and what take--how, what taken place.
SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 162 See, they don't know it. Jesus said, "You blind Pharisees." Said, "If the blind leads the blind, don't they both fall in the ditch?" See, that's the reason those people don't see that. The mystery of it is, those Seals, each one of those churches made an organization and got into it, and that's one of the secret things that's been wrong before God. You see it, Doctor Lee? See, look. It is... That's the thing right there, that's one of the secrets. They organized and (See?)--and was completely out of the will of God. And that will be exposed in the last days, and lead the people, not to a creed or a denomination, but back to the true Word. And the true Word will come to a certain group of people, and the Son of man will reveal Himself in the midst of them, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, my. Oh, I love that. I love--love to brag on Him. I love to--to make Him big before the people. I don't have to make Him big; He's already big. He's so high you can't get over Him, so deep you can't get under Him, so wide you can't get around Him, and yet you got room in your heart for Him. Won't you receive Him? How wonderful our Lord is. All right. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 165 Now, let's get real quiet, everybody. Now, we've talked about this. And now the thing of it is, is it true? Now, there may be some strangers in here. I might say if to you, if Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, what would He do in this minute? He'd do the same thing that He did when He was here before. Is that right? The people's faith would touch His garment, and He'd turn, like He did the woman at the well, and He did other places, and He perceived their thoughts. Now, you say, "Could He heal me?" His Word said He's already done that. But the thing of it is, is to make Himself known that He's here. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 167 Now, He appeared here as a physical body, looked just exactly like Hofmann's Head of Christ at Thirty-three, and blood running out of His hand, and so forth, nail scars all over Him, I wouldn't accept it. No, no, no, no. When He comes, Hisself, "Every eye shall see Him, every tongue shall confess Him; and as the lightning cometh from the east unto the west, so shall it be." See? We don't believe these cults and clans. We believe God is the Word. But He embodies Himself, taking your body and my body, and gives you gifts, gives me gifts, and through these gifts He makes Hisself known. That's the secret Food. No matter how much He'd make Hisself known by me, you've got to believe it; you've got to have a gift of faith too to believe it. You believe
that? And now if He will manifest Himself in that manner, will you believe Him with all your heart? You'll believe Him? Oh, how wonderful, just waiting on Him, just waiting to see what He says. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 169 Here's a man standing here. I've never seen him in my life, as I know of. Looks like a good, strong, healthy man, and he probably is; I--I--I don't know. But he's standing there. Now, I could go lay hands on that man, and pray for him, ask him if he'd believe. He could stand here and tell me and say, "I--I--I want you to pray for so-and-so. And I got--I got fallen arches. I got a headache, constantly. I got ulcers in my stomach," or something. He--he... I don't know. He could say any of those things. I'd say, "All right, sir, brother. I'll lay my hands upon you and pray for you." That would be perfectly all right. That's exactly what we've done all down through the age. Is the right? But remember, Jesus said it would be different just at the time of His coming, like it was in the days of Sodom. And the Man that came up had His back turned to the tent where Sarah was, and He said (not "Abram," now), "Abraham." See, he was Abram the day before, but he met a vision, and the Lord told him, said, "I'm going to change your name." And here is the Lord Himself in the form of a man, eating and drinking with him, said, "Abraham, where is your wife Sarah?" S-a-r-a-h, not S-a-r-r-a. He said, "She's in the tent behind You." Said, "I'm going to visit you according to My promise twenty-five years ago." And Sarah kinda laughed to herself. He said, "Sarah laughed in the tent just then, saying, 'How can these things be?'" Is there anything too hard for God. See? Nothing. No, sir. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 176 Now, He said, Jesus promised that "He (the Son of man) which is the Word (Do you believe that?) would come in the last days and would reveal Himself in the time that the world was like Sodom and Gomorrah." You believe that's right? Before we have one prayer, some of you out there pray and see if the Son of man is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just ask if He is, say, "Lord, the man don't know me, but I know that You're the same yesterday, today, and forever." See if He tells you that. Yes, sir. Now, raise up your head just a moment.
It's behind me. It's a child. It's burning up right now with a fever. It's a little girl. You're from out of town. The child has a stomach trouble. It did. Just believe. Now, is that what He said He would do? I never seen that person in my life. God in heaven knows that. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 180 This man here, he looks very strong and healthy. But the--see that shadow over him there? That means, unless God helps him, he ain't going to be here very long. You got cancer; it's in your lung. Now, the Son of man is here. He got a burden on his heart for a little boy, little child. Is that right? You believe God can tell me what's wrong with that child? He can. He has little blackout spells like a form of epilepsy: just had one just recently. That's right, this morning. You believe you're going to live to raise that boy and he'll be all right? Where's Charlie Cox at? Where's he at? Charlie, where you at? I thought he was here tonight. Oh, here, Charlie. Gary, where you at? Larry, is he here? His little boy had the same thing, exactly the same thing. Where you at, Larry? Come here a minute. Well, here you are. This little boy here had the same thing. His father and mother is a very good friend of mine. Years ago I was down there and this little boy would take spells, just blackout and fade away. It was epilepsy. I caught it on the little boy, asked God to heal him; he's never had one since. That's his father; his mother's sitting here somewhere, and here's the little boy himself. Now, do you believe, sir? Thank you, Larry. You believe, sir? May the God of heaven grant the same thing to you, and you can live to raise the child. God bless you. Let's pray. Dear God, help him. I pray that Your mercy and grace will be upon him and bless him, in Jesus' Name. Go back to Louisiana now, happy, praise God for him. Oh, yeah, he was from Louisiana, sure was, around Lake Charles. Right. See, I can catch your thoughts now. See? Praise be to God. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 186 Well, you're asking for a--a good thing; you want to have a baby. You already had children, couple of children, but you want another one. May God of heaven grant it to you, my sister. You come here, I just want to lay hands. Dear God, give the woman the--the desire of her heart, because it's a worthy cause, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, go, have the child.
God is a good God. Do you believe that? He knows all that we have need of. He supplies our every need if we believe it. He said, "If thou canst believe..." SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 189 I shook your hand somewhere. I don't remember where it was at, but somewhere I shook your hand. I don't just exactly remember, but we was just somewhere, today somewhere, but I don't know where it was at. But that's not where--what we're here to talk about. You're here to talk about, or to pray, want me to pray for somebody else. That's right. He isn't here; he's in Georgia, sick. Not only is he sick physically, but spiritually he's sick: your cousin. You believe God will take care of this because you stood for him? You do? Come here and let's pray together. Dear God, grant this man the desire of his heart, that he might go and find this man crying out for God. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you. Don't doubt, believe with all your heart. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 191 How do you do? It wasn't that I didn't reach for your hand to shake your hand then when you put your hand out; I was noticing something. It was a shadow, real dark and black. That's the reason I know, caught your hand I'd find it that way. See? But it's a cancer. You believe that God's able to move it? It's on your breast, left side. You want to go back to Carolina and praise the Lord for being well, don't you? See what I mean? Let's pray. Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the One Who is present now, the children eating the Bread of God, may this child also enjoy the faith, the Bread of God that He gives him now for his healing. May he go and be well, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. Believe with all your heart. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 193 How do you do? This a wonderful time? Look like an awe sets down over the people, or it made it sound like my ears, just like something going [Brother Branham blows into the mike, sound of a mighty rushing wind--Ed.], just make a noise like "Whosh," like that. See? It's the children's Bread. See? It's yours. It's for you. It isn't for me; it's for you. I'm very thankful right at the time now; I don't... I'm well as far as I know, but It's bread for me too, when I have need of. It's Bread for you. It's encouragement. To you that's not even sick, it just brings our hearts up before God. This is exactly in season, what He said He would do, "And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man shall be revealed." See? "And, behold, I send you
Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. He shall restore the hearts of the people back to the Father." See, see? "And then the righteous shall walk out upon the--the wicked, ashes." They'll burn like an oven (See?); the earth will. We see it's going to fall in yonder. And volcanic will spread across the earth, and the heavens will be on fire. O Rock of Ages, have mercy on me now, and then. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 196 How do you do? Well, one thing, you have a lady's trouble, female trouble. Have other things. You're nervous, just that age to get nervous. Complications of all kinds... But you have a desire too, that's to receive the Holy Ghost. That's right. Yes, sir...?... You believe you're... Have you confessed everything? You believe if I lay hands upon you and ask God to do it, the Holy Ghost will come? You believe that? Let's pray. Dear God, I lay my hands upon this woman in the apostolic form and ask that she receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she receive It. Amen. Don't doubt it. It belongs to you. See? It's yours. It's the--the children's Bread. Had a little funny feeling when I said, "female trouble," didn't you? 'Cause that's what you had too. And you believe you're going to be all right now? Go, just thanking the Lord. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 200 How do you do? You believe with all your heart? You believe you're going to be able to eat like you used to long time ago? All right. Go, and say, "Thank You, Lord. I believe it." The Presence of the Lord... You believe that back trouble's going to leave you and you're going to be well? Well, just go, saying, "Thank you, dear God," and God will grant it. You believe you can be well, the Lord will make you well and won't have no arthritis, be well and healthy? You believe that? Go, thanking Him, say, "Lord, I accept it with all my heart, and I believe it." What do you all out there believe about it? SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 203 You right here, lay your hand over on that woman setting right next to you there (Uh-huh.); tell her the varicose veins and arthritis will leave her when she...?... All right. God bless you. You believe
you're going to be well now. Go home and be... God bless you. Go on your road and say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus." How do you do? You believe this female trouble is going to leave you too and you're going to be well? Go, and say, "Thank You, Lord." How do you do? Why, my, my. I know your name. I--I used to... when I pastored the Baptist church. Toddin, Sister Dilly Toddin. You're suffering with back trouble now. It's going to be all right. You believe He's going to make you well? You remember what happened down there in the Milltown Baptist church years ago? He's still the same God today. God bless you. (George Wright, where you at? You remember?) My, my. You believe if I just lay my hands on you, with this anointing, you believe you'll get well? Come here. In the Name of Jesus Christ may she be healed. Amen. Have faith. Well, you all believe with all your heart? SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 207 Now... And how well that brings old memories to see that lady. I can't think of her name yet, but I... Toddin--Toddin, that's right. Oh, yes, her daughter was Gertie; that's right. That's exactly right. Don't think I'm beyond myself. I'm just kind of a little, you know, it's kind of a... I can't explain it. But your back trouble's gone, lady. Go, praise the Lord, and say, "Thank You, Lord." You believe your heart trouble will be all right too? Just go, rejoicing, say, "Thank You, Lord Jesus," and believe it. All right. Have faith now, don't doubt. Come, lady. You believe with all your heart? You got many things wrong with you. You got back trouble too. You believe that God's going to make you well? All right, just go, rejoicing. That--that's Him that makes you feel that way. Thank the Lord. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 211 God bless you, sister. Hi, sonny. You believe that God's going to heal the nervousness of that child and make it well? You believe it? All right. Hi, buddy, let me shake your hand. Dear God, take that evil thing off of this little boy, and may he live and be normal, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. You believe that, don't you? He'll get all right; don't doubt at all. Mighty young to have heart trouble, you believe that God will make you well? Go, say, "Thank You, Lord, for healing me."
You believe God will heal the stomach trouble and make you well? Go on, rejoice, and say, "Thank You, Lord." He's still God, isn't He? The only thing you have to do is just believe. Isn't that right? You believe the Son of man in the last days? SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 217 There's something happened here a few minutes ago, and I can't--trying to find where it was at. Somebody had faith and done something. Or maybe I'll get them next Sunday, or when I can. Are you--you... There it is again. You got your hand up. You believe God can heal that heart trouble, make you well, heal your daughter out there with--with... You believe it? Mrs. Neff, you believe that God... Leo Neff. I don't know you, but that's who you are. You got a heart trouble, and your little daughter's got a kidney trouble. You believe she's going to get well? Your faith makes you whole. Believe with all your heart. You back there in the pool, standing back there with stomach trouble, Jesus Christ make you well. You believe? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let's lay our hands over on each other now. Oh, think of the hour where we're at; think of the time. Think that we're in the very Presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He promised He would do this in the last days. I got hands laying on these handkerchiefs. Dear God, I pray that You'll bless these handkerchiefs to the healing of the people's bodies, through Jesus Christ's Name. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 221 Now, with your hands on one another, each one of you are members of the body of Christ. The same Holy Spirit that promised to reveal the secrets of the hearts and do these things, He is in you. You are a part of Him, and He's a part of you. Now, He said this, "These signs shall follow them that believe." That's you. "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, don't pray for yourself; pray for the one that you got your hands on, 'cause they're praying for you. Now, let's pray together, and may there not be a feeble person in this building. Why would we wait any longer, my dear brother, sister, here it is, the Holy Spirit, God, right here, the very thing we've talked about. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E
222 Dear Jesus, we are recognizing Your Presence. You brought that little baby back to life the other day after it being dead, by the prayer of faith. Dear God, there's many here we couldn't get to; the time's passing; but they got their hands on one another. They're believers. We're setting in the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Satan, you are defeated. Jesus Christ defeated you. He rose from the dead and stands among us tonight, vindicating this Message of the last day. Come out of this people! Leave them, in the Name of Jesus Christ. "In My Name they shall cast out devils," and you are cast out. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave this congregation. SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 224 Every one of you now that accept your healing, stand on your feet. Everybody that accepts healing, stand on your feet. Raise your hands now and give Him praise. "I now accept my healing," say that to God. "I now accept my healing. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, Christ. I now believe You; help Thou my unbelief." Amen. I will praise Him, I will praise Him, Praise the Lamb for sinners slain; Give Him glory all ye people, For His Blood has washed away each stain. Don't you love Him? Let's praise Him then. Everybody, with your hands up, give Him praise while the brother comes here to dismiss us in prayer. ANOINTED ONES AT END TIME JEFF IN 65-0725M V-5 N-3 1 Good morning, audience. Let us speak to our Lord now. Great God, Creator of heavens and earth, Who has divinely appointed us this time this morning of worship to You... And may we, Lord, in our hearts surrender ourselves completely to Your Divine will and the working of the Holy Spirit in us to bring forth that which You would have us to know. Our desire is to be better Christians and better representatives of You. Will You grant this to us this morning as we wait upon Thee. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. (Be seated.)
2 Yes... We are very happy to be here this morning again in--in the service of the great King. And we're sorry we--again that we don't have the room for the people, but we have just... We'll try and make out the best we can under the circumstances. Now, many has handkerchiefs and requests laying up here to be prayed over, and I'm just laying them to one side; not that I'm ignoring them, but I pray for them after I--mainly, like--and tonight. I will this morning and then tonight again, when... Then I'll pray and wait upon the Spirit of God for healing, and that's when I like to pray over the--the handkerchiefs and things. 4 And on the special requests, Billy gave them every one to me. There's about three hundred, and I'm just left the rooms then. You see, I'm getting them just as fast and every one that I can get to. And I'll get to them just as quick as I possibly can. I won't be able to get them all, just reach in and have to get one and say, "Lord, will it be this one, be this one?" just like that; because they're every one needy, real requests, something, no doubt, that we should talk together about. And I--I... 'Less, you know, sometimes the Holy Spirit may say... A certain one that I read, that keeps on my heart; I go back to that again and hunt through there till I find it; otherwise I just casually take them. 5 Now, we also want to say this morning, and greet those who are out in the other parts of the country. We want to greet the folks this morning by the way of this telephone hookup to New York City; Beaumont, Texas; Prescott, Arizona; Tucson, Arizona; San Jose, California; Connecticut; Gainesville, Georgia; and New Albany, Indiana; across the nation. We're greeting you in the Name of the Lord Jesus. This morning in Indiana it is a fair morning. We had a rain last night which cooled the weather. And we're... The Tabernacle's packed out, and everybody's waiting with great anticipations for the Sunday school lesson. And I trust that the riches of God's blessings will be upon you out there. And we're hoping soon as possible to make a--a way that we can have--where we can bring all of us together, maybe under a big tent, where I'm feeling real definitely led to preach on the Seven Last Vials in the Bible.
8 So now, so that we won't be too long on a great lesson this morning... I have sought the Lord, thinking, "What could I say?" knowing that this may be our last service that we'll ever have; the coming of the Lord is so close at hand. I see, after that prediction made in California, there's houses out there and places sinking at the rate of thirty inches a hour: timbers cracking and breaking in. They don't know what's doing it. We are at the end. Hundred thousand dollar homes, sinking... I got big headlines in the paper, pictures, that I hope to bring tonight, as I want to speak on something on that tonight. 10 And then, tonight we have prayer for the sick. Come in this afternoon, five, six o'clock, or whenever it is (We're going to start early, I suppose, so the people can get away early.), and receive your prayer cards. And we'll be praying for the sick tonight, the Lord willing. 11 Now, after prayerfully thinking, "What must I do?" knowing that someday I must answer for what I say here... And I have decided, or felt led by the Holy Spirit to speak this morning on prophecy to kinda inform us. See? It's something that we... If we're not informed and anything happens just casually, we should know about this. The Holy Spirit has give it to us to warn the people of the comings. You know, the Bible said that God will do nothing except first He shows His servants the prophets; and--and how that Jesus warned the people what would take place, how the prophets warned the people that would take place. And it behooves us now in the great hour that we're living to see what age we're living in, what's happening--what's going to happen in this age. So one of these strange subjects that perhaps we've read many times, it fell upon my heart to--to speak to the people about it this morning. 12 Now, let us turn over in our Bibles to Matthew the 24th chapter and read a portion of the Word (Pardon me. [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.]), as a way of--of getting a context for our text and subject. Now remember, we're going to teach this as a Bible class, slow. Get your pencils and paper (I've got many Scriptures written down here.), that--that you might be able to put these down, then go home and study them (for this is just like a Sunday school class), that we might know, and be warned, and prepared for the hours that we're living in.
14 In the Book of St. Matthew [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] (Pardon me.), 24th verse-24th chapter, rather, beginning with the 15th verse, I wish to read a portion of His Word. And when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which are in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop--housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there'd be no flesh... saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elected. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chamber; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even into the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered... 15 Now, for a subject I would like to take the 24th verse to emphasize on this verse for our Sunday school lesson this morning. And listen close while I reread this again.
For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elected. Now, for a subject this morning, or a text, rather, I want to take, "The Anointed Ones at the End Time." That's the subject that I wish to speak on, or the text: "The Anointed Ones at the End Time." 17 I believe that we are living in the end time. I think most anyone that... The Scripture reader or even a--a believer knows that we are now at the end of the history of the world. There will be no use of writing it, because there won't be anybody to read it. It's at the end of the time. Just when, I do not know. Just how long it will be, not even the Angels of heaven knows that minute or hour. But we been told by the Lord Jesus that when these things that we see now begin to come to pass, then to lift up our heads for our redemption is drawing nigh. 18 Now, what drawing nigh means, I do not know. May mean, as the scientist said the other day on the television, speaking of the great thousands-of-miles break in the earth that's going to sink... He was asked the question, "It could sink there (that's Los Angeles, the west coast)?" And many of you seen how they followed it with radar, and went up through--broke in below San Jose, went across over into Alaska, out through the Aleutian Islands, about two hundred miles out into the sea, and come back down into San Diego, went around in behind Los Angeles, and come up there, a great pocket. And all these earthquakes we've been having is the volcanic hitting this great hollow dipper like, in there. I can't call the name that they--they called it. However, when that shakes, that gives these earthquakes we been having for years on the west coast. Now, it's cracked all the way around. 19 And the scientist said... One--the man said to the other, "That could fall in?" He said, "Not could, but it will." Said, "But not in our generation, perhaps?" Said, "In the next five minutes or the next five years. We don't know just when." And this week was sent me a--headlines in the paper of big hundred thousand dollar homes cricking and cracking, the people moving away. And they don't know how to stop it; there's no way to stop it. See, God can do whatever He wants to, and there's nobody can tell Him how to do it.
You build homes; you can make scientific things; and God is a Creator of science. How are you going to stop Him? He can destroy the earth this morning by fleas if He wants to. Do you realize He could speak fleas into existence, and they'd be forty miles deep in a half hour's time. See? There's no... They'd eat people right off the ground. He's God. He just does as He will. He's sovereign in Himself. 22 Now, seeing all this accumulation of evidence that the hour that we now live in, I think it's a good thing to rehearse these things and to draw them out, since the Seals has been opened, and find out the truth of these things, as God has been so loyal to us with His grace to show us these things. I want you to notice here in Matthew 24, Jesus used the term of christs: c-h-r-i-s-t-s, christs, not Christ, but christs, plural, not singular: christs. Therefore the word "Christ" means "the anointed one." And then, if it's anointed, there will be not only one, but many anointed: the anointed ones. See? And otherwise, if He wanted to break it down so we would more-or-less understand it better, He'd say, "In the last days there shall rise false anointed ones." Now, that seems almost impossible. See? The terms of anointed... But notice the very next words, "and false prophets": p-r-o-p-h-e-t-s, plural. 25 Now, anointed one is "one with a message." And the only way the message can be brought out is by one that's anointed; and that would be a prophet--anointed. "There shall rise false anointed teachers." A prophet teaches what his message is: anointed teachers, but anointed people with false teaching, anointed ones: christs, plural; prophets, plural. And if there is such a thing as a Christ, singular, then these would have to be anointed ones that their prophecy of what they were teaching would be the difference, because they are anointed ones, anointed. 26 Now, it's a Sunday school lesson; we want to--to try to bring this to a real showdown by the Scriptures, not by what someone else has said about it, but just reading the Scriptures. You may say, "How can this be? Would the anointed ones... What were they?" Christs: c-h-r-i-s-t-s, anointed christs and false prophets: anointed ones, but false prophets. Jesus said that the rain falls on the just and the unjust. Now, someone might say to me, "Do you believe that that anointing on those people means that it's anointing of the Holy Spirit?" Yes, sir, the genuine Holy Spirit of God upon a person, and yet they are false. Now, listen close and see what He said: "And they shall show signs and wonders, insomuch that it would deceive the very elected if it were possible."
And they are anointed with the genuine Holy Spirit. I know this sounds very foolish, but we're going to take time and explain it by the Word that that's absolutely THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Truth. 29 Now, let's turn in our Bibles just a minute to Matthew the 5th chapter and begin with the--the 45th verse and see now as we read for a few moments on these Scriptures. And then, after we get to here, why we'll give you... So you, if we fail to read all of them, then you get your Bible, and--and also you can read them after we leave here and you go home and--and you read what the Bible says about it. 30 Now, to take our time to get a--a basic fact, because I'm making a statement here that's astounding... How can the Holy Spirit anoint a false teacher? But that's what Jesus said would happen. Now, Matthew the 5th chapter, the 45th verse, let's read now. Let's get--begin a--a little behind it, the 44th: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,... pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and... the good, and sendeth rain on the just and... the unjust. (The rain comes upon the evil as same as the good.) 31 Now, to follow this up to another prophecy pertaining to this, may we turn now to Hebrews the 6th chapter for the next follow-up verse on this, where Paul bringing back to mind the same thing that Jesus said... Paul, speaking now... While you're hunting it... And you out in the broadcast, get your Bibles near you and a piece of paper, and look up this now: Hebrews the 6th chapter, Paul writing to the Hebrews, showing them the shadows and the types, bringing them from under Judaism into Christianity, showing them that how all the old things just foreshadowed the things that was to come. Paul speaking now, Hebrews 6... Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ,... (C-h-r-i-s-t, singular)... let us go on to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance... dead works, and of faith towards God. Of... doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
And this will we do, if God permits. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,... (I want to call your attention just a minute. Did you notice that's gift, and not gifts, partakers of the heavenly gifts, but the heavenly "gift," singular. Christ, singular, gift, singular.)... heavenly gift, and... made partakers of the Holy Spirit, And have tasted of the... word of God,... (Tasted of what? The Word of God.)... and the power of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew themselves again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. For... (Listen.)... the earth... drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, to bring forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessings from God: But that which beareth thorns... briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. 32 Now, compare that with Matthew 5:24 again. Notice, Jesus said the rain and the sun comes upon the earth, that God sends it to prepare the food and the things for the peoples of the earth. And the rain is sent for the food, the herbs. But the tares, weeds, being in the field, receive the same thing. The same rain that makes the wheat grow is the same rain that makes the weeds grow. 33 How I had such a lesson on that one time when I first met the Pentecostal people. And it was a great lesson to me. I seen two men, one... Never heard speaking in tongues before. One spoke in tongues; other one interpreted, vice versa. And would tell the truth; say that, "There's many in here should repent tonight. There's women and men both." And people would raise up and go to the altar. 34 I thought, "How glorious." And then, with the little gift of the Holy Spirit, I talked to those men, just you know how--and in discernment, just a little way to find out. And one of them was a genuine Christian. And he was a real servant of Christ. And the other one was a hypocrite. And one of them, the one that was a hypocrite, was living with a black-headed woman, running around with a blond, and had children by her. Well, it was right there in a vision, couldn't be denied. And I spoke to him about it. He looked at me and walked around the building.
35 Now, I was confused sure enough. I thought I'd come into angels, then I wondered if I wasn't among devils. How could this be? I could not understand it. And for years I kept my hands off of it, till one day... (Where George Smith, the boy that goes with my daughter... We went yesterday up to the old mill place where I go to pray.) And after being in there a couple of days, the Holy Spirit brought this Scripture back to me: "For the rain cometh oft upon the earth to dress it with herbs, but thorns and thistles live by that same rain, and whose end is to be burned." Living by the same life giving resource of God... Then I understood that by... Jesus said, "By their fruits they are known." 36 Now, therefore, the rain dropping down upon the natural vegetation of the earth is a type of the Spiritual rain which gives Eternal Life, dropping down upon the church; for we call it the former rain and the latter rain. And it's a rain, pouring out of God's Spirit upon His church. 37 Notice, it's a very strange thing here. See? When them seed went in the ground, however they got there, they were thorns to begin with. But there the wheat that went in the ground... And the herbs were herbs to begin with. And each herb producing itself over again, showed that it was in the original beginning. "And they will deceive the Elected if it were possible," 'cause they're getting the same rain, same blessing, showing the same signs, same wonders. See? "They will deceive, or shall deceive the Elected if it were possible." Now, a thorn cannot help being a thorn, and neither can wheat help being a wheat; it's what the Creator of each one determined at the beginning. That's the Elected. 39 The same rain... The sun rises of a morning and spreads across the earth, as it had this urban day that we live. And the sun--same sun that rises in the east is the same sun that sets in the west. And that sun is sent to ripen the grain upon the earth, which our bodies are made from.
40 We are living by dead substance, that's the only way you can live. And if something has to die every day so you live natural, then isn't it true that if your--your body has to live by dead substance for natural life, then you've got to have something die spiritually to save your spiritual life. And God became material, flesh, and died that we might live. There's no church, no other thing in the world can save you but God. That's the only thing that they live by. Now, run the Scriptures. Jesus is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word... And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. In the beginning was the Word... and the Word was with God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." "And man shall not live by bread alone (for the physical), but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Then you see, we live by the Word, and that is God. 42 Now, the sun comes across and ripens the grain. Now, it cannot ripen it all at once. As it goes on maturing, it constantly ripens until it comes to a full ear. So is it today with the church. It started in it's infancy back in the dark age where it was under the ground. It's growed now into maturity. And we can see it perfectly, how that God through nature always... You cannot disturb nature. That's what's the matter today. We're flying bombs and out there in that ocean, breaking it and busting it around with atomic bombs. You're just breaking more of that dirt off all the time, dropping into it. You cut down the trees, storms will take you. Dam up the river, it'll overflow. You've got to find God's way of doing things and stay in it. We've denominated people in the churches and organizations; look what we got. Stay in God's provided way of it. 44 But you see, He sends the rain (back to our subject) on the just and the unjust. Jesus tells you here now in Matthew 24 it would be a sign at the end time. Now, if this sign is only to be known at the end time, then it'll have to be after the opening of those Seals. See? It's a sign of the end. That would be, when these things happens it'll be at the end time. And it'll be a sign, now, so the Elected will not be confused in these things. You see it? Then it's got to be revealed, exposed. 45 Notice. Both the wheat and the weeds live by the same anointing from heaven. Both of them rejoice over it. I remember this referring back to this instance up there that day at the Green's Mill. I-I seen that vision come up, and there was a great earth, and it'd been all disced up. And there went a Sower forth first. I want to keep that before you. Watch what goes forth first, then what follows it. And
as this Man with white on came forth around the earth sowing seed... Then behind Him come a man, dark clothes on, looked very sneaking, slipping along behind Him sowing weeds. And as this taken place... Then I seen both crops come up. And as they come up, one was wheat and the other was weeds. And there come a drought, that when--looked like both of them had their heads down just crying for rain. Then there come a great cloud over the earth, and it rained. And the wheat raised up and said, "Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." And the weeds raised up and hollered, "Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." Same results, both of them perishing, both of them going away. And then the wheat comes up and gets thirsty. And because it was in the same field, the same garden, the same place, under the same spout, there come up wheat and there come up tares by the very same thing. 46 Notice. The same anointing water brings forth the wheat, brings forth the weed. The same Holy Spirit that anoints the church, that gives them desire to save souls, that gives them power to perform miracles, It falls on the unjust the same as the just: the very same Spirit. Now, you can't make it another way and understand Matthew 24:24. He said, "There shall rise false christs," false anointed ones, anointed with the genuine thing, but be false prophets of it, false teachers of it. What would make a man want to be a false teacher of something that's Truth? Now, and we'll get down to the mark of the beast in a few minutes, you'll see it's denomination. See, see? False teachers, false anointed, anointed christs, but false teachers. It's the only way you can see it. 47 Just like here some time ago. I've quoted this... I might quote it because we're hooked up across the nation. One day I was talking to a friend of mine (where this is coming in this morning in Arizona). And he had a--a citrus farm. And he had a--a tree there which was an orange tree that was bearing grapefruits, and lemons, tangerines, tangelos, and I forget how many different fruits there was on that one tree. And I said to the--the--the man; I said, "How is it? What kind of a tree is that?" He said, "The tree itself is an orange tree." I said, "What has it got grapefruits on it? Why has it got lemons on it?" He said, "They're grafted into it." I said, "I see. Well now," I said, "now, next year when that tree comes forth with another crop of fruit (which they all ripen about the same time)," I said, "then it will bring forth altogether oranges. If it's a navel orange tree, it'll bring forth the navel oranges, won't it, sir?" He said, "No, sir. Every grafted branch will bring forth of its kind." I said, "You mean that lemon vine will bring forth a lemon out of that orange tree?"
He said, "Yes, sir." "Will the grapefruit bring forth a grapefruit out of that orange tree?" He said, "Yes, sir. That's the nature of the branch that's grafted into it." I said, "Praise be to God." He said, "What do you mean?" I said, "One more question. Now, will that orange tree ever bring forth oranges again?" He said, "When it puts forth another branch." When it puts forth another branch, not when one's grafted into it. But they're all citrus fruit, and they live off of the citrus life that's in the citrus tree. 48 I said, "There you are. The Methodists will bring forth Methodists every time. The Baptist will bring forth Baptists every time. The Catholic will bring forth Catholic every time. But the church of the living God will produce Christ from the roots, the Word every time, if it ever puts forth another vine of it's own." 49 Now, you can graft it in there. You see? Every grapefruit, lemon, tangelo, tangerine, whatever the citrus fruits they are, every one of them can live in that tree, but bearing false witness of the tree, living by the tree. You see it? They are living and thriving on the genuine life that's in that tree. Now, there's Matthew 24:24. Living by the same life, but they wasn't right at the beginning. They're bearing false witness of that tree. It's an orange tree. Yet it's a citrus tree. And they say, "This church, this denomination is bearing record of Christ." And got a false baptism, false witness of the Word, trying to say that the power of God was only for the disciples? Jesus Himself said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every branch that'll ever--tree that'll ever bring forth, ever branch that'll be in the tree. And these signs shall follow the genuine branches." Where? As long as it's a tree, as long as it's putting forth branches, to the end of the world. "In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things, lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." See the hour we're living? See what Jesus said?
50 Remember this was at the end time, not back under Wesley and back there. Now at the end time this was to take place. Now, watch the Scriptures; let Them testify. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think (or believe) that you have Eternal Life, and They are the One's that testify of Me." In other words, "If this tree ever brings forth a branch..." "I am the--the Vine, the Tree; ye are the branches; he that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." St. John 14:12. 51 Now, "He that abideth in Me, he that, him that was in My Root at the beginning..." That's the reason Jesus was both the Root and Offspring of David. He was before David, in David, and after David, both Root and Offspring of David, the Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley, Alpha and Omega, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In Him dwells the Fullness of the Godhead bodily, both Root and Offspring of David. "He that is the elected Life, the predestinated Life that's in Me (and He is the Word from the beginning), when he comes forth he will bear My fruits." St. John 14:12. But others will live by the same thing, call themselves Christians and believers. Not all that saith, "Lord, Lord," will enter in. Now, this is to take place and be manifested in the last days when the mysteries of God should be finished (as we'll get to a little later). 52 These trees--the true vine and false vine... You've heard me preach on that since--from years ago, how they growed up together. Brought them in individuals and showed that from Cain and Abel, the two vines that met at an altar, both of them religious, both of them anointed, both of them desiring life and worshipping the same God, and one was rejected and the other received. And the only way that the one that was received could've done anything different from his brother, it was revealed to him, for the Bible said, "By faith (Hebrews 11th chapter)--by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which God testified that he was righteous." Jesus said (the spiritual revelation of Who He was), "Who does man say I, the Son of man am?" He said--Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." "Blessed art thou, Simon son of Jonas; flesh and blood never revealed this to you; My Father which is in heaven has revealed it. Upon this rock I'll build My church." What? The true revelation of the Word. There's the True Vine again. "Abel, by faith..."
53 You said, "It wasn't a revelation." What is faith? Faith is something that's revealed to you, that is not yet, but you believe it will be. Faith is a revelation of the will of God. So by revelation... And the churches today don't even believe in spiritual revelation. They believe in a dogmatic teaching of some system. "By revelation Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which God testified he was righteous." Amen. I hope you see that. See where we're living, see the hour? 54 I was talking to a--a gentleman not long ago, a Christian scholar and gentleman. He said, "Mr. Branham, we refuse all revelations." I said, "Then you have to refuse Jesus Christ, for He is the revelation of God, God revealed in human flesh." Unless you see it, you're lost. Jesus said, "Except you believe that I am He, you'll die in your sins." He is the revelation of God, the Spirit of God revealed in human form. If you can't believe that, you're lost. If you put Him a third person, second person, or any other person besides God, you're lost. "Except you believe that I'm He, you'll die in your sins." A revelation. 56 No wonder they couldn't see Him. "No man could come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given to Me (in the roots), will come to Me." See? You get it? Oh, how we should love Him, adore Him, praise Him, to see the fruit of the Spirit in the last days in a Bride Tree ripening in the top of the time. 57 The true vine and the false vine both had the same anointing. The water fell on both of them. No wonder He warned us it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. Notice. They looked the same; they're anointed the same. But notice, "By their fruit..." How do you knowed it--how do you know that isn't an orange? Because it's bearing a grapefruit. That vine's all right; it's living in the tree; but it's bearing a grapefruit. It isn't like the first one. And if a church says they believe Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and deny His power, deny His works, deny His Word... If--if... The church that believes in Jesus Christ will do the works of Jesus Christ; it'll have the Life of Jesus Christ. And if it isn't... No matter if the life is pouring into it, if it isn't predestinated from the roots, it'll bear grapefruit every time or something different. But if it's the predestinated Life in the
Roots, it'll bear Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, if it's the Word coming up through the Root, which He is the Root, the beginning of time. 59 Notice. But it's what they produce that tells you the difference. "By their fruit," Jesus said, "you shall know them." Man does not gather grapes off of a thistle even though the thistle be right in the grapevine. That could be possible, but the fruit will tell it. What is the fruit? The Word for the--fruit for the season; that's what it is, their teaching. The teaching of what? The teaching of the seasons, what time it is--man's doctrine, denominational doctrine, but--or God's Word for the season. Now... The time gets away so quick, that... We could bear on that a long time, but I'm sure that you here present, and I'm sure you across the nation, can see what I'm trying to tell you, for we don't have too much longer to stay on it. 60 But you might see that the anointing gets on the unjust, the false teachers, and causes them to do exactly what God told them not to do; but they'll do it anyhow. Why? They cannot help it. How can a thistle be anything else but a thistle? No matter how much good rain's sprinkled on it, it's got to be a thistle. That's the reason Jesus said they'll be so close it would deceive the very elected (which is in the roots), if it were possible. But it ain't possible. A wheat can do nothing but bear wheat; that's all it can bear. 61 Notice. Remember, God is not the author of organization. The devil is the author of organization. I've proved that by the Word back and forth and over and over, won't have to go into that this morning. We know that God never did organize people together like that, make a organization. Hundreds of years after the death of the last disciple 'fore they ever had the first organization. It's always proved a failure. If it isn't, why ain't we together in love today, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic and all? Why ain't the works of God following us, and every church on the same thing, the Word? Those things that separate men, brotherhood... We're farther from God than we ever was--the churches, speaking of.
62 Now, we're told that all the old things happened for examples, for our teaching, reproofs, admonitions; that all the old things of the Old Testament happened, foreshadowed to see what would be in the New Testament in our days. Just like, if you'd never seen your hand and you looked up and you seen a shadow on the wall (as my hand would be from the light), if it's got five fingers here in a shadow, when the negative--and you move your hands towards being the positive-towards the--towards the negative, it's got to come to five fingers. As the Bible tells us, that the Old Testament being a shadow, type, of the new things, or the things that was to come, not the very things that is, but it is a shadow, a type of the things that is to come. 63 Let us go back and see if this thing ever was in any other age (are you willing?) so we'll know to prove this back and forth by the Word, not by some man's idea, some theory. I don't care who he is, any other man, myself, or anybody else, if he speaks not according to the Law and the Prophets there's no Light in him. See? That's what the Bible said: "Let every man's word be a lie and Mine be true," regardless who it is. 64 Now, let's go back and find out if this ever happened to show us an example. We could go back over now in the Book of Exodus and speak of a character named Moses, who was an anointed prophet, sent of God with the Word of God and the will of God for his generation. As God's Word always runs in continuity, He said He did nothing until He revealed it to His prophets first. Then He done it. Now, He cannot lie. He can't lie and be God. No, sir. He's got to remain true. There's not a lie in Him. He's... And He cannot change it. If He does, then He's not God; He made a mistake. He's got to be infinite. And infinite cannot make a mistake. See? So what God ever says, that's eternally right. See? And He promised that. So watch. There's nowhere in the Bible, 'less it follows continuity right to it. 65 Now, God had promised Abraham that his seed would be a stranger in a--in a strange land for four hundred years; then He'd bring him out with a great hand of might and power, show His signs and wonders amongst the people that they dwelt with. The time of the promise drew nigh. People had forgot about it. They had Pharisees and Sadducees and so forth, denominations; but all of a sudden there come God along and drawed from--out away from any of them. God never in any day or at any time ever called a prophet out of a denomination (No, sir.); he's so twisted up. He couldn't do it. He'd have to stay with that denomination.
66 Moses, a man sent from God with the Word of God... And on his journey taking Israel into the promised land, strictly with the commandment of God, he met another prophet, another anointed one that had a genuine anointing of the same Holy Spirit that was upon Moses. That's right. He was a prophet. The Holy Spirit was upon this man. His name was Balaam. We're all acquainted with him. Well, the very things--the same--the things--the things that the man said is still taking place--about twenty-eight hundred years ago--"Thou art like a unicorn, oh Israel. Whoever blesses you will be blessed; whoever curses you will be cursed. You're strength, and mighty. How righteous are thy tents oh Jacob." See, he couldn't help himself. He come there purposing in his heart to curse the people. 67 Oh, you false teachers, listen at these tapes all these years and seen God confirm exactly what He said, and you set in your study and know it's the Truth, and because of your denominational differences, you dispute them and tell your people they're not so. Woe unto you. Your time is close at hand. 68 Balaam, anointed with the same Spirit that was upon Moses... What was the difference? The teaching of Moses was perfect. The Bible said here in II Peter that it was the teaching of Balaam that Israel received that God never did forgive: unpardonable sin. Not a one of them got saved. Though they had come out under the blessings of God and seen the hand of God moving by this mighty prophet and seen it exactly vindicated by God, and because another prophet come in with a teaching contrary, and disputed with Moses, and tried to prove to the people that Moses was wrong... And Dathan, Korah, and many of them agreed with him and taught the children of Israel to commit fornications, to go after his organization that we're all the same, "Whether we're Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostals, and whatmore, we're all the same." We're not the same. Ye are a separated people, holy unto the Lord, dedicated to the Word and the Spirit of God to bear fruit of His promise of this day. And you're not of them. I know that's awful strong, but that's the truth just the same. Dedicated to a service in this last days... Come out from amongst it.
70 Now, the teaching of Balaam... Not the prophecy of Balaam, that was all right; that was God. How many believes that? The prophecy of Balaam was exactly right, 'cause He couldn't speak nothing else. The anointing of God wouldn't speak nothing else. And God vindicated it by proving it was the truth. But it was the teaching of Balaam. Now, compare that with Matthew 24:24. Anointed ones, but their teaching is false, the trinities and all things like that. Wrong, antichrist. I hope your feelings don't get hurt and don't turn that--the--them phones off, and don't get up and go out. Just set still, and let's see if the Holy Spirit won't reveal it to us and prove it to us. You say, "But I..." Just whatever you believe, just set still and listen, and ask God to open your heart, then you'll find out whether you're a briar, or a thistle, or wherever you're standing. See? 72 Now, even Judas, foreordained to the condemnation he was, set there before Jesus, and Jesus told him, "You are the one. Whatever you're going to do and whatever you've got to do, go do it quickly." Him knowing what he was doing, but for them thirty pieces of silver and popularity sold the Lord Jesus Christ: one of His disciples, the treasurer of the church, Jesus called him His friend. See? The Bible said he was borned the son of perdition, just the same as Jesus was born the Son of God. "Deceive the very elected if it were possible." 73 Notice closely as we study along. We'll take another instance over in the Book of Kings. There was a--a prophet, and his name was Micaiah. He was the son of Imlah, and he was a prophet. He was. And there was another prophet, the head of a organization of prophets: anointed ones. The Bible said they were prophets, just the same as It said Balaam was a prophet: anointed ones. And there was one of them by the name of Micaiah who was anointed with God and sent by God with the Word of God. There was one, Zedekiah, who thought he was sent by God. He was anointed of God, but his teaching was contrary to the Word of God. "Rise false christs, show great signs, would deceive the elected if possible." 74 Notice both of them, both of them anointed. Now, how could you tell which was right and wrong? Watch what the Word promised to Ahab. The prophet which was before him, which was Elijah, one of the greatest prophets of the age, that was a vindicated prophet, that vindicated prophet said that because Ahab had done this evil, that the dogs would lick his blood (took Naboth's life), and that the dogs would eat Jezebel and the--her body would be dung upon the fields. Now, how can you bless what God has cursed? Or how can you curse, as Balaam said, what God has blessed? See? But these prophets were sincere. There were no doubt but what they were good men, honorable men, for to be a prophet
in Israel you must be honorable, or to even be an Israelite. You was stoned if not. They were honorable men. They were smart men. They were educated men. They were the selected of Ahab of the nation (see that, Sister Wright?)--the selected of the nation, well fitted for the...?... 75 And now, when Micaiah saw his vision, he knowed in his heart what the Word had said, but he wanted to see what the Spirit was in him would say. So they told him; they said, "You say the same thing these other prophets say. And when you do, why, you'll be--we'll take you into the fellowship no doubt again." See? "We'll make you one of us. We'll take you back into the denomination of us. You're... We know you're a prophet, but you're always saying cursing things. You're always cursing Ahab. Now, Zedekiah, the chief man (the pope or the--whatever he was), now he's blessed Ahab, and said, 'Go do it.' Now, you say the same thing Imlah. Why, you're just a poor guy; you ain't got no congregation hardly at all, and these guys got millions. The whole nation's for them. Now, you say the same as they do. See what you'll do, you'll--you eat the rich of the land." He's talking to the wrong man then. 76 What if it'd been said, "Can you find any fault in Zedekiah, Micaiah?" "No." "Did you ever catch him in sin?" "Nope." "Did you ever hear him cuss anybody?" "Nope." "Did you ever catch him drunk?" "Nope." "Can you dispute his education?" "Nope." "You believe his doctor's degree is false?" "Nope." "You believe his--his Ph.D.'s all right?"
"Sure, by the Sanhedrin council, I guess it's--council, I guess it's all right." "Well then, why won't you join with him?" "Because he's off of the Word." "Well, we'll have a showdown of it then." Like Elijah the prophet before that... And if you're a child of God, you'll stay with the Prophet of this Bible. It's the Word.