In WheelMotorDesignforanElectricScooter
In WheelMotorDesignforanElectricScooter
In WheelMotorDesignforanElectricScooter
18 24,070
4 authors, including:
Byung-Chul Woo
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute-KERI
All content following this page was uploaded by Byung-Chul Woo on 26 November 2018.
Abstract The aim of this paper is to provide an optimal design of in-wheel motor for an electric
scooter (E-scooter) considering economical production. The preliminary development in-wheel motor,
which has a direct-driven outer rotor type attached to the E-scooters rear wheel without any gear, is
introduced first. The objective of the optimal design of this in-wheel motor is to improve the output
characteristics of the motor and to have a stator form to facilitate automatic winding. Response surface
methodology was used for the optimal design and 2-dimensional finite element method was used for
electro-magnetic field analysis. Experimental results showed that the designed and fabricated in-wheel
motor could satisfy the required specifications in terms of speed, power, efficiency, and cogging
Keywords: Electric scooter (E-scooter), Finite element analysis, In-wheel motor, Response surface
Corresponding Author: Electric Motor Research Center, Korea 2.1 System and motor configurations
Electrotechnology Research Institute, Korea.([email protected])
* Electric Motor Research Center, Korea Electrotechnology Research
Institute, Korea. It is usually called in-wheel motor when propulsion
** Dept. of Energy and Power Conversion Engineering, Korea motors are adjacent to or in the wheels. However,
University of Science and Technology, Korea. sometimes the names of rim-motor [4, 5] or hub-motor [8]
*** Star Group Industry Company (SGI), Korea.
Received: May 15, 2017; Accepted: August 16, 2017 are used depending on whether it is to be placed closer to
Copyright The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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In-wheel Motor Design for an Electric Scooter
2.2 System and motor specifications The output specifications of the in-wheel motor are
summarized in Table 2. They are considered as meeting the
The specifications of the E-scooter that can affect the in- requirements of the battery and the controller as well as the
wheel motor design are listed in Table 1. In the dimensions, own performances of the E-scooter. Although it is not
Ls, Ws, and Hs mean the whole length, width, and height of strictly in contrast with motors used for power train system
the E-scooter, respectively. When considering the scooter or wheel-steering in fancy cars, the cogging torque of this
Table 2. Output specifications of the in-wheel motor Table 5. Temperature test results
Contents Value Unit Torque dt_r dt_d Tamb dTc
Rated speed 700 rpm (Nm) (minute) (minute) (oC) (oC)
Rated torque 27.3 Nm 30 125 130 10~30 5
Rated power 2 kW 40 68 130 10~30 5
Cogging torque Below 10 % 50 50 130 10~30 5
Max stacking length 45 mm 60 19 130 10~30 5
Cooling condition Natural cooling 70 14 130 10~30 5
80 9 125 10~30 5
90 6.3 120 10~30 5
Table 3. Specifications of materials and dimensions of in- 100 4.2 103 10~30 5
wheel motor 110 2.5 85 10~30 5
120 2 70 10~30 5
Contents Value Unit
130 1 50 10~30 5
Stator core material S18 (laminated silicon steel)
140 0.33 30 10~30 5
Rotor core material SM490 (solid steel)
PM material N38SH (Br=1.24T, Hcb=964 kA/m)
Coil material H-class copper
No. of poles and slots 32 / 36
Outer /Inner dia. of rotor 219 / 199 mm
Outer/ Inner dia. of stator 197.5/ 130 mm
Thickness of PM 3 mm
No. of wire per slot 8
No. of strands in a wire 18
Diameter of strand 0.63 mm
Table 4. Measured performance data Fig. 5. Temperature aspect for the duty type S2 (short-time
Contents Value Unit
Phase Resistance 26.31 mOhm
Phase Inductance 0.08 mH mances for the two load conditions, which are rated power
Phase EMF 33.23 V(rms) and max torque. These results satisfy the power conditions
Load condition Rated power Max torque of design specifications in Table 2. EMF stands for no-load
Speed 718 188 rpm electro-motive force.
Torque 30 130 Nm
Table 5 is the temperature test results under the condition
Efficiency 88.6 45.2 %
of duty type S2 (short-time duty), which is operation at
constant load for a stated time, less than that required to
in-wheel motor was restricted for riding comfort. The reach thermal equilibrium, followed by a rest and de-
cogging torque of % unit was calculated as the proportion energized period of sufficient duration to re-establish
of peak-to-peak cogging torque value in the rated torque. machine and heat exchanger temperature within ±2K of
The specifications of the materials and dimensions of the the final coolant temperature. The temperature graph
in-wheel motor are listed in Table 3. The outer diameter of aspect is the same as shown in Fig. 5. In Table 5 and Fig. 5,
rotor and the inner diameter of stator are decided by the the terms of dt_r, dt_d, Tamb, and dTc are the constant load
constraints of wheel size as shown in Fig. 1. And the time, the de-energized time, the ambient air temperature
stacking length of both stator and rotor cores is 45mm range, and the temperature difference, respectively. The
considering the maximum allowable condition. The winding dt_r was decided by the measured maximum temperature
layout is the same as shown in Fig. 3. The slot fill factor is of coil hot spot, Tc_max, which was 180 oC in this test.
49.3% as the ratio of the total conductor area versus the From these test results, it is clear that a possible driving for
total slot area. For the automatic winding, the specification two hours of continuous operation and one minute of short-
of wire or winding is required to change as well as core time maximum torque operation.
shape, because less number of strands are effective for the
automatic winding process. 2.4 Analytical assessment of the rotor core and PM
2.3 Experimental assessment of the motor perfor- When solid steel is used, it can save considerable
mance amount in expenses because the process to laminate with
several steel sheets is deleted. However, there is a side
The preliminary development motor was made in effect of reduction in output power or efficiency by
accordance with the specifications in Table 3, and the increasing the core losses. Therefore, laminated silicon
various performances were examined. steel should be used for stator core because there are many
Table 4 shows the electric parameters and its perfor- magnetic flux variation that can affect core losses. In the 2309
In-wheel Motor Design for an Electric Scooter
3.1 Constraint conditions core design. The basic theory has been explained in [26-30].
The detailed process is displayed in diagrammatic form as
In order to automate armature winding, the specifications shown in Fig. 9. The optimal design procedure in this paper
of restrictions on the automatic winding machine should is based on [29] and as follows:
be checked. There are many kinds of automatic winding 1) Selection of design variables and setting the range of
machines in the market, and typically there are three types the variables: The selected design variables and levels are
which are nozzle drive winding machine, flyer winding shown in Fig. 10 and Table 7. Four design variables were
machine, and hook type winding machine [22-25]. For this selected considering the constraint conditions as previously
papers in-wheel motor, a modified nozzle drive winding mentioned in chapter 3.1. Tw stands for tooth width, Hso
machine type is considered. The maximum diameter of a stands for height of tooth tip, Tht stands for tooth height,
strand of wire is 1.0 mm when the modified nozzle drive and Bso stands for slot open width. The design variables in
winding machine is used. And the minimum slot open zero level are values of the preliminary development motor.
width of the stator is also limited as 2.0mm because of the The values of design variables in + level and - level
needle of automatic winding machine to move around the determined by each possible maximum and minimum
entrance slot. The rest of constraints for stator core optimal values.
design is as follows: 2) Design of experiment and collection of samples by
1) Constraints of performances: basically the design FEA: The central composite design (CCD) was adopted as
specification in the Table 2 should be satisfied. In the experimental design method. The total number of
additionally the torque constant, which is the ratio of the experiment was 25 - cube points are 16 due to the full
torque to the current, and efficiency should be equal or factorial considering the 4 design variables and 2 levels (-1
higher than those of the preliminary development motor. and +1), center points are 5, and the axial points are 4 by
The cogging torque should be reduced as much as possible. CCD. After calculating torque constant, torque ripple,
2) Constraints of stator winding: the slot fill factor is current density, and efficiency as response variables for
less than 50%. The current density is less than 6A/mm2 in each experiment model, the results are summarized in
the rated torque. The number of wire per slot is maintained Table 8. The response variables are calculated with electro-
as an existing state because the rated speed and torque of the magnetic field analysis results obtained by 2-D FEA.
preliminary development motor satisfied the specifications The torque constant is calculated as the ratio of the
in Table 1 and Table 2, and the number of wire per slot is generated torque to the current, which was the input used
too small to change. If the number of wire per slot is to generate rated torque. The torque ripple is calculated as
change, there is a large voltage variation. the ratio of peak to peak range of the torque to the average
3) Constraints of stator core: for automatic winding it is torque instead of cogging torque calculation directly. If
recommended that the bottom of slot is flat and the sides both the rated torque and cogging torque are calculated, the
of tooth is parallel. The magnetic flux density on the analysis needs to be conducted twice (one under loading
maximum saturated spot in the core is less than 1.8T in the condition and the other under no loading), and the analysis
rated torque condition for fair comparison. will be repeated 50 times for 25 models. To reduce the time 2311
In-wheel Motor Design for an Electric Scooter
Table 8. Simulation experiment results (Speed = 710 rpm, needed for the analysis, only the torque ripple under loading
Input phase current = 32 A) condition was evaluated. This is because the cogging
Design variables Response variables torque is the most influential value for torque ripple [31].
No of
Experi- Tw Hso Tht Bso Toque Torque Current Effi- The current density was obtained by dividing the input
ment (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) constant ripple density ciency current into the cross-sectional area of a pure conductor.
(Nm/A) (%) (A/mm2) (%)
The efficiency was calculated as the ratio of the output
M1 8 0.6 14 2.5 0.93 19.54 5.41 86.50
power to the sum of output power and losses. For the loss,
M2 9 0.6 14 2.5 0.97 14.88 6.08 86.59
M3 8 1.2 14 2.5 0.95 5.27 5.41 86.06
copper loss and core loss, which is calculated with the
M4 9 1.2 14 2.5 0.99 5.02 6.08 86.25 method in [20] and [21], were considered.
M5 8 0.6 16 2.5 0.94 8.44 4.82 85.72 3) Creation of response surface models and integrated
M6 9 0.6 16 2.5 0.98 7.32 5.41 86.01 analysis of different response surface models: RSM was
M7 8 1.2 16 2.5 0.95 6.40 4.82 85.51 applied to determine the relationship between multiple
M8 9 1.2 16 2.5 0.99 5.79 6.08 85.52 design variables and responses in interested area through
M9 8 0.6 14 3.5 0.93 5.70 5.41 86.47 statistical fitting method based on investigational data from
M10 9 0.6 14 3.5 0.97 3.59 6.08 86.61 designed machines [29, 30]. In this paper, a second-order
M11 8 1.2 14 3.5 0.95 4.70 5.41 86.16 response model was established. As in [28-30] each response
M12 9 1.2 14 3.5 0.99 4.17 6.08 86.39 could be represented with a three-dimensional curved
M13 8 0.6 16 3.5 0.94 3.93 4.82 85.92 surface or with two-dimensional curves as a contour map
M14 9 0.6 16 3.5 0.97 4.26 5.41 86.25
in projection plane of the three-dimensional curved surface.
M15 8 1.2 16 3.5 0.95 5.48 4.82 85.72
Fig. 11 shows the examples of the overlapped response
M16 9 1.2 16 3.5 0.99 4.49 6.08 85.77
M17 7.5 0.9 15 3 0.93 3.52 4.82 85.74
surface contour maps. Using the commercial software
M18 9.5 0.9 15 3 1.00 2.17 6.82 86.00
Minitab [32] it is possible to get the necessary regression
M19 8.5 0.3 15 3 0.95 13.44 5.41 86.35 equations and various graphs according to design variables.
M20 8.5 1.5 15 3 0.98 3.76 5.41 85.89 The optimal points, which are represented as dots in Fig.
M21 8.5 0.9 13 3 0.94 5.41 6.08 86.81 11, were determined so that torque constant and efficiency
M22 8.5 0.9 17 3 0.97 3.14 5.41 85.38 were maximized while the torque ripple and current
M23 8.5 0.9 15 2 0.97 6.16 5.41 85.79 density were minimized.
M24 8.5 0.9 15 4 0.96 7.44 5.41 86.23
M25 8.5 0.9 15 3 0.97 2.97 5.41 85.99
Fig. 12. Analysis models for 2-D FEA. (left half) model for
preliminary development motor, and (right half)
(Tht = 15 mm, Bso = 3 mm) (Tht = 15 mm, Bso = 3 mm) model for optimized motor
(Tw = 8.5 mm, Hso = 0.9 mm) (Tw = 8.5 mm, Hso = 0.9 mm)
Fig. 11. Response surface contour maps for two response
variables and two design variables Fig. 13. Flux density distribution for the optimized model 2313
In-wheel Motor Design for an Electric Scooter
5. Conclusion 2315
In-wheel Motor Design for an Electric Scooter