Grade and Product Quality of Mineral Sands Using MicroCT
Grade and Product Quality of Mineral Sands Using MicroCT
Grade and Product Quality of Mineral Sands Using MicroCT
Minerals Engineering
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Grade and product quality control by microCT scanning of the world class T
Namakwa Sands Ti-Zr placer deposit West Coast, South Africa: An
orientation study
A. Rozendaala, , S.G. Le Rouxb, A. du Plessisb, C. Philandera,1
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
CAF X-ray Facility, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Keywords: The Namakwa Sands operation is a world class producer of zircon, rutile and ilmenite from mainly semi-con-
Namakwa Sands solidated marine and dune sands. This orientation study shows that the high density contrast between the
Ti-Zr heavy minerals economic minerals as well as the diverse gangue mineralogy allows the use of microCT scanning as a qualitative
MicroCT scanning and quantitative analytical tool. The method has demonstrated the ability to quantify final product quality, grain
size distribution, grain shape definition and the identification of external and internal mineral textures. Grain
size distribution data generated by microCT scans compares well with data produced by other analytical
methods. As a result, the method has the potential to be applied to in situ resource calculations (total heavy
minerals - THM, valuable heavy minerals - VHM), run-of-mine (ROM) grade control and the various stages of the
mineral beneficiation process. MicroCT scanning applied to heavy mineral producing operations appears pro-
mising and should be further assessed against traditional analytical methods. The method also has the ability to
assist sedimentological studies with respect to in situ quantitative grain size and sphericity determinations.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Rozendaal).
Present address: Tronox Namakwa Sands, South Africa.
Received 6 June 2017; Received in revised form 22 August 2017; Accepted 14 September 2017
Available online 29 September 2017
0892-6875/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
Fig. 5. (A) Prime zircon concentrates showing high quality and purity. Small dark spots Fig. 6. Prime rutile concentrates with bright, high density grains of zircon (A). Contrast is
are low density voids/regions consisting mainly of apatite and diverse fluid or gas. enhanced to visualize rutile. The zircon distribution is accentuated by the 3D image.
Contrast is enhanced to visualize zircon. (B) Three dimensional image showing dis- Mineral identification is confirmed by the elongated, tetragonal shape of the grains and
tribution of fine, high density grains, confirmed as monazite, in the concentrate. MicroCT SEM analyses (B). MicroCT voxel size 1.5 µm, field of view 3 mm.
voxel size 1.5 µm, field of view 3 mm.
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
Fig. 8. Synoptic ternary diagram showing chemistry of titanium phases associated with the Namakwa Sands deposit. Ilmenite and rutile/anatase products are not homogeneous and
display significant variation in chemical composition (Rozendaal et al., 2017).
Fig. 9. CT images of the SCP feedstock which allowed the discrimination between the three dominant phases of the VHM fraction as well as accessory monazite. Grain size variation
between the phases is clearly visible. Monazite – pink, zircon – green, ilmenite – blue and rutile – red. MicroCT voxel size 1.5 µm, field of view 3 mm. (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
preparation. The disadvantage could be potential errors in digital se- The final mineral product samples were used to standardize/cali-
paration of grains, which could be assessed visually to ensure accuracy. brate the grey scale images against the mineral phase such as rutile,
This is also a time consuming analysis, requiring significant computing zircon and ilmenite. Grains of lower density were classified as gangue
power. In both methods the grain volume, surface area, sphericity and and those of higher density than zircon as minerals of potentially high
other parameters are calculated for every individual grain and reported radioactivity such as monazite.
in a spreadsheet.
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
The CT images have visually shown the grain size variation between
samples and also within the SCP feedstock. The results of these scans
allowed the computation of grain size distributions. The method makes
use of an inverted foam structure analysis, digitally separating grains
and providing for each grain volume, surface area, sphericity and other
quantitative values. In this work we could calculate an effective dia-
Fig. 10. (A) Prime rutile concentrate. (B) Colour coded volume analysis of rutile con-
meter of each grain based on the volume and calculating the diameter
centrate. (C) 3D image of colour coded volume analysis. MicroCT voxel size 1.5 µm, field
of a sphere with the same volume, referred to as the equivalent sphe-
of view 3 mm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.) rical diameter. An example is shown for rutile, in Fig. 10A where the CT
slice image shows the grains, whilst Fig. 10B shows the colour coded
analysis results for volume of each grain. The results are then presented
6. Results
as frequency and cumulative frequency diagrams and compared to
grain size measurements as performed by the Namakwa Sands mine of
6.1. Concentration
the same fraction by means of grain size screening and QEMSCAN. The
comparative results are graphically presented in Fig. 11 and statistical
The microCT scan of the prime zircon concentrate shows an image
data in Table 1. The excellent correlation between the CT results and
(Fig. 5) consisting almost entirely of homogenous zircon grains with an
the other two methods for each mineral phase as indicated by the d50
occasional scattered high density grain, confirmed as monazite by SEM
for example, is clear and indicates that quantification of grain size by
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
Fig. 11. Histograms showing distribution of grain size for zircon, ilmenite and rutile as determined by mechanical screening, QEMSCAN and Computed Tomography. Of the three
methods, results from the microCT analyses proved to be the most realistic from a depositional environment perspective of the placer deposit.
means of microCT scanning is a feasible alternative. Grain size dis- than the QEMSCAN and mechanical screening methods as reflected by
tribution for the various mineral concentrates shows that on average the steep slope of the cumulative frequency curve (Fig. 11). From a
rutile is slightly coarser grained than zircon and ilmenite. This char- sedimentological perspective a narrow grain size distribution is an in-
acteristic relates to its lower density and behaviour under conditions of dication of high maturity of detritus normally associated with reworked
hydraulic equivalence in fluvial and aeolian depositional environments: aeolian and to a lesser extent marine sediments (Pettijohn et al., 1987;
small dense grains behave similarly to large less dense grains under Force, 1991). The Namakwa Sands deposit has this particular associa-
similar depositional conditions (Force, 1991). The narrow range and tion and it concluded that the microCT scan results are more realistic
good correlation of grain size of the various mineral products is a result than shown by the other methods (Philander and Rozendaal, 2015a,
of screening the SCP feedstock between +45 and −180 µm prior to 2015b). This can be attributed to the fact that grain size distribution by
entering the MSP. Grain size is an important parameter and is a defi- microCT scanning considers 3D images and consequently volume in its
nitive characteristic of the ore body. It plays a critical role in the ben- calculations thus eliminating stereological bias as imposed by 2D
eficiation process: for example a narrow range is conducive to better QEMSCAN methodology.
recovery. Grain size distribution of individual phases in the SCP feed was
Although results of the microCT analyses compare well to the other difficult to determine and the present method requires some develop-
methods its grain size distribution of the three fractions is narrower ment to allow this to be done with confidence.
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
Table 1 Table 2
Results of comparative grain size study between mechanical screening, QEMSCAN and Statistical parameters of sphericity histograms of the three final products.
Computed Tomography. Grain size in µm.
Statistical Parameter Zircon Ilmenite Rutile
Statistical Parameter Zircon Ilmenite Rutile
Mean 0.56 0.54 0.54
Mechanical Screening Mean 105 108 109 Median 0.56 0.55 0.55
Standard Error 0.28 0.33 0.26 Standard Deviation 0.04 0.04 0.04
Median 98 98 116 Sample Variance 0.00 0.00 0.00
Standard Deviation 21 25 19 Kurtosis 2.60 6.68 6.08
Sample Variance 441 618 377 Skewness −0.42 −1.49 −1.36
Kurtosis 1.89 6.17 1.35 Range 0.43 0.68 0.66
Skewness 0.61 1.75 0.13 Minimum 0.38 0.13 0.15
Range 209 209 209 Maximum 0.81 0.81 0.81
Minimum 23 23 23 Count 11,597 12,275 10,678
Maximum 231 231 231
Fig. 12. Histograms showing the sphericity of the three final products.
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
A. Rozendaal et al. Minerals Engineering 116 (2018) 152–162
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