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Passive Fire Protection


Cafco Board Data Sheet C/F/B-1

Use with:

Quickset See Data Sheet C/F/A-4

Cafclips See Data Sheet C/F/R-1
Washers, Spiral Screws See Data Sheet C/F/R-1

Cafco Board is a lightweight mineral wool, fire protection board

that offers up to 240 minutes fire protection to structural steel,
concrete, steel ducts and timber.
Cafco Board is manufactured from interlocking strands of molten
diabase rock bonded together with resin. The interlocking matrix
enables the board to maintain its structural integrity in fire
conditions for up to 240 minutes.
Cafco Board is a fast track system which offers the option of six
fixing methods. These include the push-fit Cafclips which do not
require glue, noggings or specialised welding equipment. Other
fixing methods include stud welded pins and noggings with glue
or spiral screws.
Cafco Boards are installed by a national network of approved
installers. Details are available on request.
Cafco Board with aluminium foil face used Its advantages are :
as fire protection to structural steelwork.
! Fire protection up to 240 minutes
! Can be installed before the building is watertight as the
boards offer a degree of water resistance
! Unique rapid fixing system with Cafclips
! Provides acoustic and thermal insulation
! Suitable for use in air plenums
! Lightweight and inexpensive
! Fully tested and guaranteed product performance backed by
insurance policy

Properties and performance

Dimensions Standard size 2400 x 1200mm.
Thickness 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110mm.

Density 155kg/m3.

Finish Scrim cloth or aluminium foil faced.

Thermal conductivity 0.036W/mK.

Air erosion Dust/wool loss of 0.057g/m²/24 hours at 13mph air velocity when tested to
ASTM E859-82. Suitable for use in return air plenums.

Acoustic absorption Sound absorption coefficient of 1.0 at 500Hz for 50mm thick board.
Properties and performance (cont)

Fire tests Test house Test number Test result Standards

LPC Boreham CC85426, for fire resistance BS 476: Part 21
Wood 82901, 82902 to steel
LPC Boreham TE90570 for fire resistance BS 476: Part 24
Wood to ducts
CTICM France 96-U-055 for fire resistance Ministry Decree
96-U-086 to steel August 1999
Universiteit 9412 for fire resistance NBN 713.020
Gent, Belgium to roofs
Warrington 60528/8 non-combustible BS 476: Part 4
* Warrington 65522 class 1 surface BS 476: Part 7
spread of flame
* Warrington 65483 fire propagation 6.8 BS 476: Part 6
* These results meet the requirements of Class O of the Building Regulations.

Fire protection Charts 1 to 6 show the thickness of Cafco Board required for various periods
of fire protection. The fire resistance depends on the fixing method.
Hp/A is the ratio of Hp (the perimeter of the steel section) to A (the cross-
sectional area of the steel). Linear interpolation is permissible between
values of Hp/A.
Charts 1 and 2 below are each applicable for the following fixing methods:
! Cafclip partial adhesive fixing system.
! Noggings and screw fixing system.

Chart 1 Chart 2

Beams Board thickness (mm) for fire resistance of: Columns Board thickness (mm) for fire resistance of:
HP/A 30 60 90 120 HP/A 30 60 90 120
(mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins)
260 260 30
240 35 60 240 60

220 222
223 220 25 80
200 30 200 200

45 185
45 70
180 180
160 25 167
160 164
20 20 40 20 60
140 141 140
133 131
120 120 119 50
30 116
30 45
100 100 20 101
95 96 40
25 86
80 20 80 35
60 60 59 25
20 20
40 40
20 20

Properties and performance (cont)

Fire protection Charts 3 and 4 below are each applicable for the following fixing methods:
! Cafclip glueless fixing system
! Stud welded pins and screw fixing system

Chart 3 Chart 4

Beams Board thickness (mm) for fire resistance of: Columns Board thickness (mm) for fire resistance of:
HP/A 30 60 90 120 HP/A 30 60 90 120
(mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins)
260 30 260 30
90 90
250 250
60 60
240 239
240 239

226 226
220 80 220 25 80
50 50
200 200 200 200
196 196

185 45 70 185
45 70
180 180
169 169
164 164
160 160 40
20 40 60 20 60
143 143
140 140
35 131 131
50 50
120 119
120 119
116 30 116
45 45
30 20
100 100 101
20 96
40 96 40
86 25 86
80 25 35 80 35
74 73 74
30 30
60 60 59
25 25
20 46 46
40 40
20 20
20 20

Properties and performance (cont)

Fire protection Charts 5 and 6 below are each applicable for the following fixing methods:
! Stud welded pins and screw fixing system
! Noggings and adhesive fixing system.

Chart 5 Chart 6

Beams Board thickness (mm) for fire resistance of: Columns Board thickness (mm) for fire resistance of:
HP/A 30 60 90 120 180 240 HP/A 30 60 90 120 180 240
(mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins)

260 260 30
240 35 60 100 240 239

220 222 223 223 220 25 80
50 90
200 30 200 196
45 185 45 70
180 180 181
80 179
167 110 164
160 161 159
160 40 160
25 40 60 100
70 100 143 141
140 20 20 141 140 20 35
133 35 133 90 131 90
120 60 121 120 50 122
119 118
117 80 30 116 80 110
30 107 45 106100
100 50 103 100 101
95 95 70 20 96
40 70 94
45 25 90
86 86 87
80 25 83
80 60 82
60 35 80
40 74
73 73 71 50
20 71 30 70 70
35 70 50 63 45
60 60 63
45 60 59 59
25 56 40
55 48 49
46 50
20 20 35 43
40 40 40
30 40 38
20 30
20 20

The six alternative methods of fixing Cafco Boards are:

! Cafclips - with partial adhesive (up to 120 minutes fire protection)
! noggings and screws (up to 120 minutes fire protection)
! Cafclips glueless system (up to 120 minutes fire protection)
! stud welded pins and screws (up to 120 minutes fire protection)
! stud welded pins and adhesive (up to 240 minutes fire protection)
! noggings and adhesive (up to 240 minutes fire protection

These systems are illustrated on the following pages.

Note: Beams with web heights greater than 533mm should be protected
with nogging fix system only.

Cafclips with partial adhesive - up to 120 minutes
Installation (cont)
Push the Cafclips on to the structural steelwork flanges 75mm from the ends
of each board. Between these two Cafclips, equally space additional Cafclips
at maximum 750mm centres.
Impale Cafco Boards on the Cafclips and push on 38mm non-return washers,
cropping any excess clip showing. Joints in the web boards should be
staggered with joints in the flange boards by at least 200mm.
Apply Quickset adhesive to the ends of the boards at web-to-web or
flange-to-flange board junctions.
Secure the web boards to the flange boards using
Cafclips 75mm from
edge of board
spiral screws. The length of the spiral screws
should be not less than 1.5 times the
thickness of the Cafco Boards.
Cafclips at max
750mm centres Locate the spiral screws 50mm from
the ends of each board.
Between these two screws,
equally space additional
screws at maximum 250mm

Cafclips located
over flange of
washer on

Quickset adhesive at
butt joints between

Spiral screw at
max 250mm

Noggings and screws - up to 120 minutes

For webs up to 533mm high, cut noggings 100mm wide to the height of the
web. Noggings should be the same thickness as the web cover boards.
For web heights greater than 533mm, use either ‘T’ or ‘solid’ noggings.
Noggings to be glued between the flanges at maximum 600mm centres
using Quickset adhesive.
Secure the web boards to the noggings using spiral screws at
maximum 200mm centres. The length of the spiral screws
should be not less than 1.5 times the thickness of the
cover boards.
Noggings at maximum
600mm centres glued Secure the web boards to the flange boards
to steel flanges using spiral screws. Locate the spiral
screws 50mm from the ends of each
board. Between these two
screws, equally space additional
screws at maximum 150mm

Spiral screws
into the
noggings at

Spiral screws Flange

at 150mm board Joints staggered by
centres at least 200mm

Cafclip glueless system - up to 120 minutes
Installation (cont)
Push the Cafclips on to the structural steelwork flanges 75mm from the ends
of each board. Between these two Cafclips, equally space additional Cafclips
at maximum 750mm centres.
Impale Cafco Boards on the Cafclips and push on 38mm non-return washers,
cropping any excess clip showing. Joints in the web boards should be
staggered with joints in the flange boards by at least 200mm.
Secure the web boards to the flange boards using spiral screws. The
length of the spiral screws should be not less than 1.5 times
the thickness of the Cafco Boards.
Cafclips 75mm from
edge of board
Locate the spiral screws 50mm from the ends of each
board. Between these two screws, equally space
additional screws at maximum 250mm
Cafclips at max centres.
750mm centres

washer on Cafclips located
Cafclip over flange of


Spiral screws at
max 250mm

Stud welded pins and screws - up to 120 minutes

If required, grind the surface of the flange tip back to the bare metal. Weld
3mm steel pins to the flange tips at the maximum spacing of 750mm,
commencing 75mm from the edge of the board. If required, paint the bare
steel with primer prior to installation of Cafco Board.
Impale Cafco Boards on to the stud pins and push on 38mm non-return
washers, cropping any excess pin showing.
Stud pins 75mm from
edge of board with Apply Quickset adhesive to the ends of the boards at web-to-
non-return washers web or flange-to-flange board junctions.
Secure the web boards to the flange boards using
Stud pins at maximum spiral screws. The length of the spiral screws should
750mm centres be not less than 1.5 times the thickness of the
Cafco Boards.
Locate the spiral screws 50mm
from the ends of each
board. Between these two
screws, equally space
additional screws at
maximum 250mm centres.

Web board

Stud pins welded
washers on
to flanges
stud pins

Quickset adhesive at web-to-web

Flange and flange-to-flange board joints

Spiral screws at
250mm centres
into flange board

Stud welded pins and adhesive - up to 240 minutes
Installation (cont)
If required, grind the surface of the flange tip back to the bare metal. Weld
3mm steel pins to the flange tips at a maximum spacing of 750mm,
commencing 75mm from the edge of the board. If required, paint the bare
steel with primer prior to installation of Cafco Board.
Impale Cafco Boards onto the stud pins and push on 38mm non-return
washers, cropping any excess pin showing.
Stud pins 75mm from
edge of board with Apply Quickset adhesive to all board-to-board joints.
non-return washers Secure the web boards to the flange boards using
galavanised nails. The length of the nails should be not
Stud pins at maximum less than 1.5 times the thickness of the Cafco Boards.
750mm centres Push the nails at an angle through the web
board into the flange boards. The nails to
be 75mm from the leading edge of
each board and thereafter at
maximum 450mm centres.

Web board

washers on Stud pins welded
stud pins to flanges

board Quickset adhesive at all
joints between boards
Galvanised nails
at maximum
450mm centres
into flange board

Noggings and adhesive - up to 240 minutes

For webs up to 533mm high, cut noggings 100mm wide to the height of the
web. Noggings should be the same thickness as the web cover boards.
For web heights greater than 533mm, use either ‘T’ or ‘solid’ noggings.
Standard noggings to be glued between the flanges at maximum 1200mm
centres. Solid or ‘T’ noggings at 600mm centres using Quickset adhesive.
Also apply Quickset adhesive to all board-to-board joints and the face
of the noggings. Secure the web boards to the noggings and
flange boards using galvanised nails. The length of the nails
should be not less than 1.5 times the thickness of the
cover boards. Push the nails at an angle
Plain nogging through the web boards into the
glued to steel noggings and flange boards. The
flanges nails to be 20mm from the
leading edge of each board
and thereafter at maximum
450mm centres.

150mm joint

Web board

Galvanised nails at 200mm

centres into noggings
joint Flange Joints staggered by
board at least 200mm
Galvanised nails at
maximum 450mm
centres into flange

Packaging, storage, shelf life
Packaging 2400 x 1200mm boards packed on pallets.

Storage Indoors in dry conditions.

Shelf life No limit.

Cafco Board is formulated from bio-degradable wool in accordance with

Environmental European ruling and contains no asbestos or mica. It presents no known
health hazard.

Cafco International’s activities are conducted with due regard to all statutory
Health and safety requirements with appropriate safeguards against exposing employees and
the public to health and safety risks.
A full copy of Cafco International’s Health, Safety and Environmental Policy
document is available on request.
See Safety Data Sheet (including COSHH Regulations) Code Reference Saf-9.

Cafco International operates a quality system in accordance with BS EN ISO

Quality assurance 9001: 2000, and has received full accreditation by BSI to these standards.
Operating to these standards means that all activities, which have a bearing
upon quality, are set out in written procedures. Systematic and thorough
checks are made on all materials and their usage. Test equipment is
subjected to regular checks and is referred back to national standards.
The information given in this data sheet is based on actual tests and is
believed to be typical of the product. No guarantee of results is implied
however, since conditions of use are beyond our control.

Further information Bluebell Close 3 Rue de L’Industrie, L-3895 Foetz

Clover Nook Industrial Park G.D. Luxembourg
Alfreton Tel: +352 55 17 17
Derbyshire DE55 4RA. UK Fax +352 55 27 99
Tel: +44 (0) 1773 837 900
Fax +44 (0) 1773 836 710 13, rue Champeau - ZAE Capnord
F-21850 St Apollinaire
P.O. Box 33725 France
Sharjah Tel: +33 3 80 7887 30
United Arab Emirates Fax: +33 3 80 7341 26
Tel: +971 6 558 3448
Fax: +971 6 558 2475

Email: [email protected] Website:

8 January 2004 - Issue 4

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