Ward No-3 - PKG-2 - 0+450
Ward No-3 - PKG-2 - 0+450
Ward No-3 - PKG-2 - 0+450
Preparation of Detailed project report and Project management consultancy services for Date
Project : Strengthening, Development and Beautification of Arterial,Sub-arterial and Collector streets in
Dhanbad, Jharkand
Revision R0
* Discharge Calculations
Preparation of Detailed project report and Project management consultancy services for
Strengthening, Development and Beautification of Arterial,Sub-arterial and Collector streets in
Dhanbad, Jharkand
Revision R0
Minor Bridge at Ward 27_PKG-4 Chainage 0+450
Preparation of Detailed project report and Project management consultancy services for
PROJECT: Strengthening, Development and Beautification of Arterial,Sub-arterial and Collector streets in
Dhanbad, Jharkand
Input Data
Existing Chainage = km
Design Chainage = 0+450 km
Skew Angle = 0 degree
Catchment Area ,A = 0.59 km2
Barrel length,L = 10 m
Span details = 2 3.50 2.50 m
A) Empirical Formula
Dickens Formula
Q= Discharge in m3/sec
8.72 Cumecs
B) By Rational Method
Area of catchment, A = 0.590 km2
Length of longest stream, L = 1.380 km
The fall in level between source and bridge site, H = 23 m
Q= 0.028 P. f . A . Ic
Where Q= Maximum run-off in cu.m / sec
Where Io = F/2(1+1/T)
Preparation of Detailed project report and Project management consultancy services for
PROJECT: Strengthening, Development and Beautification of Arterial,Sub-arterial and Collector streets in
Dhanbad, Jharkand
L = The distance from the critical point to the culvert in km. = 1.380
H = The fall in level from the critical point to the culvert in metre. = 23
.'. Q = A.Io.l
l= 0.056 f. P = 0.016
tc + 1
Q = 14.84 cu.m/sec
Discharge by
Dickens Formula = 8.718 cumecs
Rational Method = 14.842 cumecs
Design Discharge = 11.780 cumecs
Area = 17.5 m2
Wetted perimeter = 17 m
Hydraulic radius = 1.029411765
Q = Y x Sqrt(2gH)
Y = A/((1+Ke+Kf)^0.5) Where
Y= 16.81018885 Ke = 0.05
Kf = 0.0035L/R^1.25
Q = 40.783 0.033754497
Provided Discharge = 40.783 CUMECS