Sahaja Yoga - Quintessence - Aug 2023

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Sahaja Yoga

-- The quintessence of 12
religions ; and
Resurrection through IDE
( Invisible Divine Energy )
from Sahasrara

Revised Edition , August 2023

presented by
COAST -- Children Of
Adi Shakti Trust

• This e-book contains only the Exceptional and Exclusive

Features of Sahaja Yoga i.e, the features which are not
found in the other spiritual systems of Kundalini Yoga or
in the Other IDE ( Invisible Divine Energy) - based
spiritual systems within our knowledge.

• If you wish to know the full features of Sahaja Yoga, you

need to go through their websites ; and also contact your
nearest centre or Ashram of Sahaja Yoga.

·Our honest apologies to Shri Mataji and the readers, if this

e-book contains any conceptual blunders or expressional
errors. Each of you may kindly rectify those blunders. You
are also requested to do further editing yourselves
including proper formatting, alignment, correction of
spelling errors etc. ; and also further improvement of the
subject-matter, as we are non-professionals on this aspect.
Furthermore, you may also go for online translator for its
conversion into your mother tongue, if necessary.

INTRODUCTION to Applied Spirituality

a) APARA VIDYA ( Basic or Theoretical Spirituality )

Vs PARA VIDYA ( Applied or Practical Spirituality) :

“ APARA VIDYA ” ( Theoretical Spirituality or INDIRECT

Knowledge ) : The textual or scriptural wisdom from 1) FOUR
Vedas ; 2) 14 Major UPANISHADS ; 3) 18 Major Puranas ; 4)
Ashtavakra Gita ; 5) Yoga Vasishta ; 6) Bhagwadgita ; 7)
Ashtanga ( Raja ) Yoga of the great Sage Patanjali etc. will
merely enrich our BRAIN and MIND ; and it is merely " BASIC
Spirituality " or “ THEORETICAL Spirituality ”.

We can never realise the Essence of any of the Spiritual

Commandments nor can we become a JIVANMUKTA, by
mastering those scriptures. In other words, it does not give
us the PRACTICAL ROUTE either for LIBERATION / Moksha/
Freedom from the cycle of births or for other lesser spiritual
goals. Thus, those scriptures have LIMITED UTILITY i.e., to
provide us a ROAD-MAP or THEORETICAL ROUTE only.

So is the case with the scriptures and holy texts written by

the Great Prophets and Saints of all the religions in the
world; and those holy scriptures also provide us the " ROAD-
MAP " only.

Two Golden Examples :

Example No. 1 - Four Mahavakyas :

1. prajñānam brahma - "Prajñāna is Brahman", or " Brahman

is the consciousness” (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig
2. ayam ātmā brahma - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman"
(Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of the Atharva Veda)
3. tat tvam asi - "Thou art that” (Chandogya Upanishad
6.8.7 of the Sama Veda)
4. aham brahmāsmi - "I am Brahman"(Brihadaranyaka
Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda)

Example No.2 -- " Only God is the Doer as well as

the Enjoyer of all actions " :

Whether we can realise the essence of these scriptural

assertions , merely by repeating or mastering these
sacred words ? Certainly not. So , Theoretical
Spirituality is like a sentence " I am a King ". As
against this, Practical Spirituality is like " Becoming a
King " actually and really.

Accordingly, we need a VEHICLE to travel through the

spiritual road and reach the goal of Mukti ( Liberation )
or even for the lesser spirituals goals like Shunyata
( Nothingness ), Total Peace of Mind, Disease-free life
etc. And, "that vehicle ” is the practical system of
spirituality i.e., Meditation-Based Spiritual system. This
is called as “ Para Vidya ” or Direct knowledge or
Applied Spirituality. Those who are interested to
study the meaning of Para Vidya in depth may please
wade through the Web. For instance ,

b) PARA VIDYA or APPLIED Spirituality ( through Meditation ) -- Two
Categories :

First category – Normal meditation , going into Unconsciousness

or Superconsciousness (i.e, Theta or Delta Waves of Brain
Frequency) but WITHOUT receiving the IDE ( Invisible Divine

Second Category -- Meditation , puja or chanting of mantras,

listening to the discourses etc. while receiving the IDE
(Divine Vibrations ) from the Guru ( Master ) to the soul or
Sahasrara chakra or other points of Sadhaka ( disciple).

Brief , imprecise and perhaps incorrect explanation about IDE :

1. IDE has countless , say, trillions or even quadrillions of

facets and layers.
2. Healing systems like Reiki, Pranic Healing , Faith
healing of Christianity etc. use superficial and outer
layers only.
3. Meditation systems use deeper layers of the IDE,
depending upon the spiritual stature of Guruji ; and
design of that particular system.
4. Saints and Supersaints do possess still deeper layers of
the IDE, which normally lies undistributed but kept to
5. Deities have and use still deeper layers of the IDE,
depending upon their rank in the spiritual heirarchy.
So is the case with the Incarnations.
6. Thus, all of them do possess or use only some portion of
the Total IDE.
7. In other words, it is only the BRAHMAN / ABSOLUTE /
SOURCE / INFINITY which has 100% of the IDE.
c) IDE-based Meditation systems are , in turn , of
two categories:
i) Based on Kundalini Yoga or any of its variations ;
ii) Based on some other system of practical
spirituality, not based on Kundalini Yoga.

Sahaja Yoga

which was invented by Adi Shakti

Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi,
falls into first category ; and
it has innumerable number of Unique,
Unparallel and Exclusive features

Adi Shakti Mataji

Shri Nirmala Devi
Feature No.1 : IDE ( Invisible Divine Energy) through
several ways & methods :

First and foremost exclusive feature of this spiritual system is that IDE
( Invisible Divine Energy ) is obtainable through different ways and
methods --- i) Meditation, ii) Puja, iii) Chanting of Mantras or Slokas
( without puja ) , iv) Bhajans or Keertans or Stuti, v) Listening to the
discourses, vi) Idols in the Swayambhu Temples or Jyotirlingas or
Shakti pethas or a few other temples whose idols emit IDE ; or other
places of worship , say, a few exceptional mosques like Hazaratbal
in Srinagar city; or maqbara of Khwaja Nizamuddin Saheb in New
Delhi, or Chisti’s Maqbara at Ajmer Sharif , Patna Saheb of Lord
Mahavir; or vii) even during the conditions of open-eyed
wakefulness and silence i.e, without performance of any rituals or
any actions or even uttering any mantra or words whatsoever in any
place, of course, only after some months or years of practice of this

This energy is not a dry energy like electric energy but a living
energy, i.e., the energy which creates everything in the
Multiverse ( more than one Universe) ; and it is also termed as
" All-pervading power of the Divine Love ". And, in day-to-day
language of this spiritual system, IDE is called as
"VIBRATIONS" in English ; and " Param Chaitnya " in Hindi
Language. This is " Primary Energy " , which is SUBTLER than
the so-called God-particle or Cosmic energy or Quantum
Energy in the language of Super-scientists , Scientists the
Atheists, so-called Rationalists etc.
What is IDE ( Vibrations / Vibes ) :

" ....... Vibrations, as I said, that is the manifestation of the Spirit. ...... It
is the emitting, of pulsation from the Self. This light, this is light.
Actually there is sound, there is light; very high frequency sound – very
high frequency. Actually many types of sounds are mixed in. There is
magnetism in this, in these vibrations. It has all the five elements -
the subtle of all the five elements ( tanmatras ) inside these
vibrations only. They are talking, they are telling you, they are
guiding you, they are helping you. It’s because the Spirit is working
through them. ..... "

" ......But these vibrations only, which connect you with the All-
pervading Power, which are part of the All-pervading power, these
pervading Almighty’s eyes, you can say – they are the ones who look
after each and every minute thing in this whole world. Can you think
of such a multi-dimensional thing ? Now you have seen how
vibrations work on people, how they dissolve even the thick bones
and how they bring out the Kundalini here and how you see the
softness on your head. Just you cannot explain how, because they
only do everything. They have the universal communication centres
and they have universal broadcasting stations, they have universal TV
centres there....... "

.....This is the expression of Brahma, these vibrations are the

Brahma – is the only Truth, the rest is all avidya, is all a maya, is
just an illusion. We live in illusions you see...... "

" This All Pervading Power Itself is the subtle of all the elements. It
is the subtle of the ether. It is the subtle of the light. When it is the
subtle of everything and you have become a subtle, you establish a
contact with that subtle. So you become the Spirit. "

Vibration is the pulsation of the All-pervading Power within us which we can
feel in the central nervous system. The Spirit doesn’t pulsate. It doesn’t
pulsate. The pulsation exists in the All-pervading Power. But through
Spirit, when you get connected, then only the flow starts and you then start
feeling the pulsation on the central nervous system. ---

But every moment you will see the truth, that the truth is spread all over ; with
your vibrations you will know of it, with the vibrations you could understand it.
Then you will see vibrations everywhere - in stones , in every-thing .

Hazratbal has one hair of Mohammad Saheb. Can you imagine the vibrations?
I caught them about 5-6 miles away, from one hair of Mohammad Saheb.

The vibrations have different types, different methods and different rhythms.

Divine vibrations are more and more in the morning, especially during
brahma muhurta.
---------------- -------------------- -------------
Feature No. 2 -- CHAKRAS and
their Presiding DEITIES :
Thus, this diagram illustrates "SOOKSHMA BRAHMANDA"
( MICROCOSM ) within the human body, containing
different deities ( their tatwas or nature ) on different
chakras in the subtle or invisible body ( sookshma sharir )
within the "Annamaya Kosha ". Those chakras ( invisible
points ) can aptly be termed as " Step-down Transformers
of the IDE " , which are invisible to the human eye.

Many of the deities ( their Nature ) in the above illustration

are not found in any other system of Kudalini Yoga ; and
are the TOTAL discovery of Mataji , which is the Exclusive
and Unparallel feature of Sahaja Yoga.

Further, each chakra is divided into three parts : Centre,

Left and Right, which are presided by different deities, as
illustrated above. This is another unique and exclusive
feature of this system.

Above all, the aspirants and the newcomers to practical

spirituality must and should know and accept that
accessibilty, invocation and worship of the aforesaid
deities (nature ) in the subtle body (sookshma sharir) of the
humans is several times more beneficial than the worship
of the Idols and statues in the temples, churches, mosques
or other places of worship ; & the images, icons , portaits
and photographs at homes, which is normally and regularly
done due to Unilluminated faith or due to ignorance of
IDE-based systems.

------------- ---------------
Feature No. 3 : PEETHAS in the Head ( Roots of theTree ) -
Their initial nourishment by Kundalini power :

Once " Kundalini " , which lies in the triangular bone near the
human genitals , gets awakened, she touches the top of the
head ; and energizes and integrates those 7 peethas in the
head ( which are shown in the first diagram) . Subsequently,
she comes down to Mooladhara Chakra ( first point ) ; and
goes on cleansing one chakra ( point) after another , while
rising from the below.

Thus, two facts -- aforementioned 7 peethas in the head and

their enrichment by Goddess Kundalini at the first stage , are
two other Exclusive and Exceptional features of this system,
which were not found in the other systems of Kundalini Yoga
in practice. Shri Mataji said innumerable times -- " These
Peethas in the Head are like Roots of the Tree " .

Those peethas , as pointed out in a diagram drawn by Mataji

herself , is as below :
Feature No. 4 : Bhavsagara (Void ) -- Circular
space around Nabhi (Navel ) ,
which is depicted in the following diagram :
Bhavsagara ( Void ), the space within the circle in the
above diagram is presided by Ten Primordial Masters ,
who were all the incarnations of one and the same Adi
Guru , Lord Dattatreya . Those Spiritual Masters are
illustrated in the following diagram :

Again, we should understand and remember that these

primordial masters ( their tatwa or nature ) that exist in the
area of Void in the subtle body of every human being, are
obviously invisible to the human eye.
9 Dharmas (Religions or philosophies) are represented by these 10 adi
gurus ; and Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism were represented
by Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira respectively
(who are the presiding deities of Centre, Right and Left portions of
Agnya chakra and were already shown in the diagram at Feature No.2
on page no. 11 ). And, Islam is represented by Great Prophet Muhhamed
Saheb , who is already shown in Bhava Sagar (Void ) ; and also by Shri
Hazarat Ali and Fatima mata ( already shown in Right Swadishtana
Chakra ). Thus, the aggregate number of religions or dharmas merged in
Sahaja Yoga was 12 .

You do NOT see any CHAKRAS in the Void but there are HIDDEN
CHAKRAS in it, which are to be awakened and brought to light
(manifested ). Limit of the area of void is laid down by Swadishthana

" .....Whichever religion he belonged to before, he will get the

essence of it in Sahaja Yoga...... " . Reason : Almost all the
Dharmas ( Religions ) in the world are included in this practical
spiritual system. Thus, Sahaja Yoga is the assemblage and
quintessence of 12 religions ; and is aptly called as " VISHWA

Mataji said --" ....... Adi Gurus incarnated in this world many a time. He
incarnated as king Janaka who was like the father of the Adi shakti. After
that, He incarnated in Iran as Zoroaster, then as Machindranath, then as
Mohammad Saheb and Nanak Sahib. " ( Ref :
paane-ke-baad-1973-mumbai-hindi )

Simply stating, Mohammed saheb, Raja Janaka, Guru Nanak Devji or Shri
Sainath of Shridi are different incarnations of one and the same Adi Guru
Dattatreya. It can thus be concluded all the religious fights around the
world have been caused due to spiritual ignorance only. Most vital point is
that the afore-mentioned facts can be verified only i) by reading the
Akashic records ; or ii) through astral communication with the deities or
souls of the concerned spiritual masters, but never through intellect nor
through intuition.
It is further worth noting that ALL religions should be
whereby the Sahaja Yogis do celebrate Pujas relating to the
other religions every year like Buddha Puja, Mahavir Puja,
Fatima Puja, Guru Nanak Jayanti , Easter Puja etc. ; and above
all, Christamas Puja, which is normally held at Ganapatipule,
near Ratnagiri in Maharashtra every year, gets the BIGGEST
GATHERING of the disciples, among all the functions and
pujas organized under this spiritual system.

If you put the name of a particular puja in the search-bar of

" “, you will get hundreds and hundreds of
Pravachan ( Discourses) of Adi Shakti Shri Nirmala Devi; and
you can read or hear or watch them.

Let us note that Three facts -- i) " Bhavsagara ( Void) - the

circular space around the Navel ; ii) 10 Ten Primordial
masters ruling the area of Bhavsagara; and iii) Hidden
chakras were also the discovery of Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi
only. These facts are NOT found in any other spiritual
systems based on Kundalini Yoga; so, those are undoubtedly
the EXCLUSIVE and VITAL features of Sahaja Yoga.

Over-riding fact : Mataji Shri Nirmal Devi was also the

mother of all these Adi Gurus. To quote her , " .......... So,
you are doubly blessed. First of all you got your realisation,
which they say is the hardest of hardest thing to get. You
have overcome the gravity. And secondly, your Mother is
the Mother of all the Adi Gurus. She’s the One who
taught all the Adi Gurus. She created the Adi Gurus and
She’ll create out of you , the Adi Gurus. " --
( Guru Puja: Cosmic Consciousness --- 06 July 1986 ) )

Feature No. 5 -- OPENING OF SAHASRARA on the FIRST
day -- the day of Realization i.e, Diksha (Initiation) :

• In this spiritual system, “ Awakening of Kundalini ”, " Breaking

of Brahmarandhra ” , “ Opening of Sahasrara chakra " and
"Atma Sakshatkar " are achieved at the VERY FIRST session
of Diksha or INITIATION ( which is called as “ Self-
Realization” or ' Realization ' in short, in this spiritual system ).

In almost all spiritual systems, Sahasrara Chakra is opened AT

THE FAG-END or atleast in the middle of spiritual practice. i.e,
those spiritual masters start with First Chakra --- Mooladhara
Chakra and then go upwards till Sahasrara. As against this, in
some systems, Sahasrara of some spiritual practitioners is
NEVER OPENED at all , althrough their lives, you know.

One word of caution : Sahasrara of many spiritual seekers

gets opened on the very first day of Realisation in Sahaja
Yoga . As against this, Sahasrara of some persons gets
opened only after a few days or weeks or even months of
practice of this system. The reasons for such delayed-
opening could be Catches in some Chakras, their own past
spiritual practices taught by their past Spiritunal Masters or
Guru shopping ; or his Ego ( blocking the Agnya chakra ) or
his mental conditionings through friends , some bad habits
etc., etc.

EN MASSE or COLLECTIVE Opening of Sahasrara : Several

thousands of people could witness to the fact that Mataji opened
the Sahasrara of several thousands or hundreds of people EN
MASSE ( as a Group), at the very first initiation. It is totally
contrary to the normal and established practice of sahasrara-
opening of ONLY ONE individual AT A TIME in all other
spiritual systems ( including the great " Sufi " systems ) available
in any Country in the world .
“ INDICATORS ” of Sahasrara - opening : When and only
when there is EMISSION of Invisible Divine Energy in
“fontanelle bone area (Top of Head ) as well as CENTRE of
both the Palms ", it is an indication that our Brahmarandhra
has been broken ; and our Sahasrara has been opened.

Initially, few rays or strands of light (divine energy ) will be

emitting through your sahasrara. However, depending upon
our sincere spiritual practice, those few strands will go on
increasing. We will get some point of time when we will feel
at least 40 or 50 or 100 or even more strands of invisible
light are emitting from our sahasrara, especially when we sit
in deep meditation during 4.00 a.m. and 5.00 a.m. ( Brahma
Muhurat) --

After some months or years of practice, such emission of

"IDE / Vibrations " would extend to all the ten finger
tips of the hands. Going further, such emission of IDE will
extend to each atom or PORE of your physical body .

Above all, you know , “ Kundalini awakening ” & "Sahasrara

Opening” had been kept as a “ SECRET SCIENCE ” for
several centuries or even for millennia by the great sages
of India and other countries of the world.

One more VITAL FACT --- so many incarnations like Lord

Rama, Lord Krishna , Lord Jesus Christ , Lord Buddha, Lord
Mahavir, Guru Nanakji, Shri Sainath of Shirdi descended on
the Earth. Similarly, so many Super-saints and spiritual
masters like Kabir das-the great, Rama Krishna Param
Hamsa etc. descended on this holy planet. But and but
Neither the spiritual scriptures nor the historical records
show that any of them had given "Atma Sakshatkar " /
Self-Realization or KUNDALINI Awakening and
SAHASRARA Opening of the general members of the
PUBLIC, that too, en masse. In fact, In the olden days
and now also , at many spiritual institutions like Rama
Krishna Mission , the disciples are given ONE MANTRA for
one centre , say AGNYA, for repetition for years ; but, in
Sahaja Yoga, the Chakra is FULLY CLEARED within
minutes' time - CHILD'S PLAY, you know .

Thus, those Incarnations and spiritual masters were not

of any avail to the seekers of Truth ; or to those who
wished to have liberation. Perhaps, not those periods of
time but the Present times are ripe and mature enough for
such Opening of Sahasrara or for 'Atma Sakshatkar '.

" The Divine has no interest whatsoever whether you are a

householder or a sanyasi....." ---

All-important fact : Sahasara of the Universe was opened

by Shri Mataji at Nargol in the State of Gujarat in India on
5-5-1970 ONLY. Thus, " Resurrection time " has started
merely five decades back in our view, right or wrong.

Above all, Sahaja Yoga fulfils all of your spiritual cravings

arising out of the following Biblical Commandments:

· " Know Thyself ".

“ You must be born again “ .

Feature No. 6 - Opening of BACK AGNYA :

• In this system, Agnya chakra is divided into

FOUR parts : Centre, Left, Right and Back . The
area in the middle portion of the backside of Head
is called as “ Back Agnya ”. It is presided by
MAHA GANESHA ( you know, Ganesha is at
Mooladhara and Maha Ganesha is at Back Agnya;
and there is difference in spiritual status and
powers between Ganesha and Maha Ganesha,
just like Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are at
Left Heart ( Anahat ) Chakra while Lord Sadashiva
is ABOVE Sahasrara ).

• In THIS spiritual system only , the Opening and

widening of Back Agnya is done, that too, in the
beginning of practice. To explain it further, Back
Agnya is NOT at all opened in the other Kundalini
Yoga systems, within our knowledge and
experience. Thus, Back-Agnya is also an extra-
ordinary and Unparallel feature of Sahaja Yoga.

However, in a handful of spiritual systems,

Back Agnya is opened not in the beginning of
spiritual practice, but AFTER and only AFTER
crossing the point of Moksha ( Liberation ) .
Feature No. 7 -- This system is suitable for Non
-Vegetarians also ( i.e, Vegetarianism is not
compulsory ) :

• Adi Shakti Shri Nirmala Devi repeatedly preached

that Vegetarianism is not compulsory for this system
of practical spirituality. One can eat any type of meat
example - cow or camel meat is not to be eaten).

One need not be so much concerned about veg.

food like some Hindu or Jain saints.Furthermore,
She cited Golden examples of Non-

--- “ Lord Rama was a non-vegetarian; Lord Krishna

was non-vegetarian; Jesus Christ was a non-
vegetarian. Now, I , having been born in Hindu-
Christian family, am a non- Vegatarian. In one of my
previous births, I was a disciple of the Great Prophet
Mohammed Saheb when also I was a non-vegetarian.
In one of the ancient times, I was GODDESS MAHA
KALI / DURGA and was used to DRINK THE BLOOD
Feature No. 8 - Ekadasha Rudra

" Ekadasha Rudra " has been emphasiszed and elaborated

upon by Mataji innumerable times. The search on
"" has given 109 results :

Briefly stating , Mataji once explained --- "Ekadasha

Principle actually is built-in [the] Void because when
the saints wanted to cross the ocean of illusion through
their meditation they were hindered, troubled,
tortured, and slaughtered by negative forces. ...........
when you go to a wrong guru or to a wrong person or
you do unauthorised worshipping your Left Void
catches............ But, in your case, Ekadashas are standing
around you on your forehead to look after that area,
they are watching you, they are guards. And nobody
can harm you................ You are very nicely settled down
there in the Sahasrara, and nothing can touch you,
nothing can even bring a slur on you.............. "

Furthermore, Ekadasha puja has been regularly

performed in Sahaja Yoga at innumerable places within
India and in many foreign countries since 1980.

To the best of our knowledge and experience , i)

Identification of Ekadasha ; ii) its elucidation; and iii)
Performance of Ekadasha Puja and receiving " Divine
Vibrations " therefrom, is also an exclusive feature of this
system. It is so because either many of IDE-systems do
not lay emphasis on Ekadasha at all , or they do not try to
receive grace from Ekadasha even if it is recognised ( due
to reasons unknown to us ).
On the other hand, Ordinary Hindu Devotees do perform
Ekadasha Puja and observe Fasting etc. regularly.
However, they suffer from two disadvantages : i) they
are ignorant about so much explanation on Ekadasha as
rendered by Shri Mataji ; and ii) their Performace of Puja
is of LEAST AVAIL because their Sahasrara is NOT open;
and IDE does not flow to their souls at all ; and
consequently, their faith continues to remain

The persons who are practising this spiritual system

need not observe fasting at all -- " I’m the Ekadasha
myself " :

" ............ In India, so many people fast on this day, for

atonement, on the eleventh day is very common, you must
do ‘ekadashi’. All the Hindus and all these people do
‘ekadashi’ – that is the eleventh day – they don’t eat
anything at all. But you shouldn’t do it after the
advent of your Mother, because, I’m the Ekadasha
myself ! So, why should you do it now when I’ve come ?
It was done when I was not here, just to call me, so now
I’m back here, you need not do this anymore, the penance
of ‘ekadashi’. But you have to be careful........... "

Feature No. 9 - Purpose of PUJA is to invoke the deities
in the astral body of Adi Shakti as well as in our astral
bodies :

Just like in every ordinary places of worship or at

home or in any other system of Kundalini Yoga, many
RITUALS like Puja, Bhajan, Chanting, Yagna (Havan)
besides meditation are regularly practised at
Satsanghs and at the homes of the practitioners of
this system.

However, the crucial difference in this system : By

doing Pooja or other rituals, we will be invoking and
awakening the deities present in the subtle body of Adi
Shakti Shri Nirmala Devi as well as in our own astral
body whereby the IDE (Divine Vibrations) starts
flowing and will be multiplying further ; and ,
consequently, “ Sakara Brahman (Formful God) ” in the
Puja or Chanting is converted into "Nirakar Brahman
(Formless God).

Thus, each alphabet of each word of each mantra, sloka,

bhajan or song is charged with IDE .

And, the deities are the manifestation of the invisible "Divine

Energy " ( Param Chaitanya ), which is much and much subtler
than the "Cosmic Energy" or " God Particle " in the language of
the Super-scientists. Above all , these deities are not
separate but different aspects of the ONE AND THE ONLY
“ Puja, as I have told you many-a-times, is not for My
benefit, by any chance, take it from Me. I’m much better
off without it. "

And just before the Puja you should say: “Mother, make
me such that I suck more of the Divine”. Just pray that,
with sincerity from your heart, just say that. " ---

“ ……….. First I would like to tell you about the meaning

of Puja. There are two aspects. One is the aspect that you
have got your own deities within yourself. And these
deities are to be awakened within you. Deities are the
different aspects of one God. ”

However, on some other occasion, Mataji said -- " God is

not bound by the " Karmakhand " ( Rituals ). Thereby, it
can be said that the spiritual benefits of Puja are also
obtainable fully from Deep Meditation, espectially from
"Deep Group Meditation " for reasonable length of time.

Kundalinii ( left ) resides in the

triangular bone ( right )
Feature No. 10 -- HEALING of all physical and mental
diseases or disorders including all types of Cancer, AIDS,
Drug-abuse , Heart ailments :

• “ Doctor takes the fee , God makes the Cure ” is the millennia-
old adage. ……… REASON : During the past centuries, the people
used to take the sick person to the place of worship rather than to
the doctor ; and do puja or chant mantras or other rituals for
getting the sick person healed. Even today, some tribes in the
tribal areas of India and other Countries in the world do follow the
same practice.

• If you happen to read or hear the discourses of Adi Shakti, you

will know that ALL types of PHYSICAL DISORDERS AND
DISEASES including Life-threatening CANCER and AIDS of
thousands and thousands of people had been healed by Mataji,
whether the patient was a Realised person or not.

Most important point : Agreed, agreed that in many other

systems of Hinduism , Christianity, Islam etc., healing has
been successfully done. But , the tilting factor is that the
INCURABLE diseases like CANCER had not been healed in
those systems.

Before her Mahasamdhi in 2011, she herself used to heal and

cure those incurable diseases ; and a few sahaja yogis also
used to heal the people.

Presently, you yourself will have to follow the instructions of

senior sahaja yogis or the concerned doctor-sahaja yogis in
the Institute at CBD Belapur or Greater Noida; and adopt some
techniques like Bandhan etc. & treatment methods; and get
your physical diseases healed. Of course, medical intervention
is not to be stopped but is to be continued.
• Life-long Protection of " Ganas ( Antibodies ) '" and
" Deities " WITHIN and WITHOUT ( i.e, outside) the
Physical body : ---

• “ You are like a cell in the body of the Adi Shakti ”


The habits like drinking alchohol or smoking are not

expressly prohibited, but they will automatically or
spontaneously get dropped out by the Sahaja yogis in the
initial stages of practice of this system itself.

Similarly, Drug- De-addiction also occured spontaneously

or voluntarily in the case of countless Drug addicts in
several countries in the world.

• Thus, every sincere practitioner of Sahaja Yoga does

have Life-long wellbeing advantage.

Above all, we should understand that such healing or

curing of physical diseases or disorders does happen by
such healing is ONLY the BY-PRODUCT of this
the Chief Goal of Sahaja Yoga is to make each of us a
"JIVANMUKTA" (a person, who got his soul liberated
while living on this planet ); and also make us ascend to
“ POST-JIVANMUKTA STAGES ” of Applied Spirituality,
which are collectively called as the " LAST JUDGMENT " .

Feature No. 11 : Chakras ABOVE SAHASRARA :

• It is the normal practice of the disciples to use two terms :

i) Maha Yoga ; and ii) Vishwa Nirmala Dharma to describe
the system of Sahaja Yoga .

• This system of Improvised or Modified Kundalini Yoga is

called as Maha yoga because Adi Shakti Mataji helps ,
guides and establishes us not only at Sahasrar Chakra but
also at the chakras above Sahasrara which are called as
i) Ardha Bindu or Ardha Matra ; ii) Bindu; iii) Valaya; and
iv) Pradakshina, which are collectively called as
"TRANSPERSONAL CHAKRAS ” ( the chakras situated
beyond the physical body of humans ).

• Thus, the basic goal of Shri Mataji is to establish the soul of

each sahaja yogi NOT at Sahasrara but AT Pradakshina,
which is an Exclusive feature of this system . Hence, it is aptly
called as "MAHA YOGA ” (i.e., much beyond Kundalini
Yoga, which normally stops at Sahasrara ).

It is said by some Sahaja Yogis that " Pradakshina

Chakra " had been opened , AFTER and ONLY AFTER
MAHASAMADHI of Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ; but not
prior to that divine occurence. If it is correct, the
present-day practitioners of this system are more
fortunate than those in the earlier decades. One more
aspect, it is advisable to tie every knot at the
HIGHEST possible level above the head ( i.e,
Pradakshina Point) every time while raising our
Kundalini three times .
• The pictorial diagram
of those chakras is as below :

• “ Pradakshina “ chakra is located above “ Valaya

Chakra”, which could not be included in the above

• LIBERATION : You know , any human being whose Atma

(soul) along with Kundalini is permanently settled at
Sahasrara Chakra ( while living on this planet ) is called as a
“ JIVANMUKTA ”. However, it is all-important or
indespensable requirement that he should do the Deepest
Meditation regularly for at least 30 minutes or even more at
each session of meditation , going through the stage of
"Nirvikalpa " and Beyond , if at all any person has the life-
goal of becoming a " Jivanmukta ".

• Second requirement for an "Aspiring Jivanmukta " is the

regular enlargement of " Brahma Nadi "( which lies within
Sushumna Nadi) during EVERY session of Meditation. It has
to be substantially expanded and kept open in the course of
every meditative session as well as in the wakeful state.

Third Requirement : Mataji revealed that Kundalini has totally

" 21 raised to the power of 108 " strands of light. So, out of
such infinity, maximum possible strands be awakened , made
to go through each chakra ; and lastly be settled at 'Sahasrara
Chakra ', if you wish is to be a ' Jivanmukta'.

Fourth requirement : Maximum possible strands out of the total

' 1,000 strands of light of Sahasrar Chakra ' , be opened ,
enlightened and emitted at all times including wakeful and
sleep conditions.
Of course, we need to adopt several other practices like
Regular Participation in Weekly Satsanghs
{Collectivity}, daily Foot-soaking , 100% cleansing of
all Nadis and Chakras, Meditation in TOTAL Silence
(certainly not with Background Music nor with
sports-like garrulous commentary by the organiser) ,
" Open-eyed Nirvicharita ( Thoughtlessness) " etc. etc.


On the other hand , if any person’s soul crosses Sahasrara

and gets permanently settled in the TRANSPERSONAL
CHAKRAS, he is called as a "PARAMUKTA”. That is the
stage when "Yoga" in the real sense i.e, the Union of
" Human spirit " with "Divine Spirit " ( ONENESS with the
DIVINE ) occurs. Verily, these are the stages wherein
" Resurrection " in the true sense is humanly possible.

GURUS in the world :

• Strictly speaking, BRAHMAN ( GOD ) is the real spiritual

guru or master ; AND no one else.

• If you step down and wish to consider HUMAN SPIRITUAL

GURUS ( spiritual masters ), then our argument is that ONLY
those Gurujis or Swamijis or spiritual masters whose SOUL
was LIBERATED (JIVANMUKHTA ) are fit and competent to
be called as a SADGURU ( SPIRITUAL MASTER). For
example, Adi Sankaracharya, Sri Ram Krishna Parama
Hamsa etc.

• If you come TWO STEPS down, then your guru must have
at least OPENED-SAHASRARA. In other words, all other
swamijis, gurus and saints whose sahasrara is NOT OPEN ,
Gurus / Masters.

The Extra-ordinary and EXCLUSIVE feature in this

spiritual system is that our Mother / Spiritual Guru
stands on MUCH HIGHER FOOTING and MORE and
MORE POWERFUL than the first category of
"JIVANMUKTA-GURUS " because the Mataji herself, is
the HUMAN INCARNATION of Adi Shakti -- the Shakti
of Lord Sadashiva.
• About 30 years back, Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala
Devi openly declared that THERE WERE ONLY A FEW
PERSONS IN THE WHOLE WORLD, whose sahasrara is
open. She even added that either Pope or Hindu
Religious Heads ( i.e., 4 Sankaracharyas of that period )
did not have open-sahasrara. She further proclaimed
that ONLY A FEW SUFI SAINTS had open Sahasrara at
that time. That audio/ video tape of 30 years back can
be found on " ”.

• However, one video of Mataji’s recent proclamation

in 2002 about opened-sahasrara gurus in the world
could be retrieved by us ; and it can be watched by you
at ;
Feature No.13 : " Source " of the IDE vis-a-vis
" Channel " of the IDE / Divine Energy :

Past and Present centuries :

1) Whether any Guruji during the Past and Present
centuries declared himself to be the DEITY on ANY
CHAKRA or on any spiritual centre ?
2) Which Guruji claimed -- " He is the VERY SOURCE or
ORIGIN of the IDE ?

Whether the Super-saints of India like Sri Rama Krishna

Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi,
Aurobindo, Chinmayananda, Sivananda, Yogananda , Meher
Baba, Sri Satya Saibaba, Dayananda Saraswati etc.
claimed thesmselves to be " Source " of the IDE ?
Certainly Not. In other words, these Gurujis are mere
"Channels or pipelines " but not the SOURCE of the IDE.

Who among the present-day saints of India are

Jivanmukhtas, is itself doubtful. Accordingly, they do not
have the spiritual stature to claim themselves to be
" Source " of the IDE and their names need not be
discussed. A word of Caution : The occult powers of
those saints are never the criterion.

As against this , Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi is the " SOURCE

or " ORIGIN " of the IDE : In one discourse,
she said --- " As you know, this Cosmic Power, as
they call it, which, they say, I am the source : actually,
it is the power of Love, of Divine Love, of pure Love."

"....... Apart from that I am the Source of all the shaktis, of
all the powers. So you can have all the powers from me
– whatever you like..... "

Sahaja Yogis are given place on " Sahasrara of Mataji " :

In one discourse, Mataji said : " .......... So, this is the time
to make true the fourteen-thousand-year-old prediction, and
whatever has to be done is to be done only by your hands.
You will be such big people that you have a place on My
Sahasrara, you are sitting in My Sahasrara, and a lot of
work will be done by your hands ............. "

" ......... It’s a very great thing… I have given you birth on
My Sahasrara ! I have not given them this… I came on
them but to you people I gave you place in my heart but
have given you birth through My Sahasrara. Such great
state you are in! I have not even given birth to Shri
Ganesha like this as I have given to you ! ! It's something
special…with immense love I have nourished and given to
you........ "

.............. ........... .............

Feature No.14 : Sakar vs Nirakar ( Formful God vs
Formless God) :

There has been eternal discussion and debate about

Sakar and Nirakar, since the time immemorial.
Consequently, some sadhakas believe and worship
Sakar Brahman while others worship Nirakar.

In sahaja yoga, you go from form to formless, which is

in a single bundle : In the words of
shri Mataji : " .... the dhyan, you have to do. Some do
it of the Form, another of the Formless. But you are so
fortunate that the Formless has become a Form for
you. No problem! You don’t have to go from form to
formless and from formless to form, it’s all there, in a
bundle ! So you concentrate , or think,of some deity or
some point for nirakar (formless), for the Formless, or
of nirakar itself. It’s also mental projection as long as
you are not a Realised-soul. But once you are
Realised, you have to just think of dhyana: [on] whom
you going to concentrate, or you can say, meditate
on ...".

Thus, your doubts, if any, as to Sakar and Nirakar,

would become superfluous and redundant, when you
become a sadhaka of this spiritual system , even
though it is filled with Bhajans, Kirtans , Pujas and
Yagna ( Havan ).

Feature No. 15: “ I AM THE ADI SHAKTI ( COSMIC
” --- " Path Vs Destination " :



She said --- “ I never said about Myself. ………………. But

today is the day, I declare that I am the One who has to save
the humanity. I declare I am the One who is Adishakti, who is
the Mother of all the Mothers, who is the Primordial Mother,
the Shakti, the Desire of God, who has incarnated on this
Earth to give its meaning to itself, to this creation, to human
beings, and I’m sure through My love and patience and My
powers, I am going to achieve it. I was the One who was born
again and again, but now in My complete form and complete
powers, I have come on this Earth, not only for salvation of
human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for
granting them the Kingdom of Heaven, the Joy, the Bliss, that
your Father wants to bestow upon you
………………………………….. ‘’.

" Nobody had Adi Shakti as the guru ! Adi Shakti, the one
who has all the powers of the world. Sai Nath had no
disciple. -----

" ............ but none of the incarnations have ever said that
they are Adi Shakti, cannot. " ---

• She also said -- " All the deities are sitting in me ". ---

It is so because ' Adi Shakti ' ( Cosmic Energy ) is

Shri Mataji is its human Incarnation or embodiment,
who is INCOMPARABLE with any ONE deity .

Mataji as Adi Shakti created all the FIVE

ELEMENTS ( Panch Mahabhutas ).

" Mahamaya Swaroop " :

It is necessary for Adishakti to be in Mahamaya form

because the one who has whole powers and light within
has to take Mahamaya form........... Adi Shakti has unlimited
powers and ........ But it is important to keep those powers
hidden. There are two reasons for it.

Firstly, if people come to know that she is Adishakti, they may

attack her because they all are evil, stupid and standing against
God. If these people come to know that Adishakti has incarnated in
this World , then either they will run away with fear or they
will get collective and try that the work of Adishakti in this
Kaliyuga should not be successful.

The second reason is that she has to do very deep, subtle and
important work which has not been done by anyone till now.
That is collective Realization. Forget about collective, even to
give Realization to one person it takes years together to do this
great work and that too with such a care that it should not harm
the other person in any way. It is like one person is made to cross
the river sitting on the boat without any effort.

Yesterday I told you that how religion has got inverse.

Those who told about religion were absolutely all right
but to whom they talked about religion were not
right people. So they did not understood religion but
interpreted and confused it. If some person looks at
his religion and thinks about it then he will run away from
his religion because the things which are happening on
the name of religion are very dangerous. ...... "

" ........ the Mahamaya has to work and the Mahamaya

works this way, that She integrates all the religions.
She shows that all religions are the same, have the
same spirituality. It’s on the same tree of spirituality, they
have grown. ......... Mahamaya is that which brings you
back, brings you back to normal, brings you back to
reality.... The third thing was that you have to be
identified into My Body, into My cells of My Body, but
this is a more difficult task ....... It’s not one incarnation,
it’s not one nadi, it’s not one Goddess , but all of it is
there. "
" AKARMA " :

" ....... the karmas are done by your ego, isn’t it? Who does the
karmas ? Your ego. If I have removed your ego and superego
on the sides and your attention has come up [so] now who
does the karma? What do you say [is], “ I’m getting, it’s
happening. It’s moving, ” like that. You never say, “I am
doing it.” This is akarma. It has become akarma. You
understand ? Karma has become akarma.

" .......If someone says that I do this or that, then you should
know that I release My Maya and a lot of people have got hurt
because of it. Its just happening, like this is moving, this is
coming. Do everything in akarma.

" ........ Shri Krishna also told us in Geeta to stay in Akarma.

Akarma meaning you are active from outside but inactive
from inside

Lord Krishna has also said the same thing that,

"First get him within." But those who were
supposed to understand it could not understand it,
"He was saying to get him inside and you are saying
go outside to fight." He meant that you should be
a witness. It is happening in akarma [inaction] , it is
being done through you. You just do not ....... "

------- " I am the Destination, not only the Path. ........

you must get vibrations from everywhere. Is there any
Place where I am not present ? At every place, you
must feel vibrations and it must come so much that
whatever you do ---- "

With profound respects , and due apologies , if necessary, it

can be said that Lord Jesus Christ is undoubtedly “the
Door/ the Path/ the Way ”, but is certainly not the
destination …………… In other words, Adi Shakti Mataji
Shri Nirmala Devi is unquestionably the destination, as She
is the Deity on " Sahasrara Chakra and Trans-Sahasrara
Chakras “ .

" Son of God " Vs " Goddess " :

To elucidate it further, it is an universal fact that Lord Jesus

Christ always referred himself to be a " Son of God" but
NEVER claimed himself to be God ; and he also added -- "
Father is in the Heaven " . As agaist this fact , Mataji
Shri Nirmala Devi is NOT a " Daughter of God" but the
"GODDESS HERSELF " in human Form .

Second argument -- In one of Her speeches , Mataji said

--- “ I am on par with SADASHIVA , but I can not
cross him . Had I come on lion like Goddess
Durga or in some astral form, the people would not
have believed or recognised me ....... ”
So, our SECOND question -- how many gurus / swamiji/
saints claimed that they are EQUAL TO LORD SADASHIVA
either in this century or in any of the past centuries.

• Furthermore, how many saints/swamijis offer such

spiritual system to ANY GRIHASTHA (HOUSE-
HOLDER), that too, without any fee and at your
doorstep . SAHAJA YOGA is available in so many cities
and towns .

and you need not go to Himalayas nor need to do

penance and meditation for thousands of years
spread over several lives. Above all, you need not
observe "Brahmacharya " ( celibacy ) as is insisted
upon by several Hindu, Christian, Islamic, Jain,
Buddhist etc. religious organizations ).

Thus, you will find in Sahaja Yoga everything a human

soul is searching for.

That is the reason why every Sahaja Yogi (realised

soul ) always feels that it was only due to the blessings
of the Almighty in his previous lives, he came to
Sahaja Yoga now in the present birth ; and has been
progressing well in spiritual ascent.
Feature no. 16 -- Discovery and Disclosure of many
spiritual facts unknown to the world :

It is only Shri Mataji and none else disclosed the following spiritual
facts. First among them is : Goddess Sita, an incarnation of
Goddess Lakshmi, was reborn as Fatima , the daughter of
Mohammaed Saheb. Luv and Kush, the sons of Lord Rama and
Goddess Sita, were reborn as Hasan and Hussain, the sons of

Second fact : They ( Hussain and Hasan) were again reborn as

Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavir. Said facts were repeatedly
disclosed by Shri Mataji in her discourses. For example,

Third fact : Shri Ganesha incarnated as Jesus Christ , who was also
the son of Lord Krishna ; and Goddess Lakshmi incarnated as
Mother Mary : These facts were reiterated by Mataji, many times.

For example :

" The truth is that Shri Ganesha took birth as Christ. If that is
the truth, then they have to understand in the light of Shri Ganesha
this great incarnation of Christ.

In the words of Mataji, " ..... . You know that Shri Ganesha
incarnated on this earth as Mahavishnu, and He was the son of
Radha, who incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So by celebrating this
birthday, today you are recognizing the greatest truth that Lord
Jesus Christ was the son of Shri Krishna. ..... "
Goddess Lakshmi as Mother Mary :

" ........In the Sahasrara, it gets the power of the Mahamaya, by

which it has a thousand facets and it puts you into illusions to test
you and to help you — in the Sahasrara. But otherwise it has
incarnated many a times. Like we can say the Lakshmi has
incarnated on this Earth as Sita, as Radha, as Mary the
mother of Christ, and ultimately as your Mother : ........."

" .......... Mother Mary is Mahalakshmi. She incarnated before also.

She incarnated as Sita, and then She incarnated as Radha, and then
She incarnated as Mother Mary.

Now it is clearly written about the birth of Christ in a book called

Devi Mahatmyam.

He was the son of Radha. Radha is the Mahalakshmi, so He was

born in another state, as an egg, and half of the egg
remained as Shri Ganesha and half of it became Mahavishnu,
which is our Lord Jesus Christ. ......... "

Fourth fact : Shri Mataji was the daughter of Muhammed

Saheb : To quote Mataji :

"........ I wish all of you a very, very happy New Year today because it
is Navroz and Navroz is the day when Zartosht [another name of
Zarathustra] started His work on this world. He was a great sahaja
yogi. He was an incarnation of Dattatreya Himself. [Not clear] has
told you about Mohammad sahib. I have to tell you that He was
My father [Fatima was an incarnation of Shri Mataji] and He was
the incarnation of Dattatreya Himself. ....... "
Fifth fact -- Hanuman and Bhairavnath as Gabriel and
Michael :

" They are the two milestones you have got, by which you can
know to what height a Human being can rise. Now today they
are like incarnations. There are other styles of personalities
like Chiranjivas, Bhairava, Ganesha. There are all incarnations.
Hanumana later on appeared as Gabriel the Angel.
Bhairavnath came as Saint Michael. ... "

This fact relating to incarnation of Lord Hanuman and Bhairavnath

was referred to, several times by Mataji . So far, we found such
reference in 13 discourses.

Sixth fact -- Lord Brahma as Hazrat Ali :

" ........... Vishnu Ji has incarnated in different forms. Shri Shiva

never incarnated and Shri Brahma incarnated only once. You
will be surprised to know that He incarnated as Hazrat Ali. You
can check it if it is true or not with the help of your vibrations. If
somebody gets a disease of diabetes, the person has to take the
name of Hazrat Ali to cure it, whether you are Hindu, Muslim, or
Parsi. Because his incarnation is present on this chakra and it gets
cured by taking his name only. .......... ".

As stated earlier, the afore-mentioned facts can be verified

only i) by reading the Akashic records ; or ii) by astral
communication with the deities or souls of the concerned
spiritual masters, but never through intellect nor through

------------- ------------- -------------

Feature no. 17 -- Other Exceptional features:

Normal or Flood Lighting : Meditation is conducted under the

normal lighting ; or under flood lighting, if there is any Puja
celebration or other collectivity in this system, as against other
meditation systems where the light are dimmed to the extent of
80% or so.

Background music : Meditation is conducted several times with

background music unlike many other systems, where total
silence is observed. Reason : When you deeply concentrate on
your " Opened Sahasrara ", all such noises and distubances
are no hurdles at all.

' Ego ' and ' Super Ego or conditioning / Samskaras ' : Only
in this spiritual system, there has been consistent and regular
preaching and practice to abandon " EGO " and "Super ego
/CONDITIONING / samskaras ", which are analysed and
emphasized almost every day ( much better than many OTHER
spiritual systems ).

" COLLECTIVITY ( Collective Programmes ) -- Astral Presence

of Adi Shakti and several other deities :

Each sadhaka of this spiritual system is advised to attend

Collective programmes like Sunday Satsanghs, Puja Celebrations,
Havan ( Yagna) , Seminars etc. REASON : Adi Shakti
Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi as well as several other Deities and
Ganas will be present in the " astral form " at each of such

" ........... All the deities are present when you are having those
collective programmes and surprisingly the old Sahaja Yogis are
more difficult than the new ones. ............ In the collectivity,
supposing you have one problem, another one has some
problem: it just works out, balances......... "
" For collectivity we have to know that Shri Bhairavanath and
Shri Hanumana and Shri Ganesha — these three principles
that work within us — all of them have parallel work to do,
parallel: they do not interfere for each other. But if it comes to
help, they’ll go all out, there’s no quarrel with them. ....... So
this collectivity comes only by understanding one thing: what a
great work we are doing today. People are not conscious of that,
they take it just by the way....... If you are collective, I am there.
Wherever you are collective, wherever you gather, I am
there...... You will be amazed that, in Australia, we have so many
centres in every city but they all attend the programmes of
collectivity, because they know collectivity is the ocean of
nourishment .........." .

"...... only way we can achieve fully our own divinity is by

approaching her divinity through the collective. ... "

Spiritual journey through ' Centre ' ( ' Sushumna Nadi ' ) :

Many times, Mataji empathized on this aspect. For example : " ...... First
of all, by God’s grace, as I told you, you all are realised people so your
ascent is made in the centre, which is a very, very difficult thing,
absolutely difficult, no doubt. But you should learn to keep in the
centre. But how to keep the attention in the centre is the problem for
many people who are still not above themselves. .... "


There are many other spiritual systems , which practises spiritual ascent
through right channel ( Pingala Nadi), that ultimately has multiple
adverse effects. Such harm would not occur in Sahaja Yoga, as the
spiritual journey is through Central channel ( Sushumna Nadi ).
" To Live in the Varthaman ( Present ) " -- Mataji's words :

".......... Most of the times, we think of the future and / or of the past ,
but we cannot be in the present. It is the reality. How to stop in the
present moment ? It’s the Kundalini which rises; its power rises,
passes through your different centres and passes through the waves
of thoughts and rises above your mind, takes your attention above
your head.

Only by being in the present, this fourth dimension will open. It

is not in the future or the past, that’s why you should get it at this
moment. In the present, the eternal stays, the rest all drops out.
Besides that, such staying in the present has innumerable health
benefits......... "

Thoughts on Past, present and Future -- Effects on Health :

i) The persons who are worried about the past will suffer
disease or disorder of some organ ON THE LEFT SIDE .
ii) Those who are worried about the future will attract
disease or disorder of some organ ON THE RIGHT SIDE ; and
iii) Only those who live in the present moment ( i.e, neither
worried about the past nor about the future ), do maintain
perfect health at all times, althrough their lives.

Which organ of left side or of right side will be affected is another

science ( mental science) . Basically, there is NO SEPARATION
between what is happening in your minds and what is happening in
your bodies. Those exhaustive details can be found in a book
titled as " The Bodymind Workbook " written by Debbie Shapiro.
In our most-considered opinion, this book is one of the ten books ,
which should be read by EVERY HUMAN BEING before his or her
last breath . This book was already catalouged by British Counci
Library as well as by Library of Congress, the USA. You please
unfailingly try for it.
Body Vs Mind Vs Soul ( according to parapsychologists ) :

Parapsychology provides the most accurate explanation. According to

it, just as heart beats certain number of times per MINUTE ( say, 60 to
100 ), Brain vibrates certain number of times per SECOND. It is
measured in Hertz (Hz), meaning cycles per second ( CPS ).

Such brain waves were classified into 4 major categories - Beta ,

Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves, which can be observed with EEG
(Electroencephalograph ) . And, according to The Silva Method, the
measurement is as follows :

State Cycles Per Second Associated With

( CPS)

Beta 14-21 Waking State, The Five Senses,

Perception of time and space

Alpha 7-14 Light Sleep, Meditation, Intuition,

no time & space limitations.

Theta 4-7 Deep Sleep, Meditation.

Delta 0.5-4 Deep Sleep. You are unconscious.

" Beta level of brain frequencies " is called as ' Body ' ; " Alpha
level " is called as " Mind " ; and " Theta and Delta level of
brain frequencies " are called as " Soul ".

Of course, the measurement of brain wave frequencies for " Body

level", " Mind Level " and " Soul level" are different , according to
some other parapsychologists. Yet, all of them unanimously agree that
these brain wave frequencies are the best YARDSTICK to
differentiate ' Body Level ' , ' Mind level ' and ' Soul Level ' .

Feature No. 18 -- Let Your soul be the Medium or
DISTRIBUTOR of the IDE ( Invisible Divine Energy ) /
" Vibrations " to persons, plants , food, water, Earth
etc. :

In this spiritual system of Adi Shakti Shri Nirmala

Devi, Giving Realisation ( Atma Sakshatkar ) or
distribution of IDE / "Vibrations " to any interested
person is not only permitted but it is widely
encouraged without any restriction whatsoever.
Consequently, after some time, you can also raise
the Kundalini, break Brahmarandhra and open
Sahasrara of several such aspirants.


In almost 95% of the IDE-based spiritual systems,

ONLY the Guruji ( Master ) has the Prerogative of
offering Realization ( Initiation) to the new spiritual
seekers. And, in about 4% or more of the systems,
some specifically-designated disciples are conferred
upon this Privilege. Unlike those categories, each
disciple in Sahaja Yoga is granted the Prerogative to
offer Realization to any interested spiritual seeker.

Similarly, a Sahaja Yogi can distribute the IDE

or " Vibrations " to i) soil, seeds, plants , crops or
flowers to get better yield ; or ii) to vibrate the
food or water ( better than holy water in the
temples) for the health benefit of persons or for pets
After some years of practice, even our BARE-FOOT
WALKING will charge the Earth with " Vibrations " .
Said light will also bring us the financial as well as
non-financial benefits, unbidden.

In that manner, we will get greater amount of inner

insights of " Vibrations " as the " Living Energy" , as
our subtle bodies always carry the light -- the light of
the Divine . Over the years, our souls will become
the perpetual pipeline or distributor of the
"Vibrations" .

Thus, to some extent, you will be a son of God /

Goddess while being a son of man. At least then, the
Great Rationalists & Atheists might open their eyes,
join or at least test this spiritual system and
accept the " Truth " .

Due to these Exceptional features and several other

normal features, Sahaja Yoga can unquestionably be
termed as NOT " Moksha Yoga" but " Post-
Moksha Yoga ".
Photo Gallery

Family Photo
Mataji's Birthplace
Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh
Shall we recollect the primordial
masters and pay our respects to
them, once again ?

Aspiring Spiritual Seekers !

How about receiving as well as distributing
the IDE (Invisible Divine Energy ) / "Divine
Vibrations " ?
You can do it
This e-book ( first version of 2021) is accessible on Youtube ;
and you may get it by putting the search word -- COAST or
"Children of Adi Shakti Trust " in its search bar.

After some time, efforts will also be made for completely

professional re-editing and re-formatting of this e-book and
other e-books through some friends , and for its publication on
the online publishing platforms ; and also for listing on
cataloging websites like Google goodreads for the benefit of
present and future spiritual seekers .

" Google Drive " : Lastly stating, all the e-books on

"Summaries of Discourses of Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala
Devi as wellas this e-book are accessible on " Google Drive"
; and the weblink is

You might be aware that , first you have to log into your gmail
account. Then, you will have to click on the above weblink


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