Sahaja Yoga - Quintessence - Aug 2023
Sahaja Yoga - Quintessence - Aug 2023
Sahaja Yoga - Quintessence - Aug 2023
-- The quintessence of 12
religions ; and
Resurrection through IDE
( Invisible Divine Energy )
from Sahasrara
presented by
COAST -- Children Of
Adi Shakti Trust
INTRODUCTION to Applied Spirituality
b) PARA VIDYA or APPLIED Spirituality ( through Meditation ) -- Two
Categories :
Sahaja Yoga
First and foremost exclusive feature of this spiritual system is that IDE
( Invisible Divine Energy ) is obtainable through different ways and
methods --- i) Meditation, ii) Puja, iii) Chanting of Mantras or Slokas
( without puja ) , iv) Bhajans or Keertans or Stuti, v) Listening to the
discourses, vi) Idols in the Swayambhu Temples or Jyotirlingas or
Shakti pethas or a few other temples whose idols emit IDE ; or other
places of worship , say, a few exceptional mosques like Hazaratbal
in Srinagar city; or maqbara of Khwaja Nizamuddin Saheb in New
Delhi, or Chisti’s Maqbara at Ajmer Sharif , Patna Saheb of Lord
Mahavir; or vii) even during the conditions of open-eyed
wakefulness and silence i.e, without performance of any rituals or
any actions or even uttering any mantra or words whatsoever in any
place, of course, only after some months or years of practice of this
This energy is not a dry energy like electric energy but a living
energy, i.e., the energy which creates everything in the
Multiverse ( more than one Universe) ; and it is also termed as
" All-pervading power of the Divine Love ". And, in day-to-day
language of this spiritual system, IDE is called as
"VIBRATIONS" in English ; and " Param Chaitnya " in Hindi
Language. This is " Primary Energy " , which is SUBTLER than
the so-called God-particle or Cosmic energy or Quantum
Energy in the language of Super-scientists , Scientists the
Atheists, so-called Rationalists etc.
What is IDE ( Vibrations / Vibes ) :
" ....... Vibrations, as I said, that is the manifestation of the Spirit. ...... It
is the emitting, of pulsation from the Self. This light, this is light.
Actually there is sound, there is light; very high frequency sound – very
high frequency. Actually many types of sounds are mixed in. There is
magnetism in this, in these vibrations. It has all the five elements -
the subtle of all the five elements ( tanmatras ) inside these
vibrations only. They are talking, they are telling you, they are
guiding you, they are helping you. It’s because the Spirit is working
through them. ..... "
" ......But these vibrations only, which connect you with the All-
pervading Power, which are part of the All-pervading power, these
pervading Almighty’s eyes, you can say – they are the ones who look
after each and every minute thing in this whole world. Can you think
of such a multi-dimensional thing ? Now you have seen how
vibrations work on people, how they dissolve even the thick bones
and how they bring out the Kundalini here and how you see the
softness on your head. Just you cannot explain how, because they
only do everything. They have the universal communication centres
and they have universal broadcasting stations, they have universal TV
centres there....... "
" This All Pervading Power Itself is the subtle of all the elements. It
is the subtle of the ether. It is the subtle of the light. When it is the
subtle of everything and you have become a subtle, you establish a
contact with that subtle. So you become the Spirit. "
Vibration is the pulsation of the All-pervading Power within us which we can
feel in the central nervous system. The Spirit doesn’t pulsate. It doesn’t
pulsate. The pulsation exists in the All-pervading Power. But through
Spirit, when you get connected, then only the flow starts and you then start
feeling the pulsation on the central nervous system. ---
But every moment you will see the truth, that the truth is spread all over ; with
your vibrations you will know of it, with the vibrations you could understand it.
Then you will see vibrations everywhere - in stones , in every-thing .
Hazratbal has one hair of Mohammad Saheb. Can you imagine the vibrations?
I caught them about 5-6 miles away, from one hair of Mohammad Saheb.
The vibrations have different types, different methods and different rhythms.
Divine vibrations are more and more in the morning, especially during
brahma muhurta.
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Feature No. 2 -- CHAKRAS and
their Presiding DEITIES :
Thus, this diagram illustrates "SOOKSHMA BRAHMANDA"
( MICROCOSM ) within the human body, containing
different deities ( their tatwas or nature ) on different
chakras in the subtle or invisible body ( sookshma sharir )
within the "Annamaya Kosha ". Those chakras ( invisible
points ) can aptly be termed as " Step-down Transformers
of the IDE " , which are invisible to the human eye.
------------- ---------------
Feature No. 3 : PEETHAS in the Head ( Roots of theTree ) -
Their initial nourishment by Kundalini power :
Once " Kundalini " , which lies in the triangular bone near the
human genitals , gets awakened, she touches the top of the
head ; and energizes and integrates those 7 peethas in the
head ( which are shown in the first diagram) . Subsequently,
she comes down to Mooladhara Chakra ( first point ) ; and
goes on cleansing one chakra ( point) after another , while
rising from the below.
You do NOT see any CHAKRAS in the Void but there are HIDDEN
CHAKRAS in it, which are to be awakened and brought to light
(manifested ). Limit of the area of void is laid down by Swadishthana
Mataji said --" ....... Adi Gurus incarnated in this world many a time. He
incarnated as king Janaka who was like the father of the Adi shakti. After
that, He incarnated in Iran as Zoroaster, then as Machindranath, then as
Mohammad Saheb and Nanak Sahib. " ( Ref :
paane-ke-baad-1973-mumbai-hindi )
Simply stating, Mohammed saheb, Raja Janaka, Guru Nanak Devji or Shri
Sainath of Shridi are different incarnations of one and the same Adi Guru
Dattatreya. It can thus be concluded all the religious fights around the
world have been caused due to spiritual ignorance only. Most vital point is
that the afore-mentioned facts can be verified only i) by reading the
Akashic records ; or ii) through astral communication with the deities or
souls of the concerned spiritual masters, but never through intellect nor
through intuition.
It is further worth noting that ALL religions should be
whereby the Sahaja Yogis do celebrate Pujas relating to the
other religions every year like Buddha Puja, Mahavir Puja,
Fatima Puja, Guru Nanak Jayanti , Easter Puja etc. ; and above
all, Christamas Puja, which is normally held at Ganapatipule,
near Ratnagiri in Maharashtra every year, gets the BIGGEST
GATHERING of the disciples, among all the functions and
pujas organized under this spiritual system. )
Feature No. 5 -- OPENING OF SAHASRARA on the FIRST
day -- the day of Realization i.e, Diksha (Initiation) :
Feature No. 6 - Opening of BACK AGNYA :
Feature No. 9 - Purpose of PUJA is to invoke the deities
in the astral body of Adi Shakti as well as in our astral
bodies :
And just before the Puja you should say: “Mother, make
me such that I suck more of the Divine”. Just pray that,
with sincerity from your heart, just say that. " ---
• “ Doctor takes the fee , God makes the Cure ” is the millennia-
old adage. ……… REASON : During the past centuries, the people
used to take the sick person to the place of worship rather than to
the doctor ; and do puja or chant mantras or other rituals for
getting the sick person healed. Even today, some tribes in the
tribal areas of India and other Countries in the world do follow the
same practice.
Feature No. 11 : Chakras ABOVE SAHASRARA :
GURUS in the world :
• If you come TWO STEPS down, then your guru must have
at least OPENED-SAHASRARA. In other words, all other
swamijis, gurus and saints whose sahasrara is NOT OPEN ,
Gurus / Masters. ;
Feature No.13 : " Source " of the IDE vis-a-vis
" Channel " of the IDE / Divine Energy :
"....... Apart from that I am the Source of all the shaktis, of
all the powers. So you can have all the powers from me
– whatever you like..... "
In one discourse, Mataji said : " .......... So, this is the time
to make true the fourteen-thousand-year-old prediction, and
whatever has to be done is to be done only by your hands.
You will be such big people that you have a place on My
Sahasrara, you are sitting in My Sahasrara, and a lot of
work will be done by your hands ............. "
" ......... It’s a very great thing… I have given you birth on
My Sahasrara ! I have not given them this… I came on
them but to you people I gave you place in my heart but
have given you birth through My Sahasrara. Such great
state you are in! I have not even given birth to Shri
Ganesha like this as I have given to you ! ! It's something
special…with immense love I have nourished and given to
you........ "
Feature No. 15: “ I AM THE ADI SHAKTI ( COSMIC
” --- " Path Vs Destination " :
" Nobody had Adi Shakti as the guru ! Adi Shakti, the one
who has all the powers of the world. Sai Nath had no
disciple. -----
" ............ but none of the incarnations have ever said that
they are Adi Shakti, cannot. " ---
• She also said -- " All the deities are sitting in me ". ---
The second reason is that she has to do very deep, subtle and
important work which has not been done by anyone till now.
That is collective Realization. Forget about collective, even to
give Realization to one person it takes years together to do this
great work and that too with such a care that it should not harm
the other person in any way. It is like one person is made to cross
the river sitting on the boat without any effort.
" AKARMA " :
" ....... the karmas are done by your ego, isn’t it? Who does the
karmas ? Your ego. If I have removed your ego and superego
on the sides and your attention has come up [so] now who
does the karma? What do you say [is], “ I’m getting, it’s
happening. It’s moving, ” like that. You never say, “I am
doing it.” This is akarma. It has become akarma. You
understand ? Karma has become akarma.
" .......If someone says that I do this or that, then you should
know that I release My Maya and a lot of people have got hurt
because of it. Its just happening, like this is moving, this is
coming. Do everything in akarma.
It is only Shri Mataji and none else disclosed the following spiritual
facts. First among them is : Goddess Sita, an incarnation of
Goddess Lakshmi, was reborn as Fatima , the daughter of
Mohammaed Saheb. Luv and Kush, the sons of Lord Rama and
Goddess Sita, were reborn as Hasan and Hussain, the sons of
Third fact : Shri Ganesha incarnated as Jesus Christ , who was also
the son of Lord Krishna ; and Goddess Lakshmi incarnated as
Mother Mary : These facts were reiterated by Mataji, many times.
For example :
" The truth is that Shri Ganesha took birth as Christ. If that is
the truth, then they have to understand in the light of Shri Ganesha
this great incarnation of Christ.
In the words of Mataji, " ..... . You know that Shri Ganesha
incarnated on this earth as Mahavishnu, and He was the son of
Radha, who incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So by celebrating this
birthday, today you are recognizing the greatest truth that Lord
Jesus Christ was the son of Shri Krishna. ..... "
Goddess Lakshmi as Mother Mary :
"........ I wish all of you a very, very happy New Year today because it
is Navroz and Navroz is the day when Zartosht [another name of
Zarathustra] started His work on this world. He was a great sahaja
yogi. He was an incarnation of Dattatreya Himself. [Not clear] has
told you about Mohammad sahib. I have to tell you that He was
My father [Fatima was an incarnation of Shri Mataji] and He was
the incarnation of Dattatreya Himself. ....... "
Fifth fact -- Hanuman and Bhairavnath as Gabriel and
Michael :
" They are the two milestones you have got, by which you can
know to what height a Human being can rise. Now today they
are like incarnations. There are other styles of personalities
like Chiranjivas, Bhairava, Ganesha. There are all incarnations.
Hanumana later on appeared as Gabriel the Angel.
Bhairavnath came as Saint Michael. ... "
' Ego ' and ' Super Ego or conditioning / Samskaras ' : Only
in this spiritual system, there has been consistent and regular
preaching and practice to abandon " EGO " and "Super ego
/CONDITIONING / samskaras ", which are analysed and
emphasized almost every day ( much better than many OTHER
spiritual systems ).
" ........... All the deities are present when you are having those
collective programmes and surprisingly the old Sahaja Yogis are
more difficult than the new ones. ............ In the collectivity,
supposing you have one problem, another one has some
problem: it just works out, balances......... "
" For collectivity we have to know that Shri Bhairavanath and
Shri Hanumana and Shri Ganesha — these three principles
that work within us — all of them have parallel work to do,
parallel: they do not interfere for each other. But if it comes to
help, they’ll go all out, there’s no quarrel with them. ....... So
this collectivity comes only by understanding one thing: what a
great work we are doing today. People are not conscious of that,
they take it just by the way....... If you are collective, I am there.
Wherever you are collective, wherever you gather, I am
there...... You will be amazed that, in Australia, we have so many
centres in every city but they all attend the programmes of
collectivity, because they know collectivity is the ocean of
nourishment .........." .
Spiritual journey through ' Centre ' ( ' Sushumna Nadi ' ) :
Many times, Mataji empathized on this aspect. For example : " ...... First
of all, by God’s grace, as I told you, you all are realised people so your
ascent is made in the centre, which is a very, very difficult thing,
absolutely difficult, no doubt. But you should learn to keep in the
centre. But how to keep the attention in the centre is the problem for
many people who are still not above themselves. .... "
There are many other spiritual systems , which practises spiritual ascent
through right channel ( Pingala Nadi), that ultimately has multiple
adverse effects. Such harm would not occur in Sahaja Yoga, as the
spiritual journey is through Central channel ( Sushumna Nadi ).
" To Live in the Varthaman ( Present ) " -- Mataji's words :
".......... Most of the times, we think of the future and / or of the past ,
but we cannot be in the present. It is the reality. How to stop in the
present moment ? It’s the Kundalini which rises; its power rises,
passes through your different centres and passes through the waves
of thoughts and rises above your mind, takes your attention above
your head.
i) The persons who are worried about the past will suffer
disease or disorder of some organ ON THE LEFT SIDE .
ii) Those who are worried about the future will attract
disease or disorder of some organ ON THE RIGHT SIDE ; and
iii) Only those who live in the present moment ( i.e, neither
worried about the past nor about the future ), do maintain
perfect health at all times, althrough their lives.
" Beta level of brain frequencies " is called as ' Body ' ; " Alpha
level " is called as " Mind " ; and " Theta and Delta level of
brain frequencies " are called as " Soul ".
Feature No. 18 -- Let Your soul be the Medium or
DISTRIBUTOR of the IDE ( Invisible Divine Energy ) /
" Vibrations " to persons, plants , food, water, Earth
etc. :
Family Photo
Mataji's Birthplace
Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh
Shall we recollect the primordial
masters and pay our respects to
them, once again ?
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