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BCST 701

.NET Framework and C# Programming

1. Explain the process of the compilation and execution of .NET applications programs.
2. Write an ADO.NET code to insert the record into the employee table containing column such as
Employee Id, Employee Name, and Salary etc
3. What is the difference between overloading and overriding methods?
4. How thread are created and used in c#.
5. Discuss the difference between CTS and CLS? And their importance in context of .Net
6. Explain term – ExecuteNonQuery, Execute scalar, Execute Reader.
7. Explain about the different types of web validation controls.
8. Explain ASP.NET architecture. What are the steps ASP.NET page life cycles?
9. What are the elements of assembly? How they are created and used?
10. Explain the architecture of .NET. What are the main functions of CLR?
11. Describe the architecture of ADO.NET with neat diagram. What are the concepts of connected
and disconnected database in ADO.NET
12. Why XML is used. Explain the various building element of XML document
13. What is web.config? How many web.config files can be allowed to use in an application?
14. What is use of Page.IsValid property and when it is used?
15. What are the access-specifiers available in C#? what is Reflection in .Net?
16. Explain Common language Runtime (CLR) with diagram.
17. How try….catch…Finally statement is executed? Explain in brief with example.
18. Define Unsafe code in C#. How pointers are declared in C#? Explain with example.
19. How the variables are declared in VB.NET and describe the different types of variables with
20. Write a short note: (a) Namespace (b) Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
21. Explain following properties of Grid View control. As PageSize, SelectedIndex, CaptionAlign,
22. What is an event? Explain any three Keyword events.
23. What are Cookies and when they are used? Explain the objects and methods used create, add
and retrieve the cookies.
24. Discuss different methods of session state to preserve the state information in ASP.NET.
25. Explain the looping constructs in C# with syntax and examples.
26. Discuss the purpose of the keyword fixed in C#.
27. Explain exceptions and error handling in C#. Discuss the advantages of garbage collection in C#.
28. Write a C# program to evaluate the given expression using postfix notation.
29. How disconnected data architecture is implemented in C#? Explain with sample C# code.
30. Explain the way of accessing data from database using ADO.NET in C#.
31. Discuss the feature of Dataset.
32. Discuss the steps involved in creating web services in .Net. Write a C# code to use the web
services from anot applications.
33. Explain reflection in detail. Discuss the support for type discovery in .NET with suitable C# code.
34. Write an ASP.NET code to fetch the data from SQL database table Student (having fields ID,
Name, Roll Number and Age) on an ASP.NET page. Write the code to establish the connection
and to retrieve and delete the data.
35. Describe the three building blocks of .Net platform.
36. What is Common Type System? Explain different types defined by the CTS in their language of
37. CLS rules apply only to those parts of a type that are exposed outside the defining assembly –
Give inference with a suitable example.
38. List the productivity enhancements provided by SharpDevelop.
39. Describe Boxing and Unboxing with suitable examples.
40. Write a C# program to find the minimum and maximum element of an array. The array should
have both positive and negative elements. Irrespective of the elements, your program should
find maximum number when all numbers are made positive and minimum number when all
numbers are made negative
41. Write a C# program that determines a student’s grade. The program will read three types of
scores (quiz score, mid-term score, and final score) and determine the grade based on the
following rules:
i. If the average score >=90% =>grade=A
ii. If the average score >= 70% and grade=B
iii. If the average score>=50% and grade=C
iv. If the average scoregrade=F
42. Explain the method parameters keywords in C# namely “ref” and “out” with suitable examples.
43. Illustrate the concept of containment/delegation model with an example
44. Explain different Exception class members that can be useful in further qualifying the nature of
the problem with an example for each?
45. What is a shadowing member in C# programming? Illustrate the shadowing member by taking
an example.
46. Illustrate how multiple exceptions are handled in C# programming with an example.
47. What is a delegate? Illustrate how to define a delegate type in C#.
48. Illustrate the process of strongly naming an assembly
49. Write simple Console Application program in C# programming illustrating a delegate type.
50. Briefly discuss CIL Code, Type Metadata and the Assembly Manifest in .NET assembly.
51. Demonstrate the process of building a reusable data access library.
52. Compare and contrast dataset and data table.
53. Give definitions for IDbDataParameter and IDataParameter Interfaces.
54. List the seven methods of dataset along with its usage.
55. Write a program to compare three numbers and display the largest number
56. How class is created and used in VB.NET. Create a class called Employee with data member
empno, ename, age, salary and the following methods: 1) Calculation of Salary 2) Calculation of
Experience 3) Display the details about the employee.
57. Write VB.NET program that will read a string and count the total number of words in a string.
Also write a code to count all occurrences of a particular word entered by user.

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