Assignment 1 Individual Assignment

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August 2023 Semester

Machine Learning and Parallel Computing


Assignment 1
Individual Assignment (20%)

Due Date: 11TH November 2023, 11.59 PM

Submission Channel: myTIMeS
ITS66604 Machine Learning & Parallel Computing Individual Assignment

1.0 The Coursework Overview

For the assignment, you are required to explore the application of Machine Learning (ML) techniques to
the data problem of your choice. You may choose to study any data problem, giving special consideration
to the unique properties of the problem domain, and testing one or more methods on it. You may ensure
that the dataset is sufficiently challenging so that there is room to demonstrate your creativity and
knowledge in the subject to address these challenges. Your analysis and implementation of models should
be in considerable depth and detailed, also it may go further than what has already been covered in this
course. The assignment should involve implementation, and a detailed exploration and analysis of the
results using Python programming language.

2.0 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this coursework assessment, students should be able to demonstrate professionalism in

solving a real-world problem (MLO1).
• Analyse and propose machine learning techniques for chosen topic
• Explain the basic concepts of machine learning
• Apply the appropriate machine learning algorithm
• Critical evaluation of the proposed machine learning models

3.0 Assessment
3.1 Originality
Originality is important. You should not copy things directly from outside sources, like websites or
books. If you do use ideas from these sources, even if you change the words, make sure to give credit
by providing proper citation. If you're not sure, it is always better to include references to be safe. To
evaluate the originality of your work, we require both a similarity score and an AI-generated content
score from Turnitin. These scores will help us assess the uniqueness and authenticity of your assignment.
Please ensure that these scores are submitted along with your assignment submission.

3.2 Total score

The total assessment mark of this individual assignment is 100%. Passing mark is 50%.
Note: Marking criteria is available along with this assignment sheet.

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ITS66604 Machine Learning & Parallel Computing Individual Assignment

4.0 Deliverables
4.1 Dataset

This assignment must involve at least ONE dataset. For this assignment, it is recommended to use an
existing dataset rather than creating one dataset. It is a good idea to explore publicly available datasets, like
those found on UCI or Kaggle. This helps you focus on learning machine learning without worrying about
data collection. Try choosing a less commonly used dataset as this allows for more unique and innovative
approaches to machine learning. Some guidelines on choosing a dataset:

• Shall contain categorical and numeric data

• Shall be reasonably large and (say) have more than 8 variables
• Not a commonly experimented dataset.

4.2 Final Report

Final report
The result of your project is a report that clearly and concisely describes what you did, the results you
obtained, and what they mean. Maximum of 50 pages.
Minimum report requirement
• Introduction, Research Goal & Objectives (10 Marks)
Introduction of the study background (of the topic chosen).
• Related Works (20 Marks)
You are required to research at least Two (2) research articles, which are related to the chosen topic.
• Methodology (15 Marks)
Determines the methodology to use of the topic chosen.
• Implementation & Results (25 Marks)
Clearly explain the implemented experiment, code and its output.
• Analysis & Recommendations (15 Marks)
Critically analyse the built model and validated results. Discussions on social impacts and ethical
issues are encouraged if it is relevant to the solution.
• Conclusions (5 Marks)
Concluding the project accomplishment and contributions.
• Submission Requirements (10 Marks)
6 sections above and other report components: Similarity score, AI score, Project Title,
Acknowledgements, Abstract, Table of Contents, References.

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ITS66604 Machine Learning & Parallel Computing Individual Assignment

5.0 Submission

The assignment is an Individual Report and should be completed by Week 11. All submissions are ONLINE.

All reports must be typeset in 12pt font with 1.5 line spacing. The text in your report must be in your own
words. Quoted text must be set off by quotes (“ ”) and the source clearly attributed, even if the text is as
small as a single phrase. If you use someone else's figures or tables the appropriate attribution must appear
in the caption as well as in the text where you discuss the figure/table. Please do not turn in large sections
of code listings or massive tables of raw data. The report should be easy to read. Every figure or table in
the report body should be discussed in the report body. If you would like to present additional experiments
that are not evaluated in the body of your report, include them as an Appendix.

The following must be submitted via myTimes on Week 11:

1. Soft copy of the full report (in PDF)

2. Turnitin Report (in PDF)

3. All codes (in .py, .ipynb, or .html)

4. Original dataset (in .csv)


- Submission format:
o Submit each file separately into the assignment submission Dropbox.
o Do not compress or zip the files into a single zip folder.
- File naming convention:
o Use the following format for naming your files:
[Report/Turnitin/Code/Dataset] Student ID_Student Name_Project Title
o For example:
▪ [Report] 0350000_johnDoe_prediction of transaction fraud.pdf
▪ [Turnitin] 0350000_johnDoe_prediction of transaction fraud.pdf
▪ [Code] 0350000_johnDoe_prediction of transaction fraud.ipynb
▪ [Dataset] 0350000_johnDoe_prediction of transaction fraud.csv

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ITS66604 Machine Learning & Parallel Computing Individual Assignment

6.0 Marking Scheme

Score (Percentage of the allocated marks for each task)
Excellent Good Average Poor

>= 90% < 90% , >= 70% < 70% , >= 40% < 40%

Introduction, Section Introduction is Section Introduction is Section Introduction does Section Introduction fails
Research Goal & well-written, and the adequately written, but not effectively define the to clearly define the
Objectives latest articles (published the cited articles are not domain and related topics. domain and related topics.
10% in 2021 or later) are the most recent ones. The cited articles are The cited articles are not
properly cited. Research Research goals and outdated. Research goals up-to-date. Research
goals and objectives are objectives are defined but and objectives, however, goals and objectives lack
clearly and precisely could be more precise. are clear. clarity.
Related Works Two related works are Two related works are Fewer than two related Fewer than two unrelated
20% thoroughly described, and adequately described, and works are described, and works are described, and
the latest articles the latest articles the cited articles are the cited articles are old.
(published in 2021 or (published in 2021 or outdated. The review is There is minimal
later) are appropriately later) are properly cited. incomplete and lacks evidence of a systematic
cited. Exceptional Evidence of reviewing systematic depth, but it approach, and the review
evidence of a and employing suitable suffices to identify some is incomplete. The
comprehensive and in- approaches, though the relevant literature. The research gap and scope
depth systematic review. scope is not extensive or research gap and scope are poorly defined or
The research gap and deep enough. The are vaguely defined. absent.
scope are clearly defined. research gap and scope
are defined.
Methodology The methodology for the The methodology for the The methodology for the The methodology is either
15% chosen topic is chosen topic is chosen topic is not clearly not described or remains
meticulously determined. determined. The methods determined or is poorly incomplete.
The methods are clearly are outlined, though the articulated, indicating
articulated with well- justification is not entirely some deficits in
justified reasoning. clear. understanding.

Implementation & The implementation is The implementation is The implementation The implementation is
Results exceptionally strong, strong, producing clear contains some mistakes, incomplete, with missing
25% yielding clear outputs. outputs. Model validation and the outputs are not code and output. Model
Model validation and and evaluation are entirely clear. Model validation may be absent
evaluation are highly adequate, and the validations may not be or irrelevant, and the
appropriate, and the significance of the results entirely appropriate for application of model
significance of the results is reasonably interpreted. the intended problem or validations may not match
is skillfully interpreted. Diagrams and tables are may be poorly executed, the evaluation of the
Additionally, provided, although they suggesting some deficits model outputs.
comprehensive diagrams may not be entirely in understanding.
and tables are provided. sufficient.

Analysis & Exceptional evidence of Appropriate analysis and Satisfactory results with Limited or no evidence of
Recommendations results, covers critical discussion/recommendati discussion/recommendati analysis or discussion/
15% analysis, and ons of results are ons, though critical recommendations.
comprehensive discussion provided, but some room analyses are absent or
and recommendations. for improvement remains. limited.
Conclusions The conclusion is concise, A good conclusion is The conclusion is There are some
5% addressing all objectives provided, demonstrating satisfactory but does not conclusions, but they are
fully met, with the fulfillment of entirely address the full not very relevant and fail
outstanding implications. objectives, though there is achievement of to demonstrate the
room for improvement. objectives. fulfillment of the
Submission All 10 requirements are All 10 requirements are Fewer than 6 Fewer than 6
Requirements fully met, and the provided, but the requirements are requirements are
10% document is well document is not well provided, but the provided, and the
designed and formatted. designed and formatted. document is well document is not well
designed and formatted. designed and formatted.
Similarity below 25%. Similarity above 25%. Similarity below 25%. Similarity above 25%.
AI writing below 25%. AI writing above 25%. AI writing below 25%. AI writing above 25%.

End of document.

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