What Is Analog-To-Digital Conversion (ADC)
What Is Analog-To-Digital Conversion (ADC)
What Is Analog-To-Digital Conversion (ADC)
The output of the analog-to-digital converter has defined levels or states. The number of
states is almost always a power of two -- that is, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. The simplest digital
signals have only two states and are called binary. All whole numbers can be
represented in binary form as strings of ones and zeros.
k Analog-to-digital conversion changes continuous analog signals to discrete digital
Computers "talk" and "think" in terms of binary digital data. While a microprocessor can
analyze analog data, it must be converted into digital form for the computer to make
sense of it.
A typical telephone modem makes use of ADC to convert the incoming audio from a
twisted-pair line into signals the computer can understand. In a digital signal
processing system, an analog-to-digital converter is required if the input signal is
The way people experience the world is mostly analog; think sound and light waves. For
these signals to be used in computing, they must be converted to digital ones. However,
digital electronics works in discrete numbers. To convert an analog signal to a digital
one, measurements must be sampled at a regular frequency. The sample rate must be
at least twice its frequency. This approach is used in digital audio and video to reduce
aliasing, or the production of a false frequency.
A sample rate that is too low won't accurately depict the original signal; it will be
distorted or have aliasing when reproduced. A rate that is too high will use more storage
and processing resources than necessary.
The Nyquist theorem is used to locate the point where the right amount of information
is gathered. Other names for the theorem are the Nyquist-Shannon theorem or the
Whittaker-Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem.
How the Nyquist theorem works
Analog signal frequency is measured in hertz. Their frequency describes the number of
times they go up and down in a second. Electrical engineer and mathematician Claude
Shannon explained the theorem as follows: "If a function x(t) contains no frequencies
higher than B hertz, it is completely determined by giving its ordinates at a series of
points spaced 1/(2B) seconds apart."
To correctly reproduce a signal, the sample rate has to be two times the highest
To show how this works, imagine a sensor on the Earth tasked with measuring the
brightness of the sky. It takes a measurement once a day, every 24 hours. Data from
this sensor would lead a researcher to inaccurately believe the sky stays at a constant
brightness throughout the day. If the experiment is changed so that measurements are
taken 18 hours apart, it would produce equally inaccurate data, randomly alternating
between full daylight, complete darkness and some dim light.
Have the sensor take a measurement every 12 hours, however, and the results depict
the Earth's day-night cycle over a 24-hour period. To get an accurate measure of the
Earth's 24-hour rotation, the measurements must be done at least twice its rate, which
are 12-hour intervals.
Conversely, the opposite process was used when a voice call was delivered to another
user. A digital-to-analog converter, or DAC, converted the digital code from the switch
into audible analog signals. This model is still in use today, more than 50 years later.
ADC technology is also used to process video signals into digital bit streams for
transmitting visual images also with voice communications.
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This was last updated in July 2022
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