Development Journalism

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Development Journalism

Prof. Mukul Srivastava

Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
University of Lucknow Lucknow (India)
Development Journalism 31

Meaning and Concept of Development Journalism

Five Year Plans (FYP) were
started in independent India to,
expedite the growth and
development of our country. Since
1951, the year in which the first
F YP co mmen ced, I nd ia i s
witnessing a sharp transformation
in almost every sector of the
country. Some the changes were
welcomed enthusiastically by the
public, but at the same time a
number of other changes were not
accepted as unreservedly and had
to face opposition from the public.
A lot of new issues emerged during
the course of this transformation and become the centre of debate.
Development journalists’job is to critically analyse and evaluate these
issues and create awareness in the public regarding these
development issues. Their job is to inform the readers; the listeners
and the viewers about various developmental schemes and
programmes implemented and executed by various government
departments and agencies. It is the job of a development journalist to
make the public aware about various development policies,
programmes and schemes initiated by the government and the manner
in which these are beneficial for them so as to create a favourable
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environment for the implementation and execution of all these one way or another and it is also important to take the points of
development oriented policies, programmes and schemes and view of the officials involved in the execution; inspection or any
ensure the participation of the public in making them successful. other activity directly related to different developmental
Development brings with itself a number of facilities and amenities activities going on in that area.
which help in raising the standards of living of the public; improves (ii) It is important to be factual while writing development based
their societal standing and paves way for their material growth. The news reports.
participation of the public in the development process has manifested (iii) It is more important for a development reporter to have her/his
itself in multitudinous changes we are witnessing around us every day own perspectives regarding any specific developmental activity
such as the construction of new roads; construction of new residential or plan than to have a distinctive style or technique of writing.
premises; availability of clean potable drinking water for everyone; (iv) Language of development reporters should be as simple and easy
increased electricity production; easily accessible means of as possible. While giving statistics related to development such
communication such as mobiles, internet, etc; ever growing number as income, expenditure, literacy rate, etc., it is preferable to give
of Primary Healthcare Centres in rural areas; opening of a large whole numbers instead of fractions.
number of primary schools and creation of new universities in order to (v) Comparative numbers or statistics are always helpful. For
provide word-class education to Indian students. Opening of a example, if one is writing a report about the effects of new
number of new radio stations, television stations and cinemas to technology on the existing communication system, then the
inform educate and entertain the public is a culmination of various report can be made more effective by incorporating a
development works going on all around us. Food, clothing, housing, comparative analysis of the current situation with situation that,
access to potable drinking water, etc. are some of the basic amenities existed before the aforementioned technology was deployed. By
essential to sustain a normal life. All these needs of the human beings putting comparative data side by side, a clear picture can be
can be fulfilled only through rapid inclusive development. Main presented to the reader or the audiences.
objective of the development process should be to increase the income The Development Process
of the majority of the public and to raise their standards of living. The process of development is usually a slow one because people
Certain specific qualities, preparation, etc. are required to write on take time to get accustomed to new ideas. For instance, research as
development issues. A reporter has to gather information about all the well as practical experience has proved that new varieties of seeds are
development policies and programmes of the government in order to very useful in increasing the production of the food grains; still, these
be able to competently and successfully perform her/his job. new varieties of seeds are not adopted as quickly by the farmers as
Art of Development Journalism they should be. Lands of a lot of people have been acquired by the
It is the result of development journalism that today the public at government in past few decades in order to make roads, dams,
large is aware of various ill-effects of deforestation such as pollution, electricity generation plants, etc. and these people were displaced
water related problems, sand erosion, etc. Development journalism from their motherlands. Land acquisition is almost always opposed
has forced us to re-think our development goals and strategies. A lot vehemently by the land owners who regard this as an attempt to
many media writers have used the issue of development and the alienate them from their motherland and destroy their livelihoods in
means to achieve developmental goals to write a number of very order to provide benefit to industrialists or wealthy people. This is
intriguing reports. Reports of development journalists should be where development reporters have to play a crucial role. They have to
structured around following facts and data: make the people affected by land acquisition realize the importance or
(i) A development reporter should collect data from that specific roads, electricity, dams, etc. in the development process and the way
area which has already been developed. For this, it is essential to in which these development initiatives will help them is securing a
interview the people involved in coordinating various better future not only for themselves but for their next generations as
development works in that area or were associated with them in well.Also, it is the duty of development reporters to ensure that people
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displaced from their lands are getting proper compensation and to From success stories, people get motivation and self-belief and start
report any irregularity in the purpose for acquiring the land and its thinking that if someone else can do something; so can they and from
actual use. Development reporters should ensure that whatever is the failure stories, they become aware of the mistakes committed by
promised to the people does not remain a pipe dream and development other people while undertaking similar developmental projects and
occurs in reality and not only on papers. They can do this by fearlessly hence, can avoid them. Social activists and writers like Sunder Lal
reporting the truth. Although, the government has spent billions of Bahuguna and Bharat Dogra attracted the attention of the authorities
rupees in various FYPs in order to achieve a number of development and the environmentalists towards the plight of the people displaced
goals, but most of the government’s goals are either still not attained due to construction of various dams by writing articles such as
or are attained only partially. For instance, various development goals ‘Worms in Breakfast Basket’to present their points of view in a logical
of the government such as achieving 100% literacy rate, providing manner.
basic amenities to all the citizens, increase in per capita income, Besides, there are certain positive aspects of development
raising the standards of living of the public, etc. are still not journalism. For example, there is a village on the outskirts of Delhi
satisfactorily achieved. At the same time, the environment has been named ‘Chatera’.
destroyed ruthlessly on the pretext of achieving these development This village was selected by Mr. M.G. Verghese and the
goals. For instance, World Food and Agriculture Organization has journalists working with the Hindustan Times for development
predicted that out of the 75% of the world’s land that is deforested, journalism and christened the project as ‘Hamara Gaon Chatera’ (Our
only 17 million hectares is used for food-grain production. Improper Village Chatera). When this village was taken for this experimental
drainage systems lead to increased alkalinity or salinity of the soil. project, it was extremely under-developed. The natives of this village,
Unbridled use of inorganic fertilizers is resulting in rapid spread of were then given training to adapt new and advanced techniques of
cancer and other pernicious diseases. Industrialization is taking place agriculture by the scientists of Indian Council for Agricultural
at an incredible pace across the world and industrial pollutants coming Research and trained under the guidance of internationally recognized
out of innumerable factories are leading to an increased presence of Indian agriculturist Mr. Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan, who
toxic chemicals in water, soil and air. This process of development has was instrumental in bringing about the Green Revolution in India. A
become quite complex. People across the globe are now vehemently team of journalists kept appraising every stage of the project
opposing large development projects due to justifiable concerns continuously and reported the growth and development taking place
regarding their environment. All the above mentioned issues need to in the village as a result of this project regularly. This was a
be presented in front of the public as well as the concerned authorities. praiseworthy method of reporting based on development which was
In such a scenario, development reporters can play a very vital role adopted for the first time in India by any mass media. This is an
irrespective of the medium to which they belong. exquisite example of development journalism.
Success Stories Although, there is no dearth of writers who look at only the
Generally, it has been noticed that while writing on development negative aspects of every developmental policy, project or
issues, success stories of various development programmes or programme. Some of them are prejudiced and are not willing to accept
policies are highlighted extensively. At the international level, the India as one of the most progressive nations in the world and a future
example of Japan’s success story and the growth and development it superpower. However, even a layman cannot ignore the astonishing
achieved in merely 30 years is used time and again in various success that India has achieved in various fields such as space
development based articles by the journalists. In India, articles written technology, nuclear technology, science, textile production, milk
on Punjab’s contribution in bringing about the Green Revolution in production, agricultural technologies, etc. in past few decades. Before
the country and its rise as the food production hub of India are independence even a needle was not manufactured in our country and
appreciated greatly by the readers. But, same is the case with the at present, India is among the biggest exporters of steel in the world.
stories of failure. People can learn from both success as well as failure. Country expects constructive criticism from a development
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journalist. A development reporter should not be dismissive about any • Description of Development.
developmental project without valid scientific reasons or without If all these tasks are performed with utmost probity, then the job
suggesting feasible alternatives. For example, Sunder Lal Bahuguna of a development journalist becomes even more demanding and
appealed to the government to discontinue the Tihri Dam Project places a lot more responsibility on her/his shoulders. With every
because he found out after extensive scientific research that the development based article, its factual objectives are mentioned
proposed site for construction of the dam fell under a highly active clearly. However, one should be cautious while trying to assist in the
seismic zone and building such a large dam there would lead to high process of development. It is the duty of any conscientious
intensity earthquakes resulting in complete destruction of the development reporter to analyse the process of growth and
environmental and biological diversity of the area, but eventually his development from a national perspective. A development reporter
appeal fell on deaf years and the Tihri Dam was constructed. needs to awaken her/his sixth sense. S/he should consciously refrain
Search for Development News Stories from writing articles which extol or eulogize individuals. This is a
There are numerous areas of development which media seldom very difficult field where a reporter faces a lot of hurdles.
cover. A number of state governments, various departments of the A good development journalist should have the following qualities:
union government, voluntary organizations, large institutional (i) Extensive Network: A good development journalist is required
departments, research organizations and innumerable famous to create and maintain an extensive network of sources. S/he should
scientists and researchers are continuously striving hard to make this maintain continuous communication with various government
world a better place. Even at this very moment copious amazing departments and agencies involved in the development work both – at
development stories are waiting to be told in the cabinets of various the centre and in the states. For example, s/he should always stay in,
research institutes. They might never see the light of the day. Its reason contact with Rural Development Ministry, Environment Ministry,
may be the lackadaisical approach of various media towards Agriculture Ministry, Department of Social Welfare, Agricultural
development journalism or they may be just waiting for a Universities and other similar ministries, departments and institutions
competent development journalist arrive in their search and do justice which have a major role to play in the development process. Besides,
with them. s/he should also remain in touch with the Press Information Bureau
Everyday the central government; governments of various and the offices of various private sector organizations involved in
states; different government departments and ministers provide different developmental activities.
information to the public regarding various development works going (ii) Relationship with International Development Organizations
on in the country via press releases, handbooks, newspapers, year United Nations is the largest international organization in the world
books or press conferences. Do not discard this information; instead, comprising more than 191 countries. It is responsible for various
save it for future reference. It is always better to speak with the official development activities in various member countries. Offices of
or the scientist who has released that particular press release or numerous organizations such as World Food and Agriculture
handbook. Meet with different people; visit research institutes and Organization (FAO), United Nations Development Programme
organizations regularly; attend seminars and conferences from time to (UNDP), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations
time; ask questions with concerned persons; collect matter related to Children’s Fund (UNICEF), International Labour Organization
development process and create your own person library. All the (ILO), etc. involved in developmental activities across the globe are
aforementioned tips will help you in becoming a good development located in Delhi. They publish various reports on a regular basis
journalist. providing important information about different developmental
Objectives of Development Journalism activities going on in our country as well as in the world. A good
Main objectives of development journalism are following: development journalist should maintain regular contact with Public
• Providing Information. Relations Officers or PROs of these organizations as they can provide
• Assist in Development. invaluable information for writing excellent development stories.
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(iii) Keep a Desk Diary: A development journalist should maintain participate in such programmes. New developmental issues are
her/his own desk diary. This should be used to record routine and emerging everyday. The need is to stimulate the senses of
specific developmental activities going on in her/his area and her/his development reporters so that they may extract good journalistic
personal observations regarding the progress of various development stories out of those issues.
projects. Information regarding important days can provide a good Development Journalism for Print Media
background for development news stories or articles. Development journalism is a highly challenging job and demands
(iv) Maintain a Personal Lexicon of Quotations and References: diligence and dedication from its practitioners. Print media is very
Maintaining a personal lexicon of relevant quotations and references important for development journalism. Almost all leading dailies
and using them prudently will render a unique flavour to your reports like the Indian Express, Pioneer, The Hindu, etc. keep at least a whole
and make them better than the others, because they are a result of your page reserved for development news every week. Features are the best
diligence and assiduity. This is something you have earned through form of journalistic writing to
your persistent hard work of years and it will definitely show in your communicate development based
development based news stories and articles. Maintaining a topic- news stories. Development based
wise list of quotations and references will help you in choosing news stories can be made more
pertinent matter for your report effortlessly and in quick time and interesting and stimulating with the
hence, will render your reports much more useful and beneficial for help of photo-features. Interviews
the readers. of persons involved in various
Main difference between routine journalism and development developmental activities have a,
journalism is of the ‘purpose’. Duty of development journalists is not high impact quotient and are liked
merely to provide information to the public. Besides providing by the readers. News agencies like
information regarding various development policies and programmes Press Trust of India (PTI) and
to the public, they also have the responsibility of describing the effects United News of India (UNI) have
of the proposed development on the lives of the people concerned; created separate desks for development based news.
creating conducive environment for proper implementation and Development Journalism for Radio
execution of various development programmes and ensuring healthy While reporting for radio, development reporters must keep in
participation of the public in various governmental or non- mind that they are conversing with the listeners and not reading.
governmental development initiatives. Although, one can transmit one’s script in her/his own voice, but the
Field of development journalism comprises a lot of sub-fields audiences should never get the inspiration that one is reading. For this
and each one of them requires a particular type of specialization. to happen, one must use simple language and words. Follow the rule
Seventy percent of Indian population is directly or indirectly involved of ‘I’ and ‘You’ while on the
in agriculture. Therefore, agricultural development will be a sub-field microphone so that you can
or rural development based reporting. There is a profound objective in establish one to one relationship
front of you as a development journalist. A development journalist with your listeners. If you want to
belonging either to print media or electronic media is free to choose reach to illiterate audiences, then
any developmental programme for a thorough evaluation of the radio is the best medium. Real
progress that programme has achieved on various parameters. S/he meaning of development is making
can provide answers to pertinent questions such as–“Why the benefits all the basic amenities of life
of any particular developmental programme are not reaching to its available to each and every citizen
primary target group?” and delineate various reasons for the slow of the world. The purpose of
progress of any such programme. S/he can persuade the public to development journalism is to act as
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a catalyst in the process of development. The success of any

development reporter lies in achieving this objective of development
Development Journalism forTelevision
A good television programme
based on developmental issues can
be quite helpful in discovering
various loopholes in various
developments policies, projects and
programmes. It is imperative for a
good television programme that
each on e lo o ks a f ter each
department. Television programmes
which delineate the concept of
development so that the general
public can understand it easily are
ideal from the point of view of development journalism. Television
holds the edge over its contemporary mass media due to its audio-,
visual nature. Television as a mass medium is perfect to motivate
people for participation in the process of development by
broadcasting various programmes based on success stories of
development. Meaningful and persuasive scenes should be chosen to
convey the message. It is always better to let the scenes tell the story
than to create a web of esoteric statistics and data. Indian television
caters mostly to the needs of the urban audiences. National channel of
India–Doordarshan –was an exception, but now even Doordarshan is
caving in to the pressures of market economy. Concept of
development is not proprietary to the urban areas. If separate
yardsticks will be used for measuring development in Indian cities
and villages, then the gulf of inequality between the rich and the poor
will continue to increase unabatedly and the fruits of development
will not reach to the majority of the populace.
It can thus be concluded that development is not an isolated
concept. Similarly, development journalism is also a relative concept.
Just like development, development journalism also varies in
meaning and has different purposes under different circumstances and

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