Obg Gyne Pranav

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multiple choice question

1.Which of the following descripition is correct about partogram?( )

A.The left Y-axis represents the fetal station

B.The right Y-axis represents the cervical dilatation

C.Active phase includes an acceleration phase, a phase of maximum slope, and a deceleration


D.The x-axis represents the onset of labor

2.Which of the following is incorrect about labor?( )

A.The total stage of labor begins with spaced uterine contractions and ends with the passage of


B.The median duration of first stage is 11-12 hours in nulllinulliparas

C.The median duration of second stage is about 1hour or several minutes for multiparas

D.The third stage of labor is within 30mins normally.

3.Which of the following is correct about partogram?( )

A.The latent phase begins with regular uterine contractions and ends once dilatation of 4cm is


B.The rate of cervical dilatation of latent phase is 2cm/hr

C.The median duration of latent phase is approximately 12h

D.The median duration of active phase is approximately 4h

4.The types of episiotomy include( )

A.midline episiotomy

B.Mediolateral episiotomy

C.All of the above

5.The timing of episiotomy is ( )

A.At the end of the first stage

B.At the begining of the second stage

C.At the end of the second stage

D.At the begining of the third stage

6.Which of the following is not essential rules for incision and repair of episiotomy ( )


B.Anatomical restoration

C.Visualization of the wound apex

D.Without excessive suturing and dead space

E.An anchor stitch is placed at the wound apex to begin a running closure.

7.The most frequent cause of postpartum hemorrhage is ( )

A.Birth canal lacerations

B.Retention of a placental fragment

C.Uterine atony

D.Placenta accreta

E.Arrested labor

8.Which of the following is correct about genital tract lacerations ( )

A.The third-degree laceration invloves the external anal sphincter

B.Mild cervical lacerations results in bleeding profoundly

C.Cervical laceratios are seen at 6 or 12 o’clock

D.interruptted suture are placed beginning at the angle of the cervical laceration

E.First-degree lacerations involve the perineal skin,vaginal mucous membrane and the fascia

9.Which of the following manifestation predispose to fetal distress? ( )

A.Meconium-stained in the amnionic fluid

B.Increased fetal movements,40 fetal movements in 24 hours

C.Early deceleration in fetal heart rate tracing

D.The baseline of fetal heart rate wanders between 120 and 150bpm

E.Mininal varible,less than 3bpm,absent acceleration of fetal heart rate with fetal movement
10.Which of the following is not the etiology of fetal distress? ( )

A.Maternal anemia,infection and fever

B.Insufficient uteroplacental perfusion

C.Tight coiling of umbilical cord around fetal parts

D.Fetomaternal ABO blood group incompatibility

E.Fetal malpresentation

11.The critical cause of chorinic fetal distress is ( )

A. Compression of umbilical cord

B. Compromised uteroplacental perfusion

C. Placental previa

D. Placental abruption

E. Presentation of umbilical cord

12.If bleeding subsides,the sterile gauze packed in the uterus is typically removed ( )

A.Afer 36 hours

B.After 24 hours

C.After 12 hours

D.After 8 hours

E.After 16 hours

13.Which management of the third stage of labor is incorrect ( )

A.Compressing the fudus immediately after newborn birth to aid the expulsion of placenta

B.Gross examination of the placenta and membranes is integral following delivery

C.Inspection of the birth canal for lacerations after delivery of the placenta

D.After delivery of the placenta, the mother should be encouraged to avoid the distention of the


short-answer questions
1. What are the common indications for episiomy?
2. What is the classification of perineal laceration and the disruption of anatomical structure?

3. What are the signs of placental separation?

4. What are the common causes of fetal distress?

5. List some resuscitative interventions for category II or III tracing.

6. What are the fetal biophysical components assessed for the biophysical profile?

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