Pds Pentens HKP T 100
Pds Pentens HKP T 100
Pds Pentens HKP T 100
Disclaimer. All representations and recommendations set forth are given in good faith and to the best of our knowledge. However due to
varying conditions and applications, the buyer shall conduct its own tests of this product before use. Under no circumstances will the
manufacturer be liable for any loss or damages caused by incorrect usages. The sale of this product shall be on terms and conditions set
forth on Pentens order acknowledgement.
Product Data Sheet
Substrate should be primed with a 1:3 mixture of Impervious gloves and barrier cream should be
PENTENS T-007 and water. Brush on at the used when handling these products. Eye
approximate rate of 0.3kg/m2. protection should be worn. In case of contact
with eyes, wash thoroughly with plenty of water
On areas exposed hot drying winds. 2 to 3 thin and seek medical advice if symptoms persist. If
coats of paint may be more successful than 1 contact with skin occurs, it must be removed
thick coat. For indoor areas, it is recommended before curing takes place. Wash off with an
that allow approximately 30 minutes or after the industrial skin clearer followed by plenty of soap
primer becomes tacky then apply T-100. and water. Do not use solvent. Ensure adequate
ventilation when using these products.
With brush, roller, or spray method apply the first
coat of PENTENS T-100 on the application
surface. The first coat should be applied in one
direction only. If possible the second coat should
be applied at right angles to the first. Leave to
cure for approximately 8 hours before applying
second coat.
UFON NANO-CHEMICAL CORP. HKP Engineering (Materials) Limited.
PENTENS No.36, Lane 105, Chengfu Rd., Sansia
Dist., New Taipei City 23743,
Room A3, 4/F,Block A, Proficient Industrial Centre, 6 Wang
Kwun Road., Kowloon Bay
Tel: +886 2 26682003 Tel: 2525 1682 URL: www.hkpmaterials.com
Fax: +886 2 26681546 Fax: 2525 0898 Email: [email protected]