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Pds Pentens HKP T 100

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PENTENS T-100 Product Data Sheet

Water-Based PU Bituminous Waterproofing Membrane

Description Technical & Physical Data

PENTENS T-100 is a specially produced PU Form Paste like Emulsion
bituminous waterproofing compound for use on Color Dark Brown
both internal and external surfaces. It will bond Specific Gravity
perfectly to almost any surface such as concrete, CNS 6988 1.08
masonry, metal and timber. It may be applied to Hardness (Type A/1 Sec)
new or existing structures, and will bond to a CNS 6988 35
Tensile Strength (kgf/cm2)
damp surface. It can also be mixed with sand, to
CNS 6988 >28
form a mortar of any desired consistency.
Elongation (%) >400
CNS 6988
Uses Tear Strength (kgf/cm)
CNS 6988 >14
To provide a better water and vaporproof in 100% Modulus of Elasticity
complicating application surface compare to (kgf/cm2)
membrane-type and ensure better integrity CNS 6988 10
between applied surfaces and waterproofing Adhesive Strength (kgf/cm2) >8
coating. Areas of application include: JIS A6909
Floor slabs Water Vapor Transmission <3
Patios, terraces and balconies (Perms)
Bathrooms ASTM E96 Method B
RC gutters and planter boxes Puncture (kgf)
ASTM E154 >17
Swimming pools and water tanks
Chemical Resistance No Changes on the
Basements and fountains (10% HCOOH, 60oC, 24 hrs) surface of the sample
Retaining walls ASTM D543
Shelf Life 1 year when
unopened and
Advantages undamaged
High elasticity. Storage Condition Store in a dry cool
Will bond to almost any surface. place
Does not run or creep under any heat. Packaging 20kg pail
Resists a wide range of acids and alkalis. 200kg drum
Can be applied to a damp surface.
Odourless and produces no fumes. Important Notes
1. Minimum ambient and substrate temperature
is 5oC.
2. Never apply more than 1 kg/m2 of PENTENS
T-100 in one single layer.
3. Apply only to clean, sound substrates where
surfaces should be well dampened but free of
surface water and leaks.
4. Thoroughly agitate contents before use.

Taiwan Green Building Material Singapore Green Label

Disclaimer. All representations and recommendations set forth are given in good faith and to the best of our knowledge. However due to
varying conditions and applications, the buyer shall conduct its own tests of this product before use. Under no circumstances will the
manufacturer be liable for any loss or damages caused by incorrect usages. The sale of this product shall be on terms and conditions set
forth on Pentens order acknowledgement.
Product Data Sheet

Instruction for Use

Surface Preparation Two coats of PENTENS T-100 are recommended
All the surfaces must be clean, free from grease, for complete waterproofing (1kg/m2 per coat).
oil, laitance, and remove all the dirt and - Bathrooms and kitchen: minimum 2 coats.
contaminants, which might affect adhesion. The - Roof, planter boxes, balconies, water tanks and
impurity outside the structure body should be basements: minimum 3 coats.
cleaned thoroughly.
For more details, please refer to our Technical
Any crack or water leakage area should be pre- Department.
treated and reinforced with PENTENS Repair
System (for more detail, please refer to our Curing
Technical Department) before the waterproofing. For optimum performance, PENTENS T-100
should be allowed to cure for 24 hours before the
For some difficult areas, such as the position of finishing concrete, tiles etc and during this time
cracks, secondary joint, right angle of wall and precautions must be taken in order to prevent
the boundary shall be strengthened first with one damaging to the coating.
layer of PENTENS T-100.
Mixing The best method to assure good penetration of the
Generally it is not required but for smoother first coat into the surface is by application with a
application, not more than 1kg of clean water can nap roller. The succeeding coats may be spray or
be added into 20kg of PENTENS T-100. roller applied.
When used as a sand mortar, the amount of sand Cleaning
added to PENTENS T-100 will determine the Tools and equipment just can be clean with clean
plasticity of the mortar and the hardness of the set water immediately after use.

Substrate should be primed with a 1:3 mixture of Impervious gloves and barrier cream should be
PENTENS T-007 and water. Brush on at the used when handling these products. Eye
approximate rate of 0.3kg/m2. protection should be worn. In case of contact
with eyes, wash thoroughly with plenty of water
On areas exposed hot drying winds. 2 to 3 thin and seek medical advice if symptoms persist. If
coats of paint may be more successful than 1 contact with skin occurs, it must be removed
thick coat. For indoor areas, it is recommended before curing takes place. Wash off with an
that allow approximately 30 minutes or after the industrial skin clearer followed by plenty of soap
primer becomes tacky then apply T-100. and water. Do not use solvent. Ensure adequate
ventilation when using these products.
With brush, roller, or spray method apply the first
coat of PENTENS T-100 on the application
surface. The first coat should be applied in one
direction only. If possible the second coat should
be applied at right angles to the first. Leave to
cure for approximately 8 hours before applying
second coat.
UFON NANO-CHEMICAL CORP. HKP Engineering (Materials) Limited.
PENTENS No.36, Lane 105, Chengfu Rd., Sansia
Dist., New Taipei City 23743,
Room A3, 4/F,Block A, Proficient Industrial Centre, 6 Wang
Kwun Road., Kowloon Bay
Tel: +886 2 26682003 Tel: 2525 1682 URL: www.hkpmaterials.com
Fax: +886 2 26681546 Fax: 2525 0898 Email: [email protected]

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