中德材料对照表 (1)
中德材料对照表 (1)
中德材料对照表 (1)
No guarantee in respect of completeness and substitution of materials! AEK2 Design Consulting
[email protected]
German Chinese
Material designation Matching of
Material No. Former designation Standard Remark Material designation Standard Title Remark
Basis SN359 properties:
E360 1. 0070 St 70-2 DIN EN 10025-2 - Q 390 C GB T 1591-94 High strength low alloy structural steels identical
S235JR 1. 0038 R St 37-2 DIN EN 10025-2 KV at room temperature, Q 235 B GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed steel only is similar
S235JRG2 unkilled not permitted Q 235 D GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels permissible identical
S275JR 1. 0044 St 44-2 DIN EN 10025-2 KV at room temperature, Q 275 Z GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels C content must be limited to similar
S275JRG2 unkilled not permitted 0.22%, otherwise only limited
weldability, notch impact energy not
S355J2 1. 0577 St 52-3N DIN EN 10025-2 KV at -20°C, fully killed Q 345 D GB T 1591-94 High strength low alloy structural steels Fully killed steel only is similar
S355J2G3 steel permissible
S355JR 1. 0045 - DIN EN 10025-2 KV at room temperature, Q 345 C GB T 1591-94 High strength low alloy structural steels Fully killed steel only is identical
unkilled not permitted permissible, KV
only at room temperature,
S235J0 1. 0114 St 37-3 U DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at 0°C Q 235 C GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed steel only is similar
permissible, KV
at 0°C ,
S235J0C 1. 0115 Q St 37-3U DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at 0°C, suitable for Q 235 C GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed steel only is similar
cold forming, permissible, KV
at 0°C ,
S235J2G3 1. 0116 St 37-3N DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at -20°C, fully killed Q 235 D GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed or double-killed steel similar
steel only is permissible,
KV at -20°C ,
S235J2G3C 1. 0118 Q St 37-3N DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at -20°C, fully killed Q 235 D GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed or double-killed steel similar
steel, suitable for cold only is permissible,
forming, KV at -20°C ,
S235J2G4 1. 0117 - DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at -20°C, fully killed Q 235 D GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed or double-killed steel similar
steel only is permissible,
KV at -20°C ,
S235JR 1. 0037 St 37-2 DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at room temperature, Q 235 A GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Z = killed only is permissible do not use
Q 235 B similar
S235JRG1 1. 0036 U St 37-2 DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at room temperature, Q 235 A GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels do not use
unkilled Q 235 B similar
S235JRG1C 1. 0121 UQ St 37-2 DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at room temperature, Not known
unkilled, suitable for cold
S275J0 1. 0143 St 44-3 DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at 0°C Q 275 GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels C content must be limited to do not use
0.22%, notch impact energy not
S275J0C 1. 0140 Q St 44-3U DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at 0°C, suitable for Q 275 GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels C content must be limited to do not use
cold forming, 0.22%, notch impact energy not
S275J2G3 1. 0144 St 44-3N DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at -20°C, fully killed Q 275 GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels C content must be limited to do not use
steel 0.22%, notch impact energy not
S275J2G3C 1. 0141 Q St 44-3N DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at -20°C, fully killed Q 275 GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels C content must be limited to do not use
steel, suitable for cold 0.22%, notch impact energy not
forming, guaranteed.
S275J2G4 1. 0145 - DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at -20°C, fully killed Q 275 GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels C content must be limited to do not use
steel 0.22%, notch impact energy not
S275JRC 1. 0128 Q St 44-2 DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at room temperature, Q 275 GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels C content must be limited to do not use
suitable for cold forming, 0.22%, notch impact energy not
S355J0 1. 0553 - DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at 0°C 16Mn GB 1591-88 High strength low alloy structural steels KV only at room temperature, similar
Z= Fully killed steel only is
S355J2G3C 1. 0569 - DIN EN 10025 (invalid) KV at -20°C, fully killed 16Mn GB 1591-88 High strength low alloy structural steels KV only at room temperature, similar
steel, suitable for cold Z= Fully killed steel only is
forming, permissible
Fine-grained engineering steels, weldable Fine-grained engineering steels, weldable
S355N 1. 0545 StE 355 DIN EN 10025-3 normalised, Q 345 D GB T 1591-94 High strength low alloy structural steels KV at -20°C similar
KV at -20°C,
S355NL 1. 0546 TStE 355 DIN EN 10025-3 normalised Q 345 E GB T 1591-94 High strength low alloy structural steels KV at -40°C ! similar
KV at -50°C,
S420N 1. 8902 StE 420 DIN EN 10025-3 normalised Q 420 D GB T 16270-96 High-strength engineering-steel KV at -20°C ! similar
KV at -20°C, sheet/plate and strip products, heat-
treated or produced by controlled rolling
S420NL 1. 8912 TStE 420 DIN EN 10025-3 normalised Q 420 E GB T 16270-96 High-strength engineering-steel KV at -40°C ! similar
KV at -50°C, sheet/plate and strip products, heat-
treated or produced by controlled rolling
S460N 1. 8901 StE 460 DIN EN 10025-3 normalised Q 460 D GB T 1591-94 High strength low alloy structural steels KV at -20°C ! similar
KV at -20°C,
S460NL 1. 8903 TStE 460 DIN EN 10025-3 normalised Q 460 E GB T 1591-94 High strength low alloy structural steels KV at -40°C ! similar
KV at -50°C,
Bright steel products for general engineering purposes Bright steel products for general engineering purposes
C45 +C or +SH 1. 0503 C 45 DIN EN 10277-2 Bright steel products, 45 GB 699-88 Quality carbon structure steel Z = killed only is permissible similar
+C = cold drawn
C15 +C or +SH 1. 0401 C15 DIN EN 10277-2 +SH = as rolled and 15 GB 699-88 Quality carbon structure steel Z = killed only is permissible similar
E 295GC +C or +SH 1. 0533 St 50-2 KG DIN EN 10277-2 Q 275 GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels similar
Sheets Sheets
DC01 1. 0330 St 12 DIN EN 10130 08F GB 699-88 Plain carbon quality steel Sameness must be checked in similar
every case
16Mn GB 8162-87 Seamless steel tubes for structural Limit C content to 0.17% similar
16Mn GB 8163-87 Seamless steel pipes for liquid service Limit C content to 0.17% similar
16Mn GB/T 8164-87 Strips for welding stel pipe Limit C content to 0.17% similar
E235 1.0308 - DIN EN 10305-4 normalised 20 GB 8162-87 Seamless tubes for structures Limit C content to 0.17% similar
St 37.4 NBK 1. 0255 St 37.4 NBK DIN 2391 normalised 20 GB 8163-87 Seamless tubes for transport of liquids Limit C content to 0.17% similar
Quenched and tempered steels, alloyed Quenched and tempered steels, alloyed
34CrNiMo6+QT 1.6582 34 CrNiMo 6 V DIN EN 10083-1 quenched & tempered 34CrNi3Mo EZB 1184-93 (Title not known)
30CrNiMo8+QT 1.6580 30 CrNiMo 8 V DIN EN 10083-1 quenched & tempered 30Cr2Ni2Mo EZB 1184-93 (Title not known)
X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 X 5 CrNiMo17 12 2 DIN EN 10250-4 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 GB 1220-92 Stainless steels (austenitic)
0Cr17Ni12Mo2 GB 1221-92 Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)
X4CrNiMo16-5-1 1.4418 - DIN EN 10250-4 Not known Not known
GJS-700-2U 1102/1103 GGG-70 DIN EN 1563 - QT 700-2 GB 1348-88 Spheroidal graphite iron castings identical
GJS-700-2 1070 QT 700-2 GB 1348-88 Spheroidal graphite iron castings identical
Malleable cast iron Malleable cast iron
EN-GJMW-360-12 EN-JM 1020 GTW-S 38-12 DIN EN 1562 Not known Not known
EN-GJMW-400-5 EN-JM 1030 GTW-40-05 DIN EN 1562 Not known Not known
GE300 1.O558 GS-60N DIN EN 10293 normalised ZG 310 - 570 GB 11352-89 General-purpose unalloyed cast steel Important! C content 0.50 to 0.60 similar
%, only limited weldability.
ZG340 - 640 GB 11352-89 General-purpose unalloyed cast steel Important! C content 0.50 to 0.60 similar
%, only limited weldability.
ZGD 345 - 570 GB T 14408-93 Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only similar
and structural steel engineering P and S max. 0.040 each
ZGD 410 - 620 GB T 14408-93 Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only similar
and structural steel engineering P and S max. 0.040 each
G20Mn5 +N or +QT 1 .6220 GS-20Mn5V DIN EN 10293 quenched & tempered ZG 20 SiMn JB T 6402-92 Castings in low-alloy steel similar
GS-52N 1.O552 GS-52N DIN 1681 normalised ZG 270 - 500 GB 11352-89 General-purpose unalloyed cast steel C content max. 0.40% must be do not use
limited to 0.35%!
ZGD 290 - 510 GB T 14408-93 Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only do not use
and structural steel engineering P and S max. 0.040 each
Flame and induction hardening steel castings Flame and induction hardening steel castings
G42CrMo4 1. 7231 GS-42CrMo4 SEW 835 quenched & tempered ZG 42 CrMo JB ZQ 4297-88 Alloyed cast steels. Non-standardised similar
cast steels.
G50CrMo4 1. 7232 GS-50CrMo4 SEW 835 quenched & tempered ZG 50 CrMo JB ZQ 4297-88 Alloyed cast steels. Non-standardised similar
cast steels.
Heat-resistant steel castings Heat-resistant steel castings
GP240GH+N 1.O619 GS-C25N DIN EN 10213-2 normalised ZG 230-450 EZB 1165-93 Title not known similar
GP240GH+QT 1.O619 GS-C25V DIN EN 10213-2 quenched & tempered ZG 230-450 EZB 1165-93 Title not known similar
G20Mo5+QT 1. 5419 GS-22Mo4V DIN EN 10213-2 quenched & tempered Not known Not known
G17CrMo5-5+QT 1. 7357 GS-17CrMo55V DIN EN 10213-2 quenched & tempered ZG 20CrMoV JB / T 7024-93 Title not known C content higher, V alloyed, Rm similar
and Re identical
G17CrMoV5-10+QT 1. 7706 GS-17CrMoV5 11V DIN EN 10213-2 quenched & tempered ZG 15Cr1Mo1V JB / T 7024-93 Title not known Cr content higher, Rm and Re similar
GX23CrMoV12-1+QT 1. 4931 G-X22CrMoV12 1V DIN EN 10213-2 quenched & tempered Not known Not known
Copper-tin-zinc cast alloys (red brass) Copper-tin-zinc cast alloys (red brass)
GK-CuSn10Zn - GK-S1 DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn10Zn2 GB/T 1176-1987 Specification for cast copper alloys
CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GS CC493K-GS G-CuSn7ZnPb DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn7Zn4Pb6 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GZ CC493K-GZ GZ-CuSn7ZnPb DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn7Zn4Pb6 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GC CC493K-GC GC-CuSn7ZnPb DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn7Zn4Pb6 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
Copper-tin cast alloys (tin bronze) Copper-tin cast alloys (tin bronze)
CuSn12-C-GS CC483K-GS G-CuSn12 DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Pb1 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn12-C-GZ CC483K-GZ GZ-CuSn12 DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Ni2 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn12-C-GC CC483K-GC GC-CuSn12 DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Ni2 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn12Ni2-C-GS CC484K-GS G-CuSn12Ni DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Ni2 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn12Ni2-C-GZ CC484K-GZ GZ-CuSn12Ni DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Ni2 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn12Ni2-C-GC CC484K-GC GC-CuSn12Ni DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Ni2 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn11Pb2-C-GS CC482K-GS G-CuSn12Pb DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Pb1 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn11Pb2-C-GZ CC482K-GZ GZ-CuSn12Pb DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Pb1 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuSn11Pb2-C-GC CC482K-GC GC-CuSn12Pb DIN EN 1982 ZCuSn12Pb1 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C-GZ CC333G-GZ GZ-CuAl10Ni DIN EN 1982 ZCuAl10Ni6Fe5 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
Copper-zinc cast alloys (cast special brass) Copper-zinc cast alloys (cast special brass)
CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe1-GS CC765-GS G-CuZn35Al1 DIN EN 1982 ZCuZn35Al1Fe1Mn2 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe1-GZ CC765-GZ GZ-CuZn35Al1 DIN EN 1982 ZCuZn35Al1Fe1Mn2 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuZn34Mn3Al2Fe1-C-GS CC764-GS G-CuZn34Al2 DIN EN 1982 ZCuZn34Al2Fe2Mn3 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuZn34Mn3Al2Fe1-C-GZ CC764-GZ GZ-CuZn34Al2 DIN EN 1982 ZCuZn34Al2Fe2Mn3 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3-C-GS CC762-GS G-CuZn25Al5 DIN EN 1982 ZCuZn25Al5Fe3Mn4 EZB 1179-93 Title not known
CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3-C-GZ CC762-GZ GZ-CuZn25Al5 DIN EN 1982 ZCuZn25Al5Fe3Mn4 EZB 1179-93 Title not known