A. Business Ethics
Various training, education and research activities are carried out
to help business people create good products and run business operations
smoothly. To obtain a good product, entrepreneurs can use all modern
scientific and technological tools. Apart from that, business people can
utilize economic and management theories to run their business smoothly.
In the past, you could only rely on natural talent, but today it is almost
impossible for professional managers to acquire sufficient skills without
special training. The economy is an important part of society. Almost
everyone is involved.
We all buy goods or services to be able to live or at least live
more comfortably. And we ourselves are involved in the production of
goods or the provision of services that other people need. The subsistence
economies of the past are now no longer found.
In fact, it could be said that the more advanced a society is, the
greater its dependence on each other in the economic sector. Business is an
absolutely necessary element in modern society, it is also an essential
social phenomenon. Business cannot be separated from moral rules.
Creating a code of ethics is a powerful way to institutionalize
ethics into a company's structure and activities. When a company has its
own code of ethics, it has several advantages over companies that do not
have a code of ethics. The benefits of a company code of ethics can be
explained as follows.
a. A code of ethics can increase a company's credibility because
ethics is part of the company culture.
b. A code of ethics can help eliminate gray areas in the field of ethics.
c. A code of ethics can explain how a company views its social
d. Codes of ethics provide opportunities for companies and the
business world in general to regulate themselves (self-regulation).
However, this description of the company's code of ethics is too
optimistic if it does not also highlight the main weaknesses of efforts to
institutionalize corporate ethics. Creating a code of ethics is clearly not
enough to solve all company moral problems. Therefore, it is not
surprising that the company's code of ethics has also come under criticism.
The company's code of ethics remains useful in establishing clear
and firm ethical standards for all employees and the scope of corporate
social responsibility. All we need to do is find ways to ensure the
effectiveness of our code of ethics. The following factors will help you run
a successful business: 14
a. The Code of Ethics must be developed with the input of all employees
to reflect the agreement of all parties to be bound by it.
b. Careful consideration should be given to which areas and topics should
be covered in a company's code of ethics.
c. The company's code of ethics must be revised from time to time and
adapted to internal and external developments.
d. The most important thing is that the company's code of ethics is
consistently enforced by implementing sanctions.
B. Corporate social responsibility
Corporate social responsibility is the company's moral
responsibility to society. Of course, the moral responsibility of a company
can be directed at various things, including the company itself, its
employees, and other companies.
When talking about social responsibility, he emphasizes moral
responsibility towards society, including the environment around the
factory and the wider community. CSR means acting ethically, obeying
the law, and acting while contributing to improving the economy while
improving the quality of life of employees and their families, as well as the
quality of local communities and society as a whole.
Schernerhorn said CSR is about the concern of business
organizations to act in their own way to protect their interests from
external public interests.
Companies integrate care Corporate social responsibility is the
social responsibility carried out by companies in their business activities
and interactions with stakeholders, based on the principles of volunteerism
and partnership. Even though the main purpose of starting a business is to
make a profit, companies must not ignore their responsibilities, especially
towards environmental and social issues.
It is not permissible for a company to achieve its goal to gain
profit alone, without taking into account the interests of other parties,
whether affected or not. Most companies strive to be accountable to their
stakeholders, initially focusing on five main groups: customers,
employees, investors, suppliers, and the communities in which they
operate. Companies can select other stakeholders who are relevant or
important to the organization and seek to meet their needs and
Several levels of CSR activities are based on the level of
difficulty of implementation, namely compliance with the law, community
development, internalization of externalities such as waste disposal,
comprehensive CSR.
Sustainable Business and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),
for example creating sustainable livelihoods for local communities through
the development of social entrepreneurship. There are four CSR models or
patterns that are commonly implemented by companies in Indonesia:
a. Involvement involves companies implementing CSR programs
directly by organizing their own social activities or donating to the
community without intermediaries.
b. Second, through foundations or social entrepreneurial
organizations, companies establish their own foundations under
their company or group.
c. Third, partnerships with other parties, where the company
collaborates with social institutions/non-governmental
organizations (NGOs/NGOs), government agencies, universities,
or mass media, both in managing funds and implementing CSR
social activities.
d. Fourth, support, join a consortium in which the company is one of
the founders, is a member, or supports a social institution
established for a specific social purpose.
1. Keraf believes there are four areas that are considered and
accepted in what is called corporate social responsibility.
Company involvement in social activities that contribute to the
benefit of the wider community. Bring a positive image and
economic benefits to the company. This increases public
acceptance of the product's existence.
2. Whether in business or social activities, we comply with legal
requirements applicable to society and ensure that our business
operates in a healthy and orderly manner.
3. Respect the rights and interests of stakeholders or parties
related to the company's business activities.
4. These four areas must be balanced because they are at least
carried out by the company and are a consideration for the
smooth running of the company's business activities.
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