Multiple Choice Test 2

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PERILLA CPE102 B5 May 02, 2023


Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer on your Answer Sheet.

1.Who is the facilitator of learning and the development of the youth?

A. Parents B. School Heads C. Teachers D. Community
2. What learning environment makes learners believe they can do the work and feel accepted?
A. Conducive B. Inductive C. Consultative D. Conductive
3. What is the name of the teacher who believes that “Every child deserves a champion, an adult
who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they
become the best they can possibly be” ?
A. Heidegger B. Considerata C. Desiderata D. Rita Pierson
4. Who said that “Schools are at the heart of the communities, so the professional teachers are
expected to be-in-the-world and to be-in-the-world-with-others and for others” ?
A. Heidegger B. Considerata C. Desiderata D. Rita Pierson
5. What section of Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers refers to “Every teacher shall merit
reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all
times and refrain from such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses
much less illicit relations” ?
A. Section 1 B. Section 2 C. Section 3 D. Section 4
6. What do you call to a professional teacher who does not look down on community’s culture
because of the thought that one is superior to the culture of the community ?
A. Ethnocentric B. Xenocentric C. Ethnic D. Both A and B
7. Who are the internal stakeholders?
A. Parents B. Students C. Teachers D. All of the above
8. What do you call to an association of teachers and parents with children who are enrolled in a
school where it is also a forum of discussions on school problems and how they can be solved ?
A. Parent- Teacher Association B. School Governing Council
C. School Council D. Teacher’s Association
9. What do you call to a policy-making body that has the school head as Chief Executive Office,
Manager and Chief Operations Officer ?
A. Parent- Teacher Association B. School Governing Council
C. C. School Council D. Teacher’s Association
10. Who gives this advice: “As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all
persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.” ?
A. Considerata B. Desiderata C. Rita Pierson D. Heidegger
KRIS JOY E. PERILLA CPE102 B5 May 02, 2023

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer on your Answer Sheet.

1.What kind of leadership where leaders help set strategic goals for the organization while
motivating individuals within the organization to successfully carry out assignments in order to
realize these goals?
A. Organizational Leadership B. Community Leadership
C. Student Leadership D. Teacher Leadership
2. Who leads the school and community to formulate the vision, mission, goals, and school
improvement plan ?
A. Parents B. School Heads C. Teachers D. Community Leaders
3. What type of skills demanded of leaders that concerns relationship with people wherein they
have the ability to work effectively with people and to build network?
A. Conceptual Skills B. Human Skills C. Technical Skills D. All of these
4. What type of skills demanded of leaders that has the ability to think in terms of models,
frameworks and broad relationships such as long range plans?
A. Conceptual Skills B. Human Skills C. Technical Skills D. All of these
5. What kind of leadership style wherein the leaders allows the participation of the members of
the organization by consulting them but make the decision themselves?
A. Laissez-faire B. Democratic C. Consultative D. Autocratic
6. What kind of leadership style which is also called as free-rein leadership style where leaders
avoid responsibility and leave the members of the organization to establish their own work ?
A. Laissez-faire B. Democratic C. Consultative D. Autocratic
7. What kind of leadership style where the leaders allows the members of the organization to
fully participate in decision making wherein the decision are arrived at by way of consensus?
A. Laissez-faire B. Democratic C. Consultative D. Autocratic
8. What kind of leadership style where leaders do decision making by themselves ?
A. Laissez-faire B. Democratic C. Consultative D. Autocratic
9. Who coined the paradoxical term servant leadership?
A. Robert K. Greenleaf B. Robert Kennedy C. Paul Hersey D. Kenneth H.
10. What kind of behavior styles in situational leadership where individuals are experienced at
the task, and comfortable with their own ability to do it well. They are able and willing to not
only do the task, but to take responsibility for the task?
A. Selling/Directing B. Telling/Coaching C. Participating/Supporting D.
KRIS JOY E. PERILLA CPE102 B5 May 02, 2023

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer on your Answer Sheet.
1.What do you call to a decentralized management initiative by developing power or authority to
school heads, teachers, parents and students which is also a s a strategy to improve education by
transferring significant decision-making authority from the DepEd Central Office, regional
offices, division offices to individual schools?
A. Students management B. Teachers management
C. School-based management D. None of these
2. What principle states that it is the people at the same?
A. Principle of Subsidiarity B. Principle of convergence to harness resources for education
C. Principle of effective leadership D. None of these
3. What does SIP means?
A. School Institute Plan B. School Institute Partnership
C. Social Improvement Plan D. School Improvement Plan
4. What Republic Act number which is also known as Governance of Basic Education Act which
transfers the power and authority as well as the resources to the school level ?
A. Republic Act 9155 B. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 8525 D. Republic Act 7836
5. What role of a School head who creates a physical and psychological climate conducive to
teaching and learning which also encourages development and use of innovative instructional
methods focused on improving learning outcomes, increasing access to basic education,
improving the holding power of schools and addressing specific local problems ?
A. Visionary Principal B. Builder of Networks
C. Curriculum Developer D. Fiscal Resource Manager
6. What do you call to a process of self-evaluation and peer-review to ensure that quality
standards agreed upon by stakeholders are understood, implemented, maintained, and enhanced
for continuous improvement of learner outcomes ?
A. Accreditation B. Licensing C. Professional Development D. Initial Professional
7. How many principles of A Child-and-Community-Centered Education Systems that were
agreed upon standards of quality or effective schools?
A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2
8. What do you call to a school’s level of SBM practice which means that the school is
introducing and sustaining continuous improvement process that integrates wider community
participation and significantly improves performance and learning outcomes ?
A. Developing B. Maturing C. Advanced D. Improved
9. What do you call to a school’s level of SBM practice which means that the school is ensuring
the production of intended outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully
integrated in the local community and is self-renewing and self-sustaining ?
A. Developing B. Maturing C. Advanced D. Improved
10. What factor that contribute to School Effectiveness which refers to clear and shared vision-
mission (focus), high expectations/ambitious standards, emphasis on accountability, aligned
curriculum, instruction and assessment with state/DepEd standards, efficiency or optimal
utilization of resources and facilities, collaboration and communication, focused professional
development, and global and future orientation ?
A. Human factors B. Non-human factors C. Students Factors D. School head factors
KRIS JOY E. PERILLA CPE102 B5 May 03, 2023

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer on your Answer Sheet.

1.According to Schein 1985, what do you call to one of the most complex and important
concepts in education?
A. School Climate B. School Culture C. School Environment D. None of these
2. What do you call to a term that is more relational and is illustrated by the attitudes and
behaviors of the school staff and is focused on the style of the school’s organizational system ?
A. School Climate B. School Culture C. School Environment D. None of these
3. What elements of a positive school culture refers to the friendly school atmosphere wherein
the responsibility and authority are shared by everyone and also it is an environment where you
can be yourself?
A. Trust and confidence B. High Expectations C. Collegiality D. Tangible
4.What elements of a positive school culture refers to atmosphere which encourages
experimentation and so welcomes mistakes as part of the learning process ?
A. Experimentation B. High Expectations C. Collegiality D. Tangible Support
5. What elements of a positive school culture where everyone in the school community gets
concrete support for the good that they do that comes in not just in words but in action and it is
where the school heads see to it that LCDs in the classrooms are functioning ?
A. Experimentation B. High Expectations C. Collegiality D. Tangible Support
6. What element of a positive school culture refers to the first domain in the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers where teachers care to grow professionally to update
themselves on content knowledge and pedagogy?
A. Tangible Support B. Reaching out to knowledge base
C. Traditions D. Honest and open communication
7. What element of a positive school culture where no one gets ostracized for speaking up one’s
mind which also means that it is an atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to speak one’s
mind without fear of being ostracized ?
A. Tangible Support B. Reaching out to knowledge base
C. Traditions D. Honest and open communication
8. What element of a positive school culture refers to school must have an intentional culture-
based program on shared values, beliefs, and behaviors wherein this strengthens the sense of
community ?
A. Tangible Support B. Reaching out to knowledge base
C. Traditions D. Honest and open communication
9. What element of a positive school culture refers to involving others who are concerned with
the decisions to be made?
A. Involvement in decision making B. Reaching out to knowledge base
C. Traditions D. Honest and open communication
10. What do you call to a deeper level of reflection of shared values, beliefs, and traditions
between staff members and which also refers to the way teachers and other staff members work
together and the set of beliefs, values and assumptions they share?
A. School Climate B. School Culture C. School Environment D. None of these
KRIS JOY E. PERILLA CPE102 B5 May 03, 2023

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer on your Answer Sheet.

1. A learner shall be given a failing grade and will not earn credits for the learning area or subject
if he/she will incurs absences of what percent of the prescribed number of class or laboratory
periods during the school year or semester?
A. More than 20 percent B. Less than 20 percent
C. More than 10 percent D. Less than 10 percent
2. In financial matters, what collections shall be made by the PTA ?
A. School Publications Fee
B. Supreme Student Government (SSG) Developmental Fund
C. Other club membership fees and contributions
D. All of the above
3. Which of the following does the PTAs are prohibited from?
A. Interfering in the academic and administrative management and operations of the schools, and
of the DepEd, in general
B. Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises
C. Operating a canteen/school supplies store, or being a concessionaire thereof inside the school
or nearby premises, or offering these services to the school as its client either directly or
D. All of the above
4. What is the right term which refers to a practice of regularly staying away or absence from
work or school without a good reason that extends beyond what would be considered reasonable
and customary?
A. Present B. Absent C. Tardy D. Absenteeism
5. Schools in partnership with their community have their own picture of what they want to be,
what do you call to that statement?
A. Vision statement B. Mission statement C. School statement D. None of these
KRIS JOY E. PERILLA CPE102 B5 May 03, 2023

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer on your Answer Sheet.

1.What domain/s focuses on instructional leadership ?

A. Domain 1 only B, Domain 2 only C. Domain 3 only D. Domain 2 and 3
2. Which of the following domain/s are related to administrative leadership ?
A. Domain 1, 4, 5, and 6 B. Domain 1, 2, 3, 4 C. Domain 2, 4 6, 7 D. Domain 2,3,4, 5
3. What domain can relate to both instructional leadership and interpersonal effectiveness which
has something to do with a teacher’s person-hood which cannot detach from what a teacher says
and does ?
A. Domain 7 B. Domain 6 C. Domain 5 D. Domain 4
4. In the NCBSSH, several strands and indicators point to this school and community
partnership. Which of the following domain and competency strand creates and manages a
school process to ensure student progress is conveyed to students and parents/guardians regularly
A. Domain 1 A B. Domain 1 B C. Domain 2 C D. Domain 3 A
5. In the Southeast Asian Competency Framework, the following competencies strengthens
school and community partnership. Which of the following goals helps strengthens the school
and community partnership?
A. promoting shared responsibility for school improvement
B. Managing education alliances and networks
C. sustaining collaborative relationships with stakeholders.
D. All of the above
KRIS JOY E. PERILLA CPE102 B5 May 03, 2023
Module 2
Answer Key:


1. C 1. A 1. C 1. B
2. A 2. B 2. A 2. A
3. D 3. B 3. D 3. C
4. A 4. A 4. A 4. A
5. C 5. C 5. C 5. D
6. A 6. A 6. A 6. B
7. D 7. B 7. B 7. D
8. A 8. D 8. B 8. C
9. B 9. A 9. C 9. A
10. B 10. D 10.B 10. B

1. A 1. D
2. D 2. A
3. D 3. A
4. D 4. C
5. A 5. D

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