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Enigma FAQ

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Enigma’s Dynamic Cold

War Campaign Server

Last Update to this FAQ: March 2, 2023
Support: https://www.patreon.com/enigma89
Discord: https://discord.gg/3ZMttnKmkh

This server runs on open beta like all other DCS Multiplayer servers. If you are
not familiar with that then click here.
Server Basics

Server Name: Enigma’s Dynamic Cold War Campaign Read the mission briefing
Server Location: Virginia, USA
SRS: for critical information. For
SRS Back Up IP:
more in-depth info, read
Radio Frequencies REDFOR:
1) 124.00 - Human GCI (Common Side Chat) this document.
2) 126.00 - Overlord Bot [Overlord ignores helos]
3) 128.00 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos]
4) 130 - DCS AWACS
5) 132 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos] Discord:
Helicopter Common: 30.00FM
Mig-15 @ 4.95 Frequency https://discord.gg/RFJXX9
Radio Frequencies BLUFOR: XhYe
1) 251 - Human GCI (Common Side Chat)
2) 253 - Overlord Bot [Overlord ignores helos]
3) 255 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos]
4) 257 - DCS AWACS Instructions on how to use
5) 259 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos]
Helicopter Common: 30.00FM Overlord Bot can be
found on this slide.
Tacviews are here, note Tacview has been disabled to save frames for the server
Server Rules
1) Do not be a jerk or malicious.
2) Do not try to break the spirit of the server
3) No racism/sexism/xenophobia/etc.
4) Do not jam comms on Overlord radio channel (this includes needlessly long range tripwires)
5) Do not re-slot to avoid death.
6) Don’t waste the time of the staff
7) Do not bomb airfield support structures that disable arming of enemy airfields

The server staff are adults with full time jobs and lives. If you break the rules repeatedly you will
be permanently banned, we do not have time for it.

Discord and Server moderators have been appointed and we have coverage in every major time
Purpose of this Document
If you are reading this then you may be interested in our Dynamic Campaign Server. The
purpose of this document is to give a complete and detailed breakdown of the server and
all of its mechanics.
If you don’t feel like reading and rather get the general breakdown of things, then check
out this video here:

Video explaining the mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEPgEZxTLZk

Teaser Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7fTpSRoY7E

Server Mission Statement
To provide a fun, competitive and balanced (via parity) multiplayer dynamic
campaign in DCS centered around the Cold War setting. Due to holes in the DCS
playable aircraft universe, decisions must be made in order to achieve the mission
statement. Main pillars are the fundamental truths and must be consulted and
adhered to when changes are considered.

The server mission statement is the overall vision, the pillars allow us to build to
that vision.
Main Pillar #1 - Fun
The first and most important pillar is to ensure that the server remains accessible
and fun for players to enjoy. Restrictive mechanics like lives, side locking and fuel
refueling will never be part of the server. Mechanics that take away fun or frustrate
users are avoided.

Example of Pillar Use: Due to this pillar being a fundamental truth in the server,
Overlord Bot will be used on the server in order to normalize data across sides.
Players that do not want to use SRS can still use default AWACS.
Main Pillar #2 - Competitive Campaign
Competitive Campaign:
The second pillar is to lean into and encourage a competitive environment. A dynamic campaign
where one side eventually wins is the main focus of the campaign. To avoid an airquake
scenario, players and mechanics encourage participation in the campaign. Players should feel
that their efforts are part of a larger effort.

Example of Pillar Use: In order to incentivize participation into the campaign, players actions on
the frontline result in campaign points. These points, once reaching a threshold, will allow access
to restricted slots to better equipment.

Once they die they lose their points and cannot use the restricted slot until they gain points
again. Restricted slots are restricted based on server pop numbers. Due to the competitive
nature of the server, mechanics are limited to what players can do. The focus is bombing
frontline and strategic targets or to defend those targets. There will be no tac commander or
controllable ground units as this leads to abuse and/or a micromanagement of ground units.
Main Pillar #3 - Balance/Parity and Asymmetry
Balance/Parity and Asymmetry:
Balance/Parity will be achieved while still allowing for asymmetrical fights. The
plane sets will be sourced from historical availability to allow for asymmetrical
fights but tweaked to ensure that there is parity between sides. Most of this
tweaking comes into the availability of what weapons are and are not restricted.

The priority is, Parity/Balance > Asymmetry > Historical Accuracy

Main Pillar #4 - Creative Freedom
Creative Freedom:
Creative freedom will be used extensively in order to ensure that balance is there
but asymmetry is a must to keep fights interesting. Creative freedom will be used
in order to keep things fun and competitive.
Airframe Airframe Cost

Planes & Attrition

Su-25 Frogfoot 0.85

Airframe Airframe Cost

Mig-15 0.65

A-10A 1.25
Mig-19P 0.85

F86 Sabre 0.85 War Material is taken Mig-21 Bis 1.20

from airfield’s near
F-5 Tiger II 1..20
depot stock. If plane
AJS-37 Viggen 1.00
is not RTB’ed its war Mirage F1CE 1.25

material is lost.
Mirage F1EE 2.25
C101 0.80 CSAR Value:
Undefined (CSAR to
MB-339 0.80
Come) Mig-29 5.00

F-14A Tomcat 7.00 L-39ZA 0.80

UH-1 Huey 0.70 Mi-24P 0.90

SA342 Gazelle 0.70 MI-8MTV2 0.70

Maps & Scenarios
The server runs two scenarios on the same server. The server changes between scenarios when the campaign is
over, meaning when one side has captured all sectors.

Scenario 1: Caucasus
This is considered our early cold war scenario. This means that the Mig-21 and F-5 are the main modules. The main
focus of the weapons in this scenario are AIM-9B vs R-3S, with some exemptions that are also included like R-3R and

Scenario 2: Syria
This is our second scenario. As new plane modules get added to the scenario, this will become our late-cold war
scenario where the planes are elevated (ie Mig-23 & F-4 are main modules). The focus is R-60 vs AIM-9P.

Missions run for 4 hours. Use command -timeleft in the in-game all chat (case sensitive) to see how much time is
remaining in mission.

Scenario 3: To be Announced
This will be ou third scenario. The main planes are the F-4 and MiG-23. The focus is more semi-to-all aspect missiles.
How Does the Campaign Work?
The map is organized by Red (Warsaw Pact-Aligned) vs Blue (NATO-aligned), by
sectors (or hexagons/Hex). The objective is to capture the other side’s capital.
Tasking Engine / AI Army
Each side is assigned an AI Tasking Engine, which evaluates the strategic value of all
hexagons in order to make decisions concerning where to distribute troops and how to
allocate War Material. Strategic value is summated by points of interests in each Hex
(e.g. depots, airfields, and factories). The priorities of the tasking engine are marked
on the map with numbers. If you do not know what to do fly toward one of those
Capture Mechanics / Attrition
Each frontline Hex has a war material value of 0-100. For each side of the Hex that
touches an enemy Hex, a ‘battle’ is fought each tick that reduces the War Material for
each hex by a ratio of the opposing/friendly forces on each side. If War Material drops
below 0, and there are enemy forces still alive on the border, the Hex will flip ownership.
How Does the Campaign Work?
War Material Production - Factories
Factories produce War Material. It can be attacked and if fully destroyed, it will produce
a maximum output of 55%. Factories are heavily defended by SAMs and produce war
material every tick.
War Material Supply - Depots
Every tick, the Tasking Engine distributes war material to each depot from the factory
pool. The distribution amount can be reduced by destroying infrastructure on the paths
between factories and depots. This is unaffected by distance, unlike depot to frontline

Multiple infrastructure targets exist in every sector on the map. These are hidden on the
map for both sides, and must be revealed by high-altitude recon (more here) and recon
infantry. When these are destroyed, they apply a 55% debuff to the amount of supply
that passes through that sector.
How Does the Campaign Work?
The state of the campaign is saved every 15 minutes. The following state is saved:
-Sector ownership (Who owns what sector)
-Factory health
-Depot health
-Infrastructure health
-Infrastructure recon marks

Factories repair everything in the campaign, this includes depots, sams, infrastructure and the factories
themselves. Repairs happen at the start of every 4 hour reset, the factories will repair part of a queue. It
will continue to work down that queue until everything is repaired. To maximize impact on the enemy,
you should hit multiple targets.

The server resets every 4 hours. Troops fully spawn at full and are redistributed based on tasking
engine priorities at that time.
Fixed Wing Recon
Recon is now only performable by aircraft with “Recon” in their name. Recon aircraft are
equipped with two camera sets, low altitude cameras for normal targets and high
altitude cameras for revealing Infrastructure targets. Film must be returned at a friendly
base in order to take effect. Recon planes can now be armed.
Low Altitude Recon
The parameters for each plane can be found here. The further away a target was when
it was captured reduces the accuracy of the recon mark, and far enough distances will
not display the unit type on the marks at all.
High Altitude Recon
This type allows you to find infrastructure targets. Once found they will stay on the map
until they are destroyed. If they are repaired after being destroyed, they will have to be
discovered again to be destroyable again.
Recon Parameters
You must be flying a recon plane (the slot name SF-37 (Viggen)
High Altitude
contains recon). Vertical FOV: 15
You must RTB to develop your film. Horizontal FOV: 15
You can be armed. Film is replenished when you Camera Position: 90 Degrees Below Nose
take back off again. Low Altitude
Vertical FOV: 15
Low Altitude Recon Recommended Parameters: Horizontal FOV: 30
Camera Position: 25 Degrees Below Nose
0 - 2,000m AGL

High Altitude Recommended: Mirage F1CR (Mirage F1)

High Altitude
6,000 - 13,000m AGL Vertical FOV: 15
Horizontal FOV: 15
Mig-21R Camera Position: 90 Degrees Below Nose
High Altitude Low Altitude
Vertical FOV: 15 Vertical FOV: 15
Horizontal FOV: 15 Horizontal FOV: 30
Camera Position: 90 Degrees Below Nose Camera Position: 25 Degrees Below Nose

Low Altitude F-5

Vertical FOV: 15 High Altitude
Vertical FOV: 15
Horizontal FOV: 30 Horizontal FOV: 15
Camera Position: 25 Degrees Below Nose Camera Position: 90 Degrees Below Nose

Low Altitude
Vertical FOV: 15
SF-37 (Viggen) Horizontal FOV: 30
High Altitude Camera Position: 25 Degrees Below Nose
Vertical FOV: 15 MiG-19
Horizontal FOV: 15 High Altitude
Camera Position: 90 Degrees Below Nose Vertical FOV: 15
Horizontal FOV: 15
Camera Position: 90 Degrees Below Nose
Low Altitude
Vertical FOV: 15 Low Altitude
Vertical FOV: 15
Horizontal FOV: 30 Horizontal FOV: 30
Camera Position: 25 Degrees Below Nose Camera Position: 25 Degrees Below Nose
Spawning Rules & Considerations
If you own a hexagon with an airfield then you can spawn at that airfield with
trainers and Su25/A10. Rear airfields can spawn anything but must not border
any enemy sector. Just because you can spawn at that airfield does not mean it
is safe. We encourage players to conduct OCA strikes. If you do not like getting
spawn camped, consider spawning further away.

SAMs & Air Defenses

Airfields, Depots & Factories are protected by SAMs. The further away a point of
interest is from the frontline the stronger the SAM defenses will be.
FARPs are typically located in the middle of each sector. Not all sectors have
FARPs due to terrain limitations (steep mountains)

Airfield Bombing
Attacking airfields is allowed. Players can crater airfields (they repair after 1 Farp Marker
Map Locations
Factories are marked with this symbol. The symbol will be on the
factory location.

Depots are marked with this symbol and will be located on the depot.

FARPs are typically located in the middle of each sector. Not all
sectors have FARPs due to terrain limitations (steep mountains) Farp Marker (Typically
Tasking Engine Priorities
The tasking engine has priorities and communicates this to players. The priorities are shown on the
map in the sector.

Eg Red’s #1 priority is shown

In a blue sector.

Priorities are shown here

by the arrows. This can be
changed every 15 minutes.

Players should wipe out enemy

unit groups in full instead of just
Killing a handful of units per group to
Maximize their effect
Helicopter Missions
Seats & Commands
Helicopters have limited seats, they are set at these values for balancing and historical reasons. You can queue the disembark
command for any amount of any squad that you have loaded, and it will be executed when conditions for dropping them are met.
Each infantry person weighs 100kg and will make your helicopter heavier.

Infantry Types & Mechanics

Each helicopter is limited to what kind of squads it can load. The three squad types are Standard, SOF, and Recon. All infantry will
disembark and run to a location determined by their mission. After their mission is done, they will wait for exfil. The squad’s general
position will be marked and will shoot yellow flares when a helicopter is in the vicinity.

Standard squads come in groups of 4 and are used for attacking frontline platoons. They kill a maximum of 8 units within a 4km
range from where they were dropped. They take 3 minutes to conduct their mission.

SOF squads come in groups of 3 and are used to destroy hard targets behind enemy lines. They will sabotage revealed
infrastructure, depots, and factory buildings. They destroy 1 building per troop and have a 2km range. They have an on mission time
of 8 minutes.

Recon squads come in groups of 2 and will reveal infrastructure or frontline troops within a 12k.5m radius (for troops) or 25km (for
infrastructure) from where they were dropped. Recon have a 5 minutes on mission time.

CSAR will be added later.

What is Overlord?
Overlord is a SRS Bot that acts as a GCI. The system works much better than the default DCS
AWACs system. You will need to have SRS in order to use the system. If you have not used
Overlord before, I urge you to watch the video below and to read the Overlord slides carefully
due to the following reasons:|

-The Microsoft API that powers Overlord costs money. Any discussions to and from Overlord
costs us immediately.
-Players should never talk to other players on the Overlord SRS frequencies.
-Players that set up excessively long warning ranges (tripwires) will be punished.

For players that do not like using

microphones, there is a text-based only
bot which is covered in the TextLordBot
How Does Overlord Work
1) Change your multiplayer name to have a call sign.
The naming convention should be, CALLSIGN #-# |

So for example, as Enigma89 I changed mine to:

Admin 1-1 | Enigma89. Player King Crab changed it
to: Crab 1-1 | KingCrab.

It is recommended to use a single common English

word as the GROUP name. Example: Dolt, Foot,
Street, etc. Avoid using words that form part of the
NATO phonetic alphabet, such as Whiskey, Tango,
Victory or Echo.

If this was not clear, see the tutorial video.

How Does Overlord Work Pt. 2
2) Radio Check: Once you have spawned, do a radio check (not necessary but recommended if you are new to o’lord). "Overlord GROUP
## Radio Check"
Example: For me this would be: “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Radio Check”

3) Bogey Dope/Shopping: To request bogey dope, ask Overlord for a “Bogey Dope” or “Shopping”
Example: For me this would be: “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Bogey Dope” or “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Shopping”

4) TripWire: To set a tripwire around you, ask Overlord and set a range. This will warn you if enemy planes fly into that distance from you,
Overlord checks every 5 seconds. Note, these should be further away from a merge call, we recommend a maximum of 12-15km.
Example: For me this would be: “Ove’rlord, Admin 1-1 Tripwire, 15 kilometer”
DO NOT SET UP TRIP WIRES AT LONG DISTANCES SUCH AS 20+ km. You can cancel tripwires by saying “cancel warning” or “cancel
tripwire.” Example: “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Cancel Warning” When you hit the front and the server busy you are going to get tripwires
constantly. CANCEL IT if so. It is rude to jam coms with your long tripwire, feel free to shorten it to a smaller range like 10-12km.

4B) Overlord automatically calls merges if you have a tripwire set, they are at 5nm or 8km Keep this in mind as you set up your tripwires,
tripwires may not be necessary after you have become engaged, cancel it and ask for bogey dope updates to get more updates.

5) Where is Friendly: To ask where a friendly is, ask Overlord and use your friendly’s call sign.
Example: I am Admin 1-1 and my wingman is Admin 1-2. I would ask “Overlord, Admin 1-1, where is Admin 1-2?”

6) Where is Home - Ask Overlord nearest airfield or heading to a certain airfield.

Example: “Overlord Admin 1-1 Nearest Airfield” or “Overlord Admin 1-1 Heading Sochi” or “Overlord Admin 1-1 Where is Sochi”
How Does Overlord Work Pt. 3
● Overlord uses metric (km) on REDFOR and imperial (miles) BLUFOR.

● Overlord can see everything at all times except it ignores helos. Everyone will know where
everyone is, but keep in mind that this information is not immediately actionable, your missiles have
terrible range and tracking. We recommend at flying at realistic altitudes. Flying low is only useful to
help avoid ground fire but Overlord will still see you.

● Avoid using "to" and "for" in radio transmissions where possible, especially as part of number
transmissions, since "for" and "four" and "to" and "two" can get mixed up. e.g If you say "for thirty
miles" the bot does not know if you mean "for thirty miles" (30) or "four thirty miles" (430 miles).

● Do not make tripwires that are long range. You do not need to know if something is more than 50
miles away from you.
For users that do not want to talk to OverlordBot you can use
● It is available under the F10 radio menu in the OverlordBot
● It will respond with text only
● It supports bogey dopes and tripwires
● You are limited to one request per 30s.
● It uses the same underlying logic as the voice bot so it should
behave the same
● You can use it and the voice bot at the same time.
● It doesn't cost the server any money to use.
If you run into any issues using TextLordBot then please put it in
Discord and ping @DOLT 1-2 | RurouniJones. This is a new feature
and the creator of Overlord/TextALord bot is not accepting new
requests. Only bug reports!
How Do Plane Restrictions Work?
Players are incentivized to take part in the dynamic campaign. Players that kill ground targets, front depot targets and AI bomber
formations recieve 1 campaign point per kill. Industrial (Rear depots) targets generally do not count due to a DCS limitation with
static objects, some do, some do not (we can’t get around this). You can also gain credits by successfully dropping troops at the
frontline (1 per squad) or doing a successful CSAR rescue.

Once gaining 15 campaign points, players are then able to use a restricted slot. If you select a restricted slot you lose 15 points
immediately. A player must take off and RTB their restricted plane to an airfield (not roadbase) in order to get their 15 points back.
The F-14A and the Mig-29 are the restricted planes. If you spawn in and then reslot without taking off and landing you lose
your points.

To check your balance type -credits in all chat in-game.

If you spawn in and do not land in the restricted plane you will lose your points, this even means for server reset. This is
done to help fight against combat loggers/reslotters. You have been warned, we will not be recouping people for lost credits, it takes
us too much time to do it - sorry.

Players can only have a maximum of 50 credits at any given time.

Players can donate or tip other players in discord or in game. Discord command: “.donate <@member> <points>”
In game: "-donate <player name> <points>"

Players that friendly fire other players will lose 10 credits.

How Do Stats Work?

Stats can be found on discord , in #server-stats. You must be enrolled in the cold war role to be able to type in any
stats related channel, to do that go to #roles and hit the mig-21 emoji. Type .help in #server-stats to get information on
the commands. The command you will use 99% of the time will be .stats.

Linking Your Account

You must have your discord account linked to your DCS account. To do this, go into #server-stats and type .linkme.
You will then get a DM from the bot which will give you a secure code. Log into game and type that secure code into
all chat. Your accounts will then be linked and then you can use stats commands in discord.

If you have any issues, type in #stats-bugs. If it is a new issue that needs attention, the staff will create it as a thread.

The stats will give you an overview of your performance. The staff will release global level stats for balance reasons in
interimmentent times.

The stats system is powered by SpecialK’s discord stats bot. If you need help with the stats system type .help in the
How Do Punishments Work
You can check your in game penalty points by typing in game all chat, -penalty. If you are banned then the bot will automatically
unban you when your points decay.

These actions are tracked by the stats system and hand out negative social credit:

Friendly Fire Kill: 30 Points / 10 Points for AI
Bombing Road Base: 40 Points If you are new, read this IFF Guide.
The punishment scales based on how many hours you have played
0-4 Hour Played: 1.5x
4-8: 1.2x
8+: 1x
This means if you friendly fire with 1 hour played on the server, your punishment is not 30 points but 45 points (30*1.5).

Time Decay
The negative social credit value gets a decay multiplier which reduces the amount after several days. This is your time out period.
0 Days: 1x
3 Days: 0.5x
7 Days: 0.25x
14+: 0x
This means that if I have 100 points now, it will be 50 points by day 3, after 7 days your points will be 12.5 (50 * 0.25), after day 14 it
will be at 0 points.

These are the penalties, once you reach this point value this penalty will be handed out
Warning: 1 Point
Kicked to Spectator: 40 points (10s delay)
Kicked from Server: 60 points (10s delay)
Ban: 100 points (10s delay)
Will X mod be allowed (SU-17, A-4, etc)?
ED/DCS does not allow us to enforce a single version of a mod. This means that players can install older
versions of the mod, gain access to a slot, and then abuse an alpha or beta FM. This would result in an
unfair advantage. We would love to have the mod allowed on the server if we could not risk the fair and
competitive nature of the server. Additionally if you do not have the A-4 mod then A-4s appear as Su-27s
which is a friendly fire mess waiting to happen.

Will X Module be added in?

The F-4 and Mig-23 will be added in immediately barring any game-breaking bugs related to them. Any
other early-to-mid cold war plane (A-6, Mig-17, etc) will most likely be added in as well. WE WILL ONLY

Server Tacview?
It’s available on the first page of this faq
How to update to Open Beta
1. Open Steam and go to your library
2. Right click on DCS and select properties
3. Select the betas tab and chose "openbeta - Public beta versions"
4. Download the update.

1. Go into the dcs\bin folder
2. Hold Lshift and right click somewhere in the folder
3. Click on "open PowerShell window here"
4. Type .\DCS_updater.exe update '@openbeta' and press enter
5. Download the update
Meet the Server Staff
Yink- Developer

Mission Editor
DeadSeed - Mission Editor
Sol - Mission Editor

System Admins
King Crab - System Admin / Overlord GCI Product Owner
Tempest - Dev Box Owner

Super Etendard

Enigma - Project Manager / Gameplay Design / Marketing

Reserve (on hiatus)

Matroshka - Developer
Wizard - Developer / Stats Bot Product Owner
Flyboy - Developer / Database Product Owner
Whosvee - Developer
BurntCornMuffin - Mission Editor

Discord Mods are not publicly disclosed.

We would like to give a special note of appreciation to the Finnish Virtual Pilots IL-2 server staff. Their server in IL-2 was a large source of inspiration for us. If you play IL-2, we would recommend to check that server
out. We would also like to thank Alpenwolf and the SAW/Flashpoint Levant team for helping us with questions as we were navigating the complexities of DCS scripting / mission editing.
Now What?
Thank you for taking the time to read our FAQ. You should now have a
grounding in how the campaign plays. We encourage you to play. If you feel
uneasy or nervous, just log in and play. The faster you log in the faster you can
start to get accustomed to everything.

If you would like to support further, please consider watching/liking/subscribing to

the videos posted on Enigma’s YouTube channel as that channel acts as the
mouthpiece to the server. The larger the channel gets, the more reach we get to
source players to keep the server busy.
Enigma’s Dynamic Cold
War Campaign Server
Last Update to this FAQ: December 2, 2022
Support: https://www.patreon.com/enigma89
Discord: https://discord.gg/3ZMttnKmkh

This server runs on open beta like all other DCS Multiplayer servers. If you are
not familiar with that then click here.
Server Basics

Server Name: Enigma’s Dynamic Cold War Campaign Read the mission briefing
Server Location: Virginia, USA
SRS: for critical information. For
SRS Back Up IP:
more in-depth info, read
Radio Frequencies REDFOR:
1) 124.00 - Human GCI (Common Side Chat) this document.
2) 126.00 - Overlord Bot [Overlord ignores helos]
3) 128.00 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos]
4) 130 - DCS AWACS
5) 132 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos] Discord:
Helicopter Common: 30.00FM
Mig-15 @ 4.95 Frequency https://discord.gg/RFJXX9
Radio Frequencies BLUFOR: XhYe
1) 251 - Human GCI (Common Side Chat)
2) 253 - Overlord Bot [Overlord ignores helos]
3) 255 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos]
4) 257 - DCS AWACS Instructions on how to use
5) 259 - Additional Overlord Channel [Overlord ignores helos]
Helicopter Common: 30.00FM Overlord Bot can be
found on this slide.
Tacviews are here, note Tacview has been disabled to save frames for the server
Server Rules
1) Do not be a jerk or malicious.
2) Do not bomb roadbases… Do not spawn camp FARPs maliciously/excessively
3) Do not try to break the spirit of the server (ie arming at bases behind enemy lines)
4) No racism/sexism/xenophobia/etc.
5) Do not jam comms on Overlord radio channel (this includes needlessly long range tripwires)
6) Do not re-slot to avoid death.
7) Do NOT AFK at road bases and block them for others. You will be kicked.
8) Do not attack the main protected airfields (Sochi, Tbilisi, Aleppo & King Hussein)
The server staff are adults with full time jobs and lives. If you break the rules repeatedly you will
be permanently banned, we do not have time for it.

Discord and Server moderators have been appointed and we have coverage in every major time
Purpose of this Document
If you are reading this then you may be interested in our Dynamic Campaign Server. The
purpose of this document is to give a complete and detailed breakdown of the server and
all of its mechanics.
If you don’t feel like reading and rather get the general breakdown of things, then check
out this video here:

Video explaining the mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCtPDQ42-k

Teaser Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmlraXOxL58

Server Mission Statement
To provide a fun, competitive and balanced (via parity) multiplayer dynamic
campaign in DCS centered around the Cold War setting. Due to holes in the DCS
playable aircraft universe, decisions must be made in order to achieve the mission
statement. Main pillars are the fundamental truths and must be consulted and
adhered to when changes are considered.

The server mission statement is the overall vision, the pillars allow us to build to
that vision.
Main Pillar #1 - Fun
The first and most important pillar is to ensure that the server remains accessible
and fun for players to enjoy. Restrictive mechanics like lives, side locking and fuel
refueling will never be part of the server. Mechanics that take away fun or frustrate
users are avoided.

Example of Pillar Use: Due to this pillar being a fundamental truth in the server,
Overlord Bot will be used on the server in order to normalize data across sides.
Players that do not want to use SRS can still use default AWACS.
Main Pillar #2 - Competitive Campaign
Competitive Campaign:
The second pillar is to lean into and encourage a competitive environment. A dynamic campaign
where one side eventually wins is the main focus of the campaign. To avoid an airquake
scenario, players and mechanics encourage participation in the campaign. Players should feel
that their efforts are part of a larger effort.

Example of Pillar Use: In order to incentivize participation into the campaign, players actions on
the frontline result in campaign points. These points, once reaching a threshold, will allow access
to restricted slots to better equipment.

Once they die they lose their points and cannot use the restricted slot until they gain points
again. Restricted slots are restricted based on server pop numbers. Due to the competitive
nature of the server, mechanics are limited to what players can do. The focus is bombing
frontline and strategic targets or to defend those targets. There will be no tac commander or
controllable ground units as this leads to abuse and/or a micromanagement of ground units.
Main Pillar #3 - Balance/Parity and Asymmetry
Balance/Parity and Asymmetry:
Balance/Parity will be achieved while still allowing for asymmetrical fights. The
plane sets will be sourced from historical availability to allow for asymmetrical
fights but tweaked to ensure that there is parity between sides. Most of this
tweaking comes into the availability of what weapons are and are not restricted.

The priority is, Parity/Balance > Asymmetry > Historical Accuracy

Main Pillar #4 - Creative Freedom
Creative Freedom:
Creative freedom will be used extensively in order to ensure that balance is there
but asymmetry is a must to keep fights interesting. Creative freedom will be used
in order to keep things fun and competitive.
Planes & Attrition
Airframe Airframe Cost
Airframe Airframe Cost

Su-25 Frogfoot 0.80

A-10A 1.00

Mig-15 0.60
F86 Sabre 0.75

Mig-19P 0.85
F-5 Tiger II 1.10

Mig-21 Bis 1.20

Mirage F1CE 1.15

AJS-37 Viggen 1.00

Mirage F1CE 1.15

C101 0.80
Mig-29 5.00

F-14A Tomcat 5.00

L-39ZA 0.80

UH-1 Huey 0.80

Mi-24P 0.90

SA342 Gazelle 0.65

MI-8MTV2 0.70
CSAR Value: 0.6
Maps & Scenarios
The server runs two scenarios on the same server. The server changes between scenarios when the
campaign is over, meaning when one side has captured all sectors.

Scenario 1: Caucasus
This is considered our early cold war scenario. This means that the Mig-21 and F-5 are the main modules.
The main focus of the weapons in this scenario are AIM-9B vs R-3S, with some exemptions that are also
included like R-3R and R530IR.

Scenario 2: Syria
This is our second scenario. As new plane modules get added to the scenario, this will become our
late-cold war scenario where the planes are elevated (ie Mig-23 & F-4 are main modules). The focus is
R-60 vs AIM-9P.

Missions run for 4 hours. Use command -timeleft in the in-game all chat (case sensitive) to see how much
time is remaining in mission.
How Does the Frontline Work?
The Frontline
The frontline has 20 or 10 encampments depending on the sector, there are 30 sectors. The encampments are made up of ground troops with SPAAA protection. Sector #1 is the
home blue, sector #30 is the home red sector. Frontline units only spawn at the sectors that border red/blue.

Strategic Targets - Front Depots

Front depots are logistical targets, they spawn a few sectors behind the frontline. They are protected by SPAAA and SAM systems.

Strategic Targets - Industrial Targets

Industrial targets are high worth targets, they are oil production facilities, factories and/or merchant ships. These targets do not dynamically spawn, their damage is persistent
across that reset.

Frontline Movement Mechanic

The entire health pool of the side is out of 1,000.
Frontline: 50% of HP
Front Depots: 20% of HP
Industrial Targets: 30% of HP

There are two ways to move the frontline. 1) When a side destroys 80% of the side’s health, a breakthrough occurs and the sector will move two sectors over immediately. 2) Every
2 hours, the server compares the health of both sides. If there is a variance of 5% or more then a push occurs and the winning side gains one sector.

Each plane has an airframe cost. As planes are shot down, the campaign server tracks the net worth of all of the aircraft shot down by each side. It then compares both sides and
the side with the most losses take a punishment. This comes in the form of an increase to the frontline move threshold. This is to dissuade users from suiciding and to incentivize
them to RTB. The minimum threshold will always be a 50 point difference to get a push, it can scale as high as 300+ should one side consistently not RTB. The difference in
airframe losses is what determines what punishment is calculated. CSAR helps reduce the loss in attrition as rescuing or capturing pilots reduces the attrition score.

Server Commands to Check Frontline Health:

Check the F10 radio menu in game.

Please note when the frontline moves all the units repopulate. This happens every 2 hours.
How Does the Frontline Work? Part 2
Home Airfield Spawns
Mozdok / Aleppo - Main Red Airfield (Always open)
Krymsk / King Hussein - Main Blue Airfield (Always Open)
These airfields are always open and cannot be attacked. Other airfields can be spawned when they have a 4 sector
Su-25 and A-10A can always spawn until their airfield is captured.

FARP Helicopter Spawns

Helicopter Spawns have the following naming convention FARP_X_SIDE, eg FARP_03_RED. This tells you sector
must be owned in order to use the spawn. FARP_03_RED is valid if Red owns sector 3.

We recommend jumping into an airplane slot, checking the map to see what the map situation is like. Sectors are
numbered from 1 to 30.

If you pick an invalid slot, check chat and it will tell you why. Forward airfields and FARPs can dynamically open and
close as the frontline moves in real time.
Flight Times
The map is symmetrical at the starting campaign position. As the frontline moves the frontlines adjust
and flight times change. Forward airfields become active when the frontline moves to a certain point to
ensure flight times do not become excessive. If you feel that your flight time is too long, we
recommend flying at higher altitudes… Many people are used to flying at treetop level - it is actually Road Base Marker. The
faster and more fuel efficient to fly higher. We recommend 7,000m as the cruising altitude. arrow
Shows direction to land
in. The tip of the arrow
Road Bases
is where the road base
Road bases are able to be used to get into the fight quicker. There are more weapon restrictions at is.
them. Players who come from a main airfield and re-arm at a road base do not face restrictions. Road
bases do not exist on the Syria map.

FARPs are bases where helicopters operate from.

Airfield Protection
The rear most player spawn airfield have a no-fly zone around them for enemies. You are given a one
minute warning when flying into them. If you do not leave the circle after one minute, you will be
exploded by the server and your name will be logged. This mechanic exists to ensure that people do
not grief the airfields by bombing them. If you bomb the rear most airfields then you will be banned. Farp Marker

Forward airfields are protected with IR and SPAAA. Please do not spawn camp FARPs.
Miscellaneous Part 2
Road Bases
Road bases are sprinkled throughout the map on Caucuses (not Syria). They
require a 4 sector buffer in order to spawn. RED_ROAD_10 means that sector 10
must be owned by red in order for all planes to spawn there. Su-25 and A-10 are
exempt from this rule, they can lift at road bases until the sector where the
roadbases is located is captured. Road bases are marked on the map with an
arrow. The arrow shows which direction you should land in. The tip of the arrow is
where the road base begins.

If you land at a road base, we recommend arming outside of the tire zone so
people do not spawn on top of you.
Helicopter Missions
Helicopters are able to recover downed pilots. By recovering a downed pilot they recover 0.60 airframe cost. Downed pilots can be found using radio navigation. BLUFOR:
31.05 fm, REDFOR: 121.50 am. Huey tunes manually on the an/arc 131, Mi-8 tunes channel 4 vhf on the ARK-UD, Mi-24 tunes channel 4 on the ARK-U2.

Downed pilots shoot a single flare (4km) and constant flares (2km) when a helicopter nears, regardless of what helicopter it is. Enemy pilots can be captured and do not have
radio beacon guidance. Helicopters must land within 100m for the downed pilot to board.

Downed pilots are only saved when they are dropped off at a friendly base (road base, airfield or farp). You will get a message confirming that he has been saved.

Infantry Insertion
Helicopters can load infantry at bases and insert them in enemy sectors. If they land within 3km of enemy troops, they despawn after 3 minutes and then attack those targets.
They then respawn near the targets they attacked and despawn after 5 minutes. They can be picked up and when a helicopter gets within 5km of them they will pop constant
flares for exfil. This resets the 5 minute despawn timer.

Infantry Recon
Gazelles and Hinds can do helicopter recon. They load recon infantry from a FARP and drop them in enemy sectors. After 2 minutes recon infantry despawn and scan a
4.5km radius around them and then respawn. They pop constant flares when you are 3km from them. Targets are marked and credits are awarded once they are retrieved.
Hueys and Gazelles can pick up recon troops but cannot re-deploy them.

Helicopters have limited seats, they are set at these values for balancing reasons between helo vs airframe frontline push.
Mi-24 Hind: 3
Mi-8: 14

Gazelle: 3
Huey: 10

Closing Roadbases
Helicopters that can carry a squad, can close enemy road bases down by landing near them. 4 units will disembark and then despawn after 30s. They will close the enemy
roadbase for 30 minutes. Roadbaes can be reopened by landing friendly infantry at them.
What Are the Mini Missions?
AI Bomber Flight
Caucuases: Every 2 hours one side gets an AI bomber flight and it alternates each time. The AI bomber flight (Tu-16s or B-52s) fly
across the sectors to strike the rear industrial targets. Sides will need to decide if they wish to escort or intercept the bombers.

Syria: Within a 4 hour span, both sides get 1 bomber flight each. They conduct a rear strike on the enemy industrial factory target.

Ship Convoy
Caucuses: Does not exist

Syria: A mine laying ship convoy spawns near the frontline.. They sail into enemy territory and then once they reach their destination
begin maneuvers to lay mines. Their destination are enemy merchant ships. The convoy ignores the merchant ships and lays sea
mines. The merchant ships are ONLY there as a visual aide to make it clear where the convoy’s destination is. If they convoy are
able to lay all their mines (~5 minutes) then the other side’s merchant ships that are located in their harbor industrial target take

Helicopter VIP Extract

What is Overlord?
Overlord is a SRS Bot that acts as a GCI. The system works much better than the default DCS
AWACs system. You will need to have SRS in order to use the system. If you have not used
Overlord before, I urge you to watch the video below and to read the Overlord slides carefully
due to the following reasons:|

-The Microsoft API that powers Overlord costs money. Any discussions to and from Overlord
costs us immediately.
-Players should never talk to other players on the Overlord SRS frequencies.
-Players that set up excessively long warning ranges (tripwires) will be punished.

For players that do not like using

microphones, there is a text-based only
bot which is covered in the TextLordBot
How Does Overlord Work
1) Change your multiplayer name to have a call sign.
The naming convention should be, CALLSIGN #-# |

So for example, as Enigma89 I changed mine to:

Admin 1-1 | Enigma89. Player King Crab changed it
to: Crab 1-1 | KingCrab.

It is recommended to use a single common English

word as the GROUP name. Example: Dolt, Foot,
Street, etc. Avoid using words that form part of the
NATO phonetic alphabet, such as Whiskey, Tango,
Victory or Echo.

If this was not clear, see the tutorial video.

How Does Overlord Work Pt. 2
2) Radio Check: Once you have spawned, do a radio check (not necessary but recommended if you are new to o’lord). "Overlord GROUP
## Radio Check"
Example: For me this would be: “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Radio Check”

3) Bogey Dope/Shopping: To request bogey dope, ask Overlord for a “Bogey Dope” or “Shopping”
Example: For me this would be: “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Bogey Dope” or “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Shopping”

4) TripWire: To set a tripwire around you, ask Overlord and set a range. This will warn you if enemy planes fly into that distance from you,
Overlord checks every 5 seconds. Note, these should be further away from a merge call, we recommend a maximum of 12-15km.
Example: For me this would be: “Ove’rlord, Admin 1-1 Tripwire, 15 kilometer”
DO NOT SET UP TRIP WIRES AT LONG DISTANCES SUCH AS 20+ km. You can cancel tripwires by saying “cancel warning” or “cancel
tripwire.” Example: “Overlord, Admin 1-1 Cancel Warning” When you hit the front and the server busy you are going to get tripwires
constantly. CANCEL IT if so. It is rude to jam coms with your long tripwire, feel free to shorten it to a smaller range like 10-12km.

4B) Overlord automatically calls merges if you have a tripwire set, they are at 5nm or 8km Keep this in mind as you set up your tripwires,
tripwires may not be necessary after you have become engaged, cancel it and ask for bogey dope updates to get more updates.

5) Where is Friendly: To ask where a friendly is, ask Overlord and use your friendly’s call sign.
Example: I am Admin 1-1 and my wingman is Admin 1-2. I would ask “Overlord, Admin 1-1, where is Admin 1-2?”

6) Where is Home - Ask Overlord nearest airfield or heading to a certain airfield.

Example: “Overlord Admin 1-1 Nearest Airfield” or “Overlord Admin 1-1 Heading Sochi” or “Overlord Admin 1-1 Where is Sochi”
How Does Overlord Work Pt. 3
● Overlord uses metric (km) on REDFOR and imperial (miles) BLUFOR.

● Overlord can see everything at all times except it ignores helos. Everyone will know where
everyone is, but keep in mind that this information is not immediately actionable, your missiles have
terrible range and tracking. We recommend at flying at realistic altitudes. Flying low is only useful to
help avoid ground fire but Overlord will still see you.

● Avoid using "to" and "for" in radio transmissions where possible, especially as part of number
transmissions, since "for" and "four" and "to" and "two" can get mixed up. e.g If you say "for thirty
miles" the bot does not know if you mean "for thirty miles" (30) or "four thirty miles" (430 miles).

● Do not make tripwires that are long range. You do not need to know if something is more than 50
miles away from you.
For users that do not want to talk to OverlordBot you can use
● It is available under the F10 radio menu in the OverlordBot
● It will respond with text only
● It supports bogey dopes and tripwires
● You are limited to one request per 30s.
● It uses the same underlying logic as the voice bot so it should
behave the same
● You can use it and the voice bot at the same time.
● It doesn't cost the server any money to use.
If you run into any issues using TextLordBot then please put it in
Discord and ping @DOLT 1-2 | RurouniJones. This is a new feature
and the creator of Overlord/TextALord bot is not accepting new
requests. Only bug reports!
How Do Plane Restrictions Work?
Players are incentivized to take part in the dynamic campaign. Players that kill ground targets, front depot targets and AI bomber
formations recieve 1 campaign point per kill. Industrial (Rear depots) targets generally do not count due to a DCS limitation with
static objects, some do, some do not (we can’t get around this). You can also gain credits by successfully dropping troops at the
frontline (1 per squad) or doing a successful CSAR rescue.

Once gaining 15 campaign points, players are then able to use a restricted slot. If you select a restricted slot you lose 15 points
immediately. A player must take off and RTB their restricted plane to an airfield (not roadbase) in order to get their 15 points back.
The F-14A and the Mig-29 are the restricted planes. If you spawn in and then reslot without taking off and landing you lose
your points.

To check your balance type -credits in all chat in-game.

If you spawn in and do not land in the restricted plane you will lose your points, this even means for server reset. This is
done to help fight against combat loggers/reslotters. You have been warned, we will not be recouping people for lost credits, it takes
us too much time to do it - sorry.

Players can only have a maximum of 50 credits at any given time.

Players can donate or tip other players in discord or in game. Discord command: “.donate <@member> <points>”
In game: "-donate <player name> <points>"

Players that friendly fire other players will lose 10 credits.

Players have the ability to conduct recon missions to find targets for their side to attack.
The requirements for your sortie to be considered a recon sortie follow:

-Be in a Mig-21 or a Viggen

-Do not arm any weapons and zero out your cannons (de-arm yourself)
-You are only allowed fuel bags, jammers pods and counter-measures. ANY weapons or
anything else (inc.RATO pods) are not allowed.

Once you have taken off, you will receive a message in the top right to confirm your sortie
is considered a recon flight. By accessing the radio menu you can enable recon mode
which uncages your camera and begins filming after a 1s delay. It will continue to film until
you run out of film or you turn off your camera in the radio menu. Once you have RTB’ed
your film is developed, it is confirmed in a message on the top right, and any targets you
scouted are marked on map. Markers only get deleted once the units are destroyed.

The camera system is modeled by our code. It is dependent on your altitude, pitch and roll.
If you exit the maximum parameters, the camera will no longer be able to take photos of
the ground. The parameters are on the next page.

Successfully scouting a target via recon gives 0.25 credits. The final number is rounded up
to the nearest 1.
Recon Parameters
If you exit these parameters, your camera will not be able to recon targets even if film is being spent. Film is replenished when you take back off again.

Min Altitude: 100m AGL
Max Altitude: 4000m AGL
Max Roll: 8 degrees
Max Pitch: 15 degrees
FOV: 50
Film Duration: 45 seconds
Camera Position: 30 Degrees Below Nose

SF-37 (Viggen)
Min Altitude: 50m AGL
Max Altitude:3000m AGL
Max Roll: 8 degrees
Max Pitch: 15 degrees
FOV: 60
Film Duration: 45 seconds
Camera Position: 20 Degrees Below Nose

Mirage F1CR (Mirage F1)

Min Altitude: 50m AGL
Max Altitude: 4000m AGL
Max Roll: 8 degrees
Max Pitch: 15 degrees
FOV: 60
Film Duration: 45 seconds
Camera Position: 20 Degrees Below Nose

C101CC Recon
Min Altitude: 50m AGL
Max Altitude: 2000m AGL
Max Roll: 8 degrees
Max Pitch: 15 degrees
FOV: 60
Film Duration: 90 seconds
Camera Position: 20 Degrees Below Nose

L39ZA Recon
Min Altitude: 50m AGL
Max Altitude: 2000m AGL
Max Roll: 8 degrees
Max Pitch: 15 degrees
FOV: 60
Film Duration: 90 seconds
Camera Position: 20 Degrees Below Nose
How Do Stats Work?

Stats can be found on discord , in #server-stats. You must be enrolled in the cold war role to be able to type in any
stats related channel, to do that go to #roles and hit the mig-21 emoji. Type .help in #server-stats to get information on
the commands. The command you will use 99% of the time will be .stats.

Linking Your Account

You must have your discord account linked to your DCS account. To do this, go into #server-stats and type .linkme.
You will then get a DM from the bot which will give you a secure code. Log into game and type that secure code into
all chat. Your accounts will then be linked and then you can use stats commands in discord.

If you have any issues, type in #stats-bugs. If it is a new issue that needs attention, the staff will create it as a thread.

The stats will give you an overview of your performance. The staff will release global level stats for balance reasons in
interimmentent times.

The stats system is powered by SpecialK’s discord stats bot. If you need help with the stats system type .help in the
How Do Punishments Work
You can check your in game penalty points by typing in game all chat, -penalty. If you are banned then the bot will automatically
unban you when your points decay.

These actions are tracked by the stats system and hand out negative social credit:

Friendly Fire Kill: 30 Points / 10 Points for AI
Bombing Road Base: 40 Points If you are new, read this IFF Guide.
The punishment scales based on how many hours you have played
0-4 Hour Played: 1.5x
4-8: 1.2x
8+: 1x
This means if you friendly fire with 1 hour played on the server, your punishment is not 30 points but 45 points (30*1.5).

Time Decay
The negative social credit value gets a decay multiplier which reduces the amount after several days. This is your time out period.
0 Days: 1x
3 Days: 0.5x
7 Days: 0.25x
14+: 0x
This means that if I have 100 points now, it will be 50 points by day 3, after 7 days your points will be 12.5 (50 * 0.25), after day 14 it
will be at 0 points.

These are the penalties, once you reach this point value this penalty will be handed out
Warning: 1 Point
Kicked to Spectator: 40 points (10s delay)
Kicked from Server: 60 points (10s delay)
Ban: 100 points (10s delay)
How Does Roadbase Protection Work
The roadbase zone is a 3D rectangle bound around the area of the roadbase and its runway. Since every
roadbase is slightly different, the average dimensions are as followed:
Width = 1000m, Length = 1600M, Height = 150M

Why Did I Explode?

1) You have hit some object within the roadbase zone. This can come from direct cannon fire, crashing, etc. If you
have “hit” some object in the roadbase zone you will be exploded and punished.
2) Upon releasing any weapon that is attached to a pylon (AAM, ATGM, etc) within the limits of the roadbase zone
you could also be exploded. In this case you are not directly being exploded but your weapon is as soon as it’s
released from the pylon. This can lead to some “false positives” if you are under 150 Meters, so bare that in mind
when engaging enemies near roadbases. Regardless you are punished, if you find this to be a false positive as
described above, please reach out to an admin to make the appropriate correction to your punishment points.

The reason this system is in place is to keep roadbases clear of damage as they cannot be “repaired” unlike
airbases. This is a DCS limitation.
What Are Your Plans?
We are working toward overhauling the code to plan for a total revamp of the code, we expect this to be
done in 2023 which will have an entirely new campaign system.

Why is X not on the server?

The planes and weapons on the server have been thoughtfully curated to make sure there is parity
between both sides. Due to the fact that Eagle Dynamics models only specific modules, there are gaps
that exist on both sides. In order to give both sides parity, we have limited certain weapons. If X is not in
the game then it was done thoughtfully.

Read this.

Why is Slinging not allowed?

It is too time consuming to try to find the right way to balance slinging. Too loose and every objective
becomes Hanoi. Too restrictive and then slinging becomes pointless. We have spent more time in the
generation of dynamic targets. We want the focus to be in air to air and air to ground, not ground to air.
There is too much potential abuse with the micro-management of ground units.
Will X mod be allowed (SU-17, A-4, etc)?
ED/DCS does not allow us to enforce a single version of a mod. This means that players can install older
versions of the mod, gain access to a slot, and then abuse an alpha or beta FM. This would result in an
unfair advantage. We would love to have the mod allowed on the server if we could not risk the fair and
competitive nature of the server. Additionally if you do not have the A-4 mod then A-4s appear as Su-27s
which is a friendly fire mess waiting to happen.

Will X Module be added in?

The F-4 and Mig-23 will be added in immediately barring any game-breaking bugs related to them. Any
other early-to-mid cold war plane (A-6, Mig-17, etc) will most likely be added in as well. WE WILL ONLY

Server Tacview?
It’s available on the first page of this faq
How to update to Open Beta
1. Open Steam and go to your library
2. Right click on DCS and select properties
3. Select the betas tab and chose "openbeta - Public beta versions"
4. Download the update.

1. Go into the dcs\bin folder
2. Hold Lshift and right click somewhere in the folder
3. Click on "open PowerShell window here"
4. Type .\DCS_updater.exe update '@openbeta' and press enter
5. Download the update
Meet the Server Staff
Yink- Developer

Mission Editor
DeadSeed - Mission Editor
Sol - Mission Editor

System Admins
King Crab - System Admin / Overlord GCI Product Owner
Tempest - Dev Box Owner

Super Etendard

Enigma - Project Manager / Gameplay Design / Marketing

Reserve (on hiatus)

Matroshka - Developer
Wizard - Developer / Stats Bot Product Owner
Flyboy - Developer / Database Product Owner
Whosvee - Developer
BurntCornMuffin - Mission Editor

Discord Mods are not publicly disclosed.

We would like to give a special note of appreciation to the Finnish Virtual Pilots IL-2 server staff. Their server in IL-2 was a large source of inspiration for us. If you play IL-2, we would recommend to check that server
out. We would also like to thank Alpenwolf and the SAW/Flashpoint Levant team for helping us with questions as we were navigating the complexities of DCS scripting / mission editing.
Now What?
Thank you for taking the time to read our FAQ. You should now have a
grounding in how the campaign plays. We encourage you to play. If you feel
uneasy or nervous, just log in and play. The faster you log in the faster you can
start to get accustomed to everything.

If you would like to support further, please consider watching/liking/subscribing to

the videos posted on Enigma’s YouTube channel as that channel acts as the
mouthpiece to the server. The larger the channel gets, the more reach we get to
source players to keep the server busy.

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