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Journal of Positive School Psychology

2022, Vol. 6, No. 12, 1013-1020

Dysfunctional Family And Its Effect On Mental Health Of

Children In Jordan Sonnenblick’s The Secret Sheriff Of
Sixth Grade
Swetha B1 , Dr. N. Gayathri2

Research Scholar Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
Assistant Professor Sr. Grade I, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. Corresponding Author

A family where conflicts, chaos and fights often take place is known as dysfunctional family.
Dysfunctional is defined as poor functioning on the basis of bad behaviour, disrespect, jealous, lack of
love and support among family members. This paper highlights the negative impact on mental health
of children due to the dysfunctional family and also suggests some coping strategies to overcome it.
Harmonious family makes children healthy both physically and mentally. If a family is not harmonious,
it affects the growth of children. Living with a dysfunctional family affects the wellbeing and mental
health of children. The study analyses the effects of dysfunctional family and domestic violence on
children with reference to the novel 'The secret sheriff of Sixth grade' by Jordan Sonnenblick.
Materialistic and mechanical life affects the normal family cycle which separates the family that leads
to juvenile crime in the society.

Keywords: Family cycle, Tumultuous family, Domestic violence, Mental illness, Attachment.

Introduction same problem with their children. The impact is

Family is an asset. It is a chain that connects on the children that they are neglected by their
relationships through love. Only if a family has parents and family members.
members who love and care for each other will In a family, if either the mother or
the relationship sustain and move on to the next father is irresponsible, the family is sure to
generation. In the present way of living, life has break up leaving the children’s life in disaster.
become materialistic that there are many Ruksana Saikia (2017) quotes,
children who are deprived of love and care. A broken home can make a child
Parents go to job to earn for their insecure, in a sense that he no longer had
livelihood, which is most probably for the well a complete family he can call his
and good of their children, but they have less own. For a child’s mind, a family is
time to spend with their children. In their composed of a father, mother and
routine work they become unaware of the children. And living without either his
problems of their children. Children lack the father or his mother will create fear
love and affection of their parents which make and insecurities in him. This feeling of
them isolate themselves from others. In this insecurities will even trigger if he is
modern world, not only people working in around his friends who are living a
white collar jobs but also people who work as normal, complete and happy life.
masons, sweepers, and helpers also have the This is especially true in school events
Swetha B 1014

where the parents’ presence are substance abuse, social inadequacy, anxiety and
required. There are plenty of school depressive symptoms. Bernardine Dohrn
activities that involves the parents (1995) in her article addresses family violence
and seeing scenes like these will even and child abuse. The study also highlights the
make him feel ashamed of his family laws for children from dysfunctional family and
situation. the importance of family court for the
Broken family creates a negative victimized children.
impact on children. A child who misses Connolly et al. (2003) in their study
affection and care turns to be arrogant. Eshica analyse behavioural and mental health of
(2010) quotes, children who are bullied in schools. They also
Family plays a crucial role in examine the relationship between children and
molding one’s personality, belief and their families. In their findings the authors bring
capability. out the need and the importance of family
Everything about a man mostly intervention of children who bully. Espelage et
relies on the state of the family he al. (2003) highlights the bullying faced by
belonged….Since every individual American School students. Psychological
has reliance towards his family, any interventions of the victimized children are also
adversity would affect his whole analysed and the article suggests preventive
being. Such devastating matters regarding measures for bullying. The findings point out
family relationships like parent’s that the factors such as dysfunctional family
separation could give a severe impact to and bullying in school affects the students and
the people concerned, the children. children’s activities.
Children become mentally stressed Faye Misha (2004) using qualitative
which makes them angry and yells at others for methods, examines bullying from the
no reason. These rude behavioral changes affect perspectives of victimized children and their
their daily life. They start to steal, to lie and parents. The author has interviewed children
even become criminals because of their bitter from fourth and fifth grades who are victims of
past. Not all families are said to be in the above bullying, their parents and each child’s teachers
situation, and there are children who are blessed respectively. Bogels et al. (2006) study the
with the protection of their parents. relationship between family factor and children.
The concept of this paper is about Attachment with family, closeness with
children like Maverick, the protagonist of the parents, parental rearing and caring are the key
novel, The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade, whose factors that build a happy childhood. Parental
mother is an alcoholic. He suffers loneliness anxiety is also reviewed in this paper. Their
after the death of his father because his mother investigation is based on these family factors
never cares for him. He has his few precious and child anxiety.
things which help him to be alive. This novel
explains the life of a neglected child and the Tony Cassidy (2008) explores the
pressure that the society lays on him without relationship between family and social context,
knowing his personal wounds. social identity, psychological distress, problem-
solving style, victimisation self-esteem through
Literature Review the survey of 461 children aged between 11-15
West & Printz (1987) in their study unveil the years old. The study finds that victims of school
problems faced by children of alcoholic bullying are low in self-esteem, high on distress
parents. Children from those families undergo and practice unhealthy behaviours. Basem
physical abuse, anxiety and depression. Their Abbas Al Ubadi (2017) in his review article
findings on children of alcoholic parents emphasizes the state of children growing up in
include hyper activity and conduct disorder, dysfunctional family. The author not only
1015 Journal of Positive School Psychology

concentrates on dysfunctional family but also develop their personality in a good way. There
categorizes the characteristics of healthy is a close relationship between family and
family. In the result, the author has suggested society. “Family is the cell of a society and
some approaches to overcome the problematic construction of a harmonious family is of great
situations in the family. significance to stability and healthy
A.F. Minullina (2018) highlights that development of the society” (Shen Guanchen
family problems are the main cause of and Shen Shijie, 2013). Mutual respect, trust,
psychological trauma in children. The love and understanding are the key factors that
researcher has conducted empirical study to lead to a harmonious family. It makes children
analyse the trauma of children from healthy both mentally and physically.
dysfunctional family. From the above study it is Fights, argument between parents and
evident that dysfunctional family is the main their separation leaves a negative impact on
cause of their children’s trauma and the children’s behavior and development.
researcher also suggests some ways to improve Children’s behavior problem starts when they
their relationship. Erofeeva et al. (2021) in their lack enough love and support from their family.
article determine the fact that health Children do not get enough love from their
competencies for children from dysfunctional parents and it is a major problem in the modern
family is important. They have conducted society. In the modern era, many people are
Theoretical and Empirical study and their leading a materialistic life which makes them
findings show that students fail to minimize selfish even with their family members. These
their stress and isolate themselves from others. materialistic life style affects the normal family
As part of their findings children developed cycle. According to Sharon Martin (2018),
some skills and strategies to overcome their Dysfunctional families tend to be
difficult situation in life unpredictable, chaotic, and
The researcher has discussed some of sometimes frightening
the articles related to attachment theory and for children. Children feel safe when
dysfunctional family. It is evident from the they can count on their caregivers to
above discussed articles that the children consistently meet their physical
growing in the dysfunctional family undergo needs and emotional needs. Often,
anxiety, depression, psychological trauma and this doesn’t
personality disorder. Further, the study aims to happen in dysfunctional families
analyze the destructive life of children and because parents don’t fulfill their
domestic violence in dysfunctional family with basic
reference to the novel The Secret Sheriff of responsibilities to provide for,
Sixth grade by Jordan Sonnenblick. protect, and nurture their children.
Instead, one of
Dysfunctional Family the children has to take on these
A child’s learning starts with the family. Family adult responsibilities at an early age.
is responsible for a child’s development and Structure of a family comprises the
socialization. Family is the hand which combination of blood relationships such as
embraces us in difficult situations, gives us parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, etc.
moral support, and often strengthens us to move Treating the family members with equal love,
forward in our life. It is from where we get playing and eating together, and respecting
unconditional love, where we feel safe and each other makes the family unique. Changes in
secure. A family acts as a guide which directs family structure out of jealousy, vengeance or
the children to go in the right path for their disrespect create chaos among the members in
growth and for the betterment of their lives. the family especially between parents and
Family shapes the child’s behavior and helps to children and thus it becomes dysfunctional.
Swetha B 1016

Dysfunctional family is one in which chaos, a thirteen-year-old boy Maverick too has some
conflicts, arguments are more common and desires in his life. He wants to lead a happy life
often children are neglected and treated badly like other children. He wants to spend more
by their parents. Living in a dysfunctional time with his mother. He needs her love and
family affects the well-being and mental health support at this age. But Maverick does not
of children. No one knows what a child is facing enjoy any of his wishes. When he is hungry, he
or what he/she is suffering from unless parents wants to eat delicious food but in his house the
spend time to talk with them. Communication stove is lit only to lighten his mother’s cigarette.
plays a major role for a person to share their He has heard various names of food but never
feelings and sufferings with others. If parents seen them in his life. He does not even taste
fail to communicate or understand the feelings good food in his house. The novel, The Secret
of their children then the child starts to isolate Sheriff of Sixth Grade exposes the thoughts
themselves. Not only the lack of flashes in Maverick’s mind after seeing all
communication, sometimes the physical gap delicious food placed before him.
also arises when parents are busy in their job I had heard of fresh berries and
making money and fail to spend time with their cream. Fresh berries and cream sounded
children. As parents are busy with their work- awesome. Fresh anything sounded
life, they spend less time with their children and awesome. We never had fresh food in
so children won’t get love or guidance from our house. Or even cooked food.
their parents. Some parents who want to lead a The only time my mom lit a stove burner
luxurious life or if one of the parents is a was when she ran out of matches
drunkard or a heavy smoker then they won’t and needed to fire up a cigarette. (9)
look after their children. Children from Maverick’s life is pitiful. From his third
dysfunctional family or a neglected child grade to his sixth grade many boys bully him
suffers a lot because of agony and distress. and he is forced to fight them to protect himself.
They hesitate to mingle with others and often Often, he gets into fight with Bowen, his
isolate themselves. classmate. In their third grade, Bowen, and his
Readers can understand the sufferings soccer friends and Maverick have studied in the
of a neglected child, through the character, same class. One day Maverick sees them in
Maverick, in “The Secret Sheriff of Sixth their MU T-shirts. MU stands for their home
Grade”. He is not able to mingle with his friends town, Montvale United. Maverick is unaware of
because of his poverty. His father, the bread this and he asks Bowen why it is written Moo
winner of the family is no more and his mother on their T-shirts. Maverick has no intention to
who is a drunkard and a self-centered person, make fun of Bowen. He gets angry and tells it
earns and spends for her own self. She does not is MU not Moo. As these lines tell us the fight
look after her son or show any care towards between Maverick and Bowen. “One thing led
him. The only soul who loves him like a mother to another, and we ended up wrestling around
is his aunt, Cat. on the smelly blacktop next to Dumpster. His
Maverick faces struggle all through his shirt got rotting School-lunch taco meat all over
childhood where other children enjoy the days it, and after one of the lunch monitors finally
of their childhood with love from their parents. broke us up, I saw that Bowen’s nose was
His friends invite him for a birthday party but bleeding” (31).
he has no money to gift his friend. He is not able Their fight becomes a headache to the
to attend his friend’s birthday party without any principal and he finally says a word which is
gift. But he has some friends who invite him to terrifying to Maverick “Call Your Mother”
their house and give him a very pleasant, (44). The world stood still and he is not able to
unforgettable experience like good food which think what to do next. He finally makes up his
our hero, Maverick hasn’t tasted in his life. As mind and takes his aunt, Cat, to the school to be
1017 Journal of Positive School Psychology

his ‘mother’ and solves the problem. Not only Christmas nears and he wants to
Maverick but also children from other surprise his mother by decorating his house. In
dysfunctional family face similar problems the meantime, when he is getting ready the ex-
inside their house and in the society. They boyfriend of his mother comes and he gets
cannot share about their family situation or their nervous of how to treat him. It is obvious
mental sufferings to anybody. They are afraid through the lines:
of the society, as people are waiting to criticize I wasn’t really sure what the
instead of helping them. Children are not etiquette was for this unusual social situation.
responsible for being in that situation but still I mean, where do you direct a
they are the ones suffering from domestic question like this? Hey, my mother’s
violence because of their parents. As in the abusive ex-boyfriend just brought
novel Maverick’s mother drinks and smokes over a tacky fake Christmas tree. Do I
regularly, he does not get love from his mother let him in? Should I offer him a
it affects the mental health of Maverick. beer? Am I supposed to hang out and
Maverick, as any other children, has some watch football with him for six
expectations and desires in his life. He longs to hours until Mom gets here? In the end, I just
lead a blissful life like other children. He yearns stepped aside. (97)
for mother’s love; he wishes to spend more time Situation gets worse and his plan
playing and chatting with his mother. But all his collapses. Not only does his plan collapse but
wishes and desires leave him with his mother’s abusive ex-boyfriend slaps her in
disappointments. He even gets jealous of his front of Maverick. Maverick has endured as
dog, Freddy. Because he is there to love and much pain as he can at his age. He yearns for a
look after his dog. Though he has a mother, he mother’s affection and care which he has never
loses her care and affection. All these experienced in his life. His mother never cares
disappointments make him to isolate himself, for him. Though he has a house and a mother
and he does not have many friends to share his still his life is pathetic and is deprived of love.
thoughts or feelings. This kind of parents like He even gets jealous of his dog, Freddy.
Maverick’s mother just live selfishly for Because he is there to pamper his dog and give
themselves, for their own happiness instead of him food. But Maverick has no one to look after
giving love and affection for their children at him or care for him and it is revealed through
the right age. the following lines:
In the novel, Maverick’s teacher gives I was almost jealous of Freddy. His
an assignment to the students to write an essay life was so simple. Sure, he was
about what they did during their summer missing a paw, but all he had to do
holidays. Everyone naturally enjoyed their was eat whatever food I put in front of
vacation but Maverick as a victim of him, drink from his water bottle,
desperation has nothing to enjoy rather than his hang out in my nice warm hands. And he
mother who is sacked off from her job and they could always trust me to keep him
have to move to a new apartment. His mother safe. (137)
as always is in her own world and this boy who Not only him but there are many children who
starves from hunger has to do all the household are facing such crucial situations in their life
works. Then, he takes 10 dollars from his either by their mother or father which leads the
mother’s purse to buy snacks. He goes to the children’s life in disaster. Children in these
shop and buys snacks which has expired and are situations may not get good education, they
in a condition not to be used. But this poor boy cannot concentrate on their studies, they may
keeps the expired snacks for as many days as he not able to socialize, isolate themselves, and
can and eats it little by little. they fall into bad behavior such as smoking,
gambling, drinking, drug addict, etc. All these
Swetha B 1018

behavioral changes make their life pathetic and their academics. It also reduces the interest in
full of misfortune. exploring other things in life.
Attachment or a strong relationship
Maverick, Bowen and Nate: with family gives both emotional and mental
Bowen, Nate and Maverick are classmates. support to children. Emotional support is
Each of them has different characteristics and sharing of positive concern for an individual. It
behavioral traits. Bowen and Nate are soccer provides the individual with nurturance,
players. Bowen thinks, ‘being nice was a sign affection and offers a shoulder to lean on when
of weakness’ (138). He always bullies children the individual is in trouble or stress. In the
who are weak or small to show his dominance. novel, The Secret Sheriff of Sixth Grade,
He is aggressive and rude to others. Though he Maverick receives emotional support from his
has parents and a comfort life, he never knows aunt, Cat. It is his aunt who supports him in his
how to behave well with others. Nate, a soccer hard times. She cares and loves him like her
player often participates in competitions and for son. This makes him mould his character and
all those events his stepmother will be there love everyone. Maverick's school principal, Mr.
with him to support and cheer for him. She feels Overbye guides and advices him in his hard
proud of her son and rejoices in every events. times. He guides him to move in the right path
But he feels embarrassed when his stepmother and helps him to develop his personality in a
brags him to other people. He makes it as positive way.
complaint to his friends. Seeing all this, Maverick is from a single parent
Maverick feels upset. He tells to himself that family. Though he has his mother he loses
even having a mother who supports and takes motherly love and care. Children like Maverick
up his son’s interest as hers, Nate still whines lacks parental support and guidance at the right
about his mother. Maverick thinks that even age. This family stress results in behavioral
having parents who supports their child’s problem, makes them to lose self-confidence,
interest, Bowen and Nate are not living in the and also it may lead to health disorders.
moment and rejoicing it. On the contrary, all According to Magpantay, Mary Joyce, and
these things will be an imaginary world to me. (2014),
However, these behaviors affects
Attachment Theory the adolescents’ health, emotional, and
Attachment Theory is a psychological theory social status. Most of them
formulated by Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst experienced eating disorders and exhibited
John Bowlby. This theory talks about the poor self-esteem. Because of having
relationship between humans especially low self-confidence, they are having
between mother and children. Further, it problem in socialization. Problem in
emphasizes the significance of child’s making friends and keeping friends
attachment to the family/ mother as it paves the was the common dilemma in terms
way for the social, behavioral and emotional of their social status. Due to their
development. difficult situation, they tend to cope
A child who is attached to his/her negatively.
mother or to a primary caregiver feels free to To overcome all these problems
socialize. On the other hand, a child who does Maverick has to relieve himself from stress and
not have a strong bond between the primary has to choose the right path. He seeks help from
caregiver will find difficulty in conversing with his well-wishers for guidance. Support seeking
his/her peers and may lack self-confidence. personalities of his life are his school Principal,
This will lead to anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, Mr. Overbye and his aunt, Cat. His principal,
even these negative emotions will reflect on Mr. Overbye, often advise him to behave well
and correct his mistakes. Maverick, with due
1019 Journal of Positive School Psychology

respect has followed his words and behaves change in the society as he transforms into a
himself. His aunt, Cat, has showered him with lovely person because of his loveable aunt. His
love and affection wherever he has felt sad and life starts to blossom with fragrance and so he
depressed. Cat’s love makes him a lovable boy believes that his love will bring a change in the
who has never experienced the love of a boys who bullied him.
mother. Maverick may easily fall into the In a nutshell, there is only one
aggressive and negative path with his possibility to change all these sufferings of
experiences in the past. But he has chosen the children. The change must come from every
right path because he has followed and has individual. Each one of us have to change
respected the words of his aunt and principal. ourselves, washout the impurities in our mind
Though his life is filled with agony he thinks of and soul as our hero says in this novel. He says
helping people around him. He chooses the he wants to carry on love and affection to others
right path which helps him to develop his which he believes will surely bring a change
behavior to be a better person in his life. The one day. As such everything and everyone can
emotional and the moral support from his aunt be changed and, surely, the world will flourish
and the principal makes his life fill with with love very soon.
positivity and happiness. This makes his life
better from his bitter past. Bibliography

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