1000-400-933 - D-X8000 Light Source Service Guide
1000-400-933 - D-X8000 Light Source Service Guide
1000-400-933 - D-X8000 Light Source Service Guide
Service Guide
Warnings and Cautions...................................................................................................................4
Service Options.....................................................................................................................................5
Required Skills, Tools, and Components..............................................................................................5
Reference Documents..........................................................................................................................5
Device Description............................................................................................................................6
Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................6
Device Diagrams...................................................................................................................................7
Basic Maintenance..........................................................................................................................10
Cleaning the X8000.............................................................................................................................10
Caring for the Bulb Module.................................................................................................................10
Replacing the Bulb Module.................................................................................................................10
Replacing the Fuses............................................................................................................................11
Disposing of the X8000.......................................................................................................................11
Troubleshooting. ...............................................................................................................................12
Error Code Definitions.........................................................................................................................13
Control Board Diagrams.....................................................................................................................18
1.0 Chassis Cover...............................................................................................................................20
2.0 Control Board................................................................................................................................21
3.0 Ballast (CEP300CXE, -413)...........................................................................................................26
3.5 Ballast (CEP301CXE, P19116)......................................................................................................33
4.0 Bulb Mount Board . ......................................................................................................................40
5.0 AC Inlet Board . ............................................................................................................................43
6.0 Jaw Handle...................................................................................................................................46
7.0 LED power switch ........................................................................................................................47
8.0 Display Board . .............................................................................................................................51
9.0 Front Panel Membrane..................................................................................................................53
10.0 Shutter.........................................................................................................................................55
11.0 Hot Mirror....................................................................................................................................57
12.0 Motor...........................................................................................................................................59
13.0 Jaw Assembly.............................................................................................................................61
14.0 Integrating Rod ..........................................................................................................................63
15.0 AC Inlet Filter...............................................................................................................................65
16.0 Ballast Fan (Short Fan Stud Design)...........................................................................................68
17.0 Bulb Fan (Short Fan Stud Design)...............................................................................................70
18.0 Ballast Fan (Long Fan Stud Design)............................................................................................73
19.0 Bulb Fan (Long Fan Stud Design)...............................................................................................75
Warranty. ...............................................................................................................................................81
Warnings and Cautions 4. Ensure that readjustments, modifications, and/
or repairs are carried out exclusively by Stryker
Endoscopy or other authorized personnel.
Please read this manual and follow its instructions carefully.
The words warning, caution, and note carry special 5. Ensure that the electrical installation of the relevant
meanings and should be carefully reviewed: operating room complies with the applicable IEC,
CEC, and NEC requirements.
Warning Warnings indicate risks to the safety Federal law (United States of America) restricts this device
of the patient or user. Failure to follow to use by, or on order of, a physician.
warnings may result in injury to the
patient or user.
Introduction Required Skills, Tools, and Components
This manual is intended to be used as a service guide for The repair procedures described in this manual require a
Stryker repair technicians in the installation, maintenance, basic set of skills, tools, and replacement components.
and repair of the Stryker X8000 Light Source. It is meant
to be used in conjunction with the X8000 Light Source Skills
User Manual (1000-400-885) and does not replace existing Stryker recommends diagnostic and repair procedures be
documentation. performed by authorized, qualified technicians with training
or experience in the following:
Service Options • Basic electronics • Vectorscope operation
• BioTek Safety Analyzer
Factory Service • Multimeter operation operation
Due to the complexity of the X8000 Light Source, Stryker
recommends that any malfunctioning system be returned • Oscilloscope operation
to Stryker Endoscopy for repair or replacement, where
specialized equipment and technicians are available to Tools
perform repairs while maintaining full product quality and Most of the procedures described in this manual can be
safety. If service is needed either during or after the warranty performed using a basic tool kit that includes the items listed
period: below.
1. Contact Stryker Endoscopy at 1-800-624-4422,
or contact your local Stryker Endoscopy sales
representative. Basic tools Advanced tools
2. Package all the components carefully in the original • Phillips screwdriver • Multimeter
shipping container, if possible.
• Flathead screwdriver • Oscilloscope
3. Ship the X8000 Light Source, prepaid and insured, to: (20 Mhz or higher)
• 8˝ adjustable wrench
Stryker Endoscopy Customer Service • NTSC/Pal Vectorscope
• Needlenose pliers
Attention: Repair Department • BioTek Model 601 PRO
5900 Optical Court • Color video monitor
Safety Analyzer or
San Jose, California 95138 • Glass fuse puller equivalent current leakage
You may request a loaner unit during the repair period. tester
Reference Documents
Device Description Technical Specifications
Continuous Operation
Device Diagrams
The individual components of the X8000, which are referred to throughout this manual, are identified in the
following diagrams.
Bottom Chassis Assembly
Basic Maintenance Replacing the Bulb Module
Replace the bulb module when the LCD indicates 500 hours
Cleaning the X8000 or when the bulb no longer sufficiently illuminates the
surgical site. If possible, replace the bulb module between
surgical procedures.
Caution Unplug the X8000 before cleaning the
Warning During operation, the bulb and the
1. As needed, clean the external surfaces of the X8000
housing around the bulb may be hot.
using a cloth or sponge dampened with a mild
Wait at least three minutes for the bulb
detergent or disinfectant.
to cool before handling it.
2. Clean and maintain the light cable according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Caution Do not use any abrasive cleaners. Do not To replace the bulb module,
allow any liquid to drip into the unit. 1. Power down the X8000 and wait at least three
minutes for the bulb to cool.
Caution Do not sterilize or immerse the X8000. 2. Open the bulb door.
3. Rotate the bulb module handle to the right, grasp it,
and withdraw the bulb.
Caring for the Bulb Module
The X8000 uses a Xenon bulb, which has a guaranteed Warning Do not reach inside the bulb door for
life of 500 hours when used properly. Always follow these any reason other than replacing the bulb
guidelines to ensure maximum bulb life: module. Touching parts other than the
bulb module may cause burns or product
1. If the bulb is touched, clean the bulb face with
alcohol and a cotton swab. Dirt or oil on the bulb
face will cause the bulb to heat unevenly and fail.
2. Do not power on and off the bulb in rapid Warning Do not touch any part of the bulb module
succession. Allow the bulb to run for at least five except for the handle. The module may be
minutes once it has been powered on. Failure to do very hot and cause burns.
so can cause the bulb to rapidly darken and fail.
Replacing the Fuses
Problem Possible Solution
No light output • Ensure the AC power cord is properly connected to a hospital-grade power outlet and
the inlet on the rear console panel.
• Ensure the power switch on the front panel is powered on. (It will illuminate when
powered on.)
• Ensure all fuses are operating.
• Ensure the bulb is properly seated in the bulb housing. The bulb handle should be
turned all the way to the left within the light source.
• Ensure the bulb is in operating condition. Replace the bulb if necessary.
• Ensure the light cable is correctly engaged with the cable port. As a safety feature, the
X8000 will provide no light output unless a fiberoptic light cable is properly seated in
the cable port.
• Ensure the bulb access door is completely shut.
• Check for error codes E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4 or E-5. See the Error Code Definitions section
of this manual for details.
• Check that vents are not obstructed.
• If the safety shutoff has been activated, please return the X8000 for service. Please see
the Component Replacement section of this manual for additional information.
Too much or too little • Ensure the light cable is correctly engaged with the cable port.
light output • Ensure the bulb has adequate bulb life remaining. The bulb has a warranty of 500 hours.
• Ensure the X8000 is in Run mode. (The Run LED should be illuminated.) If necessary,
press the Mode button to switch from Standby to Run. If the unit remains in Standby:
1. Ensure the light cable is correctly engaged with the cable port.
2. If an ESST cable is connected to the X8000, ensure the cable is attached to the scope
using an ESST scope adapter.
• Use the up/down buttons to adjust the brightness.
• Ensure the fiberoptic cable is transmitting light properly. Hold the light-source end of
the cable to an overhead room light and look into the scope end of the light cable. If
the pattern contains any black spots, the light cable may be worn out and may require
• Ensure the light cable is of an adequate size for the application. The cable diameter may
be too small to provide adequate light transmission for the medical video camera in the
endoscopic application.
Excessive glare in the • Ensure the electronic shutter on the camera is operating properly to control the video
video signal brightness. If further light reduction is required, decrease the light source
brightness with the down button.
Error Code Definitions
The X8000 displays error codes when one of the following conditions occurs. Follow the recommended action to correct the
E-2 All conditions are not met for the bulb to illuminate, yet it Consult the Diagnosis section of this manual.
remains on.
E-3 The bulb has higher than expected current or voltage Consult the Diagnosis section of this manual.
applied to it.
E-4 The bulb is kept off because the ballast fan is not working Consult the Diagnosis section of this manual.
E-5 The bulb is kept off because the bulb fan is not working Consult the Diagnosis section of this manual.
Blinking The bulb has exceeded its recommended lifetime of 500 Install a new Stryker bulb.
500 hours.
Replace The bulb has reached 1000 hours and has exceeded its Install a new Stryker bulb.
Bulb recommended lifetime of 500 hours.
Diagnosis • PD2—reads 3.3 volts if the door reed switches
are closed. If PD2 reads 0 volts,
- Check if the reed switches on the bulb
To diagnose system errors, follow the strategies provided
mount boards are soldered properly. If
below. For steps that involve test points on the control
necessary, repair the soldering.
board, refer to the control board diagram at the end of the
- Check for shorts using the magnet on the
Diagnosis section.
reed switch. Repair/replace as necessary.
Diagnosis strategies are grouped by symptom: - Check if the cable wire colors are
correctly oriented. Adjust as necessary.
A. Bulb does not turn on • PD3—reads 3.3 volts if the fans are functioning
B. Bulb does not turn off properly
• PD4—reads 3.3 volts if a regular light cable is
C. Bulb ignites immediately upon system startup
inserted. If PD4 reads 0 volts, remove the front
D. LCD display is blue or completely dark panel and check if the beam sensor is properly
E. Fan does not run positioned and connected to the display board.
F. Light source does not switch from STANDBY to Adjust as necessary.
RUN mode • PD5—reads 3.3 volts if an ESST light cable is
inserted. If PD5 reads 0 volts, remove the front
G. Brightness cannot be adjusted
panel and check if the beam sensor is properly
H. E-1 error appears on the LCD display positioned and connected to the display board.
I. E-2 error appears on the LCD display Adjust as necessary.
J. E-3 error appears on the LCD display 6. If none of these help, contact Technical Support at
K. E-4 error appears on the LCD display
L. E-5 error appears on the LCD display
B. Bulb does not turn off
M. Bulb hours value does not display
If the bulb turns on immediately after AC power is applied
N. Shutter makes noise or does not move properly.
to the light source, proceed to diagnosis strategy C, “Bulb
ignites immediately upon system startup.”
A. Bulb does not turn on If the bulb ignites after the regular startup sequence but then
1. Check the voltages on the control board test points will not turn off, perform the following steps until the source
TP22 and TP23. of the problem is identified.
• If the test points read 12V and 0V respectively, 1. Remove the light cable from the jaw.
then the ballast is faulty. Replace the ballast. 2. Open the bulb door or remove the magnet from the
• If the voltages are in the vicinity of 5.5V and reed switches.
7V respectively, proceed to step 2.
3. Using a multimeter, check the following test points
2. Visually check if the bulb door is properly on the control board:
closed with the cover or a stand-alone magnet. If
• PD2—If PD2 reads 3.3 volts, the reed switches
necessary, close the door.
are faulty. Replace the reed switches.
3. Visually check if the light cable is properly inserted • PD4 and PD5—If either PD4 or PD5 reads 3.3
into the jaw. If necessary, reinsert the cable. volts, the light cable sensor (beam sensor) is
4. Visually check if the bulb has the one-wire memory faulty. Replace the light cable sensor.
chip. If it does, ensure the chip makes contact with 4. If PD4 or PD5 reads 0 volts, measure the voltage
the bulb mount board connector. If necessary, difference between TP22 and TP23.
adjust contact between the chip and the connector. • If the voltage difference is around -1.3 volts,
5. Using a multimeter, electronically check the replace the ballast.
following test points on the control board. Each test • If the voltage difference is around 12 volts,
point should read 3.3 volts. proceed to step 5.
• PD1—reads 3.3 volts if the one wire chip is 5. Measure the voltage level for TP32.
detected by the control board. If PD1 reads 0 • If TP32 reads 0 volts, replace the control board.
volts (and PD2 reads 3.3 volts), try a different (See the Repair/Replacement Procedures
bulb. Push the bulb firmly towards the plastic section of this manual.)
separator panel to ensure contact. • If TP32 reads 3.3 volts, proceed to step 6.
6. Measure the voltage for TP34. 4. Make sure that the 6-pin power cable from the
• If TP34 reads 0 or 1.6 volts, replace the control board. ballast to the control board is connected.
(See the Repair/Replacement section of this • If the power button lights up, perform steps
manual.) 1 – 3.
• If TP34 reads otherwise, contact Technical • If the power button still does not light up,
Support at +1.800.624.4422. replace the control board (See the Repair/
Replacement section of this manual.).
C. Bulb ignites immediately upon system
startup E. Fan does not run
1. Check if the jumpers (JP300) on the ballast 1. If one or both fans are not working, an E-4 (ballast)
(CEP300CXE, 413) are properly installed. When or E-5 (bulb) error should display on the LCD
the ballast is viewed from the bulb side, the jumpers screen. Confirm this.
should read 0 I I 0 I 0 0. Adjust as necessary. 2. If both fans do not work, measure the voltage on the
2. Check the voltage difference between TP22 and 10.2V test point on the control board (underneath
TP23 on the control board: lamp status connector).
• Turn off system power • If it does not read around 10.2 volts, replace
• Connect the positive multimeter probe to TP22 the control board (See the Repair/Replacement
and the negative probe to TP23 section of this manual.).
• Turn on system power 3. If only one fan works, switch the fan connectors
• If the voltage difference is around 12V, proceed between the working and non-working fans.
to step 3 • If non-working fan still fails to run, then it is
• If the voltage difference is around -1.3 volts, faulty. Replace it. (See the Repair/Replacement
replace the ballast (See the Repair/Replacement section of this manual.)
section of this manual.). • If the non-working fan begins to run, but the
3. Check the voltage of TP32. If it does not read 3.3 working fan stops running, then the control
volts, replace the control board (See the Repair/ board is faulty. Replace it. (See the Repair/
Replacement section of this manual.). Replacement section of this manual.).
D. LCD display is blue or completely dark F. Light source does not switch from
Power on the light source: STANDBY to RUN mode
• If you hear the fans running, or if the power 1. Check if the bulb is lit. If it is lit, go to step 2. If it is
button is lighted, perform steps 1 – 3. not lit, then go to diagnosis strategy A.
• If you don’t hear the fans running, and the 2. Press the brightness up and brightness down buttons
power button is not lighted, perform step 4. on the membrane. Check if the mini brightness
1. Check if the cable between the control board and meter in the top right corner of the display increases
front display board is connected properly. Adjust as or not.
necessary. • If the meter does not change, remove the front
2. Insert the bulb, close the bulb door, and measure the panel and check if the front panel membrane
voltages of PD1 and PD2 on the control board. connector is fully connected to the display
• If they do not read 3.3 volts, replace the control board. Adjust as necessary.
board. (See the Repair/Replacement section of • If the meter does change and the membrane
this manual.) is properly connected, cycle the light source
• If they do read 3.3 volts, proceed to step 3. power.
3. Measure the voltage across the C47 and C48 - As the LCD powers up, check the
capacitors (directly beneath the display board cable software version numbers. They should
on the control board side). read at least SW REV P 1. 2 and SW
REV P.1.2 consecutively. (The revision
• If they read 3.3 volts and 12.3 volts respectively,
numbers may be higher if newer software
replace the display board (See the Repair/
versions are installed.)
Replacement section of this manual.).
- If the version numbers are not at least
• If not, replace the control board (See the
1.2, contact Technical Support at
Repair/Replacement section of this manual.).
+1.800.624.4422 for software updates.
- If the version numbers are adequate,
contact Technical Support.
G. Brightness cannot be adjusted J. E-3 error appears on the LCD display
1. Switch the light source between STANDBY and 1. Probe TP13 with a multimeter.
RUN modes by pressing on the membrane switch. • If it reads 3.3 volts, and E-3 still appears on the
(Make sure to use a non-ESST cable, or an ESST display, replace the control board.
cable that has the ESST adaptor at the tip.) • If the voltage on TP13 is low, replace the
• If the light source does not switch between ballast.
modes, replace the control board (See the
Repair/Replacement section of this manual.) K. E-4 error appears on the LCD display
• If the light source switches between modes, but
1. Verify that the ballast fan is not running.
brightness cannot be increased or decreased,
proceed to step 2. 2. Ensure the ballast fan is connected to the control
2. Remove the jaw handle and the plastic front panel. board.
Ensure that the front panel membrane is properly 3. If the fan seems to be working, visually compare the
connected to the front LCD display board. Adjust as speed of the ballast fan to the bulb fan.
necessary. • If the ballast fan seems to be running slower,
3. If the membrane is properly connected, but replace the fan and verify that the E-4 error
brightness still cannot be adjusted, replace the disappears.
membrane. • If the E-4 error does not disappear with the
4. If the new membrane does not work, check for new fan, replace the control board.
proper connection between the control board and
the display board. Adjust as necessary. L. E-5 error appears on the LCD display
5. If the membrane works after checking the 1. Check to verify that the bulb fan is not running.
connections, replace the front LCD display board 2. Ensure the ballast fan is connected to the control
(See the Repair/Replacement section of this board.
manual.) 3. If the fan seems to be working, visually compare the
speed of the bulb fan to the ballast fan.
H. E-1 error appears on the LCD display • If the ballast fan seems to be running slower,
1. Make sure that the light cable is inserted, the bulb replace the fan and verify that the E-5 error
door is closed with a bulb inside, and the lamp is disappears.
not lit. • If the E-5 error does not disappear with the
2. Check the voltages on TP22 and TP23. new fan, replace the control board.
• If the voltage difference between TP22 and
TP23 is not 12V, replace the control board. M. Bulb Hours value does not display
• If the voltage difference between these two test 1. Connect a regular light cable to the light source.
points is 12V, ensure the J3 cable is connected 2. Make sure there is a bulb in the light source, close
properly to the ballast and that the individual the door, and verify that it is lit.
wires are not crossed. 3. Verify that there is a one-wire memory properly
- Ensure that L3 and L4 ferrites, located attached.
underneath the J3 connector, are
soldered properly to the control board. 4. Verify that the one-wire memory is making contact
- If these ferrites are missing, broken, or with the connectors on the bulb mount board.
not soldered properly, repair or replace 5. If the bulb does not light, perform diagnosis
the control board. strategy A.
3. If none of the above steps resolves the problem, 6. If you are unsure about the proper contact, insert a
replace the ballast. new bulb to see if the hours will display.
7. If the hours still do not display, verify that the cable
I. E-2 error appears on the LCD display between the bulb mount board and the control
1. Make sure that the bulb is lit and the light is on. board is properly connected.
2. Repeat diagnosis strategies B and C, respectively. 8. If the cables are properly connected, but the hours
still do not display, replace the control board.
N. Shutter makes noise or does not move
1. Check the pinouts of the motor cable and the bulb
mount board/control board cable. Make sure the
wire colors match the drawing.
2. Make sure the connectors J1 and J2 on the bulb
mount board are not soldered in the wrong
3. Make sure the minimum shutter switch is soldered
properly. Make sure the switch lever is properly
connected to the switch itself.
4. Make sure the shutter wheel is properly connected
to the motor shaft.
5. Make sure the shutter wheel is not rubbing against
the hot mirror holder.
6. If the motor is rotating the shutter in the reverse
direction when power is applied to the light source,
replace the motor.
7. If the motor is hesitantly rotating the shutter back
and forward, then replace the motor.
8. If the shutter’s mini tab is catching the bottom
of the minimum shutter switch, replace the bulb
mount board.
9. If none of the steps above solves the problem,
contact Technical Support at +1.800.624.4422.
Control Board Diagrams
Repair/Replacement Note For all steps that involve the application of
Loctite, apply Loctite to the threaded holes
rather than to the threads on the screws
The X8000 Light Source is a precision instrument that has
unless otherwise specified.
been engineered and manufactured with great care to ensure
the safety of operators and patients. In order to maintain the
high level of safety and reliability required in devices of this Note When using a power screwdriver, set
nature, it is important to fully understand and comply with torque setting to 3 high unless otherwise
all required procedures set forth herein. specified.
If some part of a procedure is omitted or adequate equipment
Each of the following tables provides repair/replacement
is not used, the safety and performance of the devices may
instructions for specific components of the X8000. For each
be unknowingly compromised. If any of the procedures
instruction, the required tools, equipment, and replacement
described in this manual are beyond the scope of the
part numbers are provided.
technician’s training, consult the “Service Options” section of
this manual for information on how to obtain service from
Stryker Endoscopy.
As is the case with all AC powered
devices, dangerous voltages are present.
If adequate safety precautions are not
taken, results may include damage to the
equipment, personal injury, or death. It
is imperative that these procedures are
approached only by trained technicians
with proper equipment after fully reading
and understanding the steps involved.
1.0 Chassis Cover
2.0 Control Board
80 Get New Control Board. • X8000 Control
Remove Control Board Board (873)
from metal-shielded bag
and place on ESD-safe Mat.
120 Connect 3-Wire Fan from • 3-Wire Fan Cable
Ballast Fan to Control from Ballast Fan
Board connector J10 (3-Pin 3-Wire)
• X8000 Control
Board (873)
Do not bend Control
150 Connect 5-Pin 5-Wire • Control Board/
Control Board/Display Display Board
Board Cable from Display Cable (5-Pin
Board to Control Board 5-Wire) (565)
connector J12 (DISPLAY
• X8000 Control
Board (873)
190 Screw Chassis Cover to • Power • 6-32 x 0.25 PH Ext.
Chassis. Screwdriver Sems. (2) (198)
• X8000 Cover (407)
Torque setting of 5. • X8000 Chassis
3.0 Ballast (CEP300CXE, -413)
250 Unscrew Ballast from front- • Power • 6-32 x 5/16 PH
left Chassis PEM as shown. Screwdriver Screw (1) (102)
• X8000 Ballast (413)
• X8000 Chassis
290 Remove Brown and Blue • Needlenose • X8000 Ballast (413)
lead of AC Inlet Board/ Pliers
• A/C Inlet Board/
Ballast Cable from original
Ballast Cable
Assembly (571)
* NOTE: If the CEP301CXE Ballast (P19116) is being used, see Section 3.5,
Sequence 610 – 770, for reassembly instructions.
330 Attach Control Board/ • X8000 Ballast (413)
Ballast Cable -567 to Ballast
• Control Board/
Connector J422.
Ballast Cable
Assembly (6-Pin
6-Wire) (567)
370 Attach Brown lead of AC • Needlenose • X8000 Ballast (413)
Inlet Board/Ballast Cable Pliers
• A/C Inlet Board/
-571 to middle Ballast
Ballast Cable
connector NEUT J102 on
Assembly (571)
410 Screw Ballast to front-right • Power • 6-32 x 5/16 PH
Chassis PEM as shown. Screwdriver Screw (1) (102)
• X8000 Ballast (413)
• X8000 Chassis
450 Screw black Ballast/Bulb • Power • Ballast/Bulb Anode
Cathode Cable from rear Screwdriver Cable Assembly
Banana Plug to Ballast (Phillips) (568)
connector J604 LAMP –
• X8000 Ballast (413)
3.5 Ballast (CEP301CXE, P19116)
540 Unscrew Ballast from • Power • 6-32 x 5/16 PH
Mounting Bracket Screwdriver Screw (1) (102)
(P18917). (Phillips)
• X8000 Ballast
• X8000 Ballast
Mounting Bracket
580 Remove Brown and Blue • Needlenose • X8000 Ballast
lead of AC Inlet Board/ Pliers (P19116)
Ballast Cable from Ballast.
• A/C Inlet Board/
Ballast Cable
Assembly (571)
620 Attach Control Board/ • X8000 Ballast
Ballast Power Cable (P19116)
(P19114) to Ballast
• If CEP301CXE
Connector J401.
ballast (P19116):
Control Board/
Ballast Power cable
(4-Pin 2-Wire)
660 Assemble Ballast Bracket • Power • X8000 Chassis
to chassis. Ensure that Fan Screwdriver (313)
arrow points towards back (Phillips)
• X8000 Ballast
of chassis.
Mounting Bracket
700 Screw and secure Ballast • Power • 6-32 x 5/16 PH
firmly onto Mounting Screwdriver Screw (1) (102)
Bracket (P18917). (Phillips)
• X8000 Ballast
• X8000 Ballast
Mounting Bracket
740 Screw black Ballast/Bulb • Power • Ballast/Bulb Anode
Cathode Cable from rear Screwdriver Cable Assembly
Banana Plug to Ballast (Phillips) (568)
connector J603 LAMP –
• X8000 Ballast
Screw Cable flat side
down.Torque setting of 3!
4.0 Bulb Mount Board
820 Get New Bulb Mount • Thermal Switch
Board. Place Thermal Guard (596)
Switch Guide over Thermal
• Bulb Mount Board
Switch and A/C Inlet
Board/Bulb Mount Board
Cable as shown.
860 Slide Chassis Cover onto • X8000 Cover (407)
Chassis until flush with
• X8000 Chassis
Chassis and secure.
5.0 AC Inlet Board
920 Screw A/C Inlet Board • Power • 6-32 x 5/16 PH
to Chassis PEM’s with Screwdriver Screw (3) (102)
connector GND J4 to front (Phillips)
• A/C Inlet Board
of Chassis. Attach AC Inlet
Shield to single screw on
left side of board. • X8000 Chassis
• AC Inlet Shield
960 Connect 8-Pin 8-Wire • Control Board/Bulb
Control Board/Bulb Mount Mount Board Cable
Board Cable to Bulb Mount (8-Pin 8-Wire)
Board connector J1. (566)
• Bulb Mount Board
6.0 Jaw Handle
7.0 LED power switch
1060 Unplug 3mm LED • X8000 3mm LED
connector from Display (594)
Board connector as shown.
• Display Board (336)
Connect LED
connector with metal pins
facing up.
1100 Plug Control Board/Display • Control Board/
Board Cable -565 into Display Board
Display Board connector Cable Assembly (5-
J20 and pass through front Pin 5-Wire) (565)
of Chassis as shown.
• X8000 Display
Board (336)
Dress LED Cable under
Display Board!
1150 Screw Chassis Cover to • Power • 6-32 x 0.25 PH Ext.
Chassis. Screwdriver Sems. (2) (198)
• X8000 Cover (407)
Torque setting of 5. • X8000 Chassis
8.0 Display Board
1220 Plug Beam Sensor-ESST/ • Beam Sensor-ESST/
Display Board Cable into Display Board
Display Board connector Cable (573)
J17 as shown.
• Display Board (336)
9.0 Front Panel Membrane
1320 Press Front Panel • Front Panel
Membrane flush against Membrane (292)
Front Panel until adhesive
• X8000 Front Panel
backing is secure.
10.0 Shutter
1360 Unscrew set screw from • 1/16” Hex • 6-32 x 1/8 Socket
Shutter and motor shaft. Wrench HD Set Screw (001)
• X8000 Shutter (577)
• X8000 Stepper
Motor (341)
1400 Screw Chassis Cover to • Power • 6-32 x 0.25 PH Ext.
Chassis. Insert Bulb back Screwdriver Sems. (2) (198)
in unit. (Phillips)
• X8000 Cover (407)
• X8000 Chassis
Torque setting of 5. (343)
11.0 Hot Mirror
1460 Screw Hot Mirror Holder • 5/64” Hex • 2-56 x 0.250 Socket
to Motor Mount as shown. Wrench HD Screw (2) (344)
• Hot Mirror Holder
Screw in top screw first (632)
and then bottom screw. • X8000 Motor
Mount (339)
1470 Reinstall the Shutter
(procedure 10.0, seq 1080
– 1090).
1480 Slide Chassis Cover onto • X8000 Cover (407)
Chassis until flush with
• X8000 Chassis
Chassis and secure.
12.0 Motor
1560 Reinstall the Shutter
(procedure 10.0, seq 1080
– 1090).
1570 Slide Chassis Cover onto • X8000 Cover (407)
Chassis until flush with
• X8000 Chassis
Chassis and secure.
13.0 Jaw Assembly
1660 Screw Jaw Assembly to • Q-Tips • 6-32 x 3/8 PH
front of Chassis until Screw (4) (441)
• Loctite 290
• Completed X8000
• Power
Jaw Assembly
Torque setting of 5! (Phillips) • X8000 Chassis
Apply enough Loctite
290 so that it is visible on
Chassis threads.
14.0 Integrating Rod
1750 Screw Upper Integrating • 5/64” Hex • 2-56 x 0.250 Socket
Rod Holder to Lower Wrench HD Screw (2) (344)
Integrating Rod Holder.
• Upper Integrating
Rod Holder (277)
Ensure Integrating Rod
is flush with end of Lower
Integrating Rod Holder.
15.0 AC Inlet Filter
1820 Unscrew A/C Inlet Filter • A/C Inlet • 4-40 SS B KEP Nuts
from Chassis. Filter (2) (484)
• A/C Inlet Filter
• ¼” Nut
• X8000 Chassis
1830 Remove fuse holder from • Tweezers • 5AH SLO-BLO
A/C Inlet Filter. Fuse (2) (P23062)
• A/C Inlet Filter
1850 Screw new A/C Inlet Filter • A/C Inlet • 4-40 SS B KEP Nuts
to Chassis with single prong Filter (2) (484)
facing out of Chassis as Tightening
• A/C Inlet Filter
shown. Tool
• ¼” Nut
• X8000 Chassis
Attach lower nut first! Driver
1870 Attach Ground Post • X8000 Ground Post
Cable to outermost single Cable (591)
flange of A/C Inlet Filter
• A/C Inlet Filter
by running Cable under
Ballast Duct.
16.0 Ballast Fan (Short Fan Stud Design)
1920 Unscrew nuts from Ballast • 11/32” • #8-32 KEP Nuts (3)
side PEM’s. Remove Wrench (491)
connector from control
• 3-Wire Fan (507)
board and remove fan.
• Fan Duct (498)
• X8000 Chassis
1940 Screw nuts to 3-Wire Fan • Loctite 290 • #8-32 KEP Nuts (3)
for Ballast side to PEM’s (491)
• 11/32”
until secure against Fan
Wrench • 3-Wire Fan (507)
Duct as shown.
• Fan Duct (498)
17.0 Bulb Fan (Short Fan Stud Design)
2010 Remove nuts from PEMs • 11/32” • #8-32 KEP Nuts (3)
and remove fan. Wrench (491)
• 3-Wire Fan (507)
• Fan Duct (498)
• X8000 Chassis
2020 Remove wire tie securing • Cable Tie • Standard Cable Tie
3-Wire Fan cable from Bulb Cutters (873)
Fan to Separator as shown.
• Separator (328)
Remove Fan and get new
Fan. • Bulb Fan Cable
2030 Place new 3-Wire Fan for • 3-Wire Fan (507)
Bulb side onto Chassis
• Fan Duct (498)
PEM’s with sticker facing
out Chassis . • X8000 Chassis
2040 Screw nuts to 3-Wire Fan • Loctite 290 • #8-32 KEP Nuts (3)
for Bulb side to PEM’s until (491)
• 11/32”
secure against Fan Duct as
Wrench • 3-Wire Fan (507)
• Fan Duct (498)
2060 Secure 3-Wire Fan cable • Cable Tie • Standard Cable Tie
from Bulb Fan to Separator (873)
• Cutters
as shown.
• Separator (328)
• Bulb Fan Cable
Secure using a loop of (507)
excess wire in Cable Tie!
2070 Slide Chassis Cover onto • X8000 Cover (407)
Chassis until flush with
• X8000 Chassis
Chassis and secure.
18.0 Ballast Fan (Long Fan Stud Design)
2120 Screw nuts to Ballast side • Loctite 290 • #8-32 KEP Nuts (3)
PEM’s to secure Ballast duct (491)
• 11/32”
against 3-Wire Fan.
Wrench • 3-Wire Fan (507)
• Fan Duct (498)
Do not bend fan flange
by over-tightening. • Ballast Duct (326)
• X8000 Chassis
Use Loctite 290 on (343)
2130 Connect 3-Wire Fan from • 3-Wire Fan Cable
Ballast Fan to Control from Ballast Fan
Board connector J10 (3-Pin 3-Wire)
• X8000 Control
Board (873)
Do not bend Control
19.0 Bulb Fan (Long Fan Stud Design)
2170 Remove nuts from PEMs • 11/32” • #8-32 KEP Nuts (3)
and remove fan. Wrench (491)
• 3-Wire Fan (507)
• Fan Duct (498)
• Bulb Duct (325)
• X8000 Chassis
2180 Remove wire tie securing • Cable Tie • Standard Cable Tie
3-Wire Fan cable from Bulb Cutters (873)
Fan to Separator as shown.
• Separator (328)
Remove Fan and get new
Fan. • Bulb Fan Cable
2190 Place new 3-Wire Fan for • 3-Wire Fan (507)
Bulb side onto Chassis
• Fan Duct (498)
PEM’s with sticker facing
out Chassis . • X8000 Chassis
2200 Screw nuts to Bulb side • Loctite 290 • #8-32 KEP Nuts (3)
PEM’s to secure Bulb duct (491)
• 11/32”
against 3-Wire Fan.
Wrench • 3-Wire Fan (507)
• Fan Duct (498)
Do not bend fan flanges
by over-tightening. • Bulb Duct (325)
• X8000 Chassis
Use Loctite 290 on (343)
2220 Secure 3-Wire Fan cable • Cable Tie • Standard Cable Tie
from Bulb Fan to Separator (873)
• Cutters
as shown.
• Separator (328)
• Bulb Fan Cable
Secure using a loop of (507)
excess wire in Cable Tie!
2230 Slide Chassis Cover onto • X8000 Cover (407)
Chassis until flush with
• X8000 Chassis
Chassis and secure.
Final Testing and Inspection
Tools Needed
•Torque Wrench
•Fiber Optic Light Cable
•Sidne Voice Activation System
•6 ft. Serial USB Cable
•BioTek Safety Analyzer
•240 V Transformer
•120V Transformer
•X8000 Fan Direction Fixture
Cosmetic Inspection
1. Replace the front panel, chassis, and chassis cover to fit snugly with no
visible gaps.
2. Check that the logos and printing on the back panel are clear.
3. Check that the logos and printing on the front panel are clear.
Bulb Inspection
1. The bulb should be clean with no fingerprints, cracks, or thermal paste
compound on the glass surface.
2. Verify that the serial number is above the handle on the bulb.
3. Tighten the female connectors with the torque wrench set to 18 in-lbs.
4. The bulb module should slide and lock into place on the rail plate.
Power on Test
1. Connect the X8000 to the 120 V power supply.
2. Press the power button on and verify that the bulb does illuminate.
3. Insert the optical fiber light cable in the jaw. The bulb should ignite and
stay lit.
Front Panel Functional Test
1. While the light source is turned on, the standby LED should be lit and the
display should read “Standby”. There should be a brightness display on the
top right hand corner of the LED display
Brightness step-up/down
1. Press the brightness membrane button multiple times to go once all the
way from either 0 to 100% or 100% to 0%. The brightness display should
increase or decrease without skipping.
2. Close the bulb side door and verify that the bulb turns on but the light
source stays in standby with the same displays on the LED.
Fan Test
1. Verify that the fans are blowing out of the unit by using the fan flow
direction fixture.
Jaw Test
1. Remove the light cable by turning the knob clockwise on the jaw assembly.
The jaw should lock open. Verify that the bulb turns off, the lgihtsource
goes into standby, and the standby LED is lit when the light cable is
Hi-Pot/Di-Electric Breakdown Test
1. Energize the Hi-Pot tester and adjust the test voltage to 1.8 kV.
2. Plug the test fixture into the back of the unit.
3. Connect the alligator clip to the ground post of the unit...
4. Touch the positive (red) probe to the Hi-Pot test fixture and press test on the Hi-Pot tester for 1 second.
Note Always check the hi-pot tester for proper functionality prior to use by hitting the test butoon and touching
the leads. The hi-pot tester should emit the “fail” alarm.
Caution Do not test the unit for more than 1 second or internal damage can occur.
This Stryker Endoscopy product is warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship
for the following times:
One year following shipment.
This warranty extends to all purchases and is limited to the repair or replacement of the product without charge when
returned in the original shipping case to:
Stryker Endoscopy
5900 Optical Court
San Jose, CA 95138
Stryker Endoscopy cannot accept responsibility for returns or replacements which have not been authorized. This warranty
does not cover damages caused by misuse or by failure to follow the procedures outlined in this manual or demonstrated by
Stryker Endoscopy representatives.
There are no other expressed warranties.
Stryker Endoscopy
5900 Optical Court
San Jose, California 95138
1000400933 D