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ECT Prev. Year End Sem

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Roll No.

[u_[[[j _L
'Semes1er ·v11
(Use of Steam Tables Is permitted)
(Regulation 2019)
T 1me 3hrs Max Marks 100
~ ] Analyze the thermodynamic cycles used in power generation
2 Eva luate the merits of direct thermal energy conversion systems compared to convenlional
CO 3 Anal ze the oerformance of fuel cel ls
~ 4 , Select the b:?st enem v storage mechanism for any given ape~!ic~,t ;0~0
~ ==- ~------,
::o 5 .J Develop a mechanism for total energy recovery from a system adopting CHCP concept
BL - Bloom 's Taxonom y Lev els
(L 1 - Remembering , L2 - Understanding, L3 - Applying, L4 - Analysing, LS - Evaluating. L6 Creating)

PART- A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks}

(Answer all Oueslmns)
a. No Questions Marks co BL
1 Brief about the distinctive features of Kalina cycle over Rankine 2 L2
_ ;...;yc\e with the help of T-s diaqram.
2 Skelch the P-v and T-s dmgram of S!irfing cycle and list the L3
thermod namlc process associated with the c cle.
mustrate the difference between Nemst Effect and Seebeck Effect l2
Brief about lhe Importance of Figure of Merit value In the material L2
selection for Thermoelectric Generator.
Sketch an image depicting how a pollution free energy economy L3
can be achieved with the helo the Hvdronenand Fuel Cells.
List any two features of High temperature fue l cells which are L2
advantaaeous comoare to the Low temnerature Fuel cells.
Define PCM and mention any two distinctive characteristics of it L2
comoare to other enerav storaae lechnolonles.
Lisi the various Hydroqen produclian process. l1
Illustrate the difference between topping cycle and bottoming cycle l2
coaenerallon s stem with an examf le.
10 With the help of an image gist the difference between Back l2
. aressure steam turbine Extracllon condensinn steam turbine.

PART- B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks}

a. No Questions Marks CO BL
11 (a) Draw the P-v. T-s diagram and meritl_ or, the thermodynamic 13 L3
process associated with the following lhermodync'imlc cycles
1 Rakine cycle 2. Kalina Cycle
3. Seti Ca!eman cycle 4. Brayton cycle
5 Alklnson cycle 6. OUo cycl!J

11 (b)

'""·•-~.-~. . ,_.,.,..,. ,.,_ " 'I

~y~le pressure of 0. 1 MPa and operates belween the tempera ture
limits of 27°C & 1569"C Calcula1e 1he ternperature and pressure
after isenlropic expansion (lake 1, "" 1 4) and also determine the
Thermal efficiency al the cycle 11 ,is observed Iha! the pressure at
" I
the end of the expansion process is very high compare _to the
a1mosphenc pressure. Hence the cycle is modified by allowmg the
gas to expand continuously upto 0.1 MPa In order to ci:>mplele_ (he
cycle the last heat rejection process is made at Isobaric condition
instead of at isochcric condition as of in the 0110 Cycle. Name lhe
modified Cycle and also find the change in efficiency of the
modified 9':,!
! '..__ _ _~ - - - - -- - - - ~ - - - : - ~ .

Wilh a schematic layout. explain the cons!ruction and wor~ing of 13 L2

open cycle MHD system Mention Its pros, cons and field of
a lications
Brief about the direct conversion of heat energy to electrical energy 13 L2
using Ferroelectric I Pyre electr'ic converters oPerating on Oslen
CY.Cle and Thermomechanical c de

For a methanol fuel cell , the cell reactions are

13 L3
Anode Reaction CHJOH + 2H1O(1i -. CO, + 6H"+ Se-
Cathode Reaction : io, + 6H"+ 6e- .:.. 3HiO
tic;s·c "' -39.59 kcaVmole
,rn;s'c -56.8 kcal/mole

Determine the following :

i) Maximum efficiency of the fuel cell
ii) Ideal cell voltage
iii) Maximum power output if the methanol flow rate is 1 mole/s.
iv) W'hat flow rate in kglh of methanol and oxygen would be
required to produce an electrical power output of 100 kW?
v) In this condition al what rate heat is to be removed from the
cell? (Faraday·s constant"' 96500 coloumbs per gram mole)

13 (b) Briel about the construction, working , reactions involved.
application. pros and cons of the following fuel cell·
(1) PEM Fuel Cell
(ll) Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell

14 (a) Explain the follow ing parameters related o the battery.

i) Cut in voltage, Cut off voltage. N_omlnal Voltage
1i) Ah rating
,ii) C-rating
iv) DoD
v) Lifecycle
v,) Effect or Ah, Von connecting the batteries In series and
w 11 1 11 s r.1 ,emntlc diagram explaln 1he 1u11ow1ng .

(I)1 c onipressed air energy storage system

\II} P l l ~ ~gy~ ~
Stea~ o n plant at 4 MP il and
ls extract lhe 1urb111e at
1200kPa pressure remaining steam
continues to expand 10 10kPa and is conver1ed to sa\Urated Uquld
in \he condenser. The steam extracted from the turbine Is also
conver1ed to saturated liquid at the end ol the process application
at constant pressure. Both the satura1ed liquids are pumped to lhe
boiler pressure 4MPa and mixed before sent lnto the bollef. The
mass flow rate of steam through the boiler is 55kgls. Disregarding
any pressure drops and heal losses in the pip(ng , and assuming
· · entropic, determine the net power

13 L3
A Multispecialty hospital has total electrical load 625 kW. Currently
I 15 (bl they are purchasing !he electricity from the state grid at Rs. 9.25 I
kl/Vh . They have a separate chiller unit and the operating cost is
Rs.11 .25 I TR They also have a separate boiler and producing
steam at a cost of Rs. 2.85 / kg with enthalpy 500 kCal /kg. It Is
proposed to install trigeneration system wi1h a gas engine of 625
kW having operating efficiency 28%. The cost of gas is Rs.45/smJ
and LCV is 9000kCall sm 3 • Heat rejected by the engine to 1he
iacket cooling water is 29%, that can be used 10 operale a VAM
with COP 1.65 to produce chilled water. 20% of the heat reiecte<I
at the engine exhaust Is used to produce hat water at 60"C (inlet
temperature at 3o•q ·
Calculate the following:
1. Hourly gas consumption in smlfh
2 TR delivered by VAM
3. Quantity ol hot water generated rrom exhausl heal for
hospi1al purpose in kg/h.
4 . Annual cost savings on a~unt ofTrigeneratiOn system.
for 8000 hours of operation per year.

PART· C (1 x 15 = 15 Marg}
(Q.No.16 is compulsory)
Mark.I CO BL
auesUons 15
a. No In a Steam Turbine Cogeneration system. steam enters th e turbine
\6 at 7 MPa and soo•c. Some Steam is extracted from the 1Urbine at
500 kPa for process heating The remaining steam continues to
expand to 5 kPa. Steam is then condensed at constant pressure
and pumped to the boiler pressure of 7 MPa. Al times of high
demand for process heat, some steam leaving the boiler is throttled
to 500 kPa a~ is routed to the process heater Tue extraction
1rac1Joos are. ad)usted so that sleam leaves the process t,eatei- as
a saturated liquid at 500 kPa. It is subsequently pumped to 7 MPa
The mass flow rate of the steam throunh the boiler Is 15 k"'s.

8 .E. / B. Tech / 8 A (UNIVERS ITY DEPA;T-;----'----L .....L_J_ / "J
-- . '-- " '°' ' 1I
· rch (Fufl Time) ENTS)

Disregarding any pressure1oss and heat loss in the piping and

assuming the turbine and the pump to be isentropic, determine a)
the maximum rate at which process heat ca n be supplied b) the
power produced and the utilization factor when no process heat ls
supplied and c) the rate of process heat supply when 10 percent of
the steam is ex1racted before it enters the' lur~ne and 70 percent
of 1he steam Is extracted from the turbine at_500 kPa for process

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