Friendship Qualities Scale
Friendship Qualities Scale
Friendship Qualities Scale
Friendship Questionnaire
With this questionnaire, we are going to ask you to circle the choice which describes you
best. These questions are about you and your friend. Please answer all of these questions
about the person that you wrote in as your “very best” friend on the first questionnaire.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
7. My friend can bug me or annoy me even though I ask him/her not to.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
9. If there is something bothering me, I can tell my friend about it even if it is something
I cannot tell to other people.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
11. My friend and I go to each other’s houses after school and on weekends.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
14. If I said I was sorry after I had a fight with my friend, he/she would still stay mad at
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
16. Sometimes my friend and I just sit around and talk about things like school, sports,
and things we like.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
18. If other kids were bothering me, my friend would help me.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
19. If my friend or I do something that bothers the other one of us, we can make up
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
21. My friend would stick up for me if another kid was causing me trouble.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
22. If my friend and I have a fight or argument, we can say “I’m sorry” and everything
will be alright.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true
23. Sometimes my friend does things for me, or makes me feel special.
Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Pretty true Really true