Functional Specification Document Template

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September 20, 2023 Page 3

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose of the document............................................................................................................4
1.2 Project Scope...............................................................................................................................4
1.3 Scope of the document................................................................................................................4
1.4 Related documents......................................................................................................................4
1.5 Terms/Acronyms and Definitions..............................................................................................4
1.6 Risks and Assumptions..............................................................................................................4
2. System/ Solution Overview.................................................................................................................5
2.1 Context Diagram/ Interface Diagram/ Data Flow Diagram, Application Screen Flow, Sitemap,
Process Flow........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 System Actors............................................................................................................................5
2.3 Dependencies and Change Impacts..............................................................................................5
3. Functional Specifications.....................................................................................................................5
3.1 <Title>............................................................................................................................................6
4. System Configurations.........................................................................................................................8
5. Other System Requirements/ Non-Functional Requirements.............................................................9
6. Reporting Requirements.....................................................................................................................9
7. Integration Requirements...................................................................................................................9
7.1 Exception Handling/ Error Reporting...........................................................................................9
8. Data Migration/ Conversion Requirements.......................................................................................10
8.1 Data Conversion Strategy..........................................................................................................10
8.2 Data Conversion Preparation.....................................................................................................10
8.3 Data Conversion Specifications..................................................................................................10
9. References.........................................................................................................................................10
10. Open Issues....................................................................................................................................10

September 20, 2023 Page 4

1. Introduction
< Identify and describe the business need or problem this document will address. Include background
information here.>

1.1 Purpose of the document

< Describe what a Functional Specification Document is and its intended purpose for the audience.
Included below is a standard purpose of the FSD, but modify the description as needed.>

The Functional Specification Document is a document that provides detailed information on how the
system solution will function and the requested behavior. This document is created based on the high-
level requirements identified in the Business Requirements Document and provides traceability on the
functional specifications back to the business requirements. Included in this document will be the
detailed functional requirements including use cases, system inputs and outputs, process flows,
diagrams, and mock ups.

1.2 Project Scope

<Describe the project scope that addresses the business need or problem. Include high-level information
on the solution>.

1.3 Scope of the document

<If there are multiple FSDs created for the project, describe the specific scope that this document will
address. Sections 1.2 and 1.3 can be combined together>.

1.4 Related documents

<Add any related documentation that is relevant and related to the FSD. Some examples are the Project
Charter, Business Requirements Document, etc.>.

Component Name (with link to the document) Description

1.5 Terms/Acronyms and Definitions

<State any terms and its definition that are described in the functional specifications. Include any
acronyms that are mentioned in the document.>

Term/Acronym Definition Description

1.6 Risks and Assumptions

September 20, 2023 Page 5
<List any assumed factors and identified risks that could affect the functional design of the system.
Included can be third-party or commercial components that will be used, issues around the operating
environment, or any constraints.>

2. System/ Solution Overview

<Provide a short description of the software and solution being specified and its purpose, including
relevant benefits, objectives, and goals.>

2.1 Context Diagram/ Interface Diagram/ Data Flow Diagram, Application

Screen Flow, Sitemap, Process Flow
<Provide any appropriate graphical representations that are relevant to the system and project such as a
context/interface/data flow diagram, application screen flow, site map, or process flow. Add as many as

2.2 System Actors

2.2.1 User Roles and Responsibilities / Authority Requirements

Frequency Security/Access, Features

User/Role Example Additional Notes
of Use Used
<include the <include <describes <describe the features of <add any additional
specified examples of real how often the system available for the notes or supporting
user/role such people in the they use role and any documentation as
as Purchasing role> the system. security/access permissions necessary>
Manager, Dept State that should be stated>
Admin, Faculty, Frequent,
Student, etc> Occasional
or Rare>

2.3 Dependencies and Change Impacts

2.3.1 System Dependencies
<List and identify any dependencies the proposed solution will have on other systems.>

2.3.2 Change Impacts

<List and identify existing systems that will be impacted by the implementation of the proposed

3. Functional Specifications
<Start describing the specifications related to the overall system here. You may want to create a table/
index of all functionalities explained in the sections below and link them to the items below>

September 20, 2023 Page 6

<If no separate reference/ traceability document is created for the project, use this section to map the
business requirements, use cases, functional requirements and the test cases>

<Group your functional specifications as appropriate for your project. You may want to divide them by
screens, functional areas, user role, JIRA tickets or high-level functions Vs detailed functions or any other
way that works for your project>

3.1 <Title>
3.1.1 Purpose/ Description
<Include a high-level description and purpose of the specifications covered in the section.>

3.1.2 Use case

<Map the functional requirement to one or more use cases mentioned in the Business Requirements
document. If the use case is not described in detail in the Business Requirements document, describe the
use case here. This typically includes the element s in the following table.>

UC-1 <Use case name>

Primary Actor(s) < primary actors that participate in this use case>
Stakeholders and <One sentence describing other stakeholders>
Trigger <Condition/action that initiates/starts the use-case>
Pre-conditions <Condition assumed to be true before the first step>
Post-conditions <Condition after the use case is successfully executed >
Main Success Scenario 1. <visit STARTING-POINT
2. Step
3. Step
4. Make sure GOAL-ACHIEVED>

Extensions If Condition, then Alternative Steps

<List any extended steps/ scenarios that occur, other than the main success
Priority <indicate priority of high, medium or low)
Special Requirements <Any system related special requirements needed to fulfill the use case>
Open Questions <Notes and questions>

3.1.3 Mock-up
<Provide the mock-up of the functionality or a mock-up of the entire page>

3.1.4 Functional Requirements

<Describe the page level details that are not captured in section 3.1.5 below. These may include any
requirements related to Navigation Menu, Actions, transaction status, verification and validation
requirements etc.

Make sure each specification has a reference number and is explained in the following format.>
September 20, 2023 Page 7
Spec ID Specification Description Business Rules/ Data Dependency
<Specification <Short explanation of the <Any validation rules or business rules>
Identifier> specification>

<Note: Section 3.1.4 and section 3.1.5 may be combined if there are a few functionalities on a particular

3.1.5 Field level specifications

<Specify all the field data elements related to the functional requirement in both tables below.>

Form Elements:

Call- Field UI Default Data D

Mand? Editable Data Type Value Set
out Label Control Value Example So
<moc <Label <specif <specify <specify if <Specify <If value is <Specify if it <Provide an <Spe
k-up name> y what if field is field is the data from the set, should be example of the
refer UI mandat editable> type that specify the defaulted to the data> of th
ence control ory> will be entire value any value> data
> will be used for set here>
on this field>
Exam User textbox Yes Yes Alpha- none NA agujar Use
ple: name numeric
out 1

Form Business Rules and Dependencies:

Validation / Business Rules Additional
Field Label Error Messages Dependenci
Info/ Notes
<Label name> <Specify the validation rules and/ <List the error message <Specify if <Provide any
or business rules applicable to the that should be displayed there are additional
form element> and under what any date information
conditions> dependencie here>
Example: User name User name shall be a valid UEF For incorrect user name None Access
Student ID display on setFocusOff: prohibited
“Please provide a valid only to
user name” Stanford
affiliates. For
check call-out

September 20, 2023 Page 8

Buttons, Links and Icons:

OnClick Enabled Vs
Link, Icon Other Event Visible Navigate To Validation Dependencies
Event Disabled
<Button <Specify <Specify the <Specify <Specify if <Specify the <Specify the <Mention if there
label the operation that default button is link where validation are any
name> operation would be visibility enabled or the page will rules on dependencies on
that would performed on of the disabled be re- operation of other form
be other events> button> and the directed, if the button> elements and/ or
performed condition, if any> buttons>
on an on- any>
Example: Verify if OnMouseHover Yes, Disabled, by User Verify if Disable the New
Submit user name display the always default. Dashboard Username is a user functionality
and following Enabled, page valid sunet ID on subsequent
password message: after first and user pages if user logs in
are correct. “Please provide key entered name and through this
If yes, log your web- in either password button.
the user authentication username or match with
into the details to sign password registry data.
system. in> field.

4. System Configurations
<Provide an overview of all the steps or the set ups required to configure an application/program. Also
state the intent or purpose behind each set up or configuration. Discuss the possible alternatives,
customizations, workaround’s, conditions and dependencies in a particular configuration. In case of
Oracle applications, please list all applicable BR100’s or Application set up documents>

September 20, 2023 Page 9

5. Other System Requirements/ Non-Functional Requirements
<This section is used in contrast with stated functional requirements to highlight the additional details on
the quality related aspects as well as other behavioral aspects of a system. This section is used to capture
the stakeholders’ implicit expectations about how well the system will work under a given circumstance.
Here you can state the specific SLA’s related to system response times (Data search and retrieval),
Performance needs and metrics, Latencies in a particular timeframe or during high volume transactions,
System failures and recovery management, Security levels and accessibility constraints, Data Backup and
archiving Capabilities, Legal compliance needs etc. The broader definition of the term ‘system’ also
includes integrations with all types of Mobile platforms, Mobile devices, Tablets and Smart phones.>

6. Reporting Requirements
<This section is used to capture the reporting needs, including but not limited to the scope and format of
the report, data elements and contents required on the report, file types and extraction mechanisms,
user base and accessibility levels, frequency of report extractions etc. Also provide the mock up of the
report if needed. If necessary, create a separate document for reporting requirements.>

7. Integration Requirements
<Identify the integration needs and state all required interfaces with anything external to this solution
including hardware, software, and users. Include Architectural overview diagrams, high level data flow
diagrams, table structures and schema, interface protocols, API’s, Error conditions, Error validations and
messaging needs, Auto processing requirements etc. You can optionally state hardware and software
dependencies, Upgrade requirements, compatibility issues with existing frameworks and solutions, etc>

(Data Flow Diagrams, Interface Diagrams – if necessary)

7.1 Exception Handling/ Error Reporting

<This is where you can explain the error conditions/Exceptions that normally happen in Interfaces or
cross flow system integrations. Explain the nature of exception, Error Id, Root cause of the error and also
the strategy to handle the scenario. You can also indicate if there are any concurrent programs designed
to automatically handle the error records or error conditions. State if there are any error reports
generated or notifications utilized to alarm the support teams and system Administrators during the
interface failures or outages>

Exception/ Error ID Error Cause Solution Strategy

September 20, 2023 Page 10

8. Data Migration/ Conversion Requirements
<Explain in brief the data conversion plan. Provide full identifying information for the automated system,
application, or situation for which the Data Conversion Plan applies. Describe briefly any assumptions,
constraints or risks regarding the data conversion effort. (Provide details in section 1.6)>

8.1 Data Conversion Strategy

<Include the overall strategy for the Data Conversion. This includes how and when you will perform the
conversion - the approach used to extract, transform and load data during the conversion process, the
conversion schedule, and test plan for testing the converted data.>

8.2 Data Conversion Preparation

<Provide details on any prerequisites necessary for the conversion. Discuss the backup strategy,
restoration process in case the conversion fails.>

8.3 Data Conversion Specifications

Source Data Target Data

Source Target Conversion Rules Notes
Element Element

<Source <Source Data <Target <Target Data <Describe rules <Additional

location> Element location> Element for Data notes>
Identifier > Identifier> conversion>

9. References
<List all references to external material used as background information or knowledge for the FSD.
Examples may include a compliancy website, Stanford website, etc>

10. Open Issues

Solution/ Resolved Resolved
Issue ID Issue Raised By Raised On Status
Decision By On


September 20, 2023 Page 11

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