Wikipedia As Rational Discourse: An Illustration of The Emancipatory Potential of Information Systems

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Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007

Wikipedia as Rational Discourse: An Illustration of the Emancipatory Potential of

Information Systems

Sean Hansen Nicholas Berente Kalle Lyytinen

Case Western Reserve Case Western Reserve Case Western Reserve
University University University

Abstract support rational discourse. While Wikipedia embodies

the promise of technology-enabled rational discourse,
Critical social theorists often emphasize the control it also offers examples of the many pitfalls and
and surveillance aspects of information systems, impediments to such communicative action.
building upon a characterization of information This essay is intended to introduce the idea of
technology as a tool for increased rationalization. The Wikipedia as rational discourse, both by highlighting
emancipatory potential of information systems is often the power of the phenomenon and by drawing
overlooked. In this paper, we apply the Habermasian attention to its limitations. First, we will present some
ideal of rational discourse to Wikipedia as an key concepts associated with Habermas’ rational
illustration of the emancipatory potential of discourse, then apply these concepts to examples in
information systems. We conclude that Wikipedia does Wikipedia. We then present limitations of Wikipedia
embody an approximation of rational discourse, while with respect to rational discourse, and conclude with
several challenges remain. implications and a research agenda.

1. Introduction 2. Habermas & the Theory of

Communicative Action
From a critical social theory perspective [11],
information systems support the control and In developing the theory of communicative action,
monitoring of human actors and contribute to their Habermas’s [4,6] primary concern was to understand
oppression. In this view, information systems are under what conditions humans can enjoy freedom
thought to reinforce instrumental reason, and thus “from unnecessary need deprivation and toil,
tighten the “iron cage” of rationality [12]. Widely ideological manipulation and other psychosocial
available information systems can be said to have compulsions; and liberation from fear” [9: 167].
“overbearing effects” that may lead to “Foucault’s While it is not possible for this paper to address
version of an Orwellian control society” [9: 221]. Habermas’ theory at length, we will briefly summarize
In his Theory of Communicative Action, Jürgen two key concepts: (1) Habermas’ typology of human
Habermas [4,6] describes discursive action through social action; and (2) the associated principles of
which progress toward emancipation from such control rational discourse.
can occur. We will refer to this type of action as
“rational discourse.” Although a number of scholars 2.1. Types of Social Action
have indicated that Habermas’ ideal of rational
discourse is not practically attainable1 [11,13,18,25], Habermas distinguishes between three forms of
we join Lyytinen & Hirschheim [12] in emphasizing social action: instrumental, strategic, and
the emancipatory potential of information systems communicative. Instrumental and strategic actions are
under certain conditions. considered to be “purposive-rational,” which is a term
We leverage the case of Wikipedia, a popular “free Habermas borrows from Max Weber to describe
content” on-line encyclopedia (, teleological (i.e., goal-directed) behavior.
to illustrate the potential of information systems to Communicative action, on the other hand, is focused
on achieving mutual understanding.
Habermas himself indicates that his notion of rational
discourse is based on “counterfactual” assumptions.

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2.1.1. Instrumental action. With the idea of 2.2. Rational Discourse

instrumental action, Habermas describes human
behavior within an objectivist ontology that “is Rational discourse is fundamental to Habermas’
directed toward objects as though they were inanimate theory of communicative action and to his critical
constraints, which can be manipulated in ways that theory in general. When communicative action
serve the actor’s needs” [11: 7]. Instrumental actions reaches a point where the validity claims of a given
do not take into account the social nature of human statement are contested, yet the participants sincerely
interaction beyond the “technical rules” and “task desire to collaboratively arrive at mutual
elements” of social roles. Rather, they are used to understanding, then rational discourse can ensue.
achieve success as measured by effectiveness or the
truth of causal assumptions [4]. 2.2.1. Rational discourse assumptions. Habermas
highlights assumptions that “every competent speaker
2.1.2. Strategic action. Purposive-rational action that must presuppose are sufficiently satisfied insofar as he
is undertaken with a consideration for its social context intends to enter argumentation at all” [4: 25]. These
can be called strategic. “We call an action oriented to presuppositions, or assumptions, include:
success strategic when we consider it under the aspect
of following rules of rational choice and assess the “That the structure of their communication, by
efficacy of influencing the decisions of a rational virtue of features that can be described in
opponent” [4: 285]. Strategic action acknowledges the purely formal terms, excludes all force –
social context in which one is operating, but it is whether it arises from the process of reaching
directed at achieving some advantage relative to understanding itself or influences it from the
another individual or group [15]. The essence of outside – except the force of the better
strategic action is captured by many forms of argument (and thus it also excludes, on their
managerial decision research such as game theory [11]. part, all motives except that of a cooperative
search for the truth)” [4: 25].
2.1.3. Communicative action. Habermas offers a third In order to enter into rational discourse, the
form of social action that is not purposive-rational in competence and intentions of all parties to actively
the sense of the other two. Instead, it refers to the engage in such discourse must be assumed. In practice,
situation in which “the actions of agents involved are this means there is a good faith assumption that all
coordinated not through egocentric calculations of parties to the discourse are indeed desirous of mutual
success but through acts of reaching understanding” understanding, rather than the motivation to ‘win’ an
[4: 285-286]. Communicative action is oriented argument that is characteristic of the strategic mode of
toward the achievement and maintenance of mutual action.
understanding between agents. As with the other Rational discourse also depends on the assumption
forms of social action, social agents engaged in of Habermas’ “ideal speech situation,” which brings
communicative action can be either individuals or with it the following rules [5]:
groups. In order to effectively exchange meaning and
coordinate behavior, parties to communicative action 1. Every actor has the ability to participate
must arrive at some level of intersubjectively- 2a. Each actor can question any proposal
determined understanding with respect to the process
of communication. 2b. Each actor can introduce a proposal
When such mutual understanding is not readily 2c. Each actor can express himself or herself
accomplished, it must be negotiated by the
communicative parties. In those situations where 3. No speaker can be subject to compulsion
validity claims of either party are contested, they Thus rational discourse (sometimes referred to as
should be reconciled by civilized argumentation, or “discursive action” or simply “discourse”) describes an
“rational discourse.”2 ideal form of interaction between actors. Habermas
indicates that such an idealized discourse is often
counterfactual to realistic situations, and consequently
While Habermas treats discursive process as a facet of can only exist in its pure form in principle. In the
communicative action, some subsequent scholars have imperfect situations of practical discourse, however,
chosen to isolate discursive action as a distinct form of Habermas asserts that some approximation of the ideal
social action (e.g., Ngwenyama & Lyytinen 1997; Klein & condition could be achieved “if only the argumentation
Huynh 2004)

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could be conducted openly enough and continued long Operated under the auspices of the Wikimedia
enough” [4: 42]. Foundation, Wikipedia bills itself as “the largest
reference website on the Internet.” It is an online
2.2.2. Types of discourse. Habermas indicates that encyclopedia in which articles on any subject can be
five types of argumentation exist within such a created and edited by anyone using a standard web
discourse. These categories are distinguished by the browser. Since its introduction in 2001, Wikipedia has
basis upon which they make validity claims: seen an explosion of popularity, with over 13,000
active contributing editors.3 The English language
x Theoretical discourse – Claims to truth based version of the system has nearly 1.2 million articles,
on evidence and logic with over 1,500 new articles added on a daily basis.4
x Practical discourse – Based on social norms, In addition, Wikipedia has articles written in over 200
claims to appropriateness and social other languages.
acceptability As the name implies, Wikipedia is based on a wiki
x Aesthetic criticism – Criticism based on good web environment [10]. First developed in the mid-
taste, “standards of value” 1990s, wiki is an open source server software that
allows all users to edit web page content using any
x Therapeutic critique – Questioning sincerity or
type of web browser. Significant features of a wiki
environment include the maintenance of an archive of
x Explicative discourse – Expression of claims version changes that a single document/page has
that are clearly formulated and intelligible undergone since its inception and the ability to rapidly
The validity claim of a statement can be challenged develop new pages and crosslink them to existing
on any of the above grounds, and that type of discourse sources within a domain. The predominance of non-
would then ensue. hierarchical navigation through the use of multiple
For Habermas, a continuing discourse of one or hyperlinks within the body of a document is one of the
more of these types, which is consistent with the characteristic qualities of a wiki environment. While
assumptions detailed above, will approximate rational the wiki technology is quite simple, the functionality
discourse. If such a discourse were enabled and that it enables has made it a significant tool for
entirely mediated through an information system, one collaborative writing and design, and has contributed
could also argue that such an information system to the broader development of the open source
incorporates an emancipatory potential in terms of philosophy.
Habermas’ critical theory. Wikipedia itself was developed as an outgrowth of
Next we will apply these assumptions and types of an earlier effort at the creation of a free online
discourse to an example from Wikipedia. We will take encyclopedia, dubbed Nupedia [20]. The Wikipedia
as the null hypothesis the prevailing view of critical project was launched when the Nupedia leadership
theorists: that information systems increase central team recognized the potential advantages of a wiki
control and rationalization and therefore constrain environment for rapid development and the
freedom and work against the emancipatory ideals of maintenance of free content. The articles on the
rational discourse. system are kept free through the application of the
In the spirit of falsification, we show how GNU Free Documentation License, which ensures that
Wikipedia can be considered an instance where content developed is open to use and modification by
rational discourse is not only allowed, but enabled and all editors and that all subsequent enhancement will
fully mediated by an information system. Therefore, not be subject to proprietary use [22].
we will now put forth an argument showing how One of the key points of emphasis in the self-
Wikipedia appears to meet the criteria for a rational presentation of Wikipedia is marketing the system as
discourse. We follow this illustration with a “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.” This
discussion of caveats to this view, as well as future statement underscores the decentralized structure of
directions for research. the project. All changes to articles on the system are
made by the contributing editors who volunteer their
time and input to the system. There is limited
3. Wikipedia

3.1. Wikipedia Fundamentals 3

All Wikipedia statistics were gathered on June 12, 2006.
For a consideration of volume, this compares to roughly
120,000 articles available through Britannica Online)

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oversight of the project outside of the observation and considered to engage in communicative action. If,
efforts of editorial volunteers. however, a user does not agree with certain truth
The majority of administrative functions for the site claims made in an article, that user may turn into a
are handled by Wikipedia Administrators. contributor and thus embark on discursive action.
Administrators represent a subset of the contributing While there is no way of determining with certainty
editors who have been approved for administrator whether or not a contributor acts with cooperative
status by members of the editorial community. intent, it appears that some portion of contributors act
However, the Administrator distinction is more than strategically (i.e., with an agenda), and may not have
ceremonial. Administrators are given access to appropriate motives for their editorial activities.
specific technical features of the system, including the However, as noted above, blatant vandalism and
protection of pages (i.e., blocking additional edits), the politically motivated claims are quickly quashed by the
deletion of articles, and the ability to block other broader editorial community.
editors from further changes to the site’s pages. Therefore, although cooperative intent cannot be
The need for blocking selected editors highlights generalized to any specific instance of an article at a
one of the key challenges of the system – i.e., the given time, over the entirety of the Wikipedia project,
potential for vandalism. Because editorial rights are with an aggregate view of the articles as a whole, one
granted to any web user, the system frequently can infer that cooperative argument in the interest of
encounters editorial actions that are taken in a truth is a motivator for the bulk of contributions.
deliberate effort to degrade the quality of an article.
Such vandalism may take the form of wholesale 3.2.2. Formalized structure. Habermas suggests that
deletion of article content, the insertion of superfluous the structure of rational discourse must be explicit and
vulgar language, or the inclusion of intentionally be adhered to by competent actors. Such structure is a
erroneous information. The recognition of such acts central component in the pursuit of desired quality in
can lead to censure by the broader editorial community the Wikipedia community. While content
through a series of warnings and, in extreme cases, by development and site administration is almost entirely
the blocking of editorial rights to the individual. While decentralized, the editors are bound together by a
vandalism remains an acute challenge for the project, series of policies and guidelines that have been
some evidence suggests that acts of vandalism are developed by the Wikimedia Foundation in
rapidly addressed and eliminated by the community collaboration with the project’s editors. Currently, the
using the systems reversion controls [19]. Wikipedia project has 43 official policy statements
Based on this brief introduction to Wikipedia, the addressing the development of content, the behavior of
following is a characterization of how it embodies editors, the treatment of legal issues, and the processes
Habermasian rational discourse and an accompanying for resolution of conflicts within the community.
example. We then amend this characterization with a Foremost among these are the three content-guiding
discussion of the limitations of Wikipedia in relation to policies of the project: neutral point of view,
the criteria of rational discourse. verifiability, and the prohibition against original
3.2. Wikipedia as Rational Discourse First, the maintenance of a neutral point of view
(NPOV) in the development and enhancement of
Before addressing any particular article, we will Wikipedia articles is a central element of the system’s
first discuss how Wikipedia articles in general can be discursive structure.5 This policy asserts that
understood to meet key assumptions that are required Wikipedia articles should present all significant facets
for rational discourse. These key assumptions include: or competing positions on a given subject in a way that
(1) actors sincerely intending to engage in a is unbiased. Contributing editors should take efforts
cooperative search for truth; (2) through a formalized not to betray their personal preferences or opinions in
structure; (3) excluding the use of force; (4) meeting presenting a topic. In addition to establishing a
the rules of the ideal speech situation; and (5) engaging structure for the discourse that may ensue, this policy
in a discourse which is open and “lasts long enough.” aligns with Habermas’s assumption of the pursuit of
common understanding, rather than the ideological
3.2.1. Cooperative search for truth. As Wikipedia is a competition observed in strategic action.
widely-used reference medium, it is fair to say that
most users and editors of the system are generally 5
This policy has been described as “absolute and non-
engaged in the pursuit of accurate information. If they negotiable” by Wikipedia founder and Wikimedia
critically find what they read agreeable, users can be Foundation President, Jimbo Wales.

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Second, the Wikipedia community requires that directly through the use of the “talk page” for that
editors restrict themselves to the statement of facts, article.6 If an editor wishes to introduce a topic or issue
assertions, or theories that can be verified through not yet represented on the Wikipedia site, he or she is
reference to other published sources. As the policy encouraged to start a new page on that subject.
itself states, “the threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia Finally, as indicated above (3.2.3), contributors are not
is verifiability, not truth” [24]. That is not to say that subject to compulsion.
truth is not a desired outcome, but that a premium is
placed on the ability of other editors to externally 3.2.5. Lasting over time. Wikipedia offers an endless
verify a given statement. The importance of potential for page editing, and articles are always
verifiability is reinforced by the third content-guiding dynamic. This leaves the window open for
position – the prohibition against original research. improvement of any article over time as it becomes
Wikipedia specifically states that it is not an outlet for more refined and accurate in its statements. Indeed,
the publication of theories or concepts not previously similar to Habermas’s assertion that sustained effort
published elsewhere. Together, these three positions may be required for a discursive environment to
along with the 40 other policies and over 20 guideline approximate an ideal speech situation, the Wikipedia
documents provide significant structure for the community emphasizes the importance of time in
discursive activity that takes place between editors. supporting the accuracy of articles. It is widely
acknowledged by system contributors that many
3.2.3. Excludes use of force. Wikipedia contributions Wikipedia articles are of less-than-admirable quality
are entirely voluntary. Just as no use of force when they are first developed. However, it is argued
motivates people to engage in a Wikipedia-mediated that the quality of the articles, in terms of accuracy,
discourse, neither can any force require individuals to prose, and fairness, continually improves as the article
accept any contribution. Further, contributors enjoy undergoes repeated revision by members of the
relative anonymity in their editorial activities. While community. As one of the pages about the system
editors and administrators can identify and itself notes:
communicate with a given contributor (i.e., page
“Articles are never ‘complete and final’. Just
editing requires a login or the recording of the
as human knowledge evolves, so does our wiki
contributor’s IP address), members of the Wikipedia
coverage of it. Wiki articles are continually
community have little access to an individual’s
edited and improved over time, and in general
personal information. Accordingly, editors are closely
this results in an upward trend of quality, and
constrained to the structure of the discourse in disputes
a growing consensus over a fair balanced
over content. In the case of vandalism, steps can be
representation of information.” [21].
taken to limit an individual’s ability to participate on
the site, but it is intended that this would only occur Thus, the Wikipedian community appears to have
after efforts at open communication have been significant faith in the effects of time on the quality of
exhausted and an individual has revealed himself or the content that they collaboratively create.
herself to be in bad faith with respect to the pursuit of
accuracy. Also, as an email or IP address is all that is 3.3. An Illustration of Rational Discourse
required to set up an account, vandals can conceivably through Wikipedia
continue to vandalize under different account names.
The discursive action enabled by the Wikipedia
3.2.4. Ideal speech situation. If we view all environment can be assessed through the study of a
Wikipedia users as the population of interest, then it subject around which one would expect there to be
appears that Wikipedian discourse approximates the multiple challenges to truth claims, i.e., a topic of
conditions of the ideal speech situation. As access to a significant controversy. Several such subjects can be
web browser and competency with simple text editing identified among the Wikipedia articles, including
are all that is required to participate, it is reasonable to segments on abortion, U.S. immigration reform, and
assert that all users have the ability to contribute if they the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons. Certainly,
see fit. Indeed, individual contributors have multiple one would expect to see significant strategic action
avenues to question a proposal or to submit a novel employed in general discussions of such issues.
proposal. If one questions the validity of a certain However, given the Wikipedian objective of a neutral
truth claim, he or she may edit the text of the relevant
article in an effort to improve its accuracy. 6
Each Wikipedia article has an associated discussion page
Conversely, a contributor may question the claim labeled “Talk” or “Discussion”.

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point of view, the ideal treatment of such issues on references to support specific truth claims made on the
Wikipedia is expected to be communicative in nature. page.
To support the analysis of discursive action At the time of the current analysis, the article on the
surrounding such a controversial issue, we focus on the Armenian Genocide includes more than 9,000 words
treatment of one such topic, the Armenian Genocide. and provides broad coverage of the subject. While the
Following we will briefly introduce the controversial bulk of the article focuses on the majority
topic of the Armenian Genocide, and then we will interpretation of the historical events, the page includes
illustrate how the controversy was dealt with in extensive discussion of the alternative perspectives on
Wikipedia. the issue and significant attention to the controversy
itself. The Reference section on the page has expanded
3.3.1. Armenian genocide. We use the term Armenian to include 16 sources, and the Notes section has grown
Genocide to refer to the forced relocation and death of to include 26 comments supporting claims made within
between 800,000 and 1.5 million ethnic Armenians at the body of the article. The external links on the page
the hands of the Young Turks regime in the period now number 43, including sources both supporting and
from 1915 to 1917. The primary controversy over the refuting the conjecture of genocide and direction to
events is the use of the term genocide itself. While a three independent studies on the subject. In addition,
majority of international scholars accept the the page includes 23 links to related articles on the
application of the word to the associated events, the Wikipedia system. All of these links are in addition to
government of Turkey and much of the Turkish the non-linear links embedded in the document itself.
population argue that the occurrences were a case of
inter-ethnic conflict rather than a state-sponsored effort 3.3.3. Rational discourse and the Wikipedia ‘talk’
at extermination. In the present analysis, we take no pages. As one might imagine, the discussion, or “talk,”
position with respect to the relative validity of either pages for the Armenian Genocide article have been
set of claims, but consider instead the ways in which used extensively. A reader can now access over 10
the discourse has developed in the Wikipedia context. archives of editorial discussion regarding the article
dating back to October of 2004. These archives
3.3.2. Wikipedia and the Armenian genocide. A include one page dedicated solely to the discourse
review of the history for the article on the Armenian between a few of the most active editors of the page.
Genocide reveals that, since its initial development in Indeed, it is in the talk page that the true discursive
October of 2002, the page has undergone over 3,300 action between editors emerges. While much of the
edits. In its first month, the article grew slowly from a interaction observed in the article’s talk page is
brief statement exclusively reflecting the “genocide” patently strategic, each of the forms of discourse
perspective to a short article that acknowledges the outlined by Habermas can be observed there as well.
Turkish position on the subject. Then, in early Theoretical discourse: On the talk page, theoretical
December 2002, the article was deleted and simply discourse predominates, with editors presenting the
replaced with the statement: “The Armenian Genocide evidence and logic for the changes that they have made
(also known as the Armenian Holocaust) was an event to the page. Such discourse is particularly prevalent in
that, in the true meaning of the word ‘genocide’, never argument around the specific use of the word
took place.” This statement in turn was promptly genocide. The following exchange offers an
replaced by a strongly biased counter statement. illustration:
However, the article was soon reverted to the version
A: “Genocide is a term in international law.
that had persisted before the blatant vandalism
An event can only be called a genocide
after it has been approved by an
In the ensuing months, multiple actions that could
international court.”
be characterized as strategic (from both sides of the
issue) can be observed, including additional acts of
B: “Your claim that the use of ‘genocide’ to
unambiguous vandalism of the page. However, over
describe this or any other historical event
the course of 2004 and 2005, additional hyperlink
requires some international court to pass
resources were added to support the verifiability of
a verdict is unsupportable and faulty.”
various claims, including links to websites
representing both points of view on the issue. In June Editors also employ theoretical discourse when they
of 2004, a “Reference” section was added to the article justify a reversion of the page to an early iteration, e.g.
and the first scholarly reference was included. In “I have gone back to what appears to be the most
January 2006, a “Notes” section was added with complete recent version of the article.”

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“I have every right to be suspicious, assume

Practical discourse: The editors repeatedly engage in good faith doesn’t mean to stop reasonating
practical discourse when they invoke the guiding [sic]. I have my doubts about you and for a
foundations of the Wikipedia project. In a very real reason. L___ too like other users have come
sense, the policies and guidelines of Wikipedia (esp. here claiming to be neutral users.”
NPOV and Verifiability) represent the social norms
and thresholds for propriety within the community. In “I hope you're not believing in what you're
discussing the desirability or undesirability of a given saying … I have nothing to say if you’re
change, contributors will base their arguments on saying this as a part of the propaganda, but if
adherence to the policies of the systems: you’re believing in it, then I suggest doing
some more research before forming an
“Writing it the NPOV way is the way to go. I
don’t make the rules. I try to respect them. If
you enter a country and really want to work
there and you don’t want to leave it, and there Explicative discourse: Throughout the discussions that
are laws which you don’t agree with, will you unfold on the Talk page, editors take great efforts to
stop respecting them? Rules are imposed, they present their ideas in a well-formulated and intelligible
are called guidelines and policies, and either manner. Unlike the average Internet discussion page,
we accept them or pay the consequences.” terse responses with multiple grammatical or spelling
errors are relatively rare, significantly outnumbered by
“I again recommend ‘Wikipedia: Verifiability’ more extensive and apparently well-constructed
and ‘Wikipedia: Reliable Source’ [i.e., the comments. At times, the value placed on clarity is
policy statements on Wikipedia]. We don't do discussed overtly:
pick and mix citations.”
“I highly recommend that a veteran
Wikipedian clean this article up a bit, making
Aesthetic criticism: The article itself is subject to the mode of communication a bit more
formatting and organizational issues that could intelligent and a bit less like a rant. I'm not
represent aesthetic criticism. On the talk pages, there debating how true it is. I'm just saying it’s
is less of an emphasis on the aesthetic, although one presented in an ugly way …”
can find it sprinkled into the discussion:
“However, considering the article lacks all of One of the reasons for such clarity may lie in the
the sufficient descriptive elements of the how, process for resolving disputes that has been established
why, where, when and by whom and to whom at Wikipedia. While intervention by an Administrator
information that I think is relevant and or the Wikimedia Arbitration Committee is an extreme
necessary – I would argue that there is undue option for unresolved issues, these avenues take into
emphasis on clearly secondary issues as ‘art’ consideration the previous efforts at resolution pursued
etc.” by the parties to a conflict. Thus, if events escalate to
necessitate third party engagement, the clarity and
Therapeutic critique: Given the presence of strategic commitment to dialogue reflected in previous
dialogues, it should come as no surprise that discussions can have a bearing on the outcome of the
therapeutic critiques (i.e., questioning the sincerity of dispute.
other editors) are common. Again, this form of
discourse often involves the invocation of a Wikipedia 3.3.4. Wikipedia page editing over time. The majority
policy, namely the assumption of good faith.7 By of the contemporary edits reflect minor reworking of
challenging the degree to which a fellow-contributor is the grammar or structure of text. However, acts of
adhering to the ideal of good faith communication, an vandalism continue to occur. Throughout most of the
editor is effectively challenging the sincerity of that “life” of the article the page has included an
individual. For example: administrative notice indicating that the neutrality of
the article is in dispute.
Despite lingering concerns over the degree to which
the article adheres to Wikipedia’s editorial policies and
In one of their formal policies, the Wikipedia community guidelines, the evidence of the case suggests that
urges contributors to assume good faith on the part of Wikipedia’s claim to improved accuracy and balance
other participants.

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over time is warranted. Over the history of the article, individuals who fail to adhere to the assumption of
few truth claims have been uncritically accepted, and good faith may prove far more incendiary. One can
currently the significant truth claims have multiple not ascertain with confidence the sincerity of inquiry
sources of support. by other editors that is advised by Wikipedia and
Due to page limitations, a full analysis of this article Habermas alike.
cannot be presented here. However, our analysis does One of the strongest critiques of the Wikipedia
show that early in the life of the article, major model comes from one of the pioneers of the project.
theoretical discourse occurred. As these truth claims Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger left the project in
were addressed over the life of the article, practical 2002 after experiencing dissatisfaction with the
discourse was also mixed in (as evidenced by the ready trajectory that the system was taking. Sanger [17] has
elimination of vandal activity), as was therapeutic expressed concern with the anti-elitist attitude that has
discourse in the discussion pages (as editors question come to prevail within the community. Rather than
each others’ intentions). The current discursive defer to the perspectives of experts as is common in
activity mostly focuses on explicative discourse, such the development of most encyclopedias, in Wikipedia
as grammar and phrasing correction. prior training or education do not convey a priority
status on the contributions of any one individual.
From Sanger’s point of view, this has led to challenges
3.4. Questioning Wikipedia regarding the system’s credibility in public perception
and the tolerance of uncivil participants on the project.
While the Wikipedia environment approximates However, in juxtaposing this condition with
features of the ideal speech situation articulated by Habermas’s ideal speech situation it is not clear that
Habermas, several concerns remain. Wikipedia has the approach adopted by Wikipedia is inconsistent
been criticized over issues regarding the accuracy of with the objectives of rational discourse. Indeed,
articles, the motivations of editors, the rigor of its Wikipedia’s anti-elitist tendencies seem to reinforce
verifiability, and a perception of anti-elitism within the Habermas’s insistence that rational discourse demands
community [1,17]. that every participant can question the proposals of
In giving all users the freedom to edit the text of another and can introduce novel proposals as they see
articles, Wikipedia exposes itself to the inclusion of fit. Truth claims are addressed by the force of the
inaccurate information. Even if one accepts that acts argument, not by the credentials of the individual.
of vandalism are rapidly corrected on the system [19],
there is little way of protecting against more mundane
errors inserted by editors with no malicious intent. At 4. Discussion
any given moment in time, it is nearly impossible to
determine whether or not a given article includes Based on our observations of the case of the
substantive inaccuracies. While a hotly-contested Armenian genocide, we assert that the Wikipedia
study published in the journal Nature suggests that environment exhibits features of a Habermasian
Wikipedia articles have error rates similar to those of rational discourse. Our case is presented with caution,
the highly-regarded Encyclopaedia Britannica [3], any however, as such an ideal form of communicative
casual user of the Wikipedia system can identify a action can never be fully realized. Habermas indicates
range of minor errors (e.g., spelling, grammar) simply that true discursive action is “counterfactual,” in that,
by browsing through a few articles. Thus, one is left to given the human condition, it does not exist in its pure
question whether or not a theoretical discourse (i.e., form. Yet, when Habermas wrote the bulk of his
based on evidence and logic) will be undermined by corpus, the Internet was in utero, and a Wikipedia-type
the potential inaccuracies of the evidence presented. discourse was largely inconceivable. Now, with the
A second key challenge involves the intentions of emergence of Wikipedia and other contexts for web-
the contributors to the systems. As Denning et al. [1] based communication, the question may well be
note, “You cannot know the motives of the whether such discourse is truly counterfactual.
contributors to an article. They may be altruists, While the case that we have considered illustrates
political or commercial opportunists, practical jokers, the potential of discursive progress within Wikipedia,
or even vandals” [p. 152]. Despite the issues that it also illustrates the medium’s continued dependence
Wikipedia encounters with vandalism, the last of these on legitimate, institutional forms of authority. In the
possibilities may be the least problematic in the long Wikipedia venue, the force of the argument is a driver
run. While blatant vandalism is relatively easy to of acceptance by the editorial community, but the force
address, the impact on the quality of an article from

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Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007

of the argument is largely derived from the sources that an ideal state. Wikipedia articles are rarely marked by
it brings to bear – sources that in turn derive their an appropriately neutral point of view and balanced
authority from their institutional legitimacy. For treatment when they are introduced, but it is hoped
example, in its guideline on reliable sources [23], (and believed) that such characteristics will emerge as
Wikipedia advises contributors in the evaluation of the community hones its efforts. In a very real sense,
sources, including an emphasis on reviews by only time will tell.
scholarly publications. This indicates that often the
crux of any article can be influenced by factors that are
inconsistent with the spirit of various forms of critical 5. Conclusion
social theory, of which Habermas is one
representative. In this essay we have argued that Wikipedia
In a general sense, critical theorists challenge the represents a form of rational discourse. While we
authority of prevailing institutions, which perpetuate acknowledge that the Wikipedian discourse is not quite
the “ideological manipulation” from which such ideal in meeting all the Habermasian requirements for
theorists seek to liberate human actors [8]. Therefore, discursive action, we argue that the consistencies with
an inevitable weakness of a medium such as Wikipedia the theory are quite evident.
is the dependence on the very institutions that While other forms of discourse are used as
rationalize and often oppress humanity, from the examples by Habermas (i.e., law, science), none exist
perspective of the critical theorist. without institutional influence. We believe that
Such an argument has been made in the IS Wikipedia offers a unique instance that is truly
development literature. While various methodologies democratic.
can claim to be emancipatory at various levels [7], Future research will focus on the nature of rational
Wilson [25] argues that such methodologies are really discourse as it is exhibited by Wikipedia. In our
no different from the traditional control-oriented example, we indicated that theoretical discourse came
practices they claim to replace. But just as IS first, while explicative discourse largely followed, long
development methodologies may not be entirely after agreements were generally established. By
emancipatory in line with the ideals of critical empirical analysis of the contours of a wider range of
theorists, one can say they are more emancipatory than Wikipedian discourses, we may gain insight into
prevailing methods. Emancipatory practices such as a patterns associated with communicative action.
socio-technical systems focus [14] and participatory Such data is now freely available and without the
design [2] promote greater discourse and control for institutional taint of previous examples of discursive
users over their own destiny relative to traditional life- action. Never before has such research into rational
cycle methods. discourse been possible.
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example of a reference medium that is more
emancipatory than prevailing monolithic institutional
authorities. What is of particular interest is not how 6. References
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