Meet 4

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Name : Rizma Fitriatuzzahroh

NIM : 2088203068

Session material : Decoding the Elements of Effective News Story Writing

usage (New
words or Example
r of the Topic of the
Source phrase taken from Grammar
meeting meeting
encountered the text
during the
Meet 4 Decoding the Lecturer’ Craft=keahlian- from crafting Preposition,
Elements of s PPT Noun- skill a compelling gerund
Effective used in headline to phrase
News Story deceiving structuring
Writing others- from the story for
crafting a maximum
compelling impact.
headline to
structuring the
story for

Grabs=meraih- When Adverbial

verba-to take or crafting your clause, noun
seize eagerly- article, make clause,
When crafting sure to create
your article, a headline
make sure to that
create immediately
a headline that grabs the
immediately reader's
grabs the attention.
Concist=ringka It also helps Infinitive
s-adjective- to keep your phrase
giving a lot of writing
information concise and
clearly and in a clear.
few words;
brief but
It also helps
to keep your
writing concise
and clear.

Crucial=pentin it is crucial to Declarative

g-adjective- maintain sentence
decisive or precision in
critical, news writing.
especially in
the success or
failure of
something.- it
is crucial
to maintain
precision in
news writing.

Colleagues=rek Consider Imperative

an kerja-noun-a feedback sentence.
person with from
whom one colleagues or
works in a editors and
profession or make
business.- necessary
Consider changes.
feedback from
colleagues or
editors and
make necessary


In meet 3, explaining about the material entitled "Decoding the elements of

effective news story writing", after I studied with the lecturer and discussed the
material, I understood and understood more about elements and effective news
story. There are a lot of explanations about know your audience, crat a
compelling headline, structure the story, use active voice and so on. Apart from
being able to study with the books that have been distributed, it can also
understand from the lecturer's explanation related to the material, and finally it
can be understood. better understand about edit and revise. In addition, learning
about editorials also gave me a better understanding when practising the
assignments given. This ability gave me the skills to learn editorials and news.


From the PPT from my lecturer, , the title is “Decoding the elements of effective
news story writing” the first is introduction, and other material is about use active
voice, is more engaging and easier to read than passive voice. It also helps to keep
your writing concise and clear. Use strong verbs and avoid unnecessary words and
phrases. Next is fact-check your work, the aims is To ensure the credibility and
dependability of your story, it is crucial to maintain precision in news writing.
Next is edit and revise, Good writing is often the result of multiple revisions. Take
time to review your work for clarity, grammar, and style.

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