Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) plays an important role in lipid metabolism and especially contributes to the re-
Received 6 January 2020 verse cholesterol transport pathway. Over recent years it has become clear that the effect of HDL on immune-
Received in revised form 20 September 2020 modulation is not only dependent on HDL concentration but also and perhaps even more so on HDL function.
Accepted 13 October 2020
This review will provide a concise general introduction to HDL followed by an overview of post-translational
Available online 17 October 2020
modifications of HDL and a detailed overview of the role of HDL in inflammatory diseases. The clinical potential
of HDL and its main apolipoprotein constituent, apoA-I, is also addressed in this context. Finally, some conclu-
High-density lipoproteins sions and remarks that are important for future HDL-based research and further development of HDL-focused
Inflammation therapies are discussed.
Metabolic diseases © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Infectious diseases (
Auto-immune diseases
Neurological diseases
Chronic kidney disease
0169-409X/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
1. General introduction and aim of this review apolipoproteins apoA-I and apoA-II [11,12]. Due to differences in apoli-
poproteins, phospholipids, cholesterol and cholesteryl esters, HDLs
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) comprises of a wide range of parti- have differences in surface charge and density and can thereby be clas-
cles, varying in size, composition and density. HDL particles can be sep- sified into γ-, α- or preβ-migrating particles or HDL2 and HDL3, respec-
arated from other lipoproteins, based on their unique physicochemical tively [13,14].
properties. Gofman et al., identified the first clinically beneficial role of
HDL, demonstrating that low levels of HDL were positively associated 2.2. HDL structure
with the development of atherosclerosis [1]. Over the years, this inverse
correlation between the risk for developing coronary heart disease and HDL particles are heterogeneous with respect to charge, density,
the levels of HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) has been widely confirmed, sug- size, and shape, chemical and physiologic properties [15]. In their ma-
gesting a protective role of HDL-C in atherosclerosis development [2]. ture form, HDL contains a nonpolar lipid core (mainly consisting of
However, several recent investigations, including many clinical trials fo- cholesteryl esters and triglycerides) surrounded by a single surface
cusing on raising HDL-C levels that did not show any beneficial effect on monolayer of phospholipids (mainly phosphatidylcholine), unesterified
cardiovascular event rates [3,4], started a lively debate about the appro- cholesterol and amphipathic apolipoproteins (Fig. 1). Based the pres-
priateness of HDL as a therapeutic target. This debate was further fueled ence of absence of cholesteryl esters, HDL has either a discoidal or a
by Mendelian randomization studies, which demonstrated that poly- spherical shape. The density of HDL varies from 1.063–1.21 g/ml, with
morphisms that exclusively alter HDL-C levels did not affect the risk of a size-range of 8-10 nm [16,17]. HDL can be further subdivided into
myocardial infarction (MI) [5]. This led to the suggestion that the func- larger-sized, lower-density (HDL2a and HDL2b) and smaller-sized,
tionality of HDL, that is determined by its composition and post- higher-density (HDL3a, HDL3b, and HDL3c) sub-classes [18]. Apolipopro-
translational modifications are more important determinants for pro- teins associated with HDL can undergo post-translational modifications
tection against cardiovascular disease (CVD) than the levels of HDL-C as will be discussed in more detail later. The major apolipoprotein con-
[6,7]. Over the last years, the question whether HDL function is more im- stituents of HDL are apoA-I (70%) and apoA-II (20%), with small
portant than HDL-C has also been investigated in other pathologies, es- amounts of other apoproteins such as apoA-IV, apoA-V, apoC and apoE
pecially since it has been shown that HDL influences immune cell [19]. Additionally, HDL has been shown to contain a lot more proteins
reactivity in inflammatory and infectious diseases. In this review these (>80) like the lipocalins apoD and apoM [20].
interactions will be discussed as well as the importance of HDL function
vs concentration in the context of pathogenesis and clinical application. 2.3. HDL biogenesis
2. Introduction of the HDL metabolism HDL formation is initiated by the secretion of lipid free apoA-I by the
liver (comprising about 70% of total apoA-I production) [21] and the in-
2.1. Discovery of HDL particle(s) testine (comprising about 30% of total apoA-I production) [22]. This
lipid free apoA-I interacts with the ATP-binding cassette transporter
“HDL” was discovered in 1929 when a lipid rich α-globulin was iso- A1 (ABCA1) on peripheral cells, leading to the transfer of cholesterol
lated from horse serum by Macheboeuf at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and cellular phospholipids from the cell membrane to apoA-I (Fig. 2).
[8]. Several years later, lipoproteins were also isolated from human Through a series of intermediate steps, the lipidated apoA-I is progres-
plasma using density gradient ultra-centrifugation [9]. The use of repet- sively converted into discoidal pre-β-migrating HDL particles that con-
itive ultra-centrifugations was a big breakthrough as it was shown that sist of a phospholipid bilayer surrounded by two apoA-I molecules/
raising the serum density by the addition of concentrated salt solutions particle [23]. Subsequently, the enzyme lecithin:cholesterol acyltrans-
allows the flotation and isolation of three different lipoprotein fractions ferase (LCAT) mediates the esterification of cholesterol, converting dis-
with densities ranging from <1.019 g/ml, 1019–1.063 g/ml, and coidal pre-β-migrating HDL particles into α-migrating, spherical HDL
1.063–1.21 g/ml [10]. This results in the classification of these lipopro- particles with a central core of cholesteryl esters [24] and two molecules
tein fractions, defined as very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low of apoA-I. Small spherical HDL subsequently acquire additional free cho-
density lipoprotein (LDL) and HDL [10]. Over the years, more lesterol that effluxes from peripheral cells via ABCA1 and ABCG1. Ester-
detailed analysis of HDL revealed the existence of two major HDL ification of this newly acquired cholesterol by LCAT generates large HDL
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
Fig. 1. Generalized structure of spherical HDL. High-density-lipoproteins particles consist of a core of triglycerides and cholesteryl esters. This core is surrounded by a phospholipid
monolayer containing unesterified cholesterol and several apoproteins (mostly apoA-I).
Fig. 2. General overview of HDL metabolism. ApoA-I is produced in the liver and intestines and subsequently forms discoidal HDL after interacting with the ATP-binding cassette
transporter A1 (ABCA1). Continued cholesterol export via ABCG1 (and via scavenger receptor class B member 1 (SR-B1) in macrophages) and enzymatic reactions mediated by
lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) result in the conversion into spherical high-density-lipoproteins (HDL)3 and HDL2 particles. Cholesterol and cholesteryl esters can be
transferred to the liver by two main pathways, directly through binding to SR-B1 in the liver and subsequent excretion via the kidneys, or indirectly by being transferred to very-low-
density lipoproteins (VLDL), intermediate-density-lipoproteins (IDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) by cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), followed by uptake of these
lipoproteins via the LDL receptor (LDLR) in hepatocytes. Additionally, HDL can be catabolized in the liver via its uptake as holoparticles through a yet to be identified HDL receptor
(HDLR). HDL2 can be remodeled by processes that are catalyzed by hepatic lipase (HL), endothelial lipase (EL) and plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP), resulting in the
formation of lipid-poor HDL particles which again interact with ABCA1 for a next lipidation cycle.
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
Fig. 3. Overview of selected Immune-HDL crosstalk mechanisms in atherosclerosis. Increasing HDL levels has several effects on immune cells that play a crucial role in atherosclerosis
development. Although some of these effects are still rather contradictory, it is clear that there are significant interactions between HDL and the described immune cells in this pathology.
known to decrease inflammation by secreting IL-10 [59]. A more elabo- cholesterol levels, which mediate IRE1a/ASK1/p38 MAPK activation and
rate review focusing on the understanding of macrophage heterogene- endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Although further studies using differ-
ity in the context of atherosclerosis has recently been published by ent HDL preparations with varying composition are still needed to fully
Nagenborg et al. [59]. elucidate how these seemingly contradictory findings can be explained,
HDL has been linked to lesional macrophage polarization. Increasing it indicates that HDL composition plays an important role in how HDL in-
the levels of HDL by overexpression of human apoA-I in mice not only fluences inflammatory responses in macrophages.
decreased the size of atherosclerotic lesions and lesion lipid content, Several other observations stress the importance of HDL function,
but also changed the phenotypic polarization of monocyte-derived rather than HDL-C concentration, on inflammation in macrophages.
cells (predominantly macrophages) from an M1 to M2 phenotype [2]. For example, apoA-I and HDL have been shown to exert their
However, the effects of HDL on macrophage inflammation turned out anti-inflammatory effects in macrophages by stimulating cholesterol ef-
to be not so straightforward. Several studies over the last decade evalu- flux via ABCA1 and ABCG1and attenuation of inflammatory TLR-
ated the effects of HDL and apoA-I on macrophage inflammation with signalling [66]. ApoA-I and HDL not only extract intracellular cholesterol
seemingly contradicting results [60–63]. One of the studies showed from the cells but also cholesterol which is present in the cell membrane
that HDL exerts anti-inflammatory effects by down regulating type 1 in- in lipid rafts. Lipid rafts are specific regions in the membrane which are
terferon responses in macrophages downstream of TRAM/TRIF signal- enriched in glycosphingolipids, cholesterol and protein receptors [67].
ling [62]. These inhibitory effects of HDL on IFN signalling were Signalling of many TLRs is highly dependent on the presence of
confirmed in a later study in which the anti-inflammatory effects of cholesterol in lipid rafts, and this can be modulated by apoA-I or HDL.
HDL (CSL-111, reconstituted HDL) are attributed to the induction of For example, macrophages deficient in ABCA1 display enlarged
Atf3, a transcriptional repressor, expression in macrophages [60]. cholesterol-rich lipid rafts with high TLR4 expression and an elevated
Additionally, It has been reported that apoA-I may also mediate response to stimulation by LPS [68–70]. Similarly, in monocyte-
anti-inflammatory effects by modulating Toll-like receptor (TLR) derived macrophages treated with LPS, the apoA-I mimetic peptide 4F
4-dependent signalling in macrophages [64]. down-regulates the expression of several TLRs by reducing the choles-
In sharp-contrast to the previously described studies, it has been terol content of lipid rafts, which reduces the expression of various
shown that HDL can have pro-inflammatory effects in macrophages. inflammatory genes [71,72].
These effects seem to be mediated by passive cholesterol efflux from In recent years, considerable attention has also been paid to the role
the cell membrane, which activates a protein kinase C (PKC)-NF-κB- of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a bioactive sphingolipid that modu-
STAT1-IRF1 signalling axis [63]. Some of these discrepancies could be ex- lates the inflammatory effects of HDL on macrophages [73]. In general
plained by significant differences in experimental conditions, but also in five receptors are described for S1P of which two are highly expressed
the HDL preparations, highlighting the importance of HDL composition on macrophages, the S1P1 and S1P2 receptor. It has been shown that
and function [65]. For example, the reconstituted HDL product, CSL-111 the S1P1 receptor is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of
consists of apoA-I complexed to soybean-derived phospholipids, which S1P and induces a shift in macrophage polarization from the classical
are anti-inflammatory. The importance of the phospholipid component pro-inflammatory M1 to the anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype [74]. Ad-
will be discussed in more detail in chapter 5. Interestingly, a recent pub- ditionally, S1P has been shown to selectively decrease the activation of
lication by Fotakis et al. is the first study to provide evidence for both TLR2 in macrophages, thereby mediating the inhibition of pro-
anti- and pro-inflammatory effects of HDL in macrophages [61]. These inflammatory cytokine expression [75]. HDL-associated S1P also in-
investigators proposed that these effects follow a biphasic pattern at hibits the apoptosis of macrophages by stimulating STAT3 signalling
the gene expression level where initially anti-inflammatory effects dom- and survivin expression [76]. These effects of HDL-associated S1P illus-
inate and pro-inflammatory effects prevail later on. Moreover, pro- trate how small changes in HDL composition can influence atheroscle-
inflammatory effects were suggested to be highly dependent on cellular rosis and CVD.
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
PTMs, such as oxidation, also determine how HDL influences inflam- Moreover, apoA-I modulates the cellular fate of Treg cells during ath-
mation [77]. For example, the acute phase protein, serum amyloid A erosclerotic lesion development. Normally, during atherogenesis Foxp3
(SAA), is clearly linked to macrophage inflammation and CVD. HDL iso- expression decreases in Treg cells which reduces their immunosuppres-
lated from acute coronary syndrome patients have increased levels of sive function and leads to pro-atherogenic T follicular helper (Tfh) cells
HDL-bound SAA [78]. Furthermore, in patients undergoing coronary an- formation [103]. Injection of apoA-I into Apoe−/− mice reduced the con-
giography a low SAA, and a high plasma HDL-C was associated with version of Treg cells into Tfh cells and therefore had an athero-protective
lower all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. On the other hand, in pa- effect [103]. A similar result was obtained when Apoe−/− and Ldlr−/−
tients with high SAA, a high HDL-C was associated with increased mor- mice were injected with apoA-I, resulting in increased Treg cell counts
tality, indicating that SAA may impair the cardioprotective functions of in the lymph nodes, with a concomitant decrease in effector memory
HDL by reducing its anti-inflammatory function [55,56,79,80]. The bind- T-cells [101]. Interestingly, and seemingly in contrast to the above
ing of SAA to HDL also reduces the ability of HDL to mediate cholesterol described studies, HDL-associated S1P inhibits the differentiation
efflux from macrophages [81–83], which inherently limits the anti- of Treg cells, while reciprocally increasing the development of pro-
atherogenic potential of HDL. It has also been confirmed that SAA is atherogeneic Th1 cells [104]. Therefore, the exact role of HDL composi-
present in the atherosclerotic lesions of both mice [84] and humans tion in this process remains an active area of research.
[85,86]. Combined, these studies highlight that HDL-associated SAA HDL also influences activation of the T-cell receptor (TCR) which,
clearly has detrimental effects and that pathological conditions can upon activation, associates with lipid rafts [105]. As described above,
change HDL composition and thereby also shift the balance between this association is highly dependent on the modulation of lipid raft cho-
anti- or pro-inflammatory effects of HDL [87–89]. lesterol content by apoA-I or HDL and is therefore highly dependent on Dendritic cells. Dendritic cells (DCs) are potent antigen pre- HDL cholesterol efflux capacity [106]. This has been confirmed in an ath-
senting cells that initiate T-cell mediated immune responses [90]. Sev- erogenic Ldlr−/− mouse model, in which apoA-I inhibited the activation
eral studies have demonstrated that DCs play an important but of T-cells by preventing the accumulation of cholesterol in lymph nodes
complex role in atherosclerosis. Mature DCs are pro-atherogenic, [107]. Further supporting the importance of HDL composition is the ob-
while immature DCs appear to be anti-atherogenic [91,92]. servation that HDL-S1P inhibits lymphopoiesis and consequently adap-
Similar to their effects on macrophages, apoA-I and HDL have also tive immune responses [108]. In conclusion, these observations indicate
been shown to mediate anti-inflammatory effects on DCs by regulating that HDL can influence T-cells on multiple levels: by modulating the in-
lipid rafts. These effects are again highly dependent on a completely flammatory profile, by determining cellular fate and by activation of TCR
functional HDL particle. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) which all have been shown to be influenced by HDL composition and
class II, which is required for the antigen presentation to T-cells and function.
their subsequent activation, resides in lipid rafts [93]. Treatment of B-cells. B-cells, which play an important role in humoral im-
DCs with either apoA-I or HDL disrupts lipid rafts, which decreases munity by secreting antibodies, have emerged as an important immune
DC-dependent activation of T-cells and IL-2 production. Further cell in cardiovascular disease. Over the years, it has become clear that
supporting the notion that HDL function and composition play are im- various B-cell subsets have differential effects on atherosclerosis devel-
portant in relation to DCs is the observation that S1P plays an important opment, which is comprehensively reviewed in [109].
role in the anti-inflammatory effects of HDL. Treatment of mature DCs Although the effects of HDL on B-cells has not been extensively stud-
with S1P inhibits the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines ied, it seems that HDL cholesterol efflux capacity plays an important
TNF-α and IL-12, and stimulates secretion of anti-inflammatory cyto- role. Similar to the TCR, the B-cell receptor (BCR) is also located in
kine, IL-10, thereby facilitating immunosuppressive effects [94]. This lipid rafts which play an important role in B cell activation. Removal of
has been confirmed in a more recent study which showed that S1P cholesterol, by apoA-I or HDL, from lipid rafts decreases BCR-initiated
stimulates the S1P1 receptor in activated DCs, thereby inducing an signal transduction, loading of antigenic peptides onto MHC-II mole-
anti-inflammatory cytokine profile with reduced IL-12 and IL-23 pro- cules, endocytosis of BCR–antigen complexes and MHC-II associated an-
duction and a concomitant increase in IL-27 production [95]. The com- tigen presentation to T-cells [110]. This suggests that HDL influences B-
position of HDL has also been shown to play an important role on the cell functions in a manner that is dependent on the capacity of HDL to
effects of HDL on DC-mediated activation of T-cells. It could be observed act as cholesterol acceptor. Further studies are needed to investigate
that the phospholipid fraction of HDL (in particular 1-palmitoyl-2- the exact effects of HDL on different B-cell subsets and the influence of
linoleyl-phosphatidylcholine (PLPC)) was primarily responsible for the HDL composition and function in this context.
inhibitory effects of HDL on DC-mediated induction of a Th1 response
of T-cells [96]. Taken together, although the exact role of DCs in athero- Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in cardiovascular disease. In
sclerosis and CVD remains a matter of debate, apoA-I and HDL composi- this chapter various approaches that have been used to develop agents
tion have clearly been shown to modulate DC function, making this for increasing HDL levels and function will be discussed in the context of
interaction an interesting target for future therapeutic interventions. cardiovascular disease (Fig. 4). T-cells. It was reported several years ago that 7–20% of infil- Dietary intervention. A direct but rather difficult way of in-
trating cells within human atherosclerotic plaques are T-cells [97]. Over creasing HDL levels are lifestyle interventions, such as consumption of
the years, the role of T-cells in atherosclerosis has become more clear, a low-fat diet and regular exercise. Several studies have focussed on
although there is still a great need to better understand their exact con- the effects of lifestyle changes on HDL functionality.
tribution to disease development. For example, regulatory T-cells (Treg) Macronutrients. A well-studied dietary intervention aiming to
have an athero-protective phenotype and modulate inflammation by increase apoA-I and thereby HDL concentrations, is supplementation
secreting anti-inflammatory molecules including IL-10 and TGF-β with various fatty acids. A recent meta-analysis, demonstrated that a
[98,99]. Administration of apoA-I or HDL in mice has been shown to in- significant increase in serum apoA-I concentrations is observed when
hibit inflammation by increasing Treg cell counts in the spleen of Ldlr−/− only 1% of the carbohydrate energy is replaced by saturated or unsatu-
mice [100,101]. In line with this and highlighting the importance of HDL rated fatty acids [111]. Oleic acid and linoleic acid are among the most
function in this context, the infusion of oxidized, dysfunctional HDL into effective unsaturated fatty acids in this respect. Another meta-analysis
Ldlr−/− mice reduces Treg cell counts and thereby promotes atheroscle- described similar effects on apoA-I concentrations, at least in a fasting
rosis development [100]. These positive effects of HDL on Treg cell counts state, when carbohydrates are replaced by trans-fatty acids [112]. Inter-
may be caused by improved cell survival, as it was recently shown that estingly, it has been shown that omega-3 fatty acids, such as
HDL increases Treg cell survival by increasing oxidative phosphorylation eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), do not
in the mitochondria [102]. influence apoA-I concentrations [113]. A recent study also confirmed
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
Fig. 4. Highlighted mechanism of action of HDL-focussed therapies. Therapies focussing on modulating HDL metabolism or plasma HDL-cholesterol levels have different sites of interaction,
as discussed in more detail in the text below. Abbreviations: ABCA1: ATP-binding cassette subfamily A member 1; ABCG1: ATP-binding cassette subfamily G member 1; CETP: cholesteryl
ester transfer protein; EL: endothelial lipase; FFA: free-fatty acids; HDL: high-density-lipoproteins; HDLR: HDL receptor; HL: hepatic lipase; IDL: intermediate-density-lipoproteins; LCAT:
lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase; LDL: low-density lipoproteins; LDLR: LDL receptor; LPL: lipoprotein lipase; PLTP: plasma phospholipid transfer protein; SR-B1: scavenger receptor
class B member 1; VLDL: very-low-density lipoproteins.
that EPA/DHA supplementation does not change HDL-C levels in Mediterranean diet. This clearly demonstrates that the HDL lipidome
humans, although it could be demonstrated that HDL composition can be remodeled within 4 days of diet change [117].
was significantly changed upon supplementation [114]. A down- Besides the described food supplementations, drink consumption
regulation of several HDL-associated proteins involved in inflammation can also influence apoA-I levels. Several studies have shown that coffee
was observed with both fatty-acids supplements, but to a greater extent or tea drinking does not influence fasting apoA-I levels [113]. However,
with EPA. Furthermore, apoM abundance in HDL was increased after a very consistent and striking improvement of both fasting and
EPA/DHA supplementation. ApoM forms a complex with S1P that has postprandial apoA-I concentrations have been found after alcohol
anti-atherosclerotic functions [115], which suggests that dietary fatty consumption [118,119]. As demonstrated by an increased cholesterol
acid supplementation influences HDL composition and its function. efflux capacity, HDL functionality was also improved in one of these
The effects of soy proteins on fasting apoA-I concentrations are studies [120].
rather inconsistent. Although most studies did not find any effects of Micronutrients. Theobromine, a supplement found in cocoa
soy protein supplementation [113], one study showed that soy- has been shown to increase serum HDL-C concentrations in a 4-week
containing products did increase apoA-I concentrations, while another randomized controlled trial [121]. Interestingly, it has been shown
study demonstrated the opposite, with apoA-I levels decreasing after that the potency of theobromine depends on the baseline lipoprotein
soy supplementation [116]. Further studies are needed to clarify the un- profile of the studied subjects, as theobromine was not effective in sub-
derlying mechanisms of these differential effects, and especially the ef- jects with low HDL-C levels and high VLDL triglyceride levels [122,123].
fects of soy protein supplementation on HDL composition and However, one of these studies could not fully confirm the beneficial ef-
functionality. fects of theobromine on HDL levels, although non-significant trends
A recent randomized two-way crossover clinical trial supported the were observed [123]. The underlying mechanism by which theobro-
notion that dietary interventions can significantly alter HDL composi- mine affects HDL has been postulated to be mediated by the inhibition
tion. This trial investigated the effects of a short-term Mediterranean of phosphodiesterases, resulting in the degradation of cAMP and
or fast food diet on HDL composition and function [117]. The subjects re- increased ABCA1 activity [122]. The effects of theobromine are indepen-
ceived both diets for 4 days, with a 4-day wash-out period in between. dent of intestinal apoA-I production [124]. Whether theobromine also
In total 170 HDL-associated lipid species were analysed of which 41 affects HDL function remains to be determined.
were differentially affected by the diet. Saturated fatty acids and odd Vitamins have also been shown to influence HDL concentration and
chain fatty acids were enriched by the fast food diet, while very-long composition. For example, in mice vitamin C and E supplementation re-
chain fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids were enriched after the duces the phospholipid content in HDL by decreasing PLTP activity
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
[125]. Besides lipid remodelling, these vitamins also promoted HDL This trial has started recruiting patients to test this PPARα agonist in
protein modifications by increasing paraoxonase 1 (PON1) and apoD, about 10,000 statin-treated patients with diabetes and high triglycer-
which correlated with improved HDL antioxidant activity [125]. The ide/low HDL-C plasma levels. First results from this study are expected
effect of PON1 on oxidation has been confirmed by studies in which in 2022 and are eagerly anticipated to determine whether fibrates
PON1 deficiency is associated with decreased HDL antioxidant activity, have an greater therapeutic potential in this sub-group of patients.
whereas the addition of PON1 increases the antioxidant activity This ongoing trial will also provide more information whether
of HDL [126]. This may be one of the main underlying reasons pemafibrate, a next generation, more potent and selective PPARα mod-
why PON1 deficient mice are more susceptible to the development of ulator [140] has less adverse side effects, such as gastrointestinal issues,
atherosclerosis [126]. skin rash, muscle pain and in some cases liver dysfunction following
Taken together, various dietary interventions have been proven to chronic use, than the currently available PPARα agonists [141,142]. It
be beneficial for HDL concentrations, but also especially for HDL compo- would be highly interestingly to also assess whether pemafibrate has ef-
sition and functionality, although many inconsistencies remain to be fects on HDL composition, besides HDL-C. It has previously been shown
further elucidated. From a preventive point of view these strategies that fenofibrate affects HDL composition in rabbits, by decreasing satu-
are difficult to successfully implement as it remains challenging to trig- rated fatty acids and increasing unsaturated fatty acids, which could
ger people to comply with strict dietary regimes. thereby also influence HDL functions like the cholesterol efflux capacity
[143]. Further studies in a human setting would be needed to confirm
the effects of fibrates on HDL composition. Drugs
The activation of PPARα is the main mechanism of action of fibrates Niacin. Niacin or nicotinic acid has been used widely to raise
or fibric acid [144]. This modulates several processes, including increas-
HDL-C levels, by 15–25% [127], although, the underlying mechanism of
ing the oxidation of free fatty acids in the liver and reducing the hepatic
action is not fully understood. The Arterial Biology for the Investigation
synthesis of triglycerides [138]. Additionally, PPARα increases expres-
of the Treatment Effects of Reducing Cholesterol (ARBITER 2) study
sion of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which hydrolyzes triglycerides and
clearly demonstrated benefit by showing that niacin stabilized carotid
phospholipids in VLDL, chylomicrons and HDL [145] and reduces
intima-media thickening, on top of statin use [128]. In a follow-up
circulating triglyceride levels. Fibrates also increase HDL-C levels and in-
study, ARBITER 6-HDL and LDL Treatment Strategies in Atherosclerosis
crease the synthesis of apoA-I, apoA-II and ABCA1 [146,147]. Interest-
(ARBITER 6-HALTS), niacin was shown to be superior to ezetimibe in re-
ingly, in contrast to these human observations, fibrates do not exert
ducing carotid intima-media thickening in patients [129]. These out-
similar effects on apoA-I synthesis in rodents [148]. These differential
comes led to the worldwide and widespread use of niacin to increase
effects of PPARα are likely due to species-specific regulation of apoA-I,
HDL-C for several years [127,130], until two major and more recent clin-
as there are 3 nucleotides difference between rat and human ApoA1
ical trials cast doubt on the efficacy and especially also the safety of
promotor sites, rendering the PPARα-response element in the ApoA1
promotor non-functional in rats [149]. These differences complicate
The Atherothrombosis Intervention in Metabolic Syndrome with
studies of the underlying molecular mechanisms.
Low HDL/High Triglycerides: Impact on Global Health Outcomes
(AIM-HIGH) trial was the first double-blind, randomized, multi-center
trial to assess whether addition of extended-release niacin to statin- CETP inhibitors. CETP regulates lipoprotein cholesterol/tri-
treated patients reduces atherogenic dyslipidemia and cardiovascular glyceride ratios, as discussed above. There is a negative correlation be-
risk [131]. Although niacin treatment resulted in improvement of mul- tween CETP activity and plasma HDL-C levels, making CETP inhibition
tiple lipid parameters, the primary endpoints, including cardiovascular an interesting therapeutic target. There have been several clinical stud-
risk, were not met and the trial was terminated after 3-years of ies focusing on the effects of CETP inhibition on HDL levels and assessing
follow-up on the basis of futility. The Second Heart Protection Study – the therapeutic potential of these agents in CVDs [29,138].
Treatment of HDL to Reduce the Incidence of Vascular Events (HPS2- One of the first trials, ILLUMINATE, assessed the effects of the CETP
THRIVE) was another large double-blind, randomized, multi-center inhibitor, torcetrapib. It was terminated prematurely due to an unex-
trial studying the effect of niacin in combination with laropiprant, in pected increase in mortality rates due to sepsis [150]. Subsequent stud-
statin-treated patients [132]. Laropiprant is a prostaglandin (a type of ies discovered that torcetrapib has a significant effect on the renin-
eicosanoid – physiologically active lipid compound) D2 receptor antag- angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), resulting in hypertension and
onist which is suggested to reduce previously observed side effects of hypokalemia which possibly contributed to the detrimental outcome
niacin, such as flushing. Similar to AIM-HIGH, this study revealed favor- [151]. The sepsis-related mortality of torcetrapib could not be attributed
able effects on lipid parameters, but no significant reduction was ob- to any direct effects on lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP), nor to
served in major vascular events. Subjects treated with niacin also had inhibition of the interaction of CETP with LPS [152]. Therefore, it could
significantly increased adverse effects, including gastrointestinal prob- be speculated that on top of the aldosterone elevation, changes in
lems, infection, bleeding and a trend towards increased risk of death. plasma lipoprotein metabolism and composition may have contributed
Based on these studies, niacin was withdrawn from several markets, al- to the increase in sepsis. Based on these results, other trials turned their
though the use of niacin is still extensively being investigated in various focus to novel CETP inhibitors such as dalcetrapib (dal-OUTCOMES) and
pathologies. evacetrapib (ACCELERATE). These studies did not show any of the pre-
viously observed adverse side-effects, but were also terminated early Fibrates. Fibrates, PPARα agonists, have been evaluated in due to futility [153,154]. The recently published trial of anacetrapib (RE-
several clinical outcome trials [133–137]. However, the results of VEAL), demonstrated for the first time that CETP inhibition can have
these studies were variable [138], possibly because different types of beneficial effects on clinical outcomes [155]. Anacetrapib increased
fibrates (e.g. gemfibrozil, bezafibrate, fenofibrate) were used and differ- HDL-C plasma levels by more than 2-fold, while decreasing LDL-C levels
ent patient groups (with or without diabetes) were investigated. Al- by more than 20%, resulting in a decreased occurrence of first major cor-
though the association of fibrate use with CVD mortality was limited onary events by 9% without any safety concerns. Although these results
in most studies, disproportionately large benefits have been observed seem promising, the clinical benefit is rather modest and perhaps more
in patients with high plasma triglyceride and low HDL-C levels at the related to the small decrease in LDL-C plasma levels. Therefore, the
start of the study. This observation triggered the initiation of a new clin- pharmacological development of anacetrapib has been stopped, which
ical trial called Pemafibrate to Reduce Cardiovascular OutcoMes by Re- at least at this moment is the end of clinical trials focussing on this
ducing Triglycerides IN patiENts With diabetes (PROMINENT) [139]. class of drugs for CVD-therapy [156]. A potential explanation for this
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
futility of CETP inhibition in CVD is provided by a recent Mendelian Pre-clinical studies of another mimetic peptide called 4F, showed
randomization analyses [157]. In this study, 102,837 participants that this peptide was only able to inhibit early atherogenesis, but was
from 14 studies were analysed and the observed associations were ex- ineffective against more mature lesions [171]. 4F peptide was tested in
ternally validated in 189,539 participants from 48 studies. Considered humans for the first time in a randomized clinical trial that assessed
alone, a CETP score was associated with higher levels of HDL-C, lower the efficacy and safety of orally administrated D-4F peptide in high-
LDL-C and a corresponding lower risk of major CV events. However, risk coronary heart disease patients. Treatment with D-4F resulted in
when combined with a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase HDL with improved anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting that D-
(HMGCR) score, the CETP score was still associated with a similar reduc- 4F might be a potential therapeutic agent to improve HDL function
tion in LDL-C, but an attenuated non-significant risk of major CV events. [172]. However, large clinical trials have not been performed to evaluate
These results indicate that a monotherapy of CETP inhibition, without the effect of these mimetic peptides on major adverse cardiovascular
statin treatment, may have more pronounced beneficial effects. This hy- events, though based on the pre-clinical work it seems that 4F could
pothesis could be tested in future clinical trials in statin-intolerant only be effective in an early stage of atherosclerosis development
patients. which is difficult to test in a human setting as patients are often only
In addition to the REVEAL-trial, the dal-ACUTE randomized trial, identified in the later stages of the disease.
which investigated the effects of the CETP inhibitor dalcetrapib on Direct infusion of reconstituted HDL is another therapeutic ap-
markers of HDL function, fuelled the debate that future studies should proach. To date monomeric apoA-I which is present in the HDL fraction
focus on modulating HDL functionality rather than HDL-C levels [158]. of most humans and the dimeric form of apoA-I (apoA-IMilano) which
This study showed that CETP inhibition resulted in approximately 30% has an enhanced cholesterol efflux potential have been formulated as
increase in HDL-C levels, while the apoA-I content and total cholesterol reconstituted HDL for use in clinical trials [138].
efflux capacity were only increased by 10%, clearly supporting the con- In a randomized clinical trial, infusions of reconstituted HDL contain-
cept of dissociation between increased HDL-C levels and improvements ing monomeric apoA-I (CSL-111), significantly improved plaque char-
in HDL function. Recently, it was also shown that elderly subjects have acteristics although there were no changes in atheroma volume [173].
remarkably high cholesterol efflux capacity, compared to middle-aged The successor of CSL-111, which has an enhanced ability to accept cho-
individuals, although the implications of this for therapeutic approaches lesterol from ABCA1, is called CSL-112 [174]. In a dose-ranging Phase IIb
and clinical trials remains to be determined [159]. trial (AEGIS-I), infusions of CSL-112 were well tolerated, without any se-
rious safety concerns, and acutely enhanced cholesterol efflux [175]. Direct targeting of apoA-I and HDL. Changing HDL levels and Currently, a large-scale Phase III trial of patients with acute coronary
composition can also be done in a more direct manner. For example, syndrome is being undertaken to evaluate the ability of CSL-112 to re-
the endogenous synthesis of apoA-I is increased to some extent with duce major adverse cardiovascular events [176].
a small molecule called apabetalon or RVX-208 or RVX000222, which CER-001 is another reconstituted HDL preparation that contains apoA-
inhibits the bromodomain and extra terminal (BET), resulting in an I and sphingomyelin. Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that CER-
epigenetic modulation of the genes responsible for apoA-I synthesis. 001 stimulates reverse cholesterol transport and induces atherosclerosis
A Phase II clinical trial showed that RVX-208 was associated with in- regression in mice [177]. Recently, the results of a Phase II double-blind,
creased plasma apoA-I and HDL-C levels in statin-treated patients randomized, multicenter trial (CARAT) was published, in which the effect
with coronary artery disease [160]. These beneficial effects were con- of CER-001 infusion on coronary atherosclerosis progression was evalu-
firmed in a Phase IIb trail (ASSURE) which employed serial intravas- ated in statin-treated acute coronary syndrome patients [178]. Unfortu-
cular ultrasound measures of coronary atheroma in 281 patients nately, the lipid profile in these patients did not change and regression
treated with RVX-208 or placebo for 26 weeks [161]. RVX-208 treat- of coronary atherosclerosis was not influenced by CER-001 infusion.
ment modulated plaque vulnerability favourably, though interest- Another study using a recombinant apoA-IMilano/phospholipid com-
ingly only changes in HDL particle concentration could be observed plex (ETC-216) showed significant regression of coronary atherosclero-
upon treatment, not in HDL-C or apoA-I. Although RVX-208 treat- sis, demonstrating great promise for this approach [179]. It has been
ment of non-human primates demonstrated striking increases in demonstrated that plaque regression after ETC-216 treatment in a rab-
serum apoA-I and HDL-C levels (60% and 97%, respectively) [162], bit model, was associated with a shift towards a more stable lesion phe-
the observed increases in human trial were on average below 10% notype after four days [180]. A follow-up study confirmed that these
[160]. Although the treatment protocols differed, this significant dif- beneficial effects are long lasting [181]. However, the clinical develop-
ference in effect on lipid levels indicates that there may be an as yet ment of ETC-216 was halted after a serious adverse reaction occurred
unknown species-dependent mechanism of action of RVX-208. Cur- early during an follow-up clinical trial in one patient. During infusion
rently, there is an ongoing Phase III study, investigating the effects the patient developed a severe reaction consisting of flushing, chills, hy-
of apabetalone (RVX000222) on major adverse cardiac events potension and ultimately multi-organ failure. This all pointed to a sys-
(BETonMACE) [163,164]. These results are eagerly awaited to evalu- temic inflammatory reaction which would suggest a contamination of
ate the potential of this therapeutic approach. the infused product, which was indeed the case as small quantities of re-
Another strategy to increase apoA-I levels is to infuse artificially syn- sidual host cell proteins that elicit immune responses were found in
thesized apoA-I mimetic peptides. These can be designed to mimic the ETC-216. Hereafter, a similar complex containing apoA-IMilano was in-
lipid binding properties of apoA-I and improve their stability relative troduced as MDCO-216. This formulation did not induce any adverse
to the parent apolipoprotein [165,166]. Several pre-clinical studies immunostimulation in healthy volunteers or patients with stable coro-
have shown that apoA-I mimetic peptides have anti-inflammatory, an- nary artery disease [182]. However, in a double-blind, randomized clin-
tioxidant and antitumor activities [167,168]. One drawback until now is ical trial of acute coronary syndrome patients, infusion of MDCO-216
that most of these apoA-I mimetic peptides are designed to enhance did not promote atherosclerotic lesion regression [183].
only one or two specific functions of apoA-I rather than the full spec- Several direct targeting approaches have been developed and are
trum of physiological relevant functions. One of these mimetic peptides being tested. Especially in the approaches where reconstituted HDL is
that showed great promise in pre-clinical studies is the peptide 5A, being used, a major focus has been to increase HDL function by, for ex-
which induces cholesterol efflux via ABCA1 and ABCG1, thereby reduc- ample, developing agents that have an enhanced cholesterol efflux ca-
ing atherosclerosis in mice [169]. Furthermore, 5A inhibits acute inflam- pacity or that contain specific proteins that improve HDL function,
mation and oxidative stress in human endothelial cells and rabbit such as sphingomyelin or apoA-IMilano. As the importance of HDL func-
carotid arteries [170]. Future clinical trials should determine the poten- tion is being more recognized, future approaches of HDL therapy should
tial of this apoA-I mimetic peptide in humans. focus on this aspect.
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
4.1.2. Diabetes mellitus Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in diabetes mellitus. In a recent
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease involving inappropriately el- systematic review and network meta-analysis of patients with T2DM,
evated blood glucose levels. The main subtypes of DM are type 1 the impact of dietary interventions on the blood lipid profile was
(T1DM), caused by defective insulin secretion, and type 2 (T2DM), assessed, with a Mediterranean diet raising HDL-C and decreasing TG
caused by defective insulin function [184]. T1DM generally presents levels compared to control diet. This indicates that a Mediterranean
at a very young age, while T2DM is occurs in adolescents and adults diet can be used to manage diabetic dyslipidaemia [205].
that have prolonged hyperglycemia due to lifestyle problems. As Besides dietary interventions, fibrates have also been tested in the
the pathogenesis of the two types of DM is different, different context of DM. Initially, the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Di-
therapeutical approaches are required. Both types of DM are associ- abetes (ACCORD) lipid study did not show major beneficial effect of
ated with a high risk of developing chronic complications, such as adding a fibrate on top of a statin, compared to statin alone, on cardio-
retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, endothelial dysfunction, vascular outcomes and mortality in T2DM patients, although diabetic
and atherosclerosis. retinopathy progression was reduced [206]. However, a beneficial effect
in CV-events was shown in a pre-specified sub-group of patients with Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. During the dyslipidemia. This triggered a follow-up study (ACCORDION) in which
course of T2DM, plasma triglycerides and LDL-C increase, while HDL-C a secondary analysis was performed in a pre-specified sub-group of par-
decrease [185]. A meta-analysis evaluated the association of HDL-C ticipants with dyslipidemia, demonstrating that fibrates reduce mortal-
and risk of diabetic nephropathy in T1DM patients, demonstrating ity rates in dyslipidemic patients [207]. In addition, a multicenter
that higher HDL-C levels indeed result in a reduced risk of diabetic com- randomized controlled study showed that in T2DM patients, adminis-
plications [186]. In contrast, a recent retrospective population-based co- tration of ezetimibe/rosuvastatin combination therapy significantly re-
hort study involving 2113 patients with T2DM demonstrated that the duces the apoB/A-I ratio and improves the lipid profile compared to
levels of HDL-C are non-protective in T2DM patients [187]. patients receiving rosuvastatin monotherapy [208].
HDL particles also undergo structural and functional modifications rHDL infusions also have beneficial effects in DM patients, by im-
in DM, resulting in loss and HDL function [185] (Fig. 6). For example, el- proving endothelial function and nitric oxide availability, compared to
evated levels of oxidative stress lead to oxidative modification of apoA-I controls [209]. In line with this, a small randomized clinical trial demon-
in HDL and thereby contributes to the generation of dysfunctional HDL strated that a single infusion of rHDL in patients with T2DM decreased
in DM [188,189]. These modifications have also been shown to result in plasma glucose levels and increased plasma insulin levels [210]. Fur-
decreased cholesterol efflux capacity [190], and impaired antioxidant thermore, focusing on diagnosis instead of therapy, it has been shown
properties in T1DM [191]. Moreover, PON1 expression is decreased dur- that both oxLDL/LDL and oxLDL/HDL are potent biomarkers for T2DM
ing T1DM and T2DM development, which possibly contributes to the [211] and can be used for discriminating the presence of macrovascular
observed cardiovascular complications [192,193]. This is supported by disease in diabetic patients [212].
the observation that elevated levels of HDL-associated PON1 were ob- All in all, the therapeutic efficiency of improving HDL function in the
served in a subset of people with T1DM that are protected from vascular context of DM based on above results would be an interesting research
complications [192]. Additionally, advanced glycation end products focus for the future.
(AGEs) which are elevated in DM and contribute to diabetic complica-
tions have also been shown to modify apoA-I and impair its 4.1.3. Liver disease
cardioprotective functions [194]. In line with this, macrophages treated The liver plays a vital role in the synthesis, secretion, catabolism, and
with albumin isolated from T2DM patients have significantly impaired storage of lipids and lipoproteins. The two main types of fatty liver dis-
cholesterol efflux and intracellular lipid accumulation, compared to ease are nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic liver dis-
cells treated with non-diabetic albumin, further demonstrating an im- ease (ALD). NAFLD includes simple steatosis (SS) and the more severe
portant role of glycation in lipid handling [195]. Lipid accumulation nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which is characterized by inflam-
has also been demonstrated to play a role in diabetic nephropathy, as mation and fibrosis, while ALD can lead to fibrosis, hepatic steatosis and
evidenced in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice with significantly cirrhosis [213].
reduced renal expression of ABCA1, ABCG1 and SR-B1. As these changes
in ABCA1, ABCG1 and SR-B1 preceded the development of nephropathy Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of liver disease. Several studies
in these mice, it follows that defective cholesterol efflux may be the have shown that moderate, regular consumption of alcohol leads to fa-
cause of intracellular accumulation of lipids in renal cells and the devel- vorable changes in HDL lipids and apolipoproteins [214]. Moderate con-
opment of diabetic nephropathy [196]. In T2DM the distribution of HDL sumption of alcohol also affects HDL function by improving their anti-
particles is also affected, with a shift from large HDL particles enriched inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties [214]. Although very little is
in cholesteryl esters to smaller, denser triglyceride-rich HDL particles, known about the HDL composition and function in patients with SS
thereby also affecting the HDL function [197]. and NASH, it has been shown that NAFLD is associated with an altered
Besides the effects that diabetes has on HDL composition and func- HDL proteome, such as decreased plasminogen and antithrombin III
tion, apoA-I and HDL also have anti-diabetic properties [198]. For exam- levels [215], and an increased number of small HDL particles [216].
ple, it has been demonstrated that apoA-I increases insulin secretion HDL isolated from NAFLD patients also showed a reduced cholesterol ef-
from pancreatic beta-cells in an ABCA1-dependent manner, while HDL flux capacity [217] and the HDL of patients with liver cirrhosis are
does the same in an ABCG1-dependent manner [199]. Furthermore, it enriched with triglycerides, free cholesterol and phospholipids [218].
has been shown that overexpression of apoA-I in mice increases insulin Furthermore, enzymes that are involved in HDL maturation and metab-
sensitivity, while apoA-I deficiency impaired glucose tolerance olism, such as CETP and LCAT, are significantly decreased in patients
[200,201]. In line with these findings, Torcetrapib and dalcetrapib (in- with cirrhosis, resulting in a shift towards the larger HDL2 subclass as
hibitors of CETP activity) increase plasma HDL-C and apoA-I and im- well as diminished cholesterol efflux capacity [219]. These composi-
prove glycaemic control in patients with T2DM [202,203]. Glucose tional and functional changes were in addition to decreased HDL-C
uptake by skeletal muscle cells is also increased by apoA-I, in an levels with deterioration of liver function in cirrhotic patients [220].
ABCA1 and SR-B1 dependent manner [204]. HDL-C levels are inversely associated with the development of other
All in all, it seems that diabetes impacts on HDL function, while liver diseases. For example, HDL-C levels are increased in the early
vice versa HDL function also impacts on diabetes, clearly demon- stages of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) and decline with disease pro-
strating that HDL functionality is an important determinant for its ef- gression [221], which is mediated by increased circulating hepatic lipase
fects on DM. activity and HDL catabolism. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Hepatitis B
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
virus (HBV) related infections that mainly affect the liver are also asso- migratory behaviour of various carcinoma cells (reviewed in: [229]).
ciated with low serum HDL-C levels. The interaction of lipids and lipo- Animal cancer models have confirmed these effects by showing that
proteins with liver diseases has also recently been reviewed in [222]. apoA-I inhibits the growth of tumors and their metastatic progression
(reviewed in: [229]). For example, a genetic approach was used to test Clinical potential of HDL in liver disease. As outlined above, there is the role of apoA-I in a melanoma model. ApoA-I deficient mice showed
a clear link between HDL and liver disease. However, very few studies an increased tumor burden and reduced survival, while conversely
have focussed on the clinical potential of HDL in this disease. For exam- transgenic overexpression of human apoA-I reduced the malignant bur-
ple, niacin has been shown to beneficially affect NASH/NAFLD which has den and metastases, thereby increasing survival [234]. These effects
recently been elegantly reviewed by Kashyap et al. [223]. In short, both were mainly attributable to immunomodulatory properties of apoA-I,
in-vitro (primary hepatocytes and human hepatoblastoma cell lines) by which tumor-associated macrophages were re-programmed from a
and in-vivo (rat model of NAFLD) studies have demonstrated that niacin pro-tumor M2 to an anti-tumor M1 phenotype. In line with this, an-
decreases hepatic fat deposits, inflammation, steatosis and fibrosis, other study demonstrated that apoA-I mimetic peptides inhibited
which are all major complications associated with NASH/NAFLD tumor development in a mouse model of ovarian cancer [235]. Although
[224,225]. Clearly, more studies are needed to elucidate whether HDL apoA-I and HDL have shown promising results in preclinical studies, it is
targeting has any clinical potential in liver disease. As HDL composition challenging to apply such therapies to the highly diverse and variable
also plays an important role, it would be important that these studies pool of cancer patients. Therefore, feasibility remains a matter of debate
not only increase HDL-C levels but also regulate HDL composition and and more research into the underlying mechanisms, and especially
thereby its function. large clinical trials, would be needed to explore the possibility of using
apoA-I and/or HDL as anticancer agent.
4.1.4. Cancer Another interesting approach that is currently being explored within
Chronic inflammation has been linked to steps that promote the cancer field is the use of HDL as drug delivery platform [236–238].
tumorgenesis, including cellular transformation, survival, proliferation, Such systems are believed to provide tumor-selectivity and site-
angiogenesis and metastasis [226]. The majority of cancers are linked specificity, while reducing off-target effects [239]. As noted above, can-
to somatic mutations and environmental factors, such as smoking, cer cells overexpress SR-B1 and reconstituted HDL nanoparticles are
whereas diet also plays an important role [227]. Accumulating evidence being produced to specifically target this receptor in cancer cells [240].
also suggests that apoA-I and HDL play a role in cancer development The main advantage of such a delivery system is that apoA-I and HDL
and disease progression. are naturally occurring and infusions will not result in immune re-
sponses as has been shown in the CVD-focussed studies described Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of cancer. As cancer is a very above. Taken together, apoA-I and/or HDL seems to be an interesting ap-
heterogeneous disease, it is challenging to describe disease-specific ef- proach for cancer, either being used as direct effectors or as delivery
fects of HDL. Therefore, selected cancer types, for which a clear effect platforms. Future research should first address the question of the ex-
of HDL has been demonstrated, will be highlighted in this section. This tent to which HDL plays a causal role in the development of different
does not exclude that HDL is not involved in other subtypes. types of cancer.
Recently, RNA sequencing analysis of hepatocellular carcinomas
(HCC) revealed that apoA-I mRNA levels were significantly reduced in 4.2. Infectious diseases
diseased tissue compared to healthy liver tissue [228]. This coincided
with reduced protein levels of apoA-I in cancerous liver tissue and Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms including bac-
serum of HCC patients [229], suggesting a tumor suppressor role of teria, viruses, fungi or parasites. A wide diversity of infectious diseases
apoA-I and HDL. Other studies have confirmed this negative association exists and the way of transmission, signs and symptoms vary depending
between apoA-I and HDL serum levels with parameters cancer develop- on the organism causing the infection.
ment, summarized in [229]. Although the majority of studies have
shown a clear inverse association of apoA-I with the development of 4.2.1. Bacterial, viral and parasitic infections
cancer, positive correlations have also been reported. For example,
apoA-I levels are upregulated in the serum of patients with early stage Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. Bacterial
gastric adenocarcinoma and retinoblastoma [230,231]. These discrep- infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria modulate HDL composi-
ancies highlight the difficulty of determining a precise role for apoA-I tion and size by reducing the apoA-I and phospholipid content and in-
and HDL in cancer. Furthermore, it is not known whether alterations creasing SAA [241]. Endotoxemia also induces changes in enzymes
in HDL and apoA-I levels could be either a cause or consequence of the that are important for HDL remodelling, such as CETP and LCAT [241].
carcinogenesis. HDL also plays an important role in more severe infections causing sep-
Several studies have confirmed that cancer cells require large sis, which will be discussed in detail later.
amounts of cholesterol to maintain their high degree of proliferation. HDL also interacts with Gram-positive bacteria, by binding directly
This means that cancer cells and tissues over-express specific compo- to lipoteichoic acid (LTA) [242] and attenuating inflammation and cell
nents involved in cholesterol transport, especially SR-B1 [232]. There- death in-vitro [243]. These beneficial effects have also been validated
fore it is plausible that HDL is the major source of cholesterol for in mice, where apoA-I attenuated LTA-induced acute lung injury and cy-
cancer cells. If this is the case, HDL functionality would also be an impor- tokine production [243]. These observations support the hypothesis
tant determinant in regulating the upregulated cholesterol homeostasis. that raising plasma HDL levels may be a viable therapeutic approach
One study that highlights the importance of HDL functionality in cancer, for the treatment/prevention of infectious diseases.
has shown that HDL completely inhibits the oxidative stress-induced However, recently it became clear that this relationship is not
proliferation of prostate cancer cells [233]. The exact role that HDL func- straightforward [244]. In two well-characterized and large-scale cohorts
tion plays in cancer should therefore be one of the main focus points of from Copenhagen, it has been demonstrated that HDL-C levels are asso-
future research, especially in light of the important role of HDL function- ciated with infection-related hospitalization [245]. Interestingly, this as-
ality in other diseases. sociated followed a U-shaped pattern where low and very high HDL-C
levels were associated with increased infection risk. Supporting this Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in cancer. In-vitro studies finding, SNPs in the genes encoding for CETP and hepatic lipase (LIPC)
using recombinant apoA-I or apoA-I mimetic peptides have demon- were associated with a reduced risk for infections (especially bacterial
strated that apoA-I can decrease the proliferative, survival and infections). It remains challenging to explain the intriguing association
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
between high HDL-C and increased infectious risk [244]. As inflamma- IL-1ß, TNF-α, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 that are known to be involved in
tion results in changes in the composition of HDL, including the accu- the progression of septic shock.
mulation of SAA, it is possible that such compositional changes may be
responsible for the observed association. Furthermore, PTMs may Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of sepsis. Interestingly it has
occur in inflammatory environments, as described above, which again been shown that HDL, especially apoA-I, can neutralize LPS [257] by in-
induce changes in HDL composition and function. All in all, this again creasing its biliary excretion and clearance by the liver, thereby
highlights the need to further investigate the exact role of HDL function protecting against septic shock (Fig. 5) [258]. Further support of LPS-
in bacterial infections. lipoprotein interactions comes from a biosensor study demonstrating
The interaction between HDL and parasitic infections mainly relates that the majority of LPS is associated with HDL [259]. This interaction is
to the ability of apoL-1 to limit Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania in- mediated by lipid transfer proteins such as CETP, PLTP and LBP, which
fections [242]. ApoL-1 is part of the trypanosome lytic factor-1 (TLF-1) transfer LPS to lipoproteins [260]. However the exact contributions of
complex, that mediates uptake by parasites. After uptake, apoL-1 enters these transfer proteins to this process remain unclear. Although CETP
lysosomes where the acidic pH causes a conformational change binds weakly to LPS compared to LBP [152], mice overexpressing
resulting in lysosomal swelling that kills the trypanosome [246,247]. human CETP have improved survival when exposed to experimental sys-
Due to these specific effects of apoL-1, it could be speculated that ap- temic inflammation [261]. Furthermore, it has been shown in hamsters,
proaches to increase the apoL-1 content in HDL could have beneficial that endotoxin and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-1
outcomes in parasitic infections. decrease serum CETP activity, as well as CETP mRNA levels and protein
Changes in plasma HDL-C levels also occur during viral infections, expression in several tissues including the heart, muscle and adipose tis-
such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV infected patients sue [262]. This increases circulating HDL levels, which is beneficial for the
have significantly decreased HDL levels, which align with upregulated clearance of endotoxins, even though the pro-inflammatory environ-
inflammasome-related gene expression and serum levels of IL-6 and ment will reduce its endotoxin clearing potential. Decreased CETP activ-
CRP [248]. These negative correlations demonstrate that HDL might af- ity during inflammation has also been reported in sepsis patients
fect the progression of HIV infection by modulating the inflammatory [241,263]. In line with this, Mendelian randomization studies have con-
state, although determining whether changes in HDL are cause or con- firmed a causal role for CETP in sepsis, as a missense variant in CETP re-
sequence remains to be determined. On the other hand, the pro- duced HDL-C levels and decreased sepsis survival [264].
inflammatory state in these patients also increases apoA-I and HDL In humans clear associations have been made between HDL and the
levels following antiretroviral therapy depending on the extent of in- development of sepsis. Clinical studies have highlighted that HDL-C
flammation at baseline [249]. In a small retrospective study, it was levels decline during sepsis [265,266] and that this is associated with in-
shown that HIV infection also corresponded with a decrease in the anti- creased mortality and adverse clinical outcomes [267,268]. Reduced
oxidant and anti-inflammatory functions of HDL [250]. The importance levels of HDL-associated S1P in patients with sepsis are associated
of HDL function has also been confirmed in another study, demonstrat- organ failure [269]. Low levels of S1P are associated with cardiac dys-
ing that antiretroviral treatment was associated with higher HDL anti- function in mice with sepsis [270]. Additionally, it has been shown
oxidant function and PON-1 activity [251]. that HDL levels decreases, HDL size increases due to association with
SAA and HDL function is compromised during the acute phase reaction
in sepsis patients [271,272]. This was confirmed in a pilot study of older Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in infectious diseases. Several
patients where isolated HDL had impaired cholesterol efflux capacity
pre-clinical studies have investigated the effect of apoA-I mimetic pep-
and a pro-inflammatory profile, compared to healthy controls [273].
tides in infectious diseases or related processes. For example, the 4F mi-
Therefore HDL function also seems to play an important role in the path-
metic peptide inhibits the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators in
ogenesis of sepsis.
LPS-treated cells in-vitro by neutralizing LPS [252]. These beneficial ef-
The above associations do not prove that a causal relationship exists
fects have been confirmed in-vivo in endotoxemic rats, where 4F treat-
between HDL and sepsis in humans. However, a causal role of apoA-I in
ment results in the attenuation of acute lung injury and increases
protection against sepsis has been confirmed in mouse models of sepsis
survival rates [253]. Future studies are warranted to translate these
where apoA-I deficiency robustly increased production of inflammatory
findings into the clinical setting.
cytokines, while overexpression of apoA-I increased survival rates com-
Regarding parasitic infections, it has been demonstrated that a re-
pared to control mice [274]. Treatment of septic mice with HDL signifi-
combinant apoL-1-nanobody binds to trypanosomes and lyses them
cantly reduced the release of IL-8, IL-6 and TNF-α [275,276],
in-vivo [254]. Treatment of mice infected with Trypanosoma brucei
demonstrating a potential role of HDL as therapeutic target for
brucei with this apoL-1 nanobody resulted in a striking clearance of
the parasite from the circulation, indicating the therapeutic potential
A potentially causal relationship between HDL and sepsis in humans
of this approach [254].
has recently been demonstrated in a prospective study of >400,000 par-
Although, HDL clearly plays a potentially important role in infectious
ticipants that examined the association of lipid levels and the risk of in-
diseases, the clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in these diseases is un-
fectious hospitalizations and 28-day sepsis mortality [277]. A 1 mmol/l
explored. Therefore, it would be worthwhile for future studies to focus
increase in HDL-C levels associated with a hazard risk for infectious dis-
on the clinical potential of increasing HDL functionality in these diseases
ease of 0.84. More importantly, Mendelian randomization using HDL-C-
as an interesting new approach for treatment or possibly prevention.
related genetic variants further demonstrated a causal relationship be-
tween raised HDL-C and reduced risk of infectious hospitalization and
4.2.2. Sepsis there was a significant inverse relation existed between HDL-C and
LPS, also known as lipoglycan or endotoxin, is found in the outer 28-day sepsis mortality [277]. Together these results demonstrate that
membrane of gram-negative bacteria and is considered to be the HDL-C is causally related to sepsis. Future studies should investigate
major cause of sepsis. LPS binds to LBP, an acute phase protein, which whether this causal relationship also exists between HDL function and
transfers LPS from the bacterial wall to membrane-bound CD14. Subse- sepsis as this is most likely even a more important parameter for disease
quently, the LPS-CD14 complex binds and signals through TLR4 on outcome.
immune cells to activate the transcription factor NF-κB and mitogen-
activated protein kinases (MAPKs), such as p38 and c-Jun NH2- Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in sepsis. Based on the above
terminal kinase (JNK) [255,256]. This activation regulates the expres- described relationship of HDL and sepsis with the reductions of HDL
sion of several endogenous mediators of inflammation such as IL-8, concentration and HDL dysfunction, there seems to be a great potential
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
Fig. 5. Mechanism of action by which HDL protects against sepsis. In sepsis, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binds to LPS-binding protein (LBP) and interacts with the CD14 receptor, initiating
inflammatory cytokine signalling via TLR4. HDL can inhibit these inflammatory processes via two pathways, (i) inhibition of the inflammatory signalling or (ii) binding and capturing the
LPS-LBP complex resulting in excretion via the liver.
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4.3. Auto-immune diseases antagonist infliximab [303]. The importance of HDL function in RA has
also been demonstrated in the Abatacept Versus Adalimumab Compar-
4.3.1. Rheumatoid arthritis ison in Biologic-Naïve RA Subjects with Background Methotrexate
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease charac- (AMPLE) study [304] where decreased CRP levels were associated
terized by symmetrical synovitis and mediated by autoimmune mecha- with improved HDL function and composition. Additionally, improve-
nisms, leading to bone destruction with progressive pain [285]. RA is ment in disease activity was associated with higher PON1 activity and
also associated with inflammation and affected patients have a signifi- lower HDL-SAA content, highlighting that this treatment regime re-
cantly increased risk of CVD [286,287]. A meta-analysis has demon- models the HDL proteome. Collectively, these outcomes indicate that
strated that the risk of CVD mortality in patients with RA is increased HDL composition and function play important roles in RA and should
by a striking 50%, compared to healthy controls [287]. be the focus of future research to optimize HDL-based treatment
approaches. Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical
studies showed that RA patients have decreased serum HDL-C and 4.3.2. Systemic lupus erythematosus
apoA-I levels compared to healthy controls [288–291]. In particular, Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune dis-
atheroprotective small sized HDL particles are reduced in patients ease of multifactorial origin, in which environmental and genetic factors
with RA [292]. However, as such modifications are mirrored by in- induce immune disorders [293]. Typically, SLE coincides with the pro-
creased LDL-C and total cholesterol levels, the actual clinical significance duction of type I interferon and is characterized by dysregulation of T-
of HDL-C variations remains unclear [293]. Therefore, elucidation of the and B-cells. SLE is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk and
exact role of HDL-C in RA and especially the question as to whether low accelerated atherosclerosis [305].
HDL-C levels are a consequence of the disease or a causal mediator re-
mains an active field of research. A recent study explored the causal ef- Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus.
fect of HDL on collagen induced arthritis (CIA) in mice, and Patients with SLE show changes in their serum lipids and lipoproteins
demonstrated that HDL decreased the expression of pro-inflammatory similar to those observed in patients with RA [306–308]. The systemic
cytokines and the development of RA [294]. These beneficial effects inflammation, oxidative stress and autoimmunity in SLE patients also
have been confirmed by another study, where apoA-I and reconstituted induces compositional changes leading to the formation of pro-
HDL attenuated arthritis in rats, likely by reducing TLR2 expression in inflammatory and dysfunctional HDL [309]. Accumulating evidence
macrophages [295]. Although these studies suggest that HDL can have suggests that changes in HDL composition and function are responsible
causal effects, it should be kept in mind that these models might not re- for the 7–50 fold increased risk of coronary artery disease in SLE patients
flect the complex mechanisms that underlie alterations in lipid metab- [309–311]. Carotid intimal-medial thickening was also observed in chil-
olism in RA patients. Supporting a role for HDL-C in RA in humans is dren and adolescents with SLE, demonstrating the early onset of athero-
the observation from the Copenhagen General Population Study and sclerosis in these patients [312]. Furthermore, almost half of the SLE
the Copenhagen City Heart Study that the hazard ratio for RA is 1.51 patients have pro-inflammatory HDL, which correlates with increased
when comparing low vs. high HDL cholesterol levels, although this oxidized LDL and carotid plaque formation and carotid intimal-medial
only resulted in a non-significant statistical trend [296]. thickening [313]. Similar to HDL found in RA patients, HDL from SLE pa-
Interestingly, the composition and functional characteristics of HDL tients also has increased levels of SAA and decreased levels of PON-1
are also significantly altered in RA. HDL isolated from RA patients [314]. Interestingly, anti-apoA-I antibodies are also correlated with dis-
shows profound modifications, including increased SAA and reduced ease activity in SLE patients [315]. The ABCA1- and ABCG1-mediated
PON-1 levels, resulting in a pro-inflammatory HDL particle [297]. cholesterol efflux capacity of HDL is also significantly reduced in SLE pa-
These modifications also result in functional changes, as HDL isolated tients [299].
from patients with RA have a reduced ability to protect LDL from oxida-
tion and possibly facilitate LDL oxidation [298]. Furthermore, HDL from Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in systemic lupus erythemato-
RA patients have a reduced capacity to act as cholesterol acceptors, in- sus. Although the above studies indicate that SLE has an adverse effect
dependent of HDL-C levels [299]. ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux on HDL function, there are at present no clear indications that apoA-I
is also impaired in RA patients and inversely correlates with disease ac- or HDL can causally or directly affect the development of SLE. However,
tivity [299]. Furthermore, anti-apoA-I autoantibodies are detectable in dysfunctional HDL might be an important biomarker for the identifica-
the serum of RA patients and predict acute cardiovascular events tion of CVD risk in SLE patients. The therapeutic potential of hypolipid-
[300]. Together, modifications of HDL composition in RA impair the emic treatment in SLE has been confirmed by treating SLE patients with
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cholesterol efflux-promoting ca- pravastatin plus ezetimibe, which improved the ratio of LDL-C and HDL-
pacity, highlighting that HDL function plays an important role in the C levels [316]. However, whether direct HDL-targeted approaches, such
progression of RA. as infusion of apoA-I or reconstituted HDL, has beneficial effects in SLE
patients still needs to be determined. Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in rheumatoid arthritis. Several
treatments for RA influence HDL levels and functionality. For instance, a 4.3.3. Psoriasis
meta-analysis of 3552 patients demonstrated that baricitinub, a selec- Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease related to immune
tive inhibitor of JAK1/2 signalling in RA, increases HDL-C levels in a inheritance. However, to date, the true cause of the disease remain un-
dose dependent manner [301]. However, a similar increase was also ob- clear [317]. Nowadays, psoriasis is considered to be a multisystem dis-
served in LDL-C levels, and no changes in CV risk were observed. There- ease that may be related to other diseases, including rheumatological,
fore the exact contribution of specific HDL-associated lipid changes in cardiovascular and psychiatric complications [317].
RA and the relationship with CV risk remains to be determined. More-
over, the treatment of RA patients with methotrexate reduces the in- Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Several studies that
flammation and disease activity and restores the function of HDL back have compared serum lipid levels in patients with psoriasis to healthy
to normal [302]. Decreases in RA disease activity over time were also as- controls, demonstrate a trend towards increased serum triglyceride
sociated with increases in PON-1 and apoA-I levels and decreases in the levels, with a concomitant decrease in HDL levels [318–320].
HDL inflammatory index and levels of MPO, clearly demonstrating res- This change in lipid profile has been shown to increase MI risk in pa-
toration of normal HDL function. HDL function can even be further im- tients with psoriasis [318,320–322]. More generally, a meta-analysis of
proved by combining methotrexate treatment with the TNF-α 14 studies reported a 1.37-fold increased risk for cardiovascular
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
mortality in patients with psoriasis, compared to the general, healthy role in this, as the level was profoundly reduced during disease exacer-
population [323]. Additionally, IL-10 showed a strong inverse correla- bation. Furthermore, HDL isolated from Crohn's disease patients has a
tion with HDL-C in psoriasis patients. In a small randomized, placebo- reduced ability to attenuate oxidation [336]. Altogether, it is clear that
controlled clinical trial it could be shown that there is also a direct causal HDL plays an important role in IBD, though it is not yet clearly eluci-
role for IL-10 in psoriasis, as administration of recombinant human IL- dated whether HDL-changes are causal or a consequence of disease
10 to psoriatic arthritis patients sharply decreased HDL-C levels [324]. status.
After discontinuation of the IL-10 therapy, HDL-C levels recovered and
returned to baseline. Thereby, IL-10 seems to play an important role in Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in inflammatory bowel disease.
the so called Disappearing HDL Syndrome, which is characterized by se- It has been shown that the circulating apoA-I mimetic peptide 4F selec-
vere HDL deficiency in non-critically ill patients [324]. tively targets the small intestine, where it is transported into the intes-
Besides these changes in HDL levels, patients with psoriasis also tinal lumen followed by reabsorption by the intestinal mucosa [337].
have significant changes in HDL composition and functionality as This mimetic peptide also reduced the levels of pro-inflammatory
reflected by decreased cholesterol efflux capacity together with de- fatty acid metabolites in enterocytes [338]. Recently, it has been
creased anti-inflammatory properties and decreased anti-oxidant prop- confirmed that 4F treatment has beneficial effects on IBD in mice, by
erties [325]. In line with this, patients with psoriasis have low PON-1 mitigating disease development and reducing the levels of pro-
activity, which is also inversely correlated with the psoriasis area and inflammatory mediators in tissues and plasma [339]. The mechanism
severity index [326]. HDL-associated proteins also undergo changes in underlying these effects include inhibition of LPS responses in macro-
psoriasis, as apoA-I and apoM are significantly reduced, while SAA in- phages and the intestinal epithelium, and direct clearance of pro-
creased. To corroborate these findings, and to show the therapeutic po- inflammatory lipids from intestinal tissue and plasma. The beneficial
tential of HDL, anti-psoriatic therapy has been shown to restore both effects of apoA-I mimetic peptides on IBD have been confirmed in an-
HDL composition and function [327–329]. other study in which mice with colitis were treated with the 5A peptide
[340] which reduced intestinal inflammation, intestinal MPO levels and Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in psoriasis. It is clear that HDL plasma pro-inflammatory cytokine levels. Combined in-vitro and in-
composition and function play a role in psoriasis. However, as is the case vivo approaches demonstrated that inhibition of monocyte infiltration
for SLE, it remains to be determined whether changes in HDL function and activation by 5A was the main underlying mechanism [340]. All in
have a causal role in disease development or is only a consequence all, apoA-I mimetic peptide treatment seems to be a potential novel
of disease status. It is at this point unclear whether more direct treatment for IBD. As HDL functionality is also disturbed in IBD, future
HDL-targeted approaches would benefit psoriasis patients. More studies should also focus on therapeutic approaches in which HDL func-
pre-clinical research is needed to establish whether HDL levels and/or tionality and composition are restored. Such approaches might have a
functionality do indeed have a causal role in this pathology, after greater therapeutic effect and value than raising apoA-I levels.
which therapeutic approaches can be tested to improve the HDL func-
tion and perhaps impair the development of psoriasis. 4.4. Neurological disease
4.3.4. Inflammatory bowel disease Interest in lipoprotein metabolism in the brain gained interest after
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), mainly consisting of Crohn's dis- it was demonstrated that apoE was connected with the development
ease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic and relapsing inflammatory dis- of several neurological disorders [341]. The brain is highly enriched in
ease of the gastrointestinal tract [330]. There is not one single cholesterol and accounts for ~25% of total body cholesterol. Net transfer
pathogenic mechanism underlying IBD, but various host and environ- of cholesterol from the periphery into the central nervous system (CNS)
mental triggers can dysregulate the mucosal immune response to gut is restricted as the blood-brain barrier (BBB) limits the movement of
microbiota, fuelling disease development [331,332]. The absence of a plasma lipoproteins into the brain [342]. Here we will describe the
specific trigger makes research into IBD complex and careful elucidation role of HDL on two main neurodegenerative disorders, Alzheimer's dis-
of a wide array of causal contributors is essential. ease (AD) which is the leading cause of senile dementia and Parkinson's
disease (PD) which mainly affects movement and is characterized by Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. tremors.
In a mouse model of colitis, apoA-I and HDL suppresses intestinal in-
flammation. This is exemplified in apoA-I-deficient mice with increased 4.4.1. Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of neurological disease
mucosal damage coinciding with increased intestinal MPO activity and For AD, several studies have demonstrated a clear negative associa-
TNF expression [333]. In line with this, mice overexpressing human tion between plasma HDL-C levels and risk of AD. For example, a small
apoA-I showed less severe symptoms in the same colitis model. HDL- prospective cohort study of 1,130 individuals in Manhattan revealed
induced autophagy that inhibits cytokine expression could be a plausi- that high HDL-C levels are associated with a decreased risk of AD
ble mechanism underlying these effects [333]. Similar trends have also [343]. In line with this, a study of Japanese-American men indicated
been observed in patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis that the levels of apoA-I and HDL-C were inversely associated with the
in whom total cholesterol and HDL-C levels were significantly lower, risk of AD and dementia [344]. In AD patients without dementia, this
while LDL-C was elevated, compared to controls [334]. Further beneficial effect of HDL-C has also been observed, as high HDL-C levels
supporting a role for HDL-C in IBD is the observation that in The Copen- correlate with an improved verbal memory [345]. Furthermore, another
hagen General Population Study and the Copenhagen City Heart Study study with subjects from the Sydney Memory and Aging Study (MAS)
the hazard ratio for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is 3.22 and stated that elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment had
1.94, respectively, when comparing low vs. high HDL cholesterol levels lower levels of apoA-I and apoH and higher levels of apoJ. Interestingly,
[296]. Interestingly, low HDL-C levels in childhood seem to prime these among the apolipoproteins, apoA-I was the most significant predictor of
individuals for IBD. In a Finnish study low HDL-C was inversely corre- cognitive decline [346], highlighting the importance of HDL composi-
lated with IBD after 34 years of follow-up [335], stressing the need for tion in AD. Although these studies demonstrate clear associations,
preventive measures. they were undertaken in small cohorts so some caution is warranted
Crohn's disease is also associated with accelerated atherosclerosis. In in interpretation and larger studies would be needed to confirm these
a small cohort of 60 Crohn's disease patients and 122 matching controls, results.
carotid intimal-medial thickness, which is indicative of accelerated ath- Recently, two large genome-wide meta-analyses of AD found that li-
erosclerosis, was significantly increased [336]. HDL may have played a poprotein metabolism and genes that encode for HDL biogenesis/
S. Nazir, V. Jankowski, G. Bender et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020) 94–119
metabolism and HDL apolipoproteins, such as APOE, ABCA1, APOC1, increased risk for CKD. Two other recent studies confirmed this U-
APOM, APOA2, PON1, CLU, LCAT, CETP, and APOA-I [347,348], suggesting shaped association between HDL-C levels and CKD and also demon-
that besides HDL-C levels HDL composition also plays an important strated that a similar association exists between HDL-C and the risk
role in AD. This was confirmed in a recent prospective case-cohort study for total and CVD-related mortality [365,366].
of older adults with dementia. Higher levels of apoE in HDL were asso- However, a Mendelian randomization study that investigated 68
ciated with lower dementia risk, but only when HDL did not contain SNPs that are associated with HDL-C did not show any association
apoC-III [349]. Likewise, higher levels of apoE in whole plasma and in with kidney function [367]. This suggests that HDL-C is likely not the
HDL were linked to better cognitive function on the Alzheimer's Disease most important determinant of kidney function, but do not exclude
Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog) [350]. Combined, the possibility that HDL composition and function might be involved.
these studies clearly show that HDL-C, but especially HDL composition Indeed, the HDL in hemodialysis patients has increased SAA, surfac-
are associated with AD. Further studies are needed to elucidate the un- tant protein B, albumin and apoC-III levels [368,369]. The enrichment of
derlying mechanisms of these effects and to determine whether these HDL with SAA and surfactant protein B is associated with cardiac events
effects play a causal role or a consequence of disease state. and all-cause mortality, independent of HDL-C [369]. Impaired cholesterol
Several studies have shown that apoA-I levels were significantly de- efflux capacity of HDL from hemodialysis patients and a more pro-
creased in the cerebral spinal fluid and in plasma of patients with PD, inflammatory macrophage response to patient HDL has also been de-
particularly in the early stage of disease development suggesting scribed [370]. Further supporting the fact that HDL functionality is im-
apoA-I may be a suitable biomarker for PD [351,352]. Supporting the no- paired in CKD is the observation that HDL isolated from CKD patients
tion that HDL composition also plays a role in PD it has been shown that contain high levels of symmetric dimethylarginine and reduce the pro-
the activity of plasma PON1 decreases in PD patients [353]. Several stud- duction of nitric oxide in endothelial cells [371]. Such abnormal HDL func-
ies have also reported that individuals with polymorphisms in the PON1 tion in CKD patients is also a plausible explanation for the observation that
gene that are associated with decreased enzyme activity, have an in- eGFR modifies the association between HDL-C and CVD risk [372]. Further
creased risk of developing PD [354,355]. Although a causal role for supporting a role for HDL composition in CKD is the observation that
apoA-I or HDL in PD remains to be elucidated, these associations indi- APOL1 variants have been associated with an increased CKD risk in
cate that there is an important link in which HDL composition could African Americans and Hispanics [373]. Additionally, acquired LCAT defi-
be an important determinant. ciency is a major cause of low plasma HDL levels in patients with CKD
[374]. In patients from the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health
4.4.2. Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in neurological disease study, participants with normal kidney function (eGFR>90 ml/ml/
Although HDL-based therapeutic strategies have not been tested for 1.73m2) showed a clear inverse association between HDL-C and CVD-
AD in clinical trials, numerous pre-clinical studies have been performed related mortality [372]. However, in patients with mild or advanced re-
in mouse models of AD. For example, in a mouse model of AD, genetic duced kidney function, higher HDL-C was no longer associated with re-
overexpression of human apoA-I that increases plasma HDL levels pre- duced CVD risk. The role of HDL in CKD has recently been reviewed in
vents the development of age-related cognitive deficits [356]. Further- [375]. All in all, there are strong indications that HDL composition and
more, intravenous administration of rHDL reduced soluble brain function is a more important predictor of CKD than HDL-C.
amyloid beta (Aβ) levels, microgliosis and memory deficits in mice
[357,358]. Though these studies show potential beneficial effects of 4.5.2. Clinical potential of apoA-I and HDL in chronic kidney disease
HDL treatment, further studies are needed to confirm and validate HDL is clearly associated with CKD and CKD-related CVD risk. Though
these results in clinical settings. it seems clear that CKD influences HDL-C and HDL function, it remains to
Niacin is another promising way to influence AD. In a cohort study be determined whether there is a causal role for HDL in CKD development
dietary intake of niacin reduced the risk of AD and cognitive decline and progression. At this point, studies that address this question are still
[359], though these studies lacked direct measurement of blood niacin missing and should be a focus point for future research. Based on the de-
levels. Niacin could also play a beneficial role in PD, which is character- scribed associations, it seems that efforts should be put into the elucida-
ized by neuroinflammation [360]. Niacin has a high affinity for the tion of the role of HDL function in this context and approaches that
hydrocarboxylic acid receptor 2 (HCAR2 or GPR109A) [361] which is have the potential to modify HDL composition and thereby function.
highly expressed on macrophages, through which niacin can induce
anti-inflammatory responses. In a clinical trial it was confirmed that 4.6. Other diseases
low doses of niacin in PD patients induced a shift in macrophage polar-
ization, from the pro-inflammatory M1 towards the anti-inflammatory Many other diseases are associated with changed HDL levels and
M2 phenotype in a HCAR2 dependent manner [362], clearly demon- composition. Although indications for a causal role of HDL in these pa-
strating the potential of niacin treatment in this neuropathology. thologies is still missing, it has become clear that HDL composition
and function is changed during disease development. For example, de-
4.5. Chronic kidney disease creased HDL-C levels have been observed in patients with Sjögren's syn-
drome, Kawasaki disease, and ankylosing spondylitis [376–378].
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) describes the gradual loss of kidney Furthermore, a recently conducted meta-analysis suggested abnormal-
function. Early stages of CKD has few symptoms and is often unrecog- ities in serum lipid levels in patients with periodontal disease (PD), in-
nized. However, in more advanced stages accumulation of dangerous cluding reduced HDL levels and elevated LDL levels [379]. These
levels of fluid, electrolytes and waste products can cause serious compli- patients also show a clear increased risk for the development of CVD,
cations and increase the risk of kidney failure, CVD and death. in particular atherosclerosis [380]. Another study, demonstrated that
in Behçet's disease patients, HDL concentrations are decreased, and
4.5.1. Effects of HDL on the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease there is a shift in HDL subpopulation distribution from HDL2 to HDL3
Mildly impaired estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is asso- [381]. The potential causal role of HDL in these diseases as well as the
ciated with low HDL-C levels [363]. A recent longitudinal cohort study in therapeutic potential of HDL-targeting remains to be determined.
almost 2 million participants demonstrated that individuals with low
HDL-C levels had a higher risk for CKD development and progression 5. Discussion and conclusions
[364]. Interestingly, similar to the described U-shape association be-
tween HDL-C and infectious diseases, a similar shaped association exists HDL has already long been known as a key player in the lipid metab-
between HDL-C and CKD as participants with high HDL-C levels had an olism. Over the past decades it has become clear that HDL has diverse
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