Te ch22
Te ch22
Te ch22
Chapter Introduction
■■ Review the TE Wrap for features such as Activate Prior Knowledge, Addressing Misconceptions, and
Teach from Visuals.
Additional online resources available for this chapter include Biology Video Clips, Interactive Whiteboard
resources, and Visual Concepts.
Teaching Visuals Flower Anatomy (Fig. 2.1) ■■ QuickLab A Closer Look at Flowers
PowerPresentation and Notes 22.2
Textbook Seed Dispersal and Germination Seed Germination
■■ ■■
■■ Pre-AP Activity Seed Dispersal and Germination, Early PowerPresentations and PowerNotes ■ ■
Research in Phototropism
QuickLabs ■ ■ ■
■■ The Inside Story and Take It Further (TE Wrap)
WebLinks Teaching Visuals ■ ■
Visual Concepts ■ ■
Interactive Reader ■ ■ ■
Interactive Review ■ ■
Study Guide B ■ ■
■■ Diagnostic Test (English and Spanish)
■■ Section Quizzes (English and Spanish) Virtual Investigations ■ ■
22 22 Plant Growth,
. Focus and Motivate and Response
How does a mothlike 22.1 Plant Life Cycles
appearance help this plant?
22.2 Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Have students brainstorm possible
reasons that orchids might benefit from
looking like moths. Sample Answer: 22.3 Seed Dispersal and Germination
They attract real moths, which act as
pollinators. Explain that many flowers Data Analysis
that look like insects also give off IDENTIFYING EXPERIMENTAL
chemicals that attract male and female DESIGN FLAWS
insects. Ask
• How would looking like a moth and
22.4 Asexual Reproduction
having an attractive scent increase
the likelihood of pollination? Moths 22.5 Plant Hormones and Responses
that cannot see the flower may still
be drawn to it.
• What reward might the moth get
by visiting the flower? food in the
form of nectar, or another moth to ONLINE BIOLOGY
mate with HMDScience.com
Biozine ■ QuickLab A Closer Look at Flowers
■ Seed Germination
■ Investigating Plant Hormones
Students can access BioZine at ■ Fruit Dissection
HMDScience.com to check the ■ Cotyledon Removal in Peanut Seeds
daily news feeds. ■ Plant Propagation and Asexual Reproduction
The critical material of the chapter is
found in Sections 1, 2, and 3, which Genetically Modified Foods—Do Potential
cover plant life cycles, reproduction in Problems Outweigh Benefits? Catch the
flowering plants, and seed dispersal and latest headlines about plants, including
germination. Section 4 covers asexual stories about genetically modified foods.
reproduction in plants, which is a
common method of propagating plants.
Section 5 contains more detailed
information about plant hormones and Teacher Demo
620 Unit 7: Plants
how plants are able to respond to their
Eye Opener Show students how the
Untitled-311 620
Demonstrate 5/20/2011 9:19:34 AM
gamete-producing plants and spore- • Show students live specimens or models of
producing plants vary in size in different examples of the major plant groups.
major groups of plants. • Tell students that both phases of the plant
Materials life cycle—a gamete-producing plant and a
• live specimens or models of a moss with spore-producing plant—can be seen in the
sporophytes, a fern, and a flowering plant moss specimens. Have students speculate
• prepared slides or photomicrographs of the about which structures represent the
sporophytes and gametophytes of a moss, a different phases of the plant life cycle.
fern, and a flowering plant • Show students prepared slides or photomi-
• projector crographs of the gametophytes and sporo-
phytes of the three plant types.
620 Unit 7: Plants
Activate Prior
Q How does a Knowledge
Direct students’ attention to the
mothlike chapter title. Ask, What are some of the
reproductive structures of plants that
appearance you can find in a garden, on trees,
floating in the breeze, or lying on the
help this plant? ground? flowers, cones, seeds, pollen,
spores What are some examples of how
Some pollinators are attracted to
plants respond to stimuli? Sample
flowers that mimic insects. This Answer: bending or growing toward
orchid belongs to a genus com- light, wilting when dry, leaves changing
monly called “moth orchids.” color in fall
Moths may be drawn to this flower
and be dusted with pollen grains.
The pollen now has a free ticket to
the next flower on the moth’s Preview Vocabulary
route. When pollen comes into Greek and Latin Word Origins Tell
contact with the female parts of students that they will see the suffix
another flower, the reproductive -phyte, from the Greek root meaning “to
cycle begins. make grow,” used to describe parts of a
plant life cycle. The root is sometimes
translated as “plant” but in this case it
can describe just a portion of a plant.
Most important is that students
recognize that the terms sporophyte
and gametophyte apply to the plant or
structure that produces its namesake. A
sporophyte produces spores (diploid to
haploid) and a gametophyte produces
gametes (haploid to diploid).
Academic Vocabulary The verb
generation refers to the process of
reproduction, or producing offspring. In
plant biology, alternation of generations
refers to a life cycle in which a stage that
produces reproductive cells by meiosis
RE ADING TOOLBOX This reading tool can help you learn the material in the following pages.
alternates with a stage that produces
USING LANGUAGE YOUR TURN reproductive cells by mitosis.
Describing Space Understanding plant processes Use spatial language to describe the following processes. You might want to point out the
involves understanding what’s happening inside the plant. 1. A train follows a path over the mountains. difference in meaning between alter-
When you read about transport within the plant, look for 2. Nutrients are transported through a plant. nate and alternative.
words such as up and down that indicate where things are alternate (v.), to proceed or act by
moving. This kind of language is called spatial language turns
because it describes how things are moving through space.
alternate (n.), a substitute or one who
acts in place of another
Chapter 22: Plant Growth, Reproduction, and Response 621 alternative, the choice between two
mutually exclusive possibilities
Discuss Point out the location of the gamete- • Explain that the fronds of a fern are part of a
M Untitled-311 621 5/20/2011 9:19:37 AM
producing generation and the spore-producing spore-producing plant in the fern life cycle
generation of each plant specimen. and that this plant grew from a flat gamete-
• Help students recognize that the gamete- producing plant smaller than a fingernail. Answers
producing moss plant and the spore-produc- • Explain that the body of the flowering plant is 1. A train moves upward on a path on
ing moss plant are both readily visible, but that the spore-producing plant in its life cycle and one side of a mountain, then moves
the “leafy” gamete-producing moss is the that the spores produced by the plant are not downward on the other side.
most familiar, most often seen, and largest released.
form of a moss. 2. Mineral nutrients move up from a
Ask, Which phase of the flowering plant life plant’s roots to its leaves.
cycle is microscopic? the gamete-producing
Chapter 22: Plant Growth,
Reproduction, and Response 621
22.1 Plant Life Cycles
. Plan and Prepare
KEY CONCEPT All plants alternate between two phases in their
life cycles.
Objectives alternation of generations
sporophyte MAIN IDEAS
• Summarize alternation of genera- gametophyte Plant life cycles alternate between producing spores and gametes.
tions in plants.
Life cycle phases look different among various plant groups.
• Compare and contrast the life cycles
of mosses, ferns, and conifers.
Connect to Your World
Section Resources > The moth orchid flower mimics the shape of its pollinators, which are attracted to
what they think is a potential mate. Pollination is a part of sexual reproduction in
Online Student Resources seed plants. But how do seedless plants, such as moss, reproduce? And what are the
Study Guide (English and Spanish) common features of all plant life cycles?
Reinforcement Worksheet
Section Self-Check Plant life cycles alternate between producing
Interactive Reader spores and gametes.
Online Teacher Resources Recall that animals produce gametes—sperm and eggs—through meiosis.
When a sperm fertilizes an egg, a new diploid organism is produced. Plants
also produce gametes, but their reproductive cycle includes a few extra steps.
Teacher Toolkit Plants complete their life cycle by alternating between two phases. Together,
these phases allow plants to reproduce sexually and disperse to new areas. One
Activate Prior Knowledge Review the phase involves a diploid plant body that produces spores. Remember, diploid
concept of a life cycle. Ask cells have two copies of each chromosome (2n). The other
FIGURE 1.1 ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS phase involves a haploid plant body that produces gametes.
• What is a cycle? a repeating series of
Haploid cells have one copy of each chromosome (1n).
events Plant life cycles alternate between a sporophyte phase,
which produces spores, and a gametophyte stage, which This type of life cycle, which alternates between diploid
• What are the stages in the cycle of produces gametes. and haploid phases, is called alternation of generations.
human life? conception, birth, sporophyte As shown in FIGURE 1.1, the diploid phase of a plant life
infancy, childhood, adolescence, (2n)
cycle begins with a fertilized egg, called a zygote. A zygote
adulthood, reproduction divides by mitosis and grows into a mature sporophyte
Tell students that in order for a plant to zygote (SPAWR-uh-fyt), or spore-producing plant. A mature
reach the stage at which it can produce (2n) sporophyte has specialized cells that divide by meiosis to
gametes, it must first go through PHASE produce haploid spores. Recall that cell division by meiosis
another stage. reduces the number of chromosomes in a cell by one-half.
GAMETOPHYTE meiosis A spore marks the beginning of the haploid phase of
PHASE the plant life cycle. A spore divides by mitosis and grows
. Teach
gametes into a mature gametophyte (guh-MEE-tuh-fyt), or
spores (1n) gamete-producing plant. Specialized parts of a mature
gametophyte produce gametes—sperm and eggs—through
TEACH FROM VISUALS mitosis. When a sperm meets an egg, fertilization takes
gametophyte (1n) place, and the cycle continues with a new sporophyte.
FIGURE 1.1 Use the illustration to A Analyze Why must gametophyte cells divide by mitosis?
review mitosis, meiosis, diploid (2n),
haploid (1n), spores, gametes, fertiliza-
tion, and zygote. Differentiated Instruction
622 Unit 7: Plants
Answers ENGLISH LEARNERS After students read the section, have them
Untitled-338 622
Have pairs of students first outline the flesh out the corresponding parts of the 5/20/2011 11:08:09 AM
A Analyze Gametophyte cells must
chapter using the standard format, except outline. For example, under 1. Life Cycle of
divide by mitosis because they have
change the chapter title into a complete Nonvascular Plants: Moss, they might list
only one copy of each chromosome.
sentence: “Plants Grow, Reproduce, and these key ideas:
Respond.” a. Nonvascular plants, such as mosses, are the
• Use Roman numerals to list the Key Con- only plants in which the gametophyte phase
cepts of the sections. is dominant.
• Use capital letters for subsections, marked b. A moss gametophyte produces gametes in
as Main Ideas. special reproductive structures.
• Use Arabic numerals for key ideas in each Have students use bullets for key vocabulary.
part, identified by large black lettering. Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Outline
622 Unit 7: Plants
Life cycle phases look different among various Take It Further
plant groups. Plants’ gametes result from mitosis
in structures called gametangia.
Different plant groups each have their own version of alternation of genera- R E A D I N G TO O L B OX Nonvascular plants produce two kinds
tions. The sporophyte and gametophyte generations look different for non- of gametangia:
vascular plants, seedless vascular plants, and seed plants. TAKING NOTES
Use combination notes to • vase-shaped archegonia produce
Life Cycle of Nonvascular Plants: Moss summarize the life cycles of eggs
nonvascular, seedless vascular,
Nonvascular plants are the only plants in which the gametophyte phase is and seed plants. • club-shaped antheridia produce
dominant. In other words, the green, carpetlike plants that you might recog- type of plant life cycle
nize as moss are gametophytes. If you look very closely, sometimes you can A sperm from an antheridium swims
see the moss sporophytes. Moss sporophytes are stalklike structures that grow through water to reach an egg in an
up from the gametophyte. As you can see in FIGURE 1.2, the moss sporophyte archegonium. The zygote that results
looks like a brown stem topped with a tiny cup called a capsule. from fertilization in an archegonium
The capsule at the tip of the moss sporophyte contains spore-producing develops into a new sporophyte, which
sacs called sporangia. When the spores are mature, the capsule opens and sprouts from the leafy stalk of the
releases them. Spores allow seedless plants to disperse to new areas. If a spore gametophyte.
lands in a favorable spot for growing, it can grow into a gametophyte.
A moss gametophyte produces gametes in special reproductive structures. TEACH FROM VISUALS
Each male structure produces hundreds of sperm with whiplike flagella, and VOCABULARY
each female structure produces a single egg. When water is present, sperm The suffix –phyte comes from
the Greek word phuton, FIGURE 1.2 Point out the gametophyte
swim toward an egg. Once a sperm fertilizes an egg, the sporophyte phase meaning “plant.” (leafy, green) and the sporophyte (stalk
begins once again. and capsule) generations of the moss in
the photos. Ask
• What will happen to the spores
released from the capsule of the
sporophyte (2n)
capsule moss sporophyte? They will grow
into new moss gametophytes.
• What environmental conditions
might be unfavorable for growth of
new gametophytes? lack of moisture
and freezing temperatures, because
spores (1n)
the sperm needs water to swim
though to reach the egg
(bl) ©Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold, Inc.; (br) ©Dwight R. Kuhn
(bl) ©Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold, Inc.; (br) ©Dwight R. Kuhn
gametophyte (1n)
The gametophyte of mosses is the carpet- Spores form inside the capsule. When the
like plant that may be familiar to you. The spores are mature, the capsule opens and LIFE CYCLES
sporophyte grows up from the gametophyte. releases them. Spores can grow into new Refer to the Appendix for
A tiny cup called a capsule forms at the tip gametophytes when the environmental a detailed view of the moss
of each moss sporophyte. conditions are favorable. life cycle.
M Untitled-338 623 5/20/2011 11:08:11 AM
Help students understand that the moss
sporophyte is a separate generation that
grows from the body of a moss gametophyte.
Have students work together to relate the
photographs of FIGURE 1.2 to the diagram of
FIGURE 1.1. Have them address the question
of how the moss sporophyte is connected to
the moss gametophyte.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Think-Pair-Share
(tl) ©Craig Tuttle/Corbis; (inset) ©Wolfgang Kaehler/Corbis; (cl) ©Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers, Inc.
(tl) ©Craig Tuttle/Corbis; (inset) ©Wolfgang Kaehler/Corbis; (cl) ©Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers, Inc.
The sperm from these antheridia can bottom of the prothallus. that develop into male and female gametophytes. Another
reach an egg only by swimming through difference between most seedless plants and seed plants is
water to a nearby archegonium. that the gametophytes of seed plants are microscopic.
CONNECT TO A pine tree is a typical conifer sporophyte. If you look closely at a branch of
a pine tree, you may notice two different types of cones. This is because
Integrating LIFE CYCLES
Refer to the Appendix for cone-bearing plants have male and female cones. Female cones are usually
Evolutionary Biology detailed views of fern and
conifer life cycles.
larger and more scaly than male cones. They live and grow for several years.
Each scale of a female pine cone has two ovules that produce spores. One
Plants that produce two kinds of spores, spore in each ovule can develop into a microscopic female gametophyte, and
and thus two kinds of gametophytes, the rest will die. Male spores are produced inside of male cones, which only
have an evolutionary advantage over the live for a few weeks. Male spores develop into pollen grains, which are the
seedless plants that produce only one very tiny male gametophytes of seed plants.
kind of spore and one kind of gameto- As shown in FIGURE 1.4, male cones release clouds of pollen in the spring.
phyte. First, the sperm, which form from When a pollen grain lands on a female cone, it sticks. Pollination occurs in a
male gametophytes, do not need water cone-bearing plant when a pollen grain reaches the small opening of an ovule.
to reach eggs. Also, the pollen grains can After pollination, eggs are produced inside the ovule and a pollen tube begins
be carried long distances on the wind, to grow from the pollen grain toward an egg. In pine species, it takes a year for
which promotes cross breeding and the pollen tube to reach the egg, which is just millimeters away.
genetic diversity. This is why seed plants
dominate many of Earth’s landscapes.
Differentiated Instruction
624 Unit 7: Plants
the life cycles of the three plant groups areas that stay moist, such as shady forests and
discussed in this section. Have them compare greenhouses—in terrariums made from clear
the sporophyte and gametophyte phases, plastic storage containers with lids. Place the
including which is dominant, the numbers and moss terrariums where they will receive bright
types of spores produced, and how those light. Allow the clumps of moss to dry before
spores function in the life cycle. After students showing them to students. Then have students
have completed their tables, ask questions add water to some of the terrariums. Ask, What
about plant life cycles and have students happens when water comes in contact with the
consult their tables to find the answers. dry mosses? The mosses become bright green
and get larger. Have students keep some of the
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Content Frame mosses moist for several days. Students may be
624 Unit 7: Plants able to observe the growth of sporophytes.
The pine tree is a typical conifer sporophyte.
Male and female gametophytes are produced FIGURE 1.4 Lead students through each
on separate male and female pine cones. sporophyte (2n) part of the conifer life cycle, starting
male cone
with the pine seed. Ask
A fertilized egg grows into • What stage is the pine seed a part
an embryo while the ovule meiosis
develops into a pine seed. pine seed of? the sporophyte
female cone
Male spores • Where do the spores made by this
interior of meiosis are produced stage form? male and female cones
female scale through
pollen grain Female spores meiosis. • What structure does a spore in a
eggs sperm are produced male cone become? a pollen grain
through meiosis.
ovule ovule • What is the chromosome number of
the male and female gametophytes?
female scale gametophyte (1n) haploid, or 1n
(tr) ©Darrell Gulin/Corbis; (r) ©Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Photo Researchers, Inc; (br) ©Noah Berger/AP Images
(tr) ©Darrell Gulin/Corbis; (r) ©Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Photo Researchers, Inc; (br) ©Noah Berger/AP Images
Two sperm also develop inside the pollen grain during this time. Eventu-
ally, these sperm travel down the pollen tube toward the egg. The sperm of A Contrast Seedless plants disperse
seed plants do not have flagella, since they do not need to swim through water through spores, and seed plants
to reach an egg. One sperm may fertilize an egg, forming a zygote, which will disperse through seeds.
develop into an embryo. Meanwhile, the ovule develops into a protective pine
seed. Each scale of a female pine cone can be home to two developing pine
seeds. Once the seeds are mature, the scales open up and release them. The
life cycle then begins again with a new sporophyte—a pine tree seedling. Assess and Reteach .
A Contrast What is the difference between how seedless plants and seed plants
disperse to new areas? Assess Use the Section Self-Check
or Section Quiz, both available at
Reteach Create a table that compares
HMDScience.com the life cycles of the three plant types
22.1 Formative Assessment PREMIUM CONTENT in this section. Have students use their
own notes to help you fill it in.
22.1 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Chapter 22: Plant Growth, Reproduction, and Response 625
(tl) ©Susumu Nishinaga/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (tr) ©Darwin Dale/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (br) ©Archie Young/Photo Researchers, Inc.
(tl) ©Susumu Nishinaga/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (tr) ©Darwin Dale/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (br) ©Archie Young/Photo Researchers, Inc.
A Summarize One sperm fertilizes the sperm combines with the polar nuclei
egg; the other unites with the polar in the embryo sac. This cell now has a seed coat
nuclei to form the endosperm. triploid (3n) nucleus. It will become
the endosperm, a food supply for the embryo
developing plant embryo. The process
in which one sperm fertilizes an egg
and the other forms a triploid cell is called double fertilization. Double
fertilization only happens in flowering plants and gives them an advantage
over cone-bearing plants. Cone-bearing plants produce a food supply for each
egg before fertilization. However, if the egg of a flowering plant is not fertil-
ized, the plant does not waste energy making an unneeded food supply.
A Summarize What is the function of each sperm during double fertilization?
Differentiated Instruction
628 Unit 7: Plants
processing the information in the text above cells, egg cells, and the polar nuclei. Explain
and relating it to FIGURE 2.3, model how you that each marble or gumdrop carries one set
read and interpret the material for under- of chromosomes. Have students show
standing. You can also have students model pollination, transfer of a pollen grain to a
double fertilization with yarn (or string) and stigma, two sperm moving down the style,
marbles (or gumdrops). one sperm joining the egg to make a diploid
(2n) nucleus, and one sperm joining with the
The yarn or string can be used to form the polar nuclei to make a triploid (3n) nucleus.
outlines of a carpel with an ovule inside.
ovule gametophyte stigma
egg A Critical Viewing The fact that the
stigma extends beyond the anthers
suggests that tomatoes are cross
3 Double fertilization One sperm
polar nuclei fertilizes the egg, which develops
into an embryo. The other sperm
unites with the polar nuclei to form
the endosperm. The outer layer of
the ovule becomes a protective
seed coat.
Just before the stigma of a tomato plant becomes receptive to pollen, the
A CRITICAL style grows so that the stigma is higher than the anthers. What does this
VIEWING suggest about the way in which tomato plants are pollinated?
M Untitled-328 629 5/20/2011 10:27:24 AM
Have students translate FIGURE 2.3 into a
sequence diagram, starting with the male and
female gametophyte production in step 1.
Tell them to label each part of the diagram
with whichever stage, gametophyte or
sporophyte, the life cycle is in.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Sequence
(tl) ©Scott Camazine/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (tc) ©Tonis Valing/ShutterStock; (tr) ©Royalty-Free/Corbis; (br) ©Ingram Publishing/Alamy Images
taining immature seeds. The ripe embryo develops one or two cotyledons, or seed leaves. Recall that monocots
• How do you think the fruit is able to fruit (right) is orange and contains
grow in size? Sugars produced by mature pumpkin seeds. have one cotyledon and dicots have two cotyledons. Cotyledons sometimes
photosynthesis in the leaves and provide nourishment for the new plant before it can begin producing its own
water absorbed from the soil move food through photosynthesis.
through the stems and are stored in While the seed develops, the surrounding ovary grows into a fruit. The
the fruit. development of a pumpkin fruit is shown in FIGURE 2.4. Remember, a fruit is
the mature ovary of a flowering plant. You have probably eaten many fruits,
• How do you know that sugars are
such as apples, watermelons, and cherries. Many foods that you think of as
stored in a fruit such as this pump-
vegetables, grains, nuts, or beans are also technically fruits. Sweet peppers,
kin? It tastes sweet.
tomatoes, and cucumbers are fruits that contain many seeds. The shells of pea-
nuts are also fruit, while the two peanut
“halves” inside the shell are cotyledons.
Flowering plants that produce many
Answers seeds within one ovary have larger fruit.
A Contrast The seeds of flowering Pumpkin plants produce some of the
plants are enclosed in fruit. largest fruits on record. If you have ever
carved a pumpkin, you have actually
removed the fleshy part of the mature
ovary that surrounds hundreds of pumpkin
. Assess and Reteach seeds. As you will learn in the next section, a
fruit aids in the dispersal of seeds to new areas.
A seed has the ability to grow into a mature
Assess Use the Section Self-Check flowering plant.
or Section Quiz, both available at A Contrast What is the major difference between seeds of
HMDScience.com. flowering plants and seeds of cone-bearing plants?
Reteach Have students come to the
board and, person by person, contribute
to a drawing of how a flowering plant SELF-CHECK Online
goes through a complete cycle of
reproduction. 22.2 Formative Assessment PREMIUM CONTENT
1. What are the functions of the four 4. Infer Why do wind-pollinated HISTORY OF LIFE
basic parts found in most flowers? plant species generally produce 6. Would brightly colored
2. How does pollination occur in more pollen than animal-pollinated flowers and sweet, juicy
flowering plants? species? fruits have been as beneficial
5. Analyze In flowering plants, which to the earliest land plants as
3. What is double fertilization?
cells divide by meiosis to produce they are to modern flower-
male and female spores? ing plants? Explain.
1. Sepals protect the developing flower, 3. Double fertilization is a process that occurs 5. Cells in the anthers divide by meiosis to
petals attract pollinators, stamens have the
Untitled-328 630 in flowering plants in which one sperm produce male spores; one cell in each ovule5/20/2011 10:27:27 AM
male reproductive organs, and carpels have fertilizes an egg and another combines divides by meiosis to produce female
the female organs. with the polar nuclei to form the spores.
2. Wind or animals transfer pollen to a endosperm, which nourishes the 6. No, because at the time of the earliest
flower’s stigma. developing embryo. flowering plants, there were far fewer
4. Wind pollination is less targeted and animal species; therefore, there would have
efficient than pollination by animals. By been few animal pollinators. Brightly
producing a lot of pollen, wind-pollinated colored flowers and edible fruits would not
plants improve their odds of pollination. be advantageous to plants.
comes from the Latin verb nutritious offerings. When an animal eats the fruit, it digests the flesh. But the plant disperse its seeds. Ask
spargere, which means “to
scatter.” seeds, covered with a tough protective coat, pass through. Eventually, the • Which of the fruits shown in
animal eliminates the seeds from its digestive tract, along with a supply of FIGURE 3.1 would not travel far in a
FIGURE 3.1 Fruits can take fecal fertilizer that serves as a sprouting ground for the seedling. Some plants dense forest? Cypselae probably
many forms, including burrs, have fruits that can hitchhike a ride with an animal that is passing by. Burrs,
parachute-like structures such as would not get very far because they
cypselae, and winglike structures
for example, can cling to a passing animal and fall off later in a new area. would land on trees soon after
such as samaras. Seeds dispersed by wind often have fruits that act like parachutes or wings. taking flight; wind would be limited.
Each clump of cotton from a cottonwood tree is actually a fruit with a seed
• What kind of habitat do you think
attached. Some plants that grow near water produce fruits that float. Coconuts
Burrs plants with cypselae are best
can travel thousands of miles across oceans and arrive on different islands.
adapted to? open fields, prairies,
A Analyze Why is it important for a fruit to ripen when its seeds are mature? meadows
Teach .
A Analyze If fruit is not ripe when
seeds are mature, then animals are less
Differentiated Instruction Chapter 22: Plant Growth, Reproduction, and Response 631
likely to eat them and disperse the
seeds. If fruit ripens before the seeds
ENGLISH LEARNERS PRE-AP mature, the animal may disperse the
Untitled-335 631
Have groups of three or four students create Tell students that a new island has formed
5/20/2011 11:00:42 AM
seeds before they are able to withstand
a sequence diagram titled “How Seeds near an underwater volcanic eruption. It has a exposure to various conditions of the
Germinate.” Provide some of the events: long, flat shoreline sloping upward to the rim environment.
• A parent plant releases seeds. of a crater, which eventually becomes
dormant and cool. Have students spend five
• The seeds may lie dormant for a time. minutes writing about how plants from
• Water activates enzymes inside the seed. nearby islands might colonize this new island.
• Leaves develop and begin to make food for How might seeds arrive on the island? How
the seedling through photosynthesis. might they reach the inside of the crater?
When might animals arrive?
Tell students to fill in the gaps in the diagram.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Quick-Write Chapter 22: Plant Growth,
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Sequence Diagram
Reproduction, and Response 631
Recall that a good experimental design is necessary to obtain valid
results. In the experiment described below, a group of students
D ATA A N A LY S I S collected data about the effect of water on germination.
Discuss • The pots were placed close to a window, as shown at the right.
• Pot A was given 200 mL of water each day, Pot B was given
If students have difficulty identifying 100 mL of water each day, and Pot C was given no water.
This watering pattern was continued for one full week.
design flaws in the Data Analysis activity,
• Every day, students recorded the seeds’ progress.
have them list all the variables in the
• The students made conclusions about the amount of
experiment. Ask water that is best for radish seed germination.
• How many independent variables
should a scientific experiment have? 1. Analyze Which parts of the experimental design are flawed?
one 2. Design How would you change the experimental design to collect valid results?
• What are the two possible indepen-
dent variables in this experiment?
amounts of water and sunlight Point MAIN IDEA
out that because of the way the
pots are lined up, it is likely that Pot Seeds begin to grow when environmental
C will get the least amount of conditions are favorable.
sunlight, Pot B the second least, and
Pot A the most. After a parent plant releases seeds, it may be days, months, or years until the
seeds begin to grow into new plants. In fact, scientists recently found a
• What other factors have not been 2000-year-old seed from a now-extinct species of date palm tree in Israel.
controlled? In addition to distance After they placed it in the conditions the tree needs to grow, the seed sprouted.
from the window, the variety of How can the living embryo inside a seed last years without food or water?
radish seeds used and the depth at
which they are planted have not Dormancy
been defined. For 2000 years, the embryo inside the date palm seed was in a state of
dormancy. When a seed is dormant, the embryo has stopped growing. For
Answers some plant species, proper temperature, moisture, oxygen, and light levels are
enough to end dormancy.
1. The distances between the pots and
Other plant species have seeds that stay dormant even during good grow-
the window are different. This means
ing conditions. For example, strawberry seeds remain dormant until their seed
that each set of seeds may receive a
coats are weakened in the digestive tract of an animal. This way, the seeds are
different amount of sunlight, which
not only carried far from the parent plant but they are also deposited with
adds another variable to the experi- their own batch of fertilizer. Other seeds have waterproof seed coats that can
ment. If germination data differ only be cracked by winter ice. Then, in the spring, the embryo can begin to
between the pots, students will have grow with less chance of freezing than if it had begun to grow in the fall.
no way of knowing if these differ-
Seed dormancy allows the next generation of plants to grow under favor-
ences are due to the variable they
able conditions. Inside the seed coat, an embryo can withstand extremes that
were trying to test (water) or the
would kill a young seedling. Gardeners contend with seed dormancy all the
different levels of exposure to
time. When soil is turned over before planting a garden, fresh air and sunlight
sunlight. Also, two radish seeds per
can cause the buried seeds of unexpected plants to come out of dormancy.
pot is a very small sample size, and
students should plant all seeds at the
same depth in the soil.
632 Differentiated
Unit 7: Plants Instruction
2. Line up the pots so that each is
equally close to the window (light
TEACH WITH TECHNOLOGY • Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), a
Untitled-335 632
Create a digital slide show of seed dispersers. small rodent that feeds on and disperses 5/20/2011 11:00:44 AM
source). Increase the sample size to various nuts and acorns of North American
five or ten seeds per pot. Include dispersers from different classes and
environments, such as the following: forests
Online Student Resources, Data • flying fox (Pteropus spp.), also known as a
• pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus), a
Analysis Practice fruit bat; this flying mammal disperses seeds
bird of the southwest United States that
feeds on and disperses pinyon pine seeds, and also acts as a pollinator
which we know as pine nuts and pignoles
• tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), a
large fish of the Amazon and Orinoco river
basins that disperses rain forest tree seeds
Many types of seeds begin to grow when there are certain changes in tempera- Take It Further
ture, moisture, or light levels. During germination, the embryo breaks out of the In the wild, seed dormancy is usually
seed coat and begins to grow into a seedling, as shown in FIGURE 3.2. Germina- overcome as a seed spends time in the
tion begins when the embryo starts to take up water. Water causes the seed to CONNECT TO
ground through the winter, and frost
swell and crack the seed coat. As the embryo grows, the embryonic root, called ENZYMES and weathering action soften the hard
a radicle, breaks through the cracks. Water also activates enzymes inside the Recall from Chemistry of Life seed coat. Then the embryo is able to
seed. Recall that enzymes are proteins that need specific conditions to speed that enzymes are catalysts for
take up water, which allows it to grow
chemical reactions in living
(tl), (tcl), (tcr), (tr) ©Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.
(tl), (tcl), (tcr), (tr) ©Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.
22.3 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Chapter 22: Plant Growth, Reproduction, and Response 633
tions that a seedling would not be able to air cavities. If these seeds fell into water
withstand, such as freezing temperatures. and the air cavities allowed them to float,
the water may have dispersed the seeds
3. Enzymes inside a seed help to break down into new areas, enabling these plants to
material in the endosperm into sugars. get established and increase in number.
These sugars are used by the growing
4. A developing seedling needs water to
grow. If the seed coat cracks during dry
conditions, the seedling may not survive.
Overview Students will examine and
represent the external and internal
structure of a fruit. They will
• dissect a pea pod and one of its peas
• draw and label the parts of the pea
pod and pea
Seed Germination
Time 30 minutes
Purpose Observe how irradiating radish
seeds affects their germination
Overview Students will germinate
irradiated and nonirradiated radish seeds.
They will
• observe the seeds each day and record VIRTUAL Lab
any changes in each seed BIOLOGY
• measure the size of seedling structures Plant Responses Test for Exploring Plant Responses Went’s Experiment
after 5 days plant responses to different
Explore how plants can react to light, Learn how Frits Went
• compare the germination rate of stimuli in this interactive demonstrated that a
gravity, and touch.
irradiated and nonirradiated seeds and investigation. chemical found in plant
their seedling structures shoot tips influences the
direction of growth of
the shoot.
Monocot and Dicot Seed
Structure (Challenge Lab) 634 Unit 7: Plants
Time 50 minutes
Purpose Investigate the internal and
external differences in monocot and Untitled-329 634 5/20/2011 10:29:23 AM
dicot anatomy
Overview Students will observe and
illustrate sample monocot and dicot
Plant Propagation and
Asexual Reproduction
(Biotechnology Lab)
Time 60 to 90 minutes on Day 1;
elapsed time of up to several weeks for
growing of new plants
Purpose Design an experiment to
determine how various environmental
conditions affect the vegetative
propagation of plants.
Reinforcement Worksheet MAIN IDEA
Section Self-Check Plants can reproduce asexually with stems,
Interactive Reader leaves, or roots.
Online Teacher Resources CONNECT TO A combination of sexual and asexual reproduction helps plants to populate a
PowerPresentation ASEXUAL variety of environments. Sexual reproduction gives rise to genetic diversity,
Teacher Toolkit REPRODUCTION which allows a population to adapt to changing conditions. Asexual reproduc-
Recall from Cell Growth and tion allows a well-adapted plant to make many copies of itself. Most plants
Division that asexual reproduction have a way of cloning themselves through asexual reproduction.
Activate Prior Knowledge Have is the production of offspring from
students share experiences they have a single parent. These offspring are Plants that can grow a new individual from a fragment of a stem, leaf, or
had with growing plants from bulbs or produced through mitosis and are root are reproducing by regeneration. For example, the prickly pear cactus
genetically identical to the parent. shown in FIGURE 4.1 has a jointed stem that looks like teardrop-shaped pads
pieces of tubers. Ask, What plants have
stuck together. If one of these “pads” falls off, it can take root and a new plant
you observed growing from parts other
will grow.
than seeds? Sample Answer: potato
plants sprouting from a potato’s eye; Vegetative reproduction is a type of asexual reproduction in which stems,
FIGURE 4.1 The jointed stem of leaves, or roots attached to the parent plant produce new individuals. One
plantlets on a kalanchoe; runners in lawn this prickly pear cactus is made of
grass, strawberries, or mint stunning example of vegetative reproduction is a forest of aspen trees in Utah
teardrop-shaped pads. A pad that
falls to the ground can grow into a that would almost cover 100 football fields. The forest is actually 47,000 trunks
full-size plant. growing from the roots of one parent plant.
Many plants have structures that are specifically adapted for
. Teach vegetative reproduction.
• Stolons Some plants send out stems that grow horizontally along
the ground. These stems are called runners, or stolons. At certain
Science Trivia points on a stolon, roots and leaves are produced, and a new plant
can grow. Strawberries reproduce almost exclusively in this way.
• The world’s smallest flowering plant,
Wolffia microscopica, is also one of • Rhizomes Other plants, such as irises, can reproduce using
©Joseph Sohm/Corbis
©Joseph Sohm/Corbis
the fastest reproducers. It can horizontal underground stems called rhizomes. New plants grow
reproduce itself vegetatively by from buds in the rhizome’s joints, even if separated from the
parent plant.
budding every 30 hours.
• One of the oldest living things in
the United States also owes its Differentiated
636 Unit 7: Plants Instruction
record-making existence to vegeta-
tive reproduction. A Mojave Desert
creosote bush, Larrea tridentata, ENGLISH LEARNERS Have students use the chart as a memory aid.
Untitled-334 636
Have students learn about asexual reproduc- Have them explain what happens in each 5/20/2011 10:57:35 AM
that exists as a ring of shrubs
tion by creating an analogies chart that might case. For example, they can talk about how
15 meters (50 ft) in diameter, is
read like this: strawberries reproduce by sending out long
estimated to have started from
stems that grow along the ground. At certain
a seed that germinated 12,000 Strawberries are to stolons as points on a stolon, roots and leaves are
years ago.
Irises are to rhizomes as produced and a new plant grows. You may
wish to do this as a team competition, in
Potatoes are to tubers as
which you can also ask, “Strawberries are to
Daffodils are to bulbs stolons as irises are to what? Explain.”
Teacher Toolkit, Section D, Analogies
Fruit and nut tree growers usually use trees that have been produced by B Analyze It is faster than growing a
grafting, or joining vegetative structures from two or more plants together. new plant from seed, and you will get a
Grafting involves making an incision in the bark of one tree and attaching to it plant that is identical to the parent.
either a branch or a bud from another tree. Growers can graft a bud from a
tree that produces the desired fruit or nut onto the trunk of a tree that has
other desired qualities, such as disease resistance.
B Analyze What is a benefit of producing houseplants through asexual reproduction? Assess and Reteach .
SELF-CHECK Online Assess Use the Section Self-Check
HMDScience.com or Section Quiz, both available at
22.4 Formative Assessment PREMIUM CONTENT HMDScience.com.
GENETICS a concept map that summarizes asexual
1. How can a combination of sexual and 3. Compare and Contrast What are
the differences and similarities 5. How does the genotype of
reproduction in plants and includes the
asexual reproduction be beneficial for
plant populations? between stolons and rhizomes? an offspring produced terms regeneration, vegetative repro-
4. Infer What is a benefit of using through asexual reproduction duction, propagation, stolons, rhizomes,
2. How do humans use plants’ ability
to reproduce asexually? propagated branches to grow fruits? compare with the parent tubers, bulbs, cuttings, and grafting.
plant’s genotype? Make sure the concept map distin
guishes natural vegetative reproduction
22.4 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Chapter 22: Plant Growth, Reproduction, and Response 637 by plants from vegetative propagation
by humans.
1. Sexual reproduction can lead to genetic 3. Stolons are aboveground stems, and
M Untitled-334 637 variation, which allows populations to rhizomes are underground stems. New5/20/2011 10:57:38 AM
adapt to their environment; asexual plants grow (asexually) from both.
reproduction allows well-adapted individu- 4. Propagated branches can be grown from
als to make many copies of themselves. fruit trees or bushes that produce fruits
2. Humans can graft propagated branches or of known quality with preferred
buds that will yield good fruit to trees that characteristics.
are healthy and already established. A 5. They are identical.
potato can be cut up and replanted to
grow more potatoes. Plants with stolons
can be cut up and replanted elsewhere.
©Richard Cummins/Corbis
©Richard Cummins/Corbis
flowers one time, when the plant
Vocabulary is at least 15 years old. Gibberellins
trigger its flower stalk to shoot up
flowering stalk up to 12 meters (40 ft) tall in a few weeks. Grape growers often
spray their vines with a gibberellin solution, which makes the fruits grow
Greek and Latin Word Origins Tell over the course of a few weeks.
larger and elongates the stems in the bunches, making room for more grapes.
students that hormone comes from the
Greek word hormon, meaning “to urge
on.” In biology, the term hormone refers
to chemicals that stimulate responses in Differentiated
638 Unit 7: Plants Instruction
animals and in plants.
Untitled-333 638 5/20/2011 10:52:44 AM
Do a word splash with the ten new vocabu-
lary words, as well as others from the section
such as secrete, elongate, receptor, dor-
mancy, germination, seedling, cytokinesis,
lateral growth, environmental stimulus,
tendril, shoot, predator, deciduous, chloro-
phyll, and stunt. Write all the words on the
board or on a transparency. Have students
arrange the words into categories and give
reasons for their choices.
Teacher Toolkit, Section D, Word Splash
638 Unit 7: Plants
Put an apple in an airtight container for a day, and it Take It Further
will get soft and start to look rotten. The apple is being Many people know that they can speed
ripened abnormally fast by its own production of up the ripening process of fruits by
ethylene (EHTH-uh-leen), a plant hormone that placing them together in a closed
causes ripening and is naturally produced by fruits. container or bag. With the exception of
Commercial growers can use ethylene to their advan- the banana, it can be very hard to tell if
tage. Fruits such as apples that are shipped long dis- a piece of fruit really is ripe. Millions of
tances must be kept in rooms where the ethylene is pieces of fruit are discarded every year
filtered out, or they may become overripe during the because they turn out to be too ripe by
journey. Some fruits, such as the tomatoes in FIGURE 5.2,
the time someone is ready to buy or eat
are picked before they are ripe. Once they reach their
destination, they are exposed to ethylene gas, which
makes them turn a ripe-tomato red. They may not To reduce this waste, scientists are working
taste so ripe, though, because this artificial ripening on a small, coin-sized sticker that will turn
process does not bring out the same sugars that a from white to blue when the fruit it is
vine-ripened tomato has. placed on has ripened. Such stickers can
be placed on fruit at the point of harvest
Cytokinins or in supermarkets, allowing sellers or
Cytokinins (sy-tuh-KY-nihnz) are plant hormones that buyers to know whether or not a fruit is
stimulate cytokinesis, which is the final stage of cell ready to be eaten.
division. They are produced in growing roots and
developing seeds and fruits. They are also involved in
the growth of side branches. This sideways growth is
called lateral growth. Commercial florists make use of
FIGURE 5.2 Many tomatoes are
another property of cytokinins—they slow the aging
picked before they are ripe and Academic Vocabulary Point out to
process of some plant organs. For example, leaves treated with ethylene before they students that with the words stimulus
dipped in a cytokinin solution stay green much are sold at grocery stores. These
tomatoes may not taste as sweet and response, one word is used to
longer than normal.
as vine-ripened tomatoes. define the other.
Auxins stimulus, an agent, action, or condition
Auxins (AWK-sihnz) are plant hormones involved in the lengthening of plant that elicits an activity or response
cells produced in the apical meristem, or growing tip. Auxins stimulate
response, a reaction to a specific
(tr) ©Stockbyte Platinum/Alamy; (cr) ©Chris Howes/Wild Places Photography/Alamy
(tr) ©Stockbyte Platinum/Alamy; (cr) ©Chris Howes/Wild Places Photography/Alamy
M Untitled-333 639 5/20/2011 10:52:48 AM
Remind students that mnemonic devices, or
memory aids, can help with recall. For
example, to remember the basic kinds of
plant hormones, ask students to come up
with an expression that uses the first letter of
each hormone. Example: Good eating causes
alertness. To help students remember the
functions of each hormone, have them
develop their own mnemonic devices.
Example: If the banana is green, it needs
ethylene; gibberellin is for giants; auxin
activates apical meristems. Chapter 22: Plant Growth,
Reproduction, and Response 639
. Teach continued Plants can respond to light, touch, gravity, and
seasonal changes.
ONLINE Biology If you’ve ever touched a hot pan in the kitchen, you likely responded by
HMDScience.com pulling your hand away quickly. And if you’ve ever been outside on a very hot
summer day, you may have responded by moving to a shady spot. While
Auxins build up on the shaded
Students can explore plant side of plant stems, causing
plants cannot uproot themselves and change locations, they have other ways of
response mechanisms further in these cells to lengthen. The responding to their environment.
the WebQuest and Virtual Lab lengthening of these cells
for this chapter, both available at causes the stem to bend in the Phototropism
direction of the light source. When light hits a plant stem, it causes auxins to build up
on the shaded side. Remember that in a stem, auxins
cause cell elongation. As described earlier, cell lengthen-
ing on the shaded side of a stem causes the stem to bend
History of Science toward the light. This tendency of a plant to grow toward
light is called phototropism. If you grow a plant in a
In 1880, Charles Darwin published The space with only one small light source, that plant will
Power of Movement in Plants. In the lean toward the light through the process of phototro-
book, he described experiments that he pism, as shown in FIGURE 5.3. Let’s say you turn that plant
and his son, Francis Darwin, had around so that it’s pointing away from the light. If you
conducted on plant responses to light. come back in a few days, you will likely find the plant
These are among the earliest known growing in the direction of the light again.
scientific experiments on plant
responses. Almost 50 years later, Fritz Thigmotropism
Went, a graduate student from Holland, Many plants also have a response to touch, called
confirmed the role of auxin in plant thigmotropism. This quality is apparent in climbing
phototropism by performing experi- plants and vines. Tendrils emerge from the leaf base of
ments that were very similar to the these plants and grow in coils around anything they
earlier work of Charles Darwin and FIGURE 5.3 Phototropism is the touch. In these curling “fingers,” contact with an object triggers the same sort
Francis Darwin. process in which plants grow of cell growth that is found with other tropisms. Plants are sensitive to many
toward a light source. Here, the kinds of touchlike stimuli. For example, a plant regularly exposed to winds on
stems and leaves of a houseplant
bend toward a nearby window. a hillside will grow as if it is being pushed in the direction of the wind. Repeat-
edly touching a young plant can even stunt its growth.
Vocabulary Gravitropism
Greek and Latin Word Origins Explain CONNECT TO When a seed germinates underground, the root grows downward into the soil,
that the root word of tropism is trope and the shoot grows upward toward the soil surface. This up-and-down
from the Greek word tropos, meaning PHYSICAL SCIENCE
Recall that gravity is the force growth of a plant is called gravitropism, because the plant is responding to
“turning” or “a turn.” that objects exert on each other Earth’s gravitational pull. Downward growth is positive gravitropism because
phototropism = a turning caused because of their mass. Gravity is the growth is in the direction that gravity pulls. Upward growth is negative
the force responsible for things
by light falling to the ground.
gravitropism because it is growth against the force of gravity.
Auxins play a part in gravitropism, which is more complex than phototro-
which a plant turns in relation to where Tell students to imagine a grove of tall coconut
palm trees on a beach in the Pacific islands. All cyclone season. Students should speculate
the stimulus is located. that leaning away from the wind reduces the
of them are leaning to the west, the direction
in which the prevailing winds are blowing. friction that trees experience in strong winds,
When cyclone season arrives, the trees are still thereby improving their chances of survival.
leaning this way, despite the fact that cyclones The reason a single cyclone will not cause a
tend to come from the west and blow palm’s growth to bend the tree in the other
eastward. After a cyclone, some of the trees direction is that the cyclone event is relatively
have been toppled or stripped of their fronds, brief, whereas the prevailing winds blow for
but those that are still standing are still leaning much of the year.
towards the west. Have students spend five Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Quick-Write
minutes writing about what advantage such
640 Unit 7: Plants
Rapid Responses
Some plants have very rapid responses that do not involve TEACH FROM VISUALS
growth. These rapid responses are often adaptations that help
FIGURE 5.4 Rapid movements of plants
to protect plants from predators. For example, the mimosa, or
that are based on changes in cell turgor
sensitive plant, quickly folds its leaves together a few seconds
pressure are called nastic movements.
after being touched. A few plants are quick enough to capture
insects for a meal. The Venus flytrap shown in FIGURE 5.4 can
Such movements occur in response to
close its leaves on an unsuspecting insect in less than a second.
stimuli, but, in contrast to tropisms, the
Scientists recently discovered that when the leaves are touched, response is unrelated to the direction
water rushes to the cells at their bases, changing their curvature from which the stimulus comes.
and snapping the trap shut.
What triggers a shrub to flower or a tree to drop its leaves? Take It Further
Plants take signals from the changing lengths of day and FIGURE 5.4 When the leaves of a
Another kind of tropism exhibited by
night throughout the year, in a response called photoperiodism. Some plants Venus flytrap are touched, water some species in the plant kingdom is
keep very accurate clocks when it comes to the amount of daylight or darkness rushes to the cells of the leaf heliotropism, or turning in response to
bases, causing the leaves to rapidly
in a 24-hour period. In fact, some plants that flower while the days are short,
bend inward.
the movement of the Sun. A heliotropic
such as poinsettias, will not bloom if there is one extra minute of light in flower, for example, may begin the day
the evening. leaning eastward, where the Sun rises,
Shorter days and longer nights during the fall help trigger the leaves of then straighten as the Sun ascends in the
many deciduous trees to change color. This response is part of the preparation sky, and finally lean westward as dusk
for winter, when these trees enter a stage of dormancy. Winter dormancy in approaches. This allows the plant to
plants is functionally similar to the hibernation of many animals during the maximize its direct exposure to sunlight.
winter months. With less rainfall and less direct sunlight, it is more energy- HMDScience.com The bending of heliotropic plants is
efficient for these plants to shut down and rely on reserved sugars than it is for PREMIUM CONTENT
controlled by motor cells at the base of
them to photosynthesize. Leaves therefore begin to die in the fall. Chlorophyll, Plant Responses the stem, which pump potassium ions
©Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Photo Researchers, Inc.
©Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Photo Researchers, Inc.
the pigment that gives leaves their green color, breaks down. Once the chloro- into the shady side, thereby temporarily
phyll is gone, the remaining leaf pigments become visible and new pigments lengthening it. Point out that the bend
are produced. Water and nutrients are drawn out of the leaves for the rest of or turning of the plant is temporary, not
the tree to use during the winter, and the leaves eventually fall off of the tree. true growth.
A Apply What stimulus causes each of the following tropisms: phototropism,
gravitropism, thigmotropism?
A Apply light, gravity, touch
22.5 Formative Assessment PREMIUM CONTENT Assess and Reteach .
3. Apply A vine grows sideways, ADAPTATIONS Assess Use the Section Self-Check
1. Describe two plant hormones
that regulate plant growth twisting along a railing. What type of 5. Many trees in temperate
or Section Quiz, both available at
and development. tropism is this plant exhibiting? climates lose their leaves HMDScience.com.
2. Name and describe five ways 4. Apply If you want full, bushy plants, before the long, cold winter. Reteach Create two tables on the
in which plants can respond to which part of the plant would you How is this ability an adapta- board: one comparing the different
their environment. trim to control auxin production in tion for these trees? plant hormones and their functions,
your favor? the other comparing the various plant
responses. Involve students by asking
22.5 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Chapter 22: Plant Growth, Reproduction, and Response 641 questions such as “Under which
hormone should I write involved in
1. Any two plant hormones discussed in the response to changing amounts of daylight gravitropism?”
M Untitled-333 641 text (gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins, and through the year 5/20/2011 10:52:53 AM
auxins) can be described. 3. thigmotropism
2. phototropism: stem and leaves bend 4. growing stem tips, where auxins are
towards light; gravitropism: roots grow produced
down into soil, and stems generally grow
5. During the winter in temperate climates,
up out of soil; thigmotropism: response in
light levels are low, so photosynthetic rates
which growth is influenced by “touching”
drop. For some trees, it is more energy
another object, as in vines that wind
efficient to lose their leaves and go
around an upright object; rapid response:
through a period of dormancy during
quick responses not involving growth,
these months.
triggered by touch; photoperiodism:
Chapter 22: Plant Growth,
Reproduction, and Response 641
Chapter review INTERACTIVE Review
Concept Map Summarize what you know about plant Cycle Diagram Draw a cycle diagram to show the alterna-
responses using a concept map. tion of generations in flowering plants. Include sketches of
the sporophyte and gametophytes, using labels specific to
plants flowering plants.
respond to
light sporophyte
22 Review
M Untitled-332 643 Reviewing Main Ideas 17. lots of inconspicuous or very small flowers
5/20/2011 10:45:28 AM
on a single plant; need to produce a lot of
14. meiosis and mitosis pollen to have better odds of some landing
15. The gametophyte generation is the domi- on another flower’s stigma
nant phase of nonvascular plants (moss); 18. egg and polar nuclei
gametophytes of vascular plants (pine trees) 19. gets seeds farther away from parent plants
are microscopic. to avoid direct competition and, potentially,
16. They can attract animal pollinators. colonize new locations and take advantage
of their resources
Interpreting Visuals
32. pollination “I’ll say he’s busy. He has hundreds of frequent flower miles”
©Dan Rosandich/www.CartoonStock.com
33. As bees gather pollen for food, some source: www.CartoonStock.com
pollen grains stick to their bodies. 32. Apply Name the process that these bees have carried
When they land on a different out for flowering plants.
flower, some pollen grains from a 33. Summarize Describe how this process occurs as bees
previously visited flower may be fly from flower to flower.
brushed off onto the stigma/female
structure of the new flower, thereby
pollinating it.
644 Unit 7: Plants
Analyzing Data
Untitled-332 644
36. The control tray of seeds was put into a dark5/20/2011
refrigerator where the low temperature can
10:45:30 AM
Percent of ripeness
D The trees might harbor animals that eat pests B
in the first section.
2. Which of the following scenarios is using sexual
reproduction to increase genetic variation?
A A researcher grafts the branch of a pear tree
onto a drought-resistant apple tree. 0%
1 2 3 4 5
B A gardener slices the “eyes” off of potatoes and Days
plants them to yield a new crop.
Scientists are developing a molecule that will
C A flower lover cuts the leaves from a violet and
slow down the rate of fruit ripening to a few
plants them in soil to grow more violets.
days. Based on the graph, which molecule do
D A farmer uses pollen from tall pea plants to you think they would choose?
fertilize short pea plants.
3. B B
Enzyme Activity at Different Temperatures
Temperature (°C) Enzyme Activity (units/mL) DD
25 6
6. According to one hypothesis, auxins may cause
20 8
a change in pH that results in the cell wall
15 14
becoming more flexible. Then, the cell
10 27 lengthens due to pressure from an organelle.
5 36 Which organelle is most likely exerting this
0 30 pressure?
A vacuole
Suppose that scientists are studying the activity
B ribosome
of enzymes that are involved in ending seed
dormancy. Which statement is best supported C nucleus
by their data? D chloroplast
A The enzyme is ineffective below 0°C. THINK THROUGH THE QUESTION
B Temperature does not affect enzyme activity.
Think about the properties and functions of each
C Enzyme activity peaks at around 5°C. organelle listed as a possible answer. Which of these
D The enzyme is most active in warm weather. is most likely to expand in size?
• What are some ways that risk Have students use a computer with Internet Have students take the online poll and report
communication is important to the access to check the Current News section of the outcome to the class. Discuss with
food industry and to consumers? BioZine at HMDScience.com. Have students students whether they have ever taken a poll
The food industry needs to know consider these questions: that dealt with health risks. Ask
about food policies and how to • What topics in science involve possible • How are risks typically described?
communicate risk to consumers; risks to human health or the environment?
consumers need to be informed • How do you react to the description of a
about food content and what is • What do the stories communicate about health risk that is related in quantitative
considered safe. risks and risk management? terms?
• How do people’s perceptions of risk vary?
(tr) ©Leonard Lessin/Peter Arnold, Inc.; (br) ©Matt Meadows/Peter Arnold, Inc.
Genetic engineers use various ways to insert new genes into host cells. For plant allergenicity—the tendency to cause an
cells, which have thick cell walls, one of the best ways to put foreign DNA into allergic reaction. A concern for human
the cell is to actually shoot it through the plant tissue using a gene gun. health is that GM foods could cause
A researcher coats gold or tungsten particles with DNA and places
allergic reactions in some people. Genes
them on the end of a microscopic plastic bullet. from foods known to cause allergies
The plastic bullet is placed in the gene gun and directed toward the
usually are not transferred into other
target plant tissue. crops.
A burst of helium propels the bullet to the end of the gun. The gold gene transfer—the movement of a
particles containing the DNA are released, while the bullet remains in gene from one organism to another
the gun. organism. Gene transfer from GM foods
Particles enter the cytoplasm of some of the cells in the target tissue. is a debated issue. Human health could
DNA is released from the gold particles and moves into the plant cell’s be affected if an antibiotic-resistance
nucleus, where it ultimately combines with the cell’s DNA. Read More >> at HMDScience.com gene from a GM food were transferred
to cells in the body and then to bacteria
in the digestive system. The bacteria
BioZine 647
would acquire the gene, making it more
difficult to treat diseases.
Expanding the Textbook safety risks of GM foods. Have students outcrossing—the movement of genes
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identify risks that are more likely not real risks, from GM plants to conventional crops
Have students go the BioZine at risks that can be more easily addressed and or to plants in the wild. Outcrossing also
HMDScience.com to read more about controlled, and risks that are more difficult to refers to the human error of mixing
genetically modified foods. Students should control. GM seeds with conventional seeds.
come to class prepared to discuss what crops You could also divide the class into teams to
are genetically modified, what organisms the debate the issue of genetically modifying crops.
genes are from, and the advantages of each Have each team research the topic to gather
GM crop. Have students identify common information and evidence that supports their
foods that contain GM crops. position. Have students debate the issue in class
You could extend the discussion to include while you act as the moderator.
concerns different people have about the
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Research Engineer in Action
Potential Hidden Costs of GM Crops
Opponents of genetically modified foods argue that it
is impossible to predict exactly how the new crops—
sometimes called “Frankenfoods”—will affect
ecosystems. Two major concerns are herbicide-
DR. TONG-JEN FU resistant weeds and pesticide-resistant pests, which
Take It Further TITLE Research Engineer, Food and
Drug Administration
create new ecological problems.
In the United States, genetically modi- When herbicide-resistance genes are inserted into
EDUCATION Ph. D., Chemical Engineer-
fied foods are regulated by the following ing, Pennsylvania State University crop plants, the weeds are easily killed by herbicides
three federal agencies: while the crops remain unaffected. But pollen from
Dr. Tong-Jen Fu is a research engineer with the U.S. plants can be carried by the wind for long distances,
• The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where she and seeds from GM crops could be accidentally
Animal and Plant Health Inspection evaluates the methods currently used by scientists to dispersed outside their intended locations, causing the
Service (APHIS) determine the allergic potential of GM foods. She and rise of “superweeds.” In the 1990s, several companies
other researchers are trying to understand exactly what
• The U.S. Environmental Protection produced crops that were resistant to the herbicide
makes substances in food cause allergic reactions.
Agency (EPA) Roundup. However, many weeds, such as pigweed,
One of the concerns of GM food is its potential to soon evolved resistance to Roundup. Pigweed can
• The Department of Health and increase allergies in humans. Many proteins can
Human Services’ Food and Drug grow as much as three inches per day. It chokes out
potentially be an allergen—that is, cause an allergic
Administration (FDA) farm machinery and smothers crops.
reaction in some people. Since genetic engineering
GM plants with the bacterial gene Bt produce an
Not every country regulates GM foods, introduces new proteins into crops, concerns have
been raised that unexpected allergies may arise. GM insecticidal toxin that is harmless to people. How-
but at an international level, the Codex
foods could trigger allergies by including proteins ever, insects that evolve resistance will reproduce,
Alimentarius Commission is the body
already known to cause a reaction, or by introducing increasing the population of pesticide-resistant pests.
responsible for establishing international completely new allergy-causing proteins—such as
standards on foods. It is comprised of those from bacteria—into the food supply.
two United Nations organizations, the Researchers use extensive safety tests to determine
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) whether a genetically modified food is likely to cause
and the World Health Organization an allergic reaction. If any of these tests has a positive
(WHO). reaction, the GM food is not likely to be commercially
produced. These tests include checking the amino acid
sequences of introduced proteins against those of
known allergens and testing whether the introduced
proteins are resistant to digestion.
Read More >> at HMDScience.com
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