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Project Report



Submitted To:- Submitted By:

Pro. Bindu Singh Ankit Singh



This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Sales & Promotion” contains original work
done by Ankit Singh It is being submitted in fulfillment of requirement for the award of
MBA awarded by Galgotias University and is a record of students own work carried
under guidance and supervision.

Place: Prof. Bindu Singh



I, ANKIT SINGH declare that the project work entitled a project report on
I further declare that to the best of my knowledge, the project does not contain any part of
any work which has been submitted for the award of any degree/diploma either in this
College or anywhere else.




Though every day of life teaches something or the other, but the knowledge and
experience gained while working in “REDCHIEF SHOES” on “SALES
PROMOTION AND MARKETING” project is something which I would always

This project was like a challenge, which took sixty days for completion regardless of my
immense labour. This project helped me to understand the way market works. How to
study and analyze the market properly?

I would like to thank Mr. Akhilesh Singh (Marketing Manager & CEO) my project
guide a lot because he was always there to help me regardless of his hectic schedule.

And finally I would also like to thank Mrs. Bindu Singh, who always gave me the
support and guidance for the completion of this project.


Chapter No. Title

Declaration, from Student Certificate from organization
Certificate from Guide
List if Abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Background of the topic
1.3 Company profile
1.4 Statement of the problem
II Research Methodology
2.1 Research Methodology
2.2 Primary data
2.2 Secondary data
2.3 Sample design
2.3.1 Population
2.3.2 Sample size
2.3.3 Sampling method
2.4 Method of data collection
2.4.1 Instrument for data collection
2.4.2 Drafting of a questionnaire
2.4.3 Testing of Questionnaire/Pilot survey
2.5 Field work
2.6 Data-analysis techniques
2.7 Limitations
III Data processing and Analysis
IV Conclusions
V Recommendations

Questionnaire/ (s)
Technical literature related to the study


Abbreviations Full form

Technical Terms Explanations
Last It is a mould no which the shoe is Designed
and Molded.
Top It is the Front most important part of a
Vamp It is the part which has lace holes.
Tongue It is the piece of Leather below the Vamp
Quarter It is that part to which the Vamp is stitched.
Counter It is the rear most part of the shoe.
Oxford It a type of shoe in which the Quarter is
above the Vamp.
A cut shoe is a type of shoe which haves a
Cut shoe
laces on its opened mouth.
It is a term which is used for leather in its
Wet Blue
initial stages so as to remove its smell and

Full Forms



1.1 Background of the Study:-

The project was basically to access the current position of the business of (Read Chief),
Rohit Surfactants Pvt. Ltd. and for that market survey was a necessity.

The prime issue of the survey was to identify profitable markets and the behavior of the
consumer under different conditions, their needs and their requirements from the
company directly as well as indirectly.

The information collected from consumers and retailers uncovered the expectations of
both consumer as well as retailers, from the company.

1.2 Background of the topic:-

This project was primarily concerned with the assessment of local markets. Though the
company deals in leather footwear in both, local markets and exports also.

The background of the topic was to study the current market trends and future growth
prospective for the company. So that the company.

1.3 Company Profile

Company : Rohit Surfactants Pvt. Ltd.

Registered Office : 117/h-2/202 Pandu Nagar,

Kanpur – 208005
Fax – 91-512-295576
Contact No-051-2296186,
2241749, 2215680.

Factory : 198-b, Dada Nagar, KANPUR.

Contact No.-0512-2296186,
Fax – 2241750

Plot No.1-b Sec-7,

Delhi Office : State Bank Colony,

Maharana Pratap Bagh,
Contact No-11-7427171,

Main Line of Business : Manufacture and Export of Leather shoes

and their components.

1.4 Statement of Problem

The basic problems faced by company are:-

1. Cut throat completion due t the presence of indigenous and small scale producers.
2. Identify the potential markets and threats.
3. To find out the recent trends and public demand.
4. To analyze out the market share of the competitor companies.
5. Decrease in the volume of sales of lather footwear in the local market as
compared to the previous assessment year.



2.1 Research Design:-

The type of project that was being handled by me required extensive research and

exploring, therefore the design of the project is “EXPLORATORY”

2.2 Primary Data:-

Primary data is directly collect from the market through the medium of Questionnaire.

Two different types of Questionnaires were prepared for Interviewing different classes of


 Consumer

 Retailers

Both consumers and retailers had to be interviewed constantly, because they not only

provide relevant information, but also, in today’s market the consumer is the god and

retailers are the persons who come in direct contact with the consumer, therefore they

have better information about the tastes and preferences of the consumer and the present

and future prospects of the market.

2.2 Secondary Data:-

There was no need to collect the secondary data as the primary data was sufficient in it
self to provide all necessary information.
2.3 Sample Design:-

The nature of research conducted necessitated the sample to be collected from different

markets, i.e. from various different parts of the city, so as to have the maximum

variability and the population is represented properly.

2.3.1 Population:-

The population in this project comprises of that part of the population of the Kanpur who

are interested in purchasing branded footwear shoe, slipper or sandals.

2.3.2 Sample size:-

The sample size for this project consists of :-

Table No. 1
Type Number
Consumer 500
Retailer 100

2.3.3 Sampling Method :-

2.4 Method of Data Collection:-

The Method of Data collection was through the survey of the individuals. The following

things were kept in mind.

1. Target Audience- Target audience for the type of survey were:

i. Students

ii. Servicemen

iii. Businessmen

iv. Old age persons

v. Others

2. These people were based on

a. Age:-

i. 10-20

ii. 20-30

iii. 30-40

iv. 40-50

v. Above 50

b. Occupations:-

i. Students

ii. Servicemen

iii. Businessmen

iv. Others

2.4.1 Instrument of data collection:-

The instrument or the tool used to collect the data was “Questionnaire”

1. Consumers

2. Retailers

In the questionnaires there were several type of questions.

1. Open-ended Questions.

2. Close-ended Questions: There were several other sub type of Questions:-

i. Dichotomous.

ii. Multiple Choices.

2.4.2. Drafting of Questionnaire:-

Drafting of questionnaire was indeed an important task. Various things have to be

kept in mind such as:

1. Language- Language used in questionnaire should be as easy as possible.

2. Monotony- The questionnaire should not be monotonous.

3. Sequencing of questions- The questionnaire should be prepared in a

logical fashion so that the consumers don’t get suspicious.

4. Biased and leading Questions- Biased questions should be avoided for a

better and effective survey.

5. Double Barreled Questions- Double barreled questions should always be

avoided as it creates dilemma in the mind of the consumer and

discrepancy in the data collected.

2.4.3. Testing of Questionnaire/Pilot Survey:-

Testing of Questionnaire is an important Step, because:-

1. It helps in conversion of open ended questions to close ended questions.

2. Helps in Sequencing of the questionnaire.

3. Other irrelevant questions can be removed from the questionnaire.

2.5 Field work:-

The Filed that comprised of the areas:-

1. Arya Nagar

2. Swaroop Nagar

3. P. Road

4. Mestem Road

5. Gama No.5 Market

6. Lal Bagla

My basic target was to survey as many retailers and consumers as possible.

2.6 Data analysis technique:-

For data analysis technique various Statistical Techniques were used. These are as


1. Percentage

2. Average

3. Sum

And for the analysis various graphs and tables have been prepared asper the response of

the consumers.

2.6 Limitations:-

Following wee the limitations that were faced while conducting the survey.

1. It was not possible to cover all of area of the city

2. Retailers hesitate in giving answers to some questions like price elated and

competition policy etc,

3. Sometimes respondents do not give correct information

4. Money is a major constraint to limit scope of the study

5. Time again is no less constraint.



Results obtained from the survey of 500 consumers scattered around the citizens

Option % age No. of persons

1. Type of shoe preferred:-

 Shoes 54.0 270

 Slippers 22.0% 110

 Sandals 11.0% 055

 Any 13.0% 065

2. Interested in Purchasing leather shoe:-

 Yes 74.0% 370

 No 26.0% 130

3. Type of Leather footwear preferred:

 Branded 57.6 288

 Non Branded 12.1% 121

4. Brand liked most by the consumers:-

 Red chief 13.6% 068

 Bata 11.8% 059

 Action 17.6% 088

 Red tape 06.0% 030

 Lakhani 10.0% 050

 Liberty 13.0% 065

 Woodland 07.0% 035

 Lee cooper 09.0% 045

 Other 13.0% 065

5. Basis of selection of footwear:-

 Style 12.0% 060

 Design 10.2% 051

 Comfort 38.0% 190

 Price 10.8% 051

 Durability 18.4% 092

 Quality 10.6% 053

6. Preferable price range of customers:-

 Rs.250-500 20.6% 103

 Rs.500-1000 16.2% 231

 Rs.1000-1500 22.0% 110

 Above Rs.1500 11.2% 056

7. Which advertisement media appeals most:-

 Television/Radio 38.0% 190

 Newspaper/Magazines 20.4% 102

 Friends 07.2% 036

 Fashion trends 20.4% 102

 Hoardings 14.0% 070

8. Colour of footwear demanded most:-

 Black 54.0% 270

 Brown 42.0% 210

 Others 04.0% 020

9. Season which is preferred by consumer for purchase of footwear:-

 Festival 36.0% 180

 Occasion 13.0% 065

 When required 23.0% 115

 Beginning of academics 28.0% 140

10. Optimum guarantee/warrantee period as per consumers:-

 3 mth. NIL NIL

 6 mth. 13.0% 065

 1 year 18.0% 090

 Above 1 year 69.0% 315

11. Most preferred type of sole:-

 PVC 58.0% 290

 TPR 72.0% 110

 PU 20.0% 100

12. Style of footwear liked most by consumer:-

 Long 16.0% 080

 Short 11.6% 058

 Boots 07.6% 038

 With laces 22.2% 111

 Without laces 42.6% 213

13. Change in brand by consumers:-

 Yes 36.0% 180

 No 64.0% 320

14. If yes then the reason stated by the consumers:-

 Increase in level of income 32.4% 162

 Impact of advertisements 19.6% 098

 Better quality than

Earlier brand 48.8% 240

15. If any, the impact of reduction of prices of branded product:-

 Yes 46.8% 234

 No 53.2% 266

16. User of Red chief:-

 Yes 47.4% 237

 No 52.6% 263

Results obtained from the survey of 100 retailers:-

Options %age No. of consumer

1. Brand stocked by retailers

 Red chief 12% 12

 Bata 18% 18

 Action 20% 20

 Red tape 04% 04

 Lakhan 07% 07

 Liberty 15% 15

 Woodland 05% 05

 Lee cooper 04% 04

 Other 15% 15

2. Brand that sells most:-

 Red chief 14% 14

 Bata 11% 11

 Action 19% 19

 Red tape 06% 19

 Lakhani 09% 09

 Liberty 12% 12

 Woodland 08% 08

 Lee cooper 10% 10

 Others 11% 11

3. Type of footwear sold most:-

 Formal 24% 24

 Casual 26% 26

 Sports 13% 13

 Ladies 37% 37

4. Colour preferred most by consumers:-

 Black 55% 55

 Brown 41% 41

 Others 04% 04

5. Most preferred style of consumers:-

 Students 47% 47

 Servicemen 29% 29

 Businessmen 07% 07

 Others 17% 17

6. Category of consumer that purchases more leather:-

 Students 47% 47

 Servicemen 29% 29

 Businessmen 07% 07

 Others 17% 17

7. Basis of stocking of leather footwear:-

 Demand of consumer 42% 42

 Incentive basis 15% 15

 Advertisement 07% 07

 On basis of scheme 22% 22

 Durability 14% 14

8. Brand which is most reliable as per consumer:-

 Red chief 12% 12

 Bata 20% 20

 Action 18% 18

 Red tape 09% 09

 Lakhani 15% 15

 Liberty 11% 11

 Woodland 08% 08

 Lee cooper 05% 05

 Other 02% 02

9. Season of maximum sales:-

 Jan - Mar 12% 12

 Apr- June 47% 47

 July – Sept 19% 19

 Oct – Dec 22% 22

10. Price range preferred by consumer:-

 Rs.250-500 33% 33

 Rs.500-1000 15% 15

 Rs.1000-1500 40% 40

 Above Rs.1500 12% 12

11. Age group by which leather footwear is liked most:-

 10-20 07% 07

 20-30 35% 35

 30-40 36% 36

 40-50 14% 14

 Above 50 08% 08

12. Basis on which consumer purchase the leather footwear:-

 Style 12% 12

 Design 06% 06

 Comfort 17% 17

 Price 34% 34

 Durability 23% 23

 Quality 08% 08

13. Type of sole preferred by consumer:-

 PVC 59% 59

 TPR 25% 25

 PU 16% 16

14. Forms of incentives extended by consumer:-

 Cash discount 26% 26

 Promotion scheme 14% 14

 Trade discount 38% 38

 Profit margin 22% 22

Graphical representation of data collected through consumer

(Graph No.1)

Type of footwear preferred by consumer.

(Table No.2)

Type of footwear Shoes Slippers Sandals Any

Percentage (%) 54% 22% 11% 13%

Interested in purchasing Leather Shoes

Table No.3

Purchases Leather shoes Yes No

Percentage (%) 74% 26%

(Graph No. 3)

Type of leather footwear preferred by consumer

Table No.4

Branded Leather footwear preferred Yes No

Percentage (%) 57.6% 42.4%

(Graph No.4)

Which brand I preferred most

Table No.5

Which Red Bata Action Red Lakani Liberty Woodland Lee Other
Brand is chief tape cooper
Percentage 13.6% 11.8% 17.6% 6.0% 10.0% 13.0% 7.0% 9.0% 13.0%

Table No.5

Which brand I preferred most

Graph No.5

Basis of Style Design Comfort Price Durabili Quality

Selection of
Percentage (%) 12.0% 10.2% 38% 10.8% 18.4% 10.6%

Table No.6

Basis of which consumer prefer there footwear

Graph No.6

Table No.7

Preferred Price 500-900 900-1000 1100-1300 Above 1300

Percentage (%) 20.6% 46.2% 22% 11.2%

Graph No.7

Table No.8

Most Attractive T.V. Newspaper Friends Fashion Hoardings

Adv. Media Radio Magazine
Percentage (%) 38% 20.4% 7.2% 20.4% 14.0%

Advertising Media that encourages you to purchase Leather shoe

Graph No.8

Table No.9

Preferred colour of footwear Black Brown Others

Percentage (%) 54% 41% 4%

Footwear colour preferred most

Graph No.9

Table N0.10

Preferred Season to Festival Occasion When Required Beginning of

buy footwear Academics

Percentage (%) 36% 13% 23% 28%

Season in which you would like to buy footwear

Graph No.10

Table No.11

Preferred Guarantee 3 month 6 month 1 year Above 1 year


Percentage (%) Nil 13% 18% 69%

Preferred guarantee period

Graph No.11

Table No.12

Preferred sole type PVC TPR PU

Percentage (%) 58% 22% 20%

Preferred Sole type

Graph No.12

Table No.13

Preferred Style Long Shor Boot With laces Without

of footwear

Percentage 16.0 11.6 7.6 22.2 42.6

Style of footwear preferred most

Graph No.13

Table No.14

Brand shifting Yes No

Percentage (%) 36% 64%

Brand Shifting done within last two years

Graph No.14

Table No.15

Reason for brand Increase in level of Impact of Better quality

shifting income advertisement

Percentage (%) 32.4% 19.6% 48.0%

Reason for brand shifting

Graph No.15

Table No.16

Effect Yes No

Percentage (%) 46.8% 53.2%

Effect of price reduction of recognized brands on consumer’s behavior

Graph No.16

Table No.17

Red Chief footwear users Yes No

Percentage (%) 47.6% 52.6%

Users of Red Chief footwear

Graphical representation of data collected from Retailers

Graph No.17

Table No.18

Which Red Bata Action Red Lakani Liberty Woodland Lee Other
Brand is chief tape cooper
Percentage 12% 18% 20% 4% 7% 15% 5% 4% 15%

Brands stocked by retailers

Graph No.18

Table No.19

Which Red Bata Action Red Lakani Liberty Woodland Lee Other
Brand is chief tape cooper
Percentage 12% 18% 20% 4% 7% 15% 5% 4% 15%

Brand sold most

Graph No.19

Table No.20

Footwear sold most Formal Casual Sports Ladies

Percentage (%) 24% 26% 15% 37%

Type of footwear sold most

Graph No.20

Table No.21

Colour preferred most Black Brown Others

Percentage (%) 55% 44% 4%

Colour preferred most by consumers

Graph No.21

Table No.22

Most Preferred Long Short Boots With laces Without

style laces

Percentage (%) 16% 9% 6% 25% 44%

Most preferred style

Graph No.22

Table No.23

Category Student Servicemen Businessmen Others

Percentage (%) 47% 23% 7% 17%

Category of consumer purchasing more leather shoes

Graph No.24

Table No.25

Reliable & Red Bata Action Red Lakani Liberty Woodland Lee Other
Suitable chief tape cooper
Percentage 12% 20% 18% 9% 15% 11% 8% 5% 2%

Most reliable and suitable brand as per retailers

Graph No.25

Table No.26

Season Jan – Mar. Apr-June July-Aug. Spet.-Dec

Percentage (%) 12% 47% 19% 22%

Season of maximum sales

Graph No.26

Table No.27

Preferred price 500-900 900-1000 1000-1300 Above 1300


Percentage (%) 33% 15% 40% 12%

Graph No.27

Table No.28

Age Group 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Above 50

Percentage (%) 7% 35% 36% 14% 8%

Age group that prefers that leather footwear most

Graph No.28

Table No.29

Basis Style Design Comfort Price Durability Quality

Percentage (%) 12% 6% 17% 34% 23% 8%

Basis on which consumer purchases footwear

Graph No.29

Table No.30

Sole preferred PVC TRP PU

Percentage (%) 59% 25% 16%

Type of sole preferred most by consumers

Graph No.30

Table No.31

Form of Bonus Cash discount Promotional Trade discount Profit margins


Percentage (%) 26% 14% 38% 22%

Form in which companies’ award bonus to its retailers



From customer and retailer survey and the collected data, we can conclude:-

1. New brands are emerging in the market other than existing one’s and they capture

tine market share. These brands include Franco Leone, Picasso, Lee Cooper etc.

2. The branded shoes between the price range Rs.500- Rs.1100 have the maximum


3. Students are influenced by range, design, style and the looks of the leather shoes.

Whereas the service class and the business class emphasizes on price, quality,

durability, discount (if any), and above all on guarantee period.

4. The most important factor to increase the sales is ‘QUALITY’ Where quality

refers to durability along with comfort.

5. Advertisement plays the most important role to educate people about the company

and its product (s).

6. Electronic media is the first choice of the consumer followed by the print media.

7. Most of the time consumer are brand loyal but at times consumer are influenced

by the retailers suggestion and the price difference.

8. Sale of leather shoes is directly linked with the requirements of the consumer, but

there is definitely a boost in its sales during the “festive season”

9. Packaging plays an important role in attracting the consumer, which is a sure shot

remedy of increasing the sales of product.

10. Reduction in selling price of branded shoes affects its sales to a great extent.

11. The minimum guarantee period that is demanded by the customer is that of ‘ONE


12. Brand image is a factor which encourages the retailers to display the shoes of a


13. Retailers firstly emphasize on quality, which is succeeded by the margin they get

over shoes.

14. Action is the ‘HIGHEST INCENTIVE PAYER’ among all the brands.

15. Media of advertisement used by the retailers are basically banners, followed by

print media and hoardings.

16. Liberty has the maximum defects according to retailers.

17. Leather shoes of size 7 have the maximum sales.

18. Factors that affect the sales of leather shoes are:-

 Light weighted

 Softness of the leather.

 Sole durability.

 Design

19. Retailers are fully satisfied with the incentives hey get.

20. Retailer’s affect the behaviour of consumer to a great extent.

21. PVC sole shoes are covering the largest segments of consumer do to

comparatively less prices.

22. Consumers desire footwear of latest trend and innovative designs.

23. Company should accentuate more on quality product.

24. Consumer are interested in having the replacement facility where as retailers are

interested in giving them the repair facility (even if the shoe is in guarantee

period), in order to minimize the conflicts among the retails and consumer the

company should provide shoes with minimum possibility do defects, and try to

enhance after sales service for better consume response.



After the completion of the project I would like to suggest following findings which were

drawn through consumer (s) and retailer (s) survey:-

1. Company should provide equal discount to all retailers

2. Print media impacts for long time and gives detailed information but electronic

media is best option for advertisement but it impacts for a short time.

Through the impact is for a short time but repeated advertisement leads to

learning behavior. Therefore, company should resort to regular advertisement, so

that the consumer should retain the image of the product in his/her mind.

3. Company should be dynamic in nature with change in fashion and style.

4. Company should consider the emergence of new brands like Lee Cooper, Franco

Leone, Picasso etc.

5. During the survey I have found that hoarding and banners play an important role

in capturing the market. So hoardings and banners should be placed at the main

market areas, crossroads, offices and banks etc.

6. Company should have its own retail outlets at major the market places to project a

better brand image.

7. proper training of the staff member at outlets is necessary for better satisfaction of

customers and better interaction with customer.

8. Audio/visual advertisements have the greatest impact on the mind of consumer

therefore, retailers as well as the should advertise the product on the local

channels for better publicity, like:-

 Ktv

 Surya TV

 City Cable etc

 For better hold on markets

9. Print media should also be used, as it is much cheaper than the electronic

audio/visual media.

10. Company should have a stock of size 7 and size 8 on festive sasons.

11. One of the biggest hurdles in the sales of shoes in P. road market is that there is

no proper paring structure in the whole market therefore the generally the elite

class (consumers having four wheelers) refrains from shopping there.

12. There is a huge scope of expansion of tanneries and shoe manufacturing

companies Exports have risen from Rs.183 Cr.(1972) to Rs.9212 Cr. (2001)

Domestic consumption has risen from Rs.117 Cr.(1972) to Rs.5788 Cr.(2001)

Sources: Council for leather exports,

Union ministry of commerce and industry

The following data strongly supports the company to export, the present scenario

of the countries where % share is:-

Europe (including Nordic Countries: Russia) : 65

U.S. and Canada : 17

Asia (middle east) : 12

Africa : 01

Australia/New Zealand : 02

Others : 03

Source: The Hindu Survey of Indian



1. Philip Kotler : Marketing Management, 12th Edition, 2007

2. William J. Standon & Chasles Futrell : Fundamentals of Marketing

3. S. Nama Kumari & V.S. Ramaswamy: Marketing Management

4. S.K. Gupta : Principals of Marketing Management

5. Rajendra Nargundkar : Marketing Research (Text & Cases), 2nd Edition, 9th reprint





Name_____________ Area_____________ Age_____________

Sex M F

Q-1. Which type of footwear does you prefer?

Shoes Slipper Sandals

Q-2. Do you buy leather shoes?

Yes No

Q3. Which type of leather footwear does you prefer?

Banded Non – Branded

Q4. Which Brand do you like?

Red Chief Bata Action Red tape Lakhani

Liberty Woodland Lee Cooper Other

Q5. On what basis do you prefer footwear?

Style Design Comfort Price Durability


Q6. Which is preferable price range of footwear?

Rs.700-900 Rs.900-1100 Rs.1100-1300 Above 1300

Q7. Which medium attracts you for purchasing leather footwear?

Television/Radio Newspaper/Magazine Friends

Fashion/Trend Hoardings

Q8. Which Colours of footwear do you like most?

Black Brown Other

Q9. When would you like to buy leather footwear?

Festival Occasions When required

Beginning of Academics

Q10. What should be the guarantee period according to you?

3 Months 6 Months above 6 Months

Q11. Which type of the guarantee period according to you?


Q12. Which style of Footwear does you like most?

Long Short Boot With laces without laces

Q13. Have you changed your Brand with in last two years?

Yes No

Q14. If yes then give he reason?

Increase level of income impact of advertisement

Better Quality in comparison of earlier used brand

Q15. Would reduction in prices of the recognized brand does affect your behavior (for

eg-sale etc)

Yes No

Q16. Have you used Red chief footwear?

Yes No

Q17. Any Suggestions.

Q18. Are you satisfied about quality of brand Red Chief.

Agree Normal Disagree


Name………………………………… Address …………………………………….

Name of the firm/shop ………………………………… Contact No……………………...

Q-1. Which brand do you stock?

Red Chief Bata Action Red Tape Other

Q2. Which type of Brand sales more?

Red Chief Bata Action Red Tape Other

Q3. Which type of footwear sales more?

Formal Casual Sports Ladies

Q4. Which size range sales more?

No. 6 No.7 No.8 No.9 No.10

Q5. Which is most preferable colour purchased by consumer?

Black Brown Others

Q6. Which is most preferable style?

Casual Short Boot With laces Without laces

Q7. Which category of consumer purchases more leather shoes?

Student Servicemen Businessmen Others

Q8. On what bases you purchase the leather footwear?

Demand of consumer Incentive basis Advertisement

On the basis of scheme Durability

Q9. Which brand is more reliable and salable as preferable?

Red Chief Bata Action Red Tape Other

Q10. Season of maximum sales?

Jan – Mar Apr. – June July – Sept Oct - Dec

Q11. Which price range is most preferable by consumer?

Rs.700-900 Rs.900-1000 Rs.1100-1300 Above 1300

Q12. By which age group leather footwear is liked most?

10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Above 50

Q13. On what basis customer purchases the leather footwear?

Style Design Comfort Price Quality

Q14. Which type of sole is preferred by the customer?


Q15. Which brand gives most incentive/Margin?………………………………………..

Q16. In Which form?

Cash Discount Promotion Scheme Trade Discount

Profit Margin

Q17. Any suggestions…………………………………………………………………….

Q18. Which type of footwear demand is high?

Durby shoes Slipper Sandle Slipon shoes


Production department

Production department basically comprises of three division these are:-

1. Tannery Division

2. Sole Division

3. Shoe Division


The working of the fore said division can be understood by the following literature,

where the machines involved (and the work done by them) are being mentioned step by


Various sub processes involved in this process are:-

1. Beam house operation:- In this process leather is divided into three parts.

 Hides include leather of buffalo, cow etc.

 Skins include leather of lion, rabbit, goat, sheep etc.

 Reptiles includes leather of snakes etc.

2. Soaking:- In this leather is put into the paddle.

3. Liming :- In this process lime water is introduced into the leather to remove

natural fat and also for un hearing of leather.

4. Deliming:- It is the process by which the introduced lime is removed from the

leather the chemicals like ‘Ammonium Chloride’.

5. Picking:- In this process leather is treated with salt and acid (Sulphuric acid 1 X

20 times) and formic acid) to increase the life of leather.

6. Tanning:- It can be of three types:-

 Tanning by alum:- Only the leather of reptiles is treated with this


 Tanning by chrome:- Any type of leather can be treated with this process

and it can be used for every process.

 Tanning by vegetable:- It is use for making belts.

After the tanning process the water content of the leather rises substantially and the

leather now is called ‘wet blue’

7. Shaming machine:- In this process excess water is removed from wet blue.

8. Splitting machine:- In this process the leather is spitted into grain and flesh.

 Gratn:- is the main leather which is used for making shoes of god quality.

 Flesh :- can also be converted artificially into lining for making the shoes

interior comfortable.

9. Shaming machine:- This machine is used to give the leather the desired


10. Trimming:- In this process the edges of the shamed leather are trimmed.

11. Yield:- In this process the area of leather is measured then shaved leather is


Therefore Yield = Area of leather/Shaved weight yeald are in the accordance with


Table No.32

Substance gauge Yield

1.1/1.3 mm 7.50 to 8.00

0.8/1.0 mm 12.00 to 13.50

1.2/1.4 mm 7.5 to 7.75

1.4/1.6 mm 6.5 to 6.75

1.6/1.8 mm 5.50 to 6.00

1.8/2.0 mm 4.50 to 5.50

2.0/2.2 mm 4.5 to 4.75

12. Drums:- In this process leather is put in drums filled with dyes and chemical and

these drums are rotated for 6 to 8 hrs (or as required). In this process the leather is

given its base colour, fat again is added in this process.

13. Shaming machine:- In this process excess water is removed from the leather.

14. Setting machine:- In this process leather is made flat and even.

15. Vacuum dryer:- It is used to dry the leather and make it smooth.

16. Conveyer and hot chamber:- The processed leather is hanged on conveyor

which passes through the hot chamber for farther drying.

17. Mollsha machine or Staking:- It is used to soften the leather and ald/so open its


18. Togging machine:- The leather is stretched from each angle to increase its area.

19. Plating:- It is not necessary for every kind of leather. It depends the quality of

leather. If is used for removing the wrinkles from the leather.

20. Buffering :- This process undertaken for increasing the smoothness of the


21. Crust:-

22. Finishing department:- The crust is sent to following department for the final


Types of leather

Type I (Tr)

These types of leather have 90% to 95% cutting value. It includes Aniline leather.

Type II (TrII)

This type of leather has 65% to 70% cutting value. It includes semi aniline leather.

1. Softy leather

2. Smooth leather

3. Burnish leather

Type III (TrIII)

These types of leather have 35% to 40% cutting value. It includes snuffed softy, corrected

grain, imbused glazer lining.

Finishing department

1. Padding by roller coater:- In this process snuffed leather is passed through the

machine caller roller coater, to give the pigment layer of colour to the snuffed


2. Hydraulic plate (imbuing machine):- In this type of leather artificial granis and

designs imbued on the leather.

3. Finishing may by of two types:-

 By hand:- The colour is finished on leather by hands.

 By machine:- It is a good quality process (new process)

4. Auto process:- The colour is sprayed on to leather (it is a controlled process

under controlled temperature.)

5. Conflux or Roto press:- This process is undertaken to make the leather smooth

and shining to impart better look.

6. Trimming :- In this process edges are trimmed.

7. Selection:- In this process selection of leather is made grade wise (type-Tr (i))

Tr(II), Tr(III)

8. Measuring machine:- Area of all leather is measured by this machine.

II. Sole Division:-

Types of sole:-

1. P.U.

2. T.P.R. (Thermo Plastic Rubber)

3. P.V.C. (Poly vinyl Chloride)

4. Leather Sole.

5. Foaming.

Red Chief manufactures only two type of soles:-

a. T.P.R.

b. P.V.C.

Other type of soles are either bought or outsourced.

For manufacturing of soles plastic granules are fed into the machine, which is melted and

the final sole is prepared with the help of moulds.

9. Rubbing Machine:- In this process soles are rubbed on sides to give it a finishing


 Brushing: In this process the soles are brushed properly.

 Colouring: Soles are coloured as per the requirement.

 Chilling Machine : This machine is used to cool other machines, which are

used to shape the sole.

III. Shoe division (R&D) Department

1. Designing:- The designing department first designs the shoe on paper, according

to which the leather is worked upon.

2. Cutting:- The leather is cut according to dyes. Is done by hand or by machine.

3. Checking:- Leather is checked in this unit.

4. Stamping:- Designed leather is stamped pair wise.

5. Skyber machine:- The edges are rubbed so that they become thinner and can be

easily folded.

6. Spliting machine:- This machine is used to split the leather.

7. Press:- Press is used to provide required thickness.

8. Closing Department:- In closing department basically there main processes are

undertaken, these are as follows:-

1. Marking – In this process leather is marked at places, where it has to be stitched.

2. Zigzag machine – In this process two pieces of leather are stitched in a zigzag

manner using a machine specially used for this process.

3. Lining- Lining is provided to the upper shoe to increase it life and comfort.

Lining may be of leather cambril or synthetic.

9. Bottom Department:-

Lasting is of various types California lasting, struck on lasting, struck on lasting,

straw well lasting, starch down, inject molding lasting etc.

In Red Chief we use ‘stuck on lasting’ which involves the following steps:-

i. Insole is fixed over last.

ii. Counter molding machine moulds and pastes the counter, and top is pressed by


iii. Now the upper is fixed to the last with uppersole.

iv. Two lasting machine gives the shape to the toe and fixes the toe to the sole.

v. Afterwards the whole of the remaining parts are pasted with the insole. i.e. quarter

and vamps.

vi. Seat lasting machine then the rear part/counter with insole.

vii. Pounding machine presses to remove the wrinkle if present.

viii. Heat chiller machine drives out all the excess moisture.

ix. Riffing of leather is done to give the shine to the leather, insole is adhesive to the

shoe from inside and kept for half an hour and the extra space is filled with scrap

of the insole.

a. Sole Pressing:- In this sole pressing department.

b. Sole pressing machine helps in pressing the sole.

c. Coldchiller gives the shape to the leather at a temperature of fifteen degree

centigrade below ‘Zero’

d. Finally delasting is done i.e. last is removed from the shoe.

Finishing and packing:- Finally in packaging, the last touch is given to the shoe and

remaining accessories i.e. lace, socks are placed with the shoe, then each pair is inspected

and sent accordingly for packaging.

Brief information regarding the production in Red Chief:-

1. Men’s shoes in TPR, PVC, Leather Sole.

2. Shoes upper production.

3. Shoes prepare 7,00,000 pairs/annum.

4. Upper prepared 2,00,000 Pairs/annum.

5. Sole 7,00,000 Pairs/annum

6. Leather 9,00,000sq.feet/mth.

7. Tanning-Cow, Buffao, and Butt Calf in chrome and semi chrome.

8. Finish product- Oil pull up, crazy, Nubuck, Furnished aniline, softy.

9. Machinery – From Italian, Cheze Republic, Germany.

10. No. of employees-

Class of Employees No. of Employess

Semi skilled & Skilled workers 350

Sr. Technical & Supervisory staff 150

Total 500

11. Membership in trade Organization:-

“Indo Germany Export Promotion Counsel for Leather Export”


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