Adobe Scan 03 Nov 2021

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A. Underline theverbs in these sentencesandstate ineach case whetherthe verb

hasbeen used Transitively or Intransitively.Ifthe verb is usedtransitively,point
out the obiects: Transitive/ Direct Indirect
Intransitive obiect obiect
1. Sheila gave us a bag.
2. Ioffered him a cake.
3. The car halted suddenly.
4. The teacher told us a story.
5. He drinks milk every day.
6. We talked about the incident.
7. Rima broke my spectacles.
8. 1opened the window cautiously.
9. My cat is sleeping on the deckchair.
10. My mother prepared pasta for dinner.
11. The bird picked a worm from the ground.
12. The Principal promised me a scholarship.
13. The dancer lifted the veil.
14.1 know that man.
15.A light rain fell on us.
16. The bird sang sweetly.
17. The man sang a carol.
18. She speaks politely.
19. The dog jumped on to the table.
20.I ran five kilometres.
21. Blow the whistle.
22.The Principal hoisted the flag.
23. Ring the bell now.
24. The passengers waited at the airport.
25. Kavita wrote a letter to him.

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