Iso 7183 2007
Iso 7183 2007
Iso 7183 2007
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 7183:2007(E)
© ISO 2007
ISO 7183:2007(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 2
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Symbols ................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Figure symbols ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Symbols and units ................................................................................................................................ 4
4.3 Subscripts ............................................................................................................................................. 5
5 Reference conditions ........................................................................................................................... 5
6 Standard rating parameters................................................................................................................. 5
7 Performance tests................................................................................................................................. 6
7.1 Key performance parameters .............................................................................................................. 6
7.2 Pressure dew point, flow rate and outlet temperature...................................................................... 6
Differential pressure drop .................................................................................................................... 8
7.4 Power consumption.............................................................................................................................. 8
7.5 (
System air loss...................................................................................................................................... 9
7.6 Dealing with in-cycle variations ........................................................................................................ 12
7.7 Noise ....................................................................................................................................................
ISO 7183:2007 13
7.8 Tests for energy saving devices ....................................................................................................... 13
7.9 Instrument accuracy...........................................................................................................................
42d1a512d5b2/iso-7183-2007 13
8 Uncertainties ....................................................................................................................................... 14
9 Test report ........................................................................................................................................... 14
9.1 Statement............................................................................................................................................. 14
9.2 Technical data ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Annex A (informative) Types of compressed-air dryers .............................................................................. 16
Annex B (informative) Report form for dryer performance.......................................................................... 17
Annex C (normative) Noise measurement..................................................................................................... 18
Annex D (informative) Pressure-measuring tubes........................................................................................ 19
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 7183 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 118, Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines
and equipment, Subcommittee SC 4, Quality of compressed air.
This second edition of ISO 7183 revises and replaces the first edition (ISO 7183:1986), together with
ISO 7183-2:1996, which have been technically revised.
ISO 7183:2007
The scope has been expanded to cover most current types of dryers but also to allow the use of this
International Standard and its test methods for any emerging technologies. Any new technologies can then be
incorporated at a later revision.
Exclusions to this International Standard are generally identified by reference to the definition of a dryer.
Specific exclusions have been identified, however, for absorption dryers and dryer processes involving “over-
compression” as the means of removing water from compressed air.
The process of over-compression employs the principle that water can be removed by compressing the air to
a pressure higher than the intended working pressure thereby forcing out the water from the compressed air
and then subsequently expanding the air back to the working pressure.
Absorption dryers are now considered to be of minor importance as a drying technique and are, therefore, not
considered in this International Standard.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the performance data that are necessary to state and applicable test
methods for different types of compressed air dryers. It is applicable to compressed air dryers working with an
effective (gauge) pressure of more than 50 kPa (0,5 bar), but less than or equal to 1 600 kPa (16 bar) and
include the following:
⎯ adsorption dryers;
⎯ membrane dryers;
⎯ or a combination of these.
NOTE A description of the principles of operation of the dryers within the Scope of this International Standard is given
This International Standard identifies test methods for measuring dryer parameters that include the following:
⎯ pressure drop;
⎯ compressed-air loss;
⎯ power consumption;
⎯ noise emission.
This International Standard also provides partial-load tests for determining the performance of energy saving
devices or measures.
The mounting, operating and loading conditions of dryers for the measurement of noise are given in Annex C.
This International Standard is not applicable to the following types of dryers or drying processes:
⎯ absorption dryers;
⎯ drying by over-compression;
⎯ integral dryers.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this International Standard. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 261, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — General plan
ISO 228-1, Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads — Part 1: Dimensions,
tolerances and designation
ISO 1179 (all parts), Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1
threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing
ISO 1219-1, Fluid power systems and components — Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams — Part 1:
Graphic symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications
ISO 2602, Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval
ISO 2854, Statistical interpretation of data — Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and
ISO 3744, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using
sound pressure — Engineering method for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane 1)
chemical process of attracting one substance into the mass of another, so that the absorbed substance
combines with the absorbent
actual vapour pressure
partial pressure exerted by the water vapour under the actual temperature condition of the environment
physical process in which the molecules of a gas or a vapour adhere to the surface of a solid
area surrounding the dryer under test
equipment which is either physically integrated and/or functionally interlinked with the compressor
NOTE 1 Interlinking can be in terms of energy exchange, controls or sharing of other components.
NOTE 2 Typically, some of the performance characteristics, such as energy consumption or pressure drop, deviate
substantially from those of free-standing air-treatment equipment.
〈adsorbent〉 substance with the ability to retain water without change of state
dew point
temperature at which the vapour pressure of the vapour in a humid gas is equal to the saturation vapour
pressure over the pure liquid and at which condensate forms as a liquid on cooling the gas
pressure dew point
dew point measured at the actual pressure
device which lowers absolute moisture content of compressed air by reducing water vapour content such that
the exit relative humidity is lower than 100 %ISO 7183:2007
NOTE “Separating” devices that remove 42d1a512d5b2/iso-7183-2007
only bulk water, such as a cyclone separator, are not dryers.
point at which the measured parameter takes its highest, instantaneous value
compressed air and water vapour that diffuses through a membrane
NOTE The greater the selectivity of the membrane for moisture, the lower the permeate loss.
purge air flow
volume-flow of compressed air entering the dryer minus the compressed air leaving the dryer during
regeneration cycle
NOTE 2 For membrane dryers, purge air flow is the sum of “sweep-gas” plus permeate.
process of preparation of drying media to enable it to enter a new period of operation
relative humidity
ratio of the actual vapour pressure to the saturation vapour pressure over a plane liquid water surface at the
same temperature
saturation vapour pressure
partial pressure of water vapour that is in neutral equilibrium with a plane surface of pure, condensed-phase
water or ice at a given temperature
sweep gas
compressed air used in a membrane dryer to carry away moisture from the region outside the membrane
stabilization period
time taken to reach a steady state condition of an average value
test time
time taken after the stabilization period to record dryer performance
4 Symbols
ISO 7183:2007
4.2 Symbols and units
Symbol Term SI unit Other practical units
d actual internal diameter of the tube millimetres
l thread length millimetres
m mass kilogram gram, milligram
P power watt megawatt, kilowatt
p pressure kilopascal bar
q flow rate cubic metres cubic metres per hour
per second cubic metres per minute
litres per second
L latent heat joules megajoules, kilojoules
n number (dimensionless)
t time second minute, hour, day
V volume cubic metre cubic decimetre, cubic centimetre,
cubic millimetre
W work joule megajoule, kilojoule, kilowatt-hour
X average of a series of measured
values, xi of a parameter
4.3 Subscripts
Subscript Term
AL air loss
Av average
BL blow-down loss
sum sum
DC dryer cycle
i interval number
PF purge flow
PL purge air loss
E electrical energy
v vessel
ref reference
regn regeneration
S steam energy
s system
TOT total
5 Reference conditions
Reference conditions for volume statements shall be as given in Table 1.
Standard rating parameters are necessary in defining the performance of an air dryer and in comparing one
dryer with another. The standard rating parameters are given in Table 2.
The standard rating parameters are assumed to be 100 % rated flow operating at 24 hours per day and seven
days per week.
Value a
Quantity Unit Tolerance b
Option A1 c Option A2 c Option B
Inlet temperature °C 35 38 45 ±2
kPa gauge
Inlet pressure 700 (7) 700 (7) 700 (7) ± 14 (0,14)
Inlet relative humidity % 100 100 100 −5
Cooling air inlet temperature (where applicable) °C 25 38 35 ±3
Cooling water inlet temperature (where
°C 25 29 25 ±3
Ambient air temperature °C 25 38 35 ±3
% of rated
Flow of dryer inlet 100 100 100 ±3
a Maintain within actual gauge value.
b The choice between options A and B is influenced by the intended geographical location of the equipment.
c Option A1 applies to a temperate climate zone and Option A2 applies to a sub-tropical zone.