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BACHELOR OF LAWS (LLB) Academic year: 2021/2022

Year of Study: 3rd Year, Semester II




BAKULUMPAGI KEVIN LLB(Muk), LLM(UDSM), Dip LP(LDC); [email protected].


This is designed to help students understanding environmental issues by exploring the

different methods and process of setting environmental goals, compliance standards,
enforcement and remedies for non compliance. The course introduces important concepts
that enables students to understand the goals of environmental policy and legislation at
the local, national, regional and global levels

Learning objectives

This course is designed to enable students develop a general understanding of the nature
of environmental problems at different levels and how environmental law and policy can
be used as effective tools to achieve the objectives of environmental management and
sustainable development. By the end of the course ,students should

1) Gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure of environmental law,

which will enable them to identify, and to assist in resolving environmental law problems
they may encounter in their subsequent professional work
2) Acquire skills in interpreting environmental legislation and related
environmental policy instruments

Environmental law LLB 3

3) Gain basic understanding of environmental management structures, the roles of
different institutions and the administrative processes and procedures by which these
agencies and institutions discharge their responsibilities
4) Develop and enhance their abilities to identify policy options and to critique
policy choices
5) Develop a general understanding of international environment law and its
relevance and application

General reading

Birnie,patricia and A.E Boyle,international law and the environment (Oxford:Oxford

University Press 2002)Law L-34BIR

Birnie,patricia”international environmental laws:its Adequacy for Present and Future

needs” in Andrew Hurrell and Benedict Kingsbury(eds),the international politics of the
environment.Oxford Clarendon Press,19920) pp.51-84 HDC

Boehmer-christiansen,Sonja international environmental policy :interests and the

failure of the Kyoto process (Cheltenham: Edward elgar pub 20020 geography K-25 BOE

Bolin,bert.a history of the science and politics of climate change: the role of the
intergovernmental panel on climate change.
9cambridge university press,2008) Geog D-50 BOL

Boulding Keneth E “Commons And Community :the idea of apublic “ in hardin

andbaden(eds),managing the commons(new York:freeman,1977),pp,280-294,book
general biology j-1 HAR

Bromley,Daniel W And Kathleen Sergerson(Eds0,The Social Response To Environmental

risk: policy formulation in an age of uncertainity(boston,M.A: Kluwer academic
publishers 1992).economies Q-1 BRO

Brudtland,G./world commission on environment and development, our common

future(the brudtland report)(1987).

Environmental law LLB 3


Topic one: General introduction to environmental law

1.1 Definition of environmental law

1.2 Sources of environmental law
1.3 Functions of environmental law
1.4 Development of environmental law
1.5 Historical background of environmental law in Uganda


Emmanuel kasimbazi,the development of environmental law and its impact on

sustainable use of wetlands in uganda ibn Nathalie j chalifour et,al(efs) land use law law
for sustainable development(Cambridge university press,2007)161.

Emmanuel b kasimbazi(2012) application of I nternational stardards in drafting

environmental legislation and la reform projects:the African experience,internationanal
journal of legislative drafting and law reforms,volume 1,issue 1

Emmanuel kansimbazi,monograph of environmental law in Uganda ,international

encyclopeda of law series (kluwer law international )p.15-p30

UNEP ,environmental law training manual: overview of environmental law,p 3-5

Keneth k Irene ssekyana I eds handbook on environmental law in Uganda volume

1,green watch and environmental institute 2009,chapter 1

Topic Two: International Environmental Law

2.1 The nature of international environment problems

2.2 Understanding international law
2.3 Sources of international environmental law
2.4 Regional environmental law instruments of Africa and the EAC
2.5 Application of international environmental law in Uganda

Environmental law LLB 3

2.6 Review of international law conventions ratified by Uganda


 UNEP, Environmental law Training Manual: overview of environmental law p8-31

 P.W .Birnie &A.E .Boyle, International la and the environment,1994 oxford niversity
press0,chapter one.
 Alexander Kiss & Dinah Shelton, International environmental law 2004(transitional
publishers )chapter three
 Keneth KB Irene Ssekyana I Eds Handbook on environmental law in Uganda volume
I,Green Watch & Environmental institute 2009,chapter three



Topic Three: Policy and Legal / Legislative framework for environmental law

3.1 Environmental policy framework in Uganda

a) The national environment management policy, 1994
b) The national environment policy 1994
c) The national Water Policy, 1995
d) The Wildlife Policy, 2014
e) The Uganda Fisheries Policy, 2004
f) The Uganda Forestry Policy, 2001

3.2 Environmental Legislative Framework in Uganda

a) The 1995 Constitution of Uganda
i. Principle XXI and XXVII;
ii. Article 26, 27, 37, 39, 50, 137, 237, 242, 244, and 245
b) The National Environment Act 2019
c) The National Environment Regulations (see below)
d) The Land Act Cap

Environmental law LLB 3

e) The National Forestry and Tree Planting Act, 2003
f) Uganda Wild Life Act 2019
g) The Water Act Cap 152
h) Human Rights (Enforcement) Act 2019
i) Petroleum (Exploration, Development & Production Act) 2013
j) Petroleum (Refining, Conversion, Transmission & Midstream Storage) Act, 2013
k) Petroleum (Supply ) Act 2003
l) Physical Planning Act 2011
m) Kampala Capital City Authority Act
n) The National Environment Action plan for Uganda

3.3 Sectoral Legislation and Subsidiary Legislation.

a) Ordinances on environmental conservation e.g Mbale district, Otuke, Dokolo
b) Bye laws on land management


Kenneth K Irene Ssekyana I Eds Handbook on Environmental Institute 2009, Chapter



Topic Four: Institutional framework on environment management in Uganda.

Part II of the National Environment Act;

4.1 Policy Committee on Environment; Section 6 of NEA

4.2 Minister responsible for environment; S.7 NEA
4.3 National Environment Management Authority; S. 8 NEA
Role, mandate and function of NEMA S. 9 of NEA
4.4 The Parliament of Uganda
Art. 79, Art. 244, Article 245 of 1995 Constitution

Environmental law LLB 3

Committee of Parliament on Environment and Natural Resources

The National Environment Action Plan for Uganda (1995) p. 115

Topic Five: Key players in environment management in Uganda

5.1 Courts of law

 Article 50 and 126 of the constitution
 Human Rights (Enforcement) Act 2019
 Section 3 of the NEA
 Luo Lavrysen, The role of national judges in environmental law]
 Lal Kurukulasuriya & Charlotte Streak, The Judiciary function of environment
0the%20 Judiciary.pdf .

5.2 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

 The National Environment Management Policy p. 45
 The Uganda Forestry Policy (1999) p.14
 The National Environment Action Plan for Uganda (1995) p. 47 &130
 Article 50 of the Constitution
 Section 3 of NEA
 Section 69 of NEA
 Section 5 of the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act, 2003
 British American Tobacco (BAT) V The Environmental Action Network (TEAN) HCCS
No. 27 of 2003 (Arising from Misc. Applic. No. 70 of 2003)
 Byabazaire Grace V Mukano Industries Miscellaneous Application No.909 of 2000.
 National Association of professional Environmental Environment V AES Nile power
LTD, Miscellaneous Cause NO.60 of 1999

Environmental law LLB 3

 Green Watch & Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) V Golf
Course Holding LTD Miscellaneous Application NO.390 of 2001 (Arising form HCCS No.
834 of 2000)
5.3 International community
 International institutions – UNEP, European Union, Embassies
 Treaty bodies
 International civil society organizations

5.4 The general Public

 Roberts E. & Dobbins J ‘The Role of the Citizen in Environmental Enforcement,
Environmental Law Institute. 1616 P Street. N.W Washington. DC 20036, USA
http://www.enviro-lawyer.com//The Role of the Citizen in Environmental
 The National Environment Management Policy p. 27
 The National Environment Action Plan for Uganda (1995) P. 66
 Article 3 and 50 of the constitution
 Section 3 of the National Environment Act
 Section 5 of the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act



Section 5 of the National Environment Act 2019

Ole W Pedersen, Environmental Principles and the Evolution of Environmental

Law Environmental Principles and the Evolution of Environmental Law. By ELOISE
SCOTFORD [London: Hart, 2017, 272 pp, ISBN 978-84946-297]

6.1 Polluter Pays principle

 Principle 16 of the Rio Declaration

Environmental law LLB 3

 National Water Quality Management Strategy (2006), p. 19
 Sections 2 (2) (K), 58 (6) and (2) of NEA
 Natal Fresh produce Growers Association V Agro serve pty LTD 1900 (4) SA 749 (N)
 Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action V Union of India (1995) 3 Scc 7

6.2 Precautionary Principle

 1982 World Charter for Nature

 Convention on Biological Diversity 1992
 United Nations Framework Convnetion on Climate Change
 Tumushabe G.W, 2002. The Precautionary Principle, Biotechnology and Environmental
Litigation: Complexities in Legitimating New and Emerging Environmental Problems. A
code Policy Research series, No. 3, 2001.
 David Cole, The Precautionary Principle- its origins and Role in environmental law
 Tim O’Riodan and James Cameron, interpreting the precautionary Principle,
http://dieoff.org/page 31.htm
 Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development report 1987.
 Principle 15 of the Rio declaration
 National Water Quality Management Strategy (2006), p. 19


 R.V Secretary of state for Trade and Industry ex Duddridge, (1995) CA

The times 26 October
 Shehla Zia V WapDA, PLD 1994 SC 693
 Green peace Austraria V Redbank Power Company pty Ltd & single ton Council (1994)
86.Lgera 143
 Leatch V National Parks & Wildlife Services, (1993) 81 Lgera 270

6.2. Principle of Sustainable Development

Environmental law LLB 3

 Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development report 1987.

6.3 Inter-generational Equity

6.4 Participatory principle

6.5 Prevention Principle

6.6 Public Trust Doctrine

1995 Constitution


7. 1 Environmental impact assessment

 Michael 1 Jeffery, Environmental Impact Assessment: Addressing the Major

Weaknesses in Nathalie J Chalifour at al (Eds) land use Law for sustainable
Development (Cambridge University press, 2007) 451
 Lana Roux & Willemiem du Plessis, ELA Legislation and the importance of trans
boundary application in Nathalie J Chalifour at al Land use Law for sustainable
development (Cambridge university Press, 2007) 89.
Micheal Kidd, ALA and the four Ps: Some observations form south Africa in Nathanlie J
Chalifour et al (Eds) Land use law for sustainable development (Cambridge University
Press, 2007) 181.
 The National Environment Management Policy 1994, p. 19
 The national Environment action plan for Ugandan (!((%) p. 47 & 59
 National Policy for the conservation and management of wetland resources (1995) p. 8
 The National wetland programme of 1996
 The Wetland sector strategic plan 2001-2010
 The Guidelines for environmental impact assessment (1997)
 Environmental impact assessment public hearings Guidelines, 1999
 Section 19 to 21 of NEA

Environmental law LLB 3

 The environmental impact assessment: Regulation 34 of the National Environment
(Wetlands, River Banks and lake shores management) Regulations, no. 3/2000


 National Association of professional environments V EAS Nile power Ltd. Misc. Cause
No. 268 of 1999.
 Rogers Muema Nzioka & 2 ors. V Tiomim Kenya Ltd, Civil Case No. 97 of 2001

7.2 Environmental Audit

 National Environment (Audit) Regulations 2006

 Environmental Audit Guidelines for Uganda (1999)
 Section 126 of NEA

7.3 Environmental Monitoring

 National environmental policy, p. 47

 The National Environment action plan for Uganda (1995) p. 131
 National Water policy, p. 32 &33
 Section 23 of NEA

7.4 Environmental standards

 The National Environmental Action Plan for Uganda (1995) p. 47 & 60

 Part IX of NEA
 The national Environment (Noise standards and control) Regulations, 2003.
 The National Environment (standards for discharge of effluent into water or on land)
Regulations, S.1 NO 5/1999.
 The National Environment (Minimum Standards for management of soil Qulaity)
Regulations, 2001
 Draft National Air Quality Standards, 2013

Environmental law LLB 3

7.5 environment inspection

 Section 79 and 80 of NEA

7.6 Environmental Rights

 Kansibazi Emmanuel(1998),the Environment as Human Right; Lessons from Uganda

(Proceedingts of the 10th Annual Conference of the African Society of International
Comparative Law)p.145
 B.K Twinomugisha ‘Some Reflections on judicial Protection of the Right to a clean and
Healthy Environment in Uganda’3/3 Law, Environment and Development (LEAD)
Journal (2007),p.244
 Greenwatch &UNEP, Hand Book on Environmental Law in Uganda
(2005(2005).Vol.1,chapter 6,p.49
 Christine Echookit Akello,The Right to Environment and Generational Equity,Eaphr
1998,Vol 4,No.2p.125
 South African Human Rights commission, The Right to a Healthy financial year
http://www.sahre.org.za/old website/5th esr environmental.pdf
Principles XIII, XXI and XXVII of the National objectives and Directive principles 39 and
50 of the constitution
 Section 3 of NEA
 The Environment ( prohibition of smoking in public places) regulations 2003
 The Environmental Action Network v A.G & NEMA
 Oposa v Factoran (1993) Supreme Court of Philippines, Gr 101083
 BAT V CEHURD & Attorney General

7.7 Environmental reporting

Section 166 & 177 of NEA


Environmental law LLB 3

7.8 Restoration Orders

 The National Environment Action Plan for Uganda (1995)

 Part XII of NEA
 Regulation 35 of the National Environment5 (Wetlands,River Banks And Lake Showers
Management) Regulations, No.3/2000
 Godfrey Nyakaana Vs NEMA SCCA No. 5 of 2011
 Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v union of India (1995) 3 SCC 77

7.9: Environmental Easements

 Nyakabi Gitahi,Easements and Wildlife Conservation in Kenya in Nathalie J Chalifour

et al (Eds) Land Use Law for Sustainable Development (Cambridge University
Press,2007) 120
 Section 72 to 76 and 101 of NEA
 Section 36 of the Water Act
 Regulation 25 of the Water Resources Regulations,No.33/1998
 Re Ellenborough Park (1956) ch.131
 Rangely v Midland Railway Corporation (1868) 3 Ch.App 306,(310-311)
 Reily v Booth (1890) 44 Ch.D.12
 Phipps v Pears (1965) 1 Q.B 76


Environmental management

8.1 Biodiversity

 United Nations convention on Biological Diversity, 5 June 1992,

 National Environment policy p.9-12
 The National Environment Action Plan for Uganda (1995) p. 108
 The Uganda Forestry Policy (2001) p. 5
 Part V of NEA
 DMW (U) LTD v Attorney General & NEMA (HCCS No 24 of 2019)

Environmental law LLB 3

 Naluwairo, R., and Amumpiire, A., (2017), Enhancing Access to Justice in Uganda’s
Forestry Sector: A Comparative Study of Uganda and Tanzania. ACODE Policy Research
Series, No.82, 2017. Kampala.
 Water & Environment Media Network (U) Ltd, National Association Of Professional
Environmentalists (NAPE) & AFIEGO VS versus NEMA & Hoima Sugar Limited HCCS
NOs.239 & 255 OF 2020

8.2 Lake shores and river banks

 National environment management policy;

 Part V of the National Environment Act
 The National Environment (wetlands, River Banks and Lake shores management)
Regulations, No 3/2000.
 The water (waste Discharge) Regulations, No. 32/1998.
 The National Environment (standards for Discharge of Effluent into water or on land)
Regulations, S.I. No 5/1999

8.3 Ozone layer

 Viena Convention for the protection of the Ozone layer ( U.N.T.S. 293, 324, printed in
26.I.L.M. 1529
 Montreal protocol on substances that Deplete the ozone layer (S. treat Doc. No. 9,99th
cong, 1st Sess. 22, reprinted in 26.I.L.M. 1550 (1987)
 Part VI of NEA
 The National Environment (Management of Ozone Depleting substances and product)
Regulations 2001

8.4 Hazardous wastes

 Basel convention on the control of Trans boundary movements of Hazardous wastes and
their Disposal, Mar. 22, 1989, UNEP/IG.80/3, reprinted in 28 1.LM. 657
 The national Environment Action Plan for Uganda (1995)p.61
 National Environment management policy p.20-22

Environmental law LLB 3

 Part VI of NEA
 The National Environment (waste management) Regulations, S.1 No 52/1999.
 Commission of the European communities V Hellenic Republic, European court of Juice,
case No. C-33/01

8.5 Environmental regulations of oil and Gas

 The constitution (Amendment) Act, 11 of 2005

 The National Oil and Gas policy for Uganda in 2008
 Part VI of the NEA
 The petroleum (Exploration, Development and production) Act, 2013 section 3, 129-129-
 The petroleum (refining, conversion, transmission and Midstream storage) Act, 2013,
section 3, 38, 43-81, 60-62,63-71.
 Emmanuel and Production in Uganda, Energy & Natural Resources Law Vol 30 No 2
 Environmental provisions in the New Oil Bills (2012), IUCN of Environmental Law, E-
Journal, 2013

8.6 Pollution control

8.1.1 Control of water pollution

 John Ntambirweki, legal and institutional framework for the management of water
resources Makerere Law Journal, 2001 p.1
 Richard Helmer & Ivanildo Hespanho (Eds.) Water Pollution control- A Guide to the
use of water quality management principles http://www.who.int/water sanitation
 Ministry of water and environment, Directorate of water development, water resources
management department, the year book of water resources management department
2004-2006 (2006)
 Jan Glansewski Environmental Law in south Africa 2nd Ed. (2005) (Butterworths) p.

Environmental law LLB 3

 The national Environment Action plan for Uganda (1995) p. 34, 42, 43 and 55.
 National Water quality management strategy (2006), p. 10&19
 Part VII of NEA
 Principles XXI and XXVII of the constitution
 Article 245 of the constitution
 Section 28 to 31 of the water act
 Regulation 4 of the National Environment (Standards for Discharge of effluent into
water or on land) Regulations, s.1 No 5/1999
 Regulation 4 of the water (Waste discharge) Regulations, No. 32/1998
 Kenya ports Authority v East African power and Lighting Co. Ldt. Civil Appeal No. 41
of 1981, (Court of Appeal, Mombasa)
 Vellore citizens welfare forum V Union on India, PIL 981-97

8.1.2 Control of Air pollution

 Part VII of NEA

 Principle XXVII of the constitution
 The National Environment (Waste Management) Regulations, S.I. No 52/1999

6.1.3 Control of soil pollution

 Part VII of NEA

 The National Environment (minimum standards for management of soil Quality)
Regulations, 2001


Application of common law principles in Environmental law

9.1 Introduction

 Green watch & UNEP, Hand Book on Environmental Law in Uganda 2005 (2005). Vol.1,
chapter 2,p 6-13

Environmental law LLB 3

 Albert Mumma, Background to environmental law- common law jurisdictions, paper
prepared for the symposium for environmental law lecturers form African Universities,
Nakuru 29th September to 2nd October 2004
 Roger E. Meiners and Bruce Yandle, The common Law: How it protects the
environment, PERC Policy series issue number PS-13 1998, available at
 Daniel K. Benjamin, common law and Environmental protection
 Environmental law- common law

9.2 Nuisance

i. Private nuisance
 Dr Bwogi Rihard Kanyerezi V The management committee of Rubaga Girls school, civil
appeal No.3 of 1996
 De Keyser’s Royal Hotel V Spicer Bros Ltd (1914) 30 TLR 257
 Crown River cruises V Kimbolton Fireworks (1996) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 533
 British Celenese V Hunt (Capacitors) Ltd. (1969) 2 All ER 11253
 Sedleigh Defield V O’Callaghan (1949) 3 All ER
ii. Public Nuisance
 Attorney General V P.Y.A Quarries Lt (1994) l All E.R. 910
 Arima Nantongo & Anor. V Hiral Mohammed (1974) HCB 181
 Attorney General V kafeero Mambule (1959) EA 665
iii. Defences
 Sturges V Bridgman (1876) 11 ch D 852
 Allen V Gulf Oil (1981) 1 All ER 353

9.3 Riparian rights

 Whalen V. Union Bag & Paper Co. 208 N.Y.! (Ct. App. N.Y. 1913)
 Bunker Hill & Sullivan mining & concentrating Co. V. Polak, 7 F.2d 583 (9th Cir. 1925)

Environmental law LLB 3

 International paper Co.V. Maddox, 105 F. Supp. 89 (W.D.La. 1951)
 Pride of Derby and Derbyshire Angling V. British Celanese Ltd. And Others (1953) Ch.
149 1
 Cambridge Water co.V. Eastern Countries Leather Plc, (1994) 1 All ER 53

9.4 Trespass
i. What constitutes trespass
 Kelsen V Imperial Tobacco Co (1957) 2 QB 334 C.F, section 58 (1) of the civil Aviation
Authority Act Cap 354, Lwas of Uganda, 2000
 Bulli Coal Mining co v Osborne (1899) AC 352
 Holmes v Wilson & Ors (1839) 10 A & E 503
 Konskier v Goodman Ltd (1928) 1 KB 421
 Conway v George Wimpey & Co (1951) 2 KB 266,271
 League against Cruel sports v Scott (1985) 2 All ER 489
ii. Defences to Trespass

a) Licence
 Hillen v ICL (Alkali) Ltd (1936) AC 65
 Robson v Hallett (1967( 2 QB 939
 Minister of Health v belloti (19944) KB 298
b) Rights of entry
c) Acquiesces or adverse possession
 Jones v Stones (1999) 1 WLK 1739

9.5 Strict Liability

 Rylands v Fletcher (1868) LR 3 HL 330
 Mason v Levy Auto parts of England (1967) 2 all ER 62
 Paskali Bahizi v Kibandana (1977) HCB 91
 Cambridge water v eastern Counties Leather (1994) 1 All ER 53
 Read v Lyons Ltd (1946) 2 all ER 471

Environmental law LLB 3

 Rickards v Lothian (1913) AC 263
 Tennent v Earl of Glasgow (1864) 2 M (HL) 22
 Nichols v Marsland (1876) 2 Ex D 1
 Greenock corporation Caledonian Railway (1917) Ac 556

9.6 Negligence
 Blyth V Birmingham Waterworks Co (1856)11 Exch 781,Judgment of Alderson B
 Donoghue V Stevenson (1932) AC 562,Judgement of Lord Atkins
 Bolton and others V Stone,(1951)1 All ER 1078,Judgement of Lord Porter.
 Paris V Stepney Borough Council (1951) 1 All ER 42
 Edward Willy Kaggwa V A.G (1971) ULR 276

9.7 Environmental Offences

 Vicent Wagoona,Criminal Aspects of Environmental Law and Technicalities of

Environmental Crimes
 The National Environment Action Plan for Uganda (1995) p.77
 Part XIII of NEA
 Part IX of the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act
 Section 104 of the Water Act,Cap 152
 Part XII of the Uganda Wildlife Act,Cap 200
 Section 6 to 12 to 32 of the Fish Act,Cap 197
 Section 7 of the Plant Protection Act Cap 31
 Section 6 Of The Prohibition of Burning of Grass Act Cap 33
 Regulation 36 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation,S.I.No.13/1998
 Regulation 6 of the National Environmental (Standards for Discharge of Effluent into
Water or on Land) Regulations,S.I No 5/1999
 Regulation 37 of the national environment (Wetlands,River Banks And Lake Shores
Management ) Regulations,No 3/2000
 Regulation 14 of the national Environment (Management of Ozone Depleting
Substances And Products) Regulation 2001

Environmental law LLB 3

 Regulation 21 of The National Environment (Noise Standards And Control ) Regulation
 Regulation 28 of the Water Resources Regulations,No 33/1998
 Regulation 21of the Water (Waste Discharge) Regulations,1998
 Environmental protection Authority v Charles Gardener,Land and Enironment Court
of New South Wales,Matter No.50072/96 and50074/96
 Stephen Thiongo Karanja v The Republic,Crim App.No.1593 of 1984,(High court of

9.8 Public Interest Litigation

 Greenwatch & UNEP,Hand Book on Environmental Law in Uganda (2005(2005).Vol.1

 Mr.Justice R.K.Abichandani.” Mananing Public Interest Litigation “ New
 Public Interest Litigation In Uganda Practice & Procedure Shipwrecks And Seamarks
By Phillip Karugaba, 2005
 O Odhiambo,Micheal,”Legal and Institutional Constraints to Public interest Litigation
as a Mechanism for the Enforcement of Environmental Rights and Duties in Kenya “
paper presented at the Fiffth International Conference on Environmental Compliance
and Enforcement.
 Chayes, “The Role of the Judge in Public Law Litigation” (1976),89 HARV. L.REV. 1281
 Sarat & Scheingold, “cause lawyering and the reproduction of professional
Responsibilities (Sarat & scheingold eds.1998)
 Fuller, The Forms and Limits of Adjudication,92 HARV.L.REV.353 (1978)
 Touraine, “ An Introduction to the Study of Social Movements” (1985),5 SOC.RES.749
 Kahan, “Gentle Nudges vs.Hard Shoves:Solving the Sticky Norms
Problem”,(2003),Alternative Law Jourrnal Vol.28 No.1 Feb 2003 PA
 Environmental and public interest litigation Gathers pace in Uganda

Environmental law LLB 3

 Environmental and public interest litigation Gathers pace in Uganda
 Article 50 and 137 of the constitution
 Section 3 and 71 of NEA
 Bandhua Muktirnorcha v Union of India (1984).S.C
 Mtikila v The A.G,Civil Suit No.5 of 1993 (High Court of Tanzania)
 British American Tobacco (BAT) V The Environment Action Network (TEAN )HCCS
No. 27 of 2003 (Arising from Misc.Applic.No.70 of 2002).
 Byabazaire Grace v Mukwano Industries Miscellaneous Apllication No.909 0f 2000
 National Association of Professional Environmentalists v AES Nile Power
Ltd,Miscellaneous Cause No.60 of 1999
 Greenwatch & Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) V Golf
Course Holdings Ltd Miscellaneous Application No.390 of 2001 (Arising from HCCS
No.834 o 2000)
 Ismail Serugo v kampala City Council &AG,Constitutional Appeal No.2 of 1998
 Oposa v Factoran (1993) Supreme Court of Philippines,GR 101083

9.8 Environmental judicial Remedies

 Articles 50 (1) of the constitution

 A.G (Gambia) v Njie, [1961] 2 All E.R. 540
 Greenwatch and Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment Golf couse
Holdings Ltd.

References for further reading;

Birne and Boyle, International Law and the Environment (Claredon Press,Oxford).

Linda A. Malone, Environmental Law, The Emmanuel Law Outline series, Aspen

Environmental law LLB 3

Estrin David and Swaigen (1993),Environment on Trial: A Guide to Ontario
Environmental Law and Policy (Ernond Montgomery Publications Linited

Frank H Smith,The Role of State Forestry in Managing and Conserving the

Ecology,(1998) 5 SAJELP p.31

George Lubega Matovu,the challenges in Monitoring and Enforcement of Environmental

Laws in Uganda,A paper Presented at a training Workshop to strengthening and
enhance the capacity of police Investigators and state prosecutors to enforce
environmental laws,March 2006 http://www.greenwatch.or.ug/pdf/news/challengesin
monitoring and enforcements of environment pdf

UNEP, Implementation of Environmental Law in Uganda; Kluwer international

Kasimbazi Emmanuel (2013),Monograph of Environment Law in Uganda;Kluwer


Jan Glansewski Environmental Law in South Afric 2nd Ed.(2005) (Butterworths)

NEMA,State of the Environment Reprt for Uganda.

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1. Kajing Tubek and Others Vs Ekrain and Others (1995 ML)

2. Wangiri Maathai Vs Kenya Time Media Trust (Nairobi High Court Civil Case
No.54 of 1989
3. Rev .Christopher Mtikill Vs The Attorney General (Tanzania High Court Civil
Suit No 5 of 1993
4. Siraji Waiswa Vs Kakira Sugar Works Ltd (High Court Miscellaneous
Application No.23 of 2001,arising from civil suit NO 69 OF 2001)
5. Regina vs I.R.C/Federation of self Employed (1982)A.C 643
6. Sierra Club Vs United States Army Corps of Engineers (701F.2d 1011 2 Cir.1983)
7. Greenwatch Vs.Attorney General and Another (Misc.Application No.39 of 2001)

Environmental law LLB 3


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