Review of State Estimation and Remaining Useful Li
Review of State Estimation and Remaining Useful Li
Review of State Estimation and Remaining Useful Li
Review of State Estimation and Remaining Useful Life
Prediction Methods for Lithium–Ion Batteries
Jiahui Zhao , Yong Zhu *, Bin Zhang, Mingyi Liu, Jianxing Wang, Chenghao Liu and Xiaowei Hao
China Huaneng Group, Clean Energy Research Institute (CERI), Beijing 102209, China;
[email protected] (J.Z.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The accurate estimation of the state of charge, the state of health and the prediction of
remaining useful life of lithium–ion batteries is an important component of battery management. It
is of great significance to prolong battery life and ensure the reliability of the battery system. Many
researchers have completed a large amount of work on battery state evaluation and RUL prediction
methods and proposed a variety of methods. This paper first introduces the definition of the SOC, the
SOH and the existing estimation methods. Then, the definition of RUL is introduced, and the main
methods are classified and compared. Finally, the challenges of lithium–ion battery state estimation
and RUL prediction are summarized, and the direction for future development is proposed.
1. Introduction
Lithium–ion batteries have the advantages of high energy density, low self-discharge
and long life, and have been used in many fields [1,2]. Given the background of an
expanding lithium–ion battery global market, related technical research such as state-of-
charge (SOC) estimation needs to be gradually improved to effectively ensure the promotion
and application of lithium–ion batteries in multiple scenarios. Accurate estimation of the
Citation: Zhao, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zhang, B.; SOC plays an important role in preventing battery overcharge, overdischarge and extending
Liu, M.; Wang, J.; Liu, C.; Hao, X. the battery cycle life. However, lithium–ion batteries are highly nonlinear, and their SOC is
Review of State Estimation and affected by many factors, making it difficult to accurately estimate the SOC. Therefore, the
Remaining Useful Life Prediction SOC estimation method of lithium–ion batteries is of widespread concern.
Methods for Lithium–Ion Batteries. In addition, in the continuous charging and discharging process of lithium–ion bat-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014. https:// teries, battery performance will deteriorate with the decrease in capacity and increase in
impedance; this may induce battery faults, such as internal short circuits and thermal run-
Academic Editor: Julia Kowal away, resulting in equipment and system failure and catastrophic accidents [3]. Therefore,
it is also critical to accurately estimate the state of health (SOH) and predict the remaining
Received: 9 February 2023
useful life (RUL) to improve the reliability of the battery [4].
Revised: 28 February 2023
At present, some scholars have summarized and solved the estimation and prediction
Accepted: 7 March 2023
methods of the SOC, the SOH and the RUL. Reference [1] summarized the methods and
Published: 11 March 2023
models for SOH estimation and compared their advantages and disadvantages, but the
methods are not well classified or comprehensively covered. Reference [2] provided a
coherent review of battery state estimation and RUL prediction techniques and provided
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. an available commercial dataset for analysis; however, the relationship between these
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. methodologies is not clearly explained. Reference [5] reviewed model-based methods and
This article is an open access article data-driven methods for SOC estimation, but the models of battery are not compared in
distributed under the terms and detail. With the development of the battery industry, there have been a lot of innovations
conditions of the Creative Commons in battery state estimation and life prediction methods. However, previous reviews cannot
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// fully cover innovative methods. Thus, this paper explains and summarizes recent extensive scholarly research.
Ampere integration
Figure curveofoflithium–ion
Figure 4. Curve of terminal voltage SOC for LFP battery. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [19]
(© 2020 byCurve
Figure Zhihu) .
Figure 4.4. Curve
Curveof terminal
for for
with permission
from Ref.
Ref. [19]
[19]Ref. [19]
(© 2020
2020byby Zhihu)
by Zhihu).
2.3. The Model Method
2.3. TheModel
The Model
Model Method
Methodbattery model includes an external characteristic model and an elec-
trochemical lithium–ion
The lithium–ion battery
both can be
battery model
model for SOCan
includes external
an external characteristicmodel
characteristic modeland
model andan
and anelec-
trochemical model;
model; both
both can
can be
be used
used for
trochemical model; both can be used for SOC calculation.SOC
SOC calculation.
2.3.1. SOC Estimation Method Based on the Electrical Model
SOC Estimation
method of SOC
Estimation Method
Method Based
Method Based on
based onElectrical
the the external
Electrical Model
characteristic model is relatively
simple,The method of SOC estimation based on the externalcharacteristic
method of
of SOC
SOC estimation
estimation based
based ison
on the
the external
to apply
external in engineering.
characteristic model
model isisrelatively
is electrical
simple, involves less computation and is easier to apply in engineering. The electrical
simple, involves
involves theless
less computation
computation circuitand is
model and
easier the
apply in
in engineering.
engineering. The
Commonly used
model includes the equivalent circuit model and the OCV–SOC models. Commonlyused
equivalent the
circuit equivalent
models circuit
include the
circuit model
Rint and
model, the OCV–SOC
the PNGV
OCV–SOC models.
model Commonly
[20], the nth-order
equivalent circuit
model models
circuit models include
(nth-order the
RC Rint
themodel), model,
the GNL
model, the
the model model
PNGV model
model [20],
etc. Thethe
[20], nth-order
the nth-order
of different
Thevenin model
model [20,21]
[20,21] (nth-order
is listed
[20,21] in Table
(nth-order RC
RCRC model),
model), the
thethe GNL
GNLGNL model
model [20],
[20], etc.
[20], The
etc. comparison
The comparison of
of different models
modelsis listed
is listedin Table
of different models is listed in Table 1. 1.
Table 1.
Table 1. Classification and comparison of models for a lithium–ion battery.
Table 1.
Table Classification and comparison of models for a lithium–ion battery.
Classification Table1.
Configuration andcomparison
comparison ofofmodels
Description modelsfor foraalithium–ion
battery. Disadvantage
Classification Configuration
Configuration Description
Description Advantage
Advantage Disadvantage
It cannot reflect the dy-
The model is sim-
An ideal voltage source namic
reflect of
The and the isispa-
sim- It cannot reflectthe dy-
Rint model isAnconnected
ideal voltageto a resistor
source The model sim- thenamic battery and
dynamic has low
characteristics of
An ideal
An idealvoltage
voltage source
source rameter
ple,Theandmodel is simple, namic characteristics of
modelmodel is connectedin series.
is connected to a
to aresistor
resistor ple,
andand thepa-
the parameterpa- the of the battery and has
battery with
and a small
has low
Rint model is connected to a resistor rameter
in series. ment is easy.
measurement is easy.
the battery
low accuracyand withhas alow
in rameter measure- range ofsmall
series. ment
accuracy with
with aasmall
The n-order Thevenin mentisiseasy. easy. The range
of applications.
of applications.
in open-cir-
Electrical The RC loop is range of applications.
The circuit
n-order Theveninmodel
Thevenin cuit
change and
in thein self-
The change
Electrical equivalent circuit model
isis to Theopen-circuit
change open-cir-
voltage and
is based
equivalent on the
circuit Rint
modelthe discharge
cuit voltage and caused
andthe theby
Electrical is based on the Rint used dynamic
used to char- cuit voltage
the dynamic
simulate the self-discharge self-
Sustainability Thevenin
2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW model; n
basedon non circuits
RCthe Rint
the are
Rintare characteristics of load current
caused bycaused
discharge accumu-
load current
caused by
6 ofby23
model Thevenin model
connected in seriesto to
the dynamic
of batter-
and the
higherlated accumulated over
Thevenin connected
model; nnRC RC incircuits
circuits are load over
current time aretime
accumu- not
represent the areacteristics
ies, and the
the n, of
the higher
higher load
are current accumu-
not considered. The
model represent
connected thein polariza-
series to acteristics of batter- considered.
lated The bigger
model polarization
connected in series to ies, theand n, the
the precision
the higher
higher lated over time arenot
bigger time
the n,are
the not
tion phenomenon
represent the of the
polariza- cell.
the ies, and the higher the n, more
the more
considered. computation.
The compu-
Based oncell. the polariza-
the 1st order the then, precision
the higher considered. The bigger
tion The
the n, calculation
the higher the n, thetation.
Thevenin phenomenon
on the 1st order
the the precision the n, themore morecompu- compu-
cell. burden
the is low;
precision tation.
cell. equivalent The calculation burden tation.
cuit model, capacitor
circuit model, capacitorCp Compared with the
is low; Compared It does not solve the bat-
It does not solve the
is added Cp is to
added to describe
describe the 1stthe 1st order Thevenin
the change in
order Thevenin
equivalent circuit
tery self-discharge
battery prob-
self-discharge problem.
change in open-voltage
open-circuit circuit equivalent model, thecircuit
accuracy lem.
caused by load current
voltage caused
over time.
by load model,isthe higher.
current over time. racy is higher.
Compared with
PNGV, the open
The two RC loops repre-
circuit voltage
sent concentration po-
change caused by Compared with the
larization and electro-
load current over PNGV model, the calcu-
chemical polarization,
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 23
Based on
Based on thethe 1st
1st order
order The calculation
Thevenin equivalent
Based onequivalent
Thevenin the 1st order cir-
cir- Theburden is low;
burden is
cuit model,
cuit model, capacitor
capacitorcir- Cp Compared
Cp Compared
burden iswith with It does
the It
low;the does not
not solve
solve thethe bat-
Sustainability 2023,PNGV
15, 5014model is added to describe the 1st order Thevenin tery self - discharge 6 of 22
PNGV model cuit model,
is added to capacitor
describe the Cp Compared with the It
1st order Thevenin terydoes
selfnot solve theprob-
-discharge bat-
PNGV model change
addedin in open
toopen --circuit
describe circuit
the 1stequivalent
order Thevenin
equivalent circuit tery self-discharge
circuit lem.
lem. prob-
change in caused
open-by by model, the
load equivalent
circuit model, thecircuit
accu- lem.
voltage caused load
Table 1. Cont. current
voltage causedover time. load model, racy is
racy isthe higher.
current over by time.
current over time. Compared
racy is higher.
Compared with
Classification Configuration Description Advantage Disadvantage
Compared the open
the with
The two
The two RC RC loops repre- PNGV,
loops repre- open
circuit the voltage
sent concentration
two RC loops repre-
concentration po- PNGV,
circuit open
change caused
change voltageby by Compared with
Compared with thethe
sent Theand
larization two RC
electro-po- load
loops Compared with PNGV,
load current
caused over
by PNGV model,
model,with the calcu-
chemical polarization,
represent thecurrent over PNGV the calcu-
GNL model
model larization
chemical andconcentration
electro- time
polarization and is
open circuit
change caused
by loadlation model,
is morethe
Compared complex
with the
GNL respectively, and the load
time current
is considered,over PNGV
lation is more calcu-
and the
electrochemical and current
the over time is with larger
battery PNGVcalculation
model, the
GNL model
model structure ispolarization,
closer to the time isthe
batteryand the lation iscalculation
with larger more complex
is more
structure is
closer and
to the
the self-discharge
battery is with burden.
internal characteristics and theself-discharge
self-discharge is complex
burden. with larger
Electrical structure
internal is closer
structure is closertotothethe considered;
considered; higher
higher calculation burden.
the characteristics
internal cell. self-discharge
considered;precision is
and burden.
model internal of the cell.
of the cell. precision and
wider applicability.
precision higher
of the cell. wider applicability.
wider and
wider applicability. Some parameters
Some parameters of of the
The battery
The battery terminal
Open-circuit model
model Somedo not
do not havehave
parameters ac-
of the
of ac-
Open-circuit voltage
battery calculated
is calculated model do not have
voltage SOCSOC
voltage voltage is calculated SimpleSimple calculation
calculation model tual physical
do signifi-
have ac-
voltage with thewith
relationship be- Simple calculation tual physical actual signifi-
SOC model
model withvoltage
the isthe
relationship be- cance, and the the accuracy
significance, accuracy
and the
model SOC tween OCV
between and SOC.
and SOC. Simple calculation tual
cance, physical
and signifi-
and be- accuracy
is low.
low. is low.
model cance, and is the accuracy
tween OCV and SOC.
is low.
The lithium–ion
The lithium–ion battery battery
The is equivalent
The lithium–ion
is lithium–ion
equivalent to to the
is equivalent to the
It is
It is too
too complex
complex and and
is equivalent of electrode It is too complex and
structure structure ofto
of electrode the
electrode computationally inten-
(positive and
(positive negative
and HighHigh
negative High accuracy and
It is toocomputationally
complex and
and computationally inten-
P2D model
model structure
(positive of electrode
and negative accuracy and sive, and the analytical
and the
P2D model electrode);
electrode); diaphragm
diaphragm wide applicability
applicability computationally
sive, and the
solution can
electrode); andand negative
electrolyte are High
wide and solution
applicability can be is diffi-
P2D model and electrolyte
composed are
numerous sive, and is the
com- wide applicability solution can be is obtain.
be analytical
difficult to diffi-
and electrolyte diaphragm com- cult to obtain.
posed spherical solid
of numerous
numerous particles. solution can be
cult to obtain. is diffi-
and electrolyte
posed of are com-
spherical solid particles. cult to obtain.
posed of
spherical numerous
solid particles.
Electro- spherical solid particles.
Electrochemical Under the the condition
condition of of
model Two spherical particles high rate
Under charge
the conditionand of
Two spherical particles Under therate
high high
rate condition
chargeand and
model are
are used
Twoto represent
to represent the
particles Simple structure discharge,
high rate the assump-
chargethe and
to representthe the Simple structure
structure anddischarge, the assump-
are used Simple
SP model
SP model arepositive and
positive toand negative
negative and
the and small
small amount
structure tion of
amount discharge,
amount tion of the
the model
assump- not
model is not valid,not
model is
SP model and negative small
SP model terminals
terminals of
positive and lithium
of lithiumion
of lithium
ion and of calculation
of calculation valid, the calculation er-
ofsmall amount valid,
calculation tion of thecalculation
the model
calculation erroris not
is large
batteries, respectively.
batteries, respectively.
lithium ion
respectively. of calculation ror is
ror isthe
and theand
large the ap-
and the ap-
range is small.
batteries, respectively. plication
ror is large
plication range
and is
range is
The calculation plication range is small.
calculation burden
burden theofP2D
of themodel
the P2Dis
P2D Unable to solve the
Simplify the The PDE of the P2D Unable
greatly reduced. It is Unable to solve
inherentsolve the in-
problems in-
P2D model model isthe
model is
the P2D
and herent theproblems
P2D, it is difficult to
Simplifythe The PDE of P2D of the
Simplify the The PDE of the P2D duced.
model is It is more
greatlymore the Unable
thanre- toapply
herent problemssolve the
online. in-
of the
P2D model model is simplified.
simplified. duced. It is P2D, it is
is difficult
difficultof totheap-
Simplify the
P2D model The PDE
model is of the P2D accurate SP and model. herent
appli- P2D, it problems to ap-
duced. Itand
accurate is more
appli- ply online.
P2D model model is simplified. cable than
than the SP P2D, itply is difficult
online. to ap-
cable andthe appli-
The Rint model is the simplest equivalent circuit model,
model. which ply online.
consists of an ideal
cable model.
than the SP
voltage source and an internal resistance in series. The model is simple, and the model
The Rintare
The Rint easyis
model istothe
the simplestHowever,
simplest equivalent
equivalent it cannot reflect the
circuit model,
circuit model, which
whichtransient process
consists of an
of of the
an ideal
voltage and
voltage has
Rint modellow
and an accuracy
is internal and
the simplest a small
resistance in
resistance application
series. The
in series. range.
simple, and
is simple, with
andof the the Rint
voltage the Thevenin
source easy model
to adds
measure. an RC
However, circuit
it to reflect
cannot the
reflect polarization
the transientprocess
of the
parameters are and
easyantointernal resistance
measure. However, in itseries.
cannot The model
reflect theistransient
simple, and the model
process of the
has RC
lowcircuits added,
accuracy and the
a more
small accurate
application the circuit
range. model
Compared and the
with higher
the the
battery andare haseasy
low to measure.
accuracy andHowever,
a small it cannot reflect
application range. theCompared
transient process
with theofRintthe
battery the
and has complexity
low model
accuracy and
and ana RC The
small second-order
application reflect Thevenin
range. modelprocess
Compared is also
with theknown
model, the Thevenin model adds an RC circuit to reflect the polarization process inside
as the
the cell.dual
model, the polarization
more RCRCmodel (DP)adds
circuits model,
an in
added, which
RC moreone
circuit to RC
reflectthe represents
thecircuit theand
polarization electrochemical
the higher
process higher
the cell. The more circuits added, the more accurate the model and the
polarization of the battery, and the other represents the concentration
the cell. The more RC circuits added, the more accurate the circuit model and the higher polarization of the
battery. However, the Thevenin model does not consider the change in open-circuit voltage
and self-discharge caused by load current over time. Compared with the 1st order Thevenin
model, the PNGV model adds a capacitor in the loop to describe the change in the open-
circuit voltage with the current integral. The GNL model integrates the advantages of
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 7 of 22
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 23
the above three models. It not only reflects the ohmic polarization, the electrochemical
the computational
polarization and thecomplexity
concentration andpolarization
amount. The second-order
processes of the Thevenin
battery, but model is also
also solves
the as the
problem of dual polarizationvoltage
the open-circuit (DP) model, affected in which
by the one RC circuit
integral represents
load current elec-
and the self-
discharge of polarization
the battery. of the battery,
It has a wide range and the ofother represents
applications, but the
complexity of polari-
model of thethebattery.
amountHowever, the Thevenin
of calculation increase model
at the same does not time.consider the change in open-
based on caused by load current
the OCV–SOC curve can over
alsotime. Compared
estimate with the
the lithium–ion
1 orderSOC.
st Thevenin model,
The main the models
fitting PNGV [22] model adds the
include a capacitor
Shepherdinmodel the loop to describe
(Equation the
(3)), the
change inuniversal
Unnewehr the open-circuit voltage (4)),
model (Equation withthe theNernst
current modelintegral. The GNL
(Equation model
(5)) and integrates
the compound
model (Equation (6)):
the advantages of the above three models. It not only reflects the ohmic polarization, the
electrochemical polarization and = Econcentration
Uk the 0 − Rik − K0 /S polarization
OCk processes of the battery, (3)
but also solves the problem of the open-circuit voltage affected by the integral load current
Uk = E0 − Rik − K1 SOCk (4)
and the self-discharge of the battery. It has a wide range of applications, but the complex-
ity of the model and the amount Uk = 0 − Rik + K
of Ecalculation 2 ln( SOCk
increase at) the same time. (5)
The estimation method Uk based
= E0 − onRithe−OCV–SOC
K0 /SOCk −curve K1 SOCkcan also estimate the lithium–
ion battery’s SOC. The main (6)
+K2 ln(SOCk ) + K3 ln(1 − SOCk ) Shepherd model (Equation
fitting models [22] include the
(3)), the Unnewehr universal model (Equation (4)), the Nernst model (Equation (5)) and
where U k is the terminal
the compound voltage of(6):
model (Equation the battery at time step k; ik is the current at time step k;
E0 is the open circuit voltage after the battery is fully charged; R is the internal resistance of
the battery; SOCk is the SOC of kthUtime k = Estep;
0 − RiK k 0−,K K10, /KS2OCandk , K3 are the parameters to be (3)
fitted. A detailed description and comparison of the above models are shown in Table 1.
When estimating SOC based on = Eelectrical
U k the 0 − Rik − Kmodel, 1 SOC k , the battery system is usually
discretized, the SOC is taken as the system state and the SOC is estimated using a filter
U k = E0 − Rik + K 2 ln( SOC k ) , (5)
based on the ampere integration method.
Taking the 1st order Thevenin U k = equivalent
E0 − Rik − Kcircuit0 / S OC k − K1 S OC k
as an example, as shown in Figure 5,
the discretized equation of state and the output equation are shown , in Equations (7) and (6)
+ K 2 ln( SOC k ) + K 3 ln(1 − SOC k )
(8), respectively:
where U is the terminal voltage of the battery at time# step k; ik is the current at time step
" Ts
k; E0 is the open circuit voltage 1,k after exp
the (−
R C )is 0 charged;
fully U 1,k − 1 R is the internal resistance
= 1 1 +
of the battery; SOCk is " SOCk
the SOC of kth time0 step; K 01, K 1, KS and
2 OCk −K 1 3 are the parameters to be
# are shown in Table(7)
fitted. A detailed description R1 (1 − andexp (− RT1 Cs 1 )) of the abovewmodels
comparison 1.
1,k −1
When estimating SOC based Ton the [ I
electrical ] +
k −1 model, the battery system is usually
−Q s w2,k−1
discretized, the SOC is taken as theI system state and the SOC is estimated using a filter
based on the ampere integration [Uk ] = U method.
oc ( SOCk ) − U1,k − R0 Ik + vk (8)
Taking the 1st order Thevenin equivalent circuit as an example, as shown in Figure
5, theUdiscretized
where 1,k is the voltage of the
equation ofbattery
state and polarization
the output capacitor;
equation subscript
are shown k is the current time;
in Equations (7)
s is sampling time;
(8), respectively: and w k and v k are system noise and observation noise, respectively.
They are Gaussian white noise with mean is zero, covariance Q and covariance R.
Figure Firstorder
Uoc (SOCk ) is the function of open circuit voltage Uoc with respect to SOC, which
can be obtained by fitting the curve of OCV–SOC. R1 , C1 are the internal resistance and
capacitance of polarization, respectively. R0 is the ohmic internal resistance of the battery;
QI is the actual total capacity under the current I. The battery’s SOC can be estimated by
combining the filter and its derived algorithm.
The commonly used filters include the Kalman filter (KF), the particle filter (PF) and
the H infinite filter (HIF).
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 8 of 22
The KF can use the output data to continuously revise the system state variables and
provide the optimal estimation of the state quantity at the next moment [23]. The KF is
widely used in the research of battery SOC because of its good resistance to noise and low
dependence on an initial value.
Since lithium–ion batteries are nonlinear systems, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is
used to estimate the SOC [24], which solves problems caused by system nonlinearity by
performing a Taylor expansion at the operating point.
According to Equations (7) and (8), the error of the EKF comes from the following
three points:
(1) Only the first-order term is taken when the Taylor expansion is carried out on the
nonlinear system at the operating point, and the higher-order term is ignored;
(2) Noise wk and vk ,and their covariances Q and R, are constants and do not change
(3) Inaccurate battery model parameters of R0 , R1 and C1 will lead to large errors.
For problem (1), the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is employed [25]. The UKF elim-
inates the larger error caused by the partial derivative of the first order using the Taylor
expansion of the nonlinear function in the EKF. However, this method needs accurate
statistical characteristics for the system process noise and the observation noise. In addition,
because the calculation process is based on a matrix, when there are drastic fluctuations of
voltage and current in the system, the matrix cannot guarantee strict positive quality, result-
ing in divergence of state estimation and unstable estimation [26]; the amount of calculation
is also large. To solve the problem of the UKF, some scholars proposed the square root
unscented Kalman filter (SR–UKF) and ensured the semi-positive nature of the covariance
matrix by Cholesky decomposition factor updating and matrix QR decomposition, which
increases the stability of calculation [27]. However, problem (2) still remains.
The adaptive extended Kalman filter (AEKF) method was proposed by reference [28]
to solve problem (2). Based on the EKF, the AEKF focused on the problem of filtering
divergence caused by the unknowability of the covariance matrices Q and R. A forgetting
factor is added to the EKF, and the covariance of error is corrected by the observed value.
The convergence rate is improved by dynamic changes in Q and R. However, the AEKF
does not consider the change in model and equation parameters, and the fixed forgetting
factor will also introduce errors.
The idea of the PF is based on the Monte Carlo method, which uses sets of particles to
represent probabilities, and can be applied to any form of state–space model. Compared
with the KF, the PF is a nonlinear and non-Gaussian filtering method, which does not make
a linear assumption or a Gaussian hypothesis of posterior probability. In reference [29], the
PF was used to estimate the SOC of Fe–phosphate lithium–ion batteries, and the results
showed that it could well describe the external characteristics of nonlinear systems and
significantly improve the prediction accuracy of the SOC. However, particle degradation
was prone to occur. To solve problems such as particle scarcity and noise disturbance,
reference [30] proposed an improved estimation algorithm, the unscented particle filter
(UPF), to achieve accurate SOC estimation. However, the UPF requires high computing
ability for hardware devices.
The HIF method is an improved algorithm based on the EKF. In the HIF, Q and R are
parameters designed according to the prior knowledge of wk and vk . Compared with the
EKF and the PF, model inaccuracy and noise uncertainty can be better tolerated [31,32]. In
reference [33], the HIF algorithm was used to obtain the SOC estimation results with high
accuracy and robustness. Reference [34] uses a dual HIF algorithm to estimate the SOC,
which can stabilize the estimation error within 2%. Most of the HIF algorithms can achieve
high accuracy; however, due to their robustness, there is still a problem of insensitivity to
system state and model uncertainty to noise. In reference [35], a nonlinear observer based
on HIF was proposed to estimate the SOC for lithium–ion batteries. Experimental results
show that this algorithm can suppress model errors under different working conditions,
but the algorithm is slow to respond to changes in model parameters.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 9 of 22
Similar to filters, observer-based methods can also observe model states in real time
by calculating systematic errors [36]. Among them, the sliding mode observer (SMO) is a
closed-loop state observer, and the output variable provides correction for the observer sys-
tem. Due to its closed-loop characteristics, the SMO has strong robustness, low sensitivity
to battery model structure and parameter disturbance [37], no prior information to predict
noise [38] and its estimation accuracy is close to that of the PF. Reference [39] proposes
an SOC estimation method for lithium–ion batteries based on an improved SMO, which
inherits the good robustness of the SMO.
θs,i − θs0%
SOCsurf = (9)
θs100% − θs0%
θs,i − θs0%
SOCbulk = 100%
θs − θs0%
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 10 of 22
where SOCsurf and SOCbulk represent surface SOC and average SOC, respectively. The
parameters θ s,i and θs,i represent electrode utilization and the average utilization rate of the
electrode, respectively, while θ s,i is the ratio of solid lithium ion concentration to the largest
solid lithium ion concentration ratio. The electrode utilization ratio of θ s 0% and θ s 100% is
for 0% SOC and 100% SOC, respectively.
Similar to the calculation of the SOC based on an external characteristic model, the
SOC of an electrochemical model can be estimated by a filter or observer.
Figure Thegeneral
architectureofof the
the 3-layer
3-layer neural
neural network
network forfor SOC
SOC estimation.
estimation. Reprinted
Reprinted with
with permission
permission from
from Ref. Ref.
[49] (© [49]
by2018 by Elsevier).
networkisisa atypical
hasa astrong
summarizedthe theinfluencing
proposeda amethod
estimation based on a BP neural network. However, BP neural networks tend to easily
converge to local optimum. In addition, the network structure is different, making it easy
for non-convergence to appear. Currently, there exists a number of common NN architec-
tures. Recurrent neural network (RNN) is a neural network that takes sequence data as
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 11 of 22
Figure 7. Example of hyperplane to separate distinct classes for the SVM. Reprinted with permis-
Figure 7. Example of hyperplane to separate distinct classes for the SVM. Reprinted with permission
sion from Ref. [60] (© 2005 by Springer).
from Ref. [60] (© 2005 by Springer).
To solve the above problems, reference [62] proposed a least squares SVM, which
To solve
converts the above
the learning problems,
problem reference
of the standard SVM[62]
into proposed a solving
a problem of least squares SVM, which con-
linear equa-
verts the learning
tions with problem
fewer variables and of
lessthe standard SVM
computation, into solving
with faster a problem
better linear
ro- equations
with fewer variables and less computation, with faster solving speed and better robustness.
Table 2. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages in common SOC estimation methods for
lithium–ion batteries.
data-driven method and a joint method since the RUL can also be regarded as a battery
state. Different from the SOC, the RUL is not an instantaneous characteristic so it can be
predicted through an empirical model, a semi-empirical model and a time series prediction
data-driven method.
Single exponential
Double exponential
Basic empirical
Empirical model Linear model
Polynomial model
Verhulst model
Aging feature
Model-based method &
data-driven method
Joint method
Data-driven method &
data-driven method
3.2.1. EmpiricalModel
empirical models,
models, battery
battery capacity
represented asas
a mathematical
a mathematical
function number ofof cycles.
cycles. Different
mathematicalfunctions functions areare
usedto to
describe thethe
battery capacity deterioration trend. Most empirical models for RUL estimation
battery capacity deterioration trend. Most empirical models for RUL estimation are devel- are devel-
oped basedononaasingle
single exponential
exponential model
exponential model
model [71], a linear
[71], a linear
model [72], a polynomial model [73], a Verhulst model
model [72], a polynomial model [73], a Verhulst model [74], etc. [74], etc.
single exponential model : Cmax = a1 exp(a2 n) + a3 , (12
single exponential model : Cmax = a1 exp( a2 n) + a3 (12)
double exponential model : Cmax = b1 exp(b2 n) + b3 exp(b4 n) , (13)
double exponential model : Cmax = b1 exp(b2 n) + b3 exp(b4 n) (13)
double exponential model : Cmax = b1 exp(b2 n) + b3 exp(b4 n) , (14)
double exponential model : Cmax = b1 exp(b2 n) + b3 exp(b4 n) (14)
linear model: C
model = cc1nn++
: Cmax = c2 c, (15)
max 1 2
2 (16)
polynomial model : C max = d1 n + d 2 n + d 3 ,
e1 / e2
Verhulst model : Cmax = , (17)
1 + [e1 / (e2C0 ) − 1] exp(e1n)
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 14 of 22
mathematical model establishment and expertise required for traditional methods. It can
be roughly classified as a time series prediction method and feature-based method.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 23
Figure 9. Procedure
Figure9. forfeature-based
Procedure for feature-based data-driven
data-driven method.
The batteryHFs
The battery HFsextracted
areare mainly
mainly derived
derived from thefrom the voltage,
voltage, current
current and and tem-
perature curves. The HFs that have appeared in other researches are
ature curves. The HFs that have appeared in other researches are summarized in Table 3 summarized in
Table 3 [93–98]. Then, feature selection is conducted if necessary. Since there
[93–98]. Then, feature selection is conducted if necessary. Since there are various HFs re- are various
HFs to battery
to aging andaging
battery the HFs
and arethe
HFs aretogether,
coupledin order to reduce
together, the calculation
in order to reduce the
burden, some researchers analyze the correlation of the HFs
calculation burden, some researchers analyze the correlation of the HFs with the RUL and select
with the
the RUL
and relevant
select the HFs
relevantranking. The Pearson
HFs through coefficient,
ranking. the Spearman
The Pearson coefficient
coefficient, and
the Spearman
gray relation
coefficient and analysis are usually
gray relation used are
analysis to analyze
usuallythe correlation
used between
to analyze health factors
the correlation between
and capacity attenuation. In reference [95], HFs that are highly correlated
health factors and capacity attenuation. In reference [95], HFs that are highly with the capac-
ity degradation
with the capacitycurve are chosen
degradation by means
curve of gray
are chosen by relation
means of analysis and used
gray relation to predict
analysis and used
the RUL with GPR. Dimension reduction means are also employed to reduce the size of
to predict the RUL with GPR. Dimension reduction means are also employed to reduce the
HFs series to figure out the most relevant part. Typical dimensionality reduction methods
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 16 of 22
size of HFs series to figure out the most relevant part. Typical dimensionality reduction
methods include Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [96], Independent Component
Analysis (ICA) [96] and autoencoder [96]. Moreover, the performance of raw HFs may not
be fully satisfactory due to the complexity of the underlying degradation process. To reduce
the possible deviation of the HF from the degradation process, the Box–Cox transformation
is sometimes used to enhance the linear relationship between the HF and the system’s
health status [99,100].
Typically, the NN, the regression method and their improvement are employed to
predict the RUL with an indicator of battery HFs. Reference [101] trained the RNN model
with constraint derived from prior physical knowledge to forecast the RUL. Reference [58]
employed a hybrid method with a PF and GPR to predict the aging trend sequence and
residual sequences. The proposed approach showed wide generality and reduced errors.
Reference [69] optimized the deep learning neural network (DLNN) with evolutionary
algorithms to predict the RUL.
Table 4. Cont.
4. Conclusions
This paper summarized the techniques, models and algorithms used in lithium–ion
battery state estimation and RUL prediction in recent years and provides a comparison of
various methods. The actual operating conditions and environment of lithium–ion batteries
vary greatly. Batteries are highly complex, dynamic and nonlinear electrochemical systems,
which impose some challenges in practical application for the existing lithium–ion battery
SOC estimation methods and RUL prediction methods.
The engineering application capability of existing SOC estimation methods is poor.
It is difficult for an experimental method to estimate the SOC during battery operation,
and the application of the model-based method is limited because it relies heavily on the
accuracy of the battery model.
Some RUL prediction methods have low capability for generalization. In terms of the
empirical model and semi-empirical models, model accuracy is greatly affected by battery
parameters and working conditions, so they are difficult to generalize in real practice. In
terms of the data-driven method, the training data set is all the experimental data obtained
under a single working condition, which makes it difficult to use for covering complex
scenarios. The parameters of the data-driven method are usually fixed on most occasions,
hence it is easy to overfit when applied to other battery models and conditions.
(1) The balance between calculation time and accuracy is difficult to reach. Due to the
limitations in the number of computations required, most algorithms are not suitable
for online application. In addition, since batteries are usually integrated as modules,
calculations multiply in the real world which makes real-time application a challenge;
(2) There are only relevant studies on single batteries at present; however, factors such as
the inconsistency of batteries in battery strings in large-scale lithium battery systems
such as in an energy storage power station, will cause the original method to no
longer be applicable. At present, there is little research on the state estimation and
RUL prediction methods of battery packs.
These problems make most of the lithium–ion battery state estimation and the RUL
prediction methods difficult to promote on a large scale, but these challenges also show the future
direction for further research on state estimation and RUL prediction of lithium–ion battery:
(1) Develop the pack-level, cluster-level, system-level battery equivalent model to reduce
the amount of calculation required for state evaluation and RUL prediction;
(2) Enhance state estimation and RUL prediction methods with joint algorithms to com-
pensate for weaknesses and improve the algorithm’s capacity for generalization;
(3) Establish a multi-physical field coupling model for lithium–ion batteries to improve
the accuracy of battery status assessment and RUL prediction.
Author Contributions: Methodology, J.Z., Y.Z. and J.W.; software, Y.Z. and J.W.; supervision, M.L.;
validation, J.Z. and J.W.; visualization, M.L., B.Z. and J.W.; writing—original draft, J.Z. and J.W.;
writing—review and editing, J.Z., X.H. and C.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 5014 18 of 22
Funding: This study was supported by the Huaneng Group Headquarters Science and Technology Project
of the Key Technology Research and System Development of Group Level Intelligence Operations Platform
Construction (HNKJ21-H52) and the Fault Diagnosis Technology Research and System Development of
Lithium–ion Battery Energy Storage Station Based on Mass Data (HNKJ21-H52-004).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All data used during the study are available from the NASA’s offi-
cial website.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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