Biomass Co-Firing Options On The Emission Reduction and Electricity Generation Costs in Coal Fired Power Plants
Biomass Co-Firing Options On The Emission Reduction and Electricity Generation Costs in Coal Fired Power Plants
Biomass Co-Firing Options On The Emission Reduction and Electricity Generation Costs in Coal Fired Power Plants
Renewable Energy
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Article history: Co-firing offers a near-term solution for reducing CO2 emissions from conventional fossil fuel power
Received 30 July 2008 plants. Viable alternatives to long-term CO2 reduction technologies such as CO2 sequestration, oxy-firing
Accepted 28 June 2010 and carbon loop combustion are being discussed, but all of them remain in the early to mid stages of
Available online 27 July 2010
development. Co-firing, on the other hand, is a well-proven technology and is in regular use though does
not eliminate CO2 emissions entirely. An incremental gain in CO2 reduction can be achieved by imme-
diate implementation of biomass co-firing in nearly all coal-fired power plants with minimum modifi-
cations and moderate investment, making co-firing a near-term solution for the greenhouse gas emission
Indirect co-firing
problem. If a majority of coal-fired boilers operating around the world adopt co-firing systems, the total
Greenhouse gas reduction in CO2 emissions would be substantial. It is the most efficient means of power generation from
Emission reduction biomass, and it thus offers CO2 avoidance cost lower than that for CO2 sequestration from existing power
Gasification plants. The present analysis examines several co-firing options including a novel option external (indi-
rect) firing using combustion or gasification in an existing coal or oil fired plant. Capital and operating
costs of such external units are calculated to determine the return on investment. Two of these indirect
co-firing options are analyzed along with the option of direct co-firing of biomass in pulverizing mills to
compare their operational merits and cost advantages with the gasification option.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-1481/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Basu et al. / Renewable Energy 36 (2011) 282e288 283
fast-growing energy crops, like switch-grass offering potentially factors on the viability of different technical co-firing options in
large quantities of biomass for energy production [6]. coal-fired power plants. To illustrate these effects, an analysis of the
Living biomass plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. So, its economic aspects of different co-firing options is performed by
combustion/gasification for energy production is considered carbon considering the case of a 150 MW pulverized coal (PC) fired power
neutral. Thus if a certain amount of biomass is fired in an existing plant in Canada.
fossil (coal, coke or oil) fuel fired plant generating some energy, the
plant could reduce firing the corresponding amount of fossil fuel in 2. Co-firing options
it. Thus, a power plant with integrated biomass co-firing has a lower
net CO2 contribution over conventional coal-fired plants. Biomass co-firing has been successfully demonstrated in over
Biomass co-firing is one technology that can be implemented 150 installations worldwide for a combination of fuels and boiler
immediately in nearly all coal-fired power plants in a relatively types [9]. The co-firing technologies employed in these units may
short period of time and without the need for huge investments. It be broadly classified under three types:
has thus evolved to be a near-term alternative to reducing the
environmental impact of electricity generation from coal. Biomass i. Direct co-firing,
co-firing offers the least cost among the several technologies/ ii. indirect co-firing, and
options available for greenhouse gas reduction [7]. iii. gasification co-firing.
Principally, co-firing operations are not implemented to save
energy but to reduce cost, and greenhouse gas emissions (in some In all three options, the use of biomass displaces an equivalent
cases). In a typical co-firing plant, the boiler energy usage will be amount of coal (on an energy basis), and hence results in the direct
the same as it is operated at the same steam load conditions (for reduction of CO2 and NOx emissions to the atmosphere. The
heating or power generation), with the same heat input as that in selection of the appropriate co-firing option depends on a number
the existing coal-fired plant. The primary savings from co-firing of fuel and site specific factors. The objective of this analysis is to
result from reduced fuel costs when the cost of biomass fuel is determine and compare the economics of the different co-firing
lower than that of fossil fuel, and avoiding landfill tipping fees or options. Brief descriptions of the three co-firing options are pre-
other costs that would otherwise be required to dispose of sented here.
unwanted biomass. Biomass fuel at prices 20% or more below the
coal prices would usually provide the cost savings needed [8]. 2.1. Direct co-firing
Apart from direct savings in fuel cost, other financial benefits
that can be expected from co-firing include the following: Direct co-firing involves feeding biomass into coal going into the
mills, that pulverize the biomass along with coal in the same mill.
Various pollution-reduction incentives: As co-firing, through Sometime separate mills may be used or biomass is injected
synergetic effects, reduces the net SOx, NOx and heavy metal directly into the boiler furnace through the coal burners, or in
emissions, the plant could claim the applicable pollution- a separate system. The level of integration into the existing plant
reduction incentives offered by government agencies. depends principally on the biomass fuel characteristics.
Financial incentives for plant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission Four different options are available to incorporate biomass co-
reduction: A co-firing plant that uses biomass to replace an firing in pulverized coal power plants [10]. In the first option, the
amount of coal in an existing boiler will reduce almost an equal pre-processed biomass is mixed with coal upstream of the existing
amount of net CO2 emission from the plant. coal feeders. The fuel mixture is fed into the existing coal mills that
On-demand power production: Unlike other renewable energy pulverize coal and biomass together, and distribute it across the
technologies (e.g.: solar, wind), biomass-based power genera- existing coal burners, based on the required co-firing rate. This is
tion can be made available whenever it is needed. This helps to the simplest option, involving the lowest least capital costs, but has
accelerate the capital investment payoff rate by utilizing a highest risk of interference with the coal firing capability of the
a higher capacity factor. boiler unit. Alkali or other agglomeration/corrosion-causing agents
An option towards meeting a renewable energy portfolio: Co- in the biomass can build-up on heating surfaces of the boiler
firing offers a fast track, low-cost opportunity to add renewable reducing output and operational time [11]. Furthermore, different
energy capacity economically as it can be added to any coal- combustion characteristics of coal and biomass may affect the
fired plant immediately, with minimum investment. stability and heat transfer characteristics of the flame [12]. Thus,
Earning of renewable energy tax credits: The use of biomass as this direct co-firing option is applicable to a limited range of
an energy source to displace fossil fuel can be eligible for biomass types and at very low biomass-to-coal co-firing ratios.
special tax credits from many governments. The second option involves separate handling, metering, and
Fuel flexibility: Biomass as a fuel provides a hedge against price pulverization of the biomass, but injection of the pulverized
increases and supply shortages of coal ore. In co-firing, biomass biomass into the existing pulverized fuel pipe-work upstream of
can be viewed as an opportunity fuel, used only when the price the burners or at the burners. This option requires only modifica-
is favorable. tions external to the boiler. One disadvantage would be the
Economic and environmental benefits to local communities: As requirement of additional equipment around the boiler, which may
biomass fuels are generally sourced from the areas in the already be congested. It may also be difficult to control and to
immediate vicinity of the plant (to save on transportation maintain the burner operating characteristics over the normal
costs), the local communities benefit economically from the boiler load curve.
production of biomass fuels. The third option involves the separate handling and pulveriza-
tion of the biomass fuel with combustion through a number of
All these potential benefits are, however, complex functions of burners located in the lower furnace, dedicated to the burning of
local factors such as the price of coal and biomass, government the biomass alone. This demands a highest capital cost, but involves
policies, capital investment, and the carbon market in the evalua- the least risk to normal boiler operation as the burners are specif-
tion of the cost effectiveness of electricity production using ically designed for biomass burning and would not interfere with
biomass co-firing. The present paper discusses the effect of these the coal burners.
284 P. Basu et al. / Renewable Energy 36 (2011) 282e288
The final option involves the use of biomass as a reburn fuel for
NOx emission control. This option involves separate biomass
handling and pulverization, with installation of separate biomass-
fired burners at the exit of the furnace. As with the previous option,
the capital cost is high, but risk to boiler operation is minimal.
characteristics when some other fuels in used. If co-firing is applied Qplant fbf
to a fluidized bed boiler, this limit may not be that stringent. The mco ¼ 3600 24 365 CF (2)
present economic analysis is based on a 150 MW pulverized coal
plant located in Eastern Canada. As such, only 10% biomass co-firing where, mco is the mass of coal offset by co-firing (tons/year), fbf
rate is considered in all the three different co-firing options is the biomass co-firing fraction, HHVcoal is the higher heating value
examined here. Engineering design of the indirect co-firing system, of coal (MJ/ton), and CF is the plant capacity factor. The capacity
its capital cost estimation, including fuel requirements for all three factor specifies as to what extent the installed capacity of the plant
options, was carried out through a computer-based analysis. is utilized, either for technical reasons, or for operational reasons.
Table 1 lists the inputs of the thermodynamic design. The Technical reasons, leading to technical availability of the plant, may
properties of the biomass fuel used in the analysis were taken as be less than 100% due to forced shutdown or routine maintenance.
that of the hardwood maple. Hardwood species are widely available The higher the reliability of the co-firing option, the higher is this
in Eastern Canada and are often discarded when harvesting of factor. Direct firing means, which could interfere with the operation
softwood trees for the pulp and paper industry takes place, making of the existing plant, could result in lower CF.
hardwood very cost effective. For coal, a low ash bituminous type
coal was considered, typical of the fuel type used in the specific
pulverized coal boilers. Table 2 presents the results of the ultimate 4.1. Direct co-firing
analysis of coal and biomass.
For all three co-firing options, the energy input remains the Biomass firing in coal plants can result in increased tube
same, and was determined using the overall plant generation and corrosion/fouling or problems in the fuel pulverization and feed
heat rate: system, leading to increased maintenance and down time for the
plant. This reduces the CF further. In the analysis of the direct co-
Pplant firing option, a generation loss of 1% was therefore considered,
Qplant ¼ (1) which reduced the plant capacity factor to 79%.
The capital cost associated with the implementation of direct
where, Qplant is the plant heat input (MJ), Pplant is plant electrical co-firing was calculated using a value of 279 USD/kWth, from
generation (MWh) and HRplant is the plant heat rate (MJ/MWh). Cantwell [7]. The increased O&M costs due to direct co-firing were
The heat input required from the biomass was calculated at 10% estimated at $0.29/MWth.
of the overall heat required by the plant. The amount of coal that
would be offset through the co-firing of biomass, in a year, was
Table 2
found through the following equation: Ultimate analysis of fuels.
4.2. Indirect or external co-firing calcium is needed, and production of 1 mol of calcium is associated
with the generation of 1 mol of CO2.
Analysis of the external co-firing option required a preliminary The effect of NOx reduction is a little more complex. An increase
design of a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler. The required in the volatile content of a fuel combusted in a PC burner could
thermal input for the steam generated by the biomass boiler was potentially reduce the NOx produced, but it would not reduce the
determined using a turbine efficiency of 88%. A thermal design of thermal NOx in direct co-firing. The reduction would therefore be
the boiler was done using CFBCAD in order to calculate the effi- small when compared to reductions in CO2 and SO2. In external co-
ciency of the CFB boiler and used in conjunction with the turbine firing using a CFB boiler or gasifier, NOx emissions from the plant
efficiency to calculate the required biomass fuel flow rate. would be reduced due to the lower combustion temperatures
The capital costs of the external co-firing were determined using found in CFB furnaces. Actual NOx reductions through decreased
a detailed cost assessment. This included the estimated costs of coal firing are dependent on the PC burner design and would be
engineering design work, project management, boiler fabrication, difficult to quantify. Gases produced from the gasification of
civil footing, secondary components, controls and instrumentation, biomass could be used to reduce the NOx emissions from PC plants
and erection and commissioning. This cost estimate was based on if the gas was used in a NOx re-burning situation.
previous work done by Greenfield Research Inc. on the feasibility of The analysis indicates that the cost of CO2 reduction through
a sub-compact, biomass-fired CFB boiler for placement within an direct co-firing works out to 33$/ton of CO2. For the purposes of
existing PC-fired plant. The capital cost of the CFB boiler worked this analysis, no sulphur capture technology was built into the
out to $139/kWth. The O&M costs were conservatively estimated at design.
In the analysis of the gasification co-firing option, a generation Each technology option has its associated costs of imple-
loss of 0.5% was taken, thus reducing the plant capacity factor to mentation over and above the regular plant operational costs. All
79.5%. The product gas produced by the gasifier can cause problems three options had associated carrying charge for the initial capital
in the back-pass of the boiler with increased tube corrosion/fouling. cost of the co-firing system. This is calculated using the following
This would lead to a slight increase in time for boiler maintenance equation (input values are presented in Table 1):
and repairs, and hence the lower capacity factor.
CC ¼ V ðD=VÞ cc (7)
The capital cost of the gasification co-firing option was calcu-
lated based on the analysis of Antares [14]. Antares proposed where V is the initial investment, D/V is the debt fraction of
a capital cost estimate of 382 USD/kWe. The capital cost was then investment and cc is the carrying charge fraction.
found using the heating rate of the existing coal-fired plant. The Another annual cost associated with the implementation of
O&M costs of the gasifier were estimated at $6/MWhth. biomass co-firing is increased plant operation and maintenance
costs. The gasification and direct co-firing options also have
5. Economic evaluation criteria increased cost due to reduced capacity factor and plant’s annual
generation. From these yearly savings and costs, the yearly income
The economic evaluation of each co-firing option was based on after tax was calculated. All inputs for the economic analysis are
any savings/increase in fuel cost arising from the price difference of also listed in Table 3.
coal and biomass, and income generated through the sale of The cost of biomass in this analysis is the cost of delivered
emissions credits, both carbon and sulphur. As biomass is a carbon chipped hardwood, as shown in Table 2. Co-firing costs could be
neutral fuel, any reduction in coal use can be see as a subsequent less if a biomass waste material, such as sawdust from lumber mills
reduction in CO2 produced. A further reduction in carbon emissions or sewage sludge from nearby plants were available and used.
could be gained if the PC plant uses a sorbent based scrubber. Biomass fuels need to be sourced locally as the transportation costs
Sorbents such as limestone, used to capture sulphur dioxide of biomass could erode its cost advantage due to the low energy
produced by coal combustion, release additional carbon dioxide in density of biomass fuels.
the capture process adding to the plant’s carbon emissions. As the
sulphur content of biomass is nearly zero, sulphur produced from
coal combustion is reduced by the corresponding co-firing amount. Table 3
Inputs used in the economic analysis.
The carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide produced from the offset
coal were calculated using the following equations: Input parameter Value
Price of biomass delivered dry basis 25.95
Price of coal delivered 68.76
C þ O2 / CO2 (3) Projected CO2 offset price (Dec’08) $30.77 (V21.4/ton)a
SO2 offset price (Dec’08) $607 (US$628/ton)b
Electricity price ($/kWh) 0.05
S þ O2 / SO2 (4) Tax rate, % 38.11
Cost of (return on) equity, Re 16%
½CO2 ¼ 3:66 ½C mco (5) Debt cost, Rd 15%
Discount rate 15%
Debt fraction of investment, (D/V) 75%
½SO2 ¼ 2 ½S mco (6) Equity in investment, (E/V) 25%
Capital cost depreciation 20%
where [CO2] is the carbon dioxide offset by co-firing (tons/year), [C] Carrying charge fraction 10%
is the carbon fraction in coal, [SO2] is the sulphur dioxide offset by Inflation 1.1084%
co-firing (tons/year), [S] is the sulphur fraction in coal and mco is the a
Carbon pool information ( accessed 18 Jun 2007).
amount of coal displaced by biomass (tons/year). From combustion b Spot price on 18 Jun 2007 (US$605/ton), inflation-
stoichiometry [15], to capture every mole of sulphur, 1.5e2 mol of adjusted to Dec 2008.
P. Basu et al. / Renewable Energy 36 (2011) 282e288 287
Table 4 Table 6
Losses in external CFB boiler. Yearly coal offset.