GP Lens Care Brochure Final 1

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Every care system has differ- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
ent instructions. Be sure to Wearing Schedule
carefully follow the direc-
tions provided by your Day 1 ______ hours Day 5 ______ hours
contact lens professional
Day 2 ______ hours Day 6 ______ hours

because some solutions
require a separate rinse in the Day 3 ______ hours Day 7 ______ hours
morning while others allow the
lens to simply be applied to the eye. Day 4 ______ hours Week 2 ______ hours

Extra Instructions
CARING FOR YOUR ______________________________________
CONTACT LENSES ______________________________________
Once your contact lenses are removed, they
need to be cleaned to remove mucous, protein, ______________________________________
and debris that build up on the lens surface For more information visit
during the day.
Place the contact lens in the palm of your hand
and apply a few drops of the cleaning solution
recommended by your contact lens professional.
Gently rub the lens in a back and forth motion
making sure not to rub the lens too hard.
STEP TWO GP contact lens wear
Rinse the cleaner off with an approved rinsing is extremely safe, but if you
solution. notice any redness, mucous,
STEP THREE mattering or if you experience

Fill the contact lens case with fresh pain or a change in your vision
conditioning or storage solution and store remove your contact lenses and call your contact
your GP lenses overnight. lens professional’s office immediately. They will
guide you on your next steps.

Compliments of the Eye Care Professionals at:


To avoid mixing up your
contact lenses, get into a
routine and always start
with the same lens when you
apply, remove or care for them.

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Before you handle your Occasionally, the lens may become displaced on the The case itself can be the
contact lenses, it is always eye and may need to be recentered. source of bacteria, so it
important to wash and needs to be cared for as
dry your hands. Wash STEP ONE well. After removing your
your hands thoroughly First, locate the GP lens.
GP lenses from the case,
with a mild soap that doesn’t If you can’t see it in a
be certain to rinse it with hot
contain moisturizers and dry mirror, you should be able
tap water and allow it to air dry.
them completely with a clean, lint free towel. to feel the outline of the lens
through your closed eyelid. The case should also be replaced monthly.

Look in the opposite direc-

tion. So, if the lens is by your EASY ALTERNATIVE
ear, look at your nose. If it is
under your upper lid, look LENS REMOVAL
Gently remove the right down. STEP ONE
GP contact lens from STEP THREE To remove your right lens,
the case, place it on the Place your fingertips over place your middle finger
tip of the right index the soft edge of your eyelid tight against the upper lid.
finger, bowl side up and gently push behind on STEP TWO
and inspect it to make the outer edge of the lens to Place the middle and forefin-
certain there are no guide it back into the correct ger of your other hand tight
chips, cracks or debris position. against your bottom lid.
on the surface.
Gently push the fingers
Reach over and STEP ONE against the eye and move
hold the upper Place your right index and your fingers outward toward
lid with the left middle fingers in the outer your ear. The lids will tuck
hand and the corner of your right eyelid. underneath the edges of
lower lid with the lens and lift it off of the
the middle finger STEP TWO
Still looking straight ahead, eye. Or, you can move your
of the right hand. fingers together instead of
gently but firmly, pull straight
STEP THREE back making the edges of the pulling them to the side.
Look straight ahead, eyelids tight against the eye.
keep both eyes open
and gently place the STEP THREE
Blink hard and the lens will USE FRESH SOLUTION!
GP lens directly over Using old solution or
your pupil. Release the pop out. You may catch the
lens in the palm of your hand topping off the solution
lids and the lens is in
or let it fall onto a smooth, can create an environ-
place! To apply the left
flat surface covered with a ment that is filled with
lens, just reverse
towel. To remove the left lens bacteria. And you don’t
the hands.
simply reverse your hands. want your contact lenses
swimming with bacteria!

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