Peh Module 5
Peh Module 5
Peh Module 5
What’s More
1. Complete the table below. Write the type and causes of injury in each common sport injury .
Injury Type Causes of Injury
Sprain Acute Injury When ligaments are stretched
and tears. It usually caused by
an injury, such as twisting
your ankle.
Strain Acute Injury When a muscle is
overstretched and tears. It
usually caused by an
accident, overuse of a muscle,
or incorrect use of a muscle.
Fracture Acute Injury When the bone is shatter or
has break or cracks. It is
usually resulting from a fall
or a direct hit or kick to the
Dislocation Acute Injury When a joint's ball/ the end of
the bone is forced out of its
socket. It is usually resulting
from a fall, an auto accident,
or a collision.
Stress Fracture Chronic Injury Tiny cracks in a bone due to
repetitive force such as
jumping and running.
Tendinopathy Chronic Injury Overuse of tendons due to
repetitive movements.
Osteoarthritis Chronic Injury When the cartilage that
supports the ends of bones in
your joints deteriorates,
making the bone rub onto the
other bone.
Bursitis Chronic Injury Repetitive actions or
positions that place pressure
on the bursae surrounding a
2. Make your personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia and
hyperthermia during MVPA participation by filling out the table below.
My Personal Safety Protocol
Before During After
Dehydration One to two hours Every 10 - 15 After the
before a workout minutes of strenuous activity,
or outdoor strenuous activity, drink at least
activity, drink drink 200-260 ml another 500 – 710
500-600 ml of of water. ml of water.
Overexertion Do proper warm Take frequent Do stretching,
up and stretching. small breaks massage strained
when performing muscles and cool
repetitive motion down.
or heavy lifting.
Lift properly.
Avoid carrying
things that are too
Hypothermia Wear proper Check is your Take a cool bath.
outfit if there is body conditions. Allow your body
an outdoor Don’t do activity to be warmed up.
activity that is if you feel unwell.
needed to be done
in cold area.