Ni Hms 614163
Ni Hms 614163
Ni Hms 614163
Author Manuscript
J Biomech. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 22.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Distinguishing gastrocnemius and soleus muscle function is relevant for treating gait disorders in
which abnormal plantarflexor activity may contribute to pathological movement patterns. Our
objective was to use experimental and computational analysis to determine the influence of
gastrocnemius and soleus activity on lower limb movement, and determine if anatomical
variability of the gastrocnemius affected its function. Our hypothesis was that these muscles
exhibit distinct functions, with the gastrocnemius inducing limb flexion and the soleus inducing
limb extension. To test this hypothesis, the gastrocnemius or soleus of twenty healthy participants
was electrically stimulated for brief periods (90 ms) during mid-or terminal stance of a random
gait cycle. Muscle function was characterized by the induced change in sagittal pelvis, hip, knee,
and ankle angles occurring during the 200 ms after stimulation onset. Results were corroborated
with computational forward dynamic gait models, by perturbing gastrocnemius or soleus activity
during similar portions of the gait cycle. Mid- and terminal stance gastrocnemius stimulation
induced posterior pelvic tilt, hip flexion and knee flexion. Mid-stance gastrocnemius stimulation
also induced ankle dorsiflexion. In contrast, mid-stance soleus stimulation induced anterior pelvic
tilt, knee extension and plantarflexion, while late-stance soleus stimulation induced relatively little
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change in motion. Model predictions of induced hip, knee, and ankle motion were generally in the
same direction as the experiments, though the gastrocnemius’ results were shown to be quite
sensitive to its knee-to-ankle moment arm ratio.
Biarticular muscle; dynamic muscle function; electrical stimulation; induced motion; forward
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
1. Introduction
Distinguishing the relative function of the gastrocnemius and soleus is relevant for treating
gait disorders (e.g. equinus) in which abnormal plantarflexor activity may contribute to
pathological movement patterns (Etnyre et al., 1993; Perry et al., 1974; Svehlik et al., 2010;
Zwick et al., 2004). Due to their similar activation profiles and distal insertion on to the
Achilles tendon, the gastrocnemius and soleus were traditionally assumed to have similar
function during gait. However, this may not be true due to differences in architecture
between the muscles. Most notably, the gastrocnemius is biarticular with the capacity to
generate knee flexion and ankle plantarflexion moments. The soleus, on the other hand, is a
uniarticular muscle, generating only a plantarflexion moment. This distinction is important
to consider in whole body movement, where muscles have the ability to accelerate joints
they do not span via dynamic coupling (Zajac, 1993).
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Prior work has indeed suggested unique functions for the soleus and gastrocnemius during
gait, though conclusions differ between studies. Models by Pandy et al. (2010) and Neptune
et al. (2004) predicted the muscles generate opposite accelerations at the hip (gastrocnemius
flexes, soleus extends), but accelerations in the same direction at the knee (extension). In
contrast, other models suggest the gastrocnemius may induce knee flexion (Kimmel and
Schwartz, 2006; Neptune et al., 2001). The unique function was confirmed experimentally
by a group who found electrical stimulation of the gastrocnemius and soleus induced
opposite motion at the knee and ankle during stance (Stewart et al., 2007). Surprisingly, they
found the gastrocnemius induced ankle dorsiflexion, which may reflect the action of knee
flexion moment of the muscle in more extended postures (Zajac and Gordon, 1989).
However, a limited number of subjects were tested in the Stewart study and external muscle
stimulation persisted through the majority of stance, making it challenging to delineate
postural effects.
Zajac and Gordon (1989) showed that, in a standing posture, the motion generated at a joint
by the gastrocnemius will vary based on the ratio of knee to ankle moment arms. However,
this phenomenon has not been explored in the context of walking, where posture and support
conditions are continually changing. Prior modeling studies of plantarflexor muscle
contributions to gait (Kimmel and Schwartz, 2006; Liu et al., 2008; Neptune et al., 2001;
Neptune and McGowan, 2011; Neptune et al., 2008; Neptune et al., 2004; Pandy et al.,
2010) have used generic models without considering the influence assumed geometry may
have on results.
The first objective of this study was therefore to empirically measure lower limb movement
induced by the soleus and gastrocnemius when activated at specific portions of the stance
phase of gait. Based on prior work, we hypothesized that gastrocnemius stimulation would
induce limb flexion, whereas soleus stimulation would induce extension. The second
objective was to compare empirical measures to the predictions of a computational gait
model, and to assess the sensitivity of model predictions to variations in gastrocnemius
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2. Methods
2.1 Subjects and Experimental Overview
Twenty healthy young adults (13 females, mean ± standard deviation: age 24.4 ± 3.0 yrs,
mass 66.4 ± 10.5 kg, height 1.71 ± 0.10 m) with normal gait were recruited for participation.
Subjects were excluded if they had a history of gastrocnemius/soleus muscle strain, bone
fracture or knee injury within the past 24 months, prior surgery of the lower extremity, a
latex allergy, or the inability to walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes. This protocol was
approved by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Health Sciences Institutional Review
Board. Each participant provided appropriate written informed consent prior to testing.
This study investigated the effect of electrically stimulating the gastrocnemius or soleus at
different stages of the gait cycle. For each trial, muscle (gastrocnemius or soleus) and
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stimulation timing (20% or 30% of the gait cycle) were randomized. Trials were 90 seconds
in duration, and included approximately 10 stimulations per trial. These results were then
compared to computational modeling results of increased muscle activity at similar times in
the gait cycle.
stimulation timings correspond well to the normal activation during walking (Francis et al.,
Trials were randomized and stimulation occurred within a trial at random intervals, every
5-10 strides. The stimulation pulse train consisted of 4 pulses delivered over 90 ms. Timing
of stimulation was controlled by a custom LabView (National Instruments, Austin, TX)
program that identified heel strike events from the vertical ground reactions. Gait cycle
duration was estimated by a moving average of 3 successive heel strikes of the same limb.
Muscle stimulation was then introduced starting at either 20% or 30% of random gait cycles.
At least five non-stimulated cycles occurred after each stimulated cycle to allow the
transient effects to diminish.
kinematics using an 8 camera motion capture system (Motion Analysis, Santa Rosa CA).
Twenty five of these markers were placed on anatomical landmarks, and 14 were placed on
rigid plates strapped to the shanks and thighs. Subjects were instructed to walk at a self-
selected pace (1.14 ± 0.10 m/s) on a split-belt instrumented treadmill (Bertec Corp.,
Columbus, OH) (Fig. lb). Kinematic data was recorded at 100 Hz, and low-pass filtered at
6Hz. The marker data were then used to compute the pelvis, hip, knee, and ankle joint
angles throughout the trials. A whole body musculoskeletal model was scaled to align with
anatomical marker positions of each subject in a standing posture. The base segment was the
pelvis, with six degrees of freedom (dof). The trunk was attached to the pelvis with a ball-in-
socket joint with 3 dof. Each upper limb was modeled with 5 dof (shoulder adduction,
flexion, and rotation, elbow flexion, and supination/pronation). The hip was modeled as a
ball-in-socket with 3 dof, and the ankle was allowed to plantar/dorsiflex with 1 dof. The one
dof knee had translations and nonsagittal rotations defined as functions of knee flexion
(Arnold et al., 2010). Hip joint center was calculated based on a functional calibration
(Leardini et al., 1999). Equations of motion were derived using SIMM/Dynamics Pipeline
(Musculographics Inc, Santa Rosa, CA) and SD/FAST (Parametric Technology Corporation,
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Needham, MA). The inverse kinematics problem was solved using numerical optimization
to minimize the sum of weighted squared errors between measured and model marker
positions (Delp et al., 2007).
Pre-amplified, single differential EMG electrodes (DE-2.1, DelSys Inc., Boston, MA) were
placed over the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis anterior, vastus medialis,
and medial hamstrings. The EMG activity, the stimulator’s signal, and ground reaction
forces were all sampled at 2000 Hz. During post-processing, EMG activities during cycles
before and during stimulation were rectified. To evaluate spill-over, we quantified induced
muscle activities by integrating rectified EMG between stimulus pulses, after a brief time
period to allow for the direct stimulation pulse effects to dissipate on each electrode
(Hernandez et al., 2010) (Fig. 2). Potential reflex activity was then evaluated by comparing
muscle activities in a post-stimulation window (150-300 ms after the stimulation onset) to
baseline activity levels from non-stimulated strides.
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The model had the same degrees of freedom as the inverse dynamics model. To enable
muscle-actuated simulations, we incorporated geometric descriptions of 92 Hill-type
musculotendon units crossing the low back, hip, knee, and ankle (Arnold et al., 2010). The
kinematics and kinetics during overground walking from a healthy young adult (height 1.7
m, mass 60 kg) were used to create the simulation. Residual elimination analysis first
removed inconsistencies between ground reaction forces and kinematic measures (Remy and
Thelen, 2009). Then, a computed muscle control algorithm determined muscle activations
needed to track the joint angles over time (Thelen and Anderson, 2006). Minimization of the
muscle volume-weighted sum of squared muscle activations resolved muscle redundancy.
After creation of a nominal gait simulation, perturbations were introduced to emulate the
experimental stimulations. Specifically, the excitation of the medial gastrocnemius or soleus
was increased for 100 ms starting at either 20% or 30% of the gait cycle and the simulation
re-run. To allow for changes in foot-floor contact, dampers were placed between the
perturbed and simulated foot positions. Both translational and rotational dampers were used
to emulate a fixed foot during foot flat (10-35% of gait cycle), allowing forward progression
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Simulations were repeated after varying the insertion of the medial gastrocnemius by ±5 mm
and ±10 mm in the anterior-posterior direction (Sheehan, 2008). With each variation, the
perturbed gait simulations were re-run and the impact on induced motion determined as
described above. Gastrocnemius geometry was characterized by its knee-to-ankle moment
arm ratio (rK/rA) in an upright, neutral position. The nominal configuration had rK/rA=0.34.
Anterior translation led to increased rK/rA, largely due to a decreased ankle moment arm.
3. Results
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Mid-stance soleus stimulation induced a significant shift toward ankle plantarflexion and
toward knee extension (mean change of 0.6 degrees (p<0.01) and 1.0 degrees (p<0.05) at
200 ms respectively) (Fig. 3b). Pelvic tilt was 0.4 degrees more anterior after soleus
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stimulation (p<0.01). After mid-stance soleus stimulation, the hip moved toward extension
(0.3 degrees), yet this change did not prove significant. Terminal stance soleus activity
induced small initial shifts toward hip extension (average of 0.3 degrees), knee extension
(0.6 degrees), and ankle plantarflexion (0.3 degrees), though none were significant. Pelvic
tilt was again shifted anteriorly, averaging 0.3 degrees after 200 ms following stimulation at
30% of the gait cycle (p<0.01).
The EMG data indicate that a majority of the induced electrical activity occurred in the
targeted muscle (Fig. 4). The induced gastrocnemius activity was >6 times larger than any
other muscle when it was stimulated, and the induced soleus activity was >3 times larger.
Gastrocnemius and soleus activity in the post-stimulation period (150-300 ms) were only
25% and 22% of their stimulated activities, respectively.
experimental results, while induced pelvis and ankle motion exhibited some differences
(Fig. 5). Gastrocnemius perturbation at both time points led to a predicted increase in hip
flexion and knee flexion, while soleus perturbation led to an increase in hip extension, knee
extension, and plantarflexion. Model predictions of the relative magnitude of induced
motion at the different joints was also similar to the experimental finding, with the model
suggesting both muscles induce greater motion at the knee than at the pelvis, hip, or ankle.
Unlike our experimental results, the nominal model predicted slight plantarflexion with
stimulation of the gastrocnemius. Additionally, the models predicted that gastrocnemius and
soleus stimulation at 20% of the gait cycle would have similar effects at the pelvis, with both
inducing slight anterior pelvic tilt. Model predictions of gastrocnemius muscle function were
sensitive to geometric changes. Anterior translation of the insertion (rK/rA greater than the
nominal case, i.e. >0.34) increased the magnitude of the muscle’s induced motion at the
knee and hip. Moreover, anterior translation by 10 mm (rK/rA=0.44) led the gastrocnemius
to induce dorsiflexion in the 20% condition, more closely aligning with experimental
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4. Discussion
Our results show distinct roles of the gastrocnemius and soleus during the stance phase of
gait (Fig. 6). Consistent with our hypothesis, mid-stance gastrocnemius activity did induce
hip and knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion in our experiments, while mid-stance soleus
activity induced ankle plantarflexion and knee extension. The empirical results suggest that
the muscle function does evolve throughout stance, with later gastrocnemius stimulation
having less effect on pelvic and ankle motion than earlier stimulation. Taken together, these
results support the concept of unique biomechanical function for the plantarflexors during
gait, and that this function varies with posture.
Prior computational modeling studies have raised the possibility of the gastrocnemius and
soleus inducing differing effects on joint and whole body motion (Francis et al., 2013; Liu et
al., 2008; Neptune et al., 2008; Neptune et al., 2004), but conclusions have differed. Pandy
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et al. (2010) used induced acceleration analysis of a 3D gait model and found that the
gastrocnemius and soleus induced disparate actions at the hip (gastrocnemius flexion, soleus
extension), but the same action at the knee (extension) and ankle (plantarflexion). In
contrast, earlier gait models found that the gastrocnemius induced knee flexion (Kimmel and
Schwartz, 2006; Neptune et al., 2001). While challenging to identify the exact cause of
differences in conclusions, it is possible that underlying modeling assumptions may be a
factor. It is recognized that induced acceleration analysis is sensitive to the degrees of
freedom included in the model (Chen, 2006), foot-floor modeling assumptions (Dorn et al.,
2012; Hamner et al., 2013) and biarticular muscle geometry (Zajac and Gordon, 1989).
Further, it is relevant to recognize potential differences between induced acceleration and
induced position analysis. Induced accelerations characterize the instantaneous capacity of a
muscle to generate accelerations, which is dependent on the current posture but independent
of other muscles. In contrast, our forward dynamics simulations measure changes in joint
position, which evolve over time and therefore include the effect of biomechanical and
neural interactions (Anderson et al., 2004; Hernandez et al., 2010).
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We note that our computational results do not match our experimental results regarding the
gastrocnemius’ impact on pelvis and ankle motion. Experimentally, we observed induced
dorsiflexion in response to mid-stance gastrocnemius stimulation. The potential for the
biarticular gastrocnemius to induce ankle dorsiflexion was first posited by Zajac and Gordon
(1989). The non-intuitive action occurs when the gastrocnemius’ knee flexor moment
induces ankle dorsiflexion of greater magnitude than the motion induced by the muscle’s
plantarflexor moment. Our nominal model predicted initial effect of gastrocnemius
stimulation toward plantarflexion. However of note is the strong dependence of
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gastrocnemius muscle function on the ratio of its moment arms at the knee and ankle. When
in a relatively upright posture, Zajac and Gordon (1989) suggest that gastrocnemius would
non-intuitively induce ankle dorsiflexion when the gastrocnemius’ knee-to-ankle moment
arm ratio exceeds approximately 0.5. We altered the gastrocnemius knee-to-ankle moment
arm ratio of the model by translating the muscle-tendon’s distal insertion, and similarly
predicted shifts toward dorsiflexion with larger moment arm ratios. In fact, when the
insertion was translated anteriorly by 1 cm, resulting in rK/rA=0.57 at the simulation onset,
the resulting motion was toward dorsiflexion (Fig. 5). The variability in our model
predictions arising from manipulations of the gastrocnemius moment arm are of comparable
magnitude to the experimental range, suggesting that anatomical differences may be a
contributing factor to the variability observed across subjects. Model predictions of pelvic
motion induced by the plantarflexors were not entirely consistent with the measurements.
This difference may be attributable to the simplified representation of spinal motion (i.e. a
single low-back joint) which could directly affect predictions of pelvic movement.
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A few assumptions were made in the analysis of this data. We assumed that the stimulus was
inducing motion representative of the muscle’s function. To minimize the effect of reflex
activity on our results, we only considered the first 200 ms after stimulation onset to assess
muscle function. Monosynaptic reflexes could be induced as early as 50 ms after the
stimulus (Burne and Lippold, 1996), but resulting motion at the joint level would not arise
for some time due to neuromuscular and musculoskeletal delays. The observation that our
significant findings are consistent with the initial direction of the perturbed motion suggests
that our results likely reflect the direct muscle stimulation. Another potential concern is the
use of surface stimulating electrodes creating spillover activity in other muscles. However,
given that our quantification of muscle activity indicates primary induction in the muscle of
interest, and the perturbed motions of each muscle were opposite, we feel confident that our
results represent differential stimulation.
It is important to note that the changes observed as a result of these stimulations occurred
from 15% to 20% of the gait cycle later than delivery. Therefore, 20% and 30% stimulation
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led to observed changes at 35-40% and 45-50% of the gait cycle. We have shown that
stimulation at these timings match well with normal activation of these muscles during
walking (Francis et al., 2013), so we believe our results are reflective of the muscles’
functions during gait.
While understanding normal muscle function in gait is important, our ultimate goal is to gain
insights into pathological conditions. Equinus gait is a common abnormality in cerebral
palsy, caused by contractures or spasticity of the plantarflexors. Our experimental results
indicate that the soleus is primarily responsible for inducing plantarflexion during stance,
while the gastrocnemius tends to induce dorsiflexion. This suggests that the excessive
plantarflexion occurring in stance phase of dynamic equinus gait may be attributable to
inappropriate soleus activity, as previously suggested (Svehlik et al., 2010). However, we
note that our observations are limited to activations occurring at normal time periods in
healthy adult gait. Future work will consider pathological variations in muscle activation
timing, posture, and musculoskeletal geometry that can all affect function.
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This work has been the first to describe gastrocnemius and soleus function in a well
controlled paradigm with the ability to delineate variations in muscle function through the
gait cycle. Further, we used computational work to show that our results are plausible, and
that variations in gastrocnemius geometry may explain some of the subject-specific
variability in function. The experimental results of this study suggest that, during the stance
phase of normal gait, the gastrocnemius can induce hip flexion, knee flexion and ankle
dorsiflexion, while the soleus displays opposite functions as a knee extensor and an ankle
plantarflexor. These findings highlight the need to understand more than just a muscle’s
anatomical classification when interpreting a muscle’s function in dynamic whole body
tasks such as walking.
This project was funded in part by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, through the NIH
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National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), grant UL1TR000427. Additional funding was
provided by NIH AR057136, NIH T90 DK070079, and the University of Wisconsin’s Medical Scientist Training
Program (T32GM008692). The authors would also like to thank James McCarthy MD for his insights.
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Figure 1.
Experimental setup, (a) Placement of the EMG and stimulation (Stim) electrodes. MGA=
Medial Gastrocnemius, LGA = Lateral Gastrocnemius, SOL = Soleus (b) The instrumented
treadmill provided ground reaction forces (GRF) that were recorded through data acquisition
(DAQ). A LabView program continuously monitored heel strike events, and sent a signal to
a muscle stimulator to initiate a pulse train (Stim) at the appropriate time in a random gait
cycle. The stimulation occurred in either the gastrocnemius or the soleus.
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Figure 2.
Muscle activity during the stimulation time period was determined by integrating the
activity denoted by the shaded regions. Stimulation pulses (Stim), as well as muscle activity
in the medial gastrocnemius (MGA), lateral gastrocnemius (LGA), soleus (SOL), tibialis
anterior (TA), vastus medialis (VM), and medial hamstrings (MH), are all shown.
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Figure 3.
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Changes in hip, knee, and ankle angles induced by (a) gastrocnemius or (b) soleus
stimulation (*p<0.05). Shaded region represents one standard deviation.
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Figure 4.
Normalized Average Rectified EMG activity of several muscles during the experimental
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protocol. Data during trials with stimulation of the medial gastrocnemius and the soleus is
shown during time of induced activity (0 -150 ms), of potential reflex activity (150 – 300 ms
of stimulated strides), and similar time periods during baseline (non-stimulated) strides. For
each subject, the data in each category was normalized by the total rectified EMG activity of
all muscles, such that the sum of all muscles was one. To maintain the relative relationship
between total EMG activity in each category, each category was again normalized by the
ratio of total EMG activity in the induced period to the total activity in the period of interest.
Results suggest relatively selective muscle stimulation, with little effect in the reflex period.
Figure 5.
Computational modeling results for perturbation of the gastrocnemius (2% excitation) and
soleus (SOL - 1% excitation) at 20% and 30% of the gait cycle. Solid lines are the nominal
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perturbation, dashed lines represent when the gastrocnemius insertion is translated anterior
or posterior by 5 mm and 10 mm (rK/rA = knee-to-ankle moment arm ratio). Experimental
results are presented with a circle, with error bars representing one standard deviation.
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Figure 6.
Progression of the difference in joint angles for stimulation of the gastrocnemius and soleus
compared to the nominal stride (20% stimulation, legs represent 20, 30, and 40% of the gait
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