ABSWind Brochure 2022 Img

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More than 20 years contributing to sustainable

development through our products and services

for the wind industry worldwide.
Servicing and Improving the Mechanical Drive Train


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eW continue to expand our presence More than 20 years supporting the iW nd Industry
in emerging iw nd markets More than 60 Engineers and Qualied Technicians
dedicated to Gearbox Maintenance
More than 250 Gearbox Units repaired

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5 1 Miami, USA Headquarters 10 Madrid, SPAIN Office

2 Texas, USA Repair Center & Office 11 BOLIVIA Office
3 Puebla, MEXICO Repair Center & Office 12 CHILE Office
4 Oaxaca, MEXICO Repair Center & Office 13 GUATEMALA Office
5 Natal, BRAZIL Repair Center & Office 14 PANAMÁ Office
6 Cartago, COSTA RICA Repair Center & Office 15 SANTO DOMINGO Office
7 Pamplona, SPAIN Office & Warehouse 16 PERU Office
8 Dalian, CHINA Repair Center & Factory & Office 17 COLOMBIA Office
9 Milan, ITALY Repair Center & Factory & Office 18 ECUADOR Office

Value proposition for Memberships and
the wind industry Certifications
A comprehensive offer with tailor-made solutions
adapted to the needs of each client.






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Hydraulic Preventive
Components Maintenance Products
Our team of specialized engineers designs hydraulic solutions for yaw brake, pitch ABS Wind supplies the best products to avoid unpredictable failures in
control, and rotor brake, supplying hydraulic connectors to improve performance while your turbines that can shut down your entire production.
making turbine maintenance more accessible and safer.
Air filters Grease
Oil filters Consumables: gloves, paper,
Oils flanges, solvents

iF ltration Manifolds Accumulators Heat cEx hangers Yaw Brakes

ABS Wind supplies hT e Accumulators are used, ABS wind turbine Heat ABS Wind designs and
different technologies together with the hydraulic exchangers are tailored manufactures Yaw Brakes for
for the filtration of power units to control the pitch to the requirements of wind turbines with features
contamination by particles of the blades, as an auxiliary leading manufacturers and tailored to each application

and water from the energy storage device and, in are optimized to provide and major manufacturers. All
hydraulic fluid, which the event of a power failure, as adequate cooling and low our Yaw Brakes are tested in
considerably reduces the a source of power to activate energy consumption even simulation systems and then

need for maintenance and the brake calipers of the under the most severe mechanically tested to ensure
increases its reliability. high-speed axle and yaw brake conditions. reliability and minimize turbine
systems. downtime.

Lubrication is an essential part of the operation and

maintenance of the entire wind turbine structure
and must meet stringent requirements. Proper
lubrication provides reliability, protection and
minimizes downtime for maintenance.
oR tor Brakes Pitch Cylinders Hydraulic Power Units A constant and reliable lubricant supply is only
possible through an automatic lubrication system.
ABS Wind supplies different Our Pitch Cylinders have Depending on the model and ABS Wind provides high-precision automatic
Rotor brakes for wind everything for optimum requirements, our Power units
turbines, ensuring maximum performance in wind turbine can include pumps, reservoirs,
lubrication solutions, delivering the right amount
reliability through friction andblade adjustment. hT ey are and accumulators, relief valves, of new lubricant at the right time to all connected
resistance tests to determine custom-designed for use incylinders, filters and regulators, lubrication points:
the uniformity of braking multiple applications and and instruments to monitor
characteristics and finite are compatible with the the performance, among other Generator bearing Mainshaft bearing
element analysis to verify hydraulic systems of the components. hT ey can also be Yaw bearing Variable pitch bearing
structural safety. turbines designed by the designed as open, closed, and
leading manufacturers. combined.
Yaw tooth surface Variable pitch tooth surface

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ABS iW nd oW rkshops

Texas, USA
We offer affordable, high-quality repair Testing Capabilities
Test Rig Specifications
services for the wind turbine fleet in the
US. We work closely with our customers Vibration Analysis
Item Description
to provide the best mechanical repair Sound Analysis
Motors GE Custom 8000 [R]
solutions for their needs. Oil Cleanliness Analysis Model No. 5KAF84111494901
Temperature Analysis Max Nominal Power (kW) 2,237 theoretical
We acquired the former MOVENTAS Oil Pressure Analysis 1,800 operational
workshop and retained the highly Rated Speed (rpm) 1,800
Complete Test Report Control System TMEIC 6F3A4768
experienced staff in all the key areas. TEXAS

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ABS Wind Workshops

Puebla, Mexico Oaxaca, Mexico

Testing Capabilities ABS Oaxaca’s Workshop is located within the
Windfarms area, providing quick access to our
Vibration Analysis customers and minimizing their downtime.
Sound Analysis
Workshop capabilities:
Oil Cleanliness Analysis Main shafts repair services
Temperature Analysis Yaw and pitch gearmotors repair
Oil Pressure Analysis Hydraulic cylinders testing and repair services
Complete Test Report PUEBLA Brakes systems testing and repair services
Yaw and pitch bearing inspections and repair services
Exchange Program for selected small components OAXACA

Test Rig Specifications

Item Description

Configuration 2 Gearboxes
Max Nominal Power (kW) 850 kW @ 1830 rpm
Control System ABB Control Panel

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ABS iW nd oW rkshops

Natal, Brazil Cartago, Costa Rica


Repair Center for Main and Small Components Workshop capabilities to repair Wind CARTAGO
in the Wind Industry. Gearboxes and Small Component
including the Spin Test and Vibration, Noise,
The 2.5 MW Test Rig covers approximately 90% Temperature, and Oil Pressure Testing.
of the gearboxes installed in Brazil with all test
parameters already established in its software,
considering all accessories, fixtures, and tools
necessary for each assembly.

Test Rig Specifications

Item Description

Total Weight 100 Ton

Max Nominal Power (kW) 2,520 kW @ 1,492 rpm
Max Torque 16,130 Nm
Max Speed 2,000 rpm

The largest test bench for wind gearboxes in LATAM

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Workshops Capabilities Matrix Crane Capacity Test Bench Capacity

Turbine Turbine Power ABS Wind ABS Wind ABS Wind ABS Wind Turbine Turbine Power ABS Wind ABS Wind ABS Wind ABS Wind
Brand Type Brasil Costa Rica Mexico USA Brand Type Brasil Costa Rica Mexico USA

kw 35 Ton 20 Ton 45 Ton 2O Ton kw 35 Ton 20 Ton 45 Ton 2O Ton

2,500 kW 0 kW 850 kW 1,875 kW 2,500 kW 0 kW 850 kW 1,875 kW

ACCIONA AW 1500 1500 NORDEX N50 825

AW 3000 3000 N54 1080
ALSTOM ECO 62 1300 N60 1300
ECO 74 1670 S70/77 1500
ECO 80 1650 N80 / N90 2300
ECO 100 3000 SENVION 48/750 750
ECO 110 3000 HSW 1000 1000
ECO 122 2700 MM70 2000
BONUS BONUS 600 600 MM82 2000
EHN 1300 1300 MM92 2000
B76/2000 2000 5M 5000
GAMESA G39 600 XM104 3400
G4X 660 SIEMENS SWP-1300 1300
G5X 850 SWP-1500 1500
G8X-2000 2000 SWT-2.3 2300
G9X-2000 2000 SWT-3.6 3600
GE GE 1.5 1500 SUZLON S62 1000
GE 2.5 2500 S64 / 66 1250
MITSUBISHI MHI 600 600 S82 1500
MHI 1000 1000 S88 2100
4/48 750 S9X 2100
NM 64 1500 S11X 2100
NM 72 1500 VESTAS V39 600
NM 82 1500 V4x 660
NM 92 2750 V52 850
NM 52 1650 V66 1650
NM 110 4200 V80 2000
V82 1650
V90 3000
Full Load Test Partial Load Test Spin Test
V100 3000
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