A Solution of The Dirac Equation
A Solution of The Dirac Equation
A Solution of The Dirac Equation
which satisfy
(~σ · ~p)χ± (~p) = ±pχ± (~p). (4)
Using χ± , we can write down solutions to the Dirac equation in a simple manner.
Positive energy solutions with momentum ~p have space and time dependence
ψ± (x, t) = u± (p)e−iEt+i~p·~x . The subscript ± refers to the helicities ±1/2. The
Dirac equation then reduces to an equation with no derivatives:
Eψ = (α · ~p + mβ)ψ, (5)
The combination ūu is a Lorentz-invariant, ūu = 2m, and similarly, v̄v = −2m.
The combination ūγ µ u transforms as a Lorentz vector: